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battleswanofciya · 1 year ago
I’m a ride or die kinda person and recently I’ve discovered this transferred over to my ships as well so fuck your canon I’ve got the real canon over here! *waves fanfiction around*
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niqhtlord01 · 8 months ago
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What’s this?
Are we still on the air?
What the hell do you mean we haven’t had a fight in several months?
Well we’re going to have to fix that right now!
Greetings all you crazy fighting fans to yet another Rooster Teeth Championship Matchup!!!!
We’ve gone pretty hard with the family tree of Rooster Teeth characters and in this special we decided to mix things up with a special crossover event by special request!
You know them, you hate them, and Michael Bay betrayed them! Give it up for the TRANSFORMERS!!!
Optimus: *Drives in as big rig and transformers. Ruby: *Drooling excitedly Optimus: Do not be alarmed, I mean you no harm. Ruby: *Twirls Scythe Ruby: I have so many questions!!!! -----------------
Yang: *Rides in on motorcycle and jumps off. Bumblebee: *Jumbled radio noises Bumblebee: I-Too-Love the FEEL-of-a-FLASHY-Entrance. Yang: You get any k-pop on that? Cause I’m ready to rumble! Bumblebee: *Arm cannon forms Bumblebee: Kids-these-days. -----------------
Salem: *Grim part ways as Salem walks through. Starscream: I will grant you the honor of being the first to kneel before Lord Starscream! Salem: I kneel before no lord; and least of all the lord of cowards. Starscream: *Primes arm cannons Starscream: You! You shall pay for your insolence! ----------------
Constructicons: *Roll in and transformer into Devastator Qrow: *takes sip of flask Qrow: So are you all just standing on top of each other or do you do the cheerleader pyramid in there? Devastator: A wise guy huh? Devastator: We’ll see how wise you are when you’re nothing but a smear on the pavement! Qrow: *Transforms scythe Qrow:  Guess I’ll just keep cutting until I find out or passout. ---------------
Soundwave: *Transforms from boombox and ejects laserbeak who proceeds to rest on his arm Cinder: Oh look, another one of Ironwood’s toy soldiers. Soundwave: (In Monotone) Oh look, another humanoid with parental issues. Cinder: *Roars in anger as she draws dust blades ------------------------
Penny: *Slowly descends into ring with rocket boots Shockwave: A most interesting construct to have come from a primitive species.  Penny: Well that’s certainly kind of you to say. Shockwave: (Charges cannon)I shall enjoy dissecting you on my operating table and revealing your secrets. ------------------------
Roman: *Walks in twirling cane Swindle: Interested in some wares of questionable origin? Roman: I don’t pay for things I’ll just steal later. Swindle: (Pulls out cannon from pocket dimension) Oh be still my beating spark. --------------------------
Ozpin: *Walks in sipping tea Megatron: You remind me of my own world’s leaders. Ozpin: I only do what I think is best for my people. Megatron: (Charges arm cannon) They said the same thing while my people wallowed in chains. ---------------------------
Tyrian: *Flips in laughing before licking wrist blades. Blitzwing: (Head spins) And they say I have a few screws loose. HAHAHA! Tyrian: Is it not madness for sheep to speak peace with wolves? Blitzwing: (Head spins again) Well hot spark! I need to write that one down! ---------------------------
Nora: *Smashes through wall, twirls hammer, then smiles as she holds the grenade launcher. Omega Supreme: Hostiles will be neutralized. Nora: Have you seen how cute I am? (Smiles) How could I be hostile? Omega Supreme: (Alarm blares) Priority target registered! Neutralizing with extreme prejudice! -----------------------------
Shockwave: *Walks in scraping cannon arm barrel against the floor Arthur: So you are what qualifies as a scientist? *Scoffs Shockwave: The sum of your knowledge is little more than a speck of dust compared to the vast knowledge I have obtained over my 10 million years of existence. Arthur: (Adjusts gloves)  10 million years and yet you remain subordinate to a petty tyrant. ----------------------------
Emerald: *Walks in flexing her scythe pistols Jetfire: I can see we are birds of a feather. Emerald: What could I possibly have in common with a 6 story talking robot? Jetfire: (Takes fighting stance) That loyalty and honor are not so easily wasted by those worthy of it. ----------------------
Cardin: *Walks in hefting large mace Hound: I hear you think ur self to be tough slag. Cardin: I’m the toughest fighter there is. Hound: (Laughs as he draws heavy pistol) Hound: Kid, I’ve  purged energon slags tougher than you. -------------------------
Optimus: *rolls in and transforms Ironwood: Stand aside, I won’t ask again. Optimus: I can see there is still good in you human; remember who you are fighting for. Ironwood: (Charges up arm, gets angry) I have never forgotten, who I am fighting for.
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ooops-i-arted · 2 months ago
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A lil CaraDin for the dash
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autumnwoodsdreamer · 18 days ago
#11 "Well, that's the rule."
11. “Well, that’s the rule.”
Set after Mandalorian S2 finale 😁 (and, because it’s you… some CaraDin🩵)
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The Jedi came and carried Grogu away, and, just like that, it was all over.
The whole encounter, as life-shattering as it was, lasted no more than a handful of minutes. He arrived and left like a sound, nothing tangible left behind, just a fading echo.
Fennec announced that the droids were no longer transmitting, every last one of them crushed or slashed or brutally dismantled. The warped blast doors gaped partly open, smoke from the battle dissipating sluggishly. The noise and the adrenaline drained away but the tension remained, clogging the air.
It felt like everything had just unravelled but, just as things came apart and undone, a hundred new, discordant strands got tossed in, further complicating the knots.
Cara… couldn’t wrap her head around most of it.
Gideon was an unconscious heap at her feet, Bo-Katan was silently fuming, and Din… Din was just standing there, staring at the doors, at the corridor and the lift beyond.
His back was to her.
His helmet was on the ground.
It was never not on his head. Cara had never seen him without it so this, this right now, made her hair stand on end.
This is wrong, her mind screamed. Everything is wrong.
The soundless alarm blared, piercing her ears with white noise, making her heart pound and her blood thicken.
This is wrong.
You shouldn’t see him.
No one should ever see his face.
Close your eyes.
Look away.
Make the others look away.
This is wrong. This is wrong. This is wrong!
And then he turned his head.
And the noise stopped.
Like an orchestra stilling, silencing themselves at the conductor’s behest, the noise stopped.
For the first time ever, Cara met Din’s gaze without obstruction.
Tear-soaked eyes met tear-soaked eyes—Cara was not immune to the child’s departure; she certainly wasn’t immune to what her friend had just done. It was his lifelong vow that was just broken—a vow she had once scoffed at, a vow she still couldn’t quite make sense of, a vow she could never imagine herself taking and upholding… but what she wouldn’t have given to help him keep it…
His eyes met hers for just a small string of seconds, then he ducked his head, his eyes shutting tight as if against some horrible bright glare. He turned away again and resumed his dead-ahead stare.
Then, abruptly, he came unstuck.
He just started walking.
Straight ahead, straight through the broken doors, straight through the dying smoke, he walked.
He left the bridge, deaf to Bo-Katan’s demands he turn back around and face her.
He left.
And the helmet stayed behind.
. . . . .
He wasn’t hard to find.
Cara figured if she were in his boots, if she had just stood there and watched her child leave with some stranger, if she were the one facing the decimation of everything she had ever held close to her heart, she would go find a dark, quiet corner somewhere far away from everyone.
(Figured was the wrong word. Knew was probably more accurate.)
(Maybe it wasn’t right to compare, but when she lost her planet and all tangible ties to her ancestry and culture, that’s exactly what she did: she withdrew, she isolated herself.)
(Difference was: no one ever came looking for her…)
She found him in one of the corridors trimmed with viewports offering a tamed view of the stars. There was no one else here: no crushed droids, no unconscious stormtroopers, no crazy Mandalorians… no Jedi.
Just Din, on the ground, his back to the wall, his gaze angled towards the stars but it was clear he wasn’t actually reaching them, his focus too weak to pierce the glass.
“Hey,” Cara said, softly. He didn’t so much as blink and it made a fist clamp around her insides to see him like this, so detached and numb.
She considered a retreat. She had come here with very little plan of what to do and absolutely no script to fall back on. She just… came.
She had picked up his helmet on the way. It didn’t feel right to leave it there on the ground like a thing forgotten. It felt even worse to be the one left holding it…
Admittedly, over the months she had known him, she had wondered what he looked like. The very first time she met him, before she knew the bucket was all but fused to his flesh, she just automatically threw together a face, much the way she did for any acquaintance sporting a mask of this or that kind or purpose. When he was still just a stranger, he had a generic face; as she got to know him, her mind worked subconsciously to construct something unique, something just for him.
Maybe some versions had brown hair and brown eyes but none of them were this soft. He looked like such a gentle person. Inexplicably, he didn’t look a thing like the guy she had fought raiders and Imps alongside… but he did look every bit like the guy who would fall head over heels for a sweet widow and almost settle down in a sleepy village.
It was hard to look at him and not see a new stranger.
As if to remind herself, she glanced down at his empty helmet in her hands.
Something about the motion must’ve caught his attention because his head snapped around like a viper, his body tensing.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Cara placated, holding up a hand. “It’s just me. Didn’t mean to spook you.”
He let go of a breath, the fight stance unwinding rapidly, leaving him to slump back against the wall. He leaned his head back, eyes closed.
He didn’t say anything, didn’t make any gesture she could interpret any way. But there was something about the sag of his shoulders that told her it was okay to stay.
So she came and clambered down to join him, sitting on the floor. He had one leg stretched out and the other bent; one arm draped limp over his knee, the other lying in his lap, a little silver ball rolling idly between his fingers.
She crossed her legs and let her back slump in that way her mother couldn’t stand. For the sake of her memory, she straightened a little, gaze never leaving the helmet and the vacant T-visor.
It was an inanimate object, but it was also her friend’s face.
“So, this is it then? You really can’t put your helmet back on again?” she asked, taking care like one trying to cross a lava river.
Din’s breath did a funny catch thing, then he exhaled, wearily. “Well, that’s the rule.”
She almost said what she thought of the rules.
Instead, she bit her tongue (literally, in fact; just not hard enough to injure herself).
It wasn’t worth getting into right now.
He was certain and she didn’t know enough about it all to offer any meaningful insights or perspectives. As much as she wanted him to just put it back on, to feel no guilt and no shame, there was a very clear boundary here she didn’t intend to cross.
He’d suffered enough indignity lately.
She was determined he would suffer none at her hands.
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martamatta95 · 2 years ago
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theartsalsa · 4 months ago
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Day 2 sketch :>
Yeah Karga stole Grogu it's very in character
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fantasticunknownarcade · 8 months ago
Looking for a fanfic I cant seem to find to read again.
It was Cara Dune x Din Djarin. Cara had been frozen in carbonite and had gone blind. Din had taken her to some villa or spa where the owner owed him a favour. And they stayed there for the duration of her illness.
Does anyone know this fanfiction?
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littlemissmarshal · 2 years ago
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--;☆ 𝐸𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎 𝓉𝒾𝓂𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒸𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝒶𝓇𝑜𝓊𝓃𝒹 𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌 𝐼 𝒸𝒶𝓃'𝓉 𝓈𝒶𝓎 𝓃𝑜 𝐸𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎 𝓉𝒾𝓂𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓈𝓊𝓃 𝑔𝑜𝑒𝓈 𝒹𝑜𝓌𝓃 𝐼 𝓁𝑒𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓉𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝒸𝑜𝓃𝓉𝓇𝑜𝓁 𝐼 𝒸𝒶𝓃 𝒻𝑒𝑒𝓁 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓅𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒹𝒾𝓈𝑒 𝐵𝑒𝒻𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝓂𝓎 𝓌𝑜𝓇𝓁𝒹 𝒾𝓂𝓅𝓁𝑜𝒹𝑒𝓈 𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝓉𝑜𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝒽𝒶𝒹 𝓈𝑜𝓂𝑒𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓌𝑜𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇𝒻𝓊𝓁…
This spicy little number was started way back in Spring of 2021 and finished late November of 2022. This drawing was inspired by Mia_Zelko's AO3 story called Death is a Girl (And She's Only One Dance Away) . Please Do not take my art and repost it. A reblog is preferred. Thank you! Give this a like if you want to see the finished piece ♡
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caradin · 1 year ago
Just discovered that another writer for this pairing has deleted their stuff on ao3, which is such a bummer. Fortunately I decided to download all the Caradin fics from ao3 the last time this happened, so I can still read it.
Feel free to send me a message if any of you can’t find a fic on there, I’ll see if I can help you out.
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sassygirl579 · 2 years ago
For the fic writer ask game: 7. What’s a trope you love to write?
Definitely friends to spouses🥰
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deeneedsaname · 2 years ago
School’s bee kicking me lately so I haven’t had time to watch Mandalorian s3, but I can see that Dinbo is looking like there’s a shot it’s gonna be canon? And don’t get me wrong, it looks cute, she’s awesome, but man I got on the Caradin trash train back in s1 and once I get attached to a ship it is VERY difficult for me to get off. Gonna try and take it in stride tho
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theartsalsa · 2 years ago
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Finally finished my stargazing Caradin picture! 💜 I remain so in love with this couple and fandom - now I just need to catch up with the new series! 💙
Reblogs are loved but please don’t repost this artwork!
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ooops-i-arted · 7 months ago
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CaraDin + Western AU
CaraDin Moodboards 1/?
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asha-mage · 14 days ago
Also can I say I'm LOVING all the deep cuts this season. That didn't have to be Jaichim Caradin, or Jaq Lounalt, or Tsutama Rath or Cenn Buie. Hell, even Lini gets a cameo in Morgase's coronation.
The choice to fill functional roles with lower tier or one off characters is so so inspired and I love it so much.
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theartsalsa · 1 year ago
The way Din and Cara look at each other and worry about each other and have each others backs YOU CAN'T TELL ME THEY AREN'T IN LOVE
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spiky-berry21 · 6 months ago
Okay but like,
Why am I lowkey starting to head cannon Angel's voice claim as Roxie Hart (Renée Zellweger) from Chicago (2002), like
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I know in the movie Roxie doesn't have a Boston accent, but I think it just sounds like her, idk. And I can imagine Angel singing her own little cover of the song 'Roxie' somewhere down the line of her music career. But make it... 'Angel'.
As always, have a fantabulous day/night!
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