#cannot stop listening to the op song
dusk-and-dreams · 1 year
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Lockwood & Co. Opening Sequence
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aro-ortega · 1 year
i need to finish that pic of milo & ricardo but i have an idea for a new art I want to do with vanya & marta (ace)...
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
Rayleigh and Buggy reunion, but Rayleigh is being over the top judgemental about everything, like idk if u are familiar with crazy ex girlfriend the TV show but Rayleigh shows up and acts exactly like Rebecca's mom does. Overcritical of his life choices and dismissive of what he perceives as excuses coming from Buggy, because he knows Buggy's true potential and is annoyed with Buggy not living up to it. He gives Crocodile a once over and goes "is that what you found to replace Shanks with" and moves on and Crocodile doesn't even have a moment to compute the way he was just insulted because Rayleigh has moved on to criticising Mihawk's cooking instead. Worst part is, this all comes from a genuine place of love and care, Rayleigh is legitimately worried sick about his baby clown son of 39 years, but he cannot express that worry without being extremely invasive about everything. Buggy isn't even responding, he just shoots ppl apologetic looks and rolls his eyes when Rayleigh isn't looking because of course he does this obviously Buggy is never good enough for him and Shanks had always been the favourite (you ask Shanks or any other Roger pirate and they will tell you that Buggy is Rayleigh's baby boy and absolute favourite with utmost confidence, too bad the emotional constipation runs in the crew). Dinner is awkward as fuck, because Rayleigh makes attempts at being easygoing but his motherhenning nature irt Buggy shines through, his conviction that Buggy would be happier with Shanks by his side is making him be overcritical of everyone in that dinner and he keeps discussing the good old days and subtly hinting at Buggy that there is still time for him to go back to Shanks....and Buggy looks close to frustrated tears (and everyone agrees, Crocodile has snapped 5 cigars in half with his teeth and Mihawk is 5 seconds away from banging his head on the table).
Just overbearing father Rayleigh being stifling and trying to overcompensate for his shit parenting choices during Buggy's childhood and Buggy having his daddy issues expanded upon (and Crocodile and Mihawk gaining insight to Buggy's entire deal)
"Idk if u are familiar with crazy ex girlfriend the TV sho-" My therapist literally told me to stop watching it so much because it was affecting my mental health. So. Yes. I know the show. It's one of my favorite shows EVER. Rebecca is just like me fr my beloved. All of them my beloveds. The songs my beloveds. Don't make me go into CEG x OP because I won't finish. And as you can see, I did not listen to my therapist.
Even though I've always seen Rayleigh as the one who understands Buggy the most (Roger and him love Shanks and Buggy equally but it is quite obvious they put more pressure on Shanks to be more like Roger and that only made things worse by making Buggy's inferiority complex exist) and the one who stands up more for him and comforts him when needed, it is true that he might be more judgemental and he'd be worried for Buggy. Like. Think about it. Roger died and the kids (their kids) ended up alone and going their own separate ways. For Rayleigh, finding out Shanks and Buggy aren't together is just?? So weird?? Because they've always been together. Birds of a feather (if somebody mentions the song 'Two Birds' I am punching them because I can't handle that song today please). And it's just... Well, surprising. 'But as long as they're okay' but they're obviously not okay!!! And it's not that Rayleigh is judging Buggy. In fact, I think he would do the same with Shanks. The second Rayleigh sees Shanks he's already saying he drinks too much (even for a pirate) and that he's been acting recklessly and "What the fuck are you doing without Buggy? Is this because of Buggy?" / "I do not drink because of him. It's- It's not about him. He left-" / "HE LEFT AND YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING?????" / "I hate it when you get like this" / "Like what?" / "Like you want to still do something about my life. I'm an adult, thank you very much-" / "No, you're not if you keep acting this way". And I personally think Rayleigh would just be worried for the both of them and also feel extremely guilty because he wasn't there to fix things when they fought, the way he always did. "The second I left you alone you two start a fight that lasts two decades?" and he would say this to both of them and they would hate it.
But yeah, going back to Buggy I think he'd be worried because. Well. Have you seen Crocodile and Mihawk? I mean. They're kind of on good terms with Buggy now (more or... More or less. Kind of. They're not equals but they're some sort of weird thing and they respect and care for each other. More or less. It's- It's complicated. Don't ask) but they're still them. And Rayleigh can't help but see the situation and be like "I'm proud you made a name of yourself, kid, but you don't have to do this if you don't want to" (meaning: You could go back to Shanks any time you wanted) and Buggy takes it as an "You could go back to Shanks any time you wanted because you'd be safer with him" instead of the real "You could go back to Shanks any time you wanted because you'd be happier with him and this war of pride and hearts you have going on is dumb". And he understands Buggy needs to be away from Shanks to grow, but it's just so, so sad to see them like this when they used to love each other so damn much.
Also, I think Buggy would be going through the worst moment of his life and Crocodile and Mihawk would be so done for different reasons. First, they don't give a fuck about all of this drama. And second, they are starting to see Buggy more like a person and understand why he is the way he is, and the things Rayleigh is saying are bothering them a lot. They've been trying to make the clown move on from his past so he's useful for once (because when he believes in himself he's actually not a burden and more interesting) and now this guy (that they respect because it's Silvers Fucking Rayleigh) comes and tries to change things around here? Nope. Not happening.
So basically, what you're trying to tell me is that Rayleigh regrets raising the boys that way and now he's overcompensating and it's overwhelming for everyone, right? I- I love it. Great plot. 10/10. In character. Perfect. It makes me go insane. I love their daddy issues.
(Also, can we talk about how "This Was a Shit Show" and "What'll it be" are extremely Buggy songs??? Because- Because now I want to-)
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slainesthrone · 6 months
Idk man these hopeless fight after hopeless fight is just not it. The players have never really been on the same level as any threat. Etoiles is one man, who only ever matched the codes because of sheer tactical skill (and later op items only he had, and thus becoming truly only one to be able to stand against the code).
The players cannot do anything. There is no way to strengthen themselves more then they have, all other power ups being locked in unattainable things or things banned for gameplay reasons.
Having fights where to only way for it to end is for one of the Eggs to loose a life. That no matter how much the fight, even if they were able to kill workers this time around it wouldn't stop until an egg gets downed. (Also defiantly seeing the egg admins were told they needed to be in this fight and not run away, even that would went against prior egg behavior and personality (Em, yes she wants violence, Ramon is usually more avoidant of things that could kill him and listens to Fit))
There are other ways to make conflict then killing the kids! And the story really needs a new hook then just killing the fucking kids! We seen it, we've lived through it so many times! We don't need it again! The story has become samesy, the only difference is that right now, there is no hope no shining beacon. Etoiles isn't here(And shouldn't be only one able to fight back against this), there isn't any stasis chambers (And what was used to make them as been nerfed anyway).
Its a new enemy sure, but its the same song and dance. Even with the most powerful code that attacked eggs there was a chance that the eggs lived, here there was nothing, in other fights, there was nothing.
The admins that play these enemies are seemingly allowed to go creative mode, but if the players used something or did a tactic that broke the rules in response, they'd get repercussions.
It isn't good story telling because even with the "wins" players have had in the past there was no good feeling.
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literallyjusttoa · 1 year
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More friendos for Apollo, since I just cannot stop. Might write something about these ideas if I can find the time this semester!
Lelantos: The Titan of the Air and moving unseen, and the brother of Leto. That's right, it's Apollo's uncle! Lelantos has spent the majority of his life hiding away from the rest of the mortal and immortal world. He speaks with his sister and his daughter, Aura, but has never really interacts with his Olympic niece and nephew. After the trials, Apollo starts visiting his mother a LOT more, and ends up running into Lelantos as a result. The two figure out that they are very similar, which makes Lelantos very excited. He ends up taking Apollo under his wing a bit.
Mnemosyne: The Titan of Memory. Apollo begins to fear the idea of losing his memory after the trials. The god's memory didn't feel as infallible as he once believed it was, so he reaches out to Mnemosyne. She agrees to teach him tactics to strengthen his own mind, and becomes one of the two mentors Apollo ends up gaining post-trials. She is a strict teacher, but only because she sees how determined Apollo is to master his own weaknesses.
Aither: The Primordial of Light. Apollo and Aither aren't friends, as much as Aither is just taking a bit of an interest in Apollo. Escaping Chaos isn't something any old god can do, and Aither is curious on what allowed Apollo to overpower his creator. He watches over Apollo when possible, and speaks to him when Apollo drives the sun chariot. Apollo ... doesn't really know what to do with this? He's honestly just trying to get by, so interacting with a primordial this much makes him nervous.
Perseis: An Oceanide, and the goddess of Solar Witchcraft. Perseis first approached Apollo to thank him for putting her husband, Helios, to rest. After a couple of conversations, she asks Apollo if he would like to learn her specific practice of sorcery, one that she had been teaching Helios before he passed. Solar witchcraft is a very niche line of study, and she doesn't have many people to pass her knowledge on to. Apollo agrees, and Perseis becomes his second mentor. Perseis is ... much more chaotic in her teachings than Mnemosyne.
Mousika: One of the twelve Horai, representing the hours. Mousika represents the hour of music. Mousika and Apollo were already acquainted long before the trials. Mousika would often sit in on Apollo's practice with the muses, and sometimes even add her voice to the fray. After the trials, Apollo's lyricism and writing take a turn that Mousika picks up on, and she finds it inspiring. Apollo believes the new songs he has written are too raw, based on ideas and feelings that Apollo himself is just starting to unwrap. Mousika acts as his sounding board, listening to the music he makes as he struggles his way through every emotion, and adding her own melancholy responses as harmonies.
Prometheus: The God of Forethought and Crafty Counsel. Ok, so this one’s a bit in the future. But imagine with the power of all the friendship I just made up for Apollo to have (along with Meg and his mortal friends and his kids ofc) Apollo works up the strength to stage that long awaited Olympian revolt. Who would his first ally be? I say Prometheus. This guy is so interesting, because he was ahead of the curve. Prometheus is the only god who I can see thinking mortals were not only equal to immortals, but actually more important. He would be so ABSOLUTELY stoked to learn Apollo was trying to overthrow his father, with one of his reasons being the mistreatment of mortals. I just think these two would be extremely op if they put their heads together.
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colorisbyshe · 3 months
Your taste in music vexes me.
It's very simple.
I grew up being pseudo-raised by a family down the street and we 50% listened to average American radio (so 90s/2000s Big Music) and 50% listened to raggaeton and other radio stations that were only in Spanish, which no one ever translated for me (I was the only one who didn't speak Spanish), so the songs stayed in my heart all my life but... I had no real way to find them. The specific songs are lost to the passage of time but the influence on my taste remains.
Then I'd go home and my mom would play Enya. And then left my dad for a man who would take her to The B 52s concerts. So, that was my home life. Also, my dad would bring home cds people left behind on the greyhound bus he drove, so I got SUPER into Brandy's Full Moon album and Eiffel 65's Europop.
And then I got into anime at a young age, so both Jpop and meme music got into the mix via anime OP/EDs but also AMVs. But I wanted to kill myself, so I listened to emo music (we can argue whether or not this stuff counts as emo but at the time!! it was) , preferring stuff like Hawthorne Heights but also more metal offerings (which is probably the anime influence, lots of AMVs actually skewed towards "harder" stuff than like... FOB and MCR).
That was all of high school, then in college I realized I wanted to fuck several members of One Direction, so I got really into them and then got into a british radio show which introduced me to The Klaxons, Everything Everything, Laura Mvula, and more. But also, Dubstep was really big... and I was a binge drinker in college, so of course I was into that.
Also in college, I got into video games as well, in a way I hadn't been for years, so picked up Utada Hikaru again and then got into instrumental soundtracks. Through Utada, I rediscovered my love for 90s/early 2000s R&B. And decided to explore more current offerings.
This was amplified by the fact that I was ALSO getting into kpop (as a natural offshoot of my Jpop interest) and had frustrations with the "rap" in the songs and wanted... actually good rap and hip hop. So, I swerved a lot into exploring actual hip hop and not the fun house mirror hip hop that the kpop industry was offering.
All of this is curated by my unmedicated ADHD which demands high energy music and they all collided into a musical open mindedness which makes me willing to try anything.
Other notable events/influences:
I lived with a guitarist who would practice all the time and talk about his inspirations and stuff
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Living in Vermont in general
Listening to people just cause they're gay (I have stopped doing this but it did influence me)
Really cannot reiterate enough how much AMVs influenced my taste in music. My entire preference for EDM probably stems from late 2000s AMV culture
Cousin who also semi-raised me got me into Mika, band of horses, and Paolo Nutini
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I was listening to "jealous" by Nick Jonas and idk why zammie came to my mind, can you please make a short fic with the kinda same theme around the song? I am asking cause I know you will give my thoughts JUSTICE 😭😭😭💗
This idea had been on my head lol, can I request a scene regarding zammie on a mission, but zach got jealous, like the song "jealous" by nick jonas? :D sorry and thank you hehe
Being a couple is brand new territory. Having someone there for you at all hours of the day. Someone you don’t want to be without. It’s all so simple. At least… sometimes it is.
Zach and Cammie hadn’t been out on a date in weeks. What with missions, cove ops homework, C&A homework, oh and at least twelve pages of assigned reading. It was hard being a spy and having a boyfriend. Or at least someone you want as a boyfriend.
Cammie sat in the library, pouring over pages in Advanced Encryption for Young Operatives, when she heard a voice. Or rather, voices. Male voices.
Having boys at an all girls school is something that Cammie still cannot understand. The boys from Blackthorne were anything but ordinary. They were good. Really good. And they were here at one of the top of the art spy schools in the country. (Mom always hated that she called it spy school) So hearing a few snickers and whispers from boys was something Cammie wasn’t used to.
Looking up from the pages of her book, she spots two boys across the library. She knows one by the name of Gunner and the other… is Brett. Brett Foreman. The two boys are pushing each other back and forth. Their voices and laughing is a definite distraction. What’s so funny about the Gallagher Academy library?
Cammie watches as Gunner and Brett slowly make their way across the room. It feels like it takes forever even though they were only 35 steps away from the table she was at. Cammie looks down at her book again, making a mental note not to look up.
One of them clears their throat. “Um h-hey there,” Brett says, his voice cracking. “You’re Cammie right?”
Cam looks up then, eyebrows raised. What did they want? “That’s me. What’s up?” She asks.
Gunner is the one that speaks this time as Brett opens his mouth and then closes it like a fish gasping for breath. “We were just wondering if you and Z—“Gunner doesn’t get to finish.
A voice sounds from behind Cammie. Exactly three tables away. “She and Zach, what?” The deep voice asks.
Cammie turns around, hair whipping behind her. She watches as Zach makes his way across the room. Where he’s usually laid back with his hands in his pockets and shoulders slumped, his feet hit the floor with purpose. His shoulders are squared and Cam notices the twitch in his jaw like he’s grinding his teeth. Cam looks back at the two boys and watches as they take a step back.
Is Zachary Goode jealous?
“Well, we-we-w-we were wondering if Cammie wanted to catch a movie. When we go into town this weekend.” Gunner says, pushing his chest out.
Oh my gosh! Is this what it’s like to be fought over?
Zach nods ever so slightly. Cammie looks back at him and then at the two boys. She opens her mouth to speak before Zach comes to a stop behind her chair. He places his hands on the back of her chair, by her shoulders. The hair on the back of her neck stands on end. He’s just behind her and her heart is thundering in her chest.
“Is that so?” Zach says slowly. Cammie can feel the heat coming off of him in waves. She doesn’t have to look at him to see the fire in his eyes. “Well, sorry to disappoint you fellas but Cammie Morgan isn’t available for a movie this weekend.” Zach moves and pulls out the chair beside Cammie, sitting down in it. “Or ever.” He says finally.
Zach drapes his arm over the back of Cam’s chair and pulls it closer to him. The side of Cammie’s leg brushes against Zach’s. She can feel the warmth of his skin on her calves.
Cammie is so shocked that she can only watch the two boys chuckle nervously and back away. Or rather, run away from Zach. As they hurry away, Cammie turns to the Blackthorne boy beside her. He’s still staring at the door that the two of them departed through.
“Zach,” she says. He doesn’t respond. “Zachary?” She says again. And no response.
Cammie grabs him by the jaw, forcing his gaze to meet hers. “Zach,” she says once more as he finally meets her gaze. She can’t help it. She laughs.
“What’s so funny?” Zach asks, annoyance tainting his voice.
His response only makes Cam laugh more. Zach frowns, staring at her. He arches a brow and asks again. “What?”
“You’re kinda cute when you’re jealous,” Cammie says with a small shrug.
Zach rolls his eyes. “I like what’s mine to stay mine,” he says matter of factly. Like it’s common knowledge.
Cammie doesn’t say it. But the butterflies in her stomach were turning into a stampede the longer Zach stared at her like that. Like she was his.
“So whatcha working on, Gallagher Girl?” Zach asks, breaking Cammie out of her thoughts.
Cam clears her throat and starts telling him what she’s studying. But, she doesn’t forget the way Zach looked at his classmates. And she doesn’t forget the feel of his hands on hers.
And she’ll never admit that maybe… just maybe… Zachary Goode likes her just as much as she likes him.
(Written by: @cammie-morgan-goode)
(I know they aren’t on a mission so I’m sorry haha)
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potionio · 4 months
9, 10, 13, 15, 29 for the music asks! <3
Already answered 9, 13 and 39 but I will do it again bcs I love talking abt music and will GLADLY share all my loves.
9:A song that makes you happy Despite that I literally still tear up whenever I listen to most of his songs, because I will never recover emotionally, Jonghyun's White T-Shirt still makes me smile and dance around, even if it's incredibly bittersweet now.
10:A song that makes you sad I actually have an ENTIRE playlist for this exact reason for when I am doing BAD, and one of the most listened ones is I'm Sorry, I'm Trying by nothing, nowhere. That song? deeply personal lmao.
13:One of your favorite 80’s songs Information Society's What's On Your Mind is DEEPLY stuck on my mind that's for damn fucking sure, please save me. I was listening to some 80's hidden gems playlist on spotify and it was there and i just- cannot stop repeating it. I am never free.
15:A song that is a cover by another artist I don't think I listen to a lot of Covers, surprisingly? Which is weird because I REALLY used to, but I think one of my favorite covers right now is Amalee's english cover of the Oshi No Ko OP, IDOL. It just- it hits the right part of my brain SO well.
29:A song that you remember from your childhood I have the distinct memory of screaming Ooa hela natten by Attack as loud as I can with my mom on the beach one summer. Actively remember her drunken ass fuck laughing and dancing with me and it's probably one of my favorite memories.
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mitskikissme · 2 years
I need to talk about this or I'll explode but bad habit but steve lacy is such a sanuso song. I'm going rabid rn.
I wish I knew you wanted me???
That's definitely from sanjis perspective maybe post timeskip
Here's my hc( mind u I'm in water 7 rn and have not caught up to op yet!!) Spoilers for water 7!!!!!
Okay so usopp most definitely admires sanji and his strength and how he seems very sure of himself the way he presents himself to others the way he talks the way he fights everything!! (I actually think sanji is pretty insecure but is vry good at covering it up. But usopp doesnt rlly see that and just sees him as this super cool suave dude) bro definitely has a crush on sanji for sureee
But usopp also seems very insecure and believes hed obviously never have a chance so even tho it hurts him he comes to terms with the fact that nothing is ever gonna happen there. Like when u have a crush but ur like yeah no way in hell am I ever confessing <3
Anyway sanji is most likely oblivious to all this lmao. He definitely treats usopp better compared to other male characters and I think its because deep down he likes usopp too he just doesnt know how to process those feelings cos man is repressed as hell😭. So he thinks yeah that's just normal friendship definitely doesnt mean anything that I'm always worried about him and enjoy his company more than anyone elses and make snacks specifically for him and take into consideration what stuff he likes or wants to protect him in fights or takes time to ask about his hobbies and is genuinely interested in what hes doing and believes in his abilities even when usopp doesnt believe in himself.
Also listen during water seven when usopp and luffy are fighting the fact that sanji kicks them both and looks so genuinely scared and hurt that luffy implied usopp should leave makes me so insane. And personally I never thought sanji would be the voice if reason I expected him to be like yeah usop let it go and stop trying to disobey your captains orders so It threw me for a loop cos sanji was so adamant on not letting usopp leave and was standing up for him. I am foaming at the mouth btw Anyway
The 2 yr timeskip happens and usopp gets jacked but also matures and grows and I love him so so much he realizes so much about himself and oh yeah also crush on sanji? Bros over it. Hes moved on and is okay being friends and just personally dealt with his feelings and grew in such a healthy way for himself. Like yes it hurt, change and growth are painful but inevitable and time passes. Feelings change and that's okay.
Sanji grows and matures too and comes to accept alot of things about himself and is more comfortable in his own skin and identity! And he starts to realize zamnn usopp has also grown and changed and bettered himself and has such a lively air to him and overall is more confident!?
Then maybe someone in passing (like zoro) mentions something like oof too late loverboy that ship sailed so long ago hella missed ur chance. And sanji malfunctions!!!
Hes like um what?????!?!?!
They're like um yeah it was so obvious hed always follow u around like a lost puppy and sanjis like um this is news to me bruh???? Anyway it hits him that yeah he had a chance. As in had!! Not rlly anymore and he has to come to terms with that.
'I wish I knew you wanted me' also " were you not too good for me my dear?" Like come on its writing itself tbh. I feel the song is in sanjis perspective thinking about how he never realized usopp feelings and how he genuinely cannot believe that usopp had feelings for him considering how much more insecure he was pre timeskip and how he sees usopp as such a caring and loving person and is actually a little bit jealous of how emotions seem to come so easily from usopp. So maybe if they were both mature and not so emotionally stunted/ repressed/insecure in themselves, maybe just maybe??? Something could've happened there.
This is all just my hc so take it with a grain of salt LMAOO. I actually like to imagine them happy but oof I'm a sucker for angst!!
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septembersghost · 1 year
I understand the desire to not support problematic or worse, abusive celebrities, but sometimes I wish we could go back to not knowing much about these their lives. Listening to their music or watching their movies doesn’t necessarily mean you support every thing they do.
it's funny - if i may share some levity in this situation - because i saw a post about a band i adore two days ago, and the op was annoyed about fans misattributing songs to certain muses or trying to figure out who they were ~about~, and the tone was like, "can't you all just stop and focus on the music and the lyricism?" and op was well within their rights to say that, but i was laughing because...i've followed the band for as long as i've followed taylor, and somehow, not once, have i thought or wondered about or investigated who the actual subjects of their songs are. this is, imho, a neutral statement, it's totally fine that other fans do that, heaven knows i get it, but it's not how i engage with them specifically, and it hit me like, oh wow, every fandom is like this, if you get deep enough. because people are curious, and people are interested in others' stories, and fans want to feel included in that, and art (music especially) speaks so directly to us that we enjoy feeling an insightful connection to it when we're super attached to the artist. i'd never thought about it, because even though their music is profoundly important to me, my engagement level is different. it kind of gave me a perspective on how and why certain things affect us all in unique ways. and we could get into diaristic writing and the specific personality of that and the intentional creation of an invested fandom, but it's ultimately up to us how we relate to things. there are beautiful and awful aspects about many of us being very tuned in and online, and thus having a lot more access to gossip and to knowing details.
anyway, human nature is nosy lol and we also tend to hope that the artists we love align with us in some way, so it can hurt when they don't, but celebrities fundamentally can't line up with us due to the world in which they exist, which is vastly apart from our own. pedestals don't do anyone any good, and it's always a long way to fall. :( that said, there's a reason we do tackle things like abuse, misogyny, racism, prejudice, etc, and some of that is a reckoning because we've only begun to call people on it in recent memory. the entertainment industry ran unchecked on these issues for a long time. some things do indeed change with time - social mores of past decades, or centuries!, cannot be expected to match or be upheld to our own - so a lot of the question becomes, is there ongoing harm (or threat of harm) to other individuals or to vulnerable groups? if so, what can we accomplish by confronting that? can we work to break those barriers down, show that those behaviors are unacceptable, and uplift people hurt by it in the meantime? and we try to do what we can. for example, the #metoo movement is still basically a nascent thing, and we're still struggling every day to reconcile all of this and figure out how to change for the better. the fact of the matter is, we as fans are consumers with very little power to affect that. we can decide who to support and how to spend our energy/time/money, but our reach will always be limited. nothing is perfect or unproblematic. we can't expect that, but we try to keep improving.
i've said this repeatedly now, but if i needed people or art to be morally pure, there's absolutely nothing i could love and engage with ever. we read poetry and it moves us, quite often we don't know its personal inspiration. there are poems i cherish from poets who were definitely not great people. do i stop reading them, quoting them? there are films i love with actors i know weren't unimpeachable either, songs i love created by musicians with troubled pasts - should i never watch or listen to that again? is it a sin that i already have? (no.) my room is filled with items from things i'm passionate about, should i be canceled for my old hollywood movies and my cds and my disney princess figurines and my barbie dolls? (granted these are relatively tame things because of the person i am lmao. but you know what i mean?) i'm typing this on an electronic device that makes my life easier for me in my chronic illness, so does my comfort in using it make me a bad person because it comes from a bad company? like it's all so tangled and complex we'd lose our minds if we demanded complete purity at every moment. that doesn't mean we can't be very hurt by harm and bigotry, and it doesn't mean we shouldn't call things out or sit by while marginalized people are upset in our communities. again, it's all very personal boundaries and decisions of what to support and what we care about, even what we feel comfortable/safe speaking about - and a lot of the time those decisions are selfish (not a negative thing, necessarily, just true), because we care more about things that personally impact us. i try to be kind and aware and thoughtful, but i mess up or inelegantly handle things or act contradictorily too, because i'm a human.
i got off-topic, but i'm firmly of the belief that you can enjoy someone's work and artistry without condoning all of their decisions and actions, because people are always going to make mistakes or do things you disagree with. you have to draw your own lines. if i tell someone i won't engage with an artist's work because they're prejudiced or abusive, they have no right to tell me that i'm too sensitive or wrong for that, but i also can't dictate that they shouldn't do it either, that's their choice and anything else would be censorship. really horrific abuse and bigotry needs to be accounted for and stopped whenever possible, but i do wish we knew less about famous people's private lives and (often banal) commentary, and i REALLY wish we knew less about their sex lives (like nothing. i get other people like this, this is my demi self talking because i never understand the intense interest in this topic!), except that's hard to separate out when quite a lot of art is romantic and revolves around love (and i'm such a romantic, so see my conundrum here?). regardless, i do often wish there was a clearer border line between some art and artists. i do wish we could hold certain things on our own, with our individual experience and perspective, even though there's a richness and value in experiencing it as a community and in relation to an artist too.
sondheim said art isn't easy, and meant it as a creator (advancing art is easy, financing it is not, another inherent problem with art and capitalism being intertwined), but it isn't always easy for us either. he also said the art of making art is putting it together, that's what counts, and i feel we do that as individuals embracing it too.
just thinking about how blissfully happy i am not knowing a damn thing about that band because their music has unique personal meaning to me makes me wish i could magically erase a lot of information from my brain, and tbh there's a degree of privilege in that (the luxury to not know and not care isn't afforded to everyone), but it does make the experience of enjoyment much more fun and peaceful. sometimes we just want to explore art and be touched or comforted or surprised etc by it, and sometimes we just want to vibe, and sometimes we just want to love things. that's not a moral indictment, it's not a political praxis, it's not absolute agreement or condemnation of a creator. it simply is. we do need to allow ourselves more grace to enjoy art for art's sake. there is so little time or true pleasure in life. it's good to let the light in when we can.
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 5 months
Tagged by @sammie-lightwood-bane
List 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people who liked/reblogged something from you. Get to know your followers and mutuals!
1) Walking on the beach and looking for pretty stones
2) Playing Upwords with my parents (and very occasionally winning against my crossword-obsessed father)
3) Playing co-op games with my best friend (current most played, Deep Rock Galactic)
4) Getting cuddles from my bestie's sweet dog
5) Discovering a new song that I cannot stop listening to
I don't have time to go through my most recent likes/reblogs right now, but I'll try to do it later!
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gimyung · 1 year
Uno reversing you
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answering this while crying btw
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my all-time #1 is from Great Teacher Onizuka. like i love the track and love the visuals despite it being an old anime. actually discovered the song before even finding out it was frm an anime and i was surprised tbh. happy to report that gto also became one of my fav animes so !! 🫶
the rest under the cut!
(some of them are kinda essay-ish so it's a long read, but rest assured i get tired of talking at some point)
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quick sidenote that i've stopped watching anime for like a good chunk of my life zzz so i might have missed out on a lot of them/forgotten most of them? don't shoot me for having limited selection 😭 tried to make it as diverse since i just have 10 spots but tbh it's so hard cus i clearly have a certain preference for rock/math rock for anime openings so ??
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↳ this track + video really just has a chokehold on me. it's the coolest thing in existence imo. i cannot stress enough that it feeds you both in visuals and in audio !! i've alrd talked abt this above so we skipping the essay for her. watch gto!
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↳ plz before i get called a cheater, these two tracks kinda sound the same because it's the same vocalist (TK is him as a solo artist, LTS is the band). unravel (tokyo ghoul) beats abnormalize (psycho pass) when it comes to audio, but visual-wise i just dig the art for psycho pass's OP more. like yeah the art for tokyo ghoul opening is much more of a feast to the eyes and the animations slap, but psycho pass as an anime entirely hits different to me.
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↳ visuals-wise it's normal (pls it's the type of OP that feels like a spoiler if u watch it wtf 😭 but it really doesn't spoil anything). i'm just in love with this because it works well as an opening song, but also works for fight scenes (kinda like unravel).
whoever is behind bungou stray dogs sure did a great job of inserting the opening song in the middle of the episode. like i rmr getting confused there hasn't been an opening yet few mins into the episode, and then there it is in the fight scene itself. it gets a 10/10 in versatility because it just always fits all throughout the season.
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↳ never beating the cheating allegations bc here we are again with a tie. in my defense, asian kung-fu generation anime openings r really fuckinnnn good. visually it's haruka kanata (naruto) for me especially cus of the team 7 snippets, but audio-wise rewrite (fma) is something i'll never get tired of listening to. makes me feel like i'm a main character smoking after i just beat up dozens of guys. (i didn't watch fma though zz but for some reasons i know of this song)
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↳ durarara!! is one of my all-time fav animes tbh and this opening just gives the proper vibes for it. drrr's storytelling is very non-linear (rashomon effect/method forgot the literary term) where you get different povs from each character before it culminates into one event, and this song feels like that? it feels like i'm in the middle of tokyo piecing together all the stories i've gotten and then getting sudden clarity.
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↳ someone recommended jujutsu kaisen to me way back and ngl i'm a serial anime opening skipper but i was just physically unable to skip this one every time. like? even the visuals go hard. eventful anime opening for such an eventful anime tbh.
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↳ proud to be one of the ppl who actually know abt this song from bakemonogatari itself 😭 tbh the anime's opening songs don't really go hard even if it's that kind of genre. i honestly like bakemonogatari though and it was funny to me that all the ops were cutesy despite it being a mystery show.
it's quirky yet still fits the premise of the series, like mc just bickers with some people he meets and then boom suddenly he's covered in blood. shoutout to shaft studio because they're just a master of absurd anime. like yeah there are fight scenes but ?? the way it's not even the main point of the show is fun to me.
↳ plz an iconic opening for an iconic anime (ohshc) 🌸 !! growing up this anime had a grip on me, as well as that "kiss kiss fall in love!" in the beginning. free serotonin tbh, the anime and this op.
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↳ used to know this word-for-word... help. this doesn't sound like the type of ops above but it's really catchy. naruto ops slap that's that on that
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↳ brooooo the vibes of this song... it makes me feel powerful. and a lot just happening in the entire song, kinda like tokyo revengers fr 😭 like the sound changes in the middle of the song and it confuses me but it's so good (again, kinda like tokyo revengers itself)
anyways, waiting for ur list! <3 thank you for ur interest in the shit i say
oki i finished, my bad if it's super long but i think you signed up for that by asking me. like i just don't ever give a simple answer ever i get too excited, and next thing i know it's too late to regret lmfaooo
wish i can include more but this was already physically hard for me to type bc i know im letting go of my other favs 😭
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girlbossminerva · 2 years
Very biased ranking of all of the Fairy Tail Openings from best to worst
The order in which I'm ranking them takes into account my subjective taste, the level of replayability, sometimes also the animation that is going on during the opening sequence and just whatever comes to mind, feel free to fight me in the comments but this is my blog so i say I'm right. Mild disclaimer, I have not ever gotten past the middle or so of the second anime series, so I watched the later ops on youtube to rank them, but their places may be subject to change once I fully experience them when I get to those seasons.
This one is long so it goes under the cut for y'all
Strike Back (OP 16)
Snow Fairy (OP 1)
Towa no Kizuna (OP 9)
This fucker slaps SO HARD. It HYPES ME UP. And the visuals are spot on. I would rave to this.
Ft. (OP 3)
Amazing OP it's the reason why I became interested in Funkist. It fits Natsu perfectly even if this is an erza centric arc. Looking at the lyrics though, it still goes along with the theme of "we're here to support you" that Erza has going on. My only gripe is that when listening to the short version that plays every episode you can't appreciate how good the latter bridge is
Yakusoku no Hi e (OP 14)
For the last opening of first series, it's very good. I know most of the lyrics and i will belt out to it.
Ashita wo Narase (OP 22)
ok I'd never listened to this one but I dig it??? very interesting vibes, not what i expected from ft and especially from the zero arc, it slaps
Never-End Tale (OP 20)
Almost iconic. I think it lacks a little bit of strength, mostly due to the animated sequence, but it would've been an excellent season-ending OP. I do prefer listening to the full version, it has what's missing from the TV version. It also gets points for showing my wife in demon form <3
Tenohira (OP 12)
I do not like the Key of the Starry Sky arc, but the opening? Very nice, love me some 2000s soft rock
Egao no Mahou (OP 5)
It's pretty decent, i feel there's a lot of emotion in the singer's voice and I love to see Wendy introduced.
Believe in Myself (OP 21)
Very solid OP, not much to say though since it came out around the time I had quit the anime, but is definitely in the better part of OPs. I like the focus on Gray and Natsu during the sequence.
Yumeiro Graffiti (OP 19)
It's fine but nothing out of the ordinary. Replayable for a while. Sidenote, I think this one has a bit of a spoiler in the animated sequence, cause lucy is staring melancholically at Aquarius' key but an anime-only fan wouldn't know that it gets broken.
No-Limit (OP 25)
Interesting beginning??? idk how I feel about it but it's another solid op with a great sequence, I might end up really liking it when I get to this point
Evidence (OP 7)
I enjoy the piano and the first few verses are good, but I feel it doesn't have as much impact and it could do more. Very skippable. The animated sequence and the audio sync up very nicely tho.
Masayume chasing (OP 15)
I like it but not for extended periods of time and I do not think it serves the purpose of making the series return with a bang. Besides, there's something about this song that I find kind of…odd? like maybe it's because of the particular type of pop it is but idk, feels like this was a song that already existed and they just decided "yes, let's put it in this anime"
Sense of wonder (OP 2)
It's fine, but not that special in my opinion, I cannot listen to it over and over with each episode bc it does start getting tedious fast. However, I do think it helps represent the whimsy of the first few arcs when Fiore is supposed to still be new and "wonderful" for us. It also does serves its purpose of showing some of team Natsu's background in the opening sequence.
RPG (OP 4)
I get tired of listening to it very fast. It was ranked lower but then I listened to all the OPs and realized it's ok. Another mid OP. Also, I don't really understand why it's titled "Rocking Playin Game" and I need to know the reason behind that decision.
More than Like (OP 26)
I've mixed feelings about it, the combination of softer music with stronger rock parts doesn't mix particularly well in some parts, but is not bad and it's definitely better than some others. However, I don't think it lives up to what I would expect from the last OP.
I wish (OP 10)
It's…meh. I feel it is trying to energize people but failing miserably, perhaps the issue is the low volume. Can only listen to it a few times before skipping it.
Power of the Dream (OP 23)
First OP of the final season and it's not bad but I don't feel the impact it should have. The sequence is excellent. It unfortunately suffers from THAT ONE REPEATED BEAT THAT WAS USED IN ALMOST EVERY FUCKING SONG DURING 2016
Down by Law (OP 24)
Lame and boring. When I get to that season I will most likely listen to it once and then skip it. The animated sequence is soooo good tho, how dare they
Mysterious Magic (OP 17)
Very generic, even the animation sequence feels generic and like it doesn't encompass the arc like other OPs did beforehand, makes sense tho cause it was for the corrupted celestial spirits filler arc which is the shittiest
Fiesta (OP 6)
Boring like the other Plus+ opening but I do like the chorus, however I cannot listen to it more than a few times. Also, considering that the second half of the O6 arc is a little more serious since all the shit is going down, i don't think the upbeat music is that suited for it
Break through (OP 13)
Similar opinion than with fiesta, it has some good bits and some meh bits, doesn't manage to be outstanding
Hajimari no Sora (OP 11)
I do not like +Plus, at least not enough to listen to a song repeatedly, but this song? This song SUCKS, just boring ass cords that go on forever, at least the Fiesta op has some spice going on for it
Rock City Boy (OP 9)
It sucks it's lame, I HATE the attempted rap. It's trying a certain style and it does not work, I cannot listen to it more than once.
Break Out (OP 18)
This one is soooo boring that I had forgotten it existed, I even misremembered the sequences as being part of the 17th OP. It tries to pick up pace in the chorus but it doesn't work. I was gonna put rock city boy as the worst but yknow what? this one fucking takes the last spot
Final thoughts:
FT has a bunch of meh OPs :/ I'm not saying they're all bad, but the "I want to yell-sing this song" factor is not present in a lot of them.
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ask-the-yan-fam · 2 years
Why hello, this is the massive hc list
Here's some dumb lil' hc's I've created for the trio of siblings while working on the game and asks (bonus Haven bc I love them, they're my favorite child). I might throw these into a separate window so it's easier to find them later on in the blog. -OP
Emma is a preemie baby, thus she is so tiny at 13 (4"7)
She doesn't remember her parents, or even ever seeing them as a baby
Emma is super smart, she loves coding little pac-man-like games on Scratch
In the future Emma wants to be a police officer/crime scene detective so that she can cover up her brothers' crimes'
If Emma had a Pokemon team she'd have a Jigglypuff, Dratini, Steenie, Espurr and an Eevee
Emma bullies Y/N online on several alt accounts as asked by one of her brothers (Ben)
Emmy loves pink (specifically Cornflower Lilac pink)
Emma has the biggest bedroom since her brothers' wanted her to have it
Emma knows about Ben's and Ray's feelings towards Y/N and usually helps them out with finding any info about Y/N they cannot find themselves
She knows what her brothers' are doing is wrong but doesn't know if she has the power to stop them
Emma isn't a Yandere but is very confused about love
Emma is banned from 4-Chan, Omegle and Twitter
Emma knows she's in a game but her brothers' don't and she thinks its for the best they never do
Emma is willing to bully and scare Y/N just so they are safe
Emma loves doing makeup on her brothers'
She hates centipedes and centipedes only
Emma is 'legally' adopted by Raymond
Emma is aware of other Yandere's from other games but she's too shy to talk or interact with them because she's scared of one of them specifically
Emma loves TUC slated crackers
Y/N and Emma often have day outs together
Emma is best friends with some of Ben's coworkers
Emma is a charmer
Emma doesn't have many friends her age because she looks so little and her brothers' are scary to the other kids
Emma rarely ever gets mad at her siblings
Emma is very shy but feels comfortable around people her brothers' trust (eg. Coworkers, friends and Y/N)
Emma's favorite animal is the pig
Emma loves animal crossing and pokemon
Benjamin isn't Ben's real name, it's Jack
Ben's name change doesn't have to do anything with gender, it has to do with him hiding away from the law for 'suspicious activities'
Ben has nightmares because of his parents, he often wakes up in tears in the middle of the night and Ray has to come comfort him
Ben has several small burn scars around the back of his neck and has often carved words into his body (specifically Y/N's name)
Ben takes Emma to his job (Club Cupid) very often and lets her sit around in the main office
Ben taught Emma how to be a charmer
Ben is willing to kill Ray for Y/N
If Y/N ever asked Ben to hurt Emma he'd offer to hurt himself or someone else instead
Ben's room is connected to the basement where he keeps a little room just for Y/N
Ben would give Y/N dog relaxants so that they wouldn't be able to run away or even walk
Ben would only give them the relaxants if Y/N was caught trying to run away
Ben and Raymond often have arguments over Y/N and they usually end up with one sneaking cyanide into the others food (or a fight)
Ben is extremely mentally and emotionally manipulative
When Y/N is sleeping, Ben breaks into their bedroom and snuggles up to them
Unlike Raymond, Ben has several friends and is very friendly with everyone
Ben has a burn book like the mean girls obsessed twink he is
If Y/N was sick Ben would literally cry because he'd think they're dying
Ben would take the best care he can of Y/N if they ever got sick (including extra cuddles and being able to sleep upstairs in his bed with him)
If Ben had a theme song it'd be Baby Hotline by Jack Stauber
Ben loves to show his affection towards Y/N in public
Ben snuck a walkie-talkie under Y/N's bed to listen to them sleep
Ben steals Y/N's stuff while they're away or not looking (eg. clothes, toiletries, used straws ect.)
Ben uses his side job as a photographer to be able to take pictures on Y/N without their knowledge
When Ben is caught taking pictures by someone else he says he's a photographer and that Y/N is a model in a photo-shoot right now
Ben is willing to kidnap Y/N if they ever try denying his love for them
Ben is a master cook
Ben is amazing at hiding himself, other people and objects
Ben has a German Shepard called Hades!
Ben's favourite pokemon is Espeon
Raymond can and will hurt Y/N if he wanted to, he's not afraid to admit it to anyone
Raymond doesn't have a stable job yet he's a very handy mechanic
Ray's favorite band is Måneskin
Raymond hates his parents, just the thought of someone bringing them up in a conversation puts him into a bad mood
Just like Ben, Raymond is extremely mentally and emotionally manipulative/abusive
Raymond is willing to chop off one of Y/N's limbs as a punishment for running away
Ray is an avid smoker
Raymond loves ropes, they're his favourite
If Y/N ever tried hurting Emma, Raymond would punch them without hesitation
He may not seem like it but Raymond truly and dearly loves Y/N, even if they don't return the feelings back to him
Raymond has a fear of being weak
Raymond is the reason Emma doesn't have any school friends (he accidentally scares them off at pick up)
Raymond has a long history of running away from home when he was a teen
When Ray and Y/N are alone he turns into a cuddly puppy
Raymond is great at parkour and is very strong
Raymond could easily outrun Y/N
Ray isn't the sharpest tool in the shed
Ray has dyslexia
Ray has a little Kuromi keychain that he got from Emma (he keeps it tied to his belt)
Raymond always picks up Emma from school, ironically he's afraid of her getting kidnapped or taken away
Ray is the tallest character from the entire VN (second being Uncle Bear)
Raymond loves to drink
If Y/N ever used drugs of any kind or smoked he'd try convincing them not to do that
Raymond doesn't have friends, well he does have one but he doesn't know if he can call him a friend
Raymond usually takes care of the house chores
Raymond casually follows Y/N everyday, everywhere
If Y/N was ever sick Raymond would have no idea how to help them but he'd still try his best
Raymond would keep Y/N tied to his bed
If Raymond ever had a pokemon team he'd have an Incineroar, Mightyena, Zoroark, Morpeko and an Umbreaon
Raymond is afraid if Y/N ever wanted a child, he's afraid of being a father
If Y/N began stalking Raymond he'd allow them, he thinks it's adorable
Raymond would notice if Y/N began stalking him
Raymond wants to marry Y/N so badly
Haven is non-binary
Haven is the name they were given as a child (they think the name is really cool and suits them)
Haven's mum passed away a few years back when they were little
Haven is Y/N's cousin
Y/N and Haven are childhood best friends
Haven has a cat allergy yet despite that they still want a cat
Haven's favourite band is Baby Metal
Haven has a crush on a girl from their science class
Haven despises Raymond and Ben but doesn't mind Emmy
Haven is an only child
Haven's favourite colour is brown
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hakuryuu · 2 years
2, 4, 35, 65 and 85 for spotify wrapped!!
2: line without a hook - ricky montgomery
guess there is something, then there is nothing, there is nothing in between and in my eyes there is a tiny dancer watching over me he's singing, "she's a, she's a lady, and i am just a boy," he's singing "she's a, she's a lady and i am just a line without a hook"
^^^FAV line to sing, there's a little like voice crack on "tiny dancer" that always gets me i can never imitate it quite right, i LOVE this song i don't really have any solid memories attached to it (<-has been dying for a full year) except for the very clear mental image of the light just off greenlake where you turn to go to aurora, just past the duke's chowder house, and i would always end up at the red light there and i would always be singing this part
4: 光るとき - hitsujibungaku
someday we'll come around and meet again
to this day i have not finished heike monogatari (<-has been dying for a full year) but this op is so bright and soft i cannot get enough of it i listened to it so much i feel like it really should be even higher on my wrapped
35: NEO-FUTURE - soutaiseiriron
put your hands up bots, bots, bots
^^^obsessed w the harmonies with the vocals+instrumentals i cannot explain how much i love it. ANYWAY this is of course a moeoe song from round 2 of my read/liveblog when i got to nz and looped your mix on spotify!! this is only one of several songs i fell in love with. it was so weird to leave summer in seattle and come to winter in new zealand but i think it was really exactly what i needed. reading moeoe when we first got here kept me sort of grounded, i think
65: carry on phenomenon - kishi bashi
when in doubt you made me stay connected in with the beyond and on like when the radio plays on and on and on and on and on
kishi bashi my FUCKING beloved!! i don't have anything really to say about the time period of this song (drives home, the hill down to greenlake, all that) but the lyrics of this are so hypnotic
85: A CYBER'S WORLD? - toby fox
OH a last november song!! actually a last october-november-december song, it's sooooo good, when i was playing the new deltarune chapter and i got to the bit with this song i just stopped and let it play while i did other things cause i loved it so much. unfortunately now it gives me immense anxiety because of all the senior thesis hell i was going through at the time but its SUCH a delight of a song
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webbedphantom · 11 months
So, yesterday I learned that Spider-Verse kinda got an official anime OP in Japan (as in a song, not an actual opening as far as I know), and I cannot stop listening to it
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