#cancer sun man
astroismypassion · 2 months
What’s up with every male Cancer Sun loving motorcycles or owning one?
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suniverseastro · 1 year
In big 6, the most influential Aquarius usually has a small face and pointed chin. Appearance is usually slim, duck and not fat Male Cancer Sun, combined with Leo Mars, is highly intuitive and ready to protect, manipulate, and protect the person they like.
Venus trine/sextile moon brings attraction to both sexes. Usually has a feminine energy and soft voice, similar to a girl's description, likes peace and doesn't like loud, likes to work slowly, doesn't compete, doesn't compete
Venus, Mercury, Moon, Jupiter form good angles with each other… very suitable for teaching and evangelizing
Mercury in Pisces in 8th is usually quiet when studying, others feel they are quite vague but actually their intuition is quite high. They also easily feel pressured when there are tests
Jupiter trine / sextile Venus easily feels and receives the affections of many other people, they feel loved. With a more difficult angle, the person often feels that they are unlucky in love even though there are many people who like them.
Pisces Moon likes to be complimented, introspects, or flirts only with the people they like, doesn't like to go out much, I think because Pisces is influenced by Neptune, the nature of Jupiter manifests in where at home they often search for information sources on their own using the means they have
Sagittarius/Jupiter influencing the sun often likes to go abroad, or like to go everywhere
Women with the Sun in the 1st house are usually very confident, they have a lot of skills and good thinking
In the sysnastry chart, the angles between Venus and Moon/Mercury, Sun/Moon and Mars in opposition, especially perpendicular, are often initially attracted to each other by sexual energy but actually the difficulty of getting along; the harbinger of a relationship will be difficult if there are many opposing angles in the moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, the sun
The Sun and the rising sign of two people conjuncted can understand each other terribly and help and support each other in study very well, if you add Mercury of the two people in good combination, it feels like they like soulmate
Sagittarius is compatible with Aries (maybe > Leo> Libra, Aquarius>...)
Cancer men can be very unfaithful, it also depends on other important planets in the chart such as the moon, Venus and Mars. I think maybe because the moon is in the state, it is easily affected by other planets
This is a personal observation, if you feel it is inappropriate, please comment in good faith and ignore it <3 My ask box always welcome
Have a nice day
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spamgyu · 8 months
i love how in all the astrological talks i had with everyone.... we all came to a conclusion that wonwoo is the devil
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Not feeling it rn cuz idk how to disclose to my family (mom, really) that I have two very funnily misplaced random underskin lumps on my neck and and one on the back of my head, and that my mind immiditely jumped to the worst conclusion
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TIL two three four things: One, that Lewis has actually recorded proper songs; two, that he's really damn good at making his own music; three, that he was vaping during the 2020 season (streamed in July 2020, timestamp's 1:30, right as someone in chat says he's their new role model 💀); and four, that he either thinks whoever's watching his livestreams is blind and won't notice the vape or he doesn't care about people knowing he vapes.
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astro-tag-9 · 6 months
If ur still doing asks can u do
Pisces sun Pisces moon (might be Cancer rising but I’m unsure)
Capricorn moon Libra sun Libra rising
❤️‍🔥Duke and Viola ❤️‍🔥
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silveve · 15 days
Ok so about the white washing Steve posts that are going around
I’m gonna be honest, Minecraft Steve is probably white* (crowd boos)
He was made by a white guy and is well within the range of white skin tones, like I’m pretty sure the guy just has a tan.
Anyway this could be coming from a place of ignorance** but I don’t think it’s super important that Movie Steve be the exact same skin tone as Minecraft Steve, like I think they’ve just gone “welp, Steve is white, Jack black is white, that’ll do.”
The reason I bring this up at all (because normally I would not care) is because a little bit ago the same thing was happening with Bdubs’ model in the Minecraft launcher when they released the hermitcraft S9 world download and people then were getting actually worked up about that to the point where Bdubs saw it and said on Impulse’s stream that it surprised him because he viewed himself as white and that he just had a tan (unfortunately I don’t remember the exact phrasing and have no idea which VOD it was, maybe when they were working on the city together).
And something is just really niggling at me about this stuff now after that happened, but I’m not an expert so I’m not great at articulating or even really identifying why it’s niggling, but I’m thinking it might be one or both of the following:
1- People may be using the term ‘whitewashing’ a little too loosely, I saw someone say the sheep had been whitewashed, and I think we maybe should be careful not to erode the term.
2- I’m kind of getting the impression that there’s a couple of people out there that are looking at skin that is anything other than the pastiest of pales and going ‘that’s not white’. And like, there are definitely some white people with darker tans than the skin tone of some POC, because humans are diverse and there is of course going to be a bit of overlap. And this is the part that I’m having trouble with because it definitely feels off but I can’t seem to really put it into words why it’s off***
And just for the record and without going into a whole discussion about how whiteness is actually a lot more complex than just skin tone (someone could write a whole other post about how culture and ethnicity and religion and facial features and body proportions and all sorts of things effect how ‘white’ someone is perceived as. not me though I don’t know enough) I do acknowledge that it is possible to whitewash a white person, I’m just not 100% sure that that’s what’s happening in this particular instance.
Having said all that I will continue to reblog these posts because in this instance I’m pretty sure they’re harmless and they would definitely piss off Notch if he saw them.
*ultimately he is blocks so interpret him however you want actually, I’m not the arbitrator of skin and neither is anyone else.
**I’m white so I could very well be making an idiot of myself, do tell me if so, or throw bricks at me, whatever works.
***IDK maybe someone who knows more than me can explain why it’s not great, or they can tell me why I’m wrong, or this post will get 2 notes total and I will learn nothing.
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middlenamesage · 7 months
Venus Man has no placements in Cancer, but he’s much more of a Cancer, according to stereotype, than me, a Cancer Sun and Mercury. I go to his home, and he has bought my fave food and beverages, cooks for me, always asks if the temperature is right, and if the right amount of blankets are on the bed.
He comes to my home, and we are sleeping on a futon mattress pulled down onto the floor (my twin bed isn’t big enough for us both and the futon’s frame is restrictive), and he’s in the habit of always bringing his own food and pillow with him (even though I try to tell/show him that he can use mine), and has left some blankets of his at my place.
The dwarf planet Ceres is conjunct his ascendant in Taurus, the sign some say she rules, and nurturing might as well be his middle name. (especially when it comes to comfort needs! ♉️) I’m beyond grateful for his desire to make sure I’m well taken care of, physically and emotionally, because I’m a Cancer who didn’t fully receive nurturing that resonated with me in my youth, and so I still can barely nurture myself or others.
I think he is slowly helping me find that side of myself, rather than making me dependent on him🙏 (especially since we embrace a relationship where we currently only come together once a week or less). And one thing he has definitely inspired me to find/recognize more of in myself is empathy and compassion. His Pisces Moon is a beacon of all that, and in my 1st house, it helps me see the ways that I’d like to move through life myself.
In the end, it’s worked out great that my 7th house Libra Lilith, and 8th house Pluto fearing dependence, insisted on sabotaging relationships with anyone else that came into my life. (This includes the numerous times I did so with him in the past, as we’ve known each other a decade and only recently got on the same page about focused, intentional romantic commitment.) I now see my Lilith was actually acting out of wisdom, disguised as frustrating self sabotage, because there’s no way in Hell she would have ever let me settle for the wrong person. She wouldn’t even let me settle for Venus Man during the years when we still both needed to be on our journeys of growth, independently.
I’m going through my Juno return now, with transit Lilith along for the ride, and I am finally beginning a committed relationship where I can bring my own sense of self worth to the table. No wonder it feels like this will actually be my life partner.
There are good people out there. A lot of them. And this includes good men. The struggle for any of us is not that there aren’t good people out there. The struggle (but attainable mission!) is to recognize and to move in ways that honor the worth and goodness in ourselves.
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buysomecheese · 2 years
Color guard marching season culture is yes I take a shower after every practice. No I don’t know why I still smell like sunscreen.
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jesslovespk · 2 years
*An Extra Add On to My Astrology Observation Post*
I previously talked about how Earth and Water sun signs differ greatly between males and females.  However, I forgot to give a water sign example.
Water sign Example:
People consider Scorpios to be mysterious right?  Well they are but not in the way that you would think.  This is because they are so mysterious that you would not even notice that they are being mysterious.  In other words, they hide in plain sight.
Scorpio females do this by appearing to be very social and extroverted.  They may not always be the loudest person in the room, but they will always know how to let their voice be heard.  Deep inside, however, they are actually very private people.  Scorpio females have a dark side.  Do not piss a scorpio female sun off.  If they feel that you have betrayed them in any way, they will not be able to forgive you.  If they tell you that they no longer want to be your friend, girlfriend, or have any kind of relationship with you....believe them.  They are not lying to you.  Obviously this is not a great quality to have and sometimes I think it is good for a scorpio female to recognize in herself that she struggles with forgiveness.  Also, I would like to point out this lack of forgiveness does not extend to to her immediate family or the family she grew up with.  If she feels that her family betrayed her, it will take her some time to forgive them but she will come around.  Another bad quality of scorpio females is that they are not great judges of character.  They think that they are incredibly intuitive and therefore are excellent when it comes to choosing friends and relationships.  However, I would argue that they can be easily manipulated and will often jump into friendships and relationships that they feel challenge their stamina and emotions, rather than nurture them.  I would also like to point out that everybody has their qualities that are great and not so great.  Now let’s talk about the great qualities of scorpio females.  Scorpio sun females are the easiest people to have conversations with and probably someone that you could talk with for hours without getting bored.  They are fiercely loyal to their loved ones and those that they trust.  They are so lovable and everyone who meets them will want to be their friend.  These are the people you want in your corner when times get tough because they will do anything and everything that they can to help you.  They are great listeners and will always be engaged in what you say to them.  They are super passionate which means that they care and love so deeply.  That was a lot on Scorpio females, but on to Scorpio Males.
Scorpio males hide in plain sight by appearing to be slightly awkward in a cute and sweet way.  The awkwardness is not uncomfortable for others at all and in fact it actually makes other people feel safe.  They definitely take on a more introverted approach compared to Scorpio women.  Deep inside they also have a dark side.  Scorpio males can actually be slightly manipulative and possessive without realizing it.  This comes from a place of fear that you will leave or betray them.  Scorpio males need their loved ones to be trustworthy in order for them to not allow their fears to control them.  Scorpio sun males are excellent judges of character.  If you meet a Scorpio male’s inner circle, you will notice that it is small and every single one of their friends and loved ones genuinely care about them very much.  Even if you think that one of their loved ones is not a very good person, they are completely loyal to the Scorpio male.  Scorpio men have a very forgiving heart.  As long as you beg for forgiveness and give a genuine apology, they will forgive you.  If you betray them it still will not be good though because they will torture you to make sure you do not hurt them again.  Scorpio males are very confident and driven.  They are competitive when it comes to their goals and will stop at nothing to achieve them, which makes them incredibly hard workers.  They are also very genuine and confident. 
Scorpio sun men and scorpio sun women would not make a great match because of the fact that they keep their actual personalities hidden as a result of their mysterious nature.  They would both find the other untrustworthy and start to slip away in different ways.  Scorpio man will give Scorpio woman the excitement she wants in a relationship but she will not make Scorpio man feel secure and safe. Scorpio man will then slip away and become closed off.  He will then likely say or do something to push her away.  Which will cause her to become closed off and slip away.
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poseiben · 4 months
i don't get astrology but my students love it and i think it's funny when they look at my chart and they either ask wtf is wrong with me or they go "ohhhh. suddenly this all makes sense"
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mignonmark · 1 year
as someone who has an aqua sun and sag moon…i have realized cancer suns and scorpio moons are placements that do NOT mesh well with mine🫠 they’re good at a distance, but the more you let them in, you experience their petty, almost spiteful/vengeful personalities. they are the types to never apologize and make YOU feel badly for smth they did wrong. however, the most annoying part is, most of the time they DO make you believe ur the crazy one. it’s suffocating as hellllllll.
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tortoisebore · 1 year
i don’t wanna be TOO mean to him bc i rly think he’s not a bad person, just boring and not right for sirius
i really really want to make them be cute n cuddly n kissy n in love right in front of his face 🫢 just ONCE 🫢 just to make him go “well damn….”
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amiharana · 2 years
i headcanon revali's birthday as being in capricorn season bc... i don't know he just gives like. capricorn sun aquarius moon virgo rising vibes to me, it just makes sense
like the idea of revali being born in midst of the harshest winter storm that rito village has ever experienced, where a couple lives were lost and they didn't expect revali to survive the winter.... only for him to emerge from the eye of the storm as one of the greatest warriors the village has ever birthed.
in contrast, i hc link as being born at the very beginning of spring, where winter begins to melt and flowers are beginning to bloom again. i'm honestly just referencing the day botw came out (march 3) but it makes sense. i think link really does give pisces sun energy!!! he has a taurus moon and probably another water sign for his rising bc he's just so soft...... he's just a soft little flower boy you guys, that's what he always should have been but hylia is a bitch and forced a different destiny upon him.
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astro-tag-9 · 4 months
Hi 👋🏻
Couple request please.
Me: Taurus sun in 1H
Cancer moon in 3H
Taurus asc in 1H
Gemini venus in 2H
Taurus Lilith in 1H
Aries North node in 12H
Him: Libra sun in 6H
cancer moon in 3H
Taurus asc in 1H
Scorpio venus in 7H
Taurus Lilith in 1H
Aries North node in 12H
Thank you. ❤️
💚Rachel and Ross💙
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astropookie · 1 year
Hello i have a question maybe it’s sounds.. weird but I see u post a meme of miguel and you are intro astrology but what do you think of his sun sign my mind think he’s a capricorn/scorpio/leo or maybe Aries but I want to say cancer due to this envy of having a family
hii!! no, it doesn’t sound weird at all🙈 -i don’t really like to try guessing others sun sign bc I end up imagining their natal chart or I don’t guess it right. sincerely, it’s too general, bUt-. i was discussing with myself and, coming from someone that has 0 knowledge about the Spider-Man saga and basing my opinion only on the movie, he’s a Gemini sun with a leo moon and a scorpio rising. I counted the possibility of him of being a cancer or a cancer rising bc of the round face and the family stuff, but there’s tragedy, there’s trauma, there’s something melancholic that haunts him and he remembers so much about his family and etc. still doubting though. could be that he has a Capricorn rising or a scorpio moon. I hate this 😭 but responding to your question, he could be a Gemini sun bc he has this logic or need to keep as cool as posible, as nothing happened to him. he has this charisma? or a thing with words that make others follow him, he’s literally controlling or persuading others thoughts. Geminis can be egoists or can end up using their wise mindset as a weapon, like every sign or placement with complex or different aspects/environments.
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