#car wiring conduit
ledestube · 10 days
⚡ Unlocking the Secrets of Auto Conduit: Your Questions Answered! ⚡ Click the link below to read the full article!
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crownedinmarigolds · 8 months
Context: This is from a VTM RP Server I was on, Noa was in play, but her story was much different! Here she was a ghoul at first in Chicago under the Hecata Seneschal (IDK I didn't make the hierarchy) and then turned during game. She is from the near extinct Hidalgo branch of the Giovanni that had been killed during a Sabbat raid while she was in a foreign exchange program for school. I revealed slowly throughout the game that Joaquin her elder brother was actually revealed to have "survived" and the Family suspected he was the cause of the slaughter. Which he was. Noa was tasked with killing him, which she did, but because she believed it was the kindest option for him. The Family would've torn his soul apart. If she killed him, she could then bind his spirit to her, and then eventually give him a body when she became a powerful enough necromancer. Fast forward back to Chicago, Julian is Noa's "ghoul" that she has enthralled through the Sanctifying Kiss (essentially you can smooch and blood bond without full ghouling) that is used as Joaquin's puppet conduit! It was cross-spat so I had Joaquin on Wraith Arcanoi... it was pretty unfair all things considered. Julian of course is blood-bond in love with Noa and she's just like Hmm hmm hmm~. She lives in a VERY haunted mansion with her sire and coterie, and in this little tidbit, she is wandering around after a server event Halloween party where a Tremere Cam-hater mass-dominates the room and compelled whoever they could to try and kill the Lasombra Prince. It was wacky! (Noa passed the check, but Joaquin/Julian did not)
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Noa and Julian had arrived home late in the evening after the Halloween party, the hour almost three in the morning. She had excused herself to change out of her costume in her room and to bathe alone, but now she simply felt restless after being clean and changed. Of course Kindred didn’t get tired or wired in quite the normal way kine do, but the feeling of “I should be doing something else” is very strong within her now. This man antagonizing the Prince into making a major Masquerade breach, these wraiths terrorizing random citizens with apparent no regard for the hierarchy… these are strange nights indeed. So, to pass the time until torpor takes her, she wanders the mansion like the ghosts she shares it with, listening quietly to their whispers and catching their small, intentional brushes against skinland objects. Curtains billowing with no wind, books turning with no reader. Reminding her they were here, though making no full effort to speak to her. Eventually half an hour passes and she hears the hard footsteps of another in a hallway closeby. The sound of a large door creaking… who else is here and awake at this hour? Ken perhaps? She would love to speak with him actually regarding what the hell even happened back there. She follows the sound and sees the door that had been opened leading down to the cellar, the frame clearly labeled with some historical plaque discussing the various wines held below. It also led to the bowels of this home if you knew where to look. Surely Ken… she follows after fast, closing the door behind her.
As she reaches the bottom of the stairwell, she sees the wine room for the first time since her arrival here. The ceiling is made of rock and the place is filled with rows upon rows of gorgeous glass bottles with varying shades of burgundy and red. She hears someone shifting further down, and she follows, her bare feet making soft noises against the stone. As she looks, she finally comes across her fellow night owl, but is slightly disappointed at who she sees. Julian. She observes him for a moment. He had been so exhausted nearly all of the way home, napping in the car despite the evening’s strange events. Now he is here, eyeing old wine from a date she can’t read from where she stands. “Julian, what are you doing up?” He nearly drops the bottle he’s holding on the stone tile, thankfully scrambling in time to catch it. He looks over to her like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar, and he goes to her as if to beg for forgiveness. In Spanish, he exhales a frightened breath. “My God you scared the hell out of me.” His hand touches her shoulder and he gives it a soft rub, as if to calm himself down. She watches him still, not expecting anything foul afoot but still curious. “I couldn’t get back to sleep. I feel like…” His voice trails off a moment as he rubs his tired eyes. “There is so much to think about. You said you were dead, I have met with more dead… and then I go to a party where there are even more but I don’t know who is who. And my mind…” He looks at the bottle and frowns as he considers it, then back to Noa. “I-Is Joaquin here?” She shakes her head, now suddenly very aware of how alone they were. Huh. “No, he is feeding below. Spending time in your body took quite the toll on his spirit.” Joaquin honestly has not done much work with his craft beyond a good hour or two of puppeteering, so an entire evening of inhabiting a body and controlling it required a lot of energy for him to use. Thankfully they live here where he can feast in abundance, but them being separate for another hour or so is a very new experience for the both of them. “Oh!” Julian smiles in relief, but quickly hides it. “I see. That’s good. That he’s able to… eat. What do ghosts eat exactly?” “Intense emotions. After all, that’s what wraiths are made up of for the most part. Come Julian, do you want to drink that?” She gestures to the bottle as she walks to the bar setup nearby. It has a sink, glasses… very interesting and fancy. “I do, but I feel like it’s more pathetic to drink my problems away alone. Could you… also join me? Or can you not?” She takes the bottle from him with a smile and takes down a glass to pour for him. He looks almost awed by such a mundane gesture. “Sorry, I can’t drink wine. I would just have to throw it up later. I can really only have blood.” She listens to the wine pour, smells the pungent odor, and hands it to him when it is filled halfway. “I could perhaps drink the blood of someone who just recently drank alcohol to get a buzz… but I don’t think I could do that to you.” “W-why not?” He asks quickly, taking the glass from her but not yet drinking. “I don’t mind if you drink from me, I’m already giving my body - you may as well have it all.” After a beat of silence, he asks, “Er, well, would it hurt?” She smirks slightly, wishing terribly to be able to bite from him. “From me? Yes, the bite would be excruciating. Like being bitten by a venomous snake. I could kill you if I drink directly from you.”
“Oh.” He grimaces.
“Yes, oh. Remember when we talked about clans a little bit? Well, just my clan suffers this curse. You could be bitten by another Kindred and experience utter ecstasy from their bite… better than any orgasm you could ever have... but not from me. It would just torture and pain, and while I have my dark interests, rubbing salt in the wound isn’t one of them.” She looks to his glass. They broke open a Lafite Rothschild 1929, he should probably drink that.
“H-ha. Well, I am already provided with plenty of ecstasy without the bite.” He half jokes, then quickly he starts to down the wine to perhaps hide his shame. There is hardly time for him to savor it before he immediately swallows it down. “I’m sorry I can’t provide more then.”
She snorts, “Listen. You do serve your intended purpose well. I suppose I would be the one apologizing to you. I simply cannot give your mortal body the bite.
Quietly he swishes his drink, lost in thought as he looks at its color.
“What’s on your mind?”
“Just a headache, I feel like I’ve been living in a cloud all evening. I’m not sure drinking is a good idea.” He looks up to her, “Can you be controlled like that? By something like Joaquin, by the person who made me want to kill at the party?”
“Well, I could, but it would take something far more powerful. Quino hasn’t been trained properly in the overtaking of the supernatural, but it’s possible. Just difficult. And I have at least a fighting chance when someone like that shouts a command in such a way at me. I am able to avoid both.”
“So, this is something I just have to deal with as a mortal.” He says bitterly, going to drink again.
“Yes, I’m afraid so.”
He ponders more as he swallows. “Will you be… turning me into a Kindred one day?”
Noa blinks at the question, mind going blank. She hadn’t even thought of turning Julian before. “Turn you?”
“Yes, will you turn me into something like you one day?” His voice is quiet, but his dark eyes are watching her so intensely. She hadn’t really had the time recently to consider such a thing - a Childer far, far from her mind… but. It is certainly a thought. If she turned Julian, she doesn’t think it would be until she and Joaquin were ready.
“I might.” She says honestly after some thinking. Imagining Joaquin residing permanently in Julian’s body, getting to experience the world finally as she does. The intimate connection of biting, being bonded to each other rather than everything being one sided, equality in power, not needing sex to reassure themselves that they love each other. Just existing as otherworldly beings, secure in their positions, being powerful commanders of the dead… the thought is enough to nearly make her swoon. “Yes, I could consider that.”
His eyes go wide and he looks unsure if he likes that answer or no.
“But that isn’t for a while, none of us are ready I think. But yes, I could turn you into a Kindred, and if your will is strong enough, you can fight back over these forces that want to dominate you. You would not experience mortal pains. It would free you.” Not entirely true, but something nice for him to think of in this dark mansion.
He looks to the floor, and silently drinks again. She can guess what he’s imagining, but doesn’t ask as she takes his hand.
“Come love, it’s very late, and the sun will be rising soon.”
He nods, quickly downing the last of the wine before leaving it on the counter. Clearly used to someone cleaning up after him now. “Yes. Shall I sleep with you during the day?”
Noa leads him back to the stairwell, “No, darling, I’ve told you. Never during the day.”
“Of course, my mistress, I apologize.” He takes her hands in his own and kisses them as they make their way to his room so he may finally get some real sleep.
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zerosecurity · 4 months
Cybercriminal Gets 10-Year Sentence for $4.5 Million Money Laundering Scheme
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A 31-year-old man from Sandy Springs, Georgia has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for laundering over $4.5 million through business email compromise (BEC) scams and romance fraud schemes targeting the elderly. Malachi Mullings pleaded guilty to the money laundering offenses in January 2023. Shell Company Used as Conduit for Illicit Funds According to court documents, Mullings opened 20 bank accounts under a sham company, The Mullings Group LLC, to serve as a conduit for laundering the fraudulent proceeds from at least 2019 to July 2021. The scheme netted millions of dollars through: - BEC attacks targeting a healthcare benefit program, private companies, and other entities - Romance fraud schemes defrauding elderly individuals Tactics of BEC Scams and Romance Fraud A BEC scam is a form of targeted cybercrime where bad actors trick executives and employees into sending money or sensitive data to accounts under their control through social engineering tactics. These attacks often involve compromised accounts used to send phishing emails urging vendors to make wire transfers or change banking details. On the other hand, romance scams typically involve deceiving elderly individuals into sending money under the pretense of a romantic relationship. Lavish Spending and Ongoing Cybercrime The Department of Justice (DoJ) stated that "together with his co-conspirators, Mullings engaged in financial transactions designed to conceal the fraud proceeds and used some of the proceeds to purchase luxury items, such as expensive cars and jewelry." This included a Ferrari purchased with $260,000 from a romance scam. In a related development, a Russian national named Evgeniy Doroshenko has been indicted for his role as an access broker, breaking into corporate networks and selling that initial access to other actors on cybercrime forums between February 2019 and May 2024. The DoJ emphasized that "cybercrime forums, like the one used by Doroshenko to sell access to victim computer networks, are online forums where cybercriminals promote and facilitate a wide variety of criminal activities including, among other activities, computer hacking and trafficking in stolen data." Read the full article
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Série Explained
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Ces dernières années, la popularité des services de streaming a entraîné un boom des séries télévisées en langue étrangère. Une de ces séries qui est devenue un phénomène mondial est Série Explained. Série Explained est une série en langue française diffusée à l'origine sur Netflix. Il s'agit d'une série de type documentaire qui explore la réalisation de diverses séries télévisées francophones. La série a été saluée pour son regard approfondi sur le processus de production de certaines des émissions les plus populaires de France. Elle a également été saluée pour sa capacité à rendre des sujets complexes accessibles à un public plus large. Le succès de Série Explained a conduit à la commande d'une deuxième saison. La deuxième saison devrait être diffusée en 2019.  
1)Qu'est-ce que Série Explained?
Série Explained est un blog francophone qui couvre tout ce qui concerne les séries télévisées. Que vous cherchiez des informations sur votre émission préférée, ou que vous vouliez découvrir les nouveautés dans le monde de la télévision, Série Explained vous couvre. 2)Pourquoi aimons-nous les séries télévisées ? Il y a quelque chose dans les séries télévisées dont on ne peut se passer. Peut-être est-ce la façon dont elles nous attirent avec leurs scénarios complexes et leurs personnages intrigants. Ou peut-être est-ce la façon dont elles nous permettent de nous échapper de notre quotidien pour entrer dans un monde aux possibilités infinies. Quelle que soit la raison, nous ne pouvons tout simplement pas nous en passer. 3)Quelles sont les meilleures séries télévisées de tous les temps ? C'est une question à laquelle il est difficile de répondre, car il existe tellement de grandes séries télévisées. Cependant, parmi nos préférées figurent Breaking Bad, The Wire, The Sopranos et Game of Thrones. Ces séries ont captivé le public du monde entier et sont considérées comme faisant partie des meilleures émissions de télévision. 4) Quelles sont les nouvelles séries télévisées dont nous devrions nous réjouir ? Il y a toujours de nouvelles séries télévisées passionnantes qui débarquent chaque année. Parmi les séries les plus attendues de 2017, citons The Handmaid's Tale, Twin Peaks et The Young Pope. N'oubliez pas de consulter Série Explained pour obtenir toutes les dernières nouvelles et informations sur ces séries et d'autres séries à venir. 5)Comment puis-je m'impliquer dans Série Explained ? Si vous êtes un fan de séries télévisées, alors Série Explained est l'endroit idéal pour vous. Nous vous proposons de nombreuses façons de vous impliquer, notamment en écrivant des articles, en créant des vidéos et en participant à des forums. Alors, quel que soit votre intérêt, assurez-vous de nous consulter et de vous impliquer dès aujourd'hui !
2)L'histoire de Série expliquée
Série Explained est une série télévisée française qui a été diffusée pour la première fois en 2016. Il s'agit d'une série documentaire qui explore l'histoire, la production et les coulisses des séries télévisées françaises populaires. La série est animée par la journaliste et présentatrice de télévision Delphine de Montalier. Dans chaque épisode, Delphine de Montalier interroge les créateurs et les acteurs d'une série télévisée française différente. La première saison de Série Explained présente des entretiens avec les créateurs et les acteurs de séries télévisées françaises populaires telles que The Returned, Les Revenants et The Sopranos. La deuxième saison, diffusée en 2017, présentait des entretiens avec les créateurs et les acteurs de séries télévisées françaises populaires telles que The Wire, The Americans et Game of Thrones. La troisième saison, diffusée en 2018, présentait des entretiens avec les créateurs et les acteurs de séries télévisées françaises populaires telles que Breaking Bad, Mad Men et House of Cards. La quatrième saison, diffusée en 2019, proposait des entretiens avec les créateurs et les acteurs de séries télévisées françaises populaires telles que Downton Abbey, Sherlock et Doctor Who. La cinquième saison, qui a été diffusée en 2020, a présenté des entretiens avec les créateurs et les membres du casting de séries télévisées françaises populaires telles que The Crown, The Walking Dead et Westworld.
3)Les différents types de séries expliqués
Lorsqu'il s'agit de séries télévisées, il en existe toutes sortes de types différents. Dans cet article de blog, nous allons jeter un coup d'œil aux différents types de séries, et expliquer ce qui les rend différentes. L'un des types de séries les plus courants est le procedural. Les séries procédurales sont généralement des séries policières ou médicales et se concentrent sur les affaires sur lesquelles les personnages travaillent. Chaque épisode est autonome et il n'est pas nécessaire de regarder les épisodes précédents pour comprendre ce qui se passe. Un autre type de série courant est le feuilleton. Ces séries ont tendance à être plus complexes, et elles racontent souvent une histoire continue au cours de la saison (ou même de la série entière). Pour cette raison, il est important de regarder les séries dramatiques depuis le début, afin de ne manquer aucun point important de l'intrigue. Les comédies sont un autre type populaire de séries télévisées. Ces émissions sont généralement légères et se concentrent sur les moments amusants de la vie. Les sitcoms (abréviation de "situation comedies") sont un sous-genre de comédie qui tend à être plus formel et qui se déroule souvent dans un seul endroit (comme une maison ou un bureau). L'animation est un autre genre de séries télévisées, et ces émissions peuvent être des comédies ou des drames (ou même les deux). Les séries animées s'adressent généralement aux enfants, mais il existe également de nombreuses séries animées destinées aux adultes. Enfin, il y a les séries de télé-réalité, qui se concentrent sur des personnes réelles et leur vie quotidienne. Ces émissions peuvent être soit non scénarisées (ce qui signifie que les événements ne sont pas planifiés ou scénarisés à l'avance), soit scénarisées (ce qui signifie que les événements sont planifiés, mais que les dialogues ne le sont pas).
4)Comment choisir la série expliquée qui vous convient
Lorsqu'il s'agit de choisir la Série Expliquée qui vous convient, il est important de considérer ce que vous cherchez à en retirer. Espérez-vous améliorer vos connaissances de la culture et de la langue françaises, ou cherchez-vous simplement un moyen amusant et divertissant de rafraîchir vos connaissances linguistiques ? Il existe une grande variété d'options de Série Expliquée, il est donc important de choisir celle qui correspond le mieux à vos besoins. Voici quelques éléments à garder à l'esprit lorsque vous choisissez une série expliquée : 1. Tenez compte de votre niveau de français. Si vous êtes débutant, il est important de choisir une série expliquée adaptée à votre niveau. Il ne sert à rien de choisir une série expliquée trop avancée pour vous, car vous risquez d'être frustré et d'abandonner. D'un autre côté, si vous maîtrisez déjà le français, vous pouvez choisir une série expliquée plus difficile afin d'entretenir vos connaissances. 2. Tenez compte de vos intérêts. Les séries expliquées ne sont pas toutes égales. Certaines portent sur l'histoire de France, d'autres sur la culture contemporaine. Certaines sont légères et comiques, tandis que d'autres sont plus sérieuses. Réfléchissez à ce qui vous intéresse et choisissez une série expliquée qui vous plaise. 3. Tenez compte de la longueur. La durée des séries expliquées peut varier considérablement, de quelques minutes à une heure ou plus. Réfléchissez au temps que vous êtes prêt à consacrer au visionnage d'une série expliquée et choisissez celle qui convient à votre emploi du temps. 4. Pensez au coût. Les séries expliquées peuvent être gratuites ou payantes. Si vous avez un budget limité, il existe de nombreuses options gratuites. Cependant, si vous êtes prêt à payer pour une série expliquée, vous aurez peut-être accès à un plus grand choix de titres. 5. Tenez compte des critiques. Lorsqu'il s'agit de choisir une série expliquée, il est toujours bon de lire d'abord les critiques. Cela vous donnera une meilleure idée de ce que les autres ont pensé de la série expliquée et vous permettra de savoir si vous l'apprécierez ou non. Gardez ces choses à l'esprit et vous serez sûr de trouver la Série Expliquée parfaite pour vous.
5)Les avantages de la Série Explained
Si vous êtes comme la plupart des gens, vous pensez probablement aux séries télévisées comme un moyen d'échapper à la réalité. Mais qu'en serait-il s'il existait une émission qui vous aide réellement à comprendre le monde qui vous entoure ? C'est ce que fait Série Explained. Série Explained est une série documentaire française qui déconstruit certaines des émissions de télévision les plus populaires. Chaque épisode prend une émission différente et en décortique les thèmes, les symboles et les messages cachés. Alors pourquoi regarder Série Explained ? Voici cinq avantages de cette émission unique : 1. Elle vous aide à comprendre le monde Série Explained ne se contente pas de déconstruire les émissions de télévision, elle vous aide aussi à comprendre le monde qui vous entoure. Les créateurs de l'émission estiment que les séries télévisées sont le reflet de notre société et qu'en les comprenant, nous pouvons mieux comprendre le monde dans lequel nous vivons. 2. C'est incroyablement révélateur. Si vous avez déjà regardé une émission en pensant "Je ne l'ai pas vu venir", alors vous savez à quel point Série Explained peut vous ouvrir les yeux. Les créateurs de l'émission sont des experts dans la recherche de messages et de symboles cachés dans les séries télévisées, et ils sont toujours capables d'offrir une nouvelle perspective sur des émissions familières. 3. C'est éducatif Série Explained n'est pas seulement un divertissement, c'est aussi une émission éducative. Les créateurs de l'émission font des recherches approfondies sur chaque série télévisée qu'ils couvrent, ce qui vous garantit d'apprendre quelque chose de nouveau à chaque épisode. 4. C'est drôle En plus d'être instructive et révélatrice, Série Explained est également drôle. Les créateurs de l'émission ont un grand sens de l'humour et n'ont pas peur de faire des blagues sur les émissions qu'ils décortiquent. 5. L'émission est disponible gratuitement L'un des avantages de Série Explained est qu'elle est disponible gratuitement. Vous pouvez regarder l'émission en ligne ou la télécharger sur votre ordinateur ou votre appareil mobile. Si vous cherchez une émission qui vous aidera à comprendre le monde qui vous entoure, alors vous devez regarder Série Explained. Cette émission unique offre une nouvelle perspective sur des séries télévisées familières, et elle est sûre de vous instruire et de vous divertir. Série Explained est un excellent blog pour quiconque cherche à comprendre les tenants et aboutissants de l'industrie des séries télévisées françaises. Le blog fait un excellent travail pour décomposer les différents aspects de l'industrie, du processus de production aux canaux de distribution. Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur les séries télévisées françaises, ou si vous cherchez simplement une bonne lecture, jetez un coup d'œil à Série Explained. Read the full article
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4 Determinations to Make Before Ordering a Drive-thru Menu Board
Restaurant owners seem to have an increased interest in adding drive-thru menu boards to their locations. This should come as no surprise considering that those with drive-thrus see 60-70% of their total revenue pass through the lane. Because of this fact, people become easily enamored with the idea of what a drive-thru could do for their business. It isn’t until they pause to gather some information that most begin to realize that there is a lot more to consider than the sign itself.  In the past we have highlighted what a fully-functional drive-thru looks like which provided folks with a checklist of what is involved but does little to help them determine if A- it would be a good investment and B- what the entire scope of the project would look like as it pertains to their restaurant.  We’ll take a stab at that here.
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#1 – Location, Location, Location   
Whether you are looking to add to an existing spot or are dabbling with opening a new restaurant, location plays a vital role in determining whether it makes sense.  First and foremost the location itself would have to have the ability to accommodate a drive-thru. On-premises factors include space and traffic flow while off premise factors would include accessibility and visibility. Ideally, you’d the restaurant would be located on a high traffic road where there is an increased likelihood of cars pulling into your restaurant for convenience.  You simply wouldn’t get the volume of impulse pull-ins on a more desolate street.
#2 – What work would need to be done?
Cutting the ribbon on your drive-thru takes more than erecting a sign and slapping some headsets on.  The amount of work that is required depends on the location.  It seems as though there is a healthy balance of those doing new-builds vs. those who are taking over existing locations.  Regarding the latter, the determining factor is whether or not a drive-thru resided there in the past.  In any event, to get up and running you’ll need two conduits run out to the drive-thru (one for the drive-thru power and another for the speaker/microphone and magnetic loop wire), potentially a saw cut and patch after placing the magnetic loop in the ground (this is what signifies that a car is at your drive-thru in your headset) and the concrete work where the sign and speaker post will be placed.  Again, the amount of what has to be done depends on the situation you find yourself in. If you are a new location or are looking to add a drive-thru to a location that has never had one, you’ll likely have to seek a permit to do so.
Read more..
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jessicafurseth · 2 months
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Reading List, Into the Summer double edition.
[Image: Poem by Morgan Harper Nichols, via 90sanxiety]
"Any time you are feeling shame over life choices, ask yourself who is benefitting from it (likely not you)." The 9 Essential Lessons My Summers Of Solo Travel Have Taught Me [Glynnis MacNicol, Vogue]
"Dirty, hedonistic, happy and bra-less - it beats journalling after a long day of pilates." Brat girl summer [Zoe Williams, The Guardian]
London's best outdoor spaces, according to National Park City founder Dan Raven-Ellison [Kate Lewis, BBC Travel]
Trekking Across Switzerland, Guided by Locals’ Hand-Drawn Maps [Ben Buckland, The New York Times]
“The completeness of this record is dizzy, stupefying: I’m using 43.87 gigabytes of data. The only way to navigate that vertiginous expanse is through the conduit of the Gmail search function. I type the names of my husband, my best friend, my girl gang out of college, my former roommate, my late uncle; some of these people long lost to me now, but eerily present in that window. Here we are planning road trips. Scheduling brunches. Sharing links." Gmail will break your heart [Links I would Gchat you if we were friends by Caitlin Dewey]
"I wanted to know how to be breezy. To meet someone for a drink but order food because I’d missed lunch. To free myself of this habit of rehearsing conversations in advance only to be disappointed when none of my prepared talking points naturally arose. ... No matter where I was, it seemed I was doomed to always feel as though I were in the window seat on a flight, prodding apologetically, mincing and smiling for the person in the aisle to get up." On getting diagnosed with autism as an adult [Mary HK Choi, The Cut]
"We need to go places and touch things." The people turning away from smartphones [Clea Skopeliti, The Guardian]
Before Smartphones, an Army of Real People Helped You Find Stuff on Google [Amelia Tait, Wired]
This Is What It Looks Like When AI Eats the World [Charlie Warzel, The Atlantic]
When did you last do one thing at a time? In defence of single use objects [Celia Mattison, Dirt]
I Have a Terrible Memory. Am I Better Off That Way? Wild scenes. [Katy Schneider, The Cut]
"But [parenthood] did not unearth new ethical or emotional resources. I am, it is true, far more patient with my daughter than I would be with anyone else exhibiting comparably high levels of incompetence, need, or obstinance. But this tolerance does not extend to anyone else. There is less of it to go around." What if parenthood isn't transformative at all? [Anastasia Berg, The Cut]
"The Lennon Patek captures a measure of time that no other watch ever will—the little they had left together." The Strange Journey of John Lennon’s Stolen Patek Philippe Watch [Jay Fielden, The New Yorker]
Inside the Old Bailey with Britain’s last court reporters | Crime [Sophie Elmhirst, The Guardian]
So long, Longform Podcast [Brady Brickner-Wood, The New York Times]
The Precarious Future of Big Sur’s Highway 1 [Emily Witt, The New Yorker]
“I think to an unusual degree Agnes sort of lives what she thinks and thinks what she lives.” Agnes Callard’s Marriage of the Minds [Rachel Aviv, The New Yorker]
"Change is slow in me. It’s a little like turning a tanker. I find I have to set it in motion and then wait patiently for it to happen, and try not to lose faith in the meantime. Since November, I’ve been intending to go and swim in the local outdoor pool, and on Tuesday I finally managed it. I’ve had my swimming bag packed all that time. I just needed to think through the steps before I could manage it. Even then, it took me all day to get in my car and drive down there, and I don’t think I’d have done it if H hadn’t gone with me. Until the moment I got in the water, swimming in a new place seemed like a multi-stage problem that I couldn’t solve." The Clearing by Katherine May
I’ve Spent a Lot of Time Pretending Not To Know What I Want [Swan Huntley, Autostraddle]
On being brave [Penny Wincer]
My life is boring Extra Honey by Jenny Clark
"I now could see the world in the uncanny, photonegative way that it wasn’t meant to be seen, but that was the truth — a truth I can’t shake even to this day. ... I truly never got over how apparently fragile I am, how unresilient I proved to be. That was one of the worst parts for me, that I knew something about myself now, which was that I was delicate. I had been rocked into a full nervous breakdown. ... All I knew was that, should something go wrong — a car accident, maybe, or a mugging — I would be prone to falling apart." How to live with it [Taffy Brodesser-Akner, The New York Times]
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developerwith1 · 6 months
Conduit Conundrum: Navigating Wire Capacity for Safe Electrical Systems
Ever feel like you're threading a needle when pulling wires through a conduit? It's a balancing act, ensuring each wire has enough room without overcrowding, which could lead to overheating or damage. Enter the wire fill chart, your compass in the dense forest of electrical codes and safety standards. This guide will navigate you through the complexities of wire capacity, ensuring your electrical systems are not only efficient but safe.
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The Basics of Conduit Wiring
Conduit wiring, the skeletal framework of any electrical system, is not just about laying wires. It's about creating a safe passage for electricity, akin to building a highway for cars.
Why Wire Fill Matters
Imagine a crowded subway at rush hour. Too many wires in a conduit is similar, resulting in overheating and potential electrical fires. The wire fill chart is your guide to avoiding this congestion.
Deciphering the Wire Fill Chart
A wire fill chart is like a secret decoder ring. It tells you exactly how many wires of a certain size can fit into a conduit, ensuring safety and compliance with electrical standards.
Types of Conduits and Their Capacities
From rigid metal conduits (RMC) to flexible plastic ones (PVC), each has its own superpower in protecting wires. Choosing the right one is crucial for the system's overall efficiency and safety.
Calculating Wire Fill: A Practical Guide
Calculating wire fill isn't rocket science, but it does require precision. We'll walk you through a step-by-step process, making it as easy as pie.
Common Pitfalls in Wire Installation
Even experienced electricians can trip up. We'll spotlight some common errors to watch out for, ensuring your installation is smooth sailing.
The Impact of Insulation on Wire Capacity
Not all wires are created equal. The type of insulation can affect how many wires fit into a conduit. It's like packing for a trip: some items take up more space than others.
Temperature Factors and Conduit Fill
Just like weather affects what you wear, temperature impacts wire capacity in conduits. We'll explain how to adjust for these variations, keeping your systems cool.
Adhering to NEC Guidelines
The National Electrical Code (NEC) is the law of the land for electrical installations. Following its guidelines ensures your projects are safe, legal, and efficient.
Tools to Simplify Your Wiring Projects
In today's digital age, there are apps and tools that make calculating wire fill a breeze. We'll introduce you to some of the best, turning you into a wiring wizard.
Safety First: Ensuring a Secure Installation
Safety is paramount in electrical work. We'll share tips on ensuring your conduit installations are secure, protecting both the system and its users.
Troubleshooting Wire and Conduit Issues
Even with the best planning, problems can arise. From pinched wires to conduit blockages, we'll guide you through solving these challenges.
Staying Updated: Codes and Best Practices
The electrical field is always evolving. We'll discuss the importance of staying current with codes and practices, ensuring your knowledge is never outdated.
Mastering the wire fill chart and understanding conduit capacity are crucial for any electrical installation. It ensures your systems are safe, efficient, and up to code. Whether you're a seasoned electrician or a DIY enthusiast, keeping these guidelines in mind will help you navigate the conduit conundrum with confidence. Remember, a well-planned installation is the key to a safe and reliable electrical system.
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Prioritizing Safety – The Importance Of Wire Harnesses In Vehicle Safety Systems
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Within the complex network of automobile technology, wire harnesses are essential for the smooth operation and integration of several safety systems. The need for wire harnesses grows as automobiles develop to include more sophisticated safety measures. The blog below explores the complex world of wire harnesses and reveals how important they are to the maintenance and improvement of key safety features found in modern vehicles, like airbags, electronic stability control, and anti-lock brake systems.
The backbone of automotive connectivity
The vital function of wire harnesses, which act as the complex neurological system uniting and balancing the many parts of an automobile, is fundamental to automotive connectivity. The foundation of automobile wiring is made up of these painstakingly arranged bundles of wires, which enable smooth communication between different systems and components. Wire harnesses serve as conduits for power and data, facilitating the smooth transfer of information between critical components like actuators, control units, and sensors. Everything from power distribution to the complex coordination of safety systems is made possible by this network of connections. The accuracy and structure of wire harnesses are essential to the dependability and effectiveness of automotive systems as they prove to be the unseen builders of the complex network that powers the modern automobile.
Airbag systems
When it comes to car safety, wire harnesses are the key components that connect sensors, control units, and deployment mechanisms in a complicated manner for airbag systems. These wire bundles create quick communication channels that guarantee swift data exchange required for precise and fast airbag deployment during accidents. The accuracy and dependability of these connections are crucial, as they have a direct impact on how well this vital safety element works.
Anti-lock Braking Systems
When it comes to Anti-lock Braking Systems (ABS), wire harnesses are essential in creating the neurological pathways that allow wheel speed sensors, the ABS control unit, and the braking system to communicate with each other seamlessly. These carefully arranged cables provide split-second reactions and keep the wheels from locking up during emergency braking. Wire harness accuracy in data exchange is critical to the ability of ABS to quickly control braking pressure.
Electronic Stability Control Systems
In Electronic Stability Control (ESC) systems, wire harnesses play an essential role as conduits that enable quick data transfer between sensors, the ESC control unit, and individual wheel brakes. These neat little wire bundles coordinate perfect communication, which allows the ESC to quickly adjust the braking force on individual wheels. Wire harness integration with electronic stability control provides the best possible traction and stability by adjusting the braking force, preventing skids, and improving vehicle control. Wire harnesses are thus essential for such data transfer as they let ESC systems function smoothly, making driving safer and more stable.
Challenges and innovations in wire harness design
Handling complex problems and adopting new technologies are essential to navigating the ever-evolving wire harness design landscape. Vehicle space limits need small but complex designs, which has led to the investigation of materials that can survive high temperatures and the rigours of the engine compartment. When wire harnesses are subjected to extreme environments, durability becomes critical, and improvements focus on boosting resistance. Smart wiring systems, combining intelligent technologies for efficient data transfer, are required due to the increase in safety system complexity. One way to address this is through modular designs, which may be tailored to fit a variety of vehicle architectures. Wire harness design innovations come together to create solutions that not only overcome obstacles, but also increase efficiency, guaranteeing that these essential parts will always be the foundation of vehicle communication in a constantly changing automotive environment.
As automobiles continue to develop and include more advanced safety features, the importance of wire harnesses becomes more pronounced, with the wire harness technologies evolving too! Their capacity to quickly and accurately transfer vital information and enable smooth communication amongst safety components is essential for guaranteeing prompt and accurate reactions in emergency situations. The importance of wire harnesses in protecting lives through cutting-edge safety systems is unwavering as we drive through the roads of the future, highlighting their crucial position in the automobile industry. These bundles of precision play a pivotal role in the real-time coordination of life-saving technologies, like airbags, ABS systems, and Electronic Stability Control systems.
It’s critical to acknowledge the experience of industry experts in the quest for automotive safety excellence. One of the most trusted car wiring harness manufacturing companies in India, Miracle Electronics is a shining example of both creativity and dependability. Because of the dedication to precise engineering, the wire harnesses are able to satisfy and even surpass the strict requirements of contemporary safety systems. Under the leadership of such industry giants, safety and connectivity work in perfect harmony, highlighting the critical role that such organizations play in guiding the automotive landscape towards a safer and more connected future. Safety begins with the painstaking construction of wire harnesses as we navigate the roads ahead.
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PropCASA: Where Architectural Brilliance Meets Luxurious Comfort in Samridhi Luxuriya Avenue
PropCASA Samridhi Luxuriya Avenue, situated in the coveted Sector 150 of Noida, this residential marvel by Samridhi Group seamlessly combines opulence and comfort. Boasting world-class architectural expertise, the development promises to redefine the skyline while enriching the lives of its residents.
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Nestled amidst the lush greenery of Sector 150, Samridhi Luxuriya Avenue is strategically designed to offer a harmonious blend of residential tranquillity and easy access to a range of facilities at PropCASA.
Architectural Brilliance
Samridhi Luxuriya Avenue stands as a testament to architectural brilliance, featuring an earthquake-resistant RCC frame structure designed to the highest norms. The property is equipped with high-speed lifts and wide staircases with easy steps, ensuring both convenience and safety for its residents.
Luxurious Interiors
Experience luxury underfoot with vitrified tiles in drawing, dining, and bedrooms, complemented by wooden flooring in one of the bedrooms. The kitchen boasts a granite top working platform, a stainless-steel sink, and ceramic glazed tiles, providing both functionality and aesthetic appeal.
Elegantly Designed Bathrooms
The bathrooms feature anti-skid ceramic tiles, ceramic tiles up to the door level on the walls, and CP fittings from renowned brands like equivalent. The interiors are finished with POP punning and OBD, contributing to a sophisticated living environment.
Delicate Exteriors
The exterior of Samridhi Luxuriya Avenue is adorned with a superior paint finish, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of the development.
Variety of Living Spaces
Samridhi Luxuriya Avenue offers a range of living spaces to suit different needs. Choose from 2 BHK + 2T apartments spanning 1165 sq. feet priced at ₹89 Lac, 3 BHK + 3T residences covering 1495 sq. feet priced at ₹1.18 Cr, and 3 BHK + 3T homes with an area of 1690 sq. feet available at ₹1.34 Cr.
Thoughtful Facilities
Residents are privileged with an array of amenities, including car parking, CCTV surveillance, 24/7 soft water supply, an air-conditioned banquet/party hall, badminton and basketball courts, convenient shopping areas, a cricket net practice area, a jogging track, modular kitchen, swimming pool, gymnasium, and a clubhouse.
Thrilling Features
The residences are equipped with copper wiring in concealed P.V.C. conduits, MCB-supported circuits, ample light, and power points, and provisions for DTH connection, telephone, and internet points in one bedroom.
Samridhi Luxuriya Avenue is not just a residence; it's an embodiment of elevated living, offering a peaceful yet upgraded atmosphere for its discerning residents. Welcome to PropCASA a world where architectural excellence meets luxurious comfort. To find your dream home please click at www.propcasa.com or call +91 9582-211-311, and get more information about the Price List of Samridhi Luxuriya Avenue.
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redlinebatterysupply · 10 months
Custom Made Battery Cables - Redline Battery Supply
In the intricate realm of power supply, precision is paramount. Redline Battery Supply, a name synonymous with excellence, brings forth a unique offering - custom made battery cables. Tailored to meet the diverse needs of industries and individuals alike, these cables showcase Redline Battery Supply's commitment to delivering not just power, but precision. In this article, we unravel the significance of custom-made battery cables and why Redline Battery Supply is the go-to source for powering your unique requirements.
I. The Vital Role of Battery Cables:
Lifeblood of Power Systems: Battery cables are the conduits that deliver vital energy to a variety of applications, from automotive systems to industrial machinery.
Precision in Design: The design and quality of battery cables are critical factors in ensuring efficient power transmission and system functionality.
II. Redline Battery Supply: Crafting Excellence in Every Cable:
Expertise in Power Solutions: With years of expertise in the power supply domain, Redline Battery Supply is a trusted name in delivering reliable and efficient battery solutions.
Customization Mastery: Redline Battery Supply excels in the art of customization, tailoring battery cables to precise specifications for diverse applications.
III. The Significance of Custom-Made Battery Cables:
Fit-for-Purpose Design: Custom cables ensure a perfect fit for specific applications, eliminating the challenges posed by generic, one-size-fits-all alternatives.
Optimized Power Transmission: Tailored to meet the power requirements of different systems, custom-made cables optimize energy transmission, reducing energy losses.
IV. Redline Battery Supply's Custom-Made Cable Offerings:
Material Options: Choose from a variety of high-quality materials, such as copper or aluminum, based on the specific conductivity and durability needs of your application.
Length and Gauge Customization: Tailor the length and gauge of the cables to meet the precise requirements of your power system, whether it's a compact automotive setup or an expansive industrial network.
V. Industry Applications:
Automotive: Custom battery cables ensure a reliable and efficient power supply for all types of vehicles, from compact cars to heavy-duty trucks.
Marine: Resilient to the challenges of marine environments, custom cables provide dependable power for boats and marine applications.
VI. Quality Assurance:
Rigorous Testing: Each custom-made battery cable undergoes rigorous testing to ensure compliance with industry standards and Redline Battery Supply's commitment to quality.
Durability: Crafted with durability in mind, these cables are built to withstand the rigors of various environments, from extreme temperatures to challenging working conditions.
VII. Customer-Centric Approach:
Consultative Services: Redline Battery Supply offers consultative services to understand your unique power needs, ensuring the custom cables meet your specific requirements.
Responsive Support: With a customer-centric approach, Redline Battery Supply provides responsive support to address queries and concerns, fostering long-term partnerships.
VIII. Conclusion:
Redline Battery Supply's custom made battery cables aren't just wires; they are precision-engineered conduits of power designed to meet the unique needs of your applications. In the realm of power, where precision matters, trust Redline Battery Supply to deliver not just cables, but customized solutions that empower your systems. Elevate your power experience with cables crafted for your specific needs—because when it comes to power, one size doesn't fit all, and Redline Battery Supply understands the significance of tailored excellence.
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photos-car · 10 months
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the-firebird69 · 11 months
Not only that but there's other effects are going on the clothes are embattled globally because of their ships and people are figuring out the max have humongous ships too not necessarily as many and they have a couple and the clothes have four with a smaller one which is still negative class and the good at it and they're going at it and now people are going after Max. And they're on the most wanted list that's what they all say. So the mats are going after the clothes pretty hard to get more ships cuz they need them and it is going to be a mess but that's what's happening
That's a few more things going on because of the network of buildings of Paris and audit Dave and it's going to continue is what he said and one reason why they're evacuating people are going into their buildings and deactivating them and fighting off the clones and it's a war zone and they grab as much stuff as they can and believe and they are ripping the walls apart and floor and ground and people tracing the wire in order to take it in the conduit he found out the conduit down there is worth the most and they're going to have it but a lot of people can't get to it so they're at the buildings like cars Garth and they want the white gold Stan is taking a lot of it you got an area and he's pulling it all out and a lot of people are doing that but they wanted to go after his and Sherry gets grabbed as Michelle Pfeiffer that's one of her characters. And Kathy was playing that too no. What's going on right now and it's pretty huge it is some big fights hold on after the precious metals a huge fight they're everywhere fighting over the stuff they found entire lengths of the conduit underground that are made from a thin layer of white gold is a huge huge deal it's gigantic the amount of goals coming from where those lines is huge it stretches all the way up to Oregon a conduit and it's worth about $450 a foot. Half a pound of foot and it's probably three inches of diameter so people are doing that now and we're going to post
We approve this to be posted
This is huge folks that's a lot of pipe that's a lot of gold and people want the white gold and they're going for it now. Also Freddy Krueger and the nightmare on elm Street has begun and it's about a few things but mostly mostly used these buildings to kidnap people. And her son was hearing it at work sometimes and about being kidnapped and he was angry about it and they were saying it in the elevator quite a bit and he figured out that he should probably leave there and we didn't mind it much it's one of those buildings it was wired by his brother and we weren't worried and knew how it was is that location but others are wanting to figure it out there's a couple other buildings he was at that were wired up by them storm Western development was wired up by Paris and they moved them out and her computer got pissed at them and it's him a little and start to swear by all that's holy yeah was dumping on him and I saw that Trump is looking and detected our son was involved and start to bother him and Trump said look it's just not right what you're doing and the computer said why he said you're attaching you're attracted to their attention and it's not necessarily the best thing to do and said we want to attractor and text you and he says well I guess you don't know why we could have figured it out we're getting nailed. The computer went into a frenzy started to try and figure out what to do and he said just shut up and it would not so trying to figure out where it is and they found a few signals and they're tracing them because the damn thing just keeps going it's actually a benefit if it shuts off for a minute it's on the next minute and you don't have to wait.
Please do
Thor Freya
And a big list of us
Nuada Arrianna
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nuadox · 1 year
Right-to-charge laws bring the promise of EVs to apartments, condos and rentals
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- By Eleftheria Kontou , University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , The Conversation -
More than 3.6 million electric cars are driving around the U.S., but if you live in an apartment, finding an available charger isn’t always easy. Grocery stores and shopping centers might have a few, but charging takes time and the spaces may be taken or inconvenient.
Several states and cities, aiming to expand EV use, are now trying to lift that barrier to ownership with “right to charge” laws.
Illinois’ governor signed the latest right-to-charge law in June 2023, requiring that all parking spots at new homes and multiunit dwellings be wired so they’re ready for EV chargers to be installed. Colorado, Florida, New York and other states have passed similar laws in recent years.
But having wiring in place for charging is only the first step to expanding EV use. Apartment building managers, condo associations and residents are now trying to figure out how to make charging efficient, affordable and available to everyone who needs it when they need it.
Electric cars can benefit urban dwellers
As a civil engineer who focuses on transportation, I study ways to make the shift to electric vehicles equitable, and I believe that planning for multiunit dwelling charging and accessibility is smart policy for cities.
Transitioning away from fossil-fueled vehicles to electric vehicles has benefits for the environment and the health of urban residents. It reduces tailpipe emissions, which can cause respiratory problems and warm the climate; it mitigates noise; and it improves urban air quality and quality of life.
Surveys show most EV drivers charge at home, where electricity rates are lower than at public chargers and there is less competition for charging spots. In California, the leading state for EVs, 88% of early adopters of battery electric cars said they were able to charge at home, and workplace and public charging represented just 24% and 17% of their charging sessions, respectively. Nationwide, about 50% to 80% of all battery electric car charging sessions take place at home.
Yet almost a quarter of all U.S. housing structures have more than one dwelling unit, according to the 2019 American Housing Survey. In California, 32.5% of urban dwellings have multiple units, and only a third of those units include access to a personal garage where a charger could be installed.
Even if installing a personal charger is an option, it can be expensive in a multiunit dwelling if wiring isn’t already in place. And it often comes with other obstacles, including the potential need for electrical upgrades or challenges from homeowner association rules and restrictions. Installing chargers can involve numerous stakeholders who can impede the process – lot owners, tenants, homeowners associations, property managers, electric utilities and local governments.
However, if a 240-volt outlet is already available, basic charger installation drops to a few hundred dollars.
Right-to-charge laws aims for ubiquitous home charging
Right-to-charge laws aim to streamline home charging access as new buildings go up.
Illinois’ new Electric Vehicle Charging Act requires that 100% of parking spaces at new homes and multiunit dwellings be ready for electric car charging, with a conduit and reserved capacity to easily install charging infrastructure. The new law also gives renters and condominium owners in new buildings a right to install chargers without unreasonable restriction from landlords and homeowner associations.
California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Oregon and Virginia also have right-to-charge laws designed to make residential community charging deployment easier, as do several U.S. cities including Seattle and Washington, D.C. Most apply only to owner-occupied buildings, but a few, including California’s and Colorado’s, also apply to rental buildings.
Chicago officials have considered an ordinance that would include existing buildings, too.
Sharing chargers can reduce the cost
There are several steps communities can take to increase access to chargers and reduce the cost to residents.
In a new study, colleagues and I looked at how to design shared charging for an apartment building with scheduling that works for everyone. By sharing chargers, residential communities can reduce the costs associated with charger installation and use.
The biggest challenge to shared charging is often scheduling. We found that a centralized charging management system that suggests charging times for each electric car owner that aligns with the owner’s travel schedule and the amount of charge needed can work – with enough chargers.
In a typical multiunit dwelling in Chicago – with an average of 14 cars in the parking lot – a small community charging hub with two level 2 chargers, the type common in homes and office buildings, can cover daily residential recharging demand at a cost of about 15 cents per kilowatt-hour. But having only two chargers means residents are waiting on average 2.2 hours to charge.
A larger charging hub with eight level 2 chargers in the same city avoids the delay but increases the cost of charging to 21 cents per kWh because of upfront cost of purchasing and installing the chargers. To put that into context, the average electricity cost for Chicago residents is 16 cents per kWh.
The future of charging management at multiunit dwellings will be automated for efficiency, with a computer or artificial intelligence determining the most efficient schedule for charging. Optimized scheduling can be responsive to the times renewable electricity generation sources are producing the most power – midday for solar energy, for example – and to dynamic electricity pricing. Automation can also eliminate delays for drivers while saving money and reducing the burden on the electric grid.
The current limited access to home charging in many cities constrains electric vehicle adoption, slows down the decarbonization of U.S. transportation and exacerbates inequities in electric vehicle ownership. I believe efforts to expand charging in multidwelling buildings can help lift some of the biggest barriers and help reduce noise and pollution in urban cores at the same time.
Eleftheria Kontou, Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
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Walmart announces EV charging network expansion
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thedartseo · 1 year
Rat Spray for Car used for applications where plastic pipes for gas water and other liquids are used for general utilities underground. It will also prevent rodent colonies underground in certain areas.This product also prevents rodents from biting wires, cables, and conduit.
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Difference Between Industrial Electrician and Commercial Electrician
The titles commercial electrician and industrial electrician may sound similar, but they are actually widely different from each other. An electrician is not an all-purpose profession. It differs based on the area of expertise, skill, and job focus. There are various kinds of electricians trained to handle different nature of works. So, before you head to hire an electrician for your electrical needs, learn about the difference between an industrial electrician and a commercial electrician.
What Is An Industrial Electrician?
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Manufacturing plants and production facilities have electric needs that are far different from the needs witnessed in other areas of the electrical profession. That is where industrial electricians prove to be of immense help.
Generally, they are involved in fault diagnosis, repairs, tests, and maintenance of electrical equipment and machinery in large plants, factories, and mines. These are the individuals having advanced knowledge and proficiency in handling a variety of complex issues encountered in equipment and machinery used in industries. In Australia, industrial electrician services are basically rendered to mining companies, car manufacturers, electrical companies, and steel producers.
Furthermore, industrial electricians are skilled in handling all types of jobs in the industrial environment. However, their primary focus is on pneumatic, hydraulic, and other types of machinery involved in different operations. Apart from catering to basic electric issues, industrial electricians are also adept in robotics, controls, instrumentation, and other specialized facility equipment employed in industries.
Role of an Industrial Electrician
An industrial electrician is tasked with ensuring the smooth functioning of large factories by keeping the safety and efficiency of important machinery. Here are the tasks and duties an industrial electrician is entitled to perform:
Installation of new electrical systems in an industrial setting.
Repair and maintenance of electrical equipment.
Adherence to safety protocols as per operating production facility.
Troubleshooting electrical equipment.
Industrial electricians are required to possess the requisite experience and apprenticeship training with relevant certifications and qualifications. Since they need to work in production facilities, they also need to gain safety training. Overall, the power and electricity needs of industries are way different than other areas, therefore industrial electricians are expected to be highly skilled and flexible to cater to the high voltage applications and other electrical machinery in industrial setups.
What Is A Commercial Electrician?
Commercial electricians are specialized in offering electrical repair, maintenance, installation, and safety audit services within the commercial setups. Their work environment is restricted to offices, retail stores, shopping malls, restaurants, government buildings, and other related establishments.
A commercial electrician can also design a blueprint of an electrical system specific to a particular workplace’s needs. They can install conduit of pipes and lay electrical wiring as per the local electrical codes. Thus, commercial electric services ensure the harmonious working of power, heating, and lighting within premises.
These individuals primarily work with hand tools such as pliers, drills, knives, screwdrivers, power tools, and monitoring equipment. They also carry out the repair and maintenance of residential buildings.
Role of a Commercial Electrician
A commercial electrician is responsible for ensuring the smooth functioning of electrical systems at places frequently visited by customers. They tend to meet your power and electricity needs by making sure that everything is in place and is compliant with electrical code so that employees and customers are both protected against unexpected instances. Further, given below are the duties of a commercial electrician:
Installation of new equipment.
Rewiring of the existing system.
Installation of security alarm, smoke alarm, and other electrical components.
Installation of switches, switchboards, and lights.
Installation, repair, and maintenance of heating and cooling systems.
Designing electrical systems or functioning according to existing blueprints.
Adhering to local, state, and national protocols for wiring and electrical systems.
Thus, commercial electricians conduct electrical maintenance services for small to medium businesses. Nevertheless, just like industrial electricians, commercial electricians are also required to possess relevant apprentice training. These professionals gain specialisation in power distribution, service entrance, facility power, and facility lighting.
Conclusion: Industrial Electricians Vs. Commercial Electricians
Industrial and commercial electricians both belong to the same background of electrical systems but their nature of work differs immensely. Their specialty extends to two different areas. Industrial electricians are experts in troubleshooting electrical problems in manufacturing industries while commercial electricians are experts in conducting repairs and maintenance within standard workplaces.
Now that you know the difference between the two, you can easily pick the right electrician for your needs.
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We wanted to share Richard Brown’s story with the 1958 Thor, reposted below along with his photos. Showing a car at The Amelia Concours D’Elegance was amazing. Translated to “competition of elegance”. It’s considered the Pebble Beach show off the east coast. I’ve been going to the Amelia show for 23 years, but this is the first time I had a car invited to attend. This isn’t a typical car show where you bring a car if you want to. It’s quite different. If your vehicle qualifies and meets the standards and criteria they are looking for… the board of directors will choose your car, and officially invite your car to attend the event. In the automotive collector world it’s an incredible honor. This event is more of an art exhibit than any thing else. It’s about sculpture, history, design, and provenance. If this sounds high brow and “Hoity toity”, well that’s because it is. And on a rare occasion, riff raff like myself slips through the cracks and gets in anyways!! I started the project in July and stayed on it till the day before the show. Everything came apart to get restored. The only thing not touched was the shift knob. I wanted to leave it with all the fingerprints from the past owners, all the way to its original creator Nik Gudmunds. Thanks goes Matthew Burke and Karl Gudmunds for historical reference, to Augie Maurer for chassis fabrication and exhaust recreation, Nathan Lizana for the period correct 36hp motor, Ronnie Schmitt for seats and headliner upholstery, Patrick Frye for wiring harness and engine tuning, Marvin Rabalais for initial body stripping and prep, and especially Scott Taylor for the final bodywork and paint, and sticking with me…staying up till midnight helping me put it all back together. A special thanks goes to my friend Geoffrey Hacker of Undiscovered Classics for pushing me to restore the Thor, and being the conduit to connect me to the Amelia Concours show. Couldn’t have got there without him. (at The Amelia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpvEtvas7ny/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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