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greenthegreat · 5 months ago
Goretober 23 - Circus
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One last act, Carne!
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candycurses · 1 year ago
I have a Red Bubble store now!
I'm selling prints, postcards, stickers, magnets and other merch!
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the-lorax-mustache · 1 year ago
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aj-is-typing-18 · 4 years ago
I said I wasn't done with the cursed candy au (kinda sorta created by @red-rose-gown and @shadeswift99 ) but I also,,,also used some design inspo from a post @/sweetest-honeybee made :)
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greenthegreat · 5 months ago
Goretober (ALL OF IT!)
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And then theres also my sona but I'm at image limit!
All of these have captions with them that are specified on their specific posts, so go check them out if you want to!
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greenthegreat · 6 months ago
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greenthegreat · 6 months ago
Goretober 6 - Gutspill
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Oh, doesn't it just rot away at you?
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greenthegreat · 6 months ago
Goretober 3 - Cannibalism
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If the hand that feeds takes from hungry mouths, then chew at that hand until it solves your hunger.
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candycurses · 1 year ago
I'm now on BlueSky!
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aj-is-typing-18 · 4 years ago
So......I made another thing for the au started by @shadeswift99 and @red-rose-gown . And if you guys want more and have requests? Feel free to shoot me an ask :)
Tw: body horror
It was a pretty good start to the day for bdubs. Hed woken up early, hed gotten plenty of rest nad alot of work done! It was becoming a very productive day, yet he couldn't shake the feeling something was....wrong. everything felt too....quiet. or cheery. Impulse seemed to be the only other person to ever answer his com, and he was acting odd.
All bdubs knew was that is was some movie spoof thing. But all of the bones screamed he shouldn't go anywhere near botem, and it made him wonder is something else was at play here. But it was better not to know....
Bdubs decided not to dwell on this, going to brush and breed some more some more Llamas up! He had to stay above the competition afterall. Now, he was just finishing up when he saw something he hadn't before.
One of his llamas was.....unusually puffy.
No, bdubs wasn't imagining it- was he? No. No way! He decided, walking over to the llama a bit cautiously. Odd. It was.....? He saw it was fluffier then Usual, and it seemed the llama had a light pink tint....Bdubs went to pet the grazing llama and quickly pulled away......
Some fur came off on his fingers...
It wasn't normal. It was sticky and melty. Poofy.....smelled like- bdubs put his nose to the stuff.
The builder knew something was wrong. He quickly got the cotton candy like substance off of his hand, although there were now a few lighter blotches of skin where some of it was. The builder decided to bandage it up. Didn't X say something about this? Bdubs knew he did. Bdubs remembered the admin visiting a few days ago, telling him to be on the lookout for anything class A-77 v hippies weird. And this was exactly that.
Bdubs sighed, and sat down for a moment. He thought he'd heard something and turned around, seeing the forest and vines....a bit closer then normal. The builder was puzzled. He shrugged. But then.....then he got a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.
Something inside was telling him to immediately go make sure tango and keralis were okay.
The man quickly acted on this, streighting his red bandanna to calm down. Surely they were fine. This weird candy thing couldn't have done anything too bad- right? After readjusting it again to stop his thoughts from spiraling, bdubs headed over.
His gut sank when he couldn't find tango at his base.
Normally tango was always around, he wasnt afk by any means- bdubs searched his entire place, the farms- and there was still no sign of his netherborn friend. He found some of those candy wrappers from meat impulse was selling scattered about, and a half eaten one on tangos table.
But he was pretty sure tango never left his chair look like he'd fallen out of it.
The next 10 minutes were a blurr of anxiety, and bdubs had to step back from the others house and take a breath, looking out across the water. Keralis was home, he had to be. Said he was working on trading after all.
The builder looked down to his arm to see the pink fur creeping out from his bandages.....like they were growing from out of his hand. He kept the bandages on. Nevermind that, he told himself, not noticing he couldnt really.....feel his hand.
Making sure his friends were safe was all that mattered.
Bdubs quickly got out of the boat, for once the sun was setting. He could sleep when everyone was safe. He pushed aside the fact his hand was being weird, fuzzy and fluffy and all-
Bdubs head a low noise from inside keralises house and stepped inside. It sounded like a groan.
Everything seemed bright. Brighter. More vibrant, as bdubs noticed, walking in and seeing nothing out of the ordinary......
That's when he saw him.
Keralis was on the floor, laying on his back. He looked.....liquidy. his hair looked slick back and hissclera was purple, but his pupils and such were blue and red, vibrantly blank and glazed over. He had a lopsided grin on his melty face, and didn't look.....human. his skin was super gloopy and melty, and it was like taffy......
"K?" Bdubs asked, immediately coming to his friends side, checking for a pulse. He was alive, just really sticky.....
"M...more..." his friend rasped. "Need more....P..please..."
Bduhs picked keralis up, and felt himself stick to the other. Felt as.....as the others taffy like skin almost....ate him. Or, absorobed....? He didn't have time to worry about that, heading to the boat.
"Dont worry." He said gently as he got them into the boat.
"Im gonna take you to x, he'll know what to do."
Bdubs couldn't feel anything. It was all fuzzy. He felt like he was in the edge of a cliff, dazed and clear and fuzzy all at once. He hadn't stopped moving since he had found keralis, and now.....his hair was fluffy, tinted pink. His arms up to his elbows were fuzzy and pink, and everything was so nice and vibrant....it was hard not to get distracted. He just wanted to stare.....
No. You have to help get keralis safe, That voice in his head said, as he got up and stumbled out of the boat. He gently picked up keralis and they leaned on eachother, stumbling towards the admins base. Bdubs knocked on his door, and he coulsnt hear the admin talk, but he took keralis.
Keralis was safe.
Bdubs fell full force into it, swing as his eyes finally glazed over and his thoughts reached a murmuring buzz, and the world around him went black.
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aj-is-typing-18 · 3 years ago
Pspsps @shadeswift99 and @wither-rose-circus
The cursed candy au brainrot has come back soooo
Tw: impulses new episode, mindcontrol, I feel bad for mumbo personally, slight suffocation
Honestly, the rest of botem had been acting odd. Grian looked like he was gonna just melt into the ground at any second, pearl looked like she had those red candy sticks- twislers for hair. And scar? Scar was a blue gummy bear.
Mumbo hadn't seen impulse, and honestly, he had a striking feeling he didn't want too. So, he went about his buisness, although it was hard to avoid them when they were, 1. His neighbors, and 2. Voted him ceo.
Now, grian had done that last season but- this time it was so...so odd. Grian didn't even sound like grian, his voice was dull and some of his candied hair covered his strangely vibrant eyes.
"Its just for a bit we're doing with impulse! Trying out his candy, you should try some!"
Mumbo shook his head, making up a.fumbling and quite terrible excuse before flying off.
That's when the smell hit him.
It was pure nostalgia, invading his senses and making him dizzy, as he was flying to his megabase. He remembered this feeling, of giddy. Of.being able to finally buy that delectable sweet in the shops.
He hadn't realized he'd gone off course, and then? And then mumbo was too caught up, smiling a bit to himself as the smell took him. His elytra lost control, sending him flying, and he snapped from his daze momentarily.
Only to land in a thick substance that swallowed him whole.
Choclate. Mumbo tried to swim, he wasn't drowning, no. Not yet anyways. It seemed he had two options, to suffocate, or, to eat his way out.
Mumbo was in no state to think, but he started doing just that, eating his way out. Drinking the heavenly goodness, it felt good, melding with him, and the redstoner felt like.....sparkly. bright. He felt really good, and it was like he was melting. His mind was bending, far more then it was already. It was coating his senses, his own thoughts and wishes being devoured, hell, his mind was being washed away in the essence of this confectionary goodness.
A hand pulled him up, and mumbo hadn't realized he had been choking, taking a few deep breaths. He saw a pair of shoes and a brightly covered coat, and impulse bent down to meet his eyes, smiling almost crazedly.
He held a candy bar out, a life line that had mumbos pupils dilate more then they already were. He was hungry.
Mumbo was shoving chiclate down his throat in an instant, vaguely aware the conffectionare was speaking to him.
"Welcome to the company, mumbo jumbo."
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greenthegreat · 2 years ago
Helloooooo! Welcome to the random doodles and rambling of @greenthegreat!
I might occasionally post here, mainly random doodles and stuff of my ocs since they're my special interest.
Also I am the resident BULLY of a DM
I got dnd characters, warriors, wings of fire, rainworld, and a lot of random other ocs! just ask and I will tell you abt any of them!
Tag Guide:
A purely rp-based minecraft server me and my friends are on and it's spiritual successor
A few character stories I have with some people
my two dnd campaigns!!! candycurse is shared with @spongie-pancakes!!!
is a big one ofc
A fantasy cat thing i'm working on!!
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