#capital for psb
edsonjnovaes · 2 years
SUS legalize 1.2
O projeto foi aprovado em 21 de dezembro de 2022 na Alesp (Assembleia Legislativa do Estado de São Paulo), com proposição do deputado Caio França (PSB). Brasil Amazônia Agora – 01/02/2023 O governador de São Paulo, Tarcísio de Freitas (Republicanos), sancionou o projeto de lei que permite o fornecimento gratuito de medicamentos à base de Cannabis na rede pública de saúde do estado de São…
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Elmano de Freitas says Workers' Party prepares to 'intense dispute' for Fortaleza City Hall
Ceará's governor analyzes the electoral race for the state's capital city
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For this year’s mayoral election in Fortaleza, Ceará’s capital city, the local Workers’ Party (known in Portuguese as PT) chose state deputy Evandro Leitão as its pre-candidate. The PT member is now another character in the complex machinery of the Fortaleza election, which will also include the candidacy of the current mayor, José Sarto (Democratic Labor Party, or PDT, in Portuguese), who will seek re-election, and the definition of the candidate to be supported by Bolsonaro.
In an interview with Brasil de Fato, Elmano de Freitas (Workers’ Party), governor of Ceará, spoke about the political scenario in Fortaleza and showed himself optimistic about Leitão's candidacy, which he will support.
“The election in Fortaleza will probably be a very intense one... We're very confident that Evandro's candidacy will grow... We have been very humble in listening to the population, and we are going to listen to the population in plenary sessions. Evandro Leitão, who is a deputy in his third term, is a new name for voters, but he will have significant popular support,” said Freitas.
In Fortaleza, six Workers’ Party members have put themselves forward to represent the party in the municipal election. Among them is the former mayor of Fortaleza, Luizianne Lins, who governed Ceará’s capital city between 2005 and 2012. During internal discussions of her party, she was ruled out for Evandro Leitão, a political ally of Senator Cid Gomes (Brazilian Socialist Party, or PSB, in Portuguese), who broke ties with his brother, Ciro Gomes, and may formally support the Workers’ Party candidate in the coming weeks.
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sinceileftyoublog · 1 year
Pet Shop Boys Box Set Review: Smash: The Singles 1985-2020
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“It’s in the music / It’s in the song,” sings Neil Tennant on Pet Shop Boys’ “Vocal”, a 2010s club banger about the power of a communal groove. It’s a simple, but appropriate summation of their new box set Smash: The Singles 1985-2020. A collection of 55 remastered tracks, from the band’s “Imperial Phase” to their surprising late-career critical success, Smash makes the case for the London synth pop duo as some of the most concisely affecting pop songwriters of all time. Though each track sounds crisp and timeless, the set’s improved audio quality is secondary to the strength of the collection as a whole, one that puts the the band’s idiosyncratic, lesser-known songs on the same pedestal as their massive hits. 
The casual music fan and non-PSB-diehard is likely familiar with, at the very least, the ever-relevant “West End Girls”. A perfect slice of deadpanned, Thatcher-era pop, it’s a predecessor to Pulp’s “Common People”, a satire of our penchant to fetishize those of a different socioeconomic status. That the band’s tone isn’t obvious is perhaps their greatest trick--from the get-go, they fully embraced commercialism while singing about the suburban hellscapes brought upon by capitalism (“Suburbia”) and society’s swindlers (“Opportunities (Let’s Make Lots of Money)”. To Tennant and Chris Lowe, though, this wasn’t hypocrisy: It was the perfect melding of the minds, the former’s pop songwriting chops with the latter’s artistic, experimental edge. Take “Love Comes Quickly”, which wouldn’t hit as hard without its Reichian choral background, panning synths, and Tennant’s croon-to-falsetto from which you can trace a direct line to the likes of Hot Chip’s Alexis Taylor. Ditto the band’s inspired disco-ifed covers of songs from other genres: Brenda Lee’s “Always On My Mind”, the whistling synths emulating pedal steel guitar, or U2 and Boys Town Gang mashup “Where The Streets Have No Name/I Can’t Take My Eyes Off You”.
What you perhaps come to appreciate most about Pet Shop Boys from Smash is how many of their club-conquering songs take place in intimate settings. For every horn-inflected, Latin pop jam like “Domino Dancing”, there’s the unspoken infidelity of “So Hard” or the paranoid obsession of “Jealousy”, lovers waiting for the other to come home from being out. On the surface, “Se a Vida É (That’s the Way Life Is)” sounds basic, but it’s a thoughtful reflection on the complications of life and how they change as you age, all atop a brass section, strummed guitars, and percussive drums from SheBoom. And even on a certain dance song like “I Wouldn’t Normally Do This Kind of Thing”, the narrator spends most of the time in their own head, thinking about their journey from getting out of their comfort zone to letting loose on the floor.
Of course, at the heart of the band’s introspection is an unavoidable societal context. Pet Shop Boys came to fruition in an age of state-sanctioned homophobia, governmental response to AIDS met with, at best, a shrug, and at worst, demonization. Tennant came out as gay in a 1994 interview in Attitude magazine, and before that, his references to his sexual orientation in song were somewhat veiled. On early religious satire “It’s a Sin”, Tennant laments being blamed “for everything I long to do / No matter when or where or who”. The stunning, whispered eulogy “Being Boring” is about a friend of his who died from AIDS; sullen, he sings, “All the people I was kissing / Some are here and some are missing.” You can hear the difference in songs with similar themes after Tennant came out; on “I Don’t Know What You Want But I Can’t Give It Anymore”, he theatrically leans into the jealousy, chanting over wailing backing vocals, “Is he better than me? Was it your place or his? Who was there?” And while the famously understated Lowe has never publicly come out, it’s long been speculated that his added verse on “Paninaro ‘95″ refers to an ex lover who passed from AIDS. The band’s inclusion of this version over the original on Smash speaks volumes, given the disgusting rise of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation today.
Ultimately, what allowed Pet Shop Boys to continue succeeding, as society’s attitudes and tastes changed, is their adaptation. A diss track like “Yesterday, When I Was Mad” represents Tennant at his most bitter, chiding critics. “You have a certain quality, which really is unique / Expressionless, such irony, although your voice is weak,” he sings, putting himself in the mindset of a stuffy journalist unamused by a track like, say, “Left to My Own Devices”. Over two decades later, on “The Pop Kids”, Tennant adopts a different mindset rife with humility thinking about the band’s early days: “We were young but imagined we were so sophisticated / Telling everyone we know that rock was overrated.” It’s those very rock-oriented elements that, ironically, comprised their best later-career tunes. Ali McLeod’s guitar and BJ Cole’s pedal steel stand out on “You Only Tell Me You Love Me When You’re Drunk”, a moment inspiring to polymaths like Death Cab For Cutie guitarist Dave Depper. The Smiths’ Johnny Marr provides guitar on “Home And Dry”, whose additional snares and seaside synths fit alongside Tennant’s autotuned vocals on the band’s most wistful track. And acoustic guitar from Tennant himself buoys “I Get Along” and the Xenomania-produced “Did You See Me Coming?” They’re the type of songs that make you think were age truly nothing but a number, you’d be looking at a second collection of eternal songs in another 35 years.
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hotnew-pt · 6 days
Veritá: Pesquisa mostra Marçal na liderança, seguido por Boulos e Nunes | Blogs #ÚltimasNotícias #Brasil
Hot News Pesquisa do instituto Veritá divulgada nesta segunda-feira (16) mostra o influenciador Pablo Marçal (PRTB) na liderança isolada da disputa pela prefeitura da capital paulista com 32,1% das intenções de voto, contra 26,0% de Guilherme Boulos (PSOL) e 18,1% do prefeito Ricardo Nunes (MDB). A deputada Tabata Amaral (PSB) e o apresentador José Luiz Datena aparecem 5,5% e 5,4%…
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agroemdia · 8 days
Eleições 2024: Aliança PSB/MDB disputa prefeitura de Caçapava do Sul (RS)
Conhecida como a segunda capital dos revoltosos farroupilhas, cidade do interior gaúcho deve ter uma das eleições mais disputadas dos últimos anos
O PSB, partido do vice-presidente da República e ministro Geraldo Alckmin e do prefeito de Recife, João Campos, para ficar em dois exemplos de grande protagonismo na política nacional, mostra no interior do Rio Grande do Sul, na cidade de Caçapava do Sul – RS, também conhecida como a segunda capital dos revoltosos farroupilhas, uma liderança jovem e promissora na política. Trata-se do candidato a…
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portalimaranhao · 20 days
Eleições 2024: Marçal entra com processo contra Tabata por vídeo viral que o relaciona ao PCC
A campanha do candidato do PRTB, Pablo Marçal (PRTB), entrou com uma notícia-crime contra a candidata do PSB, Tabata Amaral, por injúria e difamação. Os advogados se baseiam em dois vídeos publicados pela candidata em que ela alega envolvimento de Marçal com integrantes do Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC). A defesa de Marçal afirma que Tabata insinua que o candidato seria chefe da quadrilha sem…
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ocombatenterondonia · 1 month
Servidores da educação serão valorizados, diz Célio Lopes
Candidato também propõe a implantação de um programa de educação especial voltado para crianças com deficiências O advogado Célio Lopes, candidato da coligação Renova Porto Velho (PDT – PSB – PT – PV – PCdoB) a prefeito da Capital, disse nesta terça-feira, 20/08, em entrevista ao jornalista Marcos Magalhães, apresentador do programa Rota Notícias, da Rema TV, que vai valorizar os servidores da…
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josuejuniorworld · 1 month
Entrevista com a Professora Lúcia França, do PSB, candidata a vice-prefeita de São Paulo para o pleito de 2024
Professora Lúcia é filiada ao PSB desde 1988. Aos 62 anos, nasceu na capital paulista, mas passou grande parte de sua vida em São Vicente. É professora desde os 18 anos, formada em pedagogia, e possui pós-graduação em Direito Educacional, Neurolinguística, e MBA em Liderança. Além de ser empreendedora, fundou uma escola em Praia Grande (SP). Lúcia também presidiu o Fundo Social de São Paulo…
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schoje · 2 months
O prefeito de Chapecó, João Rodrigues, retornou nesta quinta-feira de uma viagem a Brasília e já recebeu em seu gabinete os vereadores da Comissão Especial de Defesa dos Microempreendedores e Microempresas. Estiveram presentes a presidente da comissão, Marcilei Vignatti (PSB), o vice, André Kovaleski (PL) e o relator, Mauro Zandavalli (PSD). O secretário de Governo, Thiago Etges, acompanhou a reunião. Os vereadores sugeriram ao prefeito a criação de um “Fundo Garantidor”, para atender empreendedores que estão com dificuldade de capital de giro e não conseguem se enquadrar em outras instituições bancárias e de crédito. Eles citaram a experiência de Toledo-PR, mas que, para isso, ainda necessitaria de uma aprovação do Tribunal de Contas do Estado. O prefeito João Rodrigues disse que vai buscar junto com os vereadores ver o que é possível fazer, buscando também recursos do Estado.Fonte: Prefeitura de Chapecó SC
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puravibenamastes-blog · 2 months
São Paulo falha no básico e não precisa de 'soluções mirabolantes' na Saúde, diz Tabata Amaral
A candidata à Prefeitura de São Paulo, Tabata Amaral (PSB), afirmou nesta sexta-feira (2) que seu plano de saúde para o governo tem como foco melhorar a gestão da atenção primária. Segundo a deputada federal, a capital está “falhando no básico” e não precisa de “soluções mirabolantes” para a área, mas de melhor organização. Leia mais (08/02/2024 – 20h43) Artigo Folha de S.Paulo – Equilíbrio e…
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drrafaelcm · 2 months
PSB não leva para Brasília ação sobre morte de cinegrafista em acidente aéreo com Eduardo Campos
Por ser de âmbito  nacional e ter sede em Brasília, o partido pretendia transferir o caso de Recife (PE) para a capital. Continue reading PSB não leva para Brasília ação sobre morte de cinegrafista em acidente aéreo com Eduardo Campos
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nickyysharmi · 2 months
The Union Budget of 2024-25: Implications for the Finance Sector
The Union Budget of 2024-25, presented by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, marks a significant milestone for the Indian economy. This budget aims to consolidate the economic recovery post-pandemic, boost infrastructure, and drive inclusive growth. Its impact on the finance sector, especially on corporate advisory and investment banks in India, is profound and multifaceted.
Boost to Infrastructure and its Financial Implications
One of the most notable aspects of the Union Budget 2024-25 is the substantial allocation towards infrastructure development. With a proposed outlay of INR 10 lakh crore, this focus on infrastructure is expected to drive demand for financing, advisory services, and capital market activities.
Investment banks in India stand to benefit significantly from this move. The need for large-scale project financing, mergers and acquisitions, and advisory services for public-private partnerships (PPPs) will increase. Corporate advisory in India, specifically, will see a surge in demand as companies seek guidance on structuring deals, compliance, and optimal financing strategies.
Enhancements in Digital and Financial Inclusion
The budget continues to push for digital transformation and financial inclusion. The Digital India initiative receives a significant boost with an increased allocation aimed at improving digital infrastructure and services. This move is expected to enhance financial services' accessibility, particularly in rural areas, thereby broadening the customer base for financial institutions.
For investment banks in India, this digital push translates to an expanded market for digital financial products and services. Enhanced digital infrastructure will facilitate smoother transactions, better customer engagement, and innovative financial solutions, all of which are crucial for maintaining competitiveness in a rapidly evolving financial landscape.
Reforms in Taxation and Regulatory Framework
The Union Budget 2024-25 introduces several tax reforms aimed at simplifying the tax structure and reducing the compliance burden on businesses. The reduction in the corporate tax rate for new manufacturing units to 15% is expected to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) and boost domestic investments. Additionally, the introduction of a unified securities market code aims to streamline the regulatory framework, making it easier for companies to raise capital.
These reforms are particularly beneficial for corporate advisory in India. Simplified tax structures and regulatory frameworks enhance the ease of doing business, encouraging more companies to seek expert advisory services to navigate the new landscape. Investment banks will also find the environment more conducive to raising capital, structuring deals, and facilitating mergers and acquisitions.
Emphasis on Sustainable Finance
Sustainability is a key theme in the Union Budget 2024-25. The government has announced several initiatives to promote green energy, sustainable farming, and environmental conservation. The Green Bonds initiative, in particular, aims to raise funds for green infrastructure projects, highlighting the growing importance of sustainable finance.
Investment banks in India will play a crucial role in mobilizing capital for these green projects. They will need to develop expertise in structuring green bonds, advising on sustainable investments, and meeting the growing demand for ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) compliant financial products. Corporate advisory firms will also need to guide businesses on integrating sustainability into their operations and financing strategies.
Also Read: The Role of Investment Banks in India's Healthcare Sector Financing
Strengthening the Banking Sector
The budget addresses the health of the banking sector by proposing measures to strengthen public sector banks (PSBs) and enhance their capital base. The allocation for recapitalization of PSBs is aimed at improving their lending capacity and financial stability.
This move is beneficial for both corporate advisory and investment banks in India. A stronger banking sector means more robust financial intermediation, increased lending to businesses, and a more stable financial environment. Corporate advisory services will be in demand to help businesses leverage these enhanced banking capabilities for growth and expansion.
Also Read: Embracing the Magic of Mobile Banking: Trends and User Experience
Support for MSMEs and Startups
Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and startups receive considerable attention in the Union Budget 2024-25. The government has proposed a credit guarantee scheme and increased funding for MSMEs, along with tax incentives for startups. These measures are expected to stimulate entrepreneurship and innovation.
Investment banks in India will find new opportunities in advising and financing MSMEs and startups. The increased availability of credit and funding will lead to a rise in demand for advisory services related to business planning, capital raising, and growth strategies. Corporate advisory in India will also see heightened activity as more startups and MSMEs seek professional guidance to navigate the financial and regulatory landscape.
Also Read: From Traditional Banking to Digital Solutions: The Evolution of SBICAPS and Other Investment Banks
The Union Budget of 2024-25 presents a comprehensive roadmap for economic growth and development, with significant implications for the finance sector. For investment banks in India, the budget opens up numerous opportunities for project financing, advisory services, and capital market activities. Corporate advisory in India will play a crucial role in helping businesses navigate the evolving landscape, leveraging tax reforms, regulatory changes, and new financial opportunities.
As the economy moves forward, the finance sector will be at the forefront, driving growth, innovation, and sustainable development. The Union Budget 2024-25 sets the stage for a vibrant financial ecosystem, poised to support India's aspirations for inclusive and sustainable economic progress.
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abraaocostaof · 2 months
PSB oficializa Vinicius Miguel como candidato a prefeito de Porto Velho
Convenção aconteceu neste sábado (20), na zona norte da capital. Partido ainda não divulgou o nome do vice da chapa. Convenção do PSB realizada neste sábado, 20 de julho, em Porto Velho (RO) Thiago Frota/Rede Amazônica O Partido Socialista Brasileiro (PSB) oficializou, em convenção realizada neste sábado (20) na zona norte da capital, a candidatura de Vinicius Miguel à Prefeitura de Porto Velho…
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npaconsultan · 2 months
Comparative Study of NPA account settlement Impact of The Nationalized Banks
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A viable, sustainable and strong banking system is crucial for the overall development of the economic structure of a country. The failure of an effective banking system may lead to adverse impacts in various spheres of the economy. Both the Public Sector Banks and the Private sector Banks in India have made considerable contributions in all economic aspects.
However, the amount of non-performing assets or NPA in the balance sheet can have a deep impact on the bank’s profitability. As per the directives of RBI, the accounts become non-performing when the loan account is overdue and the bank fails to recover the capital or interest from the capital for over a period of 90 days.
Plans to increase productivity
Over the past few years, there is a powerful drive going on in the nationalized banks to enhance their profitability. This implies that the PSBs also have to think of improving productivity, which is necessary to survive in the present economic state.
The future of the banks lies in the ability of the banks to build good quality assets consistently even in a competitive environment and minimize the NPAs. Competition and consolidation are the two prime factors that will impact the private and public sector banks in future. The effective methods of NPA account settlement can turn out to be the factors dominating the future of the banking system.
NPA categories
Every bank has to classify all the non-performing assets into three categories, depending on the time frame over which the asset has been in the non-performing stage and the realise-ability of the debts:
Doubtful assets
Substandard assets
Loss assets
The detection of the NPAs and the able management of the debts will help the bank to enjoy more financial stability.
Impact of NPA on banking systems
The level of return on the assets is one of the most significant aspects of the bank’s efficiency. Its high tie for the banks to provide provisions for the NPAs from the present profit ratio. The NPAs can affect the return to the assets in the following ways:
Increase in cost of capital
Reduction in ROI
Fall in the interest income of the banks accounted only on receipt mode.
Disturbance in the capital adequacy ratio with the entry of NPA in the calculations
Doubtful debts and bad debts add to the loss
Limitations in recycling the funds
Mismatch in assets and liabilities
It's high time to consult the NCLT lawyers in Mumbai who can help the banks to regain economic stability.
Comparative study
Thorough research of the ten years’ data from the top Indian banks like Canara Bank and State Bank of India shows that the banks are making policies that try to contain NPA for improving the profitability and asset quality.
HDFC and PNB show superior NPA management systems if you compare them to the systems existing in SMI and ICICI or other private sector banks. The system even supersedes the system of the public sector banks too.
The positive trend in NPA control
Recent research studies on trends of the non-performing assets in the various private banks of India show that the level of NPAs in the public sector banks is alarming. But it also shows some improvement in the asset quality with a little decline in the NPA percentage. Thus, the studies show that the banks can maintain economic stability if they take timely action against the degradation of the good-performing assets instead of concentrating only on the NPAs Analytical study
A thorough analytical study shows that the NPA of all the nationalized banks is showing an upward trend. Therefore, statistical records also pave the way for the banks to apply better measure for NPA management
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jfinserv · 3 months
Unlocking Growth Potential with MSME Business Loans in 59 Minutes
In the fast-paced world of business, time is of the essence. For Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), access to quick and hassle-free financing can be the key to unlocking growth and expansion opportunities. Enter the "MSME Business Loans in 59 Minutes" scheme—a revolutionary initiative designed to provide rapid financial support to MSMEs. Let's delve into what this scheme is all about and how it can benefit your business.
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What is the "MSME Business Loans in 59 Minutes" Scheme?
Launched by the Government of India, the "MSME Business Loans in 59 Minutes" scheme aims to streamline the loan approval process for MSMEs. The initiative promises in-principle approval for loans up to ₹1 crore within just 59 minutes. This swift turnaround time addresses one of the biggest challenges faced by small businesses—access to timely credit.
Key Features of the Scheme
Speedy Processing: True to its name, the scheme ensures that loan approvals are processed in under an hour, providing a significant time advantage over traditional loan applications.
High Loan Amount: MSMEs can avail loans ranging from ₹1 lakh to ₹1 crore, offering substantial financial support for various business needs.
Minimal Documentation: The application process requires minimal documentation, making it convenient and hassle-free for business owners.
Transparent Process: The scheme promotes transparency with clear criteria and guidelines, reducing uncertainty and ambiguity in the loan approval process.
Accessible Online Platform: The entire application process can be completed online, ensuring ease of access and convenience for MSME owners.
How to Apply for an MSME Business Loan in 59 Minutes
Applying for an MSME business loan under this scheme is a straightforward process. Here's a step-by-step guide:
Visit the Official Portal: Start by visiting the official "PSB Loans in 59 Minutes" portal.
Create an Account: Register on the portal by providing basic details such as name, email ID, and mobile number.
Submit Financial Details: Upload essential financial documents like GST returns, income tax returns, and bank statements. The portal uses this data to assess your loan eligibility.
Select Lenders: Choose from a list of participating public and private sector banks. The portal will match your profile with suitable lenders.
Receive In-Principle Approval: Within 59 minutes, you will receive an in-principle approval, indicating the amount you are eligible to borrow.
Complete Verification: After the in-principle approval, you will need to complete the verification process with the selected bank, which includes providing any additional documents and fulfilling specific bank requirements.
Disbursement: Once the verification is complete, the loan amount will be disbursed to your account.
Benefits of MSME Business Loans in 59 Minutes
Quick Access to Funds: Rapid approval and disbursement help MSMEs seize business opportunities without delay.
Growth and Expansion: Access to significant funding allows businesses to invest in expansion, infrastructure, technology, and more.
Improved Cash Flow: Timely loans can help manage cash flow more effectively, ensuring smooth operations and meeting working capital requirements.
Competitive Advantage: Quick financing can provide a competitive edge, enabling MSMEs to react promptly to market demands and opportunities.
Boost to the Economy: By facilitating the growth of MSMEs, the scheme contributes to overall economic development and job creation.
The "MSME Business Loans in 59 Minutes" scheme is a game-changer for small businesses, offering a lifeline of quick and accessible funding. By leveraging this initiative, MSMEs can overcome financial barriers and embark on a path of sustained growth and success. If you're an MSME owner looking for efficient financing solutions, this scheme could be the catalyst you need to elevate your business to new heights.
For more information and to apply, visit the MSME Loans in 59 Minutes portal. 
Unlock the potential of your business today with the power of quick and hassle-free MSME loans!
Apply Now!
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portalimaranhao · 1 month
Bolsonaro ignora o PL e apoia adversário do partido no MA
O ex-presidente Jair Bolsonaro ignorou a direção do PL e gravou um vídeo em apoio a um candidato que não faz parte do palanque da sigla de Valdemar Costa Neto. Na capital do Maranhão, São Luís, o PL de Valdemar Costa Neto resolveu apoiar a candidatura do deputado federal Duarte Júnior (PSB). No mesmo palanque, Duarte reuniu PSB, PL, PT/PcdoB/Rede, o PSDB/Cidadania, Avante, PRD, Podemos, PP e…
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