#cant believe i used to do martial arts as a kid. where did all that skill go
alectothinker · 5 months
literally forgot that my body could do things for so long. now im (tentatively) singing again and trying 2 dance a bit in the bathroom mirror at 3am and learning how to kick the shit out of my brother's punching bag. we r so back babes.
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sapphic-agent · 4 months
Saw your thing about mha rewrites, thought i'd throw my hat in the ring. I've had a fic in mind for a while now that involved keeping midoriya quirkless, but instead of him just waiting for a quirk to happen, he'd actually been taking martial arts classes and such in preperation ( something that i find baffling that it didnt happen in canon) where the main issue for Izuku is pushing himself to far to prove a point. but in this, he distances from bakugou, the martial arts training giving him a better sense of self-esteem or atleast a better sense of where his energy is best spent. I plan to try to focus more on the ORIGINAL trio, uraraka, Izuku, and Iida....and i wanna give uraraka OFA bc i think playing around with what improved gravity manipulation could do. i think she'd get it after the torunament arc. Given how smart Midoriya was shown to be early on, I figure he'd make a lot of use of gadgets. infrared goggles, bo staff, head gear for better threat detection, and other possible improvements that he figures out throughout the year. All Might in this basically supports Midoriya's dream by providing the funding for the needed suit and gear. and instead of HIM having the iron man suit with everyones quriks somehow....lets give that to Midoriya, to represent his entier class pushing him forward as a symbol of hope for anyone who thinks they cant be a hero just bc their quirk sucks, or bc they dont have one. Nedzu is the traitor instead of aoyama, bc hes playing a game of 5d chess with AFO and knows once allmight loses his power, everythings going to go to shit, so he engineers events to happen at school with the lov to force the students to where they will have to be to survive the dark times to come. ie, doing a horrible thing, but he believes he has a solid reason for doing so. Bakugou loses to uraraka in the tournament. seeing midoriya so sucsessful without a quirk has made him impatient and desperate to prove himself so he goes at uraraka full boar. now, im not going to make this an insta win, that just dosent feel right, BUT this loss will be the second in a series of losses for bakugou to start going ' what am I doing wrong?' one of the other losses being that Midoriya completes the test with him and bakugou fighting allmight, but with Bakugou unconcious bc like in canon, dude flew off the handle and tried to solo the worlds strongest hero, while Midoriya was more tacticle in his approach. subsequently....bakugou dosent get kidnapped by the Lov, Midoriya does bc they think ' hey this kid is quirkless we can get him to turn' and its bakugou that fails to save Midoriya bc the students that failed their exam were all asleep during the time of the attack of the training camp. he wakes up and comes up short of saving the day, bc he blew his chance of victory. but heres the problem. i have the first couple chapters hammered out...but this is all a lot, and theres so much more that i know is either going to need to be covered. like the hero comercialization, the hero system relying solely on allmight to keep things in check, the lack of proper aid to those with quirks that would require some extra guidance etc. I have the idea....but the idea of writting all of it feels daunting to say the least XD if youd like i could also ramble more on other points i have in mind for this fic idea
Ngl, this sounds really good. OFA!Uraraka isn't something I see often, it's nice to see her get some love. Izuku working hard to become a hero on his own merit is always nice to see, and we love supportive All Might. I'm a firm believer that if Izuku had asked at any other time All Might would have given him a different answer. Izuku just happened to catch him when he was in a place of self-loathing and immeasurable chronic pain.
No, it doesn't excuse his actions. But it's realistic. He also tried to suggest that Izuku seek out a similar dream, like becoming a cop so it wasn't like he said what he did out of malice.
Also, don't be afraid to completely rewrite Horikoshi's terrible canon system! It's filled with a ton of contradictions and inconsistencies anyway so if you need to change it all to make sense, 100% go for it
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thecelestial-art · 4 years
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ok but like, here me out,,,,, avatar high school au but its just me projecting my personality and trauma
my instagram
He's trying his gosh darn hardest
The group baby
Appa is a therapy dog so he spends the day with gyatso in his classroom :)
Hes a saint bernard 
The best man
Despite katara being the ‘mom friend’ he runs the god damn show
Momo is a shit head sphinx cat 
The gang dropped movie nights for “knitting nights” so they could all learn to knit him sweaters
Hes very fashionable
he hates it
sokkas best friend
Aang makes costumes so when halloween comes around momo is very scary as dorothy 
Track and field babey
Does not curse
He has a hard time keeping up with world events
Straight (i'm not wrong)
he and toph have an ongoing tradition of going in full dress to waffle house before school dances. 
it got to the point where now all the workers know them by name
they also accidentally crashed a white lotus meeting and just kept going
Band kid
Rich girl with 2 friends
Pre eng
i know most schools dont have this program, but mine did and holy shit. those were some overachievers 
The most annoying mf on the planet
Not a single teacher likes her
The know it all that will fight if you don't agree with the facts
She was the ww2 kid
Capitalist in the worst fucking way
Closeted lesbian, when she figures that shit out she gets a lil better
The one who can drive
She's really good at math?? Like shes the gay who can do math
But cannot drive, bitch failed her permit more times than she can count
She nearly went to an all girls boarding school at one point
She has beat the shit out of people she's walked in on making out in the bathroom
Genuine friends with the faculty??
She takes programming/coding as a filler class but she's pretty good and continues to pursue it.
Her tumblr looks sick as hell
has caused a teacher to cry
Ty lee
Lesbian earings actin mf
She is the nicest mother fucker and everyone loves her
Despite acting like an airhead she's really science orientated
When she takes biology she passes with flying colors
Very invested in social justice
She would never hurt a fly but she will fuck you up
The one with a healthy relationship with her father
has comforted a teacher she found crying in the parking lot
Now runs the jasmine dragon where zuko works after school w/ katara 
Knows every single kid who comes in and tries his hardest to make sure everyone feels appreciated
Former war criminal
In a book club
The white lotus? Yeah this is the white lotus
Idk if it would be the same as the show, or if its just an old person shit talking group
His dad got full custody of him and his sister when he divorced their mom
But at 13 he got kicked out for another bullshit reason and ever since Iroh has had custody of both of the siblings
But bitch boy ozai has visitation rights but only wants to see azula
Theatre kid!!
I mean he was gonna join jrotc to appease his dad but he figured his shit out before he really joined
A republican turned leftist
Hes queer he just doesnt know which label to use
Himbo rights
He and katara are best friends idgaf about ships but they are bros
orchestra kid! (yes this is me self projecting bc we have similar trauma) 
Teachers have no idea what to do with him bc on one hand he's very reclusive and on the other his sister has the worst opinions so they don't know
Still the mom friend but this time she goes to therapy
Bc she literally raised her brother after her mother died?? And then became a parental figure to her FRIENDS???
Biggest political activist, genuinely does her best at educating herself and others about civil injustices
Also really obsessed with cults and true crime
Choir kid
She takes AP history, english, and second language classes
Is trying her hardest in math and sciences
Huge stuffed animal collection
Student council vice president
she originally ran for president but jets gang voted him in as a joke
The teachers pet
Swim team bitches
Best friends with the school janitors
This is my au so fuck off she and zuko are chaotic friendgroup parents and annoying best friends i love them
and maybe something more???
 who fucking knows theres a betting pool in the white lotus and so far aang is winning 
Gym and History teachers LOVE him
On the swim team and the fishing team
Started crying when he took his drivers test
Goes to gsa w/ toph and loses his fucking mind
He's the reason suki’s car is disgusting
In all advanced/ap classes in math and science
Was the kid who carries a portable speaker around until suki put him in his place
Still has to use his hands to figure out left and right
Technically she doesn't go to school with them she goes to a nearby private school
She met the gang at a football game and has been invited to every group outing since
Very invested in world politics
When she joins the group at school events she ends up making friends with all the staff
Debate team kid!!!
She's not a rule breaker she just knows their limitations ;)
at one point missed school for like 2 months and everyone thought she died
turns out it was just fucking pneumonia and sokka is one dirty liar
oh? you mean yue’s best friend bc we dont respect pitting women against each other in this household?
Bisexual icon!!!
Oh god what sport would she do??
Probably basketball??
Or she would just do martial arts outside of school
And have a ‘female empowerment’ club or somethin
100% believes in self government in society and that the current gov exists purely on the theory that all humans are inherently evil
Bitch for bernie
She asks if she can hit peoples juul and then throws it in the trash
The gym coaches really like her but she fucking hates them
Is very close with her school counselor??
She never wants to run but she keeps getting elected to homecoming court
Former homeschool bitch
Joined the wrestling team and the fishing team??
She doesn't even like fishing she just thinks it's hilarious 
Very good a pottery and that's her arts credit
She and iroh have lunch together every thursday
If she catches wind of you putting gum on desks they will find your body in a ditch
She makes sokka and suki take her to prom 
She hates it she just likes to fuck with people at prom
Sometimes she just tells people she doesn't believe in something bc she cant see it
has been wearing the same sandles for the past 3 years bc “they’re reliable”
Cryptid hunter
Goes to gsa bc its better than any fucking reality tv show
Has nearly burnt the house down making ramen
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thatpinkbetch · 4 years
okay but!! BNHA Souleater AU, as in a SE AU for the BNHA kids
AAHHHHHHHHH okay sorry for taking so long to get to this, it made me excited and i had to make sure i consulted a professional before attempting to answer (aka my sister). Side note.....i havent actually finished the anime 😅😅😅 im close though!!
So anyways i mainly care about bakudeku but i have many things in mind, if you will let me agsivjeofnwodkw
I cant really figure out what weapon Bakugou would be....but i feel like him and Midoriyas souls would resonate against his will :) my sister suggested flame thrower for him and i suggested grenade launcher, but I also want Midoriya to be a badass close range fighter who does more than shoot, you know? I guess scythe would be the go to for this AU, but trust me, i am ALL EARS. So anyways, Bakugou would definitely want to be like Justin and become a death scythe all on his own, and for sure he would only partner up with Midoriya (at first) as like, a stepping stone, a way to get stronger and or whatever he says to rationalize sticking around with the nerd. In the end hes fucking in love with him, and they will perfect their soul resonance, but thats for the end of course ;)
At first i thought All Might could be Death, but then I thought, what if One For All is Death, and All Might is the death scythe he keeps by his side, and the other death scythes are the previous users? 🤔 All For One can be the first kishin 😬 my sister then suggested that what if All Might is cracked, or even missing a piece :( anyways, All Might gets to be Midoriyas father, but rather than hating him like Maka, hed idolize him, because he never got to see him so much, so he isnt even like a dad to him, but a hero figure :( going to school he sees him more often and he fanboys and All Might feels so bad about it because he knows he wasnt around for so long, but also hes hiding his injury from the public eye.
And now, Todoroki. Hes the same as Tsubaki, where he has that special family bloodline, and he probably has the same backstory as usual, abusive dad that wanted him to surpass All Might as death's personal scythe. And also he got many of the weapon forms; katana, shuriken, smoke bomb, etc. And...of course...Dabi, the enchanted sword...well lets just say that Shouto ends up getting that form too...
Anyways my sister actually suggested that Todoroki would enter the school on his own, no meister, also looking to do it on his own. This obviously would anger Bakugou, who would be irritated with the respect he feels for the other, and also make him more anxious to get better and to leave Midoriya, who can sense his weapon distancing himself, and he would struggle with his own self esteem trying to keep Bakugou by his side. Okay but this was supposed to be about Todoroki avfohkwovjwkcks lets make it work! Midoriya and Bakugou fight Todoroki together and they break through to him, the way Midoriya did at the sports festival. And after finally deciding to go with a meister, he goes with Momo. She would be super skilled in all forms of combat!! Perfect for Todoroki :) but the thing is...she struggles to make decisions, which really sucks when she has to decide which weapon form to chose! :( but Todoroki believes in her because hes seen her do great and knows what shes capable of 😤😤😤 and together they will work on her self doubt and his struggle with obedience avdobjeovjaofjwp because he is NOT used to having a meister, especially since hes such an unlawful little guy that knows no respect for authority.
There isn't much for this one but fuck yeah Kaminari and Kirishima would be twin weapons and Sero would be their meister 😊😊
Also i kind of want Uraraka to be like... nunchucks? Idk something that just kind of beats the shit out of someone using martial arts ajdjgkehfiajdkw idk who would wield her, maybe Iida? 👀👀
Also my absolutely favorite part of this whole thing: Aizawa -> zombie teacher. And his husband, Present Mic, is his weapon. Who happens to be a megaphone. Thank you.
Okay so. The bakudeku. Im sure plenty of people will ask them, maybe mostly Midoriya, why they continue to partner with each other if theres so much rupturing their resonance all the time. And of course there will be a little flash back to them as kids, because obviously, they were childhood friends. And they promised each other that Bakugou would become greater than All Might, and everyone can tell that Midoriya wants to create a weapon better than All Might just to get attention from his dad, right? But like...still, he remembers how those red eyes looked at him so earnestly, so passionately as they promised him that they would succeed, that they both would. Kacchan can do anything, in his eyes, and its always just an awe-inspiring sight to him. He truly does believe that, with or without him, Bakugou will become the greatest death scythe, and he very much wants to be there the whole way. And even as Bakugou tries to struggle on his own, his heart is still always with Deku, because that asshole really did go and just take it without even asking for permission way back then, didnt he? When he fucking told Bakugou that it would be him who made him great, the first one to ever believe in him, the actual child of All Might, and he still never once doubted Bakugou, not even after the times he failed.
Okay i think thats all i got TT_TT anon thank yoooouuuu i love this so much and i love you 😭😭😭
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The lovely @thelordofshadows suggested that I answered every question, probably after recognizing how hyped I was about Apaera, so here I go!
Answers under the cut because this is going to be a loooong post.
01. What is their favorite food? Overall, she prefers fruity sweets like baked apples. She especially likes anything cinnamon flavored. If desserts don’t count, then a fish stew.
02. Do they have a fear of an animal? If so, what animal? Not really. Unless the animals are corrupted somehow.
03. What do they wear to bed? Pants and a loose long sleeved shirt. Might layer a nightdress underneath for extra warmth.
04. Do they like cuddling? She’d be caught dead before admitting it to anyone, but yes and that says a lot.
05. Do they have a secret handshake with anyone? She prefers absurd questions or phrases, to identify people in disguise.
06. What do they look like? She has pitch black skin and hair. Her eyes have a silver iris and she is usually shrouded in darkness.
07. Do they like chocolate? LOVE chocolate!
08. What are their good and bad traits? Her good trait is her empathy, for most things living. Her bad trait is her stubbornness.
09. Do they have any artistic talent? Not quiet artistic, but she does know how to play a few melodies on the flute.
10. What is their favorite room to be in, in the house  they live in? The tallest part of the tower where she can gaze out from
11. Do they believe in luck? Yes, and she actually considers herself to be quiet fortunate. Lady luck isn’t always sweet to her, but she respects the ups and down as a bigger part of the chaos she thrives in. (As answered previously)
12. Can they do magic? Yes, she can cast the spells she’s blessed with. Usually illusion magic.
13. Do they believe in dragons? It’d be harder not to.
14. What is a pet peeve of theirs? When the person she is talking to vanishes.
15. What was the last thing they cried about? Besides from pain, the loss of someone important enough to stir up emotion inside her.
16. What is their sexuality? Generally uninterested, both sexually and romantically, so asexual aromantic. Before her transition to the being she is currently she hadn’t given it much thought.
17. Do they have a best friend? If so, who, and what makes them their best friend? Life long friendships are difficult for her. Besides the few she connects with during their life, probably someone with the same lifespan as her. A certain tiefling comes to mind.
18. Have they ever been in a romantic relationship? No, since her crush short of died, unfortunately. Her feelings are quiet numb either way.
19. What does their relationship with their family look like? Are they close? Distant? Ect. Her family by blood, she has long lost contact with. She doesn’t really recall them anymore, besides her little sister who she still thinks about from time to time. Her found family she is quiet close to, despite all of them having their own paths in life.
20. Do they have a pet? She had a few pets in their earlier years, but it was apparent to her that her lifestyle wasn’t really suited for an animal.
21. Do they have a familiar? Not for a while, no.
22. Are they a supernatural being? Yes, quiet a strong one too. A shadow.
23. How do they usually wear their hair? Short, with the sides shaved. Sometimes on a little horse’s tail.
24. Can they play an instrument? If so, what instrument and what can they play? As previously mentioned, she knows how to play the flute.
25. What type a high schooler are/were they? If she ever went to high school, she’d be a mix of a jock and a goth.
26. Have they ever been in a physical fight before? If so, with who? Who won? Quiet a lot, actually. Some she has won, some she has lost, but she survived all of them but one.
27. What is their favourite holiday? Midnight.
28. If they could have one wish, what would they wish for? Depending on her age, either for her soul to be complete again, or, after certain events, to aid a certain someone in which ever way they’d need, if you catch my drift.
29. Do they wants kids? If they already have kids, do they want more? She doesn’t want kids of her own, but she does like taking care of kids and spending time with them.
30. Do they have a job? She has worked quiet a few jobs here in there over the years.
31. Do they know how to drive? Like a cart? A carriage? Nope, but she can ride a horse.
32. Do they get stressed out easily? Quiet the opposite, if she is stressed out then shit are really going down.
33. Did they ever dye their hair before? If so, to what colour? Did they like it? As part of a disguise, perhaps, but never permanently. She didn’t really mind it.
34. Have they ever broken the law? Never, I swear to Cyric.
35. Do they own a plant? A little pot with a nocturnal lily.
36. Have they ever rode a horse before? Yup, in quiet a few trips.
37. What is their favorite gif?
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Is there a reason for this? Yes, absolutely.
38. Do they get along with others easily? Yes, when she doesn’t tease around and poke at them
39. Do they have any tattoos? Not yet, not against it thought. Perhaps once she finds something special enough to her.
40. If I wanted to draw them, what would be distinct physical features that I would have to know to draw them correctly? Her eyes, the whites are actually black while the silver iris has a purple tint to it. Other than that, her nails, which she uses as a martial art’s weapon. Like claws.
41. What is their favourite breed of dog? All dogs are good dogs, but if she was to pick one, she’d go with something fluffy, like a samoyed or a husky.
42. Do they live with anyone? If so, who? She used to live with the people that trained her, then those that she trained. Monks and other shadows.
43. Where is their dream vacation? Somewhere across the great sea. Exploring is an acceptable vacation activity, no?
44. Do they know more than one language? Other than common, she speaks halfling and dwarvish. Over the years, she has also picked up thieves’ cant  and hand cant
45. Are they a quick learner? When survival depends on it. Though her wits are sharper than her memory.
46. Have they ever won a contest before? If so, what for? What did they win? Contest for worst sacrifice ever?
47. If the world were to end in 24 hours, where would they be and who would they be with? If the world was to end in 24 hours, that means someone’s plan went terrible wrong, so naturally, she’d be by someone’s side, trying to stop the world’s end.
48. What does their room look like? Unmade bed, desk filled with papers, pens, ink bottles, a half melted candle. Lot’s of clutter, spell components everywhere. Cloaks, hats and boots, all organized neatly in some corner along with other equipment. Little trinkets with emotional value pilled up high next to the gear.
49. If they could have an extinct animal for a pet, what would they have? Not an extinct animal, but she wouldn’t mind a pseudo-dragon.
50. If they got called out by someone, what would they do? Admit her mistake an try her best to correct it as soon as possible.
51. Have they ever shot a gun before? Prefers crossbows.
52. Have they ever been axe throwing? A few times, not their weapon of preference.
53. What is something that they want but can’t have? Her feelings to be returned by their crush and her soul to be whole again.
54. Do they know how to fish? Yes, she finds it quiet relaxing.
55. What is something they always wanted to do but too scared? Confess, though it wouldn’t make any difference. She is convinced that he already knows.
56. Do they own their own baby pictures? Nope, but she has an idea who would if she ever wanted them.
57. What makes them standout among others? The shadows leaking from her skin. Now if we are talking about other shadows, her empathy.
58. Do they like to show off? Perhaps..
59. What is their favourite song? Choir Noir - Shadow Moses Beneath the Mask (Cover by Adriana) Leonard Cohen - You Want It Darker
60. What would be their dream vehicle? Doesn’t really have one, teleporting through shadows is fine with her.
61. What is their favourite book? Lot’s of favorites over the years, couldn’t really name one.
62. Who, in their opinion, makes the best food? Anyone willing to cook instead of spawning food with magic.
63. Are they approachable? It depends on what she is doing at the time, but most times, yes.
64. Did they ever change their appearance? She sees no point to it, besides disguises.
65. What makes them smile? Hanging out with humans, listening their tales, about their lives, their every day worries. Old friends.
66. Do they like glowsticks? .. Doesn’t need the light exactly.
67. What is something that is simple, but always makes them smile? Dogs.
68. Are they a day or night person? Night person. 110%
69. Are they allergic to anything? Nightbringers and all other worshipers of Shar.
70. What do you, the creator of this OC, like most about them? Her unbreakable will and the tendency absolutely wreck havoc where that is needed. To be sacrificed to a cruel god who feeds of your pain and misery and at that instance decide that instead of caving in your misery, you will instead become the worst sacrifice they’ve ever received by laughing at their face.. Idk man, I think that takes some balls. (As previously answered)
71. Who is their ride or die? Again, a certain tiefling comes to mind.
72. Do they currently have a significant other? If not, are they going to get one later one? I mean, a girl can hope.
73. What attracts them to another person? Freedom, knowing that the people around her will never hold her back.
74. Who is one person that can always make them laugh? Drasek Riven, he doesn’t even have to say anything. He can just be there.
75. Have they ever partied too hard and their friends had to take them home? Yes, not a fond memory of hers’.
76. Who would be their cuddle buddy? Whoever would be brave enough to recognize that she is actually touch starved.
77. Who would cheer them up after a long day? Usually, she is one to stay alone, so when she is in need of company, she’ll just start up a conversation with a stranger.
78. If they had a nightmare, who would they run to? By now, she is used to nightmares, but if she could, her brothers and sisters are who she’d go to. She wouldn’t say anything, their company is enough to calm her most of the times. When not, meditating in an empty dark room usually helps calm her down.
79. What object to the care for the most? It’s not the object it’s self but the information in it. A small book with maps of all the places she has visited.
80. Do they like other people’s children? Yes, love to hang out with them and love to look after them. The little sprouts are really entertaining.
81. How would they react if someone broke into their home? Three stunning strikes? They are bound to fail at least one. Questions will be asked afterwards.
82. Does anyone make them have butterflies in their stomach? Nope, surely not, she is a coldblooded thousands year old being. Of course, there is no one in this plane that makes her feel that way.
83. What is something that they are good at? Taking care of others, listening, paying attention to their reactions.
84. What is their neutral expression? A little scary, but she usually smiles.
85. Do they like to cook? For herself and for others.
86. What is something they can’t leave home without? Her mask.. Even if worn around her writs, she still needs the security of being able to cast spells.
87. Who is someone that they rely on? The asshole who gives her her spell slots.
88. Do they liked to be tickled? Hard pass. Dislikes when people touch her out of the blue.
89. Have they ever been a sword fight before? Is it considered a sword fight if she wasn’t holding a sword?
90. What is a joke that they would find funny? -Then perish- jokes.
91. Do they have a place that can go and turn off their brain? Usually any room without much light, otherwise, a closet will do.
92. What was their childhood like? She doesn’t remember a lot of it, but she know she was happy. One of her few memories is of her and her little sister playing explorers in their mother’s garden. The years after turning to a shade she also considers a short of childhood or at least teen hood as she had to readjust and find new balances in her life. It took her a while to figure out how to care for people again when she could hardly feel anything, but little by little she managed to give up her spite. Those years were the roughest for her.
93. What are they like as an adult? After her second “puberty”, she learned to be quiet more free spirited, relaxed and easy going thought with certain events that happened in her life span, her spite towards a certain group of individuals reignited.
94. Do they take criticism well? Most of the times. She wants to generally improve herself.
95. Have they ever jumped out of a plane? Well.. Not a plane, no. But I can imagine her jumping off of a floating city.
96. Who do they like to make jokes with? The bastard that gives her her assignments.
97. Have you ever drawn them before? If you are comfortable with it, would you post a picture?
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kimmysfandomblog · 5 years
FF7 crossover I’m never gonna write
-A Final Fantasy 7-type AU. I say “type” because it’s going to have to change a lot to fit the different personalities hahaha
A very long (and messy) post because the idea is in my head, but I don’t want to really write it in a more structured manner XD
In short:
Cloud- Hajime
Tifa- Nagito
Aerith- Chiaki
SHINRA- Togami
Sephiroth- Kamukura
Under the cut is the details, put there for length and FF7 spoilers?
Characters are matched not by personalities, but on their roles in the story. This means that some events in the story don’t happen the same way.
Hinata is the main character. His childhood neighbor, who is the child of the mayor and his crush, is Nagito Komaeda. Hinata goes from Nibelheim to Midgar in order to join SOLDIER, but ends up in infantry.
Sephiroth is of course replaced by Kamukura. Kamukura was actually a test tube baby instead of born, like Sephhiroth had been. Hajime’s mother was the donor, so he is actually Hajime’s older brother (It’s very tragic). Hajime hears of this hero who is only a few years older than him and strives to be just like Izuru Kamukura.
The big bad JENOVA is replaced by JUNKO, the alien who wishes to destroy the world.
The evil corporation is the Togami Corporation, with Rufus Shinra being replaced by Byakuya Togami, mostly just because they really match.
Dr. Hojo is replaced by Monokuma- but humanized? He is completely unrelated to Izuru, but his obsession with Junko remains. One of his rivals, and the one Izuru actually liked, is Taichi Fujisaki.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu is the head of the Turks, taking place of Tseng
the other Turks are just going to be Saionji, Mahiru, and Mikan
Palmer, Heideger, and Scarlet are replaced by Kaito, Shuichi, and Maki (Togami probably has blackmail on them or something?) Kaito has the space program (that never gets funding), Maki has the Weapons Department, and Shuichi is manager of the Turks and internal affairs. He is like a detective and is kept on mostly because he’s good at deducing who goes against the company. None of them like their jobs, but Maki is resigned to do it. Shuichi and Chihiro are actually working together in attempts to thwart Shinra. Kaito just wants funding for the Space Program because he truly believes the world can be saved that way and he’s a bit blind to the corruption since he was off in Rocket Town for most of his career.
To kind of balance it out, though, I’m adding Toko Fukawa as leader of the SOLDIER/Infantry Departments
The friends who join:
Multiple people technically take the role of Barret. The members of the terrorist group (Future Fighters as opposed to AVALANCHE) don’t all die. The ones who survive are Makoto Naegi, Kyoko Kirigiri, and Aoi Asahina. Nagito joined them after Nibelheim burned down. Sakura Oogami, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, and Mondo Oowada perish with the fall of the plate.
On a side note, Asahina is basically the Barret of this story. She loses her brother to the explosion at Corel, she and Sakura had escaped from there.
Chiaki Nanami takes the place of Aerith, but rather than just an Ancient, it was more like she has abilities that really affect technology. Her father was Taichi Fujisaki, and she’s totally unaware that her half brother was so close to her.
In the game, Nanaki/Red XIII is an intelligent animal trying to go back to their tribe... in this one his role will have to be taken by Kiibo instead, who tries to go back to his “grandpa” Dr. Idabashi.
Chihiro Fujisaki is going to take the place of Reeve with Usami being Cait Sith (no need for the mog)
The obvious choice for Cid is Kazuichi Souda, but he won’t be getting any addictions! His best friends, Gundam and Sonia, stop his rocket because it was too dangerous to fly. (and they all become a happy trio)
Now for the optional characters, Kokichi Ouma takes the place of Yuffie because he’s mischievous and would totally play pranks.
Peko Pekoyama would be the Vincent Valentine, but the twist is that she and Fuyuhiko used to be partners in the TURKS (instead of Vincent and Veld). She hides her real name by calling herself Sparkling Justice and hidin her face with a mask, but she mostly still fights the same, making Fuyuhiko especially mad when she’s around
Additional notes:
-Chiaki and Chihiro are going to be half-siblings, with Chihiro actually being older because I’m basing this mostly on Alter Ego. Taichi’s first wife dies in childbirth, and he falls in love with Chiaki’s (unnamed) mother. Chihiro and Chiaki are taken from him, with Chihiro being told that if he doesn’t cooperate, Chiaki and his stepmother would be killed. Chiaki is completely unaware she has a half-brother, however he’s always kept an eye on her through her plush toy. This is ultimately why he spies on the group, but he’s also the leader of Urban Development
-Kamukura does not see Junko as his mother. She promises him the excitement he can’t get anywhere else by causing Despair, and he becomes obsessed with the idea that destruction will relieve him from boredom. He loses his mind to Junko in this AU, but he’d been close to redemption at the end, knowing the truth of Junko’s corruption and how he’s actually related to Hajime.
-Makoto and Kirigiri grew up in the orphanage at Midgar under the plate. Makoto has a vision of a better world, and she joins him. This is especially so when she finds out she has a personal reason for going against Togamis. Her father lead a rebellion against the corporation and dies. Together, with other orphans who are affected by the Togami COrps, Mondo (brother dies because of Togamis) and Ishimaru (he was reluctant to start but the common people are suffering and he’s against the cruelty, plus his whole family was forced underground because of the Togami Corps) found a new group they called the Future Fighters. Aoi Asahina and Sakura Oogami join them shortly after. Nagito Komaeda is found and taken in by Makoto. Makoto is against the fighting, but he’s in agreement that Togami Corps need to be taken down. He mostly gets information, being a decent spy/detective. Kirigiri is the gunslinger, but she’s also the strategist. Asahina and Sakura are the “monk” types. Komaeda usually uses guns, but he is also the one who makes the bombs. Hajime, when he briefly joins, uses a sword.
-Chiaki is the healer/magic user, however her affinity with technology often acts up and can be used against enemies. Kiibo uses built-in guns and laser eyes (but h absolutely cant be in water or struck by lightning). Usami is a magic user, mostly using buff on the team or casting status effects. Kazuichi can still be the dragoon type since there’s no real reason Cid ended up with spears. Ouma is still gonna be a ninja. Pekoyama uses the sword rather than a gun. (and Gundham and Sonia are both magic users, both summoners, but Sonia is also really good at white magic while Gundham is reall good at Dark magic.
-instead of the Golden Saucer, there is Towa Park. Haiji is the Dio of this AU, and instead of Dyne, there are the Warriors of Hope (all of them only a little younger than Asahina). None of them die, but Monaka gets crippled through her own stubborness. She hates Asahina for the death of her mother and the fall of Corel. She was left with her abusive dad and stepbrother until she fakes crippled legs. Each of the other kids were stuck in homes of paid actors who forced them to call them parents and abused them.
-Chiaki has no “Zack” in the same sense Aerith did. Her “Zack” was Kamukura, who did not fall from the roof, but rather landed gracefully in front of her from the roof and protected her from monsters. He came down mostly because of the flowers being something he hasn’t seen before, at first, but he genuinely liked her eventually, up until he goes missing. Chiaki never really forgot him, but finds a boy who falls down from the roof that really reminds her of Kamukura, even if he doesn’t act a lot like him. (Does this mean he kills Chiaki? UHHHH)
-The one who saves Hajime before the events of the game, Hajime’s “Zack,” who was somewhat friends with Kamukura but not especially close, is First Class SOLDIER Nekumaru Nidai. the experiments on Nidai ended in him being mostly robot because they tried to use Junko’s cells on him, whereas Hajime seemed to barely have any influence from it. Nekomaru is trying to go back for his not-girlfriend (yet) Akane Owari, a martial arts teacher that travels the world, but has laely been based in Midgar (partly because of him, if she were honest). He doesn’t make it, and she never knows he’s dead. She eventually leaves Midgar when the plate drops, which is suspected to be because of the Togamis. She meets up with the main group in Gongaga, where Nidai had been from. Komaeda reacts to her and this village when she talks about him.
-Pekoyama was given a solo mission mostly because Mr. Togami (Byakuya’s brother) was suspicious of the Turks at that time. Kuzuryu and Peko are loyal members of the Turks at this point and there’s been rumors that ther leader, Jin Kirigiri, is thinking of defecting. spreading the Turks out and eliminating some of them in “accidents” seemed like a good way to go about things. Kuzuryu was able to earn the company’s loyalty, but he did it to find Peko, who had been successful in stopping a terrorist attack, but only through a cost of grievous wounds. Dr. Monokuma gets to her and experiments on her, and she ends up in Nibelheim labs, waking up a monster. She seals herself up to await her death.
-Nagito is the Nibelheim mayor’s only son, who’s had a crush on Hajime for a long time, but was never allowed to hang out with Hajime, specifically after Hajime is accused of endangering Nagito after he went off alone to Nibelheim Mountains to find his mother when she passed away. He begins to think it is better if people aren’t close to him, seeing as his mother died through an accident involving him and the town is starting to get superstitious about his family being cursed. So, while respected, he keeps his distance. Hajime does manage to convince him to meet, the night before he leaves for Midgar. A promise is made that Hajime would come back and tell him all about his adventures as SOLDIER. He jokingly says Hajime should save him from harm one day. When the catastrophe that is the day Kamukura burns down the village happens, Nagito is saved by luck. His personal tutor find him and takes him to Midgar, staying with him for a while. However, he ends up dying in terrorist bombings, and rumor has it that the Togamis are responsible for that, too. Komaeda decides he wants revenge and through some lucky finds in the black market, is able to teach himself to create bombs. Kirigiri, when the group finds him, is able to teach him to use guns as well.
-Hajime is found by Nagito at the train station. Although Hajime claims he is SOLDIER First Class, he also says that he was at Nibelheim when it burns. Nagito is concerned by this, but given Hajime’s clearly distressed state, doesn’t dispute it. He instead invites him to the terrorist group that goes against the Togami’s, mostly to be able to keep an eye on Hajime and eventually figure out how Hajime knows what happened at Nibelheim when Nagito knows the one who is supposed to be there is Nekomaru.
-The Turks, lead by Fuyuhiko, are only him, Hiyoko, Mahiru, and the newest member, Mikan. normally, the Turks are comic relief characters, and they still can be, but the jokes would have to be different for sure. Hiyoko’s the “dancer” who buffs the team and causes static effects, but she can truly pack a punch. Mahiru is the magic user, her element being lightning. She’s pretty good with close-range/mid-range weapons. Mikan is healer, but also great at magic in general. Fuyuhiko, of course, only uses guns, but he uses it really well (However you never fight Tseng in the games I guess, so you only see him use guns)
-Hajime can “date” one of these people, depending on the choices made by “players”: Nagito, Chiaki (they have the highest chances with him, just like Tifa and Aerith), Makoto, Asahina, Kokichi, Pekoyama, and Kiibo (the rest are the not-exactly-romantic and harder to achieve options, just like Barret, Nanaki, and Yuffie. While you can’t date Vincent Valentine.... I wish it were possible XD)
-All that date stuff said I’d honestly be down for Nagito, Hajime, and Chiaki together I mean they don’t have to fight. Aerith and Tifa never fought and actually could get along and AerTi is a ship that people like too so three doesn’t have to be a crowd
-There are a few things I am unsure of, like Chiaki’s reaction that Kamukura is evil? Does Kamukura recognize her and still kill her? What about that plot thread where she and Chihiro are related? What is up with Kuzuryu and Peko like why is she fighting against him and does he ever figure out it is her? And I want Kamukura redeemed but how?? I have way too many characters as well and Makoto and Kirigiri technically don’t have to be there but I just wanted them to be there XD And for whatever reason they are building bombs and detonating reactors... joy... And why are Kaito, Shuichi and Maki working for a guy they don’t like and doing evil things? (I mean I genuinely like them so what gives, Kimmy?)
I gave this AU a lot of thought, but it comes with so many plotholes and inconsistencies in story and/or characters XD
But listen... FF7 is a great game. And because of it I haven’t been able to sleep until I finished thinking about this AU XD
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recentanimenews · 2 years
Spy x Family – 06 – Smiling Doesn’t Help at All
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At the fitting for her new Eden uniform, the seamstress warns both Anya and her parents of all of the pitfalls of student and parent life. There are all of these ongoing overlapping battles—between the richer kids and less rich kids, between children of Eden alumni and non-alumni, between boarders and commuters. Oh, and the kidnappers. Anya isn’t sure she wants to go to school anymore.
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But the must, as she’s the lynchpin of Operation Strix. Loid visits a secret installation beneath a photo booth where his Handler gives him the details of Strix Phase Two. Anya simply attending Eden won’t be enough for Loid to get to Desmond, whose son is sure to be an honor student, called an Imperial Scholar. Students must earn eight “Stella” merits to become one. Alternatively, earning eight “Tonitrus Bolts” or demerits will result in immediate expulsion.
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With the new information that Anya must not just be an Eden student but an elite one, Loid is no doubt headed to the drugstore to purchase a couple bottles of Mylanta to deal with his stress. Meanwhile while he’s out late for work, Yor takes Anya to get her newly-completed uniform, which she then shows off to everyone in the park.
When they go to the supermarket to buy stuff to cook (Yor wants to give cooking the old Eden college try), some n’er-do-wells attempt to kidnap Anya to extort Yor for cash, thinking she’s the maid. She puts them in her place, ruining the groceries, but Anya pats her head in praise. She likes her cool, strong mama, and asks her to train her so she can be strong and cool to. Despite believing otherwise, Yor is being a good mother to Anya.
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Considering the cutthroat atmosphere of Eden College the next day, I would think that basic martial arts training would be a requisite of every new student. Yor also teaches Anya some important social skills, but one kid is so nasty, she eventually cant help but punch him using what she learned from mom.
The kid who gets punched just happens to be Damian, the second son of Donovan Desmond. But if she doesn’t get off on the right foot with befriending him, at least she earns a new best friend in Becky Blackbell.
Post-punch, Henderson has no choice but to give Anya at least one Tonitrus Bolt, though the usual punishment is three. There hasn’t been a single day of actual classes and already Anya is negative-one Stella star from being an Imperial Scholar and has made an enemy of the boy she was supposed to befriend.
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It’s here where I must comment that Loid really did take a gamble simply throwing Anya into the fray having nothing but a little basic combat and social training from Yor. Granted he doesn’t know Yor is a socially awkward assassin, but he knows what he is: a master spy, and thus a master of human behavior.
I get he needed that briefing from Handler, but he should have taken the lead with teaching Anya more about how to act arond others and how to properly react to adversity. Her bolt is as much his fault as hers. Still, I’m not as pessimisstic as all three families look in the photo taken at the end of orientation.
For one thing, I suspect being punched by Anya might endear her to Damian, considering she did something no one ever did. For another, Anya’s ability to read the minds of her classmates can be an enormous boon…once she learns how to use use it properly.
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By: braverade
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book-of-ryker · 3 years
Billie Eilish Pirate Baird Quackenbush
Her hair glistens gold like a pony. Yeah, that’s about the best that I could come up with. Today is 22September2021. A lot has happened. I’m not sure if I  or anyone really reads this, but I do need to get my thoughts out more frequently and this always served as as a good outlet. Let’s see what I can write down. My name is Ryker Quackenbush. You’ve probably never heard of me or you have. What do I care? I’m almost thirty and my life has been a lot of treks through hell. There’s only one way out of hell, but it’s too early for me to be ranting about that. My mom died when I was a kid and I like to smoke a lot of pot because of her still following me around. She is in the clouds and in the trees and in the rain and in the flowers and everywhere to me. And we all know that there is no one true church. In walks Durzo Blint and Bobby Pendragon. The land of Midcryu is dangerous for a young man like Bobby, but he prospered in the lands of Zadaa. I was having nightmares that Kelsey Richards was cheating on me. Billie Eilish was the inner voice inside my head. I know it sounds like a lot, bt I’ve become quite accustomed to having her around. I checked into the Behavioral Health Intensive Care Unit (BHICU, for short) and I ranted and raved about how I’d discovered the Theory of Everything. I wont get into that right now.  I started to have dreams about Billie and I getting married. I just started to workout when Kelsey Richards and I started to see each other, and when I moved in and lived with her family. Kelsey was overweight, and I wasnt really attracted to her, so I understand why she cheated  on me with her old boyfriend. But it cut deep because she caught me watching cuckold pornography and was devastated. I learned that my pornographic addiction is what was allowing for the relentless nightmares to be endless. I was put on an antipsychotic, and I hated it. I knew I would have to fight my way through this. I called my parents and asked if I could live with them. I was humbly aking for the support system I needed. My stepmother denied me. I journeyed across the county to live with my older brother, Keith Scott Quackenbush II. I took a train out of Sacramento, California. It brought me all of the way to Lincoln, Nebraska. I was kicked off of the train there for being drunk when I didnt want to antagonize a person sleeping in my seat. I found the nearest homeless shelter. I then went and spent my last dollars on a hotel in Lincoln, Nebraska. Sex trafficking is everywhere. Riker’s Island is a nightmare for sure. The next day, I find a young black man at a gas station and we smoke a blunt together. On whatever this day was, I made fully telepathic contact with Billie Eilish. She hated me and wanted me to die. God put us all on autopilot. It was bizarre and miraculous. I board a Greyhound and almost get kicked off for smoking some stranger vape pen. The bus driver could apparently “smell what we were doing.” The entire time that I was in the military, I never once brought up the fact that I knew martial arts and could severely hurt someone if I put my ol’ college try in. In Lincoln, Nebraska, I check into a crisis center. It was very abusive, but I did get to meet even crazier people and eat even crazier food. I watched a lot of Game of Thrones and did a lot of pushups and read a lot of books. When I made it to Pensacola, my dad picked me and my older brother up and drove us to his 450 square foot apartment. I began to smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol and I still went to the gym on a bike. I havent stopped lifting weights. It’s the one thing I have that saves me as much as it does. I tell Scott not to bother fighting me, or even attempting to fight me. He throws a fit and starts to attack me. Eventually, he is on top of me and tying to gouge out my eyes with his thumbs. Unhappy with this, I take control of the situation and get him into a chokehold, making him submit and squeal like a baby pig. I check into another suicide watch unit. I eventually go back and have my father pick me up from my brothers house. I live with my father and my stepmother for months at this point and I even managed to hold a job and go to college. It was not good enough in their eyes and they abuse me more in this time period than they did with all three of us children collectively. Roshi and Son Goku. There was was a monkey man and a goat boy. The goat boy would later become the Alpha superhero for Earth-001. I get evicted, officially, from my father’s home. All of my friends abandon me. All that I have is Christ. I get word that I can be hired on over at MGM Grand with a friend of mine from high school. I drive my 2014 Chevrolet Spark across the country. At this point in my life, that’s the fifth time. I get to California and we meet Niekko and the lady that own Nate Harrison’s Ranch on Palomar Mountain. We rent a van for Niekko’s transcendent festival, Zen Awakening. We drive this completely stuffed van across the country, my sixth time. We make it to Zen Awakening near Orlando and I had the time of my life. When I left my parents’ house, I was in the best shape of my life.
I could do a million exercises and not get tired. Creatine and preworkout were my potion of choice. I hardly touched the CBD or the THC as much as I would have liked. I get to this festival, and after all of our work was done, the fun began. Firstly, the was the biblical Nathaniel that showed up. He’s a bud trimmer now and he is 934 years old. Then there was the tall and powerful Sharon. We fell in Love at Home Depot where I slipped a ring on her finger. And last but not least, the lovely and little McKayla. I will never forget you. I took four hits of LSD, some Cacao, some pot and some American Spirits. I jogged around the festival that night, blurring the lines of a Jedi, ninja, samurai and a Velociraptor.
I go into my glampin, trippping happily. I grab my Bible with Nathaniel’s turquoise ring I fond in the shower and cant get off of my finger and I flip it open to see the word LORD glowing on the page. I have never believed in magic until that very moment. My consciousness shifts to the greater Sol in me. I tell Billie that I’m moving on. Let the record show that this is when Billie begins to follow me in this dance of life. JERUSALEM also glows off of the page, indicating the direction in which I should travel. After leaving Florida again, we drive back across the country to Palomar Mountain. I live there and even did some construction work. My tent ends up battering my car and then being destroyed by ninety mile an hour gusts.
I move to Sacramento again. I live on U street, near little Japanese church. Rian didnt pay his half of the rent and stole my half. I had nowhere else to go, so I called Nation’s Finest. I brag about how Billie is my soulmate, like a child. I turn evil. I choke a guy out that was stealing from People, including me. I get checked back into the exact same BHICU I was in earlier. I do not lose it. I calmly explain the situation. I went to therapy twice, loving Billie EIlish. That’s what I think the song Male Fantasy is about. Thank you for reading.
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Defenders Watch Through Review
I spent the day watching Defenders, and I have mixed feelings. On one hand I LOVE the characters and their interactions, the way it was filmed, those colour palettes, the way the shots were framed… But the whole plot was just weak. It was short, there was no mid-way investigating ti find the puzzles, everything was practically handed to them, the villains were underdeveloped and as fantastic as Sigourney Weaver’s voice over speeches were, she was never really that threatening to me.
Anyway I made notes as I watched through and they are gold.
Ep 1: I don’t know how to feel about this dark rainy fight. I can’t tell what is going on. The fighting is so pretty though. I love the opening! That music, the beat in the middle, the COLOURS. Jessica naming the episode ‘the H Word’ is perfect. Also her whiskey coffee. Jessica is perfect. The way they filmed the Harlem scenes through other stuff, in fact they are filming a lot of shots through other frames and I love it. MATT, this is the first time I've seen him since DDs2 and I've missed him. I'm so happy we get to ser him in his element in court, we've been denied that until now and that is a crime. This is also the first time we’ve seen Karen and Matt since he told her and they're still cute, but not romantically. I also wish Karen wouldn't treat Matt like an addict, I've seen a meta about this and why it makes sense but it comes across as her and Foggy being constricting to Matt and I don't like it. Watching this, I’d be happy with a massive conglomeration where they don’t even meet, just put the next seasons of these guys together because it’s so satisfying watching them go from one scene to another with the main four Danny has his own plane, I don't know why I'm surprised. And wait is that PTSD, could that be GOOD CHARACTER development and writing what is this? The scene changes though like an old film reel or slide show. I love them. I wish they used a few less because they're a bit disruptive but I love them. Malcom: "Hey" Jessica: "No" Danny gets back and New York literally has an earthquake, I feel like that's saying something. I like Danny though, I wish they did his character more justice than IFs1 did
Ep 2: Jessica is going to punch someone with that kind of title. Plot twist that it was Danny punching Luke, I'm disappointed I want Jess punching someone. Oh wow, I wany Matt to parkour HE DID PARKOUR HE DID SOME FIGHTING I’VE MISSED MY DD FIX I can't believe Matt managed to punch someone before Jessica If Danny ends up accidentally punching this wall gonna be so annoyed. Okay, this also makes me annoyed because telling me the plot five episodes before it happens meant the whole rest of the plot felt...dull, predictable. Danny was going to break that wall down, great, thanks for telling us what's going to happen in five episodes. Matt’s being treated like an addict wow, I don't like it. I get it, and he's trying to stop so they're being supportive but Foggy, that is savage Elektra nooooo Danny V Luke like Luke looking mildly irritated and Danny just hitting him like a fly, the best Iron Fist fight so far. Thus far very happy with the IF fights.
Ep 3: Poor Elektra, I like her in this. By the end I'm confused what she's doing but I think she made a better villain than Sigourney Weaver did I can’t believe Stick cut off his own hand Matt. And Jessica! My faves! Meeting. I'm here for this. I see how this is going, Luke is going to comment how he got punched by a guy with a glowing fist and Claire is going to go “ah, I know that is” It happened "You punched me." "You punched me first." They’re like kids, I love it. Heroes for Hire here we come. Matt’s stalking Jess who wants to bet--no, wait, Jessica is stalking Matt now this is hilarious. "I have pictures, asshole," and then Matt is an asshole and smashes her camera. To be fair I can't believe how savage Jessica was "I'll punch you so hard you'll see."
Ep 4: "We need to kill the lights." "How do you even know they’re on." Jessica has her priorities in the right place, I appreciate that. Her realism is nice. The four ribbing each other out, this is definitely my favourite scene so far. "I even put on a tie! Danny is adorable" DID JESS THROW THAT CAR IN
Ep5: Did Luke just get hit by a garbage truck this wasn’t what I meant by calling them my trash squad Matt and Elektra are tragic. I love their chemistry, they're so bad for each other and that's what I love. I’m glad we’re getting so much Colleen This feels a little like DDs2.5 and IFs1.5, I want the others to get a bit more input. It's not going to happen, not with their s2 around the corner but I think it would be nice. Scarf looked better, I agree, Jess. Much better than the horns. I love the lighting of this whole thing That Colleen and Claire scene Matt “I don't kill people” damn near kills a guy, double standards wow This is the point I wish Karen or Trish had been more influential, and the others had to actually find something more out because this is where the plot strings along before the inevitable big bad battle.
Ep 6: Can Matt not hang his pictures straight or something? He's playing up the blind thing there a little bit. I'm pretty sure he could try a little harder than that. Matt and Jess detectiving together is something I always wanted and I’m getting it. The directing is brilliant, have I said how much I like the lighting and the shots? Danny and Luke moments, yeeeeesssss, I really wanna see Heroes for Hire now, I need them being friends I’m glad this is only 8 eps, because they like to slow down around 2/3 the way through to string along the last pieces and it gets a bit slow, and knowing there are only two eps left means I know it will speed up instead of there being five eps left. Either that or I wish they'd added a few more plot stages, the ending is inevitable now. Danny don't do something stupid I cant believe this is literally about everyone wanting Danny. I also can’t believe Danny spent the whole episode tied to a chair. It's such a coincidence that everyone was fed up with the show and here everyone feels that way about the character. “How can you enjoy watching all this death?” my mum asks as Sigourney Weavey tells Elektra to kill the Defenders. “There’s not that much death.” I say, and then Elektra stabs her, “Okay, I was not expecting that.” Wasn’t expecting that at all, Elektra, I think I'm in love with that plot twist
Ep 7: Almost there, here we go So glad each Defender has their own colour "Here is my professional legal opinion... you need to break out of the precinct" Can’t believe Jessica is stealing alcohol from homeless people now Are Jess and Luke beating on an old lady now? I appreciate how much Colleen there is, have I said that? Danny behind that dragon spread out like his tattoo was eerie
Ep 8: was it worth it spending my day watching this? Yes, yes it was What’s that sound? (Sword fight continues in the background) Better Iron Fist story than Iron Fist was I thought Matt was gonna kiss Danny for a minute, but no, bro talk Oo Elevator fighting, I can't believe Jessica was so quick to get out of it, I literally thought she was ditching. Also really glad everyone is using martial arts and there was Jessica, throwing the enemy into the roof Okay so Matt hasn’t been daredevilling. But he must have kept in shape because his fighting skills are better than ever I spent the whole series half hoping for Punisher and knowing it wasn’t gonna happen. That's so sad. Hang in there, Jess That fight between Matt and Elektra was everything, and that ending was perfect Matt? No, he can’t be dead, Matt how please you’ve got a s3 YOU CAN’T BE DEAD I hope Misty gets a mechanical arm and is badass. I mean she’s badass anyway. But Matt though… This definitely felt like an Iron Fist and DD sequel rather than Luke Cage and JJ As cute as Luke and Claire are I hope there is room for a Danielle Cage in the future I want to see an Iron Fist mask from you Danny I wanted more Jessica from this Yay new Alias sign Matt wHY arE you on rOoF are oh wait its Danny I want a mask, Danny, although I like the track suit Oh there’s Matt. And your mom’s around somewhere. I wanted a Punisher trailer too but I guess that was to hope for Wow that was a ride. Not perfect, but definitely a team up that was worth it to watch.
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heyekiel · 7 years
Many Questions Tag
rules: answer these 85 statements
tagged by @th7thsense thank u i love u !!
1. drink: tea 2. phone call: mom 3. text message: it was sephora jfbjfbn 4. song you listened to: ludovico einaudi - questa notte (this dude awesome check him out if you like classical) 5. time you cried: yesterday night? 6. dated someone twice: when i was figuring things out 7. kissed someone and regretted it: yeah i kinda regret everything but also dont cause i know better where i am now 8. been cheated on: nope 9. lost someone special: yes 10. been depressed: yes 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: not sure if it was related but yeah
12. black 13. white 14. deep deep red
15. made new friends: yes, i made a few here on tumblr !! bless yall ily 16. fallen out of love: nah love as yall hear it is a forreign concept to me 17. laughed until you cried: yup (thanks sis) 18. found out someone was talking about you: yes? i dont know? 19. met someone who changed you: nope 20. found out who your friends are: dont have friends 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: no
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life:  lol you rly think im gonna go count 23. do you have any pets: yep, i got 9 cats at the moments and farm animals (too much to count soz) 24. do you want to change your name: yes, it’s planned,, dont really know the legal proccess yet but,, its planned 25. what did you do for your last birthday: ate cake with m mom and sis and the twins i think? then went back to studying lmao 26. what time did you wake up: 6:30 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: crying lmao 28. name something you can’t wait for: death 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: when she dropped me off at the train station last night 31. what are you listening to right now: nothing im watching elijah and christine 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: my cousin named thomas does that count? 33. something that is getting on your nerves: lol myself 34. most visited website: tumblr, yt and the uni webmail 35. hair colour: dyed black, natural brown 36. long or short hair: i have rly short hair like mark short? they used to be waist long lmao i cut everything at the same time 37. do you have a crush on someone: im ace/mostly aro 38. what do you like about yourself: my right hand nails hsbvsvjhfj (no but my eyes are rly pretty) 40. blood type: b- 41. nickname: my sis calls me ya (from mydead name) but @zhonqchenle calls me ez and thats it i have no friends lmao 42. relationship status: still ace/aro 43. zodiac: scorpio 44. pronouns: sigh genders,, but they/them (i dont mind he/his cause theres no neutral pronouns in french but,, the first im more comfortable with i guess) 45. favourite tv show: teen wolf is my shit ngl, sense 8 (still gotta see season 2), and bad guys (thats a drama guys check it out its a police dark serail killer one stuff shit i love it its so good) 46. tattoos: thats planned,, but im broke rn we’ll see later lmao 47. right or left handed: right handed 48. surgery: kidney stone removal (fucking drink guys that is NOT fun) and other stuff are planned for later 50. sport: i did artistic gymnastic for like 9 years, i danced for a while (i did modern, hip-hop, classical), i did natation i did a bit of aikido (im not sure thats how you write it thats a martial art),, but i dropped everything in the end (i do a bit of boxing tho) 51. vacation:  rn? lmao im in uni and we broke 52. pair of trainers:  addidas i think,, theyre from last year
53. eating: nothing 54. drinking: also nothing 55. I’m about to: study lmao thats all i fucking do 56. waiting for: the sweet release of death 57. want: learn to compose (have the time time for it who am i kidding) 58. get married: nope (id marry a friend tho lmao) 59. career: dream job? producer. actual job? i don’t now, either psychiatrist, comportementalist, legist, sound engeneer (i cant speel this fucking word i give up) ?
60. hugs or kisses: both (kisses dont mean romantic love to me id kiss a friend on the lips i dont,, care) 61. lips or eyes: both bitch 62. shorter or taller: it doesn’t matter to me idc 63. older or younger: also dont care 64. nice arms or nice stomach: what does nice mean lmao,, i dont really care 65. hook up or relationship: sigh 66. troublemaker or hesitant: both leaning over the first
I realized this was dating question kdfbjkdb LMAO so,, this is bout anyone im comfortable with jbkjbsjvsd /rly close friends and shit/
67. kissed a stranger: dont think so 68. drank hard liquor: lmao yeah 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: yeah but i found them 70. turned someone down: yeah 71. sex on the first date: i knew the dude but yeah 72. broken someone’s heart: yeah i guess 73. had your heart broken: yeah 74. been arrested: i dont get out my bed kjsbvss 75. cried when someone died: yes 76. fallen for a friend: thought i did,, ended up ruining myself
77. yourself: no lmao,, my ability to get through shit by really impulsive decisions?? yes 78. miracles: depends what you mean by that,, i guess it case by case 79. love at first sight: yall gotta stop putting your whole life and heart and trust in someone you know thats how you get murdered fucking stop 80. santa claus: stop what if kids see this 81. kiss on the first date: dont care none of my buisness,, it becomes if one of my  friends gets hurts or i witness someone get hurt 82. angels: why not gotta believe in something (im the angel i am ;))
84. eye colour: lOL theyre really weird but really pretty ive never seen it anywhere else ?? theyre bleue on the outside and turn grenn/grey-ish, then brown/gold ish in the middl its fucking wild istg. i didnt know what to put for the passport lmao (also pics dot take all of the colors?? thats a lil weird too idk rly) 85. favourite movie: imitation game,, enders game,, i forgot one i dont remember?? im tired
tagging: @jenolees @zhonqchenle @safetypillow
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xuxi99 · 7 years
All the things i was tagged in~
in order to not spam my blog with all the things i was tagged in i’ll make a one big post, so i wont annoy my followerstdfrhg 
also, i’ll tag people at the very end of this, sorry in advance if you already did one of these tags :)
Let’s Bold It Tag
tagged by @antaresw thank you 💕💕
APPEARANCE: I am 5’7’’ or taller I wear glasses I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or had braces There is something I would change about the way I look
PERSONALITY: My Hogwarts House is: Gryffindor / Hufflepuff / Ravenclaw / Slytherin I am an introvert I like meeting new people People tell me I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude to people that I’m close to I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY: I can sing well I can play an instrument I can do over 30 pushups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well (when I really try) I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least two people in arm wrestling I know how to cook three meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month I enjoy writing Fandoms are my number one priority I do or have done martial arts
EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a game I have watched an entire season of a tv show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
RELATIONSHIP: I’m in a relationship I have a celebrity crush I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least three relationships I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings for them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for over a year I have had feelings for a friend
MY LIFE: I have at least one person I consider a best friend I live close to my school My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend from school in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share my room with someone
RANDOM: I have break danced I know a person named Jamie I have had a teacher with a last name that is hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life I speak at least 2 languages fluently I have made a friend in the past year
Rules: Have to tag 15 people at the end of this 
tagged by @miinct and @kristinanix00 thank you! 💗💗
Five things you’ll find in my bag:
 lots of tissues 
a bottle of water
pink totoro power bank 
my wallet
Five things you’ll find in my bedroom
a guitar 
my laptop
cups and mugs all over my desk
cat toys
johnten bag i hanged on my wall lol
Five things I’ve always wanted to do:
go to nct s concert 
visit my friends from other countries 
go to a cat cafe
volunteer at an animal shelter  
buy my mom a big housedgfdsgfxcv
Five things that make me happy:
my cats, friends, family
doing things im supposed to do
buying things for my family and cats
knowing that i did everything i could to help others
Five things I’m currently into:
manga/manhwa (👉F O O L S👈)
saving money for nct s merchandise 
editing videos
Five things on my to-do list:
buy for my cats bigger cat tree
buy for my cats two baskets
buy ncts latest album
drawing more regularly
to not take everything for granted and enjoy my time with my family as much as i can
92 questions
tagged by @l-etaeyong thank you!!💞💞
1. Drink: milk
2. Phone call: my sister
3. Text message: rejecting a job offer
4. Song you listened to: the strokes- last nite 
5. Time you cried: two weeks ago, maybe?
6. Dated someone twice: no
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: yes
8. Been cheated on: no
9. Lost someone special: yes
10. Been depressed: yes
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
12-14: purple, blue, peach
15. Made new friends: yes
16. Fallen out of love: yes
17. Laughed until you cried: yes
18. Found out someone was talking about you: no
19. Met someone who changed you: no
20. Found out who your friends are: ..yes
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: yes
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: 99%
23. Do you have any pets: yes, two cats
24. Do you want to change your name: no, i got used to it and many people told me how pretty it is :)
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: bought my cats a lot of toys lol
26. What time did you wake up: 5/6 am
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: i was sleepingtyfghd
28. Name something you can’t wait for: moving out of my house 
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: an hour ago
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: my poor decisions 
31. What are you listening right now: grizzly bear - two weeeks
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: no
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: people ignoring me when i need do to something important and i need their help
34. Most visited Website: mangago fdgnhgdfxv
35. Elementary: graduated 
36. High School: graduated
37. College: :)
38. Haircolor: brown
39. Long or short hair: in between 
40. Do you have a crush on someone: no
41. What do you like about yourself: my lips
42. Piercings: none
43. Bloodtype: A
44. Nickname: zuza
45. Relationship status: single
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favorite TV Show: nct life tydjtrdytgr
49. Tattoos: none, but im planning to get one soon
50. Right or left: left handed
51. Surgery: adenoidectomy
52. Piercing: none
53. Sport: ??dytfghtdrgf
55. Vacation: my house tdyfhg
56. Pair of trainers: converse
57. Eating: everything that has pasta in it
58. Drinking: water, tea
59. I’m about to: check mangago for any updates tydhftdg
61. Waiting for: a miracle to happen 
62. Want: money
63. Get married: nope
64. Career: i dont even know at this point dygfhfdg
65. Hugs or kisses: kisses 
66. Lips or eyes: eyes
67. Shorter or taller: taller
68. Older or younger: older
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: nice arms 
71. Sensitive or loud: both are good ytdfgd
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker
74. Kissed a stranger: no
75. Drank hard liquor: nope
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: no
77. Turned someone down: yes
78. Sex in the first date: nope
79. Broken someones heart: dont think so
80. Had your heart broken: yes
81. Been arrested: no, im a good kid
82. Cried when someone died: yes
83. Fallen for a friend: yes
84. Yourself: me?
85. Miracles: i try to believe 
86. Love at first sight: more like a crush tefddrgsf
87. Santa Claus: until i was 6
88. Kiss in the first date: no
89. Angels: chenle
90. Current best friends name: ariadna
91. Eyecolor: brown mixed with green
92. Favorite movie: theres so many, cant choose etrghrtdgf
i hope you got to know me better through these tags :)
i tag @johntenismyotp @yutasneko @gghateblog @mashiington @minteacakes @dreamlnadream @backisshinee and @1aeyeon !!
dont feel obligated to do it if you dont want to!!
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soniaasell · 7 years
Are you looking for Rowing machines under £300? Then my review round up is for you!
I love using rowing machines, they’re just super convenient. Not only do they give a great workout but you can quickly fold them up and slide them under the bed or store them in a cupboard when you’re done. Perfect if you live in a small apartment or in my case have no room thanks to the mountains of kids stuff filling every spare bit of storage space. For the ultimate exercise at home – the rowing machine has always been a solid go-to option as it offers a genuine full body workout.
Amazing for weight loss, boosting your stamina as well as toning and building muscles – the rowing machine is the perfect work out and makes the ideal compact substitute for a multi-gym. Rowing machines really get your heart and lungs pumping and will give you a great cardio-vascular workout that is super low impact (so they’re gentle on your joints and will not mess up your knees like jogging will).
Not only great for cardio, rowing machines will build muscle mass or to tone and you can do either simply by changing the resistance and intensity of your workout.
I thought I’d test and give my opinion on which I (and others) believe is the best affordable and compact rowing machines of 2018.
In addition to my reviews be sure to scroll down for the Top 10 reasons why you should add a rowing machine to your work out regimen.
So, which are the best rowing machines for under £300?
The Body Sculpter BR1000 Rowing Machine
The ideal introduction to rowing at home – this no-frills model was surprising easy to assemble and setup. One thing that struck me was how “naturalistic” it felt – it was just how I imagine rowing a boat would be and very much unlike the rope pull rowing machines you normally find in the gym. Don’t get me wrong this is a very cheap rowing machine and it shows in the build quality, however it does work and it is very compact so should easily fold up and disappear under most beds.
The only criticism, besides flimsy build, is the monitor – it’s a bit unreliable and it jumps occasionally loosing track of the number of strokes you’ve done. For the price of well under £100 though you can’t really complain!
Check out more reviews for the BR1000 over on Amazon
  ROW X – We R Sports Premium Foldable Rowing Machine
Labelled as “premium” – this is one of  a sea of chinese brands making waves in the UK home exercise scene (no pun intended). A definite step up in specification from the BR1000 but at only £30 more – this rowing machine uses the rope pulley method which I actually prefer over the fixed hydraulic arms used on the cheaper model.
There was one major flaw with this rowing machine, it’s really unstable and the mid section flexes when you pull on it – to the point where it almost lifts the front of the machine off of the floor! It’s due to this that I cannot recommend this rower to anyone which is a shame as I really love the design and the LCD is great.
Check out more reviews for the ROWX here
  V-fit Tornado Air Rower
This is the only rower in the budget range that uses air resistance, but it’s also the most expensive at £250!
The assembly was a painful process – there’s lots to put together, which may go some way to explain the comparatively low price point for an air resistance rower, but I got there in the end. I recommend getting a matt for this rower as based on other reviews it seems to have a tendency to slip slightly when in use. This rowing machine gave good resistance when in use and it also felt very stable (despite others saying it slips). It also folds up into a smaller foot print so requires less storage space than other pulley type rowers.
You’d have thought that with it’s higher price point, air resistance pulley system and overall better technology this rowing machine would win hands down – but it didn’t! Which leads me nicely on to my next review…
Read more independent reviews on the V-fit Tornado Air Rowing Machine here.
  JLL® R200 Luxury Home rowing machine
The JLL R200 felt solid and very well-made. Assembly was pretty easy if you take your time and it’s a one person job.
The only very minor negatives are the max resistance isn’t as difficult as other rowing machines and it’s still pretty bulky when folded up, but that’s pretty standard for this kind of compact rowing machine. Just reading the positive reviews online will give you an idea of how great this rower is, especially at it’s current price point.
I actually love this rowing machine, the price has been reduced down to well under £200 on Amazon so recommend you grab a bargain. You will not find a better quality rowing machine for under £200.
  I hope the above helps you on your search to find the best budget rowing machines for under £300 – if you have any suggestions please leave me a comment below.
Top 10 reasons why you should add a rowing machine to your work out regimen
Rowing machines are ideal for improving your overall health – they’re super low-impact, easy to use for all ages and make the perfect introduction to exercise. Rowing machines offer a genuine full body work out and are great for improving cardiovascular stamina and core strength and stability.
  1 Rowing machines strengthen the upper body
Rowing machines are great for working out large muscle groups in the shoulders, upper and low back – this helps strengthen and condition large big groups like the rhomboids, trapezius and lats. This helps by improving your posture and will have a positive effect on reducing back pain. In addition to working out your back using a rowing machine will also provide a decent workout for your abs, pecs and biceps – which in combination really helps strengthen your core. You’ll also develop and tone your forearms – it’s a great exercise for strengthening your grip, which means it’s a great exercise if your into rock climbing or stability exercises and martial arts such as yoga and taekwondo.
2 Provide a great lower body workout
Rowing machines provide a solid lower body workout, the main leg muscles such as the quads, calves and glutes really feel the burn when on the rowing machine. Did you know lower body exercise actually burns calories at a faster rate? Which means that lower body exercise is the fastest way to lose weight – which is due to the lower body containing the largest muscles which do the most work overall. So don’t skip leg day if you want to burn calories! Strengthening your lower body will improve muscle tone and help you maintain excellent stability and flexibility. Also as it’s low impact you won’t have to worry about damaging your joints or injuring yourself.
3 It’s the ultimate low impact cardio exercise
I cant stress how important this is – high impact exercise is known to lead to premature joint ageing, you risk straining your back, damaging your knees, ankles twisted and bones cracked by running, jogging and the myriad of other high impact exercises that are out there. If you’re overweight or having existing joint problems the risks can outweigh the benefits. The rowing motion is natural, uses a good range of movement without over extending and puts minimal stress on the joints whilst giving a full body work out. Similar to exercise bikes seen at your local spin class. There is a risk of back strain on rowing machines but you can circumvent that risk by using the correct rowing form.
4 Convenient Aerobic exercise for all age groups
Partaking in regular aerobic exercise will give you a stronger immune system, you’ll lose weight and get a marked increase in your overall fitness and stamina. Not only that you’ll sleep and feel better too! As exercising on a rowing machine uses so many muscle groups your heart will have to pump harder to feed a steady stream of oxygen to keep them all working effectively.
5 It’s the easiest exercise to help you lose weight fast
As it’s an all-over work out that uses so many different muscle groups and offers a great aerobic exercise as well as being low impact it really does cover all the bases needed to lose weight. If you’re overweight, worried about damaging your joints or have weight related health concerns that are preventing you from exercising effectively it may well be worth taking a serious look into rowing machines. Rowing machines are also a great exercise for people with hyper-mobility disorders such as Ehlers Danlos as it’s low impact and doesn’t force you to over-extend your joints which might potentially damage them in the long run.
6 Increased stamina
Given what we’ve spoken about above, you’d expect a marked increase in stamina and overall fitness levels. The beauty of a rowing machine is it’s just so easy to use, regardless of your fitness levels – simply adjust the resistance levels or decrease the intensity of your workout and just increase your effort and resistance as your endurance level increases.
7 It’s affordable
As you’ve seen above, you can buy Rowing machines under £300 – that’s quality budget rowing machines that will offer you an effective full body work out day in day out. Of course you can easily spend several 1000’s on a top-of-the line rowing machine but it’s an easily accessible form of exercise for virtually all levels of budget.
8 Rowing machines are easy to use
Rowing machines are deceptively easy to use, but care has to be taken to ensure you use the correct form otherwise you may not be getting the full benefit of the exercise, or at worst you may hurt yourself in the long term. I’ve included a video below that demonstrates the correct technique needed.
9 Rowing machines are convenient
As demonstrated above, unlike a multi gym, weights bench or exercise bike – rowing machines can be stowed away inside a cupboard or folder down and placed under the bed (if they’re the hydraulic compact rowing machines). They’re usually really quick and easy to setup and you can use them whilst watching your favourite TV show!
10 They’re good for your heart
I’ve saved the best for last – using rowing machines raises your heart rate and provides an excellent overall aerobic workout. It is known that you should be doing at least 150 minutes of medium intensity exercise per week as a minimum – rowing machines enable you to achieve that level of exercise in just 3 x 20 minute high intensity sessions (1). As the rowing machine works out almost all of the biggest muscle groups in your body your heart and lungs need to work harder to supply enough oxygen to feed this big muscles – which leads to a stronger healthier heart in the long term.
The post REVIEW ROUND UP – ROWING MACHINES UNDER £300 – LEVEL UP YOUR FITNESS AT HOME appeared first on Kale and Hearty Kitchen.
REVIEW ROUND UP – ROWING MACHINES UNDER £300 – LEVEL UP YOUR FITNESS AT HOME published first on http://kaleandheartykitchen.com/
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vitaminwater-hd · 7 years
70 horrible questions ... Fuck it
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?  not in the slightest, they are verbally, physically abusice people who im gonna be so happy to leave
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to? i text it all the time to my gall palls...but i think the last time i said it was to the dog as i was leaving to go to school
03: Do you regret anything? so many, if i could redo my life it would be nothing like it is now
04: Are you insecure? hell yeah but hell no at the same time, depends on the time of day
05: What is your relationship status? pining over epople i can have
06: How do you want to die? ASAP
07: What did you last eat? lemonade and hony on corn chips? dont judge me
08: Played any sports? used to do tennis, mixed martial arts, netball, horseriding and what not
09: Do you bite your nails? used to, ive curbed that habit
10: When was your last physical fight? last friday, i had to call the police and they blamed me 
11: Do you like someone? yes? i dont know anymore, i try to fill my loneliness with the idea of others but...i havent really cared for anyone for a long time
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? of course
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment? mmmmmmmhm
14: Do you miss someone? I miss mishek a hell of a lot. And my friend seb...he hasnt talked to me in forever...i wish that we kept in touch but i guess hes onto bigger and better things
15: Have any pets? I have kitty(mydog) and a bunch of fish 
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment? really sad since i just thought about seb
17: Ever made out in the bathroom? against my will
18: Are you scared of spiders? yeah....theyre not fun
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? 100%
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone? genuinely cant remember 21: What are your plans for this weekend? study and work my dude
22: Do you want to have kids? How many? i dont want kids at tbe momnt, but if i wasnt the one that had to give birth to them, id like a fair few
23: Do you have piercings? How many? just my ears
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)? i top all my subjects except Math B so...yeah
25: Do you miss anyone from your past? seb....but thats it, im pretty much okay with burning bridges
26: What are you craving right now?
physical affection
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? i hope not
28: Have you ever been cheated on? no
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? apparently but i cant remember anything specific about my last relationship
30: What’s irritating you right now? the inability to hold onto friends for more than a couple years
31: Does somebody love you?
32: What is your favourite color? i love pastel pinks blues and purples, but mostly that inbetween brown pink colour you can get blushes in
33: Do you have trust issues? yeh
34: Who/what was your last dream about? i dont dream anymore hun
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of? i cry like everyday, i cant remember
36: Do you give out second chances too easily? i would say so
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget? ...thats a hard one....id say its easier to forgive, forgetting took me a lot of effort
38: Is this year the best year of your life? i hope not
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss? 14
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked? evridai
51: Favourite food? i dont know man, i like to be noursihed
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason? when im down ill use that as a cop out but no..it doesnt, life just tumbles on
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? closed my laptop and turned it on charge
54: Is cheating ever okay? no
55: Are you mean? sometimes tho i try not to be
56: How many people have you fist fought? easily in the teens, i used to do mixed martial arts, but a real fight? just my sistr and father
57: Do you believe in true love? i dont believe in much
58: Favourite weather? when its raining a lot so the day is dark, and its just cold enough to not sweat when you walk around the house in comfy clothes.
59: Do you like the snow? yesss
60: Do you wanna get married? eventually
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? i call everyone bb so i guess so
62: What makes you happy? dogs, horses, puppies, cakes, dessert, socks, memes
63: Would you change your name? yeah, id cahnge it to something more badass
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
yehhhhhhhhhh lets not
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? I guess we;re dating if that scenario comes up...ive not had anyone like me in aaaaages, ill take what i acan get
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? not entirely
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? this boi called taya
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? i refrain from those
69: Do you believe in soulmates? i want to but i know its all just lies lonely people tell themselves to feel less lonely
70: Is there anyone you would die for?</p> apart from my doggo no
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