#car shipping companies san diego
autoshippinggroup · 2 years
Can I Opt For Affordable Montana Car Shipping Services?
Want to move your car from one place to another place? If yes, you can choose from an array of services in the market that can make your task quite easy and simple. You will have an option to choose from several car transportation services. You will also be required to learn about the parameters that govern the quality of shipping service.
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franksautotransport · 5 months
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thatbanditqueen · 1 year
The Lou Lou Special
An Elvis Presley One Shot
A response to the writing game prompt: “Do you mind? I came in here to get away from other people.”
Warnings: kissing, fluff, Texas? some historical inaccuracies. All the typos. I literally just finished writing this. It is perhaps the fluffiest and most innocent thing I have ever written.
Summary: Lois is away from home, visiting her family in Texas, when her cousins abandon her after an Elvis Presley concert.
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7:15 PM, Thursday, June 16, 1955
Midland High School, Midland, Texas
The sun was setting off in the distance, and the warm, rich golden oranges, yellows and pinks of the dusk sky almost made the oil rig silhouettes look beautiful. Even so, Lois wished she was back in Pasadena, getting a malt in Old Town with Jean and Ruby, perhaps talking with some of the older boys from her high school. Or sitting back giggling with Jean as as Ruby flirted and tried to get someone to buy her fries. It had only been three days since she’d been shipped off to Texas, but she was already homesick. She sighed. Right now, Lois would even settle for a night taking her bratty, unbearable her 8-year old brother Ritchie out to a movie. Anything to not be here, stuck with her cousins, a living tribute from her parents to kiss up to Zeyde. Nate’s snickering brought her back to the present, and Lois pressed her hands into the cold brick ledge and turned around to look at her cousin.
Nate sipped from his flask, and handed it to his friend, what was his name, Ralph? Nate’s sister Sharon lit a cigarette and blew her smoke to the side, her dark red lipstick smudged the tip. It reminded Lois how simple her own make up had been, she touched her purse and pulled out her light pink tinted lip pomade, reapplying it with her finger.
“Want some?” Sharon asked, a sneer in her voice as her cigarette ash fell down onto the concrete floor. She thinks she’s so cool and sophisticated now that she’s graduated from high school. Lois was now the only student among the group, Nate worked for Zeyde, and Ralph did something for an oil company. The boys had been in the same grade, and Ralph was much closer to her cousins than she was.
Lois shook her head, and looked back out over the ledge, this time down to the front of the high school, watching groups of other young people, and some of their parents, walking into the entrance below.
Ralph took another swig of the flask and thumped it in Nathan’s chest. He looked at Lois and Sharon, then back at Nate. “We should do down, I wanna get to the front where we can dance with some of the girls.”
With that, Nate led the way off the rooftop and down the stairs to the back of the high school.
Nate’s voice echoed as he called out in the stair. “Dance? Who’s the cat we’re seeing tonight anyhow?”
Ralph bounced to the bottom stair. “Elvis Presley, he’s on the Hayride radio show, but I saw him in Houston with my brother. He’s wild. I bought all his records.”
“Never heard of him,” Lois whispered.
“Don’ you listen to the Lousiana Hayride out there in San Diego?
Lois shook her head, and whispered, “It’s LA actually.”
“What was that?” Ralph asked, but Nate hit him on the shoulder as they turned the corner.
“Don’t pay any attention to her, she doesn’t know anything, she’s barely 16.”
Lois sucked in her tummy, and hung back, trailing behind them while they wound their way through the high school hallways, encountering more and more people as they closed in on the auditorium. Ralph, Sharon and Nate fell in with some friends they recognized, and Lois trailed further behind, listening to them excitedly talk about their summer plans. One girl asked Sharon when she was moving to Austin for college and Lois tuned out Sharon’s exuberant gush about her dorm and her roommate and the new Cadillac convertible Zeyde had bought her. What a brat, if Zeyde knew what you said about him behind his back he’d give you a slap in the face stead of a new car, Lois smiled to herself.  She toyed with the idea of slipping away and seeing if they noticed as the group got farther and farther ahead of her. Several other kids now walked between her and her cousins who had made their way to the front. Lois decided to just hang back and stay, she had no plan for how to get back to the house if she snuck away. So she meandered to a clear spot against the wall, pushed a lock of her dark, brown hair behind her ear and leaned back, picking at her finger nails and scanning across the dark room.Uh. Three more weeks here. I guess I should be happy I got off the ranch tonight, she told herself, thinking of Bubbie back at the main house, probably knitting on the porch or bossing some of the servants around.
The lights dimmed, and the crowd went quiet. Looking around, Lois realized that all the seats were filled, and there must have been fifty people so lined up along the walls, more in the back. I guess this Melvis guy must be popular here in Texas.
A bright light appeared in the center of the stage, and Lois noticed the big bass and drums already set up. A man in a bright silver dinner jacket and suit pants ran out onto the stage to take the mic, and the crowd cheered.
“HeyyyOOO there all you Midlander chicks and chucks! It’s me, Moon Mullican, that handsome rascal who sneaks into your bedroom every night…… on KCEK, that is! Don’t pout, don’t be a lout, daddy’s here and the night is clear for us to have some fun. So stick with me, chickadee, we’re gonna have a party!”
Lois, shook her head to herself, he sounded just as bombastic in his sing songy bantering voice as the radio DJs back home, except with a slight Texas twang. The same twang her mama had been trying to rid herself over the last twenty years in the California sunshine.
Moon’s voice rang out again, and the cheering died down.
“I know he needs no introduction, this boy’s records have been skyrocketing right up the charts. He’s only twenty years old, and has a new distinct musical style. An’ I see all the little gals out there are all ready to scream and shout, with out a doubt, so let’s give a warm Texas welcome to that Hillbilly Cat, that Memphis Flash, ELLLvezzzzzz Presley y’alll!!”
A tall, young man ran out from the wings with a big grin on his face, and Lois gasped at his see-through white lace shirt, tucked into a pair of white dress pants with a silk, pink strip down the side. A guitar hung down at his left hand, and he hit Moon on the shoulder, shaking his hand, then turning to smile at the guys filling out the band behind him. Putting the microphone back into the stand, Elvis slapped his guitar and leaned forward, stuttering and tapping his right foot. He exuded a nervous, excited energy, and his voice was low and deep as it cracked.
“He - he - he - hey y’all, How are ya?” he asked the crowd, and they called back with whoops and claps and cheers. “It’s a real honor to be back here in oil country and play for ya folks. A real honor. I always say, Texas people are, are, the bestest people, an y’all make us feel welcomed an right at home and we wanna thank ya.” He smiled as some of the kids cheered and clapped and called out his name. One girl at the back called out “I love you Elvis.” He smiled into his guitar, responding with a smirk. “I - I love ya too, honey. Well, y’all paid for a show, and that’s what we’re fixin ta give ya. So, well, this un was a single that came out last year on Sun Records. Maybe ya heard and if not, well, it goes sumpin’ like this.” Elvis began to strum his guitar, he closed his eyes, and burst in to the loud opening mewl of “Good Rockin’ Tonight.”
The auditorium filled with the band’s music, and the audience began to stand up in their seats. Almost everyone standing near the wall rushed to the front and began dancing and bouncing up and down. The energetic, country picking of the guitar and the fierce urgency of Elvis’ voice grabbed Lois and she found her feet pulling her forward, mesmerized by the way Elvis moved and sang. He was a man possessed as he swung back and forth, playing guitar as his knees seemingly had a life all their own, jerking and squirming their way across the stage. She found her own feet moving side to side, and relished the feeling of crinoline swishing over her thighs under her dark blue navy skirt. Her cousins and Ralph had ended up in the middle of the crowd dancing at the front of the auditorium, and Lois made herself at home, alone, comforted at least being able to see them from a distance from where she was at the right side of the stage. Closing her eyes, Lois let her self move and twist to the music, then smiled awkwardly at the two girls near her when the song finished.
Lois looked up at the stage, noticing how Elvis clutched the guitar close to him, tightly, as he began to sing “That’s All Right Mama.” During the guitar solo, which the skinny little man in back played, Elvis staggered over to where Lois stood and she moved to lean up towards him against the stage, entranced and unable to stop herself from the gravitational pull of his quirking smile. He bite his lip, and locked eyes with her, muttering a low “How you doin’ tonight, darlin?” from the stage. The air hitched in Lois’ throat as she laughed nervously and breathed a “good” up to him in reply. Elvis winked, then moved back to the mic and finished the song, pulling his hand through his hair and looking back at Lois with a wide, beaming grin. The girls behind her squealed, and told her that they couldn’t believe how lucky she was. Lois didn’t hear them. She was transfixed, and let her self go, bouncing up and down as the band continued to play song after song, “Blue Moon of Kentucky,” “Heartbreaker,” “Baby, Let’s Play House.” Lois had never seen anyone like Elvis, his legs were spread out wide, he swiveled his knees and thrust his hips up into his guitar, and the girls next to Lois screeched when he swaggered near them, reaching out to try and touch his white hush puppy shoes.
 Elvis began to strum his guitar and then stopped to speak into the microphone.
“Hold it now, fellas, let’s get real, real gone with this one.”
Smirking, he started playing the guitar again, singing  “Milk Cow Blues,” and shouting out “Let’s Milk it,” as the lead guitar player began his solo and Elvis began to swing and wiggle vigorously across the stage. After the solo, Elvis held his guitar aside so he could yank up his belt, laughing at himself and how his shirt was coming out of his pants. Lois blushed, as she caught herself staring at his groin. As if sensing her eyes on him, Elvis looked up at her, and grinned, walking back to the mic to finish singing.
Elvis thanked the audience after that song, and Lois leaned harder against the stage, watching as he wiped the sweat from his face and into his quiffed pompadour. Elvis and the band walked off the stage, and he shot her a kiss as he walked off. Lois stood there, giddy, her whole body felt charged with an electric fire. She steadied herself, catching her breath for a few minutes, then turned around to watch the audience slowly filter out of the back. Lois’ heart started to race when she realized she had lost sight of her cousins, they had not hung back like she thought they would. She started to slowly pace around the side, looking for their faces in the crowd, before quickly walking outside gasping as she saw Sharon’s new convertible pulling off from the parking lot. Lois blood began to beat in her ear drums, and she walked back in, looking around the auditorium for any face she might recognize from previous visits to Texas. Or a kind smile she could trust. She got back up to the front of the empty room and suddenly felt very frightened and abandoned and alone and could feel the tears welling up behind her eyes, so she ran out of the side door and into a nearby stairwell where she sat down and let it all out.
“Ughh, I hate Texas. And I hate Nate. And I hate Sharon and her stupid new car.” Lois stammered to herself through the tears. Then she heard the door to the stairwell crack, and yelled over her shoulder.
“Do you mind? I came here to get away from other people.” Lois wiped her eyes, and turned around to see the singer, Elvis, standing in the doorway behind her.
“Well, hi ta y—you, too, baby.” he smiled, and walked over before plopping down next to her. “Jus loading up the car, and I thought a cat was dying in here. Came to save its life.” He put his arm around her, instantly familiar, and squeezed her waist. His thumb rubbed up and down to soothe her. Lois had never been this close to a boy before, and she trembled at his touch but didn’t pull away. “Hey, sssh, ain’t gonna hurt ya.”
She turned to look up at him, a soft chuckle escaped her mouth as she said, “I know, I’m not scared of you.”
“Huh, well, ok then, fearless wonder. Tell me why you’re in here crying, hate to see pretty girls cry.”
Lois leaned into his shoulder, embarrassed. “Ughh, I got left here and I don’t know what to do.”
Elvis patted the top of her hair. “Yeah, I saw you from the stage, looked like you were all alone through the show. Ain’t ya folks coming to pick ya up?”
“Nuh uh, I came with my cousins. They didn’t want to be near me during the show, I guess I cramp their style, then they left afterwards without me. Sorta a practical joke, I suppose.”
“Well, c’mon, let’s go find a phone and get you daddy to come getcha.” Elvis stood and Lois pulled herself up on his outstretched hand. His face still gleamed with a slight sheen of sweat in the dim glare of the stairwell, and his hair had a glossy radiance to it. She leaned on him for balance, and he put his hand on her waist as she adjusted herself. A blush crept up her cheeks, and Elvis’ lips quirked.”What’s your name, lil’ gal?”
“Lois. Lois Stern.”
Elvis spoke slowly, and softly, stepping back and talking her hand to walk out of the stairwell. “Well, alright then, lil’ Lois, let’s go call ya dad.”
Lois gasped as he walked her in to the hallway. “That’s just the thing, I’m visiting from Los Angeles, and, and, I don’t know my grandparent’s number, or my aunt and uncle’s…”
Elvis stopped for a minute. “Hmm, know where they live?”
“Not the street, but… they live at Quien Sabe Ranch, people round here might know where that is.”
Elvis stopped to think. “K, this is what we gonna do.” His voice was low and playful. “I gotta take the boys back to our motel, then I’ll drive ya home. Sound good?”
Lois nodded, she couldn’t help the dizzy feeling of relief and excitement and attraction that radiated from her face, and Elvis chuckled as he pulled her into his side and walked her out the back door.
Dipping her french fry in her strawberry shake, Lois looked up to see Elvis’ horrified expression. She giggled.
“What? Never seen someone mix savor and sweet before? It’s delicious, you should try.” She reached across the table with her half eaten fry, and giggled more at his scowl.
“Uh uh. No thankee. No ma’am. These are potatoes and this is a shake. Sometimes they mix in my mouf, but uh, somethin about dippin it in.” He shook his head. “Nope, just don’t sit right with me.”
“C’mon, I promise you’ll like it.”
Elvis shrugged and sat up, and smiling. “Ugh, alright, can’t say know to you, lil’ Lou Lou.”
Then opened his mouth, and Lois fed him the rest of her strawberry milkshake covered fry. He sucked back up over her finger with a devilish glare, and Lois laughed, pulled her finger out of his mouth,
“Ya right.” He said licking his lips. “S’good. S’perfect. Huh, shudda known, the lil’ Lou Lou special would taste just… mhmmm.” He grunted.
Lois chuckled uncontrollably. Then stopped when she noticed an older couple at a booth down the restaurant looking over at them with disdain, and then whispering to each other. She looked back at Elvis, his lace shirt, eye liner and greased back hair made him somewhat of a spectacle in Midland, Texas. Lois slid her left saddle shoe along the inside of his hush puppy, her knee grazing his slightly. It was the second most forward thing she had ever done. The first being getting in his car with him and three men, dropping them off at a hotel, and then riding alone with him to grab something to eat before he drove her home. Elvis leaned his knee back into hers, arching his left eyebrow up.
She nodded her chin at the booth behind him. He turned his head to look as she said, “I think you got some fans?” The couple scowled and looked away when Elvis waved at them.
“Aw, they just sore I got a fancier shirt then them.” He took a big bite of burger. “Sow, whads yoar sthorry, darglin?” he asked, mouth full of food and eyes full of mischief.
The door bell rang behind her, and more people came into the diner. Lois didn’t notice. She breathed deep, savoring the spectaclar turn of events, the sweetness of the strawberry shake, the warmth of Elvis legs as they slide tighter on either side of hers and she breathed in with a smile, feeling her blush return.
“Hmmm, well, I’m 16, I love in Pasadena, California, and I’m stuck here in the middle of nowhere Midland Texas for three weeks.” She sipped her shake. “My mom grew up here, met my father in Houston, and he took her back out to Pasadena where he’s from, and that’s where I live with my kid brother. But my grandfather, well, my mom says if I want to go to college or have a wedding, Zeyde’s the one who’d pay for it, so its my job to come visit and make nice.”
Elvis hand moved over Lois’ knee, rubbing the top.
“Hmm, zeyde, you Jewish?” Lois nodded. “Ya know, my neighbors back home in Memphis are Jews, or they were, ‘bout half ma friends are. They taught me yid-a-yish, ya know.”
“Hmmm.” Lois flipped her hair to the side, tucking her dark curls behind her ear. “I hope they taught you yiddish, too, might come in handy if you ever play Brooklyn, or LA for that matter.”
Elvis squeezed her hand. “I know ya aint makin’ fun of the way I talk, are ya Lois?” Then moved his fingers down to pinch her knee.
Lois squealed, inviting another sharp look from the other couple at the back.
“No, no no. I swear, I didn’t mean it,” she yelped as he ticked her leg, she almost fell over giggling when he stopped.
“Whoweee,” Elvis exclaimed, catching his breath from laughing. His eyes locked with Lois’ and his expression became more serious. “Whoweeee… hmmm. Ya got a boyfriend out there, back in Passsa -a -dena?”
Lois shook her head, sucking up the last of her shake.
“Ever had one?”
She shook her head again, looking down.
“Ever been kissed?” his voice cracked as it hit a higher register.
Another head shake. “Nope, I’m preparing for life as an old maid. Weighing my options, librarian or school marm?” Lois smoothed down her white blouse, straightening the dragonfly broach above her breast. The light glinted off of the rhinestones in it and she looked back at Elvis. He pursed his lips, his hand now moved under her skirt and over her bare her knee slowly, firmly, insistently.
“Mhmmmm, I think you could probably do whatever ya set ya mind to. But I promise ya, you’re too pretty to be a spinster, Lou Lou. Mhmmm. Someone’s liable to grab ya up, when you least expect it. I bet you’ll be married ‘fore you’re twenty. If that’s what ya want.” He squeezed her knee. “Right, let’s blow this popsicle stand.”
Elvis’ pink Cadillac Fleetwood drove up the road, passing the large metal sign with Quien Sabe Ranch hollowed out. He had stopped at a gas station to get directions, thankfully the property was a well-known local landmark, and once they had got to a certain point, Lois had been able to help with directions. His arm tightened around her shoulder, and she rubbed her head into his arm,  hating the prospect of leaving the warmth of his touch, the delicious feeling of being enclosed in him completely.The large house at the center of the property was aglow, and little lights twinkled from the other houses and buildings around the compound. A small pond sat beside the big house, and Elvis pulled next to the tree there, about twenty yards from her grand parents front door.
“You didn’t tell me you lived in a manshun.” Elvis finger traced along the top of her arm.
Lois turned into him, her mouth next to his ear as she whispered. “I don’t. I live in a small, three bedroom house in California. Think you’ll ever come out that way?”
Elvis pulled her into him. “Hell yes. You know.” He drew back from her, turning to look into her big brown eyes, his large fingers feathered over her forehead, and his face lit up with tender excitement. “You should start a fan club. I don’t have one there yet. Start a fan club for me, out in Los Angle - les, mhmm?”
Lois looked up in to his eyes, the earnest emotion she saw there was so intense she immediately acquiesced, shaking her head. “Yes, of course, gosh. Me?”
Elvis smiled. “You’re swell, you know that? And pretty.” His fingers trailed down to Lois’ waist, it felt like the whole side of her body fit into his large hand as she pushed into it.
“I bet you say that to all the girls”
Elvis leaned in closer, his nose hovered above hers.
“Nope. Only tha pretty ones.”
His hand moved up, and his thumb slid over her torso, coming to notch right below her breast. Lois exhaled slowly.
“Can I kiss you, Lois?”
She answered by leaning up, and kissing him first. Smooshing her lips fervently, awkwardly, roughly onto his. Her arms snaked around his neck as Elvis smacked off, laughing, both hands at her waist.
“Whooooa, whoooo.” he leaned in, and softly kissed Lois’ cheek. “Slow down, baby, slow down. This ain’t the Kentucky Derby.”
Lois giggled, then moaned as he kissed her neck and peppered a trail of soft kisses from her jaw to her mouth. She moved, slowly, with the rhythm of his body as he kissed her again on her lips, this time pushing his tongue into her mouth, and grinning as she jerked back, wiping her mouth with surprise and catching her breath.
“S’called a French kiss.” Elvis announced, rubbing her arm.
Lois grinned. “You know, I’ve never been kissed before. I …” she smiled sheepishly. “I think this is the best night of my life.
Elvis smirked, and squeezed her shoulder.
“Tell me your number baby, I’ll call you when I come out to California.”
“Do you have something to write it down with?”
Elvis pointed to his head. “Nu uh, this is all I need, just tell me your number. C’mon now, I gotta get back, heading on to Abilene early. Reckon the boys already put an ABP out for me”  He cupped his hand over his mouth, as if talking into a police radio. “Look for a young gal, dark, dangerous, pretty as heck—”
Lois slapped his shoulder. “Ok, ok, ok. My number is FA 3- 2780, that’s FA for Fairoaks, 3- 2780.”
Elvis bent over and kissed her cheek, then leaned across her lap to pull her door open. “Alright Lou Lou, FA 3 - 2780, got.” He grinned, as she got out of the car and turned around to see his eyes following her as she walked up to the house and went inside the door. A low whistle came out of the car as she swished her hips a little more and she grinned into herself. Later that night, after explaining most of what happened to her grandparents in thebroadest, vaguest terms possible, Lois would go on to collapse upstairs on her bed, and spend the night replaying her time with Elvis, trying to conjure up the feeling of his arm around her and his lips on her mouth.
8:35 PM, Sunday March 25, 1956
The Stern Household, Pasadena, CA
The sound of her mother answering the phone stirred Lois from her homework, and she stared ahead at the TV.
“C’mon Ritchie, put the Ed Sullivan Show, huh?”
Her brother turned and stuck his tongue out at her.
“Thought you were doing homework, four eyes.” He laughed, nodding at her new glasses.
Ugh, glasses, an annoying brother, I really will die a spinster.
Just then, her mother leaned into the living room from the hallway.
“Lois? There’s a young man on the phone for you. He said his name is Elvis Presley….” Lois jumped up off the couch with a shriek. Marjorie Stern looked with alarm at her daughter as she dashed for the telephone. “Wait… that name sounds familiar, is he in your class?”
Lois grabbed the phone, waving her mom away.
“Hey, Lou Lou? That you? Where you been, I've been calling you all day. I just got to Los Angle - less. When can I pick ya up? Been hankering for that Lou Lou special. Ya know, something sweet and savory mixed ta gether.”
taglist: @whositmcwhatsit​ @ellie-24​ @missmaywemeetagain​ @be-my-ally​ @vintageshanny​ @from-memphis-with-love​
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mgautotransport · 23 days
How to Find the Best Car Shipping Method for Transporting Cars
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Choosing the right method for shipping your car can be a daunting task, especially with so many options available. Whether you’re relocating, buying a car online, or need to transport a vehicle for any reason, finding the best car shipping method is crucial if you want to ensure your vehicle arrives safely and on time. This section will guide you through the key steps to determine the most suitable car shipping method for your needs. 
Step 1: Choose a Car Shipping Company
The first and most crucial step is to select a reputable Car Shipping Company San Diego CA. Research various companies, read customer reviews, and verify their credentials. Look for companies that have a proven track record, proper licensing, and insurance coverage. 
It’s also essential to check if the company offers the specific type of transport you need, whether it’s open or enclosed Auto Transport Companies San Diego or specialized shipping options like air or train transport. 
Step 2: Selecting the Best Car Shipping Option for Your Needs
Once you have a list of potential car shipping companies, the next step is to choose the shipping method that best suits your needs. Consider factors such as the type of vehicle you’re transporting, the distance it needs to travel, and any specific protection requirements.
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Open car transport is the most common and cost-effective method, but it offers less protection than enclosed transport. For luxury, classic, or high-value vehicles, enclosed transport might be the better option, offering added security and protection from the elements. 
Step 3: Choose Your Shipping Budget
Your budget is a significant factor in determining the best car shipping method. Different transport methods come with varying costs, so it’s important to understand what you’re willing to spend. 
While open carrier transport is generally more affordable, enclosed carriers, train, or air transport will be more expensive. Factor in any additional services you may need, such as door-to-door delivery or expedited shipping, as these can also affect the overall cost.
Step 4: Determination of Cost Effectiveness
After selecting a company and shipping method, the final step is to evaluate its cost-effectiveness. Compare the cost of your chosen method against the level of service, protection, and convenience it offers. 
Consider any potential risks and the value of your vehicle. For example, while air transport is the fastest option, it may not be cost-effective unless you’re shipping a high-value or rare vehicle. Similarly, train transport may be cheaper for long distances, but it might not offer the flexibility of door-to-door delivery like truck transport.
Car Transport by Train
Transporting a car by train is an often-overlooked but highly effective option, especially for long-distance moves. Car transport by train offers a unique blend of affordability and reliability, making it an attractive choice for certain types of car shipments. However, it also comes with its own set of challenges and considerations. Below, we'll explore the advantages, disadvantages, and important factors to consider when opting for car shipping by rail, as well as how to prepare your vehicle for this type of shipping.
One of the primary benefits of car transport by train is cost-effectiveness, especially for long-distance hauls. Train transport can be significantly cheaper than shipping by truck or air, particularly when moving vehicles across the country. Additionally, trains have a set schedule, which can provide a predictable timeframe for delivery. 
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Trains are also less affected by road conditions and traffic, reducing the risk of delays. Another advantage is the ability to transport multiple vehicles simultaneously, which can be beneficial for dealerships or families moving several cars at once.
While car transport by train has its perks, there are also some disadvantages to consider. The most significant drawback is the lack of door-to-door service; your vehicle will likely need to be dropped off and picked up at specific train terminals, which may be inconvenient depending on your location. Train routes are also fixed, limiting flexibility in terms of delivery locations. 
Furthermore, while trains are generally reliable, they may be slower than other methods, especially when factoring in the additional time required for car transport by railway to and from the train station.
Factors to Consider
It's important to weigh up several factors when exploring the option of car transport by train. First, consider the proximity of train terminals to your starting point and destination. If they are far from either location, the convenience and cost benefits may diminish. Additionally, check the train schedule to ensure it matches your timeline, as trains may run less frequently than other transport options. 
Another consideration is the level of protection your vehicle will receive; while car transport by train is generally safe, vehicles are often exposed to the elements. If you're shipping a luxury or classic car, you might want to look into enclosed train options, if available.
Preparing Your Vehicle for Shipping
Proper preparation is key to ensuring smooth and successful car transport by train. Start by cleaning your car thoroughly, both inside and out, to make it easier to inspect for any pre-existing damage. 
Remove all personal items from the vehicle, as these are not covered by transport insurance and could shift during transit. 
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Check tire pressure, fluid levels, and battery charge to ensure that your car is in good working condition. 
Finally, document the condition of your car with photos and notes and confirm that you have all necessary documentation, including registration and proof of insurance, ready for when you drop it off at the train terminal.
For more info:-
Car Transport Companies in San Diego CA
Car Transport Company
Car Transport San Diego CA
Car Transport San Diego To Miami
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quick-ship-cars · 8 months
Ship Your Car Like a Pro: A Comprehensive Guide to Interstate Car Shipping 
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Shipping your car can be a daunting task, whether you're moving to a new state or simply need to transport your vehicle to a new location. With so many options out there, it can be difficult to know where to start. In this article, we'll explore everything you need to know about shipping your car, from the cost to the best car shipping companies and more. 
How Much Does It Cost to Ship a Car? 
The cost of shipping your car can vary widely depending on a number of factors, including the distance, the type of vehicle, and the shipping method. According to MarketWatch, shipping a car to or from Hawaii typically costs somewhere between $1,500 and $2,500. For example, shipping car to hawaii from east coast can cost anywhere from $1,500 to $2,500. 
It's important to note that the earlier you can book your auto transport, the more likely you are to receive the best prices and avoid any schedule or availability issues. So, if you know you'll need to ship your car soon, it's a good idea to start researching your options and getting quotes as soon as possible. 
Choosing the Right Car Shipping Company 
When it comes to shipping your car, choosing the right car shipping company is crucial. You want to work with a company that is reliable, trustworthy, and experienced in handling all types of vehicles. Here are a few things to look for when choosing a car shipping company: 
Experience: Look for a company that has years of experience in the industry and a proven track record of satisfied customers. 
Customer service: A good car shipping company should provide top-notch customer service and be available to answer any questions or concerns you may have. 
Insurance: Make sure the company you choose is fully licensed, insured, and bonded to protect your vehicle during transport. 
Shipping options: Look for a company that offers a range of shipping options to meet your needs, whether you need open car transport, enclosed car transport, or expedited shipping. 
Some of the best car shipping companies, according to MarketWatch, include Montway Auto Transport, Sherpa Auto Transport, SGT Auto Transport, AmeriFreight, and American Auto Shipping. These companies have all earned high scores for their reliability, customer service, and competitive pricing. 
Car Shipping from Hawaii to the East Coast 
If you're looking to ship your car from Hawaii to the East Coast, there are several methods available to you. You can drive your car from the East Coast to a port on the West Coast and then ship it across the ocean to Hawaii directly by way of a ferry. Alternatively, you can ship your car using a roll-on/roll-off (RORO) service, which involves driving your car onto a cargo ship and then unloading it at the destination port 
Here are a few examples of ports where you can ship your car from Hawaii to the East Coast: 
Long Beach, CA 
San Diego, CA 
Oakland, CA 
Tacoma, WA 
Seattle, WA 
A trustworthy auto transport company will be more than happy to run through the car shipping process with you and answer any questions you may have. Don't be afraid to ask as many questions as you need to. 
Final Thoughts 
Shipping your car doesn't have to be a stressful or overwhelming experience. By doing your research, choosing the right interstate car shipping company, and understanding the costs and options available to you, you can ensure that your vehicle arrives at its destination safely and on time. Whether you're moving to a new state or simply need to transport your car to a new location, there are plenty of reliable and trustworthy car shipping companies out there to help you get the job done. 
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Are you ready to ship your vehicle with confidence during these challenging times? Contact Ship Vehicles San Diego, your trusted partner in car shipping.
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scottsautocarrier · 1 year
The Road to Seamless Vehicle Shipping Quotes: Scott's Auto Carrier San Diego
In the vibrant city of San Diego, where the sun-kissed beaches meet the bustling streets, there's a name you can trust when it comes to hassle-free vehicle shipping quotes - Scott's Auto Carrier San Diego. Whether you're moving cross-country or simply need to transport your prized vehicle, Scott's Auto Carrier is your go-to solution. In this blog post, we'll delve into the world of vehicle shipping quotes and explore how Scott's Auto Carrier San Diego makes the process a breeze.
1: Understanding Vehicle Shipping Quotes
1: What Are Vehicle Shipping Quotes?
Vehicle shipping quotes are estimates provided by auto transport companies, detailing the cost of transporting your vehicle from one location to another. These quotes take into account various factors, such as the distance, type of vehicle, shipping method, and current market conditions. Understanding these quotes is crucial to making an informed decision.
2: Why Do You Need Vehicle Shipping Quotes?
Whether you're relocating to a new city or buying a car from another state, vehicle shipping quotes help you plan your budget and select the right transport service. They offer transparency and help you avoid unexpected costs, ensuring a smooth and cost-effective shipping experience.
2: The Benefits of Choosing Scott's Auto Carrier San Diego
1: A Trusted Name in San Diego
Scott's Auto Carrier San Diego has been serving the community for years, earning a reputation for reliability and customer satisfaction. When you choose us, you're choosing a company deeply rooted in the local area.
2: Competitive Pricing
We understand the importance of competitive pricing. Our vehicle shipping quotes are designed to offer you value for your money while maintaining the highest quality of service. With us, you can expect fair and transparent pricing.
3: Personalized Solutions
No two vehicle shipping needs are the same. Scott's Auto Carrier San Diego tailors its services to your specific requirements. Whether you're shipping a classic car, an SUV, or a motorcycle, we have the expertise and equipment to handle it with care.
3: How to Get a Vehicle Shipping Quote from Scott's Auto Carrier San Diego
1: Contact Us
Getting a vehicle shipping quote from Scott's Auto Carrier San Diego is easy. Simply contact our friendly team via phone or our website. We'll gather the necessary information to provide you with an accurate quote.
2: Detailed Information
To ensure precision, be prepared to share details about your vehicle, the pickup and drop-off locations, and your preferred shipping method (e.g., open transport or enclosed transport). The more information you provide, the more accurate your quote will be.
4: Tips for Evaluating Vehicle Shipping Quotes
1: Compare Multiple Quotes
It's always a good practice to obtain quotes from multiple auto transport companies. This allows you to compare prices, services, and customer reviews to make an informed decision.
2: Beware of Hidden Costs
Scrutinize the quotes for any hidden fees or charges. With Scott's Auto Carrier San Diego, you can trust that our quotes are transparent and include all relevant costs.
When it comes to vehicle shipping quotes in San Diego, Scott's Auto Carrier stands out as a trusted, competitively priced, and customer-focused choice. We understand that shipping your vehicle is more than just a transaction; it's an investment in peace of mind. 
Name - Scott’s Auto Carrier San Diego
Address - San Diego, CA
Phone No. - +18666914633
Website - https://www.scottsautocarrier.com/
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autoshippinggroup · 2 years
Can I Opt For Affordable Montana Car Shipping Services?
Want to move your car from one place to another place? If yes, you can choose from an array of services in the market that can make your task quite easy and simple. You will have an option to choose from several car transportation services. You will also be required to learn about the parameters that govern the quality of shipping service.
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franksautotransport · 6 months
What steps should take before shipping the vehicle to an auto transport company
When it comes to entrusting your vehicle to an auto transport company in California, meticulous preparation is key to a seamless experience. Taking the right steps beforehand ensures a smooth journey for your vehicle and peace of mind for you.
Research Auto Transport Companies Verify Insurance Coverage Check Licensing and Credentials Review Terms and Conditions Prepare the Vehicle
Obtain a Copy of the Transport Contract
So, the steps you take before entrusting your vehicle to an auto transport company California are crucial for a smooth and stress-free experience. For those seeking a reliable and exhilarating auto transport experience, look no further than Franks Auto Transport Company. Specializing in auto transport and car shipping in California, Southern California, and Oregon, Franks Auto Transport Company combines professionalism with a commitment to the well-being of your vehicle. Choose us for a transportation experience that goes beyond expectations.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
We had a decent night and the number said she posted her accurate and within a half a percent no they're accurate and it's going that way. And these people are far more aggravating than they have been and they're being rounded up for it the house is being emptied as we speak and commercial buildings secured and finally the woods and bunkers are sealed or filled. Other areas are boats and they're pulling them out of those and Steve Boston Marathon bombers there's a correlation here and these guys made a device that didn't do anything and in a party in a boat it's a particular boat and it will make sense to you morlok.. and the force in California is sacking San Francisco and proceeding to Los Angeles they're going to remove everybody there and hold it and la they're moving everyone and pushing everyone down San Diego and they're going to start pushing Westward after pushing South now I'm going to push North and south on the East Coast and clear you out more luck all of you including clones. There's a lot of films that go on out west in the cities that they're supposed to go to occupy but what we think is the occupy the cities and then the Canada ship leaves and there's far too much pressure for them to hold those cities from warlock too and foreigners who still use them to get in and I'm correct he says and having him in the Midwest at that time might be a problem they'd be aggressive as hell mostly the clones. Having him there after makes sense because it is north of the Gulf where there's a big humongous ship. And that's right he knows his role. And they will see the logic to it it's too close for them to fight off the clothes etc and the clones want to move too so. And after the diamond and then also try to grab us still and it's supposed to not know about it but that's kind of supposed to be a trick. They will be down to Los Angeles today at the outskirts and it kind of are but San Francisco will be cleared by then there's a big job.
-another news we are pursuing taking over companies because nobody else is running them properly and they're failing miserably some of them are car companies Chryslers taking the nosed to have Ford is having issues Chevy is not doing bad but those are a couple of big companies and Dodge is included in Chrysler in the above. Kia is not doing well in fact most companies are automobile companies are not in Chevy will soon fall to her due to supply problems and we're supposed to be building cars. The Midwest is emptying the cone should be empty today I would say it everyday but where going to drop it The bunker that is and the rivers are empty either about 40% empty and coming out of there's tons of stuff that we're retaining tons of stuff and they get the chassis so they don't know what to do with them it's true this truck those trucks they put the old bodies on and they should but we'll see they don't know what to do so they leave the chassis. Right now there's not a great amount of places to build a factory or to run one and we have areas top side and we're building it or opening factories for necessities transportation is necessity but we have new cars coming out there's still fairly decent and motorcycles lots of them but they're not inexpensive there's a lot of people who can't get around and can't go to work we thought of a whole bunch of ideas but really have to have a car that's safe so we're back to making kits and metal kits are the best and we have several for regular cars we have several ideas on how to put it together. So sunpipes up and says you make a simple simple trim down Camaro kit and people like Camaros doesn't have too fast souped up special what does have to look cool and the Camaro coming out now it isn't like the coolest one and this is 24 we're talking about so I'd like to pull a fast one so you have all these Camaro chassis and we can make sedans out of like you know like Maserati kids or Mercedes kits and the cheaper than bring the cars but might not make a Camaro kit for the Camaro chassis and then roll into 2024 with the same model very confusing for some people but not me cuz these people buy odd things to change into strange things.. and that was our son and we think it'll work your mismatching no but it is kind of a kit and you call it a kit. And the assembly would be my others and he's right you can make a 2024 model and just roll it into Chevy is making them pretty much the same cuz they thought it was cool and they're taking the business back so I like the idea it's kind of a cool idea and we can make the body a little different in 24 but pretty much similar and some of the Camaros that came out pretty awesome looking and he wants to make that and it's talking about Corvettes and Camaros and sedans are kind of hard to make it into a kit nobody wants to buy it special sedan she may come Maserati and Lamborghini has a four wheeler car for Porsche makes a full door and Mercedes Saab Audi and the last one's a big seller by the way and that would sell everywhere it'd be awesome it'll be a kit car on like an American chassis except for Europe and in Europe you just do the same thing he was a kid and you know it was a kit, get on the inside it's kind of bare bones. It would look cool but there would be anything in it extra and it'd be like felt so no doors and stuff maybe a little leather seats it says probably felt seats and they'd have to redo them cuz I want a kit car.
So we're going to prepare a package and see how it goes that's a good idea. And we'll just start selling kit cars by the shipload and have factories along perimeter for them to assemble them that's another idea too what he's saying is second aftermarket car and it's not OEM so you have all these cars that are like knock off some people think it's them just building cars that are similar and actually like it cuz the stupid automatic windows never work and someone's coming up with a weapon and you're trying to roll it up and it doesn't go up it's very frustrating. I'm going to go ahead with that idea and others of our son and daughter and ours and very soon Thor Freya Olympus and he's out of charge of his phone
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Best Packers and Moving Companies USA, Xmile Auto Transport
Generally, the motor vehicle that are sent or even acquired coming from one nation to yet another include automobiles, vehicles, motor patterns, Motor Home's, trailers, manufactured homes, buses, air craft, water made, helicopters, planes, airplanes, tractor or trailer gears, massive tools and also other rolled machineries. The best packers and moving companies may take care of regulatory policies that help in entry of lorries in a different states/countries.
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mgautotransport · 29 days
Who is the Most Reliable Car Transport Company in the USA?
When it comes to transporting your vehicle across the vast distances of the United States, choosing a reliable car transport company is crucial. Whether you're relocating, purchasing a car from another state, or simply need to move your vehicle for any reason, the peace of mind that comes with knowing your car is in safe hands is invaluable. Among the many options available, MG Auto Transport in San Diego, California, stands out as the most reliable car transport company in the USA.
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Why Choose MG Auto Transport?
1. Unmatched Reliability and Experience: MG Auto Transport has built a solid reputation over the years as a trustworthy and dependable car transport company. Located in San Diego, California, MG Auto Transport has a wealth of experience in the car shipping industry. Their team of professionals is well-versed in the intricacies of transporting vehicles, ensuring that your car arrives at its destination safely and on time.
2. Comprehensive Nationwide Service: No matter where you are in the United States, MG Auto Transport offers comprehensive nationwide car transport services. Whether you're moving to a neighboring state or across the country, they have the expertise and resources to handle your vehicle transportation needs efficiently.
3. Customized Solutions for Every Need: MG Auto Transport understands that each customer has unique requirements. They offer a range of services tailored to meet your specific needs, whether you need door-to-door delivery, expedited shipping, or specialized transport for luxury or classic cars. Their flexible service options ensure that you get the best solution for your situation.
4. Competitive Pricing with No Hidden Fees: Transparency is key at MG Auto Transport. They offer competitive pricing with no hidden fees, so you can trust that the quote you receive is what you'll pay. This commitment to honesty and fairness has earned them the trust of countless customers nationwide.
5. Top-Notch Customer Service: MG Auto Transport takes pride in its exceptional customer service. Their team is always available to answer your questions, provide updates on your vehicle's status, and address any concerns you may have. From the moment you contact them until your car is safely delivered, you'll experience personalized and attentive service.
6. Advanced Tracking and Security: Your vehicle's safety is their top priority. MG Auto Transport employs advanced tracking technology, allowing you to monitor your car's journey in real time. Their state-of-the-art security measures ensure that your vehicle is protected throughout the entire transport process.
Testimonials from Satisfied Customers
Customers consistently rave about their experiences with MG Auto Transport. One satisfied client shared, "I was nervous about shipping my car across the country, but MG Auto Transport made the process seamless. They were professional, communicative, and my car arrived in perfect condition. I wouldn't trust anyone else with my vehicle."
Another customer remarked, "MG Auto Transport exceeded my expectations. Their team was friendly, the price was fair, and my car arrived right on time. I'll definitely use them again in the future."
When it comes to finding the most reliable car transport company in the USA, look no further than MG Auto Transport in San Diego, California. With their unmatched experience, nationwide service, competitive pricing, and commitment to customer satisfaction, MG Auto Transport is the go-to choice for anyone needing safe and efficient car transport services. Trust them to deliver your vehicle with the utmost care and professionalism, no matter where you need it to go.
Whether you're moving, buying a car from out of state, or need to transport a vehicle for any other reason, MG Auto Transport is the company you can rely on. Contact them today to learn more about their services and to get a quote tailored to your needs.
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mulderist · 4 years
Wicked Game
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Chapter 1  // Chapter 2 // Chapter 3  // Chapter 4 // Read on A03
Washington, D.C - 1948. Fox Mulder is a detective on the top vice unit; scandal, corruption, and lies come with the territory. He is forced to investigate a fellow officer and finds the lies go much deeper than the truth.
tagging @today-in-fic​
The phone rang three times before she answered. My jaw ached as I tried to mask the slur in my voice when I told her who was calling. I realized it was a long shot ringing her number but I needed something to get my head on straight. I told her I was in Georgetown and as luck would have it she did not have a shift at the hospital that evening. She accepted my invitation to have a drink. I confirmed her address and I said I would wait outside the building to meet her, adding to look for the forlorn gentleman with a grey fedora. We disconnected and I exited the booth then walked to the curb to hail a cab. 
Scully’s apartment building was tucked into a quiet tree-lined block on Q Street. In a town built on history this neighborhood dripped vintage charm with neat colonial rowhouses and brick sidewalks. I paced a slow line in front of the staircase then stretched a foot on the bottom step. The sound of a door opening and heel clicks on brickwork caught my attention. There she was. A vision in a short-sleeved olive green sweater with a high neck, wide-leg trousers gave way to dark t-strap shoes that peeked out from under her pant cuffs. Her ginger-red hair was pinned up halfway and decorated with a small flower. I straightened up and tried to smile as she landed on the last step. 
“God, what happened to you?” she questioned before I could even greet her properly. 
“And hello to you too.” I replied.
“Oh, your cheek,” Scully frowned, “This reminds me of when we first met.” She inspected my face without laying a finger on me. I tipped back my hat slightly so she could get a better look. In the afternoon sun her eyes processed a diagnosis and she reached out a caring hand to touch my jawline but withdrew it quickly. Fingers formed a loose fist instead as her hand dropped slowly towards her hip. I cleared my throat.
“Serves me right for interrupting someone’s lunch, huh?”
“Must have been someone important for them to leave a mark like that,” Scully said, stepping back and adjusting her handbag. I shrugged then said,
“No, just me being a nosy cop.” I found myself staring as she smiled.
“So now that we’re here, where are we off to?”
“There’s a little place I visit when I’m in the neighborhood.” I slipped my hands in my pockets and gestured with a nod down the block. She joined me at my side and we strolled for a few silent moments. Her presence helped to mute the extra noise in my head. Though with each intersection we crossed I was still checking my corners, making sure we weren’t being followed. After the little scene I caused at the restaurant my guard was up. I knew I could never be too comfortable with my surroundings and I certainly didn’t want to put her in danger.
We walked farther down Q street and crossed over to 33rd to a small bar named The Blue Note. I opened the door for her and followed inside. It was your standard set-up with a small stage on the side arranged for a jazz combo. Too early for a gig, so the jukebox in the corner played the matinee performance. Regalia from the university littered the walls but in a more dignified fashion, like the proprietor was trying to distance the establishment from looking like a run-of-the-mill college bar. Still, it was dark, smoky, and my kind of familiar. Only a couple of bar flies had landed to start their day-drinking. I ushered her through a fresh haze of cigarette smoke to an empty spot at the far end of the bar. She took a seat and I adjusted my barstool, sitting close but not too close. Scully caught the attention of the stout bartender.
“I’d like a vodka tonic and my friend here will have?”
The man nodded and scuttled back to fix our drinks. I put my fedora on the bar and ran a hand through my hair.
“Can you tell me about this case you’re working on?” Scully asked as she placed her handbag in her lap. I thought about how much I wanted to divulge so I kept the names and places to a minimum.
“It involves a drug ring, fairly standard for the vice unit. However the fly in the ointment is that it also involves an investigation into my partner.”
“Wait, the one who was buried at Arlington?”
“The very same,” I answered as the bartender delivered two short glasses. I grasped the drink and raised it, she mimicked the motion. “Cheers,” I said before taking a long sip and swirling the ice cube around. Scully sampled her drink as well and I continued.
“The papers painted it that he was killed in the line of duty. Now, I was there that night. It was the same night I got a hot lead kiss on the shoulder and I think my partner was bumped off in a deal that went sour.”
“Your partner was a hophead?” she asked as she twisted the bottom of her glass on the bar napkin.
“I didn’t suspect he was a hophead,” I said after I downed the last of my whiskey, “but the medical examiner ordered blood work that confirmed he was sky high.”
“Did you see who shot at you?” she asked after a beat, tracing a fingertip along the edge of the highball. 
“No, but we did get a match on the weapon. So all I need to do is take him in .”
“Let me guess, that’s who gave you the bruise.”
“Very perceptive Scully. It was one of his goons actually.” I said as I rubbed my left cheek and glanced reflexively over my shoulder. She held her glass close to her lips and thought for a moment before taking another sip to finish it off. Scully pressed her lips together and focused on her now empty glass. I caught the change in music from the jukebox; a heavy piano piece that fit the tone in our little corner of the bar. I flagged the bartender and ordered another round.  She was hesitant at first on the refill but I guess she didn’t mind my company and decided to stick around. Time seemed to slow to a halt, dripped down like molasses on a winter day.
“Enough about me and the DCPD, I want to know your story.”
“My story, Mulder? I don’t think I’m as interesting as all that,” Scully said as she glanced at her hands, admiring the tidy red varnish on the nails.
“Try me,” I replied as our second round arrived and my attention was now only on her.
“Let’s see...you already know I’m a nurse,” she began with a gesture, “I’ve been one since before the war. Schooling was no cost and once the conflict started I opted to stay home in Maryland to fill the nursing shortage. My brothers had gone through the gauntlet at the naval academy and were sent to San Diego then the South Pacific respectively. It would have broken my mother’s heart if I joined up and got shipped off too” She paused and took a drink. “My sister and mother stayed in Annapolis but in ‘45 I headed to Washington to continue with medicine. There was more I wanted to learn and more ways I felt I could help.”
“And that’s how you ended up in Georgetown?”
She nodded and softly exhaled.
“After I buried my father, I buried myself in studies, work, and other hobbies. I figured if I kept myself busy enough I wouldn’t have time to think about the loss.” Her shoulders shrugged and she absentmindedly toyed with a strand of hair then swept it behind her ear.
“Any travel in that time?” I asked, hoping she had an answer. I was shit at small talk when I wasn’t using my badge.
“California after the war ended to see my brother Bill and his family for Christmas, then last year I took the train up to New England for a change of scenery.”
“Ah, I’m familiar with that area. My parents live on Martha’s Vineyard.”
“It’s really lovely. I was fortunate to visit in the fall.” A hint of a smile crossed her lips as she recalled the memory. A pleasant silence then fell between us. More small talk followed, less personal this go around. Filler subjects like the weather and sports weaved their way into conversation. I was pleased to learn she was a baseball fan and was hoping for a better season than last year. 
The bar was getting more clientele and as much as I wanted to stay and extend my friendship with Mr Jack Daniels, I figured we should make it last call. I paid our tab and escorted Scully outside, placing a featherweight touch on her shoulder as I guided her through the open door. The air felt cool as the sun hid behind passing clouds, setting up for another storm. She thanked me for the drinks and though she was a captain’s daughter who could certainly hold her liquor, I offered to walk her home. 
As we turned the corner and walked back up the block I still felt that we weren’t alone. I kept a close stride next to Scully as we neared her building. She ascended the steps and I joined her at the door. This time her hand found my cheek. 
“I hope to see you again,” she said as she gently stroked my jawline, “But next time without any occupational damage.” 
“Can’t make any promises, doll,” I said moving closer, feeling her fingers twitch, catching a flutter of her eyelashes as she exhaled. My gaze was soft, hypnotized by her features. She grazed the stubble on my skin then Scully raised her chin and placed a soft sweet kiss on my injured cheek. 
“Take care of yourself, detective.”
Through the narrow pane of glass on the building’s door I watched her walk up the stairs, she looked back over her shoulder giving me a final flash of that flower nestled against her red hair. As I turned and walked down the steps I noticed a car parked across the street and a man with a sharp suit and glasses leaning against the side.
“Are you following me?” I called out once I was on the sidewalk, my hand on the butt of my weapon.
“This is your surveillance detail?” Skinner questioned.
“Chivalry isn’t dead yet, Captain.”
“Something’s come up. Get in,” Skinner said as he motioned to the car. I walked around the front of the cruiser and opened the passenger door joining him inside.
“I heard about your incident with Carlo Lodi today.”
“Word travels fast.”
“You’re damn right it does, Mulder. This city is more connected than ever. I had a conversation with our friend Alex Krycek when he returned the squad car you lent him. Seems that he was privy to information regarding a Vincenti heroin shipment tonight.”
“Ha! What did you have to trade for that info?” I asked. He tensed his jaw then said,
“Continued protection. It appears he’s been sitting on this since we first interrogated him.”
“Jesus Christ.”
“There will be a boat arriving at the Navy Yard tonight. Small crew. They are going to make a transfer to one of the warehouses, but it’s up to you to find how they’re moving the shipment from there.”
I took a moment to process the details of my assignment. 
“Will I have back-up?”
“Via radio. Do not engage after you make the mark. Follow standard tailing procedure.”
“If you’re going to send me on a suicide mission, can you at least drop me off in Alexandria. I could use a shower and something to eat.” Skinner gave me a sideways glance and turned the key in the ignition, bringing life to the cruiser. He shifted into gear and we were on our way back across the Potomac.
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starrynite7114 · 4 years
snapshots: assumptions
A/N: I cannot believe I have been regularly updating, but the muse has been so strong. I would like to thank @iambabyharry​ for listening to my crazy vents about this story. 
I would just like to apologize now, there is some angst in this chapter. 
If you would like to be added to the taglist for snapshots, please let me know!
Hope you all like the update!
Taglist: @iambabyharry​; @thegirlwhowritesfics​
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“You can’t do this,” Rafael frowned as you packed your things. Ares was lying beside Rafael, watching you as well as you placed clothes in a box. 
“Rafa, I just,” you sighed, holding the edges of the box that had your clothing. “He’s having a baby with Adelita, I don’t want to be here for that. I can’t take that.”
“You don’t even know that! It’s all assumptions at this point!” Rafael was frustrated to say the least. Your spontaneous actions were definitely causing his blood pressure to rise since he knew he would have to deal with the aftermath. Angel was going to come knocking on his door, demanding to know where you were. “You always do this, you need to communicate with him.”
“There’s no point, he would want me to stay and I can’t do that. I know it sounds selfish, but this is just like my father.” You purse your lips, taking the box down.
“Angel is madly in love with you, don’t be stupid.”
“I’m due to be in Arizona next week, there’s no changing my mind now.”
Rafael groaned. “You’re such a pain in the ass.”
“I don’t expect you to agree with my decision, but as my best friend, can’t you just show me some support here, Angel has been cheating on me.”
You always knew it was too good to be true. That the ship had sailed for Angel when it came to Adelita. She most likely rejected him and he ran to you. That thought was always at the back of your mind and you could usually keep it at bay but after everything that has occurred the last month and a half, your decision had been made.
It wasn’t a spontaneous decision. At first, you could live with the recent revelations you found out. There were other options after all if you could not have kids. But finding out still broke your heart.
You sat down, awaiting for the nurse to call you. After having your yearly check-up with the doctor, you decided to schedule an appointment with an OBGYN since you were much more sexually active than you have been before. No birth control as Angel specifically asked that you stopped. At first you were opposed to it, but at this point, you were ready to have children, you’ve been ready. You had your initial exam with the OBGYN 2 weeks ago and now, you were following up.
“Ms. Y/L/N,” you heard the nurse call out. 
You stood up, giving her a smile as you walked past her. She led you to one of the examination rooms, sitting on the bed. You waited for the OBGYN to come, anxiously waiting for her to come. Coming here was a bit premature, but you just wanted to make sure everything was in order. You and Angel were ready to have kids. It was a big step, considering everything that you both had going on, but there was never really a good time to have kids. 
What mattered was that you were both financially stable, to some extent, and you would be able to provide for your children. 
It frightened you, but it felt right at the same time. You couldn’t explain it, but you were ready, especially since Angel was so eager to have a child. He was going to be a great father, you just knew it. He doted over your niece whenever she was in town and you couldn’t want to see Angel with a daughter of his own.
Your OBGYN, Dr. Preci walked in, giving you a warm smile as she always did when you’ve seen her before. 
“How are you?” She greeted as she sat in front of you.
“Good, kind of eager, how are you doing?”
“I’m well, busy day as always,” she opened your folder and a quick grimace graced her face before it went back to a smile, except it looked tighter than before. 
That made your stomach churn.
“When you have sexual intercourse with your partner, do you use protection?” 
You shook your head. “No, I guess in some ways we’ve been trying to have a child.”
Dr. Preci nodded her head. “I see,” she wrote some notes down. “We checked all your lab works, which showed abnormal hormone levels, which we can easily prescribe medication for. However, your ultrasound was a bit concerning.”
“How so?”
“Well, uterine fibroids were noted in your ultrasound and with your history of irregular periods and uterine fibroids, we would like to do further testing to assure that everything is well in order.”
“Further testing?” You were frightened, did you have cancer? Your irregular periods never bothered you since it was nice to not feel pain for a long period of time. Your periods were always so painful. Whenever you did have your time of the month, you were always incapacitated due to the pain. For some reason, you always thought that this was how it was normally for everyone and Midol did help every once in a while.
“We cannot guarantee till we get further testing, but I’m afraid that you will not be able to conceive a child.”
You remember the day so well and after further testing, you found out 2 weeks ago that you couldn’t have children. You felt as if you were stabbed in the heart, over and over again as the words repeated in your head. Ares was your companion for 2 days, refusing to talk to Angel as you knew it would greatly disappointment him. When you finally had the courage to speak to him, your world shattered all over again.
Taking a deep breath, you exited your car that you parked outside of the scrapyard. You could do this. You and Angel could adopt or even discuss other options with Dr. Preci. Waving a quick hello to Chucky, you walked quickly towards the clubhouse. But you halt your steps when you see Adelita, a very pregnant Adelita with Angel. You felt your heart clench as your eyes landed on Angel, with a look of such admiration and happiness, caressing her abdomen. 
Adelita cupped his face, softly caressing it and you couldn’t breathe. Quickly, you turned around and made your way back to your car. You faintly heard Chucky call out to you, but you were in your car, already thinking of a way to leave. You were finally able to live with the fact that you couldn’t give Angel a child. But you never even thought that he could have another baby with another woman. You wouldn’t be able to stay by his side as selfish as that sounded because you wouldn’t fully have Angel.
With Adelita pregnant, that meant he must have cheated on you. She didn’t look more than 6 months and you’ve been together for close to 9 months. You felt sick to your stomach as the picture replayed in your mind.
You weren’t going to be the other woman, this just reminded you of the situation of your father and how he left you all for another woman since your mother could not conceive another child. It hit far too close to home. 
You made the decision then and there that you were leaving. You were going to break up with Angel and that unborn child could have a complete family with Angel and Adelita. 
That was 3 weeks ago and you’ve been playing your part with Angel since then. 
You played like nothing was wrong, but you knew Angel could tell you were pulling away. You weren’t actively avoiding him, but club business has kept him away. The movers were going to be here in an hour to bring your stuff to the moving truck and drive it to Arizona for you. Rafael was going with you to drop you off and he was gonna fly back to San Diego.
This was the cowards way out and you knew that, but you couldn’t help it. You didn’t pack up your whole apartment, just most of your clothing was going with you. The company you worked for provided your housing that was furnished. The only thing you truly needed was your own personal items.
“I am your best friend, which is why I’m trying to prevent you from making a big mistake.” Rafael helplessly watched as you went back in your closet to get another box of clothing done. 
“So you’re saying I should just suck it up and watch Angel have a baby with another woman?”
“Ugh, you’re being so difficult! Of course not, I just want you to get all your facts checked before moving to another fucking state.” Rafael has had this argument with you numerous times, but once your mind was made up, it was hard to change.
“For what?! The facts are there! How do I actually know he’s doing club business? They’re working with Adelita now.” you felt the tears well up and fall from your eyes. You never went into depth with Rafael on what the club did, it was for his own safety after all.
“Babe, I get it, but you’re overreacting without even talking to him.”  Rafael felt it was a moot point to try and sway you, but he had to try. He thought you and Angel were perfect together. If you only saw what he saw every time you were with Angel. And for a person who once threatened Angel’s position in your life, Rafael experienced first hand just how much Angel cherished you .
“You don’t get it, it never made sense. Angel’s gonna be just like my dad who left my mom cause she couldn’t conceive any longer. I’m just beating him to the punch.”
“This is actually insulting towards Angel, you think Angel is going to be just like your father? How could you even think that? Angel is nothing like your father.” 
Your father left your mother when you were younger. You never truly understood till your mother explained what happened. She didn’t try to make your father look like an awful man, he made his choice since he wanted more children. Though, your father has tried to reach out to you and your sister, he was happy with his new family and quite frankly, you didn’t want him anywhere near you. 
“I didn’t think my father was an asshole too till he never came back.”
“This is misplaced anger, I think you need to talk to Angel and straighten this out.”
“There’s no point, besides he’ll just lie to me.” Your anxiety has been at an all time high as of late. You hated how the insecurities that you’ve tried to bury for years have been plaguing your mind, no matter how hard you tried to push them away. Rafael made complete sense, you should talk to Angel, but you had nothing to offer him. Adelita was someone Angel was in love with, he told you so and now, she’s pregnant with his child, something you could never give him. Maybe you could stay by his side, but you knew you wouldn’t be able to do so. Knowing Angel has possibly cheated on you and conceived a child, that was too much for you to bear. You should have known this was something that was coming, everything was too fucking good between you two. 
“Your anxiety is really doing a number on you, I know it’s not something you can control, but he’s your best friend, you know him better than anyone.”
“I know him better than anyone, that’s why I know what he’s going to do. Angel Reyes is a charming man who knows how to get himself out of trouble,” you slightly chuckle at your own description of Angel. “I love him so much that I’m willing to let him go.”
“You’re making a big mistake babe,”
“I’ll live with the consequences.”
Angel quickly made his way up the stairs of your apartment, not even waiting for the elevator. He had to see you. He hasn’t seen you in a few days and all he wanted to do was hold you. It was a tough few days with the altercation with EZ then the information Happy had given them. All he wanted to do was tell you all about it as he held you. If anything, he wanted to hear all about what he missed out with you. He hadn’t spoken to you for a day since he wanted to just travel home and talk to you then. 
Opening your apartment, he was surprised that Ares didn’t greet him by the door. Even though Ares was still loyal to you, he warmed up to Angel to some extent.
“Baby!” He called out to you. 
Closing the door behind him, he removed his boots and kutte. His eyebrow raised noticing that your apartment seemed so much more bare. He knew you liked to clean every other weekend since Ares’ fur got all over your things. Usually you were at Angel’s on the weekends, but since he wanted to surprise you, he didn’t let you know he was coming back.
“Baby girl!” He figured you walked Ares or something, the dog did have far too much energy for his own good at times. 
Angel walked further inside your apartment and became nervous. Ares’ bowls were not in your kitchen. Ares had his own bowls at his house, so there was no reason for his bowls to not be there. 
“What the fuck,” he murmured as he noticed that your Keurig was no longer in the kitchen.
He was confused to say the least. He ran over to your room and there were less pillows on your bed. Your charger was not by your bedside drawer. Your computer was missing from your desk. He walked over to your closet and it was almost bare. Angel’s heart dropped. There was no way you moved. He must be in another fucking apartment. Maybe you went on a vacation or something. He couldn’t wrap his mind around you leaving without so much of a word.
“No, this is not fucking happening.” Angel wasn’t even sure what to think, all he knew was that this was a fucking nightmare and anxiety was slowly taking over his body. 
Walking out of your room, he noticed an envelope on your kitchen counter. He quickly grabbed it, ripping it open, a set of keys dropping on the counter. It was the keys to his apartment.
Opening the letter, he sank to the floor as he read it.
I’m sorry you had to find out in this way, but I moved. Please don’t come look for me. I grabbed my stuff from your apartment, if I left anything, please just throw it away or sell it, whichever you want. Please leave my keys in the mailbox so my landlord can come collect it.
Just remember, all I want is for you to be happy and I’m glad you’ll have that with your family. I always thought that we were a fluke and you deciding to give us a chance because you didn’t want to lose our friendship, I’m grateful for that. I understand if you mistook your love for me as your friend for something more, no hard feelings. 
I will always love you, but it would be best for us to just admire one another from afar. 
You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. This isn’t on you, this is on me. I don’t deserve you and you should pursue the person you truly want to be with.
Love always, Y/N
Angel reread the letter numerous times, trying to decipher the message. Was this a cruel joke? He wasn’t fucking laughing. He crumpled the paper, refusing to believe this letter. You would talk to him, this fucking letter made no sense.
What family?
What person?
You were the only person he wanted to be with. This just made no sense to him. Who the fuck were you talking about? He’s made it clear time and time again that it was you and him from here on out. 
Did someone kidnap you? There was no fucking way, he would know. If someone kidnapped you, they would have made some noise by now. 
He took out his cellphone, dialing your number. It rang and rang, but no answer. He called you 10 times and every time, there was no answer. 
Then the thought crossed his mind, what if you left him for Gabriel?
He shook his head, that wasn’t possible. You didn’t even speak to Gabriel, there was no way you left him for another man. But the idea screamed at him at the back of his mind. 
What did your letter even mean?
Mistaking this relationship as a scheme to keep you by his side? The more he thought of the words you put in that letter, the angrier he became. He knew he did a number on you by promising to marry you when you two were older, but he always thought it was for your own good. He was going to be your last choice because you were able to experience other people and at the end you two were meant to be together. He didn’t know it would backfire so hard that you would be insecure about his feelings for you.
This was ridiculous. You weren’t going to leave him, there was no fucking way. This had to be a cruel prank. 
He fucking prayed it was a cruel prank. 
Angel got to his feet, rummaging through your apartment. He noticed that there were less things around, things you used day to day were no longer scattered around your apartment. Before Angel could even register, he left your apartment, getting on his bike and rushed to his apartment. 
Once he arrived at his apartment, he looked through his closet and drawers. As you had stated, your stuff was gone.
Angel didn’t even notice EZ was in his living room, calling out to him. EZ went inside Angel’s room and found his brother with his head in his hands, sitting down at the edge of his bed.
“Angel, you okay?”
Looking up at his younger brother, EZ saw the tears in his brother’s eyes. “She left me.” His voice cracked as he told his brother.
“What?” EZ wasn’t certain he heard correctly. 
“She fucking left me Ezekiel!” Angel shouted. “Y/N left me man,” he whispered, “she fucking left me.”
EZ watched as his brother fell apart in front of him, not believing his words. You would never leave him. You and Angel have been attached to the hip ever since you two were teenagers. With everything you’ve been through, EZ never thought you would leave him.
“There’s no way, she wouldn’t leave you.” 
Angel took out his phone again, calling you. Your voicemail was what he got once again. 
“Baby, this isn’t fucking funny. Pick up your phone, please, let’s talk. What’s going on? We can talk about this.” He pleaded before hanging up and calling you once again. Again, no answer. “Call her.” 
EZ took out his phone, calling you and much like for Angel, you didn’t answer. “Hey, you okay? Can you call me back? You have us worried here. Whatever is going on, let us help you.” He hung up, looking at Angel who was holding a letter in his hands. “She left you a letter, what did she say?”
“That we’re done.”
Angel couldn’t wrap his mind around this whole thing. What happened? He didn’t talk to you for one day and you were gone? He didn’t do anything. He knew he didn’t. You weren’t petulant enough to not speak to him just cause you two did not speak for a day.
“It makes no sense,” EZ took the letter from Angel’s hand, skimming through it. “What person? What family?” 
“I DONT FUCKING KNOW!” Angel yelled out, the situation was so fucking frustrating. “How can she fucking do this?” 
“Don’t jump to conclusions, she’ll come back. She can’t stay away from you.”
Angel nodded his head. He shouldn’t. This was going to pass, it will. He was going to call you till you got fucking tired of hearing your phone ring. Once he does, you’ll straighten it out and you’ll be back in his arms again. He didn’t even give a fuck what your reason was, he just wanted you to come back.
But you weren’t. 
You weren’t coming back.
Not this time. 
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Ship your Transports to any Place with Auto Shipping Companies California
When it comes about the transport we all get excited and worried as well. Excited for this reason that we are going to have our own transport and worried for the purpose, that now we have to be more careful about its safety and care and also on the driving rules so that we never ever hurt anyone or harm them. usually, when we have to move from one place to the other we cannot move it by own as auto needs a complete safe carrier that can safely make them move from one place to another. Either you are a good driver or have the capacity to drive for long but at some point, you may get tired and will not able to drive anymore so at that time you will need assistance that can carry your transport to the required or selected destination. For this purpose, you can get assistance by Auto Shipping Companies in California, for the safe arrival of you and your autos. Further is the discussion.
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As a person can only believe in himself because he knows that whether he can do the task or not and cannot gives other’s guarantee that will he do the same job with responsibility because only that person can take better care who is the owner of that or who is responsible. Yes, you cannot believe anyone or cannot blindly trust everyone rather than yourself but if you have the option of a company who is not only responsible but also knows the real worth of the money that you have spent and also the belief that you have on it. auto shipping is not an easy process as you have to carry the car safely to the other location that is selected by the customer but if it is in the hand professional than you don’t have to worry about its safety because professionals know the skill and tact to drive in any condition.
As California is a busy city where there is always a hustle and bustle due to its popularity of professional events and occasional events. People may have to visit it often and in such a rush city you need a professional driver that can easily ship your vehicle and you can get professional driver and safe shipping both possible in Auto Shipping Companies California because they know the right way and a good skill to drive safely towards the destination selected by the customers. As all of the cars are insured so it can be a passport of your responsible attitude because a legal vehicle can do the legal work with responsibility.
If you need the assistance of Auto Shipping Companies California, you can contact without any hesitation to JP Auto Transport. As they are very professional and know the real skills to ship your vehicles. They are not only a reputed company but a company with an attitude of professionalism.
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Ship your vehicles safely to the destinations by Auto transport San Francisco
As machines sometimes get damaged due to the technical issues our cars also can face some technical issues and at that time your assistance can only be possible with the auto transport service. San Francisco is the place where sometimes people have to face snow falling and this is the reason why cars get technical issues because extreme cold can freeze the engines. Also when you have to relocate your locations you need vehicle transport San Francisco that can safely tow your cars to the locations. You can hire simple towing vans for the transport but it cannot be as safe as an auto transport service in San Francisco. Further discussions are mentioned below.
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Obviously, you don’t want your vehicles should get damaged due to the carelessness of the driver or due to the transports used to transport your vehicles. Whether it is a snowy area and the transport used to be a snowbird company will provide complete assistance and care towards the responsibility of carrying your car to your new home place or any new official place. As it is human nature that he cannot live in one place forever because human nature needs changes in life. Some other reasons that is if for someone is necessary to move from one place to another that is they are on jobs that are temporary and they get transferred from that place to another new place so for that purpose they have to change their locations because a new location can be near the present hometown or it can be far away so the fuel is so expensive that it cannot be managed on daily basis. For this purpose, they need a new location that is nearby their offices or are on little distant and when they have to go on that new place they need a vehicle that is a car transport San Francisco that can move their expensive and beloved vehicles to the new place safely. Necessitation can be of anyone at any time and this can be solved by providing right time assistance.
The services include are: multiple auto transport service, enclosed transport services, open carry transport service, local tows, and others. Also, there is the availability of every time when you needed because the mishap can happen at any time. the mishaps are uninvited guests that can appear at any time and at that time you cannot ignore them and require assistance at once so don’t worry about the services as services are 100% with honesty and customers are served with loyalty with the exceptional services. The first consideration is always your satisfaction for agents.
If you need mind blowing services and don’t want to be stuck at a place due to any reason you can have Auto transport San Francisco by contacting JP Auto Transport. They are serving for many years and have the best experience of auto transportation.
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