#cancel the American medical association
this-is-me19 · 9 months
American Medical Assiciation claims that Israel/Palestine Conflict does not qualify under its policies request for ceasefire consideration.
Israel fired on ICU at Al-Quds Hospital
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spiderfreedom · 1 year
stop being obtuse about female people in technology
While trying to find one of my own posts (tumblr search is dire), I stumbled upon a critique of the American Anthropological Association and Canadian Anthropology Society session that was meant to discuss the importance of biological sex in anthropology. The critique asserted that the conference was anti-trans hate. But this segment caught my attention:
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Why is this poster so convinced that the number of trans women in IT is not 'statistically significant'? As far as I know, there are no academic studies on this. Kathleen Richardson's session didn't go through so we don't know if she had data on trans women in IT that OP does not!
I looked up this quote to see if there was any more information about this canceled panel, and found this hacker news thread with both an appalling lack of understanding of what biological sex (hint: it is not your phenotype) is and this argument for why trans women should count as women in IT:
Let’s suppose the motive of wanting more women in tech is to rally against historic prejudices and institutional biases, in order to assist an otherwise marginalised group towards a more equal footing with the traditional power brokers, men. If you can’t see how this extends to trans women, a group that is almost inarguably as oppressed as cis women, regardless of whether you view them as ‘true’ women, then I can only assume bad faith.
Looks like we have to explain why you cannot treat trans women and cis women interchangeably, and why doing so is harmful.
The stereotype of the "trans girl programmer" exists for a reason. If you find someone in ROM hacking or Linux development identifying as a woman, there is a very high chance that this person will be a trans woman. There is also a very high chance that this person presented as a man most of their life and transitioned late. In other words, they gained their experience in tech while other people (correctly) assumed they were biologically male, and treated them as men.
Undoubtedly their situation changes once they come out as trans. They may not be as respected anymore by predominantly male community members. And if they pass as women, then they likely do experience misogyny. If they transition early, like pediatric transitioner Kim Petras, then they will also face very different struggles from late transitioners. Do you think that a pediatric transitioner entering the IT field as someone who's been socialized as female since 16 and a late transitioner who entered the field as a man and transitioned at 40 will have had the same experience in tech?
Understanding this is key to understanding why "including trans women as women in IT" with no distinction by demographic may not actually be helping. Treating 'trans women' as a monolith is not helpful to anyone - not to cis women, not to female people, and certainly not to trans women.
Let's use an example: Lynn Conway. Lynn Conway is a famous trans woman in computer science. Lynn transitioned in 1968, at age 33, and then went 'stealth' for the rest of her career, only coming out in 1999 at age 61. Being that there are no reports of Conway being 'outed', I can believe that from 33 to 61, Conway's coworkers simply believed that she was a cis woman, and assumed that she was female, and so she would have been subject to misogynistic assumptions about female people's capabilities in technology. I can imagine that Conway may have been harassed or sexualized or belittled because other people viewed her as a female, with no knowledge of her male past.
However, it is worth pointing out that for 33 years of her life, Lynn Conway lived as a man. Because Lynn Conway is male, she would have been socialized and raised as a boy.
Because Lynn Conway did not make an effort to appear as a female person for 33 years of her life (with the exception of one year 1957-58 with a 'failed medical transition', which is left unclear), this means that when Lynn Conway went to MIT, when Lynn Conway worked as an electronics technician, when Lynn Conway studied engineering at Columbia university, and when Lynn Conway was hired at IBM, Lynn Conway was presenting as a man, was viewed as a male person by the people hiring and educating her, and therefore socially benefitted from not being of the female sex.
Lynn Conway would not have been told for those 33 years of her life that technology was "for boys" and therefore she should not engage in it. Lynn Conway would not have been told that being at a computer would "make her ugly and undesirable to men." Lynn Conway would not have had to worry about being sexually harassed by boys, or even being raped and impregnated. Lynn Conway had two children, who she did not have to carry to term, because she had no eggs or uterus but a penis and sperm. As the impregnating partner, Lynn Conway's career did not suffer from discrimination on the basis of pregnancy. Conway did not have to deal with pregnancy and the trauma of birth and recovery in a society that heavily coerced mothers into giving up their careers once they had children.
In fact, being male allowed Lynn Conway to study at Columbia university, because Columbia university did not accept female students until 1983.
Lynn Conway began her career as a 33-year old "woman in tech" with advantages that no other 33-year old female person at the time could have had. Not being sexualized, not being told that females are stupider than males, being allowed to enroll normally at Columbia University. While her accomplishments as a stealth, cis-presenting trans woman in technology should actually inspire women, in so far as they show that it is possible for someone presenting as female to succeed in technology, it would be irresponsible to ignore that Lynn Conway had multiple advantages on account of being male.
This is not to say that Lynn Conway or other late-transitioners do not suffer. Lynn Conway appeared to have suffered from depression due to dysphoria. I have no doubt that Conway's mental health suffered for those 33 years because of dysphoria. After transitioning, she was not allowed to see her kids anymore on the basis that it would have been a 'bad influence' to have a 'transsexual' near them. After going stealth, she was basically unable to talk about her past at all, which is isolating and scary.
But we must recognize that lack of privilege in one area (being trans) does not mean that one does not experience privilege in another (being a male person). Whether the ledger of benefits versus penalties adds up to a positive or negative sum does not change that the benefits of being male happened.
So here's a question - if we know that female people face special challenges compared to male people in general, that female people are sexualized by male people, that female people are presumed incompetent and unintelligent by male people on account of their female biology and 'female brains', and that trans women are only oppressed on the basis of misogyny when other people mistake them as females...
How will it help female people overcome socialization and societal barriers by showing them male people who had most of their education and experience in technology as males, and only transitioned once their careers were more secure? The answer is it doesn't. Frankly it doesn't even help trans women who transition early!
Once again, this does not mean that trans women don't face problems, barriers, and even misogyny. Even late-transitioning trans women in tech face barriers to their career once they come out. Tech bros are hardly the most welcoming people to gender non-conforming people.
But it means our problems are very different. When someone says that we should not hire women because they get pregnant and leave, a trans woman can always say that she is incapable of becoming pregnant because she has no uterus or eggs, and is thus a more desirable worker. When someone says that female brains are inferior to male brains, less prone to genius, and less interested in technical development, how does that apply to trans women, especially ones who transitioned late in their lives and therefore weren't even on HRT for most of their critical development?
there are literally already jokes online about trans women being better at technology, math, and science than cis women (female people).
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So frankly, Kathleen Richardson's research on this topic would have been fascinating to hear. How many trans women are there in programming? When do they transition? Did they gain their prominence in STEM before or after transitioning to feminine?
There's very little data about this. Anecdata suggest that some communities (ROM hacking and Linux kernel, as mentioned above) have very high numbers of trans women as opposed to cis women. And statistical data on Haskell programmers suggests that the ratio of trans to cis women is 1:1. In other words, 3% of Haskell programmers are women-identified, but only half of them are female. (link)
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If your only concern is whether people presenting as women are succeeding in STEM, then maybe you don't really care about this! But I care about female people because I know being female comes with significant challenges, and I think having data on this matters! If there has been a huge jump in the number of women in programming, but that jump comes entirely from previously male programmers transitioning to female, then all that means is that people whose careers were secure changed their gender marker! No actual advances were made for female people!
Nothing about this topic is anti-trans. You can discuss dysphoria, transphobia, transmisogyny, the mental health impact of going stealth, the (mis)treatment of trans women in technology, the challenges of coming out as a late-career professional, the challenges of entering a career as a trans woman, perfectly well.
You can also do that while acknowledging that there is a difference between presenting/being read as female and having a female body, being raised and socialized as a female person, and dealing with the unique challenges of being a female person in technology.
In fact, we need to both if we have a commitment to social justice. If you don't care about the struggles of female people and the way data on our experiences can be obscured by collating trans women with us, then I'm not sure you have a commitment to social justice or feminism.
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By: Winkfield Twyman, Jr.
Published: Mar 29, 2024
A few years ago, my wife and I faced the health crisis of our marriage. My wife was diagnosed with a brain tumor and she needed immediate surgery. I mean, immediate as in cancel your travel plans to China and get your affairs in order. Write a final letter to your children. Tell them how much you love them. That kind of health crisis was in our lives.
We met with the surgeon, highly regarded as one of the top brain surgeons in San Diego. His credentials were stellar. He spoke with authority. One wants authority before brain surgery. My wife and I never gave a nanosecond of thought to the surgeon’s ancestry or ethnic group. I refuse to so identify the man of medicine who saved my wife’s life on that October day.
I am beside myself with fear when I hear that Social Justice has invaded the medical profession, particularly the delicate area of surgery.
Listen to me please, dear readers.
I do not care about Social Justice when my wife and mother of my children lies under the knife. When she is wheeled into the operating room and the door closes, I trust in one thing – competency. I want competency supremacy when a surgeon cuts into my wife’s skull. You can take your slogan words like white supremacy, oppression, marginalized, diversity, equity and inclusion and pound concrete-hard sand. Better yet, take a flying leap at the moon.
I am absolutely terrified to hear “Americas’ surgeons are not woke enough, according to the American College of Surgeons (ACS).” Do not treat my wife or me or my children as avatars for imagined oppression. We do not need your delusional pity and warped reality.
What is “a blueprint for implementing equitable practices” in medicine? There is no such creature. There is no such protocol. If I present with a brain tumor, assign me the best possible brain surgeon and let the surgeon work magic. I care not whether the surgeon shares my race. Why would I care? Please tell me. Does the tumor care whether my brain surgeon is the descendant of American slavery? I think not. It matters not to the tumor. Nor did it matter to my wife and me and our children on the date of my wife’s emergency surgery.
I would have lost my “retired from Blackness” mind if the exigent operation had been held up so that the hospital could locate a top descendant of American slavery surgeon in southern California. Or, shall I say the ACS has lost its mind to think equity matters in a time of life and death.
I try to imagine the madness away. I tell myself that the invasion of Social Justice into surgery is overblown hysteria by Fox News and white supremacists. My gut knows better. Any association that equates “micro aggressions,” “implicit bias,” and “White privilege” with care of my black American wife – well that is an association that has gone mad.
When a tumor occupies 1/3 of my wife’s cranial space, do I care about young surgeons trained in systemic and structural racism, disparities and black representation in the ACS? Please stop the world and let me get off. Now!
Do not do it, surgeons. Do not lump patients into racial groups. You are not a bean counter. Heal your patient, someone straining to be calm in the face of a dire diagnosis.
It is said that “Critical Race Theory-Related Ideas (are) Found in Programs At 108 of 155 Top American Medical Schools.” Thank God my wife had her emergency brain surgery in October 2016. The tumor is now gone and we bless the surgeon of authority who gave us a new lease on life.
As for today, I am afraid for my family, all descendants of American slavery, in the eyes of diversity, equity and inclusion training for surgeons. I am now afraid of young surgeons.
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hoursofreading · 1 year
The GOP's only policy position is that of 'what will hurt people most?' There is no reason why Republicans even have a chance of taking back the majority. In 2022 alone, Biden and Dems have done the following:
passed the Inflation Reduction Act, the biggest investment in fighting climate change in history
passed the bipartisan infrastructure bill, the largest investment in infrastructure since Eisenhower
passed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, breaking a 30-year streak of federal inaction on gun violence legislation
signed the CHIPS and Science Act into law
took out the leader of al Qaeda
ended America's longest war
reauthorized and strengthened the Violence Against Women Act
signed the PACT Act, a bill to address veteran burn pit exposure
signed the NATO accession protocols for Sweden and Finland
issued executive order to protect reproductive rights
canceled $10,000 of student loan debt for borrowers making less than $125,000 and canceled $20,000 in debt for Pell Grant recipients
canceled billions in student loan debt for borrowers who were defrauded
nominated now-Supreme Court Associate Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson to replace Justice Breyer
brought COVID under control in the U.S. (e.g., COVID deaths down 90% and over 220 million vaccinated)
formed Monkeypox response team to reach communities at highest risk of contracting the virus
unemployment at a 50-year low
on track to cut deficit by $1.3 trillion, largest one-year reduction in U.S. history
limited the release of mercury from coal-burning power plants
$5 billion for electric vehicle chargers- $119 billion budget surplus in January 2022, first in over two years
united world against Russia’s war in Ukraine
ended forced arbitration in workplace sexual assault cases
reinstated California authority to set pollution standards for cars
ended asylum restrictions for children traveling alone
signed the Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act, the first federal ban on lynching after 200 failed attempts
Initiated “use it or lose it" policy for drilling on public lands to force oil companies to increase production
released 1 million barrels of oil a day for 6 months from strategic reserves to ease gas prices
rescinded Trump-era policy allowing rapid expulsion of migrants
expunged student loan defaults
overhauled USPS finances to allow the agency to modernize its service
required federal dollars spent on infrastructure to use materials made in America
restored environmental reviews for major infrastructure projects
Launched $6 billion effort to save distressed nuclear plants
provided $385 million to help families and individuals with home energy costs through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. (This is in addition to $4.5 billion provided in the American Rescue Plan.)
national registry of police officers who are fired for misconduct
tightened restrictions on chokeholds, no-knock warrants, and transfer of military equipment to police departments
required all federal law enforcement officers to wear body cameras
$265 million for South Florida reservoir, key component of Everglades restoration
major wind farm project off West coast to provide electricity for 1.5 million homes
continued Obama administration's practice of posting log records of visitors to White House
devoted $2.1 billion to strengthen US food supply chain
invoked Defense Production Act to rapidly expand domestic production of critical clean energy technologies
enacted two-year pause of anti-circumvention tariffs on solar
allocated funds to federal agencies to counter 300-plus anti-LGBTQ laws by state lawmakers in 2022
relaunched cancer 'moonshot' initiative to help cut death rate
expanded access to emergency contraception and long-acting reversible contraception
prevented states from banning Mifepristone, a medication used to end early pregnancy that has FDA approval
21 executive actions to reduce gun violence
Climate Smart Buildings Initiative: Creates public-private partnerships to modernize Federal buildings to meet agencies’ missions, create good-paying jobs, and cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
Paying for today’s needed renovations with tomorrow’s energy savings without requiring upfront taxpayer funding
ended Trump-era “Remain in Mexico” policy
Operation Fly-Formula, bringing needed baby formula (19 missions to date)
executive order protecting travel for abortion
invested more in crime control and prevention than any president in history
provided death, disability, and education benefits to public safety officers and survivors who are killed or injured in the line of duty
Reunited 500 migrant families separated under Trump
$1.66 billion in grants to transit agencies, territories, and states to invest in 150 bus fleets and facilities
brokered joint US/Mexico infrastructure project; Mexico to pay $1.5 billion for US border security
blocked 4 hospital mergers that would've driven up prices and is poised to thwart more anti-competition consolidation attempts
10 million jobs—more than ever created before at this point of a presidency
record small business creation
banned paywalls on taxpayer-funded research
best economic growth record since Clinton
struck deal between major U.S. railroads and unions representing tens of thousands of workers after about 20 hours of talks, averting rail strike
eliminated civil statute of limitations for child abuse victims
announced $156 million for America's first-of-its-kind critical minerals refinery, demonstrating the commercial viability of turning mine waste into clean energy technology.
started process of reclassifying Marijuana away from being a Schedule 1 substance and pardoning all federal prisoners with possession offenses
Note: This list only reflects 2022 accomplishments. Click here for 2021 accomplishments.
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head-post · 1 month
Paris 2024 Olympics day 13: More medals, dispair, hazardous Seine training
A total of 25 sets of medals in 13 sports – athletics, open water swimming, boxing, taekwondo, rock climbing, canoeing, diving, weightlifting, sailing, field hockey, track cycling, Greco-Roman and women’s wrestling – will be awarded at the Paris Olympics on Thursday.
The Netherlands’ Sharon van Rouwendaal won gold in the 10 km open water swimming. Austria’s Lara Wadlau and Lukas Maher won gold in mixed dinghy dinghy sailing. Indonesia’s Veddriq Leonardo won the Olympic gold medal in speed climbing. Italy’s Ruggero Tita and Caterina Mariana Banti won gold in the mixed crew Nacra 17 class. China’s Liu Hao and Ji Bowen won the double canoe event.
Indian athlete lost her medal due to being overweight
Indian athlete Vinesh Phogat was disqualified before the final of the Olympic freestyle wrestling tournament. During the weigh-in, it was discovered that the athlete weighed more than the 50kg allowed for her category, the Indian Olympic Association (IOA) press service reported. Phogat was supposed to compete for the gold medal against American Sarah Hildebrandt in the final, but she will not receive any medal due to her disqualification.
According to ESPN India, the Indian athlete’s weight increased slightly when she was recovering from her first three bouts. She managed to lose 2kg overnight. However, it was not enough: at the weigh-in she was found to be overweight by 100 grams. According to Indian Express, the night before the weigh-in, the athlete did not sleep. She had been jogging, jumping and cycling in an attempt to lose weight. In the morning, she felt dizzy due to dehydration. She was hospitalised at a medical centre in the Olympic Village.
Dangerous Seine training
Organisers of the Olympic open water swimming competition have allowed athletes to train on the Seine River in Paris. Previously, training had been repeatedly cancelled due to water pollution. This is the only chance for the athletes to familiarise themselves with the venue.
The two-hour training session took place on Wednesday morning. The weather was cold and overcast. Dozens of athletes did the training the day before the women’s ten-kilometre marathon. The men’s competition is scheduled for Friday.
Austrian swimmer Felix Auböck said that if someone says he is not concerned about the water quality, he is “probably lying.” The athlete hopes the organisers will ensure safety for the swimmers.
The day before, a training session before the Olympic competition in Seine was cancelled for the fifth time. The reason was the poor quality of water in the river. Several athletes contracted intestinal infections after the competition, but local authorities denied that it was related to the water in the Seine.
Read more HERE
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kvibe-test · 3 months
Internship Abroad: Housing, Visas, and More
Preparing for an internship abroad can be exciting, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges, especially when it comes to securing housing and visas. My journey began with researching various housing options. While I initially considered staying at The Intune Group’s housing facility, I decided against it. I wanted to experience the independence of living on my own, something I hadn't done in my 22 years. Plus, the housing facility was quite expensive, costing around $15,500 for the duration of my stay. I figured an Airbnb apartment would be more affordable and offer more privacy.
Airbnb quickly became my focus. I scoured the internet for various rental options, including Airbnb, Zillow, and other American sites. After comparing prices and reading reviews, I decided Airbnb was the best choice for me. I booked my apartment in mid-January, giving me about a month and a half to prepare for my move to the US in late February.
Airbnb is a popular option for short-term housing abroad. It allows you to rent a room or an entire apartment/house from local hosts. However, it's essential to verify the location and read reviews before booking. Additionally, some cities have regulations regarding Airbnb rentals, so always check local laws. If you are seeking a less expensive option, student housing, homestays, or private apartments are also viable choices. Student housing is often affordable and convenient if your internship is associated with a university. Homestays offer an immersive cultural experience, while private apartments provide more privacy. Research various platforms to explore these options.
Legal Preparations
Securing a visa is another critical step. The visa process was a bit stressful, and I had to request a faster processing time to ensure my visa was approved before my flight. The visa appointment was scheduled for just a few days before my departure, which left me scrambling. I was advised that I couldn't book my flight until I had my visa in hand, which meant I had to book a last-minute flight, which was more expensive. It was a bit of a hassle, but once I received my visa, everything went smoothly.
Visa Application is a crucial step when preparing for an internship abroad. The application process varies depending on the country, so always check the specific requirements of your destination. Some common requirements include a valid passport, proof of sufficient funds, health insurance, and a letter from your internship provider. Prepare for your visa interview by researching common questions and practicing your responses. Dress professionally, bring all necessary documents, and be ready to explain why you chose the specific internship and how it will benefit your career.
Travel Planning
As research has shown, travel insurance is essential for international travel, especially when you’re interning abroad. It covers unexpected incidents, such as medical emergencies, trip cancellations, or lost luggage. I made sure to get travel insurance to protect myself from any unforeseen circumstances that might arise during my time in the US. I also learned that it's important to have a credit card with no foreign transaction fees to save money on international purchases and ATM withdrawals.
Travel insurance is essential when interning abroad. It covers unexpected incidents, such as medical emergencies, trip cancellations, or lost luggage. Compare different policies and providers to find the best coverage for your needs. When planning your travel, consider using a credit card with no foreign transaction fees. This will help you save money on international purchases and ATM withdrawals. Additionally, inform your bank about your travel plans to avoid any issues with your credit or debit card abroad.
Relocating for Work
One thing that caught me off guard was the requirement to have separate health insurance for my stay in the US. Apparently, in the Netherlands, you can't have Dutch health insurance if you're abroad for an extended period. It was a bit of a hassle to manage, and I even received an email a few weeks ago reminding me that I needed to have medical insurance, which I didn't. As a result, I had to pay a fee, which was frustrating. This is another thing to consider when planning your internship abroad, and it's important to research the local health insurance options and requirements to avoid any surprises.
If you're moving to a new country for your internship, research the local health insurance options. Some countries have public health systems, while others rely on private insurance. Make sure you understand the coverage and costs associated with each option.
Overall, preparing for an internship abroad can be a lot of work. But with careful planning and research, you can navigate the challenges and make the most of your experience. By securing housing, obtaining a visa, and taking care of necessary travel arrangements, you can focus on the exciting opportunities that await you.
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s10safecare · 6 months
How Medical Scribe Programs Are Revolutionizing The Way Doctors Operate And Document Patient Care 
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How Can A Medical Scribe Improve The Care Of Patients?
Physician burnout is a common occurrence. Healthcare professionals are under tremendous pressure due to heavy workloads and tight schedules. The contacts between doctors and patients, however, are the part of the work that is most crucial. Health results and patient satisfaction increase when a doctor can concentrate only on the patient. Medical scribes perform the function of serving as the recorder of all contacts between doctors and patients. A doctor can devote more time and attention to caring for patients by delegating the details to a medical scribe.
What Do Medical Scribes Do?
Medical scribes support doctors and healthcare professionals during patient visits by taking thorough notes and documenting doctor-patient interactions. Healthcare professionals may operate more effectively and maintain patient concentration with the assistance of a medical scribe. They also serve as a terrific second set of eyes, spotting any discrepancies in the charting and guaranteeing the correctness of the Electronic Health Documentation (EHR). Scribes meet rising demand as more doctors become dissatisfied with how difficult to use and disruptive the existing EHRs are to patient visits and satisfaction. Overall, it can make the clinical documenting procedure more difficult. A medical scribe helps to smooth out such operational hitches by taking on the duty of patient information documentation.
Why Would A Medical Practice Require A Scribe? 
Medical personnel is too accustomed to working long shifts requiring intensive multitasking. The repercussions of such a rigorous schedule are indicated by the increased prevalence of burnout among doctors. The American Medical Association (AMA) published research on burnout in primary care doctors. The researchers proposed, among other things, that medical scribes lessen burnout and improve the doctor-patient bond. Medical scribes primarily reduce the growing load of EHR paperwork. ( 10 medical specialties, 10 different ways to cut physician burnout ). A medical professional's day is made more productive by medical scribes. They are no longer subjected to appointment cancellations, which frees up more time in the doctor's schedule to accommodate more patients and raise their satisfaction.Additionally, doctors can shorten their workdays to maintain a sustainable work-life balance.
Recommended Reading : Medical Scribing Company Of The New Era
How Does A Medical Scribe Enhance The Experience And Care Given To Patients? 
The doctor's patient also benefits from the services of a medical scribe. Researchers for a 2018 study questioned seven hundred thirty-five patients. A medical scribe was present throughout visits, according to 57% of participants, and the doctor spent less time on the computer. Almost half of the participants said that their doctor chatted with them during these same appointments more than usual. ( Association of Medical Scribes in Primary Care With Physician Workflow and Patient Experience )The patient receives greater attention and care because the doctor does not have to take extensive notes during the appointment. The physician's workflow is not stopped throughout the conversation, which enhances the quality of the doctor's mental process. When the brain isn't diverted into two entirely different jobs, it is much simpler to concentrate on the current issue. It is difficult to top a visit with a doctor who genuinely seems to care. Hence, as the patient comes to your office for more sessions where a medical scribe is present, the improved patient-doctor interactions will build the connection and patient satisfaction. Additionally, the welcoming presence of a medical scribe frequently reduces a patient's fear.
How Can I Find A Medical Scribe? 
When choosing one for your medical practice, you have a choice between in-person and robot medical scribes. Given the ongoing coronavirus epidemic, several medical specialties are subject to severe limitations. That does not imply that a solution does not exist or that you should not employ a medical scribe. But you ought to think about using robot medical scribes. Robot medical scribes offer an affordable and practical alternative. Even doctors who cannot employ an on-site, full-time medical scribe can do it electronically. Robotic medical scribes are on hand throughout appointments to record all information throughout the patient visit in real time. Certain patients may prefer this method since it may be viewed as less obtrusive. To halt the spread of COVID-19, people are also cautious while coming into close or close proximity to other people. Office building occupancy regulations may also provide difficulties. Independent contractors are frequently used to engage virtual medical scribes. Less documentation is needed, and sick days, vacations, and tardiness politics are avoided with this employment categorization.We at S10.AI offer solutions for robot medical scribes. We offer 24/7 support and help healthcare professionals everywhere—for half the price of an in-person scribe. Our robotic medical scribes guarantee high-quality documentation that thoroughly collects discrete and structured data to facilitate back-end reporting and analysis. S10.AI handles all the documentation, so the doctor never needs to experience burnout again. We like to emphasize that installation only requires approximately an hour of your time, and there is no risk involved because the robot will erase the data after the charts are finished. Please use the risk-free, no-obligation trial to verify our claims for yourself since we do not keep patient data.
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michel-tanguy · 10 months
New Post has been published on Michel Tanguy
New Post has been published on http://micheltanguy.com/all-mail-order-star-of-the-event-pricing-how-much-will-you-dedicate-discovering-and-purchasing-a-foreign-wife/
All mail Order Star of the event Pricing: How Much Will You Dedicate Discovering And purchasing A Foreign Wife?
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tripsntravels · 10 months
Top 10 Considerations Before Hiring Travel Advisors
Planning a trip, whether for business or leisure, can be a complex and time-consuming endeavor. Many travelers turn to travel advisors to streamline the process and ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience. Before entrusting your travel plans to a professional advisor, it's essential to consider various factors to ensure they align with your preferences and expectations. In this blog, we'll explore key considerations to keep in mind before hiring travel advisors, helping you make informed decisions for your upcoming adventures.
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1. Credentials and Expertise :
Begin by researching the credentials and expertise of the travel advisor or agency. Look for certifications from reputable organizations, such as the International Air Transport Association (IATA) or the American Society of Travel Advisors (ASTA). Consider their experience in planning trips to your desired destinations and their knowledge of specific travel niches, such as luxury travel, adventure travel, or family vacations.
2. Client Reviews and Testimonials :
Client reviews and testimonials provide valuable insights into the experiences of others who have used the services of the travel advisor. Explore online platforms, social media, or ask for references to gauge the satisfaction level of past clients. Pay attention to reviews that align with your travel preferences and expectations.
3. Industry Connections and Partnerships :
Well-established travel advisors often have strong connections and partnerships with airlines, hotels, and other service providers. Inquire about the advisor's network and how it benefits clients. Access to exclusive deals, upgrades, and personalized experiences can enhance the overall quality of your trip. You can also look for Accommodation & Transportation Expertise Travel Advisors.
4. Communication Style :
Effective communication is crucial when working with a travel advisor. Consider their communication style, responsiveness, and willingness to understand your preferences. A good travel advisor should actively listen to your needs, provide timely updates, and be transparent about the planning process.
5. Budget Considerations :
Clearly communicate your budget constraints and expectations to the travel advisor. A skilled advisor should be able to tailor the trip to meet your financial parameters while still delivering a satisfying and memorable experience. Be wary of advisors who push for options that exceed your budget without clear justification.
6. Customization and Personalization :
The ability to customize your travel experience is a hallmark of a skilled travel advisor. Inquire about their approach to personalization, whether it involves crafting unique itineraries, suggesting off-the-beaten-path experiences, or catering to specific interests and preferences. You can also hire only Trusted Local Guides Travel Agency.
7. Emergency Support and Assistance :
Unexpected events can occur during travel, from flight delays to medical emergencies. Assess the travel advisor's commitment to providing support in such situations. Inquire about their emergency assistance protocols, availability during your trip, and the extent of their responsibility in handling unforeseen challenges.
8. Travel Insurance Guidance :
Travel insurance is a crucial aspect of trip planning. A reputable travel advisor should guide you on suitable insurance options based on your travel itinerary and preferences. They should be knowledgeable about coverage details, cancellation policies, and how to navigate insurance claims if needed.
9. Destination Knowledge :
Evaluate the travel advisor's knowledge of your chosen destination. A well-informed advisor should be able to provide insights into local culture, recommend hidden gems, and offer practical tips for a smooth and enjoyable experience.
10. Clear Terms and Conditions :
Before finalizing any arrangements, carefully review the terms and conditions provided by the travel advisor. Understand the payment structure, cancellation policies, and any additional fees involved. Clarity in these aspects helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures a transparent working relationship.
Hiring a travel advisor can transform your travel experience from a logistical challenge to a well-curated and enjoyable journey. By considering factors such as credentials, client reviews, communication style, and destination knowledge, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your travel aspirations. You can also hire only Trusted Local Guides Travel Agency.
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pearwaldorf · 2 years
This is the same as the previous post. I locked it down to prevent incorrect information about the circumstances of Damar Hamlin''s injury from spreading. Please keep reblogging.
(content notes: traumatic injury, head injury, gross negligence by a powerful organization)
Hey everybody,
I wanna talk about something really important. You might not follow sports or American football so it might not come up in your social feeds.
There was a game tonight between the Buffalo Bills and the Cincinnati Bengals. Bills player Damar Hamlin suffered cardiac arrest on the field. was hit extremely badly, enough that They did CPR on him for nine minutes. As of writing this (1/2/23 at 20:05 Pacific) he is at the hospital and not breathing on his own.
[edit 1/3/22] The Bills issued a statement saying Hamlin suffered cardiac arrest after I wrote this post. The rest still stands.
Even before Hamlin had made it to the hospital(!!!) the NFL called for the players to warm up in five minutes. The coaches said "ABSOLUTELY NOT" and refused.
It took the NFL an hour to officially cancel the game. Equipment operators were packing up before it was officially called.
So you may have heard about former NFL players with "chronic traumatic encephalopathy", or CTE. That's a medical way of saying "you got bashed in the head a lot and it fucked up your brain". 99% of former NFL players who donated their brains for research had it.
Here are some of the symptoms of CTE:
The team found that—whether the men’s brain changes were mild or severe—all experienced mood, behavioral, or cognitive symptoms associated with CTE. These included impulsivity, depression, apathy, anxiety, explosive rages, episodic memory loss, and problems with attention and higher order thinking. Nearly all donors whose brains were diagnosed with CTE (96%) experienced progression of their symptoms during life. Men found to have milder brain pathology died younger, at a median age of 44, and suicide was their leading cause of death. The men with more severe pathology died at a median age of 71. Their leading cause of death was dementia or trouble with movements like swallowing.
I'm telling you all this because some of you might think professional sports is a niche subject that doesn't affect your life. Or you think that athletes, like actors or other people who make much more money than you, are protected from exploitation by the amount of their income.
The average career of an NFL player is 3.3 years. Average salary is $2.7 mm. You don't need to do the math to see that's not exactly big bucks. Until I read that last article I did not know that the NFL has a pension plan. Also it's really not great. Additional detail?
The new CBA also outlined… a plan to establish a program that guarantees former players without insurance receive mental health services, orthopedic care, preventative care and other health interventions at no cost to the player.
For emphasis, because this is really important: THE NFL DID NOT HAVE A PLAN TO PROVIDE CARE FOR UNINSURED PLAYERS UNTIL 20-GODDAMN-22. A plan!! It hasn't even been established!!
No amount of money will make up for fucking up your physical and mental health. It especially will not if you don't have a healthy way to deal with those fuck-ups.
It is now nauseatingly crystal clear the NFL is another facet of the system that allows police to kill (Black men) with impunity. You do not treat people you think of as human this way. And because all this stuff is connected, we have to be aware of the ways people try to get us not to care.
I regret that it took Hamlin's terrible injury for me to understand this. The NFL's response is the reason I absolutely must remember it.
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xavierbro01 · 1 year
Unearthed Secrets: The Notorious Rock Scandals That Shook the Music World
Rock 'n' roll has long been associated with rebellion, passion, and controversy. Over the decades, the music industry has witnessed its fair share of rock scandals that have left fans and the public in shock. From shocking arrests and outrageous behaviour to controversial lyrics and feuds, scandalᅠhave often lived up to their rebellious image. In this article, we'll take a closer look at some of the most notorious rock scandals that have left an indelible mark on the music world, offering a glimpse into the lives of the artists who made headlines for all the wrong reasons.
The Rolling Stones' Drug Arrests
The Drifters, one of the most notable musical crews of all time, found themselves during a rock scandalᅠthat would forever be associated with their name. In 1967, police raided Keith Richards' home, resulting in the arrest of Richards, Mick Jagger, and Brian Jones for drug possession. The "Redlands" drug bust became a symbol of the era's counterculture movement and the band's defiant stance against authority. It also marked the beginning of a turbulent relationship between rock stars and the law that would persist for years.
Ozzy Osbourne Bites the Head Off a Bat
Ozzy Osbourne, known as the "Sovereign of Obscurity," is no more peculiar to debate. A fan tossed a live bat onto the stage, thinking it was a rubber toy. Without hesitation, Osbourne picked up the bat and bit its head off. The incident, which was caught on tape, generated widespread outrage and cemented Osbourne's reputation as a wild and unpredictable rock star.
Elvis Presley's Hip-Shaking Scandal
Elvis Presley was a cultural phenomenon in the 1950s, but his provocative dance moves didn't sit well with conservative audiences. Presley's performance was shot from the waist up to avoid showing his controversial hip movements. His swaying hips and suggestive dance moves sparked a nationwide debate on the influence of rock 'n' roll on American youth.
Guns N' Roses: Sex, Medications, and Rock 'n' Roll
Firearms N' Roses, led by the enigmatic Axl Rose, were infamous for their hedonistic lifestyle. The band's excessive drug use, raucous behaviour, and confrontations with the law were well-documented. The "Use Your Illusion" tour saw riots, arrests, and cancelled shows, further solidifying their reputation as one of rock's most scandalous acts.
The Sex Pistols' Obscenity Trial
The Sex Pistols were the poster children for punk rock rebellion. Their explicit lyrics and confrontational attitude made them a magnet for controversy. The song's provocative lyrics and artwork led to the band's arrest and a trial for obscenity. While the charges were eventually dropped, the Sex Pistols had made their mark as agents of this option.
Rock 'n' roll and scandal have always been intertwined. These infamous incidents are just a glimpse into the tumultuous world of rock music, where artists often push boundaries and challenge societal norms. While these rock scandals shocked and scandalized audiences at the time, they have also become an integral part of the genre's history, adding layers of intrigue and mystique to the lives of the musicians who dared to defy conventions.
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nityarawal · 1 year
Dear American Judges-
On My Daughter's 13th Birthday we Demand a divorce dissolution exparte.
I would rather be with her than writing all you insensitive government today. (Obviously!!!)
We feel over a million attys were grossly irresponsible creating Apartheid ww3 here, in Israel, Iran & globally for mothers.
This violence doesn't serve 2 billion mothers globally for lawyers Gluttony.
Please settle all court orders in presiding Judge Smythe's court room today exparte.
Youre all suppaned.
I've appealed incessantly for 6 years of Gag orders.
You were suppaned in writing yesterday on Twitter x and via email.
Please dissolve all businesses with Dr. Sunil Christopher Rawal and US defense team.
Yes- we prosecute for attempted murder- all moving parts of cases and civil servants bribed.
Dr. Singh advertised my head as a probate on Riverside Healthcare System public website. I re-endacted this single handedly.
I hope he was fired for murdering thousands of Mothers with Presiding Judge Judith Clark, Clark attys, IEHP, blue Shield, county, 211, 911, Bank, car, tax and IRS atty divorce fraud.
Dr. Natalya and her nurse Darlene were fired from Dr. Queresheri's Idyllwild Health clinic office on smear campaigns and for violating our patient's hippa rights.
Melody Gray is sending screenshots today. DA needs to restrain these medical murderers. Judge said so. Let DAs know. Judge says we need an RO from Darlene- and all mothers molesting children with boytoys in court!
Dr. Keane was fired from Riverside County for foul play and racist discrimination and bigotry; he's gay like 99% of Palm Springs Dr's and Dr. Singh- hates mothers.
I need my divorce dissolution, kids, homes, and full refunds to be paid by Elon Musk- as promised in writing now.
All online media is legally binding.
Nitya Nella Davigo Azam Moezzi Huntley Rawal
PS MC- Vista PD clerk- promised court Dr is canceled on 10/11 today.
She vowed to send proof in email to legal team.
We agreed in court with Judge Davis & Forensic Dr. Adam Cash that I will see my own Dr's now and just need simple divorce dissolution now.
Dr. Kazi is drafting a letter from urgent care regarding my allergies to court abuse and foul diet/medical/atty abuse; PTSD diagnosis etc.
Called: Requested appeal Ex Parte
Supervising PD Mathew Robert's - 20 calls since March.
2017 his office began attempting my life.
Marine Judge Mathew Brower- 2 messages today and over 10 since June.
Judge James Hodeson- Messages and email loop
Judge Clark- Left messages with clerks and PDs/police reports claiming she attempted to murder me.
Judge Smythe- Twitter x- all suppaned today exparte to appeal government shut down and settle.
All these 1000's of employees confessed they were above honest jobs.
They took bribes.
Settle now.
PD Jay Curatolo- Witnessed breakdown in Judge Kelly Mok and Commissioner Ratekin real estate courts on records. He saw they Withheld my real estate dissolution in leu of probate fraud scams.
Associate Attys:
Alex Spiros for Nitya Huntley Rawal family & Elon Musk
Laura Wasser- #FreeBritney and I
Mathew Rosengart
Civil: Kim Kardashian
PDs Kristen Scogin
Whitney Ryan
Sherry Stone
Mathew Robert's
Christopher Stapleton
And colleagues with attempted murder, rapes and kidnappings.
All Judges too! (Nadia & Sandiego courtroom 1203 & Vista #1!)
And Presidents since 2016.
Estate attys:
Ken Carlsson
Ashby Clark Sorrenson
Paralegal Grant Funk
Bill Whitman
Testify: Darin David Joye
Sunil Rawal
Kyan Isha Rawal - 18yo- legal guardian - and my parents feel Anjali needs her mother now. I know she does. You all do. Cling to your mother's, kiss ass and beg for forgiveness for Global sin against our sacred families.
Private attys:
Alicia Freeze
Anette Hallneville
Carrie Hallneville
Tara Yelman
Theresa Truchi
Mathew Palmer
Ken Carlsson
Roselyn Farrel
Ashby Clark Sorrenson
Grant Funk
DA- Summer Stephan
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iamswagggg · 1 year
Adjusting Status: From K-1 Visa to Permanent Resident
Navigating the Path to Permanent Residency through K-1 Visa Adjustment
In the complex world of U.S. immigration, the journey from a K-1 visa holder to a permanent resident can be both challenging and rewarding. This comprehensive guide, authored by an experienced immigration and criminal defense attorney practicing in New York and New Jersey, will provide you with the essential information you need to understand the process of adjusting your status from a K-1 visa holder to a permanent resident.
Understanding the Basics
At the outset, let's clarify the foundational concepts:
Definition of K-1 Visa: A K-1 visa, also known as a fiancé(e) visa, allows the foreign fiancé(e) of a U.S. citizen to enter the United States for the purpose of getting married.
Green Card (Permanent Residency): A Green Card grants you permanent resident status in the United States, allowing you to live and work here indefinitely.
The Adjustment of Status Process
The adjustment of status process involves transitioning from a K-1 visa holder to a permanent resident within the United States. Here are the key steps:
Marriage and Filing Form I-485: Upon marrying your U.S. citizen fiancé(e), you must file Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status.
Biometrics Appointment: Attend a biometrics appointment to provide fingerprints, photographs, and a signature.
Interview: Prepare for an interview with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to assess the bona fides of your marriage.
Medical Examination: Undergo a medical examination by an approved civil surgeon and submit Form I-693, Report of Medical Examination and Vaccination Record.
Affidavit of Support: Your U.S. citizen spouse must submit Form I-864, Affidavit of Support, to demonstrate financial sponsorship.
Conditional Permanent Residency: If your marriage is less than two years old at the time of approval, you will receive conditional permanent residency.
Removal of Conditions: After two years, you must jointly file Form I-751 to remove the conditions on your permanent residency.
Forms of Relief from Deportation
Understanding your rights and options in the immigration process is crucial. Here are several forms of relief from deportation that you may be eligible for:
Cancellation of Removal: A discretionary form of relief available to certain non-permanent residents facing deportation.
Asylum and Withholding of Removal: Protection for individuals fearing persecution in their home country.
Temporary Protected Status (TPS): A status granted to individuals from countries facing crises such as armed conflict or natural disasters.
U Visa: For victims of certain crimes who cooperate with law enforcement.
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Relief: Available to individuals who have suffered abuse by a U.S. citizen or permanent resident spouse or parent.
Expert Legal Guidance
Navigating the immigration process can be complex and daunting. An experienced immigration attorney can provide invaluable guidance, helping you avoid common pitfalls and ensure your application is thorough and accurate.
Related Article Ideas
"Maintaining Your Permanent Residency: Rights and Responsibilities"
"Navigating the Adjustment of Status Interview with USCIS"
"Conditional Permanent Residency: What You Need to Know"
"Deportation Defense Strategies: Understanding Relief Options"
"The Role of an Immigration Attorney: Why Legal Representation Matters"
External Links
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
Department of State - Visa Information
American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA)
Immigration Policy Center
The New York Times - Immigration Section
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market-insider · 1 year
Evolving Equine Healthcare Practices - From Stable to Clinic
The global equine healthcare market size is anticipated to reach USD 4.37 billion by 2030. Increasing product R&D, demand for equine diagnostics, investments by key industry stakeholders, and the rising prevalence of diseases in horses are some of the major factors contributing to the market growth. For instance, in September 2021, the U.S. Department of Agriculture invested around USD 3.0 billion in the animal nutrition and health sector.
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Gain deeper insights on the market and receive your free copy with TOC now @: Equine Healthcare Market Report
The Covid-19 pandemic had a notable impact, particularly on the horse racing/ sports sector. It led to reduced access to equine care services and the cancelation of equine shows. Teaching, training, competitions, events, tourism-related activities, and recreational activities were all discontinued as a result of COVID-19. Horse racing was adversely impacted across the world, along with the demand for horse boarding. Only Sweden continued to hold races within the EU. According to a survey conducted by Hippolia, French Equine Industry Cluster, 68.8% of respondents believed the recovery of the shortfall is impossible, and all equine competitions have been discontinued. A total of USD 385.89 million in sport horse losses were incurred as per estimates. However, the market recovered in 2021 owing to easing lockdown measures and improved access to equine healthcare.
Growing technological advancement, R&D, and initiatives by market players in equine diagnostics are key factors driving the market. For instance, according to a July 2022 article published by the American Veterinary Medical Association, a study was carried out to assess the diagnostic performance of a unique helical fan beam-based CT utilized for imaging horses with clinical head and neck complications. A total of over 120 horses were involved, and the medical records of those who had undergone head or neck CT scans at two university hospitals were examined. Age, sex, breed, the primary complaint, the amount of sedation utilized, the length of the operation, the use of any further diagnostic imaging techniques, the imaging diagnosis, the clinical diagnosis, and any imaging-related problems were all noted. The CT system proved to have short scanning times and reliable utility for regular imaging of horses' teeth and sinuses. 
Furthermore, the rising prevalence of diseases in horses is another factor propelling the market growth. West Nile Virus, for instance, was positively identified in a 10-year-old unvaccinated Quarter Horse stallion in Nevada County who was exhibiting transient fever and neurological symptoms by the California Department of Food and Agriculture in September 2022. This was the 8th confirmed case of the equine WNV in California in 2022. Other positive cases were identified in six counties: three in Kern, one in Nevada, one in Sacramento, one in San Luis Obispo, one in Tehama, and three in Tulare. This is expected to promote awareness regarding equine diseases while fueling demand for timely vaccination of horses.
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nadeemtravels · 1 year
10 Tips on how to book best travel agency
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A certain amount of knowledge is necessary to organize a flawless and exciting journey in a world where wanderlust knows no boundaries. A travel agency may act as a link between your vacation aspirations and the reality of a well-planned journey in this situation. But how do you go about choosing a travel company that will meet your needs and make sure your trip is stress-free? Let's explore the art of hiring a travel agency and reveal the procedures for creating the holiday of your dreams.
Clearly Define Your Travel Goals: The first step in hiring a travel agency is to specify your preferences and goals for your trip. Do you want to go on an exciting hiking trip, a leisurely beach holiday, or a cultural tour? Establishing your travel goals can help you choose a company that specializes in the kind of trip you want to take
Research and Referrals: Investigate travel providers using the plethora of web information. Browse through their itineraries and read reviews and testimonies. Personal referrals from friends, relatives, or coworkers who have used a travel agency in the past might offer insightful information and aid in your decision-making.
Evaluate Expertise and qualifications: It's crucial to evaluate the experience and qualifications of a travel agency before making a reservation. Search for travel agencies that have received accreditation from professional organizations like the International Air Transport Association (IATA) or the American Society of Travel Advisors (ASTA). These certificates show a dedication to professionalism and moral principles.
personalization and Flexibility: A trustworthy travel agency need to provide some level of personalization and flexibility. Stay away from companies who provide restrictive, one-size-fits-all packages. Choose instead those that are prepared to modify their services to suit your tastes and take into account any unique requirements you may have.
Direct Communication: Using a travel agency requires more than simply surfing the internet. Get in touch with the agency's representatives directly. You may evaluate someone's receptivity, expertise, and desire to address your problems during a face-to-face encounter, phone chat, or video conference.
Itinerary Design and Inclusions: A quality travel firm would have well prepared itineraries. Examine the suggested itinerary in detail. It must include a detailed summary of the events, lodging, travel, and any meals or excursions that are included for each day. Make sure the schedule accommodates your needs and allows for a comfortable pace.
Pricing Transparency: When choosing a travel agency, pricing transparency is essential. The organization needs to include a thorough breakdown of expenditures, including lodging, travel, activities, and any extra fees. Watch out for any ambiguous pricing estimates or hidden fees.
Safety and Insurance: Prioritize your safety by verifying the agency's safety protocols and measures. Check if they provide travel insurance options that cover unforeseen events such as trip cancellations, medical emergencies, or travel disruptions. A reliable agency cares about your well-being throughout your journey.
Compare Several Quotes: Don't choose the first agency you find. Comparing the offerings, itineraries, and prices of several companies after requesting estimates from them. This enables you to make a conclusion that is well-informed and is based on a wider viewpoint.
believe Your Instincts: Ultimately, when choosing a travel agency, believe your gut. It's acceptable to consider alternative choices if anything seems wrong or if you have questions about an agency's reputation. From beginning to end, your trip should be joyful and stress-free.
Hiring a travel agency entails a mix of meticulous planning, direct contact, and market research. You may confidently select a travel agency that turns your trip fantasies into reality by establishing your goals, doing research, evaluating skills, and placing a high priority on transparency. Keep in mind that your adventure will start with the proper agency by your side.
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patricia-colby · 1 year
Top 10 Must-Have Items in Your Travel Toiletry Bag
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The Importance of a Good Travel Toiletry Bag
Traveling often means being on the go, hopping from one place to another without the luxury of time. This is why having a good travel toiletry bag is important. A well-organized and well-stocked bag can make your travels more comfortable and convenient. And when it comes to choosing the right bag, "None" is a brand that you can rely on.
According to a survey by the American Hotel & Lodging Association, 43% of travelers said they would be annoyed if their hotel does not provide a toiletry kit. This shows how important toiletry bags are when it comes to travel. So, without further ado, let's explore the top 10 must-have items for your travel toiletry bag.
1. Travel-sized Toiletries
The first and foremost item that should be in your travel toiletry bag is travel-sized toiletries. Most hotels and airlines provide these tiny containers and packets of toiletries, but it's always better to bring your own. This way, you can ensure that you have the products you prefer, and you won't have to worry about running out.
2. Toothbrush and Toothpaste
A toothbrush and toothpaste are obvious must-haves in your travel toiletry bag. Choose a toothbrush with soft bristles and preferably a travel-sized toothpaste to save space. Brushing twice a day is essential, especially when traveling on long-haul flights.
3. Wet Wipes or Cleansing Cloths
Wet wipes or cleansing cloths are perfect for refreshing your skin after a long day of traveling. It's also a good idea to have them on hand for spills or accidents while on the go. Choose unscented or non-irritating ones to avoid any allergic reactions.
4. Moisturizer and Sunscreen
Moisturizer and sunscreen are two essential products that help protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays. Choose travel-sized containers to save space in your toiletry bag. It's always better to use a moisturizer that contains SPF to save time.
5. Deodorant
No one likes a smelly traveler. Make sure to pack a travel-sized deodorant in your toiletry bag to stay fresh and clean throughout your travels.
6. Hairbrush or Comb
Whether you have short or long hair, a hairbrush or comb is an absolute must-have in your travel toiletry bag. This will help keep your hair tangle-free and looking neat and tidy throughout your travels.
7. Razor and Shaving Cream
For those who prefer to shave, a razor and shaving cream are important items to have in your travel toiletry bag. Choose a travel-sized razor and a small tube of shaving cream to save space in your bag.
8. Medications
If you're taking any medications, be sure to bring them with you in your toiletry bag. It's also a good idea to pack some over-the-counter medications for headaches, allergies, and other common travel ailments in case of emergencies.
9. Contact Lenses or Glasses
If you wear contact lenses, make sure to bring your contact lens solution and case. It's also a good idea to bring a pair of glasses just in case. Travel can be rough on the eyes, so it's always better to be prepared.
10. Earplugs or Noise-Cancelling Headphones
Finally, for those who are light sleepers or easily distracted by noise, it's a good idea to pack earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones. This will help ensure a good night's sleep and a stress-free travel experience.
In conclusion, a well-stocked and well-organized travel toiletry bag is essential for any traveler. By packing these 10 must-have items, you can ensure a more comfortable and stress-free travel experience. And when it comes to choosing a reliable travel toiletry bag, "None" is a brand that you can trust.
Reference: American Hotel & Lodging Association
Article Source:None
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