#captain asshole
god-i-hope-so · 4 months
Gerrard could potentially go after Buck for being with Tommy. But I fear that Ravi makes a way better target :/ He's the youngest and still green, and even if all the team supports him, Gerrard could use his position to harass him.
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malbecmusings · 3 months
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People have opinions. Man. I watched a calm discussion unfold in response to a question about "best dinghy" for a particular boat/couple. Best is subjective, of course, But holy shit. It devolved into a raging bitch fest within a half a dozen replies. Like damn, y'all are either too sober or too underfucked. Either way, please go fix that shit.
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lunalika · 4 months
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About last night.
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damn-right-reo · 1 year
Charlotte Doyle: *exists*
Captain Jaggery:
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punkrockmixtapes · 2 years
Listen/purchase: Post Malört by Captain Asshole
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letmusicspeaks · 2 years
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absolberts251 · 1 year
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you're a mean one captain kuro
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papanowo · 2 years
Through out your posts you indicate that you head-canon Rex as gay, but who’s he got a crush on and or how’d he figure it out?
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he likes anakin. hes not happy about it either lmao
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deadliestfishinthesea · 7 months
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I rewatched the intro scene at least ten times.
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trek-tracks · 11 months
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No lies detected
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timethehobo · 12 days
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I need their friendship to be showcased more again pls and thanks.
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god-i-hope-so · 4 months
Gerrard is old and filled with rage and hatred and it weakens the heart. So watch him have a stroke while they're out. And for a split second, they all hesitate: should they even try?
But of course they will. Of course they will save him, Hen and Chim together. The irony of owing them his life, as miserable as it is.
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frogchiro · 1 year
I’ve been thinking a lot about Soap lately….Soap who is so mean to you to act gruff but uses you as a model…putting a vibrator inside you and making you sit still while you model for him and he ignores you when you whine for him to put down the sketchbook and begging him to be nice🥺
He's much older, bigger and gruffier :(( rough with you too!! He loves being mean to you and grope you whenever he has the chance bc he loves the noises you make :( Will definitely smirk all nasty whenever he bullies you into a corner and presses his huge body against your smaller and soft one, hands on your hips as he grinds his bulge into you and growls all the dirty things he wants to do to you into your ear in that thick scottish accent and you'd lie when you said that your knees didn't feel weak ♡
Also yes you're so right :(( Captain Mactavish would definitely have you model for him, stripping you naked himself, sneaking a grope or two to your soft tummy and tits before shoving a bullet vibrator inside your poor pussy and purposefully moving it a bit with his thick fingers as you moan and whine into his greedy mouth as he keeps kissing you :((
Makes you lie down on your back on his bed with the vibrator set on the lowest setting and he begins drawing you, a big smirk on his scarred, scruffy face as he condescendingly shushes you when you whine too loud and orders you to keep still so that he can get the shading perfectly ♡
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kanansdume · 5 months
Okay, so I have read a lot of fics where Dogma joins the Coruscant Guard post-Umbara as a way to protect him, or he joins the Guard because the 501st doesn't like him, but I have a new CG Dogma AU concept.
Rex sends Dogma to the Guard specifically to look after Fox. He KNOWS Fox is overworked and the Guard is understaffed, but Fox just isn't asking for help as much as Rex would like, so he sends Dogma over because if Rex can't be there to look after Fox himself, he might as well as send the next best thing. Dogma is a little skeptical about it at first, but Rex tells him that he is legitimately the best man for the job specifically BECAUSE of his personality (he's got reason to believe Fox will have a soft spot for someone who reminds him of Rex).
He tells Fox that this is something he and Dogma discussed because the kind of work the Guard does is a better match for Dogma, but that he's also one of Rex's most impressive soldiers. Fox sees right through Rex and is not impressed at being assigned a babysitter, especially not some barely-not-a-shiny sergeant from the 501st. It's almost insulting, but the paperwork has already gone through so he can't say no or just send Dogma back.
But Rex knew what he was doing and Dogma IS a lot like Rex and he thrives in the Guard and it turns out he gets along incredibly well with Fox and, due to some special insider info from Rex, is perfectly capable of helping keep an eye on his new Commander.
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hijinxinprogress · 10 months
I need the jl to discover that Captain Marvel is a menace
Billy gets arrested as Captain Marvel and he’s just a smug menace the whole time despite being on comms with the league “Of course, I understand the seriousness of this situation! I will absolutely comply, I completely understand that you need the code…the code is 1-3-1-2. Also, I want my lawyer 😇” which gets leaked to the press both audio and visual which leads to the jl claiming that CM had been impersonated and their only evidence is the stupid ass grin on his face
The jl was investigating the misuse of a magical artifact and discovered that a group of police officers had joined a cult. Before they had the chance to gather the evidence proving those officers guilty but they’d already sealed away the artifact so Marvel suggested getting himself arrested to incriminate them and he was a little too happy about it
Let’s be honest, Billy only gets caught by the police bc he can commit to a bit and he’s pretending to be an ancient magic immortal so why would he run from a regular civilian human?? But on the inside Billy is dry heaving and sobbing bc he knows that the police could never catch him on his worst day even if he was personally broadcasting his location
Speaking of broadcasting isn’t Billy a fucking radio host?? I know he’s a fucking asshole during commercial breaks “This next commercial reminds me of a recent encounter with officer smith who got lost three blocks from his station” and it cuts to a fucking toilet paper commercial (people swear they heard him mutter ‘bc you’re absolute shit at your job’)
Sometimes people will call in to debate his views on the police and he’ll have a three hour philosophical debate but actual cops will call in to argue with him and Billy’s making your mom jokes and playing air horn noises or 2016 vines like a fucking child 
Billy probably gets caught when he graduates high school bc his yearbook quote is like marvels most well known quote “Captain Marvel coast city precinct, interrogation room 5 (Oct 14 XXXX) 3:37-4:31” billy added too much information and it gets flagged by the watchtowers security system so the jl has a meeting about the breach in security and Marvel’s like ‘yeaaahh, that was me mb’ and batman is making disapproving noises bc ‘this is serious, Marvel! high school graduate, William-’ he can’t finish bc Marvel’s gagging dramatically ‘Billy. It’s Billy ohmygod’
batman, on the verge of a breakdown: who is this kid?? Why does he know the time, date, and location of an undercover league operation??
Marvel, avoiding eye contact with Cyborg who helped picked out his outfit for the yearbook photo currently being projected: ahaha about that…
Cyborg, who distinctly remembers telling Billy not to do anything fucking stupid: 😐
(Vic has framed the picture of the ‘oh shit’ look on Billy’s face when superman lunges across the table damn near in hysterics)
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kennahjune · 9 months
the moment mike accepted steve into the party
he didn’t get it. what was so good about steve harrington?
yeah, he was good looking and strong. but other than that? nothing. in mike’s eyes, he was still the asshole rando that dated his sister. and he didn’t plan on that changing.
until march of 1985.
mike had been held back after class for falling asleep. it wasn’t his fault. he couldn’t ever sleep unless someone else was with him. and there was no way in hell he was gonna cuddle with nancy. besides, he was good at the class— so no need to pay attention really.
at least miss noelle didn’t call his mom.
dustin, lucas, and will were waiting for him in the hall. oh, and max, cause she was actually kind of cool.
“what was up with miss noelle?” lucas asked as they walked down the hall.
“pissed i fell asleep in class,” mike said dejectedly. max snorted from beside him.
“maybe just don’t fall asleep?” she asked rhetorically.
mike huffed and flipped her off. “you sound like my dad.”
dustin shuddered from his other side. “ew. not cool man.”
mike rolled his eyes. “it’s true! my dads always like ‘just don’t this’ and ‘just don’t do that’ instead of actually helping! It’s so annoying.”
will came up and bumped arms with him while they finally left the school. classes were done and they were finally left to do what they wanted.
“uh oh.” came from lucas. mike sighed, catching sight of what— or who— lucas was “uh oh-ing” about.
“just don’t look at them,” max said under her breath while she averted her eyes to the ground.
“that never works,” retorted lucas.
“you have any better ideas? just keep walking.”
great. the one day nancy or jonathan aren’t picking them up and they run into noah and joey.
in 1983, el had gotten troy and james to back off— even scaring them into moving. but el’s not here right now, so she can’t help with noah and joey— the party’s most recent tormentors.
will stepped closer to mike and mike nudged his hand with his. everyone pulled in closer to each other in hopes of concealing themselves and the others. of course, it didn’t work.
“hey hey! look man, it’s the circus!” mike saw noah nudge joey beside him.
“shit,” dustin cursed.
and ‘shit’ was right. no one wanted to deal with noah and joey. especially with the mood mike was currently in after being held up.
“seriously what hell is it, tanner?” mike addressed noah directly.
joey whistled lowly and took a sharp step forward. will and dustin both flinched pretty hard. max gave a twitch but lucas and mike held their ground for the most part. noah and joey got a kick laughing at dustin and will.
“awwww they’re scared, joey! like a bunch of babies!”
mike forgot how stupid kids sound most of the time. they could call him a baby all they wanted— nothing will ever compare to watching will get possessed and then watching bob die.
mike still reached out and grabbed someone’s hand. he thinks it was lucas’.
joey and noah were both a good bit taller than mike, which meant they were also a good bit taller than everyone else in the party. they liked to use their height to their advantage but mike had dealt with monsters twice his height. it wasn’t scary, just annoying at this point.
still didn’t help the fact that they didn’t want to deal with this.
mike had zoned out, because next thing he knew he was being shoved to the ground. it probably wouldn’t have hurt too bad if they weren’t outside in the parking lot. mike felt his chin bust on the pavement in a sickening repeat of ‘83 with troy and james.
will was there in a second with dustin, helping him up off the ground and dusting him off. dustin held his hands while Will held his face, frantic over the now gushing blood that he could feel running down his neck. he was trembling. why was he trembling?
he faintly heard yelling and assumed lucas and max were arguing with joey and noah.
“just fuck off, murphy!” he heard max yell at joey. “we’ve literally done nothing to either of you and yet you make us hate our fucking lives!”
“aww, noah, she thinks we actually care! isn’t that cute?”
mike stood up with the help up dustin and will. but that only served to turn noah and joey’s attention onto him. well. better on him than on max.
“so whatcha gonna do, wheeler? gonna push me like troy? gonna wimp out and go cry to mommy and daddy?”
mike actually considered pushing joey. but that’d probably just make thing worse. if el hadn’t been there last year to save his ass from troy mike would’ve gotten pummeled.
but it was a serious option he considered.
dustin stepped in front of mike and shoved joey back. mike didn’t even realize how close he’d gotten. wow. he was really out of it today, huh?
“back off murphy.”
mike wanted to hug dustin, but at the same time he wanted to smack him upside the head for putting himself in the way. it’s easier when they target mike. just let them target him. he doesn’t care at this point.
dustin stayed arguing with joey and stopped only when there were multiple shouts from max, will and lucas.
noah had pulled max’s hair and in return was shoved to the ground by lucas. but noah had taken will down with him and now will struggled with lucas and max to get noah off.
mike saw red, and in a moments notice had noah off of will and on the ground. he was vaguely aware of dustin and max cheering him on with dustin and will watching.
it didn’t last very long until noah shoved mike hard enough that he fell backwards and busted his head on the ground. again.
at this point he was working himself towards a concussion. just like steve, he thought deliriously. and speak of the devil.
mike, dustin, lucas, will, and max all looked up, startled by the familiar voice and claps.
“what the fuck are you shits doing, huh?”
steve fucking harrington was suddenly right next to mike on the ground, kneeling and helping him sit up.
“shit, you ok mike? that’s a nasty scrape you got there. i have bandaids in the car, let’s go get you one, yeah?”
mike just nodded. he really wanted to know what the fuck steve was doing there and why he seemed to intent on helping.
“who the fuck are you?”
steve stood with mike halfway to the car, the rest of the group following, mike noticed. joey and noah stood idly in the parking lot, seeming put out by steve’s sudden appearance.
steve’s eye twitched and mike watched him bite the inside of his cheek. mike watched in real time as steve recognized joey and noah and seemed to piece together exactly what happened. he scoffed. not what mike was expecting.
steve gently nudged mike towards the car and knocked his knuckles on dustin’s hat. “you kids go get in the car. max you can toss your board in the trunk.”
dustin seemed to want to protest but even he could see how pissed steve was. even max was keeping quiet. lucas and will were quick to follow instructions and headed to the car. mike was right behind them.
lucas tried the back door (knowing mike got shotgun for the bandaids and possible concussion) but the handle only wiggled. “locked.”
“did he give one of you the keys?” asked will.
they all shook their heads. they didn’t have to wait long until steve was back with them at the car.
“why aren’t you guys in the car yet?”
“locked.” informed will.
“ohhhh. oops.” steve unlocked the car and helped max put her skate board in the trunk. when he hopped into the drivers side dustin and lucas were hounding him with questions.
“why are you here?”
“I thought we were walking home?”
“what the hell was that?”
“what did you do to noah and joey?”
“settle down and shut up, would you? nancy mentioned you guys were walking home so I came to grab you. you’d think that after everything they’d be a little more cautious. and also, language, henderson. I am so not taking the blame when you end up slipping in front of your mom.”
“awww you were worried steve.” max teased.
steve scoffed. “‘course I was, red. and it turned out I had every right to be. anybody wanna explain what that was?”
suddenly the car was quiet.
steve clicked his tongue.
“fine. guess you’re all coming to my house, huh?”
there was a sudden uproar in questions and “what the hell?”s.
“listen! i’m not letting any of you shits go home until I one; know for sure mike doesn’t have a concussion—“ steve eyed mike and he felt himself flinch. “—and two; before I get the whole story.”
there was a bunch of grumbling from the backseat, but mike himself stayed quiet throughout the rest of the ride.
“oh! and mike—“ mike looked at steve briefly and barely caught the box of tissues tossed at him. “—put that on the scrape for now, yeah? I’ll clean it properly when we get to the house.”
mike nodded and held a wad of tissues to his chin.
when they pulled up to the harrington house, everyone was inside quickly. everyone went to use the phone in the living room to call their parents and when mike went to follow he was grabbed gently on the shoulder.
“can you head to the kitchen and grab out the med-kit? I need to make sure they don’t drive my bill up.”
mike knew it was meant to be used as a distraction. but he’d take it. so he headed to the kitchen before realizing he didn’t know where the med-kit was. he rifled around in the cabinets for a bit before finding it stored away under the sink.
mike pulled it out and waited at the kitchen island. he noticed that it was a pretty heavy kit. and it seemed to be used a lot judging by the lack of dust and how it had a couple of bandages peeking from the crease.
everyone piled into the kitchen, book bags dumped in the living room and shoes discarded by the door. will sat on a stool next to mike and dustin and max hopped on the counter. lucas took a seat on the other side of mike.
“ooookay. ah! there it is.” steve opened the kit and grabbed out a brown bottle and a few cotton balls. mike noted how he seemed to know where everything in the med-kit was as if he used it on a daily. he filed the information away for later.
“what’s that supposed to be?” mike eyed the bottle with weariness.
“just peroxide. it’s meant to clean the cut. I know for a fact that that parking lot is fucking filthy and I’m not risking an infection due to gunk in the wound.”
steve put a cotton ball to the open top of the bottle and tipped the bottle over. “i’m not going to lie and say it doesn’t hurt, cause it does sting a bit. but it also definitely helps in the long run.” steve held up the cotton ball as if in question.
mike nodded and looked up, giving steve more room to see the scrape. mike gripped will’s hand and hissed when the cotton ball first dabbed, but the pain soon subsided.
“now this part isn’t too fun either but it’s kind of needed. how attached to that shirt are you?”
mike looked down at that faded, off-white with blue stripes shirt he was wearing. “not very. why?”
“ok, good. this won’t ruin the shirt but you might have to change is all i’m saying. I need to pour the peroxide directly on the scrape to clean it out properly. “
(I know that hydrogen peroxide actually tends to damage tissue and delay healing but they didn’t really know that in the 80s so bare with me.)
mike shuddered at the thought. “I don’t have clothes to change into.”
“I have an extra shirt in my bag.” offered lucas. “I had gym today.” he clarified when he got off looks.
“that’d be perfect, thanks sinclair.”
lucas jumped up to get the shirt and came back in with a white t-shirt with red sleeves. he set it on the counter for afterwards. lucas wordlessly took mike’s hand that will wasn’t holding.
it wasn’t long before the scrape was clean and steve was putting away the kit. while everyone else ran into the living room to watch movies and raid steve’s snacks, mike took the shirt and went to the bathroom to change.
when he came back out (after looking at the funny bandage on his chin— because seriously, what kind 17 year old just had dinosaur bandaids in their med-kit?) mike was quick to join everyone in the living room before steve could pull him aside again.
honestly? fuck that guy.
(but when mike sat between will and max on the couch he couldn’t stop thinking about how soft steve was when taking care of the scrape. he couldn’t stop himself from thinking about how old he was when he last felt that gentleness.
the answer was 7. mike was 7 when his mom deemed him old enough to deal with his own cuts and bruises.)
steve eventually held out on his promise of getting information. and after their first movie he forced them all onto the couches while he stood in front of them.
“so am I actually going to get an answer this time?” he stood with his hands on his hips and a dish towel thrown over his shoulder. mike remembered this same stance from not even a year ago, when they were trying to talk him into going in the tunnels.
steve almost reminded mike of his mom for a moment. but mike doubted his mom would go this far if she ever found out about the bullying. (mike refused to admit that he liked the idea of steve fretting over them like this. the idea made him almost sick to his stomach.)
everyone refused to look at him. max looked dead ahead at the wall, lucas kept his eyes trained on the floor, will was messing with his jacket sleeves and dustin was paying extra attention to the ceiling.
mike chewed the inside of his cheek.
“what the hell do you wanna hear from us, steve?” he asked. “that we’re being bullied? that they picked a fight with us first? that we’re nerds and freaks and weirdos?”
will, dustin and lucas flinched with each insult. max refused to look at anything other than what mike assumed was the odd spot on the wall. mike saw steve’s left eye twitch— the one he was always getting punched in.
“that what they told you?”
mike scoffed. “that’s what everyone told us. we’re the school circus!” his voice raised at the end and will flinched violently next to him.
“mike..” dustin uttered from beside max.
“sorry.” he mumbled, finally letting his gaze drop from steve to the coffee table in front of them.
steve sighed quietly.
“noah tanner and joey murphy, right? they both have older siblings, noah an older brother and joey an older sister.”
that made head snap to him.
“what—“ lucas started.
“mitchel tanner and annie murphy are their names. mitch is on the swim team, annie on the cheer team. they’re both barely passing their classes and aren’t exactly the kindest either— in fact I watched mitch shove freshman into a door yesterday.” steve continued, his voice soft as if he was simply talking to himself.
dustin’s and lucas’ jaws were on the floor, max and will were looking at him as if he were insane.
“so— wait—“
“you know their older siblings?”
“what the hell does that have to do with anything?”
steve smirked. and mike was /scared/. he’d seen steve smirk before, when he was dating nancy, when he said something particularly bitchy.
but this. this smirk was plain /mean/.
“would be a real shame if.. I dunno, their coaches suddenly find out about the poor sophomores they make do their homework. or worse— principal higgins finds out. who are mitch and annie gonna blame then, huh?”
dustin sputtered, “you! they’d just blame you, wouldn’t they?”
steve shrugged. “sure. but then they’d know why I did it. their brothers fucking with my kids.”
he said it so calmly. as if it was just the plain truth. as if he wasn’t scared to admit it.
if this is how he’s treated, being of steve’s “kids”, then shit. he may not be all that mad after all.
steve pulled the towel off his shoulder and walked back into the kitchen, a call over his shoulder about ham and cheese sliders and chips for dinner.
but none of the kids were listening.
lucas turned dustin who turned to max who turned to mike who turned to will who looked back at all of them with the biggest grin mike’s ever seen on his face.
ok. so maybe mike gets the hype the steve harrington.
(and if the next week of school went by with no issues, with noah and joey looking at them in /fear/? well. mike had steve to thank.)
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