captainbored · 2 years
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Scrapped Idea #01 (Really should be #10076 if we're being honest)
Didn't quite work like I was hoping but I still like these pictures so why not post it, this blog has been in a Pluto and Mars drought anyways.
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bat-the-misfit · 3 months
i've been on tumblr since 2017 and it's the first time i got tagged to do this i'm SO excited lmao
thank you @sayitalianolearns for tagging me!!!!!
rules: color the sentence that's true about you
i’m over 5'5 (*cries*) / i wear glasses or contacts (i wore contacts before and i HATED IT) / i have blonde hair / i often wear sweatshirts (i wish i could lol) / i prefer loose clothing over tight clothes / i have one or two piercings / i have at least one tattoo / i have blue eyes / i have dyed or highlighted my hair / i have or have had braces / i have freckles / i paint my nails / i typically wear makeup (have no courage and no skills) / i don’t often smile / resting bitch face (some ppl say i do but i don't agree) / i play or have played sports / i play or have played an instrument / i know more than one language / i can cook and/or bake (kinda) / i like writing / i like to read / i can multitask (kinda?? i'd say it's my adhd making me do 300 things at once and forgetting half of them) / i’ve never dated anyone (*sobs*) / i have a best friend i’ve known for over five years (i had one, we were friends for 6 years but we don't talk anymore) / i am an only child (i have a half-brother but he was an adult when i was born so i was raised as an only child)
i'm tagging: @mila-carat (wow everyone is shocked), @simandy, @captainbored and @pralinesims (and anyone who wants to tbh) (feel free to ignore everyone!!)
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intramoon · 1 year
Bold The Facts Tag Game | ♡
Rules: Tag people and name a character you want to know more about! If you want to let the person you tagged decide who to showcase, then don’t name a character and they can pick somebody. Easy! The person who is tagged will then bold the characteristics below which apply to their character &, if they want to, include a picture with their reply! I was tagged by @machinegrl, thank you so much! I am tagging @captainbored @hazelsnakes @eutopiasims @teddybearsims @goldenhour-s, @leavemetoplaythesims if you want to do it, if you do I will be reading ... 👀
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Amelia Pease & Wednesday Bennett (doing both because I couldn't chose ;-;)
Amelia First ♡
Amelia Pease ♡
$ Financial: Wealthy | Moderate | Poor | Impoverished
✚ Medical: Fit | Moderate | Sickly | Disabled | Disadvantaged | Not Applicable (Amelia has an autoimmune disease).
✪ Class or Caste: Upper | Middle | Working | Unsure | Other
✔ Education: Qualified | Unqualified | Studying (Education) | Other
✖ Criminal Records: Yes, for major crimes. | Yes, for minor crimes. | No | Has committed crimes, but not caught yet. | Yes, but charges were dismissed.
extroverted | introverted | in between
disorganized | organized | in between
close minded | open-minded| in between
calm | anxious | in between (Amelia has anxiety/panic attacks.)
disagreeable | agreeable | in between
cautious | reckless | in between
patient | impatient | in between
outspoken | reserved | in between
leader | follower | in between
empathetic | vicious bastard | in between
optimistic | pessimistic | in between
traditional | modern | in between
hard-working | lazy | in between
cultured | uncultured | in between | unknown
loyal | disloyal | unknown
faithful | unfaithful | unknown
☠ Combat Skills: Excellent | Good | Moderate | Poor | None
 ≡ Literacy Skills: Excellent | Good | Moderate | Poor | None
✍ Artistic Skills: Excellent | Good | Moderate | Poor | None
 ✂ Technical Skills: Excellent | Good | Moderate | Poor | None
☕ Drinking Alcohol: Never | Special Occasion | Sometimes | Frequently | Alcoholic
☁ Smoking: Tried It | Trying To Quit | Quit | Never | Rarely | Sometimes | Frequently | Chain-Smoker
✿ Recreational Drugs: Never | Special Occasions | Sometimes | Frequently | Addict
✌ Medicinal Drugs: Never | No Longer Needs Medication | Some Medication Needed | Frequently | To Excess (Amelia is reliant on medication to manage her autoimmune disease.)
☻ Unhealthy Food: Never | Special Occasions | Sometimes | Frequently | Binge Eater (Only really eats unhealthy with Wednesday & Penny, other wise she cooks health conscience meals.).
$ Splurge Spending: Never | Sometimes | Frequently | Shopaholic (Absolutely horrible to managing finances, Wednesday's helped rid herself of a majority of her debt.)
 ♣ Gambling: Never | Rarely | Sometimes | Frequently | Compulsive Gambler
★ Faith: Monotheist | Polytheist | Atheist | Agnostic
☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: Yes | No / Don’t Know | Don’t Care
✮ Belief in an Afterlife: Yes | No | Don’t Know | Don’t Care
✯ Belief in Reincarnation: Yes | No | Don’t Know | Don’t Care
❃ Belief in Aliens: Yes | No | Don’t Know | Don’t Care
✧ Religious: Orthodox | Liberal | In Between | Not Religious
❀ Philosophical: Yes | No
◒ Children: Had a child or children. | Has no children. | Wants children.
◑ Relationship with Family: Close with sibling(s). | Not close with sibling(s). | Has no siblings. | Sibling(s) is deceased. (She has a younger sister named Temperance, but they don't see each other often because she is 10 years younger living with her parents.)
◔ Affiliation: Orphaned / Adopted / Disowned / Raised By Birth Parents / Not Applicable (Her and her sister have the same biological mother, but Amelia's father is deceased.)
❤ Sexuality: Heterosexual | Homosexual | Bisexual | Asexual | Pansexual | (Amelia's hasn't labeled herself.)
❥ Sex: Sex repulsed | Sex neutral | Sex Favorable | Naive and Clueless
♥ Romance: Romance Repulsed | Romance Neutral | Romance Favorable | Naïve and Clueless | Romance Suspicious
❣ Sexually: Adventurous | Experienced | Naïve | Inexperienced | Curious (Wednesday is Amelia's only sex partner.)
⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: Male | Female | Agender | Other | None | All
⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: Male | Female | Agender | Other | None | All
Wednesday Bennett ♡
$ Financial: Wealthy | Moderate | Poor | Impoverished
✚ Medical: Fit | Moderate | Sickly | Disabled | Disadvantaged | Not Applicable
✪ Class or Caste: Upper | Middle | Working | Unsure | Other
✔ Education: Qualified | Unqualified | Studying | Other
✖ Criminal Records: Yes, for major crimes. | Yes, for minor crimes. | No | Has committed crimes, but not caught yet. | Yes, but charges were dismissed.
extroverted | introverted | in between
disorganized | organized | in between
close minded | open-minded | in between
calm | anxious | in between
disagreeable | agreeable | in between
cautious | reckless | in between
patient | impatient | in between
outspoken | reserved | in between
leader | follower | in between
empathetic | vicious bastard | in between
optimistic | pessimistic | in between
traditional | modern | in between
hard-working | lazy | in between
cultured | uncultured | in between | unknown
loyal | disloyal | unknown
faithful | unfaithful | unknown
☠ Combat Skills: Excellent | Good | Moderate | Poor | None
 ≡ Literacy Skills: Excellent | Good | Moderate | Poor | None
✍ Artistic Skills: Excellent | Good | Moderate | Poor | None
 ✂ Technical Skills: Excellent | Good | Moderate | Poor | None
☕ Drinking Alcohol: Never | Special Occasion | Sometimes | Frequently | Alcoholic
☁ Smoking: Tried It | Trying To Quit | Quit | Never | Rarely | Sometimes | Frequently | Chain-Smoker (Wednesday is trying to quit because she doesn't want to impact Drew and Amelia with her smoking habits ie if something would happen to Wednesday's health.)
✿ Recreational Drugs: Never | Special Occasions | Sometimes | Frequently | Addict
✌ Medicinal Drugs: Never | No Longer Needs Medication | Some Medication Needed | Frequently | To Excess
☻ Unhealthy Food: Never | Special Occasions | Sometimes | Frequently | Binge Eater (LOVES junk food.)
$ Splurge Spending: Never | Sometimes | Frequently | Shopaholic (She does because she can, very finically savvy. (She income covers all of her, Amelia, and Drews living expenses. Amelia's income is Amelia's, mostly used to pay her school debt, etc.)
 ♣ Gambling: Never | Rarely | Sometimes | Frequently | Compulsive Gambler
★ Faith: Monotheist | Polytheist | Atheist | Agnostic
☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: Yes | No / Don’t Know | Don’t Care
✮ Belief in an Afterlife: Yes | No | Don’t Know | Don’t Care
✯ Belief in Reincarnation: Yes | No | Don’t Know | Don’t Care
❃ Belief in Aliens: Yes | No | Don’t Know | Don’t Care
✧ Religious: Orthodox | Liberal | In Between | Not Religious
❀ Philosophical: Yes | No
◒ Children: Had a child or children. | Has no children. | Wants children. (Wednesday has a daughter named Drew, she'd like for Drew to have a brother.)
◑ Relationship with Family: Close with sibling(s). | Not close with sibling(s). | Has no siblings. | Sibling(s) is deceased.
◔ Affiliation: Orphaned / Adopted / Disowned / Raised By Birth Parents / Not Applicable (Wednesday's parents are divorced.)
❤ Sexuality: Heterosexual | Homosexual | Bisexual | Asexual | Pansexual | (Wednesday is a lesbian).
❥ Sex: Sex repulsed | Sex neutral | Sex Favorable | Naive and Clueless
♥ Romance: Romance Repulsed | Romance Neutral | Romance Favorable | Naïve and Clueless | Romance Suspicious
❣ Sexually: Adventurous | Experienced | Naïve | Inexperienced | Curious (Her experience comes from her sex work, she's had fewer intimate partners.)
⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: Male | Female | Agender | Other | None | All (Added other because although she's lesbian that's not to exclude non-binary people and people who fall outside defined gender/gender.)
⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: Male | Female | Agender | Other | None | All
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anemoiasim · 3 years
I would like to ask for 13 (One of your favorites 80s songs) and 30 (A song that reminds you of yourself). I'm sure you'll be able to find something amidst your 250 different playlists 😬
I don't appreciate the judgement at the end of this Pedro 😂 but yes, I certainly can
13. One of your favorite songs from the 80s
I Like It - DeBarge ('82) and because I can't just have one, I Don't Have the Heart by James Ingram ('89)
30. A song that reminds you of yourself
Okay this one was hard, because honestly how I view myself and my mood changes pretty constantly 😂 But, for today, I'll go with
My Way - Nina Simone (cover)
It's my favorite, "I'm doing what I need to get where I want and I need to do it to the fullest and in my own way" song
Thanks for asking! 💕
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magbay · 3 years
🔪 Because I love scary stories and 💒
🔪- scariest/creepiest experience?
i have! the night my granny died i felt someone doing the famous "cafuné" in me! i still get chills telling that!
💒- which show would you want to live in?
sex education! i would see all the hormonal teenagers going crazy and be like "teenagers..."
im sorry for any typos my pupil are actually dilated right now!!!
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softpine · 4 years
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@captainbored​ omg pedro 😭😭 that means SO much to me that you’re enjoying it!! 💖💖💖
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ahhhh 💖 it’s already hard enough for me to believe that people read my story, let alone REread it fjksjd
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hey! i would love to promote smaller blogs, but i don’t feel comfortable assigning any kind of label to them without their permission. when i was a small blog i would’ve been a little offended if someone put me on a list of “small simblrs” idk idk i just have anxiety 😭 i already stopped doing my sunday simblr shoutouts because so many of them turned out to be r*cists or just bullies and i had no idea because i’m not on discord. i just feel super distrustful and wary of promoting anyone that i don’t personally know :(
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omg thank you so much!! i’m so happy you liked it!! visuals are my biggest struggle so i’m really really happy you liked them 🥺💖💖💖
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@sapphicssword​ ahh thank you!!! ily 🥺💖💗
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quietparties · 4 years
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Rules: List 5 things that you, without a fail, weave into or explore in your stories. Be it themes, thropes, character archetypes, etc! It really can be anything that you consistently include in your narratives for whatever reason.
Incorperating the World
- Every single one of my characters has a comfort they find through the worlds, something they can always think back on and it be the thing that brings them some sort of comfort.
Incorperating Mine and Others Experiences
- I find it interesting to see how others view the world, whether it be stories and experiences from my friends or it be through researching and listening to people on interviews, because I only have limited experiences in this world, and it's always a great way to learn at the same time.
Incorperating my Emotions at the Time
- Whether it be through the color composition of a post, how my characters interact and creat dialogue, I feel that undertones of my mood at that moment are always present.
Putting Some of Me in All of My Characters
- I feel I can connect my characters if I can see myself in them somehow, even if it is something that is a more negative part of my personality.
Using My Friends as Inspiration
- My friends a lot of the time are my main influence and inspiration for my characters.
Thank you for tagging me @captainbored, I really appreciate it! 💙 I would like to tag @intramoon, @anemoiasim, @niniphe, @kazuaru, and whoever else wants to do it!
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jellymoo · 3 years
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this is my halloween contribution. i think its pretty sick. good luck, have fun. send me candy.
2 tops + hoodie undershirt
2 bottoms (skirt is an edited mesh by @captainbored ~ ty) 
base game compatible
correct lods, normals etc.
disabled for random
uh what else
a lot of swatches trust me (mostly)
download or else...
download free @ patreon or simfileshare
btw, there’s some clipping in the belt on the biggest weight, tried to fix but alas.
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norasccfinds · 2 years
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2 tops + hoodie undershirt
2 bottoms (skirt is an edited mesh by @captainbored ~ ty)
base game compatible
correct lods, normals etc.
disabled for random
uh what else
a lot of swatches trust me (mostly)
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aliennooboo-old · 4 years
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❄️ Winter Wonders ❄️
I am very excited to introduce these first recolors done in the Winter patterns of my new Four Seasons palette! These same meshes (and more) will later be recolored in Spring, Summer and Autumn patterns as well, so this is just a sneak peak to one quarter of the whole palette.
8 recolors: 1 outfit, 2 tops, 2 bottoms, 1 accessory top, socks and tights.
63 swatches with winter/Christmas themed patterns.
All patterns are from Freepik.
Custom thumbnails.
Not color-tagged... sorry! 😓 I ran out of time, might do the color tags for these when I release the whole palette tho!
Let me know if you experience any problems.
You need to download the meshes for these recolors to show up in your game: Phrankie Accessory Top, Baggy Patterned Dungarees, (K)neat Sweater, Chloe Jeans, Ladies Night Top, Emotions Skirt, Ren Socks.
The tights are from BG.
Thank you to the mesh creators: @kimoanasims @aasymcc @captainbored @clumsyalienn @trillyke @simgguk
Download: SFS / Dropbox.
Happy Holidays!!! ☃️
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simsfromupthere · 3 years
asking simblr: who are some simblr’s that brighten up your dash and make you smile? let’s show some appreciation for them ✨
hm off of the top of my head and with the aid of looking at my following list cause my brain is broke and sucks at remembering things (thanks to redacted pill) ill say @kazuaru , @evusylum , @nitlla , @robertpancakes , @aylou , @paupelou , @seaslugsims , @tartiish , @sojutrait, @barbieaiden , @zombietrait , @sonicblooms , @simematography , @guntherpunch , @waifutrait , @softpine , @kittenkatsims , @emotraitt , @simtzu ,@faaeish , @miwksowp , @kamiiri , @caesb , @its-adrienpastel , @xldkx , @agsims , @dangerouslyfreejellyfish , @ice-creamforbreakfast , @sims3melancholic , @voidcreek , @melunn , @magiapotagia , @squea , @okruee ,@nucrests , @gleamer , @idajha , @c-cerberus-sims-s , @kimbr3 , @bloodland , @clumsyalienn , @oakiyo , @lamatisse , @qwertysims , @llazyneiph ,@lunchsims , @void-imp , @captainbored , @serenity-cc , @softerhaze , @stinkrascal
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rusticottage · 4 years
sims goals 2021 ✨
I was tagged by the lovely @orchidagogo​
Spend less time here, just refreshing the page instead of doing something productive or any of my responsibilities that I am surely procrastinating
Stick with my hobbit sim and make it a thing
Start to really play my game, aging my sims and letting them go
maybe close wcif....? and then making my cc finds more accurate...? idk idk
putting a build for download 😌
Gonna tag (no pressureee) @deadlymodern @simgerale @tpwksims @oatberrytea @moonclover @moonaive @captainbored @viivarium <3 and anyone who feels like doing this <3
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intramoon · 4 years
You know what I just thought about? I would love too see your process of making story posts. Like from the writing to posing, to editing, to dialogue. Everything. Kinda similar to that tag that was going around. aha aha 🤠
And who could have seen this coming, surely wasn’t me! Just a crazy coincidence you bring up that tag because I’ve been wanting to do it but hadn’t been tagged, wow! I’ll definitely do that for you, just cause you asked ;-)
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anemoiasim · 3 years
Spoil me 😫
“Life isn’t about the mistakes you make, it’s about how you try and solve them.”
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magbay · 4 years
Hii! 📺 and 🎥
📺 favorite anime: i don't watch a lot of anime really but i love love love kakegurui and beastars
🎥 favorite movie: easily rio (the two movies) and snow white
thank you for sending💜
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softerhaze · 4 years
tagged by: @ritualism (thank you mo ;-;)
last song: are you ok? by wasuremono
last movie: happiest season 😬 it was.....not good
currently watching: i’ve been watching a lot cooking videos on youtube but that’s about it omg. i made this the other day and it was v yummy!
currently reading: some old destiny lorebooks because they’re comforting! and i love them! unveiling is my favorite 🥰
currently craving: nothing tbh
i tag: @mystifeid, @sleepstained, @intramoon, @niniphe, @captainbored, @oakensky, and @sikoi. no pressure though ❤️
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