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donteattheappleshook · 2 months ago
Not Broken at All Chapter 18/?
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A season 1 Neverland AU. Emma is still trying to adjust to her new life as Sheriff of Storybrooke and mom to Henry, who still believes everyone in town is a fairytale creature. When she finds a badly beaten, one handed man while patrolling, she’s convinced he’s crazy. He is, after all, rambling about fairies and shadows and crocodiles. But when Henry is suddenly taken out the window of a house everyone believes is haunted, the madman in the hospital might be her only hope of getting her son back. Whether he likes it or not.
Rated E
Catch up on Ao3 (where my italics work) or on Tumblr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Oh hey! What's up everyone?
I know it's been a while (shocking) but it's Solstice today and the muse decided something needed to be posted for this fic in honour of the fairy orgies XD
This was written super fast and not really re-read because it's already 10pm so I'll probably edit it later but I'm giving it to you all now.
Happy Solstice and I hope you enjoy this chapter! <3
Part 18
“Doesn’t look so bad,” Will shrugs when they stand outside the mouth of the cave the next morning. Emma and Wendy roll their eyes at the same time. It does look that bad. For a place called Echo Cave she’d had expected something bigger, something louder. But all she can see as they approach is a narrow tunnel in the rockface, no sound escaping from within. So she jumps when Tiger Lily’s voice suddenly comes from within. 
“You’re late.”
“Apologies,” Killian nods. “The forest has changed a fair bit since I last made the journey - it took us longer than anticipated to find the path.” 
“You have a habit of doing that,” Tiger Lily scoffs. “Misinterpreting time.” 
The reply is so quick, and Killian’s sigh so exhausted, that Emma has to hold back a snort of laughter.
“We came as fast as we could.”
“Come then, let’s not delay any further. The others have gathered.” 
“Who are the others?” Emma asks Hook quietly as they follow.
“The eldest of those who were here before Pan. They were barely more than children when it happened, but They have some memory of how things were.” 
“I thought you said they’d forgotten all their magic.” 
“We did not forget,” Tiger Lily snaps from the entrance. Emma watches as the faint, gold dusting of magic that covers their skin, the only light in the otherwise pitch black cave shimmers and slides over their arm, cascading like water down through their fingers  that they trail along the  rocky wall, leaving flecks of sparking, gold dust in their wake.  “It was taken from us. Through slaughter and cruelty. When the children who were left behind grew enough to become a threat to Pan, we were forced to lock away what little we remembered or meet the same fate.” 
Every time she thinks it can’t get worse, it does. The massacre of Tiger Lily’s people and the destruction of their history, the torture and killing of the Lorelei, the horror of the murder of those boys on the beach. There’s no end it seems to Pan’s cruelty, to his thirst for blood. 
Emma reaches for the shimmering of light that remains along the wall, glittering and moving with the flow of the rough surface. It glows brighter beneath her touch and something swells from deep within her, rushing to meet it, warm and electrifying, before she yanks her hand back and stumbles the rest of the way though. 
The walk is long, this cave buried deep in darkness and stardust. She’s not sure she even hears it at first, a small whisper of a voice from far away, the words too quiet to make out, but repeating. As they continue along and a dim light starts to appear in the distance, they grow louder. It’s a child’s voice, rolling against the walls of the cave - wish I’d never come here… just want to go home. Just want to go home. Just want to go home….
She feels Killian’s hand on the small of her back and realizes she’s stopped walking. “It’s alright, love. It’s just an echo. The last secret that was shared here.” She still hesitates, not wanting to get any closer to the haunting voice. “Whoever they were, they’re not here anymore.”
“His name was Ruffio,” Will says, nearly as quiet as the first echo. “He’s been gone a long time.” He only meets her eye for a moment before clearing his throat and continuing as though he hadn’t said anything. She can’t blame him. She knows by now that nobody in Neverland ever goes home. “Come on - we’ve got secrets to spill.” 
The light ahead grows until finally they emerge into a massive cavern. The stone that surrounds them black onyx - gleaming faintly against the dust that covers the ceiling like a galaxy above them. The space feels boundless, endless like the darkness could go on forever and she’s reminded of their flight here, of the endless sea of stars they’d sailed in on. 
There are four people standing in the center of the chamber on a platform of the same black onyx, all of them with the same sharp, androgynous features as Tiger Lily, all with the same loose-fitting clothes and cropped hair, and all with that same shimmer of living magic glowing faintly in the dark. Tink stands with them, waiting. None of them are any older in appearance than herself, but she knows better by now than to judge age or power by appearance on this island. 
The Constant. 
They follow the rest of the way to the narrow, stone bridge that connects the ledge to the platform on which the others stand. When Emma takes a step to follow Tiger Lily onto the bridge, Killian puts an arm out, halting her in her tracks. Emma watches, heart in her throat as the bridge crumbles after Tiger Lily, stone falling away behind every step until they reach the end and there’s no bridge at all. 
“The Constant keep no secrets,” Killian explains. “The cave can’t compel anything from them. We, on the other hand…” 
“Of course they don’t.” No wonder they wanted to use this place. Easy to make others share their deepest darkest secrets when you’ve got none of your own to divulge and nothing to risk. “What about Tink?” she asks, nodding at the fifth person standing with the Constant.
“The fey have wings.” 
Right. “So how does this work?” 
“From what I remember, you step out onto the edge and call out your secret. If it’s truly your darkest, the cave will echo it back to you.”
“And then we get across?” 
“Aye, easy as that,” Killian attempts a smile, but it comes out as a wince. “I’ll go,” he offers though he looks like he’s dreading this as much as she is. She’s just thankful she doesn’t have to start.  He lets out another sigh, bracing himself and then, “I kissed Emma.” 
Fuck. Her heart drops into her stomach. He’s been a pirate for two hundred years - How the hell can his darkest secret have anything to do with her?
Will smirks. “Kissed? Is that what they’re calling it these days? And I think you’re forgetting that we were all there when she jumped you at Solstice.” His smirk deepens. “And when Emma came back all wet.” If Emma could reach him she’d smack him. 
“I literally walked in on you,” Wendy deadpans.
“I’m not talking about Solstice,” he sighs, not rising to the bait. “It was…” She knows when it was. We’ll keep each other safe, they’d promised. She doesn’t need everyone else to know though. Not when she’s not even sure what any of it meant or what it means now. “It doesn’t matter,” Killian shakes his head. “It was what the kiss - what all of it - exposed.” Fuck. fuck. fuck. fuck. “My secret is… I never believed that I’d be capable of letting go of my first love, of my Milah.” He breathes her name like a prayer and a wound. “To believe that I could find someone else.” His eyes lift to hers and it’s only by sheer force of will that she’s able to stop herself from taking a step back, from running away from the way he’s looking at her. Because she needs to hear this. They all do. If she wants to get across this fucking bridge, if she wants to talk to the fucking Constant, if she wants to get her son back - she needs to hear this secret as much as he needs to tell it. “That is, until I met you.”
She doesn’t know what to say or if she’s supposed to say something, can’t bring herself to look at Wendy or Will or look away from his eyes still burning into hers. And then before she even can do anything, Killian’s voice echoes through the cave, ‘until I met you’ called back to them like a ghost. A rumble follows as a section of the fallen bridge rises back from the depths below them, rock by rock, rebuilding itself. 
Killian lets out a humourless laugh. “So, who’d like to go next?” 
“I will.” Wendy stands with her shoulders straight, like she’s ready for a fight rather than a confession. Emma gets a sinking feeling in her stomach from the way she’s making herself look at Killian, with shame and guilt. He doesn’t look surprised - he looks like he expected this to hurt. “Sometimes… Sometimes I wish you’d never found me. Sometimes I wish you had just kept on walking that day when Pan left me to die.” She winces. “I’ll always be grateful to you for saving my life, for taking me in but…” 
Killian nods when she hesitates, her eyes damp with unshed tears. “Go on, it’s alright.”  
“You trapped me here, Hook. You’re the reason I have to live in this neverending nightmare. Forever. You knew what that water would do to me and I know you couldn’t ask but… you didn’t give me a choice. And I think that if I had one now - if I could have had a say in the next hundred years of my life… I’d rather you’d just let me die because this -” she gestures at herself, at everything around them.  “It’s worse than death. And because of you I’ll never leave.” She lets out a bitter laugh. “I can’t even die if I want to. Not unless Pan decides that’s what he wants. You forced this life on me, Killian, you cursed me to live because it made you feel better and I don’t… I’ll never forgive you for that.” 
Tears stain her cheeks now, jaw tight as she refuses to let any more follow and Emma can see the heartbreak on Killian’s face. “Wendy…” but she shakes her head and he stops the step he’d taken towards her. 
“I’m sorry,” she chokes and he shakes his head this time. Her secret echoes around them like a taunt this time - ‘never forgive you for that’ - and another piece of the bridge rebuilds itself. The silence hangs between them, louder than any echo, until Will steps up. 
“I suppose I should go next - while we’re on the topic of never being forgiven.” He takes his own steadying breath. “I’m dying.” 
Wendy’s face falls. “... what?” It comes out cracked and small and frightened. “What do you mean you’re dying?”
The look Will gives her - there’s so much guilt there, so much pain and self-loathing and love. Emma may not know much about it but she can recognize it now in his eyes, in the way he looks at Wendy. “I lied when I told you I didn’t know what Pan did to my heart. I’ve seen him do it before.”
“One hundred years…”
Will nods, a self-deprecating smile falling flat. “I really hoped that I could keep it from you for a little longer. Neverland will slow it down but… he squeezed a hundred years from my heart. I’ll start aging faster - a lot faster - and pretty soon…”
“How long?” He hesitates a beat longer than Emma can handle - and Wendy… gods, she can’t imagine. “How long?”
“I’ll be dead in a few months - three, maybe four depending on how long I would have lived if I’d aged like a normal person but - I’m so sorry, Wen. I didn’t want to tell you, I -”
Whatever he was going to say and whatever she might have answered  is stolen by the cave calling back to them in Will’s voice, ‘dead in a few months’. Nobody looks as the bridge puts itself back together, all of them too focused on the cruel revelation. He did it for her, Emma realises, for all of them but… he’s dying because of her. Wendy’s losing him because of her. Even Killian looks solemn at the news. 
“Your turn, Emma,” Will chokes out with the palest attempt at levity she’s seen him manage since she met him. “Wouldn’t want to be left out of all the fun, would you?”
She looks out towards the chasm between them and the Constant. She doesn’t even know what she expected to confess, or what she’d hear confessed by those with her, and now, with the truth of Will’s fate hanging in the air, nothing feels like it matters in the grand scheme of things. 
What even is her deepest secret? That she gave up Henry? That she had her heart broken by a selfish man who used her and then left her? That she spent a year of her life in jail? That she’s spent her whole life searching for the parents who left her behind? That between Neal and her parents she doesn’t think she could ever trust someone again - could ever let herself love someone again, or let them love her… That she might be anyway? None of it feels like enough; none of it even feels like a secret anymore, not since Henry found her and brought her to Storybrooke. 
And then, like bile and sick, she feels something being forced up from her throat, words clawing their way to the surface and past her lips of their own volition. She can’t stop them. She doesn’t even know what she’s going to say until they come spilling out. 
“I wish Henry had never come to find me. I wish he’d never brought me to Storybrooke.” The confession leaves her gasping, tears in her eyes as though she had been sick. She wants to be, hearing such a horrible truth being spoken out loud. Killian looks at her with sympathy, but she turns away from it. And once it’s started, she can’t stop it. “I never wanted to be a mother. I gave him away because I knew he’d be better off without me - but also because I knew I’d be better off without him. He’s a beautiful, amazing kid and I love him more than anything… but I never asked for this. Every day since he showed up at my door I’ve been terrified - every minute of every day. Those few minutes in the Fae forest when I couldn’t remember him were the most peaceful I’ve felt in months and when it all came flooding back it just reminded me of how much simpler my life was before I had to be anything to anyone. I don’t want to lose him. But I never wanted to find him either.” 
The bridge rebuilds itself, completing the path across as the worst thing she’s ever said, ‘never wanted to find him’,  is echoed back to her cruelly. She feels drained, numb, and she wonders if the others are feeling this horrible emptiness too. She looks out at where the Constant wait. If this is their idea of having them prove their allegiance, they better be ready to give theirs in return.
“Come on, Swan,” Killian tells her, leading her across the bridge. None of them say a word, Will and Killian both casting glances at Wendy who won’t look up from her feet, and the silence follows them the whole way across. 
“That sounded rough,” Tink comments when they reach the platform, the five Constant talking in harsh whispers in a language she doesn’t recognize. 
“How lucky of you to have missed it then,” Will snips. He must be feeling worse than Emma realized.
There’s an argument starting, still in that foreign language, but she can tell just the same. Every few words there’s a glimpse of something that feels familiar, a syllable from another language she’s heard, a word that could be French or Spanish, a glimpse of English, not one language but many - like every language spoken at once.
“This meeting has been a topic of some controversy,” Killian whispers. “But I think Tiger Lily might be on our side.” 
“You can understand them?” 
He shrugs. “One picks up a few things after two centuries.”
There’s a small scoff from Tink. “Yeah, all that pillow talk was really educational.”
Killian ignores the quip. “They’re the keepers of the last of the forgotten history of the old Neverland.” He nods at each as he names them. “That’s Philodendron, Halcyon, Alder, Jacaranda, and you know Tiger Lily.
“Tiger Lily is one of them?” 
“Tiger Lily was the oldest Constant to survive the massacre. They were just shy of a century when Pan took over.”
“A century?”
“The Constant are eternal, love. A century is nothing.” 
The Constant have gone silent, a tense, begrudging conclusion to their argument that Emma can feel even if she doesn’t know the words. 
Finally, Tiger Lily speaks. “Tinkerbell tells us you wish to unearth the secrets of the island - secrets that were buried to keep us safe.”
“Secrets that could return the island to the way it once was if you ally with us against Pan,” Killian counters. 
“If our knowledge could have defeated the boy,” Alder interjects, “we would have done so a millenia ago when he first laid waste to this island.” 
“Maybe your knowledge alone couldn’t defeat him, but we have the Lorelei on our side, and the fae,” Wendy adds, gesturing at Tink. 
Alder scoffs. “You have one fairy. One who’s been without magic for almost five hundred years, who’s magic was corrupted by the very demon you seek to destroy. Our magic was born from the innocence and dreams of children, the purest light magic there is, and even it was snuffed out by Pan’s darkness. What chance have you with a weakened fairy and the duplicitous sirens?” 
“We have more than that,” Tink interjects, bitterness and insult obvious in the bite of her words. “We have her.” It takes Emma a moment to realize that she’s the one being gestured at and now every set of eyes is on her. 
“Her?” Wendy frowns. 
“You can’t honestly tell me you haven’t noticed. She practically reeks of magic. It’s spilling out of every pore. I clocked it as soon as she got here.” 
“I don’t have magic.” The Constant continue to stare, questioning, doubting. “I don’t. Don’t you think if I did I’d have used it by now to get Henry back?” 
“Not if you weren’t aware of it, love,” Killian offers gently.
“Okay but I’m not some fairytale character; I’m from Boston - the land without magic. I don’t have any power.” 
“Oh for…” Tink swears under her breath, crossing the room and grabbing Emma’s wrist. Faster than she can stop her, the fairy pulls a small blade from the complicated twist of pins and leather that keeps her mass of blonde hair piled on top of her head, ivory handle embellished with gold runes, and slashes it across Emma’s palm. 
“Ow! What the hell!” Emma shouts, yanking her hand away. That fucking hurt. Tinkerbelle doesn’t resist, the rest of their small crew moving to intervene, but all at once, they freeze. Emma follows their gazes to her hand, clutched tightly in a fist to her chest and her breath catches. There’s light seeping through the cracks in her fingers, golden and swirling like smoke, shimmering like the magic that flows over the Constant’s skin. 
Jacaranda reaches a hand out to her, palm upturned in a request and Emma looks to the others before carefully placing her hand in theirs. Carefully, the Constant unfurls her fingers, examining the light that shines from her wound with a careful touch. Their eyes go wide. “This is our magic,” they say, voice soft and tinged with awe. “Ours and… something else.” 
“May I?” Philodendron asks, extending their own hand. Emma nods, even as the urge to refuse shouts at her. You don’t have magic. You’re not magic. You’re a goddamn bail bonds person from Boston, not a fairytale character. Philodendron looks at her after taking a moment to examine the wound themselves. “This is light magic,” they confirm. “It’s raw and untapped but powerful, more powerful than anything I’ve seen since before Pan’s time.” They twist her hand a bit, trying to look closer, to read something in whatever they see that Emma can’t. “But this isn’t born of belief and dreams as ours is, it's the product of something else… of -”
“True love,” Emma breathes out, so low she doesn’t mean for anyone to hear it. Henry had said that hadn’t he? That she was supposed to be the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming, that she was supposed to be the Saviour. 
“Yes, that’s it,” Philodendron nods slowly. “You were right, Tinkerbelle. This is more powerful magic than we anticipated.” 
“Can you use it?” Emma asks, still not believing it really, but if it means they’ll help her get her kid back, she doesn’t care what she has to do. 
“That depends,” Halcyon takes a step forward. “Can you wield it?” 
“No, I…” she doesn’t even know how this is possible. 
“I can.” They all turn to Tink, Emma cradling her hand to her chest once more. “If you tell me what we need to do, I can guide her. But you’ll have to let me.” The last bit is directed at her and she hesitates… Tink hasn’t exactly made a secret of the fact that she’s not a fan of hers, and she just slashed her damn hand open… Trust already isn’t her strong suit to begin with. “I’m not going to steal it,” Tink snaps and looks genuinely offended and Emma remembers that she knows what it is to have her power taken from her. 
“I know you won’t. I just… what if it doesn’t work?” How powerful could this magic be? She’s not anything special, she never has been. Why would this be any different? 
“Then I guess you don’t get your kid back.” 
“Tink,” Killian warns but Emma can’t help but appreciate the fairy’s bluntness. 
“What do we need to do?” 
“This cavern, ” TigerLily starts, taking a knee and placing a hand reverently on the stone, “used to be a sacred place. It held all of the secrets of Neverland, and the dreams of children who visited - the purest and most honest of truths of all - fueled the island as it did our magic. This was its source - the source of everything. 
“But then Pan tainted this cave with his twisted version of secrets as power, as something to be wielded, and forced us to sacrifice the last of the light magic that still breathed life into Neverland, the cavern shielded itself from his darkness. Now it echoes truths rather than accept ones taken maliciously. This place… has seen nothing but darkness for centuries. It has not been sleeping, but fighting, the last of the resistance against Pan right under his nose, keeping the darkness at bay and it has hardened. We need to remind it what the light looks like.” 
“It can have mine. Whatever this is. If it can help and if this place can defeat Pan it can have all of it.” 
Tiger Lily smiles kindly. “Not all of it. It would never snuff out your light. But even the slightest kindling can spark an inferno and with it you can breathe magic back into the island.” 
They nod to Tink who retrieves her knife again, slashing her own palm this time, the light that glows from her wound a shimmering green, and holds her hand out to Emma. Heat burns across her skin when she takes Tink’s offered hand, the light between them growing, shining and mixing. Tink places her other hand on Tiger Lily’s shoulder and the Constant flattens both their palms against the stone beneath them. After a moment, they look to Emma and she knows she’s doing it wrong. She’s not doing anything but she’s doing it wrong. 
“I’m sorry.”
Tiger Lily shakes their head, their smile not malicious, but understanding. 
“I have met so many lost boys and girls on this island. So many broken, hardened children lead here by fear and hurt and neglect, so afraid to trust, to love, to admit or even accept what they want, what they desire more than anything - what has been robbed of them. This place is born of dreams and truths and you, dear Swan, strong Swan, brave Swan… frightened Swan, have locked yourself away from both.” 
“But I already told this place my darkest secret.” But she doesn’t need Tiger Lily to tell her - this place echoes darkness, resists darkness. That secret was Pan’s magic - not Neverland’s. 
“What do you dream of, Emma? What truths do you keep from yourself?” Emma opens her mouth to speak but Tiger Lily holds up a hand. “Do not tell them to me. Tell them to the lost girl. Unburden her.” 
What does she dream of? Things she can’t have, things she’s never had, things that were taken away. She wants to find her parents, that’s no secret though, she’s always known that. She wants them to have never given her up in the first place. She wanted a family, the one she could have had with Henry and Neal if he hadn’t turned out to be the vile person he was, the life that she’d had just a glimpse of after one missed period, before everything went to shit. She doesn’t want that anymore. She hasn’t let herself want any of it since then, not love, not family, not hope… 
Her skin begins to warm, something flaring beneath the surface. Liar. She doesn’t know if it’s the cave or herself or her magic but it echoes through her like her secret against the walls. Tiger Lily accused her of locking herself away from her dreams, from her truths, but can they even still be truths if they’ve been silenced and stomped down for decades? 
She thinks of the lost girl she was, abandoned, a runaway on the street, burning the last of her childhood, of stupid fairytales and stories to keep warm in a world that was only ever cold. What had that girl wanted? Powerless, lost, alone. That girl who felt like nothing, who meant nothing to anyone, who had never mattered and never would, who had only herself to take care of her. She wanted to matter - to someone, to herself, she wanted people to matter to her, to be able to let them. She didn’t want to be alone anymore. Even as she pushed away every foster parent, every friend, every lover as she grew older, she didn’t want - she doesn’t want - to have to do it alone. 
That’s what she dreams of, what she refuses to admit that she dreams of. That for all of her rightly earned distrust of everyone, for all of her caution and her fear of abandonment, of love and hope, she wants to be able to let them in, let them matter. She wants to believe that she could have that happily ever after that she’s scorned all her life. 
Images flash in her mind as the heat builds, her body tingling, a faint glimmer of light shining against her shut eyelids. Henry smiling in her doorway in Boston, Mary Margaret offering her a home, Killian bringing her to Neverland, Wendy helping her hide from Pan, Will sacrificing himself for her, Killian nearly sacrificing Milah’s name - sacrificing his memories, all of them banding together to help her save her kid, even Tink now, helping her to wield magic she doesn’t understand. 
She’s not alone. She’s not in this alone. For the first time in her life she has people she can count on. People she can trust. She thinks of the smile Henry gave her when she let him know she wasn’t going to leave Storybrooke even though she could, of Mary Margaret’s pep talks, of shared hot chocolate and drinks and advice in their apartment, of Killian in that dank brig after one of the worst hours of her life - perhaps I would - of his words whispered in the quiet darkness of his cabin - I’m here. You don’t have to ask - of his confession echoing around them - until I met you. She does matter to people. She’s not nothing. She was never nothing. She matters and she has people who matter to her. 
Her whole body alights, the blood in her veins not blood anymore but something else, something powerful and she can feel it surging beneath her skin, pulled by a force as it rushes through her and towards that opening in her palm. The white of her light overtakes the green and Tink’s body jerks like the surge of magic is as jarring to her as it is for Emma. Tiger Lily gasps, the ground beneath them starting to glow, tendrils of golden light snaking towards them across the stone like rivulets. Their body starts to shimmer, the dusting of gold shining brighter until their skin is swallowed by it completely. 
Emma can feel sweat beading on her skin, the salt mixing with the tears she hadn’t realized she’d been crying. She doesn’t know how much longer she can keep this up, the power coursing through her overwhelming. Tink’s hand is shaking in hers, both their palms damp and slippery and white knuckled and she can’t imagine how much more effort the fairy is putting in as the one actually channeling all of this. 
“There’s so much,” Tiger Lily says in awe. “We’ve forgotten so much.” Their eyes are glowing with the same gold that covers their skin, their mouth pulling into a smile even as tears roll down their cheeks. 
“I can’t -” Tink starts, but doesn’t let Emma release her hand when she tries to stop.
There’s another moment, the light engulfing the Constant almost completely, so bright Emma has to look away, before finally, suddenly, it stops. The three of them slump against the ground with a gasp of exhaustion. Emma doesn’t even turn when she feels hands on her shoulders, helping her to sit up, she knows it’s him. Wendy is at Tink’s side helping to support her as well as the Constant circle around Tiger Lily, all of them holding one another in a moment that feels beautiful and private as joy and heartbreak play over their faces. 
“Can you. Stop him?” Tink pants out. 
“I… I think so. There’s just - there’s so much. I need time to sort through it all.” 
“We don’t. Have. Time.”
“All of the secrets of Neverland, millennia’s worth, have just been poured into my mind. It will take me more than a few minutes to understand it all and find what will help us.” 
“How much time?” Emma asks. Henry’s already been here too long - too long without knowing that she’s here, that she’s coming for him. 
“I don’t… give me a few nights at least. Come back in three days. That should give me time to make sense of what is needed at least.” Their eyes are far away, like they’re not seeing the cavern around them but something far bigger and far more extraordinary.  
Emma nods. “Three days?” 
“Three days. And then we’ll rid this island of its false king forever.”
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kmomof4 · 3 months ago
12 (Actually 13) Days of Captain Swan Fic Recs!!!
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And now here is Day 6 of my 12 (Actually 13) Days of CS Fic Recs!!! @zaharadessert specializes in turning the angst up to about a 12, but the payoff she gives makes all the pain to get there sooooo worth it!!! So here are my very favorites of her fics!!
Get Your Motor Running - Rated E - Emma Nolan is driving home to Storybrooke having finished college, when her car breaks down. With no cell service the only thing in walking distance is the local biker bar…
Canticum Sanguinis Lux - Rated E - Once, all Emma Nolan wanted was a normal life, but when she had a run in with a vampire as a teenager she realised that she couldn’t escape the life of a hunter. Now all she wants to do is prove herself, and she’s going to end up going above and beyond to be the hunter the world needs her to be.
The Halloween Gambit - Rated M - Bar wench and orphan, Emma Swan is taken captive to lure Captain Hook to the noose. Things don't turn out as her captors expect.
The Heart of the Savior - Rated E -
One night, in every corner of every magical realm, every boy aged nine to seventeen disappeared. Not one remained. That was when Pan made himself known to the realms, and from that night the eve of every boy’s ninth birthday meant their disappearance, until finally the realms demanded to know what he wanted to return their children to them. Pan told them he wanted the saviour, and while most realms were confused Snow and David knew what he meant and confessed the role their daughter was supposed to have played in breaking the curse. The realms voted and agreed to Pan’s terms, and Pan stopped taking the realms sons, holding the children he’d currently taken as insurance of their compliance. 
For the next fifteen years Emma’s birthday wasn’t a celebration, it was another tick on the countdown clock to the end of her freedom. Not that she was ever free in the first place, but to save every male child in the United Realms including her younger brother, Leo… She understood that she had a job to do, and she would do her duty with her head held high. What she didn’t count on was the sparkling blue eyes of the man Pan sends to escort her to Neverland in time for her twenty-first birthday.
A Dream of Home - Rated E - Life with the Gold Pack has never been smooth sailing for Emma Swan, and things are getting worse now the pack leader's son has decided he wants her for his mate. Nothing she says or does seems to deter him, or deter his parents from encouraging the match. Emma's only hope is a promise someone made her seventeen years ago; a promise she's forgotten about in all but the deepest recesses of her dreams.
Fallen Angel - Rated M - Forced into a marriage she didn’t want with a man she didn’t love when her parents died, Emma Nolan did everything she could to make the best of it. But when he died, leaving her with an infant son, she realised the depths of his disregard for her and the sanctity of their marriage. Not only was he a gambler, he spent his winnings on his mistresses and left his young wife and with enough debt that she ended up in a workhouse. A workhouse which, like everything she used to own, has just been sold, and the new owner is coming by to survey his new purchase.
I Did Right series - Rated E -
chaos reigned supreme in Central Park yesterday, when the Mayor’s foster son was kidnapped in broad daylight under the supposedly watchful eye of hired staff. The mayor’s office has yet to make an official statement…
When Henry is kidnapped while Regina should have been taking care of him Emma is furious and resolves to do whatever it takes to get her son back. But will the CARD Agent sent by the FBI to help handle the case be more of a distraction than a help, or can he manage to be just enough of both to make this work?
All of Zahara's fics are fantastic, but these are my personal favorites. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have!! See you tomorrow for Day 7!!!
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brucethegirl · 2 months ago
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I've been reading a lot of fics lately, I want to read more. But here's some of my favorites I've read recently:
Dark Hook Comes to Storybrooke
Moments before the Evil Queen’s Dark Curse whisks our beloved fairytale characters to Storybrooke, Captain Hook finally gets his revenge on the Crocodile. AU Dark Hook in original curse
Make A Wish
Stuck in the Enchanted Forest after her wish was granted, Emma seeks out Killian. She doesn't expect what she finds. Canon divergence from 6x11 on
Christmas Wars: A New Hope
The last thing Emma Swan expects when she shows up for her sister's destination Christmas wedding is to find an irresistible groomsman with all the right looks and all the wrong opinions - about everything. But there's something beneath the bickering, something a lot softer than it seems on the surface, and Emma and Killian both find a new hope after heartbreak and loss. AU contemporary
No More Interruptions
She hadn't seen him in five years. Five years since her parents had interrupted them when they both had been on the cusp on moving beyond just being friends. Five years of wondering if he ever thought of her or even cared anymore. Now it was her birthday and he was back, making her question everything. (Captain Swan AU, Lieutenant Duckling verse. One-Shot)
Emma and Killian share more than just a heart. Smut that turns really emotional and intense trauma discussion Canon divergent season 5.
The Legend of Captain Killian Jones
Cursed three hundred years ago to take on ghost form and haunt his family estate, Killian Jones receives a reprieve once every hundred years to take on corporeal form in order to try and break his curse. A renowned restorationist, Emma Swan takes on the project of bringing the three hundred year old Jones Manor back to its former glory. A manor that is reportedly haunted by the notorious Captain Killian Jones. Good thing Emma doesn’t believe in ghosts. AU Contemporary and ghosts
A Case of You
A "Practical Magic" AU in which Killian is a twice-cursed witch who's home after a murder, Emma is a single mom and deputy that's new to town, and their paths cross in ways they never expected.
A Gentleman Never Tells
Right after saving Henry in Neverland, Pan puts Emma under a Sleeping Curse that only romantic love can break. Hook's kiss wakes her, but in the confusion of the moment, it appears to everyone else, including Emma, that it was Neal's kiss that woke her. As the group celebrates and Hook empties his flask alone, he can't help thinking it is better this way.
When I Saw Your Face
Emma escapes the castle at night to experience the kingdom she will one day, reluctantly, rule and meets a pirate captain who might be more than he seems. AU princess/pirate
like if cleopatra grew up in a small town
Henry needs a dad. That's fine. Emma can deal with that. The problem? Neal wants more. The second problem? Emma keeps running into Hook and, despite trying to keep it friendly between them, finds herself falling in love.
You, Me, and Who You Used to Be
After getting her parents back on track, Emma’s magic returns. But before she can conjure a portal home, Killian is abducted. Alone in a world she knows nothing about and with no idea how to find Killian, Emma enlists the only person—or rather, pirate—who would be as motivated to save Killian as she is. However… Killian’s past may just be what destroys the future. CS Movie Divergence
Darkness Will Be Rewritten
A delay of five minutes can alter someone's destiny entirely. Imagine what a delay of eighteen years might do. The first eighteen years of Emma's life is a black void. And after ten years of having no memories for those years, a boy shows up at her door, claiming he's her son. He takes her to Storybrooke and she finds herself staying, trying to deny the connection she feels not only to the boy, but also to the fisherman he hangs out with that smells like rum and has eyes that remind her of a home she can't even remember. (While this is complete, the sequel is not)
To Read
Uncharted Neverland
Princess Emma swan saviour to her people is trapped in a dangerous island with no escape, were she meets Captain Hook known pirate, his mission is to find a lost fortune on the uncharted island, this treasure may also hold the key to escaping Neverland. CS AU princess/pirate
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whimsicallyenchantedrose · 2 months ago
Christmas Reruns 2024–Day 30: New York Christmas Serenade (4/4)
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Merry Christmas if you celebrate it and happy holidays if you don’t!  One of the things I love about Christmas is watching reruns of all the old classic Christmas movies–Christmas is a big time for nostalgia.  A few years ago, I decided to incorporate that tradition into my fandom life and post my CS holiday reruns.  So here you go!  Enough holiday (mostly) fluff to get you to New Year’s Day. (With a new story posting on Christmas Day.)
Word Count: 1803
Other chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31
CS Genre: Canon Divergence (missing year between 3a and 3b)
“Hey Hook,” Henry said from his spot at the kitchen table a week later.  “Tonight’s the big night!  The moment of truth!”
Killian looked around in alarm, afraid Swan had overheard the lad’s impetuous words.
“Don’t worry,” Henry said, noting the direction of his gaze.  “She’s not here.  She had a quick bowl of cereal and then headed out after her latest skip.  She said she had a really promising lead.”
Killian nodded in relief.  Tonight might be the moment of truth; the moment he took a chance; the moment he tested the lad’s theory that Swan had feelings for him as well, but he wished to remain as circumspect as possible until the big moment.
One week prior, on Christmas Eve, Killian and Henry had remained awake long after Swan retired for the night.
“You remember, Henry?” Killian asked, as soon as Emma entered her bed chamber.  “Truly?”
“Yeah!” Henry said.  “I remember everything—Storybrooke, my other mom, Neverland, Pan’s curse, everything!  Killian how did you get to us?”
“Never mind the details, lad,” Killian said, waving off the question he was not yet ready to answer.  “Suffice it to say it’s a wonder what one can accomplished when he is sufficiently motivated.”
“And you wanted to get back to mom.”
“In part,” Killian said, “but I’m afraid there’s a far more pressing concern.  A curse.”
“Again?” Henry asked, with a sigh.  “Who cast it this time?”
Killian shrugged.  “I’ve no idea.  I…found myself separated from the group quite soon after our return to the Enchanted Forest.  I’ve no idea what your grandparents and the others got mixed up in after I left.”
“Then how did you know to come for us?”
“I received a missive, perhaps from your grandmother,” Killian said.  “I set about securing passage back to your realm the moment I read the news.  I know nothing aside from the fact that the entire realm has once again been transported to Storybrooke.  I can only assume the need for your mother’s savior services is quite urgent.”
“So let’s wake mom up, tell her what’s going on,” Henry said.  “We could be headed back to Storybrooke as soon as this snowstorm stops.”
Killian shook his head.  “I’m afraid it’s not as simple as all that, Henry.  What do you imagine would be your mother’s reaction should I tell her she’s the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming and she must go back to a town called Storybrooke to break a curse, no doubt cast by a fairy tale villain?”
Henry grimaced.  “Good point.”
The two were silent for a moment, and then Henry brightened once again.  “I know how you can make mom remember!” he said.
“Aye?  What do you propose?”
“True Love’s Kiss.”
Killian sucked in a long breath.  “Come again lad?”
“True Love’s Kiss!  It can break any curse.  It’s perfect!  All you have to do is kiss her and she’ll remember who she was,” Henry said.
“Henry…” Killian began.
“No, really!” Henry said.  “You love my mom, don’t you?”
“Aye, more than you know, but at present your mother doesn’t even know me, let alone love me.”
“Well that’s no problem,” Henry said.  “I think she was starting to have feelings for you back in Storybrooke.  All you have to do is get her to fall in love with you again!  We could call it…Operation Captain Swan!”
Was that all he must do?
Killian had to admit to more than a bit of skepticism in his ability to win Swan’s heart in a short period of time, but as no other solution occurred to either of them, Killian finally agreed to the plan.
It was a two-pronged approach.
Over the ensuing week Henry and Killian worked in tandem to help Emma remember her true identity.  It was little things—short vignettes from their true lives.  Discussions of the storybook.  Talk about home and family.
While this was occurring, Killian wooed Emma as tenderly as the most ardent lover—procuring her flowers and small trinkets, preparing her meals, giving her a listening ear, supporting her, praising her, spending quality time with her and Henry.
He was making headway; he knew he was.  Sometimes he’d look up and find her gaze on him—happy, speculative, ardent.  He knew that look.  It was the look of someone falling in love.
Then, of course there was their sleeping arrangement.  Killian had spent the first three nights on the couch in Swan’s living quarters, but just after dinner on the evening of the fourth day, Emma approached him, her eyes looking anywhere but at him.
“Look, Killian,” she’d said, after being sure that Henry was otherwise occupied, “I know that couch can’t be comfortable.  If you want, you can, you know, share my bed.”
His eyes had widened in shock.  Had she just suggested….?
“Just to sleep!” she quickly clarified.  “I wasn’t, you know, propositioning you.  I just thought..”  She shrugged.  “I just thought there’s plenty of room in my queen sized bed.  If we each keep to our own side it doesn’t have to be awkward.”
Killian grinned slowly, ducked his chin and swaggered in her direction.  “Oh I assure you, darling.  There would be nothing awkward about it.  If you wished to share your bed with me, you needn’t use the excuse of my discomfort on your couch.  You need only ask.”
“Killian!” she growled.
He grinned and then sobered.  “Thank you for your offer, Swan.  I swear to be a perfect gentleman.  I’m always a gentleman.”
For a moment, Killian could swear Emma remembered the last time he’d uttered those words—at the top of the beanstalk where their story had begun, but then her eyes had cleared and she’d nodded.  “Good,” she said.
But despite her words about remaining separate, the next morning, Killian had woken with Emma in his arms, her head pillowed on his chest, her arms around him, her hair spilling over his arm.
It was pure bliss.
The next night when they retired for bed, Swan had made no mention of the arrangement—or any changes she wished for it.  She’d merely lain on her side, reached for him, and pulled his hand around her middle.  He’d had the luxury of holding her through the night, this time with her full knowledge and desire.
Aye, Killian was making progress in fulfilling his vow to win her heart; there was no mistake about it, but his progress was far too slow.
“You need to make a big gesture,” Henry finally said on the morning of New Year’s Eve.  “Really put all your cards out there.  I’ve got the perfect idea.”
“Aye?  And what might that be?”
“A New Year’s kiss!”  Henry said.  “It’s a tradition here in our realm.  People kiss each other just as it turns midnight on New Year’s Day.  The person you share your New Year’s kiss with is supposed to be with you all year long.  It’s perfect.”
Killian had put forth a token protest at first, but he couldn’t deny the idea had merit.  He knew his Swan.  He knew that she was afraid to give her heart—but he knew she craved love and commitment even more.  She held herself at a distance because she feared the people she allowed herself to care for would leave her.  Perhaps if he bestowed this “New Year’s kiss” on her, it would show her that he was in this for the long haul; that he would never willingly leave her.
Aye, tonight would be the night.
Emma settled on the sofa, pulled her legs up beneath her, and ducked under Killian’s arm.  It should scare her how comfortable she’d become with him, how much she’d opened up to him, how very close she was to giving her heart to him.  It should terrify her and make her run as fast as she could in the opposite direction.
The thing was…it didn’t scare her.  Not at all.  It simply felt right.
The room was bathed in darkness save for the twinkling lights on the Christmas tree and the light from the TV.
“So, I’ve been to Times Square for the ball drop a time or two,” Emma explained, “but, I don’t know.  It’s overrated.  It’s so crowded you can barely move, and it’s freezing…and then trying to get out of the crowd and go home afterward…just more of a headache than it’s worth.  Why go through all the trouble when I can just catch it from the comfort of my own living room?”
“I must admit,” Killian said, shooting her a warm look.  “I’d far prefer watching these events unfold here, with you in my arms than in that crush of humanity.”
Emma felt her stomach swoop.  It was uncanny how Killian Jones managed to say these things—that would sound like the worst of clichés if spoken by anyone else—and make her melt like a pile of goo at his feet.  She caught his eye and held it for long moments—she had no idea how long, until Henry caught her attention.
“Hey guys!” he said, “pay attention!  They’re going to start the count down any second!”
“Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six!…”
The excited crowd had just finished chanting “five” when Emma’s entire world turned on its axis.
“Emma,” Killian said softly, urgently, “I’m in love with you.  I love you with everything within me.  I’d like nothing better than to spend the remainder of the year, the remainder of my life with you.”
And as the ball dropped amid the shouting crowd, Killian leaned over and joined his lips with hers.  For a moment, Emma sat frozen, and then she was kissing him back, caressing his stubbled cheek, running a hand through his hair, moving so close she was nearly in his lap.
Emma felt the strangest energy bubble up within her, and suddenly it burst from her—burst from both of them, forming something resembling a rainbow colored shock wave.
Emma pulled away with a gasp, memories rushing in one after another.  “Hook!” she said, finally.  “I remember!”
On the other side of the room Henry cheered, pumping his fist in the air.  “Yes!”
Beside her, Killian grinned.  “Miss me?”
“What do you think?” Emma asked…just before kissing him so thoroughly Henry was soon making gagging sounds on his side of the room.
Over the next several years there would be plenty of curses to break, villains to defeat, even time to travel through, but during that night, that magical night when Emma and Killian shared True Love’s Kiss, nothing could have dampened their spirits.  With the magic of the night and the magic of their love, Emma knew whoever cast the latest curse didn’t stand a chance.
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killiansprincss · 2 years ago
A Court of Vines and Shadow - for @cssns ‘23
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SUMMARY: When Dark One Killian Jones makes Faerie Princess Emma of Misthaven spend 3 moon cycles a year with him to break a curse, Emma never expected to fall in love with him. Now she was walking down the aisle, meant to marry a man she doesn't love because she can never be with the one her heart wants. Or can she?
An ACOTAR Inspired fic written for Captain Swan Supernatural Summer 23. Also on A03
Also it’s July 9th and Speak Now Taylor’s Version just came out I feel like Speak Now is the perfect song to accompany this fic!!
Huge thanks to @cssns for this amazing event which allowed me to bring this to life! And special shoutouts to @hollyethecurious for the amazing art and also to my awesome beta @blonde-of-sherwood 💙💜
White dress. The Spring fallen gardens filled with flowers upon flowers, petals scattered all the way down the aisle and vines spiralling the chairs and arch. Flowers Emma had grown herself with her magic, snowbells and lilies, her mothers favourite flowers, the ones she first learnt how to grow using her magic when it first manifested all those years ago.
Her mother was who she was doing this for. Marrying someone she doesn’t love. Her mother worked so hard to arrange the various meetings with suitors, all noble Fae men, only the best for the Princess of Misthaven. Her mother never got to have a big wedding, she met Emma’s father and fell in love almost as quickly as she fell pregnant. As newly appointed King of Misthaven, they had to elope quickly so the Kingdom would be more accepting of their new Queen, who also happened to be a demi-fae. Her mother, who Emma dearly loved, so much so that she was marrying someone she had had just 3 conversations with all to appease the Kingdom and not go to Civil War because of the man she does love.
Killian. That’s who her mind wandered to. The Prince of Darkness as the rest of the Kingdom saw him. It had taken a while to see past his shadows and darkness, which she now understands was built from the loss of his family and the only people he had ever loved. But she loved him fiercely, anytime they were apart it broke her. Having to say goodbye for the final time was the closest Emma had felt to heartbreak. 
So here she was, standing in her white dress, flowers in her hair and bouquet in her hands, where she would meet her father, take his arm and walk down the aisle to marry Lord Walsh. Pushing thoughts of Killian to the back of her mind as she walked towards the aisle to all the smiling faces of her Kingdom. She had to do this, she loved Killlian but they both knew they would never be together in the way they wanted. She just wished she had allowed herself to see past his darkness sooner and they could have had more time together. 
“Emma.” An all too familiar voice calls her name from behind the aisle. He uses his power to bind the shadows to him, making him appear in a sort of smoke of darkness as he steps towards his lover. One of his other talents includes stopping time, just for a few minutes, but those few minutes were all he needed.
“Killian. What are you doing here?” As much as she loved him, it pained her to see him here. They had said their goodbyes a few nights prior. Seeing him here, in a white dress about to marry someone else, it wasn’t right.
“I have tried, Emma, truly I have tried to stay away. If it made you happy I would stand by and let you marry someone else, but I can feel your pain all the way in Neverland. It’s causing me pain too, and I think I understand now, it’s why I was so drawn to you the very first time we met, why, even when you hated me you could never really stay away.”
“Killan, you’re not making any sense, what are you saying?” It was painful seeing him, she was hurting, thinking of their time together and how fate was so cruel to not allow them more time.
“You’re my mate.” 
His mate. Mates in this world were rare, her parents were never granted that luxury. She hadn’t known of anyone in the last 200 years who found their Mate. So why her? Why now?
Mates were equal in power and status, perfectly matched by the universe. A one true love, a soulmate. She never denied she loved Killian, but being his Mate was a whole other experience. It made sense in a way, they were drawn together at the ball when they first met. He could sense she was powerful, he recognised her untapped powers, something even her parents were unable to do. And she was never scared of him either, she had heard the rumours of course, and knew what he was capable of, but that didn't scare her. 
Emma had been to hundreds of balls in her lifetime, even when she was a little girl, she would sneak into the ones at her palace, and watch everyone dance. They all shared a unique beauty about them, from the way the light reflected on the dresses worn or the chandeliers making rainbows across the walls, they were a thing of otherworldly beauty. But this ball in particular was nothing like those she was used to. It was hosted just outside Misthavens borders, an old castle known to be taken up residence by a Fae many years ago known as “The Dark One”. Rumours began to spiral that the Dark One was back. It had been years since he had been seen and random killings had stopped, but who knew. The invitations went to all the noble folk in Misthaven and surrounding kingdoms and the signature was empty, leaving more curious minds. There were many debates surrounding whether they should go or not, but the Royal Family of Misthaven had to attend to keep peace.
As she grew older the balls became a chance for her parents to find her a suitor to marry, she was now 21 and it was considered uncouth for the Crown Princess to be unmarried, even by Fae standards. So in an effort to avoid dancing with a Duke, she would practise her magic. Every Fae was gifted a power linked to the four elements, and Emma had inherited Earth from her mother. At times she thought it was a boring element to have, her younger brother Leo had water, which was useful for everyday life as well as pulling pranks (to which she was victim of lately). But as she got older she learnt to appreciate it, she enjoyed seeing what she could make grow, especially in situations like right now. 
There would always be potted plants, pretty flowers surrounding the tables, she breathed into her powers and with a single touch could double the petals or even change their colours. Sometimes she would paint the pink flowers blue, or the white ones black just to test what she could do. Of course, her mother didn’t approve of using it for this. She was also gifted with the power of earth, but she preferred to make things grow or inject life back into a sunken plant, rather than mess with existing life.
“Not enjoying the festivities I see?” A voice from behind Emma startles her, she didn’t recognise him, dark hair and piercing blue eyes. Dressed in an all black leather suit, not the typical style the men wore. His pointed ears stick out from his dark hair, Emma had always felt self conscious of her ears, so made an effort to hide them, but this man, whoever he was, was the most beautiful man she’d ever laid eyes on.
“I come for the faerie wine and food only I’m afraid.” She tells him with a playful smile.
“Well if you’re here for the wine why aren’t you dancing? Most people get drunk off a few sips then don’t leave the dance floor all night.”
She leans in close, “I’m not like most women.” What was the harm in flirting, he was gorgeous and her parents would never approve which made him all the more exciting.
He holds out his hand to her, “Dance with me, I insist.” 
Dancing with a handsome stranger was not how Emma expected the night to go, but he was a great partner, unlike some of the suitors her mother had forced upon her in the past. He led her around the room with grace and it was as though they flew through the dancefloor together, no stepping on toes and he even spun her around a couple times, feeling the wine go to her head a little more. “You’re really good at this.”
“There’s just one rule, pick a partner who knows what he’s doing.” He whispers into her ear as he dips her. “You’re very powerful, you know Emma.” He tells her as she comes up.
“How do you know my name?” Sure she was the Princess, and most people recognise her at these things, but it was strange the way he said it so casually.
“I know a lot of things Emma.” He whispers, his breath close to her neck, making Emma feel a sense of arousal. A moment later the mystery man turned into shadow and darkness, disappearing from her hold and reappearing out of shadows at the top of the staircase.
“Welcome to my lovely guests. I guess it’s time I introduce myself?”
All eyes were on the mystery man now, they all saw his shadow power. That wasn’t one of the four elements, this was some other worldly magic. Then, for Emma at least, it clicks. The charming lustful energy coming from him, his ability to know things he shouldn’t, and his shadow and darkness powers. He was the Dark One.
That should have made her terrified, but for some reason, it didn’t scare her. Who was he?
“My name is Killian Jones. But I believe your people have a few different names for me, Dark One, Wronged Fae, Prince of Darkness is a personal favourite-though I bore no royal blood or status.”
And that’s where it began, he said he held this ball because he was supposedly cursed and needed someone with light magic to resolve it. Not just any light magic though, a very specific kind. And of all the Fae in the land, he decided Emma, after one conversation and dance that she was the Fae he was looking for, only she could break the curse. 
“All I request are 3 moon cycles with her every year until I decide otherwise, or my curse is broken, whichever comes first.” This was his deal, his bargain. As the Dark One, you would be a fool to refuse or dispute a bargain. 
Her parents were outraged, and tried everything in their power to stop them. They were a royal family, if he were anyone else maybe that would have been enough, but as the Dark One, he bore no allegiance to royalty. So for 3 moon cycles, she was to live with him, in his castle, doing who knows what.
The first moon cycle was absurd, The Dark One didn’t mention a single thing about his supposed curse. He made her practise her magic every single day. Barely spoke to her. Her main source of contact was with one of the servants, Belle. She would show her to her room, which wasn’t a prison or a dungeon like she was expecting, but it had lush carpets. velvet curtains and the most gorgeous and comfortable king size bed in the centre of the room. She would also take her down to the grand dining room where she was to eat all meals. The food was exquisite, the spices used were unlike anything she’d eaten before, it made Misthavens cooks look like a child in the kitchen. 
There was no sign of him for the first couple of days, he left Belle with a page of  instructions for Emma to get on with while she was here. The only thing on the list:
Read: The Complete Earth Elemental Magic Volume I
Read about her magic. That was the only thing she would do all day. For the first two moon cycles this is all she does, she sees him in passing, at mealtimes mainly. He is pleasant and they make small talk. 
When she arrives home, her parents pounce on her, needing to know everything. What she witnessed, who she spoke to and if he hurt her in any way. They were terrified, and it made Emma realise she wasn’t afraid of him the way others were.
“We have suitors lined up.” Her mother would tell her, desperate to get her married off in the strange fear the Dark One would whisk Emma away to be his bride before she could marry a noble born. She would play along and speak to the princes and lords her parents picked out for her. She tried, really tried to find something good in any of them, but her mind would wander back to the blue eyes and dark haired villain she would be seeing again very soon.
The next moon cycle comes along and her task is to again, read the magic book which she was now on volume III of. Enough was enough, she needed to know her place and what exactly he intended to do with her.
“I have read these volumes cover to cover. If I have to learn about the different ways a flower can be grown I think I will die of boredom. You mentioned a curse that first night. Tell me everything and I can look in those stupid books for something that might actually help.”
He smiles at her as she rambles on about being a useful Fae and powerful if he lets her see. He admired her courage and her passion. “Very well Emma.” The way he says her name makes Emma feel something inside her that she’s not sure is good or bad.
“Contrary to popular belief about the Dark One, I did not choose this power willingly. It was forced upon me by a former Dark One. You see, only one can exist at a moment in time, and the only way to steal the power is to steal the life that holds such power.” He then goes on to explain how many years ago, his brother’s wife had fallen sick from her pregnancy and they were not sure if the baby would survive, the three of them searched for a cure around different lands, different royal families, they had to find something to save her but had no such luck. “One night, we had grown tired and stopped to find shelter for the night, when Elsa, my brother's wife began to bleed, she was losing the baby. Liam cried out and an old man came to our aid, asked if we would do anything to help to which I naively responded yes to. He kills them both using a type of magic I didn’t know existed.’ He can barely get through his story without stopping every few moments, and it's clear he still has a heart. “He then tells me if I take the dagger and stab him in the heart, they will be revived and the baby safe.”
“He forced you to kill him so he would be free of his curse, and in turn it then cursed you?”
“Aye love. That night has haunted me for nearly 200 years, I was desperate and if I could go back and change things I would. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to free myself that doesn’t involve trickery. I also do not wish to burden another innocent life with this curse.” He then takes Emma’s hand and looks into her eyes, “That is where you come in, Emma Darling.  I saw a seer and she shared with me a vision. A golden haired demi-fae with an earth element bearing an unyielding amount of light magic has the power to free me without hurting either party.”
“And of all the demi-fae with an earth element, you believe it's me because?”
“That’s why I held the ball. I wanted to see who I was drawn to, and as soon as I met you Emma, it was clear you were the one. You are special” The way he looked at her as she said this, made her feel warm inside. For a split second Emma also thought he was going to kiss her, and that if he did, she would let him.
That was the changing point. The more time they spent together going over her magic the more confident she felt. She learnt more things about her magic that she had known were possible. She could end life as quickly as she could revive it, well, the life of a flower anyway. She could drain the life from a lily and then when it was wilting, press life back into it. Emma guessed the more she practised this, maybe she would drain the darkness from Killian.
“Have you ever experimented with other elements, Emma Darling?” He asks one day, it was the last day of the moon cycle and she was to return home. She hadn’t realised how much she would miss his company.
“I was only gifted with the earth element, my mother shares it too. My brother inherited water from my father.” She explains, “I haven’t heard of any Fae who were gifted more than one element, wouldn’t that disrupt the power balance?” 
She would also miss the way he would sit there and smile at her when she rambled, he really wasn't as bad as people said he was. They didn’t know him the way she did. “Emma, you’re special. You hold the element of earth, well all elements are connected to the earth, are they not? Why don’t you try to conjure fire?”
All Fae were granted one element, fire, air, earth or water, it was unheard of for someone to hold a double or even triple elemental magic, every scripture and teacher would tell you too much power would disrupt the power balance of the universe, and everyone would suffer. But then again if she were truly the Fae in his prophecy, she was already disrupting the power of the universe.
“I wouldn’t know where to start, I don’t know anyone with that power and even if I did I-.” He was already moving towards her before she could finish her train of thought.
“All power lives inside you Emma.” He stands behind her and places his hand on her shoulders, moving down to her abdomen, “you can feel it inside you, reach deep inside and find that extra source of power.” Emma had to focus on keeping her breathing normal, he was touching her and she was feeling very strange things at the moment. Still, she does as he instructs, she feels where she knows her earth power lies, she taps into it daily. But then she tries to focus on where that power was, and if she could feel anything else. At first she could only feel her earth, but then she felt something different, she wasn’t sure what it was but it was similar to the way her earth felt. 
“That's it, love.” Killian says, hand still resting on her abdomen, “hone in on that. And think of something that makes you angry, feel the fire before you conjure it.”
Pushing the way his husky breath felt on her neck aside, she thought of her mother and how she orchestrated all these suitors that were supposedly so ‘perfect’ for her, how she never listened to what she wanted and how angry she felt when she would come home from her studies to see a Prince or a Duke in her sitting room.
��Open your eyes Emma.”
Fire. A small flame coming from her palm was the sight Emma was greeted with when she opened her eyes. It didn’t burn for very long once she realised what she had done and couldn’t figure out how to control it. But she did that.
“I conjured fire.” She says with a mix of shock and excitement plastering her face. 
“I told you you were powerful Emma.”
 He was still standing behind her, so she turns to see him grinning at her and his gaze fixed on her, in awe of her. They’re both silent for a moment, clearly having the same internal battle inside their head. Their heads moved closer and closer until their lips finally met and Emma felt her magic on fire. Every sense was heightened with this kiss, a merge of power and lust building up from their shared time together. Killian deepens the kiss as his hand settles on her cheek while Emma’s hands find his hair. She’s being pushed up against the wall after a while, and Emma leans her head back and moans as Killian pressees kisses onto her neck and then back to her lips. 
Their time together was never the same after that. Being apart from one another became harder. Every time Emma would practise her newfound powers, her thoughts would wander back to Killian and how he made her feel. 
When they were together, they were rarely apart. She possessed all four elements, and took the time to learn and explore what she could do with them. Of course she had to keep this quiet when she was away from Neverland and from Killian. Her family and her court would be wary of her newfound powers, likely brand her as dark as her ‘captor’ as they referred to Killian.
“I wish you would stop calling him that, he has a name.” She finally snaps back at her mother upon her return after listening to her rattling her newest ideas on how to get out of the contract. 
“He forces you to be away from your family for a whole moon cycle. He is darkening your mind with his power if you do not see what is wrong with that my sweet child.” 
That taught her to keep her mouth shut. They didn’t understand. Yes, as part of a bargain she was to spend time with him, but she looked forward to those moon cycles, he understood her, listened to her, she felt he was the only person she could be herself around. Worst of it was, she was falling in love with him. No, she was in love with him. And she had an inkling that he felt the same.
The next time she comes home, yet again there is a suitor sitting in her living room. She didn’t know who this one was and frankly, she didn’t care.
“Emma. I’m glad to see you’re home in one piece.” Her mother says, and Emma rolls her eyes, pretending she wasn’t practically seething that comment. She would never understand Killian or how she felt safe with him.
“Hello mother. Who is our guest?” She asks with a fake smile, knowing full well this was another suitor she was not interested in.
The suitor offers out his hand and bows, “Lord Walsh of Oz. it is a pleasure to finally meet you, your highness.” 
He was an older man, older than she was, which was not uncommon for suitors as they had to be to have a title. He was average height, nothing particularly interesting about him was jumping out at her. Her mother clearly chose this one from the same place as all the others, he was polite and overly grateful to the Queen for inviting him. They would all sip on their tea whilst Emma made polite conversation with them and they would express their interest for children and make an awful comment about being the more powerful Fae and Emma would thank them for their time as she busied herself with something else to get away. She wondered how long this one would take to get rid of. 
“Lord Walsh is to be your husband. We have been setting arrangements whilst you were being held hostage.” She rolls her eyes at the hostage comment and was about to argue, until it hits what she just said.
“I’m sorry, we’re to be married when?” This was a new low, even for her mother. “Mother, may I speak with you in private?”
“Excuse us.” Snow tells Walsh as she guides her daughter into the drawing room.
“I can’t believe this. I’m away for one moon cycle and you have me married off already? I keep telling you, I want to marry for love.” She didn’t know what to feel right now, angry yes, upset yes, and also confused, why now, when the topic of suitors had never felt imminent. 
“Emma, every day you spend with the Dark One is a day closer to us never seeing you again.” She tells her as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. 
“If this is still about him corrupting my mind, you have to know I’m still the same person as I was before the bargain.” As the Crown Princess, Emma didn’t have many choices in terms of clothing, free speech or political opinion, but she deserved the freedom to choose and to marry whoever she liked. 
Her mother touched her cheek, a way she did when Emma was younger. “Emma, the fact you don’t see it worries me. This is for the best. If we send a message you’re getting married, you can convince him to call off the bargain. This is a good thing Emma, things will go back to the way they were.”
She may have spent more moon cycles with the Dark One than planned, but she sure as hell was not dark herself, Killian couldn’t corrupt her when he was only trying to heal. She was different, she admits that, but it was a good different. She was powerful, confident in her abilities and her magic. Something that only came from being with Killian.
But she was the princess. Her parents, the King and Queen. She could fight with them about many things, but this was orchestrated by them. She could try to refuse this marriage, but she would need a valid reason, another prince or duke to replace Lord Walsh. It was a horrifying thought, but she didn’t have a choice. She was going to have to marry him.
What she wanted was to run away with Killian. She wanted to free him of his curse, help him heal. She did not want to be bound to him for a moon cycle at a time, she wished to spend as much time as she wished. But if she did that then her parents would come looking, they would send armies to search for her, it would cost the kingdom more money than they have. Running away would cause a civil war. 
All because she fell in love with the wrong Fae.
“I know you feel it too. Please Emma, don’t deny it.” He pleads, keeping the shadows clouding around them for a little while longer.
“I don’t deny it. I’m just in shock.” She admits. Having a mate in this world was rare, but those who were lucky enough to be granted one would be damned for all eternity if they chose to reject their mate. She had grown up with a legend of a male who loved another for years before meeting his mate, they chose to be apart and he died of heartache. She isn’t sure how much of that was true, but there was a reason they were chosen to be mates by the universe. She couldn’t marry Lord Walsh, no matter how hard her mother worked, marrying someone she had no love for knowing her mate, her true love was just out of reach would be too painful a life to lead. “Killlian, if we’re doing this, it has to be right, we have to follow the rules. If I run away now, it will only start a war.”
Killian nods in understanding, “We do this the right way. I claim you in front of everyone, and if you claim me back there is nothing they can do to stop.” He gives her a quick kiss before disbanding the shadows around them and hides from onlookers until it's time.
The crowd are unaware anything happened as she begins her descent down the flowery aisle. She spies her family in the crowd, her mother looking so happy, her brother next to her smiling brightly and her father trying not to cry as she takes his arm. He was meant to be giving her away to Walsh, but he was indirectly handing his daughter over to the Dark One. This was going to break their hearts, but she hoped they would see that Killian made her happy, the life she was choosing for herself was far better than the one her family were choosing for her. 
Walsh stands at the end of the aisle by the arch, his family were noble and would prosper from this union, more land and a grander estate. All of that was meaningless though, he didn’t love Emma either, it was his family pushing this marriage as much as it was her own. She was leaving a lot behind, her brother would become Crown Prince, and her mother would likely push a marriage for him too, likely to Princess Alexandra of the Western Kingdom to save the Kingdom from too much heartbreak of a runaway Princess. But it was worth it, the time spent with Killian made her feel alive for the first time in her life, she discovered things about her she didn’t know she could do.
“We are gathered today to witness the marital union between these two people. Lord Walsh of Oz, and Princess Emma of Misthaven.”
Emma spies Killians shadows from just beyond the arch, waiting for the right time.
“If there is any reason why these two should not be married, Speak Now or forever hold your peace.”
Silence from the crowd. Until shadows grow and at the other end of the aisle, Killian transfigures. “I object.”
The crowd begins to stir, chatter arises, some people even scream. “Under what grounds?”
“I have come to claim Emma. As my Mate.”
Shock horror from the crowd once again, she hears her parents cries and pleads not to go through with this, but she had no choice, this was for her own happiness, she was putting herself first for once.
“Do you claim me as I claim you?” He asks, knowing her answer.
“I claim you, Killian Jones, as my mate.”
Neither were sure exactly what would happen when they said those words, legend said mates had to claim one another in words, whether that be in public or in private. Considering mates were rare and neither had met or heard of anyone that had a mate, they were unaware if anything were meant to happen after they had claimed one another, whether it be lighting from the sky or if they would feel it in their hearts.
Neither were prepared for their right arms to suddenly have ink appear and spiral into a tattoo, matching with one another. Confirming their mateship and that they were now bound to one another, there was nothing anyone could do about it.
With a last look of pity and sorrow at her family, she runs into her new mates arms, and they disappear in a cloud of shadow.
 Emma was going home.
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stubblesandwich · 3 months ago
Ho Ho Ho! It's your Secret Santa!
Season 3, with canon divergent/compliant with a good helping of angst and hurt/comfort? Sounds like you have some excellent taste there, my dear. 😉
I hear you on the season 5 whump! They fed us well that season, didn't they?
My first question for you: What is one moment you wish we had gotten? (in season 3, since it's your fav. or a different season, if applicable)
Or, what is one moment you wish had more fic written about it? (ex: do you want more fics of Emma leaving him on the beanstalk? or more that focus on the downtime between getting back from Neverland and having to leave Storybrooke? do you want more fics of him finding her in New York? maybe a bit more focus on his time in the Underworld?) I'd love to know about it!
And my last question to you: What is your favourite thing about the holidays? Any favourite movies? Songs? What's your favourite thing to eat this time of year? And anything else about the season that you absolutely love, I want to hear your thoughts!
Wishing you a wonderful holiday season!
~Santa 🎅
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^^^^^ Same energy from me rn, buddy :D!!
I eat any canon divergent/compliant fic from seasons 3-5 for breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert. I just have an enduring soft spot for season three... the mutual pining! Hook giving up his ship for her! Time travel! Neverland! Even wacky Zelena and her antics! It's just such fun. I was just reading Persuasion by Jane Austen earlier this year, and there were so many pining lines that made me think of Captain Swan, especially season three. I want to do some CS + Jane Austen gif sets next year. 👀 I think I have a problem. (But I'm in the right fandom, eh? 😆)
The season five whump was just a thing of beauty. They really wanted Killian to suffer for his sins, and I loved every second of it. Is it MY fault he looks so good covered in blood and in pain? That makes ME the freak? 🙄
Oooooh, things I wish we'd gotten more of. 👀 Excellent question, buddy. Well, I loved season three, as you know, but I guess I wish we'd gotten more moments of friendship between them. I love that they took things slow, that Emma needed that, needed to let herself trust him, and he seemed to just know she needed that time. So he kept flirting with her and making his interest wildly apparent, but he left it up to her to tell him when she was ready. And that is just!!!! So romantic and beautiful and it was so good for Emma's character, how she was able to ease into a friendship and a partnership and a trust relationship with him first. And he just kept taking up more and more room in her heart, until she realized she couldn't live without him and started pushing him away in S4 to protect him 🙃 Who is doing it like them??? No one, that's who
So yeah. 🥰 Obviously I'm very normal about them. I think I would have loved more moments of friendship between the two of them, in the beginning. I loved their trip to the past, because it was just them. And then I loved Hook's scenes with Henry, as well as his scenes with Snowing, and everyone slowly accepting him as an integral part of Emma's life and thus their family. But then!! We have those beautiful, enigmatic six weeks in S4 where Rumple was gone, after Killian's heart was taken (another one of my absolute favorite storylines, wish we'd seen more of that, too). What happened in those beautiful six weeks of peace, where CS just got to date like normal people and fall more in love? I want to see it!! And then I'm always down for more time in the Underworld, too. I think it's an absolute tragedy that Emma was able to just magic all his wounds away. 🥲
I do love this time of year. Fall is my favorite, and in Michigan, where I am, it's much too short and our winter days are much too long. But I've been falling more and more in love with winter, the older I get. I love comfy sweater season, and being able to wear a cute beanie on days I don't want to do my hair. 😅 Our house is small, but this time of year, with warm lights over our banister and a Christmas tree in the living room and a Christmas village set up over my bookshelves, it doesn't feel small. It feels cozy and warm. We have a woodburning stove too that heats our entire house, so it's dry and toasty warm and smells wonderful. I had my qualms when we moved to this particular house a few years ago, but how cozy it gets in the winter season has made it feel like a home. I love being able to hunker down and not have to go anywhere, and I love the excuse to spend time reading by the fire with a warm drink. 💝
I do love picking out presents for people, too, and spending time with family, and eating way too much junk food. (Another reason to be thankful for sweater season lololol) It's all lovely to me. I'm not a summer girly. I like the cold weather. 😎
Thanks for visiting me, Santa! I'd love to hear about your favorite CS scenes, and your family holiday traditions! Until we talk again!
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cssns · 2 years ago
Let's keep the ball rolling with our amazing artists. Please help us welcome @piinfeathers to CSSNS23!
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What’s your Tumblr?
@piinfeathers on tumblr, stephsketched everywhere else, plus just steph is also good!
How long have you been in the CS/OUAT fandom?
since 2021
When did you start shipping Captain Swan?
literally the second killian jones started getting it baaad for emma swan in season two. by neverland i was totally hooked
What drew you to this event?
this is my second year doing this event and it's definitely my favourite! i just love seeing emma and hook in fantasy settings, it suits them so well
What inspired your topic?
unfortunately i'm probably not doing personal art this year, unless something magical happens you never know!
For our artists: What kind of art do you like to do? Picsets, painting, digital, etc? Feel free to give as much info as you like.
i'm a digital artist and work mostly with an illustrative/cartoony style thanks to my background in animation. i love trying to capture emma and killian with a sort of fun and soft energy that feels like they're in their own animated movie
What are you looking forward to most about participating in this event?
i just love seeing everyone's work! having a new short snippet of captain swan as werewolves or faeries to look forward to every day is a highlight of my summer <3
I absolutely adore Steph's artwork and I know she's going to do amazing work for @goforlaunchcee's story, dropping on July 7th. Please drop by her page to say hi and welcome her to the event!
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mariaalrox-blog · 3 months ago
If you don't ship Swanfire with the excuse that Neal was 200 years older than Emma, that's just stupid, especially if you then ship Captain Swan. Hook was way older than Neal. But no, neither Neal nor Hook were actually that old. In Neverland, time stands still, so NO, they’re not as old as you think.
And no, Neal wasn’t 24 years old as stated on the wanted poster. All the information on that poster was fake — the name Neal Cassidy, which he made up, and even that he was from New Jersey. It doesn’t make sense for his age to be the only real detail. Neal probably wanted to appear older.
I've read some people say that Emma in the episode Tallahassee would be more like Abby Ross, that she would have been a better fit to play her (I think that too). But think about it: they would have cast a younger actor for Neal too. They only used Jennifer and Michael so we could recognize Neal better afterward.
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snowbellewells · 10 months ago
Happy Happy Birthday Jennifer!! @whimsicallyenchantedrose
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So, while I wasn’t able to write you a brand new birthday story this year, I thought it might be fun to highlight my all-time favorites of your stories. You were the first fandom friend I met and interacted with, we talked the show and plot points and character development together, and you helped me begin to navigate Tumblr back when I first joined. It’s been a gift to know you all that time, and your writing is a gift to us all! You’ve written so many GREAT stories that it was hard to narrow down, but I have settled on my top half dozen at last to highlight for your special day -- with some cover art for a few of them!!! 💖 Hope this gift serves to remind you of all you’ve written and created and how much all of it - and you!! - are loved. 🥰
The Strongest Magic - This short MC is one of your very early works - a Neverland season 3a divergent tale, but where it diverges gives us powerful adventure and emotion, sacrifice, and much earlier admission and acceptance of the love between our Pirate and Princess. I simply adore it - it squeezes your heart for sure, but it also wraps you up in a wonderful happy ending by the time you are finished.
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A Wish Your Heart Makes , Getting to I Do & Mysterious Fathoms Below - This series of longer, connected multi-chapters (The "By Land or By Sea" trilogy) is simply EPIC!!! I don't know how to sing the praises of this story half as much as it deserves. There's adventure in the Enchanted Forest, Camelot, and even under the sea! There's so much beautiful love story for CS (and even some lovely, redemptive Outlaw Queen as well), and @whimsicallyenchantedrose even incorporates some unexpected and perfectly cast characters of myth and legend and her own creation alongside our faves. I don't want to give too much away, but these stories MUST BE read! Once you do, you'll want to read them over and over again.
Happily Ever After - This short MC was originally part of your Fluffy Fridays compilation, and I have often revisited the few chapters of this on their own and definitely think of them as their own little stand-alone story. I love the family recipes, the competition, the rivalry that becomes something much sweeter.... it's a truly delicious addition to your collection of writing!
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Caribbean Shores - This lovely little MC reads more like a modern day AU, though they are in Storybrooke and many of our favorite characters still appear. I love the cute sweetness of this one, and the adorable addition of a few scheming cuties from MM's class when she takes them for a field trip tour of the Jolly Roger from Killian. ;) All the sizzle and attraction is there for Emma and Killian right from the start, and though she tries to resist (Why is she always so stubborn?!?) She can't do it for long...
Under the Apple Tree - It's hard to even express how much I adore this fic originally written between season six and season seven of canon. The way @whimsicallyenchantedrose wove in what we knew might be coming in season seven and then supposed what still could happen (a lot of which I would have loved to really see!) is simply brilliant. I love the relationships explored and the way the plot unfolds. It's a special and unique version of our beloved characters, and of course the unstoppable power of Captain Swan to always find each other again is fully on display too! ;p
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Until the Stars are all Alight - Wow, this story must have been such a daunting task to undertake - one I would have been afraid to tackle, but the skill with which the OuaT world and the LotR world are woven together, how the plotlines come together and reach fruition, and how the characters coincide for best use so seamlessly is truly admirable and just adds to the depth and power of this full multi-chapter adventure. It has heart and hope and True Love conquering all - all the best things we love so much from the world of fairy tales and the brain of J.R. R. Tolkien!
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anmylica · 2 years ago
Fly With The Black Swan
Tagging the Usual Crew: @kmomof4 @xarandomdreamx @tiganasummertree @snowbellewells @sotangledupinit @zaharadessert @whimsicallyenchantedrose @deckerstarblanche
Read on AO3
Read on FFN
Summary: Captain Hook has finally returned to the Enchanted Forest after an all-too-long stint in the Enchanted Forest, ready to get his revenge, only he’s too late. His Crocodile has been killed by another, but the demon partially responsible for his Milah’s death remains. He sets out, determined to kill the demon once and for all, but a life or death situation puts him right in the demon’s clutches. Reluctantly, he joins the new Dark One, finding himself falling for her against his will and his motivations change. Now, he needs to save this woman from the same demon that killed his first love, and he plans out a way to save her.
But the Darkness has plans of its own.
CSSNS ‘23 Entry. Based on the Sonata Arctica song “Fly With The Black Swan”
Note: I have no idea if this is going to post or not. I am currently in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico with crappy satellite internet and none of my other attempts have gone through. Seriously, I’ve tried it a million times by this point. Maybe this time is the charm? I guess we’ll see. If it does post, I will be editing this Saturday to clean it up when I get home.
The Jolly Roger landed hard in the ocean waters with a great splash that sent droplets of water into the air and on the deck, drenching most of her crew in the process. Captain Hook stood at the helm, seemingly unaffected by the wake, scanning the seas for any danger, always on his guard. He took a deep breath, turning his face up to the sun high in the sky, practically tasting the ocean on his tongue and thought, ‘This is what freedom smells like.’ The sails glittered with the remnants of the last vial of pixie dust he would ever have to use to get his ship airborne for a sojourn back to the Enchanted Forest again.
He had just spent countless years sailing the never ending circle of Neverland’s waters in the reluctant employ of a demon in a child’s body, never seeing the sun except for when he was Pan’s errand boy on a supply run back to the Enchanted Forest. His years under the deal with Pan were finally complete, and he felt that he had enough information to achieve his true mission: skinning his Crocodile.
Captain Hook stared at the cloudless sky, pondering his next steps as his first mate, William Smee, blundered about giving orders to the others. His crew scurried about letting out sails, hauling in lines, securing their goods, and generally making preparations to sail to the destination their captain ordered. Throughout the hustle and bustle, their captain stood stoic at the helm. He did not steer; his helmsman, Antonio Buckham, had the pleasure of directing the ship, and he stood with his hands tight on the wheel and his eyes on his captain’s profile, awaiting orders.
Hook’s forget-me-not blue eyes finally left the horizon and focused upon the map in front of him. If he had landed his ship in the location he had wanted, then he was just due south of Glowerhaven. This was a pirate-friendly port, and it was going to be the best place at which they could restock their supplies. He looked over at Buckham, who stood anticipating his orders.
“Make way to Glowerhaven,” Hook ordered, and Buckham nodded once.
“Aye, Captain,” he responded, turning to the rest of the crew before bellowing, “Make way to Glowerhaven!”
The crew repeated the order, and Buckham turned the wheel slightly as the others adjusted the sails. Through it all, Hook said nothing else, just watched the sea and the sky pass them by as they sailed towards their port of call. It was a sunny day with nary a cloud in the sky. A good wind at their backs filled the sails and carried them over the water so smoothly it was as if the ship was flying over the waves. All around the deck, his crew carried out their orders, bringing them into the port where they could find a tavern and food and relish their newfound freedom. Hook surveyed the work with disinterest, for so long as they arrived at their destination without issue, it did not matter to him how his crew did their jobs.
His cold, hard, forget-me-not blue eyes watched ahead of the bow as the land of the Enchanted Forest appeared in view. His jaw clenched at the sight. It was there that he would finally fulfill his life’s purpose. As the land grew closer and the short skyline of Glowerhaven became more distinct, he was filled with a sense that, at last, he was on the path for his vengeance. He was about to find his happy ending, however bittersweet it may be. A determined, almost manic glint filled his eyes, and his crew gave him side glances and moved away from him, hoping to avoid his ire, though he paid them no mind.
An hour later, The Jolly Roger had been docked into her berth, the crew had all left, and those tasked with her watch were settled in for a few hours. Hook was the last to leave, wanting to make sure everything was just so. He sauntered down the alleyways between buildings into a tavern at which he had long since been a patron. He knew that the last pieces of his plan could be crafted with information the owner likely had.
He opened the door and stepped inside, scanning the room for any potentially unsavory situations. The room was dimly lit and dirty, much like all portside taverns throughout the realms of the Enchanted Forest. Rough hewn tables of various sizes filled the room and stools of varying heights were haphazardly placed by each table. There weren’t many people occupying the tavern at this time of day, and so most of the tables were empty. His crew occupied a few, already having drinks and food delivered by several barmaids. The bar was manned by a lone attendant, and it was to her that he made his way.
He slid onto a stool at the bar in front of her with a beguiling grin on his face. The old woman scoffed and rolled her eyes, but she moved closer, grabbing a bottle of rum and a glass on her way.
“What are you scallywags doing here,” she demanded, plunking down the bottle and glass roughly. She looked over her glasses at Hook and stared him down, causing him to grin even wider.
“Is that any way to greet an old friend,” he responded, moving to open the bottle and pour himself a finger’s width of rum. He had no plans on getting drunk, but he wasn’t about to turn down the libation.
“You’re hardly a friend,” she retorted, causing him to laugh.
“A patron then,” he amended. “A well-paying patron.”
The woman surveyed him hard and then nodded. “What do you want, Hook?”
He shook his head slightly as he raised the glass to his lips and knocked back the measure of rum. “Many things,” he said, placing the glass back on the bar. “Mostly, I’d like information at the moment.”
The woman crossed her arms. “I ain’t got information.”
Hook smirked. “Come, now, Granny, you and I both know you’re the best there is at collecting information. And we both know how valuable I find it.”
He took out his coin purse and very deliberately counted out five doubloons. Granny watched him as he did so, quirking an eyebrow at him before sighing.
“You want to know about the Dark One’s movements,” she said, grabbing a second glass and pouring herself a measure of rum.
“Aye.” Hook eyed her with curiosity, as this was definitely out of the norm for their usual pattern of conversation.
Granny took a sip of her drink and met his eyes. “You’re a bit behind the times.”
“How so?” Hook questioned, leaning closer to the old woman, a frown on his face at Granny’s implication.
“The Dark One you chase is no longer the host of the Darkness. The host has changed,” Granny said bluntly, a strange look crossing her face.
Hook blinked as Granny fell silent, sipping her rum to allow him time to process her words. He didn’t move as he tasted the information on his lips, a horrible sensation of dread and despair filling him. His immediate instinct was to deny that it was possible, but he knew deep down that the woman’s look of despair and grief couldn’t be anything but real.
“Who is it now?” he asked, studying her face carefully, hoping to pick up on some nuance in her communication. He didn’t know what he was looking for exactly, but he felt disappointment all the same when he realize how upset she was.
Granny poured herself a bit more rum into the half-full glass and knocked back the entire thing in one swallow. Hook watched her dispassionately. She grimaced out of grief, and Hook realized this topic was a festering wound though he didn’t know why.
“I don’t know,” Granny denied, and Hook got the sense that she did indeed know but didn’t want to admit it.
Hook clenched his fist and narrowed his eyes. He felt a rage that he hadn’t felt since Rumplestiltskin had taken his hand and his love from him. All these years of seeking revenge, and for what? What was he left with now? He snarled at the thought of the Crocodile evading his hook another time.
Granny cleared her throat as she choked back tears, calling his attention back to her before he could fall any more into his anger. Her wet eyes shocked him out of his rage long enough to restore sense to his head. “You want any more than that, you’re out of luck. I know nothing else.”
Granny poured herself another shot and knocked it back. Once she had finished, she stood and moved down to another end of the bar without another word. Hook contemplated the bottle before deciding that today’s news had been bad enough. He poured himself a healthy measure and drained the glass. He glanced over to Smee and beckoned his head. Smee scrambled to his side, and when Smee was within earshot, he said, “Tomorrow we travel to the Dark One’s castle.”
Smee blinked before widening his eyes in fear. “To the Dark One’s castle?”
“Aye,” Hook responded. “There will be information there that we need.”
“But won’t he-“ Smee began but Hook cut him off.
“Apparently someone else got to the Crocodile before us. I want to know who and why.” Hook’s eyes hardened in resolve, and Smee gulped before nodding his head. “My best chance at getting answers is there.”
As Smee scrambled off back to the crew to pass the news around, Hook drank another healthy measure of rum, resigned to the situation at hand. This was merely a minor setback in his quest for revenge. He’d waited this long; he could bide his time a little longer.
The next morning dawned bright and cheerful, completely at odds with Hook’s mood. Hook had already left instructions to the next man in charge for getting supplies in his stead. He and Smee arranged for a couple of horses for the journey inland, and they made sure to have the necessary supplies for their journey.
The journey itself to the Dark One’s castle was mostly uneventful. Hook and Smee endeavored to find out all they could about the Dark One’s whereabouts, but no one wanted to talk. Either they didn’t know or they avoided the conversation once questions were asked and quickly hurried off on their way. Hook was quickly becoming vexed with the situation. He needed answers now.
“Don’t worry, Captain,” Smee attempted to reassure him after their latest fruitless encounter in a village just south of the Southern Kingdom’s borders. “We’ll find out more at the next inn.”
Hook just sighed in response. It would do no good taking his ire out on Smee. Not when the man was trying to help. Hook just nudged his horse forward into a trot.
“We can find out all we need once we reach the Dark One’s castle. Come and let us stop wasting time,” Hook replied.
Smee said nothing in response. Hook supposed it was because Smee could see just how fine the leash was on his temper. The two rode on in silence, crossing into the Moors kingdom just before nightfall. They stopped at an inn for the night, keeping their ears fruitlessly peeled for any hint of gossip. None could be heard that bore any importance for their quest.
The next morning’s travels brought about similar results. They crossed the small leg of the East Mountains and into Capetia at around noon. They stopped briefly at a tavern for food before moving on. The ride was boring, and Hook’s mind wandered as the horse trudged onward.
Just who had managed to get the best of the Crocodile? How had that happened? Would there even be anything of value at Rumplestiltskin’s old castle? Was all of this just Hook grasping at straws, unwilling to let a past wrong go, even after the culprit was long gone?
Hook didn’t think so, but he had been wrong before. He decided that the only way he was going to get answers was by raiding Rumplestiltskin’s castle. He could decide on the next course to set once he saw the state of things there.
They reached the edge of the Dark Forest that evening. He and Smee lit a fire for safety and camped under the stars. Neither spoke very much, for Hook was too deep in thought and Smee knew better than to push his Captain when the man was pensive like this. The night passed by uneventfully, and the next morning dawned bright.
A hard ride resulted in their arriving at the perimeter of the Dark One’s lands just after noon. They pulled their horses up short as they surveyed the imposing structure in the distance.
“So that’s the Dark One’s castle,” Smee muttered. “Do you think maybe he was compensating for something?”
Hook sniggered. “Most assuredly. We need to be cautious. If the rumors are false, and he is still alive, he won’t take kindly to seeing either of us.”
Smee nodded vigorously and they dismounted their horses. They tied the mounts off, leaving them plenty of slack to graze, and they slunk off in the direction of danger. They crept along in the surrounding woods, keeping their eyes peeled and their ears alert.
The woods were silent. It was eerie how no animals rustled in the undergrowth, how no birds tweeted in the trees above them. The closer they got to the castle, the quieter it got. Hook felt dizzy with how much he kept looking around them, just waiting for an ambush.
Finally they got close enough that the front doors were just in front of them. The castle had a derelict, abandoned feel. No smoke rose from the myriad chimneys; no movement could be detected behind the windows. The facade was covered in overrun ivies and weeds littered the overgrown lawn.
“Well, Captain, there might just be some truth to the rumors after all.”
Hook glanced at Smee. “It seems safe enough so far, but keep on your guard.”
Hook and Smee each grasped a door handle of the giant wooden doors and pulled with all their might, not noticing the wave of blue light that swept the yard as they did so. Slowly, creaking in protest the entire time, the doors gave away. Hook was just about to step inside the foyer when a fireball came soaring at them. Hook and Smee dove for the ground, managing to just narrowly avoid it. They watched as it flew into a tree and caught it on fire. The flames whooshed as it engulfed the large tree and devoured it until nothing but ash remained. They stared at it before looking at each other.
“Let’s hope that’s the only thing waiting for us,” Hook said. Smee chuckled nervously and they both scrambled up into standing positions. They glanced at the opening, but nothing else seemed to be waiting.
“Shall we try this again, sir,” Smee asked uncertainly.
Hook nodded once. “Without the fireballs, preferably.”
They crept through the arched doorway, sticking to the sides, but nothing else happened. The foyer beyond was dark and cold. It gave off a chilling air of abandonment. Hook and Smee exchanged looks.
“Shall we split up sir? Cover more ground that way,” Smee offered as he shrugged.
Hook considered his first mate for a moment, eyebrow tilting up a bit. On the one hand, splitting up could be a trap, but on the other, they waste valuable time searching together.
Hook nodded once. “Yell if you find anything.”
“Aye, aye,” replied Smee before heading to the rooms on the left. Hook decided to go up the grand staircase that lay in waiting just in front of him.
He walked up the steps one at a time, slowly prowling forward, always expecting another type of security measure. Nothing happened.
The lack of reaction set him on edge even more than he had been before entering the abandoned building. He expected Rumplestiltskin’s slimy high pitched giggle to sound behind him at any moment. As the minutes dragged on, he became even more unnerved at the lack of the coward’s appearance.
He stepped onto the next floor and looked around him. The second floor had the same derelict feel as the downstairs. There was no sign of anyone’s inhabitance. He crept forward, resting his palm in the jolt of his sword, keeping his hook at the ready. The first room he came to was some sort of guest room, but for whom, Hook couldn’t begin to say. He didn’t believe the Crocodile had many guests. The imp hadn’t been known for his hospitality, after all. He searched the room, but nothing was there besides tacky furniture and dusty bedclothes. Hook left the room as quickly as he entered it.
The silence in this place was eerie. It set his teeth on edge, and he clenched his jaw out of tension. He crept down the hallway, forgoing searching other countless bedchambers. The stench of Dark magic hung in the air, cloying and sickening. The further down the hall he traveled, the more palpable the magic became.
He went up another staircase, choosing to follow the feeling of the magic instead of investigating every room. Hook figured the odds of finding something were better if he traced the magic. He hadn’t felt this kind of sensation, this tingling numbness, since the Crocodile had been on the deck of his ship, changing Hook’s life forever.
He followed the tingle of the magic until he arrived in front of what appeared to be a private study. He opened the double doors and walked into a large room. A giant table occupied the center of the room, and display cases that had once held whatever objects Rumplestiltskin deemed important surrounded the table. The room had been decorated in rich shades of red and gold, but now a thick layer of dust covered everything.
The room looked as if it had been ransacked by looters at some undetermined point. Hook breathed a heavy sigh. This beyond anything else convinced him that the Crocodile was gone. Looters wouldn’t have been able to mauraud this castle if Rumplestiltskin had still been alive. Hook felt a dull sensation curdle in his stomach that he belatedly recognized was disappointment.
Discouraged, he wandered into the room, no less on his guard than before, but no longer expecting his mortal enemy to appear before him sniggering with twisted glee. He rummaged through the detritus, looking for something but not knowing what it was. After shuffling a few plates around, he saw a brown piece of fabric, dirtied with age and a few dried blood stains. He frowned and picked it up, his heart sinking even lower in his chest.
He knew those stitches.
He stood and shook the fabric out, using his hook to help fan it out to make sure that it was what he thought it was. He smiled a grim smile at the confirmation. It was a shawl. He recognized the handiwork as Milah’s, and he suddenly felt like crying. It must have belonged to Bae.
He swallowed and cleared his throat, hoping to drown the burning sensation, and rapidly tried to blink tears away. He folded it as carefully as he could, caressing the fabric as he did so. He took a step towards the door, intending to leave this room and all its ghosts behind, when he stepped on something that slid as he put his weight down.
Catching himself from falling, he looked at his feet and saw a cane. He moved his shoe off the wood and bent down to pick it up, recognizing it to be that old cane the Crocodile had once used to walk when the coward boarded his ship for the first time. He held it against the shawl that was also in his hand for a moment, considering all the possibilities that could have happened and didn’t, all the ways fate could have worked out differently for him.
Frustrated, he threw the cane away from him and turned to walk out. As he threw it, a shimmering came from the far corner of the room, catching his attention. The shimmering revealed a cabinet that extended from floor to ceiling. He stared in disbelief at it before his heart started racing. This was what he had been looking for!
He hurried to it and wrenched the doors open, seeing all kinds of magical items and whatnots. Books were stacked high in all areas, potion ingredients were stored three lines deep in bottles, with some already being completed. Magical objects filled the empty areas, and wands were held in stands. The magical items weren’t necessarily what he needed, but the books… the books might just be the missing link.
Hook tore through the books stacked high inside the cabinet, desperately searching for something that would help him piece together what had happened. He quickly discarded the ones that looked as if they were magical instruction books, having no interest in their contents. No, he was looking for something more personal.
Seeing nothing in the stack that could help him, he turned to the table, searching for any hidden compartments. Finding two, he tore open the drawers, the contents rattling as he jerked the drawers out, quills and empty ink bottles and other rubbish littering their insides. There was nothing that could even hint at the circumstances that finally resulted in the demon's demise.
He searched in this manner until he had combed through the entire room. If there had ever been any records, they had long since been hidden or destroyed. The fruitlessness of the search just made Hook more determined.
There had to be another room he had overlooked in this overgrown hunk of an imitation castle. Moving decisively towards the door, his hook got caught in a hole in a shelf of the cabinet in his haste. Hook yanked his hook out of the hole it had gotten lodged in, and the shelf came crashing, the contents falling to the floor in a great crash. Hook just managed to jump out of the way in time.
Hook scanned the rubbish, finding it absolutely ridiculous that Rumplestiltskin had never bothered to secure the blasted thing when it had borne all that weight when something caught his eye.
He scanned the back of the cabinet again, his brow furrowing in concentration. There! A glimmer!! He tilted his head this way and that as he tried to determine from where the glimmer had come. He noticed a notch from in between the wooden panels that covered the back of the shelf.
He put his hook into the notch, which was just big enough for the tip of his hook to lodge into, and pulled. The back panel was stubborn and didn’t come off. He sighed and maneuvered his hook deeper into the hole to provide himself with a bit more leverage. He wrapped his hand around his brace and pulled again, this time with all his strength.
The back panel came loose with a loud screech. It had detached just enough so he could see a small book inside. The cabinet must have had a false backing that only the crocodile would know about.
“Clever,” Hook muttered to himself as he reached in and clasped the book in his hand. Once he had pulled it out, he wiggled his hook out of the hole and set out to peruse the book. It had to contain something of importance if the Crocodile had gone to great lengths to keep it hidden.
He opened the book as he sank into a nearby chair that hadn’t toppled over in his haste to further ransack the room. Hook was pleased to find that it was a handwritten journal. He flipped through the pages slowly, finding a lot of drivel about magical experiments that didn’t interest Hook. Most of it was useless, but almost at the end of the journal, the writing changed. It was spiky, with very slanted words (a far different type of handwriting from Rumplestiltskin's scrawled handwriting).
The script made the document hard to read, so Hook skimmed the pages looking for any clues as to what had happened to the Crocodile (and most importantly, whom had killed him). He flipped through page after page, almost falling into a trance as he skimmed over the entry. Just when he thought the journal had nothing of importance, his eyes caught upon a very familiar name.
Hook’s heart skipped a beat. He read the sentence that contained her name but found it didn’t make sense in the context, so he backtracked until he fell upon a section that seemed to detail why her name was on the page.
As he read the entry, his blood began to boil.
It had been easy enough to convince Rumplestiltskin that the only way to satisfy his broken heart upon learning his once beloved wife had fallen in love with someone else was to rip out her heart and crush it. With this, I believe that Rumplestiltskin’s last dregs of humanity have been thoroughly eradicated. I have been successful in imprinting myself irrevocably within his soul. With his black heart now thoroughly darkened, he will have no hope of the use of Light Magic against me, that cursed abomination of a magical force.
I had thought seeing him abandon and break a deal with his son was the ultimate test of his loyalty to me, but his murder of Milah showed me the depths of depravity he is willing to sink to. It will be so much easier to twist and bend Rumplestiltskin’s actions to my will. It was amusing to see how little he resisted the urge once I placed the thought in his head to kill her. He almost seemed to welcome it.
I think the coward enjoyed the thrill of the power I wield over life. He will be much more pliant to fulfilling my desires, I think. After all, he will not want to give up the control over the magic I have given him easily. This just serves as further proof that humanity is corruptible and unworthy of the gifts they have been bestowed. They will all bow to me before it is over. I must make my own plans for that day. This vessel will not be able to support me for very long, and the time will eventually come to find another host.
Hook continued to read, but the rest of the passage detailed how it felt to crush a heart and the magic that had to go into the action. He felt sick the more he tried to read, and he closed the book in disgust. His heart lay in jagged pieces at his feet at the information he had sought and obtained.
Rumplestiltskin had merely been a pawn in Milah’s death. Oh, Hook didn’t doubt that Rumplestiltskin desired her death; by the end, the man had looked upon his estranged wife with hatred in his eyes. But to learn that Hook’s love had been killed because some demon had wanted it done to prove a point? That was like rubbing salt in an already festering and infected wound.
Hook grit his teeth. He snatched the journal up and tucked it into one of the hidden pockets in his leather duster. His revenge was still possible. All he had to do was find the demon that killed her and find a way to end its existence.
He threw open the door, hollering for Smee. His first mate came running.
“Tell me you’ve found something of value in this place,” Hook commanded.
Smee held up a dreamcatcher. “I found this. I think it could tell us who the next Dark One is!”
“What is it?” Hook asked, puzzled as to how such an object would be able to tell them anything.
“I don’t know what it’s called, but when I held it, I could see something. I think it might hold memories.” Smee held it out to his captain.
Hook took it in his hand, and once he touched it, images started to play out amongst the strings. It did look like memories. He watched as a pretty young girl, possibly mid to late twenties, approached the Dark One. Rumplestiltskin giggled, dismissing her, when she held out the dagger. He watched dispassionately as Rumple froze in disbelief. He watched the woman say something and then plunge the knife into Rumplestiltskin’s chest. He watched as oily tendrils of darkness began to ooze out of Rumpelstiltskin, making their way up the woman’s arms until it coated her in the substance. She disappeared, the knife disappearing along with her. Rumplestiltskin fell to the ground of his castle, obviously dead.
“Where did she disappear to?” Hook asked once the memories went black and the images reverted back to the strings once more.
“I don’t know, Captain. But I found this with it,” Smee said as he held up a giant black feather.
Hook took it, his brow furrowed in concentration. “Perhaps we can use this to find out.”
He turned and made his way back into the study where he had found the stash of potions. He went to the box and scanned its contents, pulling out a bottle once he had found what he was looking for. He uncorked it, Smee looking on, and poured its contents over the feather.
“Is that a locator spell?” Smee asked.
“I think so. It’s some kind of potion for it, at any rate.” He watched as the feather floated in the air before darting towards a ragged map of the Enchanted Forest that hung on the wall. It gouged itself into the map, and Hook and Smee hurried across the room to see where it was pointing.
“The North Mountains?” Smee read aloud.
“Aye,” Hook agreed. “That is our next destination. We must return to the ship at once.”
Smee nodded, and after a brief moment to figure out the exact location on the map the feather pointed to, the two men left the Dark One’s castle, never to step foot inside again.
After several days’ journey of riding hard and resting only when needed, Hook and Smee arrived back in the port town they had left the Jolly Roger moored at. After a quick replenishment of supplies, she set sail once more, this time to a village called Sapphire Springs in the Northern Kingdom.
Hartford was a quaint little village that had little to offer pirate crews, so Hook and his band rarely made port there. It was out of the way of the major shipping lanes, as it was the most remote village of the Northern Kingdom. Hook preferred doing most of his business at Glowerhaven and other larger ports where it was easier to blend in with the locals and visitors, but he had been to Sapphire Springs enough to know the lay of the land.
Hook and his crew sailed hard, avoiding most traffic in the shipping lanes. They stumbled upon a ship from Agrabah, and Hook gave the order to take it. He knew his crew would appreciate the opportunity to acquire jewels and riches when they hadn’t yet been able to take any ships since their permanent arrival back in the Enchanted Forest. The crew of the merchant ship were very amenable to surrender, and after a couple of hours, the Jolly Roger rode deeper in the water, her hull full of spices and jewels and Agrabahn wine. Hook allowed them to open a barrel, and the evening was spent toasting their success.
They made a quick stop at a port in Sherwood Forest to sell off the jewels and spices. Smee divided the spoils to the rest of the crew after selling off their wares. The crew didn’t dally long; Hook was in too much of a hurry to make it to the North Mountains to spend much time in port.
After selling off this particular haul, they set sail once more, making a beeline straight for Sappire Springs. Hook stood back, letting his crew do the sailing and navigating as they had been for centuries. He kept his eyes trained on the horizon as he came ever closer to fulfilling his destiny and achieving his happy ending (however miserable an end it may be). If he had any doubts about the dangers that lay before him, he didn’t express it.
Hook continued his vigilance until the sky turned to dusk and the night crew took over. He looked out over the water at the waves, felt the breeze on his face, and heaved a sigh. He turned and slid open the hatch to his cabin and descended the ladder, not noticing the giant black swan that swooped down from the clouds and glided over the ship for a brief moment before ascending once more into the clouds.
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donteattheappleshook · 7 months ago
Not Broken At All Chapter 17/?
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A season 1 Neverland AU. Emma is still trying to adjust to her new life as Sheriff of Storybrooke and mom to Henry, who still believes everyone in town is a fairytale creature. When she finds a badly beaten, one handed man while patrolling, she’s convinced he’s crazy. He is, after all, rambling about fairies and shadows and crocodiles. But when Henry is suddenly taken out the window of a house everyone believes is haunted, the madman in the hospital might be her only hope of getting her son back. Whether he likes it or not.
Rated E
Catch up on Ao3 (where my italics work) or on Tumblr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Thank you thank you thank you @the-darkdragonfly for helping me so much with this chapter I literally wrote at your kitchen table lol.
This one is a bit shorter because I had to move the last scene to the next chapter or it would have been like 10k long…. but hopefully that means chapter 18 is coming soon!
(at least you didn't have to wait a year for chapter 17?)
Part 17
Emma follows Killian’s eyes as they dart towards the ceiling, the deck above their heads. It’s dark out, but not the dark of night, the dark of an oncoming storm, that ominous, looming chill of electricity in the air, the waves lapping against the sides of the ship that rocks unsteadily against the threatening sea. A shiver runs down her spine. Whether Pan’s here or not - he’s fucking furious. 
There’s a knock on the door, Wendy not waiting for permission before pushing it open. “Is he here?” Killian asks, voice low. 
She shakes her head, holding a small, empty vial. “Not yet. But Ianeira sent a warning - he’s on his way and he’s not happy.” She looks out at the first heavy drops that land against the window like bullets. “Obviously.” 
“Get the boys below deck,” he orders, still not raising his voice above the rumble of the storm outside. “Scarlet,” he adds, the younger pirate leaning against the doorframe, “go wake the crew. Tell them to be ready for a fight.” 
“What are you going to do?” Wendy frowns like she already knows the answer. 
“Handle Pan.” 
“Absolutely not.” Emma answers at the same time as Wendy’s “like hell” rings through the air. “This was my idea. I’ll go deal with the consequences,” she insists, but her words are ignored as the two captains continue to argue. Will shoots her a sympathetic shrug from his place in the doorway. 
“We don’t have time to argue,” Killian finally snaps at his second, standing and grabbing Emma’s pants from where she hung them last night before tossing them to her. “Pan and his Lost Boys will be here any minute and we need to make sure the boys are hidden and the crew is ready to defend the Jolly.” 
“Is that an order, Captain?” Wendy asks, arms crossing over her chest and Killian stiffens. Emma didn’t miss the weight put behind the question.
“Cap-” he starts but she cuts him off.
“No. No more of this ‘I’m not the captain’ or two captains bullshit. If you’re going to pull rank and make me follow orders then you don’t get to decide you don’t want to be in charge anymore tomorrow. If this crew is going to put our lives on the line for your plan, and trust you to handle Pan, then you’re going to be the one to make the order. And if you die today -” Her harsh facade breaks just a fraction - “It won’t be because of something I could have stopped.” 
The room is silent as the two stare each other down, the rush and howls of the storm growing louder outside, growing closer as they remain locked in the standoff, Wendy’s ultimatum hanging between them. “Well?” she demands. 
He’s silent for another moment, but then he lets out a sigh. “Bring the boys below deck, make sure they don’t make a sound or Pan will remember that they’re here.” Another hesitation as neither she or Will move and his thumb runs over the ring on his finger. “That’s an order.” 
Wendy’s shoulders both straighten and sag at once as she shifts into her new role, her face blank, betraying nothing, but Emma knows. She can see the hurt and the fear, of his betrayal and of the danger he’s putting himself in as she nods. “Aye, Captain.” 
Killian flinches away from the title just the barest amount before she heads out of the room. 
“What are you gonna tell him?” Will glares at his usurping captain. 
Killian sighs. “I haven’t figured that part out yet.” He reaches for his shirt, pulling it on over his head and turning to find the man still there. “Go wake the crew,” he orders again and Will stares at him for a long moment before doing as he’s told. 
Emma watches him as he dresses, yanking her own pants on and rising from the bed, the buttons of his vest fastened methodically, one by one with practiced fingers before he dons his greatcoat. She realizes what she’s watching as he slides his sword into its sheath, secures it to his hip: a soldier dressing for battle, each piece of his armour clad carefully down to the expression he smooths over his face, the one that hides the man who’d let her in his bed and held her against the threat of the night behind a cold, heartless facade.
“Killian,” she starts, ready to fight him on this. Rescuing the boys was her decision. She’d made them do it. This should be her responsibility. Nobody else's lives should be on the line for her choices. A boom of thunder cuts her off before a flash of lightning brightens the room.
“He’s here,” Wendy tells them, stepping back into the room. Killian doesn’t confirm if his orders have been followed - he doesn’t need to. 
“Let me go,” Emma insists. “I can tell him it was my idea. I can -” 
“No.” They answer in unison and before she can protest a boom of thunder echoes above them and an angry, lilting voice calls out above them. 
“Thieves! Show yourselves!” The demand is followed by a roar of approval, small, young voices calling out in a battle cry she’s heard before. The room goes silent, tension in every line of her body and Killian’s. Wendy looks to her captain, waiting for orders, hands fisted like she’s trying not to barge up there herself. 
Emma sees the barest flash of fear in his gaze before he schools it and turns to her, leveling her with a hard, commanding look. 
“Go to the hold with the children. Promise me you’ll stay down there - that you won’t make a sound.” Emma glares at him, his face only inches away as he speaks so quietly she can barely hear him. He glares back just as defiantly. “Promise me, Swan.” She doesn’t answer. She’s not promising that. Not when it’s her fault Pan’s here and he could hurt them. “They need you. They trust you and they need to stay hidden. If Pan’s reminded they’re here… he might demand their lives in place of the dead we took.” 
Her glare deepens. “I know what you’re doing.” 
The corner of his mouth turns up just a fraction before he straightens it. “Then you should have no problem following through with it.” When her shoulders straighten his hand comes to her cheek. “We can’t risk Pan finding out about you - not while we don’t have a way of defeating him or saving Henry. You can’t protect anyone if you’re dead,” he adds, using her words against her now and her eyes narrow. “You can’t protect Henry if you’re dead.” That one hits hard and Emma knows he’s right - but she still doesn’t like it. She doesn’t want him dead either. 
Pan’s warning rings out again, harsher this time - ‘Come out and face me, coward!’ - and Killian’s shoulders tense. “Fine,” she concedes. “But if things go bad -”
“You’ll stay right here.” It’s a warning, and she almost wants to call him on it, to see what he really thinks he can do to her that’s worse than the situation they’re already in, but she bites her tongue. He takes her silence as the end of the discussion. “Darling,” he calls over his shoulder. “Bring her to the hold and then join me on deck - Darling,” he tries again when she doesn’t respond, but Wendy’s attention is focused outside the cabin, staring out down the hall, a frown starting to pull at her brow and Killian’s matches it. “Wendy?”
“Where’s Will?” 
“Will.” Her voice is low, far away but rising with tightly restrained panic. “He should be back by now. Where’s the crew?” 
As if on cue, a voice rings out loudly above them. “Pan! Two visits in as many days? To what do we owe the honour?” They rush to the stairs, crouched low looking out at where Will stands, alone, facing off against Pan. Fuck. Please don’t be an idiot. She can feel Wendy tense beside her and Killian reaches, grabbing his first mate’s arm. 
“Don’t,” he warns and Emma’s surprised to see her try to yank her arm free. But he holds firm. 
“Scarlet.” Pan sounds annoyed but intrigued nevertheless. “It’s been a long time.” He cocks his head, a small smirk on his childlike face. “You got old.”  
 “Go get the crew,” Killian orders, staring her down and not releasing her until the fight fades slightly from her eyes. He knows how much this must be killing her. “If there’s going to be a fight, we won’t be able to stop him alone. Bring them with you and meet me on deck.” 
Will baulks. “How dare you! I’ll have you know I’ve the complexion of a man less than half my age.” He brushes a hand over his scruffless cheek as if to prove it.
There’s still resistance in Wendy’s stance but she nods, dashing off towards the crew’s quarters. Killian turns to her. “Stay here. Don’t let the children leave the hull.” She can only nod, still watching as her new friend continues to bait Pan. “Bloody idiot,” Killian mutters under his breath.
Emma grabs his arm, halting him. She waits until his questioning gaze turns to her. “Be careful. Please.”
He watches her for a moment, eyes darting up to the deck, and then takes her hand, presses a kiss to the back of it and nods the voices above growing louder. He spares her one last glance before dashing up the stairs.
“Hook,” Pan says as soon as he reaches the bow of the ship. “There you are. I don’t like to be kept waiting.” 
“Apologies,” Killian offers with a small bow and a polite smile. “To what do we owe the pleasure?” 
“Where are my shadows?” 
“Your shadows? We don’t have any shadows here.” 
“Don’t lie,” Pan snaps and Emma flinches. “You stole eleven lost boys from me. Those were my lives - I won them fair and square. Give them back.” Emma half expects him to stomp his foot, but it’s then that she realizes that he can’t - because he’s not on the deck. He’s flying, or hovering a few feet above it. Wendy had said that Neverland’s magic couldn’t touch the Jolly - does that mean Pan can’t either? Can he not set foot onboard?
“They’re at the bottom of the sea, I’m afraid,” Killian tells him with a wince and she can see the rage building in the small boy.  
“Then I’ll take them from your crew. Eleven of them in exchange for the ones that you took.” Emma casts a glance back down the hall towards the hold where a dozen children hide. 
“No need for that,” Killian begins. “They aren’t to blame for this little misunderstanding. I’m sure we can find a solution where you get what you want that’s fair.” Pan hesitates at the word fair. He loves his games - he loves his rules. 
“Then who is to blame?” he demands. “Bring the thief forward so that he can be punished.”
“Unfortunately we-”
“I did it.” 
“Scarlet,” Wendy hisses in warning, but he’s already taking another step towards Pan. 
“It was my idea.” 
Pan glares. “Why?” 
There’s a pause and then Will smirks. “I just wanted to piss you off. For old time’s sake.” 
The boy’s anger shifts into something cruel and amused. “Well then, you can pay the price for old times sake. You remember how much fun my punishments can be,” he adds. She sees Will’s back go stiff right before Pan’s hand plunges deep into his chest and Emma has to cover her mouth with her hands to catch the scream that tries to escape. The crew stills, petrified. This isn’t the first time they’ve seen this happen.
“Wait!” Wendy shouts as Will lets out a groan of pain. Killian grabs her arm, silencing her and holding her in place. Pan ignores her, pulling his hand free, something bright and red and glowing held in his palm. That can’t be what she thinks it is. 
“Eleven lives,” he muses again, floating easily across the deck, thinking. He gives the thing a small squeeze and Will cries out falling to his knees. Pan smirks, he’s enjoying this, she can tell; he already knows what he wants to do and Emma’s nails dig into her palms, every bone in her body demanding she go up there and not let this happen. It should be her that pays the price. Not Will. 
His fingers tighten around it again and Will stops breathing, hand clutched to his chest where his heart should be until finally, Pan loosens his grip, looking at Will with his head cocked again. “You really did get old, Scarlet. But maybe not old enough…” He looks him over carefully, then the mass in his hand. “Eleven Lost Boy’s lives… so many years - But I think we can make it an even hundred. For old times sake?” he smirks. “That sounds fair,” he decides. “You can pay me back a hundred years.” 
When he squeezes the heart again, Will collapses onto the deck, bits of dust slipping from Pan’s fingers as the light flickers in and out and Emma can see Killian physically holding Wendy back now, knuckles white around the leather of her coat. Nobody breathes. The crew look like it’s taking everything they have not to run - either to Will or away from Pan. Instead they stand frozen. 
She counts the seconds as they go by. One. Two. Three. Four. Five… Will rasps out a strangled cry, fists balling against the wood planks of the deck. Six. Seven. Eight… She watches him grit his teeth, sweat beading along the back of his neck, fighting. Nine. Ten. Eleven…
When she reaches eleven, Will takes his first breath in what feels like hours, the light in Pan’s loosened grip smaller and dimmer but still glowing, still beating. 
“That should do it,” he smiles, returning Will’s heart to his chest.
Will gasps, settling his hand over it as if to feel the beat under it - make sure it’s really there. Then he frowns up at the boy. “Is… is that it?” 
“Scarlet.” It’s Killian who snaps this time. “Below deck. Now.” Emma can’t see the look Wendy gives him when Will defers to her, but it sends him to his feet and across the deck in a second, head bent low. 
“Emma,” he greets with all his usual bravado despite the raspiness of his breath when he finds her on the stairs. “Fancy seeing you here.” 
She punches him in the arm. Hard.  “What the hell is wrong with you?”
“That was so stupid! What the hell were you thinking?” 
Will shrugs. “I owed him one. And I’m not going to let Killian get one up on the galant gestures.” 
“Hook.” Pan says, drawing her attention away before she can hit Will again. “If your crew isn’t going to play fair then they won’t get to play with us anymore”
“I’ll get them in line,” he promises and she can hear the edge in his voice. 
“Good. Do you need a reminder of the rules? You were away for a long time…”
“I remember.” 
Pan nods, happy now - a child getting his way. “Good. Then the game can continue.” He turns, hovering over the railing of the ship and casting them one last glance as the threat of a storm begins to clear. “But no more chances,” he warns. Both Killian and Wendy nod solemnly before he flies off towards the beach. 
As soon as he’s gone, Wendy practically runs towards the cabin. “All of you,” Killian commands, drawing the crew’s attention away from their former captain. “Back to work. Now,” he snaps when they don’t obey immediately. They scatter, finding work to keep them busy. 
Emma has to jump out of the way as the other woman barrels down the stairs, grabbing Will by the shoulders. She turns him one way and then another, hands coming to his face as she does the same to his head, checking for injuries. Finally, her hand settles on his chest and Emma can tell she’s counting heartbeats. Will lets her, not resisting as she checks him for any sign of permanent damage. 
When she seems satisfied, she raises furious eyes to his, the hand at his chest fisting in his shirt and shoving him away from her. “Fuck you, Scarlet,” she bites out before storming off down the hall. 
Killian takes over, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. Will is less willing to let himself be manhandled by him though, shoving at his arm even as he holds firm. “Do you not know how to follow an order, mate?” 
“I’m not your mate,” he snaps back, more annoyed than angry. “And you’re not my Captain.” 
“And here I thought we were getting along,” Killian answers sarcastically. “And you don’t have to like it, but I am your Captain and if you do that to her again -”
“Like you did when you took off to find Henry?” 
“That was different. I did it to spare her the pain of losing someone she cares for.” 
“So did I. Do you really think Pan would have been so forgiving if you’d taken the blame? You’ve been gone a long time, Hook. You’re not his favourite playmate anymore.” 
“And you are?”
“I’m still alive aren’t I?” 
Killian scoffs. “You’ve lasted a decade. Speak to me when you survive a century.” 
“Well if we keep her alive we won’t have to,” Will snarks, nodding at Emma. 
“I wouldn’t have stuck my neck out for you if I didn’t think you were actually going to change things.” Emma doesn’t have an answer to that, the weight of his faith in her more than she can handle right now. “Don’t make me regret it, aye?” he winces, rubbing at his chest.
“What did he do to you?”
He gives a small shrug. “Crushed my heart. Wasn’t so bad, really - I’ve had worse.” 
“It’s a particular favourite of his,” Killian explains. 
“I’ve seen him do it to disobedient Lost Boys for hours - days once. He’s done it longer to me when I was his second. I’m surprised it was only…”
“Eleven seconds,” Emma supplies. The longest eleven seconds she can remember.
“Aye - I thought he’d be angrier.” 
“What did he mean by you paying him back a hundred years?” 
Will shrugs again. “Pan loves his riddles. I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough. I need to go find Wendy.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Killian warns and it almost sounds like a threat. 
Will scoffs, finally shoving his hand away. “Please. I’ve done stupider things than egg Pan on.”
“That doesn’t surprise me,” Killian rolls his eyes and Will glares at him before smirking.
“I’ve become very good at getting her to forgive me.” 
Emma wonders for a moment if she’s going to have to prevent a murder. “Get out of here before I get Pan to come back and crush your heart for good.” 
“What? I thought we were mates -”
“Go,” Emma tells him. Before Killian follows through on that promise. Thankfully, Will isn’t stupid enough to push him any further and does as he’s told. She puts a hand on Killian’s arm. “Just remember that he almost died today. Cut him a bit of slack.” He doesn’t seem convinced, continuing to glare after the younger man. “And he might have saved our lives. He definitely saved mine.” 
Killian scoffs, finally looking at her. “And he’ll never let us forget it.”
“So what’s next?” she asks, trying to distract him from his sort of daughter and her sort of boyfriend’s sort of love life. 
“We’ve got the lorelei, we’ve got Tinkerbell, we’ve got a ship full of Lost Boys and pirates, we kept him from getting any more shadows… what do we do now?”
“We figure out what Pan’s plan is.”
“Can we not just… kill him?” she knows they can’t - probably - but she’s pretty sure the idea hasn’t been thrown out there yet so it’s worth a shot. 
Killian shakes his head like she expected him to. “If we could, I’d have done it by now. I did once, when I first returned to Neverland after decades away. I ran him through with my sword trying to avenge my brother.” Her hand on his arm tightens without her meaning it to. “He pretended, made a whole show and lay there until I was sure he was dead - and then he started to laugh. Just another game - the first one I played with him even if I didn’t know it. He told me it was the only time he would let me win.”
“We’ll find a way.” 
He smiles at her, small and half-hearted but she believes him. “I’m sure you will.”
“Why do we have to do this?” one of the boys - Kyle, she thinks - complains, dropping the wooden sword to his side. It had been so strange and jarring to learn some of the Lost Boys names over the last few days. “ We have nothing to do but wait ,” Killian had said. “Tink has let the Constant know that we’re ready to meet with them and they’ll send word when they’ve decided if they’ll hear us out .” For some reason, the boys had all been like Wendy in her mind, born ‘ somewhere around the 1880s, I think, ’ or Will, who’d come to Neverland during the Blitz, using dreams to escape the nightmares of real life. But this new group of boys weren’t characters out of a book or an old black and white photo. 
“My mom named me after the guy in some robot movie that had just come out,” Kyle mentioned and it was a moment before it clicked. “The Terminator?!” He’d only shrugged. “That might’ve been it.” This boy was her age. He couldn’t have been born more than a couple of years after she was. Another boy’s tattered shirt had a faded image of Lilo and Stitch on it - he didn’t look more than twelve. These boys were just… kids. Regular kids like the ones she grew up with and the ones who lived in Storybrooke or Boston - boys like Henry. And now they were soldiers. 
“We have to do this,” Wendy answers, giving his fake sword a tap with her own so his arm straightens, “because everyone on this ship needs to be ready to defend her when the next raid happens - If you want to live until the next one.” 
“But we already know how to fight,” he whines. “We defeated you every time.” If Wendy’s upset at the casual mention of her crewmates being slaughtered, she doesn’t let it show. “I already know how to sword fight.” 
“Do you now?” Killian calls from the helm before she can answer. 
“Captain…” his first mate starts but he ignores her. He’s an imposing figure, clad in black leather with the metal of his hook gleaming in the sun and the weight of his sword heavy at his hip. As his footsteps echo across the deck as he makes his way over to where the boys had begun their training they all go silent. 
“Now now, Mr. Darling, if the boy thinks he’s beyond our instruction he should have the chance to prove himself.” He stops in front of the new recruit, drawing his sword in a slow, measured movement, the tip an inch from the kid’s nose and Emma panics for just a second that he might cut him down right there. But then he turns to Wendy, “Bosun, get this boy a real blade,” and she realizes he’s had exactly the effect he intended as everyone around him tenses. 
Wendy goes to fetch a weapon, shooting him the kind of eyeroll kids learn to make in front of adults without getting caught - one she knows very well.
“Think you can defeat me, boy?”
To his credit, Kyle straightens his shoulders, taking the offered sword and raising it to the Captain’s, ready for a fight. She thinks she might see the tiniest bit of approval beneath the scorn in Killian’s expression. The boy moves first, swinging at him with all his might as he deflects again and again. Killian’s toying with him - she knows he is. She saw Killian fight Will that first night on the Jolly. His blocks are too slow, letting the kid get within inches of hitting him. He doesn’t make a single attack, his feet unmoving and she’d think it was cruel if she didn’t understand why he was doing it. 
Finally, when the boy starts to sweat, she sees Killian shift, adjusting his stance as he swings at his opponent. The block comes almost too late, only stopped by the way Killian pulls back at the last moment. He does it again, and again, backing the boy across the deck with blow after blow. There’s no flourish to it, no showmanship, just skill and finesse and strength and speed.
The kid starts to panic, the attacks coming too fast and Emma holds back a gasp when Killian’s blade slices across Kyle’s forearm. After that, it’s easy for Killian to twist his blade out of the kid’s shocked hand with his own, his elbow coming up to knock the boy flat on his ass. By the time he looks up, nose bloody, eyes dazed and watery, Killian’s sword is pointed at his chest, his brow arched in a harsh challenge. 
“Please don’t kill me,” the boy says so quietly and so heartbreakingly that she thinks she sees Killian’s face soften just the barest amount before he takes a step back, dropping his sword. 
“Listen, all of you,” he booms, though every eye on the deck is already on him. “You’ve never defeated anyone. Until now you’ve been playing a game and the game has been rigged. And I’m sorry to say, you’re now on the losing team. The only thing that matters from this moment on is staying alive. And the only way to stay alive is being a skilled enough fighter - and knowing how to hold that skill back enough - that Pan will want to fight you again.”
 He lets this hang in the air for a moment, the boys’ faces showing different degrees of confusion and understanding and horror. “So all of you will follow Mr. Darling’s instructions and learn everything you can from him. You’ll fight to defend this ship, yourselves, and each other when the time comes because you’re part of my crew now.” He reaches a hook out to Kyle who sits cradling his nose and heaves the boy to his feet. “And we look after our own.” 
Killian looks at the boy who nods, message received loud and clear, before clapping him on the shoulder. “Scarlet, see that our newest crew member’s wounds are tended to. He put up quite the fight.” 
“Aye, Captain,” Will complies without argument or sarcasm and Killian must be as shocked as she is because he keeps his mouth shut. 
“Darling must have said something to him,” he tells her when Emma joins him, his sword sliding carefully back into its sheath as he watches Wendy continue her lesson. 
“Or maybe you just did.” Killian only looks at her, brow raised in disbelief before she gestures at the sword hanging at his belt. “So, come on, are you going to show me how to use this thing or not?”
His face splits into a shit-eating grin. “Ah, Swan, I’ve dreamed of the day that you’d ask me to show you how to handle my sword.”
“Do you want the good news or the bad news first?” Tinkerbell asks. She’d floated onto the ship that night, looking stronger than when Emma had last seen her - the few days with the Constant clearly having done her good. Her wings looked taller, fully unfurled, the crepe paper like skin no longer breakable and frail as they flutter behind her. 
“Is there good news?” Killian sighs, standing from his desk where he’d been looking over maps of the island while Emma asked him questions about them, how each was different based on when it was drawn, what Pan had changed, who he had brought. He seemed unbothered by the fairy magicking his window open and letting herself in. 
“They’ve agreed to meet with you. They haven’t agreed to help,” she clarifies when Killian looks surprised, “but they’ve agreed to hear you out.”
“And the bad news?” 
“They’ll only meet us in Echo Caves.”
Killian lets out a heavy, long suffering sigh, thumb brushing the inner corner of his brow, words dripping with sarcasm. “Wonderful. Did they happen to give a reason why?” 
“Something about making sure you can be trusted - some incident at skull rock?”
“It was a misunderstanding,” he mutters under his breath. 
“Really because the way I heard it -” 
“It’s fine. Tell them we agree to their terms. When do they expect us?”
“First light.” 
Killian nods. “We’ll be there. And Tink,” he adds when she turns to leave. “Thank you.” 
She sneers. “I’m not doing it for you.” And then she’s gone before he can say another word. 
“What’s Echo Caves?” Emma pulls her knees up to her chest where she’s perched on the desk after she’s sure the fairy’s out of earshot and Killian’s sagged back in his seat. 
“Another one of Neverland’s little delights,” he sighs again. “The magic of the cave compels you to share your deepest secret - whether or not you’re even aware of it.” 
“Have you gone before?” she asks. 
“Once.” His hand drifts up without her really noticing, fingers curling around her calf, thumb tracing over her shin and she thinks maybe it wasn’t a pleasant experience. “Pan wanted to test my loyalty.” She rests her chin on her knee, dreading what he may have had to confess to Pan to keep himself alive on this horrible island. He smiles up at her then, a put-on apathy. “Thankfully, I had many terrible deeds in my past to confess to.” He doesn’t give her a chance to say anything before he releases her and stands again - something dropped between them and something else put up. 
“Are you afraid?” 
Killian doesn’t look at her. “Always.” Her heart tightens. She understands - she’d only been here a few weeks and she’s been terrified every moment - apart from her brief experiment with fairy wine - centuries… she can’t imagine. “But not of the Constant. Tiger Lily may hold a grudge but they’ll do whatever’s best for this island, and so will their people. And I’ve no ill-intent towards them or love for Pan.” He looks at her then, pausing. “Are you?”
“Of having to spill my deepest secret to a bunch of strangers? No, why would I possibly be stressed about that?” she smirks half-heartedly. 
“Strangers?” Killian raises a brow, sliding back across the room and resting his hand and hook on the desk on either side of her. “You hurt me, Swan. I thought we were friends - acquaintances at least.” 
She shoves at his chest rolling her eyes and he smirks. “Usually a guy has to buy me dinner before he gets to hear the all sordid details of my past.” Or coffee in an empty theme park where a pretty smile and a well-placed sneak into his past makes her think she’s safe to reveal herself, to trust someone with all of it.
“Hey,” his thumb brushes over her knee as he tries to catch her gaze. “Where’d you go?”
Not anywhere he needs to know about - or anywhere she’d care to revisit. So she smiles at him, lets her foot brush against the side of his calf, teasing, distracting. “Just trying to figure out which of my deepest secrets are gonna come spilling out of me tomorrow.” He doesn’t believe her, his lie detector almost as good as her own, she's realized, but he doesn’t say anything about it. 
“Well you are a mystery, Swan,” he tells her with a half-hearted smirk. 
“Not for much longer, apparently.” 
Something shifts in the way he’s looking at her, sympathy or understanding as he cocks his head. “You know you don’t have to come if -” 
“I’m going.” 
Killian huffs a laugh. “Of course you are. Well if there’s anything you want to get off your chest without an audience, now’s the time.” His eyebrow quirks up in challenge. “Won’t be a secret anymore if you tell me.” She meets it. 
“What? Is one revelation about me not enough for you?”
Something shifts again, something heavier, her skin warm and humming with fear and anticipation as he looks at her the way he had when he’d been curled around her on the floor of the brig. His voice is lower when he speaks. “Perhaps I’d just like to know you, Swan.” 
She casts her eyes to the floor, his gaze too intense - always too intense - before setting the smirk that had fallen from her lips back in place. “You first.” 
“I’m an open book, love. Ask me anything you like.”
She has one question, one that’s been itching at the back of her mind since she’d seen the canvas of scars etched across his skin. “Who were you? Before you were here - before you were ‘Captain Hook’?”
His bravado falters for a moment. “I was many things. Son, brother, slave, sailor, lieutenant, captain, pirate, partner… None for very long.” He gives her another of those showy smirks. “It seems Hook is the only one that stuck.” Her heart breaks a little, so many loves lost and so many injustices done in such a short life. She thinks of the scars that had criss-crossed his back, that she’d asked about so casually then - slave he’d said - and she wishes she could do it over, pay both them and him the reverence they deserve. “What about you?” 
“What about me?”
His hand slides to her wrist, to the laces she’d tied there the first day she’d come back to the sheriff’s office alone. All of his things had been gone. Desk cleared out, jacket taken from the back of his chair, the few things he bothered to keep - a tacky ceramic wolf, a photo of him and some friends she never bothered to ask him about, even the bottle of whiskey he kept in his top drawer - had been ransacked. He had no family that she knew of - no family that could be found at all - and she’d just known that it was Regina. She’d come in and wiped every trace of Graham clean like he never existed - apart from a single pair of boots forgotten by the back door. 
“They belonged to someone I used to know.” 
“Someone you cared for?” 
“It doesn’t matter,” she shrugs. “He’s gone now.” 
“It mattered enough for you to keep a piece of him with you.” He fingers the laces again, focusing on them, not making her meet his eyes again. “I know what it is to lose the people that matter most.” 
Emma pulls her hand back, sliding them both behind her under the guise of leaning back on the desk and gives another dismissive shrug even as she can’t make herself look at him. “Yeah, well, when you grow up like I did you learn pretty quickly not to get attached.”
Thankfully, Killian knows how to take a hint, straightening and flashing her an off  grin. “If only we all possessed such a skill, Swan.” Then, pushing away from the desk,  “I best let the others know what awaits us all  tomorrow.” 
Emma swallows, this island has already taken so much from her - her son, her name, her memories - almost - her whole belief system… How much more can it really take? She doesn’t ask - not anymore as she slides into Killian’s bed instead of her own, and he doesn’t say anything as he joins her a few minutes later, just pulls her against him, breath warm and comforting against her cheek as they try to shut themselves off from the cries that ring out on the deck above them. 
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kmomof4 · 3 months ago
12 (Actually 13) Days of Captain Swan Fic Recs !!!
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And we are back with Day 5 of my 12 (Actually 13) Days of CS Fic Recs with another writer that I found in my very early days of fan fiction reading, @whimsicallyenchantedrose!! Jen is the absolute QUEEN of fluff and her fics are my go to when I need my spirits lifted.
She is also the final co-writer of our Girls Vacay Fics, so once again, those fics are at the top of my list of favorites of her fics!! And included in that series, is the fic she wrote last year for her travel companions bdays - mine, @jrob64, and @snowbellewells, then ending with her bday last April - The Girls' Trip Fairy Tale Ending - Rated T - Four fandom friends are nearing the end of their annual girls’ trip when they’re suddenly visited by Isaac, the author before Henry. He gives them an each a gift--an opportunity to jump into any scene in the storybook they want and fix it.
And boy did we ever fix those scenes!!! A&E REALLY should have hired us as writers for the show...
But now to the rest of Jen's fics that I've read multiple times over the years.
A Pirate's Christmas Carol - Rated G - CS Christmas Future Fic. With only a month to go before the birth of his and Emma Swan’s first baby, Killian begins to fear he doesn’t have what it takes to be a good father. Three ghosts—from Killian’s past, present and future help him see that he is ready for the adventure that is fatherhood.
The Girl That I Adore - Rated T - Emma wakes from a nightmare one night and finds her husband, Killian Jones, missing from their bed. Emma has a pretty good idea where to find him. Another beautiful blonde has captured his heart-and Emma couldn't be happier.
Until the Stars Are All Alight - Rated T - Written for CSSNS19. CS LOTR au: When Emma Swan steals a yellow Volkswagen Beetle, she has no idea it will lead her toward an adventure filled with danger and intrigue, sacrifice and a love stronger than anything she could imagine. Tasked with bringing the Savior home, the elf, Killian Jones of Misthaven travels to the Land Without Magic. Can he convince Emma to fulfill her destiny before the Dark One regains power and takes over all of the Enchanted Forest?
Under the Apple Tree - Rated T - An Outlaw Queen fic, Jen wrote this one during the summer between s6&7. This fic gave me my OQ happy ending, so it had to be included in the list.
After being hit by the Olympian Crystal, Robin is transported to Seattle, unable to return to any magical realm. When it becomes clear he has no way to return to his family, Robin finally decides to bury his broken heart in work–founding a landscaping business, Sherwood Forestry. Fifteen years later, Robin receives an order from the last person he ever thought he’d see again.
Taking Back Neverland - Rated T - Originally written as a part of Jen's Fluffy Fridays Collection, this fic takes the Neverland arc from the show and puts a FABULOUS twist on it!!
After actress Emma Swan's lead role in a popular TV show is at an end, she is offered the leading role in the Regina Mills film, Taking Back Neverland, a fresh retelling of the Peter Pan story. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity. Only problem? She'll be starring opposite Killian Jones, who she positively can't stand.
By Land or Sea Series - Rated T - A canon divergent series after 3x11.
A new villain has invaded the Enchanted Forest-the wicked witch of the west, but she is nothing but the lackey of a far greater evil. When Captain Hook hears of an ancient prophecy that details the defeat of the new villain, he knows the prophecy refers to him and Emma. Can he find Emma? Can he restore her memories and make her fall in love with him before it's too late?
And finally, as an Honorable Mention, I can't call Jen the Queen of Fluff and not mention her Fluffy Friday collection. Started as a way to combat the angst left by the s4 finale, the collection now stands at 176 chapters of the fluffiest fluff to ever fluff. I hope you enjoy all these! See you tomorrow for Day 6!!!
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spirits-of-nature16 · 2 years ago
Skyler Lightningmist (ageless Fairy and 19 year old Human)💨
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Other Names: Sky, Giant Flying Bug (by Dr. Facilier), Fairy Girl (by Ray)
Occupation: Third Background Singer, Keytarist, Understudy Performer, Element of Wind, Spirit of Trust, Earth Talent Fairy
Affiliations: Disney Fairies, The Enchanted Lilies, Heroines
Home: Neverland, Pixie Hollow (birthplace)
Friends: Karoline Swan, Mirage Dawood, Bella Carbone, Louisiana, Lucius, Tina Rose, Queen Clarion, Tinker Bell, Silvermist, Fawn, Rosetta, Iridessa, Vidia (briefly), Periwinkle, Terence, Bobble, Clank, Cheese the mouse
Enemies: Mystic Thorn, Captain Hook, Mr. Smee (sometimes), Pirates, Vidia (formerly)
Likes: the Human World, Royal people, Mythological Creatures and Monsters, Hanging out with her Neverland friends, good kids, learning
Dislikes: Non-Believers, Tinker Bell's temper, Peter Pan’s stubbornness, bad kids, water, hawk, the cold, being unaccepted
Powers and Abilities: Human size transformation, Light Glow magic, Kirin/Qilin transformation (coming soon)
Paraphernalia: Element of Wind gem on Floral Medallion, Bag of Pixie Dust, Earth Talent (unknown), Magic Wand, Keytar
Status: active
About: Skyler’s the back up performer (in case one’s sick, injured or unable to perform) and assistant for the Enchanted Lillies, before that, Skyler lived in Neverland (as a hand sized fairy named Skyler Lightningmist) until her Floral Medallion’s magic turned her into an actual human size to join Karoline Swan & leave Neverland, but still kept some photographic memories about her fairy friends, Peter Pan & the Lost Boys. she’s also a fan of Royalty along with Bella. {12 years Before The Enchanted Lilies} Skyler may have been the first and only pixie fairy with Earth Talent from other pixie fairies’ seasonal talents, and not every fairy can figure what she can do with it, so until further notice; they banish her from Pixie Hollow forever, but throughout the years of figuring out Skyler’s true power, she’s proud of it, if she can get a chance to prove them wrong. In her new human form, with her Wind medallion, she still has her pointy fairy ears, in which everyone might be at first mistaken her for an elf, but after she forms back into her true fairy self, nobody can even call her an elf anymore.
Height: Hand Sized (as a Fairy), 5’6” (as a Human)
Positive - Challenging, Cheerful, Cultured, Curious, Daring, Dramatic, Dynamic, Ebullient, Energetic, Enthusiastic, Exciting, Extraordinary, Fair, Fun-loving, Gentle, Gracious, Imaginative, Kind, Neat, Peaceful, Playful, Resourceful, Rustic, Seraphic, Steadfast and Vivacious
Neutral - Breezy, Cute, Droll, Freewheeling, High-spirited and Religious
Negative - Clumsy, Delicate, Dependent, Desperate, Disturbing, Fawning, Insecure, Meddlesome, Odd, Paranoid, Secretive, Shy, Suspicious, Troublesome and Unstable
Birthday; April 16th
0 notes
whimsicallyenchantedrose · 2 months ago
Christmas Reruns 2024–Day 21: Neverland Christmas
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Merry Christmas if you celebrate it and happy holidays if you don’t!  One of the things I love about Christmas is watching reruns of all the old classic Christmas movies–Christmas is a big time for nostalgia.  A few years ago, I decided to incorporate that tradition into my fandom life and post my CS holiday reruns.  So here you go!  Enough holiday (mostly) fluff to get you to New Year’s Day. (With a new story posting on Christmas Day.)
Word Count: 1712
Other chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
A Neverland Christmas
CS Genre: Neverland Canon Divergence
Emma tossed and turned, everything about this place uncomfortable--from the fact that there didn’t seem to be a single square inch of this damn jungle without a tree root or rock where she could lay her sleeping bag to the oppressive heat and humidity to the feeling of doom that seemed to hang heavily over everyone.
To the crying.
The crying was the worst.
Finally giving up, Emma got to her feet, looking in amazement at the rest of their group that were evidently sleeping like babies.  Did they not hear the crying?  O gods, what if Henry was one of the kids crying out there?  She had to get to him. She had to!
If only she had any idea where to start looking.
Hook was right; she knew it.  They needed to get their rest and not go off half-cocked when they had no idea where Pan was keeping Henry, but that didn’t make the sitting around and waiting any easier.
Moving as quietly as she could, Emma got to her feet and walked back to the beach.  It wasn’t far; she could still see their encampment if she looked closely enough, but it was far enough away from everyone that she felt safe letting the tears flow as she sat upon a log and looked out across the sea.
She had no idea how long she sat there crying, hating herself for the absolute failure she was as a mother, when suddenly she heard the crunching of footsteps against the forest underbrush.  Her heart pounded as she jumped to her feet, taking hold of the cutlass Hook had given her as she prepared to confront whatever or whoever was sneaking up on her.
“Easy Swan,” Hook said, stepping into view, hand and hook raised in surrender.
Emma sagged in relief...which quickly turned to frustration.  “What the hell are you doing skulking around the jungle, Hook?”
He took a seat on the log she’d recently vacated, and then patted the space next to him.  After shooting him a suspicious look, she took the seat he indicated.
“I could ask the same of you, Darling,” he said with a smirk.
She growled, in no mood for his nonsense.
He sighed, teasing grin sliding from his face to be replaced with sincerity.  “I heard you get up and leave the camp.  Swan it’s unwise to venture out alone on this bloody island.  You’ve no idea the dangers that are ever around you.”
The oppressive feeling settled in over her again.  Henry was out there, alone on this island full of dangers and psychotic teenagers.
“Your lad is resourceful, Swan,” Hook said, shooting her a sympathetic look.  “I’ve no doubt he’ll handle his challenges quite well until we’re able to rescue him.”
“How do you do that?” she asked with a scowl.  “How do you manage to know exactly what I’m thinking?”
“As I’ve said,” he answered, “you’re something of an open book.  Besides, I was a resident of this damned island for centuries, remember?  I know something of what you’re currently feeling.”
She felt the sharp sting of tears again, but with an effort she blinked them away.  It was one thing to lose it when she was alone, but crying in front of Captain Freaking Hook was not an option.
Wordlessly, he reached into his pocket, pulled out his flask and offered it to her.  She took it without comment, took a long swig and then handed it back.
“How is this thing always full?” she asked.
“One comes across all manner of wonders while plundering the realms, love,” he said.  “I obtained this on one of my conquests.  This flask has been imbued with an enchantment that ensures it never runs dry.”
“Happen to have another one of those on you?” she asked.  
He laughed. “I’m afraid not, but never fear, Swan.  You always have access to my flask.”
They fell into silence after that, both looking out at the waves.  Finally, Emma turned back to Hook.  “How can they sleep through the sound of the crying?”
“They don’t hear it,” Hook said simply.  “Only those who have been abandoned, those who have gone through their lives as lost boys or girls can hear the perpetual Neverland crying.”
“Great, so my issues make Neverland’s horrors even worse,” she said.
“Unfortunately that is correct, Love,” he said, his face a mask of sympathy.  “This place...it makes one relive their worst memories, it brings to mind one’s greatest insecurities, it steals joy and every bloody bit of light within the soul.”
“Hook?” she asked after another moment.
“Hmm?” he asked.
“How did you do it?  How did you survive this place for hundreds of years.”
He took his time answering.  “My hatred, my quest for vengeance sustained me through a lot of it,” he finally said, turning to look at her.  “But hatred is no real bulwark against despair.  I’d have gone mad, if I hadn’t found something else to sustain me.”
“And what was that?”
“There is always beauty to be found if one looks close enough,” he said, his look in her direction so intense that the blush rose to her cheeks. “And even in the worst of times there are happy memories that can be accessed.”
“What were some of the happy memories you accessed to help you through it?” she asked, before realizing how personal the question really was.  “Nevermind.  You don’t have to answer that if you don’t want to.”
“I don’t mind,” he shrugged.  “What sustained me?  Odd though it may sound, Christmas.”
“Christmas?” she asked.  “You guys celebrate Christmas in the Enchanted Forest?”
“Of course,” he said with a grin.  “I’d wager people throughout the realms celebrate Christmas.  On the nights when the oppressiveness of this place became too much, I’d think back to Christmases past, happy moments spent with my family.  My mother baking in the kitchen.  Liam challenging me to a snowball fight. It was always a magical time.”
“I didn’t have the kind of warm and fuzzy Christmases you see on the movies,” Emma said, taking another swig from his flask, “but I have to admit, it was one of my favorite times of the year.  People always tended to be generous toward the group homes around Christmastime.  What were some of your favorite Christmas traditions?”
He smiled, and the gesture made him look younger, almost boyish. “A few days before Christmas Mum always helped Liam and me construct the most magnificent gingerbread ships.”
“Ships?” she asked.  “You didn’t make houses?”
“Houses?  For a fine, strong sea-faring family like ours?  I think not.”
Emma grinned.  “I stand corrected.”
“Somehow, even in the worst of times I could recall those gingerbread ships--the fine sight they made, the delectable taste.  It reminded me that there was good, there was beauty, there was happiness out there once upon a time, and if it was out there once, it could be captured again.”
They continued talking for what felt like hours--although time was rather meaningless on this stupid island--swapping story after story of Christmases past, but finally Emma yawned, realizing she was finally sleepy.
“I guess we really should try to get some sleep,” she said.
“Aye, you’re right,” Hook said, getting to his feet and offering her his hand to help her do the same.
It was then that Emma realized she didn’t hear the crying anymore.  “Hey!  They’ve stopped!  The crying stopped.”
He smiled, a soft, genuine sight, and then shook his head.  “No, I’m afraid not,” he said.  “You’ve merely come to realize that you aren’t a lost girl all alone in the world anymore.  If there’s anything I’ve learned from you hero types, it’s that together, you always succeed in the end.  Emma, we will find your lad, and we will find a way to get him, and all the rest of your friends and family home.”
“Thanks, Hook,” she said, meaning it with her whole being.
New York, the next Christmastime, during the curse
Emma rolled her shoulders as she walked down the street on her way back to the apartment she shared with Henry.  It had been a long night, but in the end, she’d finally gotten her skip.  Everywhere she looked evidence of the season greeted her.
She supposed she should be happy--she was damn good at her job, she had a great home, a great kid, and she’d even started dating again.  Henry called Walsh her boyfriend, and while she wasn’t ready to put a label to it yet, she could potentially see something developing there.
She was happy.  She had a good life.
It’s just….well, sometimes, she couldn’t help but feel like there was something missing.  Sometimes she had this weird, almost deja-vu type feeling that there was something important, something vital that she was forgetting.  It was like one of those dreams where you remember the emotions of it after you wake, but hard as you try, you can never quite remember the details.
Emma walked past the bakery she and Henry went to every Sunday morning and peered inside.  The baker had placed a magnificent gingerbread house in the display window, decorated within an inch of its life with all manner of frosting and candies.
Henry and I should make a gingerbread house together, she thought to herself.  No, not a house.  A ship.  We should make a gingerbread ship.
Now where had that thought come from?  Who made gingerbread ships?
There was good, there was beauty, there was happiness out there once upon a time, and if it was out there once, it could be captured again.
She could almost hear a deep, British voice saying those words, and the feeling it evoked was--peace, peace and joy.
And there was something more, a feeling so deep and intense it almost scared her.
Emma shook her head, trying to dislodge the strange deja-vu.
Back to the issue at hand.  No, making a gingerbread ship might make no sense, but somehow it was right.  It was time she and Henry make a new tradition together.  Stepping into the bakery, Emma made her way to the counter, placing an order for several sheets of gingerbread.
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killiansprincss · 8 months ago
TIMELESS - a new Captain Swan AU Chapter 4/19
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SUMMARY : Season 3 divergence - When Zelenas time portal works, Henry wakes up alone in Storybrooke and must travel to the Enchanted Forest to get his family back. Only once he gets there he quickly realises its not like the one in his book, theres no Evil Queen and his mother Emma wasn't put through a wardrobe, theres even a poster inviting the entire kingdom to her engagement ball, to Hook. What will happen once Henry gets them to break this new curse and they get their memories back?
In which every chapter is inspired by a different Taylor Swift song.
Link to AO3
Your eyes whispered "have we met?"
Across the room your silhouette starts to make it's way to me
The playful conversation starts
Counter all your quick remarks, like passing notes in secrecy
And it was enchanting to meet you
All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you
Misthaven Kingdom, Enchanted Forest-5 years ago
Emma loved her life, she had two parents that loved her and a little brother that she adored. But as Crown Princess of Misthaven, it came with a few struggles, privacy for one was a luxury she didn’t have often with maids and servants at her every call. And being unmarried also meant her mother insisted on her meeting new suitors at every ball, and with many allies in other kingdoms, it meant a lot of royal balls.
“Are you ready yet Emma?” Emma hears her mother's voice from outside her door.
“Almost ready!” She calls back, it’s a complete lie, she’s not even started getting ready, she was watching the world go by outside her window, seeing everyone dressed up and excited to come to the ball. She wished she were one of those people, seeing the palace in all its glory for a special occasion, and not every day of her life.
“Ahem.” Emma turns from the window to see her mother standing with her arms crossed.
Emma gives her mother a coy smile, “I said almost ready.”
Snow rolls her eyes and pulls out the chair by the vanity for Emma to sit on. “What’s up with you lately? You’ve been distant.”
If she were being honest, Emma didn’t know. She felt lost, like there was something missing, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. “I’m just nervous, balls make me nervous meeting all these new people.” 
Grabbing the brush by her left, Snow begins brushing Emma’s hair, “well maybe tonight will be the night you meet somebody. It’ll be okay, your father and I are always around. Just don’t take Leo and sneak off into the kitchens.”
Emma sniggers at the memory, that ball in particular was incredibly boring, so she and her younger brother Leo snuck into the kitchens. It was great for them, they were both bored of dancing and the kitchens had amazing cake and cookies only baked for the balls. Their parents caught them though after a couple hours and they were in serious trouble, but it was worth it.
“I promise I’ll try and enjoy myself tonight mother.” Emma means it, as much as she hates these balls, she loves her parents and it’s their Anniversary ball.
Captain Hook was not a fan of Royal Balls. But the ball of Queen Snow and King David was a necessary evil to attend. The  jewels and gold in their palace were worth more than he could loot in 5 months. He’d been back from Neverland around a year and had since learnt 3 centuries had passed, his reputation lives on with new kingdoms to pillage and plunder.
This wasn’t his first time at a Royal Ball either, he knew the etiquette from his days with Liam in the Royal Navy. Whilst it was a long time ago, but the royal etiquette remained the same. You arrive and dance for a while before the royal family are introduced, then the young prince and princess dance first with a chosen suitor before everyone joins in the dancing and festivities. It was the perfect chance to sneak off and find the jewels. 
The music stops, and Hook looks over to the guards at the top of the stairs. This was the part where the Royal Family were announced, it had to be after everybody else had arrived,
“Presenting their Majesties, Queen Snow and King Consort David.” The squire announces as two people walk out onto the podium, they smile and wave at the crowd. Hook manoeuvres his way around the edges to get a closer vantage point of sneaking into the main hallway.
“And now presenting their Royal Highnesses; Prince Leopold, and Crown Princess Emma.”
A young lad, no older than 15 walks out first, no denying he’s the prince, as he is the spitting image of his father. And then the Princess walks out, she is much older than her brother, early 20s maybe, but again the image of their father, long blonde hair with white flowers to match her white dress. She was beautiful.
He had met Princess’ before, both in his days in the Navy, and during his pirate days,but none were as beautiful as the one standing in front of him. Something inside of him was pushing him towards her, telling him not to rush for the Jewels straight away.
He took another sip of whatever was in his goblet, nothing close to the Rum he has on the high seas, but he had to stay focused on the job at hand, getting side tracked by the pretty Princess was not part of the plan. 
He can’t help but keep his eyes on the Princes as she dances with her chosen suitor, she’s beautiful, a true vision of beauty. 
“I kindly ask you to stop Prince Lorcan.” He overhears her saying to her dance partner. He notices her struggling in his grip as if she’s trying to escape.
“May I have this dance, Princess?” He taps on the shoulder of her partner who reluctantly steps away.
“Thank you for saving me.” She whispers as she takes his arm in the dance.
“I can sense when a lady is in danger, some men need to learn the meaning of the word ‘no’.” 
“I warn you, I’m no good at dancing.” She admits.
He just smirks and tells her, “Well that's rule one, pick a partner who knows what he’s doing.”
At this moment he is just a handsome stranger who glides her around the ballroom floor. He was not lying, he knew how to dance, dancing was also something that hadn’t changed in 300 years.
“I truly despise these balls.” The Princess sighs as she lets him lead the waltz, a dance she favoured.
“What isn’t there to like, Princess? Free food, free drink, music and a whole crowd that worships you and your family.” He asks with a smirk, this was not part of his plan but dancing with the princess felt strangely right.
She laughs, “You just described exactly what I hate about them!” She turns to him, a blush creeping up on her cheecks as she looks into his eyes, “See that prince over there in the red?” He looks over to see a bumbling man stuffing his face with what appears to be olives. “He’s the prince of Ashbourne, our closest ally. My parents think I should marry him, they invite him to every ball thinking I’ll change my mind.”
She was a stubborn Princess, he liked that. “I take it royal suitors are not your thing?”
Emma smiles. “If I am going to marry, it’ll be for love. I can’t imagine it would be with someone my parents picked out for me.”
“I take it that’s rare for a Princess.” He doesn’t know why he engages in conversation with her, every logical part of his brain was telling him to find the treasure. But what if there was a different treasure to be found tonight?
“You know who I am. And yet I am clueless as to who you are.” She comments, he wanted to keep the conversation flowing, he liked talking to her, yet he needed to be wary in case he slipped up
“I know that you are a Princess and your name is Emma. I wouldn’t say I know who you are.” He replies as he spins her around.
“So mysterious. But I would like to know your name at least, and I can’t quite pinpoint your accent.” She was not going to drop this that much was clear.
Hook hesitates for a moment, debating whether to stay mysterious or to come up with an elaborate lie, he couldn’t exactly tell her the truth. “Charles, I come from the land of Arendelle.”
“Oh my father knows the Princess of Arendelle! How is the weather this time of year?”
“This time of year is lovely and warm. You should come visit sometime.”
He was thankful the conversation ended at that moment as one of Emma’s likely suitors tapped him on the back, asking politely to cut in. “It was lovely conversing with you Princess.”
Emma knew Charles, or whoever he was, was lying. She had a special skill to know when someone was lying to her, it worked with her brother, and it worked with this man. He hesitated when she asked for his name, and Arendelle was known for its cold weather this time of year.
She wished she could trip him up, call his bluff, but then of course Prince Rowan steps in asking for a dance. 
He dances nothing like her mysterious stranger, he trips over his own feet and steps on Emma's toes a lot. She looks over at her family, seeing her parents dancing together, and her little brother dancing with a red headed girl his age. 
“Prince Rowan, I am parched, would you go get some wine for us both?” Emma asks, knowing that the servants with the drinks are on the other side of the ballroom, and Emma’s secret corridor leading back to her room is behind her. This was her only chance to slip away unnoticed. 
“Of course! Of course! Give me a few moments and I shall be back!” The poor prince was far too eager, and went running off to grab another two glasses.
Emma backed away, slowly finding herself in the midst of the crowds before disappearing into the secret corridor behind the portrait of one of her ancestors. It was a passageway she and Leo found a few years ago, and it has been their way of escaping the balls, or any royal duties for that matter. Leo enjoyed the balls, but when talking to other kingdoms about finances, that was when it got boring. Unfortunately as the heir, Emma had to stay for those meetings. Luckily tonight there was no need to discuss politics, it was her parents anniversary. Nobody would notice if she slipped away for a few hours. These balls went on for far too long, she would come back and dance with one of her suitors, pleasing her mother incase she suspscted anything.
She was on her way to her chamber when she heard rustling and footsteps up ahead. Worried it may be one of the guards who will inevitably escort her back into the ball, she hides behind the nearest corner to see what was going on. The noise she realised was coming from the throne room, which nobody, even the guards shouldn’t be in during the ball.
Oh no. No. The mystery man was filling his pockets with their jewels. He was a thief
“Charles, was it?” Emma says as she approaches the doorway.
The mystery man turns around slowly to face her, “I can explain.”
Emma scoffs. “Can you explain how you disguise yourself as a prince, snuck into my castle, to my parents' ball without a legitimate invitation, distracted me long enough so you can sneak in and steal from us?”  
The stranger is lost for words. 
“You're a pirate.” It’s not a question, she can tell by his accent now, he was from all over, the way he danced, it wasn’t due to practise, only a thief could move so swiftly.
“That I am Princess. Now if you don’t mind, I’ll be heading off.” He’s quick on his feet as he prepares to climb the ledge leading to the open window. But Emma was faster.
Emma grabs the sword to her right, her father’s sword, and launches it above his head, perfect aim, perfect execution. He’s startled, and confused, which gives Emma the perfect amount of time to grab the dagger hidden inside her dress and shove the Pirate against the wall with the dagger at his throat. She had started carrying one on her person since one of the suitors attempted to take advantage of her once, thankfully her fist was stronger and knocked him out, but has carried a small dagger in case of emergency ever since,
The Pirate was in disbelief, clearly bewildered by the way a Princess was able to move as stealthily as he and had the courage and guts to go up against him.
“Return my jewels and be gone. Pirate.” She sneers still holding the dagger at his throat.
The Pirate just chuckles, “You are a feisty one, Princess.”
Suddenly the Pirate counteracts Emma’s movements, sweeping his leg unde hers causing her to stumble, losing her footing as well as her grip on the dagger and within a second he has her suddenly on her back, arms pinned down by her side. “You know there are much more enjoyable things I prefer to do with a woman on her back.”
He was really flirting with death right now. There was a gold box next to her head from his plundering, she pretends to struggle under his grip and manages to grab a ring box just within her grap, slowly bringing it up and hitting him over the head with it. “I win.”
The Pirate falls to the ground and Emma gets off the floor and composes herself before calling the guards to take him away.
“Ems please say you’re not sneaking out again. Mother and Father almost caught me in my lies last time!” Leo walks by Emma’s chamber seeing her getting changed into “commoner” clothes. Emma had been sneaking out of the castle at night for years, going to the tavern, pretending she isn’t a princess for a few short hours.
“I know I’m sorry but I’ll bring you back a beer!” She knew exactly how to tempt her brother, he was only 13 so it was easy to bribe him with alcohol as nobody at the balls would serve him.
Leo rolls his eyes, “Ugh fine. I’m going to bed though, I don’t want to be caught lying, mother will stop my archery lessons.”
“I love you little brother!” Emma kisses his cheek and opens up the doors to the balcony and begins her descent down the vines.
“Younger. Brother.” Leo sighs as he sees her wave when she’s safely on the ground.
And so Emma puts the hood of her cloak over her head and makes her way to the  to the local tavern, she climbs on her trusted steed, the one Leo had managed to acquire earlier and tie to the tree nearest her room.  It’s about a 20 minute ride, it takes longer to walk if she cannot acquire a horse for the night but Emma knows the schedules of the stable staff, she knows which ones will be on and off which night and the ones who are sloppier and wouldn’t notice a horse missing the next morning.
“Ems. The usual?” August, the barman who knows her secret asks.
Emma nods. August knew her before she was a princess, they were friends growing up, and he was once a puppet. They’ve kept each other’s secrets, and August let Emma hideout in his tavern when she needed to.
She sits in a corner and just watches the world go by in front of her. She longs for normality like the people she sees, but knows she can’t have it. One day she will be Queen, and if her parents have their way, married to one of her suitors. But she longed for the life where she wasn’t under a watchful eye, always making sure her hair and clothes were perfect before appearing in public spaces. Being careful what she says and to not get into any arguments or debates. She didn’t even have the freedom to eat and drink what she liked, only being served one glass of wine at every ball to make sure she would be in the right headspace. 
She started sneaking out 2 years ago. The first time she snuck out, it was to see if she could do it, to see if she could pretend to be normal for a few hours. It felt great, nobody recognised her, nobody looked in her direction unless serving her a drink. She could flirt with a handsome man and not be reprimanded. She was free. For the first time since becoming a Princess, she felt free.
“A woman as beautiful as you shouldn’t be drinking alone.” She hears a man's voice say. She smiles and looks up, but her smile quickly fades.
“You!” It was the damn pirate from the ball.
“Princess?” The pirate replies also recognising her.
“Say a word and I’ll end you,” she pulls a dagger out from under her cloak reminding him of what she can do with said weapon. “How did you get out of the dungeon anyway?”
The pirate sits down across from her. “Pirate, remember? I’ve gotten out of worse traps before.
Emma rolls her eyes at him, she doesn’t remember inviting him to sit down.
“You are a feisty one Princess.” He smirks, and Emma suddenly sees his right hand, or lack of it rather. In place of a hand, he has a hook. 
“Hook?” She whispers, almost to herself but he overhears.
“Ah so you’ve heard of me.” 
Indeed she has. Horrible stories, the most ruthless pirate in all the lands. She should be afraid, in fear of her life. But there’s something about him, something inside of her telling her not to be afraid.
“You seem to know my name and my story lass, and yet I know nothing of you. Unless you want me to call you ‘Princess’ all evening, but then someone may recognise Princess Emma.” He says the last part in a low whisper, checking to see if they had company listening in.
Emma had found herself in situations like this before, needing an alias in case the unthinkable happened, so she gives him the name she’d become accustomed to the past few years “call me Swan.”
“Well then Swan, don’t make a man drink alone.” He grabs the bottle of whiskey, or rum whatever it was and pours out two glasses.
“Fine. I’ll have one drink with you. But that is it. I don’t trust you” 
Hook smirks as he pours them a drink. “Ah but you don’t even know me. So tell me, what is a princess like yourself doing in a tavern amongst us peasants?” Hook asks as he takes a swing from his flask. 
“I wasn't always a Princess.” she decides to take a leap out of his book and not reveal everything about herself right away, he could easily betray her tomorrow morning.
“Well now I’m just more intrigued by you. Just who are you, Swan?” He looks at Emma as if trying to understand her story by the way she carries herself.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Emma teases. Emma had flirted with many random strangers in the tavern, it was nice to flirt with an attractive man of her choosing, someone her parents wanted her to marry. Whilst she had never flirted with a Pirate before, she didn’t see the harm, he was attractive, she danced with him at the ball for a reason. 
“Perhaps I would.” Hook says in a now husky voice as he pours the two of them more rum from the bottle he stole from a table nearby.
One drink slowly turns into two, then two into three. And so on. He’s easy to talk to, and a good listening ear. It was crazy to hear that he had been on so many adventures, gone months at sea not knowing where he was going until they blindly found land. 
“I’ve never left Misthaven.” She admits. All she wants is to explore the world, especially when she can barely leave her castle without sneaking out.
“Come aboard my ship lass and you can have all the adventures you want.” Hook had just just met this woman and yet there was something about her, it was like when he met Milah all those years ago, but this was different. So very different. 
Emma did not expect to enjoy her night of freedom in the company of a pirate and a thief. He was very handsome, there was a reason she danced with him at the ball. Talking to him came naturally, the most natural thing in the world and she wasn’t afraid of telling him her fears of being an unfit ruler. “As much as I would love to sail the world with you, I must return home before morning light or my parents will send a search party for me.”
“When can I see you again?” Hook felt strange asking this. Milah was the last woman he saw more than once, normally he would bed a woman and then move on to the next. Emma was different though, he felt the need to spend as much time as he could with her and the thought of not seeing her again didn’t feel right.
Emma smiles and all Hook wants to do is see her smile more. “I can come back to the tavern in three days time. But in two weeks my parents are travelling up to the northern kingdoms and I’ll be able to stay a while longer. You can show me your ship.” 
This was not what Emma had expected when she climbed out her window just a few hours ago. And neither realised how much would change after this night. 
This is me praying that this was the very first page
Not where the story line ends
My thoughts will echo your name, until I see you again
These are the words I held back, as I was leaving too soon
I was enchanted to meet you
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neverlandnewyear · 3 years ago
Captain Swan Neverland New Year 2022
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Banner made by @donteattheappleshook​
Can you believe we’re already looking at heading into 2022?? We can’t, so to make the transition easier, let's start up another round of Captain Swan Neverland New Year!
Captain Swan Neverland New Year is an event that lets us all relive the glory that was Captain Swan in Neverland. Whether you have a new idea for a story or piece of art, or you want to share something you’ve already created, anything Neverland focused is welcome in this event! 
Sign ups are open now until Friday, November 12th!
Expect your posting date by Monday, November 15th!
We are planning on having this event run for three weeks, with the possibility to expand based on interest!
If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to us! The mods for this event this year are @elizabeethan​, @donteattheappleshook​, @xhookswenchx​, and @the-darkdragonfly​!
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