#captain cold cosplay
orion-nottson · 4 months
in-universe dc controversy wherein i cosplay captain cold on tiktok, and get doxxed by incensed flash fanboys on 4chan, revealing i'm a resident of central city and chances of crossing paths with the real captain cold is low, but not zero
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saltpepperbeard · 1 year
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Okay, to start off, I cannot BELIEVE we got this. I cannot BELIEVE we got a voiceover of Stede's note to Ed. We were all thinking it. We were all hoping for it. I CANNOT BELIEVE WE LEGITIMATELY GOT TO SEE AND HEAR HIS LOVE RIGHT OFF THE BAT. HE LOVES HIS ED SO SO MUCH.
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Followed by this shot right as Stede is narrating. It's difficult to tell, but it seems like Ed??? The one-armed jacket and the fact that it's layered with Stede's narration makes me quite certain it's him. But ALONE??? AND COMING OUT OF THE SURF??? (There's a shot later that has me PARTICULARLY raising eyebrows at this moment. I'm thinking that he fell off the boat/was lost in that one storm shown later, and Stede of course is going to dive in after him or attempt to get to him in some sort of dramatic way. Which makes me think he and Stede are going to potentially talk feelings/reconcile on the beach)
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Oh, they're PINING pining. They're YEARNING yearning. They're GAY gay.
They want to be back with each other so so so bad I'm losing my mind <3
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"Fuck you, Stede Bonnet." The way he's JUST as dramatic as we were all thinking. The way he's hurting in a way WE ALL ANTICIPATED. LIKE, YOU HATE TO SEE IT, BUT MAN DSJKLDSSDKL. Also, the contrast of him saying that vs Stede's voice over is so so insane. The editors are INSANE FOR THAT ONE.
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AGAIN, GOING BONKERS OVER ED'S CHARACTERIZATION BECAUSE HE SEEMS EXACTLY HOW I ANTICIPATED. Outwardly, angry, hardened, and cold. Inwardly, heartbroken, desperate, and wanting nothing more than to be back with Stede. Because hello, HELLO, HE'S NOTCHED WHAT I ASSUME TO BE HIS NUMBER OF DAYS WITHOUT STEDE IN THE WALL??????
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but also screaming and crying and throwing up because this is ALSO what i was anticipating/hoping for. the crew being like "ummmmm lmao captain?? you really think you've got this under control???"
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"You think Blackbeard's going to murder you?" I THINK NOT BECAUSE WHAT IS HE EVEN SHOOTING AT JSLDKS. OFF TO THE SIDE??? A WARNING SHOT????? Also the lighting of this and his look matches the ending shot so I'm very eyes emoji at this entire thing.
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Like sorry, that sign won't stop me because I can't read. Look at him. LOOK at him. You're telling me he stole the wedding cake toppers so he could PAINT HIMSELF ON THE BRIDE??? SO HE COULD MAKE HIMSELF INTO THE BEAUTIFUL BRIDE HE WANTS TO BE????? SO THAT HE COULD PLAY PRETEND MARRIAGE BETWEEN HIMSELF AND STEDE???????
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It kills me because he's probably being exactly what he thinks people see him as. He's probably like "Oh, you want a monster? I'll give you a monster."
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excuse me ma'am that is a gay man shdkjshkls THAT IS A GAY MAN. WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING,,,
kiss me instead like wtf
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I have Genuine Thoughts™ about this. I have a feeling that the big arc/character development Con mentioned might pertain to him like, REALIZING what's important, and what Ed actually wants and needs. And a good chunk of that will be him realizing the consequences of his actions, and maybe potentially wanting to undo the damage. And also, in his Bitchy Izzy Ways™, he might also get very very tired of Ed's sulking/theatrics and want to rectify things for that reason too.
So I feel like he's going to sort of team up with Stede and show him the ropes for that reason?? So they ALL can work towards betterment???
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yeah yeah the titties we've all seen them.
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if he fights to save stede from going overboard or something equivalent i'm going to eat all the tiles off my floor <3
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Can you. I mean. I'm thinking so hard about Tango finding Jimmy as or, Hell, even witnessing him turn into a toy.
Like Tango certainly did not leave Jimmy a toy in Double Life. He's never seen Jimmy be a toy in the past and for a few years the man was action figure material with his Captain America cosplay.
Tango assumes it's part of this season. Maybe it's for his persona. The bedroom walls around Tumble Town and the allay named "Buzz" are supporting evidence. But then he hears the taunting way everyone calls him a toy. It's derogatory, demeaning, an insult. He hears Jimmy's wails that he is not a toy, to stop treating him like a toy.
And Tango sees a pant leg tighter and stitch into Jimmy's skin. The Sheriff winces and stumbles for a second. Tango expects to feel the pain in his own leg but there's nothing - and he remembers they aren't in Double Life anymore.
When Tango stays the night at the new ranch for the first time, he invites Jimmy up with him. And the Sheriff agrees, happily following Tango in and sitting on the bed with the hermit.
They end up cuddling - somewhat. Tango is leaning into Jimmy's side and playing with the blond's plastic fingers. They've got joints that move stiffly to simulate knuckles but that's it. The whole limb up to the shoulder is cold hard plastic.
"When did this happen?" Tango asks, tapping Jimmy's palm to signify what he was asking about.
Jimmy hums and looks down. "Oh. That..." Jimmy mumbles. He leans his cheek against the crown of Tango's head and sighs. He can't feel the bite of the ice hair as his skin is now plastic. "It's new. Um... started a few months ago. At first it was just my hair."
Jimmy takes his hat off to show a full head of dirty blond yarn. Tango's eyes widen with horror. His rancher's once beautiful and soft hair was now scratchy yarn.
Jimmy puts his hat back on and pats it into place. "But uh, now it's spread to my whole body. Obviously. My leg is the newest change." Jimmy kicks out his leg, which just looks like stitched up denim filled with stuffing in the shape of a leg.
"How?" Tango whispers. He laces his fingers with Jimmy's and squeezes. He doesn't know if Jimmy can feel it.
"Oh you know. Gods make rules and humans helplessly follow them." Jimmy says bitterly.
Tango cranes his neck so he's looking up at Jimmy now. "I don't understand?"
Jimmy shakes his head. "Joel started it. He just wanted something to make fun of me for, and unfortunately this time it was because I reminded him of some toy cowboy. The changes didn't start until other people started ganging up on me. First it was the hair, then my skin, so on and so forth."
Tango is still for a while. He's horrified, angry, grieving for his soulmate. He wants to- to- to do something to Joel! Get revenge. Make him feel the same pain.
For a second Tango wonders how attached the god is to the child seen flying around Stratos, or the Spanish speaking man in the bamboo forest.
Jimmy kisses Tango's head, snapping the dungeon master back from his head.
"Don't you dare think about it." Jimmy warns.
Tango snorts. "How'd you know what I was thinking about?"
"I just do. You're my soulmate after all." Jimmy says warmly.
Tango laughs softly, squeezing Jimmy's hand again. His face falls when he feels hard plastic under his touch and not a gentle, calloused hand.
"Can you feel? Like, anything?" Tango asks bluntly.
Jimmy purses his lips. "No. Nothing besides my body changing."
"I'm sorry." Tango murmurs.
"Hey it's not your fault. You didn't know, and I highly doubt you could've stopped this, sunshine." Jimmy reassures, squeezing Tango's hand back.
"Still. It- It's awful. It's not right. You're a human being, Jimmy. You..." Tango trails off. Tears prick at his eyes and he blinks them back.
He ends up sighing. "I can kick his ass if you want." Tango smiles.
And Jimmy barks a laugh, quickly devolving into giggling and snickering.
"No. I can kick ass myself just fine."
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spaceofentropy · 5 months
Thank you, @ihni , for the baton! Without further ado, here's my contribution to the Harringrove Relay Race!
It's a little fic (that I'll post on ao3 later, when I'm awake and cosplaying as a functioning human) and that is very cleverly (not really) titled...
A Pirate's Life For Me
Billy's always known he wasn't lucky in life and this, right here, is the culmination of it all.
Not even two months at sea, working his ass off for a meager pay in the hopes of earning enough to exstinguish the debts his father and Chrissy's father put on their shoulders before dying, and his ship gets captured by pirates.
Worse: captured by the Dread Pirate Roberts, who has a reputation as a great swordman and a ruthless bastard who doesn't leave survivors.
Billy did his best in the fight, but he's just a farm boy turned deck swabber, his swordmanship goes very little further than "the handle goes into your hand, the pointy part goes inside the enemy". So now he's kneeling, hands raised, on the deck of the Panthaira, along with the rest of the surviving crew and passengers.
Well, with all the survivors except Captain Loman, who's huddled against the main mast. The Dread Pirate Roberts is crouched in front of the captain and talking to him in a low voice while the captain clearly draws his last breaths, shirt painted a vivid red with the blood gushing from the puncture wounds in his chest. Loman was a petty tyrant, so Billy is not exactly bawling his eyes out at the prospect of the captain being gone soon. It's just the principle of the thing that counts. The Panthaira has been captured, and, to put it mildly, Billy is fucked.
There are too many pirates keeping them under threat of more stabbing, and also no damn place to go even if he were able to escape the ship. They're in the middle of the ocean, nothing but water in every direction for hundred if not thousands of miles.
So Billy stays where he is.
And looks either at the back of the Dread Pirate Roberts or at the slow rising and falling of Loman's chest.
He waits and hates how his arms are getting heavier and heavier by the second. Soon, he'll be dead and, back home, Chrissy will have to mourn her best friend too, not just her parents.
Captain Loman's chest at last goes still and Roberts extends a careful, gloved hand to close the man's unseeing eyes, before turning towards his prisoners in one swift, elegant movement.
Robert's dressed all in black and wearing a mask, just like the stories say. He has long brown hair tied in a low pony tail, and dark eyes that sweep the crew and passengers of the Panthaira like he can weigh the wort of each of them with just one look.
Billy lets his hands fall down, tired of this charade. If he's gonna die anyway, what good comes from obeying? Might as well die with some feeling left in his arms.
Someone shouts at Billy to raise his hands again and he just ignores him. Roberts is walking their way, his steps slow and his attention pointedly fixed on cleaning blood off the blade of his sword.
Somewhere behind Billy, a woman starts weeping. One of the crew members pleads for his life. Another offers all the money he's got to be spared.
Bunch of cowards.
Roberts stops in front of Billy, ignores everyone else.
"You're not pleading," he says in such a voice and cold tone that the people around them fall silent, too scared of what's happening.
"I don't plead."
"Aren't you scared, boy?"
"To death."
Roberts grins. It makes the moles on his cheek dance.
"Should I bestow on you the sweet mercy of death, then, or not?"
Billy licks his lips and grins back.
"You should let me live, sir."
"And why should I make an exception?"
That's the true problem. Both Billy and Roberts know it, judging by the predatory look in his eyes.
Why, indeed.
"True love?" Billy tries.
Roberts laughs.
"She must be an exceptional lay, to make you believe someone will let you live only so that you'll be able to bed her again!"
"Wouldn't know, I've never wanted to fuck my best friend. Is there truest, purest love than the one that's never been tainted by lust or carnal needs?"
The Dread Pirate Roberts laughs even more and then shakes his head.
"Unbelievable," he says in a stage whisper. "What's your name, boy?"
"Well, Billy, I find myself in sudden need of a personal attendant." Roberts pauses for a beat, cocks his head to the side. Predatory is now an understatement for the look in those dark eyes. "Do a good job and one day you'll be able to return home to your best friend. Do a bad job, and your friend will never see you again. Are you interested in the position?"
Billy grits his teeth and never lets his gaze waver from Roberts.
The decision is so simple he doesn't even need to think about it. He nods and Roberts smiles.
Billy doesn't know what's in his future, but he'll do all he can to survive whatever Roberts throws his way and then return home. His best friend is waiting for him.
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And with this, my installment of the race is done and it's time to head over to @liverditty in an hour for his contribution! I can't wait to see what he created for this beautiful event! In the mean time, thank you for reading, fair tumblr users, and thanks for organizing this, @harringrove-relay-race ! ❤️
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scoobydoomistakes · 2 years
Here we go. I'm trembling in my seat… it's time to get spooked for Halloween.
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Oh man. A promising intro, no doubt…
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Outskirts of the nocturnal city.
A single car cuts through the fog across a perilous bridge into the unknown.
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The destination: 
A formidable ocean liner, illuminated yet dormant, jutting starkly out of the cold night air–
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Wait, it’s Josie And The Pussyca–
I mean, it’s Speed Buggy–
I mean, it’s Goober And The Ghost Chas–
I mean it’s those weirdos from The Funky Phantom–
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Guess I’m not familiar with this particular band of teenage super-sleuths after all?
Well, the spookiness can still be retained, let’s get back to the creepy–
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…prehistoric… record… player?
No, that’s not right, wasn’t it was a creepy ocean liner? This is–
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…well, I do appreciate the mysterious arm reaching in, but we should really be–
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Ah, yes! That’s more like it!
Docked in port, heaving out of the water as if in defiance of the laws of physics themselves, this testament to humanity’s might and–
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What? No. 
Now there’s a raisin covered with hair. Badly cosplaying a ladybug. I didn’t... I didn’t sign up for this, I just wanted to be spooked a little for–
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...what have I done.
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What have I done.
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Why have I voluntarily chosen to submit myself to 1977′s Captain Caveman?
looks like halloween’s gonna be extra scary this year, folks
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sashi-ya · 2 years
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𝑥𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡; 𝑠𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡, ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑦 𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡. 𝐀 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐓𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 ⋆˙⊹ kenpachi zaraki x gn!reader.
request: @deerspringdreams asked: Happy hollidays!! I hope your cosplay events go smoothly! x3 For the event may I request "A single star tonight" for Kenpachi x gn!afab reader? it can be either sfw or nsfw | tw: manga spoilers. sweet scenario about a different new years eve without some of the most important people for him| wc: 477 | masterlist | taglist: @zella07 @jin-supremacy01 @stygianoir @alexkanroji
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Him, the man that sometimes looks like a beast tonight points his nose to the skies. With his calloused hand around your waist, close, so close to his body he holds you tight.
It’s cold, but none of you care. A dark infinite mantle covered by many snowy clouds and the single shine of a star flickering above.
Feelings? What are those? Those that build up on his eyes in wet reaction. He misses the little one that had accompanied him for who knows how many centuries. The way that tiny creature would be there day and night, the way she guided him to nowhere, the way her small hands approached him when he didn’t even have a name…
“She is still with you, Ken-chan… she is you”  you whisper, placing your head on his shoulder.
The clock is about to hit 00:00 and with it, a new year begins. It’s true that for the Shinigami time goes by differently, but never once they miss the chance to celebrate a new year coming for the humanity they swear to protect.
“I know…” he sighs, touching Nozarashi’s hilt. It’s weird to see the Kenpachi be so emotional, but in his dark pupils the light of that single star shines bright. But maybe, one isn’t enough. He misses both Yachiru…
“Are you cold?” he asks, pulling you even closer towards his whole anatomy. You nod, a simple “hum” escapes your mouth as if you were asking to melt with him.
He hums a little before moving, and then, when he does, he lifts you up in his arms. You weight the same as a feather for him, Kenny is incredibly strong. “You aren’t leaving me, right?” he asks, allowing himself to sound vulnerable around you.
“I will never, ever leave you… but if some day I do, I promise that you will find me in one star” you whisper, kissing the bridge of his deviated septum.
He looks at you, showing that under his tough appearance there is still a kid with a heart as big as his power.
“Happy new year, (Name)… let’s go inside before you freeze out here” he says, throwing you over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes. It makes you laugh; nobody can be so soft and violent at the same time like him.
“Happy new year, Ken-chan…” you whisper, seeing how he gives one last look at that single star shining in between dense snowy clouds before entering.
Inside, the warmth of your squad companions and your home awaits for you. Yumichika has prepared hot cocoa, while Ikkaku serves some cookies Ichika brought earlier today from Captain Kuchiki.
And while you sit on his lap, nested in between his legs, you take a look at that same star through the window…
“He will always be the strongest one, I promise ♡ ”.
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© sashi-ya '23
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gojo-mochi · 11 months
Hey Softy!💙 For your Small Halloween Event: I want to give Law a treat. He deserves it. 🍬🍙🍬 Thank you for this event!
I hope you enjoy the treat!!!
“But Captain!”
“It’s Halloween!”
“Let’s go Trick and Treating!”
“First off, It’s Trick or Treat, not ‘and’. Secondly, it's just another day to me, and thirdly, no, I’m not going out today, there’s way too much work for me to do.” Law shooed off the three as he finished his last word. Focusing back on his paperwork, not leaving room for any argument. Penguin, Bepo, and Shachi all groaned in unison. Shuffling out of Law’s office with their head hanging low. You ran into them as they were leaving to go on the small island that the crew practically had to beg Law to stop at so that people could go have some holiday fun. 
“Y/N! Happy Halloween!”
The trio all bounced up to you, sporting their own handmade costume. Bepo dressed as a ‘boring human’, wearing a business suit with a suitcase and a paper mask depicting a bald man face. Penguin went as a vampire in a black/white theme coloring, and instead of a bat perched on his shoulder, he sewed on a small emperor penguin plush on it. Lastly, Shachi was wearing a krill onesie, the black beady eyes on top staring deep in your soul. 
You giggled at them, as they complained about Law and how he didn’t want to go trick and treating with them. They asked if you wanted to come but you denied as well; “Someone has to go look after Mr.Grumpy Pants.” You said, they gave you an understanding look and went off, leaving you alone. You walk up to the door of Law’s office, tugging at your cape behind you. You've been working on this Sora, Warrior of the Sea, cosplay for months now. Penguin helped with the sewing and a lot of the details, you were grateful for your crew. Now, if only Law could see and feel how his crew also loved him.
But that's why you were here, were you not? Steeling your resolve, you ventured into the cold and dreary den that was Law’s office. Paperwork strewn about, the light dimly lit up above, the air in here seemingly colder than it was in the hallway. Law didn’t even spare you a glance as you walked in, thinking that you were the trouble trio coming back to try to drag him out again. Even clearing your throat didn’t get his attention, so you mustered up some courage and pushed down any embarrassment you had and struck a pose. 
“Greeting Civilian! It is I! Sora! Warrior of the Sea!” 
You held the pose as you shouted out the lines. Silence, nothing said, the scribbling of pen on paper stopped and you could cut the tension with a knife. You swear you were about to combust from embarrassment until Law’s voice finally rang out in the quiet; “His right hand is the one on his hip, not the left one.” He was correcting your posture?! You gave him a deadpan look, Law surrendered, a small smile on his lips as he stared at you. His voice came out softer this time; “Did you really wear that for me?” 
From where you were standing you could see the eyebags and the way his shoulder droops slightly, Law was working so hard to keep everything in check for his crew. You walk over to him, he turns his chair to you as you saunter up, arms outstretched as you gently climb into his lap. Resting his head on your chest, your hand caressing his dark locks. Law rests his eyes, enjoying your warmth and taking in your scent, his shoulders letting go of some tension. “Why didn’t you go with the others? Shouldn’t Sora be out there saving some people right now?” He mumbled against your neck as he shifted his head up.
You snorted at his comment; “I think you’re the one that needs the most saving here…” Law tilts his head back to look at you directly. “Oh yeah, and how do you plan on saving me…” His golden eyes flicker down to your lips, a passion igniting in them. You giggled, reaching in your pocket for a chocolate, unwrapping it and popping it in your mouth, holding it in place. “Well, I can start by distracting you from all this work and doing something more fun and tasty..” You meld your lips with his, letting his tongue invade your mouth easily, the chocolate fastly melting in the fiery tango that soon happened. Soft pants of moan filled the quiet office now, you cup Law’s cheek as you two parts ways to catch air. “I have a bunch more candies in my pocket that I need help ‘eating’, so, I hope you’re ready for a long night.” Law chuckled as he nipped at your bottom lips, “Anything for my favorite hero.”
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casp1an-sea · 6 months
Kwazii Cat
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(Age: 20)(Gender: doesn’t care)(Sexuality: Panromantic Asexual)(Pronouns: All but predominantly uses he/him)(Year: Sophmore)(Job: Lieutenant)(Major: Cryptozoology)
his parents were killed in a ship wrek, he barely survived and was very little so does not remember the ordeal. Because she doesn’t remember what happened they make up stories of how they’re off on adventures on the high seas as a coping mechanism. This coping mechanism led to her infatuation with the sea and sea monsters. The person that rescued and raised him was Captain Barnacles. He was raised by both Barnacles and his sister Bianca so is quite close with his young cousins Orson and Ursa.
He knows pretty much every member of the Octonauts ahead of time because even while he was in high school he would hang around Barnacles work a lot. She knows Peso because they were college roommates before they both joined the internship second semester.
She currently does not know his grandfather’s whereabouts or if he’s even alive but like in the show they will reunite eventually.
misc Info:
southeast Asian
the stuff he was going through
the eye patch is just for aesthetics
Has cat eye syndrome
Hates the cold
Table tennis pro
Loves cosplaying, preferably in dresses. (His favorite is a fairy outfit they have)
Plant mom, has a chia pet obsession
Likes trying random sports
can sleep anywhere (except cold places)
Loves to Crochet and Knit
likes cooking especially spicy food, their favorite food is spicy burgers
practices sword fighting
Wrote a book on sea monsters and wants to publish it some day
can play drums, bass, and recorder
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If anyone is curious to where some of these things came from, Kwazii’s hobbies, talents, and cosplaying with a preference for dresses are all canon to the books. The authors also said that Kwazii is open minded to however people want to perceive their gender :)
if you have a problem with any of my headcanons kindly just remove yourself from them and don’t say anything nasty or that they are wrong
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deltaswap2442 · 7 months
My take on StoryShift
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I'll probably do individual designs and info but the basics are
Napstablook and Mettaton were humans. That fell into the underground together and perished when trying to merge their souls to help escape to the surface. Napstablook was reborn as Echo the Echo Flower. And Mettaton is a Spectre that guides you (also has prosthetic limb)
Papyrus is the guardian of the Icy Ruins. He is friendly and sort of the cool uncle type. He was the kings brother and advisor but went to the Ruins to make friends.
Chara is not really human but not really monster either. They're a mischievous prankster and love messing with people. They also really love chocolate specifically dark chocolate. They hide their true face behind an eerie mask
Asriel is training to be in the Royal Guard. He doesn't actually care about being in the Royal Guard but wants to impress his mother. His true passion is crafts. He feels like a failure because he doesn't meet his mother's expectations
Toriel is the strict captain of the Royal Guard. She's hard on her kids but doesn't realize how much it hurts them. She's a tired grouchy old lady and should probably retire soon. Few people see her caring motherly side
Asgore is the Royal Scientist. He's more of a botanist and all the amalgamates are plant themed now. He's goofy and clumsy dad and sadly doesn't have much time for his family though he loves them dearly. He created Undynes robot body with the help of Sans and Papyrus a few years back
Undyne was injured while in training to join the royal guard and her soul was preserved in a robot body. She became a professional wrestler. Specifically a luchador. She hungers for a real fight
Alphys is a spooky Japanese Hopping Zombie. Is she a ghost or is it just cosplay? She'll never tell. She's shy and timid so she hangs out in the Icy Ruins though she can't stay long due to being cold blooded
Sans is the lazy king of the underground. He's usually sleeping and thanks to his big fluffy cloak he can fall asleep standing up. He doesn't like fighting and would rather laze about......but he made a promise to his kingdom....and he hates breaking promises
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3nigm4art · 1 year
Enigma, The Machine’s Masterpost
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Ok, there’s a lot that I have to talk about, brace yourselves
Art stuff
La Gloire à mes genoux
Take Me Out
Detroit Become Human AU
Disco Elysium styled Q
Bond/Alec collab #1
Sandman AU
Villain!Q comic
One line
Leyendecker Q
Black and white
Paper gun
Take care of yourself
Bond/Alec collab #2
Sketch dump
Bladerunner 2049
Goldo/Silver (Emilia's OC) collab
The Yellow King
One day I'll return to your side
Silent fury
Mood indigo
Be water, my friend
The Little Prince
I don't want to set the world on fire
00QAD chat night doodle
I never say goodbye
Quatre mains
Chess Grandmaster
I'm so sick and tired
Linked haiku
Non-art things
Incorrect quote 1
Incorrect quote 2
Incorrect quote 3
Incorrect quote 4
Incorrect quote 5
Q cosplay
Total points: 1470
!!!Rambling ahead!!!
So, I was captain for team villain this year, and I'm probably the youngest captain there ever was lmao. I tried my best and I hope I did ok.
But here's basically how my leadership went throughout fest
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Prompt table ramble
I also made a prompt table. The "art challenges" one and surprise surprise, it's difficult. But when I made it, each square had a goal in mind.
Black and White only: the goal was to strengthen your sense for light and shadow.
One continuous line: Strength sense for form, some what like a blind-contour
Draw in a different style: Forcing you to do art studies
Based on a painting: Also forcing you to do art studies
3 colours only: Value studies
10 minutes: speeeeeeeed
Use a different medium: break your habit of using the same thing over and over again
Yeah. I was lowkey worried that no one was gonna do this table.
Art stuff ramble
I have made so much this year. And I have thoroughly enjoyed making people cry with my art. I don't wanna explain anything lmaoooo (I'm so tired).
Closing remarks
As of writing this, I'm recovering from a cold. I'm very tired, constantly sleeping at some ungodly hour.
I feel like I've improved a lot in terms of art. i pushed myself in terms of quality, but I am really tired.
I need sleep. I have a flight to catch tonight.
Thank you to everyone who have participated 007 fest 2023.
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the-kr8tor · 4 months
I have nothing to say to your kind words apart from thank you! I really appreciate them so much<33 Funny thing my English class is doing a theatre thing (WOO) and I landed the roll of the captain.. I knew this day would come I have been CHOSEN to cosplay as BDAS Hobie.
Daily Hobie HC! Imagine if Hobie began to spiral so bad after our death? Every waking moment, he swears he hears your voice calling out to him. Screaming his name, like you had done in the last moments of your life. His senses have been so heightened, a small thud could send him into a defensive mode, convinced a villain is there. Sometimes, he swears he could feel your warmth brush against him. Yet, when he looks over, he questions whether or not it was really you next to him. His dreams have been injected and replaced with memories of you and him, when you were alive. Sometimes, it was the first kiss, or the multiple fun dates you guys went on, or the nights where he came back from being roughed up, having you and your hands loosen up the knots in his muscles and turn him into mush. The worst parts was when he woke up. When you slipped and fell away from his fingers one more time, melting into nothing but a figment of his imagination.
Due to these dreams, he'd often go days without sleeping, until he'd practically pass out in his bed from the lack of sleep. It'll get too quiet in the houseboat almost always, without you being there to cheer him up, or you there for him to tease you. Your voice rings in his ears, as if you were a ghost whispering sweet nothings, or screaming the way you did when you died. Your entire being was haunting him, and sometimes he swears he could see your figure in his peripheral vision. Recently, Hobie has been experiencing heavily disturbing night terrors of you. The way he'll just be planted in one place with your translucent ghost begging to not let him go, your tears falling into the ground while he pleads for forgiveness makes him wake in a cold sweat. Hobie will stare at his hands, thoughts crackling in his head like a loud thunderstorm, telling him how useless he was to let his lover go. To let you die. Who was he, if not the worst partner in the world, for letting your life go to waste? While here you are, as a ghost, tears welling at the edges of your eyes as he tears himself apart. Hobie has no hope, apart from when death takes him, it'll take him to you. He hates himself for letting you die. He hates himself for slowly forgetting how you looked like. He hates himself for sometimes leaving hurriedly without giving you a hug or a kiss, simply opting for a quick I love you. You want to call out to him. You want to hold him close again, to tell him it's okay as he sobs into your shoulder. You want to feel his thumbs run over the pulse on your wrist, double-checking if you were really alive. Except..you were not. Not anymore. You couldn't care or reassure him anymore like you wanted to. You were stuck loving him from afar now while he felt everything drain from him. He couldn't see nor sense you, despite the fact his senses were terribly heightened to disadvantage to his daily life. For crimes and villains? They were perfect. Yet all he had to come back to was a cold, empty canal boat, the last of your scent having disappeared long ago. -🐦‍⬛
Ofc bb! Us writers need to stick together and hype each other up! WOAH THAT'S AMAZING!!! Hell yea represent our fave pirate captain! I'm mentally throwing bouquets of flowers on stage after your play 💐❤️❤️❤️
DAILY HOBIE HC!!! 🎉🎉🎉 (Can you believe that you've been sending these for 3 months already? I LOVE U FR EVERYONE SAY THANK YOU TO 🐦‍⬛ ANON FOR THE DAILY MEAL!)
You lovelies just love to hurt me huh? 😭😭😭
God that would break him 😭 especially the dreams and nightmares of you! He literally cannot find sleep bc if it's a good dream he'd want to never wake up but if it's not then he'll rather stay awake forever if all his dreams are of you dying in front of him 😭 I bet even the villains can see how down he is but when his grief turns to sheer anger then I bet every single villain would hide and tuck their tails in between their legs bc if they get caught by the grief stricken angry tornado that is spiderman then there's no going home for them but in a body bag
After all that he still comes home to an empty house that still smells like you
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iriascend · 2 years
Two types of Intimidation Power Walk
I’m using my superpowers of pattern recognition for weird things but this is what occupies my brain so you’ll have to suffer through it with me. Anyway-
Intimidation Power Walk is a general name I use for when a person is purposefully walking in such a way that it scares other people. It’s most useful for characters in visual media, but I sometimes do it in real life too, and you can probably use it to your benefit in cosplay or just to strike fear into the hearts of your coworkers or something.
The most important thing there is to walking like you intend to kill someone is to keep your core, which is your belly and to a lesser extent your chest, tight. This alone exudes the feeling of control and that is what makes these actually intimidating. Humans fear people in control, because they seem unstoppable and because we hate feeling like we aren’t in control.
The core of any intimidating walk is to make the other person understand they’re fucked without saying anything of sorts, or even expressing any emotion towards them. The only thing that stands between them and pain is you. 
Type I: Dignified
AKA “Think murder and walk”
The quote is from an interview with Charlize Theron about her role in the “Snow White and the Huntsman” movie, where she played the evil Queen. You can see the original interview clip here and it summarizes everything there is to this version: “You have to come from your core, really tight; shoulders down, neck long, and then just think murder and walk.”
Add a stone cold bitch face, maybe with a little of disgust or contempt to it, and you’re set. If you look at someone, look from above, or straight ahead. The idea of this is to make others feel like worms. You’re way above them, and you will savour the suffering you inflict upon them. It’s a cold, slow kind of intimidation, perfect for suggesting indirect harm and/or for people not necessarily built strong enough to pull off intimidating with their strength. 
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Type II: Violent
AKA “Walk like you’ve been sent to kill Captain America”
The original name for this, “Murder Strut”, is a fan-given name for the way Sebastian Stan walks as Bucky Barns in MCU movies (hence the quote). The man knows what he’s doing, really. 
To pull this off you should square your shoulders, lean a little to the front by hinging at your hips, and set your feet wide as you walk in deliberate, powerful steps. Once again, your core should be tight and straight. When you look at someone, it should be from below, without tilting your face up, just your eyes; it makes you look like you’re frowning without actually expressing the emotion and thus lessening the impact.
The idea behind this is still that you’re the one in control, but the control is not over the situation, but over your own unbridled rage. You want to look like you want to run at someone full-speed and deck them or crash them through a wall, but you’re not doing it only by sheer power of your own will. It will feel natural to add a sway of the shoulders to it, to walk like a gym bro trying to start a fight, but while that exaggerates the physical strength intimidation factor, too much of it takes away from the power exuded by the controlled stance.
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sniperct · 2 years
2022 in fanfiction
2022 was a pretty good year for me writing wise! Here are the fics I wrote and/or finished in 2022! There are 28 of them so I'll put it under a read more. Titles are links!
Kindred Spirits 5813 words (E)
(Frozen/Assassin's Creed) | Elsa/Kassandra (Assassin's Creed)
It has been six years since Elsa last saw Kassandra. A lot can change in six years, especially after a great deal of self-discovery and solid ground under foot.
But she's going to get some answers this time. About who Kass really is and just how mutual their emotions really are.
Assuming she can think straight long enough to get those answers.
Your Better Self 36175 words (M)
(Frozen/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventures) | Elsa/Cassandra (Tangled)
Handmaiden, fighter, friend, villain. Cass has been all of these things and more, but she still doesn't know who she's supposed to be, or who she even wants to be. Somewhere, there has to be the answer. She didn't expect to find it buried in the snow, but she'd let her happiness be guided by orbiting someone else before and that's the last thing she wants to do again.
Elsa has her family, her friends. She has her duty and her purpose. She knows what it's like to long for something unknown and maybe, just maybe, she can help Cassandra find hers.
The Laws of Motion 28659 words (M)
(Frozen) | Elsa/Honeymaren
When disaster strikes during her Olympic long program, Elsa finds her hopes and dreams shattered. Recovery is a long and frustrating road, but Honeymaren and Anna are determined to make sure she doesn't have to go through it alone.
The Perils of Paint 2238 words (E)
(Frozen) | Elsa/Honeymaren
Elsa's latest cosplay requires a bit of body paint. As in nearly her full body. Honeymaren of course volunteers to help, and the view is far too nice to resist.
Working the Tension Out 2543 words (E)
(Frozen/World of Warcraft) | Elsa/Jaina Proudmoore
In which Elsa seduces her own wife into getting laid on her throne. It didn't really take much effort.
A Thousand Ways to Love a Woman 7723 words (T)
(Legend of Korra) | Korrasami
There are a thousand ways to love a woman. A thousand languages that a body could speak. A series of fics all about little moments between the Avatar and the Inventor.
Worth the Wait 2597 words (E)
(Final Fantasy VII Remake) | Aerith/Tifa
Forty-five days. Aerith had waited forty-five days since her first kiss with Tifa on New Years for the promised time alone on Valentine's Day. And Tifa was determined to make sure it was worth the wait.
Harmony 2739 words (E)
(Frozen) | Elsa/Honeymaren
Though the Forest is no longer trapped, a foggy night can still bring back a claustrophobic feeling. Elsa finds Honeymaren in need of comfort, and one thing leads to another…
Parlay 2596 words (T)
(Frozen) | Elsa/Red
Eight months after the events of Polar Nights: Cast Into Darkness, Captain Red has finally sailed her way back to northern waters. The Snow Queen pays the ship a visit, just to say hello.
And to steal her hat. And probably her heart.
Wild Things 693 words (T)
(Frozen) General
Sometimes, Anna worries about what her sister is becoming. There’s a wild look in Elsa’s eyes, and she isn’t always fully there. And the more and more she becomes lost in the memories of the past, the farther and farther away she seems. It feels like some ancient myth, or something otherworldly and Fae.
Scars and Memories
(Frozen) | Elsa/Red 2175 words (E)
Below decks, in the privacy of her cabin, Red and Elsa bare themselves in more ways than one. Red has scars from a life at sea, and like water, scars are memories.
Unfamiliar Skies
(Frozen/Final Fantasy XIV) | Elsa/Y'shtola Rhul 3121 words (T)
Y’shtola refused to accept that life was as rare as she’d been told. That the universe would end in cold emptiness, no light left to cast shadow. That Etherius was the only star with life upon it. There were other stars out there, untouched by the song of Oblivion. So, a first step, that first bridge, and here she was standing beneath an unfamiliar sky.
Gal Pals
(Legend of Korra) | Korrasami 2069 words (T)
Asami has always been in love with Korra, but when she agrees to be her girlfriend for a night to help get some guy off Korra's back, she gets much more than she bargained for.
Sleeping Giants
(Tomb Raider/Godzilla) Lara Croft/Samantha Nishimura
1965 words (T)
Monarch had been the only ones to believe Lara and Sam after their ordeal on Yamatai, and the reasons for that became clear in the wake of San Francisco. Now, Lara and Sam have returned to the island they barely survived, to dig deeper into the mystery of what lies beneath. Something slumbers, and there may be a connection to the Sun Queen and Yamatai's history.
A Bit Nippy
(Frozen/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventures) | Elsa/Cassandra
1479 words (T)
It's late at night at Corona Pizzeria, and the woman of Cass's dreams just walked through the door.
Killer Queen
(World of Warcraft) | Jaina Proudmoore/Sylvanas Windrunner
10173 words (E)
A mysterious singer, men turning up dead, and Jaina piecing together the common thread in the people they'd hurt.
The woman's voice rattling in her head, cutting her to the quick, asking her if justice is ever truly served.
“Surely there are better ways to ensure men like that get what they deserve?"
Lights Dancing in the Sky
(Frozen/World of Warcraft) | Elsa/Jaina Proudmoore
1068 words
It's the first Polar Nights festival since Jaina married Elsa, and the two take a chance to gaze at the emerald lights while their friends gather around a nearby campfire. Jaina reflects on where she's come from and where she is now.
Selfish Love
(Final Fantasy XIV) | Minfilia Warde/Warrior of Light (female)
7190 words (T)
Though the last of Hydaelyn's power had been used to send her champions to face the end of all things, a small, tiny spark remained. And with that spark she gave form and life to her favored soul.
And with the beginning of a new era, the Warrior of Light finds herself once again returning to the Waking Sands, drawn by a familiar feeling and the anticipation of second chances.
Keeping Faith
(The Silmarillion/Rings of Power) | Galadriel/Tar-Miriel
9538 words (E)
Long has Tar-Míriel worn a mask to hide her true allegiances, but the arrival of a Noldor in her court threatens to upend that balance. And yet, she cannot help herself. A discussion of Shadows, a relieving of tension, and a keeping of the faith.
When the Numbers Run Together
(Bioshock Infinite/Frozen/World of Warcraft) | Elizabeth/Elsa/Jaina Proudmoore
555 words (T)
Jaina, Elsa and Elizabeth have been working on a theoretical project but the solution apparently involves flirting and cuddling.
Rising Stars
(The Silmarillion) | Tar-Miriel/Varda 1468 words (T)
On Númenor's last night before its Doom, the Queen seeks respite with old statues in dead gardens, and receives a visitor glittering with the light of the stars. Through the Star-Kindler, perhaps she can find some sort of salvation.
springtime in the rain
(Frozen/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventures) | Elsa/Cassandra
436 words
Cassandra's heart is hard. She's had to be, after everything, after the way her life has fallen apart.
But it is springtime in the rain and she sees the woman dancing there in the glade, the way she sparkles and shimmers as the water falls all about her and a crack begins to form in the thick, charred layer on the surface of her heart.
The Oatmeal Treason
(Frozen) | Kristanna and Elsamaren 842 words (T)
After many weeks of heavy work, Anna has been looking forward to a nice breakfast treat in the form of apple oatmeal. But someone has absconded with her breakfast and Queen Anna is on the case!
Big Sky
(Frozen/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventures) | Elsa/Cassandra
15269 words (M)
A bandit. A kidnapping. A cross-country ride. Or, that time Cassandra was hired to kidnap a horse-rancher's wife and get her safely to San Francisco. Falling in love was not supposed to be in the cards.
A Monster Like Me
(Frozen/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventures) | Elsa/Cassandra
946 words (T)
Elsa fled to the North Mountain. Anna never came for her. Isolation and solitude turn out to not be what she'd wanted. Cursed with the form of a wolf, Cassandra has ran wild and free for years, until she stumbles upon an Ice Queen and her castle. Two cursed beings and the walls that crumble between them.
Nuclear Fusion
(Frozen/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventures/World of Warcraft) | Elsa/Jaina Proudmoore & Rapunzel/Sylvanas Windrunner. Bonus Kristanna
4702 words (M)
Elsa has learned over the past four years that it was important to make a good impression, especially with a new advanced physics professor. But the professor is very hot, Elsa is very gay, and things just got a lot more complicated all around.
(Frozen) | Elsa/Original Female Character 27459 words (M)
With Elsa pulling further and further away from the people who love her, Queen Iduna acts on a hunch, bringing in a maidservant for Elsa in the hopes that someone near her age might help her come out of her shell.
Unsure if she'll even succeed, Céleste works bit by bit to help Elsa help herself and to open back up to Anna. And Elsa begins to remember that there are good, warm things in the world, if she'll only let herself have them.
But falling in love is simply not allowed, so they must only dance around each other, yearning for that which they cannot have.
Handfuls of Dust
(World of Warcraft) | Jaina Proudmoore/Sylvanas Windrunner, Thalyssra/Tyrande Whisperwind, Alleria Windrunner/Liadrin/Valeera Sanguinar
103552 words (E)
An old threat looms in the north and yet another rises to the surface…
The Compact has stood for fifteen years. In that time, Jaina and Sylvanas’s relationship has transformed them from bitter enemies to stalwart lovers and the Horde and Alliance have closely followed suit.
And yet, a shadowy conspiracy, a few well-timed assassinations, and a rising tide of war threatens to tear the world apart.
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forestshadow-wolf · 1 year
Blossoms of Love (Chapter 5)
Wind and Worries
Pairing: soap/ghost
Tags: angst, hurt/comfort, arguing, hanahaki
Ao3 link || Chapter 1 || Chapter 4
Another hour and a half of terrible jokes and mindless conversation had the clock ticking closer to 1109, 5.5 hours until landing time. Ghost couldn’t stop the thought that maybe it wasn’t so bad to be where he was, even if his throat ached terribly and he was having to swallow soft pieces of whatever every so often. Of course it didn’t really matter if he minded or not because he was here anyway, and it didn’t matter what he thought, and it didn’t matter how he felt about it, and it wouldn’t matter if he had complaints.
He worked his tongue around his mouth, trying to gather up enough saliva to swallow down the latest bit of what he knew to be red-pink lavender spindles, that had arrived when he had close mouth coughed 2 minutes ago. So far he hadn’t caused enough ruckus to warrant an investigation from the captain yet, and soap hadn’t deemed his condition bad enough to bring more attention to it aside from the worried glances whenever he coughed. Mercifully his hacking had stayed dry, and lacked any stabbing greens in it. A lapse in conversation had a new thought pushing in from an earlier conversation.
“Why didn’t you tell your mum?” the words escaped his mouth as soon as they entered his head, something that happened so rarely that he could count every time it happened on one hand. The scot gave him a confused look, and it donned on him, the lack of context.
“Huh- what ‘er ya talkin’ aboot?”
“When you wrecked your knee? You didn’t say you told your mum and dad.” he clarified. Recognition lit up in glacial blue eyes.
“Ach, no point. Doubt the doc wudda had me do more than ice it, dinnae want ta drag mah parents there for a cold pack. Plus ah wouldnae have gotten mah rats their toys.” Soap smiled at the memory, and Ghost felt a trickle of something that was probably red run down his throat.
“You wear a brace for it now. You didn’t at any point think “oh this maybe hurts more than it should”, like at all?”. Soap’s shoulders bobbed with his laugh.
“Well ah mean, sure it hurt ta go up ‘n’ doon the stairs, but ah figured ah wis jus’ bein’ dramatic.” ghost fixed him with a look.
“Fucks sake, Johnny.” he sighed, ignoring the tremble in his lungs and the uncomfortable squeeze in his chest.
“Wha- hey, I’m not the only one. Mister “ah’ll stitch mah-self up in mah bathroom instead o’ goin’ ta medical.””, Soap forced his voice as low as it would go, in a poor imitation of his own voice, it brought an indescribable feeling to his gut. He went for a laugh, only to be interrupted by a sopping green cough, tears burned at his eyes; trying to escape.
He brought a hand to lift up the bottom of his balaclava, only remembering that he hadn’t pulled it back down when gloved fingers brushed his collarbone. Soap seemed to enjoy being able to see his face; scars and all; so against his better judgment, he’d left it resting on the bridge of his nose. Instead he redirected the movement to whisper over his lips, trying to remember if he’d packed any extra rags or even just an empty bottle. He was getting quite tired of the vampire cosplay, he was a ghost, not undead. Alas, finding nothing, he resigned himself to his fate, nearly gagging at the thick liquid.
His face contorted involuntarily at the taste and he darted his tongue out to lick over his lips. There was no doubt in his mind that the appendage was stained red, and soap noticed immediately– that odd look pulling across his face again. He pushed the spiny obtrusion flat against his cheek, debating whether or not to pull it out, a sharp edge drew more tang.
He found himself turning away as he parted his red, chapped lips to let a finger drag the object out, but he also found himself hiding behind his other hand as he did so. The look he got from the man in front of him last time flashed across his mind, leaving a sour taste on his tongue that wasn’t from the blood, he really hated that look and didn’t wish to see it again.
His fingers closed around the spit-softened leaf bit as fast as they could, but soap had already seen him moving actions, and the look returned; obviously connecting the dots. Maybe it wouldn’t be as bad if he didn’t look at the man, but still he could feel it burning into him through his hand. He surrendered his hand to his lap with a dejected sigh.
Still refusing to look the scot in the eye, he opened his closed fist to look at the spiny object. A sound he could only describe as a sad gasp reached his ears, and the regret that stabbed into his gut when he risked a glance up was immediate. The look was sad, accompanied by something that he named pity even though that wasn’t quite it. Something in his chest clenched painfully within his ribs.
There was no warning before the smudge of green was stolen from his palm, to be held between soap’s fingers to be studied by the man himself, as if he thought that if he looked at it hard enough he could find the root of the problem. He didn’t seem to mind that it was covered in Ghost’s still wet spit and blood, and his gloves still sat on the seat beside him.
This piece was larger, but still had that jagged edge that told them that it could have been larger still. It had two spines bracketing either side or the center line, and was littered with red-pink lavender lines. Ghost swallowed. Soap blew out a breath, fixing Ghost in his sight. The odd look was gone, hidden beneath worry and something stern, almost pleading.
“...Ghost…” the word was singular and small.
“Uh-uh” he shook his head.
“Please, Ghost.” his voice stayed soft, and if Ghost didn’t know any better he’d have thought the scot was begging. Of course it was just in his mind, soap knew he needed to be healthy to do his job efficiently and effectively. “You said it would only be one time.”
“Fine, I lied. Happy? Even if it is the other one, I still have time before it’s obvious.” he could feel whatever nameless thing he was feeling burn into anger.
“It’s obvious now.” soap argued back, he could have sworn hurt flashed across his eyes.
“It’s too late to do anything now anyway, we’re over halfway there already.” Ghost said in a forced calm, then he leaned in to add, “What’d you say earlier? “No point”?”, to drive his statement home. And that was definitely hurt that flooded the scot’s face, he was sure.
“Don’t. twist my words like that. Ever. those words are a decade and a half old, they have no value here.” soap seethed in a still hushed tone. His lungs stuttered once, as he jumped back, when he realized that soap still listened to his wishes. The look that accompanied those words made Ghost confident that he’d be burned and buried already if looks could kill.
He couldn’t hold soap’s gaze any longer, and yet he had to force himself to look away, too trapped in the surging tsunami within those eyes. He clamped down on another searing cough, and felt a wet glop of spindles hit the roof of his mouth. His gaze traveled down to his hands, now balled into fists on his lap, with shame in his eyes. Even the idea that he could hurt soap like that, could make him hate him like that, hurt more than any malicious growth he could possibly have. The fact that he did made him want to do something unforgivable, made him want to commit crimes that would make the law books look like a checklist.
“Sorry.” he swallowed thickly, and between one moment and the next he went from his hulking figure to feeling like he was 3 feet tall. He glanced up only once, and he saw that pity-adjacent look alongside the hurt, he looked back down just as quickly. “I-.. I shouldn’t have said that. It was wrong- it is wrong of me. You have no obligation to forgive me. You shouldn’t forgive me for that. It was way out of line.”, he swallowed the – metaphorical – lump in his throat.
“Simon…” he sighed. Ghost startled at the use of his name. “I’m not gonna hold this against you, jus’- don’t do it again, please. An’- and promise me you’ll tell price – or let me tell price – before it stops your breathing.. Or your heart.” he pleaded, forcing his accent out of his voice to make himself as crystal clear as possible. His heart pinched, as he bobbed his head once. He didn’t deserve how nice the scot treated him. Soap should be angry furious with him. And yet he wasn’t…
@checkerscharlie @halb-nichts @heyitsropi @trekkie-in-space @lavenderstem
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dove00 · 9 months
CW Flash Rewrite
Hi! I wanted to try and do a cw The Flash rewrite. I acknowledge I am not a writer. This is just for fun!
I own nothing DC owns. Warning for child abuse mention (Wally’s past). Please let me know if more warnings are needed. Stay safe and enjoy!
This is going up to a season 1 mid season finale. I really did like how they cut the main villain into arcs A and B with A being stopped in some way in mid season finale. The B villain is Thawne and the A villains are the rogues.
Rogues of Season 1A: Captain Cold, Heatwave, Golden Glider, Pied Piper (who’s a bit younger, maybe 16-17, recently kicked out by parents)
Okay. Barry still goes to Starling but comes back to his fiancé Iris West. As awesome as WestAllen is and their journey, I’d think it’d be better to start here because reasons you’ll see.
Barry and Iris are planning stuff for the wedding and Iris is nervous because her brothers haven’t RVSP yet. Her brothers, Rudy and Daniel, don’t have a close bond but Joe isn’t abusive. They just don’t see each other enough. Barry is aware Iris has nephews (Wally and Wallace) but has never met them.
Barry gets struck by lightning and is in a coma for 9 months. He wakes up in a hospital and they tel him what happen but to him, they talk very slowly. He shakes it off. Iris is called and picks him up. She waited for him but she has news. Her nephews have been placed in her custody.
Barry freaks out and then realized everything stops. Barry sees Iris still and the world the same. Good thing, too, because a driver is going to hit them. Barry grabs Iris and pulls her out of the car and he gets a look at the driver and bam! Normal time starts again. Iris stares at him and he stares back. “Oh, fu—“
The driver keeps going but Barry recognizes him. Leonard Snart.
Iris is confused and Barry said, “I think I’m like Jay Garrick.” Iris nods. She knows about his favorite comic book character (the one who got him through his parents’ tragedy).
She has to go to work so Barry runs her to work and promises to pick up Wally and Wallace from high school and elementary school.
Iris is a reporter already at Central City Picture News (not the Citizen yet) so she does some investigating (even sometimes using one of the intern’s comic books) when news of a bank robbery is happening. A bank robbery where the guy has an ice gun.
Barry…isn’t doing so good. He shows up in his car, that he ran home to grab and then rushed to Wally’s school—meaning he was late. Wally stared and then got in the front seat. Barry tries to make small talk but Wally isn’t really responding. They’re even later picking up Wallace. He apologized but Wallace doesn’t talk to him either. Wally is 16 and Wallace is 7. They make it to Barry and Iris’ house and that’s when he sees the news.
Barry is so used to going to crime scenes after—maybe he can stop one before anyone gets hurt. He runs upstairs and grabs what his teen self created as cosplay of the flash and changes.
He hears a “woah.” And turns to see Wally.
“No time to explain. Watch your cousin. Back in a flash.”
Barry and Cold have a cool (ha!) fight and Barry wins.
Episode ends with Iris and Barry kissing.
The rest of arc 1A is finding the other rogues and Barry and Iris taking care of Wally and Wallace. Wally is hesitant to trust Barry but eventually he wins Wally over. At one point, Rudy West and the Manhunters kidnap Wally two episodes before mid season finale (two episode arc) and Barry is trying to save him and come to terms with the fact that he sees Wally as his son.
They save him but he was hit by lightning too. He doesn’t end up in a coma for very long (a week) and finds out he has powers. They train but Barry is hesitant to let Wally into the field.
Mid season finale has Barry almost losing to the fully formed Rogues when Wally comes in and helps him out. They save the day and Wally recognizes Piper from school. They don’t talk much as the season will show with Wally in school sometimes but Hartley’s story is pretty popular at school—especially for bullies. Wally tries to shut it down when he can but it’s not like they’re friends. He tries to stop the cops from arresting them (he has nobody to bail him out) but Barry pulls him back, whispering “we’ll help him but we have to protect our identities first.”
Wally looks hesitant and then nervous as we see Iris come into the scene but before she can speak a voice calls out, “Flash…um…Younger Flash!” Iris turns and it’s the intern who had comics. “Linda Park, CCPN…intern. Can I have a statement on tonight’s events?” Again, Wally remembers her from school. Linda Park writes for the school newspaper. She’s in four of Wally’s classes—not that he’s aware of that. Nope. She continued, “Why is Hartley Rathaway working with…um…rogues? Oh, yeah! That’s a good name.”
Wally frowns. “It’s complicated. Not that you’d understand.” Then he rushes away.
“Is…is that your statement?” She asked Barry, who shrugs then runs too.
“Do you need a ride home, Linda?”
“Yes, please.”
Look, I wanna see WallyLinda but I also wanna see them grow!
Mid season ends with a blonde man coming through a portal. Running through a portal.
That’s all I’ve got. Hope you liked it. Let me know if you’d like more!
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spacefinch · 1 year
MSB kids and how they’d go about being a Star Trek fan
I headcanon all of them as Trekkies, so deal with it.
Arnold: Very chill about it. Star Trek is the kind of thing he watches when it’s too cold or rainy to leave the house. Even better if it’s accompanied by hot chocolate. (He tried earl grey tea once, did not like it.)
Ralphie: He got into Star Trek thanks to his mom. Whenever Dr. Tenelli isn’t too busy working, she sits down and watches Star Trek TNG with her kids.
Keesha: Her grandma watched the original series. Keesha herself got into it while looking for a new show to watch. Her favorite series is Star Trek DS9.
Phoebe: Favorite series are TNG and Voyager. Has dressed up as Captain Janeway for Halloween one year. She named her cat “Spot” after Data’s cat.
Carlos: Huge Star Trek fan. Responsible for getting Phoebe and Tim into it. Likes watching episodes with his brother Mikey. They’ve even cosplayed as characters from the show a few times. Their favorite series is TNG, but they love all Star Trek.
Tim: Draws lots of Star Trek fanart. Collects action figures. Favorite series is Star Trek DS9 because the characters are so fun to draw.
Wanda: Favorite series is TOS, hands down. Names the reptiles her mom brings home after Star Trek characters.
Dorothy Ann: Probably the biggest Star Trek fan. She watches it whenever she has time. She writes fanfiction. She’s even been to a few comic-cons. It only makes sense that she plans to be an astronomer when she’s older.
Other notes:
Star Trek characters that Carlos and Mikey have gone as for Halloween: (note: Carlos’s costume is in blue and Mikey’s is in green.)
Data and Wesley Crusher
Scotty and the Enterprise
Spock and Chekov
Tom Paris (they both wanted to be Tom Paris)
Two random-ass engineers
Tim, Phoebe, and D.A. have also cosplayed as Star Trek characters before. Here are their costumes:
Tim: Geordi La Forge, Captain Sisko, Tuvok
Phoebe: Captain Janeway, Dr. Crusher, Kira Nerys, genderbent McCoy
Dorothy Ann: Janice Rand, Seven of Nine, Christine Chapel, genderbent Captain Kirk
The whole class has Star Trek watch parties every now and then. Usually it’s at D.A.’s or Carlos’s house, and it’s on a sleepover night. Everyone just piles up on the couch with all the pillows and blankets and stuffed animals and it’s great.
Watch party notes:
If it’s at Keesha or Ralphie or Carlos’s house, then dinner and/or dessert is on the house (meaning the grownups make it for the kids). Otherwise, it’s “get your own food.”
Some people’s houses have plenty of couch room and chair room. Others…. not so much. At the houses with less seating, fights about who gets the best seat have broken out.
When all else fails, just squeeze eight kids onto what is supposed to be a three-person couch like it’s a clown car.
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