#cant wait for him to reveal his true form
skzsaxicolous · 1 year
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Hazbin Hotel Ep 5&6 Oh My God (Major Spoilers)
I am having so many thoughts, this is just a brain dump
-LUCIFER. He’s so pathetic I love him
-Jeremy Jordan you fucking legend. I’m a big fan of a lot of his work and was excited to see him in this but I was slightly unsure if he was the right casting since I expected Lucifer to be more of a high and mighty/snobby figure, but with the way they characterised him HE IS PERFECT.
-The Lucifer vs Alastor rivalry is beautiful
-“Ha ha, fuck you.”
-Father figure Alastor
-MIMZY’S ARRIVAL. I know most of us know the lore about her and Alastor being developed as a couple before it was scrapped but I really like how they are in the show
-Even if it’s just crumbs I’m so excited to be getting snippets of Alastor’s lore. It’s wild to keep going back and forth between “aw he actually cares for and protects his friends” and “oh my god he’s a fucking psycho”
-Speaking of that the scene with Husk holy shit. Poor man looked terrified
-The confirmation that Alastor’s also stuck working for someone, it has to be Lilith surely. I know some people will call it predictable because a lot of theories are coming true but personally I think it’s from good worldbuilding/foreshadowing
-ALASTOR IN FULL DEMON FORM JUST ANNIHILATING EVERYONE and then he just goes “Ah that was fun, now back to it”
-I kinda like the parallel between Al and Mimzy & Angel and Cherri where they invite their friends to join them if they want to, even if neither of them take it up initially maybe we’ll see them join the hotel in the future?
-I really expected Lucifer to be a dickhead and a shitty dad, but he seems to be an overall better guy than most people in hell
-CHERRI BOMB ARRIVAL! And she’s Aussie now fuck yeah represent
-I still love her and Angel’s friendship even if she is a terrible influence. Everyone’s got that friend who’s solution to a bad day is just self-destruction but they mean well at least
-Emily is so sweet I love her
-The Molly cameo is so sweet, I was waiting for her to appear somewhere but lowkey forgot she was in heaven. Honestly though how did she get there when the rest of her and Angel’s family got condemned for what they did together? Maybe she left the mob or something idk I just hope we get to meet her properly at some point
-Heaven’s real fucked up? Yeah not shocked
-VAGGIE?? FALLEN ANGEL REVEAL?? AND SHE WAS AN EXTERMINATOR???? I know most of us called it but holy shit I didn’t expect it to be confirmed this soon
-Adam is such a dick but he’s so much fun
-I love that Charlie was gonna start her court presentation with definitions like a high school essay
-“Consent is a good name for a sex club” the gentleman Husk truthers gonna have fun with this one
-Pentious hitting on Cherri is hilarious and totally not the same level of subtlety I flirt with when I’m drunk
-Hearing more and more about how Val treats Angel is so sad especially with how casually he talks about it since it’s just another day for him
-Him parenting drunk Nifty is beautiful
-“You wanna play with the kitty?”
-Valentino is my #1 enemy
-Seeing Angel stand up to him to protect his friends is making me feel feelings. Like he knows that he’s gonna be treated even worse for it but I think he’s reaching his tipping point and shits gonna go down soon
-Also I know there’s a popular theory that he’s gonna die soon and a lot of the theories are coming true so I am scared. I kind of don’t think this one’ll happen though since he’s the fan favourite and its just too soon to take that much of a risk. Plus Vivsie’s admitted he’s the best written character and it’d be such a waste of all that development
-More sweet moments between him and Husk, they’ve gotten me so invested in this ship so fast
-The fact that most of heaven didn’t know about the extermination?? Wild
-Idk how I feel about the timeskip between Ep 4&5, they’re only a month away from the extermination now. Yes it’s making the stakes feel higher but I do wish we’d been able to see more of that time for the relationship development, all the characters seem much closer than before and we’ve only seen bits of how they got there
-I really wish they’d greenlit more than 8 episodes to pace things a little better but I’m glad we have season 2 confirmed
-That last minute ‘reveal Vaggie’s past to Charlie, boot them out of heaven and then cut to credits before she can react’ is gonna torture me until next week
-I don’t disagree with past criticism that Vivzie’s female characters can feel a bit underwritten but I think it’s getting better
-“We’re coming to the hotel first” plus all the theories that someone’s gonna die are fucking stressing me out man
Anyway hope you enjoy the brain dump, this show has once again consumed my thoughts
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factual-fantasy · 8 months
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Well that wouldn't be a good thing to do- Its very well known that I don't like fanart of my works..
If you wanna show that you like Bibi, just leave a comment please!
Seriously ya'll, just comments. Reblogs, tags, asks.. what ever form they may take. All I look forward to when posting artwork is reading all the responses. 👍
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Oh they're both fine! :0 Other than some angst ideas I had for them-- they're both still alive and well XD I just haven't drawn them in a while :/
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I can hardly wait! :DDD (And yes you can XD)
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Sorry, I don't take requests. Thank you though!! :}}
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Blackmail XDD
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I still like transformers! Though I'm not really interested in drawing it atm.. thank you though!! :DD
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(Post in question)
XDDD fr tho--
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:DD Thank youuu!! :}}}
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XDD Blue is too big for that too! Though Seafoam might be able to give her a little peck on the cheek 👀 if either of them would just confess their feelings already <XDD
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I know, and I hate all of it. :(
Also thank you so much! :DD
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I was thinking that they're kind'a a cross between the two.
They pillage and raid other ships, but they don't normally go for "innocent" ships.. if they attack anyone, its usually other rotten pirates or slave ships maybe? "Bad" ships I guess you could say-
As for the voice claims. If like you explained- you happen upon an OC of mine and think "HE LOOKES LIKE HE SOUNDS EXACTLY LIKE THAT OTHER GUY" Then feel free to send it on over to me! :DD
But don't go out of your way to find voice claims for my characters as a gift or a form of fanart. Remember! All I really want is comments. Engagement with my work means everything to me! <:)
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@neo-metalscottic (Post in question)
AAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! :DDD I'm so glad you like him!! :}} And that head injury was kind'a just a pose prompt. Though I might slap some lore on it and make it canon! :00
As for Papyrus.. its complicated.
Papyrus had accepted long ago that Sans and all his friends were gone. And that he was never going to see them again.. It really hurt. And it took him a very long time to accept that fact. But he did. He knows in his soul that his true brother is gone..
That didn't make seeing "Sans" again any less painful though. He probably saw a Sans through the trees in a new Snowdin. Man, I cant imagine how he felt.
The whole multiverse thing was explained to him by Frisk. He knows that's not his Sans. He knows its not him. But gosh. Its been so long since he's seen his brothers smile. What he would give to hear one of his silly puns again. What he would give to hear his voice.. to just.. to hug him one last time..
Frisk would grab Papyrus' hand, "Papyrus.. we need to go.. please, common.."
Seeing the other Papyrus walk into view and begin talking to that Sans.. He recollects himself. Its not him. Sans is gone. He's been gone for a very long time..
With tears streaming down his face, he would find the strength to grip Frisk's hand.. and turn away.
It never gets easier..
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Sorry, I don't take drawing requests! Plus the crews already pretty full as it is- <XDD
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I didn't intend to ever draw Frank and Eddie in a romantic light.. becuase yeah like you said, I just don't really like ships. Or honestly any romantic content that isn't my own OCs. Idk I just don't really enjoy drawing it--
But that's kind'a what I feared about the Welcome Home fandom if I'm being honest. I felt like people were really protective over Eddie and Frank. And if I revealed that I wasn't interested in drawing them as an item, canon or not? I felt like I would get a loooot of backlash.
But hey, I found a loophole. Just don't draw them together and there wont be any drama! :D It sucks though becuase Frank is a big part of Eddies lore and all his flashback shenanigans-
(Also thank you! :DD )
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Oh! No no, its just made of seafoam! :0 Though whipped cream would make sense because he's a cookie- <XD
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I do??
Huh.. I guess I do don't I..
What do I do with that power--
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Well the strongest would be Blue Beauty by far- but looking at the smaller cookies? I think Seafoam is probably the strongest. But that's mostly due to him being so big. He's the biggest cookie on the crew and most of his strength just comes from packing more weight to his punch.
Though another toughy on the ship would be Louis. He may not be very big. But boy that crab arm? He has a grip strong enough to break cookies in half. And enough upper body strength to take your pieces and chuck em overboard--- 💀💀💀I wouldn't mess with either of them tbh--
As for the bounty.. that's a good question. :0 I wanna say Seafoam because he's the Captain an all.. but I really like the idea of Cuttlefish having this dark past and a surprisingly huge bounty over her head- 👀👀
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<XD I think you might have got those two words switched around. I don't take drawing requests! But I've considered going back to some old artwork and redrawing them in my updated style.. 👀👀
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Not really.. :( There have been times in the past where I have asked for drawing ideas/requests when I was feeling low. But now a days I have plenty of ideas to draw so I don't need to do that anymore-
And to be totally honest, when someone says "Hey draw this thing for me." It just makes me go-
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You can find all the lore you need about Papyrus in this ask post! Just scroll down a bit and you'll find all the links and a bonus paragraph <XD
As for the tags. If you wanna see my AU with Jevil and the gang, you can find that under my #deltarune tag. They're also tagged under #Undertale but that will also bring up my Refinedtale AU and other au stuff-- :00
As for the Octonauts question, bro I EAT questions like these! :DD
Its a very interesting prompt. Usually we think of Captain Barnacles as very level headed and calm. He seems like one to bounce back from any situation and keep leading the team no problem. But man. After something like that? That's gotta scare him to his core.
I can see Barnacles being more tense and not wanting any of the crew to stray too far from him or the Octopod. I can imagine that he would give Kwazii a lot of time to recover, a lot more than he actually needs. And maybe even going as far to forbid him from going on certain missions.
But after a little time and maybe a talk with Kwazii. I'm sure both Kwazii and the Captain would recover from the experience and continue on as normal.
(Also thank you! I hope this response was along the lines of what you were hoping for-- :00 )
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I pictured it being like really dense soap bubbles. They smell nice and can be picked off his coat or head. But if you jumped on his coat foam you wouldn't sink through. It would be like a big cushion that you could sit on top of. If that makes sense?? <XDD
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Out my OCs? Probably Seafoam 🥺
Out of the game cookies? Uhhhm.. well, I don't really know/remember any of the characters.. But Tea Knight cookie looks really cool! :0 He gives me major Reinhardt vibes :))
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Thank you so much!!!! :DDD
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@insanityislife101 (I couldn't find the post in question :((( )
Oh fr??? Cool! He was in character after all! :DD
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saturdaysky · 2 years
A post-TM9: Reuinited shadowgast ficlet. They were so happy, you guys 🥺🥰
Read on ao3 or continue on.
--- growing sunlight, no warnings, rated G-ish T, 718 words ---
Caleb shuts the door against the afternoon sun, sealing them into comfortable privacy. The curtains on his windows are likewise shut, but light seeps through them anyway, casting the room in a warm, muted glow. Dimmed daylight will gather here for hours; like a little bubble of sunset just for us, supplies his mind. He is too glad to resist whimsy. Essek's visits always make him so.
Behind him, there is a rustle of fabric. He turns to see. 
"The beans outside are looking well," Essek states as he begins to unbuckle the fastenings of his coat. One nacre button of his collar loosens, then two, then three. A daring fourth slips open, revealing nothing but more fabric, but the sight warms Caleb anyway.
"So," Essek murmurs, mouth curling into a small grin, "it seems you are an accomplished mage, a slayer of god-serpents, and now a capable gardener. Impressive, as always." His eyes flick up. The warmth in his tease kindles the heat in Caleb's chest further. He is so very glad of this man's presence. It is a gift, each time.
"Well, they were your seeds," Caleb replies, watching the fifth button slip from its looped fastening. "I merely grew something from a base you gave me. A pattern for us, it seems."
A sixth and seventh button follow the fifth. Beneath them, Essek's next layer becomes clear: a pale cotton robe he often wears to warmer climes. It looks very good on him, Caleb remembers. Almost sheer, in the right light. He does not resist the urge to draw his eyes down Essek's form, half imagining the intimate drape of cotton, half marveling that such a regard is welcomed at all. It is new, what they have together. Still taking to the sunlight. Only beginning to flourish, Caleb hopes.
Essek spots the path of his gaze and raises his brow. He cants his chin to give Caleb a lovelier view, smugness playing around the edge of his mouth. Eight buttons, now.
"You give me much in return, but you are right. It is, ah, something of a pattern," he replies brightly, with such charming condescension that Caleb fights the urge to lean in and kiss it off his face — another new, precious indulgence he is allowed. After a moment, the smirk threatening Essek's expression makes itself known. "Though I confess your garden is among my favorite of our collaborations."
Nine buttons. The coat gap runs down to his navel, now, where fine, dark fingers have paused in its undoing. When Caleb drags his eyes back up, the smirk on Essek's face has transformed to something sweeter, hotter.
Caleb does lean in, then. Essek's mouth opens easily under his. They linger in the threshold of the doorway, drinking deeply of each other's company. Novelty and scarcity have ensured they are always a little parched of each other's presence.
"Mine, too," Caleb says when he pulls back. Essek has a freshly-kissed look about him, mussed in attractive places, flushed in others. The pale vee of his robe catches the glow of the room and blooms to gold, like Caleb has caught a bit of sunlight in his embrace. His fanciful heart decides it is true. "I did not always believe it, but...it is good to grow things. Even simple ones. To give them time, a little nourishment, care." He rests his head to Essek's, taking a moment to breathe him in. "To reap the harvest of patience. A worthy collaboration, I think."
Slim fingers fold gently around his hand, guiding it down until pearl and cloth greet his palm. The nacre buttons are cool and smooth, easily undone. He slips a tenth out of its fastening and counts: there are a dozen more below this one, waiting for his touch.
He lets out a shaky breath at the thought: Caleb has lived, again, and Essek is here, warm in his arms, basking in his touch. There is much for them to share, now that they have time to share it. Much to learn of each other; the air between them is ripe with the promise of golden hours, gathered just for them.
"Worthy?," Essek muses, quiet and close. His face is soft when leans up for another kiss, which Caleb is happy to give. "Yes, perhaps it is."
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thessence · 21 days
" my ... my fortune ? ? ?" baffled , to say the least , kaveh still found himself reaching for the little money pouch he keeps on his person , fishing it forward . he already knows what the answer on his end might be , but it doesn't hurt to check and see if he can offer the astrologist ( that's what she had called herself , wasn't it ? ) some mora for her potential burden. " i - hah - cannot say it's worth being read ... i do have quite the unfortunate case of misfortune tied to my name , it seems and ..."
click , a small snap of his pouch sounds between them . sure enough , there' not a lot there ... surely not enough for the services provided by someone whose talents sound both great and divine . uncertainty spreads in the architect's chest , light glances offered first before a smile follows ; " ... would it be sufficient enough for me to treat you to a meal for your burdens ? i seem to have left most of my mora back in sumeru ... but , if you are willing to accept a meal for your trouble , i would be honored to have someone so talented offering their services! "
@avaere. | mona + kaveh.
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mona isn't normally so forthright about her ability , nor does she offer straight off the bat the service of reading someone's DESTINY hidden amonst the stars , but . . . the sheer aura that of adversity that this man has been plagued with settles in her stomach like lead. she hasn't felt such strong notions of hardship upon a singular person's shoulders in a very long time , & that isn't even counting the mere glimpse whispered to her from the heavens , but the way in which affliction radiates off him like a ember kindling itself , waiting for an opportunity to BURN him. 
it saddens her , weakens her resolve , & so mona decides to afford him her great power , if only to traverse the answers that lie in waiting up above & discover something marvelous to tell him , to see his shoulders lose their tension & his smile to know true happiness. her tome reveals itself & levitates before the astrologist. a hand cascades across the pages from forming a circle of brilliant royal blue , embellished with intricate sygils & pieces of the star - brimmed night sky. as she scans his fate , she puts her poker face into action & remains rather indiscernible in expression until she finishes. the symbol disperses & her tome returns to its home at her back , atop her split cloak. 
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' there's no need for that. ' a cant of inky crown gestures to the pouch. ' those of my league who would dare to exchange information of fate for monetary compensation are only made out to be fools in the eyes of the stars. ' she has been poisoned by celestial BANISHMENT before , she refuses to trek through that darkness again.
' but . . . i would like to treat you to a meal. for your kindness on even offering me money in the first place. now! tell me , what are you in the mood for? i can show the best places to dine here in mondstat! '
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stellawolfearts · 2 years
Spoilers for season 4
So I thought since it will probably be revealed that Wukong covered up MK's true form so he could live a normal life among humans and far away from Wukong’s issues. But I had a thought, because things can never be too angsty for me, what if the goddess that helped make MK (I'm assuming that it's Guan Yin but idk) covered up MK's monkey form?
For two reasons, one being as previously stated so MK can live a regular life and two that Wukong couldn't go get him until MK was ready and found the staff on his own? Like I know that Wukong said that he had been watching MK for a while but still that was just a thought that crossed my mind
thats a good theory. i agree wukong hid mks true form but man...alot of people (me included) thinks is nuwa the godess of fertility and motherhood. (something like that ik motherhood). guan yin probably did send her also this is the perfect moment for me to scream
see this is why i haventtalked about anything at all since i watched it bc i am not normal about them at all.
i have a big theory about mk and the overarching plot bc bc listen while ur theory is good i think theres something WAY bigger going on here. W A Y. bigger.
think about it. ynow what LBD, the ink bitch, and the jade emporer all have in common (im taking the other two from a sub i watched online)
Lbd: just a piece in a game you cant possibly comprehend
Ink bitch/bodhi: someone is playing a very large game of chess.. and you are an important part of it
jade emporer: didnt you realize, that you might be an important pawn in someone elses game
im not gonna say it here bc tommorow im streaming with rhy at 12est tommorow (ill make a real announcement for that later) and i wanna talk about all my theorys first and then ill make a bigass post of everything i think is gonna happen and how everyhting EVERYTHING in the series is coming togethor to finnaly bring in the big bad guy and the main overarching plot of the series. it was never lbd and her bullshit. theres something, someone else...and he's patiently waiting for the right moment to strike
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soft-boi-eli · 3 years
Gender neutral pls they/them
Of course! I've been having a bit of shortages on ideas. So this is so fucking welcomed.
Father CC!Philza x Emo! Reader
Summary:your old parents gave you up as a teen, overflowing you with emotions, causing depression, mood swings, and quite a bit of anxiety. When you got adopted by a man and a lady,both seemingly very kind and understanding. You felt happy. They didnt expect the sleepy bois to come and visit so soon.
Tw:anxiety attacks, mention of depression, loving clothes (not a tw but damn I sometimes miss my old fashion sense.), mention of trauma, swearing!
A huge new family
They dont blame their biological family. They knew that they were being overwhelming. Slowly shifting into a state of mind where fluffy black and colored hair was their favorite. Their outfits became more extravagant and their makeup took a turn for the darker. But they didnt have to put them up for adoption.
About a year in and out of foster families, a few months in an orphanage, then one more foster family. It was official. They were the new child of philza.
Your life got better. Both of them accepted your choice of clothes and makeup, even supported it!
They helped with everything in the first few weeks. Giving you space, letting you know that they were there. But you nor phil knew that three boys were heading down to visit.
So when you answered the door to see three faces demanding philza minecraft and one just looking awkward. They were also changing about him coming and join them you felt panic flood through you. Slamming the door on their face you held near your chest.
Your uneven breathing was heard by your father and he was quick to scoop you away from the door and have kristin answer the door.
He was sitting next to you hand lightly rubbing your shoulder and he guided you through the panic attack. "That's it. In through the nose. Hold it for a few second. Breathe out." His voice was calm.
It took less time to calm you down then you've ever had. "There ya go mate. Just keep breathing." He kept coaching you through you panic attack.
Kristen let the four in with their promise of keeping calm. Your shaking form brought major concern to the two older ones and confusion to the two younger ones. "(Y/n) I want to introduce you to the four behind us. Technoblade, wilbur, tommy, and tubbo. They are really good friends of mine." Nodding lightly you sat there, not wanting to turn because if you did the panic would strike harder. Remembering what happened before you parents left you.
A huge group of people basically shunned your for your choices and didnt want to take you in because 'trash like you' wasnt accepted in the family. But these two were different. Supporting you with your choices. How different were their friends? "Hey I think you shirt is cool! Who's on it?" A slightly hyper voice broke through the silence. " black veil brides." It was quite but a start. "Cool! So their a band right? What kind of songs?" The brown haired teen was trying to communicate with you. "Uhm. Rock." It had started small but you opened up to the teens. They were about you age and they didnt bash what you decided to like. The two older ones hung out with phil and Kristen. You three hung out in your room which was kind of softer then your appearance. It was to reflect a bit deeper into you. Bookshelves, a desk, reading corner, and a bed. Not fully knowing what to put in there.
But you, tommy, and tubbo were almost the best of friends when they had to leave. Techno and Wilbur it took a bit. After the two teens left you had came out of your room, no makeup, hair had all products removed, and your clothes changed from Jean's and a black veiled brides shirt to a black tee shirt, grey sweat pants, with a book in hand.
Before sleeping you just chilled in the living room, reading while basking in the presence of your adoptive parents. You did not expect wilbur and techno to still be there.
Plopping down on the couch next to phil you opened your book and tried to zone out, to get engulfed into the book. Nope. Two sets of eyes just watching you.
"So you like poems?" The book you were reading was a massive collection of poems. Looking up to the two on the couch you nodded lightly.
Looking back down you felt nervous. "Small talk is awkward." Looking up to the brown haired guy with an American accent you nodded. "Same." Once more you looked down at your book. You already had issues focusing but you tried to work though it. "What kind of poems are you favorite?" You sat there for a second. Trying to think of something that catches your attention.
"Mainly ones about trauma. It reminds me I'm not the only one in the word that went through something I have. It just makes it more interesting when I can relate." It was true. Sometimes the poems you liked ring a little to close to home.
"Good choice. It does really intrigue the audience when they can relate." Nodding you closed your book. "Especially when you relate. It's a must for me. Other wise I get turned away from it and just cant focus. But if I like it then I am just dead set on that poem."
You and techno bonded over poems and wilbur brought up some songs. "So what is you song preference?" "Hollywood undead, black veil brides, other then that its random. If I like the song it's in my playlist." With no other preferences with music other then it had to sound good to you there was honestly no judgement for other people's taste in music. There were little treasures from almost all genres.
For a while you talked about poems and songs. It honestly helped you feel safer with them. They didnt care about what you found intriguing. Or why. You even went on a rant and there was no care. They just listened.
But sadly they had to leave. Bit they promised that they would visit more. They were like the brothers you never had.
"So I see that you were able to talk to all of them." Nodding to your father figure you smiled "they were nice. Honestly. I cant wait to see them again."
He found joy in you wanting to hang out with his friends/technically children too.
Now meet the rest of the dream smp. It was very fast. Meeting almost all of them at the same time.
Phil was streaming and no one except for the sleepy bois knew about you. So you walked into his stream, book in hand and sat on the couch behind his set up. You liked having another person on the room. You just hated being alone. It gave you really bad thoughts. "Who's that behind you phil?" A random donation read out. Phil looking behind himself saw you in the corner reading and you normally did. "Ah that's my child. They like to have company. So sometimes they come in here to read." "Wait you have a child?! Since when?" The voice made you jump. Your book fell out of your hands and you looked at your father's screen. A green man with a weird white blob for a skin on minecraft. "Yeah. I took a break to pick them up from the orphanage." All hell broke loose. You ran while phil answered questions. You were not dealing with that. No way. Nuh uh. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Not today satan. It took phil bribing you with a trip to hot topic to get you to come back in. I mean hey you get to score a few shirts and hats. Might as well.
Meeting the server wasbt too bad. But the questions were weird. You didnt answer the ones you were uncomfortable about and they didnt care. Your boundries were up. And when tommy, tubbo, willbur, and techno revealed they knew of you they were yelled at. It was funny. Watching people say they should of said something. But it resulted in alot of compliments and Phil's chat loving you.
You were now the older sibling of the chat. Why? Cause chat said so.
When you come in from now on the chat is chanting for you. Just "(y/n)!" Over and over.
Your life? Crazy. But it became a bit better after you were living with your new parents. It was heaven.
I'm sorry if its awkward I'm not good at introductions. And I am tis but a sleep deprived human. I need sleep and so do you have a nice day and once more I'm sorry if this isnt up to what you wanted.
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jaysbestie · 3 years
but what if
you write a scenario where Jay gets his girlfriend all these gifts and his girlfriend is like babe you don’t have to, like just because you’re rich doesn’t mean you have to spoil me. but he doesn’t listen. and so reader gets frustrated a little bit, just because she wants him to know that she’s not using him for her money, like other girls have.
if that makes sense lmaoo
Definitely Not Broke
pairing ; college student!jay x college student!female!reader
genre ; fluff with some angst in it
warnings ; curse words lol
summary ; every person knew two things about park jongseong. he was rich and he had a girlfriend which he loved. but is money the solution to everything?
pls this is literally so late,,, sorry!!
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You opened the door to your bedroom, a glittery box sitting on your desk quickly catching your attention.
Not another one.
It was your fourth present from jay this week and let me tell you, none of the other three gifts were cheap.
You took the delicate box in your palms and carefully opened it, revealing a ring, as you got it out of the box you immediately recognized yours and jay's initials, carved on the inside part of the ring.
You let out a sigh after admiring the ring for some time, wondering why on earth he was getting you gifts almost every day. You opened a calendar you had placed in a box under your bed and took notes of today's gift. It wasn't that you were unappreciative of the gift, you were feeling a mix of emotions, slight anger, a bit of sadness and on top of that you felt confused.
After some time of you laying on your bed, watching tv and opening the ring's box to admire it every now and then passed, you heard the door of your appartment open and close silently.
You guessed it was jay, his heavy footsteps could easily be recognized and the footsteps were becoming louder so you guessed that he was coming towards your room.
Now is the time. You thought.
You had thought countless times about telling him to stop buying you expensive gifts and confronting him about it but you never felt enough brave to do it. However now you had finally the courage to tell him and you weren't going to lose your chance.
"how were classes today love?" he asked as he placed his bag on the floor and came towards your bed.
"they were fine, not that tiring, you came later than me though, is everything fine?" you asked, your facing forming into that of a confused face.
"yeah, I was just planning something with hersung and jake" he said and turned to look in your eyes
"listen jay, I want to talk with you about something"
"what is it y/n? did I do anything wrong?" he asked suddenly looking worried
"no it was just, something that bothered me", you paused trying to find some kind of emotion in his eyes, his expression softening after you told him there wasn't anything wrong, "why do you get me these expensive gifts all the time jay?"
He laughed. He deadass laughed.
"I'm being completely serious right now jongseong" you said looking at him straight in the eye, him shifting awkwardly in his position when he heard you calling him by his full name. You never called him by his full name.
"Why, y/n, don't you like them?"
"Jay no one said I didn't like them, I have actually kept all of them but you being rich doesn't mean that you have to spoil me and give me gifts everyday" he looked away after the last part of your sentence. He sat up from your bed and hugged you, then he just picked his bag up from the floor and left your room. That kind of behavior was weird coming from him. He would usually sit with you, cuddle and solve the problem you had but him leaving without saying anything was totally unexpected.
You heard him close your front door with a loud thud and you ran to check out of the window, seeing him enter his expensive car and just staying inside his car.
Honk, it was heard from outside your window and you looked out to see your boyfriend hitting his car's steering wheel with his,,, head.
Two minutes passed and you saw him start his car, leaving your place after taking his anger out. You decided that it was enough for today, you seriously were in no mood to fight jay, you just wanted him to know that you didn't want his money, but him.
You headed towards your bed, when your door bell was heard, you let out a groan, as you didn't really want to see anyone, let alone the guy standing outside of your front door. Of course it would be him, jake shim, jay's best friend and his only friend you were close to. You knew most of his friends hung with him because he had money but surely enough, jake was his only true friend.
"What is it jake?" you inquired, you were sure he wouldn't be here because he suddenly wanted to see you.
"Are you and jay alright? He wouldn't answer any of my calls and he only answered me once, saying that he is a coward who messed up and he wanted me to check on you" he said quickly, you swore that if he spoke more quickly you wouldn't have understood anything, he was in the college's debate team, after all.
"I guess I'm alright now but jay could have been less of an ass actually, I wanted to tell him to stop giving me presents but he thought that I didn't like them and then he got up, hugged me and left" you said, wiping two tears that dared to escape your eyes. It was your first ever fight, you didn't really know how to handle these situations and you seriously didn't want to put the blame on any of you.
"Oh so that's why he sounded stressed. Look, y/n, jay has a huge past with giving gifts to his past girlfriends, all of them knew he was rich so that's why they accepted him being their boyfriend, they would ask for presents all the time and the moment they didn't like a gift, they would break up with him because he couldn't offer them much. But that's all bullshit, it somehow made jay develop attachment issues, so when he started liking you so much, he wanted to do everything to get you to stay with him." he said, letting out a loud sigh and staring at you, " it's not bad that you confronted him about it, but he probably thinks that you don't really want him now." he said and started to leave your appartment, stopping, however, when you yelled his name. "Please tell jay to pass by my house tomorrow, I really want to talk with him." you said and saw him nod his head yes, so you closed your door and headed bad to your room so you could finally get some rest because you were both mentally and physically tired.
Your close passed by quickly which was surprising. You headed back to your appartment, unlocking your front door and taking your shoes off as soon as you opened and closed your door. You made your way to your kitchen to grad an apple, noticing another box on your kitchen table. Not again. You were actually frustrated. This was his way to fix everything? G I F t S?!?! You opened it and saw a red rose as soon as you took the box's lid off. A necklace with a heart pendant was playing under the rose and a letter which you understood it was jay by the handwriting.
"Sorry, I'm sincerely sorry as I'm writing this letter, my behavior was honestly not the best yesterday but I couldn't really take in what you told me properly, I'm sorry you're also receiving my apology like this, from a letter I mean, and that I'm not standing in front of you apologising, jake told me that you wanted to talk to me so I'll be passing by later so that we can set this matter,
Sincerely your beloved,
Park Jongseong"
The letter read. You teared up but made sure to wipe the tears as the door bell was heard and you were sure it was him. You went to the door after you sniffled a little and opened the door to come face to face with who you called the love of your life.
"Hi jay" you said and made way for him to come inside your apartment.
"Listen, I'm sorry about yesterday, honestly, I didn't really want to talk about the gifts topic as it really is a sensitive topic to me" he admitted, looking at the floor, lifting his eyes only when he finished his sentence.
"Jay, jake told me about your gifts and I want to help you understand that whether you get me gifts or not, I'll be with you" you said, staring right into his eyes, him lifting his arms and coming towards you to hug you, almost squeezing the air out of your lungs. "Does that mean that you'll be with me and I can get you gifts?"
"Jay please don't get me any more gifts, I have nowhere to put them and I cant have fourty necklaces on me everytime I go out" you let out a sigh once you finished and you heard jay chuckle.
"Shall we watch a movie then?" he said enthusiastically and waited for your response.
"Once I put the rose in a cup of water we can do whatever we like" you responded pointing towards the rose, which was left on the kitchen's counter.
You were feeling better, you and your boyfriend were alright again and you hoped that he would never again feel like he should give you anything because he wants to prove that he is worthy of being your boyfriend because sincerely, you loved him.
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Midnight Revelations - Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters, they belong to Kohei Horikoshi
MHA Masterlist - Main Masterlist
WARNINGS: Fluff, Swearing (It’s Bakugou, so, that’s kinda a given)
Requested by @luluwiie​ :
Given your gift for writing, I'm honestly utterly surprised your box is not already full :o but this is my chance ! Kuhuhu * robbing hands *
May I request a Todoroki or Bakugo one shot (Just choose whether you feel more inspired with one, another or both) where they are just sharing some moments with reader, and like, they enjoy their time with Reader and when they come back to their dorms, alone in their bedroom, they just realize how much they care for Reader? Like, more than their close friend and partner in crimes ? Like, more in a pining way? I just love emotional epiphanies 😳❤
Tysm if you do this ! CANT WAIT TO READ YOU MORE ❤❤
- Luluv
A/N: YOU’RE LITERALLY THE SWEETEST ❤❤❤. I had a lot of fun writing this one since Bakugou is such an interesting character, so I hope you enjoy!! (Also, the song “True Love” by P!NK was playing nonstop in my head while writing this.)
Word Count: 1.9K
If it was within his control, Katsuki Bakugou would be fast asleep in his own bed by now. It made sense to him - the sky was completely dark making the stars clearly visible and it was already past 10:30 p.m., so why on earth was he awake? The short and simplest answer yielded the same result; you. How you had wedged yourself in between him and his strict sleep schedule, Bakugou had no idea, so here he was, sat with a grimace on his face as you tried to work out the last math problem on the long homework sheet Ectoplasm had assigned.
“Wait, so when it’s a hyperbola, it’s a²- b² = c²?” You ask, glancing in between the blonde-haired boy sat next to you and the sheet full of conic section equations. Bakugou just looked at you with a mixture of a tired and dumbfounded expression.
“No, idiot, it’s a²+ b² = c² because the standard form uses subtraction. It’s the other way around for ellipses.” He explains gruffly, taking your mechanical pencil and writing down the equation roughly. However, due to the sheer force of his hand on the poor little pencil, the led snapped off. You laughed a little at the outburst that followed shortly after.
“Bakugou, don’t press so hard, the lead is thinner.” You say, taking the pencil from his hand gingerly. He simply scoffs in return.
“Yeah, well, normal pencils don’t do that. Get better ones next time.” He hurumphs, leaning back in his chair and letting his head hang off the back. He remains like this for a few minutes while you scribble down the rest of your equations, ultimately coming to a solution.
“Okay, I think I got it! Is it… (y+5)²/9 - (x - 4)²/25?” With a hesitant voice and a hopeful expression, you push the homework sheet in front of Bakugou to hopefully gain his approval. You wince as he scans your work carefully, raising his eyebrows on certain occasions. Finally, he sets the paper down and slides it back over to you. “Well?” You ask, a little exasperated.
“Yeah, that’s the correct answer.” With a sigh of relief you slumped back into your chair with a smile on your face. However, that only lasted for a few seconds. “Wait, then what the hell were those facial expressions when you were looking at it?” You ask, taking the math sheet and putting it in a folder that was then shoved into your school bag.
“Your handwriting is shit.” Is all Bakugou had to say as he stood up and stretched his arms out. You roll your eyes and glance at the clock.
“Damn, it’s already 11:15.” You murmur, letting one of your hands card through your hair, massaging your head and releasing the tension that was built up by doing several pages of pre-calc. “Thanks, by the way. You didn’t need to stay this late to help me out, so I really appreciate it.” You say, expressing your gratitude to the blonde. Bakugou rubs his eyes before slinging his bag over his shoulder, letting his blazer stay unbuttoned and his tie loose around his neck. You had to admit, his somewhat disheveled look did look quite attractive on him, but if you told him that he would either never let you hear the end of it or get pissed off for commenting on his fashion. He already got enough of that from his parents, apparently. 
“Yeah, I didn’t, and now thanks to you I’m gonna be tired as hell in the morning.” He complains, opening the door to your dorm to exit.
“You know, a cold compress does wonders for eyebags.” You say, a mischievous grin on your face. He narrows his eyes and flips you off. “I enjoyed spending time with you too, Bakugou!” And with that, the door to your dorm was closed.
Katsuki felt like a zombie by the time he got to his own dorm. He didn’t even bother putting his school bag on his desk or arranging his shoes by the door like he usually does. Instead, he just let the brown shoulder bag slump onto the floor as he fumbled to get his shoes off. Why the hell had you made him stay for so long? He finished all of his homework hours before you did, and still, he had to remain stationed at that wooden low table as he had to keep himself busy while you plugged away at your own work. After about an hour, looking through his phone got incredibly boring so he moved on to looking around your room, taking in all of the things that made it up. Of course, he wasn’t doing this to try to get to know you more, he already knew all he needed to… right? But as his eyes raked over the photos and decor of your room, the more glimpses he got into your personal life, so he stopped immediately.
Bakugou did make an effort to change his clothes. Peeling his blazer from his arms and hanging it up haphazardly in his closet along with his white button up. He tugged on a random black shirt and swapped his uniform pants for pajama ones and finally, finally, clambered into his bed. And, although he tried hard to make his brain shut off and just let him enter a dreamless sleep, his mind began to wander. He blamed his delirious nature for letting his neurons take him from place to place, situation to situation, until they finally projected an image of you into his head. It was a simple display of you and a recent one, too. Just Y/N L/N, sat at the little wooden table with her head perched on one of her hands with a stupid mechanical pencil in her hand. Did her hair always kind of frame her face like that? He wondered, scrunching his closed eyes. It didn’t look as horrible today, he supposed. Bakugou let his eyes flutter open, only to see that his digital clock read a clear 12:04 a.m. in electric red. He sighed and let his gaze fall on the ceiling right above him. Why was he thinking of you this late in the evening? And, to his surprise, he realized that he felt much more at home in your dorm room than he did right now, in his own space.
“What the hell…” He muttered, turning on his bedside lamp. His room was shed in a soft light, illuminating only the nearest furniture and himself. If he wasn’t able to go asleep, he sure as hell wouldn’t let this time go to waste. Picking up the book on his shelf that he was most recently into, he flipped through the pages to find his place and started reading again. He would never admit it, but Pride and Prejudice was turning out to be a much better read than expected. Bakugou found the main heroine to be much more likeable than any others he had read about. Her charisma and wit satisfied him where other characters were lacking, and the way she refused to be phased by an arrogant and sometimes brash guy who pushed her buttons constantly… He let the book fall to the ground without so much of a care as realizations flooded his brain. You put up with him. Whenever he was acting rude or was teasing you without relent, you would just simply roll your eyes and fire back. He put up with you, too. All your unreasonable habits, like staying up way too late, he was still by your side. Why?
“I…” Katsuki forced himself to look into the mirror. He saw his reflection to be way out of the norm. His eyes were wide, his posture was perfect, and his cheeks were red. “I like her.” He let the words flow freely from his mouth. With one more glance to the clock by his bedside, he grabbed a hoodie and shoved his head through it while opening his door and heading straight to yours. He knew from all of the prior knowledge on you stored in his brain and the light that shown beneath your door that you were, in fact, still awake. With three soft knocks, your door swung open to reveal you. Clad in soft looking pajama shorts and a flimsy top, your hair was a mess and your eyes were drooping. Bakugou never thought you could look so beautiful.
“Bakugou, it’s way past your bedtime.” You quip, your voice mimicking a doting parent. Bakugou shoved his way past you into your room and began to lightly pace. Your once joking smile fell into a confused frown, your eyes starting to swim with concern. “Seriously, Katsuki, what’s up? You’ve never stayed up this late except for that one time I insisted you did because a once in a lifetime meteor shower was on full display. I mean, you complained about it of course, but I knew you actually liked it because your eyes-”
“Just, shut it!” The blonde finally says. You pull back slightly, surprised at his words. “You write your twos and sevens weird, some of your habits tend to be unproductive, and sometimes I just can not stand you, but I like you.” The two of you are silent for a moment before you take a step towards him.
“You have feelings for me?” You ask, your voice soft like velvet and your eyes twinkling. Despite all of his reservations, his hard exterior and the sneer he always wore melted.
“Yeah, sure, whatever.” You shook your head and took another step forward.
“Don’t answer it like you're confirming that I correctly solved a math problem. Answer it like you love me.” Bakugou’s cheeks flamed at your sudden confidence, but he took a step forward so that your bodies were almost touching.
“I love you Y/N.” And with that, a wide grin spread across your face. Your arms wrapped themselves around the blonde’s neck and you leaned into him, your lips meeting his in a searing kiss. It was slow in pace but fierce in passion as he grew more comfortable, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing you closer so that you were flush against his chest. Breathless and red in the face, Bakugou finally pulls back to see your ecstatic face. “Oi, what’s with the face?” He says, flustered.
“Nothing,” you say, going into your bathroom with a little towelette. He raises his eyebrows. “I told you before, a cold compress works wonders for the inevitable eye bags that you will have in the morning, and this is the perfect size.” He huffs in amusement and plucks the towelette from your hands. “Plus, you’ll have to return it to me. It gives you another excuse to hang out with me.” Bakugou finally earns a little confidence and his trademarked smirk spreads across his face.
“I don’t need an excuse to hang out with you. You’ll need my help again on the homework.”
“Always the charmer,” you quip, walking with him so that he was standing in the hallway and you in the doorway. “See ya tomorrow,” you smile, pecking him on the lips.
“See ya, Y/N.” His blush was still prevalent, but his eyebrows narrowed and a scowl replaced the smirk. “And throw out those mechanical pencils, they’re absolute shit.”
“Anything for you, Lover!” You joke, closing the door. Lover, he thinks. He can get used to a nickname like that.
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azucanela · 4 years
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pairing: bakugou katsuki x fem!reader
warnings: alcohol consumption. cursing.
word count: 3k
summary: the internet is enamored with the idea of y/n l/n and bakugou katsuki, two renowned pro heroes, dating. the first issue? the pair rarely interacts. the second issue? apparently, they hate each other, not that anyone knows about that bit. of course, after one night of many mistakes, the whole world knows. 
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series masterlist
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THE NIGHT OF THE GALA, it quickly came to Y/N’s attention that she definitely should not have waited til the last minute to get ready. But, her own procrastination had bested her, especially since she didn’t want to go, at all. It isn’t that Y/N wasn’t excited to see all her peers, it’s just that...
Y/N wasn’t excited to see her peers. 
Or anyone for that matter, she was exhausted after having just recently returned from one of her longer missions, and though her publicist had insisted the timing was perfect Y/N had to disagree.
She was really hoping for a break, not to be forced into socializing with everyone. And though Y/N didn’t want to seem arrogant in any way, she was a woman who had amassed quite the influence in her years as a Pro Hero. Meaning people wanted to talk to her, they wanted her favor.
Y/N wasn’t in the mood to have conversations with people faking kindness at the moment, which was the primary reason she found herself grimacing as she slipped on her second heel. Nearly falling to the floor had she not caught herself on the edge of the doorway as she hopped out while adjusting her shoe. 
As though things couldn’t become more chaotic, Y/N’s phone rings, causing her to jump at the sudden noise in shock before cursing, hand reaching into her small purse and digging around for the item as she continues towards her door. Just before she can pick up the phone, the call promptly ends, and a knock sounds at the door— causing Y/N to groan in annoyance as she comes to a proper stand and begins to make her way towards the entrance of her home.
The knocks become more rapid, and Y/N suddenly realizes just who is at her door as she rolls her eyes, calling out, “I’m coming you impatient hag.” 
Y/N can practically hear the scoff of her publicist as she finally opens the door, revealing the woman who stands with her brow raised. “We’re going to be late.”
Before her stands Lorelai Flores, one of the most renowned publicists of their time. Y/N was lucky to have scored her seeing as she was one of few Pro Heroes who hadn’t had a scandal yet, miraculously. In fact, Y/N had been one of her first clients shortly after they’d met in a local café— the woman had come from America and Y/N couldn’t help but wonder if life there was more chaotic with how well she handled all her clients.
The woman in question stands before Y/N in a green dress as she removes her glasses, eyes scanning Y/Ns figure before saying, “you look nice.”
A smile finds its way onto Y/N’s face as she lightly shoves Lorelai, stepping out of her apartment and locking the door behind her before the pair begins to head down the hall, “you look great as well!” 
The click of their heels brings Y/N a satisfaction she cant describe as they exit the apartment complex, Y/N lived in a quiet area, an attempt to escape the unavoidable fame being a Pro Hero brought on. It was especially worse when you saw all the posts.
God, Twitter is insane, Y/N learnt that the hard way. Despite the fact that she and Bakugou Katsuki hadn’t been in the same room since graduation— for a reason— the internet had taken to shipping the pair. It was an idea that Y/N abhorred given her history with the boy. After all, they’d practically been butting heads since they met. 
But it was appealing to the masses, the idea of someone “soft” like Y/N, someone known for their charity work and kindness, their sweet smile and endless optimism. And someone... like Bakugou. Harsh, almost ill-mannered and rude— though there was no denying that he’d made progress since their UA days, not that Y/N could confirm this seeing as she hadn’t seen him in so long. That and the fact that last she checked, most of the major headlines involving Bakugou were... not very positive.
Y/N started to avoid social media once she discovered this ship. She and Bakugou didn’t have the best relationship during their time at UA, it was practically a rivalry in their last year especially. 
“All your friends are going to be there.” Lorelai hummed, scrolling through her phone as she side eyed Y/N, the pair slipping inside a limo with ease once they stepped out of building, met by one of many men that Lorelai had hired. She had insisted that now that Y/N was a Pro Hero, she’d be a target too. And of course, her publicist was right. 
Her brow raises, as she settles in the car, deciding to simply reply, “yes, I’m aware they’ll all be there.” It’s a curious comment, seeing as it was an obvious fact. They were all heroes, and given their history with UA, well... the world had been anticipating their debuts for a while. Meaning they all quickly rose to fame, some faster than others, and some remaining in the spotlight far longer. 
Surprisingly, Y/N was included in that bunch, unsurprisingly, Bakugou, Todoroki and Midoriya were as well. Tokoyami had also carved out a nice spot for himself at Hawks’ agency, and Yaoyorozu had managed to become a sidekick to a rather renowned upcoming hero. 
Y/N had also earned a spot at Hawks’ agency, the man demanding her presence because she had “reminded him of himself,” for some reason. And seeing as he was one of the top heroes, who was she to disagree? The man seemed to understand her desire for distance, allowing her to go on missions that tended to be further out from where she’d grown up. And she was more thankful for the space.
She’d taken to philanthropy as soon as the money started coming in. Y/N had never understood just how much money Pro Heroes made until she was earning it as well. Although, seeing as she wasn’t ranked all that high, it wasn’t until she started branching out and doing other work that it became ridiculous.
“All of your friends, Ms. L/N.” Lorelai looks up to her, brow raised as she crosses her legs, resting her clasped hands on top of them.
Y/N offers her a tight lipped smile before waving her off, “I told you to call me Y/N, we’ve known each other how long?” 
“Don’t change the subject.”
Sighing, Y/N shifts uncomfortably in her seat, eyes drifting towards the window to see there are already dozens of flashing lights lined up, surrounding the venue of the gala, hoping to catch one of the Pro Heroes before anyone else does.
With a sigh, Lorelai directs her eyes outside as well, hands clasped together as she straightens herself in her seat, “funny isn’t it? That such a vital job requires so much publicity?” A tight lipped smile forms on their face, “I suppose I should be grateful for it. After all, it’s the reason I have a job but...”
But, Y/N hated it, and so did Lorelai. 
“It’s horrid that my dress matters more than any life I save.” 
And with that, the car comes to a stop. Alerting them that they’ve arrived, coupled with a short and swift knock on the door to signal that it’s time to get out. 
Inhaling deeply, Y/N looks back to Lorelai, who takes out a pocket mirror and removes her glasses, Lorelai eyes herself in the mirror momentarily, blinking once, twice, before saying, “most people don’t bring their publicists to such events you know.”
A small laugh escapes Y/N, and she knows its Lorelai’s attempt at helping her wind down before going inside, though she replies, “you’re more than my publicist.” Offering her a smile, Y/N simply says, “and why suffer alone when I can bring my friend, and who else will make sure I don’t do anything dumb?” 
It was true, it was always nice to have a partner at such functions, someone to hang around or return to. Or more accurately, someone to use as an excuse to leave the more annoying conversations. Though Lorelai always enjoyed the free foods and gift bags— that had items worth more than her rent, Lorelai had once said— and agreed to join Y/N/
Rolling her eyes, Lorelai simply knocks at the door, letting their chauffeur know it’s time before momentarily turning back to Y/N as they say, “ladies first.”
And with that, the door opens, revealing the pair to the world and exposing them to all the flashing lights of the mob awaiting them. People shouting out her Pro Hero name, Empatha.
Named for her quirk, Empathic Mimicry. Granting her to use the ability of those she touches for as long as she wants. However, in that period of time, she can feel their emotions and pain, and the quirk she uses comes with the setbacks of the user. If the person she touches is quirkless, it is possible to get other skills of theirs, but once again there are setbacks. 
Todoroki spent much of his free time at UA theorizing that she and Monoma Neito were secretly related in some way. Monoma on the other hand, seemed bitter about the fact that Y/N was “a better version” of him. Despite this, the memory of Todoroki’s odd question brings a genuine smile to her face as she steps onto the red carpet, swiftly making her way past as she waves towards the cameras. 
It’s just as overwhelming as it was the first time. And the second time. And the time after that. Even if Y/N had taught herself to control her abilities, no longer feeling the emotions of those surrounding her. But she didn’t need her ability to feel the excitement, anxiety— and worst of all the ambition. Ambition tended to be dangerous in the hero world. The reason behind unnecessary deaths, and exposed scandals. In Y/N’s experience it was a dangerous emotion, but she wouldn’t deny it had produced some impressive people. 
The lights are blinding as Y/N maneuvers inside, colliding with someone, warm hands come to rest on her forearms as the person in question mutters out, “watch where you’re going.”
Y/N finds herself freezing, recognizing him almost instantly. By the time her eyes have readjusted to the light, she finds that Bakugou is staring right back at her, mouth gaped open.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Y/N scoffs, tearing her arm from his grasp as he quickly as she attempts to collect herself, inhaling deeply.
Y/N probably should’ve guessed it was him from the screams, pose for a picture! Why don’t you two get a little closer! Can you comment on your relationship? They’re yelling for Bakugou too, wondering why he finally decided to make an appearance. Y/N is curious as well, for different reasons of course.
Bakugou is rolling his eyes before she can continue, “please, it’s not like I wanted to see you either.” 
Y/N nods slowly, offering him a bitter smile as she inhaled deeply— taking a few steps back. “Great to see you Bakugou, truly.” Sarcasm dripping from her tone as she stands beside him begrudgingly, putting on a false smile, “I hate you just as much as I used to.” 
Pausing, Bakugou’s hand comes to hover over her waist, as he stares into the cameras, muttering, “why?” 
“We both have reputations to maintain, do we not?” Comes her response, looking to him, Y/N reminds herself not to scowl as she straightens herself beside him, waving to a group of people and inciting more screams as she beams from beside Bakugou.
His laugh is a bitter one as he replies, “right.” Y/N inhales shakily, removing herself from Bakugou as she offers him a sarcastic smile, “thanks for the show, Sweetheart, but you aren’t all that important. You aren’t doing me any favors right now.”
A laugh escapes her, and the number of flashes increases exponentially, only for her to turn to Bakugou and say, “really now? Well, I suppose you’re right I’m not important seeing as you’re the one on the front page every week for a different scandal.” Bakugou looks away, scoffing, and Y/N nearly flips him off before reminding herself where she is and saying, “And I don’t want your thanks. I don’t want anything from you.”
And then she’s off, offering tight lipped smiles to those around her as she moved further into the venue for the gala, grabbing a drink off the tray of a passing waiter, Y/N mumbled out words of thanks before downing the drink instantly. Making her way past each person when a hand grabs her wrist.
Izuku Midoriya, better known as Pro Hero Deku, had intercepted Y/N on her way to the sanctuary of every party. The bathroom. Though he was probably the best person to have caught her, and undoubtedly someone she actually wanted to speak with. Y/N had a feeling he could tell something was wrong from the way he looked at her, concern clear in his eyes, Izuku was always easy to read. But she had somewhere to be and—
And Bakugou would be entering anytime soon. And what infuriated Bakugou more than she did? Izuku Midoriya.
So, Y/N puts a smile on her face as she says, ��hey Midoriya.” She clears her throat, moving to stand beside him as she asks, “how are you doing?” 
He beams back at her, his smile as genuine as ever as he responds, “I’m well! And so are you it seems, there are rumors that you’ll be entering the top 100 heroes this year, you know?” 
Y/N had heard such rumors as well, if they were true, she’d be the first of her class to become a part of the top 100. Seeing as they were still basically fresh out of UA, it would be quite the achievement for her to do so at such a young age. Rivaling the progression of even Pro Hero Hawks. 
Raising a brow Y/N shoves him lightly, “scouting out the competition are you, Midoriya?” 
Midoriya’s eyes widen and he immediately begins shaking his head as his cheeks flush a bright red, “absolutely not!” He exclaims, “I’m just so amazed by how far you’ve come and it’s been so long since I’ve seen you.” 
A small laugh escapes her at his reaction, her eyes drifting towards her empty glass as she replies, “well I have no doubt that if I do miraculously enter the top 100, you’ll be close behind.” Inhaling deeply, she meets his eyes, “now if you’ll excuse me, I was on my way to the restroom when you caught me.” Once again, his cheeks flush a light pink as he begins to sputter apologies, and Y/N simply smiles as she says, “but we should definitely catch up sometime soon, maybe we can hang out sometime soon?”
A bashful smile finds its way onto his face as he nods slowly, “yeah. I would like that.”
And with that, Y/N waves goodbye to him continuing to the bathroom and managing to avoid any more conversations though few tried. Likely hoping for some good publicity themselves, she could see people beginning to swarm Deku in the distance now— and Y/N finds herself feeling bad that she left him so soon.
But as Y/N makes her way inside the restroom, it finally hits her.
Lorelai meant it when she said all her peers are coming, the woman had probably meant it as a warning. It was rare for Bakugou to attend social events, especially since they rarely ended well when it came to him. Most days, he ended up the headline of every single news sources when it came to his public events, rarely did Bakugou have a good run in with the press. Y/N was shocked he’d made it this far in the hero industry with his poor reputation only worsening at every event.
Oh she needed a drink. Y/N needed a lot of drinks. She couldn’t do this right now, not at all.
But more importantly, she needed fun, she needed lots of fun. So, taking one last look at the mirror, Y/N inhales deeply before exiting the restroom, spotting Izuku Midoriya almost instantly. She makes her way towards him, calling out for him, “Midoriya!” Her words distract him from his conversation, drawing the attention of those around then and the people who were initially speaking to him. 
The boy seems relieved that someone has come to save him from whatever conversation he was having, waving to Y/N as he says, “Y/N?”
A grin comes onto her face as she extends a hand to him, looking to those around him, “sorry to interrupt but—” She turns back to Izuku, “may I have this dance?
He offers her a nervous smile, only sparing those around him a glance as he replies, “definitely.” 
And with that, she drags him to the dance floor, and Y/N can feel the eyes on her as she does. It certainly is a curious sight. Two of the big up and coming heroes heading to the dance floor together after barely any public interactions. Y/N is sure that once the word gets out the internet will be going insane, and so will the press. Weaving together stories of insanity to boost their readership.
At this rate, Y/N didn’t care. 
This was Y/N L/N’s first mistake of the night, but it certainly wouldn’t be her last seeing as by the end of the night, Y/N L/N and Bakugou Katsuki would be on every front page and headline. 
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note: lmk how this was pls i need validation <3
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lilysdaydreams · 4 years
→ Pairing: Corpse Husband X plussize!Reader
→ Request: hello i love you and your writing (firstly) i was wondering if you could write a corpse husband xfem reader who is plus size? i havent seen any of those lol but maybe she gets hate over it and wants to start eating better and working out with him?? you don’t have to if you don’t want to tho!!
→ Warnings: chubby reader, insecure!reader, Body Image issues !!! Swearing, Descriptions of Readers feeling really sad about their body + online hate comments on readers body.
→ A/N: Idk what happened with this. This past week has been hard and I've been really tired but I forced myself to write something. I dont really think its goof but I hope the person who requested it likes it :(((
You fell into bed, wrapping the blanket around you and rolling over onto your side. Work had been hard today, your manager getting mad at the smallest of things. You could hear Corpse in his streaming room, talking to the viewers. You and Corpse had been together for 2 years now, and both of you had finally decided you were ready to reveal your relationship to his fans. First, you'd simply joined him on stream, talking at some points. Then a few weeks later, he'd posted a photo of him holding your hand and tagged you in it.
Your followers had gone from your 450 friends to 53 000 strangers. And that was only on the first day. You hadn't been on Instagram for a whole week, too overwhelmed about all the attention. It was a Friday today though, so you decided you might as well.
You opened up Instagram and clicked on your profile, eyes widening as you saw the 500k written above followers.
"Five hundred thousand?" You whispered to yourself, not even being able to comprehend the number. Like sure, if you compared it to Corpses 2 million, it seemed small, but it's not as if you did anything! What reason would they have to follow you? You only had two photos posted as well, an outfit photo from your sister's weddings, and one of you drinking a bubble tea.
Quickly clicking on the bubble tea picture, you opened up the comments smiling when the first comment  that caught your eye was "Woah shes so pretty." You scroll slowly, your  smile growing bigger at all the  love that Corpses fans gave you.
The amount of "CHOKE ME" comments were hilarious.
You chuckled at a few and scrolled again, reading another one.
"Why did he have to pick a fat girl?"
For a second, your heart completely  stopped.
"What the fuck," you muttered.
You quickly clicked on the replies, wanting to see what others had to say. There were people defending you and arguing with the user, and there were others who agreed with them.
“Yes omg do you se ever stomach? Ugh how can Corpse stand staring at that the whole day?”
“Bruh her legs 😂😂”
You sucked in a breath.
You’d never been thin, always a bit chubby and with a bit of stomach fat. You’d been very insecure in high school, always wearing baggy clothes to hide your body, but who hadn’t felt that way in high school. After it though, you’d been okay. You felt happy and Corpse always let you know that he loved your body just the way you were. You were pretty confident normally. Today though... today it felt like all of that confidence has crumbled. You kept scrolling focusing on all the comments that talked about your weight.
Throwing the phone on the bed, you got up and moved to the mirror you have in your room. Grabbing the cloth draped over it, you pulled it off, looking at yourself in the mirror. You can see every flaw the comments talked about. You can see your double chin, your huge stomach, your big thighs. You held your arms up, wincing when you see the fat on them. Your probably looked so bad when you waved bye to someone. Tears now gathering in your eyes, you moved the cloth back over the mirror and then went back to bed, using the pillow to muffle your sobs.
You knew you were being a bit stupid. Random people on the internet and their opinions shouldn’t matter to you. But for some reason, the words had really gotten to you, and all you wanted to do was cry.
A few minutes later, you heard the door open, and knowing it was Corpse, you pushed your head into the pillow even more, not wanting him to look at you like this.
“Babe,” he whispered, coming over and patting you on your back.
“Baby,” he repeated when you refused to say anything and that he could hear was your sniffling. “You okay?”
You sobbed in response and he let out a “Oh” and then pulled you away from the pillow.
You looked down, refusing to look at him because you would look like an absolute mess.
“God I look so bad right now, he’s gonna see me and realise how big of a fat mess I am and leave me,” you thought.
“Hey baby, what’s wrong?” He asked again grabbing you in a hug.
“Was it work?” He asked when you didn’t answer. “or did your mom call again?"
When you stayed silent, he let out a sigh and let you go, getting up from the bed.
You immediately looked up, and asked “Where are you going?" because for a second you felt like it was true.  Maybe Corpse was leaving you because of how disgusting you were.
He looked down at you, startled by your sudden question. "Just to get some chocolate and a blanket."
"No." you said voice shaking a bit from the crying, "I don't want chocolate."
"What babe, what the fuck?" He said softly, dropping back down next to you. "Baby what's going on, just tell me, I can't do anything if you can't tell me."
"You-You know your fans? They're amazing, right?" you finally said, hesitating a little.
"It's just, I checked some comments on one of Instagram posts and there's so many where they're just talking about how fat I am, or how big my stomach is, or how ugly I look," you said, your voice lowering to a whisper at the end.
A beat of silence and then;
"Oh baby noooo," Corpse whispers, grabbing you and pulling you into a hug.
You cant stop the tears from leaking out of your eyes and you bury your head into his shoulder. His hoodie smells like the bodywash he uses, making you calmer in a second.
"Sweetheart, you are absolutely beautiful," he begins, whispering into your ear. "Did you know that when I first saw you, I couldn't even speak? Like I legitimately felt like my mouth had been glued together, I couldn't form any words."
Heat rose to your cheeks as he continued on.
"You were like an angel, literally glowing, and guess what, I still feel like that whenever I see you now. When you come back home and you're wearing that huge hoodie and you just have the hood pulled up because its cold and the little pout on your face, guess what you look fucking gorgeous to me like that. And when you're in our bed, wearing shorts and a crop top with your hair in a bun waiting for me to make popcorn so we can watch a movie, god you look like an angel then okay?"
"Oh ah, when you're on your period, and seriously bloated and eating all the food, you fucking look beautiful to me then as well. Your tummy- Your tummy makes me so happy like look at this soft little baby. And guess what? I fucking LIVE for your thighs and you know that baby, like I will die for them okay? Your ass- well, we both know what I feel about that so I won't say anything." He ended with a chuckle.
You moved back a little, and he grabbed your face and rested his forehead on yours.
Taking a deep breath, he started whispering, eyes locked onto yours.
"Every single part of you is perfect. And I love it. I find you so sexy that I literally cannot breathe sometimes because of your presence. You're amazing and I fucking love you. What those people say on the internet, why the fuck does it matter huh? They obviously can't recognize the absolute fox in front of their faces."
Slowly he wiped the tears from your face, and returned the watery smile that you gave him.
"Chocolates?" he asked, still whispering.
You nodded your head, giggling as he ran to get them.
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meiishu · 2 years
thoughts on hsmtmts episode 6 under the cut
- first off the first scene im sorry mr bleu but you cannot just burst into a bunch of teenage boys bunk cabin at 6 AM in the morning what the hell they are children 
- i really love the friendship with maddox and gina forming here, i liked the idea of their friendship from the beginning when gina defended maddox to the other girls and i just gotta say them bonding about rough relationships with their bros is top tier
- poor ricky. he asked mr. bleu to take out his Dramatic Feelings Reveal from the documentary and mr blew simply said “no, i dont think i will”, and that was that
- speaking of ricky i liked him and jet this episode, i like that they are comforting each other and opening up to each other. also, jet calling ricky out on his bullshit denying his feelings for gina. i like that jet simply does not put up with ricky’s shit. and vice versa. even if no romance forms there im really loving their dynamic 
- wait no where are you going miss jenn COME BACK
- seriously though. with the appearance of miss jenn for like 3 scenes, she was able to comfort all the characters and allow them to be listened to. this really juxtaposes mr. bleu and his team -- i feel like miss jenn actually respects and listens to all the kids, is an adult who respects them, you know? 
- i’m genuinely annoyed that she didn’t stay to take over EJ’s job. 
- also EJ THIS EPISODE. this whole season is horrible for ej. they’re destroying all of ej’s positive character growth and development, his feelings and relationship with gina, and making him... literally almost how he was in season 1. like where is the guy who SHOWS UP for gina??? where he at?? because that scene where gina asked EJ to the prom (which was SO PRECIOUS btw) and ej literally snubbed it by saying no dates for this prom like... i get it’s policy but you can literally still go together. 
- seriously ej is getting BUTCHERED this season. my poor elton john. why cant miss jenn direct them and ej actually be able to have FUN with his FRIENDS? the way this poor boy had to skip the color games and missed gina’s basketball move (which was great, good for her)??? ej used to be the guy who always showed up for gina. that was like their thing. and now they’re just flipping that, making ej not there, but ricky is there. so now ricky is the guy who’s showing up for her. 
- also. ricky this episode though??? the way he helped gina with her promposal despite his feelings?? the way he is actually there for gina this season?? i like it. but it also makes me mad because of the way he’s only allowed to have a true romantic arc with gina now that nini’s character is ~conveniently~ gone. like the way that he was obsessed with nini until literally dating uh whats her face then this season be in this big pining arc... but i’ll allow it because gina and ricky have really good romantic chemistry (something i think gina and ej don’t have the same level of, which, paired with ej’s attitude this season is making me ship ricky and gina a bit more). It’s a shame because i love season 2  portwell SO MUCH.
- JET AND MADDOX GETTING ALONG DURING THE GAMES??? JET HAVING FUN??? JET WINNING FOR TEAM YELLOW TO MAKE MADDOX HAPPY??? maddox is still upset though, i like ricky trying to mediate between them. he senses they miss each other and wants to help them. i hope that maddox and jet can grow even closer after this episode. and since jet and ricky seem to be giving each other a lot of advice, they can help each other out
- also back to miss jenn, really loved her moment with kourtney. kourtney didn’t want to climb the wall and miss jenn encouraged her but also made her feel that saying no was a safe option. i think val meant well with her encouragement, but it wasn’t the time or the place. the way val’s face shifted after kourtney stepped down and miss jenn comforted her made me think this might be addressed again at some point. 
- WHY CANT MISS JENN STAY???? i miss the kids having an adult who encouraged and supported them. this is an anti mr bleu blog. i wish miss jenn got to smack him for exploiting the kids ngl
- (i’m calling him mr bleu to separate him from the actor) 
- ALSO RICKYS BIRTHDAY IS GOING TO BE RELEVENT THIS SEASON. the gift?? the mentions of his 18th??? its going somewhere.
- ASHLYN CANON SAPPHIC!!! ASHLYN CANON SAPPHIC!!!! ngl i was hoping for ashlyn/maddox over val/ashlyn (not that i dislike val, or want either couple to happen immediately, i just feel like ashlyn and maddox have better chemistry) but i love the realization!!! 
- also, the metaphor of the fireworks. when ej and gina were talking about how there were always fireworks, nothing came. miss jenn told ashlyn that she knew she liked ricky’s dad when she “saw fireworks”. when val hugged ashlyn, fireworks lit up the sky. that’s gotta be intentional. which makes me really sad as a portwell lover, but i love the scene of ashlyn realizing her feelings. also, it’s not as though ashlyn/val is a canon couple or anything, it’s just canon ashlyn is attracted to her.
- still convinced maybe maddox kind of likes ashlyn and is projecting. either that or maybe somehow this madison character will come back/they’ll get together/have some kind of resolution jet helps orchestrate as an apology for ruining their fledgling relationship 
- ricky. ricky bowen. what the hell are you planning in that curly head of yours
- also this is a shameless plug for joshua bassett’s new song, smoke slow, but it really reminds me of rina this season and ricky’s feelings towards rina so go listen to it. 
- also also, i was kind of upset we didn’t get a kourtney andgina covnersation...? after the last episode, there was that moment of betrayal from kourtney when she thought maybe gina told Carlos about her anxiety. i wonder if this will maybe be addressed in another episode? they are shorter episodes, so it would make sense if maybe it comes up again later in the season. still, i’m gonna be watching for it! 
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
The Asylum
Synopsis: The U.A was a known Asylum. Known of being the current house for the most dangerous persons with the most tragocs backstorys and trauma. An universe where quirls dont exist, but heroes take the places of doctors, students are trainers and of course; villains are the pacients.
I am planning to do for all the boys I write and Shigaraki version of it (surprise shiggy stans!) Let me know if you would be interested.
Kai Chisaki:
You are currently a new doctor that the Asylum recide to take under their wing. Obviously not to good intentions. Since there is a pacient no one seems to even dare to croos his dorm room... so will you be able to tame the beast?
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The limo you were in along with Nezu and the famous doctor Toshinori Yagi along with his aprendice Izuku Midoriya was sorta of glamorous... too much to your own point of view. But how could you point that out? Espevially to the ones whose kindly offered a job as soon as you got your graduation.
You were viewed as the "too kind and sensitive" to be a doctor or a psychologist, yet you still remained your ground and got your degree! And was now facing the kind hearted doctor Toshinoru himself! He was the most respected and talented doctora of all Japan, who just couldn't admire him?
The car came to an stop and Nezu gaze a hearted chickle after finsihing his cup of tea, which didn't even dropped a drop of the drink, before smilling at you as Toshinori and Midoriya helped you out.
"You two are too kind!" You spoke as the boy blushed crinsom red and laughed nervously as Nezu caught your attention.
"(L/n)-san, uou must know that despite us having the best of security measures, evil persons live on here and they can and some even will hurt you. Poor Midoriya-kun had to deal with a teenage girl around his age last week and almost got stabbed."
You widened your eyes as you saw by thhe corner of your eye the poor boy shivering at the memory as Yagi patted him by the head with a nervous chuckle.
You followed Nezu when he entered the building and found the place surprisingly intact even if hearing some shouts, psyotic laughter here and there..
"Im so sorry to not introduce the place for you (L/n)-san, but I have not only young Midoriya here but also another "student" to take care of." The man laughed as you smiled up at the man.
"I understand. Having onterns at such a young age must give some work." The blonde chuckled as he waved while Midoriya wished you a good first day at work before Nezu called you to stand beside him on a elevator and pressing the button to go down.
The number of the monitor, indicating the floors, were lowering as you arched an eyebrows until you jumped at hearing nezu giggling.
"We have floors that indicate which state our pacients mental health is... the lower the floor, the more these expecific pacients of oura need desperately for help."
"I see..." you picked your bag and took out the paste that only had the name and doccuments of your future pacient... Chisaki Kai.
A man around 20 and 25 years old that was a surgeon once, raised by a mafia boss. After being catched of by police for trying to make an unknown and forbided drug he was arrested. His adopted father had gotten ill and eventually put into a coma... in desperate to gain some blood for the elder the only with the compatible blood type of his father was his nephew... it seems that he had almost taken the blood of the girl by force due to desperation after he got out of prison...
Not even succeding on helping the old man, he got send to the Asylum after the acussation of his poor mental state. He got into a physical and heavy fight coincidentally with another pacient of here, and lost both of his arms.
He seemed also to have some sorta of OCD. His mysophobia being so advantege that not even if he comes to contact with dirty places, but even if he felt nervous or angry, hives would appear on his skin... also suffered from PTSD attacks and was paranoid, seing figures of assasinans and monster of four arms after the loss of his father and own members...
This patient is considerated one of the mosy dangerous around here even if missing both arms, now aparently substitute by prosthetics..
NOW you knew why anyone hasn't been very fond of him... the man had beaten up three of his previous doctors and almost send one to heaven.
The sound of your gulp got mixed with the ones of the doors of the elevator opening and Nezu menyioning for you to follow him on the hall.
The entire hall was super and almost shinning clean as you walked through it.
"As you saw on his file. Chisaki has a serious matter with dirt, even going as far as to almost beat our janitor after finding a piece of fry lying on the cafeteria. After that, he reveives his meal only on his room in hopes je doesn't cause such a tragity like before..."
"I see he is pretty... demanding." You muttered as Nezu stopped by a door made of Iron as he searched for a key.
"Surely, not even one of his doctors got the chance to knowing kore than his files, so I wish you to be the lucky one." The man smiled at you before pushing the door.
"... who is it?" The voice came from the darkest part of the room and you saw a hunched over form after squinting your eyes hard enough. The voice was deep and low kinda sexy even
"Chisaki. I have the honor to present you the doctor (L/n) (Y/n)-"
"Ah, another doctor I see." It came as a scratchy sigh, his head lifting up to reveal a man with gorgeous golden dull eyes and brow hair similiar to the woods of a pine, his skin pale amd the prosthetics arms shine the light of the halls back into your eyes.
This was against your own code.... but damn this man was hot.
"Is.. a pleasure to meet-"
"Lets see how much long will you last..." he said with a empty smirk before falling back to his stoic and empty expression, staring at the wall and demanding for you both to get out.
Nezu sighed as he accompanied you to outside and looked at you expectedly.
"... I think I can deal with him. He doesn't sound too bad as his files give away." You smiled at Nezu as he gave a rather relieved sigh and shook your hand in glee.
"Great! Your consulta will hlbe in his room witha bodyguard waiting outside to provide you security as he will be handcuffed for extra care."
You frowned at that as the man handed you the key and accompanied you for an tour around the whole building... Handcuffed? This was a bit extreme...
Wasn't it?
You breathed in and out as the guard was already set on post to watch over. Turning the key to open and quickly close it as instricted by other doctors and collegues.
"Hello." You greeted softly while closing the door as he stared at the table he was handcuffed with "I believe we didn't had a much pleasurable start due to Nezu there..." you seated on ths chair in front of him as he gritted his jaw.
It was silence for a bit as you sighed in sympathy.
"Listen, I have nothing here. Neither to hurt or touch you. I also took at least three showers before coming here to talk with you. I was rather excited to be honest." You smiled at him as he only arched an eyebrow up, still stoic expression.
"Foolish." He gritted through teeth as you tilted your head in confusion "You heard of me getting three people at least to the verge of death... Tell me, how cam you defend yourself from me?" His voice lowered dangerously but you still remained grounded. Surprisingly not even feeling scared.
"You mean also from the... monsters?" You saw how his muscles tightened as his eyes widened at you before narrowing them deep into your soul.
"Dont play like that. I know no one can see them... is just me."
"Well, that is true..." you leaned a bit towards him "But that doesn't mean I cant just try to understand you."
"Is that supposed to make me laugh? I dont need this stupid shit." He hissed while glaring at you.
"I suppose... but when was the last time you talked with someone though?"
It was silent... then he just sighed a bit shakily before starting to scratch the upper part of his arm...
"Get out. Now." You hummed, eviting to giggle at the shocked face he tried to hide at sieng you actually was leaving after he demanded.
"I will be back by tommorow then. Have a nice day Chisaki." You left the room and was inspected by the guard for any form of bruises or injuries and yhey were impressed.
"You're the first one that didn't got injured with that guy over there..."
"I think i just might be getting somewhere with him if I try hard enough."
Slowly but surely you got to talk with Chisaki. He still remained reserved most of the time, but as soon as you brought up the topic of a mess on the first floor was enough to make him complain about the quality of this place.
It wasn't exactly a start... but you did needed to get some sorta of trust of him on you.
One day you were about to enter the room and saw the episode everyone warned you about. His hallucinations.
"DON'T TOUCH ME!" you dodged the table he threw with all the force he had near the door as you closed immediatly when you heard the bodyguard calling for others to help put Chisaki on a straightjacket.
"Get out! Get OUT! GET OUT OF HERE!" he shouted at the top of his lungs as he lunched the air and walls as you watched in wary and worry in your eyes as you tried to aproach safetly from behind.
"Chisaki-" you gasped when he almost punched you if it wasn't for your good reflexes "Chisaki listen to me!"
Ee only let out a bloody scream as he tried with all his forces to attack you before he caged you by the wall as you gagged at the metal hand on your throat.
"Chisaki.. im not here to hurt you-!" You tried to push more air into your lungs as he growled.
You tapped his shoulder out of desperation and immediatly gasped for air as he jerked away from your touch, blinking as if he had just woken up as you coughed.
When you opwned your eyes and saw him standing up, looking at you in shock you sighed in relief while getting up.
"H.. How? How did you make him to..?" He whispered while looking around the room in desperation "H-He was just... here-! He was HERE!" He shouted, his anger coming back as you walked towards him.
"Chisaki.." his amber and wrathful eyes looked into yours as you asked softly "What was in here?"
"It was.." he looked at the ground comflicted before grasping his hair with a groan "No no.. cant be... CANT BE! HE ISN'T HERE!"
"Who isn't here? Chisaki?"
You widened your eyes as he breathed in shakily before dropping on the ground and crossing his arms to support his head.
"But... why would your-"
"Not the one in my files..." he groaned before looking at the wall numbily "My biological shitty one... an abuser. Use that to get a promotoon or whatever brat.. just leave me alone."
You furrowed your eyebrows down at him. Your heart speaking louder than your mind as you gently aproached him and seated next to him, maintaning enough distance to mantain him on a comfortable state.
"... I thought you didn't remember your biological parents." You commented as he linched the bridge of his nose.
"How could you forget someone that made your childhood a living hell?" He breathed out "I dont even know why I am even telling you this..."
"... let me guess.. abusive?" You spoke with sadness as he chuckled darkly.
"Pitying a sociopath and murder now doctor?" He brushed his fangs away "Don't. Is pathetic."
"Abusive." You confirmed as you stared at the wall he was facing at "Instrict father and negletful mother..?"
"... the man was an arrogant bastard... always beating and just taking away any sorta of ways of basic needs.. while my mother was a selfish women whose always called me a failure. A burden. A mistake... my father on one day was about to beat me up for grabbing something to eat..when I grabbed his gun to defend myself and accidentally shot him... the woman called the police on her own 5 years old child can you imagine that?" You stared at him in sadness.
No one knew his backstory. No one knew anything about him when he was under 12 years old. His archive compeltely erased... and there he was.
"The visions you have... is of him?"
"... a more like fusion or something." He groaned whipe scrwching his face "Has his face but has the arms of a beast... and four arms... other times is that Shigaraki that took my arms... others are my mother just trying to stab me or hold me down while she yells for me to... to behave..." he sighed shakily "Is the session over yet?"
You frowned before slowly aproaching him and taking his metal hand on yours as he widened your eyes.
"Is over.. but if you want i can stay here... to make sure those assholes wont be back." You smiled up at him as he stared at you like you grew three heads.
"I... I believe you have other places to be...?"
".. I enjoy having your company." You smiled again "After all, you dont deserve to be left caged alone.. You're still human after all.."
He stared at you before looking at the wall as you giggled a bit at the tips of his ears getting red as he thought over and over again.
Was he... was he really worth of being called a human?
"This new medication here might give some colateral effects, so after taking them i need you to tell me. But asides from that they will releave a but if that itchy feeling of your hives and the other will help a bit with your-"
"Hallucinations" the man completed as he analyzed the bottle only to sigh and open it later "I saw them once in the hospital I worked for."
"Oh I see!" You replied cheerfully at seing an opportunity to talk with him "I know you were an explendid surgeon."
"... kind of. Had almost a heart attack when blood was spilled on my skin now at then. Sicks.." He looked at you snorting before the hint of a smirk started to form only to dissapear as he took the two piles onto his hand.
"Uh.. You need to eat first to take your meds." You warned before he could plop the pills on his mouth... he stared deep into your eyes as he lowered them on a napkin and leaned on his chair while crossing hsi metalic arms.
"Then I guess I wont be taking it. The food of this place is horrible and disgusting. Not as much as my room." You arched an eyebrow at him before furrowing them in worry.
"What? Dont they clean your room? The halls are even shining. And what about the food?"
"Not quite." He sighed "A precary job, and some guards like to come by and dirt the place just to give me a headache... the food is just the same."
You hummed before getting up.
"Well then, I guess I have to grab somethings and demands some changes..."
"Oh, how adorable. You getting my food? Make me laugh some more doctor, Im dying to see it." He spoke on a nonchantly tone as you only poked your tongue out at him before muttering that you would be right back.
To him it seemed like hours you had gotten out and even dared to scold on how slow you must be.
"I brought you what seems to be your favorite! Not the food from the cafeteria, I swear!"
He watched in amusement and accidentaly smiled at seing you there with what was once his favorite food until he flinched at your gasp.
"I see a smile thereeeee!!!!" You pointed at his face repeatedly as he surprisingly gently slapped your hand away while taking the bag.
"You're such a nuisance." He sighed, hating how his mouth drooled.
"I washed the fork."
"But I didn't even-"
"I know you Kai." You giggled before widening your eyes and slapping your hands over your mouth in shock.
His eyes were also wide open as you felt your face heat up.
"Im so sorry! It was so unproffesional this oh my Go-"
"Is..." he interrupted you while looking at the opposite direction of yours "Alright... surprisingly my name doesn't sound... so bad when you speak... doctor."
Your eyes softened a bit as a flustered and quite a happy smile graced over your features that made him blush even more.
"Is impressive!" Toshinori and Nezu exclaimed together as they saw the progress yoh had made with Chisaki only in a matter of months as you giggled. "You're a god send (L/n)-san!"
"Please!" You waved them off in embarrassment.
"No no, none of that young one!" Yagi snorted "We decides to give you a week of vacation after such an amazing progress like that! Starting today!"
"Yeah! Dont worry about your pacient, we will get him a substitute just to make him take the meds."
You didn't had much of a choice since they already send the poor guy over his way.
Two days... two days and you simply wasn't here. Just seing a trembling hand almost throwing the pills at him as he sighed in dissapointment. Two days and he hadn't see the face of his beautiful and pretty doctor of his... he couldn't believe it...but he was so desperately craving them. To hear her voice, to.. even feel his hand brush against hers...
He jerked up when he heard the sound of the door opening, narrowing hus eyes at seing that the doctor whose entered his room, wasn't his doctor.
"U-Uh... I-I'm here to-"
"You're." He standed up from his bed "Not." He walked close to the shivering doctor "my (Y/n)."
Before he knew it, he saw visions of you being handed and taken away by one of these monster as he shouted and beaten up the man, the security guard allerting all of the bodyguards about the pacient 14 leaving his cell and attacking others.
The alarms set off and all securities were called as he toom them down ome by one as he shouted with all the forces of his lungs:
"WHERE IS MY DOCTOR?! GIVE HER BACK!" he shouted as he took each one of them down and even managing to stab one of the doctors and one of the security guards witha freacking pen that was in the pocket of one of the pacients that was nearby.
“GET THE SEDATIVE AND THE STRAIGHTJACKET! QUICK BEFORE HE-” the poor guard had his head locked on Chisaki metal hand as he slammed him into the wall into the point it bleed.
He shouted in pain when he felt the syring on his neck, his body starting to get drownsy as he was threw down on the ground, still trying to fight until the end as he kept calling for you...
“Help me... PLEASE! I WILL BE GOOD! IM SORRY!” He shouted and cried at the same time “WHERE’S MY DOCTOR?! (Y/N)!”
He shouted your name until he had no voice or force t do so as his body gave out....
You ran after scoldng every one that tred to stop you as you searched for the key of Kai’s room.
You had received an emergency call after three weeks of your vacation and to say you were both terrified and worried was a understandement. You needed to see Kai. Just thinking about him prisioned on his room and on a jacket made you feel horrible... you even heard the possibilty of the U>A taking away his prosthetics arms due to “security measures”.
You opened the door and loghten up the lights to see Chisaki laying on his bed. A numb look towards the ceiling as you whimpered his name and went to stand close to him.
“... did you come to kill me..?” you widened your eyes as you thought the urge to tear up as you looked for the key of the straightjacket that Nezu gave it to you after your begging.
“Kai im so so sorry...” You whimpered while freeing him... HIm blinking as if he just notices your presence and moving his arms before sitting up.... looking at his metal fingers move, one by one..
“..Are you another hallucination...?” he flinched at your hand coming in contact with his cheeks ashe looked at you as if he was about to kill you right there.
“No... Kai, feel me.. I’m here. Aren’t the meds helping you anymore:”
He stared at you for a what seemed like a decade before he brushed his fingers on your cheek before choosing to bring you close on what seemed like a hug, since he coulnd’t feel with his prosthetics...
A shaky sigh leaved him as he clinged onto you.
“I... You weren’t taken away... I dont feel sick with your touch...” you hugged him back with a shaky inhale before breathing out.
“I wont be taken away... Im your doctor after all...” you buried your face on the crook of his neck and inhaled his clean scent. getting drunk by him.
You didn’t know when your lips came in contact, but they did... and you didn’t even cared about your carrer anymore, you only carried about him... you knew this man could and would get better. You just could feel it.
“You want to know something?” he whispered after the kiss as you hummed “You sound more like an angell to me. My angel.”
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justalokifanaccount · 3 years
Episode 2-Play by Play Reactions (Spoilers)
Ooooooh mysterious...
Oh so this variant can (at least briefly) cont people with a simple touch? No need for a scepter?
Oh this variant is taking that lady away? I wonder why
Miss Minutes is gonna move me to violence
Loki is me studying
Hahahahaha get her Loki!
Loki, leave Mobius’ magazines alone
Wow he got into the work force rather fast huh? Bit of a whiplash type scenario considering the end of episode one
No, YOU’RE a cosmic mistake! 😤 my boy looks hot regardless
Sooooo Loki is the most common variant? Why does this not surprise me?
Is... is he a football cup champion??? Omg 😂
Smart boy. Illusion projecting is different than duplication casting. Neato. LISTEN TO MY SMART BOY. RESPECT HIM.
Dude loves wheeling
Yea Loki. Work on getting to the time keepers. Overthrow the government.
Dude is smart with these questions.
Propaganda is INDEED exhausting so that’s fair
Fist hostage... maybe he’s (or she?) gonna use her as a body transfer like Loki in the comics with Sif?
Oh please let this be a genuine smart Loki moment and not just setting him up as a joke and embarrassment...
“Where there are wolf’s ears, wolf’s teeth are near.” Good to know basic mammalian anatomy is still applicable to Asgardian wolves...
Cmon Loki do something cool. Please. Please Loki. Please.
Preach my man, but please, do something cool. My anxiety that you’ll be turned into a joke is spiking.
Is he actually waiting outside or is Loki really just trying to mess with them and throw them off? Or is he just being too cocky for his own good and it’s gonna mess him up? Please please please don’t disappoint me. I have merch for this show already that I can’t return
Bargain baby, bar again. Do it.
Is he actually concerned for the time keepers orrrrrr
Dangit Mobius
Does... being reset... hurt?
Bye C-20 I guess... for now? We’ll see
Of course it’s a friggin theremin that’s playing
Mobius x Judge Renslayer? Oooooooh. Tsundere Renslayer.
Use a coaster my man
Oh her first name is Ravonna
Controversy is the best thing though
You can never understand this Loki. As soon as you begin to understand, he changes. He’s unpredictable.
“I know you have a soft spot for broken things.” Ah, so this entire fandom then?
“But Loki is an evil, lying scourge.” YOU TAKE THAT BACK YOU WENCH!
“That is the part he plays in the sacred timeline.” Well you clearly haven’t been paying enough attention to the files then, hm? Here, let me redirect you to one of the many character analyses I’ve written. Now if you read here........
He doesn’t need to change. He’s already not evil
I don’t trust Renslayer or the time keepers... or Renslayer WITH the time keepers... I think she plays a bigger, antagonistic role than I thought.
You just TRY and delete him Mobius... just... TRY... I will find a way to break the fourth wall and no time keepers can keep you safe from the rage of a million fan girls. Nothing... we don’t need magic...
Omg Loki just sitting there in a chair outside the office like a kid while their parent is talking with the teacher about their “recent behavior”.
Cmon Loki, you don’t need to make excuses or impress him.
My poor boy is SOOO out of his zone.
Tbf mobius, you ASKED. You asked what makes him tick.
Hey hey hey, let’s not gaslight my boy...
The Loki is... uhhh something... gotta keep my hopes up. Trust in Tom Hiddleston...
Mobius showing his true colors...
Please Loki... be badass... not just a joke... please please please... PLEASE!
Mobius, play nice.
I hope this “superior” Loki thing, if it is a female, isn’t a desperate attempt at feminism pandering, chocking up her “superiority” to being female. Please give the characters real stories. Flesh them out.
Juice box time?
More homework?
The sass is off the charts
Librarian lady gonna get killed
Oh boy
I miss Casey.
Hey don’t ignore Loki. That’s rude.
Bell is the answer?
Poor Loki. Stop trying to fit in. You are best when you are genuinely yourself.
What’s to stop Loki from grabbing the other files?
Homework... I thought I escaped this when I graduated...
Whatcha seeing there?
Bye bye Asgard...
Cmon... not more feels.
Please allow him confirmation of Thor’s survival and beating of Thanos!!! He needs that confirmation! He needs that reassurance.
Hear him out Mobius.
“He’s hiding in apocalypses.” Sooooo is that why they go to presumably Mount Vesuvius? I assume?
Mobius, let Loki have your salad.
Rip salad
Casey’s juice box
Poor Casey and mobius salad...
Loki, your logic astounds me.
Well, pushing Hulk off of the bridge WOULD have an effect...
He hasn’t really stabbed anyone in the back... except Thor... but not 50 times
Pompeii, here we come!
Ooooooh we gonna see Loki dance with a lady? 😏 get ittttt
Well, if you do cause a branch, can’t you just reset the timeline?
I can die happy now
Loki... you look insane.
Uhhh run
Okay you’re good
Sleepy Loki
Let him sleep!
Soooo, I mean, technically, Loki’s actions would still cause the timeline to change, but said change wouldn’t have an impact on the future, just the current moment... so shouldn’t it still be detected by the TVA? At least as a little fleck?
Jet skis?
Omg I just snorted at Loki begrudgingly agreeing with Mobius that jet skis are awesome
Mobius offending my History Teachers for 50 minutes straight... that’s it. That’s the episode.
Mobius really in love with jet skis for some reason
We better get to see Mobius on a jet ski
Fighting for jet skis?
Lol mobius has a point about the magical Asgardians and Jötunns
Glorious purpose
Cmon Loki, destroy this man’s beliefs.
How would you know what the time keepers are doing when you’ve never met them?
How can you meet in peace at the end of time with no chaos?
“You see, I know something children don’t. That no one bad is ever truly bad. And no one good is ever truly good.”
Mobius, don’t patronize my boy. Go jet skiing.
“I know.” Oh good, that point in the trailer was edited.
No candy on Asgard? Poor Loki.
May the best man win? Well that automatically means Loki.
Getting National Treasure vibes
Love you
Alabama will still exist in 2050? That’s disappointing.
Loki is very smart. Thank you show.
Renslayer, if you claim Mobius is your friend, trust him.
“For all time.” “Always.” TVA is definitely a cult.
no weapon...
Are we gonna see what this Loki variant looks like?
I have a feeling this variant is gonna be the female, blonde (I’m so sorry, at the moment I forget her name) in those pictures we saw. Guessing because 1) she was wearing a Loki outfit. 2) her and tom Hiddleston were wet in that picture as if rained on 3) the scene when they enter Roxxcart occurs when it starts to rain due to the upcoming massive storm. So I’m placing all of my money on the table the Loki variant is Lady Loki. Blonde, for some reason. (Or maybe she just didn’t have a wig on in the picture of her we saw?)
Yea please don’t prune this Loki.
Storms a brewing
Good to know Alabama, at some point, does get destroyed. That’s comforting. (Btw this is a joke. I have nothing against Alabama lol. Idk why my brain thought this was funny lol.)
All wet and rainy.
Ooh ooh! Is Loki gonna use powers to yoink the roomba here?
Uh oh. Forgot to take into consideration that most big businesses, especially stores, have security cameras, huh?
Times ticking...
Wait was that a reset charge?
Awkward silence
Poor dude lol
Or not
HUNTER (forget her number) IS THE LOKI VARIANT!!! When was she replaced? Or was she always the variant?
That or the other Loki is projecting herself into the hunter? Maybe used the shopping dude as a conduit?
Moment of realization
Smiling contest
No no, Tom Hiddleston’s Loki is superior. I don’t care who else tries to play Loki, Tom IS Loki.
Oh no
Baby crying?
These poor people...
No need to be rough
Is Mobius genuinely caring
Oh... poor C-20
Team up please? Please?
Ah so they really can just send themself into any body they wish, huh? Just by touch?
Loki, learn that trick please.
Sooo, is the other variant Loki’s body tangible? Do they project their conscience into other bodies via touch, or do they not have a corporeal body and rely on others to exist?
Doctor Who vibes
Offended by Loki name?
Haha sympathy for Thor
Go randy.
Soooo what are you interested in if not ruling the TVA?
Who’s that planting charges? The real body of the other variant Loki?
You okay C-20? (Off topic her actress reminds me of the actress who played Ava Star aka Ghost in Ant-Man and the Wasp) what is real and what about it is so mind capturing for you?
Oh no
Poor girl
Cmon B-15
Reset charge
Oh? Bye bye?
That’s rude
I miss Randy too
Cmon Loki fight like the badass I know you are
Cartwheel WEEEEE
Oooh he swore
Lokis have a pattern of swearing only while taking other peoples forms
Cmon Loki. Go back to mobius. Help them. Prove your goodness. Please.
Poor trucker man
Fave reveal?
Is this actually a Loki variant or just sylvie? Or Amora?
Uh oh...
What’s happening
Is she absolutely destroying the timeline?
Poor Doctor Strange. I wonder if he knows about the TVA?
Loki is all alone? Why is he standing still?
Where is she going?
Cmon Loki... help them please...
Are they gonna be okay?
How is the variant traveling?
What is her goal?
Why is Loki going after her?
Why is Loki leaning towards the apparent evil side?
Is this actually lady Loki or sylvie or amora since her hair is blonde?
So much just happened in so little time. It’s like Marvel wants to slowly spoon feed us with the first 3/4 of the episode and then in the last 1/4, they waterboard us.
Why is this female Loki variant so much more powerful?
So Loki DID know what was going on at the Renaissance fair and was intentionally stalling for her... why?
Her horned helmet is similar to the one kid(?) Loki wears in the comics. One horn broken. How did that happen? Why does she still wear it, especially if she doesn’t want to be called Loki?
No end credit scene yet.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
Right Of Passage
Paige crashes and interview and your hormones are kicking in!
Warnings: Fluff,Swearing, Light Smut
A/n: so here is another Fluffy chapter for my 'from house to home' series enjoy the family fluff! and tiny bit of smut. hope you enjoy xxxxx
Taglist: @two-unbeatable-beaters​ @thatgirly81​ @angelofthorr  @iloveyouyen​
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You stood backstage with Paige watching on the huge tv in front of you as Henry sat on the famous white sofa talking with Ellen. You had to admit you were excited to be here apart from visiting on set occasionally and going to awards you never really did any of this public stuff. It was how both you and Henry wanted it but it was nice to get out and be involved, Paige was excited to she loved watching her daddy on telly but a lot of his films weren't age appropriate...you’d thought about letting her watch man of steel soon but you didn't want her to get upset seeing her dad in trouble or kissing another lady she hasn’t been old enough to understand yet... She also never understood how he got in the telly she was at the age when she was beginning to understand that he was filmed and then the videos were put on the tv. She jumped up and swerved trying to peek around the curtain to see what was going on.
"Paige! No come on back here, you can see daddy after sweety just watch daddy on the telly here." She pouted but relented standing next to you huffing.
She didn't understand why she couldn't go and cuddle her daddy he was right there! And true to form when your little girl was told she cant do something she really really wanted to. You sighed watching her cross her arms and pout.
"Poppet I'm sorry but this is live...So its being put on the telly now as they film it" she scoffed at you a proper three year old teenager!
"But but why? He is my daddy! Mine and and I can cuddle my daddy when I want to! Daddy said sooo!" She finished with a pout and little stomp completely and utterly miffed.
You laughed a little, ah so that’s what it was she was jealous of everyone oogling her father. You could definitely understand that the other guest was a women you didn't recognize, an actress in a new sitcom that apparently didn't know Henry was a married man with a family! She mustn't have known not with how she had been acting during the interview. She was; in your opinion to familiar with your husband you could see he was uncomfortable as she placed her hand on his leg letting it linger to long, he had cleared his throat and shifted sliding his thigh from underneath her palm quickly and flicked his eyes to her in warning.
You gave her daggers through the screen wanting to go out there, he was your man he wore your ring and everything!. The desire to run out there and climb all over him, grind in his lap and make it absolutely clear that piece of ass was yours. You faltered and blush at the thought, where had that come from? Well you knew where it had come from you were pregnant and horny and had been without your man for twelve weeks! You had yet to find the time to jump him since being here.
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Ellen must have noticed the little exchange between her guests as she spoke up to Henry moving the conversation on to the next topic, one which Henry had not warned you about prior.
"And we just heard that you've had a surprise this week?" You snapped your head back to the screen it couldn't be? How the fuck? did-did he tell them? You watched as Henry grinned leaning forward nodding in excitement.He definitely did
"Yes I did. My beautiful wife bless her" he made a point to emphasize the word wife to the other woman giving her a look making her blink surprised but he continued professionally like the second long pause had been for drama. The urge to stick your tongue out a the woman and go 'ner ner na ner ner' was strong...But you didn't want Paige to tell her father so kept your tongue behind your teeth.
"She found out she was pregnant with our second child whilst I was here filming and instead of phoning me up to just tell me she arranged for her, Paige;our first born and Kal to come over and deliver the good news in person!" The audience awed as the photo Amy had taken of all four of you was put up on the screen.
You couldn't help the warmth in your chest as you watched him turn gazing softly at the photo forgetting the world around him as the huge screen showed his growing family.
The other guest visibly flinched face dropping for a second then plastered on a false smile. She hadn't known so you could let it slide...Sort of.
"Wow really? All the way from England?...That’s Paige there? Shes so big the last photo I saw was what a year ago? her brithday?" Ellen was grinning to the screen then looked back at him.
"Yes it was shes so big now and smart I find it hard to keep up sometimes shes a three-nager a sassy little moo, coming up to her fourth birthday, she starts school soon..." Ellen nodded you'd been here with Henry before promoting man of steel just after Paige was born Ellen had got a quick sneaky cuddle but nothing was really broadcast just a quick photo you'd snapped of Henry half asleep in the hospital with her all swaddled up rocking her.
"Wow school? Oh right England they start at four or five right?" He nodded enthusiastically he could sit here and gush over his family all day but had to reel it in.
"Yeah she's in preschool now and starts primary school in September...But they were both due to come over in a few weeks but brought the trip forward. Y/n knew how much I wanted another child so wanted to make it special...She had everything planned her and Paige in superwoman and supergirl t shirts surprised me onset then handed me a huge card with a note from Paige and a blown up photo of the ultrasound inside there was also a tiny superboy baby grow inside...It was a shock but I am really happy she would go so far for me...It meant a lot." Ellen chuckled nodding.
"Superboy huh?" He grinned
"Yes where we had been trying before I left she was past the first trimester when she went for her first scan and found out the gender we are having a boy this time! And I cannot wait!" Ellen glanced over to where you knew you were hidden and smirked nodding to the twitching curtain. Twitching curtain?
You froze and looked around .Where the fuck was Paige? Oh no! You looked over and saw her crouched by the curtain her tiny head peeking round, you raced over past a chuckling tech hand and tried scooping her up before she was noticed. It was took late.
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"Speaking of not being able to wait, I think your kid over there can't wait to have you all to herself again." She ended with a chuckle you swore under your breath hand just curled around her pink leopard print tunic top. Paige looked back grabbing your hand and said quite loudly.
"Look Mummy people! Hi people!" And waved some waved back making her beam up at you.You heard everyone chuckle Ellen and Henry's being the loudest due to the microphone's. If you had been watching the screens you’d have notices a silent conversation between Henry and Ellen using only their eyes and with a subtle nod from Henry Ellen spoke to Paige.
"Yeah people?..Lots of people, you want to come here and sit with your dad for a bit?" Paige gasped and stood up now revealing herself completely to the stage twisting her hands in her tunic and nodded vigorously her puffy curly ponytail bobbing about, she turned giving you a look to see if its okay. You sighed nodding smoothing her hair.
"Behave and use your manners and we will do anything you want today okay?" she nodded then walked slowly unsure as the entrance to the stage was from behind the sofa and she'd have to walk around the front near the big cameras, Henry looked behind him seeing she was nervous and quickly got up running around to grab her.
She moved towards him quickly holding her arms out to her daddy making the audience coo at her then she half climbed half lifted up on his hip as he turned moving her to sit comfortably on his lap pulling at her top straightening it out. You moved back covering your face. What the fuck have you done? Your daughter that is to smart for her own good and a sassy little madam was out on live tv with her equally smart and cheeky father...God help you all.
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You quickly moved to the tv again to watch the impending disaster you moved placing a hand on your bump, a habit you had when pregnant with Paige and it seems to have stuck, it was a calming motion. You giggled as Henry moved her when a knee was in the wrong place quickly tucking her legs into a more tolerable  position on his lap quietly whispering in her ear probably echoing your warning of being good.
She nodded and looked around at everyone waving cutely to some of the audience. She held onto Henry tightly resting her head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around her rubbing her leg reassuringly.
"So cute! And she really looks like you...Hi sweety! You feel better now, I've kept him for a long time huh?" She nodded unsure at first then took a deep breath.
"S'ok Miss Ellen, I can share with you." She beamed down at the little girl.
"Oh that’s so sweet, tell me are you excited to be in America with your dad?" She smiled nodding at Ellen going a little shy but surprisingly still spoke.
"Yeah! Its hot and and fun, we got to play at the pool! and we got to see daddy again!" Ellen smiled at her nodding.
"You miss your dad when hes away huh?" She nodded sadly
"Yes but he is a spy so he has to go!" You froze oh no. Ellen laughed it off glancing to Henry.
"A spy huh?" Paige nodded to her
"Yep! Last time he was away he was at spy school with his friends daddy is very good at it he is really sneaky! he sneaks me sweets when Mummy says no!....Don’t tell her...Mummy said he's too sneaky!" Ellen laughed out loud as Henry sighed rolling his eyes.
"Aha and what else does your Mom say?" You held your breath for a second praying your little girl would be kind.
"She says that he is cheeky! And she misses Daddy but its okay a'cos me and Kal cheer her up. And and she loves him...Like alot a gazillion times a day." You blinked back tears as your sweet little girl melted your heart Henry moved forward kissing her hair  she shifted on his lap.
"And I miss my girls to when I'm away poppet" she smiled giving a quiet 'I know' and attached herself to him again rubbing her face in his soft button down shirt.
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Ellen smiled it was very rare to get any insight to the Cavill's. Henry guarded your privacy fiercely there was barely any photos around of his family to get an interview like this was...well it was a first no one had seen pictures of the little girl since her last birthday.
"So what do you think of your dad being Superman?" Paige sighed and tilted away from her dad he raised an eyebrow at her she mimicked him then turned to Ellen shaking her head.
"He isn't really superman...He is just playing pretend with Batman a'cos batman knows the real superman!..And superman is to busy...Its something to do with work....I think." Everyone roared up at that but Paige blinked not finding it funny she looked up to her dad frowning he just gave a cheeky grin and shook his head at her telling her not to worry.
"So hes not superman are you sure?" Paige eyed her father squinting and nodded.
"Sure" making everyone laugh again Ellen smirked trying to hold in her own chuckles.
"What makes you so sure?" You held your breath, Henry did to .Oh fuck.
"Daddy can't get Kal to take a bath!" You and Henry both sighed relaxing. Thank fuck for that.
"He can't get Kal to take a bath really?" She nodded.
"Aha if daddy was superman he could catch him a'cos superman is really fast so kal can't run away! And he could pick him up out of the bath without falling in." Ellen started laughing and Henry rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly going a little red.
"You fall in the tub with the dog once and can never live it down!"
"So your dad isn't superman?" She shook her head at Ellen. No.
"Oh okay okay... So Henry when you gonna tell her? wait until the film comes out?" She directed that to a chuckling Henry who nodded.
"She isn't old enough...We thought it might scare her seeing me in some of the fight scenes, maybe when it comes out, she will be older and hopefully understand more...She doesn't understand just yet as you can tell I'm a spy for the moment." Ellen nodded smiling Paige turned her head at him.
"Hey....Are you not a spy no more daddy? does that mean I can have a boyfreind?" you covered your mouth. Holy shit she didn't! Henry gaped like a fish looking at her flushing a very bright red as everyone seemed to find the little girl hilarious.
Ellen managed to nip in speaking to Paige before Henry could do any damage control.
"Wait you have a boyfriend?" Paige smiled rocking slowly back and forth holding the tips of her shoes tilting her head cheeks rosy completely ignoring her father stuttering behind her
"Daddy said that spy rules says spies little girls can't have one until they twenty one so I had to keep it a secret!" Ellen had to look down trying to compose herself for a second.
"So... You hid it from your dad huh?" Paige grinned nodding then looked to her dad who could do nothing but laugh wiping away a tear from how much it had tickled and embarrassed him.
"I ca-hahant believe you just said that nugget...hohahaho! oh god..Oh Paige I do love you poppet...No she doesn't have a boyfriend. She has a best friend who is a boy. A boy. Friend not boyfriend when I found out well I thought yeah"  he broke off into more chuckles.
"Yes..Spy rule huh?...Protective dad mode?..." he nodded to the host still trying to cover his chuckles wiping away tears of laughter finding this completely amusing.
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"So Paige what else have you done since being here?" Paige turned from her dad then to Ellen and looked up thinking then smiled brightly.
"Oh oh! I know I found a new favite' food we ate this shell thingy!"
"Shell thing?" Henry now calmed down from his embarrassment spoke up answering Ellen becoming a toddler interpreter.
"Taco's she tried her first taco yesterday" Ellen smiled wide.
"Wow how many did you eat?" Paige sat up holding out two fingers"Wow really two whole tacos!" She smiled at the blonde woman visibly relaxing.
"Yeah but Daddy had more...And Mummy had more then Daddy but s'ok cos shes gotta feed the baby"
"Ah I see...Your gonna have a baby brother soon?" She squealed alittle to close to the microphone making people wince
"YES! HE IS THE SIZE OF AN ARTICHOKE-daddy stop pokeing meee!" You chuckled as she turned pouting batting at Henry's discretely hidden hand, poised between himself and her side that had been poking at her tummy.
"Indoor voice sweety, you were shouting again." She blinked and shrugged at 'and?!' him getting a stern warning look that sent shivers down your spine, Fuck you were gagging for it.. Especially after seeing the woman drool over him, you thanked your lucky stars that Paige hadn't said something.
Paige sighed her face dropping for a second from Henry's scolding then brightened up.
"Yeah my baby brother is is dis' big" she cupped her hands around the size of an artichoke then stretched them out wide.
"But my mummy's tummy is 'dis big, she has a big belly! And and its a boy to! I'm getting a baby brother just like Daddy promised!" Ellen smiled at her.
"Really he promised?" Paige moved kneeling up on Henry's lap 'accidentally' kicking the women beside her who grunted. And just like that with no prompting Paige turned to her.
"Oh sorry misses Lady I didn't mean to kick you den" you and Henry being her parents both knew that was a lie just by the sickeningly sweet tone.You had spoke to soon Paige was not one to let things slide and it would seem that Paige hadn't liked the other woman touching her father either.
The audience awed falling for it...it seems that she had inherited more then just her looks from her father as she 'apologized' to the woman who smiled and waved her off saying its fine.
Paige tuned away quickly to look at Ellen again bouncing holding onto Henry's thumb.
"Yes daddy promised! And I helped to he said they couldn't have a baby if I didn't stay in my own room-mmm! Hummyyyh!" Your heart jumped in your chest as Henry quickly moved holding his palm over your daughters mouth smiling chucking nervously turning bright red.
Everyone laughed casually as he did Paige grabbed at her dads hand tugging with all her might to try and remove it. Ellen then turned to the camera.
"And I'm afraid that’s all we have time for until next time and remember be kind to one another" you breathed a sigh of relief that hadn't been as bad as you thought ,as soon as the on air light went off Henry smiled thankfully to her as she chuckled shaking her head.
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You made your move quickly moving out on stage ready to swoop up your baby. Paige quickly struggled and freed her face from Henry's grip whining. She didn't whine for long as he through her up in the air then swooped down and back up throwing her higher and catching her as she laughed and squealed as he did it again this time when he caught her he began tickling her then stood placing her on his hip rocking her slowly patting her bottom trying to get her to sleep, as always she curled up to him resting her head on his shoulder. He turned to you then Ellen.
"I’m so sorry since being here she has been a bit clingy,  he hasn't been able to go anywhere...I had her right there then she was just gone!" The woman laughed it off looking to the now sleepy child nodding off on Henry's shoulder who was sushing her.You was thankful in that moment that she could nod off just about anywhere
."Its fine. She was very well behaved and polite it was a pleasure speaking to her, everyone barely hears about you both! Its a treat to see her I would have her back in a heartbeat, I can't believe how big she is the last time I saw her she was still so tiny!" You laughed remembering
"She was what two weeks?" Henry nodded at you. You had stayed a little too long when he was promoting man of steel and had to have Paige here in America as you wasn't aloud to fly back home.
"Congratulations on the new baby Henry was saying in the break that your due in November?" You smiled nodding placing a hand on the bump.
"Yes I really can't wait...Henry didn't mention he was going to announce it tho...Did you babe?" He chuckled nervously licking his lips.
"S-sorry I just got excited and I did say I was going to show you off when you were pregnant this time" you hummed moving around to check Paige who had fallen asleep, the heat has really been getting to her here it was like having a sleepy baby all over again."She asleep?" You nodded to him and he finally stopped rocking and patting.
"Its fine Henry I was more concerned with what this little monkey had to say~ but I'm proud she was very well behaved considering...But I think we are going to have one hell of a day after her nap." He frowned at you
"What makes you say that?" You grinned sheepishly."When Ellen called her out I told her if she was polite and behaved then we would do what she wanted for the rest of the day... Mac donalds and swimming I think has been the request for the last few days." Ellen laughed along with Henry then leaned in giving you each a hug.
"Well we will let you go then enjoy your day and come back soon! I'd love to have you over!" You both smiled thanking her before leaving the studio.
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"Well that wasn't as bad as I thought" Henry broke the silence in the car as he drove towards the hotel. You moved taking a peek at Paige asleep in her car seat sprawled out.
"Yes... I panicked when she was first out there dreading what was going to come out of her mouth." Henry nodded taking a deep breath.
"Your telling me, I did give her a quick warning beforehand that if she played up she was going straight to bed when we got back" you smiled at him nodding and leaned back silence washed over you again.
"Your not angry with me letting her out there like that are you?" You snapped your gaze to him.
"No I'm not, I don't want it to be regular tho. But I know you want to show her off a little now that she is older" He nodded then winked.
"It was mainly to get that other actress to back off, can't even remember her name but she was...To touchy." You grunted
"I noticed...So did Paige... You know she kicked her on purpose right?" He nodded to you checking the wobbed out child in the rear view mirror again.
"Yes I did jealous little nugget, I couldn't even blame her for it how bad is that? I suppose you didn't like her all over me either?" You huffed crossing your arms looking out your passenger side window.
"No I wanted to-" you flushed closing your mouth quickly he stopped at a traffic light and turned to you and poked you making you roll your eyes. He got worried thinking maybe he had done something so he continued with a few more pokes you turned to face him wriggling his eyebrows you flushed looking down shyly. His heart soared he loved that after all this time he still had it! he could turn you into a blushing schoolgirl with a look.
"Ooo you wanted to what Mrs Cavill? Claim me in front of everyone?" You squeezed your legs together as the thoughts of exactly what you wanted to do crossed your mind. images of being railed, sweaty bodies in twined grinding and rutting. you moaned quietly wringing your hands in your top then wiped your damp palms on it.
"Come on babe you can tell me?  You know I love it when you get all growly and territorial what did you want to do to show her I'm yours?~" he was right, he loved when you got all aggressive, when you took charge and fucked him! you frowned he wanted that? right well he got it! fuck it you growled turning to him before he could turn away you grasped his chin tightly tugging him forward leaning over the center arm rest.
"I'll tell you what you little shit! I wanted to come out there and dry hump the fuck outta you whilst waving your wedding ring in her stupid fucking squirrel like little face! There you happy! I wanted to fuck you till you pass out! To show her and the world exactly who you fucking belong to! And and make you beg for me to make you cum in your stupid scrumptious little trousers on live tv! " You panted going red as you ground out the words growling them out across his lips.
He blinked bright red unable to speak for all of the mans teasing, he wasn't really prepared for your outburst. You gave a chaste kiss and pulled back facing forward and stared at the traffic lights and watched them change, but Henry was frozen eyes blown wide still trying to process your filthy words as they went straight to his cock making him twitch, he took a deep breath debating weather of not it was his morals would allow him to fuck you in the car with Paige sleeping in the back....probanly not. You turned to him and awkwardly motioned to the light wanting him to move.
"Henry... The,Err the lights green.." he shook his head pulling out of his daydream of pinning you face first into you windscreen and fucking the living daylights out of you and looked back to the road moving again.
"So...Then? Hormones kicking in?..." you flushed at him sinking into your seat nodding. He smirked licking his lips remembering just how your hormones had effected you last time, the nights of endless fucking you were insatiable he had a hell of a job keeping up.
"Don't worry baby I will sort something out....If I remember last time you liked the suit I'm sure I can arrange-" you turned scowling at him your blush now spreading to your chest.
"Don’t you dare arrange anything with anyone! I mean it you little shit! Not a soul I can't have you just wandering off dressed as fucking superman! We will be caught!" He hummed giving you a cheeky side glance and placed his hand on your thigh squeezing and rubbing up and down making you tense again.
The bonus with American cars is they were mostly automatic gearboxes so he could keep his huge palm on you for the whole ride if he wanted.
"Oh love you really are wound tight huh?~ Well Zack knows about your love of the suit after last time~ okay okay! I wont Jesus...How about I see if we can have a day to ourselves I will see if Ben can look after Paige; I doubt she will act up for batman...no? No your right bad idea. Okay then we book her in for the day at the kiddy club in the hotel, could sign her up for swimming lessons and a day with the other kids in the crech? They do all sorts she would have fun" You smiled at him nodding liking that idea better.
"Then we can spend the day in bed....Or in the trailer I have a morning shoot the day after tomorrow then one at night....So I'm in the suit....Alone all day and the night shoot is rain I think so it doesn't matter if I get a little disheveled. And this one will be easier for us to slide back into place so we wont have a repeat of last time!" You blushed remebering last time. Zack may or may not have caught Henry going to town balls deep in the trailer as you screamed 'Kal' over an over role playing being pounded by the man of steel.It was only when Zack burst in Henry realized he had forgot to lock it. You cringed giving him a look.
"And I promise to lock the door this time...I could put a hat on the handle to... Or something so people know" you sighed rolling your eyes, he would do as he pleased...But if you got to fuck Superman again you weren't going to complain.
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It was then that Paige stirred you heard her gasp and cry happily.
"Mac donalds! Mummy Daddy I want a- Can I have a Mac donalds please?" You smiled trust her to wake up when you were near a drive thru, the nugget could smell Mc nuggets a mile away. You tilted your head looking over to the drive thru that was across from you ,it was fairly empty a small que now that the lunch rush was over, you smiled nodded to Henry who had been eagerly waiting for permission.
Paige squealed happily as the car turned into the lot Henry turned his head to the rear view mirror as he waited in the que.
"What do you want baby girl? Nuggets?" She shook her head making him frown.
"But you always get nuggets nugget." She rolled her eyes shaking her head huffing at him.
"No daddy not today! I was good in the telly... And I’m a big girl...A big sister now so I think its time daddy." Time? He blinked not understanding you giggled as the que inched forward already guessing what she was going to say, a right of passage all children dreamed of.
"Daddy...I want a big mac... wiv lots of gherkins and a strawberry milkshake" you chuckled louder as Henry turned to face her through the center console.
"Poppet?... Here in America the big macs are really really big I don't think you could eat-" you placed a hand on his arm twisting him back around. He gave you a look of confusion.
"Get her the big mac...I promised anything she wanted...Lets get her the big mac and thank god she didn't ask for a joyride in the batmobile...Which was definitely a possibility...Get her some nuggets to incase she doesn't like it, I'm not sure if shes going to like the sauce. I'll have a large big mac extra gherkins extra cheese and strawberry milkshake"
"And a flurry!" You smiled
"Yes and two Mc flurry's" he smiled laughing
"Three big macs and Mc flurry's coming right up" as he pulled up and ordered.
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Once you had your order you decided to park up and eat at one of the tables outside the restaurant. You got out your phone filming as Henry pulled out her meal placing it before her.
"Here we go poppet! One big girl big mac!" You laughed as she stared eyes wide like he had presented her with the holy grail. She shook her head bouncing in her seat excited for her first big girl mac donalds and smiled popping open the box her eyes widened.
"Wow thats so big! Look daddy looooook when I finish that my tummy will be as big as mummys! I will look like I got a baby to!" You laughed twisting the phone to see Henry on the screen still filming.
"Well you was a good girl and we did promise you anything today so you just enjoy your lunch okay poppet!" She grinned then inspected her food and frowned you and Henry began opening your own lunch sharing a look over the table as Paige blinked moving her tiny hands over then bun trying to squish it down so she could pick it up she faltered then blinked she tried again then scratched her head a little finally huffing and looked to Henry who had been watching and smirked trying to hold in a chuckle at the cute pout his daughter had.
"D-daddy....Daddy how am I? Daddy I can't pick it up" You both laughed as Henry quickly picked up the huge burger that was almost the size of her head, he held it in one hand moving it up to her she clutched his hand and the other side of the burger just getting her thumb and fingers around the bottom and middle buns. She took a bite as he held it steady for her all the while you were giggling filming her first big mac experience definitely planning to pull stills from it, hell this might even make it into the Christmas calender's you made as gifts for each year...on that thought a still of Henry's shocked face on Ellen with Paige was a good idea to...She squealed happily whilst eating making you and Henry smile.
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Paige had got a quarter of the way threw the burger and was full,she didn't even have her chips or Mc flurry, she didn't care much either when you binned the melted icecream she was to happy with her 'big girl big mac' that had been wrapped up and in your hand bag for her to finish, she wouldn't let you bin it. The rest of the day had been spent lounging around the pool at the hotel Henry had played with Paige, picking her up and throwing her in the water making her scream as she kicked about paddling with her arm bands bobbing about in the water as he chased her, swimming under her being a 'shark' and tickling her feet making her laugh loudly and try to float away.
Yesterday he had another day off and had spent it with Paige having a daddy daughter day and you had made full use of the spa...Well maybe not full use there were many things you couldn't do because of the pregnancy. but you had got a facial and mani pedi and a Indian head massage then on to the more uncomfortable treatments your eyebrows done and at the prospect of your day with upcoming Henry your legs and bikini line...Yeah out of all the things you could do in a five star luxury spa it had to be the painful things you could do
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You hummed you were onset again Henry had just filmed a few scenes and you was waiting by the crew for him to have the okay to run off back to his trailer.Paige was having the time of her life at the hotel kiddy club there was swimming lessons and a huge playground then fun arts and craft activities planed in the afternoon you was picking he up at 5pm when Henry had to be onset for the evening shoot.
"Sooo hows mama holding up?" you jumped about a foot in the air as Ben slid up beside you chuckling. you and Ben had got on over the week you and Paige had been here, he was brilliant with Paige understanding from his own kids how much it meant to her to meet 'batman' he'd played along and you and Henry had even had to use the old threat 'I will tell batman, I will I will phone him right now so he can come and tell you off' to get her to behave how long it will last your not sure but it had been a god send.
"Sorry didn't mean to frighten you...So you feeling? any cravings yet?"
"does sex count" he spat his drink at that laughing loudly making you chuckle.
"OOHHH I see them hormones hitting you hard huh? no wonder your out here...Wheres the other two?" you smiled at him shaking your head.
"Paige is at the kiddy club in the hotel learning not to drown and Kal is currently asleep in the trailer, Henry wore him out this morning before coming here." Ben smiled nodding watching as you eyed your man.
"So? your gonna fuck superman today?" he smiled cheekily you flushed pushing him.
"If I get my way fuck yes....Just hope this suit is easier to put back on then the last one...Got him fucking stuck nearly ripped it bless him" he blushed brightly.
"Fuck no kidding?!" you nodded to him exasperated. you smiled as Henry finally got the okay to leave and ran, yes ran to you quickly scooping you up making you giggle and kick your legs.
"Bye Ben!" you waved over Henry's shoulder he waved back shaking his head.
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Without any interruptions or detours you soon found yourself in the trailer cozying up with your very own superman kissing and sucking at his neck as he moved pinning you to the bed grunting entangling his tongue with yours.he moved to place himself between your legs.
"Fuck I can’t wait to be inside you again...Been to fucking long since I stuffed you full!" you moaned as he tore at your clothes rolling you over carefully as he stripped you kissing and biting at your neck as he did. It wasn't until then you saw kal...Sitting right at the bed his tail thumping on the floor. He thought you were playing...You hoped. You tapped Henry trying to get his attention but he was to interested in flicking your nipples with his tongue.
"Babe....babe!....Hey Superman hold up!" you finally moved his head to look at you.
"Huh?" you looked at Kal who was still watching you both.
"And it’s Kal?....He don't know what we're doing do you boy?" you looked from him to the dog then back.
"Really? you think he don't know the birds and bees? And what about when we role play? what’s he gonna do when I call you Kal?." Henry laughed moving to kiss you again then pulled back licking his way across your neck and shoulder speaking between kisses
"Well...Call me...Clark then" you frowned you didn't think of that one last time you'd done the whole 'Alien meets human' scenario you poked his smug little face
"Alright smart ass" you resumed kissing at him rolling on the bed carefully then glanced feeling something hot puffs of air. Kal panting on your side.
"Babe wait...Kal come on don't be all creepy breathing on my like that boo!" Henry pulled back rolling his eyes
"Babe leave him its fine we have had sex around him before"
"Yes but he's never been so close... Its like voyeur! our son is a voyeur!!"
"Come on love he don't understand besides he watches you in the shower...He has seen you poop!....Okay okay ,Kal go lie down over there, come on off you pop" he said pressing at the Akita to the door Kal huffed and laid down a little ways from you both
"Far enough?" you nodded to him and pounced at him biting at his neck making him moan low in his throat he pressed you back bringing his hands to the apex of your thighs moving them slow and steady rubbing at your needy pussy whilst talking up a role play for you which was incredible.
"Fuck,I don't normally do this but you, you are fucking magnificent, you owe me little woman! saving you as I did, its not often I ask for anything in return but fuck if I don't want to fuck you~, tell me you going to let me fuck you? let superman cum in that little hot cunt as a reward?" you moaned tho cheesy and cliche you couldn't resist as he moved his hot mouth across your tits sucking and pulling at the overly sensitive flesh as he dipped his fingers inside of you rolling your bud with his finger he nuzzled his face across your stomach slowly placing a chaste kiss over your unborn.
The moment was ruined when Kal gave a small 'boof' making you both jump about a foot scared shitless as the bear had crept back to the bed resting his chin on the mattress staring at the both of you Knowingly. Kal didn't like you fucking whilst pregnant apparently that. You sighed telling him to go lay down and he did .....on the bed next to you shoving Henry away from you with his big furry head resting it on your belly blinking up at his dad with puppy eyes.
You laughed at the look on Henry's face, superman had just been cock blocked by his puppy and you roared with laughter unable to stop petting the silly bear.
"Oh god hahaha! Kal please come on off boy! Mummy and daddy want some alone time..." The bear huffed.No. he stayed still looking at you and Henry with just his eyes pretending to ignore you both. Henry sighed leaning over him.
"Okay then son here's the deal...You let me go at your mother for and hour and I promise you the biggest rawhide chicken treat I can find? okay deal?" you giggled as Kal’s ears perked up at the word chicken. He was thinking about it so you added to it trying to convince your four legged son.
"Just think Kal....A big stick of raw hide chew with a huge slab of dried chicken all to your self, and either of us will take it away when we think it will spoil your dinner...you get the whole thing in one sitting?...oh and did you know there are some huge treats after all it is America" he barked happily wagging his tail and jumped off the bed disappearing to the other end of the trailer. you and Henry blinked at him you recovered first scowling at Henry.
"And you said he didn't know what we were doing! fucking damn right he new!" Henry shook his head laughing uncomfortably
"He scares me sometimes..."
"No shit!"
"Now where were we? we only have an hour~" you giggled as he dived back down ready to spend the time Kal had allowed you ravishing each other. Kal did not give you an hour, being generous pup he was he gave you two.
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eivorsjawline · 4 years
Trigger warning: smut and talk of blood/open wound.
You take a medieval bath in the opening of this chapter in the safe space of a close friends estate. When you return to the settlement you’re greeted by Eivor with a sweet bouquet. You both head back to your room and having a little one on one time before getting disrupted by someone at the door.
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Chapter 5: Sweet Escape
Readers POV
Bjorn ended up bringing me to whom he calls Erke’s living quarters. One of the servants made a bath for me to clean myself off, it had been so long since I had a nice bath. The servant filled an ewer with fresh spring water, heated it up then poured it into a large wooden tub. Careful to not step in too early, I waited and let the steam hit my face.
I started to strip my clothes off and after a while of letting the water cool down, I poured a pitcher of the warm water over my hair. A bucket lay nearby for me to place any of the now dirty suds. I ran some of the soap through my hair and began to scrub afterwards rinsing it out. Wrapping my hair in a linen towel, I stepped into the tub and started scrubbing my body all over.
It's insane to think of how we take for granted the small things in the modern world. I soaked in the tub worrying about the settlement and how Eivor was handling everything. Though I'd never seen her in battle, I imagined she fights like a true warrior. Even in modern times Eivor would be considered strong and brute. However, my wandering mind still managed to come up with dreadful worries and scenarios.
Though I didn’t want to leave the bath, the water began to cool down a little too much for my liking so I stepped out onto a towel on the ground. I started to rub myself dry with the extra towel getting my legs, chest and arms. An assortment of oils and herbs in jars lay on the table near me. I washed my face with some more soap and water residing in a basin and then doused my face in rose oil, afterwards removing the towel from my head. Feeling clean and fresh, I pulled a long tunic over me along with a pair of undergarments and headed towards my room.
Erke’s furry friend Tibert, a chubby orange striped cat joined me alongside the bed and begged me for pets. Since I was here alone basically, I might as well have someone accompany me while I slept tonight. I blew out the candles next to my bed and rested my head on the fluffy feather pillows. There was no way I was getting any sleep tonight but I still tried, until the bone shattering emotion of loneliness covered me. Since I’d arrived I missed my home, I missed my friends too, the technology, and even the food. Nevertheless, I missed Eivor more than anything else.
My eyes began to water and then I heard creaking footsteps near the door. It was so late, who could possibly be here at this time? With a knock on the door I heard Bjorn’s voice asking me if he could come in. I jumped up from bed and opened the door from him, hoping for news on Eivor and the settlement.
“It’s not looking good. We have to relocate the camp completely.”
His words shattered my heart and made my already disheveled mind worry even more. I started to pace around the room and my anxiety set in. Myself and war had not been acquainted yet due to the sheltered life I’d lived compared to these people.
“What about Eivor? Please, tell me she’s okay.”
“Eivor is fine, for Randvi I cannot say the same. She was struck and the wound is very bad. I'll take you to the new location in the morning, you must rest here for tonight. Eivor instructed me that I stay and keep watch for you.”
Even from afar I felt protected by Eivor. Although relieved I didn't have to be alone tonight, I felt bad for Randvi. I hoped she would be okay even if she didn’t care much for me. She was very strong, stronger than I could ever be. Bjorn and I conversated a bit about where the location will be before saying goodnight and heading to bed. I closed the door and noticed Tibert still laying there. Swooping the covers over my legs, I snuggled up with my new furry friend and tried to rest but I knew damn well I wouldn't be getting any of that tonight.
Eivors POV
The next morning
I woke up in the morning and the first thing I felt was the soreness of the cut in my arm. Blood ran through the linen covering my wound overnight. Letting out a groan, I reached over the table next to my bed for the medicine that Valka gave me and applied it to the cut before cleaning myself and rebandaging.
The new settlement was surprisingly nice. A larger pond to the west of the new longhouse, good for fishing. The land was more vast and colorful flowers grew by the riverbank. When sunset came you could see the light hit just over the valleys and the bushes and trees grew with the greenest of leaves and ripest fruits. Almost everything was finished setting up with the exception of a few huts.
My head pounding from little to no sleep, I decided to go check on Randvi. I figured Valka was probably keeping a close eye on her so I headed there. Valka’s hut was just East of the longhouse and across, a closer span than Ravensthorpe. On my way there I couldn't help but to think of [y/n] and how I missed her. I wish I could have been with her last night but I had to get the people to safety first, all I could do was send Bjorn with her.
Walking into the seer's hut I could smell her cooking some sort of potion, the smell of lavender filled the air. Randvi lay next to her, the life in her eyes seemed to be returning. She lost so much blood, but she fought through it. Kneeling down to get to her level, I saw the corners of Randvi’s mouth form a smile as if she were happy to see me for once.
“You look better than ever.”
“Oh, stop it.”
Randvi let out a small laugh then thanked me for helping her last night. She explained that she tried to fight back but she was far too late for the Picts had already infiltrated the camp. Our conversation was brisk but for the first time I felt a genuine friendship forming between the two of us and a mutual respect. Valka joined in saying Randvi should be back on her feet in no time.
Perhaps even through all of this, we lost nothing and only gained. Today was a bright sunny day and those days were very rare in this green land. After one of the worst storms I’d ever seen, today was a new day. Since we moved further south west into the country, there was no need for a heavy cloak at least for today. I settled for an embroidered gray tunic rolling up the sleeves, a pair of brown linen trousers and secured them with a belt afterwards, lacing up my usual boots.
Looking out the window, I saw [y/n] leave Valka’s hut. I presumed Bjorn sent word of what happened. Quickly, I combed through my hair, fixed my braids and snuck out the back of the longhouse. Some red and blue flowers grew by the backyard and I began to pick some off the vines, creating a small bouquet.
This feels stupid, yet I cant help myself.
I gripped the bouquet in one hand and hid it behind my back, straightening my posture before approaching her.
A cheeky smile formed on her face when her eyes met mine and a grin escaped me.
“Eivor, how are you feeling?”
“Better now that you’re here.”
Grabbing her by the waist with my free hand, I pulled her in for a peck on her soft lips. Slowly, I revealed the flowers I picked for her and she looked down at the ground as if flustered by the small gesture.
“For me? That's so sweet…”
Exchanging the flowers from my hand she stood up tall to reach for a kiss and with a bend of my knees our lips met once again. Our hands clasped one another and I led her to show her around the new settlement then finally our new room in the longhouse. We exchanged some more passionate kisses in private before stopping and snuggling on the bed.
“There is something I wanna talk to you about.”
After hearing my words she repositioned herself, ready to listen to what I have to say.
“Of course, what is it?”
“Be honest with me, do you miss the future?”
“With every fiber of my being, there is so much that I miss. Everyday, I realize there is something that I miss about my time.”
I reached to stroke the hairs on the back of my neck and avoided making eye contact. The weight of her words hit me hard, to think she was in a foreign place with no one she knows. Noticing the change in my body language, she nudged my shoulder.
“There something else. Tell me the truth and look at me.”
“You want to go back, don't you?”
She placed her small hand over mine and pushed herself closer to me.
“Even though I miss it, I would give up all of that to stay here with you.”
I let out a sigh of relief and placed my hand on her thigh.
“Prove it, then. Show me how much you’ve missed me.”
Readers POV
Letting out a chuckle, I pushed Eivor on the bed and started to kiss her neck. Eivor let out a soft moan underneath me and started to caress my body over the tunic I was wearing. Already trying to reach for my shirt to pull it off, I pinned her hands back and gave her a passionate wet kiss. Eivor bit my bottom lip and started to squirm underneath me. She had all the strength to push my hands back but she let me hold her down instead. The heat radiating off our bodies grew as Eivor started to grind her pelvis underneath me, my legs wrapped around her.
I released her hands and started to explore her body, placing kisses on her collarbone. I lifted her shirt off and started to toy with her breasts, rubbing one of her pink nipples between my fingertips and my tongue making circles around the other whilst looking her in the eyes. Eivor moaned my name and arched her back as I continued to tease her. I ventured lower in between her rib cage and then back up, the tip of my nose rubbed against her ivory skin.
One of my hands ran up and down her torso as my fingers played with her belt buckle. From the downwards view I had of her I caught a glimpse of her biting her lip. After undoing her belt one notch at a time, I pulled her pants off along with her underwear as she lifted her body to aid me. Her subtle happy trail glimmered in the sunlight. Appreciating her body, I started to kiss her inner thighs and watched as Eivor melted into the bed. I pressed my fingers and massaged the folds of her labia, noticing she was even more wet for me than last time.
“Is this what you want, my wolf?”
Sticking my tongue out and swirling against her hole, I made sure to get a good taste of her. Eivor’s moans grew heavier and she pulled the hairs falling onto my face to the side to get a better view of me eating her out. My tongue started to focus on her swollen clit and began to flick with vigor. Eivor threw her head back trying to keep her eyes open as she spread her long legs wide for me to feast on her. My middle and ring finger slid into her wet pussy and started working her from the inside. Her walls clenched tight around me as I pounded and curled. Pulling my body up for Eivor to taste herself on my tongue, my fingers remained inside her but back to a steady pace. Eivor grabbed my face to kiss me harder and moaned in my mouth.
“You’re gonna make me cum all over you if you keep fucking me like that.” She whispered in my ear with her raspy deep voice.
While our tongues clashed, I stretched my fingers as far as I could and pounded her into oblivion with all the strength I had. I felt Eivor’s muscles twitch and saw her chest start to convulse as her cum coated my fingers. I pulled out of her and let her watch me lick my fingers clean. With no time to catch our breaths Eivor began to strip my clothes off one by one before pinning me down on my stomach onto the bed.
“How dare you fuck me with all your clothes still on!”
She pulled my arms back and latched onto my wrists kissing the back of my neck. Her firm authoritarian grip and the stretching of my back muscles and arms caused me a miniscule amount of pain that made me want her to really have her way with me.
“Mmm, what are you gonna do about it?” I let out a moan and gave her a cheeky grin.
Before I knew it Eivor’s hand met my bare ass with a slap, the sting making me moan out loud. My back arched and with small breaks she spanked me again and again. My eyes closed but quickly opened when I felt Eivor’s wet tongue start fucking me from inside, her rough hands grabbing onto my now red ass cheeks. Switching her focus she started to flick her tongue fast on my clit, almost making me climax. Eivor pulled herself up and started whispering in my ear.
“Oh, you better not cum yet… Such a dirty girl, letting me fuck you like this. You’re so damn loud, everyone will hear you.”
She cupped my mouth with the palm of her hand and muffled my moans, her other hand teasing the entrance of my soaking wet cunt. She slipped two long slender fingers inside of me, stretching me nicely, sliding from the tip of her fingers down to her knuckles with a steady pace. Her fingers twisted inside of me, making sure she filled me as deep as possible.
Eivor’s hot breaths onto the back of my neck sent chills down my spine. The sounds of her pounding me from behind and my suppressed moans were all that could be heard. Eivor didn’t care how loud she made me moan, only for the pleasure that she gave to my body and neither did I. The stress of the outside world quieted as we released onto one another.
A knock on the door interrupted us and suddenly we stopped, turning to one another with evil grins. Trying not to laugh, we rushed to put our clothes back on. Before now, I had never got dressed faster. Eivor fixed her shirt and fastened her belt buckle, fixing her hair. Feeling a little flustered, I ran to hide behind the door so whoever was behind it couldn’t see me in the room. Clearing her throat, Eivor straightened up and switched from her playful demeanor to her serious one before opening the door.
Eivor’s POV
“Well, don't stop now that I’m here. Continue just as you were, Wolf-Kissed...”
“Rollo, long time no see my good friend!”
Thankfully, Rollo was never one to judge people for what they do behind closed doors. After we gave one another a friendly embrace and exchanged a few jokes, our conversation turned to more important matters. So distracted from [y/n] returning, I completely forgot we had discussed plans for a raid this evening. Peeking past the door I noticed [y/n’s] face changed from an impudent smile to a sour expression. I told Rollo to give me a moment and wait outside before closing the door.
“You’re already hurt, why go on a raid?”
“I'm not sure how things are where you’re from, but this is normal. We lack resources, It’s what must be done. I'll be careful, just for you. Besides, plenty of others will be at my side.”
She crossed her arms and tilted her head while looking down.
“Also, what's this? I found it in your belongings when I was packing up my bedroom.”
I reached into a bag that held the clothes I found her in and a rectangular platform that lit up when held to the light. I shook it and gave it a bang on the table to see if It would do something else before she reached and grabbed it out of my hand.
“Dont! Holy shit, that's my phone!”
Your what?
After entering some sort of code, she swiped the strange gadget and It appeared as if she unlocked something on it.
Looks complex...
“There’s still some power in it, no service of course. Eivor, come here and look.”
Though confused, I took a look and she showed me an assembly of what she called, “pictures” of her previous life. She looked different and the world around her looked different. She showed me pictures of her with friends, and places she traveled to. My curiosity grew more from what she showed me. We don't have anything like this, so any doubts I had about what she told me completely disappeared. A loud bang on the door interrupted us, I assumed Rollo was getting impatient.
Damn, I have to leave.
I gave her a kiss and reassured her everything would be okay before leaving through the door.
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