#captain Swan
iloveolivegarden · 3 days
Emma Swan and Hook from Once Upon a Time are RoseKiller variants
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wishingformoredogs · 6 months
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I will not be silenced.
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dinneratgrannys · 29 days
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tfw you remember your fiancee is a princess
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bentknife · 1 year
my boss walking into my office: hey i know you’re really busy today, do you have a moment?
me who’s been reading fanfiction for the last 4 hours: uhhh i think i can spare a few minutes
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captain-hen · 2 months
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#invented enemies to lovers
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userzade · 2 months
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Happy Ten Year Anniversary to the Captain Swan Movie!
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k-leemac · 1 year
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How did you do it? How did you get to me?
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clarkgriffon · 6 months
captain swan is so funny because killian is in the midst of a multi-hundred year revenge plot and then he meets emma and goes "oh. turns out i am still capable of love. yeah im gonna go do that instead"
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mccallhero · 7 months
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favourite ouat scenes: 18/?
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jennifersminds · 7 months
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A one time thing,
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oliviasdunham · 28 days
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ONCE UPON A TIME, 4.01 — “A Tale Of Two Sisters”
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dinneratgrannys · 20 days
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ONCE UPON A TIME 6.20, The Song in Your Heart
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athenascrows · 14 days
I genuinely don’t understand how ppl can appreciate characters normally cause this is what usually happens with me:
THEYRE SO SILLY- *explodes*
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avengerdaisy · 16 days
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Emma Swan and Killian Jones in OUAT, 3x22 There's No Place Like Home
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ouat text posts: pt. 3/?
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