DarkForest Kits - an updating list 
bold = death
italics = born outside of the dark forest
FishDrop (bio FungiChomp, adoptive FadingFlea)
TawnyTrot (bio HornetLeg, adoptive fadingflea) 
AmaranthTuft, PoppyPerch, RosewoodSpring, RaspberryThorn, HarlequinCress, WeepingWobble, SpiceBushTumble, FoxgloveChirp, LavenderMottle, SweetpeaSnaggle, OysterGlow, FennelBones (fadingflea bio babies) 
CypressKit, BadgerKit, PebbleKit (adopted by Doesong and SparkTail) 
FrostKit, MoleKit, BrokenKit, AshKit (adopted by EmberDawn and GorseHeart)
FressiaKit, DoeKit, JayKit, ProteaFang (EmberDawn and GorseHeart bio) 
OwlGaze, LizardTalon, BreezeWhisper (bio WebStripe and DahliaBreeze)
WebFang, LilyClaw, SilkTangle, PetalStripe (bio WebStripe and LilyWater) 
MyrtleKit, AlderKit (bio SwanTail and LupineFrost) 
BlackKit, MudKit (adoptive FernDoe and JackDawFoot
JackDawKit (bio SwanTail and DahliaBreeze)
BeechBlaze, RowanShade, GooseStep (bio WebStripe and LupineFrost) 
CherryKit (possibly kidnapped by Gramps) 
RosyKit (bio PeanutFur) 
CandyKit (bio CrunchSnow)
JellyMoss, PineNutPounce, GlitterKit, StrawberryKit (bio SmokeFleck)
PaleShine, SilverCloud, ThistleTooth (TansyFang x WebStripe bio)
SlugWing, SpiderSpots, HawthornFrost, TansyKit, CarnationLeaf, HawthornKit, FawnHeart (BegoniaLeaf and WebStripe bio)
WaspKit, NightKit (Adopted by FennelBur and SableFleck)
MellowTooth (adopted by Wordweaver and DasiySong, bio WebStripe and WaxFeather)
WormKit (adopted by LoonFur, FallenFire, RoseFrost)
TreeSpall, DrizzleStare (bio AlderStar and HootPetal)
BlazeStrike, HoneyFlower, HawkFlight, StoneFrost (bio AspenRoot, KiteBurn, RookStorm, surrogate ShiverRose)
MoonTail, DaisyPelt, ThrushRun, RedSnail, AntPounce (bio BrownMouse and WebStripe) 
JumpPool, SnipNight, CrabNeedle, MinnowBlink, PranceKit/Ears (bio BrownMouse and NightStar) 
TigerKit (adopted by RoomStorm, KiteBurn, AspenRoot)
SmokeyFlame, BarkTail, SandKit/Spark, DeerTongue, WoollySpark, LeafCurl, YellowEar, EarWigKit, AphidHeart, ClaridaeGoose, bio SmallJump and BasilTooth, SparkTail as the surrogate)
KestralStorm, GoldenDusk, RookLight, CrowPine, RavenCall (bio Jackdawfoot and Ferndoe)
HareTuft, AdderClaw, LarkSnow (bio BirchFlight and GorseHeart)
SootShade, CloudStep (bio EmberDawn and foxfire)
Chukarvole, Pasquelull, Tritoniafinch, Choughwolf (bio EmberDawn and GorseHeart)
StarlingKit, BuzzardKit, AspenKit, DuskKit (GrouseMane and MyrtleWing, BrownMouse as surrogate)
DoeSnap, DaisyHeart (bio Hiverose and SandFoot)
MouseHollow (bio SandFoot and FrostWish)
ThistleHollow (bio SandFoot and Shademask)
OtterBounce, TurtleBreeze (adopted by PoppyHill)
OppossumKit, RaccoonKit (bio SkunkSpots and TangleStar)
LionKit, BirdKit (bio FlickerPine and TangleStar)
CreekKit (bio GhostWatcher and TangleStar)
WaspRib, FallenIris, (Bio MyrtleWing and AlderStar, surrogate TangleStar)
ShrikePaw (adopted by MyrtleWing, AlderStar, GrouseMane, HootPetal)
LightKit, LittleKit, RoseKit, SweetKit, BubbleKit (bio MellowTooth and WillowRuffle)
CardinalKit (bio TawnyTrot, ProteaFang, and doner webfang)
ToothwortLeaf, LilacLight, OrchidSnap, ButtercupBloom (bio FoxgloveTrot and MellowTooth)
AppleKit (bio sandfoot and cherrystar)
AntKit, CinderKit (adopted by AspenRoot, KiteBurn, RookStorm)
LavenderKit (adopted by HillMinnow and BlackDawn)
HootKit, FlareKit (adopted by CricketClaw)
TrillKit, CardinalKit (bio ProteaFang and doner WebFang, adopted by TawnyTrot and ProteaFang)
WoolCarderStripes, AshyToes (bio TawnyTrot and doner WebFang, adopted by ProteaFang and TawnyTrot)
SprinkleToes, SyrupSplash, SkrunklyBelly (bio CreatureFall and SnakeWhisker, surrogate CrunchSnow)
OspreyKit, CoyoteKit, ScorpionKit, IbexKit (bio DoeFire and LilyClaw)
GlasswortSnap, IndigoCloud, SassafrasKit, CeladineSniffle, LoquatKit (bio RosewoodSpring and HawthornFrost)
OakKit, SkyKit, BloodKit, DustKit (bio Motheyes and SnowWing)
ScabKit/Drip, BlightKit/Train (bio BlackFinch and FallenIris)
VultureKit, PoplarKit (bio HoneyFlame and SpiderSpots, doners are SmokeyFlame and AdderClaw)
RhubarbKit, AlmondKit (bio SpiderSpots and HoneyFlame, surrogate HawkFlight)
MallowBlight, JayFrost, LightFern (adopted by EmberDawn and GorseHeart)
GlassRiver, PagrusRose (bio Shallowfig and Banshee)
CoalFlower, PebbleHare, CricketFreckle (bio WebStripe and CloudFang)
AngelFishTooth, FidgetGills, TetraTail, BlueSpore (bio GoldfishFur and CreatureFall, with BrownMouse as surrogate)
RedRuffle, SandKit, IvyPurr, AntlerPaddle (bio TetraTail and FennelBones)
MeowyRibs, SeaNymph, MouseNectar, RosemaryWarble, BullFrogThistle, GingerKit, AmbrosiaWater, CinnamonKit (bio SkrunklyBelly and FennelBones)
EmberPoppy, ParsleyKit (bio FennelBones and CrunchSnow)
Dullahan (bio AlderStar, MyrtleWing, and HootPetal)
Mates - an updating list 
GrouseMane X MyrtleWing X AlderStar X HootPetal 
EmberDawn X GorseHeart X Foxfire X BirchFlight
JackDawFoot X FernDoe
FadingStar X FleaThistle 
FidgetGuts X MottleCry
AspenRoot X RookStorm X KiteBurn
Avery x BristleBlaze
BasilTooth x SmallJump
FallenFire X LoonFur X RoseFrost
FoxFlake X ShiverRose
HawkWhistle X Lola 
GustTalon X AshFlower
GremlinPaw X LaughingMoss
LighteningSpring X RedBloom
FungiChomp X SmokeFleck X BrownMouse X NightStar
SwanTail X LupineFrost X DahliaBreeze
FennelBur X SableFleck
WordWeaver X DaisySong
TawnTrot X ProteaFang
FoxgloveChirp X MellowTooth X WillowRuffle
BlackDawn X HillMinnow
SkunkSpots X TangleStar X FlickerPine X GhostWatcher
BlazeStrike X DrizzleStare X KestrelStorm
WeepingWobble X DoeFire X LilyClaw
RosewoodSpring x HawthornFrost
SnakeWhisker X CreatureFall X GoldFishFur
FallenIris X BlackFinch
SpiderSpots X HoneyFlame
ShallowFig X Banshee X FennelBones
SkrunkyBelly X FennelBones
FungiChomp X BrownMouse
GoblinSnap x GremlinPaw/Frost
SnakeFern x SparrowFall
HiveRose x SandFoot
CoyoteTuft X RoseClaw
FleaThistle X BrownMouse
Let me know if I missed anything! @residents-of-the-darkforest @liberhoe @ambitiousauthor @starfalcon555
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Dark Forest Resident: Crunchsnow
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Aliases / Nicknames: Crunch
Gender: molly
Sexuality: bisexual, demiromantic
Family: Lucky (mother), Pear (father), Charm, Flake (sisters), Cheerio (brother), Slatescratch (mate), Candykit (daughter), two unnamed sons
Other Relations: Mia (twoleg), Ice (Dark Forest mentor, abuser)
Clan: Kittypet, Lilacclan
Rank: den cat, assistant herbalist
Characteristics: insecure, strong connection to Starclan
Number of Victims: 6
Number of Murders: 6
Murder Method: fox wire, blood loss
Known Victims: Dustpaw, unnamed clanmates
Victim Profile: those who insult her, cats who her Dark Forest mentor manipulates her into killing
Cause of Death: blood loss from labor and a severed paw
Cautionary Tale: be careful to check up on new queens, because they might be going through a lot more than meets the eye
Ever since she was a kit, Crunch always had dreams about a shadow-cat telling her to go to the forest.
He called himself Ice.
She almost left a few times, but when her siblings were taken by twolegs—supposedly to find new homes—Crunch was alone with her mother, Lucky, and her sister, Charm.
Charm apparently was staying with their twolegs, and for a while Crunch thought she was too.
But alas there was a day where she was adopted, and the new twoleg took her to a small shop on the lakeshore. The fields stretched out as far as the eye could see.
The shop was a gift shop, filled with lots of things for her to explore—shiny, colourful rocks to line her nest with, soft cardigans to bury into, and her favourite item—rabbits foot keychain.
They only had one when she was a kitten, and they never got another shipment of them, but that memory of the soft dangling toy stayed in her mind for a very long time.
She was content, and loved her twoleg. Things were amazing until the shop caught fire one day, and Crunch got out.
Dazed and confused by the smoke, she wandered into the fields before collapsing from exhaustion.
Four wild cats found her, and took her back to their Clan.
Crunchpaw fit in well, and when she mentioned the prophetic dreams, they switched her to helping the medicine cats.
Except her dreams didn’t feel starry, and she’d told the shadowy cat many things about herself.
Ice mentioned that her Clanmates had very pretty paws, and that they would look good as the rabbits’ feet toys.
She was horrified, but he convinced her. Seeing all the amazing coat colours—the amazing paw colours—she got an idea.
She lured Dustpaw into the forest, down the creek to a fox trap she’d found. He stepped in, and she faked running for help. She hid in the bushes for hours, and was relieved when Dustpaw began chewing.
His paw was severed, and he bled out. She took the paw back to a small den she’d dug, and left it in the cool dirt.
She ran back to camp in tears, saying they were attacked by rogues and that the rogue had knocked her out and did that to Dustpaw.
Her Clan comforted her, and the next day she snuck back to the small den. The paw was soft and fun to play with, and she used a poultice over the open wound.
She did it again, and again. She fell in love with a warrior from another Clan who helped her keep the paws hidden, although he didn’t support her.
She was young, and now in the Dark Forest she would look back at it with regret, but she started expecting kits.
Crunchpaw was seven moons old, and going to have kits. Her Clanmates looked down on this, talking behind her back.
So more paws were added to the collection. Her mate’s paws joined the pile after he suggested she eat poisonous berries to get rid of the kittens.
Ice became her best friend, offering her advice on what to do. Who to target.
She didn’t even notice as the ideas fed to her became more absurd. He started talking about kitten paws. Tiny, soft kitten paws.
Crunchsnow earned her warrior name, and the same day a queen made a loud comment about how stupid she was. She ran out of camp, trying to ignore the nagging feeling of pain in her stomach.
She ran down the creek, the pains growing more intense. She turned to go back to camp, thinking something was wrong, but she tripped and felt something cut into her paw.
Crunchsnow yowled in pain from her stomach and paw, and turned to chew as she had the panicky realization that her kits were coming.
Unable to walk, her back paw holding on by a string of flesh and tendon, she pulled herself into the little den and shoved the paws as far away as possible, and hoped Starclan would spare her kits.
Additional Information:
--Submission by @wills-woodland-warriors​
--She NEVER would have hurt her kits, and she stopped communicating with the Dark Forest cat when he suggested it.
--The queen, Minnowthroat, wasn’t being rude to Crunch, she was talking about a queen from another clan who got pregnant purposely to spite her mate even though she had a health condition that almost guaranteed her kits and her would die in labor. Minnowthroat has a tendency to be dramatic, and when Crunch walked in on the conversation, she thought minnow was talking about her.
--Crunchsnow and her family were named after cereals! Captain Crunch, Lucky Charms, Frosted Flakes, Cheerios.
--Her kits went to the Dark Forest because Starclan is a bitch.
--Two of her kits died in the Dark Forest after her Dark Forest mentor attacked them.
--”Yes, I misread her name as Crunchsnow and not CROUCHsnow. No, I do not care. She will forever be mrs captain crunchy snow.”
--”I wanted to note that I 100% do NOT support the whole rabbit foot keychains thing. A lot of those keychains aren’t always ethically sourced, and as someone with two pet rabbits I will never, ever support the making, selling, or buying of them.”
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afabkaidou · 2 years
I was such a warriors cats fan when I was a kid, unrealistic color pallets and names, it's cuz I have an ex-kittypet character and she was like "I like my name!" and bc of her and the way she named her kits w/ kittypet names (ex: Candykit, Lolikit and Flickerkit) and yeah
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bearflowerr · 3 years
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Mama told me what I should know Too much candy gonna rot your soul If she loves you, let her go 'Cause love only gets you down!
im baby? im baby >:) @fromfireandashes
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kawaiinola · 6 years
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Popin Cookin DIY candy kits back for a limited time! #diy #candykit #popincookin https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs8b5P-F8H0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=dncxr9t6t7by
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kawaii-box-co · 7 years
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Shake it off with the Shaka Shaka candy from your April Kawaii Box! 😊 Create your own colorful gummy diamonds by adding the powder to the bag and then shaking them! Did you like them?✨💎
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theangerfamily · 5 years
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Kracie Popin Cookin DIY Ramen Japanese Candy Kit 🚨🚨VIDEO ALERT/LINK IN BIO🚨 @figosy @theangerfamily #kraciepopincookin #popincookin #japanesecandy #japanesecandykit #diyvideo #diycandykit #candykit #candykits #kracie #diyramen https://www.instagram.com/p/BwfCvqTl9Cp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gv0n3n8kxoi6
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ohh-my-boring · 6 years
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That one time we made candy sushi #candykit #cutesushi https://www.instagram.com/p/BtKWeuYhdqd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hj32uq94fwlg
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kawa3me · 7 years
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#BukiAiloves #popincookin #diy #candykit this one was actually super fun because you got to "fry" the tempura!!!! 🍤 they may not always taste the greatest but they are super fun to make!
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stolengoodshq · 7 years
#japanesedonutkit #candykit #candymaking #nope #nailedit #dissapointment #saddness #donuts #taste #pasteryfail #candyfail boooo I fucking failed lol 😭 #notsocutedonuts
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FadingFlea’s kits
minus StumpPaw because I wasn’t sure what to put! Feel free to add/ask to change anything liber :) (@liberhoe @residents-of-the-darkforest-of-the-darkforest @ambitiousauthor )
gender: Molly 
sexuality: lesbian 
Characteristics: has a collection of beetle exoskeletons, indifferent, quiet, very chill, witty
Favourite plant: yellow harlequin 
Adult name: AmaranthTuft 
Gender: Molly
Sexuality: straight 
Characteristics: well-rounded, assured, hopeless romantic, forgetful, has a collection of pebbles, joyful, hesitant, troublesome 
Favourite plant: wood blewit mushrooms 
Adult name: RosewoodSpring
Gender: Tom 
Sexuality: ? 
Characteristics: runt, generous, delicate, working to improve his herb collecting, has moss in his fur, outspoken, 
Favourite plant: heartleaf foamflower 
Adult name: RaspberryThorn 
Gender: Molly 
Sexuality: demiromantic 
Characteristics: predictable, working to improve her climbing, best friend is CandyKit, adventurous, excitable 
Favourite plant: sunshine columbine
Adult name: PoppyPerch 
Gender: trans Tom 
Sexuality: gay 
Characteristics: quiet, sweet, munchkin singapura mix, chronic leg pain, dreamy, favourite colour is lime, loves water because it’s the one time his legs don’t hurt, excitable, cowardly, sympathetic 
Favourite plant: northern bedstraw
Adult name: FishDrop 
Gender: Molly 
Sexuality: ? 
Characteristics: standoffish, impatient, sarcastic, gentle, bossy, poor vision and no nightvision, envious, admirable, hates snow and water,  good at navigating 
Favourite plant: zinnia
Adult name: TawnyTrot
Gender: Molly 
Sexuality: ?
Characteristics: thoughtful, wants to be a leader, munchkin mix, has dreams about Starclan, organized, big-thinking 
Favourite plant: deadnettles 
Adult name: JellyMoss 
Gender: Tom 
Sexuality: Pansexual 
Characteristics: proud, talkative, wants to be skilled in story telling, munchkin mix, honest, skeptical, extreme, addictive (feels the need to collect anything) 
Favourite plant: lambs cress 
Adult name: PineNutPounce 
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fromfireandashes · 3 years
Sorry if you already said this somewhere and I just don't see it. What are your rules for names? Traditional, lyrical, reasonable, etc
We only have a few basic naming rules when it comes to names! Aspenclan probably has the most open gates when it comes to naming, with some cats keeping parts of their old kittypet/loner names after they become a part of the clan/when born to ex-kittypet/loner parents (ex: Doodlepaw, Candykit).
Ravenclan and Bogclan tend towards less kittypet-aligned names, though that doesn't mean they can't have cool ones. We do not limit the prefixes/suffixes you can use (aside from the obvious sky, moon, and star). There are some small bits of lore that blur into the naming tendencies of some clans, like in Ravenclan where more cats may be named after birds than those in Aspen or Bog.
Aside from that, go wild, show us your coolest names, we really love to see the stuff everyone comes up with! And as always, if you're unsure and think 'Well... What IF this doesn't fit', just send us a message and we will probably tell you 'Hey that's actually pretty cool'.
- Ben
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crossgene-s · 7 years
I heard something happend with the candykits? What they do?
What happened is that compared to last year, 1st gen kit, its quality has tremendously downgraded. The contents came in a cardboard box, and the contents... A scarf/handkerchief with only 3 of the members names on it and a water bottle with their lyrics on it that had a typo. Not only that, but instead of a plastic membership card with the number embossed, the membership card this time around was made from cardboard/paper again, with many CandY receiving a card that was attached with tape poorly and had scratches on it. It didn’t even include photos of the members... 
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iwantcandyus-blog · 5 years
Let your guests eat their hearts out with our edible gift box. Delectable handmade gift box with your own customized edible candy themes for parties, special occasions, and gifts. Contact us: [email protected] #iwcandyus #handmade #candy #underthesea #littlemermaid #ediblegifts #giftideas #candykits #candystore #birthdayparty (at I Want Candy) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0wtvPWBBfW/?igshid=whf6adl3bsji
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lovecandycoat-blog · 7 years
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Get creative + have fun with our new kits 💖💅🏼🍭🍩🍦🍪🍿🍫🍡Our Candy Floss Candy Kit is on it's way dolls 👌🏽A very girly box of delicious gels + accessories 🙅🏻💁🏽💆🏼 #lovecandycoat #candykits #girlybox #starterkit #candy
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One for you, one for a friend! 👯Buy 1 get 1 50% off all D.I.Y gifts! 💗#coolpencilcase #gift #fun #erasers #candykits
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