#car comes up but since we're on foot we have the right of way
wellthatschaotic · 2 years
also we witnessed a rear-ending
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lunaekalenda · 2 years
"We're going to daddy's work!" the kids sing on the back part of your familiar car as you keep driving through the busy Tokyo streets, searching for the Japan Volleyball Association's offices building. You debated with Tetsuro yesterday about if it was a good idea to bring the kids on the "take our children to work" day on his office. They're little, and especially frets, restless and rascals. Tetsuro's position on the association is way too important to have two tiny kids running around his office, but still, he was excited for today - even more than the kids. - since it's the first time they're celebrating this kind of day.
A call enters on the free hands of the car, your older son getting to read the name on the little screen before sharing what he saw with his sister. "Is dad, is dad!" You answer the call hearing your children's whispers behind.
"Love?" Tetsuro's voice sounds around the car, making you smile softly. "Did you find the office?" he asks. You take a quick look to the signals in front of you, unable to find anything that gives you a clue about your husband's workplace.
"I think we're lost." you admit. Tetsuro laughs softly. You used to drop by his office when you didn't had the kids and your way of moving around was walking. Your first work used to be pretty near to his, but getting to it by foot from the subway stop was way easier than getting there by car. Taking the right lanes, the right positions on traffic lights and avoiding passing the intersection.
"We're near a sports center." You keep explaining him what you can see, as he gets an idea of where you are, getting the exact point shortly after. He guides you through your phone, helping you to get the right directions and keeping a background conversation with your kids. Once you arrive to the building, a well-dressed Tetsuro is waiting outside, phone on his ear and all his height escaping from the sun under a tree. He waves your hands towards the car as soon as he sees you, making your children shout with happiness while you park. Tetsuro opens their car door once you shut off the engine, taking your soon to the pavement and unbuckling your daughter's chair straps, carefully taking her out of the car. He looks at both of them before his cheeks blush.
"They insisted to use this." You say, smiling, as you walk around the car to stand next to him. The kids smile showing their t-shirts, both having their surname on their backs and the characteristic color of his dad's volley equipment. Tetsuro's eyes scan softly his children, and a subtle shine appears on his eyes. Taking your phone, you kiss his cheek before pushing him softly towards them.
"Go, go. I'll take a pic of the three of you."
Tetsuro takes your face on his habds before pecking your lips sweetly, leaving towards your kids with big steps and keeling berween both of them. Your daughter gets her little arma tangled around his neck and your son sits on his knee. The three of them smile while you take the pic, smiling to yourself, feeling way too lucky to be part of this family. Tersuro stands up and calls you. "Come, we'll take a pic." You follow your husband's voice and, giving the phone to him, you take your youngest between your arms. Tetsuro picks up your older soon while he tries to get the four of you on the frame, clicking the camera button when all of you smile. "Done!" looking at the clock on his wrist, he sighs. "I'm sorry, love, but we have to go back inside. My break is over."
You kneel near your kids, arranging their backpacks and their clothes, and whispering softly some instructions.
"Don't bother daddy when he's talking with other people, and ask nicely for things. Don't leave his office without him and don't paint on papers you didn't ask for. Have a good day and make sure dad eats all his meal!"
The children laugh and hug you, giving kisses to your cheeks and assuring they will be good at dad's work.
Standing up, Tetsuro gets close to you, tangling his arms on your waist and kissing your lips. "Take care of them, and if you need anything..
"Call." he finishes, against your lips again. He gives a new kiss to you, before letting you go sadly. "I'll see you in a few hours." He parts sweetly before reuniting with his kids again.
He takes the children's hands on his own, walking with them towards the office, and you can't help but take a pic of the three, holding hands, giving their back to you and talking while they disappear inside the building. Your new wallpaper welcomes you when your phone gets a notification from Tetsu.
"They should invent the Lover at Work day :("
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farfromstrange · 8 months
Mismatched Bridesmaid | Matt Murdock x F!Reader
PART 2 of The Vault
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See this post for more information on my Valentine's Day Special & Follower Celebration, but these fics can be read separately!
Pairing: Matt Murdock x F!Reader
Summary: Deciding to go to your old college roommate's wedding turns into a bad idea when you suddenly have to function as a bridesmaid until you're paired with a very handsome groomsman.
Warnings: Fluff, attempt at humor, SMUT (18+ MINORS DNI), oral f!receiving, use of "good girl", One-Night Stand, shameless flirting, kind of "horny at first sight", so cheesy it might make you hate cheese
Word Count: 4.3k
A/n: I was wondering why this didn't post until I saw that I hit "save draft" instead of schedule, so this may come on time for some and too late for others, but I'm still awake, so it counts as the 15th. Also, when I wrote this it was after hinting at it on here, and I was excited at first, but I'm not too happy with it now because it's just silly and falls a little flat, in my opinion. This is why I went back in and edited a hell of a lot, adding some things, etc. Nevertheless, I promised to clear out the vault for this event, so this is it. I got inspired by seeing the She-Hulk clips when the episode with Matty came out. It may or may not be noticeable. We're also working with the Nelson, Murdock & Page narrative. Enjoy!
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You are not made for white-veil occasions. 
While weddings, in their essence, symbolize unity while covering different facets of romantic beauty, they are also inherently stressful for nearly everyone involved in the proceedings. Over the years of adulthood, you’ve found that weddings tend to end in disaster when you attend—and you are not particularly fond of engaging in drama.
When your old college roommate sent you an invitation to her wedding in June, you considered responding with no. You’ve been close for a few years, but then you graduated, found separate careers, and then never talked again. You weren’t sure why she would send you an invitation until you called the number on the back of the card and you began catching up. She told you that she wanted to invite you because you were a vital part of her early twenties, and it reminded you that you are both adults and you have both grown beyond what you thought possible, so you couldn’t find it in yourself to tell her that you couldn’t make it to her wedding. Instead, you told her that you wouldn’t miss it for the world. That answer though seemed to have turned destiny against you. 
You were excited when you arrived at the chapel this morning, but as soon as your foot touched the holy ground, everything went wrong. Maybe it is because you’re an atheist and God hates you, or maybe Karma just really fucking loves toying with you. Either way, when your friend’s maid of honor—also one of the few people you hung out with during your wild college days—came up to you, looking pale and panicked, you knew that the curse you always bring to weddings was only continuing to wreak havoc. 
She said to you, “One of the girls got into a car accident on her way here. Don’t worry, she’s not dead, just a broken wrist, but that means we are one bridesmaid short. I need someone to step in before Janet finds out and cuts off my head for ruining her wedding day,” and she was deadly serious about it, too.
You knew that it was a mistake to come to this wedding, especially without a date or a plus-one to fall back on. 
You were so focused on marveling at the beautiful white and golden decorations living the aisle, fantasizing about the day you might be walking down one of those that you didn’t think anything could go wrong since everything had been going so right. You should have known better than to trust that treacherous feeling of excitement that you made sure to nurture before breakfast so you could enjoy the ceremony and the party afterward without making it dependent on the open bar—although that fact did help.
Instead of dreaming about free drinks though, you’re being squeezed into a satin green dress with a low cut in the front, and someone you don’t know is slathering burgundy lipstick onto your lips. They are purposely trying to turn you into a copy of all the other bridesmaids, and you hate it. You hate it so much you get the sudden urge to scratch your eyes out and tear the skin off your lips. 
Janet, the maid of honor, comes back up to you. She’s aged at least ten years since you last saw her when she pulled you away from the aisle. You feel for her. The entire weight of this wedding rests on her shoulders. 
She eyes you, checking your outfit, before giving you a curt nod. “Thank God, you’re hot,” she mutters. You’re not sure if you were supposed to hear it. 
“Thank you?” you answer awkwardly. 
“Alright.” She fixes the corners of your lipstick. “We need to pair you with a different guy than Miss I-Don’t-Know-How-To-Drive was supposed to walk down the aisle with. Your looks don’t match. You’ll get Kathy’s partner,” she says. “And we need to line up, like, now because shit is happening in five minutes, not a second later. We can’t give Bridezilla the time to kill us all.”
With a frown, you ask, “Is she aware at all of what’s happening?” 
Janet shakes her head. “No, and it’s better this way. Trust me.”
You stop questioning her. She knows what she’s doing. 
When she guides you outside to line up, you’re not sure what to expect. You don’t know the groom, and you don’t know his friends. You’re here on your own, and now you’re part of a bridal party that you are also barely familiar with, wearing a dress that you were forced into for the sake of aesthetics. You hate when something is reduced to aesthetics because beauty has many facets, and you would have walked down that aisle with anyone as long as you could get it over with. 
Until you see him. Strikingly dark hair in a perfectly cut tuxedo that underlines the muscles hiding underneath the fabric. His eyes are hidden behind round, red glasses that reflect the sunlight coming in through the already stained glass of the chapel’s windows. In his hands, he’s holding a white cane, leaning his entire weight on it as he waits. And he waits for none other than you. 
Janet paired you with the most beautiful man on this planet, you can’t deny that. The way he stands there, his sharp jawline on full display—he looks ethereal. Just looking at him makes you sweat, and you’re starting to panic. What if she made a mistake? You can’t do this. You can’t—
“Matt,” she says and shoves you beside him into the line of bridesmaids and groomsmen. 
Janet introduces you, and then she’s gone. She pushes you into the cold water, forcing you to learn how to swim. 
He tilts his head in your direction. “Hi,” he says. The sound of his voice resembles the purr of a black cat as it reverberates, but his grin reminds you of the Devil himself. 
Fuck. Me. 
You either did something very wrong to land here, or you did everything right. 
“Hi,” you stammer. One look at him, and the blood rushes to your cheeks. Your face is burning. 
He offers you his hand. “I’m Matt,” he says as if Janet didn’t already expose that to you.
Still, you take his hand. It’s the polite thing to do. “And I’m not supposed to be here.” Mentally, you curse yourself for being so stupid.
Matt chuckles. Even his laugh sounds bittersweet. Like dark chocolate. “I, uh, gathered as much.”
“I’m sorry,” you bite your lip, “I’m not—this is really weird. I don’t even know what to say.” You pray for the ground to open up and swallow you whole, maybe that will make it less embarrassing.
His features soften. There is no judgment. You can’t see his eyes, but there is a certain softness about him that throws you off guard, but you no longer feel like you’re drowning. “If it helps, I’m only here because I helped the groom graduate law school by writing his essays, and he feels like he owes me, so…I also don’t want to be here,” he says, and he reaches up to adjust his glasses. You get a small glimpse of his eyes. They’re hazel. Beautiful. He has an aura that draws you in; it’s not just his physical beauty that strikes you.
This man—this magnetic force of a man called Matt—is a stranger. He’s a man you were paired with to walk down the aisle even though you were never meant to be a bridesmaid in this wedding in the first place. So many things are happening to and around you at once, and you can feel the flames starting to burn and sizzle away at your skin. 
You should pull yourself together. You shouldn’t stare at him. You shouldn’t listen to your heart which is hammering against your ribcage. But the emotions are already running high and you can’t possibly focus on anything else. He’s like a lifeline to you.
And God, you want him to put those calloused hands on your skin and take you to bed. But that’s not something to think about in a place of God. On the day of someone else’s wedding. Except that you can’t think of anyone else, and his proximity isn’t making the situation any better for you.
Another blush threatens to take over your features. “Oh, you’re a lawyer?” you ask.
“Yeah,” he says. “I have a firm. Nelson, Murdock & Page.”
“Here in New York?”
“Hell’s Kitchen, yeah. Me and my associates just reopened our doors to the public after a rough year.”
“Oh, that’s...cool. I’m happy for you.”
“Thank you. And what do you do, if I may ask?”
His interest takes you off guard, but you don’t hesitate to answer his question. You tell him your profession, and how you met the bride, and he listens without another word. No man has ever paid you this much attention before.
Though Janet meant it when she said that you will have to start walking in exactly five minutes, not a second longer. She passed by everyone, handing out bouquets. Green with hints of red and gold. It fits the theme. They’re beautiful, but the flowers within the bouquet become a problem when she hands you your own set. 
“Janet,” you stop her from leaving. “I can’t take these.”
“The fuck you can’t,” she retorts. 
“Seriously, I can’t. I’m allergic to Jasmines. I’ll sneeze.”
She glares at you. “Then fucking hold it.”
There is no arguing with her, and she passes by you to continue putting everyone in their places. You stare down at the bouquet, your nose already starting to itch. The smell alone is enough to make you nauseous.
To your surprise, Matt reaches for the flowers. “May I?” he asks, but he has already grabbed a hold of them.
“Sure,” you answer, curious about where he’s going with this.
“Hold this.” He guides the top of his cane into your hand.
His fingers feel along the red ribbon. He takes a whiff. There are so many scents that would be overwhelming even to someone without heightened senses due to a lacking fifth one, so you’re even more surprised when he finds the Jasmines without a struggle. He traces the petals just to make sure, and he quickly pulls the flowers out of the bouquet, tightening the ribbon around the now smaller girth in the process.
Tossing them behind one of the pillars in the corridor, he hands them back to you. “Here,” he murmurs. “For you.”
Words elude you. 
“Are you allergic to anything else?” The question is valid, considering you’re still not making a move to take the bouquet from him. 
You exhale a shaky breath, reaching for the flowers, and answer without missing another beat, “Weddings.”
That elicits a giggle from him. The sound is enough to make your heart melt. Does he know what he’s doing to you?
Matt opens his mouth to respond, but the sound of heels clicking against the marble floors stops you both dead in your tracks.
Your entire body recoils when the bride’s voice rings out, echoing, “Who the fuck mismatched my bridesmaids?”
A hand rests on your bicep, and you don’t even have to look down to know that it is Matt’s. He’s the only one standing to your right, anyway. He squeezes as though to let you know that you won’t lose your head, but you’re not so sure now that your college roommate is glaring at you in a white dress that reminds you of a pastry, and her eyes are full of fury. He can’t see it, but he would cower in fear if he did.
Thankfully, Janet pulls her aside, explaining the situation to her. 
“She what?!” she screeches. “On my wedding day? Are you kidding me?”
“Yes, because car accidents respect timing when it comes to special occasions,” Janet counters.
You snort. Matt beside you digs his teeth into his bottom lip, but even he can’t hide his amusement.
“Oh, snap,” you mutter under your breath. 
“Shots have been fired,” he says.
“I think we’re witnessing a double homicide.”
“I’m not a very credible witness. I can only describe how it sounded, unfortunately.”
Your snort turns into a laugh. The bride’s head snaps around, and you go quiet. “Sorry. I’m sorry,” you choke out.
“If she decides to throw a punch at your pretty face,” Matt’s breath tickles your ear, “I can be your attorney and sue her ass.”
This time, you’re conscious enough to slap a hand in front of your mouth to stifle your reaction. “How do you know I’m pretty?” you whisper back between little giggles.
He shrugs with a smirk of his own. “I just know.”
He’s got you wrapped around his little finger, and you have no choice but to submit.
Janet manages to bring some calm back to her friend eventually, and then it’s showtime. Right on the second, it’s time for you to walk down the aisle, and you have never been happier about a strict schedule and someone adamant about keeping that schedule for the sake of all of your lives.
Your roommate has always been a very dominant personality, so you’re aware of the things she can do when she doesn’t get what she wants. 
An 80s pop ballad begins to play. You make sure to match your pace to everyone else but also make sure that you’re not running away from your partner.
You may have been a mismatched bridesmaid, but you can’t complain about the company. 
Against all odds, the service is beyond beautiful. It’s not often you get to stand so close when two people who seem to truly love each other make a vow to be there for each other for the rest of their lives. You can’t help but shed a tear. They complement each other perfectly. Is that ever in the cards for you? Will you ever be able to have what they have? Or will you always feel like you’re not worthy of this kind of unconditional love and endless devotion—of someone wanting to spend the rest of their life with you?
You look over at Matt. The hint of a cross necklace is starting to peek out underneath his dress shirt. Of course, he’s Catholic. 
He carries himself with such a grace that puts everyone else in this room to shame. Does he know that you’re staring at him? You hope not.
After the ceremony, you lose sight of Matt in the masses. He doesn’t owe you a goodbye, but you still feel a little disappointed when you return to the dressing room and finally peel the satin dress off of your very sweaty skin. 
At the party afterward, he’s still nowhere to be found. You give up. Not that you want to spend the evening with him anyway, but you kind of do. You drown your sorrows in a glass of vodka cranberry and a bowl of olives. They taste like rotten meat, but there are too many people by the buffet for your liking. The last thing you want to do is mingle and get asked stupid questions by people you don’t even know. So, you stay back, and you watch from afar as everyone is having the time of their lives not so far away from you, but far enough for you to breathe.
“And here I thought weddings were supposed to be a joyous occasion,” Matt pipes up beside you, and you twirl around in your chair to face him with wide eyes.
You didn’t expect to see him back here. “Hi!” you exclaim. “What’re you—I thought you left.”
“Nah,” he says. “I just had to take care of some things.”
“Oh, yeah? Like what?”
He smirks. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“Yes, that’s why I asked.”
Folding his cane, Matt lowers himself down on one of the chairs beside you and orders himself a beer with the bartender. “Let’s just say that I have an important court case coming up and I had to make a call.”
You take another sip from your drink. “That sounds a lot more exciting than my life, to be honest.”
“You are sulking at a wedding. Thinking about an ex?”
“More like life in general.”
“Ah, yes, the eternal fear of dying alone.” He raises his bottle to yours. “I’ll drink to that.”
A laugh escapes you. “That was cynical,” you say.
“And you’re not?”
He beats you at your own damn game, and he finally gets that smile he has been vying for. 
“Are you smiling?” his voice is barely above a whisper. 
Your tongue darts out to wet your lips. “Maybe.” But the smile is audible in your voice, giving you away.
Matt smirks, nodding his head. “Good girl.” 
The sharp vodka runs down the wrong pipe. You cough. Did he just—
He did.
He pats your back, and his hand lingers a lot longer than it should. He looks so smug. Pleased with himself. That part of him is stupidly attractive to you, even though you would usually hate such cockiness in any other man. But Matt isn’t like any other man.
You apologize for your reaction, but he should be the one apologizing to you for throwing you off your game. What is he doing? You can’t read him. You wish you could because that would make this so much easier, but that’s probably the point. He wants to tease you. He wants to mess with your head. He’s a dick. A fucking attractive dick that could tell you to do just about anything and you in your flustered state would go along with it without hesitations. That’s the kind of control he has over you, and you just met. It feels like a twisted form of destiny, but you can’t quite believe it. Yet.
“Do you always do that?” you dare to ask.
He frowns. “Do what?”
“Flirt with women who were forced to be bridesmaids even though they were only supposed to be guests?”
A playful smirk plays on his lips.  
“It’s been known to happen,” says Matt.
You poke your tongue against the soft tissue of your cheek. “Cheeky,” you murmur.
“That’s also been known to happen.”
“What, being cheeky with—”
“—with women who were forced to be bridesmaids even though they were only supposed to be guests? Yes.” He’s catching on quickly.
You laugh and nod. “Yeah, that.”
“I do have to say though,” he adds, and for a second you think he might ruin the joke instead of playing it out further, but Matt is full of surprises, “Out of all the mismatched bridesmaids I’ve met in my thirty-something years of, um, living, you’re my favorite so far.”
With your hand, you start fanning your face rather dramatically. “I feel honored,” you say. 
Again, he chuckles. “You should be.”
“Why, because you’re so irresistible?”
“I was going to say that I don’t like a lot of people because, you know, they’re dicks, but that works too.”
“Wow.” You take another sip. The liquor burns its way down your sore esophagus. “You have balls, man.”
“Is that a problem?” he counters with a question.
The answer comes naturally. “No,” you say. “I like it.”
“Good.” Hearing you clink the ice cubes against your empty glass by swirling it around, Matt concludes that you need a refill. “Can I get you another drink?” he asks.
The question sounds so innocent, but the look on his face renders you speechless. His hand inches dangerously close to yours on the counter, his knee brushing yours, and the heat shoots straight to your neglected cunt. 
Fuck this.
“You could do that, or we could skip that part and just…you know.”
One brush of your hand against his thigh, that’s all it takes for him to know. 
Pushing you through the door to his apartment a few minutes later, his lips are on you. The door falls shut with a loud bang, and he presses you against the wall of his hallway. 
His lips feel like a silky cloud of lewdness. The way he kisses you is utterly erotic. Your lips part in a delicious moan that he swallows with a grunt of his own. He swallows it all, shoving his tongue into the tight confines of your mouth, and exploring every inch he can reach. He tastes you. He consumes you. 
His hands desperately search for an ounce of bare skin. He’s tugging at your clothes, sliding and tearing them aside. Once his fingers finally brush over the bare skin of your stomach, he melts. 
You tangle your fingers in his hair, pulling him impossibly closer. Your leg hooks around his waist. You can’t wait. He has ignited a fire within you that no one has been able to light before. He’s touching you with a precision that puts your former lovers to shame. He’s paying attention to your every breath and heartbeat, and with every touch, he asks, “May I?” 
You don’t even make it to the bedroom. Once he has successfully removed the bottom half of your clothes, he falls to his knees. He is a sight to behold. The disarray of colors that shines into his apartment illuminates his face, bathing it in a selection of hues that bring out his best features. 
Matt has yet to take off his glasses, and you take the opportunity to tear them away from his face. You’re gentle though. You ask him, “May I?” mirror the question he has been asking you throughout the night, and after a thick swallow, he nods.
You caress his cheek as you remove his glasses, and when you finally see his hazel eyes in all of their glory, you have to bow down to capture his lips in a soft kiss. 
“You’re beautiful,” you whisper. “So fucking beautiful, Matt.”
He whimpers. You could have sworn to have imagined it, but when you stroke his cheek with such a gentleness it almost makes him recoil in anguish, you know that you didn’t imagine the sound from his lips. You kiss it away. You kiss all of his insecurities away. You want him to feel as good as he is making you feel. You don’t know him, but you want to get to know him, and if he’s ready to surrender himself to you, you are more than ready to do the same for him. He can feel that with every brush of your fingertips and every kiss you deliver to his plump lips that taste like heaven and hell in itself.
Your words don’t leave him cold. His cock is aching in his pants—you take note of his impressionable size, which only makes you more excited for what’s to come—but he refuses to take it out. Not until you’re fully satisfied. To be honest, you could come just from staring at him on his knees in front of you, looking like he would lay the world to your feet and kill everyone who has ever dared to hurt you, but that is not enough for him. 
He needs the experience. Feeling your skin, tasting you, and breathing in all facets of your natural scent mixed with the artificial one from your shampoo. He can’t get enough of it. Of you. Of everything about and within you. He’s as attracted to your body as he is consumed by your soul. You’ve got him in a deadlock, but he would never complain about that.
You gasp when Matt grabs your thigh and throws it over his shoulder. Your panties are gone within seconds, torn on the floor somewhere. You’re completely bare to him. 
You want to warn him that you didn’t shave, but he doesn’t care. 
Before you know it, he has flattened his tongue against your pussy, and he licks a long stripe from your hole to your clit. 
“Fuck!” you cry out, reaching for support on the wall behind you.
He flicks the sensitive bundle of nerves with the tip of his tongue, testing the waters before he sucks it into his mouth. 
His grip on your thigh becomes bruising. Matt eats you out like he has been starving for years and you are his first and last meal. He sucks on your clit, and he fucks you with his tongue. Your pussy is the altar he worships at. Your arousal is his holy water. He dives deeper and deeper into the wetness between your thighs, and he moans loudly when you pull at his hair.
“Fuck, Matt–” You’re clawing at whatever you can find. It feels so good. You’re higher than you have ever been.
The sound of his mouth working your slick folds toward eternal bliss is obscene and utterly sinful. His stubble scratches against your inner thighs. The pain grounds you in the here and now, making you focus on the tidal wave that is about to crash into you and tear you to shreds. 
You can’t even warn him before your orgasm takes over, and it takes you into another dimension. You come with a shout of his name. It’s nothing short of explosive. The orgasm drags on through his mouth on your clit, relentlessly sucking until the nerves jump, and you’re begging him to stop. 
His face glistens. With every kiss up your body, Matt marks you. By the time he has reached your quivering lips, he still tastes like you.
“You did so well,” he whispers. “Such a good girl for me.”
You exhale. Without his shoulders to hold onto, you would probably lose your footing. “You’re crazy,” is all you can say. 
He smirks. “In a good way, I hope.”
“Yes. Fuck.”
“Regret coming home with me?”
“Absolutely not.”
That’s all he needed to hear. He lifts you with ease. “Then I’m going to make it worth your while.”
And when your back hits the soft mattress and silk sheets of his bed, you don’t doubt that he is going to make good on his promise. 
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Matt Murdock Smut Tag List: @acharliecoxedfan @gpenguin666 @linamarr @mcugeekposts @itwasthereaminuteago @norestfortheshelbywicked @yarrystyleeza @littlenerdyravenclaw @etanordoesbullsh1t @thychuvaluswife @harleycao @schneeflocky @imjustcal @pipsqueakkitten @merlinbtch @sya-skies @amberritonicole @ravenclaw617 @pigeonmama
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vinny hong x jo!reader
jay jo's imperfectionist sister meets the flawful vinny hong.
part 5
part 4 | part 6
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part warnings: fem!reader, cursing, mentions of blood, stab wounds & h*rassment (tw!), jo!reader (jay is reader's 1 year older brother, but they're in the same class), second person's pov (you, you're, your), reader is NOT yumi. wb main story SPOILERS, nothing much happening in here wait for future chs
Suki, your roommate-slash-basketball-teammate, didn't let time pass not knowing what really happened to you. She went hysterical after she found your bloodied clothes soaked in the basin in your shared bathroom. You should have tossed it in the trash bin without washing.
She didn't let you live it down. Curse you for having someone with an inquisitive nature for a friend. 
“What happened?!” You carefully took a turn to set foot in the living room, since Suki, after coming to your shared room straight from the airport, decided to go to the bathroom first thing after she entered. You forgot she was coming home.
“Those weren't splatters of dried blood, Suki. It's paint. You must be having jet lag, you should rest.”
“Even someone who's not a medical rookie will know dried blood when they see one.”
You sighed. You tried to fight her suspicious stare off, until you gave up and opened your mouth, “Got stabbed. In a closed alley.”
“What?! Why?! So that's why I can't contact you! Where's your phone?” Of course she would freak out. Anyone with a troublesome friend would.
“Don't tell my mom. I got harassed on my way here. It was self-defense. It happened quickly.”
Her brows furrowed with mixed emotions until she sighed, “How is your wound now? Can I see?” She held your arms lightly in an attempt to turn you to the other way to see your back, but you refused to.
You swatted her hands away. “You don't need to. It's a small one, just a tad bit deep.”
“I don't believe you. Why are you moving around now? Isn't the wound open? You shouldn't even be standing up right now! What if the stitches loosen?!” Suki was losing her mind at how lightly you take the situation for.
“I'm not stupid to walk around places with my back opened like a fucking wallet.”
“Wait, don't tell me you stitched it up by yourself?” her eyes worriedly widened, wondering how it was possible for you to reach your back. “We all have faith in your suturing skills, but we're not doctors! You should have it checked!”
“We should go to a hospital—not where your parents work. Some other hospital, anywhere else. I can book a ride, or wait for me to get my car from home and I'll drive us there–”
She picked up her cardigan and keys and was ready to exit the door, uncaring about her own fatigue from her flight. You quickly held her by the shoulders to stop her.
“Hey, hey! It's fine, I'm fine. You're tired from your flight, Suki. You should rest. Besides, someone saw me and already brought me to the hospital.”
“Why did you even come home, you should've stayed in the hospital! Which one?”
“My parents' workplace.” You let go of her shoulders and turned the other way.
She gave you a meaningful look. “Must be someone with a death wish. Who was it?”
You side-eyed her and squinted your eyes.
“You don't even agree to be brought to that hospital by me, or anyone. And you probably would have refused help if it meant you being brought there injured. So who was this person who had all the guts to bring you there?”
"Well, I met someone–”
“Someone?” her eyes twinkled in eagerness, as if you mentioning this someone stimulated something in her. And you knew that look too well. This girl. “'Met someone' as in...?”
“Suki.” you gave her a warning look. “He's just… someone. Somewhat interesting at first sight, but no more than that.”
You thought that would stop her, but how wrong you were. Her smile grew even bigger. “So it's a ‘he’? And here I always thought you weren't into men. Are you seeing someone without telling me?”
You rolled your eyes. “No.” 
“Do tell me more.”
“Remember that red-haired grouch I stitched temporarily after duty that I told you about?” 
You then told her about everything. Why, where, and how.
“My, what a coincidence! Hadn't I known you well, I would've said you were being brought together by destiny.”
“Get your head off your damn romance novels. It's the only way to push Jay to pursue what he’s really passionate about. If I don't push the grouch, I can't push Jay too. He'll be stuck in a loop of finding his purpose and quite possibly even suffer from an existential crisis forever.”
“You have a point.” Her eyes flicked to the side as she nodded her head in agreement. “So about the guy who brought you to the hospital, what is this grouch to you? You like him?”
“I already told you, No. He's insufferable, and his hair's like a tomato.” You recalled what he looked like. Yeah. Red hair and an attitude. A tomato.
“Tomato, huh? Odd, but okay.” She made a face and tried her best to contain a laugh. “What's his name? Do you have a picture of him?”
You turned to your bedroom, being extra careful while walking to not rip the stitches. The anesthesia was wearing off and you were starting to feel the pain off of your lower back. “I'll tell you some other time. I’m tired.”
Suki quickly noticed how you struggled to walk so she rushed beside you in an instant and held you. “I'll see him at some point. Not now, but I'll surely, finally see your newest obsession.”
You sighed. “Obsession, ha.” 
“Stop being indenial. I know how obsessed you get with people.” You rolled your eyes for the nth time. You were not thinking of him that way. Never, even. He's just someone who needs the crew, and is needed by the crew. 
The weekends passed, you isolated yourself inside your apartment. With Suki only unloading her things inside your shared apartment before coming home to her family home here in Korea, you pretty much spent the rest of the weekend only by yourself. 
Not to mention how the stitches fucking hurt when the anesthesia's effect subsided. You skipped classes for weeks while faking a flu—having Suki cover up for you, to give your discreet wound time to heal before you resumed class. Suki helped you clean it up since you legally cannot reach your back. Thankfully the stab wasn't that big enough to give you difficulties while cleaning, that's why you didn't need to go back to the hospital anymore. 
Which leads you, one time when Suki was attending to your fresh stitches, you wondered how Vinny endured the pain while his wound was healing. Since his, it was actually more deep than yours and bigger from the outside. It must've pained him like shit. You wonder if it left a visible scar.
Oh, speaking of him, You asked Jay about the arrangement of the crew, and you found out… that surprisingly Vinny showed up to their first gathering and first practice as a team. As Hummingbird crew. 
You felt blank. You didn't know what to feel. You didn't expect him to agree but at the same time you were hoping for him to join. You hugged your phone to your chest while staring at Jay's message the night you found out. He made his choice and decided to show himself. 
Good for him. His bespectacled friend's efforts weren't put to waste.
The following Monday morning, your plate was immediately bombarded with council work when you went to the meeting room early to catch up. As the Vice President, there really isn't a single minute to spare. Especially when the new president—Jay's replacement only knows how to parade his title but fails horribly to fulfill his duties. The duties Jay used to manage efficiently during his reign.
The early stress made you yawn while marching through the hallway to make your way through the Principal's office to deliver paperworks for him to sign. When you arrived in front of the office, you were shocked to find a rare sight. Students were making a commotion outside the Principal's office. 
What the hell is going on?
You pushed yourself forward past the students and knocked, earning a muffled "Come in!" from the Principal himself from inside the room. When you twisted the doorknob to step inside, you were once again welcomed by a sight you weren't expecting to see. 
Would you look at that, The Hummingbird crew members all stood affront the Principal and Mr. Nam. You wondered why they're here? Jay hasn't told you anything.
“Sister-in-law! Perfect timing!” Shelly's face lightened up at the sight of your bored face.
Now everyone's attention and eyes were all on you. Your eyes accidentally looked for Vinny the first thing. And there he was, breaking his usual poker-face gaping his mouth and slightly widening his eyes at the surprise of seeing you.
© reesespeanutbutterfuck 2023, don't forget to support your creators by reblogging !!!
screaming in pain and pleasure cz why does vinny have to join snek crew but at the same time i kinda want to see him and joker team up ffff
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Proposal || Travis Kelce
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You've been with your boyfriend Travis for 5 years now, it's been the best five years of your life honestly. He has shown you what unconditional love means and how you should really be treated in a relationship.
You hadn't had the best past before meeting Travis, you had been in shitty relationship after shitty relationship. All the guys that you had been with wanted you for one thing and one thing only, sex.
Travis changed your stance on relationships for the better. Yeah, the sex was amazing with him, but he showered you with so much love and adoration beyond the bedroom.
"Baby girl, what are you doing?" He asked as he came up behind you as you were looking out of the window in your master bedroom. "Just reflecting on the past five years with you, it's been nothing short of amazing and I can't thank you enough for all you've done for me Travis. I love you beyond words."
You turned to him and hugged him. He kissed the top of your head, since you were a whole foot shorter than he was, that was one of your favorite things.
"I would do anything for you pretty lady, you know that. Now, before we get all sappy. I have a surprise for you today, go into the bathroom and get ready for the day."
"You know I hate surprises Kelce, what the hell do you have up your sleeve?" "That's for me to know and for you to find out baby. Go on, get in the shower." He said pushing you into the bathroom.
You laughed and rolled your eyes at his antics. You got into the shower and did all the necessary things, once you got out, you saw a dress sitting on the counter.
You looked around and saw that there was a note on top of the dress. You wrapped the towel around your body and picked up the note.
"Baby girl, these past five years have been nothing but special between the two of us and I want to celebrate you and us and all we've overcome. Put this dress on and meet me downstairs when you're ready."
You smiled at his thoughtfulness and you held up the dress, it was a white flowy summer dress that went down to your mid calf, he did a really good job at picking this out.
You dried yourself off and did your hair and makeup and then put the dress on. You loved the way it flowed on your body and you thanked Travis for not picking something so tight.
After the dress was on, you picked out a pair of nude sandals and went downstairs to meet Travis. He was sitting on the couch in the living room and perked up when he hear you coming downstairs.
You smiled at him and took in his appearance. He was wearing a army green t-shirt and a pair of white jeans with some sneakers. "Always so fashionable baby." You said going over to him.
"Anything for my lady, now let's get going to your surprise." He said. You both went out to his car and of course, you're the passenger princess, he doesn't let you drive anywhere when the two of you are in the car together.
As you watched the scenery change outside the passenger window, you couldn't help but think where the hell he was taking you. Kansas City is a country place but, you guys are literally in the middle of nowhere.
"You're not taking me to get killed are you?" You said to him as he parked the car and he let out a laugh and looked at you. "You think after five years I would want to get rid of you that way?"
"Well you never know, we're in the middle of nowhere with no one around for miles." You said and he laughed again getting out of the car and coming over to open your door.
He grabbed your hand and helped you out of the car. You looked up at him and smiled and leaned down and kissed you. After he pulled away, he opened the trunk and you followed him to see what he had up his sleeve.
"Are we really having a picnic?" You asked with a smile on your face. "That we are, help me grab the blankets and that bag right there." You did as he asked and followed him to a clearing in the field.
He opened the basket and pulled out some glasses and food for the two of you to share. He poured some champagne for you and held up his glass for a toast.
"Here's to the best five years with the best woman by my side. I love you Y/N." He said and you smiled and leaned in and kissed him.
"I love you too Travis, thank you for being the best for me, I know the first couple of years were rough, but the last three have been nothing short of amazing with you."
You talked about all the times and memories that you had together and when the sun was setting you were noticing him getting nervous and fidgeting more.
"Trav, are you all good? You're sweating like a pig." You said as he wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. "Yeah, I'm all good, let's take a walk."
You eyed him, but didn't question anything. You grabbed his hand as he helped you up and started walking. He was twirling you around and brought you into his chest and started slow dancing with you, even though there was no music.
"I love you, you know that right?" He said as he cupped your cheek in his large hand. "I think you've told me once or twice." You said as you looked up at him.
"I want to spend the rest of my life with you, grow old in a nursing home with you, have kids with you, travel the world when I'm done playing football. You've made me the happiest I think I've ever been, even happier when I won those Superbowl's, you mean more to me than football does. You're my life, and without you in it, it wouldn't be worth living. So, with that-" He said getting down on one knee, your hands go to your mouth to suppress the happy sobs that are coming from your mouth.
"Y/N, will you marry me?" Travis asked as he opened the little black box revealing the most perfect ring. You nodded your head and squeaked out a "yes"
He smiled at you and took the ring and put it on your finger and picked you up and spun you around.
"I love you so much fiancée." He said as he leaned down to kiss you. "I can't wait until I can call you my husband. I love you so much Travis. Forever and a day."
"Forever and a day."
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themultifandomgal · 10 months
Jay Halstead- Work Husband Pt3
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The following day I arrive to the precinct
"Alright Trudy"
"YLN your late" she acknowledges me without looking up
"Yeah I know, I'm sorry crazy morning"
"I don't care. Don't let it happen again" she says before letting me be buzzed up. I make my way to the break room to make myself a drink. Jay is in there already making himself a drink. Seeing me he gets out my cup and starts making me a coffee
"Thanks" I take a sip just as Jay asks
"How was the sex?" I practically choke on my coffee
"What?" I shout
"Come on. You and Severide. I saw how he looked at you last night"
"Kelly and I are friends"
"With benefits?"
"No" I roll my eyes "he's like a brother to me. Helped me through some shit"
"What kind of shit?" Before I can respond Erin pokes her head through the door
"Antonio and Jules have info"
Jay and I bring our drinks to the bullpen where Jules and Antonio are waiting
"We're boking for a Shane Cameron" Antonio tells us Xevier says he's been in hiding since yesterday"
"Yeah, but he has a flop house over on Addison. Might be worth checking out"
"All right, everybody vest up" Voight tells us all.
Once we arrive on the scene Antonio and Jules are the fist ones in when I hear a gun shot
"10-1. Officer shot" I hear Antonio shout through the radio. Voight and Erin are the first in with Jay and I behind them with our guns up
"Jules!" Erin shouts with worry. I run over to Jules and Antonio while Jay stays at the door
"YN!" I turn to Jay
"It's Pulpo let's go"
"Erin stay here" I tell her and run to Jay and Ruzek. We get in the car, Jay is driving and we start a high pursuit chase. As we're casing him cars are taking there time to move out of the way
"Fuck sake move!" I shout swerving between the cars. We finally block the car down an alleyway but of course not wanting to be caught Pulpo exists the car. Jay is the first one out with his gun and starts chasing him on foot. I then hear Jay tell us that he's got the offender.
Jules didn't make it. She died on arrival. I sit down on the couch with Severide sat next to me
"I needed this after the day I've had" I sigh as Shay hands me a beer then sits next to me on the other side 
"I'm sorry about Jules"
"I know our job is... unpredictable, but you never think... I can't get her husband and kids out of my head. Like fuck she had two kids"
"Come here" Shay pulls my into her side and hugs me. There's a knock on the door making all of us frown
"I'll get it" Kelly says going towards the door while Shay and I continue to hug one another
"Errr" Kelly awkwardly walks back into the living room with Jay
"Jay what are you doing here?"
"Today was tough. Just erm wanted to check up on you" Jay look at Kelly and Leslie
"Why don't we go and make dinner hey Shay?" They both leave the room, leaving me alone with Jay
"Are you ok after today?"
"Honestly? Not really no"
"Want to talk about it?" I ask scooting over on the couch. Jay sits down next to me
"All I can't think of is if that was you"
"YN you are the best partner I have had, not only that your a good friend. Today just scared me"
"It scared me too" I place my head on his shoulder, Jay hugs me tightly into him "you can drive tomorrow, if you want" I say earning a little chuckle from him
"Thank you"
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stinkysam · 1 year
Eddie Brock - Alien
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Warning : none
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : How about being Eddie and venom's new hot tall neighbor who just moved in and them having bi panic and simping over him
Reader : male (you/he)
A/N : bold is Venom talking // Part TWO
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Their neighbor had quickly and quietly moved out.
Yeah, the one that played loud electric guitar. He's gone.
They didn't care when or why he left, even though Eddie had a little idea about it.
But now there's someone new that's moving in and despite being reluctant at first, Venom and Eddie quickly warmed up to the idea, especially after seeing you, the new neighbor, through their window.
You had moved in rather quickly before knocking on their door to present yourself. You shared your name and where you came from and exchanged a few more words, Venom silently listening in the back of Eddie's head.
"Holy shit." Venom said in his head.
Eddie said nothing, listening to you instead.
"He's hot !"
Instantly Eddie felt awkward, not knowing how to talk to you anymore. He didn't think of it, but Venom was right, you were kinda… hot.
"Eddie, tell him you like him."
Eddie coughed out a "No" discreetly enough for you to not notice it.
"Then invite him in !"
The inside of this flat flashed in Eddie's mind, showing his trashed kitchen and hanging car tires. He closed the door on himself more, so you could not see it, in a way that made you think you were taking too long and needed to end the discussion.
Which you did, quickly thanking him for his time and leaving to your side of the apartment.
"Good job he ran away !"
"That's your fault, V." Said Eddie, closing the door behind himself.
"How ?!"
He did not answer, feeling like it would be too complicated to explain and looked around. It truly looked like a fire hazard. Holes in the ceiling, claw marks on the walls, the cereals on the floor, ketchup on the walls along burn marks and so on…
"He is a tall one…"
Eddie said nothing, waiting.
"Was he taller than you ? I don't remember, I was lost in his eyes."
This made Eddie laugh. "You, lost in someone's eyes ?"
"Yes ! Beautiful [eye color] like… huh… I don't know."
To invite you in, he needed to clean up first and by the Gods he didn't want to. Especially since Venom would try to help but make things worse instead.
"Eddie. If we're looking for a human mate, it could be him."
"No." He said tiredly.
"Admit he was hot !"
"Lies ! Lies ! Your pants are on fire, Eddie !"
"Alright !" He whisper-yelled, "He is hot ! Fucking handsome, even, happy ?!"
"No !! Because you made him leave ! He thinks we hate him !"
"No he doesn't."
Eddie sighed in annoyance "If you promise to help me clean up the place correctly, I promise to invite him in, alright ? Do we have a deal ?"
"Yes !"
And so they spent the next couple days cleaning up the flat and making it more comfortable and normal looking for a human, getting rid of the holes any way they could by hiding them with paint or wood planks.
During that time Eddie couldn't stop thinking of you. Wondering if you'd be happy to be invited. He began to wonder what your laugh sounded like and how big you could smile, trying to imagine it in his head while Venom was rambling.
"Do you think he's gonna like us ?"
"I don't know, Venom."
"He shall like the place ! We made it humanly welcoming !"
"I don't know if we should tell him about you yet. He might not react so well to an alien."
"When !?"
"I don't know…"
"Without me, your chances of attraction are low."
"Oh really ?"
Would it even work between the three of you ? What if he scared you ?
Once everything was cleaned up and replaced with better furniture, Eddie prepared himself. Showered, clean clothes, and freshly shaved to knock at your door.
When you opened, wind was knocked out of his lungs and Venom had to push him to make him say something. You were really something.
"I was- I was thinking, maybe you could come in for a beer or two ? I feel like we left on the wrong foot the other day." He said, looking you in the eyes. Even your eyes were beautiful to look at, Venom was right.
You agreed, closing the door behind you as you followed him to his apartment.
You spent a good hour there, drinking and laughing together until Venom had enough and decided to intervene.
"What is that !?" You yelled, jumping out of your seat and ready to throw your beer at the black gooey thing behind Eddie's back.
"Hello !"
"No ! [Name], don't !"
"I am Venom. Hello [Name]"
"It knows my name !"
"He's an alien, a symbiote. He's nice ! Please put your can down."
You slowly obeyed "Symbiote ? What is that ?"
"A living organism living in symbiosis with another species."
"An alien ?"
"You're the alien to me."
"Are you gonna eat me ?"
"No !"
"No ! Though humans are tasty."
"This doesn't help, V."
"I think I need another beer."
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vicsbasement · 7 months
Watching Charles closely I came to believe that he might have abandonment issues (for obvious reasons), so yeah, I guess he hasn’t been taking Carlos’ departure from the team very well… Of course Carlos isn’t actively abandoning him, but anyways
Ohmygod, anon. You're absolutely right. I mean, it's a logical response to his past trauma, too. I'm not presuming to know the guy, but from what I can see, I just feel like he's really going through the trenches right now. I'm not going to say that they're extremely close, but, just from what we've been able to see about their relationship and the way they talk about each other, I'm ready to assume that they really seem to be close, especially now that we can see Charles visibly reacting to Carlos' departure from the team. I'm pretty sure there's not an ounce of bad blood between them, especially since they've been seeming so much closer ever since before Vegas. I feel like their friendship had time to develop towards the end of their third year together (trauma bonding and all things provided by a very rocky Ferrari car that put them both in uncomfortable situations that only both of them could understand) and so, now that that was blooming, to have it taken from them must be tough. Carlos has been brought up to be much less emotional about his relationships in the paddock, based on interviews alone, yet I think he's been saving up some emotion for their alone time. Charles, though... he seems to be that guy who wears his heart on his sleeve sometimes, and when it comes to this, he doesn't seem too shy to let people know that he really does like Carlos as a teammate and as a person. I mean, they have so much in common, everyone's said it, Mattia, Fred, constantly talking about their competitiveness and how close they'd become when they started to make everything a race... and they probably know each other well. They've shared small spaces, probably had important conversations with one another, they're both in a position where nobody else would get it, except for the other. And they've never, EVER shown disrespect towards each other. So, yeah. Carlos might not be abandoning Charles, but they're both in rather similar situations, and to bring Lewis into the mix, Lewis, with the bigger salary, with the seven titles, with the past experience... it should be something that makes Charles take pause and probably appreciate what he has right now with a guy who's basically in the same level as himself in terms of... I don't know, I guess gravitas. Lewis has so much, and Charles has the whole team behind him, and yet he turns to Carlos as a friend? Maybe we're not seeing how much of an equal footing they have between each other. They've probably discussed even this between them and Charles must be feeling so comfortable with Carlos by his side... This whole thing rocks his whole world, and I would love Carlos' security just as much as Charles is probably appreciating it right now. Sorry, I got totally off the rails with this, but the point is: what this shows me is that Charles really does care, deeply, about Carlos. And it's a wonder to see, honestly. If I were to be completely honest, I saw their relationship much more unilaterally. I felt like Carlos liked Charles more than he liked Carlos. But right now? Wow. I really do see how much Charles seems to appreciate Carlos' company and friendship as a teammate. And it's an absolute relief to me. The fact that he started the year defending Carlos from the italian press and insisting, on record, that they should focus on the fact that they have a whole year together out of "RESPECT FOR CARLOS"? Wow, Charles. You had my eye, before, but right now, you finally caught my attention. Thank you for sending me this ask, anon! I love analyzing stuff and the content has been pouring lately, so I love just to be able to talk about these two guys without restraints 😅
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fineprintedsunsets · 1 year
⋆ 𝘋𝘪𝘳𝘵 𝘊𝘳𝘰𝘴𝘴𝘳𝘰𝘢𝘥𝘴 ⋆
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Synopsis ꨄ︎ The truck pulls over quickly, and you know, you fucked up.
Word Count ꨄ︎ 1.7k
Warnings ꨄ︎ unprotected p in v sex. dirty talk. negan being negan. creampie. forced sexual interaction? Kinda? negan smith x fem reader (no y/n as always) (school and work are kicking my asssss folks, apologies for the week late fic)
You’ve been squirming ever since you stepped foot in his truck. A massive calloused hand splayed across your thigh. No matter how many times you shift, he never gives up.
“Negan” your voice is reduced to a low growl, clenching your thighs together as you both continue down a deserted road. Negan asked you to accompany him on a run, and although he never did them himself, he thought he might as well get some fresh air.
“What’s wrong, baby doll?” His coy smile appears on his unshaven features, making the heat worsen in the pit of your stomach. Negan knew what was wrong, but he’d be damned if he didn’t force you to admit it.
A gasp exits your throat as his fingers itch ever so close to your pressure point, sparks shooting through your body as you see his twisted smirk in your peripheral. “We're almost home, hang in there baby doll.”
Hang in there? After all his teasing he wanted you to “hang in there”? And before you could even think, your eyes moved away from the deserted roads, your fingers flying right to Negan’s belt buckle.
“No.” The words are so small, but when they come from Negan, they hold the weight of a spiked baseball bat. No? After he started the teasing?
Hell. Fucking. No.
Without accounting for his warning, you continue with your actions, not caring that Negan is driving, walkers could be anywhere, and the fact he just denied you. Your fingers loop around the buckle until you hear the satisfying click.
A sharp pain shoots through you as the truck comes to a stop, shooing you forward. Negan stops your body from contacting the dash with a large arm, the other on the steering wheel.
“Get out.”
You spin around, confused. “What?” You swear you can feel the hair on your neck stand up. “Negan, why are we stopped?”
He ignores the question, his lips forming a frown, his brows deeply etched into his face.
“Get out, baby doll.”
Negan reaches across your small body, making sure to graze your nipples with the sleeve of his leather jacket.
He pushes the car door open for you, letting the cool morning air coat your small frame. Negan says no more, and after a few milliseconds of sitting in silence, you obey him.
The hair is standing up everywhere, and your spine is even more straightened now. Whatever you just did, made Negan really upset.
His car door clicks shut with a slam, and you with nothing but the dirt of the crossroads, the slow burn of morning sun, and the wide expanse of muddied fields.
You can hear the zipper on his leather jacket rattle, the stomp of his boots as he rounds the truck, and the sudden laugh he lets escape as he sees you.
Small, vulnerable.
“Baby, now what happens when you disobey me?” Negan starts, deploying that pristine smile, one you both love and fear.
He settles against the truck, he towers over the vehicle's top, making him seem that much more intimidating. Negan’s eyes downcast on you, waiting for your response.
Started it. You wanted to say, but his word came with a sharp delivery, comparable to a bark.
“Let’s go” He barks, waving his hand for you to hurry. In this moment you had two options, you could play dumb, act as if you didn’t know what he was referring to, or you could get this over with.
Either way, you shouldn’t have touched his goddamn belt buckle.
Stupid, stupid girl.
You quiver just a bit, fear sinking into your bones. You know Negan would never hurt you, but it didn’t stop the feeling from prickling in your stomach. “Now, Now, Dolly.” He hushes, bringing a single digit to his lips. “Don’t be scared.”
“Negan…” Your voice shakes
Negan’s voice is high-pitched, filled with amused excitement.
“There’s no getting out of this, baby girl.”
“Go on”. Negan motions to the floor and then the truck, clicking his tongue like a shepherd would his herd.
You gulp, “Against the truck…?”
So much fear is being instilled into your body right now, it’s scary. But Negan doesn’t mind, he’s made that quite obvious.
“Nope,” Negan says with a pop. “I want ya’ just how I like it.”
You knew you fucked up now. When Negan said he wanted you “just how he liked it”. Meant you on your back, legs bent up to your head, and your pussy open, ready to take him.
“Here?” You were hesitating now, trying forever to avoid this interaction, but as he just said there’s no getting out of this.
A yelp escapes you when he grabs your elbow forcefully, bending you over the hood of his truck, face pressed into the cool rusty metal. “Yes. Here.”
“Dirty slut, just couldn’t wait could ‘ya? Now look at the mess you got yourself in.” His digits move quickly over your pants, the other hand pushing you into the car’s hood. “How you lookin’ under here, sweetheart?”
“Fucking soaked, I hope.” The sound of fabric ripping fills your head, and the sharp snap of the elastic band of your pants hits your now bare thighs. Negan had completely ripped your pants off, leaving your thighs exposed to the cold air.
Negan elicits a dangerous chuckle, one finger running circles over your bare thighs, all the way up to the fabric of your underwear, replacing the digit with the pad of his thumb, pushing against your slick core.
You can’t help yourself, you buck at the feeling, moaning.
“Oooo!” Negan whistles, mocking your every move with more tantalizing touches. He moves the pad of his thumb, releasing the pressure of his hand and pushing you into the car’s hood.
“Come on, baby doll, get all sprawled out for me.”
And without any bone in your body left, you don’t protest. You are almost in tears when you obey him, Negan watching your every movement as you go around the truck, nothing but ruined panties to cover your ass, you kneel in the cold dirt.
It’s crumbled, staining your skin with mud. You hated the feeling, of being humiliated like this, but deep down someone inside of you liked it. They liked the feeling of Negan standing over her, unzipping his pants slowly with a brooding smirk as he nudges your ass with his foot.
“Legs over your head, you know the deal, baby doll.” You obey him once again, fear still racking throughout your body. You try desperately to keep your eyes open as you grip your ankles, forcing them to the side of your head, your knees up against your stomach.
“Good girl.”
Negan drops to his knees in front of you, and with the sound of dry mud being pushed around from the contact, comes the clinging of his belt buckle coming loose completely.
You can't help but wince as his fingers come up to your dirty core, and with both relief and terror, he rips your panties away, revealing your slick folds to the cold, autumn air.
“My, my, my!” He clicks his tongue, eyeing your pussy. You can’t wait any longer, you need something inside of you.
You squirm, and Negan takes that as a subtle yes. A single digit circles your folds, gathering your slick as the man above you smirks.
“You look magnificent, baby girl. And your pussy…” His pace quickens as his finger finds your entrance, and he pushes in.
You yelp at the sudden intrusion, expecting something slower, hoping Negan would allow you to adjust to his finger.
But no this was a punishment.
“She’s so dirty, isn’t she?”
You clench as Negan continues to pump his digit in and out of you, hearing the crude noises you emit, he couldn’t get enough.
“Wanna cum, honey?” Despite being pressed into the mud, on the side of the road, legs bent in an awkward position and Negan kneeling over you making sure you take everything he gives you.
He yells his next words, and you are very tempted to tell him to quiet down. But a command like that, no.
You’d be in something a lot deeper than mud
“I said, do you want to cum!”
You moan, needing more than a single calloused finger, “Yes! Please!” Negan pulled his fingers out of you, making you watch the quick movement, wincing in pain.
He uses the same hand to retrieve his hardened cock from his pants, a wet spot tainting the front. Negan eases closer to you, and the anticipation returns as he lines his tip with your entrance.
“You have 2 minutes to cum, and if you don’t, I’m gonna leave you here high n’ dry, baby girl.” Negan pushes in, bottoming out immediately. You cry out in pain, fisting nothing but dry mud as you attempt to find support.
“Look at you, this is what you wanted. My cock fucking that dirty pussy.” He thrust once, ignoring the pain elicited from your lips.
“Rub your pretty little clit for me, baby doll. Remember, you're on a time limit.” Despite the pain from Negan's cock stretching you, and the fact your eyes are rolling back into your heads, you find your fingers going to where Negan's cock pumps furiously in and out of you.
You moan from the pleasure, rubbing sloppy circles over your bud, watching the imaginary clock tick by.
You need to cum.
If you don’t, you might just explode.
Negan groans, watching the way you clench around him, the wet sloppy noise coming from where your bodies connect.
“You close? 30 more seconds.” He grunts, and you are so close to the edge that it feels painful. And you know Negan is drawing his cock in slow strokes on purpose, trying his best to delay your orgasm.
You rub your clit harder, focusing on the pleasure of the action alone. “Come on, baby girl. Give it to me, make a mess on my cock.” His words are rushed, pushing you further, past your breaking point
And with those words, you cum, your whole body convulsing as Negan's own release rocks through him, and without asking he cums inside you, filling your stomach.
“Good girl, Only 10 seconds to spare.”
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mbappeward · 1 year
you get into an accident while he is at a match - kylian mbappe imagine
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it was a sunny afternoon in paris, and the city's vibrant energy filled the air. kylian mbappe, your boyfriend of 2 years now, was playing a match at parc des princes. you decided in the meantime to go for a walk. 
the bustling sounds of the city surrounded you as you walked, lost in your own world. the pedestrian light signaled your turn to cross, and you stepped onto the road, but just as your foot touched the road, you saw a car at high speed racing towards you. 
you tried to jump out of the way, but it was too late. the car struck you with a powerful force. pain coursed through your body, and the world around you spun into chaos. the last thing you perceive is people surrounding you. 
[ during the match] 
luis enrique quickly signaled for a substitution after receiving the news from the assistant manager, and mbappe was taken off the field. confusion and concern was written on his face as he was rushed to the locker room. “y/n got into a car accident, she's in emergency surgery right n-”. “she is WHAT??” kylian's world came crashing down. without a second thought, he quickly grabbed his car keys and rushed to the hospital. his heart raced with every passing second, and his mind was filled with worry for you. the world outside seemed to blur as he focused on getting to you.
at the hospital, kylian waited anxiously in the hallway, right infront of the room where you have surgery. pacing back and forth as he repeatedly checked with the medical staff for updates on your condition. every minute felt like an eternity as he prayed for your well-being. all he wanted was for you to be okay now. “please lord, let her be okay” he whispered.
finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the operating room doors swung open. a surgeon, dressed in blue scrubs entered. kylian immediately stood up, his heart pounding in his chest.
without uttering a word, kylian locked eyes with the surgeon, silently pleading for information about your well-being. the surgeon offered a gentle, reassuring smile, realizing the deep concern etched on kylians face.
"she's stable," the surgeon said, his voice calm and soothing. "the surgery went well, she still has a leg fracture meaning she cant walk around too much for the coming weeks. however we're doing everything we can to ensure her recovery."
kylian let out a sigh of relief, his shoulders relaxing for the first time since he heard the news. he nodded his gratitude to the surgeon, his voice trembling with emotion "thank you, doctor. that means the world to me." wiith a nod of understanding, the surgeon walked away. 
after the surgery, you were transferred to the intensive care unit  for closer monitoring and post-operative care. kylian went to the room, he composed himself before opening the door, his breath catching in his throat once he saw you. he stared down at you laying on the bed, still sleeping from the anesthesia, an IV tube in your arm and the heart monitor beeping steadily. a tear rolled down his cheek. he sat down next to you and held your hand “mon amour… i’m so sorry. i’m sorry I couldn’t have been there for you. you don't deserve this” he said as tears continued to stream down his cheeks, blurring his vision. he placed his head down, letting his tears fall on your intertwined hands. 
“kylian…”you said in a weak voice. your eyes adjusting to the bright light. his heart skipped a beat at the sound of your voice. his head snapped up and he began to wipe the tears out of his eyes. “y/n??? thank you lord, how are you feeling???” 
"i'm feeling a bit sore, but I'll be okay. i'm just grateful you're here with me." he leaned in and gently kissed your forehead. "i was so terrified, y/n. you have no idea" he said, his voice trembling with emotion. "i thought i had lost you." you managed a weak smile, your hand trembling as you reached up to touch his face. "i'm here and i'm okay. i couldn't leave you that easily, you know that" you replied, your voice barely above a whisper. he gently brushed a strand of hair away from your face and leaned down to kiss your forehead. "i'm so thankful you're okay. i love you so much," he whispered, his eyes filled with tears of happiness now.
tears welled up in your eyes as well, and you gave his hand a gentle squeeze. "i love you too, kylian, more than words can express."
the two of you sat there for a moment, sharing a tender and emotional connection that transcended words
after a while, a nurse entered the room, breaking the intimate moment between you two. she smiled warmly and said, i'm glad to see you're awake. how are you feeling?"
you glanced at Kylian, and he nodded, giving you the reassurance you needed to answer. "i'm in pain, but I'm grateful to still be alive."
the nurse nodded and began to check your vitals and adjust your pain medication accordingly. she then turned to kylian and said, "you can take her home now. make sure she gets plenty of rest and follows the doctor's instructions for her recovery." she said as she removed the IV tube from your arm, then she left the room. 
kylian helped you carefully get up and put on your clothes, being gentle and attentive to your needs. he helped you into a wheelchair, making sure you were comfortable before wheeling you towards the hospital's exit. 
the cold night breeze greeted you as you stepped outside, and a black car was waiting nearby, with kylian's chauffeur behind the wheel. the chauffeur opened the car door with a respectful nod as kylian carefully helped you settle in the back of the car, making sure you were comfortable and secure. he stowed your belongings securely in the back of the car. he climbed carefully into the backseats beside you, putting an arm around you while letting your rest on his chest, his reassuring presence providing a sense of security. 
as the engine started, kylian glanced at you, stroking your hair, his expression filled with love and reassurance. "we're on our way home, my love" he said softly, reaching over to your hand, rubbing it with his thumb. "just relax and let me take care of everything."
as the car pulled away from the hospital, kylian kept a watchful eye on you, making sure you were comfortable.
together, you embarked on the path to recovery, knowing that you had each other to lean on and that, with kylian by your side, you could face any obstacle that lays ahead.
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boygiwrites · 3 months
Harley D. Dixon 35
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Harley D. Dixon's Pinterest Board!
Harley D. Dixon's Playlist!
📖Chapter List.
Author's Note.
Cue my giddy snickering.
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"So, what'd you do?" My Dad asks the prisoners, as we're eating breakfast in the courtyard the next morning. "Whose life you ruin?"
All the walker bodies have been dragged into a pile over by the dumpsters and burnt into nothing more than a few lumps of charcoal, leaving the courtyard as quiet as it's been since we got here. With the snarls and growls finally gone, I can hear birds chirping on the roofs of the cell blocks, the beautiful sound of silence beyond them. It might be the first time we've been completely sealed away from danger.
If Rick wasn't still inside with Lori, Carl, and the baby, I think he'd feel the same way.
"Nobody's but my own, man," Oscar chuckles dryly. He shakes his head, spooning some stewed corn and beans into his mouth, chewing absentmindedly. "There's nothing more to it than my people were poor as dirt. Got to be that I was dumb and desperate enough to steal from a Walmart. I should'a been handing my resume in, or something, but no. Sentenced three years over a pack of diapers."
I look up from my bowl to study the regret on his face, finding myself surprised. Shop-lifting diapers?
That wasn't what I thought he was in prison for at all.
"Sorry to hear that," Glenn says sympathetically, exactly my thoughts. "World wasn't exactly fair before all this, either."
"Me, I got caught with, y'know," Axel gestures vaguely, "Drugs and stuff. In my car. I was parked outside a police station, and I ain't had a home at the time. I think wanted to get locked up, if that makes sense. I'd been in and out a bunch of times. Only thing I knew."
"Sounds like someone I knew," Dad scoffs, and I know he's talking about my Uncle Merle. "The dumb bastard."
"So, you ain't, like," I frown at the prisoners in confusion, "Bad?"
Oscar laughs a little. "Not everybody who ends up in prison is bad, kid."
"I know that," I argue as I eat another spoonful of stew. "My Daddy was in prison, and he ain't bad. But some of 'em is."
"We ain't had the best track record when it comes to strangers," Maggie explains to them, putting it lightly. "Or even friends."
"Hey," He shrugs. "No offence taken. You gotta be careful out here."
"There were some seriously bad eggs in there, though," Axel agrees with me. "You bet'cha. Made life a livin' Hell for the rest of us."
Oscar looks at my Dad. "You're her Dad, right? You went to prison, too?"
"Arrendale State Prison," He nods, slurping up the stew in his bowl. "February of '04. I was released far before all this shit started."
"What crime?"
"Aggravated manslaughter."
Axel's eyes widen. "Damn, mister. I ain't sayin' you don't look the type, but I would'a thought you stole a car or somethin'."
Wiping his mouth, he smirks. "Who says I ain't did both?"
"Skills like those sound like they'd come in handy nowadays," Oscar says, "So, Hell. We ain't here to judge anyone in your group."
"You gotta stop saying, 'your group'," Maggie scolds him, smiling. "We got off on the wrong foot, but for all intents and purposes, there's only one group here. We ain't have to be best friends or anythin', and we'll be watchin' you, but you've proven yourselves."
"But I thought you said—...?"
Yesterday, we served 'em a death sentence by forcing them outta the gates — Today we're eating stew together. 
"Listen. There was a man named Shane," Glenn levels with them. "He was the first one. He was Rick's best friend for fifteen years and we all watched him go crazy without any power to stop it, until he tried kidnapping Harley. He was shot and beaten to death."
There's the loud, BANG, and the sound of my crying spilling out afterwards. That was one of the worst days of my life.
The prisoners share a glance with each other.
"The second man was Jim," He continues. "He didn't have the best interests of the group at heart and we kicked him out for that. And when we ran into him a few months later, we saw that hadn't changed. He threatened to ruin what we'd built. We hung him in a barn."
That one didn't make much sound at all — Barely a, snap.
"Your friends, Tomas and Andrew. And there were so many others. A group that took over a town near our old farm, people on the road, assholes, thieves. We've got good people here. We're family. But we haven't let our goodness make us idiots."
I'd almost forgotten the violence we'd committed over the past year, the deaths, a hundred little wounds scarred over with time.
Axel and Oscar remain silent as they stomach his words, the underlying threat there — We've killed better men for less.
Shane was Rick's right-hand man, a brother, and one of the most important people to the group, but even that couldn't save him in the end. Jim was a father, a resilient little weasel who worked harder than anybody else back at the quarry, and I saw him die, too. I saw all manner of men die. The prisoners risked their lives by leavin' this place, but they also risked them by comin' back to help us. They chose to do that. I'on know too much about what makes a trustworthy stranger, and I ain't even sure if such a thing exists, but I imagine it's a start. 
"Ya ain't idiots," Axel agrees, looking between Dad, Glenn, and Maggie with his honest eyes. "You can trust us."
Oscar puts on a reassuring smile. "We get it, man."
For two fellers who've just been threatened with torture and execution if they misbehave, they don't look so frightened.
I guess they don't plan on it, then.
"Good," Glenn slowly nods at their answers. "This is the best thing that's ever happened to you, by the way. You're welcome."
Axel's moustache skews to the side as he smiles. "Thank you, dudes."
"And it ain't just kiss-ass for a bowl of stew," Oscar warns us, gesturing with his spoon. "'Cause this shit tastes like ass."
"I'll let the chef know," Maggie jokes.
It looks like our group just got a little bit bigger.
"Go on, then." Dad juts his chin out in the direction of the cell block. "My guess is you ought'a get outta them scrubs if yer stayin'. Just ask for a lady, Carol — She can sort that out for ya. T-Dog's old stuff should fit ya, but I ain't so sure about Stringbean."
"'Stringbean'?" Axel complains, looking down at himself.
"Maybe you can find somethin' in Glenny's wardrobe," Maggie smiles, poking him in the ribs. "Ain't that right?"
"Hardy, har."
As they stand from the table with their empty bowls, Axel adds, "We really appreciate it. Thanks for not letting us die."
"Sure. Git," Dad grits, watching as they make their way back into the prison, before looking at me. "What'chu thinkin', chicken?"
Chewing my stew, I garble, "I gesh dey don't sheem sho bad."
"Nah, they don't," He agrees, reaching out with his spoon to clean the dribble off my chin. "You don't gotta worry about 'em, okay?"
I swallow as he pulls away, warning him, "But I'on think Mouse is a fan. He was growlin' at 'em."
"I'm sure they'll figure that out," Glenn reassures me, chuckling. "If that's the only problem they have, I'd say they got off lucky."
"Not if they screw this up, they won't," I exclaim, raising my spoon like a knife. "That happens, I'mma knife 'em in the knee!"
"Hey, and I'll let'cha," Dad jokes as he puts his hand over mine to lower the spoon. "But right now, I want'chu to finish all yer food."
"Okay, Dad."
Breakfast goes by slowly, like any good morning should.
The baby — Until the Grimes agree on a name, that's what I'll call her. The baby — loves to sleep.
I guess being born takes up just as much energy as giving birth, because Lori says until she's a few months old, this is all she'll do. I can't exactly play soccer with her right now, or even teach her to draw a picture, but I don't mind waiting. She's cute enough just like this, with her eyes closed, small tummy rising and falling with softs breaths as she dozes off in my arms, hopefully dreaming of something sweet.
What do babies dream of? Milk? Sheep, prancing in circles? They even got enough memories to form a nightmare, yet?
Watching on with a fond smile, Lori muses quietly, "I told you."
The baby makes a grunt, squirming around in the tightly swaddled blanket before she relaxes, content.
No. No nightmares.
Looking up at my Dad, I ask him, "Was I like this?"
A faint smirk tugs at his mouth, as if he's recalling a memory. "Nah, you was a fiend. Your Momma and I couldn't get'chu to sleep for nothin'. Had to pace around with you for hours on the porch just for a wink. Sing, hum. Let'chu listen to the rain, cars, birds."
"Sounds like she was a fussy one," Lori smiles, reaching out to stroke her thumb across the baby's smooth head.
"I ain't never met a baby who could pull an angry face quite like Harley could," He scoffs. "Had the temper of a stick of dynamite."
Under the weight of his tired gaze, Rick smirks a little. "So, not much has changed, then." 
Sticking my tongue out at them both, I look back down at the baby, gasping as her eyelids begin to flutter.
"She's openin' her eyes," I exclaim with excitement, handing her off to Lori. Her Momma should be the first thing she sees. Not me!
"Oh, my gosh," The woman breathes.
All at once, with her forehead wrinkled against the brightness of the room, she opens her eyes for the very first time. Green. Wow. They're the same colour as Lori's, dark and pretty like the wet leaves on a forest floor, staring curiously up at the matching pair.
Rick scoots closer and grins down at her, a chuckle escaping him as she studies his face next.
Even though I love my Mom and Dad more than anything in the world, and I wouldn't trade them for anybody else, I can still say with certainty that this baby is real lucky to have a Dad like Rick and even luckier to have a Mom like Lori. She got gentle hands, a voice made for telling fairytales, and the patience of a saint. Her smile is the type that nobody could be mad at when they're on the receivin' end of it.
My Gramma Dixon ain't had one of them smiles. In all the photos I've ever seen of her, she had a smile like a row of yellow piano keys, black holes left where her rotten teeth had fallen out from smoking so much and so often, but I had never seen it in person.
When my Dad was thirteen years old, the same age as Carl, the smoke of a stray cigarette caught onto his Momma's bedsheets while she was sleepin' and she, the house, and everything that was in it went up in flames, with a single black smear to prove it ever stood.
That's why whenever my Dad finishes a cigarette, he spends a second longer than anybody else would making sure it's out.
Glenn's got it right — World wasn't exactly fair before all this, either.
Havin' any Mom, let alone a Mom as good as Lori, was a special thing even before the world went to shit.
"She gon' love havin' you as her Momma," I smile to Lori.
And if you were my Momma, I'm too embarrassed to say, I'd be lucky, too.
As if I've just minced her heart between my fingers, the woman pouts, managing a smile. "Thank you, honey. That's nice of you to say."
I don't ever remember dreaming of milk or sheep or soft things with gentle colors, but I'm glad this baby will, even if just for now.
The sound of the toilet flushing fills my ears as I push past the stall door, approaching my Dad who's waiting for me by the sinks. He lifts me by the armpits onto the little plastic foot stool that Glenn found a few days ago, carefully setting me down on it.
"You sure I can't stay up just a little longer?" I ask as I tweak on the water, pumping soap into my hands.
"How much is, a little longer?"
"Hm... Five minutes?"
"I already let'chu finish yer card game with Carl and Beth," He reminds me. "My generous mood's run out, now. It's late, y'know."
"Okay, Captain Obvious," I sigh, scrubbing my hands together under the water before shutting it off.
"Watch it, Captain Smartass." He takes my hand and helps me jump off the stool, leading me through the door and down the corridor, before he randomly comes to a stop. As I turn around to face him, he crouches down to my level. "But I gotta talk to you first."
"About what?" I pout, worried I might be in trouble. "If Carl told you I cheated at cards, it ain't tru—"
"I ain't talkin' about that," He reassures me, raising his brows. "And you're lucky I ain't, 'cause I'on believe you for a second."
"Okay. Maybe I peeped at Beth's cards."
"Yeah. Maybe." With an empty chuckle, his expression slowly dampens, turning serious. "It's about Axel and Oscar."
"I trust 'em," He begins, but I got no idea where he's goin' with this. "What I always saw in Shane and all the other douchebags like 'im, I'on see in them. Some folks, you can just tell. Axel's a sorry loser just like yer Daddy and Uncle Merle used to be, and Oscar's a Dad."
My Dad's what some people call, a good judge of character. Nodding along in agreement, I let him continue.
"If I thought they was any sorta threat to you," He promises, "Even if it was just breakin' yer favorite crayon, then—..."
"Then, you'd kill 'em," I finish, remembering the sight of his shadow swinging down on Jim's face through the slats of the shed wall, the big, black bag the paramedics wheeled outta the woods, the way Shane's blood pooled out across the dirty tiles. "I know."
"So, I guess this ain't really about them, 'cause they ain't gonna hurt you. It's about you, baby."
"You ain't in trouble." He says again, soothing my nerves. "I prolly should'a had this conversation wit'chu months ago, but you know I ain't so good with 'conversations', so it's happenin' now. I need you to know what happened with Shane weren't your fau—"
"Why are you sayin' that?" I cut him off, feeling like it's wrong for Shane's name to be in his mouth. "I d—"
"Just listen to me." He grabs my shoulders, stern and strong. Quips and hot venom brew on my tongue, but I bite it down, knowing that if I lash out, I'll actually be in trouble. I can't stop him from mentioning Shane, violating him even in that way, like he used to do with my Momma's name when he threw insults at her and told lies about her to strangers. I have to remember — Shane ain't my Momma. They was both sick, but only one loved me. I'm pretending to know which one that was. "It weren't. But we could'a done things differently."
Don't talk to strangers, He and Merle always told me. Is that what he means?
"I-I don't get it," I shake my head in confusion. "I'm allowed to talk to Axel and Oscar. They ain't strangers."
"Neither was Shane, baby." He counters. "Spent so much energy teachin' you not to trust assholes like Ronnie, I ain't never taught you not to trust assholes like Shane — Typa guy that makes it past yer doorstep and tries to be yer friend."
I temper my glare. "What'chu gettin' at, Daddy?"
"You know grown men can't be friends with little girls." He explains patiently, his grip on me tightening. "Rick and Glenn, they're different. They's like yer Uncles. Ya get along with 'em, but they're there to protect ya, just like I am. Axel and Oscar ain't like that. You ever meet anybody like 'em, you don't do anythin' that makes you uncomfortable. You don't give 'em anythin' they want. You don't let 'em trick ya."
Shane. I did all those things with Shane. He did all those things with me.
"And you always tell me if any of that happens. Always. Ya ain't never gon' get in trouble for what other people choose to do."
"The prisoners ain't tried to be my friend," I assure him. "And I ain't tried to be theirs. Promise."
"I know. I'm proud'a you for that." His grip loosens, fingers sliding down my arms, dropping in his lap. "But do you understand me?"
"I think so."
"I'mma somethin' better'un, I think."
Frowning, I think. Shane weren't my fault. Dad said that since the beginning. I guess he only wants to make sure it never happens again, like how it ain't yer fault if a dog bites ya, but you can always learn to recognize a violent animal and turn your back on its teeth.
I shouldn't have let Shane corner me in the car while the rest of the group was distracted in that supermarket.
Shouldn't have played into his stupid game, neither, by punching him in the face when he asked me to.
Definitely shouldn't have agreed to be his friend.
Dad's always gonna look out for me, but, "I understand."
"Okay. Good girl. Smart girl," He nods, standing and taking my hand in his, leading me down the corridor. "I love you, chicken."
"Love you, Daddy. But I thought you said I was allowed to knife 'em?"
"You can knife 'em first, and then I'll kill 'em," He jokes. "Deal?"
He chuckles to himself. "Let's get'chu to bed, then."
"Easy, boy," Axel smiles, scratching Mouse's ear as he watches him gobble up the meat in his hand. "There ya go."
From my seat nearby, as I wait to leave with Dad and Glenn for a supply run, I don't bother callin' Mouse over yet. The dog ain't my toy or nothin', but I should still share him with the prisoners. I know they ain't seen one in years, so I let him have the moment.
When Carl walks past me, I ask him, "You sure ya don't wanna come with us?"
"Thanks, but I'm sure. I'm just tired today," He turns to send me a smile, before continuing toward Axel. "Hey. Got more food."
"Oh, thanks, dude," He says happily, accepting it.
"He really likes this stuff."
It's taken almost a full month not only for Mouse to warm up to the new members of our group, but for the others, too.
We ain't best friends or nothin', like Maggie said, but it turns out they're a better fit for our family than I first thought.
Axel really is just a sorry loser with a good heart, who I've learnt over the past couple days wasn't kiddin' when he said he loved dogs. He's almost never more than a few feet away from Mouse, bribing him with treats or scraps of his own dinner, sometimes accidently calling him, Goober, the name of his old dog. When I look at him, I see all the other sorry losers we used to live with in our trailer park, his twangy accent and his stories of punking the police when he was younger weirdly comforting to me. Dad don't seem so offended by him, neither.
Oscar's the type of person who talks a lot around the dinner table, just like Carl and Maggie are. He's always got a snarky, good-natured joke to throw in here and there, or a reassuring tidbit to share when somebody opens up about something in their past.
When it comes to his own past, though, he suddenly ain't so much of a chatterbox no more.
I can only assume his wife and baby are among all the people we've lost, too. I wouldn't wanna talk about 'em, neither.
Rick watches Oscar standing there with a guarded look on his face, my Dad drawing his attention away by nudging his elbow, holding two guns out to him. With another glance at Axel, who's giggling like a small child at Mouse's enthusiasm for the food, he takes them.
"Axel. Oscar," Rick calls out, coming to a stop in front of them. As they look up at him, he offers a gun to each of them.
Axel's eyes widen as he stands up. "You serious, Mister?"
Oh — That's another thing. Axel doesn't call people Ma'am or Mister to butter 'em up. It's just his Southern manners.
"Daryl and Glenn are leaving for a few hours," He explains as Axel hesitantly reaches out for the gun, treating it more like a live grenade. For all the petty crimes he's committed, I'on think he's ever actually held a gun. Oscar takes his slightly more confidently, knowing exactly where to put his fingers, though he don't seem to like it. "With them gone, I think it's time you stepped up, helped us protect this place."
"Sure thing," Oscar nods, checking the mag is empty before stuffing the gun in his pants line. "Happy to, chief."
"Now, you mentioned you got experience," He reminds him, before turning to look expectantly at Axel.
In the silence that follows, the man offers, "I shot a slingshot, once. Busted in some rich old lady's Rolls-Royce window with it."
Rick's expression remains stoney. "A slingshot?"
"Yeah! Real cool one."
"A slingshot."
Awkwardly, he says again, "Yeah."
"Right." Rick gives him a friendly pat on the back, almost knocking him off balance. "We're gonna have to train you up a bit."
"Well, have fun," Glenn muses as he slings his backpack on, with Dad gesturing for me to stand up. "See you guys later."
Carl smiles, "See you later."
"C'mon, boy!" I call out to Mouse, clapping my hands. "Time to go."
"Remember, she doesn't handle the whole-wheat blend very well," Lori warns us, rocking baby Judith in her arms. It's good to finally see her outta bed again, to have her sitting around the breakfast table next to Herschel just like she always used to do.
"We'll look around for somethin' different this time. Trust me. I remember," Dad reassures her as he leads us up the concrete steps and pushes past the exit door, letting it close behind us before he mutters to me and Glenn, "She only threw up on my face twice."
"Eugh," I giggle, walking alongside them down the corridor. "That's gross."
"You ain't gonna talk to me about gross, missy," He jokes. "Who's that kid that spat chewed-up salami into my lap again, Rhee?"
Glenn chuckles at that. "Oh, yeah. I think her name was—...?"
"Somethin' beginin' with an, H, right?"
"Shut up," I giggle even harder as Glenn opens the main door, turning to lock it behind us. "It was an accident!"
"Ha—? Harriet," Dad pretends to struggle guessing, completely ignoring me. "Holly? Harley—?"
"Ohhh. Harley," Glenn exclaims as he stuffs the key back in his pocket. "That was it."
"Yeah, that's ringin' a bell."
"Shut up," I complain again, dragging him over to the gate. "C'mon. Me and Mouse wanna go!"
Agreeing, the dog lets out a, ruff.
This might only be the fourth time I've been on a scavenge this month, but I'd be lyin' if I said it ain't just as excitin' as the first time. Sure, the adults watch over me and Carl the whole time, and we only ever go to the same store, but everybody says we been doin' a good job and it's true. The worst thing that's happened to us is getting spooked by a rat running across our path, and even that was fun. 
"Okay, we're comin'," Dad chuckles raspily, letting me pull him along. "We're comin'."
"What do you wanna play this time, Harley?" Glenn asks.
As Dad opens the gate to the field, Mouse is the first one out, running ahead of us down the path.
I kick a pebble down the hill, thinking. "What about eye-spy?"
He locks it shut. "Didn't we do that one last time?"
"Yeah, but I lost," I argue as we follow after the dog.
"So, a re-match," Glenn says in understanding. "Sure. Who's going first?"
"Is it that leaf over there?"
"What about that leaf over there?"
"Still nope."
"That leaf?"
"You can't just guess every single leaf you see, Harley," Glenn chuckles. "The game would never end."
"So, it's not a leaf?"
"Not a leaf," He agrees. "Come on. You can do it."
Walking down the side of the highway, I look around for anything, Small and green. If it ain't leaves, or any of the hundreds of other things I've guessed so far, I'm screwed. In the distance, the tall sign for the strip mall pokes out from the trees, growing closer.
"Can't just look at what's in front of ya," Dad says helpfully, squeezing my hand. "Hunter's eye's gotta see everythin'."
Humming in concentration, I look down instead, noticing it instantly — The green beetle clinging to my shorts.
A giggle escapes me as I rest a finger near the insect's tiny head, letting it crawl onto me, holding it up to my face. "It was you!"
"Point for Harley," Glenn smiles as we step over the curb, entering the dumpster area behind the strip mall. The forest falls away behind us, making way for concrete and scattered litter. "You were taking so long; I was worried it was gonna fly away."
I turn a suspicious eye on my Dad. "Hang on. Did you let me win?"
"I might'a noticed it a couple minutes ago," He muses.
I flinch as the beetle's pearly wings whip out from under its shell, flickering into a blur, before it takes off into the trees.
"Aw." I pout, distracted by its disappearing shape as we approach the side of the building. "Bye, beetl—"
Dad drops my hand. He slings his crossbow off his shoulder, training the sights ahead of us as Glenn grabs me, forcing me up against the wall with him. The warm brick presses against my back, Glenn's thick heartbeat thudding rhythmically beneath my fingers as I grip his wrist. I hold my breath. Suddenly, we're hiding — From what? From who? — and I couldn't care less that we didn't finish the game.
What's wrong, I desperately want to ask them, instead clinging tighter to Glenn, cowering, making myself small.
I try to get a glimpse of what's going on in the main parking lot, but I'm not close enough.
With his shoulders tensed and footsteps light, Dad creeps forward, peeking around the wall.
"It's okay," Glenn whispers to me, turning to scold a growling Mouse, "Shh, boy. Shh."
I focus on the nearby sounds — Someone's car engine idling, boots scraping against tarmac, hushed voices. People. It's people.
As Dad pulls back behind the wall, Glenn asks him, "How many?"
"I count three," He exhales, glancing down at me for a moment, before shaking his head. "We gotta go."
"Okay. Come on." Glenn gently tugs me by the hand, pulling me along with him in the direction we came. "It's okay."
"C'mon, chicken," Dad encourages.
We stick close to the wall, Dad scanning the back parking lot with a slow sweep of his sights, before giving us a nod, letting us know the way is clear and leading us down onto the tarmac. Everything opens up. My gaze darts from the dumpsters pressed up against the chain-link fence, to the trash littered across the ground, to the distant trees, the sky, the back of my Dad's head, Mouse at his heel. 
Dad takes one step back over the broken curb, his boot hitting the grass on the other side.
My fingers tighten around Glenn's as I lift my foot to do the same.
I'm taking a sigh of relief — The forest is right there. We can slip away — but the breath in my lungs is stolen from me. I stumble backwards into Glenn. A man shoots out from behind a rusted car, tackling my Dad, and a gasp escapes me, loud and sharp.
"Daddy!" I shriek, watching him tank the sudden impact with a grunt.
"Boys!" The man shouts over his shoulder. "Over here!"
Squeezing my hand, Glenn draws his gun, acting unsure if he should run with me or stay and fight. "Daryl?"
"Stay with Harley!" He orders.
We watch as Dad shoves the man off him in one powerful movement, sending his stocky body tumbling.
The man lands against the car door. The window cracks under his elbow, glass shattering, tinkling, falling at his feet. He groans like an animal, blood trickling down his forearm as he rears it back again, knife in his hand, about to stab Dad wherever he can.
Dad's crossbow comes down on the man's arm and the knife goes flying, clattering loudly across the parking lot.
"Fuck—" He cries, disarmed, before Dad takes a step back and — FWIP — unleashes a bolt into his face.
The man's legs give out, body slumping to the ground.
"What's going on back here?!" A voice shouts, footsteps approaching. "Eric?"
Glenn whips his gun around, shoving me behind him so fast; I only catch a glimpse of the — two? — men pouring into the parking lot before I'm pressing my face into the back of his shirt, squeezing his hand so tight I think I might break a few of his bones.
"Holy shit," One of the men exclaims as their footsteps come to a stop in front of us. "Eric! God, he's dead!"
"You'll be dead, too, if ya don't back the Hell up!" Dad barks at them, taking a step forward. "Back up!"
"You fucking killed him!"
"He attacked us first!" Glenn counters. "Put the guns down!"
"Oh, my God!"
"Who's that behind you?"
"Hey! You keep yer eyes on us and put'cher fuckin' guns down!"
The arguing, shouting, — Mouse's relentless barking — gets louder and louder with each second, ruminating into one big cloud of noise around me as I squeeze my eyes shut. I only wanted to help them scavenge some baby formula, enjoy the sun and the breeze, maybe win at eye-spy. Home is only a ten-minute walk from here. No, no, it wasn't supposed to go like this. It's never gone like this.
"Put that goddamn crossbow down!"
"I ain't doin' shit!"
"Everybody, shut up!"
The parking lot falls silent. I hear the footsteps of a third man approaching, slow and calm, like an angry teacher.
"They killed Eric," One of them exclaims. "We heard him shout for us."
"And this piece of shit here killed him. I saw it."
The footsteps slow to a stop, and no response comes. I wait for a gunshot or a punch to be thrown, but that doesn't come, neither.
After the pause has gone on too long, the man hesitates to ask, "Boss, what's wrong? Are we killing 'em, or not?"
"I said, shut up, Gavin."
That voice.
Merle is dead.
Merle was chained to roof and eaten by walkers and he's dead and he's gone and I mourned him and ghosts ain't real.
My movements in slow motion, I loosen my grip on Glenn's hand, my body going numb as I dare to peek out around his hip. As the scene reveals itself to me, a curtain pulled over a window inch by inch, everything hits me like a ton of bricks, years, names, memories.
The man standing at the front of the small crowd stares, gawking, at my Dad, unbothered by his confused friends.
When he glances down at me, his arm pointing the gun at us falters.
Our eyes lock, and suddenly ghosts are real.
I can feel myself start to cry, I think.
Author's Note.
It's Merle! Is there anything more to say? He's back!
I'm going to have my work cut out for me in the coming chapters. Trauma, emotions. Here we come.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, everyone. 💙
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whispersxwhimpers · 7 months
I wake up from a nap to hear my phone buzzing. I roll over to check my phone, It's a text from Master! It says, "Hey babygirl! I had to pop out and run some errands before we went out later. There's an outfit hanging up for you. Please be ready by 7pm. Love you Darling, xoxo 😘💕" I raise a brow, look down at my phone with a grin, and happily go investigate what they picked for me... I gasp! It's a stunning dress in their favorite shade! I blush as I hold it up against my body, and I think about so many things! Most of all, I think of how their hands feel tracing my waist and them pulling me in for a kiss. The whole time I spend getting ready, I ponder where we're going and what they have planned for us tonight.
7 o'clock rolls around, and I'm waiting on the porch. Master pulls into the driveway right on time! I giggle and smile as I step into their car. I lean in and greet them with a bubbly smile and a kiss. They smile and comment on how beautiful I look. I blush and happily thank them, I also thank Master for the dress! It accents every curve they love on me. They rest their hand on my inner thigh and can't stop stroking it. As we get further into the drive, we head near forest scenery. We're listening to music, I'm humming in their ear as I lay on their shoulder, closing my eyes. I ask where we're going, and they reply sternly. "Be patient." I glance at them, raise my eyebrows, and smirk at this commanding tone of theirs! I giggle, settle back into their shoulder and mockingly say, "Okay!~ Whatever you say!~" They pull over, and they slam the car in park.
Master turns to me, and I match their energy with my eyebrow raised, and I'm smirking. I roll my eyes and just stare ahead. They sigh and stare ahead as the headlights beam into the thick forest. Master says, "You know..I was gonna let you enjoy the scenery on the way...but since you wanna be mouthy--" without even batting an eye, they grip my chin and my eyes widen as they slap a piece of tape over my mouth before I can say anything else to piss them off. Master hears me muffle and smirks as I reach to rip the tape off. Before I can rip the tape off, they bind my wrists and ankles. Before I can see what they used to bind me, they blind my vision. I hear Master giggle at me and say, "So pathetic babygirl..." I roll my eyes and sneer in protest. Master chuckles evilly and brings me closer to lay on their shoulder while they start the car and drive. Im leaning on them, and after a few minutes of silence, they say, "Awww! What's the matter? Dont wanna hum anymore babygirl?" I roll my eyes. They giggle and say "Thats alright, I'm sure we all can get you to make pretty noises tonight." I raise my eyebrows, and my eyes widen as I think, "We?? Who is WE??" Master notices my eyebrows widen and reassures me, saying "Dont worry if you dont like the activity I have planned for us tonight, you let me know and we will have a more relaxed evening. Okay babygirl?" I nod in agreement.
I squirm in anticipation to see what they have planned. Master strokes my hair and says, "Patience, we're almost there." Time passes, and I eventually hear Master shift their car into park. They say, "We're here! Let me help you inside!" They come to my side of the car and help me out of it. I've always cherished how well Master takes care of me, inside and outside of play. I can't help but regress and cling to them whenever I go into my little space. We link arms, and I stick close to them as we walk until they direct me to stand still and wait. I hear them open the door, they walk me inside and direct me to stand and stay in a certain spot deep inside the mysterious enclosure. They caressed me sweetly, and whispered in my ear, "Dont move babygirl, I'll be back..." My blushing is out of control, and I nod shyly. The anticipation is sending my heart ablaze! I heard their foot steps trail back to the door and close it. As I hear it close, the aroma of burning wood fills the room, and it's so warm... I think to myself, "Is that a fireplace?"
I hear Masters footsteps trace back to me, approaching me from behind. They whisper as they kiss my neck. "Do you have an idea of where we are Darling?" Their breath trailing down my neck sends tingles up my spine. I sharply nod, and they smile. They take my tape off, and I smile and say, "Wow! Took you long enough!" Masters smile slowly fades as they get a serious expression on their face. I continue and say, "Also, I'm not stupid! Are we in a cabin??" To this, they slap the tape back on. They sigh and say, "We're gonna fix that bratty mouth of yours...arent we babygirl?" My blurry vision is restored while being unbinded. My eyebrows suddenly raise, and my eyes widen as I sharply inhale. Standing in front of me is a line of women in different colored masks wearing lingerie under hooded robes. One had a Red mask, one had a Green mask, and one had a Purple mask. If my mouth was free, my jaw would drop at the big reveal! My Master approaches me holding a Golden mask and says, "Are you up to being played with babygirl? If not, shake your head no. I will send them home. If you're up for it, nod yes, and we will proceed." I look at them to inspect them for a second... they all stare and study me as well. I take a moment to consider, then nod my head yes repeatedly in excitement! Master replies, "Someone's so excited and eager! How cute!" I giggle, roll my eyes, and shake my head as they put their mask on. Master chuckles sinisterly, and I hear a click. Master puts a blue collar on me. I feel the collar tighten, and I blush.
Master starts slowly undressing me, making my dress fall down to my hips. Master forcefully pulls the rest off as if their life depended on it. Im flustered and gasped as my bare body is exposed for everyone to see. I attempt to cover my breasts, but Master says, "Awww babygirl, are you shy?" I blush, smile, and continue to roll my eyes. I giggle and lower my arms and relax. Master whispers in my ear and says "That’s my girl." My heartbeat quickens as everyone is looking at me, my face is burning as I feel everyones gaze seering into different parts of my body. Master says, "Well, dont just stare. That's rude, isn't it?" I hear sinister giggling as they all approach me. Master looks at me smirking and says, "Hey..." Then looks up at them and says "Lets fix that bratty mouth of theirs, "and brings me to my knees.
Master rips my tape off, and she directs Green to come closer. Green approaches, and they have a girthy hung strap on under their robe. My eyes widen as I wonder how Im even going to fit them inside my mouth. Before I can even think another thought, Green softly grabs my jaw and caresses my cheek. Green grabs me by the hair and starts inching herself into my mouth. I start to gag a little, but with praise and Greens soft caressing, I start to deep throat them slowly. Master and Green hold me down and make me gag and choke on it when I get to the shaft. I moan, and my eyes start to tear up and roll back, then they grab me by the hair and slowly take it out. I gasp, pant, and drool. They all giggle at how messy my pretty mouth looks.
Master asks, "Now, will you mouth off some more?" I smirk and say softly. "Ever?" Green giggles and grabs me by the hair and re-enters my mouth. Master shakes their head and says "Filthy whore...since you want to act like one, you can be treated like one. Is that what you want?" Master grabs me by the hair and lifts my face to theirs, the cock leaving my mouth makes a popping noise. I pant and drool and have a glossed over look in my eyes. To gain my attention, they slap my face and ask sternly "Is it?? Answer me!" I say "Yes!" To this she smiles and pecks me on the cheek and says "Good girl." Then lets go of my hair, and I collapse on the bed Master made by the fire. I landed with my face first into their jacket...their smell always bring me comfort and warmth. I'm a panting mess, but before I can catch my breath, Green approaches me, and I look up at them. As soon as our gazes meet, they lift me up and set me on my knees, grab me by the head, and slowly inch their way in my gasping mouth. My lips wrap around them, and they slowly start to thrust in my mouth, lacing their fingers in my hair. I start bobbing my head, and they quicken their pace and hold my head still. They start to rail my throat, and my eyes roll back as I start to choke. They pull out, and I'm a crying, coughing, panting, drooling mess. They caress my face and slap my face with their cock and make me lick them from shaft to tip. I playfully swirled my tougne around the tip, flicked it, and kissed it making them want to fuck my mouth harder.
As my pretty mouth is being fucked, Master, Red, and Purple are caressing me and touching me everywhere. The feeling of hands being all over me was overwhelming! I was a dripping mess! I felt them caressing me, grazing my body with their fingertips, scratching me, biting me, gripping me, pinching me, I even felt kisses trail my body while I was serving Green...that especially tortured me. Wondering who was under those disguises was more torture than not having my needy holes filled in the moment.
Master smirks and walks up to a table nearby with toys laid out. Master grabs a leather crop and hands it to Purple. Master commands Purple to use it on me. Purple starts using it, full force on me when I least expect it. They aim for my ass making me wince and whimper at every strike. My bare cheeks slowly start to match the rosy color of the cheeks on my face, radiating just as hot as the fluttering in my chest. Master tells everyone to feel free to take a toy to use on me or themselves. But the only rule is, I have to use it on them, they cant use it on themselves. "You see she has free hands, dont you? Make use of them!" Green pulls out of my mouth and goes to glance at the toys on the table.
Master starts inspecting me while I'm on all fours, trying to catch my breath. They start inpecting my needy hole, they edge me and swirl their fingertip around my clit a few times. They feel how wet I am, and Im soaking! Master cant take it anymore, they slowly inch their cock inside of me by surprise and my moans are suddenly muffled by Red's cock. They both slowly start thrusting deeper and deeper into me. The mixes of pleasure of being filled and the stinging from being lashed and being stretched fill my body, makes me whimper and whine over and over. As my moans start to build, I feel myself about to cum. Finally, what I've been aching for! Suddenly, Master and Red pull out. Master looks into my tear filled eyes glancing into theirs, frustrated they pulled out. Master says "Babygirl, youre gonna have to show us all how much you want to cum." I start to damn near cry because I ache to cum so bad. Green puts a toy in my hand while Master tells Purple to pause, lashing me and pick out a toy for themselves. Purple glances at me and points at me. Master chuckles and asks, "Is she your toy?" Purple nods and giggles, Master says, "Cute! Well, let's play with our toy!"
Red lays on the bed, and Master sits me on their cock in a cowgirl position. I gasp and moan as I feel Red enter me, their strap is bigger than I'm used to. My moans calm as I feel myself stretch around them. They grip my hips and start rocking me on their cock, slowly stroking inside of me. I let out light moans and "Mmms" as Master places a toy in my hand and slowly inches it inside of them. Purple grabs me by the hair, and makes me gaze at them and smirks at me before shoving my face into their pussy. I lap up their wetness with my tougne, and I sharpen my tougne and run the tip of my tougne up and down their slit. Their head thrusts back as a moan escapes their lips. I start working circles around their swollen throbbing clit, and they start to gasp and pant. As I do this, I feel Green slowly start to edge themselves on the toy they placed in my hand, I surprise them and slowly inch the toy inside of them and fill them. They bite cry out moaning and grip my arm. This makes me thrust into them at a slow pace, feeling them stretch around me. Master praises me, and tells me how good I'm doing at focusing. Everyones moans flood the room and I love that I'm making everyone feel as good as theyre making me feel. Naturally, since I'm a people pleaser.
I start bouncing on Reds cock harder and my moans muffle into Purple as I flick my tougne and swirl it around faster. I also keep pumping the toys faster to please Master & Green. Masters moans build as they grip me tightly, they cant it take anymore and cum all over my hand. I feel them shudder and stroke my arm while panting. They quickly recover and caress me and say "Good girl...now once you make everyone else cum, you may cum babygirl." My eyes roll back at the thought, and it possesses me to give everyone my all. Green starts to clench my arm hard and rubs their clit. I match their speed and thrust into them, they cum super hard and caress my hair as they kneel next to me. Purples moans build more as I suck on their clit and flick my tougne. I bury my face into them and hold them close to me by the hips so they can stay in place. Purple shudders as they buck their hips, squeal, and cum hard all over my lips. Purple practically collapses to the floor.
Master nods to Red, and Red starts wrapping their soft hands around my neck. My eyes widened, and they started choking me while thrusting deep inside of me. I start to grip their thighs, and then I start to slide a finger inside of them as I notice their legs are spread while pounding me. I hear them deeply moan and softly say, "ffffuck!" beneath me. I slowly work my way up to their speed, and we match each other. I feel Red shudder and convulse beneath me and I think I made Red cum. Before I can ask if they did, they grab my arms and pin them behind my back and start ferally thrusting into me. This sends me gasping and whimpering. I squeal and scream "Fuck!~" over and over until my eyes roll back and all I can do is gasp and pant and convulse. I feel everyone caressing me and kissing me again, and I feel Master whisper in my ear and down my neck "Cum for us Princess" and I instantly start squealing "Thank you!~" over and over again. I cum so hard I collapse into the bed. I feel so many people trying to deliver after care and affection at once, but I was blind to who was doing what. I was so fucked out, my eyes wouldnt work, everything was hazy...soon after, I pass out from all the stimulation.
I woke up the next morning in fresh sheets and comfy baggy clothes my Master picked out for me. My hair is wet, and I smell of lavender, I smile as my heart is warm at the realization Master cleaned me up. I look around, and my eyes widen as I'm surrounded by them all again. Except they're holding me and snoozing. I gaze at them, thinking it would be the perfect time to unmask everyone...but instead I snuggle into my Master instead, who is the only one who is unmasked. Maybe I'm learning not to be such a brat and be patient after all! Master feels me snuggle into them, and they bring me closer. They kiss my forehead and whisper, "That's my girl, get some sleep." I close my eyes and snuggle into them and quickly doze back off.
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AITA for ‘forcing’ my dad to drive me home while I had COVID, and then cutting contact?
Sorry if this isn’t allowed, but it’s been weighing on me for the past year and a half so I want to get an outside opinion because I’m still afraid it’s my fault. Basically, my (22F) parents are split; it was bad and they both hate each other, call the other abusive, etc. I live with my mom, but we used to alternate holidays, and my dad had Christmas 2021. I don't get on with him; we're very different, he's very judgemental, he doesn't like that I'm very close with Mom, and we've fallen out in the past (I still regret coming out to him). I didn't want to go, TBH, but I did because my siblings wanted me there.
Christmas went fine but I was running out of energy to deal with him afterwards and that's where it started. He'd agreed to take me and my youngest brother home (2.5 hr drive) on the 28th, and we made plans around that, but two days before he announced that he wouldn't unless Mom agreed to meet him halfway; that's normal, but since he'd already agreed to drive the whole way, she had gone away and was flying home that day. He refused to take us home until she was free. We had an argument over this, and I decided I'd just get the train if he didn't want to drive me.
That day, however, my stepsister got COVID, and we all tried to isolate from her, but me and my youngest brother tested positive on the 28th. I'll be honest, at that point, I think I was selfish. My plans were already cancelled, but I was at my wits' end with Dad and I couldn't handle another week of isolation with him. My room at his house was also just one end of the kitchen, which everyone else has to use, whereas at home I have my own bedroom with a bathroom right next door, so I could isolate much more easily and safely at home. Our rules at the time were if you were visiting somewhere, you were allowed to travel home to isolate so long as you didn't use public transport; Mom still wanted us home.
We got into a fight about this; Dad said I had to stay there. I snapped at him it wasn't my home, and he'd get COVID from me anyway there. He put his foot down and said he wasn't taking me, and I thought that was the end of it. Until two hours later, when he told me to get in the car, and said he'd drive me and my brother home; I genuinely think that he was expecting me to back down then, but I didn't.
Twice on the journey he berated me for being selfish; I told him I didn't force him. After he dropped me off, he sent me three text messages of the same, including saying I was as bad as my Mom and ordering me to tell her she was a bad person. I blocked his number, so he sent me an email warning me to "be careful who I ally myself with" and threatening me not to side with Mom. At that point, I cut all contact and blocked his email.
As far as I know, he never got COVID. He's emailed me a few times since (blocking him just sends them straight to my bin, I still see them); he's asked me to meet up with him a few times, and keeps getting my brother to ask when I’m going to talk to him again. I’ve never had an apology or even a real acknowledgment of what happened, except an “I know you’re still angry” at one point, and he still sends me presents and stuff even though I’ve told my brother I don’t want anything.
IDK, I still just feel really bad about the whole thing. So, AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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no-vibes-club · 11 months
𝕺𝖓𝖊-𝕾𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖉 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊| ᴘᴀʀᴛ ɪɪ
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"Congratulations Eren!" , Armin hugged me while Connie and Jean were cheering with the rest of the crowd. Looking around [Name] was nowhere to be seen. "Um... Excuse me, Mr.Ackerman" I headed towards him. "Congratulations Yeager" he said and I gave him a brief smile. "Have you by any chance seen [Name]? She was sitting beside you right?", I asked concerned.
"You just missed her. She left", he told me. 'Why would she leave? Was something wrong?' I asked myself but obviously i wasn't gonna get any answers.
"C'mon Eren~ Let's go outside and take pictures~" Mikasa was tugging at my arm and I had no choice but to go with her. We tried different poses, took pictures with friends and family but it just didn't feel quite right without [Name]. 'Why did she leave? Where didi she go?
"Eren.... Everyone's waiting for your toast" Mikasa brought me out of my trance. "I would like to thank you all for coming. Today has been very special and I hope to spend the rest of my life with my beautiful wife beside me", I had finished and everyone applauded loudly.
'Why did you go? Especially on such an important day?', these thoughts had clouded my mind and kept me from fully enjoying my wedding day. And before I knew it, Mikasa and I had gotten into the car, friends and family waving us goodbye and then we were off to pack for our honeymoon.
Throughout the ride, Mikasa rested her head on my shoulder and wrapped he arms around me pulling me closer but I was just staring out the window.
The ride felt long but we had finally reached our shared home. Something that I hadn't informed [Name] about. We stepped in and at the foot of the staircase Mikasa said "Eren~ Can you carry me to our room please? I feel so sore~" and I obliged and carried her as she giggled excitedly.
I opened the door and dropped her gently on the bed. I took off my coat and she called me again. "Eren~ Could you help me take off my wedding dress? I can't reach the zipper~" and I agreed. She stood up and had her back facing me as I pulled the zipper down.
"Sorry I have to make a phone call. Just go take a nice bath ok.", I said and she glared at me but nodded.
I grabbed my phone and hurried downstairs into the living room. I dialed [Name's] number and places the phone to my ear. After a few rings i heard 'The number you are calling does not exist or is out of service'.
"That cant be. [Name] has never changed her number." I thought to myself and dialed again but still received the same message. I tried again and again but alas, all I heard was the same message. Giving up, I decided to text her just incase she still has her sim card.
Hey [Name]. It's Eren.
If you get this message
Please text or call
I placed my phone on the coffee table and headed back to our shared room. I had take off my suit and wore a black track suit. I took out a blue suitcase from under the bed ang placed it on top.
I took out some clothes from the wardrobe and started neatly arranging them since we would be away for 8 days. As I was half way done, Mikasa came out with a towel wrapped around her.
She sat on the bed staring at me. "So are you done with your phone call?" she asked. "They we rent available so I just sent them a text instead" I replied not looking at her.
"You tried to contact [Name] didn't you?" she asked glaring at me and I looked at her in disbelief. "She has been my best friend since childhood, and she suddenly disappears, so of course I would try yo contact her. Why are you even angry?" I glared at he but she just kept quiet.
"Lets just pack so that we reach the airport earlier. We're both tired. Let's not argue or we might regret it" she said and got up to dress herself.
I finished packing and took my suitcase downstairs and turned on the TV, mindlessly scrolling through the channels. Just then my phone rang. 'Could it be [Name]?' I thought and quickly picked up the phone. But all hopes washed away when I heard a different voice.
"Hey Eren! Have you seen or heard from [Name]?. We looked for her at her apartment but it was empty.", Armin said and I stood up immediately. " What!" I gasped in utter shock. "We also tried calling her but her number does not exist. And texting her was of no use since we were left on delivered"
I was rendered speechless, so she really was gone. "I really don't know why she left, lets just hope that she comes back. But anyways, enjoy your honeymoon, bye!" and with that, he hung up the phone.
I dropped to my knees, wide-eyed. My first best friend, my only best friend in the world was gone and there was no way we could contact her. I thought she had beef with Mikasa, but [Name] isn't that type of person. What was the reason? Was it because I spent way lees time with her since Mikasa and I started dating. But she seemed so happy for me or was she just pretending.
Tears rolled down my cheeks one my one. When I heard the bedroom door open, I quickly got up and wiped my tears.
Mikasa came down with her suitcase and paced it next to mine. She looked at me and furrowed her eyebrows. "Eren... Are you okay?" she asked placing her hands gently on my shoulders and gliding down my chest as she pressed our bodies together placing her head on my chest.
"Nothings wrong Mikasa. I don't know what you're talking about" I said and kissed the top of her head as my arms encircled her waist and she sighed lightly.
"Lets get going, otherwise well miss the plane" I said and she let go. We loaded our luggage into the car and hopped in.
As we were heading to the airport, Mikasa just just kept blabbering non-stop. For some reason it was so annoying. I usually found this cute about Mikasa or was it [Name]. Thoughts of her clouded my mind as I made a turn. Perhaps it was only [Name] who I really listened to.
"Eren! Are you even listening to me!?" she snapped her fingers at me taking me out of my trance. "Yeah [Name]" I whispered and she looked at me confused. 'Oh sh*t! Oh sh*t! Oh sh*t!' I chanted in my head hoping that she didn't hear me.
"What did you say?" she asked quirking her brow and I sighed quietly in relief. "Sorry dear. I was a bit distracted." I said and she just smiled shaking her head and smiling to herself.
"You always do that. And that's what I find most cute about you" she said bopping my nose with her index finger. I smiled at her, but for some reason, it felt so fake and i had no idea why.
We had finally reached the airport and found a parking spot. I unloaded the luggage and texted Armin to pick up the car for me. We entered the airport and sat on one of the benches while waiting for Armin. We had about an hour and 30 minutes before check in time and i decided to use my laptop while Mikasa was scrolling on her phone.
About 50 minutes passed and Armin came our way. "Once again congratulations guys" he said shaking my hand and Mikasa nodded with a smile. "Well be back in 8 days. Well take an uber home so you don't need to pick us up when we return. What else again?... Oh yes, the house key is under the mat of the backdoor" I said and he just smiled as she nodded.
"If you get any leads on [Name]'s whereabouts please alert me and open a case please for the both of us" he said and I smiled.
"Don't worry. You can rely on me, just enjoy your honeymoon, y̷o̷i̷l̷l̷ j̷u̷s̷t̷ f̷o̷r̷g̷e̷t̷ h̷e̷r̷ a̷s̷ u̷s̷u̷a̷l̷l̷" he had whispered something but i couldn't make out what he said.
"What was that?" I asked, brows furrowed in confusion. "It's not anything important. Just try not to miss us too much" he said, waved goodbye and left.
"What was he saying?" Mikasa asked as i sat down. "I was just giving him some instructions that's all. He also says to enjoy our honeymoon" I said and she went back to her scrolling
Time passed by so fast and it was time to check in. ' What was it that Armin said? Why do I have a feeling it involves [Name]?' I thought to myself and decided to snap out of it.
'You're going to spend some time with your wife! Isn't this what you always wanted?' I asked myself as we waited for the our plane to get ready.
After about 20 minutes Mikasa asked "Do you want me to buy you food?" to which I responded by nodding my head implying yes. I checked my phone and the message that i had sent [Name] was still left on delivered. I scrolled up to see the previous messages that we sent to each other. Funny stickers and memes, weird emojis and cursed funny tiktoks. A smile crept up on my face without realizing.
I leaned my head back sighing and whispered 'I miss you' and just then I heard "I was only gone for a minute". I sprung up to see Mikasa holding a large pizza box and two cans of Coca-Cola. She sat down and we started eating. Once again she started talking but i turned around for a second and saw [Name]'s face. I blinked twice and she was still there speaking to me. And the suddenly tears started rolling down her cheeks.
" Why?" she asked. "How could you do this to me?", more tears were flowing. "What do you mean why?" I asked and she shook he head disappointed. "Of course you don't know. You always left me alone ever since you met her. How could you forget about me?" she asked again her voice cracking even more. "What do you mean?" I asked.
"What are you talking about?" I rubbed my eyes only to see Mikasa staring at me in concern. I looked around and she was nowhere to be found. "Eren?" she called out again. "Sorry, I just don't feel well" I said. "Should I get you some water?" she asked and i nodded.
She got up and I was utterly confused. 'What did she mean? Is Mikasa the problem or is it me?'. She came back and handed me a bottle of water along with some panadol. I drank it and she offered me her lap to sleep on which i agreed to.
After some time I heard "Eren... Eren.... Eren... Wake up... We have to board the plane. The voice was so sweet and gentle. She was.stroking my hair trying to wake me up. When I looked up I saw [Name] smiling brightly at me. I shot up only to see Mikasa staring at me with the most softest look in her eyes.
" You must have a fever. Lets board and you can sleep for as long as you want to, okay?" Mikasa suggested and I nodded.
Once we got on, we found our seats and sat down. Mikasa buckled my seatbelt for me and places the earmuffs on me. She kissed my cheek then stroked it lovingly ."Don't worry Eren. You'll get better soon", she said and i drifted off to sleep.
"Eren...Eren.. Eren!" I shot up. I looked to my right and to my surprise Mikasa wasn't there. Infact nobody was on the plane. Suddenly I heard someone humming. The melody was so familiar. I got up and followed the voice. At the very front of the plane there was a person. Her face was completely hidden by her hair/braids
I got infront of her and she was stroking air as if someone was on her lap but I just couldn't see them.
"Excuse me miss..." I called out. "...Do you by any chance know where the other passengers are?" I asked fixing my gaze on her. "Whatever do you mean? My son is here with me isn't he?" she asked and when I looked down there was a small boy resting his head on her lap.
"Mommy" the boy called. "What happened to daddy?" he asked tugging on his shirt when he sat up straight. "What are you talking about?" I asked.
The lady just kept on humming the same song while slightly rocking sideways. "WHERE IS MY DADDY!" the boy exclaimed stumping his feet. "I don't know where he is. Just ask your mom-" "LIAR!!" he screamed punching my leg with his tiny fist.
Once he was tired, he grabbed onto the hem of my shirt and started silently sobbing. I lifted him up placing him on my hip as he continued to sob on my shoulder.
"What happened to your father?" I asked him. He sniffled and looked at me wiping his tears with his tiny hands.
"He left mommy and got married to someone else" he said sniffling. "Im sorry to hear that. What was his name? Maybe we could find him if you tell me his name" I said. "My daddy's name is... Eren Yeager" hearing this my eyes shot wide open.
I looked over to the woman and she was pointing at me. She looked up and that's when i saw her face. It was [Name]! Her eyes were puffy and red. She looked like she had been crying fo a long time.
I placed the kid down and walked towards [Name]. I knelt down infront of her but she did nothing but only stare at me. I placed my hand on her cheek and she leaned in closing her eyes. More tears fell and I wiped them for her. "Why did you leave me [Name]? You know I need you" I said. She slowly opened her eyes staring into my eyes softly.
"I had no choice. You left me first" she said and removed my hand. "It's too late Eren. The damage is done" she said and got up leaving the plane with the child. I tried to go after her but with every step I took, she seemed to be much further than before. "[Name]!" I called out but not once did she turn around.
"[Name]! [Name]!" I called again and again but to no avail. And that's when she was completely out of my sight and I woke up.
"Fasten your seatbelts ladies and gentlemen and prepare for landing. Thank you for flying with Emirates. Enjoy your stay!" was the first thing I heard upon waking up. "Wow Eren! You slept for 4 hours straight! Are you feeling better now?" I responded with only nodding my head implying yes.
Without realizing it, it was time for passengers to drop off the plane we got out after fetching our bags and went into the airport. It was already late so we decided to check in the hotel and go to bed since we were too tired to go out and about. I checked my phone but that message was still left on delivered.
We called an uber and got to our hotel. We checked in and we got the keys to room 226. Our luggage was carried by the bell boy and we got to our room.
"Today was so exhausting!" Mikasa sighed plopping on the king sized bed with comfortable-looking duvet covers. "It sure was!" I replied taking of my sweat shirt. I could feel Mikasa's gaze on my back and then I felt her hands gently stroke my back up and down that sent light shivers up my spine.
She then wrapped her arms around my waist and pressed her cheek on my back. "Let me join you" she said. "In what?" I asked. "In the shower" she replied as she slowly walked to face me.
"I don't think that s such a good idea" I said looking away. "Come on Eren. Were a married couple now, we can do anything to each other to our hearts content" she said, her eyes narrowing and gazing up at me seductively as she slowly slid he arms around my neck with her fingers interlocked behind me.
My throat felt dry. I wasn't able to say anything. I opened my mouth to say something, anything, even on word, but my throat failed me. All I did was nod and she kissed me as her hands roamed all over my torso. And I kissed back, but some part of me felt like this was.wromg.
I pulled away and she kept on staring at me right in the eyes with the same lustful stare. "Come to the bathroom when you're ready" was all I could say and I stepped into the bathroom.
I threw my remaining clothes on the floor and turned on the shower as cold water splashed on my body. I just stared at the white tiled wall completely in a trance. All the memories I had with [Name] came flooding back. All the times that I made her smile or laugh made a small smile creep up on my face unknowingly.
"Where are you [Name]?" I sighed and then Mikasa came in wearing a towel. She let it drop to the floor then she walked slowly over to me and hugged me from behind. "This feels nice, doesn't it Eren" she asked and I hummed. She took the loofa and squirted soap on it and started sensually rubbing my back. "I need you to turn around for me" she said and I did.
She started scrubbing my front side trying to get all touchy and then she rinsed the foam off and asked me to do the same to her.
We got out of the shower with our robes on and I sat on the bed while Mikasa sat at the dresser drying her hair with a towel. "What sight should we visit tomorrow?" she asked looking at me from the mirror. "Anywhere's fine really. As long as Im with you." I said smiling at her.
She sighed and walked over to me. She sat down next to me with her hand on my shoulder. "Eren look at me" she ordered and I turned to fave her. "What's wrong?" she asked her face showing concern. "There's nothing Mikasa. Im fine-" "No, you're not!" she exclaimed startling me.
"Whatever it is we can go through it together, as husband and wife" she said one hand intertwining with mine and the other cupping my face. "There's nothing wrong. Im just tired" I said voice cracking a little. "Come on, you can trust me. Please let me help you" she insisted and i gave in.
"Its about [Name]'s disappearance" as soon as I said that, I noticed her face slowly cringing but she regained composure. I shrugged it off 'cause I thought I was just seeing things because that's how the entire day was.
"I just don't understand. How could she leave us? Why?" I asked as I could feel the tears building up in my ryes and the lump forming in my throat. "I thought she was perfectly happy and fine, but... Why?" I asked again failing to look her in the eye.
"You have to be kidding me" she said and I looked at her confused. "Are you serious Eren?!" she asked again anger slowly rising. "What rae you talking about?" I asked looking at her as she stood up. "You're telling me, that the reason you've been gloomy the entire day was because of her!" her voice was raising.
I creased my eyebrows in anger and stood up looking down at her. "What exactly are you trying to imply?" I asked and she shook her head in disapproval. "You know exactly what Eren. Its our wedding night, our honeymoon, our special day, and all you can think about is that bitc-" "Watch your tone Mikasa! Or I'll" "You'll what? You cant do anything to me Eren. Im your wife! You married me not her and don't you ever forget that. You are going to enjoy the rest of your life with me and that's final. And finally, [Name] wont be in the way" she said leaving me in shock. I had made a huge mistake and there was no turning back.
We went to bed in anger though i could not sleep. 'How could she say such a thing about [Name]?' I thought staring at the ceiling 'Was Mikasa the problem?' that wouldn't make any sense since they never really talked to each other face to face.
After some tome, i had finally gotten some shut eye. The next day we had agreed to go around Paris. We got ready and headed out together as if nothing had happened the previous night.  We enjoyed our day and the rest of the honeymoon and then went back home.
Ever since we arrived back home, there had been tension between Mikasa and I. Multiple disputes day in day out and it was getting tiring. Though after we both got jobs, the fighting was brought to a minimum. I was still looking for [Name] but she was still no where to be found. Even with the help of the police and of course they had to drop the case unfortunately fo me and fortunately fo Mikasa.
But I still didn't give up. I would go to all the places that we used to go to, time and time again hoping that somehow, miraculously she would pop up and all would be well. Though all of that was jist false hopes.
2 years into our marriage and we still were at each others throats. Though it sort of died down and we tried to be happy until one unfortunate day.
I had gotten back home late at night because of my searching and when I entered the house, Mikasa was standing there, pissed.
"Good evening honey. How was you-" she cut me off by pishing me away. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Don't act like you don't know Eren" at this point, I stopped trying to fake it. "Would it kill you to just say what's wrong!" I lashed out at her. "How can I? You don't even have time for me anymore! How do you think I feel having to sit here everyday waiting fo you to come back home" she spoke back tears brimming in her eyes.
"Crocodile tears wont help your case. And who asked you to wait for me, just go to bed early if you dread it so much" I replied hanging up my coat. "Do you know what the neighbours are saying? They think that you don't love me anymore because you're always out and about looking for [Name]. It's been two years Eren. Shes never coming back"
"I don't give a f*ck about what the neighbours are saying. And maybe I do not love you anymore. You are a selfish, manipulative and overall a stupid b*tch. Just because you found a man and got married to them that doesn't make you the queen of the world and certainly does not give you the right to step on others. And don't ever speak of [Name] like that ever again. Do you hear me!" I lashed out again and she fell on her knees crying.
"Im tired Eren. Im so tired" she said trying to stop her tears. I walked over to the drawer and pulled out an envelope throwing it at her. She looked at it for a few seconds and opened it. She looked at it shocked.
"Divorce papers!?!?" she exclaimed as I was going up the stairs. "But why?" she asked looking at me. "There's no point in faking it Mikasa. Like you said, you're tired and so am I. Lets just end this. There's nothing you'll gain from this marriage" I said and took a few more steps when I heard the sound of ripping paper.
"I will never sign these papers. And you wont make me" she said getting up. I let out a chuckle and she looked at me in confusion. "I knew you would be so stubborn. I have other copies printed out just incase. You'll get tired of riping the papers, but I'll never get tired of handing them to you" I said and disappeared upstairs.
Ever since the situation, Mikasa never dared to speak up but she still refused to sign the papers which was such a pain. I continued my search for [Name] and as usual, I had gotten nowhere. It was like she completely vanished from the face of the earth.
Jean and Connie who were also helping in the search had advised that I should take it easy and take a break every once in a while or I would go crazy. I followed their advice and laid low. I would go home early and just did regular things around the house to kill some time which was when Mikasa started coming home late. I didn't pay much attention until she started spending the night at wherever it was she was at.
But I didn't say anything. I just let her be in hopes that somehow this would be a reason to find something on her so that I could guilt trip her and finally be set free from the agonizing bond.
A few months later, I got a promotion at work and my new position required me to travel a lot. Mikasa congratulated me but I paid he no mind. After the first trip, Mikasa wanted to talk. We sat in the living room in silence.
"What was it you wanted to tell me?" I asked not caring much. "I've been thinking for a really long time now and... I want a baby" she said and I stood up. "You can not be serious" I said. "Come on Eren please" she pleaded. "You have got to be the biggest idiot I have ever had the displeasure of dealing with. You really think that after all you've done, I would willingly say yes to having a child with you !" I said and she looked at me as if she was the victim.
"Forget it! Its never going to happen. Ever!" I said and left her in the living room. I had another trip and it would take 4 weeks until I finished work. I left home at around 3 am and went to the airport. The flight was long and tiring especially since there was a crying baby on board.
I had finally reached my destination at 8pm and the meetings would start first thing in the morning.
The meetings were long and boring and there was a lot of paper work but we were able to finish everything with only an entire week to spare. We were allowed to go back home early and use the remaining days as our extra days off.
I had arrived back home but decide to go back the next night and enjoy myself before going back to deal with Mikasa. I booked a hotel room and spent the night there. During the day, I went to all kinds of places. For breakfast, lunch and dinner. I tried new restaurants which was the best decision I had made and explored so many other places and got to talk to new people. During my time there I thought a lot about [Name] and all the good memories we had growing up. I just wished I could talk to her at least once to know why she ran from us...me.
Unfortunately, the sun was etting and I had to fetch my luggage from the hotel. I drove all the way home and waited in the car for about 20 minutes before deciding to go in. I opened the door and was greeted with silence. Mikasa wasn't watching TV and it was switched off. This was odd. I shrugged it off and just took off my shoes and left my luggage downstairs convincing myself that I would take it upstairs the following day.
I started going up the stairs and heard faint creaking. I thought that it was just my weight on the wooden stairs but when I stopped walking the creaking continued. I walked up the stairs and still there was creaking but also another sound that went in sync with the creaking. I got closer to my bedroom door and the sound grew louder with every step. It was the sound of heavy breathing and whining.
I opened the door slowly to see Mikasa and Jean aon my bed staring at each other sweating and breathing heavily. It all stopped when Mikasa had noticed me standing by the door frame. She pushed Jean away from her and when he noticed me, he completely froze.
She quickly covered herself with the bedsheet and looked worried. I started clapping and smiled to myself. "Eren... Its not what it looks like" she tried to reason but I stopped her. "Finally" I said walking over to them. I got over to Jean and forcefully shook his hand. "Thank you so much dear friend. If it wasn't fo you, I wouldn't get the chance to have a reason to finally let it go" I said and he looked at me confused.
"Mikasa, what is he talking about? You told me that you already left him and he was long gone" Jean said in anger. "Wow~ So im not the only victim. How lovely." I said sarcastically. Jean got up and put on his clothes as Mikasa tried to plead with him  but he just wouldn't budge. Just before he left he said "Now I know why [Name] left" and my eyes grew wider. He must've known something, something that I had probably missed.
But when I turned around he was already out the front door. I turned back to face Mikasa and she was glaring daggers at me. "Oh no no no no no! Don't you dare look at me like that. You were the one who f*cked up, weren't you?" I said glaring at her too.
"None of this would have happened if it wasn't for you Eren!" she said and plopped herself onto the bed. "How is any of this my fault? If you would have signed the divorce papers like I wanted you to, you would have lived your happy ever after with Jean" I said and she sighed deeply. "Just get out! I don't want to see you!" she screamed. "Sure. Just sign the papers" I said and pulled out another envelope from the locked drawer that only I had the key to.
She looked at me wide-eyed and said "I thought I burned all those papers. How could you still have more?" "You're not as smart as you think you are Mikasa. Now sign the papers and we agree from now on to see other people and never face each other again" I said handing her a pen. She signed in annoyance and got up to get dressed.
"Now get out!" she ordered me and I didn't react. "This property isn't yours. Pack your bags and leave to the hell hole you once came from." I said to her and she looked stunned. "Ehat do you mean this isn't mine?" she asked. "If you were actually smart, you would know that this house was mine from the very beginning before I even knew you. And that I signed to deed to this house" I said and she looked at me angrily.
She brought out her suitcases and furiously threw all her clothes into them. Once she was done, she tried leaving the room when I stopped her. "You forgot something" I said. "Why do you even bother tormenting me?" she asked. "You think im going yo have goodnight dreams knowing that my best friend and ex-wife had sex on my mattress" I said and she glared at me. She took the mattress and the bedsheets and carried them to the backyard. She phoned her cousin Levi and she sat outside waiting for him to arrive as I stood at the gate also waiting.
Once he arrived, she placed her luggage in the boot and entered the car. I closed the gate and took lighter fluid and a match box and went into the backyard. I sprinkled the lighter fluid on the mattress and dropped a lit matchstick on it and it quickly engulfed in flames.
I sat on one of the chairs in the back yard and ran my fingers through my hair. How could I have been so blind? I was convinced that there was something wrong with me. First, [Name]'s disappearance and then my ex-wife cheated on me. What was wrong?
Sighing, I grabbed my phone and blocked all of Mikasa's and Jean's social medias and deleted their contacts. I wanted nothing to do with them at all. My only goal now was to find [Name] and why she abandoned us...me.
I decided to proceed with the search the next day and strated scrolling through instagram. I went to check Armin's profile. He posted pictures of himself at fancy gatherings, luxurious hotels and expensive dinners in France. It was no surprise since Armin owned a multi-million dollar clothing brand and partnered up with big companies such as Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Versace, you name it.
There was a link to his second account and I pressed it. The account name was '@together_forever' and the profile picture was of two people holding hands by the sunset. I was happy for him that he had a good relationship with someone.
 But my smile had dropped as soon as I saw the first picture. It was one of Armin kissing [Name]'s cheek at the beach in the sunset as she showed her left hand revealing an expensive diamond ring on her finger. The photo was posted 2 days before I had seen it and it was captioned;
'𝕵𝖚𝖘𝖙 𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖆𝖌𝖊𝖉. 𝕹𝖔𝖜 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖑 𝖏𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖓𝖊𝖞 𝖇𝖊𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖘'
I could not believe my eyes. I refreshed the page over and over again only for the same picture to appear over and over again. And before I knew it, fat tears cascaded down my cheeks and I dropped my phone on the ground.
ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏᴇᴅ! 。^‿^。
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outermaybanks · 3 months
Out of the Woods - ch 8
a/n: soooo close, we're soooo close to something I promise
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John B still wasn’t back. We went to Heyward’s to kill time, make sure Pope’s parents weren’t too worried. We were snacking, talking about last night, when Pope’s dad came in to say someone was here for Pope, and behind him walked in a police officer, Shoupe.
“I have an arrest warrant for felony destruction of property. Hands on the counter where I can see ‘em.” Everyone began talking over each other as Shoupe put Pope in handcuffs. We all followed Shoupe, begging him to stop, yelling at him that he was wrong.
“It wasn’t him!” JJ shouted, making everyone stop, making my breath catch. “It was me. He tried to talk me out of it, but I was mad because he’d just been beaten up. I was so sick of those assholes from Figure Eight that I lost my shit. I can’t let you take the blame for somethin’ I did. You got too much to lose.” “JJ what are you doing?” Pope asked. “I’m tellin’ the truth. For once in my goddamn life, I’m gonna tell the truth,” JJ said with a smile, turning back to look at me, then back to the officer. “I took his old man’s boat, too.”
Pope tried to speak up, but JJ yelled at him to shut up, then looked at Shoupe. “He’s a good kid. You know where I’m from.” Shoupe asked Pope if this was true, and after a moment of silence, he nodded.
Shoupe took the handcuffs off Pope, and put them on JJ before putting JJ in the car. He gave me one last look before Shoupe closed the door. I put my hand on the window. “It’s gonna be okay,” I said, hoping he could hear me. When the car started, I backed up slowly then took off running.
I ran all the way to the Chateau, and grabbed the box in my bag that was from under the trailer kitchen sink. It’s where I had stashed all my money growing up, since Theodore had a habit of sneaking into piggy banks. But the fucker wouldn’t touch cleaning supplies with a 10 foot pole. 
I grabbed my skateboard and went as fast I could to the police station. They said JJ was still in holding, so maybe I wasn’t too late.
“Look, I-I have money,” I told the lady at the desk, pulling out three envelopes of cash. “This is all I have, please, it’s like 2 or 3 grand, okay? Just please don’t call his dad. This has to at least cover his bail-” “We already called his father, he’s on his way.”  “No, no, no, no- You have to call his father back and say there was a mistake-” “The only mistake here is my son.” I turned to see Luke walking in, immediately my stomach churned. “What? You not happy to see me?” Luke questioned.
I turned back to the officer at the desk. “How much is his bail? I’ll pay it right now.” “$1,000.” “Fine!” I opened one of the envelopes and started counting on the desk. It was mostly smaller bills, but I had saved as much as I could over my 16 years. 
I could feel Luke staring at me from beside me. “Now where does a 16 year old get that kind of cash?” “From not blowing it on drugs and alcohol.” I spat back, still counting. “475, 480, 490,495- okay that’s 500-” I heard a buzz and whipped around to see them bringing JJ out. “Ma’am.” The officer reminded, I went back to counting. “20, 30, 35…1,2,3,4,5, 140-” 
The door opened and JJ walked out with his head down. I started counting faster.
“Once your girlfriend is finished counting, you’re good to go. Hearing will be in two weeks, if you fail to show up, you will forfeit your bail. The restitution is based on the average of three outside estimates-”
“Restitution?” Luke questioned. “Pay for what he broke. It’s part of the plea.” I tried to focus on counting. “350, 360, 380, 385…” “Sir, can you sign these?” Luke grabbed the clipboard. “Also, she isn’t his girlfriend. She’s just my loser son’s loser friend.” “Well this loser is paying your son’s bail. 425, 445, 455… 1,2,3,4,5- 460- anddddd here. $1000.” I said, handing the stack of cash to the officer. “C’mon JJ,” I tried to quickly get him out, but his dad grabbed my arm, hard. “He’s coming home with me.” “Like hell-” “Junie, it's fine. Just go,” JJ said softly, sounding so defeated.  “Let’s go. Now!” Luke said. I felt so powerless. JJ didn’t even look at me as his dad made him leave.
“Do you want a receipt?” The officer asked.
I scoffed. “No, I want you guys to do your fucking job for once. Protect and serve my ass,” I said, pushing myself off of the desk and walking out of there. JJ was stood at the end of the street, about to get in his dad’s truck. “Go,” He mouthed. My lip quivered, I dropped my skateboard, and started pushing to go back to the Chateau. 
I was alone, laying in the hammock, crying but trying to hide it despite the fact no one was around. I suddenly heard a commotion and sat up, seeing John B and- “JJ?” I called, scrambling to get out of the hammock and run over. JJ held a finger up to his lips, telling me to be quiet, then he pointed to a car sitting, watching us.
JJ had the idea to go through the marsh to get to the dock, but we’d be neck deep in water, all three of us held our bags over our heads as we slowly walked through the water. JJ climbed in first, then took my bag and helped me up.
“Hey, thanks for paying my bail,” JJ said casually. My face was twisted in horror.  “JJ, your face…” I said, slowly reaching to hold his face. “Hey, I’m okay. We kinda match now. Friendship bruises.”  “I’m gonna kill him. Where did you put my bag?” JJ quickly kicked it over to John B, who grabbed it and went to turn on the boat.  “JJ!” “If you go to jail, who’s gonna pay bail? Huh? They’ll call your mom, and Theodore, and it just goes around and around.”
John B drove us to an isolated part of the marsh, and JJ caught him up on what he missed, saying we should all just dip.
“Okay, where do you wanna go?” John B asked. JJ looked at me. “Yucatan.” I smiled to myself. “Mexico?” “I’m dead serious right now. Surf all day, and then we can just live off lobsters we catch with our bare hands.” “You just wanna leave ‘cause you got your ass beat?” “Hey!” I called.  “You didn’t see the photos man-” JJ said.
But John B didn’t want to hear it, and JJ told him he needed to give up or we’d die, and John B shoved JJ, so I forced myself between them.
“Stop!” I shouted. “The last time I saw my dad we got in an argument. Then he took all of our rent money and dipped for this Royal Merchant. And then I told him he was a shit father, and you know how the rest of the story goes,” John B confessed, finally backing off. “That wasn’t your fault, bro!” JJ said. “It doesn’t matter whose fault it is, JJ!” John B screamed. “Hey! He’s your friend, knock it off John B.” “Of course you’d take his side, real predictable Junie. You’re so obvious with it, there’s no way he hasn’t noticed so maybe it’s time to start asking why he doesn’t want to be with you, Ju-” I cut him off with a slap, hard across the face.
“Fuck you, John B,” I spat before turning away from him and walking away. “Fuck- Junie- Junie I’m sorry!” John B called after me. “What did you just say?” I heard JJ’s voice ask before I walked out of hearing range. I couldn’t be around John B, and I sure as fuck couldn’t be around to handle the aftermath of him telling JJ. 
I didn’t know where to go. I couldn’t go home, couldn’t go to the Chateau. So., I started walking towards Figure Eight, to Kie’s house. By the time I got there, I couldn’t hold back my tears. I told her everything, about JJ's father, about John B telling JJ I loved him. 
Kie had a Kook event, and she asked if I’d come with her. At first I thought she just wanted to give me a distraction, but when her mom came in to help her with her dress, it became obvious she didn’t want to go at all, but especially alone. 
“Mom, it’d be okay if Juniper came, right?” “We’re allowed to bring guests… do you have a dress sweetheart?” Her mom asked. “Uh-” “She can borrow one of mine. Thanks mom.”
And just like that, Kie put one of her dresses on me, and did my hair for me, and suddenly I was in a rich ass house, surrounded by rich ass people. I lost Kie, and it felt like I was drowning in overwhelming ignorance. I could see why Kiara didn’t like these people despite being born into them. 
“Hey, I don’t think I’ve seen you at one of these before”. I turned to see a boy, around my age. He was tall and blonde with blue eyes. He was like a Kook JJ, with bigger teeth. “Yeah, I um… My family made me come, I don’t usually do things like this.” “Well, I’m Tobias, you can call me Toby. Maybe you’ll like these things more if you have a friendly face”. Then he smiled, and I could tell by the way he did it, he was used to getting what he wanted with it, then it hit me, he was flirting with me.
“I’m June. Thank you, Toby, that’s very, uh, sweet of you.” “Do you wanna take a walk with me? It can be a bit much to be in the heart of one of these things.”  “Ummm,” I looked around for Kie, finding her and Pope watching me closely, both of them snickering at the sight. “Yeah, sure. Thank you.” “Pretty girl like you shouldn’t be standing alone,” He said, giving me that smile again. I forced one back. I take it back, this guy was nothing like JJ, with JJ I didn’t need to force a smile, this guy felt like he was putting on a performance. 
I walked beside him for a while, he told me how his family got rich, or really, how they stayed rich. We made our way back to the party after the sun went down. He was telling me about how he was gonna go to his father’s college and join his fraternity, while I looked for Kie or Pope. But to my surprise, I saw JJ, walking over to Sarah Cameron. 
“What about you?” Tobias voice cut through my train of thought. “Huh? Oh… Uh… Well, I’m gonna be a junior, haven’t really thought about college yet.” “Do you know what you want to do?”  “What I want to do? Like just in general?” Tobias chuckled, “Yeah, like in general.”
I thought it over for a minute, before smiling to myself. “I want to move to Yucatan. With a man that looks like Harry Styles.” “Oh yeah?” Tobias asked with a chuckle, obviously flattered. “Junie!” I turned to see Kie rushing over. “I’ve been looking for you everywhere-” she was cut off by a commotion, shouting. We turned to see JJ getting escorted out by security.
“Stop!” I shouted, “Kie, do something.”  “Let go of him! You can’t just boot him, I invited him here, I’m a member of this club,” Kie shouted. JJ shouted at the security guard, trying to wriggle free of his grasp. “Hey, mandatory power hour at Rixon’s, bugs, Kie. Pope, you as well, right? Alright, let’s go!”
Me and Kiara exchanged looks before we took each other’s hands and ran after JJ. 
When we got to Rixon’s cove, JJ and John B got to work building a fire, while I sat with Kie. John B gave me an apologetic look at every opportunity that he got, but I wasn’t ready to talk to him. I needed to find out what he said to JJ after I left, and if JJ believed him. 
“Junie, please, we can talk somewhere private-” John B said once the fire was stable. “I thought Pogues didn’t have secrets?” JJ interjected, making me look at him. It felt like it was confirmation that now he knew, and everything was ruined. “Hey guys, my dad is gonna kill me, so what’s this mandatory meeting about?”
John B gave me another look, as if he was still begging me to talk to him, but he had to give up when I looked away from him. John B sighed, then told us the gold didn’t go down with the Royal Merchant, it’s been hidden on land. Pope was skeptical, but John B had evidence, he had figured it all out. 
But, Kie had a problem when John B said Sarah Cameron was coming with the map we needed, and then the truth came out that that’s where JB had been yesterday, in Chapel Hill with Sarah.
“He was mackin’ on her,” JJ added. “What?!” I finally spoke up, in shock if nothing else.
Kie wasn’t happy, at all, and I couldn’t tell if it was because she hated Sarah Cameron, or if she was hurt by John B kissing someone else. But he swore up and down, it was just for information, nothing else.
John B had a meeting time with Sarah, so we all loaded into the Twinkie, but after we got to the meeting spot and parked, JB said he was gonna do this one alone.
“I just don’t want to spook Sarah with the peanut gallery,” John B said. “I just don’t understand why we’re involving her at all,” Kie said, still upset. “Kie, we’re not involving her, okay? It’s just, like, a business meeting,” JB explained.
JJ mimicked giving a blowjob to his blunt, making me and Pope chuckle.
“Look, once we get what we need, we cut her loose, alright? Plus we need the map.” “Cut her loose after we use her? What are we, Kooks?” I spoke up, earning a look of annoyance from both John B and Kie. I turned back around with my hands up in surrender. “Promise me nothing’s happening between you,” Kie said. “Nothing is happening, Kie.” “I’m being serious. This isn’t about you, this isn’t about us. This is about her. Dude, she’s gonna get inside your head. Just promise me nothing’s happening between you guys.” “I promise.”  “That was really believable,” JJ spoke up. “A hundred percent believable.” Pope agreed. John B looked to me, almost like he was hoping I would dog on him too, but I just looked down.
“Anyway… I’m gonna go take care of business.” “Yeah, you’re gonna take care of it,” JJ teased.
JJ handed me the blunt, then lit it for me once it was in my mouth. Pope was trying to comfort Kie, but I was nervous. This was the closest me and JJ have been since John B said I was in love with him. “Hey…” JJ whispered as I inhaled.
I sucked in the smoke then handed him the blunt. “Hey.”
“It’s, uh… been a crazy day. You-” JJ cleared his throat, which made Pope and Kie stop talking, but I don’t think he noticed. “You look really pretty.” “Thanks, Kie let me borrow her dress.” “Keep it. It looks better on you,” Kie spoke up, making me smile. Then JJ leaned closer, to get my attention. “I was hoping we could talk… about what happened earlier.”
I looked over to Kie and Pope, both of whom looked like two children who had a secret.
“Yeah, yeah, we can talk.” “Cool, uh-” JJ stood up from the open door, and I followed him. We walked around to the back of the van for more privacy. “So… John B said some crazy things, right?” JJ started. I crossed my arms and leaned against the van. “Yeah…” “But he was just saying them to be an asshole, right?” JJ chuckled, I didn’t respond, unsure if I could continue to lie to him. “Bugs?”
I brought the blunt to my lips and inhaled, exhaling while looking down. I couldn’t even face him. “Junie, c’mon. You can’t just ignore me when I’m asking you if it’s true.” “If what’s true, JJ? I don’t think John B would lie about getting into a fight with his dad.” “I’m asking you if you-if you have feelings for me, Juniper.”  “JJ, I love you, you’re my best friend.” JJ's jaw tensed, and he looked down. “You know that’s not what I mean.”
I finally forced myself to look at him, there was that serious look on his face. “Someone help!” A voice shouted. “Did you guys hear that?” Kie asked, and we all took off running. We found Sarah leaning over John B. “What happened?” Kie called as we came running. “I don’t know what to do, he needs help. Topper shoved him.”
Pope went to call for help. Sarah cried over John B, and it became very clear there wasn’t nothing going on between them.
©outermaybanks 2024 taglist: @lilliebellee
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There is nothing like staying at home, for real comfort 🌷- pick a character or a few and come up with a prompt and I’ll write a fluff blurb <3
steve harrington (what did you expect honestly) + the prompt/hc/idk of eating at some tiny diner at 2am because why not?? (i hope that's ok)
once again, congrats<3
Thank you my love 🥰🥰🥰
(trying 2nd person 😬, we'll see how it goes) (not proofread)
"No, stop thinking! No thoughts, just answer!"
"Steve, this is a big question, it's the middle of the night, we're running out of gas, we could get kidnapped for all we know, it's a big question."
"Honey," the endeared irritation apparent in his tone, even though he was keeping his eyes on the road and you couldn't see his face. "Diner or truckstop? Exit's comin' up."
"Pick now, pick now, pick now," he urged you on as he started to veer off towards the exit.
"Perfect! And it's right here." The neon sign lit up the spaces between the trees and the snowglow through the winter air made it seem like the forest lining the road was glowing.
He pulled in and found the closest spot to the entrance, just to make you more comfortable. "You got your jacket?" he asked you.
"I threw it in the trunk."
"Just keep mine then." It was laying over your lap for half the ride anyway, a perfect blanket.
"You can't not wear a jacket, you'll freeze."
"You can't wear a frozen jacket."
"Then we'll share."
"Wha-" But you were already waving him out of the car.
"Put it on."
"Baby, no"
"Put it on and come here. Come on, come on. We don't have all day, I'm freezing already."
He finally, reluctantly, put it on and you pulled his arms tight around you with your back to his chest. "Right foot first. Whaa! No, your other right."
"It's icy, babe, be careful. And my right is your right."
"My right is your right when you haven't been driving for 4 hours. This foot, Vermont shuffle, come on."
It was the longest minute ever, the kind of freezing that makes your joints hurt just thinking about it seeping into your bones and making the three yards into the diner more like an exodus.
Both of you sighed the moment the warmth of indoor heating touched your skin. He spun you around and pushed your arms under his jacket, holding you close with the hot skin of his back against your cold palms.
The obvious display of affection didn't stop the clearly overtired hostess from offering a sweet smile.
"Hi, uh, two please?" Steve asked through chattering teeth.
"Right this way." She sat you both at a wraparound booth right under a vent and Steve wrapped his coat back around your shoulders as soon as you were settled.
"Thank you, and could we have 2 coffees please?"
She nodded and went off to grab the pot. "You should sleep the rest of the way, don't have another coffee." You said as you smushed closer to him, part for the warmth, mostly just because he's him.
"I know, they're both for you. But you know you can wake me up right? Even if it's just to tell me whatever random thought popped into your head? Or you can't figure out the radio, whatever you want."
"Yes, I know, but I also know that I want you to sleep. I don't want you all grumpy tomorrow."
"I won't be grumpy."
"You'd be so grumpy. You'd be hiding behind your sunglasses all day, and asking me when we can go home. Na-ah, don't even argue."
The waitress came back and Steve ordered for you since you couldn't speak through your mouth full of coffee.
"You're kidding." You slapped your palm against the table at Steve's gossip about the kids.
"I am not, I got this straight from Dustin. And he got it right from Max."
"Max didn't tell you?"
"No, why would she?"
"Because you're the biggest gossips I know! You two plus Eddie in one room and that's half of Hawkins' rumor mill,” you said.
"We are not."
"Absolutely you are, eat your breakfast-dinner, I need you sleeping."
"Why, you don't want my charming, irresistible company?"
"No, I do, you know I do, but we literally just had this conversation, and your snores make much better company than grumpy old man Steve."
He gasped and clutched his chest, he's been spending too much time with Eddie. "I am not an old man."
"Mhm, worse than Hopper sometime," you picked up his fork, "but if you sleep, there's no old man." He let you bring the fork to his mouth and spoke once he swallowed.
"That sounds way too ominous, like you're trying to poison me."
"What? How!?"
"'No old man' like I'm never gonna make it to old man."
"Hmm...Do you want to be old?"
"Like now? Or just eventually old?"
"I mean, yeah? I get to be old with you right?"
"Yeah, why, is that a must?"
"Absolutely it is."
"You wanna be with me when you're old and bald?"
"No no, honey, Harrington's don't bald. Have you seen those pictures of my grandpa in the hallway? How many full heads of grey hair have you ever seen?"
"I can't say very many."
"Exactly, a Harrington specialty. And we'd have a cat, when we're old. "
“Nursing home roomies?”
He looked practically offended at the notion. “Nursing home?! Absolutely not, no way, we spent however long raising those kids, the least they could do is take care of us.”
“Hmm, so no nursing home, only kids—“ “and the cat.” “—and the cat. What if they’re mean to us? Elder abuse.”
“No no, our kids are too good for that. They wouldn’t dream of it.”
“Have you been planning this? Is this what you’re thinking about when Robin calls me because you’re staring off into space?”
“No way baby, this is straight off the cuff.”
“Flying off the handle.”
The hand back over the chest and a shoulder nudging yours. “Rude.”
“Drink your juice.”
Tags: @new-romqntics @sw34terw34ther @beezywriting @haydipoof @avipoof
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