#canoptek scarab swarm
mtg-cards-hourly · 1 year
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Canoptek Scarab Swarm
Artist: Alexey Kruglov TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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Found all my old Necron minis from high school and finally moved them to Sydney.
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Lokhust Heavy Destroyer:
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Technomancer with Canoptek Scarab swarms:
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Royal Warden and Overlord with glaive:
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Canoptek Reanimator:
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Chronomancer (kitbash):
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Assorted warriors:
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He knew something was wrong the moment they exited the Eternity Gate.  He had been here before, so many countless millennia ago, yet he remembered this place as though only a mere century had passed.  The still air, the scent of the stone walls, the thrum and crackle of energy slumbering within the very planet itself, they were etched within the Wanderer’s subconscious engrams.  But everything was different now, the vast stasis-tomb felt restless, disrupted.
Raznekh interrogated the tomb world’s canoptek drones, the technical readouts flashing across his vision confirming what he already suspected.  Energy readings were dangerously low.  Power production was far below acceptable levels, likely had been for at least two thousand years.  At least an entire legion of Necron warriors were forever lost, never to wake again.  There was not much time to correct this deficiency to prevent unacceptable losses, possibly even among the lords and crypteks slumbering on this world should the problem extend to even their more robust stasis systems.
The dust swirling around his feet at his entrance had barely begun to settle before he strode quickly through the halls, all other considerations momentarily forgotten or ignored.  He only spared a thought to instruct the nearby canoptek wraiths to stand down from their patrols and report more detailed information on the generators.  Raznekh didn’t bother to summon a scarab guide or interrogate the sleeping tomb for directions; he knew exactly where to go, his numerous visits over the eons giving him a perfect recollection of the tomb’s many twists and turns.  He would reach the generators five minutes before irreparable damage was done to his brethren in their great sleep.  Plenty of time to correct this.
The journey into the depths of the tomb was like a dream, the familiar hallways, galleries, and sigils carved into the stone walls blurring together, his mind registering them only long enough to subconsciously tell him that he was on the right path.  At least, so he thought he could recall of what a dream was like.  When was the last time he dreamt?  Certainly not after his passage through the biotransference forge…he let the vague recollection of that time slide from his thoughts.  Now was not the time for distractions or regrets.  He needed all of his senses and cognitive functions sharp if he was to fix this quickly.
Does she still dream, or did she give that up as well…?
A faint crack of contained plasma snapped him back to the present.  He was standing before the generators.  How long had he been lost in his thoughts?  Seconds?  Hours?  Days?  It mattered not anymore, it was time to get to work.
He placed his hand upon the generator’s blackstone casing, his living metal flesh detecting the subtle thrumming of the hot, compressed matter within.  Long experience and familiarity told him the problem faster than if he consulted the data logs.  The power extraction conduit had been knocked loose, likely from an earthquake, thus preventing uninterrupted and properly modulated energy flow.  It was a perverse miracle of probability that the conduit hadn’t been disconnected completely; had it been, the backup pathways would’ve taken over and prevented the power flow from stubbornly trying to go through the choked connection.
Removing the conduit entirely would’ve solved the problem sufficiently.  However, he was here, so he might as well fix the problem completely.
A few terse commands and the nearby scarabs and wraiths swarmed to the spot, reseating the cable properly.  The stuttering in the generators ceased.  Everything was as he remembered it previously.  Everything was as it should be.
Raznekh summoned the technical readout again.  Everything once again had returned to acceptable parameters.  The normally expressionless necrodermis around his eye sockets narrowed slightly as he studied the numbers.  Acceptable, but not to him.  He issued a few more commands.  The mindless automata got to work, disconnecting, cleaning, and reseating each power conduit in turn, the wraiths making minute adjustments to the generators in accordance with his instructions.
Power flow increased.  Stasis chambers previously starved of energy were brought back to their slumbering state once again.  Perhaps losses on this world wouldn’t be so great.  Good, that meant one less overlord haranguing him for explanations regarding the loss of troops.  Not that the one on this planet would care overmuch, but there was still the risk of his betters wanting to take their frustrations out on him regardless.  Best not give them an easy excuse to do so.
The chamber’s environmental data scrolling across his vision displayed a thermal anomaly.  It was minor, but its presence in the generator chamber was a potential cause for concern.  Raznekh looked around for the source of the rising temperature, his eyes quickly settling upon the augmented mortal accompanying him.
The half-machine human–no, her name is Sister Xi-Epsilon 91, he reminded himself–stood before him in near motionless rapture.  The large green-tinted lens of her right optical was fixed upon him, and the normally closed shutter of her smaller left optical fluttered partially open rapidly.  Her respiratory signatures were a bit louder and a lot more rapid.  He could sense the increased heat radiating off of her small frame.
“Little Cog,” he intoned, using the designation that she seemed to react positively to, “your temperature levels have rapidly increased.  Are you still functioning normally?”
“By the Omnissiah…” she replied faintly and, Raznekh noted, no small amount of awe.  “Total diagnosis time of 4.8 seconds.  Fault not only corrected but efficiency increased by 0.83%.  72 hours at increased rate will produce enough energy to power a mid-sized forgeworld hive with factories at full production for 93,706.45 Standard Terran Days.  Minimal use of tools and interfaces, as though you were communing with the Machine Spirits, suggesting your xenos tech have any…”
Her temperature continued to rise.  Raznekh recalled that humans had extremely limited optimal temperature ranges and she was exceeding that.  He was concerned that her organic leg would fail her.  Instead, her metal limbs twitched, her arms hung loosely at her sides, and then her metal knee spasmed, sending her falling to the floor in a tangle of twitching extremities.
“Little Cog?”
She did not respond coherently, a low, rapid utterance of data emerging from her.  He still had yet to fully decipher this particular encryption, but if it was anything like the previous times he heard it, she was probably in an ecstatic state.  At least her temperature, though still high, was no longer increasing.  Raznekh hypothesized that a runaway thermal buildup exceeded her mechanical body’s capacity to function and initiated a temporary shutdown.  What caused it in the first place, he couldn’t begin to speculate without further data.
Was she…impressed?
The necrodermis underneath Raznekh’s eyes involuntarily thinned, letting the blue glow from his optical sensors shine dimly through as he scooped Xi up into his arms.  He paused, taking a moment to reposition her lolling head against his shoulder plate.  The data utterances trailed off into a sigh, and Xi seemed to relax in his arms.  One of her mechadentrites attempted to wrap around his spine, but only managed to get tangled on his gilded ilium.  The blue glow through his necrodermis grew brighter.
Raznekh walked down one of the hallways from the generator chamber.  Several kilometers away was a cavern that had lower than average temperatures, which would assist Xi in shedding the excess thermal buildup.  His body’s thermal sensors indicated that she was still very warm, enough to cause short term damage to his necrodermis, requiring energy expenditures he hadn’t accounted for to repair.
He dismissed the datapoint from his thoughts.  Within acceptable parameters.
((characters by toffee_32))
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nightscalestudio · 1 year
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The second Canoptek Scarabs swarm of Nihilakh Dynasty.
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mowu-moment · 1 year
Mob Rule: Realmbreaker, the Invasion Tree
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My name is Mowu, and if there's one thing I hate as much as I hate rules, it's cards. What do you mean someone can play a card and mess with my stuff? We can't let them have any of those, and this hole in the sky that opened up behind me seems to agree. Welcome back to Mob Rule, a blogpost/article series about Rule Zero commanders, a unique(ly bad) deck tech around them, and what legendary creatures to substitute for them if the lawmages get too much on our backs.
Turning of the Handle
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Since we've yet to have a colorless Praetor, there are three parts to Realmbreaker we get to focus on: mill, lands, and abilities. Mill is fairly straighforward: put cards in the graveyard. Colorless affords few great options, but enough good ones: Sands of Delirium, Whetstone, and Keening Stone all capitalize on our oodles of mana, while Ghoulcaller's Bell, Altar of the Brood, and Codex Shredder come down early to help our commander get rolling.
Spinning of the Grave
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Mill goes hand in hand with graveyard synergies, and similarly has a few good pickings for colorless. A sampling of reanimation with Grimoire of the Dead and Portal to Phyrexia, a taste of big creatures with Bonehoard and Unlicensed Hearse, and a few funnier things like Myr Welder and Dermotaxi. While Realmbreaker takes its share of the lands, these cards pick up the creatures and artifacts that get milled in the process, so nothing is wasted.
Reaping of the Sown
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Lands are harder to find additional synergy with, the only standout cards being Blackblade Reforged and Seer's Sundial. However, there are replacements for Realmbreaker should our tree be chopped down: Canoptek Scarab Swarm bombs a graveyard in exchange for a board full of tokens, Mirran Safehouse (ironic, I know) gives us the much of same potential outright taking the lands does, and worst comes to worst, we can twiddle our own thumbs with a Crucible of Worlds (along with a good package of sac-lands).
Spreading of the Tree
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The greatest thing about ability copying, like the new Abstruse Archaic, is that it not only applies to our commander, but anything that might come attached to the realms we break (except mana abilities, but things like Inventor's Fair or Maze of Ith are still welcome). We also run some untappers like Voltaic Servant and Manifold Key to spread our infection a few more times each turn.
Staying of the Hand
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We're a mill deck, so combat is nowhere near a focus, but we still need a solid package of creatures for the Vehicles and Equipment that we need for the strategy. To make some use of them, we're either taking creature-based removal, like Bladegriff Prototype and Steel Hellkite, or anything that can slow the board down, like Silent Arbiter and Rug of Smothering. If one had the budget, they could opt for a graveyard shuffler like Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, as a failsafe if they mill themselves too much, but we won't do that today.
Replacing of the Commander
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This time around, there are very few options for proper commanders as a whole, much less ones that can do anything for the strategy. There are two self-shufflers we could choose, but they won't do much from the command zone. If you want to make a point to your playgroup, I'd go for Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger, as his exile ability resembles mill if you squint, and can make decking an opponent a viable strategy. If they're scared, Hope of Ghirapur works as a board-staller as well as a good body to hold Equipment (even if there's only four).
The full decklist can be found at https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/mob-rule-first-i-break-your-realms/ .
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gratingasshat · 4 years
Canoptek units are the cutest bitches this side of the Eye of Terror.
Like, look at these little dudes.
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They're like a bunch of robotic dogs! I personally think that all the Necrons with functioning personalities and emotions share cute and funny videos of canoptek units doing things, same as we would with videos of our pets.
You make friends with an overlord, and she just sends you pictures of this guy, with the caption "Stinky man. Little garbage stinky man."
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tabletop-ready · 3 years
Scarab swarm #2
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wh40kartwork · 2 years
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Canoptek Scarab Swarm
by Alexey Kruglov
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howadzpaints · 2 years
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Necron Canoptek Scarab Swarms, Sautekh Dynasty 31-Mar-2022
A test of patience with batch painting. I hate doing it, and for some reason these were really difficult to power through. Originally I didn’t have the white faces and I think them just looking like a blob of black and green wasn’t thrilling.
Made a video tutorial showing my process for these.
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paintnpending · 3 years
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The monthly roundup for March. The March of the Minis. I got a TON done this month, probably at the cost of a bunch of other stuff. Also managed to wrap up two separate box sets this month, and another waits in the wings....
12 Sworn Brothers (ASOIAF) 1 Watch Captain (ASOIAF) 1 Jon Snow (ASOIAF) 1 Ghost (ASOIAF) 8 Zombies (Zombicide) 1 Survivor Wanda (Zombicide) 1 Abomination (Zombicide) 3 Canoptek Scarab Swarms (WH40k) 1 Canoptek Reanimator (WH40k) 1 Custom Catacomb Command Barge (WH40k) 3 Eradicators (WH40k) 1 Indomitus Chaplain (WH40k) 1 Sentinel Enforcer (ASOIAF) 1 Champion of the Faith (ASOIAF) 1 Assault Veteran (ASOIAF) 1 Turncoat (ASOIAF) 1 Clegane Butcher (ASOIAF) Also picked up the Pariah Nexus box, and that’s given some very tidy new minis to paint up. Painted: 39         Pending: 12            Played: 0               Totals:   109                       71                         0
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jakey-beefed-it · 4 years
I wasn’t really entirely satisfied with the Necron Overlord model I painted the other day, so I decided to try and do a slight variation on the paint scheme on the Skorpekh Lord Señor Skorpekh and I gotta say, so far I am really liking the model lots better, and also it’s better suited to show all the corrosion and oxidation I was goin’ for than the wee little Overlord.
So probably what’s going to happen is that I’m going to paint up the six regular ol’ Skorpekh Destroyers to give him a retinue. And maybe one of the plasmancers. Might also build and paint up the Canoptek Reanimators because they have a similarly leggy aesthetic. Thinking I might adapt the scarab swarms to just be base decor for my Skorpekhs. So I’ve gone from ‘I am going to paint up one or two of these and sell the rest’ to ‘I am going to have a dozen or so on my shelf to look spooky’, but at least I’m still pretty firm on not playing Necrons.
And there’s no way in hell I’m painting up 40 Necron Warriors
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titanomancy · 6 years
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If it seems like posts have been infrequent these last couple of weeks, it’s because I’ve been head down hard on a commission project to crash build two Forgebanes and both old and new Start Collecting sets worth of Necrons.  Basically, all of my free time since the start of April.
Plastic models are not especially demanding and don’t require much in the way of advanced techniques - a quality styrene cement will hold better than any pin - but the client didn’t want to build them, himself, and I can’t say that I blame him.  Necrons are incredibly fiddly.
For those of you keeping score at home, the final count is:
• Necron Overlord w/ Resurrection Orb x 1 • Necron Cryptek w/ Canoptek Cloak x 1 • Necron Cryptek w/ Chronometron x 1 • Necron Warriors w/ Gauss Flayers x 24 • Necron Immortals w/ Gauss Cannon x 20 • Triarch Praetorians w/ Rods of Covenant x 10 • Scarab Swarm x 6 • Canoptek Wraiths w/ Whip Coils x 6 • Catacomb Command Barge w/ Tesla Cannon x 1 • Triarch Stalker w/ Twin-Linked Heavy Gauss Cannon x 1
If you’re keen-eyed, you might notice that this picture is actually short one Cryptek.  Well, that’s because it isn’t built, yet; as the old, resin Cryptek is old and resin, it’s direct order only and wasn’t available at the time I took possession of the army.  I’ll just have to get it done, tomorrow, when the client picks these up.
One thing I will say about Necrons, however; working on them is a soul draining experience.  So, so many tiny joins.
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doolallymagpie · 4 years
i can knock out eleven necrons, three canoptek scarab swarms (one in the process of devouring a fire warrior), two scarab swarms worth of cybermats, and a bunch of terrain in two hours, but five space marines takes me around the same time
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nightscalestudio · 1 year
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The third Canoptek Scarabs swarm of Nihilakh Dynasty.
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actionfigureinsider · 4 years
McFarlane Toys’ Necron Warrior Action Figure Shambles into Battle in the Warhammer 40,000 Universe
The Necrons are shaping up to be critical players in the unfolding story of Warhammer 40,000.  McFarlane Toys will be bringing fans an incredibly detailed 7-inch scale Necron Warrior with Ultra articulation – up to 22 moving parts for a full range of posing and completed with character-specific accessories; a Gauss Flayer and Canoptek Scarab along with a Warhammer 40,000 branded base.
Ultramarines Primaris Assault Intercessor, Necron Warrior, and Space Marine Primaris Intercessor will be available in stores Fall 2020, but no need to wait now, pre-orders are available now!
McFarlane Toys’ Warhammer 40,000 Ultramarines Primaris Assault Intercessor with include a Heavy Bolt Pistol, Astartes Chainsword.  Both figures are 7-inch scale figures and designed with Ultra articulation for a full range of posing and come with a Warhammer 40,000 branded base.
  The highly limited release of Space Marine Primaris Intercessor AP comes unpainted to give fans the same option to paint the figure however they desire just like the iconic Warhammer 40,000 miniatures. Available this Fall at Games Workshop and specialty retailers only.
Warhammer 40,000 is a tabletop miniatures wargame produced by Games Workshop. It is the most popular and successful miniatures wargame in the world.  Warhammer 40,000 is set in the distant future, where a stagnant human civilization is beset by hostile aliens and malevolent supernatural creatures.  First published in 1987, it has grown to become a cross-media hit, including thousands of novels, comics, and video game adaptations.  There is even a live-action TV series currently in development.
    Necron Warrior:
#gallery-0-10 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-10 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; } #gallery-0-10 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-10 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Beneath the skin of the galaxy lurks the eldritch menace known as the Necrons. Having long ago made a devil’s bargain to swap the frailties of flesh for undying metal, they now stir to murderous wakefulness on worlds uncounted after millions of years of slumber, and seek to reclaim the stars from those who have usurped them.
Though they have the nigh-indestructible bodies of killer machines, the Necrons possess a macabre and captivating character, and their armies are many and varied. Whether it be a council of haughty Overlords and genius Crypteks fighting to outdo one another, a relentless phalanx of android warriors, a fast-moving swarm of Canoptek constructs, or an entire dynasty ready for war, no other army can match the resilience and sophisticated weaponry of the Necrons on the battlefield.
  Product Features
First ever incredibly detailed 7” scale figures from the Warhammer 40,000 universe
Designed with Ultra Articulation with up to 22 moving parts for full range of posing
Includes Gauss Flayer, Canoptek Scarab, and base
Figure is showcased in Warhammer 40,000 themed window box packaging
Figure estimated release Fall 2020
    Space Marine Primaris Intercessor AP:
#gallery-0-11 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-11 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; } #gallery-0-11 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-11 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Space Marines are the champions of the Imperium, Mankind’s most elite fighting force. The combat prowess of these heavily augmented warriors is backed up by the best weaponry and equipment the Imperium can provide. Clad in nigh-impenetrable power armor, each Space Marine combines excellent close combat skills with deadly shooting accuracy. Space Marine armies are hard-hitting, able to tactically adjust to any foe or situation. A wide range of troops and vehicles enables them to launch lightning strikes, armored spearheads, airborne assaults, or any other strategy a commander can envision.
  Product Features
First ever incredibly detailed 7” scale figures from the Warhammer 40,000 universe
Designed with Ultra Articulation with up to 22 moving parts for full range of posing
Includes a base, and a Bolt Rifle
Comes unpainted to give customers the same option to paint the figure however they desire just like the iconic Warhammer 40,000 miniatures
Figure is showcased in Warhammer 40,000 themed window box packaging
Figure estimated release Fall 2020
  Ultramarines Primaris Assault Intercessor
  #gallery-0-12 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-12 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; } #gallery-0-12 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-12 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Space Marines are the champions of the Imperium, Mankind’s most elite fighting force. The combat prowess of these heavily augmented warriors is backed up by the best weaponry and equipment the Imperium can provide. Clad in nigh-impenetrable power armor, each Space Marine combines excellent close combat skills with deadly shooting accuracy. Space Marine armies are hard-hitting, able to tactically adjust to any foe or situation. A wide range of troops and vehicles enables them to launch lightning strikes, armored spearheads, airborne assaults, or any other strategy a commander can envision.
  Product Features
First ever incredibly detailed 7” scale figures from the Warhammer 40,000 universe
Designed with Ultra Articulation with up to 22 moving parts for full range of posing
Includes a Heavy Bolt Pistol, Astartes Chainsword, and base
Figure is showcased in Warhammer 40,000 themed window box packaging
Figure estimated release Fall 2020
This week, Games Workshop announced its 9th edition of Warhammer 40,000 with an exciting trailer that gives fans a look into all the terrific new things about the latest version.  Watch it here!
For more information and to see the entire Warhammer 40,000 photo gallery, visit McFarlane.com
    McFarlane Toys and Games Workshop Expand Warhammer 40,000 Figure Line McFarlane Toys' Necron Warrior Action Figure Shambles into Battle in the Warhammer 40,000 Universe The Necrons are shaping up to be critical players in the unfolding story of Warhammer 40,000. 
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nightscalestudio · 1 year
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The Canoptek Scarabs swarms of Nihilakh Dynasty.
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