#cant wait to not have back pain tomorrow!!
secretkeeper007 · 5 months
I just bought a new mattress topper and I'm just quietly cackling to myself while laying in bed
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artheresy · 5 months
Was having a good day after that HCQ stream but I’m :’D
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dandyshucks · 7 months
going to cry because i am worried i won't finish all the crochet gifts in time :''")
#okay wait time to decide on a vent tag sjdkskl UHHHHH#can i just... tag it with ... ''vent //'' or is that annoying to add to a the tumblr filtering system fhdkdl#thats how old school tumblr cw/tw tagging worked fjdkl they'd just put slashes in so thats what im used to#vent //#we'll go with that ig? lmk if that doesnt work for anybody for any reason and u want smth else and I'll accomodate!!!#okay. um. anyways yeah idk fjdkdl i have been crocheting pretty much all day? i havent done anything else other than eat meals fjdksl#just... crocheting. my wrist hurts sm fjfkdl#i would still be crocheting but after messing up three times on this wing and frogging it all the way back i gave uo#up*#decided to just call it a night bc damn thats frustrating! idk what i was doing wrong but i kept ending up w the wrong amount of stitches!!#i think theres a possibility i can finish everything but im rly not sure fhdkdl tomorrow is already the 17th#im just. afraid fhdkdl i rly want this to work out !!! agh!!#I cant tell if my current chest pain is from anxiety or from medication (which i take for heart pounding from anxiety) wearing off djdkdl#ough. uncomfortable. I'll go draw and hopefully i can calm down bc im just sbdhdkl so afraid rn#IT ALSO DOESNT HELP that im the only one besides Kam in the system who knows how to crochet well fsbdhdkl#so the others cannot take over bc they cannot crochet either at all or as fast as i can :') i am stuck! in front!! AGGHH#i want a break man djsksl this season is so bad for me mentally fbjfdkl but by god i am getting thru it#okay off to go draw now fhdksl i have several ideas for drawing yay
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toastsnaffler · 10 months
was abt to go out to the gym but the adhd referral service finally emailed me to say they need me to call them to book an appointment and it says in the email they don't make appts via email but I'm DEAF I Know they know that bc its on my fucking patient form UGHHHHH
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carcrashcockrash · 2 years
auuggghg wauughh im dying from a deadly diseas. its called ate pizza and macdonalds and soy all in one day disease an d symptoms include exploding. u mgiht want to step back brother
#figjting for my life on the toilet rn you have no idea#it seemed like such a good idea. it seemed like such a good idea.#the pizza. that was like 12 hours ago at this point. and you know i could feel it but i was ok. you know.#same goes for macdonalds. ok sure mcflurry and nuggets and a few fries floatin around in there for like 8 hrs. but it was fine. i was fine.#i get home just before 11pm right. sleepy guy. nap on the couch for an hour. i should have gone to bed. but no.#my hubris. my desire for prawn fried rice. i simply had to have it.#looking back i can see how the universe tried to stop me. no onions. no sesame oil. but i pushed on. i was determined.#i have onion powder. i have peanut oil. you cannot stop me. the battle cry has sounded. the war has begun.#whisk and cook the egg. chop chop chop the bacon and fry with the prawn and garlic. add spices. veggies. and of course rice#add the substitute peanut oil. a... generous amount of oyster sauce. its good. and of course how could we forget the soy sauce#ha. ha ha ha. hahahaahaha. ha. god.#glug glug glug. tipping the nearly-empty bottle of costco soy sauce upside-down into the wok. hissssss#mix mix mix. taste test. adjust a little. shame about the onion but otherwise good. cant wait to eat a bowl.#scoop scoop scoop. fried rice in a bowl. sit and play some turf war while it cools. eat eat eat. listen to sci guys podcast. life is good.#perhaps it would have been fine if it had ended here. my decisions would not have been without consequence but they would be bearable.#it did not end there.#another bowl. another mistake. ingesting more and more soy. gorging myself upon the garden of eden. wrath was fast approaching#i dont know if i really need to explain this next part. to be honest. i think you can probably guess. the pain. the shartblasting. you know#anyway it took me so long to write these tags that im actually mostly fine now and in bed with a kitty so life is good#tomorrow i will eat even more fried rice and maybe even buy that one chocolate soy milk even though it kills me but it tastes sooo good#i will never learn my lesson ever amen#mine#wow long tags. hiiiii if u read all this
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possiblytracker · 2 years
god im just so ready to get back to doing art tbh
and back to university. i think i am moving out on friday actually
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coridallasmultipass · 10 days
#WELPP I Cant find my blog backup and its definitely not letting me click the button i give up lmao#i got more pressing issues rn fucking alarm going off for low battery i had to fucking crawl into the crawlspace behind my aquariums...#...to get to it while i have a still injured back lmao so fucking frustrating nothing is going right for me today#i wake up to the sound of a dying cat (its our tenant that neglects them) but they drove off with it before i could go outside and inspect#i have to reschedule a medical appointment because the only 2 roads out of my town are fucked and i wont make it tomorrow#so thats another week of suffering the teeth aligners and not getting to ask the doctor if its supposed to be this painful all the time#i still have a lot of trouble eating man and now i gotta extend it another week! my jaw is so fucking bad ugh#like i have spent literal years of my life waiting not being able to do anything bc treatment is delayed or just not available#especially in my small ass fucking town there are no specialists here and i cant even get into physical therapy lmao#im having to deal w no car access for weeks now which means even if a pt place magically calls me then i still dont get to go because no ca#im gonna barely make it with one pill to spare bc i cant pick up my prescriptions either bc the walk is too far for my back#im already going without the easy to eat foods i want bc i was in too much pain to go when my mom visited#fucking hate all ths shit man im so fucking tired of living like this no one should have to suffer like this im so fucking miserable ugh#delete later / /#vent#personal#Cori.exe#Post.exe
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eldenphil · 4 months
everything in the name of science. etc
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freshxsturniolo · 30 days
haunted jealousy - chris sturniolo x femreader
summary : you had been a sam and colby fan for years and when they asked the triplets to film with them, your boyfriend chris could not wait to tell you and bring you along for the weekend. it was also common knowledge that colby was your biggest "celebrity" crush, but chris thinks nothing of it until you actually met and start to get along, and his jealousy takes over him.
mentions / warnings : fluff. smut. slight angst? swearing. pet names.
"are you not scared that your boyfriend might be about to get possessed?" chris says, throwing his arm around your neck as he walks by your side to the restaurant you were planning on meeting sam and colby.
you look up at chris as his fingers graze your shoulder, his other hand in the pocket of his hoodie.
"youre a pain in my ass now, never mind possessed." you joke, and he pushes away from you in a joking manor.
"might mean you can run off into the distance with colby" he said, a joking grin on his face as he came in front of you, walking backwards as you continued to step forward into him.
"with any luck" you joke, and you laugh as chris slams his hands to his heart, letting out a cry.
it was no secret you had had a crush on colby brock since you first found their channel, way back before chris and his brothers had even started their channel, way before you and chris even considered their could be anything more than friendship between the two of you. colby was your "celebrity fantasy" if you will, and your guilty pleasure. chris loved to tease you on it all the time, but it was always in jest.
"we're here" matt shouts from in front of you, and chris turns around, coming to a stop so you accidentally walk straight into him.
"fuck" you whisper, stepping back, and he turns to grab your hand, laughing once he realises youre not hurt. your relationship with chris was always like this. making jokes, having banter, being the best of friends. but he was in every single heartbeat your loving, caring, boyfriend too.
you step to the side, gripping chris' hand in yours as you walk across to both matt and nick, as you stand and wait for sam and colby to arrive. tomorrow, they would be filming their video, where they go and investigate a popular haunted hotel, but tonight they wanted to formally meet for the first time. they had all been sending messages back and forth for the last few months, so they already felt like friends. of course, you were just the little tag along that wanted to be involved, but when chris' had made everyone aware you were coming, they were more than happy.
after a few minutes of waiting, your eyes finally land on the blonde and brunette walking towards you. it felt weird to be excited, but it equally felt weird your boyfriend and best friend where fast becoming friends with them too. once they reach you, they all dap each other up, a chorus of hellos, how are yous, how was the flights, before chris introduces you.
you say hello to them both, both of them coming in to give you a hug.
"shes a huge fan" chris chuckled behind you.
"chris" you give him an eye as you pull away from your hug with colby, looking back at him to see him laughing down at you.
"we appreciate it" colby says, and you give him a nod before he turns and walks into the restaurant.
its super lowkey, not many people in, but its lovely all the same. as you take your seats, chris sitting to your left, you cant help but be shocked when colby sits beside you and you give him a smile. checking the menu you all order food and drinks, before sam starts to tell the triplets exactly what it is they'll be doing tomorrow. youre invested, of course, being a fan of sam and colby and genuinely interested in their content, but youre caught off guard when you hear colbys voice.
"what are you doing tomorrow?" he asks, taking a sip of his drink.
"whilst you're acting ghost busters?" you joke, and he coughs on his drinks which makes you laugh, before giving you a nod. "ive bought plenty of books to keep me occupied. i know you guys film until early hours so i'll probably try get some sleep before they all come bouncing in." you laugh, and colby laughs with you.
"chris says youre a huge fan?" colby says now, and you give your boyfriend a side eye before turning back to colby.
"i swear im not crazy. ive just watched you for so many years, this just all feels a little surreal" you admit. but before you know it, you're chatting away like you'd met a thousand times. your food comes and you slowly pick your way at it, listening to stories from videos they had never put out, or things they've seen when they aren't even filming, your eyes widening the more and more he speaks. before you know it, you're laughing and joking with him and you realise you haven't paid attention to anyone else in the room. when colby announces he's going to the bathroom, you turn around to face the rest of the boys youre seated with. matt and nick are still having a conversation with sam, who looks at you and gives you a smile, but when you look to your side to give a smile to your boyfriend, you can tell his entire mood has changed from what it was earlier.
"you okay, babe?" you ask. and he snaps his head to look at you.
"hmm? oh, yeah. im good." he says, picking up a fry from his plate and nibbling at the end.
"not nervous for tomorrow, are you?" you give his shoulder a little shove, and finally a smile appears on his lips.
"no" he says. "just thinkin."
"about what?" you press, but before he can answer you hear colbys voice again from behind you.
"i paid the bill guys."
"oh god, how much do we owe you?" you say. he smiles at you.
"dont worry about it!" he says enthusiastically before sitting himself down, leaning over slightly so he can see chris.
"your girl knows a lot about ghosts" he says, and you look to chris with a smile who gives a chuckle.
"shes probably watched your videos a thousand times, bro" he says, giving, and then the two start talking comfortably, you sat in the middle, looking between the two of them and having your say every now and then.
when the night draws to an end, and you all say your goodbyes to go to your own separate hotels, colby gives you a hug.
"so lovely to meet you," he says, as he pulls away he puts his hands on your shoulders. "i'll find you on instagram and give you a follow. chris tagged you in some stuff, yeah?"
you let out a laugh. "yeah! please dont feel you need to" you laugh, and he gives you that famous colby side eye.
"youre a friend now" he laughs, giving your shoulders a slight tap before he moves to say goodbye to everyone else.
when they turn to walk away, nick is the first to come to your side, wrapping his arm in yours. "girl, did you fucking hear what we are doing tomorrow?" he says, and you laugh as you pull yourself closer to him, his warmth a comfort in the winter chill outside.
"yes. are you nervous?" you say, starting to head in the direction of your hotel.
nick starts to talk about how excited he is, the things he wants to do, the things he hopes to see, that you dont even notice when you get to the front of their hotel.
"chris," nick says, and you turn around to catch the eye of your boyfriend as he chats away to matt. "are you coming to our room?" he says, giving you a smile as he does so. you smile back and look to chris for an answer, but the look on his face already tells you its a no.
"im tired." he says, and you hear nick let out an "oh" before turning to you.
"i suppose you wont leave your knight in shining armour for an hour to keep me company, will you?" he says, a pleading look on his face. you have to admit that with the adrenaline from the last couple of hours, you were defiantly not ready for sleep yet, but chris speaks for you.
"no. shes coming with me." he says, and you screw up your face as you look towards him. chris had never been demanding, and you had spent many times with his brothers without him, but the look he was giving you now, you knew there was nothing wrong.
"i guess i'll see you tomorrow then." nick says, giving you a hug. you hug him back before making your way to matt, giving him a hug too, before chris comes over and grabs your hand, practically pulling you in the direction of the hallway that your separate room was.
"ouch, chris. whats wrong with you?" you ask, and the tone to your voice makes him loosen his grip.
"nothing. sorry. im just tired" he says as you get outside of your room. you take the key from your purse and unlock the door, stepping inside and throwing your purse down.
you let out a stretch, a small moan coming from your lips, before you move over to your bag to get out one comfier clothes. you hear chris slam onto the bed and you turn to look at him, his eyes on you as he places his hands behind his head.
"chris, whats wrong? and dont say nothing" you say, a stern look on your face. he chuckles.
"nothing. im sorry. honestly i am. its been a long day" he admits, and you give him a sympathetic smile as you see the bags already forming under his eyes. luckily, filming wasnt until tomorrow night, so you had the whole of the next day to catch up on sleep.
you turn away from him now and slide your jeans down your legs before you hear your phone tumble to the floor. "fuck" you whisper, as you forgot you'd put it in your back pocket rather than your purse, and you bend down to pick it up, the home screen illuminating from the fall.
"oh," you laugh, turning round to face chris and making your way across to the bed, throwing yourself down on it so you were on your front, nothing but one of chris' fresh love hoodies on your body now. "colby actually followed me. and sam" you say, opening up your phone to double check the notifications.
but chris snaps. whatever had been bothering him suddenly become too much, and he stands up off the bed in a huff, walking over to the bathroom and slamming the door. you watch in astonishment, waiting for the bathroom door to open up again, and after a moment when it doesnt, you take your way over to it, knocking lightly.
"chris?" you say, but it takes not even a second before the door is flung open. you stumble back in surprise, chris with one hand on the door handle, the other on the side of the frame.
"you're mine, you know that don't you?" he says, and you almost laugh.
"excuse me?" you choke out, looking him up and down. he does the same back.
"you're mine." he says again. this time you do laugh.
"im so fucking confused, chris. what on earth are you talking about?"
but your laugh, and your obliviousness to what hes taking about only angers him more, and he rolls his eyes as he goes to slam the door in your face. but not before you manage to wedge your foot in the way, hand coming to the side of the door. chris spins around and looks at you, shock on his face, but the anger is still there.
"what the fuck is wrong with you?" you say, pushing the door fully open now and stepping into the bathroom.
"doesnt matter" he says, turning on the tap, but you step at the side of him, turning it off.
"of course im yours, you idiot. who else's would i be?" you say, but the no answer makes you laugh as you realises exactly where he is going with this. you connect the dots immediately.
"youre joking me chris. its because i spent the night chatting to colby, isnt it?" you say, and you see his eyes screw up slightly. you laugh again. "are you jealous?" you say.
"ive heard you talk about how much you love him for years" he scoffs, eyes traipsing down your body, down to your bare legs.
"yeah, when i was fucking 16, chris. are you serious?" you laugh, but your laugh and lack of seriousness is infuriating him.
"he wanted to know what youre doing tomorrow" he says through gritted teeth.
"he was making polite conversation" you confirm, eyeing him up. you'd never seen him like this before. you had never and would never give him a reason to act like this. you loved him deeply and your eyes had never scanned for another man since.
he doesnt answer you though, and he pushes your hand away from the sink so he can turn back on the tap. you step to the side and look at him through the mirror, but he isnt letting up, and your frustration is building.
"so youre going to ignore me. because i spoke to someone ive been a genuine fan off for years. we were talking about GHOSTS, chris, do you even understand how ridiculous youre being?"
he notices the tone in your voice, and he looks at you through the reflection of the mirror, before bowing his head again to continue washing his face. you scoff in astonishment, before making your way back into the main room of the hotel. you throw yourself on the bed, picking back up your phone, when you hear chris coming back in.
"what are you doing?" he asks, and you roll your eyes.
"texting colby" you joke. you know its a low blow, but the frustration you feel is next level. youre actually about to text nick to see if you can stop by his and matts room for an hour, to let chris chill out, but you dont get chance before you feel the bed dip and a pair of hands on your hips, flipping you onto your back.
"chris" you squeal.
"texting colby, hmm?" he says, and then his fingers are looped in the band on your underwear, pulling them down. the heat that comes in between your legs is instant, and you know exactly where this is going to go.
"well, we were having a great conversation earlier." you say.
"oh yeah? you wanna go spend the night with him?" chris says, your underwear now at the bottom of your feet and in on swift swoop theyre in his hands, before he shoves them into his back pocket.
"well my boyfriends being a jerk, so" you start.
"didnt notice how he called you my girl?" he says now, but then his hands are on your hips and he drags you down the bed. you cant hide the gasp that escapes your lips. "well?" he asks now, dipping his head to inbetween your legs.
"didnt notice. was too busy looking at his face" you say, but your breathing is hitched.
"i'll fucking show you who's girl you are" he says, and then his tongue is in your folds and your arms outstretch instantly, gripping at the bedding.
"fuck, chris" you pant, his tongue working wonders in-between your legs, hitting all the right spots, your back arching as his teeth scrap against your folds. you move your hands to his head, pushing him further into you, before his head snaps up.
"chris-" you pant, looking down at him, but he grips both your wrists with one hand and pushes them behind your head, his entire body coming with them so his face is inches from yours in one quick swoop. you look into his eyes, and he gives you a smirk before his free hands moves down to your wet folds, fingers teasing you.
"chris-" you say again, and he lets out a deep chuckle before his fingers enter you.
"oh, god" you utter and you close your eyes as he starts to move his finger back and forth, thumb coming to your clit and rubbing gentle.
"open your eyes" he says, and you do as he says. "who's girl are you?" he says now, fingers moving more vigorously now, hitting your g-spot perfectly. when you dont say anything, unable to from the pleasure youre feeling, he stops abruptly, a small whimper escaping your lips.
"who's fucking girl are you?" he spits out.
"yours, chris. im yours" you cry out.
"good girl" he says, before his fingers start working again, pumping you so hard you're seeing stars but your eyes fixed on him, not wanting him to stop.
"im gonna-" you start, unable to finish your sentence.
"let go for me my girl" he says, and the words on his lips bring you to your climax, legs buckling and squeezing into his hand tightly as you ride it out. when you finally settle, your breathing harsh, he pulls out his finger and gently removes his hand from your wrists.
you lay, in utter bliss and also disbelief as he removes himself from your body, gathering yourself before you sit up on your elbows, looking straight at him as he walks off back into the direction of the bathroom, but before he does, he turns back to you and gives you a grin.
"i dont know about no ghosts," you start. "but that jealousy possessed you." you utter, and a laugh escapes his lips as he enters the bathroom finally.
you stand up, finally going back over to your pyjamas you'd abandoned just moments before but you hear the shower turn on, a smirk comes over you, thinking about how you're going to return the pleasure he just gave you.
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f1version · 1 year
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pairing: daniel ricciardo x celebrity!reader (she/her)
summary: You find a cowboy hat while you’re at a photoshoot, then the F1 fandom goes crazy on you because it’s supposedly Daniel Ricciardo’s lost hat.
note: it’s race week for the australian gp, so technically it’s danny ric’s week. have this as my holy offering for the dr3 agenda xx
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danielricciardo • Melbourne, Australia
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Liked by redbullracing, landonorris and 983,303 others
danielricciardo Someone stole my hat, here’s me smiling through the pain, and our last memory together.
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redbullracing SOS mission find danny’s hat activated
maxverstappen1 translation: he left it at the studio during a photoshoot, and when he came back the next day it wasn’t there
danielricciardo you can just say i lost it. i hate you.
landonorris can i laugh?
danielricciardo NO
yourusername • Melbourne, Australia
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Liked by redbullracing, vanityfair and 992,137 others
yourusername just found a hat, feeling good xx
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redbullracing that’s a good cowboy hat you have there
yourusername hi redbull racing, now that you are here can i get a paddock pass for next weekend?
redbullracing boss (daniel) says yes
theynwardrobe i can already FEEL people asking where are the boots from
vanityfair icon
yourusername ❤️❤️
dr3things wait a damn minute
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yourusername • Melbourne, Australia
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Liked by danielricciardo, maxverstappen1 and 1,102,003 others
yourusername danielricciardo i am told i have your hat. hope you know how to fight
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danielricciardo we can fight. maybe at a restaurant, next week, after the race, 7pm. sounds good?
yourusername oh? maybe we could do that, or who knows if there is something available tomorrow? if not, see you on paddock mr ricciardo
redbullracing two worlds collide
yourusername hi redbull can u tell daniel i think he is cool?
redbullracing i do as mother says🫡
char16lec danny ric did not just hit on a philanthropist super model because he left his hat at a photoshoot and she took it
maxdan11 he really did, what a legend
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yourusername’s insta story
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danielricciardo’s insta story
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yourusername’s insta story
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Liked by danielricciardo, landonorris and 1,862,753 others
yourusername i think he has a crush on me or something…
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danielricciardo a crush is just the beginning of it
yourusername it’ll be fun to find out all of that
landonorris this man has dedication fr, boy has been crushing on u since 2019
danielricciardo LANDO NO THEY CANT KNOW
yourusername danielricciardo “i’ve liked you for a very long time now, y/n, it’s ridiculous” this u?
danielricciardo all dates. cancelled.
redbullracing welcome to the family!
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Liked by yourusername, redbullracing and 1,862,753 others
danielricciardo it looks better on her, doesn’t it?
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yourusername you’re cute or whatever
danielricciardo no u
redbullracing we’re pro matchmakers fr
maxverstappen1 ok but what about me
danielricciardo i’ll always love you babe
yourusername disappointed but not surprised
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angeltrapz · 2 years
so tired of my stomach hurting so bad it makes me want to cry & then wanting to cry anyway bc I'm so fucking sad. for no reason
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ludicdoll · 5 months
smut fic w kai (archie m) from voyagers 🙌🙌 cant find nothing on other writing platforms ☹️
𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 — kai ☆
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pairing: kai x afab!reader
warnings: smut, masterbation, backshots, fingering, cussing
synopsis: your desires for a fellow crew member deepens as you slowly come off the blue.
a/n: i gotchuuu this movie was so ass but he was so fine in ittt, also u didn’t specify what exactly the scenario was so i hope this is okay😭
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it’s been almost a week since you stopped taking the blue. kai said it was medication, and since richard was gone, that meant no rules. well, besides from christopher being a pain in the ass ever since he was voted to be richard’s replacement. you didn’t know if you were having withdrawls from not taking your medication or not, but you’ve been having strange thoughts about a certain someone on the ship — kai. you’ve always been close to him, only as friends of course. he helped you around a lot with your projects, he was kind to you. but now, you can’t look at him in the eye without thinking about the unspeakable thoughts you have about him.
you didn’t have these vulgar thoughts about anyone else but kai. sure, every once in a while there would be something about the other boys on the ship, but nothing as extreme as the dreams you have about kai. you would twitch nervously around him when he would talk to you let alone being in the same room as you.
you scratch the back of your neck, staring dully at the metal boards in front of you. you had to build something for a part of the hardware for the ship, but you didn’t know where to start. you look around, watching as the other pairs around you worked efficiently. you furrow your brows, tapping the edge of the screws with your screwdriver. “hey,” kai says while placing his hands on your shoulders. “fuck!” you yelp, turning around to him. “you scared me,” you breathe out. he raises his hands up in defense, “sorry, you need help with that?” he replies. you look down at your work space, a mess in front of you. you nod sheepishly, embarrassed.
he gives you a friendly smile, sliding his hand into yours to grab the screwdriver. you shiver as his fingers graze over yours. you watch as he starts working, his curls falling over his eyes. his sleeves were rolled up and you couldn’t help but look down at his large hands — slight veins running up his arms. he senses your eyes on him, he looks over at you with parted lips. “do you wanna do it?” he asks while offering the screwdriver back at you. you shake your head hesitantly, “i don’t know how, i wasn’t really listening when richard was explaining.” you admit shyly. kai laughs, straightening his back. “i’ll help you out, i’ll tell you where to put stuff.” he waits for an answer as you rub your arm nervously. you nod, switching spots with him.
you grab the screwdriver, listening to kai’s instructions. unfortunately, you were horrible at listening to his directions too. you were too distracted by his voice. “have you been feeling strange?” kai asks abruptly. you snap your head up to him, feeling slightly aroused at his height compared to you. your eyes dart around the room anxiously. “like how?” he shrugs, staring down at his hands. “i don’t know, like desires… about things.” the way he says it makes you think he’s been having those thoughts too. you feel uneasy, almost a little called out. “yes,” you admit. “have you?” you inquire. he gives you a skeptical look, but nods in return. you hum, trying to focus on your work.
“c’mon guys, you’re not even halfway done.” christopher interferes. he looks disappointed at the two of you. “sorry,” you utter in shame. kai doesn’t look embarrassed though, he looks more annoyed than anything. you glance around, realizing everyone was either gone, or finishing up their part. “can’t we just finish this tomorrow. we’re both tired.” kai says. christopher looks at the two of you, waving you off. he walks away, leaving the room. you sigh, your screwdriver clattering onto the white table. “we’ll have more time tomorrow, it’s fine.” kai says while patting your shoulder, the warmth of his hand on your skin making you sweat. you bite your lip to keep your thoughts to yourself.
you feel his hand fall farther down your back, almost touching your hips. you look over at him, his eyes staring down at you. “i think i’m gonna go get some rest.” you say while moving back. he draws his hand back quickly before placing them to his side. he gives you an awkward smile, nodding. “yea, me too.” he mutters. you say goodnight to him, rushing down the dimly lit halls back to your room. you close the door behind you, trying to comprehend what had happened. was he having thoughts about you too? you waved it off, laying flat in your bed. you look up at the dark ceiling, the vulgar thoughts about kai slowly slipping into your mind. you groan, closing your eyes trying to drift off to sleep, but it doesn’t work.
you feel guilty as your hand travels down your stomach to the waistband of your pants. you slowly touch yourself, feeling the wetness of your cunt. you think of kai touching you, grinding against your naked figure. you moan quietly — imagining his large hands exploring every part of your body. before you could reach your sweet release, you hear a knock. you sit up abruptly trying to fix yourself up. staring at the door, you breathe out and carefully walk over to the door. you stand there for a second before opening it. you hide behind the door, peaking your head out. kai’s standing in front of you, his hands behind his back. he’s looking at his feet before turning his head to face you. he stares down at you, a slight smirk on his face. you look up at him, worried he might’ve heard your soft whimpers through the door.
“you forgot this,” he says while revealing a notebook behind his back. you grab it, thanking him. it had all your notes on research you had done earlier that day. you both stand there, an awkward silence blooming. “so,” he starts, “can’t sleep?” he asks. you nod, avoiding eye contact with him shamefully. you feel his fingers on your jaw as he moves your face to look into his eyes. “you can’t look at me now?” he whispers under his breath. you gulp, parting your lips to say something — but he quickly shushes you by smashing his lips onto yours. his hands quickly falls to your waist, shutting the door loudly with his back. you drop your notebook on the ground, looping your arms around his neck, feeling his tongue exploring your mouth. you whimper as his rough kisses trail down to your neck.
you whimper as he staggers closer to your body, pulling off his fitted long sleeve and pants. his hands wander up your shirt, unclipping your bra. you take off your shirt, stripping down to your panties. kai grabs your arm, softly pulling you towards the bed. he sits down on the edge of the small mattress, looking down at the floor signaling you to kneel. you do as you are instructed, immediately falling to your knees in between his legs. your nails dig into your thighs as you watch him edge the band of his boxers. he’s messing with you and you know it. he gives you a smirk before finally pulling them down revealing his thick cock, already dripping in precum.
you look up at him, eyes wide. he leans back on his hands, tilting his head at you. you take his dick into your hand, slowly pumping up and down. you glance up at him, his mouth slightly opened. he rolls his head back, breathing loudly as you slowly swirl your tongue around the throbbing tip. “you’re so beautiful like that,” he mutters with lust. you hum, your face warm from his praises. you start bobbing your head up and down on his dick, eyes getting teary. you knit your brows together realizing how wet you were getting. you suck him up, your pretty lips parted around his girth. kai cups your cheek with his hand, his thumb rubbing your jawline softly. he groans as your tongue continues flicking over his tip. “that’s it baby, that’s it.” he chants as you lock eyes with him. you pick up your pace, placing your unoccupied hand on his thigh for balance.
“fuck, i need you so bad.” he mumbles as you gag on his dick. you shove your head down his cock, taking in his full length down your throat. he loved the way you looked with tears running down your pretty face, those swollen lips around his dick, and your puppy dog eyes looking up at him. he watched his dick poke through your throat. you come back up to his tip, whimpering when he grabs your head, softly forcing you back down on his cock which causes you to whine. you close your eyes, shuddering as the cold air brushes past your breasts. “kai,” you manage to mutter through your cries, “mhm,” he replies as his hand cups your face again. you line wet kisses on the sides of his length, gliding your tongue over the tip.
that sends him over the edge. you hear him choke back a moan, coating the insides of your mouth with his cum. he sighs, looking down at your small figure underneath him. you lick up his semen, a lewd expression on your face. you pull away from his cock, a string of saliva breaking connections your tongue to his tip. before you could say anything — he grabs you by the waist, throwing you onto the bed but making sure to not hurt you. you yelp in surprise, quickly supporting yourself on your hands, looking back to see kai kissing your back. your breath hitches as his kisses slowly make its way to your ass. his hand creeps up into your underwear, his long fingers dipping inside of your drenched cunt. “you’re soaked,” he says, almost in a shocked tone.
“i’ve been thinking about you for so long,” you whimper out as he stretches out your pussy with his fingers. your vision starts getting blurry as he curls his fingers against the walls of your wet cunt. your back slightly arches when he pulls his fingers out. he slides off your panties, lining his tip up to the entrance. you turn your head forward, bracing yourself for the rough impact. you almost scream as his dick splits you open, feeling yourself tightening around his length. you cry out, muffling your moans by hiding your face in the sheets. he starts thrusting into you roughly, his hands on your waist. you squirm, curling your toes as he pounds into the walls of your pussy ruthlessly. “let me hear you, baby. c’mon i wanna hear your pretty little voice.” his voice low, laced with desire.
you grip onto the white sheets, tears drenching the thin covers under you. you moan out quietly, afraid that the other crew members would hear you getting your guts rearranged. the small room is filled with the sound of labored breathing, lewd moans, and skin slapping against each other. you melted into his touch, bouncing your ass against his cock to help him. you hear him whisper an “oh, yea.” behind you. he leans down to your back, his chest against you. he hugs you from behind, his hands massaging your plump breasts. “kai, please.” you beg when you realize he’s slowing down. “please what?” he teases in your ear. “let me cum, please.” he laughs, his breath tickling your neck. “be louder for me and i’ll let you.”
you groan at his response, but quickly arch your back against his chest when you feel him rubbing circles on your clit. you felt so dirty. he knows how much you wanted him now, how much you longed for this moment with him. you pant, your breathing stopping every once in awhile in response to his thick cock and skilled fingers. he fucks you into the mattress, spreading your ass with his hands to get a better view of his length sliding in and out of you. you turn your head back at him, staring at him with half lidded eyes. he laughs, keeping direct eye contact with you as he makes you chase your climax.
you can tell he’s about to cum again too. his thrusts start to get sloppier, inconsistent. you feel like a knots being tied in your core, being pulled on until it snaps. you gasp loudly, finally cumming together. your moans and his curses mix together. the wave from his cum painting your pussy makes you whimper. you swear you saw stars after you came. “fuck,” you mutter. your body feels limp as kai lays his chest on your back again, sighing into your skin. you can still feel his dick twitching inside of you. he peppers kisses against you before carefully pulling out. you shudder at the lost of contact. he plops down in the small bed, pulling you into his side. he places his head into the crook of your neck. “we should do this more,” he whispers slyly. you nod in response, his arms tightening around you as he kisses you one last time before drifting off to sleep.
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© do not publish my writings on other sites.
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cheesesoda · 25 days
Shut Up & Drive
matt sturniolo x mechanic!reader
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a/n: i know nothing about cars yall so i’m sorry to the car bros if i get something wrong
genre: fluff
summary: when matt needs to take the car into the shop, he meets a cute mechanic who fixes his car.
cw: language
OIL CHANGE REQUIRED. matt groaned audibly as he saw the notification on the car. “what?” nick asked from the backseat. “i need to get the oil changed for the car.” matt sighs. he was not a fan of taking his car into the shop (but who is?). “cant you do that at home or whatever?” chris said. “no, i’ll have to take it into the shop.” matt retorted. “oh, ok, so do that.” chris brushes him off. since matt was the only one who could drive, he was obviously always the one to take care of the car too. “i’ll do it tomorrow, i guess.” matt grumbles.
the next day, matt drove to the mechanic to get the oil changed for the car. when he arrived at the shop, it appeared to just be a big open garage with cars parked all around. the sounds of buzzing and car doors opening and closing was overwhelming. as he was trying to look for someone who worked there, he spotted somebody underneath a car, fiddling around with something on the bottom. “shit!” the person exclaims before sliding out from beneath the car, shaking her hand in pain.
matt couldn’t help but notice how beautiful she was. she wore a baggy f/c jumpsuit with the top half unzipped and wrapped around her waist, a black tank top on the upper half of her body. safety goggles were propped on top of her head but she didn’t seem to use them. her h/l h/c hair was pulled into a ponytail. a few tattoos decorated her left arm.
“mother fucker-“ she cuts herself off when she sees matt. “oh, hi! i, uh, didn’t see you there.” she chuckles. “are you ok?” matt asks, looking at her finger that she’s clutching in her hand. “wh- oh! this? i’m fine, it’s just a tiny cut.” she dismisses it. “i’m y/n, what do you need help with?” she holds out her hand for matt to shake and he does. “i’m matt. my car needs an oil change.” he explains. “lead the way, matt.” she grinned.
as she was working on his car, he couldn’t help but admire her. “so how old are you? usually it’s older people bringing their cars in because kids just have their parents bring it in.” y/n asks, still focused on the car. “i’m 20. how about you?” he replies. “no way! me too!” she exclaims as if she’s never found someone the same age as her. the conversation continues smoothly and matt can’t help but like her more and more by the minute. turns out they actually had a lot in common. he was fighting the urge to ask for her number or something, but he didn’t want to make things weird or uncomfortable and assumed her friendliness was just her customer service attitude.
y/n finishes the oil change and the two of them head over to the register. “alright, that’ll be $80.” y/n says when she rings him up. he swipes his card and thanks her. she waves goodbye to him as he walks to his car, seemingly contemplating something. as soon as he enters the car and turns on the engine, she runs over to him.
“are you free tomorrow night? wait- i should ask if you’re single—are you single?” she blurts out when she leans into his window. “um, yeah- yes, i’m single. and also free tomorrow night.” he awkwardly chuckles. “great! do you maybe wanna get dinner tomorrow?” she asks, suddenly a little shy. “yes, of course! i mean, where should i pick you up?” he can’t help but smile. “here’s my number and my address.” she writes on a small piece of paper and gives it to him. “i’ll see you tomorrow then?” he confirms. “yep! see ya, matt!” she grins and quickly kisses him on the cheek before jogging back to the shop. going to the shop wasn’t so bad this time.
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zombholic · 8 months
TATTOOS & ETC. — abby anderson
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summary — y/n visits las vegas for vacation before college starts, she gets her first big tattoo piece there only to meet the owner of the shop.
description — tattoo artist!abby, poc fem!reader, obviously older abby, modern au, cant write smut so dont expect it, and ofc its gonna be a long story.
— 🗝️  ◦ ✺   💿  ⟢ —
“So I booked a tattoo appointment for tomorrow, the artist had someone cancel and she filled me in.” You smiled talking to your friend who came along with you on your vacation before university.
“Wait it’s that wrap around tattoo you wanted on your thigh right?” She asked as she took a sip of her alcoholic drink.
“Yes, dude you know how long I’ve been wanting that for!” The piece was gonna break your bank account but your girl math said it was basically free since it would be on for the rest of your life.
The morning of the appointment you decided to wear baggy sweats and a black wife pleaser, couldn’t risk anything rubbing against your new collection to your body.
You walked inside hearing the little bell chime as the door opened, you walked up to the small desk to meet a young girl with tattoos scattered along her arms and neck.
“Hey, appointment or walk in?” She smiled cheerfully looking up from her computer and at you.
“Appointment with Jasmine, I’m y/n” You leaned forward on the desk returning a small smile, she had you follow her to the back and had you sit on the chair telling you that Jasmine will meet you in a minute.
“Hey Y/n! How you feeling?” A short masculine woman sat in her rolling chair sliding over to you with toothiest smile, a small gem glued on her canine that blinged with the light.
“Feeling a little nervous but i’ve been wanting this tattoo for a year now, kinda stalked your page and I love the way you draw floral pieces.” You complimented her work, she was truly talented.
She had asked you to remove your sweats, now in your boy shorts and laying on your side after she applied the stencil. The buzzing of the gun started making you nervous but you being you kept your cool, the needle now digging into your plush thighs had you clenching your jaw.
You went on your phone trying to distract yourself from the painful spots she was doing, you heard the bell from the front door jingle followed by a couple of greetings before a tall, muscular woman who was covered in art walk into the back where you were.
“Hey Jazz.” She greeted your artist, her voice made you want to squeeze your legs together.
“Hey Abby, what’re you doing here? isn’t it your day off?” Jasmine paused for a moment to talk to Abby before focusing back on you. She asked you to lay on your back and spread your legs so she could finish the inner thigh part.
“This part will hurt so just tell me if you need anything ok?” The artist reassured you, nodding your head she came back down with the needle.
“Fuck, oh my god.” You bit down on your fist, squeezing your eyes shut, your chest heaving.
“I’m the owner dumbass, I have paperwork shit to do.” She chuckled, her blue eyes now on you and your tattoo.
“That’s a gorgeous piece.” Abby complimented, her giant arms crossing her chest as she now focused on your thigh.
“Yeah and it hurts like a motherfucker.” You giggled looking up at her.
Abby swore her heart started beating out her chest when she saw you look at her, she was definitely calling you the gorgeous piece she just couldn’t keep her eyes off you.
“Here hold my arm, I know how badly that part hurts.” You took her arm, digging your short nails into her forearm god for some reason she was turned on by you being in pain.
When the inner thigh part was finished you released your hand from Abby, quickly apologizing for hurting her.
“You’re fine sweetheart, didn’t even feel it.” A chuckle escaped her lips, winking at you before walking off to where you could assume was her office.
“Annnd you’re all done girl!” Your artist wrapped your thigh, looking in the body mirror you couldn’t stop cheesing.
“You are literally so fucking talented what?” Your comment made her blush.
“Gonna leave without letting me see?” Abby’s voice came from behind, you looked up at the mirror to see the blonde walk up behind you.
“She can have my whole bank account” You turned around to show her the beautiful piece wrapped around your thigh.
“Here, lemme walk you to the front.” Abby smiled as you had slid back into your sweats and walked over to the desk.
Abby leaned forward while on the computer, you would honestly thank her if she punched you in the face right now.
“Want a picture sweetheart?” She joked, a cocky grin plastering her face as she looked at you.
“I think I want your number more.” You impressed her with your boldness, majority of people being so deathly afraid of her.
“Yes ma’am.” She licked her lips, taking your phone and adding her contact.
“I’ll text you the details for our date on Friday.” Abby laughed but she wasn’t joking, this was her asking you out and you happily accepted.
— 🗝️  ◦ ✺   💿  ⟢ —
authors note — guys was this good … and do yall want another part EHEHEHEHE also like thank you @atomicami for basically inventing tattoo artist!abby 😩🫶🏼
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mysicklove · 11 months
i had the most unhinged thought and raced to your inbox because i need this demon expelled from my body asap. hawks coming home from the worst day of patrol, everything went wrong and he had to speak up at a press conference, play the part of perfect, and all he wants is to melt into your touch. you can see it in his eyes, the dark circles, and the weary tilt of his smile. "baby bird," his voice is hoarse, "need you to hurt me tonight," so he can finally unravel. you're the only one he wants to be perfect for. okay goodbyeee 💀
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Pairing: Masochist! Hawks x Gn! Sadist! Reader
CW: face slapping, lots of blood, cock stepping, kicking, bruising, cock slapping, heavy degration, loss of air, mean reader, tons and tons of tears, scratching, mouth spitting, no mention of safe word but keep in mind it is there !!!
A/N: anon im sorry i totally changed ur thing, i just saw masochist hawks and sprinted. the demons wrote this, not me. dont look at me everyone. HEED THE TAGS
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it was a way to blow off steam. something that he looks forward to, just some time where he doesn't have to think anymore. only feeling he has the stinging sensations and the tears that prick his eyes. it was an embaressing obsession he had. he loved pain.
Keigo walks to the bedroom, his hero costume tattered, and dark circles under his eyes. he is exhausted, but coming to you for your touch. pulling you close to him, and mumbling into your neck how bad he wants you to hurt him. till he bruises and bleeds. till every thought just disappears except for you.
and so you pull away, and slap him. it makes him tumble backward, and his yellow glasses fall off. he touches the tingling feeling on his face, blood spilling out from the skin caught on your wedding ring. you dont let up, sending another loud smack across his face, and this time he does fall to the ground, landing on his ass.
tears prick at his eyes, and he can feel his lip tear open. the taste of blood coats his mouth and he gulps, looking up at you for more.
he feels your foot jab onto his clothed cock and he keens, wincing up at you. "w-wait," he stutters, throwing his head back when your press even harder. "fuck!"
"wait? you want me to wait? after you begged for it like a dog?" he is squirming under you, tears now streaming down his face as you dig your foot into his pants.
"'m sorry. sorry—you are going to kill me!" he pleads, hands trying to dig themself into the carpet to fight back against the pain.
you sigh, and let up, instead using your foot to push at his chest, causing him to fall over and onto his back. "take off your clothes, Keigo," you mumble, taking a seat on the bed with crossed legs and staring down at him.
"okay. okay. I will. Just give me a minute!" he pants, tearing off his jacket and shirt as fast as he can. he knows something is coming, you werent playing nice.
you dont give him enough time, he reaches for his pants, and without hesitation you slam your foot into his stomach. he goes tumbling backwards and lands on his side, curling into a ball and panting. his eyes are wide and he is gripping onto his adomen. it surely will leave a huge bruise tomorrow. but thats not what he is worried about, he cant breathe.
"awww, did you get the wind knocked out of you? that's what happens when you move too slow," you tease, as you take in his appearance. he trembles in front of you, looking up at you in fear. tears drip down his cheeks and onto the ground, as he tries and fails to catch his breath.
you giggle at him, padding over to him. he flinches at the footsteps, bracing himself for another kick, but you just begin to unbutton his pants, pulling them down. "useless thing, arent you. cant follow any directions," you coo, now tearing off his boxers.
his cock springs out, tip red and leaking pre cum. "such a pervert! you sick fuck, keigo. who gets hard from getting beat?" you land another slap to his thigh, and his whole body jerks.
you smile at the red handprint, glancing back at him to see him beginning to drool. its coated red from the blood from his cheek and lip. he's is still heaving from the kick, eyes wide, and body gasping for oxygen.
"say Hawks do you get turned on when you are losing against villains? pop a boner like a freak for anyone who hits you?"
his eyes flash to you and he is shaking his head desperately. his words are breathless, "no. no. 'm not a freak!"
a quick, but harsh slap to his cock. he jumps again, globs of tears falling quicker. "fuckkkkk," he whimpers, shaking his head back and forth. his whole body shakes, and fingers dig into his own skin.
"you liar! do you want to be kicked again?"
"no no no no. im sorry. im sorry! im a freak. a pervert who likes to get hit. im sorry," he sobs, reaching for your ankle for comfort. you slap it away and he hisses, rubbing the back of it with a sniffle.
but you smile at him and lean over to sit on his chest. his head is still lolled to the side and his body racks with sobs. "shhhhhhh. so whiny Keigo. thanks for admitting it. my disgusting pervert. here, a reward."
you grab his face, hard enough to bruise, and force him to look up at you. his eyes are half shut in a wince, but he tries to force them open to look at you. you pry his mouth open, lean forward, and drop a glob of spit into his mouth.
he doesnt hesitate to swallow it, opening his mouth up again and sticking his tongue out to show you its gone. "th-thank you," he whimpers, and you smile fondly at him.
you hands trail up and down his down his body, sending vicicoius red raised scratchmarks along his pretty skin. "now, pervert....what should we do to this pretty canvas?"
he grins up at you, tears still dripping, and blood staining his cheeks and lips, but still stars in his eyes. "anything."
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hisaame · 9 months
OK kinda a specific request but like- could you do a Scara x fem!reader or gn!reader where he’s like overworking himself due to his studies(probably bc of his mommy issues sjsjks) and reader is like comforting and convincing him to go to sleep w her/them since it was late? Modern au ofc. And basically Scaramouche is being all stingy about it like “no I’m fine” and stuff but eventually goes to bed because of readers sweet words haha
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Of m y god this ones adorablw i love soft scara THANK UU!!
╰⪼ “fine, for you." ♡
╰ — scaramoucheˊˊ」
╎『modern au!ˎˎ
[fluff] — 『warnings: workaholic scara, soft scara again (i swear these arent real warnings), cursing, scara mommy issues, readers pronouns arent used, but feminine body type』
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It has already been a long week for you and Scaramouche, school was a pain in the ass, as well was studying. You would usually be studying at the schools library with friends, or mainly with your boyfriend, Scaramouche. But even with you being done with everything, he continued studying, alone.
It was late at night, around one in the morning, you had just finished some chores since you didn't have much to do, and you weren't tired then. But now you were, all the chores you did worn you out. You thought your lover jad already gone to sleep or is possibly waiting for you, but once you entered your twos' bedroom with a tired yawn, you saw Scaramouche still at the desk, focused.
'he's still studying?..' you thought to yourself, slowly walking over to your lover who seemed too focused to even notice your there. But with a gentle pat on his shoulder, he flinched slightly, then turned to look at you with tired eyes. "[yn]? Why aren't you in bed?" he asked, rubbing his eyes as his other hand still held a pen between his slender fingers.
"Shouldn't i be asking you the same thing?" you replied with a raised eyebrow, looking at Scaramouches own eyes that seemed to already have eyebags under them, his eyelids drooping as he forced himself to stay awake. "shit," he mumbled "you go, ill join you later. I have to finish this shit." with a groan, he turned back to studying, his eyes trying to soak in every word he reads from the book, and writing the more important things down.
You sighed, a bit frustrated now. "Scaramouche, please, finish it tomorrow, you look like you're barely awake." you pat his head, running your fingers through his dark indigo locks. You just loved him too much to let him overwork himself like this, he needs to be getting enough sleep. "Cant you fucking see i cant? This is important, alright? Do you think i wanna fucking do this either?" he groaned, frustrated with how long he's studied, and barely able to focus with his sleepiness. But seeing how he was a bit too mean to you, he mumbled "... Shit, im sorry. Love, please just go to bed, im fine."
he rubbed his eyes yet again as you replied "not without you. If im going to sleep right now, ill make sure you're right beside me.", you crossed your arms below your chest, glaring at your boyfriend. Why must you be so persistent? He cant even get his studies done with you like this. "I told you im fine, plus ill be in bed soon anyway." he put his hand on your hip, still reading over the words he's trying to memorize. His hand caressed your hip, then went around your thighs to pull you close. "There will be no later, come on." you groaned, too worried about your overworked lover.
"mmh, so soft..." the male mumbled, pressing his head against your stomach, to where he could reach since he was sitting down and you were standing up. He used your stomach as a head rest while reading. His hand still caressed your plush thighs. "Yeah? U can hug me all you want when we're in bed." you smirked, seeing how this was actually working. He narrowed his eyes, very tempted. After all, he could just finish this tomorrow, right? No big deal? Tomorrow he promises himself to study with you.
"fucking fine... Lets go. You better keep your word." he finally gave up, standing up lazily as the both of you walked to bed. He quite literally threw himself on the bed while you followed by doing it the.. safer way. He groaned as soon as he stretched his back, cramped from being in the same position. Now he gets his reward. You.
He lazily wrapped his arms around you, nuzzling his face into your neck, all while you held him in your arms. You did scold him a little for overworking himself, to which he only giggled and said "oops".
And he fell asleep almost immediately...
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