#car air con servicing near me
crystalvaletltd · 2 days
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crystalvalet · 3 months
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Choosing Crystal Valet Eco Car Wash is not just about getting a sparkling vehicle; it's about making a statement for a sustainable future. Drive confidently, knowing that every wash contributes to a cleaner, healthier planet.
As we move forward, Crystal Valet remains dedicated to pushing the boundaries of eco-friendly car care. Join us in the movement towards a greener tomorrow – where every car wash is not just a service but a conscious choice for a better world. Experience the brilliance of Crystal Valet Eco Car Wash – where your ride meets the revolution.
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5 times Jake crossed paths with Fire Lieutenant Bradshaw and 1 time he met Maverick's son
i told you I'd write it people
to @redfurrycat and @emseebeans: thought you might like it so I'm gonna tag you here 👉👈
Part One | read on ao3
The Meet Ugly | 2.3k
They’re stuck. They’ve been stuck in traffic on I-15 near Miramar for over an hour now — the cars stopped not far from where they are, maybe a hundred meters away. There’s a fire truck there now, parked across both lanes, the lights blinking as it shields whatever is happening, and they’ve heard the sirens going on and off as different emergency services arrived but he doesn’t know what the accident was about, completely.
There’s been something on fire, for sure. The smoke that was floating around behind the truck changed from a black cloud into a semi-transparent puff, but he could still smell the nasty odor of burned gasoline and plastic penetrating the air. 
They’ve already spent six hours getting to San Diego from Lemoore and Jake will explode if they did that just to kiss the doorknob of the base housing office — it’s almost five in the afternoon and their time is running out. They can’t just sit there in Javy’s truck indefinitely, they need to pick up the keys by six or they’ll have no roof over their heads.
Jake isn’t spending the night in a hotel either, not when he paid to be able to move in today.
And Javy’s truck doesn’t even have a working air con and they can’t sit there for hours in San Diego heatwave.
“I’m just going to check how long it’s going to take,” he tells Javy, opening the passenger door after the conversation stalls.
He slams the door before Javy can finish and leaves, walking past the cars on the hard shoulder. There isn’t enough space between the barrier on the right and the truck so he walks around it, maneuvers between the cones that close off the road and looks around.
The accident is actually stretched out for another hundred meters. It’s a bus swayed to the side, a scorched-to-the-ground car that is still being managed by two firefighters, masked up and hosing down the remains,  and another car that’s become a pancake through a run-in with the bus’s side. A group of firefighters is standing near the bus, two pairs of feet sticking out from underneath it and two putting blocks under the wheels.
There’s a rescue squad parked not far from where he’s standing, number 56 on it’s side, and an open ambulance further away, the stretchers already prepared close to the bus.
The door of the rescue squad as a firefighter steps away, two yellow poles in his hands.
“Hey there,” Jake calls out.
The guy turns around like a deer caught in headlight and Jesus , he’s a literal kid, Jake can swear he’s not even out of high school. He’s shorter than Jake by a couple of inches and the turnouts are practically swallowing his hands and face.
He walks toward Jake and starts, tries for a firm tone but that baby face is not giving him any favors, “I’m sorry, sir, this space is reserved for first responders—”
“Look, I just want to know when we can move along,” Jake says. “It’s been hours.”
“This is an active scene,” he says, totally ignoring Jake’s words, sounding a bit like a robot. “Please step behind the line designated by the red cones.”
He waves in the direction behind Jake and turns around to go to the bus. When Jake follows, not giving up, he stops again, shielding him from going any further.
“Kid, come on,” Jake presses. “Where’s your boss? Can I talk to him?”
He’s looking at Jake but glancing behind his shoulder every other second. When Jake doesn't relents, he shouts out, “Lieutenant Bradshaw! Sir—”
The walkie-talkie thrown over his collar crackles up and a smooth, deep voice speaks up, “Use your radio, Santos, and how many times did I tell you not to call me that?”
When Jake looks behind the kid, he sees a firefighter holding a radio pinned to his front pocket walking toward them, detaching from the group from around the bus. He’s wearing a red helmet with a shield with Lieutenant 13 SDFD written on it in thick letters, the oxygen tank still on his back but the mask limps freely clipped to his side along with a pair of gloves.
“Is there a problem here?” he asks as he comes close enough for them to hear.
Jake freezes as the deep, steady voice reaches his ears and puts his focus on the lieutenant. He’s standing tall, towering over Jake with his back straightened up, jaw set, a couple of dark smudges of dirt on his face, one making a perfect extension of his mustache. His tan turnout jacket is open, a black hood folding around his neck, and the fabric has a gray smudge here or there, too. He makes clear, burly strides as he walks, his hips visibly swaying even in those bulky pants and Jake can see how big his chest is despite the heavy material.
He’s hot.
The kid nods his head at Jake like that explains everything and Jake makes himself focus on the issue at hand. He got exactly what he wanted — a talk with the kid’s boss. Maybe they’ll actually get here somehow, maybe the guy will be reasonable.
“Jesus, kid, when I told you to do crowd control, the idea was to control the crowd,” he says and his voice is light and he smiles, eyebrows slightly quirked, like he is amused to see Jake there.
“Maybe if you didn’t employ middle schoolers, we wouldn’t have been waiting here for hours,” Jake spat out as his brain short-circuited.
The kid takes a step back, hiding half-behind the lieutenant. He really is just a kid.
“Go learn how to use the lift bags, Santos, I’ve got this,” he orders. The kid moves without hesitating. The lieutenant grabs his radio, clicks a button, and adds, “Andre, the kid is coming your way, make use of him. Over.”
“On it, Lieu.”
The guy turns to Jake, shifting on his feet. The oxygen tank is metal and looks heavy enough that Jake is almost impressed at the grace his back is moving with.
“Okay, let’s begin again,” he says, turning back to Jake, and his tone holds an edge. “Lieutenant Bradshaw, I’m the current Incident Commander on scene. What’s the problem, sir?”
“We’ve been stuck in a traffic jam for over an hour now,” Jake points out.
Bradshaw looks at him, giving him a full glance over. He seems unimpressed as he starts walking toward the ladder truck, and tells him, “We’re doing our job as fast as we can.”
“Well, not fast enough, apparently,” Jake retorts, following him like a moth to a flame. “We need to be in Coronado by six, there’s no other way to get there but forward, at this rate, you’re going to make us late. Just one lane would be enough.”
Bradshaw opens one of the gates on the side of the truck, lifts it up to reveal more oxygen tanks and a huge sign with OXYGEN! NO OPEN FLAMES! In the middle of them. His profile shows the curve of his nose and the little curls behind his ear. He has a sticker with PARAMEDIC on the side of the helmet, too.
He unclips the harness from around himself, putting the tank in the empty line on the right side, and takes out a clipboard, writing something on it with an attached pen. “Should have left earlier, sir.”
Jake senses this is going nowhere. He’s running out of time, no matter how good looking at Bradshaw feels, they’re not sleeping in a hotel today.
“Look, at least let us through, just us, we need to pick up the keys for our house or—”
“This is not how it works, sir,” Bradshaw cuts him off.
And he’s adding that sir at the end but it actually holds no weight and it’s gritting at Jake’s nerves.
“I’m actually a real lieutenant, okay? I can show you my military ID, I just got restationed, we need to get there before six or we’re spending the night in our car,” Jake explains again, voice slowing down like he is talking to someone stupid. “We’re just really in a hurry here, five minutes and we’d be on our merry way—”
“Oh, you’re in a hurry?” he asks and he’s smiling but there’s something in his tone that works like spikes on Jake.
“Yeah, we are,” he confirms.
“Well, I have two dead here because someone has already been in a hurry today,” Bradshaw says.
Jake licks his lips and the silence falls over. Bites his tongue not to add something stupid. Fails.
“You can’t just hold us here for hours.”
“I can and I will,” Bradshaw says calmly. “Now get behind the barrier before we get you some zip ties and a free hold cuffed up in the truck cabin until the police arrive.”
He pats the side of the truck and looks Jake dead in the eyes, a fake smile back on his face.
Jake laughs straight into his face because that has to be a joke. “You’re threatening to arrest me? On what basis exactly, impatience?”
Not missing a beat, he replies, “California Penal Code Section 402a, lingering at the scene of an emergency in such a way that it hinders first responders from performing their duties, and California Penal Code Section 409.5, unauthorized entry into an emergency area.”
And he was staring at Jake with a narrowed gaze, the black smudges still on his chin, one eyebrow raised as he put his hand on his hip, uncovering the suspenders from behind the turnout jacket, his navy blue uniform shirt visible — the buttons on his chest are stretched tight, screaming to be let go, showing the see-through, sweaty tank top underneath.
Jake’s mouth is dry as he tries to concentrate on putting words together but it doesn’t work.
The guy is really hot.
The radio on his collarbone crackles up as a new voice comes through, “Lieu, we extracted the patient.”
Bradshaw turns away from Jake but keeps him in the corner of his eye, bringing the radio up. “Condition?”
When Jake looks toward the bus and the bus is now lifted on its axis by two airbags, the yellow poles the kid was carrying stabilizing it. The two paramedics that were underneath it are working on a patient, another firefighter leaning over them, and a path of blood follows them under the backboard.
There’s a motorcycle, crushed into pieces and bent in half like a glowstick, under the chassis.
Bradshaw grabs him by the shoulder, turning him around so he doesn’t look, and gets into Jake’s face, shielding the view.
“Life functions intact but pupils are still unresponsive,” is the radio response. “Ivan and Alex are almost ready to go. Should the kid go with them?”
“No. No, it’s too early for that,” Bradshaw says back, his warm palm still on Jake’s shoulder, but his thumb on the radio button. “Tell them to take him to UC Medical if he’s stable enough, he’s going to need Trauma I.”
“Copy that.”
He lets go of Jake, switches the button on the radio, turning away again. “Dispatch, this is Lieutenant Bradshaw, we’re ready for that heavy tow truck.”
It takes a bit longer but he gets a response, too. “Copy that, Lieutenant, there should be one in twenty.”
“So you’re going to open up the lane in twenty,” Jake quips and it comes out extremely snarky.
Bradshaw laughs but it’s humorless. “No, I’ll have a tow truck in twenty. This is an emergency scene until I declare it otherwise.”
The siren comes through again and Jake turns to see two police cars rolling at the end of the close-up, stopping near the ambulance. They’re towing one of those gigantic bottleneck signs, the neon blinking.
“Look at that, sir, Highway Patrol has arrived, they’re going to open a lane for you, make us both happy,” Bradshaw says and he’s not even trying to hide how irritated he is as he grins through his teeth. “Now, go back to your car, lieutenant.”
And there’s just something in the way he articulates the words, in how calm and unmoved his voice is even as he’s sending Jake an unimpressed look, in how he’s cocking his hip, one hand on his belt.
Jake bites down on his lip, regretting putting his foot in his mouth — he’d have asked for his number if he hasn’t known he has no chance after backchatting like that. It’s too bad.
They aren’t going to make it to the housing office on time, anyway.
He walks back to Javy’s truck like the fool he is, the ambulance’s sirens going off as whoever they were transporting drives away. He sits down and sighs, not feeling like talking.
“So,” Javy begins. “Do you know when they will open up the road?”
“The Highway Patrol is going to open the opposite lane in a few,” he says as he reaches for the seatbelt over his shoulder. There’s a smudge of soot on his white t-shirt, shaped like fingertips.
His face warms up as he recalls the image of Lieutenant Bradshaw, his big hand weighing down on Jake as he stirs him away, the smell of smoke that encircled Jake as he leaned forward, as his bulk towered over him.
This is so inappropriate, he realizes. 
Javy is silent for a minute, observing his wide-eyed expression. “What did you do?”
“I might have—I might have made an ass out of myself,” Jake admits.
“That ain’t new,” he points out.
Jake licks his lips and, with a straight face, says, “Well, there was this sexy fireman—” 
“Oh my fucking god, Jake,” Javy gasps, staring at him in disbelief, his hands flopping on the steering wheel. “Please tell me you didn’t mouth off at a first responder.”
“What? You know my brain shuts off around hot guys.”
Javy huffs at him and Jake doesn’t know why he’s so surprised — he’s known Jake long enough. He says, shaking his head at Jake, “Well, at least this one we’ll never see again.” 
Part Two Coming Soon
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republicsecurity · 9 months
Dispatched Realities: Life Among the Red Suits
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The moment I stepped out of the rented car, the brisk chill of the European air hit me like a splash of cold water. The scenery stretched out before me, a quaint rural landscape nestled under a thick blanket of gray clouds. A small, unassuming ambulance station stood before me, its red walls blending with the surrounding scenery, yet managing to stand out with an air of purpose.
Before I could fully absorb my surroundings, a figure appeared from the entrance of the station, striding towards me with the confident gait of someone who knows their place in the world. It was C459L, the local supervisor of this remote outpost. His red one-piece flightsuit was a stark contrast against the muted backdrop, like a flame amidst the fog. 
His shaved head and toned physique conveyed an aura of determination that seemed to emanate from every fiber of his being.
"Welcome to our little corner of the Republic," he greeted me with a firm handshake and a grin that suggested he was used to being in charge. "We're a tight-knit group here, all serving the same purpose."
As I looked into his eyes, I could sense a mix of camaraderie and a hint of something deeper – an awareness of the weight of their responsibilities in this society. The Republic might have its idyllic environmental initiatives, but beneath the surface lay a complex web of conscription and service that formed the backbone of their way of life.
He gestured for me to follow him inside the station, his footsteps echoing in the corridor. "
We've got some fascinating stories to share, if you're up for it. You'll see how this place runs, how we navigate the fine line between duty and individuality."
With that, I stepped over the threshold, the door closing behind me with a soft click. 
“By the way, most people here call me “Ninell”, that’s from the last digits of my designation: C459L, but saying Ceeforfiveninelll is to cumbersome for most, so the just call me “Ninell”.
Amidst the hum of activity inside the station, my attention was momentarily diverted by a handmade piece of grey paper near the entrance. Pinned to the wall, it held a series of Polaroid snapshots. Each photograph captured a moment frozen in time, a glimpse into the lives of the men who served at this remote outpost.
One of the photographs featured a young man, his face still marked with the faint traces of healing from wisdom teeth removal. His eyes held a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty, reflecting the fact that he was at the beginning of his journey here. Luke pointed at the picture as he spoke, introducing him as "C1/CAD/4510/PS48F."
"That's our first-year cadet," Luke explained, his tone affectionate. "The baby of the station, we like to say. He's on his six-week out placement, after his initial time at the Academy, getting some fresh mountain air.
The designation system seemed complex, yet to these men, it was an integral part of their identity.
Beside him, another photograph captured the visage of a conscript – E2/CON/3234/KRE7PP. He exuded a sense of purpose and dedication that came with experience. This was his second year of mandatory conscript service, and his shaved head and athletic build spoke to the physical and mental conditioning he had undergone.
The red flightsuits and shaved heads might have been a visual symbol of their collective identity, but within those confines, each man carried his own background, dreams, and struggles. They were a microcosm of the Republic's complex societal fabric, where personal stories intertwined with the greater whole.
Moving down the corridor toward the row of waiting ambulances, I found myself immersed in an environment that seemed to play tricks on the senses. The walls, the floor, even the ceiling – everything was cast in varying tones of grey, creating a sense of neutrality that was both calming and disorienting. My gaze was drawn to the paramedics in their bright red uniforms, their shaved heads a stark contrast against the muted backdrop.
Ninell's voice broke through my thoughts, offering an explanation that shed light on the deliberate design choice. He spoke of the desire for a low-stimuli environment, a space where the mind could focus without distraction, where the senses could be honed to the task at hand. The absence of vibrant colors and elaborate decor was intentional, designed to create an ambiance of concentration and efficiency.
Ninell led me further down the corridor, where the ambiance shifted from the greyscale calm of the interiors to the practical dynamism of the ambulance bay. The bay was illuminated by the soft glow of overhead lights, revealing the sturdy, crimson ambulances lined up in a row. Each vehicle seemed to exude a sense of purpose, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice.
As we approached, I noticed two figures engrossed in their tasks, the embodiment of readiness. On one side was Paramedic KRE7PP, his strong presence radiating a quiet sense of authority. His movements were deliberate and focused as he inspected the equipment, his hands working with practiced precision. The clean lines of his uniform emphasized his readiness, and his shaved head seemed to capture the very essence of dedication. Though his expression was serious, his posture exuded confidence, a testament to the training and experience that defined his role.
On the other side stood LXC41, a Cadet who had clearly embraced his journey within the paramedic community. His demeanor was warm and welcoming, a smile playing on his lips as he adjusted the supplies within the ambulance. With athletic build, blond-stubbled face, and striking blue eyes, he embodied an approachability that seemed to contrast the intensity of the setting. Yet, it was a reminder that even amidst the seriousness of their duties, camaraderie and humanity thrived.
Ninell's voice broke the silence, his words a bridge between the contrasting figures before us. He introduced Paramedic KRE7PP, noting his experience and role as a guiding presence within the team. Then, he turned to LXC41, a Cadet on the cusp of transitioning into full service, embodying the next generation of paramedics. 
With a gentle encouragement from Ninell, LXC41 began to open up about his experiences. 
"The Academy… it's a unique path," LXC41 began, his hesitation giving way to a reflective tone. "Some of us, like me, choose to go there for Senior Secondary School. It's a commitment, but it's also an opportunity to fully immerse ourselves in this world from a young age."
As he elaborated, the pieces of the puzzle began to come together. The Rescue Academies, dedicated institutions where cadets underwent comprehensive training, emerged as a crucial part of their journey. These institutions, he explained, provided both medical education and general subjects, an intriguing combination of practicality and academic growth.
"Living at the Academy or even within the ambulance station itself... it's a way of life," LXC41 continued. His words carried a mix of pride and a touch of nostalgia, as if he was reminiscing about his own journey. "The regulations, the conditioning... it's all part of creating a cohesive and disciplined unit. We're bound by the same rules, the same expectations."
Ninell's nod of affirmation seemed to bolster LXC41's confidence as he shared further details about the cadet experience. The rigorous regimen, the immersive VR training, and the focus on physical fitness all painted a picture of a training process that shaped not just their skills, but their very identities.
"And yes," LXC41 added with a faint smile, "shaved heads become more than just a symbol. It's a uniformity that connects us, transcending any external differences. It's about being part of something greater."
"Ninell," I interjected, my curiosity piqued by the mention of Neuro Based Conditioning. "Could you explain more about this conditioning process? It seems to play a significant role in shaping the paramedics' experiences."
Ninell turned to me, his expression thoughtful. "Of course," he replied, her tone indicating a willingness to elaborate. "Neuro Based Conditioning is a fundamental aspect of our training and service. It starts as soon as a cadet's brain has matured enough to undergo the process. Through a combination of techniques, it helps align our thoughts, behaviors, and emotions with the core values of the Paramedic Corps."
"And it doesn't stop with the cadet years," Ninell continued. "Throughout our service, the conditioning continues to adapt, ensuring that we stay aligned with our mission and responsibilities.
"I heard you didn't go through one of those fancy academies. Can you tell me about your path?”, I said as I turned to  KRE7PP.
KRE7PP let out a chuckle that seemed to carry a mix of irony and weariness. "Nah, no fancy shit for me," he replied with a casual shrug. "I went the conscript route, signed up for the Paramedic Corps when my time came, could have chosen the easy way like Environmental Corps… They gave me the Basic Medical Training, or what some call the 'meat grinder.' Trust me, it ain't a vacation."
"Six months of that shit," KRE7PP continued, his voice tinged with a mix of exasperation and pride. "I'm talking about intense conditioning, neural-psychological stuff that messes with your head. Excoriating physical training as balance and constant surveillance, like Big Brother's little brother. Shit, for the first four months, I felt like I was lost in some twisted maze."
The invasive nature of the process and the constant monitoring seemed to strip away any sense of personal privacy, leaving him exposed to the whims of the system.
"But you know what?" KRE7PP's tone shifted, a glint of resilience shining through. "Eventually, that disoriented feeling started to fade. You adapt, you adjust, and you come out on the other side, stronger in a fucked-up way. It's like they want to mold you into a perfect paramedic machine, rugged, ripped, strong.”
We moved through the ambulance station. Ninell guided us to a sleeping room, a place that seemed to hold an air of solitude amidst the collective energy of the station. My attention was drawn to two paramedics in different states of awakening: E1/CON/3234 /F2IL0 and E3/CON/3689 /YXX31.
As E1/CON/3234 /F2IL0 stirred from slumber, I couldn't help but observe the seamless transition from sleep to wakefulness. The ritualistic motion of removing the grey linen and depositing it into the bin spoke to a structured routine ingrained in their daily lives.
Ninell's voice cut through the ambient air as he provided insights into the intricacies of the paramedics' sleep regimen. The concept of personalized sleeping capsules, molded to conform to each individual's body, piqued my curiosity. These capsules, with their light and sound-proof design, offered a haven where rest could be maximized and monitored with precision.
"In these capsules our paramedics find solace from the demands of their duty. The foam conforms to their contours, providing a comfortable and tailored sleeping experience. The capsules monitor sleep patterns, ensuring that our paramedics receive the rest they need to continue their vital work."
In an unassuming corner of the sleeping room, YXX31 and F2IL0 continued with their morning routine, their actions efficient and devoid of any sense of discomfort. Without hesitation, the red Union Suits, their night garments, were carefully stowed away in metal lockers.
They then inspected each others penis and testicles for red parts, chaffing or injuries, then sprayed the others private part with a cleaning foam and dried it with a towel. Afterwards they seemed to sign off that they had done their duty.
The chastity device, a significant emblem of their paramedic identity, was retrieved from the night-time cleaning station. With practiced ease, the two paramedics navigated the process of securing the device, effectively enveloping their most intimate parts of another men, within its confines.
As I observed this intimate interaction, YXX31 took the lead in explaining the meticulous measures in place. "The cleaning station," he elaborated, his voice a mix of nonchalance and matter-of-factness, "ensures the hygiene and maintenance of the device. The presence of another paramedic during this process, offering inspection and support, emphasized the accountability of us.”
"By inspecting each other's devices and penis and testicls,” F2IL0 chimed in, his tone resonating with camaraderie, "we're ensuring that our fellow paramedics are comfortable, that there's no chafing or complications. 
Observing the scene before me, a wave of bewilderment washed over me as the gravity of the situation deepened. The paramedics' bare chests bore tattoos with their ID numbers. Summoning my courage, I directed my attention to F2IL0, who had an air of approachability.  His demeanor seemed at odds with the detachment I had witnessed in the actions unfolding.
"Can you explain the significance of the ID tattoos?" I ventured, my voice betraying the complexity of emotions swirling within me.
“The tattoos are a rite of passage," F2IL0 began, his voice steady but tinged with a deeper resonance. "When we join the paramedic corps, we relinquish our individual birth names. It's a symbol of shedding personal identity to embrace our collective purpose."
 F2IL0 leaned slightly closer, his tone carrying a weight of remembrance. "I still remember the day I received mine," he admitted, a flicker of emotion passing through his eyes. "It was a moment of acceptance, a step into something bigger than myself.”
YXX31, the Search and Rescue Specialist whose physique hinted at both strength and endurance, caught my eye as I noticed a similar tattoo etched onto his slightly darker skin. He offered a small but confident smile as if sensing my unspoken inquiry. 
"I like it,"
"But," he continued, a hint of amusement glinting in his eyes, "we've got to get to our scheduled exercises. The morning routine waits for no one."
In his simple statement, I heard an echo of the structured existence they all shared
"When we're on duty, we wear the chastity device," Ninell explained and as the training was part of their duty, they had to slip into it every morning.
Outside guided by a synthesized voice, the AI trainer directed their movements with an uncanny precision. Its digital commands resonated like a symphony of discipline, orchestrating their bodies through a series of exercises that seemed almost choreographed. YXX31 and F2IL0 moved in synchrony, their every action a testament to the embodiment of their training.
With each push-up, each squat, the muscles of their bodies flexed and strained, a testament to the physical strength that had become second nature to them. 
The AI's voice rang out, crisp and unyielding, as if it were the very embodiment of their collective will. It guided them through their paces, shaping their bodies and minds into a synchronized unity that defied the boundaries of individuality.
We watched in silence for some time, marvelling at the sight of these toned bodies. 
And as the AI trainer guided them through their final stretches, a sense of accomplishment lingered in the air. YXX31 and F2IL0 stood shoulder to shoulder, a silent testament to the bond they shared. Their chests heaved with exertion, their faces flush with determination.
"Tell me, do you like the sight of those toned bodies?" Ninell's voice held a tinge of mischief as he leaned in, her gaze steady on me.
I hesitated for a moment, caught off guard by the question. But honesty seemed to be the best approach. "Yes, I suppose I do," I admitted, my cheeks warming slightly.
Ninell's lips curled into a knowing smile, as if my response had confirmed something he had suspected all along. "You see," he began, her tone taking on a more serious note, "our conditioning runs deep. It's not just about the training or the physical appearances. Our minds are shaped, our preferences molded."
I blinked, trying to process her words. The notion that their likes and dislikes were influenced by their conditioning wasn't entirely surprising, given the level of control exerted by the system. But to hear it spoken so bluntly was jarring.
"Muscular bodies, the uniform, the shaved heads – it's all part of the conditioning," Ninell continued, his gaze distant as if contemplating the complexities of the system. "We're designed to appreciate these things, to find them attractive."
I couldn't help but feel a mix of fascination and unease at his words. The realization that even something as personal as attraction could be dictated by external factors was disconcerting. 
I was perplexed perplexed: "Is this why they make you wear the chasity cages? So you don't get destracted at work? But you can remove them for the night?
"The chastity devices serve multiple purposes," he explained, her voice measured. "Yes, part of it is to minimize distractions while on duty. The conditioning ensures that our focus remains on the task at hand, and the devices help reinforce that focus."
I nodded, the pieces of the puzzle slowly coming together. It was another layer in this intricate system of control – even their sexual desires were harnessed to maintain their efficiency and unity.
"But you're correct," Ninell continued, a faint smile touching his lips, "we do have our moments. When off-duty, we're allowed to remove the devices and have our own time. It's a chance to unwind, to connect in more personal ways."
The idea of prescribed moments of freedom within a structured framework was both baffling and strangely captivating.
The canteen felt surprisingly quiet as I followed Ninell through the entrance. The hum of conversations was absent, replaced by an air of focused efficiency. The space was utilitarian, with rows of tables and chairs neatly arranged, all decorated in grey.
Amidst this muted backdrop, YXX31 and F2IL0 sat at a table, clad in their distinctive red flightsuits. Their presence, while unassuming, was a stark reminder of the discipline and dedication that underscored every aspect of their lives. Their features were now fresh and clean, a testament to the regimented routine they adhered to.
Approaching them, I was met with friendly smiles, a stark contrast to the austere surroundings. As YXX31 and F2IL0 conversed and laughed, I couldn't help but be captivated by their camaraderie, a shared bond forged through experiences both unique and shared.
Their attention then shifted to the meal in front of them – a precisely measured portion of food that seemed to echo the efficiency of their environment. A machine dispensed their sustenance, a reminder of the calculated way every detail of their existence was managed.
"Morning chow," F2IL0 quipped with a grin, a hint of irony in his voice as he picked up his utensils. 
The conversation shifted to a topic that had piqued my curiosity – the medication regimen that the paramedics followed. With genuine interest, I inquired about the nature of these medications and their significance within their daily lives.
Ninell, ever the informative guide, began to explain how the medications were an integral part of their routine. "You see," he began, his voice steady and measured, "our medications are carefully curated to support both our physical well-being and our mental clarity. They're designed to enhance our focus, energy levels, and overall performance."
"Each dosage is precisely measured, tailored to our individual needs. And, of course, there's a comprehensive quality control system in place to ensure that we adhere to our medication schedules."
F2ILO took his cup with two pills and swallowed it: "The system tracks when and what we take, ensuring that we remain in line with the prescribed routine.”
As they sat YXX31 spoke: "Isn't it today time for your conditiong session, C459L?" he smiled mischievously. His words, delivered with a hint of mischief, carried a subtle undertone that suggested a shared camaraderie among the paramedics. C459L, the supervisor who had initially welcomed me to the station, responded with a good-natured chuckle. "Indeed, Exxthree”.
YXX31's suggestion hung in the air, a tantalizing invitation to delve deeper into the paramedics' world. As I glanced between YXX31 and C459L, the shared agreement that passed between them was palpable.
"You're welcome to join us," he offered, his voice carrying the weight of someone who understood the significance of what he was proposing.
The conditioning room exuded an air of purposeful functionality. As I followed C459L and YXX31 into the room, a sense of anticipation mingled with a touch of trepidation. It was a space where the lines between the physical and the psychological blurred. 
C459L's actions were deliberate, methodical. He moved with a sense of practiced routine, a familiarity with the steps that lay ahead. The placement of a diaper – an unexpected detail – hinted at a process that was more intricate than it initially appeared.
As YXX31 assumed his role, his hands moved with an assurance that spoke of countless similar interactions. He secured C459L within the intricate web of electrodes and VR apparatus, a network that connected their minds to the unseen currents of the conditioning program.
As the final connection was made, and the electrodes settled against C459L's shaven skull, the room seemed to hum with an anticipatory energy. It was a stark reminder that even within the realm of the extraordinary, the paramedics' lives were shaped by a complex interplay of tradition, technology, and the relentless pursuit of excellence.
With the VR headset in place, C459L's presence seemed to shift, his focus shifting to a reality that existed beyond the confines of the room.
YXX31's voice carried a sense of assurance as he glanced at the system, his fingers deftly navigating its controls. "This process will take a few hours. Once it's done, C459L will be pretty much out of commission for a while. It's intense."
I nodded, absorbing the information. "So, the AI and regional Headquarters will be monitoring the session?"
He nodded in confirmation. "Yes, they keep tabs on these sessions to ensure everything's running smoothly. Gives us some peace of mind knowing we're not alone in this."
He turned to me with a faint smile. "You've got quite a bit of material to work with now. This is gonna make a hell of a story."
I returned his smile, a mixture of appreciation and curiosity in my expression. "It's been eye-opening, that's for sure."
YXX31's eyes twinkled with a hint of mischief. "Well, you've seen enough for now. I've got a Youth Group Session to prepare – the next generation of paramedics."
"I appreciate your time. I'll leave you to it."
As I stepped out of the station, the weight of my experience lingered in the air around me. The images on that hand-made grey paper, the polaroids that captured the essence of these paramedics, seemed to hold a deeper significance now. Each snapshot represented a life, a commitment, a journey that had been marked by sacrifice and dedication.
The world within those walls was a symphony of grey tones and red uniforms, of shaved heads and chiseled bodies, of routines and regulations that shaped every moment.
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oliviajames1122 · 2 months
Car Repairs Near Me: Finding Quality Service When You Need It
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When your car is in need of repairs, finding a reliable and trustworthy repair garage near me becomes a top priority. Whether it's a minor issue or a major repair, entrusting your vehicle to skilled professionals is essential for ensuring its longevity and your safety on the road.
Importance of Car Repairs
Ensuring Safety
The safety of yourself, your passengers, and other road users should always be a top priority. Ignoring car repairs can lead to potential hazards, such as brake failure or engine malfunction, increasing the risk of accidents.
Preventing Further Damage
Addressing car issues promptly can prevent them from escalating into more extensive and costly repairs. A small repair today can save you from a major overhaul tomorrow.
Finding Reliable Car Repair Services
Online Search
In today's digital age, the internet is your best friend when searching for car repair services near me. Use search engines and online directories to find repair garages in your area.
Ask for Recommendations
Seek recommendations from friends, family, and colleagues who have had positive experiences with car repair shops. Personal referrals can give you valuable insights into the quality of service provided.
Check Reviews and Ratings
Before making a decision, take the time to read online reviews and ratings of repair garages in your area. Pay attention to feedback regarding customer service, reliability, and expertise.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Repair Garage
Location and Convenience
Choose a repair garage that is conveniently located to minimize inconvenience during drop-off and pickup. Consider proximity to your home, workplace, or public transportation.
Expertise and Experience
Look for a repair garage with certified technicians who have extensive experience working with your vehicle make and model. Specialization in certain types of repairs can also be advantageous.
Cost and Transparency
While cost is a factor, prioritize transparency and honesty in pricing. Avoid repair shops that provide vague estimates or surprise you with hidden charges.
Common Car Repairs
Brake Repairs
Brake issues should never be ignored, as they can compromise your ability to stop safely. Common brake repairs include replacing brake pads, rotors, and calipers.
Engine Repairs
Engine problems can manifest in various ways, from strange noises to reduced performance. Addressing issues such as overheating, misfiring, or oil leaks promptly is crucial.
Transmission Repairs
Transmission problems can lead to difficulty shifting gears or slipping gears while driving. Prompt diagnosis and repair are essential to avoid further damage to the transmission system.
DIY vs. Professional Repairs
Pros and Cons
While DIY repairs can save you money, they may not always be the best option, especially for complex issues. Professional repairs ensure quality workmanship and warranty coverage.
When to DIY and When to Seek Professional Help
Simple maintenance tasks like changing wiper blades or replacing air filters can often be done at home. However, for more intricate repairs involving electrical systems or internal components, it's best to leave it to the experts.
Tips for Maintaining Your Car
Regular Inspections
Schedule regular inspections and maintenance checks to identify potential issues early on. Addressing minor issues promptly can prevent them from turning into major repairs.
Timely Maintenance
Follow the manufacturer's recommended maintenance schedule for tasks such as oil changes, tire rotations, and fluid flushes. Proactive maintenance can prolong the life of your vehicle.
Driving Habits
Be mindful of your driving habits, as aggressive driving and rough handling can accelerate wear and tear on your vehicle. Drive responsibly and avoid sudden stops and starts.
When it comes to car repairs, finding a reputable repair garage near you is crucial for maintaining your vehicle's performance and safety. By prioritizing factors such as expertise, reliability, and transparency, you can ensure that your car receives quality service when it needs it most.
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wiackcom · 10 months
Washing your own vehicle at a self-service car wash offers a convenient, flexible, and low-cost cleaning option. Understanding what to expect and how to properly use self-serve bays provides a quality wash experience without the expense of full-detailing services. Finding Self-Service Car Wash Locations Self-serve washes provide drive-up wash bays outfitted with high powered wands and cleaning tools. Track down wash stations in your area with: Online Maps and Directories Search Google Maps or YellowPages.com for “self-service car wash near me”. Listings with photos, directions, and reviews will populate. Location Aggregator Sites Websites like Washos.com compile and map self-serve wash locations across the U.S. for easy searching. Driving Around Simply cruising local streets reveals many self-serve stations. Corner gas stations and stand-alone wash bays are common. Seek out washes with pristine facilities, ample parking, vacuums, convenience stores, and great online reviews. Testing different ones helps identify a favorite. What to Expect at Self-Service Car Washes Self-serve washes provide everything needed to clean your car yourself. Here's a typical setup: Pay Per Use With Cash or Cards Self-serve bays require payment per wash via coin slots, bill acceptors, or credit card stations. Timed payments like $1.50 for 3 minutes are common. BYO Cleaning Supplies and Towels Bring your own car soap, brushes, buckets, towels, etc. Some washes sell soap on-site if you forget. Washing towels from home often work best. Powerful Motorized Wands and Nozzles Wall-mounted wands connected to a central pump provide adjustable spray nozzles for intense cleaning strength. The hoses extend to reach every car surface. Vacuums and Fragrance Most self-serve stations offer powerful vacuums for $0.25-0.75 for interior cleaning after washing. Some also have air fresheners to apply. Open Late or 24/7 Many self-serve washes are open early mornings or very late nights for added convenience. A few operate 24/7 for anytime use. With the right supplies and realistic expectations, self-washing satisfies without professional detailing costs. Using the Self-Serve Bays The DIY nature of self-serves washes makes proper technique important: Study Posted Instructions Look for signage depicting operating instructions for the spray wands, soaps, vacuums etc. Follow directions for best results. Wash Top to Bottom Start spraying the roof and hood before lowering sections to avoid dirt dripping onto already cleaned panels. Use Proper Soaking and Rinsing Allow soapy water to soak briefly before intense rinsing to avoid swirl marks from grit trapped in wash mitts. Bring Drying Towels Wipe off and dry as you go to prevent water spots, streaks, and soap residue. Having multiple soft towels on hand speeds drying. Watch Fragile Areas Use lighter spray pressure around badges, trim, mirrors, and lights to avoid damage. Don't use abrasive brushes on clear coat. Leave Bay Clean Dispose of trash, hang up hoses neatly, and sweep out dirt so the bay is clean for the next customer. Just common courtesy! With some practice, most drivers can master the self-serve wash routine to keep their vehicle looking great. The Pros and Cons of Self-Serve Car Washes Self-service washes provide compelling advantages but aren’t perfect. Consider these key pros and cons: Lower Cost Than Full Service Doing it yourself saves money with self-serves typically costing $5-15 versus $30-70+ for a professional car wash. More Control Over Wash Process You control the soap, accessories, timing, and tools for a truly customized wash rather than quick automated systems. Requires More Physical Effort Washing your own car takes real work unlike passive drive-through washes. Be prepared to hand wash all surfaces on your knees. May Not Achieve Perfect Results DIY washes won’t equal a pro detailing but offer reasonably clean cars.
Perfectionists may want added professional services. Overall self-service delivers a solid wash for far less than full detailing. The trade-off of doing the manual labor yourself pays dividends for frequent washers focused on value. Key Takeaways Self-serve washes provide wands and vacuums for DIY cleaning at low cost BYO towels and cleaners or purchase basics on-site Study posted instructions before using the bays Work top to bottom washing gently to avoid scratches and spots DIY saves money but requires more physical effort than automated washes While not for those wanting flawless show-car results, self-service washes enable frequent cleaning on a budget. With smart supplies and techniques, drivers can tackle the DIY option to keep their cars looking sharp. FAQs What is a self-service car wash? A self-service car wash is a type of car wash where the customer washes their own vehicle using the equipment provided at the facility. Instead of having your car washed by employees, you have the freedom to clean your car at your own pace and according to your preferences. What equipment is typically available? The equipment available at self-service car washes can vary, but typically includes: High-pressure hoses for rinsing and washing the vehicle. Foam brushes for scrubbing the car's surface. Soap or detergent dispensers. Water sprayers for rinsing. Vacuum cleaners for cleaning the interior. Fragrance machines for adding a pleasant scent to the car. How much does it cost to use self-serve bays? The cost of using self-serve bays can vary depending on the location and the services offered. Typically, you pay for the time you spend using the equipment, and the cost can range from a few dollars to several dollars per minute. Some self-service car washes also offer package deals or discounts for longer durations. Do they have vacuums and fragrance? Yes, many self-service car washes have vacuum cleaners available for customers to use in order to clean the interior of their vehicles. Some self-service car washes also have fragrance machines that allow you to add a pleasant scent to your car after cleaning. Are employees available for assistance? In most self-service car washes, there are typically no employees available to assist you with the washing process. However, there may be staff members on-site to handle payments, provide change, or address any maintenance issues with the equipment. It's important to read any instructions or guidelines provided at the facility to ensure you use the equipment correctly and safely. #Wiack #Car #CarInsurance #CarRental #CarPrice #AutoLoans
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sportyconnect · 10 months
Washing your own vehicle at a self-service car wash offers a convenient, flexible, and low-cost cleaning option. Understanding what to expect and how to properly use self-serve bays provides a quality wash experience without the expense of full-detailing services. Finding Self-Service Car Wash Locations Self-serve washes provide drive-up wash bays outfitted with high powered wands and cleaning tools. Track down wash stations in your area with: Online Maps and Directories Search Google Maps or YellowPages.com for “self-service car wash near me”. Listings with photos, directions, and reviews will populate. Location Aggregator Sites Websites like Washos.com compile and map self-serve wash locations across the U.S. for easy searching. Driving Around Simply cruising local streets reveals many self-serve stations. Corner gas stations and stand-alone wash bays are common. Seek out washes with pristine facilities, ample parking, vacuums, convenience stores, and great online reviews. Testing different ones helps identify a favorite. What to Expect at Self-Service Car Washes Self-serve washes provide everything needed to clean your car yourself. Here's a typical setup: Pay Per Use With Cash or Cards Self-serve bays require payment per wash via coin slots, bill acceptors, or credit card stations. Timed payments like $1.50 for 3 minutes are common. BYO Cleaning Supplies and Towels Bring your own car soap, brushes, buckets, towels, etc. Some washes sell soap on-site if you forget. Washing towels from home often work best. Powerful Motorized Wands and Nozzles Wall-mounted wands connected to a central pump provide adjustable spray nozzles for intense cleaning strength. The hoses extend to reach every car surface. Vacuums and Fragrance Most self-serve stations offer powerful vacuums for $0.25-0.75 for interior cleaning after washing. Some also have air fresheners to apply. Open Late or 24/7 Many self-serve washes are open early mornings or very late nights for added convenience. A few operate 24/7 for anytime use. With the right supplies and realistic expectations, self-washing satisfies without professional detailing costs. Using the Self-Serve Bays The DIY nature of self-serves washes makes proper technique important: Study Posted Instructions Look for signage depicting operating instructions for the spray wands, soaps, vacuums etc. Follow directions for best results. Wash Top to Bottom Start spraying the roof and hood before lowering sections to avoid dirt dripping onto already cleaned panels. Use Proper Soaking and Rinsing Allow soapy water to soak briefly before intense rinsing to avoid swirl marks from grit trapped in wash mitts. Bring Drying Towels Wipe off and dry as you go to prevent water spots, streaks, and soap residue. Having multiple soft towels on hand speeds drying. Watch Fragile Areas Use lighter spray pressure around badges, trim, mirrors, and lights to avoid damage. Don't use abrasive brushes on clear coat. Leave Bay Clean Dispose of trash, hang up hoses neatly, and sweep out dirt so the bay is clean for the next customer. Just common courtesy! With some practice, most drivers can master the self-serve wash routine to keep their vehicle looking great. The Pros and Cons of Self-Serve Car Washes Self-service washes provide compelling advantages but aren’t perfect. Consider these key pros and cons: Lower Cost Than Full Service Doing it yourself saves money with self-serves typically costing $5-15 versus $30-70+ for a professional car wash. More Control Over Wash Process You control the soap, accessories, timing, and tools for a truly customized wash rather than quick automated systems. Requires More Physical Effort Washing your own car takes real work unlike passive drive-through washes. Be prepared to hand wash all surfaces on your knees. May Not Achieve Perfect Results DIY washes won’t equal a pro detailing but offer reasonably clean cars.
Perfectionists may want added professional services. Overall self-service delivers a solid wash for far less than full detailing. The trade-off of doing the manual labor yourself pays dividends for frequent washers focused on value. Key Takeaways Self-serve washes provide wands and vacuums for DIY cleaning at low cost BYO towels and cleaners or purchase basics on-site Study posted instructions before using the bays Work top to bottom washing gently to avoid scratches and spots DIY saves money but requires more physical effort than automated washes While not for those wanting flawless show-car results, self-service washes enable frequent cleaning on a budget. With smart supplies and techniques, drivers can tackle the DIY option to keep their cars looking sharp. FAQs What is a self-service car wash? A self-service car wash is a type of car wash where the customer washes their own vehicle using the equipment provided at the facility. Instead of having your car washed by employees, you have the freedom to clean your car at your own pace and according to your preferences. What equipment is typically available? The equipment available at self-service car washes can vary, but typically includes: High-pressure hoses for rinsing and washing the vehicle. Foam brushes for scrubbing the car's surface. Soap or detergent dispensers. Water sprayers for rinsing. Vacuum cleaners for cleaning the interior. Fragrance machines for adding a pleasant scent to the car. How much does it cost to use self-serve bays? The cost of using self-serve bays can vary depending on the location and the services offered. Typically, you pay for the time you spend using the equipment, and the cost can range from a few dollars to several dollars per minute. Some self-service car washes also offer package deals or discounts for longer durations. Do they have vacuums and fragrance? Yes, many self-service car washes have vacuum cleaners available for customers to use in order to clean the interior of their vehicles. Some self-service car washes also have fragrance machines that allow you to add a pleasant scent to your car after cleaning. Are employees available for assistance? In most self-service car washes, there are typically no employees available to assist you with the washing process. However, there may be staff members on-site to handle payments, provide change, or address any maintenance issues with the equipment. It's important to read any instructions or guidelines provided at the facility to ensure you use the equipment correctly and safely. #Wiack #Car #CarInsurance #CarRental #CarPrice #AutoLoans
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johndsmiths1 · 1 year
Why Should You Worry About Low Brake Fluid? Explained!
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Automobiles do prefer liquids, not for hydration but mostly for lubrication. Apart from fuel or coolant, there is always a need for lubrication in every nook and corner. Brakes also need essential fluids. 
It majorly transfers the pressure and helps in slowing down the vehicle that a pedal generates when a driver presses it. However, brake fluid is critical for a car, and it is impossible to stop a car if brake fluids go down.
The scarcity of brake fluid may be dangerous, especially when your car is in driving mode. However, it would be hard to imagine a vehicle without brakes, or more specifically, fluid.
How do you feel about running out of brake fluid in your car?
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Though vehicles cannot converse, they still possess the capacity to tell about the problems. Look at these intimations that tell you about problems with brake fluids.
1. A brake light warning illuminates on your car’s dashboard
Warning lights on a car’s dashboard send strong signals to existing problems. Though a brake light might illuminate for any reason, not necessarily for the emergency of brake fluid, but if it comes on, just consult with a professional.
2. The pedal does not work properly
Usually, when brake fluid is low, a car’s brake pedal does not work properly, and it goes down too easily when you just put your foot on it. However, it happens due to contaminated fluid and a lack of air in the brake unit.
3. Spots of fluid near wheels
Brake fluid leaks usually create spots around the wheels. If you find these spots consistently, never delay visiting the nearest Service My Car workshop.
Brake fluid does not require frequent replacement unless it goes low in quantity and quality.  But, how do you conclude that your vehicle’s brake fluid is going to be low? However, if you find oil spots under your car regularly, dig deep for a better conclusion.
The colour of the fluid and where it appears definitely help you make a decision about identifying the brake fluid.
Most frequently, brake fluid is clear to brown in colour and slightly yellow. Additionally, it has a smooth viscosity. You will probably find a puddle that fits this description close to one of your car's wheels if you have a brake fluid leak.
Keeping the importance of brakes in mind, there is no point in putting yourself at risk. Once you notice any sign of low brake fluid or any hesitation while braking, avail yourself of the services of Service My Car, and also get other services like:- car tinting, car sanitization, and car recovery service etc.
What makes a car’s brake fluid go low?
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Unlike other automobile fluids, the brake fluid shows a tendency to absorb water. It is also limited in quantity. Besides, leakage is always behind low brake fluid quantities. Leakage often happens due to damaged parts, specifically the worn reservoir.
However, brake fluid must be replaced every two years due to contamination and loss of efficacy during braking.
Besides, the worn brake pads are known to be a major reason behind the low brake fluid. Worn pads may require more from the brake fluids, and their capacity may be reduced due to extensive usage.
However, identifying worn brake pads is simple because there is insufficient pressure after pressing the pedal. Therefore, opting for the brake pad replacement is the better choice, and Service My Car is definitely going to help you make yourself more secure, And you can also search for a car specialist near me on the web, to opt for car repair and air con regas in Manchester at a very reasonable price.
Is there any problem if you drive with low brake fluid?
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Low brake fluid might end up resulting in a failure. However, it does not occur to you that you are experiencing any troubling symptoms. Failed brakes are something a driver would not prefer in their dreams either. Though you can control a vehicle in such an extreme condition, it is better to prevent such a problem.
In case of brake failure, you should take care of your and others' safety. You should inform other vehicles about the brake failure by pressing the brake to highlight the rear lights. On the other hand, you can use the hazard lights.
Gradually apply the parking brakes while lowering the RPMs by shifting transmission. Once your vehicle slows down enough, try to move it off the road and run into some rough terrain or grass. Also, turn off the engine so that external friction can assist the tyres in slowing down and eventually stopping.
Is it possible to add brake fluid on your own?
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Refilling brake fluid is an expert’s job, as there are a number of risks associated. Not many of us possess those technical skills either. But what can you do? Check out the brake fluid level to determine the actual level.
The level definitely helps you in determining the need for brake fluid. If the brake fluid level falls below the minimum, a top-up or complete refill is required.
You should come to Service My Car for an expert service. Here you will get a professional solution for your car's brake needs. However, booking a car service or ordering a car repair order on our website and app is easy now.
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nicanicani · 1 year
Airbnb Review
Cha's Staycation at Amaia Steps Altaraza
Address: Q3PG+VHH, Quirino Highway Unit 705, San Jose del Monte City, Central Luzon, Philippines
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I booked an overnight stay at Amaia Steps Altaraza using the airbnb site, check-in for overnight stays are fixed at 2pm and check out will be 12nn or earlier the next day.
An overnight stay costs 1,753 pesos as you'll see on Airbnb's site, but once you proceed to pay for your desired date an additional service fee will be added. Service fee is 240+ pesos for 1-2 people, so that's around 2k pesos total, you'll need to add more fee if you will booked for 3-5 people. Maximum 5 people only.
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Before you can go inside you need to surrender your proof of identity to the condominium's security guards, the host already informed them about my identity and my reason of stay. The guard will also ask you to fill-up on their visitors log. Once everything is settled they will give you a visitor pass and off you go.
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The next thing that will greet you once you get inside the premises is their clean swimming pool. This is a pool sharing facility and you need to pay 100 pesos (per person) every weekdays and 150 pesos (per person) if weekends. Pool is close every Monday.
Pool hours 9:00AM-5:00PM
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At the ground floor there are mailboxes for each units, my stay here is self-check-in, the host informed me to get the unit's key on her mailbox.
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The place is small, just right for an overnight stay. Whole unit is neat and clean. There are different home appliances provided by the host that guests can use during their stay. Basic toiletries are also included. The room is air-conditioned and there's a spare stand fan provided. Free Netflix + free unlimited during my stay.
The bed was okay during my stay, pillows though are thin, either the host change it or at least add one more for more comfort.
The facility during both day and night are peaceful, other peole who are living there as a regular resident or staying there as a guest like me are all very mindful about noise. My stay overnight stay there is indeed relaxing.
Before I forgot, outside foods are allowed. Food deliveries are allowed too even after midnight, but you need to get your food at the guard house because riders are not allowed inside the building.
My host has a CLAYGO policy which means Clean As You Go, what you bring inside you must take with you when you leave.
I want to add that their elevator smells nice.
Overall stay was great, I actually want to extend my stay but aside from tight budget, I'm also worrying about my mom. Will definitely come back again soon, hoping I have someone to stay with me to make the overnight more fun. Ayieeeee~
Responsive and kind host
Accommodating and friendly guards
Peaceful place
Near a hospital, mall, church, food establishments
No public transportation going outside the subdivision which is hard if you don't own a car
No PokeStop in the area, most gyms and pokestops can't be reach, as a pokemon go player it's a little sad
rating: 8/10
experience is good but i believe they can still level up the service.
Expenses breakdown:
Airbnb fee - ₱1,753
Service fee - ₱248
Transportation - ₱140
Food - ₱1,159 (food from feb 5-6)
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crystalvaletltd · 2 days
From time to time we get enquiries about eco car wash services. There are basically two “eco” wash systems one of which we embrace, that being harvesting rainwater, which allows us to run a high volume car wash using water. Car washing with water is the only manufacturer’s methodology recommended. (Take time to read your manufacturer’s owner’s manual).
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crystalvalet · 3 months
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When it comes to keeping your vehicle clean and looking its best, trust the experts at Crystal Valet. With our commitment to quality, convenience, and customer satisfaction, we're confident that you'll be impressed with the results. Visit us in Dublin today and discover why we're the premier choice for car washing services in the area. Drive clean, shine bright – with Crystal Valet.
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Toyota Camry in Sacramento Secrets
Dealer Discount signifies the quantity you may preserve off the MSRP for the auto with the precise VIN shown provided by Maita Toyota. MSRP is set through the manufacturer and could not replicate the cost at which automobiles are usually bought from the dealer's trade spot.
You might qualify to get a $five hundred rebate In case you have graduated within the final two calendar years or will throughout the future 6 months and finance or lease a decide new Toyota through your dealer and Toyota Monetary Services.
Digital Rearview Mirror With HomeLink® Connected to a camera around the trunk, Mirai’s obtainable digital rearview mirror with HomeLink® casts an obstruction-cost-free look. You may zoom in, zoom out and regulate the mirror for getting a better examine what’s driving you.
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When You are looking for Toyota services you can depend on, use this online search engine to look for the most beneficial Toyota dealership in Sacramento, CA for your manufacturer-new or top quality made use of Toyota's wants.
The motor is great for the cost and it ought to pass a very while. The air-con in the vehicle is nice and may great the vehicle down quickly. You will find there's lots of trunk room behind the Camry to convey objects on highway excursions.
Help save this lookup to acquire an alert when cars are included. E-mail me price tag drops and new listings for these final results. Email me
You could qualify to get a $five hundred rebate Should you have graduated within the last two calendar yrs or will inside the subsequent 6 months and finance or lease a pick new Toyota via your dealer and Toyota Economical Companies.
Suitable U.S. military services staff as well as their people may perhaps qualify for a $five hundred reward that can be used towards a new Toyota financed or leased through your dealer and Toyota Financial Services.
Extraordinary Reps at Toyota dealers near you might be right here to create your car paying for the working experience or Toyota motor vehicle assistance as uncomplicated as you can.
Believed APR and payment quantity is only offered on permitted credit in the event you finance your motor vehicle as a result of your selected Toyota dealer and Toyota Monetary Companies. The present is available to extremely properly skilled credit history customers. Your transaction will likely be a matter of negotiation involving both you and your dealer. Many variables, such as recent current market disorders, your credit historical past, and down payment, will influence your APR and or every monthly payment and other terms.
Certain Toyota substitute pieces readily available at your local Toyota dealers are some of the strategies to maintain your vehicle undertaking efficiently in between scheduled expert services.
Allow us to assist you with using a Nicer, More recent car. We now have the best answers and features to be sure you are driving a Nicer, here are More recent car problems at no cost.
Suitable U.S. army personnel as well as their families could qualify for your $five hundred reward that can be employed towards a completely new Toyota financed or leased through your dealer and Toyota Economic Companies.
Your deposit might be hard cash, the worth of a trade-in, or both equally. The more you put down, the considerably less you should borrow. A bigger deposit may also lower your month-to-month payment and your overall cost of funding.
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oliviajames1122 · 5 months
Car Repairs Near Me: Navigating the Maze of Auto Services
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Car troubles can strike at the most inconvenient times, leaving us stressed and frustrated. Whether it's a strange noise, a warning light on the dashboard, or an unexpected breakdown, finding reliable car repairs becomes a priority. In this guide, we'll explore the intricate world of car repairs, from navigating the search for trustworthy services to understanding the benefits of DIY repairs.
In a world where our daily lives heavily rely on automobiles, the importance of reliable car repairs cannot be overstated. However, the challenge lies in finding trustworthy services that won't break the bank. Let's delve into the process of navigating the maze of car repairs near me to ensure your vehicle receives the care it deserves.
The Search for Trustworthy Car Repairs
Local vs. Chain Repair Shops
One of the first decisions you'll face is choosing between local repair shops and larger chain establishments. While chains may offer consistency, local shops often provide a personalized touch and a sense of community.
Online Reviews and Testimonials
In the digital age, online reviews play a crucial role in decision-making. Explore various platforms to gauge customer satisfaction and identify potential red flags.
Asking for Recommendations
Word of mouth remains a powerful tool. Don't hesitate to ask friends, family, and colleagues for recommendations based on their personal experiences.
Factors to Consider
Cost Estimation
Understanding cost estimates is vital. Get quotes from multiple repair shops, considering both the overall cost and any potential hidden fees.
Turnaround Time
Time is of the essence. Choose a repair service that can provide timely repairs without compromising quality.
Quality of Service
A balance between cost and quality is crucial. Ensure the repair shop has certified technicians and uses genuine parts.
DIY Car Repairs
Pros and Cons of Do-It-Yourself Repairs
For the hands-on enthusiasts, DIY car repairs can be satisfying. However, it's essential to weigh the pros and cons before attempting complex repairs.
Common DIY Car Repairs
From changing oil to replacing air filters, there are several DIY tasks that can save you money and enhance your understanding of your vehicle.
Importance of Timely Repairs
Preventing Further Damage
Ignoring minor issues can lead to major problems. Timely repairs can prevent further damage and extend the lifespan of your vehicle.
Ensuring Safety on the Road
Safety should always be a priority. Addressing issues promptly ensures you and your passengers remain safe on the road.
Signs Your Car Needs Immediate Attention
Strange Noises
Unusual sounds can be indicators of underlying issues. Learn to recognize different noises and their potential causes.
Warning Lights on the Dashboard
Understanding dashboard warning lights is crucial. Ignoring them could lead to severe consequences.
Unusual Smells
Strange odors can signal problems with the engine, brakes, or other critical components. Don't overlook peculiar smells.
Regular Maintenance vs. Emergency Repairs
Scheduled Maintenance Benefits
Regular maintenance is not only about addressing issues but also preventing them. Explore the benefits of scheduled maintenance.
Dealing with Unexpected Breakdowns
Even with proper maintenance, breakdowns can occur. Learn how to handle unexpected situations and minimize stress.
How to Find the Best Car Repair Deals
Coupons and Discounts
Many repair shops offer promotions to attract customers. Keep an eye out for coupons and discounts to save on your repairs.
Seasonal Promotions
Certain times of the year may bring special promotions. Take advantage of seasonal discounts to cut down on repair costs.
Benefits of Building a Relationship with a Local Repair Shop
Personalized Service
Local repair shops often provide personalized service, as they value their community. Building a relationship can lead to more attentive and customized care.
Loyalty Programs
Some repair shops offer loyalty programs that reward frequent customers. Explore the perks of staying loyal to a trusted service provider.
Choosing the Right Repair Shop
Visiting the Facility
Before committing, visit the repair shop to get a sense of their professionalism and cleanliness.
Meeting the Technicians
Establish a connection with the technicians. Communication is key to ensuring your concerns are understood and addressed.
Common Car Repair Scams to Avoid
Overcharging for Unnecessary Repairs
Be wary of repair shops that recommend unnecessary repairs or overcharge for simple tasks. Get a second opinion if needed.
Using Substandard Parts
Some shops may cut corners by using substandard parts. Ensure that your chosen repair service prioritizes quality.
The Future of Car Repairs
Advancements in Automotive Technology
Explore how technological advancements in vehicles impact the services offered by repair shops.
Impact on Repair Services
From electric vehicles to advanced diagnostics, the future of car repairs is evolving. Stay informed about the latest trends.
Customer Testimonials
Real-life experiences provide valuable insights into the quality of car repair services. Read testimonials from actual customers to make informed decisions.
Navigating the world of car repairs may seem daunting, but with the right knowledge, you can make informed choices. Whether opting for a local repair shop or attempting DIY repairs, prioritize the well-being of your vehicle to ensure a smooth and safe driving experience.
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lovesomehate · 2 years
Here it is! The final part. I can't believe this idea went into my head, but I had to get it out and a full fic wasn't going to happen. Thanks for being open to the idea of it being submitted. I have no idea how many mistakes there are in this, I got tired and didn't care to edit.
A Month and the After [part 4/FINAL]
TW: torture, murder, gore, non-con/molestation
Tara wakes cold and naked. Much to her shock Laura actually didn’t do anything malicious to her in the dead of night. The day prior she cleaned her wounds best as she could, patient with Tara’s cries of pains and soothing her. Any food she brought her was soft and she didn’t try to force it on her. Tara said no Laura left and when she had to give into her stomach’s needs Laura would bring her it nice and warm. The last she remembered was Laura giving her a little medicine.
Tara also isn’t restrained to the table and she clumsily stands, falling to her knees with a cry. Her body is shaking. There’s no evidence of any of Laura’s utensils. The basement was covered in dust in webs outside of the spot Laura cleaned for use. There was nothing down here save for her. 
Crawling up the stairs is a painful ordeal. When she pusshes the door open it makes something fall over. It’s a bag of clothes. A near exact match of the clothing she wore when she and her brother held Travis and Laura hostage.
Tears start anew. Knowinginly she pulls the clothing on. There’s nothing really to the house. Rotted furniture, cabinets bare, and clean spots among dust were Laura set her base of operations. Laura isn’t to be seen.
The door creaks loudly and Tara’s body jumps at the colding air. The place of her nightmare shuts behind her. She stumbles forward and still doesn’t see Laura, or anything. The car that was used to kidnap her is gone, there’s fields of grass as far as she can see. It seems like the only thing present in this sea of green and beige is a tree.
A tree where Laura stands. Her eyes cold and murderous, an ax in her hand. Tara wants to scream, vomit, plead but all she did was cry, the tears mixing with a stream of snot. Laura points just a bit passed her.
She hobbles in the opposite direction as best as she could. Laura is letting her get so far and Tara is getting so lost. She almost wonders if Laura could even find her, hopefully Laura was lost as well.
“Do you know what you did to him you bitch!” 
Tara barely hears the scream before she feels the ax go partly into her. Laura swings again and Tara’s right arm flops to the ground. Tara falls, but Laura doesn't descend upon her like Tara thought she would.
Laura seems particularly preoccupied with the disembodied arm. Hacking it to smaller pieces and smashing the bits with the dull of the ax. She finishes and waits, back turned. Tara realizes that Laura is just going to stand there until she starts fleeing again. Or else she’d bleed out and she can’t wait that long for death. And who knows maybe Laura would be sated after another lost limb. Maybe she’ll patch her up and let her live. She let the cop who kidnapped her and her boyfriend live, and even started dating him, so maybe.
Her leg ishit, but not taken, instead it’s her foot. She moves further forward and her opposite leg was taken.
“I didn't think someone could be that disgusting and cruel.” Tears pool in Laura’s eyes. “He’d already been through too much in his life.”
A swing to the hip impares her further.
Then her footless leg is gone.
“You don’t get to have him and keep him. You don’t get to keep him up and away from himself.” 
Her remaining forearm.
Laura swings the ax down off enough that she manages to take off the side of Tara’s face, including the ear.
“Do not fucking lie. We both know you and that brother fucking enjoyed every second.”
A swing to the side of her stomach.
“All your victims. I’m doing them a service too.”
Three too her thigh until it was gone.
“You made me helpless, I couldn’t protect him like he was doing for me.” 
Middle of Tara’s stomach.
“This is what it felt like. You’re going to rot in hell. And honestly I’ll probably be joining you. And if I do I’ll find you. I’ll find you and do this over and over and over.”
The ax falls. Over and over and over and over. Tara’s body hacked to pieces and those pieces are damaged to mush. 
It’s quiet. It’s quiet as her breath melds with the air. She doesn’t know what her body feels. It feels so heavy with her regret of not having been able to help Travis, heavy with being here, leaving Travis with a lie of her activities when should be home supporting him. Yet she doesn’t regret Tara’s death.
She feels heavy from lying to Mr. Hanely. To the fact that she put a lot of her savings into buying the car she was currently setting on fire. 
Eventually she would pack the feeling into the space were she kept the murder of the Hacketts in her mind. They would mingle together as Laura moved on with Travis. 
She heads home to him.
Laura lies to him and Travis let’s her. He knew before her kiss. He knew the language of her kisses. The kiss she gave him on her departure was filled with genuine love, wishes of comfort and regret. This was a lie she struggled with some. He appreciated that, but didn’t know what to do. He knew why she was leaving.
Laura didn’t know that he already saw the news reports about Tara. She threw away papers on the woman that he found after she was asleep or deeply pre-occupied. Laura had taken to happily, suddenly being the only one taking out the trash. Travis dug threw the large trash bin until he found some of the reports on Tara that she deemed useless but told him enough.
He didn’t enjoy it but he went through her search history. Particular makeup tutorials, searches for solitary locations focused in a singular town. Travis couldn’t help but smile at her tenacity.
So he stayed home without a word. Worrying, but comforted everytime by her texts, calls and video calls. Sometimes he didn’t answer or took to long to respond. Just on moments where he got caught in the mire of memories alone with Tara and Jake, contemplation on why Laura was with him and if he could still manage after all of it. 
“Laura’s lying to me.” He tells his therapist.
It’s odd talking to the man. For starters he reminds him way to much of Chris. Maybe that helped him open up some. He’s also much younger than him, though a bit older than Laura. He has glasses and warm presence, he focuses his therapy around sexual assult victims. Travis had rejected several potiencial therapists. He couldn’t handle speaking to a woman about it, and something about men his age made him feel like he was being judged and condemned.
“You and Laura are pretty open with one another.” The younger man, Dr. Craven said. “What do you think she’s lying about?”
“She said she’s going out of town for a little to see a very ill friend.”
“And you think she’s lying about the friend? Do you think she’s going on her own somewhere or do you think she’s cheating on you.”
“On her own. I get scared cause of my age, but i know she wouldn’t cheat on me.”
He thought she might start though. He awoke every so screaming or crying. Sometimes he was afraid of touching her, what if he no longer liked the way she felt against him. What if he called her that disgusting woman’s names again. Maybe it would be better for her to cheat, he was so distant know and he couldn’t satisfy her, either not being able to get it up or just stopping mid sex. If they did finish his body wouldn’t , leaving him with an odd feeling. He wouldn’t find release in the shower or doing sometimes nothing, ejaculating from a flaccid member.
“Well that’s good. I know you were intensely fearful of her leaving you.”
“I still am just, not as badly.” Travis leaned into the seat of the couch, his head resting on the back. “I think I know what she’s doing. It’s something that’s for my sake and I don’t even know if it’ll matter.”
“Do you know it won’t make you feel better? Cause if you believe that, you should let her know. Especially it’s going to require alot.”
Travis breathed in and exhaled, a rushed action.
“I don’t know if it'll make me feel better or not. Mostly I don’t its…I can’t go into detail.”
“I won’t force you, but if you think it’ll help.”
‘It’ll just get her in trouble.’ Travis thought for a moment.
“She’s so strong. I know she’ll be just fine. I…I don’t know what to say about it. There’s also a part of me that feels like I’m clinging onto her too much after this. That I’m syphoning energy from her.”
“I definitely don’t think that’s the case. You’ve been coming on to these on you’re own more. You told me that you’re looking into other interests. You and you’re friend Kenny are going to see a movie today. You sounded excited about that at the start of our talk.”
Travis sat up straight and considered what he was saying. He still had a stubborn habit of taking on guilt and refusing to see how he’s progressed. But maybe it was because Dr. Craven looked like Chris. Maybe it’s because Laura was and still trying to work a similar lesson into him. Even if he thought it small he was moving forward in some way.
“Yeah, I’m not doing so bad.”
Dr.Craven smiled.
“For now.” Travis added.
Dr. Craven made a slightly face, but didn’t give a severe answer and his tone was even.
“We’ve talked about that. It hits harder for you, but good days come and go. It’s enjoying the good days, fighting just to be okay in the bad days so that the next will be good again. Having a bad day is natural. Just don’t get lost in it, that’s a well you don’t want to go down.”
Travis’ eyebrows shot up in disbelief. A laugh erupted from deep in Travis’ chest. The good doctor showed signs of concern. 
“Sorry.” Travis wiped the slight tears from his eyes. “You just reminded me of something.”
“Well that’s good.”
“Mmm.” Travis raised his hand, palm down and tilts it side to side.
“Well, I’ll take it for the more positive. You’re reacting pretty well to it.”
Dr. Craven pointed to the smile on Travis’ face. They waited for Travis’ laugh to fully die down.
“Now we do have a few more minutes, but I would also hate to make you miss seeing your movie on time. So how about, we go ahead and cut this session off now and next time we’ll add on a few more.
“Sounds good to me.” Travis stands and Dr. Craven does as well.
“See you in a few days Travis.”
“Yeah, thank you.”
Then he went on to meet Kenny. They had fun, though the movie was dumb as hell. Kenny seemed to garner more humor from Travis’ reaction than the actual “hilarity” of the film. They ate at their favorite steak house and strolled around various stores for nothing in particular, but still found some things. Travis tried to focus on Laura sans her activities.
He loved every time she contacted him. He loved-hated the video calls. He liked seeing her, but he could also see the weariness from what she was doing and her lying. She wasn’t the biggest fan of lies. The heavier the weight of the lie the more she felt tired or the more she felt betrayed if the lie told by another.
It was one of the worst nightmares he had. It even had the audacity to take him back to the six years. Kaylee, Caleb, and Chris chasing him and Travis without his silver bullets and gun, cause of course he wouldn’t hurt them. He makes it to his home, but the door is locked. The outside of the house is lined with doors and windows, all of them locked. Bobby, Pa, and Ma all watched him from inside not moving as he begged them to let him in. The curtains all closed as gunfire rang through the dark. He turns and watches Kaylee’s body fall, human once more. It happens to Caleb and then Chris. 
He could make out to clothes of the shooter and the fierce way the gold eyes stared. Laura. She ran towards him and lunged transforming mid air and clamping down on his arm. There wasn’t a shard of mirror, not that he would use it. He fought his arm free, the flesh ripping. She lunges for his face and explodes again. Travis is pushed onto his back and a pair of lips are on his. He kisses Laura back, her blond hair tickling his face. When she raises however Laura’s hair and face falls off and Tara’s underneath
“Hi, lover.” Tara says, dragging her tongue up his face and her hand down his pants. 
A pair of hands are undoing his shirt. Travis is no longer on the floor, he’s standing and against someone’s front. Against Jake’s front. Travis fights himself free, their nails ripping his clothes and leaving long scratches in his skin, and falls. Falls right in front of Laura who he reaches for. She looks like angel, an actual halo present behind her. She bends down, bypassing her his hand and hugs him. Travis watches her wairly incase she changes to Tara but she doesn’t. But she does slip away too fast right as he goes to wrap his arms around her. She steps away and his throat feels tight. The further back, the tighter his throat, the tighter the rope she wrapped around him squeezes.
Travis wakes up in a cold sweat, trying to fight bile down. He looked to the vacant side of the bed. He didn’t know if he was happy or sad by that. His skin crawled. Tara and Jake’s touch felt to real and still clung to him, bringing their actual touches back to the forefront. He couldn’t breath, as though Laura was still choking him to death.
He was supposed to go to therapy. He drove there, but couldn’t get himself out of the car. This was a step back. He didn’t want to confront that fact with Dr. Craven.
‘I need to go in and talk about this.’ He thought. ‘But then what let him know that you couldnt handle a simple nightmare.’ 
His breathing quickened.
‘He’s a nice man. I can talk to him. I can tell him about this. Or I could drive away. Drive away and straight into the lake, or off a ledge or even into a train.’
He calls Kenny instead. He feels completely drained. He wants to sleep but is also terrified to do so. Laura sends him a text, he realizes that he doesn’t want to talk to anyone else today. He tells her so and shuts his phone off. He takes the home phones off the hook. He lets Kenny stay.
He gets a text that she’s coming home soon. He wants to see her. He can’t wait.
When Laura first drove pass the “Welcome to North Kill” sign she didn’t think of it. She and Max were heading up to do some early counseling before the start of summer camp. The only thing to think about was not getting lost.
When Laura drove pass the “Welcome to North Kill” sign she tensed up. Anxiety flowed from the top of her head, through her heart, to her white knuckled grip of her steering wheel and the tense calf muscles as she fought the urge not to bounce her leg while driving. She was going to do it. She was heading back to North Kill to see Travis Hackett of all people, cause she couldn’t get him out of head. Out of anger, out of sorrow, out of the need to talk to someone about how she feels. The drive to kill for Max, the frustration of being weighed down by carrying secrets, about trying to come to terms of the aftermath being free but also not, to sure but uncertain, to not know how to react to people anymore and lying through your emotions. 
Acquaintanceship grew from arguments and frequent visits for faux therapy sessions. Friendship came with more talks and walks through North Kill and becoming defensive on the other’s behalf. Maybe a punch or two was thrown. Love came from the ache of being alone, longer than intentional stays that led to sleeping on another’s couches. One another’s beds. In one another’s arms. The peace they found in one another and it made going through the day easier and possible.
The following drives pass the “Welcome to the North Kill” sign was on various trips here and there, visits and trips. Nothing to count when wrapped in the ups and downs of life with one another.
Then they were kidnapped, Travis harmed and used and seeing “Welcome to North Kill” didn’t matter. There was a numbness to seeing their home. They’re minds refused to return to their bodies, Travis’ even more so.
Now Laura sees at the “Welcome to North Kill” sign on the horizon and she feels tired with every inch closer. She couldn’t believe how heavy everything felt all of a sudden. 
‘Did I really do it for Travis.’ She thinks.
It was running through her mind once she got back to her original car. She took a risk leaving at at a motel that rested outside of Castor, but was lucky it remained and intact as well. She kept telling herself it was Travis and it was. With Tara dead he wouldn’t have to worry about Tara still being out there. But at the same time he wasn’t necessarily supposed to know about Tara. Her body would probably be found and identified eventually.
However she had a fearful growing realization. That maybe she never went after Tara for Travis’ sake. At least not fully, she might have actually done this for herself. To make up for the fact that she hadn’t been able to protect him. That she was so helpless to do anything. That she was so weak to do anything. That she found herself more of a source of pain at times than a source of comfort. Tara didn’t deserve to live, shit Constance deserved to live. Tara’s existence knocked Constance down from monster in bitch.
Laura could tell herself that it was for the other victims as well. Such as how killing Silas might have saved people they didn’t know of from the curse. But Tara’s victims were all dead, she and Travis were the only survivors in Tara and Jake’s sick activities. 
She shouldn’t have left. She should have left Tara to her wandering. She should have stayed with Travis. Her satisfaction and victory melted away to guilt.
‘I did this for him.’ She tells herself.
“Welcome to North Kill” passes by.
“I did it for us.” She whispers the words to herself. “I did it for me.”
Unbidden tears trickled down. She was so happy to be home. Happy or terrible, things had a habit of coming to truth in North Kill.
Don’t text and drive be damned.
[Hey handsome guess who just got back in town❤️]
The three dots pend on the screen.
[Are you texting and driving? If you’re driving please pull to the side and text back or call me. … Please be careful while reading this.]
Laura laughs. She thinks to text back just because it’s been a little while sense she’s annoyed him some, but decides to call. He beats her too it. She’s more than happy to answer.
“Hey sweetheart.” Travis says.
Laura feels guilty, but she feels at home.
“Hey. You sound like you’re doing really good today.”
“Well hearing you just made it a bit better.”
“Aw” She heard another.
“Um, did I hear someone else? Is Kenny picking on you again?” She jokes.
“No, that’s Dr.Craven.” 
“Oh! Am I interrupting? Are you allowed to call me right now?”
“I wouldn’t be on the phone if I wasn’t allowed.”
Laura stuck out her tongue, despite Travis’ being unable to see her. But he knew her so well.
“Stop that.” He says. “So where exactly are you?”
“I’m only just seeing stores and everything. I can pick us something up on my way in.”
“We can make up our minds about that afterward, if you’re not home or didn’t have plans are you able to come by Dr. Craven’s office?”
A pause.
“Are things ok?”
“Yeah, things are fine, I just…”
She could hear him fidgeting on whatever furniture he was seated on.
“I wanted to…to know if you could talk with me. With us. Its…” His laugh is shy and nervous.
“Yeah, I can do that. Of course I can do that, but is everything okay?”
There’s another pause but a muffled sound can be heard.
“Hello Laura? This Dr. Craven.”
“Hey Dr. Craven, is everything okay?”
“Yes everything’s fine. You should know that Travis is doing very well, but there are some topics that we wanted to progress or start on.”
“And Travis would like to proceed with those topics with you at the sessions, or at least some of them. It’s not really unusual to do this sort of counseling. I know you finished you’re own, but its not a matter of that.”
Dr. Craven stops on his end and looks over to Travis who looks unsure.
“He’s a little scared about some of the topics we’re going to touch on and he’s not sure if he’d be able to talk to you about them or how it’ll affect your relationship.” Dr. Craven continues. “Now its something we can do over the phone and we can go over the details more, but if its not too much is it possible for you to make the remainder of this session.”
“Of course.” It was an answer requiring no thought. “Of course, I’ll be there right away.”
She’s already ending the call and only barely hears Travis to tell her not to speed. She does anyway. Her parking could be better, but it could have been worst. She luckily got a spot right by Travis’ truck, the person next to her was going to have to really suck in their stomach to get into their vehicle. She speed walks to the door and tries not to take the stairs at a normal pace, she didn’t have the patience for the elevator.
Her breathing is slightly agitated when she opens the door, stepping into Dr. Craven’s counseling room. 
“Hi Dr. Craven.” She says and the doctor gives her a nod and smile. “Hey Travis.”
They smile fondly at one another. Travis makes room on the couch and pats the cushion next to him. She sits and looks at Travis wishfully. Travis opens his arms and Laura dives into him. The hug is tight and long, Laura burring her face into Travis’ chest and Travis burring his face in her hair. They breakaway to not make the moment awkward for Dr. Craven.
“So..” Laura clears her throat. “You want me to be here for your sessions now?” 
Travis draws his lips in and nods.
“I…I know what you did.” He tells her. “Or at least I’m pretty sure I know what you did.”
Laura bristles looking at Travis, her mouth open without words. She hesitantly looks over to Dr. Craven.
“Don’t worry I have no idea what he’s talking about really.” The man soothes her thoughts. “Travis seems to know and that’s enough for me.”
“So you know?” She turns her worried expression back to Travis.
“Yeah.” He simply states.
“Are you made at me? For going and lying?”
Travis takes his time to set up the right words.
“I’m not upset that you left, I don’t ever want to hold you from doing anything. But as for why you did…I don’t even know if that would have helped me. I don’t even know how I feel now about it. I don’t want to tell you it was useless, but I don’t want you to have wasted time on…I just don’t want you to have felt some sort of obligation or to have lost precious time to the matter.”
Laura felt her throat tighten. The guilt threatening to cut off her air and forcing tears to rise.
“I’m sorry for lying, but I wanted to do this for you. I wanted to to keep you…” She needs the right words as to not tip off Dr. Craven, though she wondered if he had an idea.
Or at least he would have an idea the moment Tara’s body was found.
“I’m not ungrateful.” Travis follows up. “But how do you feel? Are you ok?”
A visible shiver runs through Laura. 
“I don’t want to take away from your appointment, this is about you. I’ve already been through my counseling.” She deflects and hates how crass she sounds. 
“That’s the other thing Laura.” Dr. Craven re-enters the conversation. “If you come to these sessions they’ll more than likely pull you into the conversation as well.”
“I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.” Travis speaks. “So please say no if you don’t want to be a part of this. You’re comfort in this matters to me as well.”
There’s quiet between them. Laura doesn’t answer and Travis and Dr. Craven wait patiently for her. She’s gone through her counseling she doesn’t need it anymore. But she needs to do something for Travis that’s fully for him because she feels like…she feels like…
“I feel like I didn’t do it for you,” Laura admits and her tears start to fall. “I think I did it because of you, but not for you, and I’m sorry for that. I’m sorry that I couldn’t help you and I thought that if I…took the time to ease your mind of a problem, to have you not to wonder what if or where your problem may be. But now I’m wondering if I did it for myself.”
She stops a moment, the feeling gross on her tongue and too afraid to meet the two men’s eyes. 
“I wonder if it was all for me cause I couldn’t do anything for you thin. Maybe I deluded myself into thinking it was for you…”
“I’ll take that.” Travis interrupts her and she looks up shocked. “You did for me. You did it cause you hated that you couldn’t do anything for me. I don’t care. If you’re okay I don’t care. It’s something I would maybe have thought about I guess, but I don’t know. But I think you did it for me, even in a round about way. I’m thankful for you.”
With an admittedly ugly sniffle Laura inhaled and exhaled steadying herself. 
“I want to keep helping you Travis and doing these sessions with you would be the best and better way.” She turns so that she’s facing Dr. Craven properly, though she holds Travis’ hand. “I’ll try to make it to as many of these as I can and when you want. I’ll try on the phone too. Anything to help.” 
Travis gives her hand a slight squeez and her heart already begins to feel at peace.
When Tara is eventually found they don’t say a word, though Travis does make a face when they go into about the brutality of Tara’s death. If Dr. Craven has any suspicions, they never find out. Its still step by step. There are still the nightmares, the looks and touches of uncertainty and moments of needed distance.
However there are more moments of dreams. Of welcomed unexpected touches, touching one another and treasuring the warmth, the one another’s names on their tongue without an ill utterance. Moments where the memories would flood back but they had the strength to stare them done.
There was a sweet familiarity to returning to work and seeing friends. They were afraid, but they planned another trip. They weren’t going to be afraid. They’re stronger and together.
I am a pretty selfish person, so when Laura was like “I did this for myself” I just nodded like “yeah girl, they hurt your man, of course you would want revenge” and it never occurred to me that she would feel bad about it 😂😂😂😂
But hey, therapy 💙💙💙💙
Those two will be okay now and find a new normal for themselves 💙💙💙💙
Btw I was smiling so hard during the hunting Tara scene that my face hurt 😂😂😂
A good ending 💙
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crystalvaletltd · 2 days
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crystalvalet · 3 months
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