#capping it at her thirsting lol
yell0wsalt · 2 months
Ta Min unabashedly ogling Roku shirtless sparring, I know that’s right!
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lemoncrushh · 3 months
What's It Like
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Summary: You can't sleep and decide to pay Harry a visit in the next room.
Warnings: Oral sex (m receiving) 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 1116
A/N: A short little blurb originally from 2016. I remember I was listening to this song by Lissie a lot (I highly recommend checking it out, her music is fantastic), and it gave me ideas. But there is no reason given why Y/N is in a house with Harry and other people. Perhaps it was a weekend getaway with some friends. This may possibly be the last blurb I ever wrote in present tense. Haven't thought about that in a while, but I guess it was something I used to do lol.
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You can't sleep. The room is hot and you've spent the last hour trying to chase the cold spot in the sheets to no avail. You give up and toss the covers aside, climbing out of bed. You cringe when the door squeaks open, hoping you didn't wake anyone. The house is dark and quiet as you make your way down the hall to the kitchen.
You open the refrigerator, allowing the glow from within to be the only light in the room. You grab a bottle of water, taking long hard gulps to quench your thirst. It's only then that you notice a dim blue hue shining underneath the bedroom door next to yours. Harry's room. It's nearly three a.m. Everyone else had gone to bed long ago. You wonder if he's suffering from the same insomnia as you and had decided to watch some television.
Grabbing another bottle of water, you shut the refrigerator and tiptoe back down the hallway, stopping in front of Harry's door. Just when you're about to knock, however, you hear faint sounds coming from within. Pressing your ear to the door, you swear it sounds like someone breathing heavily. The tiny hairs on your arms and on the back of your neck stand on end.
Biting your lip, you bravely rap lightly on the door. The second you do, you regret it, wishing you would have just been bolder and snuck inside. Your hand falls to your side and you're about to turn and walk back to your room when the door opens. Harry stands before you shirtless, a prominent bulge in his shorts. Your eyes go straight to it, particularly because it's the first thing you notice. When your eyes finally peel away and meet his, he has a sexy smirk on his face.
"Um..." you stumble, "couldn't sleep?"
"No," he replies, the damn smirk still there.
You clear your throat, suddenly remembering the water bottles. You hold one out to him.
"Here. Thought you might be thirsty. It's...um...kinda warm in here."
"Thanks," he says, taking it from you and twisting the cap.
He takes a large sip, his eyes still on yours. You shift your gaze past him to the bed where you see an iPad laying. You realize then that was where the light was coming from. You feel the ends of your mouth curl up as you imagine what Harry was probably watching on it.
"You wanna come in?" you hear him ask.
"Huh?" you look back at him. "Oh. Yeah, sure."
You step past him as he closes the door. You walk to the edge of the bed, the iPad now in closer view. Your suspicions are confirmed when you see the screen paused on what looks like a couple having sex.
"Harry," you immediately roll your eyes as you let out a chuckle.
"What?" you hear him behind you.
"You were watching porn," you state.
"Yeah," he says, his arm reaching around you to grab the iPad. "Probably won't be needing that now."
You turn around swiftly, practically bumping into him. Temporarily disoriented, you blink, one hand on his chest, your other gripping your half empty water bottle. Your eyes focus on his tattoos, trying your best not to let your eyes roam back down to his shorts. His arm reaches out to set the iPad on the nearby dresser, next to the water you'd brought him before taking yours from your hand and setting it there as well.
"Y/N," you hear him say, his voice deeper than usual.
"Yes?" you reply softly.
You dare to look up at his face. His smirk is gone, and his eyes appear to be serious. You feel his hand cover yours on his chest before he slides it down his stomach and into his shorts. His eyelids get heavy when your fingers graze over his erection.
"Touch me, baby," he insists.
You oblige, gripping his shaft and pumping him gently. Letting out a deep groan, Harry slides his other hand under your ear, covering your mouth with his. Dipping his tongue inside, it meets yours sending sparks throughout your body. When he kisses a trail down your jaw to your neck, you let out a breath and begin pumping him harder and faster. He curses in your ear, and you freeze your hand.
"Don't stop, love, please," he begs. "I'm so hard."
"I know," you say, licking your lips.
You slip both of your hands into the sides of his waistband, pushing his shorts down. They fall at his ankles and he steps out of them, his eyes still on you, his perfect lips parted. You kneel down then, Harry's erection in front of you. You gently squeeze it, your hand sliding up and down the shaft. You can hear Harry breathing hard again as the tip of his cock is as close to your lips as it could be without touching.
"Baby..." he groans. "Put it in your mouth, please."
His fingers comb your hair back from your face so he can watch you as you look up at him for a second before sticking out your tongue and licking the head. Harry's eyelids flutter as his jaw drops open.
Refocusing your attention on his hard cock, you take him into your mouth. You hear the sounds coming from his chest as he enjoys the pleasure you're giving him. You pull back to lick him again, returning to your sucking, your hand pumping him at the base.
Harry's hips buck against you, his hands on the back of your head.
"Oh, Jesus," he cries. "Ah fuck you're gonna make me come."
As your mouth devours him and your right hand jerks, you bring your left hand up to his stomach. You feel him shake underneath your touch just before he lets out another cry and empties himself inside your mouth. When his body stills, you swallow and rise from the floor.
"Fuck," Harry whines, cupping his face in your hands.
He kisses you hard, taking your breath away. When he releases you, you bite your lip shyly before eyeing the door.
"I should probably get back to my room," you say.
"No," Harry shakes his head, "Please. Don't go."
You blink, your eyebrows raised. "You want me to stay?"
"Yes," he replies, his fingers brushing the skin on your arms. "I want you in my bed."
You feel your face turn pink, grateful that the room's dark. Your fingers trace the bird tattoos on his chest before you look back up at him.
"Alright," you whisper.
"Good," says Harry before pushing you back onto the bed. "'Cos now it's my turn."
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Also, if you enjoy my writing, please consider joining my Patreon!
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hi! your works are absolutely fascinating! so alive(?) and captivating. (if you're comfortable with it) can you please write something about daemon x rhae royce's younger sister who looks like a pretty lady but has a personality of a much harsher warrior than anyone could imagine. maybe she appears at the court right after rhae's death or even later. i just had an idea and it's totally you right to decide what to do with it. thank u in advance!
Served Cold
Daemon Targaryen x Royce!Reader
Summary: "Twas never my sister which was the ugly one between the two of us," I seethe, holding my dagger even tighter to the prince's neck, "Twas I."
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: Depictions/descriptions of violence/death/murder, fem!reader, i spun a roulette to decide daemon's fate, i describe readers features, gaslight gatekeep girlboss, typos, etc.
A/N: I WAS SO EXCITED WHEN I SAW THIS NONNIE. RHEA WASN'T EVEN UGLY DAEMON NEEDS GLASSES AND TO GO TO JAIL. This is my vindication for the baddest babe that never got to be. I hope you like it nonnie, this took quite a dark turn lol Tagging: @pinksirensong @deniixlovezelda Part two anyone "I Want You, I Get You"
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I made it a point to perfect my form before even practicing my moves. I was conscientious and sedulous in my work. Fair enough, I was not a quick learner like my sister. Rhea had always been better a picking up new things, but then again, I suppose the reason why it took me a while to learn something was because I wanted to make sure I knew every nuance, every sliver of detail about whatever it was that I was learning, before allowing myself to get into it.
And so when I was getting into him, by the time I was done, I knew Daemon Targaryen better than he even knew himself.
I knew it all. What he liked, and what he didn't. What got him turned on, what got him blood thirsty, and what got him bored.
I knew him like the back of my hand.
I knew what would make him tick before I even met him.
And I knew well to dress myself in colors that pleased him-- his house colors, of course, in all his vanity. I knew what style of dresses he liked on women; I knew the exact level of madonna and whore he was looking for.
I made sure the plunges of my collars were deep enough to attract attention, but modest enough to keep something for the imagination. I also I told my seamstress to keep my sleeves short and capped so he would want nothing more than to touch my bare arms.
If a tinge of decency overcame Daemon out of sport, I made sure to give him reason to avert his attentions to my skin by wearing some delicate silver jewelry.
I painted my face to accentuate the features I have been complimented on since a child. I drew on my eyes to make them look as though they were constantly gazing unto him with wonder, and brushed red on my cheeks, as though I was constantly blushing at his remarks, and on my lips, as though I was constantly pouting at his teases.
But all those things were nothing. The appearances I've had in front of the prince thus far, at court, during festivities and otherwise where nothing compared to what I had planned on our red-letter day.
Today, the kicker was my hair, my hair that was tied well enough to keep my thick, brown locks in fashion, but loose enough that with a strong enough flick, it would come undone.
"Lady Royce," Daemon calls, handing me a drink. I raised an eye at him and showed no acceptance of it as I crossed my arms.
He enjoyed that. He enjoyed it so much he poured the drink meant for me into his own cup and threw the empty one behind him with no regard. Why would he have regard, anyway?
He rakes in my appearance, "I see you have made a point to wear blue and red this evening," his lips curve, "could this be a marriage proposal between our two houses?"
Daemon is excited by my crass response, "you have not only already tainted my sister's being and bloodied your hands with hers, yet now you still thirst to defile the last remaining of her house?"
He tilts his head down at me as he narrows his eyes, "except I never touched that troll," the prince steps forward, "never wanted to touch her," he smirks, "unlike her little sister."
I lean close to him as I glare, "you're going to have to keep dreaming about it, my prince, because the day our skin touches is the day one of us dies."
Daemon breathes in my scent before I pull away abruptly. He chuckles from his spot, watching as I stormed off.
I was meant to exit the chamber and have him follow after me, but it seems that would not be happening, as Jason Lannister made it a point to grab my arm before I could depart.
"Lady Royce," he calls, making me turn and stand before him as he pulls away, "I apologize for the brashness, but I could not allow myself to have you leave without sharing at least one drink with me.
My lips curve at his words. A devious smile winds up on my lips, "why of course, my lord."
Jason then leads me off to where we could share a drink in relative quiet. I feel Daemon's gaze burn me with every move I made.
He was not particularly entertaining; Jason made it a point to talk about himself and how rich and powerful he was, but still, I made it appear that I was absolutely enchanted by our conversation, and that I was absolutely smitten.
I do say, Daemon had a timeliness to himself when he caught me genuinely laughing to the first funny thing Jason Lannister said all night.
And so when the vermin carelessly pulled me back with so much force, my hair tie finally gave up as I turned to him in offence.
I gasp at it, clutching my hair and its accessories, so that it would not further fall. Jason picks up one of my fallen clips as I rip my arm out of Daemon's clutch. I eye him darkly and mutter, "imbecile."
He lets out a dry scoff as Jason does a horrible job at trying to put my clip back where it was a while ago.
I grab his hand in both of mine and give a pinched smile, "I appreciate the efforts, Jason, but I think it is a sign I should retire. I could not go about the rest of the night like this."
"Nonesense," he shakes his head, "dare I say you look better this way."
I chuckle under my breath and begin to back away, "I thank you for your high opinions of me, but I really must go."
I take in Jason's expression as he steps towards me. Daemon eyes him darkly.
A clever thought springs in mind. I release a breath, "well, if you would like, we can meet at the gardens after I fix my hair."
The Lannister's face lights up, "I would want nothing more."
I give him one last look of regard, forfeiting one for Daemon, and make my way outside.
I make attempts together my hair up and fix it the way it was a while ago. It was I that fashioned my hair today. It was an easy task to do it again, even without a mirror, this time, more securely. I make my way out of the hall, towards the gardens.
I feel my stomach churn in anticipation when I hear the heavy footsteps behind me.
The next thing I know, I am pressed against the wall, being stared down my the riled up Targaryen, "you exasperating minx."
My nostrils flare at his expression and I shove him off me with a grunt. He reels back at my unexpected strength.
I give him a dirty look as I speed down the hall.
Daemon takes a moment before replying and chasing after me, "do you expect me to believe you did not plan for that to happen?"
I scoff as I gather my skirts in my hands, "oh, but of course I wanted my hair to come undone before Jason Lannister. That was the plan from the moment I was born."
When I hear his steps quicken, I bring my skirt higher and tighter in my grips, running faster.
Daemon is stunned by this and it takes a moment for the scene to register in his mind.
I eventually make it into the garden when he manages to grab me again. We are both heaving when he spins me around and tightly clasps my arms, "nowhere to run, little girl."
I grip my skirt tightly as I wrangle my shoulders in his grip. Daemon smirks at me all while using his strength against my actions.
"Now that you've had your fun," he leans in, "it's my turn now."
I bring my hand under my skirt. The moment he makes the mistake of withdrawing one of his hands, I knee him with all my strength in his groin, sending him crumpling down with a pained whine. That will hopefully prevent him from ever having children.
"You fucking bit-"
I tackle him to the ground, ripping my dagger off my thigh holster as I did so. With him pinned bellow me and my knee onto his back, I brought the blade to his neck, red immediately begins to gush against his skin, "you must understand something-"
I gag him with a piece of cloth I prepared in the chance he squirmed. He did not, I gaged him out of spite.
"Twas never my sister which was the ugly one between the two of us," I seethe, holding my dagger even tighter to the prince's neck, "Twas always I."
With one, clean, practiced move, I slashed the prince's throat. I made sure it was not enough to kill him, but enough for the guards to find him when I scream for help. We'll find out soon enough if it is his fate to meet my sister, or if it is mine.
I drop the blade to his side and pull away from him. I turn to my hands, smiling at the fact I managed to keep them clean. I then drop to my hind, and crawl back screaming, "HELP! HELP! SOMEONE HELP US! THE PRINCE HAS BEEN SLAIN!"
I continue my screams up until someone comes.
It's Jason, frantic and distraught.
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daenysthedreamer101 · 3 months
TVDU Headcanons
Vampirism - Transition
This is just how I think it would feel
A/N: Sorry if it's kind of long lol hope you enjoy it. No chapter this week, exam season is killing me.
Warning: descriptions of blood, obviously
TVD Masterlist
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If you were (un)lucky enough to die with vampire blood in your system this is how I think it would go
Obviously, if you knew about vampires the whole process would be a lot quicker cause you would know you needed to feed, but let's say you didn't and you were in the same position Caroline was
If you died in the hospital like Care did, you would figure out pretty quickly what it is that you craved
You would wake up in the middle of the night, confused and disoriented; for some reason, you felt...different
A strange hunger was seated deep in your stomach; it was a hunger like you'd never known, all-consuming and distracting
Your throat was dry and itchy. You picked up the glass sitting on your nightstand and you drank the stale water - it did nothing to quench your thirst
The next thing you noticed was an annoying beeping sound; it rang loudly in your ears but you couldn't determine where it was coming from
You then focused your eyes on the beam of moonlight peering through the window - you could see the dust particles floating in the air. You were confused, to say the least (especially if you wore glasses as a human)
You looked at the clock - 3:00 AM
Wanting to see more of the room, you turned on the bedside lamp and regretted it immediately. It felt like the light was stabbing your eyes; you cursed and turned it off
Taking a deep breath, you tried collecting your thoughts but the hunger inside you was the only thing you could think about
Remembering your friend sneaked you some snacks the day before you take them out of your bag and eat them but it does nothing to satisfy your hunger
At this point you start getting frustrated with yourself; you get out of the bed and walk out into the hallway - it's empty
As you take a few more steps you start hearing that beeping again. You follow it and are now in front of another patient's room and peering through the window you realize it's the heart monitor
You're just about to leave when you hear something coming from behind you; thinking quickly, you rush into the nearby restroom. You take a quick look in the mirror - you seem paler than usual and the look in your eyes freaks you out
"I just have to sleep it off and I'll be better in the morning" You thought optimistically
You peek out of the restroom and see that a nurse is walking down the hall and pushing a cart in front of her; she walks into the room you were looking at
Taking this as a chance to flee, you walk out of the restroom and rush past the room. But as you pass the cart you are hit with a smell - sweet and heady, it makes your head spin
You turn back and realize that the smell is coming from the blood bags that are stacked on the cart - before you even realize what you're doing, you grab one of the bags and run back to your room
In the privacy of your room you sit on your bed and examine the bag; you focus your eyes on the way the blood sloshes inside the plastic bag and every time you sniff it, it makes your mouth water
You seemed to be in some kind of trance
You take off the protective cap off the tube; "Just one sip"
Taking hold of the thin tube, you put it in your mouth and experimentally take a sip
As you do, your mouth is filled with the cold liquid and your tongue is flooded with the metallic taste of blood
This seemed to snap you out of your trance and you realize what you just did; you cough and throw the blood bag across the room. You wipe your mouth, disgusted with yourself
You quickly grab the bottle of juice from your bag, trying to wash off the taste of blood. But this only made you gag. It's almost like your body was rejecting normal food/drinks
You were once again hit with the scent and this time it was so overwhelming you could not resist it as every cell in your body urged you to take another sip
You pick the bag up from the ground and start sucking the blood from the bag.
In the morning
A couple of hours later, you wake up once again. You thought sleep would help you feel better, but you were wrong. You thought the hunger would go away during the night but it didn't.
It was around 7:00 AM when the nurse brought you your breakfast. You reluctantly ate it, but food was not what your body craved for
Getting up from your bed, you pick up your bag from the chair nearby; after getting the stuff you need, you put the bag back on the chair
As you push the bag onto the chair, your fingers catch some of the sunlight that was peeking through the window - immediately the tips of your fingers start burning and you hiss in pain as you quickly pull your fingers away
Quickly walking to the sink, you put your fingers under cold water to soothe the pain
"What the hell was that about!?" You think as you rub your hands in frustration
You feel anger bubbling inside you; you look up into the mirror, and the longer you look at yourself the more you notice something being off about your face
Then, to your utter shock and horror, black veins start spreading beneath your eyes and across your cheeks. Your sclerae turn red and you gasp as you take in the change.
Your mouth hangs open in disbelief and then you groan as your gums start aching; it feels like your teeth are trying to break through the skin. But you already have all your teeth. So what is this about?
After a couple of agonizing seconds, you are met with the sight of long, sharp fangs protruding from your mouth.
You take in the monstrous appearance of your face and it finally dawns on you
"Am I...a vampire?"
Taglist: @ashaluuler
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rypnami · 1 year
headcanons for Solomon Sallow because through a series of unfortunate events i am now obsessed with him
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word count: 329 (i will definitely be adding more later lol)
a/n: let me thirst over grumpy old men in peace okay. bb boy @ask-solomon-sallow
• around Feldcroft, he’s known as the ‘fix it’ guy. if something in your house is broken, he’s the person to call
• he’s a cat person
• he knows how to braid hair. he’s the middle Sallow child, with Sebastian’s father being the eldest, and they had a younger sister who would always insist he braid her hair for her
• despite his frankly bitter personality, he likes his coffee and/or tea with an ungodly amount of sugar
• the pocket watch on his waistcoat was a gift from his brother. although they rough relationship with him their whole lives, he cared for him, and misses him deeply
• contrary to popular belief, Solomon actually does care for Sebastian. Seb just reminds him too much of his brother, and of himself. he feels like his life went a bad direction, and he sees a lot of potential in Seb, and doesn’t want his life to go the same way. the probables is he’s too emotionally constipated to actually *say* that, so it comes out in anger and him being wayyy to harsh
• once Ominis started hanging around Feldcroft, Solomon taught him how to read using his wand
• he would work overtime when he was an Auror, because, well… he didn’t really need the extra money… but his brother just had twins; they deserve some extra help
• when they were small, Sebastian and Anne would want him to read to them every night. after some time, when the Tales of Beedle the Bard were wearing thin, he’d write little stories for them instead. they never knew that, though
• before he ended up becoming an Auror, he wanted to be a writer. making up stories for Sebastian and Anne ended up being the perfect outlet, especially since he had to retire from the Auror office
• he never really had a serious relationship (until he married ME!!!). he had a few short-term girlfriends, both at Hogwarts and as he got older, but nothing really stuck
now… to cap it all off
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lordsothofsithicus · 25 days
Lord Soth Reviews: The Stone Prophet, Pt. Two
The spellcasting system in the game was surprisingly robust, with a large number of utility, defensive, and offensive spells for the priest and wizard classes. Available spells for both classes capped at 6th level, though by the end of the game you would almost certainly be at or near 20th level. The issue Strahd's Possession had with level-draining undead and the lack of any effective means of restoring lost levels was resolved by simply not including any level-draining monsters in the game. In addition, unlike Strahd's Possession and more in line with Menzoberranzan, there were no monster spawns in Stone Prophet. Instead, dungeons included a large number of traps and a greater number of roaming monsters. During dungeon instances, these roaming monsters would travel up and down the corridors and attack your party if they happened upon you. This, combined with the large number of floor plate traps had a humorous interaction where in many dungeons the roaming monsters would repeatedly set off traps that would then proceed to kill them. This meant that as you navigated these dungeons you would get messages about a monster being slain - and you would get the experience for killing that monster, since the game's engine gives you the XP when a monster dies whether they died thanks to you or at the hands of a dungeon hazard. I'm sure the playtesters who ran through the game once upon a time said "lol" at this phenomenon and left it in. Unlike in Strahd's Possession, a cleric's Turn Undead power now caused undead to flee from the party if it didn't destroy them outright, instead of making them spin in circles. Less funny, more correct.
The game's unique mechanic is a thirst meter; this meter is drained slowly as you travel (I believe the rate is dependent on a character's Constitution score) and replenished by consumption of water skins, or by use of the cleric spell "Create Water". This makes Thirst a largely ignorable mechanic if you have a Cleric in your party and something you need to seriously keep an eye on if you don't, because if your thirst meter runs out... you die pretty quick.
The character options in the game were a slightly simplified version of the Player's Handbook standard; Human, Dwarf, Elf, Halfling and Gnome, with character class choices of Fighter, Mage (Wizard), Cleric, and Thief. I believe Gnomes could be Illusionists, which in 2E were a wizard with more potent illusion spells and the ability to spot illusions (in this case, illusionary walls) - however they also had some restrictions, in this case being shut out from most of the game's damaging wizard spells. They were, in essence, a more challenging choice.
You also have the option of taking multi-class characters. For you young'ns, if not playing a human in AD&D 2E you had the option of playing a character that advanced in two or more classes at once, with the caveat that XP earned was split between your classes, so overall you advanced slower. But you could for instance play an Elf who was a Fighter/Mage or a Dwarf who was a Fighter/Cleric.
You can also import characters from Strahd's Possession, thus rewarding you for completing the first game in part or in full with more powerful characters with a significantly higher level, and many of their magic items retained (not all, but most).
Otherwise, your characters begin around 5th level, give or take. Character generation in the Stone Prophet may be the most stylish of any D&D computer game ever - like Strahd's Posession, character gen takes the form of a Vistani seeress casting Tarokka cards, but is more atmospheric with the seeress making comments at the selection of each card. Menzoberranzan replaced this with Matron Malice getting a vision of her enemies from Lolth, but it was clumsy with a lot of primitive CGI, which Stone Prophet chose to use in a more sparing manner.
The game introduces you as Hellriders of Elturel (much as you were in the Stone Prophet). When the city is confronted with yet another weird reality flux, the city's lord sends you to investigate. Unfortunately you are once more caught and pulled into another realm; the sandy wastes of Har'Akir, as walls of searing heat well up, trapping you within the domain.
...Then you come face-to-face with the Vistani seeress who guided you through character generation lying in the sand, about to expire from a horrible plague. She directs you to the village of Muhar, before dying horribly. This is a very effective, very horrific way to start the game.
Since this is a review and not a walkthrough, I will wrap up this portion of things by summing up thus - the character generation? Stylish and fun. The beginning of the game, atmospheric and horrifying.
What you'll quickly realize? While you're pointed in a specific direction, you can wander off in whatever direction you want. Stone Prophet is a proto open-world game, less linear and more open than Elder Scrolls: Arena, which came out a year before it. Daggerfall would come out the same year as stone Prophet, in 1995.
Next time: Sand, sand, SAAAAAND! *musical flourish*
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rainy-astrology · 2 years
“One of my best friends has this and she's quite affectionate towards me. She likes buying/making me gifts, tells me she loves me, and has joked about kissing me. She's also an Aquarius dominant and Scorpio rising...Those 2 + a Cap venus is kind of surprising isn't it lol? She also thinks about having a partner, but her type of men seem to only exist in fiction lol”
i… i think your friend likes you. they may not be into men.
Bahah plss
She's not into me, trust me 🤣🤣 she's just joking. We've been friends for 7+ yrs and she knows jokes about being physically/verbally affectionate with me makes me cringe since I despise that type of stuff. She also jokes like that with our other close friend - it's just her way of showing affection and joking. She's a bit more reserved and acts a little more serious with people she's not that close to, but she's comfortable enough with us to say/do things like that. However, I guess it could be mistaken as a romantic thing 😅😅. I think I'll have to rewrite that note bc I didn't realize it could be interpreted as her possibly liking me romantically.
Plus with all her thirsting for fictional men and male idols, I really doubt she's into me lmao. If she could, she would definitely marry Zhongli and SF9's Jaeyoon
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300mirrors · 3 years
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Same señora, same. 😂
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cblgblog · 2 years
What’s your favorite version of Peggy? -S1, S2, Captain Carter, or First Avenger (and let’s throw in Old Peggy because she rocks). I’m reading through your fabulous AC posts and I wondered, why does she soften so much in S2? I love it when it comes to her friends, but I know a lot of people think they just dubbed her down. That’s not what I think-I think she let down the walls she’s been holding up since before and after Steve, the war, all that. What do you think?
So, you’re making me choose my favorite wife, huh? I see how it is, lol.
So, First Avenger Peggy will always have a special place in my heart, because she was my first love. She was the version that made me adore the character unconditionally. Without her, we have none of the greatness that came later.
Cap Peggy (any version of Cap Peggy) is just, dream come true that I never thought I’d have, frankly.  I mean, I’ve been in love with that idea since the character first showed up in a damn mobile game, okay? I’ve been thirsting after that character for years. First we got the mobile game, then she showed up in the Exiles books, then one of the videogames, then the friggin gift to humanity that is the What If ep. And after all that, we’ve got more What If to look forward to, she’s got her own miniseries in the comics, and we got friggin live action Cap Peggy, despite all the mixed emotions I have there. So there’s something very cool about that iteration, because I got to watch her get better and better over time, just like with OG Peggy.
My MVP though has to be season 1 Peggy. She’s the version that proved Peggy could carry her own story outside of Steve’s. She’s the one we got to see with Jarvis and Angie. She’s the one who absolutely crushed it in one of my favorite finales of all time. She’s the one who uttered the immortal, “I know my value” line. We just got so much awesomeness out of that season, and it was such a blast for me to watch week to week, and it gave me the basis for so much of my fic stuff afterward. She was just, everything I first fell in love with in First Avenger, to the enth degree.
As to your question, I think it’s a bit of both, honestly. Season 1’s ending was definitely a turning point, where she was more willing to let her guard down, let people in, and I dug that evolution. At the same time, I feel like they dumbed her supporting cast down *cough, Sousa, cough* and had her react to stuff there in ways that felt inauthentic to the character, to a lot of people, and because of that, you get the dumbed down argument. I never found it to be like, oh, she’s literally been replaced by a Skrull level of OOC, (looking at you, PB Sharon and NWH Strange), but there were moments that definitely felt off, as far as her interactions with the mains. I will say that her spycraft scenes remained badass pretty much throughout. We never got to the indignity of oh, I’m the Black Widow, one of the world’s best spies, but I can’t get out of this rusty ass cage because the director is a moron.
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essaysbyciara · 3 years
Fireworks | Erik “Killmonger” Stevens x Reader
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Warnings: Language, smut thoughts, drug use, drinking
The 4th been gone, I know lmao. Haven’t wrote anything in a minute and you know I have fun with Killmonger, so here it is. Hope you dig. Something sweet. 
Nothing could top the fireworks popping off at the base of your spine. The ones sending smoke signals freeing you to find the pleasure that only he could set off within you. But you weren’t done. Why would you be? You hadn’t reached the combustive ending that you both were waiting for. But you had to race somewhere to find that moment to be free and brave. 
A post on IG gave you all the deets. 
Meet us at Care Park off Layton Road.  Bring bottles. 
You see a stream of Black men, women and children basking in the carefree with some local rapper’s psalm blasting from factory speakers. You’re never off the 4th of July. Same for your homegirl. You message her to see if she wants to grab a burger and bomb-ass potato salad in an attempt to get a closer look at this dude who got you all the way fucked up. 
His name is Erik. He goes by Killmonger. Or Kill. You know him only as this dude whose crew flexes around on the interwebs. He’s only in the gym, it seems. And the block. Flashing his pretty teeth with gold caps in the mirror as he shows off his daily gains. He’s a tough one. All his crew is, to be honest. You’ve lived in this city for so many years that you didn’t think fine like that existed until following a trail of tags led you to his page. He was sexier that the one you first wanted, an impossible feat you thought. 
But it was true. He thirst trapped his way into your heart. And onto your follower’s list. 
He followed you back. Liked a few posts of you flexing your curves in your favorite black t-shirt dress. Nothing happened beyond those moments in infancy until you waxed banter about the city you both call home -- him since birth, you since 2013 -- and he took notice, maybe offense. 
Lol you gotta live over where I’m at
You did, not too far away. The conversation didn’t last beyond you confirming his belief of where you laid your head at night. You dreamed of dialogue, of laughs, of something substantial. You dreamed of him, shit. But that was it. 
“Who’s grilling today?” Your homegirl’s phone call was right on time. 
“Girl, you know that fine-ass dude from Instagram? They having something over at Care. Looks like a community thing.”
“Let’s go…”
“What? I don’t know them like that.” 
It’s a lot of them. You follow most of them. They crew thick. 
“Ain’t you and dude talk before? Just hit him up and see if it’s cool…”
Your nerves start to snap, crackle and pop. You ain’t that bold. You also may have exaggerated at how much you and Kill conversed in the past. Instead of banking on your perceived closeness, you like the post and keep scrolling to see if someone you actually know has something going on that you could waltz your way into without remorse. 
Until your phone vibrates. 
Bring a friend and come thru
Kill saw your bat signal and responded faster than Robin on a mission. He’s been on assignment to get to you since you followed him back that day. But street dudes carry a shyness when it comes to finding the right one to come home to every night. He thought you’d get the clue and shoot your shot when he liked your posts. He didn’t move hastily in the neighborhood so why would he move that way into your private messages?  His homeboy vouched for you even though he barely knew you. “She seem dope as shit.” His friend is the one that coaxed Kill into asking you to come out. They needed more girls at this party, in all honesty. 
You were Kill’s type. You had the right amount of cushion to do the maximum amount of pushing Kill wanted to put on you. Desire goes both ways. 
Cool! How late y’all going?
Until they kick us out lmao
“What time the liquor store close, Sis?” 
You cradle two bottles of Woodford Reserve as you adjust your hair in the driver’s side window. The neighborhood calls it “We Don’t Care” Park for a reason. Nestled between two enclaves with decades-old beef, the grassiest parts were missing a shit-ton of green. 
You and your friend catch a mix of “you know them?” and “shit … who they?” from street soldiers active and retired. 
“Shit. She actually came, bruh…”
Kill’s leaves from under the canopy of trees to greet you. The smell of Bleu De Chanel and the finest cannabis greet you in return. A black tee, black jeans and black Timbs don’t make sense in this blistering sun but no rules should exist for a body built like a tank ready to do battle. You accept his uniform. It looks good as fuck on him. 
“You might want to hide those bottles though. Niggas will go after that.”
“I brought them to be taken. Ain’t that sharing?” You and Kill catch eyes and don’t let go. 
“Facts. But I’m sure you wanna drink some of your shit.” A lip bite punctuates that ‘shit’. 
You shake your head in agreement -- and shake the lust from your body -- and let Kill lead the way. He finds you and your friend an empty picnic table to rest your wares. Your homegirl doesn’t waste time to find the most important ware of them all: a styrofoam plate. She came for the potato salad. You’re too frazzled by Kill to even eat. 
A small plastic cup finds itself next to you. Kill pours you a shot before you could tell him that you need to eat first. The sound of the crack of a new liquor bottle calls all the warriors from their posts. Just like that, one of your two bottles went goodnight. 
“To 40th!” 
40th is just around the corner. You heard things but never ventured over that way. Your neighbors made 40th Street out to be a war zone but right now you look around and see a community full of working-class people relishing in their one day off to be around friends, family and a good time. Aunties trading laughs and young fathers with their sons on their lap as they slap cards down on the table. 
And Kill asking you if you want something to eat. He chaperones you over to the table full of food. He needs the neighborhood to know that you was his. He leaves you alone to eat and get settled. 
“Kill got it bad for you, girl” 
“You think so?”
Kill couldn’t fight how juiced he was that you came out. So much that he’s plotting some alone time away from the madness that’s starting to die down as the sun goes down with it.  A second set of manic behavior is set to take place: bags and boxes of fireworks. Hopefully no gunshots but you know the vibes. So does your homegirl. It’s time to go. 
Kill sees your sultry walk sway your hips away from the pavilion and into his direction. A sativa-laced moan escapes his lips. The brown liquor provided by you and others has him on a slight lean. He feels so good. He wants to make you feel good too. 
“Just letting you know that we’re leaving. Thank you for inviting us out.” 
“Y’all leaving already? We just got poppin’ out here.” 
“Yeah, they about to set these fireworks off and I want my car in one piece.” 
And your heart. Since you arrived, Kill barely talked to you. Wrapped up in the conversations of his brothers and brethren, he couldn’t break away to get to know you. Your homegirl occupied your time more than he did. You thought it was sweet of him to invite you out. You saw the lay of the land: the number of single women dwindled into the zeroes. Maybe he asked you over to appease his friends, to make today somewhat worthwhile, to end the night with something poppin’ off other than fireworks. Out of all of this day, you now know that if Kill is doing something and makes it public, you can show up. You needed more friends anyway. 
Kill’s newest smell of cognac engulfs you as you reach in to hug him. You can barely get your arms around him but he damn near swallows you. You don’t want to let go but like your dreams of having him in your arms full-time, you do. 
My bad we didn’t get a chance to talk like that. How long you gonna be up? 
Kill’s DM greets you on your couch after a long shower of washing away smoke of all kinds from your body. 
Let me come get you so you don’t have to worry about your car.
(read part two here.)
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. No cap but Persephone's hair, when it's short and flat, really does look like Rachel Smythe.  
2. honestly i feel like if rachel kept her original style more serious aspect like the kronos stuff would actually carry some weight, because the current style is so cartoony looking with such oversaturated colors and goofy expressions  at every turn that i just cant take any of it seriously. i dont get how she had a style made so much better for young adults and older readers while still being stylized but now it looks like a lazy knock off of the steven universe style.
3. There's a really good theory that LO Zeus swallowed Metis because she's a fertility goddess, which would in turn give him enough power they needed to take out Kronos, so it'd be a tragic circumstance and desperate choice over just Zeus being awful. It gives him so much more nuance and shows what tough choices he made to win and earn the respect to be king and I can't wait for Rachel to NOT use it because Zeus is a meanie who is against Persephone and the fans would NEVER accept it. Yaaaay. 😒
From OP: To clarify, Demeter does say in the story that Zeus swallowed Metis because she’s a fertility goddess so it’s not a theory.(Episode 145)
4. “Persephone speaks her truth” is what Webtoon sent as an notification…. She basically didn’t. 
5. the UnO creator is finally coming back after over half a year off and you can tell just off their social media they're so much happier after a real break. I would so like to see RS do that but I just don't see it happening.
6. im not at all suprised Rachel went with the "hades finds out by accident" route. does anybody remember why hepheaestus is there???? was there any alluding to his presence???
7. i swear, no one in lo even talk like actual people. i know some writer friends who work out their dialogue by saying it outloud and taking out whatever sounds unnatural to the human ear, but rachel just goes guns blazing into weird cringey dialogue, esp when its trying to sell how into each other hxp is (why would demeter say hades looks like a man dying fo thirst and that her DAUGHTER looks like a sparkling river?? like who talks like this, esp about their own child??)
8. theres this one webtoon artist on featured who does nothing but suck up to rachel any chance she can get, meanwhile im p sure rachel doesnt even follow them? and theyre constantly kissing up to her and webtoons and dont see anything wrong with how they overwork themselves as a single artist while the actual company doesnt even promote their comic and theyre still living off commissions to survive. like girl, focus on yourself over hoping rachel might one day help you. she wont.
From OP: Tbf, they may be friends on discord or something else.
9. i feel like a big problem with the writing too is it wants us to go off a modern value system, yet at the same time wants to use the "its ancient times" excuse for how hades and co. act very badly, especially by modern standards (he owns slaves!!), but also wants to weave "good and bad" together but cant show the shades of gray because bot rachel and her fans do not want the characters to be complex, they can only be wholly good or bad. under a real writer this would work, bot it cant under RS.
-----FP Spoilers/Mention-----
10. I don't even know where to start. What was that filler chapter? An attempt to give P any character development? Why making her naked additionally? It's just repetitive attempt to fix what should have been fixed long ago and I'm not buying any of it. And P again doesn't care how awful person H is (wanting for his slaves to suffer eternally) cause I guess he looks "cute" holding a hen lol. She brushes it off like it's nothing. I'm sorry where is Helios?
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mulberrysilk · 4 years
What do you think of jealous Kuroo? What if innocent manager-chan was being flirted with Daishou...👀 (no pressure whatsoever lol I am just thirsting)
Oof . All I’m gonna say is...bad idea Daishou. Bad. bad. Idea.
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Kuroo Tetsuro x reader
tw : jealousy ( this is pretty sfw, just Kuroo being jealous and protective with Chemistry insults )
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Kuroo already had this pit in his stomach when you had ran off to refill the water bottles on your own while the team warmed up on the court to face their rival, more like his arch nemesis, again.
That heavy feeling deepened when he noticed the captain of the other team wasn’t around. Yaku told him that you’d be fine but was fine being missing for more than 10 minutes when the water refilling station was just outside the court?
“I don’t know about you...but I think we should go check on Y/N,” Yamamoto worriedly glanced at the gyms entrance where there were no signs of you returning.
“Kuroo...” Even Kenma spoke up, so surely Kuroo wasn’t being paranoid. “You should go check on her.”
You twisted the bottle’s cap closed as you filled the last one up, you turned to place it back into the water bottle carrier only to come face to chest to a forest green with a contrast of yellow jersey.
“We meet again, Y/N-Chan,” his lips curved into a malicious smile, his eyes narrowing with a hidden agenda. “Do you need help with those?”
“I’m fine, Daishou-san. I can take care of these myself.” You forced a smile but what didn’t help was how soft your voice was and how it trembled, it only made him lean far too close for comfort.
“What was that, little kitty?” His hand pressed again the wall behind you, trapping you between it. “I couldn’t quite hear you?”
“Daishou-san, I really should be getting back to the team...”
“I heard you’ve started dating Kuroo. I never thought he was actually going to do it. Didn’t think he had the balls to.”
Your brows furrowed, not liking the way he spoke about your boyfriend.
“Too bad he’s gotten ahead of me...but that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun on the side right?” He stepped closer, the gap between you dangerously close.
You clutched the water bottle to your chest in hopes he wouldn’t get closer. Your eyes widened when his other hand snaked around your waist.
“You look so cute all scared. So vulnerable. Is that why Kuroo likes you so much? Cause you’re an obedient little thing?”
“Oi, oi, oi.” Kuroo’s voice sounded from behind the two of you.
“Tetsu,” you murmured, finally aware of how fast your heart was thumping in your chest.
“Step away from Y/N, Daishou,” Kuroo snarled, looking taller than you’ve ever seen him before. His golden eyes were piercing and they lacked that warmth and mirth that you knew.
Daishou distracted by the presence of your boyfriend gave you a leeway to squeeze out of his hold and stumble into Kuroo who caught you effortlessly before standing in front of you, shielding you from Nohebi’s captain.
“Tsk, we were having a good conversation, weren’t we Y/N?” He peeked at you with a smile that would fool anyone but not you.
“Did Mika drop your ass again? Is that why you’re preying on other people’s girlfriend’s?” Kuroo cleverly bit back, the dark haired Captain who snarled at Kuroo’s attack.
“Just let it go, Tetsu.” Your fingers clutched at the sleeves of his jacket, tugging him towards the court’s entrance. “It’s not worth it.”
Kuroo’s hands balled into fists and your breath hitched at the thought of him getting violent just because of a little mishap. He took a deep breath and when he raised his head, a delicate smile was on his face, the same smile Daishou would used to buy the referees favour, doing so to mock his rival.
“Don’t think you’ll get away next time, Daishou-san.” His tone was respectful but lacked that genuine touch. “Next time you lay your hands on my precious kitten, you won’t be leaving too clean.” He chuckled, stepping forward and reaching behind Daishou for the water bottle carrier. “Let’s play a nice and clean match today, shall we? I’m sure you’re capable of that.”
Before you could even reach out to pull him back, Kuroo threw his arm over your shoulder and pulled you to his side as he led the two of you back into the court.
“Thank you,” you laced your fingers with his and pressed a kiss on his knuckles, silently wishing him good luck.
“I wanted to punch that smug smile right off of his face.”
“I’m surprised, Daishou, is still walking...”Kenma muttered as he walked past the two of you. “Or alive in that matter.”
“Kuroo Tetsuro!” You gasped at the violent implications that if he actually acted out would get him into deep trouble. But your darling boyfriend only raised an amused brow, a smirk forming on his face.
“What? It’s not like I’ll kill him, Kenma, jeez,” he rubbed the nape of his neck before he turned to you. “Unless you ask me to, chibi-chan.”
You narrowed your eyes at him and smacked him on the arm. “Kuroo!” But he only pulled you closer to him, pressing a kiss on your forehead for all to see, always so effortlessly making your cheeks heat up.
“Ugh.” You were pretty sure that was Kenma.
“I already didn’t like that jerk before but what he did just now made me despise him. He denatures my enzymes. He’s more unstable than acetyl nitrate,” his hazel eyes darkened, his gaze on the other captain warming up with his team. “I need some sulfuric acid to neutralise how fucking stupid he is to hit on my girlfriend—
“We get it! You hate the guy,” Yaku cut him off. “Speak English, Kuroo.”
“I did not understand a thing you said,” Lev blinked down at him. “But I don’t like him either.”
But Daishou kept his eyes on you, to taunt Kuroo. To get a reaction out of him, and it was working.
“Don’t let him get to you okay?” You whispered as he handed you his jacket, draping it over shoulders.
“I’ll try baby,” he petted your head before giving Daishou one last glance. “I don’t like the way he’s looking at you...like he’s undressing you.”
“Well he’s never going to get the chance to see me like that, you know why?” You gently gripped his chin to tear his deadly glare from the snake Captain.
“Why?” He huffed, tensing.
“Because he’s not you.”
Kuroo blinked at you a couple of seconds before he let out a deep exhale and his shoulders relaxed. He really couldn’t despise Daishou more than he ever could but he was glad you were grounding him. Grounding him to not let his anger cloud his judgement, to keep his head in the game.
He sighed and without caring of showing his public display of affection for you, he leaned close and pressed a long kiss on your forehead.
“What would I do without you?”
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universalistotalis · 3 years
Miya Osamu x Female Reader
Fluff fluff fluff to a little angst
Mention of Mommy Miya and Atsumu lol
2.9k words
You wiped the sleep from your eyes as you were woken up by one of your family members who sat beside you on the bus. People queued in line to exit the vehicle that’s stopped in front of the airport and you can hear the soft chattering of the passengers as they lined up the aisle.
It feels sad really. To be leaving a country that you’ve explored for days on end, enjoying the culture, the view, the food, and all the little details in between. You wrapped the jacket more to your figure as the cold and the sadness crept into you. You welcomed the feelings though, because it meant that you had such a wonderful time that you didn’t want to let go.
Blinding lights made your eyes squint as all of you entered the gigantic airport. ‘Here we are’, you said to yourself. The busy goers walked and jogged past you here and there, some were loading heavy bags trolleys, some were panicking while looking at the schedule, and some were just chilling at the aligned chairs, sipping a cup of coffee.
“So, we’ll go check- in on our flight and we’ll go to the duty- free shop for souvenirs. All right?” You just nodded at their plan because they’ve been repeating that ever since you went out the hotel room where you stayed.
As you had hoped, the duty free shop was so full of things that you wanted. Just packed with all the goodies like the country's famous snacks, the foreign cosmetics that you adored, and even the cool relief patches that you tried and were so amazed at. Good thing you were given enough money to purge on what you wanted so you filled an entire basket! After all, you never know when you can come back to this country again.
“Excuse me.” Someone from behind you cleared his throat.
You were busy looking at the label of one of the beauty products from the shelf that you didn’t notice that you were blocking the narrow column.
“Oh sorry.” You apologized and scooted a little so that the person could pass. You turned to see the man and your whole body froze for a millisecond at the sight. The air felt electric all of the sudden as your gazes fixed on each other. He was the first one to look away and go on his way normally, as if not feeling the surge of adrenaline that you just felt.
“Damn, he’s beautiful.” You whispered. You swore you have never seen someone that beautiful in your entire life... EVER! And it wasn’t helping that his body was so built and tall and that his hair had this ombre gray color going on. No one’s supposed to look good with that hair color but why did he pull it off?! How?!
“Samu! I found your favorite cookies from yesterday!” An loud, excited voice made you jump from behind and you turned around in reflex. You saw the beautiful man earlier, standing at the end of the aisle and examining the pack in his hands while nodding. “I told you we could find it here! C’mon, let’s get more!” A tall blonde man next to him said while dragging him away.
You blinked, trying to process what you saw. Wow.
That’s it! Some people are just god’s favorites, aren’t they? You thought you were having issues with your vision but it was clear that there is not only one beautiful man. But TWO! He has a twin and good god, they were both so fit!
‘Does this store have a sale on these guys because I would like to purchase, please!’ You just chuckled at your crazy, thirsty thoughts and proceeded to checking out the things you bought.
They never left your mind. There were still five hours to spare before your flight but not once did they, especially he, stop running in your head! You scolded yourself one too many times this past hour because of the scenarios flooding in. There were date nights, traveling to different countries, petty fight scenes, cute nicknames, and all the sappy shit that couples do and say. You’re just hurting yourself really, and you had to stop!
The gods just wanted you to have a good one minute of your life and that’s it. You’ll never see him again!
You sighed and excused yourself to get a beverage that’ll quench your thirst from so much daydreaming. The nearest vending machine that you saw was at the other waiting area so you had to walk a little bit further. Your eyes were already set on the juice drink once you neared the machine.
“Hey, y/n!” You looked up questioningly as you saw your family waving and approaching you. “Let’s stay here a bit. People are beginning to flock there and I don’t like it. Besides, we can see if they’re already boarding from here.”
“Alright.” You agreed. “You want anything from the vendo?”
“Anything that you’ll have please.”
You sealed the top cap of the bottle mindlessly while staring blankly at the the vending machine. Your fingers were a little numb from the cold drink but you didn’t mind. You allowed yourself to be overly emotional at the thought of ending the vacation and of not having the boy you swore would be perfect for you. How could a single meeting that lasted for seconds affect you so much?! A small, sad chuckle left your lips because you knew you were so damn whipped but that didn’t really matter now.
“You’re so damn whipped, man! What, you’ve known her for like five seconds and now you think you’re in love with her?” Atsumu hissed, looking at his brother like he had grown two heads.
“Shut yer trap, Tsumu.” Osamu snapped out of his daydream once his brother’s voice penetrated the peaceful area.
“Then stop staring!” Atsumu laughed and shook his head. He took a glimpse of the person behind him to check the girl out and he had to admit, you were pretty even in your simple clothes.
“Hey.” Osamu called, a hint of warning laced in his deep voice.
“What, I wasn’t looking!" Atsumu dramatically puts his hand up in the air. "Stop being possessive of your five- second girlfriend, sheesh!” He teased more as he was met by the scowling face of his twin.
“I’m not in love with her.” Osamu scowled and folded his hands together like a toddler.
Atsumu was trying so hard not to laugh at his state and denial. “Look, Samu. We practically came from the same cell, you don’t have to lie to me. If it makes you feel better, we’ll reduce it to a crush. Now, how does that sound?”
Osamu rolled his eyes but he knew Tsumu was right. When he saw your eyes from the store, he felt a prickling sensation in his whole body that it shocked him a little. He swore all the hairs on his skin stood up at the encounter and that was the first time he ever felt that way! And what are the odds that you came to sit on their waiting area, giving him such a good view?
“Honestly, bro. You’re being creepy.” Osamu massaged the bridge of his nose in despair as his twin clicked his tongue in judgment.
“And you’re being annoying.” He countered.
“Cool down! Why don’t you go get us a drink then?” Atsumu smirked and challenged.
“Get your own damn dr—“
“That would be great, honey! Can you please get me water too? I’m getting a little thirsty from waiting.” They both whipped their heads at their mother who was smiling so sweetly and both melted at the sight.
“Okay.” They said in unison and got to their feet in a flash.
“‘Kay, here’s the plan.” Atsumu announced while acting like he’s warming up for a game.
“What plan? We’re just getting drinks?!” Osamu regarded him questioningly.
“We are just getting drinks but the vendo’s in front of your girlfriend, dummy!”
“Shit!” Osamu's eyes widened as he cursed. He hated that Atsumu was making sense. They do need a plan!
“It’s so hard to be the smart brother. I gotta do all the work!” Atsumu sighed dramatically earning himself another eye roll. “So, the plan is…” He paused for a while, trying to get his brother’s attention.
“What?! What do we do?” Osamu's patience was on thin ice and his frustrating brother is not helping one bit!
“Wow, you’re really trusting me on this, huh?” Atsumu stared at him in wonder. “Damn, what did that girl do to you?”
“God fuckin’ dammit, Tsumu, you’re wasting time!” Osamu strangled and shook him lightly. The other just laughed his ass off while trying to break free.
“Boys.” The warning tone and stoic gaze from their mother were enough to make their way to you. To the vending machine, that is…
“I’ll stay here, lover boy.” Atsumu patted Osamu’s back as they neared the destination which was just meters away from their seat.
“Wait, what? No—"
“Don’t be scared, you dummy. You can do it!” Blonde hair swayed in front of Osamu’s face as Atsumu danced a little cheering dance for him. “I’ll have cola, by the way. Now, go!”
Osamu tripped a little as his back was pushed but he didn’t seem to care as he was nearing your crouching form. You were just so damned focused on that phone that you didn't acknowledge his presence.
"Okay, we're just going to go through this like a normal person, Samu. No big deal." He whispered to himself.
“Y/n.” One of the persons beside you called. “I want the juice again pleaaaase.”
He saw your head perk up and was stunned when you laughed at their plea. “Alright, alright! Same flavor?”
Osamu didn’t realize that he was nearing the vending machine the same time as you were as he was so distracted by your charm. So your name was y/n and you had such a cute voice. And definitely a cute smile. Somehow, that was enough to make his imagination run wild!
It all happened so fast and you became aware of his presence a little too late. All you knew was that there was suddenly a looming figure on your left and you jumped in surprise, not meaning to.
“S-sorry.” He stuttered, a little surprised at your reaction too.
“No, no, it’s okay.” You smiled and bowed your head politely at him, praying to all the gods that he doesn’t see you blushing nor hear the heartbeat from your chest. “You go first.”
He blinked and looked down at you questioningly but he declined gently. “No, no. I can wait. Ladies first.” He gestured and stepped aside.
“Alright.” You smiled again.
Your mind was going a hundred miles per hour! You never thought that going to vending machine would be the hardest endeavor of your life! With hands shaking slightly, you inserted the coins until they reached the exact amount of the drink that you wanted and you pressed on the button that suddenly lit up.
A sense of dread flooded your being because that was it. After you press the button, you’re going to go back to your normal life. You were going to turn around and leave and never see that face again.
But as you stood there, you wondered why there wasn’t that familiar sound of the bottle dropping for you to claim?
“That’s weird.” You whispered and crinkled your nose. Your finger pressed the button again... and again, hoping that it result to something but to no avail.
“Is it broken?” His voice echoed the question in your head.
“I don’t think so.” You pouted a little. “I was able to get the same drink a while ago.”
Both of you just stared at it for it moment.
“Kick it.” He suggested, while putting his hands in both of his pockets and cooly transferring his weight on the right side.
“What?” You asked, horrified.
You were flashed with his laughing grin and crinkling eyes. “No harm in trying. C’mon!” He encouraged.
“If I get in trouble, you’re going down with me.” You warned but then you took him up on his challenge and kicked the bottom of the huge metal.
And truthfully so, the bottle dropped.
He crouched down and fetched the cold drink in his hand while still grinning like a fox. “Okay, I didn’t think you’d actually do it but here you go.” His voice was so heavenly to hear especially when it was still alight with humor. His eyes looked at you so sweetly that you were effectively just stuck there, under his spell.
“Thanks.” You chuckled and took what he was holding out. At the touch of your skin, the both of you jumped at the sudden and strong electricity that coursed through your veins. It was the same thing you both felt at the store but this time, it was stronger!
“Woah.” He said in awe. “I—"
You rubbed the back of your hand as if it stung and gazed up at him to take a good look. He had kind, brown eyes below his bushy eyebrows and thick, plump lips below his pointed nose. His cheeks were dusted pink which was cute. But his jawline contrasted as it was ready to cut your heart open. His gray hair was tousled too which matched his cool look and outfit of dark blue jeans, white shirt, and a leather jacket.
“T-thanks for this, again.” You stuttered. “I gotta go now.”
“N-no, wait.” He stuttered as well while instinctively pulling your sleeve by the hem. Another surge of lightning shot through you but you managed to smile back at him.
“W-what if it doesn’t work on me?” He said, sheepishly. “I need your kicks.”
For the first time since you met him, you started to relax so you let out a hearty laugh. “Okay, I’ll be right here.”
Osamu smiled gratefully at you before turning back and loading his coins. His ears rang at your words, ‘I’ll be right here’. He hoped you would be for a long time but that’s just wishful thinking.
One… Two… Three… Four…
“Wow, how many would you take?” Your amused voice made him grin again.
“It’s for the whole family.” He shrugged and crouched for the fourth time to get the drink. “This would be the last.”
“Good thing it didn’t break!” You said and again you were met by the awkward silence and him just staring. “Uhmm…”
“I’m Osamu, by the way.” He blurted out suddenly. “Miya Osamu.”
He tried his best to hold all the four drinks in one arm and extended one out to you.
“Oh… uhm…” Fuck.
“Uhm?” He laughed, still waiting for your introduction… desperate for it, really.
“Y/n L/n.” Warmth spread from your hands to your body as you held his and squeezed lightly. “It’s nice to meet you, Osamu.”
“Nice to meet you too.” He continued to shake your hand, not breaking eye contact. “Really nice.”
You laugh at the awkwardness but it seems like both of you don’t mind. You just want to prolong this interaction of yours and without you knowing, he was doing the same.
“Thank you for waiting. Flight QR 1008 is now accepting passengers on board.”
Osamu’s world crashed as the announcement continued. That was his cue to leave. He didn’t want to let your hand go so he tightened his grip more.
“That’s our flight.” He whispered and smiled sadly at you.
You nodded as your heart shattered in pieces. “Have a safe flight, Osamu. It was a pleasure to meet you.”
“Same here.” He replied, slowly letting go of your hand. “You take care and try not to break vending machines next time.”
A laugh bubbled inside your chest as he stepped back in agonizing slowness. “I’ll try.”
“Bye, y/n.” He waved and walked back to his brother who you saw patted him on the back.
“Do you know the guy?” You were asked when you went back to the seats.
“No, I just met him.” How you wish you knew him more.
“Well, he’s such a hunk, isn’t he?” They teased but you just laughed and shrugged it off.
You’re going to suffer this heartache for a while.
On the other end, Osamu carried his backpack over his shoulder, looking like he’s carrying the weight of the world.
“Hey.” Atsumu wrapped an arm around his shoulder. “You alright?”
“It’s gonna take a while.” He grumbled.
Atsumu nodded in understanding and tightened his grip on his brother for support. “It’ll be fine, Samu.”
And before they could enter the boarding gate leading to the plane, a surge of courage ran through Osamu’s body. All he knew was that he just had to do it or regret it forever. It's worth the risk!
“Hey y/n!” He shouted, jogging his way to you when they neared the entrance doors.
You were stunned at the mere mention of your name from a baritone voice. The grip of two hands followed and they were heavy on your shoulders.
“Let’s meet again, yeah?” Osamu asked you, full of hope in his eyes. “Someday.”
You nodded your head and smiled. You love that idea. “Someday.”
With that, he waved his final good bye, bowed at your family, and left.
All was well but you never saw each other again.
Masterlist!!! Read more here hehehe
I actually enjoyed writing this so much hahaha I'm in love with the twin's tandem and their constant witty comebacks and bickering! I also miss going to airports and travelling and spotting eye candies outside... TAKE ME OUT OF THIS HOUSE PLEASE!
Anw, Hope you're all doing great. Stay safe!
Reblogs are appreciated! <3
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perblog · 2 years
Okay give me your best hcs for the ghouls. Like daily life shit. Im thirsting for hcs and fandom intellect about the ghouls
rubs hands together with malicious intent. >:)
- dewdrop is a jewelry FIEND but he’s very picky about what he’ll wear. super expensive silver chain? absolutely not. ring made from a cool rock he found and some cheap wire? 💳💥💳💥💳
- idk what to call this but cirrus is definitely the type to have done marching band color guard in high school. i just associate her with flags and fancy fabric waving in the wind
- rain chews on everything (especially when he’s trying to concentrate) and like half the time he doesn’t realize until he looks down and the cap of his pen looks like it went through a wood chipper
- dewdrop and rain used to absolutely fucking hate each other until they realized just how insanely powerful they are together. now they’re besties and the cuddles are wonderful
- sunshine has kind of a kidcore aesthetic going on and the other ghoulettes love to find cute accessories for her
- SPEAKING OF SUNSHINE she and swiss are siblings :D!
- aether hugs are truly a once in a lifetime experience. he kind of wraps his whole body around you and holds you tight and puts his chin on your head and ahagagshdh 💖💖💖
i hope you enjoy these lol <333
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dragon-ball-meta · 4 years
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Yes, a Reddit post. I’m sure so many of you are shocked that our colossally bad take came from there, (and probably from Toyotaro’s burner account lol), but nevertheless, here it is. How to even begin to unpack this... Okay, here we go: 1. Goku’s was hardly the only one who didn’t want to stop Gero. Vegeta literally threatened to KILL anyone who DID try to stop them. Tien wanted to fight them to test his limits. Goku’s desire was to fight them, yes, hello, this is Goku, But he also refused to just find and straight-up kill Gero when he TECHNICALLY hadn’t done anything to warrant it yet. And, as we actually came to see, that’s not an entirely unwarranted stance; things changed between these two timelines even without direct intervention. Unlikely as it was, it was possible that Gero may not have gone through with it. There have been entire books and films on this topic.. 2. This stupid claim just refuses to die. At what point in any part of the fight with Goku and Cell was it even IMPLIED that Goku could have won? Goku stated he’d been going all-out in his fight with Cell, when the Cell Jrs arrived and started attacking, Goku was getting bodied even though they were only about as strong as Vegeta or Trunks, who were both far below him when at full power. Goku could not have beaten Cell. ONLY Gohan could. The boy even said that he’d thought Goku and Cell were both not fighting seriously because they looked to be moving slowly to him. Gohan was already stronger than Goku, before he ever turned SSJ2. Period. And for the love of GOD, STOP with this “severe emotional trauma” nonsense! Gohan had been watching people die, his friends no less, since he was FIVE. In fact, seeing that at FIVE is FAR more likely to have given him any severe and lasting emotional trauma. PICCOLO is more likely to have caused this than Goku. Yes, the Piccolo the OP even then tries to claim is the paragon of fatherhood. Gohan was already afraid of his own anger, he always had a dislike of fighting and hurting people. The thing that shook the boy the most was watching his dad die and knowing it was partly his fault. Even then, he grew up into a healthy, well-adjusted man with his dream job and a family. Just STOP pushing your headcanons onto him for two seconds! 3. THINKS he could have killed Buu. Opted to try to teach those still alive a technique that would enable THEM to kill Buu and keep protecting the Earth even after he was gone. Could have killed Vegeta, yes, and sent him to hell and left Bulma and Trunks broken-hearted. Instead opted to try to reason with him first and allow him to think he’d finally caught up to him so he’d stop obsessing over their power gap to the point of SELLING HIS SOUL TO AN EVIL WIZARD TO GET THE EDGE.. And now, for the completely asinine reasons Goku is eeeeevil: 1. You’re acting as if this isn’t just Goku. That is LITERALLY Goku. Always HAS been Goku. He treats EVERYNE as a peer and potential friend and ADORES the idea of trying to fight strong people. Note that he also ASKED for a spar, didn’t just “attack” or something. This also has nothing to do with a thirst for “power”, it has to do with Goku trying to test himself and push himself to be the greatest warrior it’s possible for him to be. This is the same mentality that had Goku excited for the Tenkaichi Budokai, that had him excited to face Vegeta, that had him spare Piccolo and Vegeta for the sake of  rematch against such a great opponent someday. This is not some sort of development that happened post-Namek, and it’s by no means Evil. Also, how tf did VEGETA supposedly warn him when Vegeta was back on Earth and nowhere to be found?  2. Again... this is just Goku. This is how he is. That doesn’t mean he didn’t care about the plight of others though; Goku doesn’t just sit back and ignore suffering he’s been made aware of, and he helps his friends. But yes, the idea of facing HIMSELF was exciting to him; possibly his ONLY chance to compare his progress to another “version” of himself.  And... I’m sorry, but Goku erupting into a fit of rage over his family’s murder is invalidated because he was mad it used HIS body? Really? NO KIDDING I’d be extra pissed if some psychopath took over my body and murdered my wife and little boy! Who WOULDN’T be pissed about that? The last thing his wife saw was her husband’s face grinning as he cut through her and their son. The last thing Goten saw was his daddy GLEEFULLY murdering him. The fact that he flew into the biggest rage he’d ever had since he first fought FREEZA over this shows how much that hurt him. The fact that you think it was entirely about the use of his body and not their deaths shows a piss-poor ability to analyze what you see on screen, ESPECIALLY as he was upset but mostly indifferent hearing how Zamasu stole his body UNTIL he told Goku he murdered his family too. THEN he flew into a rage. This is also going to invalidate an upcoming point, so pin this.
3. Aaaand... we’re right back to the Tournament of Power itself. The Tournament that literally no one foresaw as having those results. The one that as stated to actually buy one universe that was gonna be wiped anyways a fighting chance to survive, and later turned out to be a massive morality test to allow ALL of said universes to survive. Nevermind that though, this OP here asserts that Goku KNEW it would result in that, was TOLD it would even (he literally was not I am so sick of that claim), and didn’t even KNOW they COULD undo it and STILL wanted it! This is easily the most hardcore anti-Goku stance I have ever seen on this topic This isn’t just chiding him for being ignorant or not listening to warnings (again, not applicable), it’s accusing him of KNOWING Genocide would happen and actually WATING that in the name of a few fights.  This being his stance is further illustrated by his assertion that Goku is indisputably a sociopath. Let’s look at the definition of a sociopath, shall we? “A person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.” This is not Goku. OBJECTIVELY not Goku. Goku is far from anti-social, and very much has a strong sense of right and wrong, hence his desire to intervene when he comes across people suffering. Hence why he sought justice for the murder of Upa’s father. Hence why he felt IMMEDIATE REGRET after hearing what the consequences would be for the losers of the ToP, and WHY HE FLEW INTO A RAGE OVER THE MURDER OF HIS WIFE AND SON. Goku is capable of sympathy, empathy, and grasps the concepts of right and wrong. A sociopath he is not. And, of course, the stupid assertion that Goku is a bad father and Piccolo and Vegeta are the REAL examples of fatherhood... which is also erasure of Gohan and Krillin, neither of whom assaulted their daughters, tossed them into the wilderness to fend for themselves, forced them to be fighters and face homicidal aliens at age 5,or nearly let them and their mothers fall to their deaths because they were too absorbed with finding and killing an enemy to prove their superiority. To cap it off, Vegeta and Piccolo have somehow inexplicably become the “symbols of hope” in the series, trying to stop an evil, unhinged Goku from annihilating them all, and he asserts that Vegeta became the REAL hero during... the Cell Saga? The arc where Vegeta literally helped Cell become perfect? And was the hero in the arc where he sold his soul to Babidi, helped resurrect Buu, AND murdered hundreds, if not thousands, of innocent people JUST to make Goku mad enough to fight him because he refused to? You know, the thing you actually used as a point of criticism for... GOKU, and are clearly abdicating Vegeta of any and all responsibility for?  Folks, I’ve seen some bad takes in my day, but it’s very, VERY rare to find one this unhinged and frankly inept in one place. This is nuclear levels of Bad Takes here. Just... wow. 
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parkersharthook · 4 years
Some Very Specific Hypotheticals
(Tom Holland x female!reader)
warnings: it’s thirst tweets so it’s slightly smutty and risque
1.5k+ words
a/n: so I got all of the thirsty tweets towards tom from jordan fisher’s video (x) and all of the thirsty tweets towards the reader from tana mongeau’s video (x). I did make up a few of my own lol but most of them come from those videos
Edit: I recognize tana is problematic and I only used her in one of the tweets bc I had originally gotten these thrist tweets from her video. I don’t actually watch/like her so I was unaware of her issues until recently when she came up in the news (I still don’t really know what the whole situation was tbh) anyways.... I changed tana mongeau to anna kendrick bc i have a crush on her lol
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requested: Could you please write a Tom Holland x reader reading thirst tweets
“Hey guys I’m y/n/ y/l/n.”
“And I’m Tom Holland.”
“And today for some reason the two of us, who are in a couple, will be reading the other person’s thirst tweets to them.”
“it’s like some weird version of foreplay.”
“I’m excited.”
You sat in the chair, facing Tom. The two of you had matching blue jugs with little slips of paper full of what you assumed was raunchy girls, and probably guys, thirsting after the two of you.
“Which one of us is going first?” Tom asked as he fiddled with the bucket.
“Oh definitely me.” You pulled out a slip and smoothed it out, “it says in all caps by the way, ‘DAMN DADDY U SEXY CAN I EAT UR ASS?!?! LICK YA BUTT??!!?!” You barely got the full tweet out before you were laughing.
Tom had already turned a shade of pink and was rubbing at the back of his neck awkwardly. He stuttered slightly, “wow what a way to start this whole thing. Okay, my turn.” He pulled out the next slip, “y/n y/l/n is literally the most beautiful human ever. Goodbye.”
“aww wait that was so sweet. Thank you.”
“Why was mine about eating my ass and yours was saying you were the most beautiful person ever?”
You laughed slightly and shrugged, “look, everyone is just speaking their truth. My turn!” You happily grabbed the next piece of paper, “haha it’s literally just a screenshot of your age with the words ‘thank god’. If that is not the biggest mood ever…”
Tom laughed heavily. “yeah I had someone tweet me saying ‘I saw a lot of people looking up Tom Holland’s age during the movie.’ Guess it’s a recurring theme.” He fingered through the bucket before grabbing a crumpled sheet, “I want y/n y/l/n to murder my bussy.”
You threw your head back in laughter, “I get that one a lot actually. A classic, really.”
Tom looked around sheepishly, blushing hard. “what’s a bussy?”
You snickered slightly, “it’s a butthole tom. You need to educate yourself. Next one! I love how everyone in the world can agree that tom Holland is hot af and daddy material, even the lesbians.”
“okay that one is definitely the forerunner, that’s a good one.”
You looked back down at the paper with a smile, “that is a good one.”
“’Repeat after me: y/n y/ln makes me horny y/n y/ln makes me horny y/n y/ln makes me horny y/n y/ln makes me horny y/n y/ln makes me horny y/n y/ln makes me horny y/n y/ln makes me horny’. And it says that like 16 more times.” Tom shrugged slightly, “I mean… I can’t exactly disagree.”
“Tom!” You cried slightly exasperated as you blushed. “I’m moving on now… ‘Tom Holland’s lil ass is hella fine’.”
“What? My ass is not little.”
You laughed, “relax they said it was and I quote ‘hella fine’. That’s a compliment.”
Tom grumbled slightly as he grabbed the next tweet, “I want to have a threesome with y/n y/l/n. but no tom Holland. It’s just her, me, and a blunt.” He threw the paper down with a little angry frown, “so first they call my ass little and then they steal you for a threesome? Rude.”
You bit your lip with a small chuckle, “if it makes you feel better, it’s not really a threesome thinking that one member is literally a blunt.”
“can we move on before I get jealous?”
“of a random twitter user and weed? Yeah okay sweetie.” You rolled your eyes heavily, eyeing the paper. Tom watched as your eyes grew wide and then a shit eating grin cracked your lips.
“oh… what is it?”
“this tweet is very specific.” You smiled as you met his eye and began reading it, “look how fine this man is i want him to fuck me on a bed of money and finger me with a $100 bill wrapped around his fingers and then stuff ten thousand $100 bills inside me so he can call me his million dollar pussy.”
“oh… my… god.” Tom said slowly, a deep blush rising on his cheeks. “that- that one was a lot to take in.”
You waved the paper in the yes, “yes. Just… yes. This one cleared my skin, watered my crops. Amazing, perfect.”
“shut up, you’re so annoying sometimes.” He stated as he rolled his eyes.
You poked your tongue out at him teasingly, “you love me.”
“unfortunately.” You scoffed as Tom leaned over and patted your knee lovingly. “you know I’m kidding baby.”
“whatever just read the next damn tweet.”
Tom laughed and pulled out the next one, “I would pay any amount of money for y/n y/l/n to spit in my face and call me an ugly fucking bitch. It would be my honor.”
Your mouth fell open in shock as you looked between Tom, your friends behind the camera, and the crew. Well, that threw you for a loop.
“I- I… don’t know what to say to that. I don’t think I’m comfortable spitting in your face, that seems mean. But… I’m not here to kink shame so thank you I guess.”
There were a few snorts behind the camera as you picked the next one, “Tom Holland is both cute and sexy at the time and it’s really messing with my sanity.”
Tom smirked at the camera and flipped his collar, “I mean what can I say?”
“it’s a point of contention in our household for sure.”
“That I’m sexy and cute?”
You shook your head, “no, that you think your sexy and cute. It’s cocky and rude.”
Tom laughed, “it’s cocky and rude to be confident?”
You turned to the camera, “see? Point of contention.”
“I just think that you’re losing your sanity over my cuteness and sexiness.”
You shrugged obnoxiously, “oh you caught me.” You pointed to his bucket, “please keep going.”
“Okay but imagine: a y/n y/l/n Anna Kendrick sex scene. I mean the power and sexuality they hold is absurd.”
You slapped your hand on your knee, “I love Anna. She’s so funny and I would love to do a sex scene with her or just sex her really.”
“seriously?” tom said exasperated, “you’re sitting here in front of your boyfriend and you’re saying that you want to have sex with someone else?”
You nodded, “yes.”
“relax, it’s not actually going to happen, it’s just hypothetical.”
“you wound me.”
“here, let me boost your ego with a thirst tweet. Tom Holland is fine as hell, I’d eat that ass like a chocolate croissant, chomp chomp bitch. He could choke and kill me and I’d only ask for more. Lemme chomp chomp on that bussy please.”
“wow… I’m not sure that cheered me up exactly but thank you none the less.” He pulled a new slip, “At least 3 times a week me and my boyfriend talk about wanting to have a threesome with y/n y/l/n.”
“why is everyone trying to have sex with my girlfriend?”
“because I’m hot as fuck.”
“can’t argue with that.”
“Alright next one, Tom Holland with that half smile and lip bite fuuuuuckk nope nope nope.”
“okay, that one made me feel better.” Tom said with a little smirk causing you to roll your eyes and laugh.
Tom grabbed the next one, “y/n y/l/n has the best boobs. That’s it that’s the tweet.” He waved the paper a bit, “I happen to agree with you.”
“well thank you for thinking my boobs are great.” You plucked out a new tweet, “Daily reminder: tom Holland is daddy af.”
“I should set an alarm for myself that goes off at the same time every day that just blares ‘Tom Holland is daddy af’.”
“absolutely not. Veto. Nix. Not happening.”
“you’re just mad they think I’m daddy.” You gestured to the bucket, causing tom to roll his eyes and reach into it. “y/n y/l/n can choke me and run me over and I’d say thank you and sorry for the dent in your car.”
You let out a loud bark of laughter, “that’s super funny. Definitely the funniest one I’ve heard so far. Whoever wrote this, you’re funny and I appreciate your comical genius.”
“alright I think we have like one more each, let’s do this.”
“Tom Holland is either a smol puppy or a sex god, there is no in between.” You shook your head, “I actually think there is an in between. It’s called boyfriend Tom. It’s when he’s all cuddly but not quite as baby as smol puppy. Like he’s still a functioning adult but he’s being sweet.”
“ya know… sometimes you can be pretty sweet.”
“aww thanks babe.” You leaned forward to give him a little peck before smiling brightly, “last one! Make me blush!”
“Hey @y/n can I lick your forehead?” you two sat in silence for a moment before tom furrowed his brow, “is that like a sexual thing?”
“I guess…? That’s a new request though, I’ve never heard that one. Interesting.”
“what’s your answer?”
“can you lick their forehead?”
“I’m going to go with no…”
“and that’s the end of our really fun and definitely not at all awkward video!” tom said excitedly
“thanks for watching everyone! We love you and thanks for tweeting thirsty stuff!”
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