#candle soap molds
customsiliconemolds · 11 months
How Can Custom Silicone Soap Molds Enhance the Creativity of Soap Making?
Silicone soap molds open up a world of creativity in soap making. These custom silicone soap molds enable artisans to craft unique shapes, intricate designs, and customized details that add a personal touch to their creations. With these molds, soap makers can unleash their imagination and create truly one-of-a-kind soaps that stand out and captivate customers.
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Read More-Silicone Soap Molds Wholesale
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magically-cozy · 2 years
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Living Room - Transitional Living Room
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icarustypicalfall · 2 months
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masterlist • ao3 • follow pls :)
ghost x ghost
Ghost wasn't entirely sure if it was a good idea. Going into an abandoned house, filled with god knows what. But the team insisted, saying it was the only place to take cover from the freezing cold.
It was an old cabin, right in the middle of the forest. Mold had taken over the walls, climbing all the way up to the ceiling.
The team grabbed their sleeping bags and settled in. Captain was already passed out, while Soap and Gaz were engaged in a quiet argument. Ghost decided to explore the rooms, taking in the old and abandoned vibe. It looked like nobody had been there since the 70s.
As Ghost moved around, the doors creaked shut and every step he took made the wooden floor squeak. Some bottles on the tables even toppled over, probably due to the wind. Ghost didn't mention it to Soap, afraid it would start a never-ending banter. The scot was a firm believer in all things paranormal.
Ghost stood before a mirror, staring at his tired eyes. He removed his mask and studied his face, teh dark circles under his eyes a proof to his misery, he surely can function without rest for a couple more of days. Although this house made him feel inseay.
With a sigh, Ghost felt tormented. Something just didn't feel right, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. When he looked at his reflection again, a fleeting figure passed by, almost disappearing before he could react.
Startled, he scanned the room, but it was pitch black and there was complete silence. He was alone. Or so he thought.
Simon cursed, turning around. He pushed up the window nearby, causing it to make a noise. As he took a breath of the musty night air, he closed his eyes.
A cold breath brushed against his ear, sending shivers down his spine. A low and calm voice murmured, and he could feel the cold envelope him "Close the window, Simon. The wind will blow out the candles."
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gore-geousrem-ains · 1 year
Musical Beetlejuice Vs. The Bath
A ramble on how to get BJ to regularly stay clean. Slight BeetlejuicexReader. (BeetleB@bes, do not interact.)
Firstly, STOP trying to force him in the bathtub or blasting him with a hose. I know most of this is written for comical effect but it’s not a proper way to motivate him. 
I imagine that MusicalJuice has some trauma surrounding baths and water. Juno, as ill tempered as she is, most likely made bathing a nightmare. I imagine her rubbing his skin raw with a brush, or dunking his head under water for extended periods of time. All things that would be traumatic for a small child. 
As a ghost/zombie/demon I would assume he doesn’t need to bathe in the first place, but living with an adopted family that insists upon cleanliness he’ll have to learn to be clean-er.
Start small with him. Give him a Wet One and ask him for 1 thing: “Would you like to wipe off your hands?” It’s non-invasive and simple; and it gives HIM control of the situation. He can say “Yes” or “No” at his leisure. 
Offer him a Wet One every now and again, always giving him control of the situation and offer to do it with him. It’s not just a HIM thing, it’s a WE thing. “We will be clean together.”, “I will be alongside you.”, “You are a part of something.” 
Above all BJ wants to connect with others and having others be invested in him will help solve this “bathing” problem slowly over time. 
When he’s accepted the Wet One’s ritual, move on to just asking him to wash his hands. Only his hands. He can choose the temperature of the water, Hell, you’ll go to Bath and Bodyworks and pick up a dozen soaps so he can choose his favorite to use. As always, participate with him. 
 Next move on to the face. I imagine this will be more daunting for him, water smothering him? Like when he was a kid? No, no, no. You’ll most certainly be met with resistance. Beetlejuice WILL fight you on this one. He’s come so far washing his hands, why does he need to wash his face? 
This is where you can strum the strings of his massive ego and heart,  “You’ll look so handsome.”, “Clean cheeks get more kisses.” “If you want, I’ll sit down and wipe your face off gently.” 
Give BJ some security. Once again, you are with him, he can choose, and he has the option to get more praise should he choose to cooperate. 
You’ve conquered getting his face clean! Every night after you wash your own face, you take a warm cloth and gently wipe off his face (though the mold and moss growing there seems to be fixed to his face… but who cares really? It’s all a part of his charm.) Beetlejuice is rewarded with hundreds of kisses and hugs as a “prize” for doing so well. 
Now here comes the BIG part: actually bathing. 
Stop trying to force him into a bath. Just stop. It’s not going to happen. Instead give him the option of a shower.  
A shower is less invasive, he has control over how much of his body is in the water, he can set the temperature, he can choose how long he’s in. The shower can have a little stool for him to sit and rest on, his favorite soaps, the softest rags you can find in the house, you’ll burn a lavender candle to bring some peace and serenity to the room, and of course play some of his favorite music to keep him calm. 
However, you will have to join him. There’s no way around it. You have to join him. Sexual innuendos and all. He can’t be alone; even a ghost/zombie/demon can have a panic attack. If you’re uncomfortable being nude (much to his dismay), you can wear a bathing suit. But you have to get in with him regardless. Namely to keep him as calm as possible. 
You let BJ get set up, music, candles, the water temperature, everything. Once you’re in the shower, you encourage him in too. But NOPE, he’s changed his mind and POOF he’s gone. 
No one said it would be easy.
You try again, and again, and again. Always offering to be in the room or even in the shower with him. BJ doesn’t budge for weeks. But he still washes his hands and allows you to begrudgingly wipe off his face (only kisses and hugs will make him less grumpy). 
Finally one night, when you’re showering alone. There’s a knock on the bathroom door and it’s BJ, who just might, wanna, kinda, sort of try this “shower thing”... 
Internally elated, but externally calm you allow him in. He’s quick to offer crass sex jokes, and would rather take you to the bedroom than the shower right now. Gathering all of your patience you calmly turn him down and lead him to the shower. 
Once again, he’s allowed to set his own standards for bathing. You get in first, offer your hand and guide BJ in too. 
He steps in, nervously holding a breath that he doesn’t need. 
And it’s not bad. He didn’t know the shower head had settings, so he chooses his favorite, a very light setting that just barely touches him.You’re of course naked and freezing your ass off while he enjoys the mildly warm water. But perseverance is key.You’ve got THIS far, time to make the best of it. 
You sit him down on the shower stool, take a washcloth, and slowly begin to clean his body.Your gentle touches bring out those deep satisfied growls he emits when content. You’re careful in all of your movements, not wanting to startle him and ruin this moment of absolute bliss with your sweet Bug. Who has worked so hard to be there with you. 
Once you’re finished with him he’s showered with kisses, kisses, and more kisses.
Once BJ gets the hang of the shower, when he chooses to shower (every other week or so) it’s impossible to get him out. Where’s all the hot water? BJ used it. Where are all the nice towels? He’s using them all to dry off. Where is Charles’s bathrobe? BJ stole it. 
It’s always a trade off with him, but it’s worth it in the end.
AND THAT’S how you get a trauma victim into the shower. Everything takes time and patience.
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Orfeu and Haru Ver. II.
Cw: Mentioned noncon (not too explicit this time); Mentioned starvation/food insecurity; pet whump; dehumanization; humiliation;
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The pet wakes up in that man’s arms. Orfeu, if he recalled.
He has his hands resting over the pet’s hips, hands that look like they belong to a monster, ink black until almost the elbows, nails thick and curled like that of a beast. Pet still surprised those claws got inside him and somehow hurt less than Master’s soft fingers.
Turning to the side he sees Farlan’s up and getting dressed to go to his college lectures. He figures the guest is the only reason why he wasn’t kicked from the bed today as soon as Master woke up. He tries to get up by himself rather than wait for the man to wake and push him down…
He freezes staring dumbly at his Master. He rolls his eyes, his patience always too short for the pet. 
“Stay. You’re allowed. At least while he’s cuddling you”
He lets the air escape his lungs, sinking back into the sheets and quite relieved. Still, he remains weary as he watches Master moving around the room, combing his hair and putting it on a ponytail, dressing up in his tailored suit and applying so much cologne the Pet has to bury his face on the pillows to hold back the sneezes.
Master always smells so good. His favorite cologne has tops of lemon and jasmine and a soft wooden background. It denounces his arrival before the master enters a room, and lingers after he leaves. It has also impregnated the sheets, the pillows and even the pet itself, sticking on his skin and leaving a trace where he was held. 
After he’s done playing or hurting him, Master takes him to the bathroom and places him on a tub which he lets fill with mercifully warm water. He washes his back with milky soap and his hair with strawberry shampoo. Sometimes, he baths by himself too, making extra sure he’s clean and groomed to his Master’s liking. 
Still, the Master's smell is stronger.
It stays, no matter how much he scrubs his skin.
Which is why he’s oddly glad about how much the guest just… stinks. 
He stinks of sour cigarette smoke, candle wax and forest mold, sweat and booze and sex and asphalt. He stinks and for once, it overpowers Master’s lemony scent. 
Once Master finally leaves, he sinks his head on the man’s chest and inhales, trying to pick apart all that makes his smell, nuzzling a little so his stubble beard scratches the pet's face. 
Unfortunately that wakes him up, and they lock eyes, pearly blue in toxic green ones. He feels himself grow cold, afraid he’ll be hurt for waking him, but the man simply smiles, a row of creep teeth. He thought those were fascinating, but wondered how much it hurt to make them look like this. 
“Good morning” he says, and Pet cringes at his breath. And Orfeu notices “Oh, guess I need to brush my teeth. And a shower-”
Two mistakes. It’s barely eight in the morning, and he’s made two mistakes with Master’s new guest. He’s shaking…
“I-I- nhh s-s-sorry, pet… dirty, pet is, is, not-”
“Shhh” he picks up one of Pet’s white locks, playing with it between his distorted fingers “Not a big deal. I have an idea. Why don’t you go get us some breakfast, while I wash, hm?”
He nods, nearly jumping out the bed. 
He doesn’t bother getting dressed. He knows it bothers some of the workers of the mansion but… it’s nothing that they haven’t seen before. And he’s been through… so much worse, he hardly feels humiliated by the nakedness anymore. 
“Good morn- Oh fuck. Please wear clothes” Ms. Lenora complains, as the pet runs into the kitchen. 
He blushes a little and waves at the housekeeper apologetically, one of the few employees that work at the house. It’s a small task force and there’s always a lot of work to be done. The Pet has to help sometimes, and while most of them are either bothered or even hostile towards the pet, she doesn’t seem to mind.
“It 's alright. Go see if you can find something in the laundry room, I’ll prepare your food” She says, just smiling at him.
"G-guest" Speaking is getting harder and harder these days.
"Guest?” She frowns. Farlan must have forgotten to warn her, but she knows Pet wouldn't lie about "Fm. Guess you’ll need something better than oatmeal then. Now, please, get dressed-"
He nods, going past the kitchen and into the laundry room. People there glare, disgusted by his presence, his nakedness, the violence marked on his body. He quickly snatches a shirt from the clean pile. It’s Master’s, but he won’t mind. 
He smiles when he gets back into the kitchen, seeing Lenora preparing a tray with avocado toast and eggs, cuts of meat and picked fruits. He hesitates for a second, then approaches to help her, which earns him a soft pat on the head.
“Good boy”
Something deep inside him says he should feel humiliated by this sort of affection. But it’s all that exists in his world, and oh, he’d take humiliating affection over pain any day. 
Finally he carries the tray back upstairs, hoping this man Orfeu allows him to eat. He’s not good at starving. Farlan is not the most merciful of Master’s, but he’s generous about food, only denying it when it annoys him enough for a hard punishment.
But sometimes he’s left under the care of Master’s father, Gerard, the lord of the house, who is very prone to making him starve. ‘A petite little songbird’, the man says, feeding him nothing but what he can lick off of his fingers.
He remembers them fighting the first time his Master traveled and left the pet under Gerard’s care. After a week, when he came back, the pet went to welcome him and ended up passing out from starvation. 
“Oh, that’s fancy” Orfeu says, coming out of the bathroom and throwing himself on the bed, a towel wrapped around his hair. 
“Come on-” he taps the bed by his side, coaching the pet to sit by his side. He does it hesitantly. Master Farlan would be angry if they dropped food on the sheets… but he’d be even angrier if the pet denied a guest's request, so he obeys.
…He immediately notices the smell. He must’ve stolen the cologne because he smells exactly like Farlan now. He swallows, wondering why this makes him feel grief. 
“Did you make the food?” 
“H-h-helped” the pet mumbles, a bit thrown aback by how casually he talks. He must be used to pets. Maybe even have some of his own.
“Own, it's very good”
The pet just nods, hands crossed politely over his lap, trying not to stare at the food.
"You aren't much of a talker, are you?"
He flinches hard. It used to be so easy.
"I-I can, ifsir wamt. Msorry Sorry" he whispers, feeling the words roll and mix, his tongue too heavy to properly form them.  Why speak, if no one wants to hear? "Hard. Msorry"
"It's alright, love" 
He realizes the pet staring and chooses to be merciful, cutting a piece of toast and taking the piece to his lips. He parts them obediently and chews the food slowly, enjoying the taste. It also makes for a good excuse to stay quite.
“You don't have to. I'd like you to, if you can. But I don't mind if you don't want to"
It sounds like a mockery, if not for his genuine expression. 
Pets don't have wants, or so they say. Of course it's a lie. The pet wants a lot of things. It's just that a pet's wants are meaningless. 
He just obediently opens his mouth again, letting the man place a piece of fruit inside. So it seems that just like Gerard, this man likes to hand feed pets, enjoying the utter submission of the act. He does his best not to resent that, at least he's being generous with the portions, letting him chew a cut of strawberry. 
"He said you don't have a name…" the pet struggles not to flinch with the way Orfeu toys with the knife.
Thankfully, he simply cuts a piece of the meat for himself. 
"I kinda wanna give you one"
…Pet stares. This screams of a trap. He recalls him telling that to the master last night, and Farlan being very clear that the pet does not deserve one.
"Sir'angry" he replies, the best he can, in between the little bits of food he's being fed. 
"Farlan? Nah, I'll handle him" Orfeu promises, seeming all too confident. Well, it's true the Master seems to forgive a little more disrespect from him than from most others… but this is a big thing. 
"It's unfair to not be named. I'll think of something. You can help too" he offers. 
The pet shakes his head shyly. It's not for him to decide. But… he kinda hopes this strange man can indeed get him named. He'd like to be someone. 
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tag: @whump-blog
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nefertied · 1 month
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❀  -  the  living  area:  though  they  wouldn't  consider  it  too  grand,  sabri's  den  is  rather  posh  for  a  24  year  old,  with  a  crushed  velvet  indigo  couch,  white  throw  pillows  they  somehow  manage  to  always  keep  clean  and  bright,  stained  marble-esque  etching  and  molding,  a  few  potted  plants  here  &  there,  and  a  fireplace  right  behind  their  polished  wood  coffee  table.
❀  -  the  kitchen  area: matching  the  theme  of  the  living  room,  sabri's  kitchen  area  is  of  an  indigo  scheme,  but  the  white  is  replaced  with  a  copper  /  bronze  /  gold  accent  in  terms  of  metal  work  for  the  appliances.  compared  to  the  rest  of  his  lodging,  sabri  thinks  his  kitchen  looks  relatively  tame.  swing  by  for  some  french  toast  &  coffee  if  you  ever  have  the  time. 
❀  -  the  seed  room:  being  an  avid  gardener  and  trained  herbalist,  sabri  has  an  enter  room  dedicated  to  a  myriad  of  seeds  cultivated  for  their  personal  garden  outback,  as  well  as  magical  herbs  that  can  be  used  for  spells  and  such.  everything's  labeled  so  they  don't  grab  the  wrong  thing  by  mistake,  which  can  lead  to  very  disastrous  stuff  for  their  other  process  involving  the  plants.
❀  -  the  bedroom:  just  like  the  rest  of  his  abode,  his  bedroom  is  just  as  azure  as  the  rest  of  his  place,  with  comfortable  bed  sheets  and  comforters  that  feel  as  light  and  billowy  as  feathers.  there  are  flowy  curtains  around  with  candles  lit  with  enticing  aromas  burning  from  the  wicks  and  things  of  incense  that  hold  the  fragrance  in  the  wisps  of  smoke,  usually  that  of  a  relaxing  scent  to  help  for  sleep.
❀  -  the  bathroom:  the  bathroom  holds  a  similar  layout  to  the  bedroom,  same  color  with  white  accents,  and  a  myriad  of  sweet  smelling  soaps  (  sabri's  very  big  on  scents  if  you  haven't  caught  on  by  now  ):  they  do  love  a  good  bubble  bath,  so  if  you  see  a  couple  of  bubbles  floating  from  their  bathroom  windows,  don't  get  worried,  just  enjoy  the  scents  coming  from  it  !
❀  -  apothecary:  sabri's  personal  potion  storage,  they  keep  much  of  their  perfumes  and  potions  in  their  own  collection,  marking  them  based  off  of  the  plants  used  to  help  construct  them  and  the  possible  effects.
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iamhellborn · 7 months
DWK characters as Melanie Martinez songs
Leon – Mad Hatter (“So what if I’m crazy? The best people are”)
Marlon – Teddy Bear (“How did love become so violent?”)
Raban – Soap (“I said to much, it overflowed”)
Vanessa – Pity Party (“I’ll cry until the candles burn down this place”)
Deniz – Show & Tell (“Harsh words if you don’t get a pic with me”)
Markus – Detention (“You write me up and say it’s love and I can’t believe it”)
Jojo – LIGHT SHOWER (“My past grew mold around my heart”)
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obsessive-ego · 1 year
What did it smell like? (Do you have a headcannon for Beetlejuice smell?)
My Beetlejuice candle?
I had a hard time describing it other than is smelled like laundry soap
The box said juicy pomegranate, raspberry nectar, fluffy whipped cream, and a hint of patchouli.
It was mild yet sweet
I have issues with scent products but this didn't bug me
And yes I do have a headcannon for a Beetlejuice smell
Keatlejuice: wet dirt, old basement, and cigarettes, with a hint of cheap cologne
Musicaljuice: mold, weed, and body odor
Toonjuice: mold, body odor (most noticeable) and old basement
In short
They stink
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Silicone Soap Mold Manufacturer
Leading silicone soap mold manufacturer, offering a wide range of high-quality and customizable molds. Crafted with precision to help you create stunning soap designs effortlessly. Trusted by artisans worldwide for exceptional service and innovative mold solutions. Satisfaction guaranteed.
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nientary-1832 · 2 years
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So this was the worst year of my life and I’m not even sorry for not being productive in terms of finished works. But still, it was quite eventful art-wise.
I continued to draw every day (actually, I haven't missed a single day since April 2019). I mostly made quick sketches and I think they became more dynamic, though it doesn’t necessarily show in my rendered pieces.
I tried my hand in political art. Normally my art doesn’t have a MeAnInG or a MeSsAGe, it’s just a way of expressing my love for whatever I draw. So this is new, though I wish I’d never had to do this. Not sure my leaflets did any good, but at least I had somewhere to pour my anger and despair.
I worked in traditional medium more than I ever did since childhood. I think I lasted full 2,5 months without touching my tablet. I’m still not comfortable drawing people traditionally and I fix them quite a lot before posting online. But there are nice perks, especially for more abstract art. For example, it’s super satisfying to make textures with palette knives!
I started making jewelry with epoxy resin, wood, flowers and basically anything I can get my hands on. I have a swarm of ideas and works in progress. Here are my favorite future pendants. I have a vague ambition of somehow making a living out of this. It seems slightly more realistic than becoming a popular artist with patreon and commissions. At least there’s no AI coughing up free jewelry 🤪
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I tried fluid art, which I’d never even heard of before. And I realized there are so many kinds of art to try out / to master! I want it all. I want to make sculptures, jewelry, pottery, soap and candles, to carve, model, mold, decoupage, weld metals, paint with everything that paints, you name it. This is why I’m not crawling to the cemetery, even though my future looks like Gulag. Art is awesome and makes me wanna live 😭❤😭❤
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babblydrabbly · 2 years
Day 18 | Eddie Munson x Reader
a/n - @flufftober. I had a longfic planned for this, but here's a shorter fluff piece I based after this idea:
Reader and Eddie went to Hawkins together. But due to their adolescent fear of being a social outcast, reader never told Eddie they were his soulmate until he finds out himself after high school.
prompt - soulmates
fluff - 1.3k+ words - warnings: AU. established relationship. post-high school. gn!reader. nudity. bathing. kissing. cuddling. hurt/comfort.
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You giggle at the way Eddie’s eyebrows shoot up when you tell him all of it— the warm bath with bubbles, the tea candles, and the radio playing low out in the bedroom— aren’t just for yourself tonight. He lets out a suggestive whistle as you tug him into the bathroom and stand him in front of the steamy mirror.
“What’s the occasion?” He prods devilishly.
Eddie watches your hands as you undo the belt and clips from his complicated attire; you make sure to take your time as you hum with the music patiently, paying his curious grin no mind. Even when he tempts you with a soft bump of his temple against yours.
“No occasion.” You nudge him and Eddie lifts up his arms to help you remove his damp shirt.
You give his pale chest an appreciative look, delighting in the way his tattooed skin prickles under your touch. You’ve always loved his sturdy middle- his arms.  the way those sinewy muscles of his line themselves up under alabaster skin.
“You were out all day and it’s been so cold lately. Thought we could have a bath before dinner.”
Eddie’s nose was so frigid when he kissed you coming home today you nearly shrieked. Then you tried wriggling away at his shit eating grin, but it was too late. Eddie pressed his cold face into the crook of your neck and blew a raspberry in greeting, sending you both down into a fit on the floor. 
With Eddie stripped, you simply tug off your small robe to join him.
Eddie sucks in a breath and draws you to him closely by your hips, stealing a quick but heated kiss from you. His lips and tongue send jolts of pleasure down your spine as always, but tonight you muster the strength to pull away, earning a playful groan from the guitarist. 
“Bath first. While it’s still hot.” 
The water sloshes as Eddie gets in first. It’s an awkward fit to get you in behind him— even from the back of his head you can tell he’s confused at the position. His typical move was slipping in haphazardly across from you- even when you begged him for some peace and quiet on days you drew a bath for yourself.
Tonight, you happily scooch up behind him, your knees bracketing him as you ease him backward against your bare chest. He squirms and resists until you slap his pec cheekily. It earns you an exaggerated moan.
You ease tonight’s silly mood into the relaxing one you envisioned when you set up the room earlier that afternoon. You apply scoop after gentle scoop of warm water over his long, unruly hair as you ask him about his day. 
Eventually, Eddie eases too, his body slowly sinking down into the water. It molds so perfectly against yours as you run your fingernails gently over his scalp with every brush.
In the time you’ve been together since high school, Eddie has picked up any odd job he can find; right now it’s a steady one building decks and pools for the richer side of Hawkins in the daytime, which has been perfect for his night time gigs with the band.
You agree— after your day working at the mall, the two of you can spend much more time together every night before you’re out again, supporting his music when you can. 
You move onto some shampoo when the conversation lulls. The radio station you’ve picked starts playing a romantic ballad, and you begin humming again as you work the lather into Eddie’s chestnut hair. It’s quiet for some time while you rinse again and again, making sure the suds avoid his eyes.
He’s so silent that you wonder if he’s fallen asleep. The thought makes the corners of your lips curl upward. 
You lather up some regular bar soap and begin massaging it gently into the kinks at the base of his neck when you hear the first, shaky hiccup. You still. 
You lean over, puzzled when he looks away.  “Eddie?”
When he says nothing again, you slosh around til you’re sitting up more. Eddie relents and sits up too- though his posture is almost as tense as it was when you began. Turning his head carefully to you, you catch the sound of another muted sob. It startles you.
“Eddie?? What’s wrong?” 
His glossy brown eyes shift to you, rimmed red from the steady stream falling from either corner. Eddie casts his eyes away and sniffles loudly. He quickly wipes any evidence away with the flesh of his palm.
“S’nothing.” He tries to offer you a reassuring smile, but it clearly falters. 
Eddie knows by now he doesn’t have to bury the bad shit for your sake. 
You have your own fair share— one of your biggest regrets will always be denying your feelings for Eddie when you were younger. When you gave a shit about what other people thought instead of spending what could have been more time with the man who’s always made you laugh and felt seen.
“I just—” Another hiccup steals his breath before he can finish his sentence, and you watch as Eddie’s face crumples. 
You grasp his hand- gently wrench it from the face he’s trying to cover up. You smooth your thumb over the wrist with your name scrawled over it. Your real name. Not in ink like his many tattoos, but in whatever the universe uses to bring soul mates like you together. They look right together; his name and yours, side by side.
“It’s okay, Eddie.” You murmur again his cheek. You plant a kiss there and taste the salt of another tear. “You’re safe.”
He manages a laugh this time, soft but genuine. “That’s what I’m trying to say. I’m- I know I am. No one… Shit.”
The two of you burst into soft laughter. Your worry melts a little as the crinkle returns to Eddie’s eyes. Still, you wrap your arms around his trunk, locking your fingers together, almost protectively- as firmly as he does for you every night.
Eddie takes a breath until he can speak clearly again. He gives himself pause like he does when he rehearses his dungeon master voice in the mirror every Saturday morning before his sessions. 
“No one’s ever… done stuff like this for me.” He finally admits- voice raw. Strong, calloused hands slide over your own beneath the water’s surface, holding you there.
Eddie glances back to you with such vulnerability you think you may begin crying too. “I can’t even remember anyone ever giving me a bath when I was real small, you know? Or…or washing my hair…”
His brow creases  at your pinched expression- as if he thinks he’s just said something embarrassing. “Is that weird to bring up?”
You shake your head. This time it’s your turn to sniffle. You catch your own tear before it falls, quickly wiping it off on your bare shoulder. Eddie’s lips part in what you know will be an apology. So you stop it with a kiss before it can escape. 
“It’s not weird.” You promise him. A small flame kindles in your chest. One of anger- for the man in your arms. For the small boy he used to be before you knew him. And again- for all the times you could have spent being kind to him in high school, instead of cold and distant like almost everyone else in his life.
“It’s not weird.” You say again as you shake your head. You’re not weird. Or unloveable. Or too strange. You’ve said it plenty of times. And you’ll spend the rest of your life saying it as many times as it takes for him to believe you. 
You press a kiss to his lips- a silent thank you to Eddie for telling you the truth. Putting some pressure on his chest again, you coax him to lay back down against you softly. 
You release him when he finally relaxes and return to the gentle stroke of fingers through your soulmate’s hair.
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wordsyettocome · 2 years
Bathroom Ritual
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Disclaimer: I am not spiritual or a witch. This is in no way meant to be disrespectful towards anyone with these practices.
It all shall be cleansed.
The soap bars are in their dishes, the bubbles are foaming, the aromatic candles are lit.
In the circle of bottles and brushes, rinse your hands and picture a world without blemish. Banish the dirt and the mold and welcome the pristine.
Blow bubbles, wishing for protection with every breath. Throw bath bombs into the water, letting it spread and spread.
Bless this sanctuary of peace and water, and may it keep all out filth. May it soothe and never stress you. May your towels remain fluffy and your bathrobes remain soft.
Bless your hairbrush, may it never tug too hard.
Bless your toothbrush, may it never miss a morsel.
Bless your bathroom, may it always cleanse you anew.
You may also enjoy ‘Cleancore’ and ‘Blessing for Writers’
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polyamorouspunk · 1 year
i would try to be careful or avoid resin all together :/ its become popular but most people are NOT using it carefully and responsibly. you can very easily start poisoning yourself or other people via fumes from inadequate ventilation or improperly cured resin. plus its plastic which is generally unsustainable & not eco friendly
if you go this route please please do lots of research to keep yourself safe & possibly try finding bioplastic or recycled options to use !!!
Yeah I mean what exactly do people *do* with resin? Like I have a resin self defense knife my mom and I bought and people making cute clear charms or bookmarks with dried flowers and stuff is cute, and the wood with faux ocean waves is cute, and the cool lamps that light up blue for ocean scapes is cool, but like other than that what are people *doing* with resin? Like my ex made some resin charms and I got some obviously because it was our shop and it was a test but like. There was no charm loop. It was just an object that fit in the palm of my hand. It seems expensive and a lot of work for what exactly. Like the vote for resin is winning but I don’t know exactly what people *want*. Like I mean say I make a resin butterfly. What are you guys doing with it. Putting it on a shelf? Idk. I feel like soap and candles and food at least do something. Like are you going to go to a booth at pride and see a pride-colored resin thing and buy it? Please be honest. Like when I go to booths I buy button pins and stickers which is what I’m focusing on right now. But I have this machine that allows me to make custom molds so I can now make fandom soaps and candles and stuff but that’s functional. Yeah resin is scary, I really do stuff on a small scale here, I try and stay cheap, I’m not sure I’m ready for resin yet, and I’m mot sure the expense, effort, and hazards are worth the possible profit.
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eahostudiogallery · 1 year
April Fools Oddities
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Joe Colombo - Asimmetrico, 1964
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Albrecht Dürer - Six Studies of Pillows, 1493
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Ugo Rondinone - Still Life (Mushroom beige candle)
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Claes Oldenburg - alphabet
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Couzyn van Heuvelen - Avataq, 2016
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Claes Oldenburg - Toilet
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Ai Weiwei - Marble Toilet Paper, 2020
George Stoll - embroidered toilet paper
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Malia Jensen - Unmade Bed, carved soap
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Deora Budor - Male Molds, 2021
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Mike Kelley
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Catherine Opie - from the MOCA exhibit
Catherine Opie - Elizabeth Taylor handbag collection, 700 Nimes Road
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John Gellatly collection diorama by his butler
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Mohammed Alani
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Wednesday: the sketch pad
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deliriumsdelight7 · 1 year
grace van dien literally ruined herself. go on twitter and youtube and all you see is the faze drama. she's not coming back from this. she's done
You know, I’m also thinking of getting into candle making. It’s funny, because I’ve never been one to use fancy soaps or bath bombs or go crazy on scented candles, but stuff like this is so much fun to make!
Here’s a recipe of one I’ve been looking at:
Purple Blackberry Flower Candle
What You’ll Need:
Round Glass Candle Jar
14 oz. EcoSoya Advanced Soy Wax
6 oz.White Beeswax
1 oz.Blackberry Sage Cybilla Fragrance Oil
Cd-20 Wick
Purple Wax Dye Block
Flower Template
Optional: Glossy Silicone Square Tray Molds (2 molds)
ONE: In a large heat safe container, melt 14 oz. of Advanced EcoSoya Wax and shavings of the Purple Wax Dye Block in the microwave using 30 second bursts. For this candle, the majority of the wax dye block was used to create a vibrant, rich purple color. If you prefer a lighter purple, use less colorant.
TWO: Once you are happy with the color, add 1 oz. of the Blackberry Sage Cybilla Fragrance Oil and use a spoon to thoroughly combine.
THREE: Place the wick in the center and use chopsticks, pencils or dowels to hold the wicks in place. Slowly and carefully pour the purple wax into the container. Set aside, and allow to fully cool and harden.
FOUR: While the candle cools, it’s time to make the flowers. Cut out the flower stencils from the Flower Template. Melt 6 oz. of white beeswax in a heat safe container using 1 minute bursts. Beeswax has a high melting point, and takes longer to melt than most waxes. Because of this, be careful when removing the container from the microwave as it will be very hot!
FIVE: Split the wax in half, and color one container lightly with shavings of the Purple Wax Dye Block. Pour both containers of wax into two Glossy Silicone Square Tray Molds. If you do not have two molds, you can split this step into two; simply melt 3 oz. of white beeswax at a time and only color one batch.
SIX: Soon, the beeswax will begin to cool and harden. Once the beeswax can be touched with your finger and does not pull away, gently place the flower cut-outs on the wax. Using a chopstick or wood skewer, use the flower as a stencil and “draw” a flower into the wax. Move quickly as the beeswax hardens fast.
SEVEN: Continue drawing both small and large flowers into the white and purple wax. You only need one small and one large flower for each candle, but you will be able to carve more than two flowers. Carve more for future candles, or save the wax to remelt and reuse later.
EIGHT: Use a straw or the end of your carving tool to create a hole in the center of your flower. This is where the wick will be threaded, so ensure it is large enough for the wick to fit through. Set the trays of flowers aside to fully cool and harden before removing the flowers from the mold.
NINE: Once the wax has fully cooled, gently press the bottom of the mold, around the flowers. The wax around the flowers will begin to break, releasing the flower shapes. Be very careful during this step, you don’t want to break the flowers! If this happens don’t worry. Remelt and wax, pour and trace the flowers again. =)
TEN: Melt a very small amount of beeswax in the microwave using 30 second bursts. Use a dropper or spoon to drop a small amount of wax near the wick.
ELEVEN: Gently place a large flower onto the candle and hot wax. The hot wax will adhere the flower to the candle.
TWELVE: Place a small amount of hot wax on the large flower, and gently place a small flower on top. Be careful not to press too firmly, as this could crack the flowers. When ready to use, light the wick and enjoy! Reminder, never leave a burning candle unattended, and hot candles can damages surfaces so always use a hot plate or covering.
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