#captain underpants i love you and your one iq
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tailsdollr · 9 months ago
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hi sorry here's the first thing that came to mind upon seeing your harold monster of the week drawing again
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tornrose24 · 8 years ago
Things about Krupp/CU in the Captain Underpants Little Mermaid inspired AU
So I decided to add some facts for this AU since people are getting interested in it. First up is for both Krupp and CU:
Krupp -Before he had his ability to feel love or optimism be ripped from him, Krupp used to be a lot nicer and his temper wasn’t as bad as it is now. He grew worse as time went on and the fact that he constantly feels like he’s hollow doesn’t help his mood.
-He had a strict childhood and a lot of bad experiences that didn’t help with shaping him into the person he is now.
-A lot of merfolk are intimidated by the fact that he’s part shark and looks scary. There are times where Krupp likes this, but there are times where he gets a little self-conscious about it.
-There is an old wives’ tale told to the children of the surface world about Krupp to get them to behave. If they do not treat the ocean and all who live in it with respect OR if they stray too far from their parents on the shoreline OR if they swim too far out into the ocean, then the king of the ocean will send someone to drag them down into his domain where he’ll keep them imprisoned. 
-His teeth are as strong as a regular shark’s and can cut through a lot, though he accidentally bites his tongue a lot too. One of the goals that George and Harold hope to accomplish as a prank is to make Krupp bite his way out of something.
-No one in the ocean kingdom calls him by his first name that much. Those who do, only do so if the situation really calls for it.
-Unlike the book version, Krupp is NOT a coward. There is a good reason enemies of the kingdom of the ocean fear him, besides the fact that he can cause literal storms through his anger. If he is dead set on something, he will do anything to accomplish it. His ability to keep things in order and to not cave in has at least earned the respect of his people, but it doesn’t mean they always agree with the king.
-Being annoyed or frustrated won’t cause storms, but how severe they are reflects on how angry he gets. It could vary between huge waves or a full blown storm. Harold and George have unintentionally caused a few, but the worst storm created out of Krupp’s anger is when he finds out about them breaking his number one law by escaping to the surface world and taking on human forms.
-His biggest regret varies between having ever gone up to the surface world in the first place and allowing the parents of George and Harold to work for him (and thus have to deal with the two of them).
-He’s not subjected to the boys’ pranks as often as in the film or the books, but when it happens its bound to be amusing. And then a small storm will happen not long after that.
-He also can manipulate water somewhat if he needs to.
-(I took inspiration from the film Splash for this one and I thought it would be funny and ironic). There was a time where if humans had special charms, they could breathe underwater, but Krupp had most of them destroyed. Alternatively, merfolk can provide humans with the power to breathe underwater by kissing them. The kiss of an adult merperson can allow six hours worth of the ability to breath underwater but anyone lucky enough to get kissed by the king gets a full three day’s worth of that same ability since he’s THAT powerful.
-The colors of his sash are dark green and dark blue. The teeth on his necklace are shark teeth from actual sharks. The symbol of the kingdom that he wears is the sign of Neptune (because the creator of this AU was super lazy to come up with anything more original).
-There is a way he keeps his toupee on underwater but it’s top secret. Not even the creator of the AU knows the answer to this mystery.
-He once promised Harold’s mom that if her husband ever came back to the kingdom, he would punish him for abandoning her and her family. It was one of his rare moments of compassion, even if the punishment in question is not kid friendly enough to mention here (and it freaked out Harold’s mom a bit, though she appreciated the concern).
-He can’t just fire the parents of George and Harold for the boys’ behavior so he’ll rant about their actions to them a warning.
-Just like in any/most mermaid tale, Krupp used to sing a lot. It was something Edith liked about him whenever she caught him singing. However he stopped singing and didn’t want to be caught doing so after the removal of his ability to love. (He’s voiced by Ed Helms, how can I NOT include that?!)
-Both human and mershark forms have stretch marks (I didn’t draw them, but I like the idea).
-The bracelet he wore to become human as a spiral symbol. It’s power lasts for up to three days, so he visited the surface world very frequently for awhile. And no, he did not have to give up his voice.
-Edith was the first human he ever met face to face during his time on the surface. He was also completely naked at the time and she whacked him over the head when she freaked out about it.
-The one article of human clothing he had a hard time understanding was (no big surprise) underwear.
-It took him awhile to learn to walk and to get used to the fact that he had normal looking teeth. The later caught him by surprise when he first saw the change in the mirror and it made him look less scary, which was something he found to be refreshing for a change.
-The human world was so new and so exciting for Krupp that he acted a lot like CU (if CU had a higher IQ) towards everything. In fact it took him awhile to get used to the fact that children weren’t afraid of him at that time and he did like them. Sadly that last part changed when he changed for the worse.
-Krupp was first drawn towards Edith for her quiet, yet kind nature, as well as her blue eyes. Whenever she opened up and was outgoing, he was drawn to her even more and he admired her desire to take control of her life and to be able to support herself.
-The moment he completely lost his heart to Edith and knew that he wanted more than anything to be with her was a night on the boardwalk where he danced with her. (my head-cannon is that the music that would have played was an instrumental version of ‘When words fail’ from the Shrek Musical because-a couple of lyrics aside- it is so fitting). It was one of the happiest moments of his life, he felt like he could be himself and he felt that he knew exactly what he wanted in his future. It was only sometime after the dance was over that reality kicked in for him and he wouldn’t even take the chance to confess his feelings to her.
-There’s a lot of things about his true appearance that he is insecure about and they didn’t help in his choice to leave Edith. He wasn’t handsome as a slightly overweight and average looking human, but he felt that he would look like a hideous monster to her in his real form. This fear would one day come true, but not in the way he would have expected.
-On the day Krupp was supposed to meet Edith before she had to leave to continue her apprenticeship, he stayed hidden under the pier and was forced to watch her wait and be crushed when he didn’t show up. The heartbreak and pain over what he had to do was enough to make him cry and it would not be long before he would visit a certain scientist so that he would never have to experience this ever again.
Captain Underpants (or CU for short) -CU is Krupp’s ability to love, as well as to feel compassion and optimism, personified in a form that looks similar to the king’s own, but slightly different. Those emotions Krupp ripped out manifested and took on that form within the ring that contained them and the form also doubles as a reflection of the self confidence that Krupp lacks. CU still acts like how he does in the books/film, but he doesn’t remember who or what he is.
-For some reason, water prevents CU from getting out of the ring, while snapping your fingers can summon him out. 
-The ring was originally a consolation prize that Krupp won at one of the games on the boardwalk during his time as a human and was his only possession from the human world. He threw it away in a place where it couldn’t be found because of what it contains and for all that it symbolized to him.
-The ring was found by George and Harold during one of their adventures and George wore it on the day they both escaped to the surface world.
-The boys first met CU on their first night as humans when they accidentally snapped their fingers. They were scared of him at first because they thought that Krupp found them, but then they grew to enjoy him overtime. CU was quick to like them and he wants to protect them while he tries to figure out who he is.
-Only children who are genuinely good of heart and character can see CU. The only adult who can see him is his true self.
-CU is more like a spirit without an actual body and he can change between his mershark and human forms at will. His choice in outfit for his human form was what earned him his name by the boys.
-CU can’t cause storms like Krupp can, but he’s still someone to fear if you hurt someone he cares about.
-CU can also sing like Krupp, except he’s more open to doing it. He’s not always on cue though.
-CU feels like he needs to be somewhere and that he is not whole. He feels a pull towards the ocean (a pull towards his true self) but the water keeps him away, like a barrier.
-Because of Krupp’s love towards Edith, CU feels the same way towards her as well, though he doesn’t know why and doesn’t know who she is. It won’t stop him from trying to talk to her.
-If CU feels a very strong emotion towards something or shows affection towards someone he cares about, Krupp can feel a faint ghost of it from many miles away (the latter is uncomfortable about it and doesn’t understand why it happens).
-CU may or may not be able to possess his true self’s body if he is knocked out. But in order for Krupp to accept CU back into him (and to become whole once more), he must actually want to do so.
I will add more as time goes on. Next up will be for George and Harold, which might be either tomorrow or the next day.
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