#captain levi ackerman imagine
waywardchaos3 · 3 days
Levi Ackerman: Her Wings, His Protection
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Pairing: Levi x Fem!Section Commander!reader
Genre and tags: Romance, emotional, protective reader, canon world, sweet, fluff.
Concept/Summary: Instead of Hange, you are the one who finds Levi and saves him. You take him into the woods after escaping by the river. You tend to your lover and hope that he wakes up again. When Hange finds the 2 of you, the 2 of you are talking about what to do next when Levi wakes up again, to your complete and utter relief.
WC: 1,356
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It all happened so fast; Floch and a few other Yeagerists had taken you captive and made you take them to where Levi and some others were keeping Zeke.
You were leading them to the forest Zeke was being held in when you heard an explosion in the distance, echoing over the rain that’s pouring down around you.
Floch had wanted to ignore the sound of the explosion, determined to get to Zeke, but you had convinced him to check it out anyway since it is on the way to the forest.
Riding in the direction that the explosion came from, you see what looks like a carriage that was attacked and destroyed by Titans.
Recognizing the wagon as one of the wagons Levi and the other scouts took to watch over Zeke in the forest, your eyes widen in surprise at the sight of a lone body lying next to the river.
You jump down from your horse, rushing over to the body, desperately hoping that it’s not Levi…
The closer you get to the body on the ground, your heart drops as you realize that it is Levi.
“No…” you whisper as tears start rushing down your face as you rush over to where he lays, kneeling next to him, desperately hoping that he’s alive as you take him into your arms.
You place your hand on his neck gently, feeling for a pulse. “Please…” you whisper desperately as you hear Floch and the others dismount from their horses behind you.
“Oh, thank God…” you whisper to yourself as you feel a very faint pulse a moment later.
“Is that Captain Levi?” Floch asks from behind you. “I don’t know what happened, but we’re lucky it did; the biggest threat we’ve faced is lying in a bloody heap.”
His words make you grit your teeth in anger, and all you want to do is attack him for saying that. The thing is, that would be a stupid thing to do with all of the Yeagerists with guns around.
“We should put one in his head, just in case.” Another Yeagerist states from behind you, no doubt raising his gun to shoot Levi in the head.
“There’s no need,” you state as tears run down your face from sadness and relief. “He was caught in a thunderspear explosion at point-blank range. It shredded his guts… Killed him instantly, from what I can tell…” you continue, hoping that Floch and the others buy it and not shoot Levi in the head and then kill you for lying about him being dead when he wasn’t.
“Then give him to me.” Flock commands you from his spot behind you. “I want to check his pulse for myself, so hand him over.” he continues, causing you to tense up slightly at the thought of him feeling Levi’s pulse. If that happens, he’s dead for sure…
Before you can say or do anything, something happens that makes you thank whoever is watching over you and Levi. The dead titan lying not too far away distracts Floch and the rest of the Yeagerists from you and Levi.
You and the others stare at the titan in shock and confusion as it begins to suck in steam instead of letting steam out like normal.
“What’s happening to it?” Floch asks. “Did it just die?”
Still clutching onto Levi, you reply. “That’s not it; their bodies don’t suck in steam like that when they disappear.”
As the steam clears from the titan’s body, you see an all too familiar figure roll out of the titan’s corpse.
‘Zeke!’ you think in surprise as you see him stand up straight, completely naked.
You glare at Zeke for a moment before your instincts take over.
You dive into the river with Levi still in your arms and swim away from the Floch and the others.
Some of the Yeagerists follow you down the river, but they lose sight of you after a while and give up the chase.
After escaping Floch and the Yeagerists with Levi in the river, you dragged Levi out of the river and into the forest so that you could take care of his injuries. By the time you had started a fire and finished cleaning and stitching up all of his injuries, you were tired, weak, and heartbroken that you weren’t there with him at the time he had gotten injured by the Thunder Spear.
You sigh tiredly as you finish wrapping bandages over and around his right eye and forehead.
“There,” you sigh gently as you brush his hair from underneath the bandages. “All better.”
You continue to brush his hair away from his face as he continues to sleep.
“Please, be okay, Levi…” you beg gently. “I can’t lose you… I just can’t…” you continue, gently kissing his cheek before tucking him under a blanket and getting up to get some food and water.
After getting water from the river and catching some fish for dinner, you sit next to Levi as night comes.
You sit there in silence, trying to think of some way for the two of you to get out of here alive. You had taken care of the Yeagerists following you a few hours ago so that no one knows where the 2 of you are.
Not long after that, you saw Hange as she was riding her horse, most likely looking for both you and Levi.
“What are we going to do, Hange?” you ask her gently as the 2 of you sit next to each other, not too far away from where Levi is sleeping soundly.
“Well, there’s no way the 3 of us can stop Zeke by ourselves,” she answers. “It’s up to Armin and Commander Pixas now.”
The 2 of you continue talking amongst yourselves before you hear Eren’s voice in your head, telling everyone that he’s going to start the rumbling and literally kill everyone around the world that isn’t on Paradis or is of Eldian descent.
“He wouldn’t! The whole world! How can he not see that—” Hange exclaims in surprise before the 2 of you hear a pained grunt from behind you.
You and Hange turn to see Levi trying to sit up.
“Levi!” the 2 of you exclaim as the 2 of you get up, rushing over to him.
“What happened?” Levi asks the 2 of you, his blue/gray eyes meeting yours as you kneel beside him. “Where’s that hairy sack of shit?” he asks, referring to Zeke.
You gently grab his shoulder, pushing him back onto the blanket he's lying on. “No need to get up.”
“Zeke’s long gone. The Yeagerists and I found you and him after hearing the explosion. They took off for Shiganshina a half-day ago,” you explain.
“What happened? How did he break free?” Hange asks him.
“It was my fault…” Levi whispers. “I screwed up… had him rigged to blow if he tried to break his restraints. I didn’t think he’d do it. It was wrong, and he got away…”
You take his hand in yours, giving it a gentle squeeze. “It wasn’t your fault…” you whisper.
“And worrying about it now won’t help us now. We can’t do anything but-”
Levi cuts Hange off. “Run and hide. If we do, what will that get us?”
“Fair question,” Hange states while sharing a glance with you. “You must’ve been lying here listening to (Y/N) and I talking for a while.”
“What’s with your little project there? That for me? Gonna pull me around with a horse?” Levi asks her as he looks over at the carriage you and Hange had been working on for a while so that Levi can be moved when you all decide to return to the city to stop Zeke and Eren.
“Yeah, that sounds like both of you,” he says, looking between you and Hange. “There’s no way in hell you two are gonna be staying out of the action.”
“That’s right.” Hange smiles gently. “You know (Y/N) and I far too well.”
“We can’t help ourselves.” you agree, squeezing his hand again.
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I know I ended it weirdly, so PART 2???
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daemontargaryenwhore · 5 months
He couldn't afford to lose another kid knowing he's going to lose one just for the battle to end.
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parkvcrs · 6 months
levi “my friends think i like to fight, but it's just not true. sometimes i lose my temper and blow off a little steam, but i’ve never enjoyed it. i’m not a violent dog. i don't know why i bite” ackerman
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leviraaaaaa · 11 months
All that's left.
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“I know you’re there.”
Levi called out, startling you. You’ve been watching him from the side of the wreck, watching as the ghosts of your comrades appeared for one last time, one last salute. One last declaration of all they dedicated. One last goodbye.
And when Hange gave you a nod, you nodded back.
You two are all that's left.
You stayed out of his sight even after they disappeared, giving him the privacy to mourn. God knows he needed it. You didn’t think he had noticed your presence, but then again, who were you trying to fool? His extraordinary instincts were never to be underestimated.
Sighing, you pushed yourself to stand straight and stumbled forward. He glanced at you with the side of his eye. Ever resilient, ever strong, the cracks were so slight, just barely there. But you knew. You could always tell.
“Hi.” You mumbled. He stared at you as you dragged yourself in front of him, slightly limping.
“Nice of you to make it out alive.” He said.
“Who would’ve thought?” You shrugged.
“You made an ugly titan by the way.”
“I’m sure you would’ve looked charming.”
You smiled. The conversation was so unbelievably normal. Here, in the wreckage of everything, all the corpses, smoke, blood and ruins, here you were, back to how it always was. It almost felt surreal. Almost as if you concentrated hard enough, all of it would go away and you’d find you and him back in the soggy cafeteria of the scout headquarters, back to bantering with him and arguing about silly little things that don't really deserve arguments but it’s you and Levi so of course it’d end up an argument.
You felt so old suddenly.
How come you ended up here? In this way?
And Levi looked so tired, you could cry. Hasn’t he given enough? Doesn’t he get to rest now?
“Does that..” You glanced down at his leg, the one he had spread out in front of him. It was clear it was beyond repair. The fabric of his pants were torn at the knee, from where it was crushed between the titan’s jaw, a bloody, mangled mess. “Does that hurt?”
“Not really, no.” His eyes went to where yours were. “Numbed down a while ago. Can’t feel shit really.”
You sighed. "Not very humanity's strongest anymore, huh?"
Levi raised an eyebrow. "Yeah?" He said. "Careful, I could still kick your ass."
"I'm sure."
You grinned. Then went ahead and dropped yourself beside him. He frowned.
“Shouldn’t we be getting up now?” He said. “Why are you getting all comfortable?”
“Why not?” You muttered, pulling your legs upto your chest, hugging them. “What’s it matter what we do or not? Armin’s the hot shit now, let him deal with shit.”
He didn’t answer, but he made no attempt to get up either. If anything, he looked more relaxed. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to spend the rest of your life here. After all, you were so tired, and you were sure he was too. This was as good as anywhere else would be.
Because there’s no home to return to anymore.
“Do you think there’s anything left of Hange to bury?” He suddenly said.
You shuddered. What do you answer to that?
And your head pounded so hard, you couldn’t really think. Far away, you could hear someone yelling at another someone, but you couldn’t bother to pay attention to the words. Armin and the others would figure something out surely.
You were exhausted.
“Say, Levi.” You said tiredly, nudging him slightly.
“Wanna get married?”
Levi almost choked, he was suddenly all uptight, stiff as a board as he looked at you with wide eyes.
“What the fuck?” He asked, scowling. “Are you seriously gonna make jokes here? Here?”
“Not joking.”
You lifted up your head, tilting it to look at him. It was hard to tell whether he was annoyed or flustered. You’re not sure where the sudden boldness came from, but this is as good a time as any. Might as well. “You’re right. It’s a bad time to make jokes. So I’m dead serious.”
“No, you’re not.”
“I am.” You nodded, turning your expression very serious.
“You’re weird as fuck.” He sputtered out after a few attempts to speak. The tips of his ears were red, red as it always was whenever you used to jokingly suggest that he should date you. Except you weren’t really joking anymore. You haven’t been joking for a long, long time.
“I mean..” You closed your eyes. You were too tired to even feel embarrassed. “We’re the only ones left. Me and you. You’re all I have left, Levi. So, why not?”
He stared at you for a few seconds, gaping. Then he started shaking his head. “You’re insane.” He finally said.
“You’re just realizing that?”
“No.” He muttered. “You’re insane. And it’s rubbing off on me.”
He turned to you, peering at you with one good eye, pondering. And finally, he made up his mind.
“You’re insane. And I’m no fucking different.” He sighed. “I must’ve hit my head pretty damn hard because I’m actually considering this shit.”
You grinned. “Go on, say it. You like me.”
“Wrong. I tolerate you.”
“Good enough. You don’t tolerate a lot of people, so I’ll take it as I'm special.”
He sighed, turning away, hoping that’s enough to hide his heart from you. You were special to him, always. But you didn’t need to know that. He didn’t want you to know that. He didn’t know how to let you know that.
“Can you believe us?” He scoffed. “We’re practically sitting in a graveyard. Half the world’s ruined but then there’s us.”
“That’s fine. Let’s keep being us. The world can go fuck itself. Meanwhile, we can—”
“Do not finish that sentence.” He glared.
You stopped, a laugh breaking through. And you laughed so hard your stomach ached and there were tears lining in your eyes. And even Levi smiled, just the slightest, barely. A subtle quirk of his mouth.
“We’re insane.” You admitted. With that, you stood up, stumbling a little before you found your balance. You reached out your hand to Levi, who took it without question.
“Come on, Lev.” You pulled him up, letting him wrap an arm around you to brace himself. “Let’s go home.”
You were right, Levi thinks as he limps with you, letting you support him. It was nice to finally let himself lean on someone.
You two are the only ones left.
You’re all he has now.
The world has taken enough from him. He’s so tired of letting go.
And he’d be damned if he let you go too.
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scarlettxnoah · 2 months
I have not been able to get soft Levi loving you freshly showered out of my head, so here you go.
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You were fresh out of the shower, exfoliated, lotioned and in your favorite matching pj set. You had been in Hanges lab with them working on a personal project and you had been sweating profusely. Knowing that Levi was very particular about hygiene and the cleanliness of your shared room, when you walked through the door and you bypassed him completely where he sat at his desk in front of the window, focused solely on paperwork that you assumed Erwin needed stat. He didn’t look up as you rifled through you side of the drawers looking for your coziest set.
“ you smell.” Levi deadpans, not looking up from the paperwork.
You smiled as you grabbed the set you were looking for, and closing the drawers, turning to face him.
“Hi, Levi. I missed you as well.”
The sweetness and affection in your voice made him side eye you. He still wasn’t used to someone being so kind to him.
You crossed the room, placing a gentle kiss atop his black mop. His fingers paused for a moment but continued signing the paperwork like it hadn’t affected him.
Neither of you said anything else as you made your way to the bathroom and did some self care.
30 minutes later you were walking out of the bathroom with the towel to your hair, drying it and Levi was exactly where you left him; at his desk doing paperwork
Craving the feeling of him, you tossed the towel in the hamper and padded crossed the floor, bare feet quiet on the wood.
You stood next to him like a child waiting for attention.
“ something you need?”
You stepped closer, placing your hand on his shoulder signaling him to scoot his chair back.
With an exasperated sigh he slid back, and you happily took your spot on his lap, straddling him and leaning down to rest your head in the crook of his neck.
You guys went on like that for a few minutes, enjoying each others presence in the quiet evening. Moments like these made life worth living.
You felt a subtle movement across your head, as if Levi was running his nose across your head. You smiled again, knowing exactly what he was doing.
He tapped your ass, signaling you to look up at him.
Your lips were inches from each other as you waited for him to make the first move. You often did waited for him to initiate so he wouldn’t feel overwhelmed.
Suddenly his rough lips were on yours, moving against your soft ones as one had rubbed down your back and the other ran through your wet hair.
“Mmf” you mumbled into the kiss, pulling him further into your body.
Breaking the kiss he leaned forward, skating his nose up your collar bone and up over your neck to the shell of your ear.
“ you smell much better.”
His face still held the impassive look but his eyes had a softness to them that were reserved only for you.
Humanities strongest soldiers weakness was how soft you were and how good you smell.
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If you don’t think post war Levi is the prettiest, it’s okay to be wrong.
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zoozvie · 1 month
A very quick thought after reading this post @humanitys-strongest-bamf Hey moot, hope you don't mind🫶
Levi pretends to be so annoyed when your hands constantly touch his bangs. He always has to re-tuck the parts on the side of his head behind his ears after you let him go. And he definitely notices when you try to hide your smile at how cute he looks doing it.
When you're in the mood to give him very personal attention, your fingers always end up in his hair and on his face. He doesn't have troublesome skin, no wrinkles (yet), acne, or oils, so he's not as mad as he could be as long as you ensure your hands are clean.
He sees every mischievous look and barely contained expressions he calls 'overreactions' when he is just so damn cute to you. As much as you love his style, one time you (after being given permission) slid a headband in his hair that pushed back his bangs completely. The ends of his short hair stuck up in places, and his face looked a bit chubbier without the frame pieces. His lips pushed together into the smallest pout when you stared at him silently.
He's all like, "What was the point of this?" and gets really confused when you completely turn away with tears falling out of your eyes. It's like you're an aesthete and just saw the most timeless, priceless work of art in all of history.
He especially tries to show how little he cares when you press your face against his or kiss his cheeks. Your desire to be close to him was a little overwhelming at first, but after he accepted your affection, it grew to be really endearing. He did call you creepy when you would get so close to him and just stare into his eyes, but your soft whisper of amazement, "They're blue," almost melted his heart right then and there.
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Picture from @/levmada’s aot rewatch💙 HIS EARS ok bye Masterlist
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lazyexcuse · 10 months
Y/n:, says anything good about literally anything other than Levi, even an inanimate object.
Levi, tosses ring: “Go marry it then.”
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seredelgi · 6 months
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no bc I get so fucking pissed at how hot he is like... what's the point?
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whattheheckmidoriya · 8 months
Levi taking up beading after the war. He's still getting used to the technicalities of his injuries and the new limitations they pose in his life, so he starts looking for ways to keep his hands busy.
Pottery is too messy and strains his back. Knitting and crocheting test his patience just a bit more than he'd like. Baking bores him as he spends enough time in the kitchen as it is in his tea shop.
But beading seems to have hit a sweet spot for him. It's simple enough, keeps his mind at work, and you seem to enjoy it as well. That makes it all the more enticing to him.
He's meticulous about his work. Levi doesn't have a collection of beads; he simply buys what he needs— what he thinks you'll like. He was never one for bright colors, but they look so lovely on you.
The memory of you frowning because you didn't have nice earrings to match with your new dress lingers at the back of his mind. Just a week later, he'd gifted you a new pair of earrings that perfectly complemented the outfit.
He scoffs at himself lightly. Humanity's Strongest spending his new life making silly little trinkets and accessories? It sounded almost ridiculous.
But the twinkle of joy in your eyes, your soft gasps of surprise, and squeals of excitement makes it all so, so worth it.
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majesty-madness · 28 days
On My Mind - Levi Ackerman x reader (nsfw)
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Summary: She didn’t know why, but the only thing she could think of was how good he made her feel. 
Word Count: 4400+
Warnings: smut, 18+, MINORS DNI, female reader, missionary, rough sex, being bent over a desk, begging, overstimulation, fingering, handjob, crying, multiple orgasms, creampies, cursing, dirty talk, sweet sweet aftercare, several 'I love yous' thrown in for good measure
a/n: I have no idea where this even came from and also I didn't expect it to be so freaking long, but whatever. Not proofread. 
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Commissions are open!
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All day. All fucking day her thoughts have been on nothing but him. 
Y/N didn’t know what came over her today, but from the moment she woke up all the way to now, nearing midnight, Y/N could think of nothing except the idea of Levi pounding her into next week. 
She didn’t know if it was because despite his short height, he possessed maddening strength or the intensity behind his eyes no matter what he was speaking about, or maybe the way he’d carefully touch her hand whenever he passed by her, maybe it was a collective of all those things. 
Whatever it was, it caused her hormones to sky rocket and the only thing on her mind was the sensation of Levi splitting her open. 
Like a good girl, she waited until their shift was over, late into the night when everyone was well into dreamland. As soon as the night arrived, Y/N rushed to Levi’s office. She attempted to keep her steps collected and quiet, but the vivid memory of how Levi stretched her out she began to speed walk down the corridor. 
Her heart thundered in her chest, she felt herself become flustered before she even reached Levi’s office and the moment she did the heat rushed to her core. 
However, she didn’t want to reveal her intentions just yet so she took a quick breath to stabilize her rapid heartbeat before knocking. 
A muffled ‘come in’ sounded out and she did exactly that. 
The second her eyes came into contact with Levi’s figure, she sucked in an aroused gasp. Y/N had no idea why she was reacting this way as normally she was rather tame but the mere sight of him was causing her body to go into overdrive.
Levi hadn’t bothered to glance up yet as he finished writing on some random document to which Y/N took the opportunity to lock the door behind her. It was only after Y/N took a couple of steps towards his desk that he finally looked up. 
His expression went from the usual pensive face to a much softer one, causing the heat to now burn in her gut. And if she looked hard enough, there were the beginnings of a smile forming on his lips. 
“Hi.” Was all he said.
Y/N flashed him a smile, trying desperately not to squirm in her spot. “Hi.” 
Levi looked back down to the documents in his hand, a heavy sigh leaving his mouth as he did. 
The sound caused Y/N to suddenly become worried, and the scourging heat that wracked her body was quickly waning. 
“Are you okay, love?” Y/N asked, a clear tone of concern. It was only then that she realized that Levi could be under an enormous amount of stress, and sex might be the last thing on his mind. So despite her desire to jump his bones, if he truly didn’t feel well, she was not going to force herself on him. 
She would be able to put her lust aside for his well being. 
However, he nodded. “I’m fine, there’s just so many documents to look over though at least they're not an urgent priority.” 
Y/N breathed out relieved by his answer and Levi sharply noticed. “What’s that sigh for?” 
She waved her hand at him, lightly brushing off the question. “Oh nothing, I’m glad that you’re alright.” 
Levi shook his head then moved his eyes to look back down to the paper in front of him. There were a few moments of silence as Y/N contemplated how she should go about this. Perhaps she could play with him a little. 
Carefully, Y/N made her way over to his desk, placing her hands on top of the wooden surface with a kind of seductive elegance she didn’t know she had. It was a subtle move, however Levi knew that this wasn't her usual behavior as his eyes flicked up to meet her’s. 
“Levi, baby, can I tell you something?” 
He didn’t say anything but instead nodded, urging her to speak. 
“I’ve been thinking about you all day.”
Levi raised a brow inquisitively at the undertone of that statement. “Is that so?”
Y/N nodded, briefly biting her lip then letting it go. “I missed you so much today too.” 
He leaned back in his chair, gently placing his pen down onto the table while his eyes took in her figure. “We see each other every day.”
“Oh I know, but I still miss you.” Y/N answered seemingly timid as though she were embarrassed to say it out loud but the chuckle she let out said otherwise. 
She pushed herself off the desk, leaving one hand to lightly trace the edge. “I miss your voice, your dark eyes, the slight smile whenever we see each other…” It was then that Levi noted her slowly walking around the side of the desk to meet him behind it. 
“I miss the way you hold me in the mornings, the way you nudge my leg when we eat together in the mess hall, the way you kiss me when you think no ones around…”
Now she was only a few inches away from him, hand still resting on top of the desk near the pen that Levi has previously been using. 
“I miss the way you make me feel, how gently you touch me when you patch me up after getting hurt, how you go out of your way to help me when it’s that time of the month, even how you reassure me…” 
Then she leaned forward, cupping his cheek with one hand while the other laid against his shoulder. She watched his eyes widen a bit curiously with his mouth opening a little. “But more importantly…”
Instead of going straight for his lips, she ignored them and hovered her lips near his ear; voice hushed and laced with desire. 
“I miss the way I feel when you’re inside me.” 
His face changed completely, morphing into stunned arousal, his mouth gaping open at her choice of words. But it didn’t stop there.
“God, the way you stretch me out makes me fucking shake. It’s so addicting.” Y/N kissed the part of his jaw that meets his ear, feeling Levi’s entire body jump from the intimate contact as well as the hand that now rested on her waist.
“You always know how to find those parts of me that I Just. Can’t. Reach.” She punctuated each word with kiss after kiss to his jaw, savoring in the slightest hitch in his breath. The hand resting on her waist began to tighten up all while twisting the fabric of her uniform in between his fingers. 
The hand that had rested on his shoulder, traced downward, firmly pressing against the rippling muscles under his shirt, going down and down until hovering over his most sensitive area. Y/N groped the bulge beneath his pants, savoring the hiss of breath leaving his mouth. 
“Does that feel good?” Y/N teased, giving him another squeeze. He shut his eyes briefly as the pleasure rushed through him but soon opened them again to glare at Y/N. 
She could tell already that he was going to make her eat those words later but for now, she would enjoy this in full. Keeping her hand pressed against his growing erection, she moved her head to kiss along the other side of Levi’s jaw until she met his chin. Y/N pulled herself back just enough, lips barely grazing together, their hot breath mingling as she fiddled with his belt buckle. 
It made the familiar light clinking sound as Y/N pulled the tale of the buckle from the metal loop, busying herself with the button. As soon as it came undone, Y/N finally pressed her lips heatedly into his. 
It was hot, near feverish as their mouths moved in tandem. When one would pull away the tiniest bit, they were swiftly chased by the other in a desperate attempt to stay connected. As Levi took the opportunity to bring her into his lap to straddle him, Y/N slipped her hand under the hem of his underwear, feeling the burning skin of his length. 
Levi ripped himself away from her sinful lips to lean back into his chair, both hands caressing the thick flesh of Y/N’s behind while she tugged him out of his uniform pants. The cold air hitting the scourging hot skin caused him to let out a light gasp before Y/N began to carefully stroke him.
His soft moans made Y/N unwittingly whimper in return, turned on by the simple fact that she was pleasuring him and he had hardly touched her yet.
“Oh Levi, you sound so pretty like this.” She continued her ministrations, hand wrapping around him tightly. 
Levi couldn’t help but to close his eyes as he let himself succumb to Y/N’s touch, thighs clenching with every stroke and puffs of heavy air leaving his lungs. For a moment, Levi thought he could get lost in the pleasure entirely that was until he felt the warmth of Y/N palm caress his cheek.
“Levi, sweetheart, look at me.” Y/N whispered, voice soft and smooth like honey. 
He did as she asked, begrudgingly opening his steel gray eyes to peer up at her. While he had thoughts of getting back at her for her teasing, when he did finally look at her, he admired the shining gleam in her own eyes and the slight biting of her lips. 
Although she had teased him, taking control over him and his body, it was obvious how much this was affecting her too. 
“Unbutton your shirt for me.” 
His eyes narrowed, a sort of pride bubbling up inside him to not let her have her way, however, that feeling quickly disappeared when Y/N dragged her thumb over his leaking tip causing his body to jolt with ecstasy. 
Levi made a light tsk sound before reaching up with shaky fingers to carefully remove his cravat and undo the button up shirt. On several of the buttons, Levi had to find the strength to steady himself as Y/N never stopped moving her hand, constantly pumping his hardening length. The precum slicking up his skin, making wet noises between the two of them leaving him to imagine the sound of finally pushing inside her. 
Upon reaching the last button, Y/N took the opportunity to push the fabric aside to admire his muscular torso. She got a feel of them earlier, but now she could touch them in full. And that’s exactly what Y/N did. 
She gently dragged her fingers across his collarbone, then down his firm chest, and down to his abs again, taking her time in tracing every line of his body. Then Y/N leaned forward, beginning to suck the skin of his collar and briefly his chest. 
He suddenly let out a desperate whimper, signaling that with the contact of Y/N’s lips on his skin and still playing with him, he was reaching his limit. Y/N pumped faster, to match the pace of his hips jutting slightly upward to quicken his oncoming climax. 
With only a couple of more pumps of Y/N’s hand, Levi’s orgasm crashed over him, the sound of a whine diverting into a growl as white ropes of his release splattered onto his bare abs. 
Y/N stopped all movement, allowing Levi to simply bask in the afterglow and catch his breath. 
“I love the sounds you make when you cum, Levi. So pretty.” Y/N praised, leaning to capture his lips once more, then pulled away to place delicate kisses against his reddened cheeks. 
Levi stared off into nothingness, mind grappling to regain his composure, chest heaving up and down to supply his lungs with air.
His gaze drifted back to Y/N instead of the plain wood of the wall behind her, taking in her flushed expression, blown out pupils, and eyes swimming with adulterated love. No woman had ever looked at him the way she did, like he’d hung the stars in the sky, like he was her whole world. Perhaps he was, because if he was sure of anything she had definitely become his. 
However, as sweet as the expression on her face was, Levi didn’t forget that she teased him earlier and though it hadn’t been too bad, he really wanted to get back at her for that. 
Without warning, he grasped a handful of her hair at the base of her skull, not enough to hurt but enough to force her mere millimeters from his mouth.
“Now you unbutton your shirt.” He demanded, watching her bite her bottom lip. 
She did as she was told, and quickly began to unbutton her own shirt like he’d done moments before. At the same time, Levi got to work on her belt unlacing from the buckle with precision and promptly dipped his fingers past her underwear. The second he did, he came into contact with her most intimate place, feeling the wetness of her arousal. 
“Levi..” She mewled, hand reaching up to grip his forearm. 
Levi circled her clit a few times with his thumb, copying her movements from earlier by kissing at her exposed collar before pushing two fingers inside her. Y/N gasped at the sudden intrusion but tried to thrust her hips into his hand for more friction at the same time he began to curl them against her sweet spot. 
“My, my, you really did miss me. I’ve barely even touched you and you’re already grinding into me.” Levi cooed, leaning into Y/n’s ear causing her whole body to quiver. 
“Please Levi, I want-” 
He kissed her neck, “What do you want, sweetheart?”
She bit her lip once more, attempting to formulate some coherent words to tell him exactly what she was thinking. “I want you to- mhm! M-make me cum.” 
As soon as the words danced off her tongue, Levi felt her walls tighten around his fingers the longer he pushed his fingers in and out, curling them at the same time. “Say it one more time.”
Y/N moaned, gripping his arm harder as he stroked her faster. “I want you to make me cum!”
“Good girl.” He smirked, immediately picking up the pace. While continuing his motions, he dipped his head down to capture one of Y/N’s nipples into his mouth and sucked lavishly  at the delicate bud. 
“Oh Levi..” Y/N whimpered, feeling the tension of her orgasm pulling tighter and tighter, right on the cusp of release; the sensation of Levi’s fingers thrusting into her wet hole and the smoothness of his tongue lapping at her nipples almost too much. 
For a split second she wondered if it was humanly possible to feel that way, a state of near complete euphoria. 
She didn’t get to wander about it much longer when Levi gave a particularly forceful thrust of his fingers against her spot causing her to quickly fall over the edge. “Oh fuck, Levi!”
Her walls tightened and gushed around his thick digits, her hips instinctually grinding down into his palm.
He didn’t remove his mouth from her chest, opting to suck bruises into her flesh, his groans of mutual pleasure vibrating into her clavicle as she came down from her natural high. Though unlike Y/N, Levi didn’t allow time for her to catch her breath, instead he picked Y/N up off his lap, forcing her to stand on her weak legs before whipping her around to bend her over his desk; pushing aside the countless papers that littered it. 
Y/N’s arms were pinned beneath her body, legs spread around as Levi reached around to unbutton her pants and pull them down over her ass. He basked in the sight of her glistening entrance, watching her essence drip down her thighs and soaking her underwear. 
“You made such a mess.” Levi growled, his sultry tone playing on the edge of danger with the promise of further bliss. 
Y/N tilted her head back as far as it could go to stare up at her lover, “Only because you make me feel so good.” 
He smirked devilishly at that. “Oh is that so?” 
She watched as he raised a hand to carefully pump himself a few times, taking a step ever closer, the heat of him seeping out onto her exposed entrance. After a few more pumps, he grasped his tip and agonizingly dragged it from her hole down to her clit, then back up, repeating this motion several times making Y/N squirm in her position. 
“You make it sound like I’m the one who started all this, when in fact you-” Levi pants, pushing just barely past her entrance making Y/N keen at the sensation. “are the one who teased me, and made me make a mess.” With that, he fully plunged himself inside her cunt in one swift motion, both gasping at the feeling of him sinking down into her. 
Levi gave Y/N a few seconds of adjustment but quickly began a brutal pace, the sound of skin on skin reverberating off the walls of the small office while their moans harmonized in sync with the other. 
He grabbed a hold of Y/N’s hips, pulling her into him as he snapped his own forward to meet in a forceful collision of intimacy. On one particular thrust, Y/N felt his tip prod at her cervix and she cried out.
Upon her wordless plea, Levi repeated his previous motion knowing exactly where she wanted it and proving that he hit that spot again when she gave another loud whine. So he kept going, pushing harder and faster until he could feel her already beginning to tighten around him, sucking him back in with every movement. 
And before she could say anything, she felt the hotness of euphoria erupt from her gut and spread through her limbs, setting every nerve blissfully on fire. Fuck, she was seeing stars, to the point where as the pleasure rose within her, the glistening of tears blurred her vision. 
Levi pressed himself fully into her back side, taking extra care to still his movements as he could also sense the rapid approach of his own orgasm. He was close, but he wanted Y/N facing him, looking him in the eyes as they both reached their end. As much as he wanted to give in, as much his body burned, he fought to hold it back. 
He took great pains to pull out slowly because any more friction than that would definitely make him explode right then and there especially as Y/N’s insides throb around his aching member. 
Once freed, Levi much more tenderly than before picked Y/N from the desk and turned her around to face him, his hands resting around her waist. His eyes flicked up to her’s, noticing the tears within them. He leaned forward to place a gentle kiss to her cheek, feeling the warmth of her face seep into his lips. 
“Are you okay?” He quietly asked. 
Y/N nodded, “Yes, my love. I’m okay.” 
Levi wordlessly kissed her a few more times then let his hands drift up to pull her uniform jacket from her shoulders, letting it fall haphazardly to the floor. Y/N’s hands reached up to do the same, pushing his jacket from him to let it lay beside her own. Levi’s hand kneaded the skin of her ass once more, fully capturing her lips then moved his hands under her thighs and lifted her off her feet. 
Y/N cupped his face while Levi placed her back on top of the desk, slowly guiding her to lay down, their lips forced apart once her back lay flat. He chased after her by placing a kiss to her stomach, leading a trail down to her hip bone, loving the way her legs jerked as he did so and traveled even further downward. His hands lifted up to grasp ahold of her pants and underwear, pulling them off methodically and leaving her legs bare before him; the surface of flesh illuminated by the soft, orange, candlelight. 
He settled himself between her legs, grabbing them to wrap them around his waist allowing little to no space as Levi finally sunk back inside her aching hole. 
“Shit!” Levi hissed, the warmth of her inner walls overwhelming him in all the best ways. If he was honest with himself, he could’ve cum right then. 
“Oh god, you feel so good.” Y/N moaned out once he was fully sheathed inside her. “Please, move…”
Even though the beginnings of his release were approaching quickly, Levi was determined to make her cum first. Without any more delay, he gave a few slow thrusts, pulling all the way out then slamming back in. Each move, causing Y/N’s entire being to shake as she wailed in tantalizing fervor. 
He repeated the motion several more times, soon switching to more eager thrusts. Ones that sank deeper with every drive of his hips. 
“This is what I waited for all d-day, you filling me up completely.” Y/N professed, eyes rolling back as Levi’s cock assaulted her insides. 
“All day huh?” Levi huffed breathlessly, eyes locking onto the point where they were joined together. “You really were needy for me today. Just couldn’t wait for me to fuck you, fill you with my cum?”
Y/N nodded weakly, too dazed in the ridges of his length massaging the walls of her cunt. 
The sparks of previous orgasm reignited, prickling at his nerve endings, and rapidly spreading an addictive heat over his whole being. “Damn it…” 
Levi brought his hand between the two of them to press his finger onto her clit, beginning to rub it in a circular pattern. She convulsed under him, whines bordering on sobs scratching away at her throat, and he felt her clench tightly around him which caused his hips to stutter in their movements.
“Levi! I’m so close!” 
“I know, me too. Fuck!” 
Y/N lifted her legs up, hooking them on top of each other to trap him against her. “Please, Levi, cum inside me.”
He growled, the sound coming from deep within while he ravenously continued rubbing at her clit; thrusts hungry and impatient to reach the edge and finally, Y/N tightened unbearably around him, her mouth hanging open in a silent moan. 
Levi bucked into her a few more times before he inevitably reached that threshold, his cum spilling out in white ropes and filling her to the brim. 
The hot sensation of his essence soaking her insides made her mewl in delight, a barely noticeable smile working its way to her lips. “I love you, Levi.” 
He looked up at her face, seeing her tired eyes and satisfied smile. The sight made his heart flutter. “I love you too, Y/N.”
They took a moment to catch their breath, the sounds of their panting intertwining in the air while the sound of the crickets became apparent once their nightly activity came to a cease.
“Let’s get to bed, it’s late.” Y/N suggested while bringing her hand up to softly caress his forearm. 
He nodded. “Right, good idea.” 
With that, Levi pulled out, both making a low groan at the loss of warmth, but soon Levi brought Y/N up and picked her up in his arms, carrying her to the bedroom behind another door just a few feet from his desk. Once they were in the bedroom, Levi grabbed his handkerchief from his pocket to wipe away the mess he made between Y/N’s legs and then proceeded to wipe himself off. 
He reminded himself to wash it as soon as he got up in the morning. 
“Can I wear one of your shirts tonight?” Y/N sweetly asked, already removing what little of her uniform that had remained on.
“Like you wear anything else when we go to sleep.” Levi pointedly stated but handed her one of his shirts anyway. 
She giggled then slipped the shirt over her head, hugging the collar toward her nose to smell his scent had lingered on the fabric. She hummed happily, pulling back the blanket of the bed and shimmed comfortably under it. 
Once Levi blew out the lantern nearby, and dressed down, leaving himself in nothing but his underwear, he joined Y/N under the blanket, wrapping his arm around her back and pulling her into his chest. The moonlight shining a bit through the curtains of the room provided just enough light to be able to see her eyes staring adoringly up at him. 
“I love you.” She said suddenly. 
He scoffed, though dipped his head down to kiss her forehead. “You already said that.”
She snuggled closer into him, her arms wrapping around him as well. “I’m saying it again. I love you.”
This time he actually laughed. “I love you too, you know that.”
“I know.” She tucked her head to lay on his chest, savoring the feeling of having him so close. 
“Now go to sleep, we need to get up early.” Levi half-heartedly demanded, sensing his own exhaustion setting in. He glance over to see that Y/N reaching the cusp of sleep, her breathing starting to steady out and her body relaxing under his touch. 
With one final kiss to her hair, Levi too let himself drift off.
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leviraaaaaa · 11 months
Levi startles, looking up. The little girl stood before him, all wide eyes and beaming at him.
“Yes? Shouldn’t you be at school?”
She shrugs, then thrusts out a hair brush and a set of scrunchies. “Do my hair today!” She grins.
Levi is taken aback slightly, not at all expecting such a request. It’s not that he had a bad relationship with his daughter really, if anything Levi spends every second that he can spare with her. But even so, it was so sudden and specific, not to mention she has never asked him to do it before. It was you who helped her get ready.
“Doesn’t mommy usually do that?” He asks slowly. “Is she busy?”
She shakes her head quickly. “I just want you to do it today.” She smiles, holding the brush out to him, waiting for him to take it.
Levi glances at it then looks back up. How could he say no to that?
So, without a word, he motions her to turn around which she follows happily, pulling a stool nearby to sit between Levi’s legs. Levi takes the brush, though slightly hard to hold without his missing fingers, he manages, combing through the black silky strands.
Like his.
Though, his own hair was stranded with gray now, a sign of the long years he had lived. Even Ackermans don’t stay young forever.
But it’s still so strange to him, having her here, right in front of him. He still freezes a little when she smiles at him, watching her with awe. She looked almost exactly identical to him, starting from the shape of her face to the color of her eyes, just the exact shade of the silvery blue that his own eyes hold. But there was a brightness in those eyes that Levi doesn't think he ever had. She was like this little ball of sunshine, always so bright.
And her smile, that came from you.
She was his. Yours. Theirs.
A part of him and a part of you. A whole other human being. A child. A blessing.
It was the hardest at thr beginning. For him to get used to it. Despite the 9 months of pregnancy, it was when he first held her that the realization finally hit him. That she was his daughter. His.
And the moment his eyes locked with the newborn, he knew he was doomed.
That there was nothing he wouldn’t do for this small, small, absolutely tiny person that came to earth no more than half an hour ago. That he had just met.
It was crazy how it only took him only a moment for him to swear his life for her, to become so protective. It was actually ridiculous, how he felt anxious even when it was the nurses holding her, he’d been so rigid, so poised. Even when handing her over to someone else’s arms, he had his hand outstretched because just in case. It took a shit load of convincing from you for him to let Jean and Connie hold her.
It was crazier watching her grow up. Never had he felt this ridiculous amount of pure joy and excitement ever. Only to hear her first words, to watch her take her first steps, holding his hand. He swears it was only yesterday.
His chain of thought was cut off as she started to happily chatter about things. Unlike Levi, she talks. A lot. Levi doesn’t mind, he listens quietly. Every once in a while, inserting a comment.
“I’ve read about you. In the history books. Our teacher taught us.”
“Yeah?” He mumbles, brushing softly. “What’d you learn?”
“They called you humanity’s strongest.” She stumbles on the word a little, which was a bit heavy for her usual vocabulary. She turns around to look at him with awe and wonder, wide eyes asking for confirmation. “That’s so cool!”
He only lets out a small hum in response.
"Will I be as strong as you one day?"
"Sure. You already are." He hopes she never needs to be.
“I saw your picture too. And mommy’s. Also, Uncle Connie used to be bald back then.” She finishes with a giggle, the idea of Connie’s lack of hair amusing her. “You were like a superhero, weren’t you daddy?”
“I wouldn’t shoot that far.” He answers with a small smile.
Back then, Levi had never imagined the idea of having a family. There, caged between the walls, surrounded by those tremendous monsters. When there was no guarantee that you’d come back alive once you’re out there. How could he even think of bringing a child to the world, if he couldn’t even do the least that is to promise their safety?
But now, here she runs and plays outside, without a worry in the world, tirelessly. She doesn’t have to starve like Levi had to, she grows up with only all the good the world has to offer. She doesn’t know the worst of how things could be and Levi hopes she never does. She doesn’t yet understand the role Levi and you had played in creating this world, but she does understand the value of it. She asks questions sometimes, about the wheelchair and the eye and the hand. About your scars and why somedays you can't get yourself from bed. He doesn’t answer. He doesn’t know how to answer. And Levi knows, one day, he’ll have to tell her all of it, life back then and the life he had. But for now, he prays, let her grow up with only love and pureness. Let her see the world in her rose colored glasses. Something he never got to do.
She taps Levi’s leg as he bunches the hair to tie a ponytail. “Do braids.” She says.
“Braids? Don’t you always wear a ponytail?” Levi asks.
“Yes, but,” She tries to explain, stumbling for words. “Tash always pulls by it.”
Tash was one of her classmates, Levi knew from her frustrated rants about him. From what he could gather, neither liked each other much. “Next time he bothers you, you do the thing that I taught you.” He tells her.
“The thing with my hands?” She asked brightly, balling her hands to show him.
“Hey, no beating up kids at school. Levi!” You appear in the doorway, only catching the last bit of the conversation. “Don’t give her ideas. And you,” You look at your daughter who was smiling smugly. “I’ve been looking for you–wait, is Levi doing your hair?” You say, finally noticing and very surprised.
‘Yes!” She replies excitedly, “He’s doing braids! He’s very slow though.”
Levi playfully pats her head. “It’s because you keep moving.” He sighs. “Must you need braids? I’m not sure if I can–”
Levi was about to say something else until she turned around, giving him the most adorable pout ever, eyes all round and needy, her brows pinched together. “Please?” She asks sweetly.
Well damn.
Levi tries, he really tries. But the word no somehow managed to disappear from his vocabulary, along with all of its synonyms. So he sighs, nodding.
“Levi, I can–” You start.
“It’s okay.” He puts up a hand, stopping you. He doesn’t know much about the process, but he’s spent enough time watching you do her hair. So he thinks he can manage it. “I can do it. Probably.” He says uncertainty.
It was slightly difficult to manage multiple sections of hair when you’re missing two fingers, but even surprising himself, he does manage it, after a few attempts. A little uneven, but works.
"Happy?" He asks her, patting her head.
It was good enough for the girl, who jumped up right after it was finished and cheered happily as an answer to Levi. She jumps to his arms, pulling him by the neck to plant a big smooch in his cheek.
“You're the best.” She beams at him, then running off to grab her bag which was by the door.
“Wow, mommy’s nonexistent now?” You fold your arms in mock offense.
She doesn’t answer, only picks up her bag and runs to hug you full speed, wrapping herself around your knees. “I love you.” She calls out, then turns to Levi. “And I love you too! I'm leaving now!”
Then she was out the door before you could say I love you back.
“Don’t run, you’ll fall.” Levi calls out to her, who was already far out of hearing range.
You closed the door. Then leaned against it, staring at Levi.
Levi looked away, cheeks heating up slightly, noticing the strange way you were staring at him, already knowing what comes after.
“So.” You said.
“So, what?” He said, glancing at you.
“Where'd you learn how to do braids?"
He huffs. "From you. I watched you do it.''
"Really?' It was so cute you could melt.
“Stop looking at me like that.” He grunts. “She’s my girl. I can do her hair sometimes, it’s not that big of a deal.”
“So, I’m not your girl?” You pout, exactly the same expression your daughter made just moments ago. “How come I don't I get braids?”
“I–” Levi starts, then huffing frustratedly. He can’t even say no to his daughter, who was he to say no to the mother? He tries nevertheless.
“I’m not doing it. Stop looking at me like that.”
You did not look away, pouting out your lips more.
“I won’t.”
You blinked, turning your expression sadder.
Levi gives up.
“C’mere.” He sighs.
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scarlettxnoah · 2 months
I love reading a good dominant Levi fic but also for me I don’t picture him that way. I can only imagine how soft he is with you. His entire life has been pain and fighting, why would he want that in his sex life? No I picture him being as gentle with you as he possibly can, making sure the only thing that he pulls out of you are cries of pleasure. Instead of spanking you and being rough with you, he runs his rough hands all over your soft body, whispering sweet praises about how good you feel and how you were made for him. He feels so thankful that instead of bringing pain to you, you’re underneath him wriggling in pleasure. I also picture you being his first and vice versa. You are learning what you like together, and of course he has a natural talent for it. He’s a stoic man but he can’t help the way he whimpers into your neck when he first pushes in to your wetness.
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First Levi related post recently, and yes, I’m being lazy.
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levisecretgfblog · 3 months
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lazyexcuse · 10 months
Y/n: “You better stop raising your voice at me! Right now!”
Levi, smirking: “Or what, Cadet?”
Y/n: “Or.. or.. I’ll cry! And I really don’t wanna embarrass myself right now..”
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