#Darkness rewrite
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Fly With The Black Swan
Tagging the Usual Crew: @kmomof4 @xarandomdreamx @tiganasummertree @snowbellewells @sotangledupinit @zaharadessert @whimsicallyenchantedrose @deckerstarblanche
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Summary: Captain Hook has finally returned to the Enchanted Forest after an all-too-long stint in the Enchanted Forest, ready to get his revenge, only he’s too late. His Crocodile has been killed by another, but the demon partially responsible for his Milah’s death remains. He sets out, determined to kill the demon once and for all, but a life or death situation puts him right in the demon’s clutches. Reluctantly, he joins the new Dark One, finding himself falling for her against his will and his motivations change. Now, he needs to save this woman from the same demon that killed his first love, and he plans out a way to save her.
But the Darkness has plans of its own.
CSSNS ‘23 Entry. Based on the Sonata Arctica song “Fly With The Black Swan”
Note: I have no idea if this is going to post or not. I am currently in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico with crappy satellite internet and none of my other attempts have gone through. Seriously, I’ve tried it a million times by this point. Maybe this time is the charm? I guess we’ll see. If it does post, I will be editing this Saturday to clean it up when I get home.
The Jolly Roger landed hard in the ocean waters with a great splash that sent droplets of water into the air and on the deck, drenching most of her crew in the process. Captain Hook stood at the helm, seemingly unaffected by the wake, scanning the seas for any danger, always on his guard. He took a deep breath, turning his face up to the sun high in the sky, practically tasting the ocean on his tongue and thought, ‘This is what freedom smells like.’ The sails glittered with the remnants of the last vial of pixie dust he would ever have to use to get his ship airborne for a sojourn back to the Enchanted Forest again.
He had just spent countless years sailing the never ending circle of Neverland’s waters in the reluctant employ of a demon in a child’s body, never seeing the sun except for when he was Pan’s errand boy on a supply run back to the Enchanted Forest. His years under the deal with Pan were finally complete, and he felt that he had enough information to achieve his true mission: skinning his Crocodile.
Captain Hook stared at the cloudless sky, pondering his next steps as his first mate, William Smee, blundered about giving orders to the others. His crew scurried about letting out sails, hauling in lines, securing their goods, and generally making preparations to sail to the destination their captain ordered. Throughout the hustle and bustle, their captain stood stoic at the helm. He did not steer; his helmsman, Antonio Buckham, had the pleasure of directing the ship, and he stood with his hands tight on the wheel and his eyes on his captain’s profile, awaiting orders.
Hook’s forget-me-not blue eyes finally left the horizon and focused upon the map in front of him. If he had landed his ship in the location he had wanted, then he was just due south of Glowerhaven. This was a pirate-friendly port, and it was going to be the best place at which they could restock their supplies. He looked over at Buckham, who stood anticipating his orders.
“Make way to Glowerhaven,” Hook ordered, and Buckham nodded once.
“Aye, Captain,” he responded, turning to the rest of the crew before bellowing, “Make way to Glowerhaven!”
The crew repeated the order, and Buckham turned the wheel slightly as the others adjusted the sails. Through it all, Hook said nothing else, just watched the sea and the sky pass them by as they sailed towards their port of call. It was a sunny day with nary a cloud in the sky. A good wind at their backs filled the sails and carried them over the water so smoothly it was as if the ship was flying over the waves. All around the deck, his crew carried out their orders, bringing them into the port where they could find a tavern and food and relish their newfound freedom. Hook surveyed the work with disinterest, for so long as they arrived at their destination without issue, it did not matter to him how his crew did their jobs.
His cold, hard, forget-me-not blue eyes watched ahead of the bow as the land of the Enchanted Forest appeared in view. His jaw clenched at the sight. It was there that he would finally fulfill his life’s purpose. As the land grew closer and the short skyline of Glowerhaven became more distinct, he was filled with a sense that, at last, he was on the path for his vengeance. He was about to find his happy ending, however bittersweet it may be. A determined, almost manic glint filled his eyes, and his crew gave him side glances and moved away from him, hoping to avoid his ire, though he paid them no mind.
An hour later, The Jolly Roger had been docked into her berth, the crew had all left, and those tasked with her watch were settled in for a few hours. Hook was the last to leave, wanting to make sure everything was just so. He sauntered down the alleyways between buildings into a tavern at which he had long since been a patron. He knew that the last pieces of his plan could be crafted with information the owner likely had.
He opened the door and stepped inside, scanning the room for any potentially unsavory situations. The room was dimly lit and dirty, much like all portside taverns throughout the realms of the Enchanted Forest. Rough hewn tables of various sizes filled the room and stools of varying heights were haphazardly placed by each table. There weren’t many people occupying the tavern at this time of day, and so most of the tables were empty. His crew occupied a few, already having drinks and food delivered by several barmaids. The bar was manned by a lone attendant, and it was to her that he made his way.
He slid onto a stool at the bar in front of her with a beguiling grin on his face. The old woman scoffed and rolled her eyes, but she moved closer, grabbing a bottle of rum and a glass on her way.
“What are you scallywags doing here,” she demanded, plunking down the bottle and glass roughly. She looked over her glasses at Hook and stared him down, causing him to grin even wider.
“Is that any way to greet an old friend,” he responded, moving to open the bottle and pour himself a finger’s width of rum. He had no plans on getting drunk, but he wasn’t about to turn down the libation.
“You’re hardly a friend,” she retorted, causing him to laugh.
“A patron then,” he amended. “A well-paying patron.”
The woman surveyed him hard and then nodded. “What do you want, Hook?”
He shook his head slightly as he raised the glass to his lips and knocked back the measure of rum. “Many things,” he said, placing the glass back on the bar. “Mostly, I’d like information at the moment.”
The woman crossed her arms. “I ain’t got information.”
Hook smirked. “Come, now, Granny, you and I both know you’re the best there is at collecting information. And we both know how valuable I find it.”
He took out his coin purse and very deliberately counted out five doubloons. Granny watched him as he did so, quirking an eyebrow at him before sighing.
“You want to know about the Dark One’s movements,” she said, grabbing a second glass and pouring herself a measure of rum.
“Aye.” Hook eyed her with curiosity, as this was definitely out of the norm for their usual pattern of conversation.
Granny took a sip of her drink and met his eyes. “You’re a bit behind the times.”
“How so?” Hook questioned, leaning closer to the old woman, a frown on his face at Granny’s implication.
“The Dark One you chase is no longer the host of the Darkness. The host has changed,” Granny said bluntly, a strange look crossing her face.
Hook blinked as Granny fell silent, sipping her rum to allow him time to process her words. He didn’t move as he tasted the information on his lips, a horrible sensation of dread and despair filling him. His immediate instinct was to deny that it was possible, but he knew deep down that the woman’s look of despair and grief couldn’t be anything but real.
“Who is it now?” he asked, studying her face carefully, hoping to pick up on some nuance in her communication. He didn’t know what he was looking for exactly, but he felt disappointment all the same when he realize how upset she was.
Granny poured herself a bit more rum into the half-full glass and knocked back the entire thing in one swallow. Hook watched her dispassionately. She grimaced out of grief, and Hook realized this topic was a festering wound though he didn’t know why.
“I don’t know,” Granny denied, and Hook got the sense that she did indeed know but didn’t want to admit it.
Hook clenched his fist and narrowed his eyes. He felt a rage that he hadn’t felt since Rumplestiltskin had taken his hand and his love from him. All these years of seeking revenge, and for what? What was he left with now? He snarled at the thought of the Crocodile evading his hook another time.
Granny cleared her throat as she choked back tears, calling his attention back to her before he could fall any more into his anger. Her wet eyes shocked him out of his rage long enough to restore sense to his head. “You want any more than that, you’re out of luck. I know nothing else.”
Granny poured herself another shot and knocked it back. Once she had finished, she stood and moved down to another end of the bar without another word. Hook contemplated the bottle before deciding that today’s news had been bad enough. He poured himself a healthy measure and drained the glass. He glanced over to Smee and beckoned his head. Smee scrambled to his side, and when Smee was within earshot, he said, “Tomorrow we travel to the Dark One’s castle.”
Smee blinked before widening his eyes in fear. “To the Dark One’s castle?”
“Aye,” Hook responded. “There will be information there that we need.”
“But won’t he-“ Smee began but Hook cut him off.
“Apparently someone else got to the Crocodile before us. I want to know who and why.” Hook’s eyes hardened in resolve, and Smee gulped before nodding his head. “My best chance at getting answers is there.”
As Smee scrambled off back to the crew to pass the news around, Hook drank another healthy measure of rum, resigned to the situation at hand. This was merely a minor setback in his quest for revenge. He’d waited this long; he could bide his time a little longer.
The next morning dawned bright and cheerful, completely at odds with Hook’s mood. Hook had already left instructions to the next man in charge for getting supplies in his stead. He and Smee arranged for a couple of horses for the journey inland, and they made sure to have the necessary supplies for their journey.
The journey itself to the Dark One’s castle was mostly uneventful. Hook and Smee endeavored to find out all they could about the Dark One’s whereabouts, but no one wanted to talk. Either they didn’t know or they avoided the conversation once questions were asked and quickly hurried off on their way. Hook was quickly becoming vexed with the situation. He needed answers now.
“Don’t worry, Captain,” Smee attempted to reassure him after their latest fruitless encounter in a village just south of the Southern Kingdom’s borders. “We’ll find out more at the next inn.”
Hook just sighed in response. It would do no good taking his ire out on Smee. Not when the man was trying to help. Hook just nudged his horse forward into a trot.
“We can find out all we need once we reach the Dark One’s castle. Come and let us stop wasting time,” Hook replied.
Smee said nothing in response. Hook supposed it was because Smee could see just how fine the leash was on his temper. The two rode on in silence, crossing into the Moors kingdom just before nightfall. They stopped at an inn for the night, keeping their ears fruitlessly peeled for any hint of gossip. None could be heard that bore any importance for their quest.
The next morning’s travels brought about similar results. They crossed the small leg of the East Mountains and into Capetia at around noon. They stopped briefly at a tavern for food before moving on. The ride was boring, and Hook’s mind wandered as the horse trudged onward.
Just who had managed to get the best of the Crocodile? How had that happened? Would there even be anything of value at Rumplestiltskin’s old castle? Was all of this just Hook grasping at straws, unwilling to let a past wrong go, even after the culprit was long gone?
Hook didn’t think so, but he had been wrong before. He decided that the only way he was going to get answers was by raiding Rumplestiltskin’s castle. He could decide on the next course to set once he saw the state of things there.
They reached the edge of the Dark Forest that evening. He and Smee lit a fire for safety and camped under the stars. Neither spoke very much, for Hook was too deep in thought and Smee knew better than to push his Captain when the man was pensive like this. The night passed by uneventfully, and the next morning dawned bright.
A hard ride resulted in their arriving at the perimeter of the Dark One’s lands just after noon. They pulled their horses up short as they surveyed the imposing structure in the distance.
“So that’s the Dark One’s castle,” Smee muttered. “Do you think maybe he was compensating for something?”
Hook sniggered. “Most assuredly. We need to be cautious. If the rumors are false, and he is still alive, he won’t take kindly to seeing either of us.”
Smee nodded vigorously and they dismounted their horses. They tied the mounts off, leaving them plenty of slack to graze, and they slunk off in the direction of danger. They crept along in the surrounding woods, keeping their eyes peeled and their ears alert.
The woods were silent. It was eerie how no animals rustled in the undergrowth, how no birds tweeted in the trees above them. The closer they got to the castle, the quieter it got. Hook felt dizzy with how much he kept looking around them, just waiting for an ambush.
Finally they got close enough that the front doors were just in front of them. The castle had a derelict, abandoned feel. No smoke rose from the myriad chimneys; no movement could be detected behind the windows. The facade was covered in overrun ivies and weeds littered the overgrown lawn.
“Well, Captain, there might just be some truth to the rumors after all.”
Hook glanced at Smee. “It seems safe enough so far, but keep on your guard.”
Hook and Smee each grasped a door handle of the giant wooden doors and pulled with all their might, not noticing the wave of blue light that swept the yard as they did so. Slowly, creaking in protest the entire time, the doors gave away. Hook was just about to step inside the foyer when a fireball came soaring at them. Hook and Smee dove for the ground, managing to just narrowly avoid it. They watched as it flew into a tree and caught it on fire. The flames whooshed as it engulfed the large tree and devoured it until nothing but ash remained. They stared at it before looking at each other.
“Let’s hope that’s the only thing waiting for us,” Hook said. Smee chuckled nervously and they both scrambled up into standing positions. They glanced at the opening, but nothing else seemed to be waiting.
“Shall we try this again, sir,” Smee asked uncertainly.
Hook nodded once. “Without the fireballs, preferably.”
They crept through the arched doorway, sticking to the sides, but nothing else happened. The foyer beyond was dark and cold. It gave off a chilling air of abandonment. Hook and Smee exchanged looks.
“Shall we split up sir? Cover more ground that way,” Smee offered as he shrugged.
Hook considered his first mate for a moment, eyebrow tilting up a bit. On the one hand, splitting up could be a trap, but on the other, they waste valuable time searching together.
Hook nodded once. “Yell if you find anything.”
“Aye, aye,” replied Smee before heading to the rooms on the left. Hook decided to go up the grand staircase that lay in waiting just in front of him.
He walked up the steps one at a time, slowly prowling forward, always expecting another type of security measure. Nothing happened.
The lack of reaction set him on edge even more than he had been before entering the abandoned building. He expected Rumplestiltskin’s slimy high pitched giggle to sound behind him at any moment. As the minutes dragged on, he became even more unnerved at the lack of the coward’s appearance.
He stepped onto the next floor and looked around him. The second floor had the same derelict feel as the downstairs. There was no sign of anyone’s inhabitance. He crept forward, resting his palm in the jolt of his sword, keeping his hook at the ready. The first room he came to was some sort of guest room, but for whom, Hook couldn’t begin to say. He didn’t believe the Crocodile had many guests. The imp hadn’t been known for his hospitality, after all. He searched the room, but nothing was there besides tacky furniture and dusty bedclothes. Hook left the room as quickly as he entered it.
The silence in this place was eerie. It set his teeth on edge, and he clenched his jaw out of tension. He crept down the hallway, forgoing searching other countless bedchambers. The stench of Dark magic hung in the air, cloying and sickening. The further down the hall he traveled, the more palpable the magic became.
He went up another staircase, choosing to follow the feeling of the magic instead of investigating every room. Hook figured the odds of finding something were better if he traced the magic. He hadn’t felt this kind of sensation, this tingling numbness, since the Crocodile had been on the deck of his ship, changing Hook’s life forever.
He followed the tingle of the magic until he arrived in front of what appeared to be a private study. He opened the double doors and walked into a large room. A giant table occupied the center of the room, and display cases that had once held whatever objects Rumplestiltskin deemed important surrounded the table. The room had been decorated in rich shades of red and gold, but now a thick layer of dust covered everything.
The room looked as if it had been ransacked by looters at some undetermined point. Hook breathed a heavy sigh. This beyond anything else convinced him that the Crocodile was gone. Looters wouldn’t have been able to mauraud this castle if Rumplestiltskin had still been alive. Hook felt a dull sensation curdle in his stomach that he belatedly recognized was disappointment.
Discouraged, he wandered into the room, no less on his guard than before, but no longer expecting his mortal enemy to appear before him sniggering with twisted glee. He rummaged through the detritus, looking for something but not knowing what it was. After shuffling a few plates around, he saw a brown piece of fabric, dirtied with age and a few dried blood stains. He frowned and picked it up, his heart sinking even lower in his chest.
He knew those stitches.
He stood and shook the fabric out, using his hook to help fan it out to make sure that it was what he thought it was. He smiled a grim smile at the confirmation. It was a shawl. He recognized the handiwork as Milah’s, and he suddenly felt like crying. It must have belonged to Bae.
He swallowed and cleared his throat, hoping to drown the burning sensation, and rapidly tried to blink tears away. He folded it as carefully as he could, caressing the fabric as he did so. He took a step towards the door, intending to leave this room and all its ghosts behind, when he stepped on something that slid as he put his weight down.
Catching himself from falling, he looked at his feet and saw a cane. He moved his shoe off the wood and bent down to pick it up, recognizing it to be that old cane the Crocodile had once used to walk when the coward boarded his ship for the first time. He held it against the shawl that was also in his hand for a moment, considering all the possibilities that could have happened and didn’t, all the ways fate could have worked out differently for him.
Frustrated, he threw the cane away from him and turned to walk out. As he threw it, a shimmering came from the far corner of the room, catching his attention. The shimmering revealed a cabinet that extended from floor to ceiling. He stared in disbelief at it before his heart started racing. This was what he had been looking for!
He hurried to it and wrenched the doors open, seeing all kinds of magical items and whatnots. Books were stacked high in all areas, potion ingredients were stored three lines deep in bottles, with some already being completed. Magical objects filled the empty areas, and wands were held in stands. The magical items weren’t necessarily what he needed, but the books… the books might just be the missing link.
Hook tore through the books stacked high inside the cabinet, desperately searching for something that would help him piece together what had happened. He quickly discarded the ones that looked as if they were magical instruction books, having no interest in their contents. No, he was looking for something more personal.
Seeing nothing in the stack that could help him, he turned to the table, searching for any hidden compartments. Finding two, he tore open the drawers, the contents rattling as he jerked the drawers out, quills and empty ink bottles and other rubbish littering their insides. There was nothing that could even hint at the circumstances that finally resulted in the demon's demise.
He searched in this manner until he had combed through the entire room. If there had ever been any records, they had long since been hidden or destroyed. The fruitlessness of the search just made Hook more determined.
There had to be another room he had overlooked in this overgrown hunk of an imitation castle. Moving decisively towards the door, his hook got caught in a hole in a shelf of the cabinet in his haste. Hook yanked his hook out of the hole it had gotten lodged in, and the shelf came crashing, the contents falling to the floor in a great crash. Hook just managed to jump out of the way in time.
Hook scanned the rubbish, finding it absolutely ridiculous that Rumplestiltskin had never bothered to secure the blasted thing when it had borne all that weight when something caught his eye.
He scanned the back of the cabinet again, his brow furrowing in concentration. There! A glimmer!! He tilted his head this way and that as he tried to determine from where the glimmer had come. He noticed a notch from in between the wooden panels that covered the back of the shelf.
He put his hook into the notch, which was just big enough for the tip of his hook to lodge into, and pulled. The back panel was stubborn and didn’t come off. He sighed and maneuvered his hook deeper into the hole to provide himself with a bit more leverage. He wrapped his hand around his brace and pulled again, this time with all his strength.
The back panel came loose with a loud screech. It had detached just enough so he could see a small book inside. The cabinet must have had a false backing that only the crocodile would know about.
“Clever,” Hook muttered to himself as he reached in and clasped the book in his hand. Once he had pulled it out, he wiggled his hook out of the hole and set out to peruse the book. It had to contain something of importance if the Crocodile had gone to great lengths to keep it hidden.
He opened the book as he sank into a nearby chair that hadn’t toppled over in his haste to further ransack the room. Hook was pleased to find that it was a handwritten journal. He flipped through the pages slowly, finding a lot of drivel about magical experiments that didn’t interest Hook. Most of it was useless, but almost at the end of the journal, the writing changed. It was spiky, with very slanted words (a far different type of handwriting from Rumplestiltskin's scrawled handwriting).
The script made the document hard to read, so Hook skimmed the pages looking for any clues as to what had happened to the Crocodile (and most importantly, whom had killed him). He flipped through page after page, almost falling into a trance as he skimmed over the entry. Just when he thought the journal had nothing of importance, his eyes caught upon a very familiar name.
Hook’s heart skipped a beat. He read the sentence that contained her name but found it didn’t make sense in the context, so he backtracked until he fell upon a section that seemed to detail why her name was on the page.
As he read the entry, his blood began to boil.
It had been easy enough to convince Rumplestiltskin that the only way to satisfy his broken heart upon learning his once beloved wife had fallen in love with someone else was to rip out her heart and crush it. With this, I believe that Rumplestiltskin’s last dregs of humanity have been thoroughly eradicated. I have been successful in imprinting myself irrevocably within his soul. With his black heart now thoroughly darkened, he will have no hope of the use of Light Magic against me, that cursed abomination of a magical force.
I had thought seeing him abandon and break a deal with his son was the ultimate test of his loyalty to me, but his murder of Milah showed me the depths of depravity he is willing to sink to. It will be so much easier to twist and bend Rumplestiltskin’s actions to my will. It was amusing to see how little he resisted the urge once I placed the thought in his head to kill her. He almost seemed to welcome it.
I think the coward enjoyed the thrill of the power I wield over life. He will be much more pliant to fulfilling my desires, I think. After all, he will not want to give up the control over the magic I have given him easily. This just serves as further proof that humanity is corruptible and unworthy of the gifts they have been bestowed. They will all bow to me before it is over. I must make my own plans for that day. This vessel will not be able to support me for very long, and the time will eventually come to find another host.
Hook continued to read, but the rest of the passage detailed how it felt to crush a heart and the magic that had to go into the action. He felt sick the more he tried to read, and he closed the book in disgust. His heart lay in jagged pieces at his feet at the information he had sought and obtained.
Rumplestiltskin had merely been a pawn in Milah’s death. Oh, Hook didn’t doubt that Rumplestiltskin desired her death; by the end, the man had looked upon his estranged wife with hatred in his eyes. But to learn that Hook’s love had been killed because some demon had wanted it done to prove a point? That was like rubbing salt in an already festering and infected wound.
Hook grit his teeth. He snatched the journal up and tucked it into one of the hidden pockets in his leather duster. His revenge was still possible. All he had to do was find the demon that killed her and find a way to end its existence.
He threw open the door, hollering for Smee. His first mate came running.
“Tell me you’ve found something of value in this place,” Hook commanded.
Smee held up a dreamcatcher. “I found this. I think it could tell us who the next Dark One is!”
“What is it?” Hook asked, puzzled as to how such an object would be able to tell them anything.
“I don’t know what it’s called, but when I held it, I could see something. I think it might hold memories.” Smee held it out to his captain.
Hook took it in his hand, and once he touched it, images started to play out amongst the strings. It did look like memories. He watched as a pretty young girl, possibly mid to late twenties, approached the Dark One. Rumplestiltskin giggled, dismissing her, when she held out the dagger. He watched dispassionately as Rumple froze in disbelief. He watched the woman say something and then plunge the knife into Rumplestiltskin’s chest. He watched as oily tendrils of darkness began to ooze out of Rumpelstiltskin, making their way up the woman’s arms until it coated her in the substance. She disappeared, the knife disappearing along with her. Rumplestiltskin fell to the ground of his castle, obviously dead.
“Where did she disappear to?” Hook asked once the memories went black and the images reverted back to the strings once more.
“I don’t know, Captain. But I found this with it,” Smee said as he held up a giant black feather.
Hook took it, his brow furrowed in concentration. “Perhaps we can use this to find out.”
He turned and made his way back into the study where he had found the stash of potions. He went to the box and scanned its contents, pulling out a bottle once he had found what he was looking for. He uncorked it, Smee looking on, and poured its contents over the feather.
“Is that a locator spell?” Smee asked.
“I think so. It’s some kind of potion for it, at any rate.” He watched as the feather floated in the air before darting towards a ragged map of the Enchanted Forest that hung on the wall. It gouged itself into the map, and Hook and Smee hurried across the room to see where it was pointing.
“The North Mountains?” Smee read aloud.
“Aye,” Hook agreed. “That is our next destination. We must return to the ship at once.”
Smee nodded, and after a brief moment to figure out the exact location on the map the feather pointed to, the two men left the Dark One’s castle, never to step foot inside again.
After several days’ journey of riding hard and resting only when needed, Hook and Smee arrived back in the port town they had left the Jolly Roger moored at. After a quick replenishment of supplies, she set sail once more, this time to a village called Sapphire Springs in the Northern Kingdom.
Hartford was a quaint little village that had little to offer pirate crews, so Hook and his band rarely made port there. It was out of the way of the major shipping lanes, as it was the most remote village of the Northern Kingdom. Hook preferred doing most of his business at Glowerhaven and other larger ports where it was easier to blend in with the locals and visitors, but he had been to Sapphire Springs enough to know the lay of the land.
Hook and his crew sailed hard, avoiding most traffic in the shipping lanes. They stumbled upon a ship from Agrabah, and Hook gave the order to take it. He knew his crew would appreciate the opportunity to acquire jewels and riches when they hadn’t yet been able to take any ships since their permanent arrival back in the Enchanted Forest. The crew of the merchant ship were very amenable to surrender, and after a couple of hours, the Jolly Roger rode deeper in the water, her hull full of spices and jewels and Agrabahn wine. Hook allowed them to open a barrel, and the evening was spent toasting their success.
They made a quick stop at a port in Sherwood Forest to sell off the jewels and spices. Smee divided the spoils to the rest of the crew after selling off their wares. The crew didn’t dally long; Hook was in too much of a hurry to make it to the North Mountains to spend much time in port.
After selling off this particular haul, they set sail once more, making a beeline straight for Sappire Springs. Hook stood back, letting his crew do the sailing and navigating as they had been for centuries. He kept his eyes trained on the horizon as he came ever closer to fulfilling his destiny and achieving his happy ending (however miserable an end it may be). If he had any doubts about the dangers that lay before him, he didn’t express it.
Hook continued his vigilance until the sky turned to dusk and the night crew took over. He looked out over the water at the waves, felt the breeze on his face, and heaved a sigh. He turned and slid open the hatch to his cabin and descended the ladder, not noticing the giant black swan that swooped down from the clouds and glided over the ship for a brief moment before ascending once more into the clouds.
#CSSNS ‘23#killian jones#captain swan#once upon a time#emma swan#ouat#captain hook#cs ff#anmylica writes#Darkness rewrite#Based on the Sonata Arctica song of the same name
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me and the girls they told me not to worry about…
#vera.txt#cookie run#veras cookie run rewrite#cookie run fanart#cookie run kingdom#my art#veras pastry dash#white lily cookie#dark cacao cookie#pure vanilla cookie#golden cheese cookie#burning spice cookie#eternal sugar cookie#shadow milk cookie#hollyberry cookie#mystic flour cookie#silent salt cookie
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~{ Heyyy, so I’ll gonna be busy for a bit so this should hold you feral gremlins off for a bit so I don’t have you all on the edge of my woods with fire and pitchforks, soo hope you like }~
•The Dancer•

So when John Constantine walked into the house of mysterious only to see the FUCKING embodiment of time itself which is known to almost never bring good news [and who he has has had a few “one night” stands with, even if said “one night” lasted like a month with no change in the outside world] so John is internally freaking out inside.
And that’s when Clockwork turns to him and floats over to him until he’s in front of John and he says in his old and ethereal voice.
“Hello Constantine” Clockwork says and John feels like the pit in his stomach has grown into a cavern by what the embodiment of time may want from himso john turns his charm up to a fucking 11.
“Hello to you Clockwork, may this be a house visit maybe we could start where we ended last time~” John says in a flirty tone but in his voice in a underlying nervousness that he knows Clockwork can hear.
That’s when he hears Clockwork chuckle and responds with “Fear not, John I do not carry misfortune with my visit”The Ancient of time says with an air of amusement and mirth in his eyes as he looks at John. “Than why the sudden visit?” John ask still with a bit of a flirty undertone in his voice, look his not taking ANY chances with Clockwork anytime soon.
“The introduction of new Prince of death is in the coming days and you are in attendance” Clockwork says with finality that told john that he didn’t have a chance in the matter of his attendance and before John can say anything back Clockwork says “I will summon you when it is time, be prepared.”.
And he’s gone back to wherever Clockwork goes to do his job and John is just relieved there was no bad news for the world but then John realizes what clockwork said.
After a bit the ghost side of Danny’s (half)life has chilled out with him and the other ghost coming to an agreement for them to leave amity Park alone and Danny will go to The Ghost Zone three times a week to make sure he stays healthy and to hang out with them.
And turns out the observers wanted more power around a few thousand years back and used their influence and power to turn Pariah Dark insane and put him in the nap-time box so they could rule The Ghost Zone so Danny beat their collective asses and help Pariah Dark chill TF out so he’s back to normal and over this time has grown close with Danny and has come to think of him as a son so there chill.
Oh and don’t worry Pariah Dark also beat the ever loving shit out of the observers for turning him insane and turning him into a tyrant
But for the human side of Danny’s life has become more dangerous for Danny.
The G.I.W and his parents have somehow managed to get ahold [ VLAD ] of blood blossoms and turning their weapons more and more deadly for him and with Jazz off to college and Tucker, Sam having their own things. Danny is not having a good time and he talks about his concerns for his safety with Pariah Dark and he suggest that Danny moves over to the ghost zone full time as it is too dangerous with the blood blossom weapons and it’s not like the Fentons will notice him missing.
So Danny grabs his things and moves to the ghost zone full time and as he’s basically Pariah Dark’s ghost son at this point he is welcomed as the new prince so he’s just been hanging around the ghost zone for awhile [3 months].
And in this time Danny picked up dancing from a new friend of his who in her life was called..what was it again, oh yeah a gypsy! And she taught him how to dance and it has been affecting his ghost form so that’s fun and after he was found dancing in the gardens.
He had earned the nickname “The Dancing Prince”
Danny’s dancing wear-



[ He likes to dress in more airy clothes when he’s dancing and the hair the accessories for when he’s dancing was given to him by his new friend ]
Danny’s normal wear-


[ Danny’s hair grew out a bit so when he’s not dancing he just holds it up with ribbons]
+ Danny has jewelry but I can’t find any good ones so that really up to you gremlins

~{ And that’s it! Hope this holds you guys off for a bit and the new friend I mentioned is mostly based off one of my OCs so just a random thing and if you gremlins like this I’ll probably add more but anyways byeeee }~
#dc x dp#that weird thing in the woods#dp x dc#dc x dp crossover#danny phantom#dc x dp prompt#that-weird-thing-in-the-woods#dc x dp fic#dc x dp fanfiction#dcxdp#dc x dp au#dp x dc prompt#dp x dc crossover#I had to rewrite the first part of this >:(#redeemed pariah dark#dad pariah dark#He adores his dancing son :)#John X Clockwork ?!?!?!?!?#john constantine#dpxdc#dp x dc au#danny au#dp x dc misunderstandings#dc x dp misunderstandings#misunderstandings#danny fenton#John is like 70% sure the ghost just kidnapped a human kid and turned him into a ghost when he meets Danny#The Dancing Death Prince AU#Clockwork like that one weird but super supportive uncle that comes and goes and your pretty sure has gone to prison at least once#dp x dc fanfic
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tw: dubcon
incel!rafe does not know how to fuck. instead he spends hours daily locked up in his room, heedlessly fisting his cock in his saliva slicked palm. jerking off to a myriad of perverted porn videos with even grosser titles — ‘stepbrother finds out his little sister is a slut for family cock' / ‘big titty milf squirts on young neighbours bwc’ / ‘barely legal teen takes it all ( 1 woman, 4 men )’
the videos were entirely curated, page after page of the most crass verbs in the english dictionary coupled with even more vulgar thumbnails, and rafe starts to think he can learn from them.
unfortunately, it’s only until you find yourself trapped in his cramped and humid bedroom do you come to this sickening realisation. you knew sarah, and everyone had heard of the cameron name, so you expected rafe to be of the same facet: well-raised, a gentleman, a forlorn feminist following the passing of his mother and the responsibility of two younger sisters.
much to your dismay this idealised picture-perfect conception you had crafted had found itself rapidly searing at the seams within the heat of his claustrophobic hold.
before long he’s coerced you into your knees. you don’t have any breathing room when he jams his dick down your throat, so you’re stuck spitting and gagging so much that you end up punching at the solid flesh of his thighs and banging your palms against his pelvis to get him to stop. he’s so corrupted he thinks this means you like it, thinks you’re putting on a show for him because that’s what girls do in porn isn’t it?
he tries to buck his hips even further into your mouth, one hand knotted within the hair at the base of your scalp, until your lips are splitting and cold tears mixed with strings of saliva are dripping down your chin.
embarrassingly the gargle from the back of your throat is enough to trigger him, conditioned into cumming on reflex, holding your face down into slick, matted pubes while he does so— not getting off until he’s sure he’s heard the throaty click of you swallowing it all down.
unsurprisingly he doesn’t stop for small talk when it’s all done, flimsy gratitude expressed through a smirk and maybe his hand on your back as he leads you out the house, still adjusting his soggy dick through sweatpants as he does.
the inseparable closeness makes you shudder, and you’re glad to be free of his hold until you’re hit with a completely dreaded “same time next week?” and left hurriedly nodding wondering how you were going to shake him off your tail.
#✩ blurb#rafe.thoughts#incel!rafe#deleted half of this by accident and had to rewrite from memory#so i apologise if it’s a bit stunted throughout…#cw dubcon#dark!rafe cameron#dark!rafe cameron x reader#dark!rafe cameron smut
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did a little sketch yesterday that i really liked and tried to get it done today just so i got literally anything to post- but i fell into the trap of 'making sketches to elaborate and thus really stiff and non fun' (for me), ... soooooo .. im redoing the whole thing
but the idea was a mummy ganondorf for my (yes still existing) totk rewrite; i wanted to make him more scary looking and also emphasize just how horrid it must be to be kept in between life and death by having your heart grabbed by a cold and vengeful magical hand for thousands of years (in this case the ancient queen .. which i also tried to sketch despite not showing up aside from her dissolving hand)
the spell starting to fail and his body being more damaged in some parts (jaw being only the bones left for example) and his chest open from being slowly eaten up by the queens magic, the ribs contorting around it like its a gravitational pull- sounds cooler than it looks bc this sketch did not work out, so im saving the details for the .. hopefully, better version
#ganondoodles#art#tloz#ganondorf#posting it mainly ... to have something to post#and bc i think i remember someone telling me they like that i soemtimes post 'failed' sketches or paintings that i wont go back to#anyway ... this is one of them ...... felt rly pressured bc the weekends already over again and i dont want to work ......#was probably doomed from the start- detailed sketches rarely work out ofr me lol#anyway- also havent decided yet if i want him to have a heart still ... or if it too was dissolved by her magic#and you can still hear his heartbeat even though there is nothing in his chest#or maybe only like ... a spirit .. non physical heart ....#or its 'just' made of malice#.... or he doesnt have it at the very start and then at the mid fight he rebuild it somewhat#and for the end you find him in a tangled mess of pulsing roots like those that were in canon totk (but didnt mean shit i guess)#bc hes literally taking the life of the land to be as strong as he could possibly be#but like ... cool#i also have plans for a “demon” version and the good old boar#three phases and none is a cinematic thing#he will be a dark souls boss and you are way too low level ... i can do whatever i want in this rewrite you cant stop me!!#'kids have to play this gam-' no they dont this is in my head forever!!! no one is playing it but me!!
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Character re-designs for a new au I am cooking up. Danny (previously homeschooled) is a new transfer student at Casper high and he gets to know Sam (A-lister diva) and Tucker (techno geek) who are strangers to each other.
So basically a canon rewrite with more realistic developments (Maddie, Jack and Vlad are way more responsible, lol) and a bigger focus on the trio and their shenanigans at Casper high.
Also let’s just say Danny is not the only one with a secret.
Picture with no writing under the cut.
#danny fenton#danny phantom#au#secret trio AU#dp fanart#phanart#sam manson#tucker foley#aged up characters#they are all 16#my art#dp au#character design#nobody knows#casper high shenanigans#digital illustration#artists on tumblr#danny phantom art#danny phantom fanart#artists of tumblr#digital art#angst#canon rewrite#dark au
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just sitting here thinking about how Livin' Large could've been so much cooler
like the GIW buying up the FentonWorks isn't a bad premise itself, especially if they're trying to get to the GZ (we don't talk about the novelty rocket) but why make them struggle bc FentonWorks is run-down when it's prime real estate to get into some wicked cool stuff about haunting?
you have scenes like this where they're doing something mundane like trying to plug in an extension cord to power up their Doomsday device
and then 2 seconds later when he goes to plug it in he gets brutally electrocuted
it's written off as "FentonWorks is a run-down hunk of junk" but what if the lab/portal reacted as a way to defend itself? trying to ward off unfriendlies?
after all, what the GIW are essentially doing is screwing around with Danny's grave.
just imagine a Livin' Large where that scene happens and all of a sudden it cuts to Danny kind of feeling a tug of some sort, like he just used some energy without even realizing it. sure, he would brush it off the first time or two, but the GIW wouldn't stop. as it keeps happening and as he subconsciously continues to defend his grave without him knowing, he would definitely start to get suspicious. maybe he keeps getting distracted by his new expensive toys, but it wouldn't let up and it would just make him feel more and more unsettled. these guys are basically messing with what should be the most sensitive place to him, the place where he died.
but maybe he doesn't want to believe it, at least until Sam and Tucker try to tell him what's up, and at that point, things click. those two might not understand - they're only human after all, they don't understand what it's like to live right above your own grave - but Danny would, and he would be livid.
and so now i'm imagining Danny showing up at FentonWorks as Phantom absolutely ready to defend his haunt and his grave at any cost. imagine what sorts of things he could make the lab do then.
and imagine what would happen to the GIW.
#danny phantom#danny phantom giw#livin large#dp#don't mind me#just thinking out loud#livin large is not on my list of episodes to rewrite but imagine how cool this could be#you could get really dark and angsty with it too
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Introduction: Adrien Agreste
Hey fellow miraculers! Here’s Adrien and a little about how he’s going to be portrayed in this AU. I’ll list the characteristics and/or problems that I saw in the show and then delve into how I’m going to take things here. Most of the issues I found in his character is just that his issues aren’t really talked about, but the subtext of a great character is there and he definitely has main character potential
1. His outfit
This is honestly a budget issue/creating recognizable characters for the show, but like all characters, I want to see more Gabriel Agreste fashion on him.
2. Love interest or main character?
In the show, it’s said that he’s the main character, but he doesn’t appear as such. A lot of his emotions, struggles, and life isn’t delved into as much as Marinette, yet he has so much potential. He’s a teenage Rapunzel trapped in a tower waiting for his ladybug in shining armor to come save him. I want to explore not only his fears of losing his freedom, but also his experimentation with rebellion and standing up to his father.
3. Adrien as a Model
In the show, his life as a model isn’t talked about really much, he just thinks it’s boring and it’s a nuisance to him. However, with some research, I discovered how horrible it can be. For one, Adrien would become desensitized to personal space and being touched without permission, putting him into awkward positions in his job and even with classmates. He would get taken advantage of a lot easier. As a model and celebrity, Adrien would also experience Parasocial Confusion — which is when a celebrity has difficulty distinguishing between genuine personal connections/love and relationships/infatuations of fans. This would make relationships with him incredibly difficult.
Additionally, model assault is a huge thing in the fashion industry. Unfortunately, because Adrien is such a pushover and people pleaser, this puts him up to be a prime target for abuse that he probably thinks is just normal (yes this happens, I promise, it sucks.) I want to see a huge character arc with him learning about personal boundaries and learning how to enforce them, with his friends teaching him what is Ok and what is not socially.
4. His personality before his mother dies
If I’m not mistaken, I don’t think we ever get much insight into how Adrien is like before Emilie “disappears.” From what we know about her, she is a princess and an actress, which brings me to my headcanon:
Emilie brought Adrien up on broadway shows, fairytales, and romances — this would explain why he has an “old fashioned” ideology that “boys save girls” (S3E3). This would also explain his gentlemanly behavior— like he was literally written/taught his behavior by a princess (he was. Her name is Emilie).
Inspired by musical theatre and the arts, Adrien began to take dance classes, where he meets Chloe Bourgeois — Emilie is to blame for this, and Gabriel would rather him take fencing, but he gives in. Chloe and Adrien become childhood friends through dance and being partnered often is how they became so close. Based on his “breakdancing” moves as Chat Noir, I think it would also be reasonable that he took other forms of dance too, like hiphop.
As Emilie started to get sicker and sicker, his ambitions for dance and the arts faded. He began fencing like his father wanted to and abandoned dancing. He and Chloe still remained close friends — as this was the only friend he was allowed to have. Gabriel knew Chloe’s dad, after all.
Although Emilie was portrayed to be kind, beautiful, and caring, it’s easy to paint memories of a person better than they actually were. Although she was those things, Emilie also was dramatic, hotheaded, and emotional. If Adrien did something wrong, she’d be quick to scold him harshly, but then just as quick to apologize for her outburst. Toward the end of her life, she was also rather absent from Adrien’s life, as she didn’t have much energy to take care of him anymore. It was difficult for her to take care of him as she got more and more sick, and he would often try to be the best little boy he could because he didn’t want to be a burden on top of her sickness. I mean remember, the last 3 years his dad had gotten him a freaking PEN for his birthday. This occurred when Emilie was still alive.
The person who raised him the most was Nathalie — as his mother became weak, and Gabriel became absent
5. Mental health and coping so he isn’t akumatized
Headcanon that to keep himself from being akumatized, Gabriel has him talk to a counselor who prescribes him multiple medications that work a little TOO well. Meaning? Let’s just say that he starts to become numb to feelings and that it’s just another way for his father to control him — His rebellion streak is going to hit hard yo.
Despite these methods, he’s still going to get akumatized — don’t worry, no one is safe.
His mental health illnesses insinuated from the show include depression, ADHD, parasocial confusion, abandonment trauma, social anxiety disorder, attachment disorder/trauma (which leads to lack of boundaries), and to add some spice, probably claustrophobia (or just feeling trapped). This poor boy has so much he needs to shift through and I’m excited to guide him on an arc to healing.
I think Adrien is my favorite character simply because of how there are certain aspects of him that I heavily relate to — plus he’s such a kind soul who has every right to turn into a villain but stays a sunshine golden retriever boy. It takes a lot of strength and determination to go through so much and be good in the end. I can’t wait to write him in this AU and give the boy the healing and happiness he deserves. There’s so much more I could talk about with him, but this is just the beginning!
#oh no he’s hot#miraculous au#simply miraculous au#miraculous but as older teenagers#miraculous fandom#dark miraculous au#simply miraculous headcanons#miraculous#adrien agreste headcanon#Adrien agreste#simply miraculous#miraculous rewrite#miraculous redesign
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I pray, despite how I've wronged you, I am not beyond forgiveness.
Is it selfish to wish I could try again?
Is it true that our accursed blood is stronger than water?
Do you still hold any love for me in your heart?
I hope you hear me when I tell you I am sorry.
#cookie run kingdom#dark choco cookie#dark cacao cookie#whos POV is the text supposed to be from? ill give you a hint it goes either way.#this the most effort we've put into a piece in a bit actually so. enjoy yay#looking back into crk stuff for my brain we felt very insane abt cacao's boss fight form#i dont CAREEE what the game says thats a ghost. an echo of pain and regret where the true self is lost in the anguish goodbye#crk rewrite
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CR Designs: CoD edition (plus Shadow Milk and Black Raisin)!!
Licorice appears twice because bestie (@/reapy_may on insta) asked if I could do a fullbody of him. Red Velvet appears a lot sorry lol (thank you @/stellomiacis for redraisin rot :3)
•��� 🥀 🥀•
#cookie run au#cookie run rewrite#cookie run designs#cookie run redesign#cookie run kingdom#cookie run#cookies of darkness#dark choco cookie#licorice cookie#dark enchantress cookie#shadow milk cookie#red velvet cookie#black raisin cookie#redraisin#affogato cookie#pomegrante cookie#choco werehound brute#poison mushroom cookie#digital aritst#digital art#fanart#silly fanart#silly fanartist#sketches#each are soooo fun to draw#fav one to draw is poison mushroom :3#yes i did forget butter roll cookie don’t look at me#red velvet looks up to dark choco cuz he’s a big brother figure to him#💫SUGARVERSE COOKIE RUN
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i don't think it would've worked for the game but as a narrative concept it would be fun to think abt veilguard with harding as the protagonist. like it's just her and varric and then suddenly it's just her, the leader now after being the scout for so long, straining her reflex to people please trying to balance a team full of very different and frequently conflicting (in my beautiful mind creation if not in the actual game) personalities, dealing with her new powers and the anger and hurt she now feels but doesn't understand, having dreams for the first time and solas is in some of them (horrible)
then something something the personifiction of the titans' rage facing down those responsible for their suffering and figuring out how to live in the wake of it all...!
#rook can still be there if u want. everyone likes oc as companion right#every so often a wretched little devil will appear to me and be like here's how you could fix veilguard by rewriting the entire thing#and i have to shove it back down into whatever dark crevasse of the mind whence it sprang#talkin#datv#lace harding#dav spoilers#datv spoilers#veilguard spoilers
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Ancient Cookie Redesigns Part 4: Dark Cacao Cookie
#cookie run#veras cookie run rewrite#cookie run fanart#cookie run kingdom#my art#artist on tumblr#veras pastry dash#dark cacao cookie
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where’d you get those wounds, darkpaw?
#warrior cats#wc#darkstripe#redtail#skuffy’s redtail rewrite#tw abuse#not sure how to explain this one#just redtail seeing tigerclaw’s influence over darkstripe just like he had influence over him when he was younger#but unable to reach out and do something. it’s too late. it was already too late when he was apprenticed to tigerclaw#i think what dark n red have in common is that they’re still attatched to tigerclaw despite everything#just that redtail managed to distance himself more than darkstripe ever did#once he realized that this wasn’t healthy#tw blood
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time of day where i think about how ron and hermione are canonly in love in every universe. it doesn’t matter if theyre not married. it doesn’t matter if the world has gone to shit. the only reason they don’t get together in every universe and are quietly yearning is because they believed their love was one-sided, and they each held that belief for DECADES !! aghhhh !!!
#thinking about how hermione canon villain origin story was ron marrying someone else#thinking about how they both reverted back to those awkward flustered in love teenagers on the stairs but by then it was too late#thinking about how they IMMEDIATELY became canon in the dark world as soon as scorpius told them they had a daughter together#as soon as they knew their love was mutual they were like ‘okay you r mine now’#they make me very emotional ok#romione#ron weasley#hermione granger#padma patil#harry potter#hp#hpcc#cursed child#rose granger weasley#harry potter and the cursed child#pro romione#rewriting
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No name (taking suggestions) for this yet but yeah @syoddeye got me into Nikolai so... here's this. It's way longer than I originally planned but here we are. There will be more at some point but my fingers were just itching to write this out rn so unedited as well...
cw: dark fic, dubcon/noncon, reader is being trafficked, human trafficking, cockwarming, body inspection, piv, Nikolai is evil but also kind i guess,
"Clothes off... all of them," A thick Russian accent said from the intercom. You looked up at the camera in the corner. He must of seen you hesitate, "I already paid. Don't waste my money."
It never got easier. It'd been almost a year now. As you dropped your coat to the floor your anger and shame hit the ceiling. You'd trusted your ex, he promised to help you when you lost your job, when you couldn't pay rent, when you needed to borrow money. You moved to London for better opportunities now you were in some stranger's house waiting to be used. You'd lost track of how deep in debt you were to him and his 'friends'. 10k? 20k? It made your stomach clench.
"Don't cry. You'll fuck up your makeup." is what those cunts back at the club would always say before you got in a car to a client's.
Marcus hammered it in that this was a very important client. Probably another criminal. A rich one at that. His house was more of a warehouse with an automatic front door.
"Turn around," he ordered when the last of your clothes hit the floor. Checking for a wire or weapons you guessed. Knowing you were being watched like this made your skin crawl but it was better than being groped immediately on entry.
The front room was more of a safe room with steel walls and thick doors. No windows, just the camera, an intercom panel and a white gift box.
"New clothes in the box. Put them on."
It was a too small lacy bra and matching too small panties. A washed baby blue, all mesh so you were fully exposed. The door inside clicked. You went inside.
It was nice. Expensive but not tacky like other homes you've been too. The kind of furniture you'd seen in interior design magazines and auctions, solid wood things made by designers with names you could never properly pronounce. There were soviet era antiques scattered about as decor. The first floor was open with a kitchen and dining area to the side and the rest of the room being a living area. There were stairs to the side leading up to where you guessed was the bedroom.
"You're prettier than the photo." You jumped at the voice. He was so quiet you didn't notice him on the couch. He was big, obviously tall but muscular with wide shoulders. Dark hair slicked back with a widow's peak. Stubble covered the bottom part of an aged face. He wasn't old, older yes but whatever business he was in had aged him around the eyes.
He snapped his fingers and motioned for you to walk over. He had a cigar in the other hand.
"Good. You follow instructions. More than I can say for the last one Arno sent me." He motioned for you to spin around again, giving your ass a light spank and laughing when you yelped. "You fuck anyone else today?"
"No," you shook your head. He blew cigar smoke at you, watching the silver bisect around your middle.
"Good. I'd hate to waste more time cleaning you out. They never do a good job at that." He put his cigar in the ash tray beside him. "On your knees."
"What's your name?" He asked, making space between his legs for you. You answered softly, a lie. Never give them anything was what another girl told you. He held your chin between two fingers, moving your head around like a doll. "Open your mouth."
He leaned forward, looking inside you. A thumb hooked over your bottom row of teeth. It tasted like tobacco and sweat. You'd learned to hold back gags long ago.
"I don't like girls with rotten teeth." He ran a finger over your teeth, top and bottom, occasionally pressing on one. He frowned, "Stop shaking. I'm not going to hurt you."
A lie, most likely. Men always said that before fucking you, like they could believe you were there willingly, like they didn't pick you out of a catalogue of girls. You clenched your fists in your lap and willed the fear out of your bones.
"I like girls who like you." He pulled his fingers out of your mouth and pushed your jaw shut. "I paid to have you all night. Make it worth it."
He leaned back, grabbing a remote and turning on the tv. A hockey game roared on the tv.
"Is there...uh...anything you want me to call you?"
He looked down at you, like he already forgot you were there.
"Sir, when you answer my questions. Kolya, when I fuck you." He undid his belt and spread his legs wider. You knew your job. He picked up his cigar again as you undid the zipper on his pants.
He laid a hand on the back of your head, pressing down your hair.
"Just keep me warm for now. Don't want to miss anything."
You took a deep breath before taking him into your mouth. He was thick and uncut. Intimidating even half hard. He didn't push as you worked your throat open, slowly bobbing your head. Sometimes men would ply you with liquor, help you to relax a bit more. You wish he had. The mix of salts from precum and skin filled your senses. A hesitant hand moved to rest on his thigh for leverage. He didn't shake you off.
"Good job, Kotenok." He rubbed his knuckles across your cheek. He let you rest against his thigh, nose tickled by his dark pubes. Cigar smoke, the drone of the tv and the blood rushing around your head started to calm your nerves. Maybe tonight wouldn't be as awful as you thought.
He thrusted lazily during every commercial break. Everything was in Russian so you couldn't follow the game beyond his angry or excited, more so angry, ad libs.
He finally sighed and turned off the tv. He tapped your cheek softly.
"Kotenok, I need you to make me feel better about my team losing."
He made you walk ahead of him, directing you towards his bedroom. His dark eyes dug into your spine.
His bedroom was dark. Wine colored walls with thick, velvet blackout curtains covering the windows. The bed was large with silk sheets and a down comforter.
You crawled onto the bed, swaying your hips as enticingly as you could manage. A hand wrapped around your ankle and pulled you to the edge of the bed. You yelped as his hips hit your ass, cock bouncing against your cheeks.
"Remember what I told you, Kotenok?" He pulled your panties down, calloused hands scrapping against your thighs. "What to call me?"
"Good girl." Two fingers felt around your entrance. A shiver ran down your spine. You weren't wet enough, you knew that. You clung to the comforter, waiting for pain.
"I told you to stop shaking. I said I wouldn't hurt you." He rubbed a hand across your ass. He sounded annoyed. You closed your eyes and pressed your face against the silk. It smelled clean and floral.
The snap of plastic and cold fingers prodding at your cunt.
"Shhh...I don't break the things I buy." He didn't admonish you for hiding your face as he scissored you open. "There we go, Kotenok."
He pushed in slowly, groaning loudly as you whimpered and fidgeted. Despite the preparation it was a stretch and burn. He held you down by your hips.
"Good girl," he purred with one last push. The head of his cock bumped against your crevix , causing you to clench in pain. It only spurred him to start thrusting roughly. Your face dragged against the sheets.
"Close your eyes and let it happen. Most of them don't last long anyways," a girl said to you early on. You didn't remember her name.
You forced out moans every time his hips smacked against your ass. Arching your back so he could think he was pleasuring you. There was a modicum of pleasure, chasing it was too much effort, especially with unreceptive partners.
He wrapped an arm around your waist, hand dipping between your thighs. He pinched your clit till you cried out.
"I don't like liars, Kotenok." He rubbed harsh circles till you moaned, shuddering hard. "Cum on my cock or shut up."
His other hand grabbed your shoulder and pulled you up. Your back rested against his chest. Still rubbing your clit, he hooked an arm under yours and rested it between your breasts while holding your chin and forcing you to look upwards. There was a mirror on the ceiling.
"Say my name," He barked.
"Kolya...please...Kolya. I..."
"Want to come on my cock? Beg me for it."
"Kolya please...please Kolya. I want to come. Please. Kolyaaaaa!"
You watched yourself as he forced you up to your peak, clenching around his cock. He laughed harshly and smacked your pussy. He held you up as your legs failed to hold you up any longer. You came hard, grabbing at his arms, manicured nails digging into his muscles.
He growled something in Russian before biting down on your shoulder. He filled you to the hilt, his cock twitching inside your still clenching pussy. His cum was a familiar warm. He let go and you fell face forward against the bed.
"Catch your breath. I still want my money's worth."
You lost count of how many times he fucked you. You were pliant and submissive, following his lead as he bent you into whatever position he wanted. He was more virile than you expected.
You woke up sore, dried cum and bite marks covering your body.
"You shower before you leave. Scrub well." He slapped your ass before shutting the door and locking it from the outside.
It was a large shower but more importantly the water was hot. Not warm but hot. You could have cum just from feeling the jets against your skin. The body wash was luxurious - sweet and woody. You scrubbed well. These kind of men didn't want their DNA wandering all over the place.
There was towel left for you but no clothes and your lingerie from last night was missing as well. He did leave a cup of tea for you on the bedside table.
You kept the towel wrapped around yourself as you walked back downstairs. He was sitting at the dining table, typing on a laptop, cup of tea still steaming and full.
"Come here, Kotenok." He tugged your towel till it fell to the floor. He tapped the inside of your thigh till you spread them. "Don't start shaking again."
You bit your lip. He spread you open with two fingers, tilting his head as he inspected you. You yelped when he forced a dry finger inside you, moving it around and dragging it against your walls.
"Good girl." He pulled his hand and away and got a money clip from his pocket. "I like you. I'll ask for you again."
He handed you five hundred pounds. You stared at Charles in disbelief. You'd been tipped before but never this much.
"Thank you, sir."
"Did I ask you a question?" He didn't look away from his computer.
"No...umm...Thank you, Kolya."
The corner of his mouth twitched into a smile.
"If Arno takes that from you, tell me. That's your money. I paid him enough as is. Now go get dressed. Your car is here." He pointed back towards the front door.
You hurried off. For the first time more scared to leave than to stay.
#i will probably rewrite this when I do a full series most likely next year#me to me: it'll be quick#2k words later#nikolai x reader#nikolai x f!reader#nikolai cod#dark fic#my writing#call of duty#call of duty mw2#cod modern warfare#cod#cod mw2#cod mwii
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