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stigmataluvr · 4 months ago
the UK has the mildest fcking weather ever why is bad weather part of their national identity😭
then they have the audacity to expect me to say a wet 5 degrees here is equally bad as the -45 winters so dry your eyes freeze shut and you have to walk backwards to avoid being cut by actual tiny flying ice shards where I grew up. or even just the toasty -15-ish of montreal where I'd been living before coming here. are you insane
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aoibaratraveler · 6 years ago
My Road Trip Through the UK: A Reflection
Well, the trip is done. It’s been just over two weeks now since we got back and I’m now writing this after having spent a week in our new home (and a week at his grandparents while he found a new car)
The road trip was certainly a lot of fun with its ups and downs and I got to see and experience things that I never have before and it has definitely left a lasting impression on me. Scotland was by far my favourite place, just everywhere there. Such tremendous beauty and so much of it! I did see a lot of beauty in England and in Wales but Scotland was something else. When we were in the Highlands it was like setting foot in a Scandinavian fairytale for the majority of it. The question I have been asking myself though is if I would ever do this kind of road trip again? Well, no I wouldn’t. I might go on a road trip again, much farther into the future, but we would have to do everything differently and for a start hopefully, have more money to get a proper camper van and just have much more stops and spend longer in each place. It’s my dream to drive all across North America especially since I’m Canadian and I have never seen more than just Vancouver; we would obviously do it though...when the states are experiencing a drastically different political climate. Overall though, I learned that road trips aren’t for me. They make you restless and tired without having actually done any exploring and when it rains, it becomes easy to just spend all day inside the car which is a bit of a downer. Actually, if I could, I would probably travel around North America by train if the trains were better and cheaper. I much prefer backpacking and just walking for miles or hitchhiking (only in Japan, I’ve never done it anywhere else and I don’t know if I’d want to) or randomly getting on a train and seeing where it goes. I love train journeys, one of my favourite things about traveling. In general, I definitely love a trip where I can be more active, meet more people, explore more nature and see things that I could never see in Canada. I guess that’s what traveling is all about? Experiencing a completely different culture to your own and appreciating it all the same. I want to travel around Africa, South American, South East Asia, and learn new languages and experience new things. When I traveled around Japan and Europe, I met some amazing people and some...not so amazing people but I still wouldn’t take back my experiences because I got to fully experience every city and country I went to. Although, of course, walking through a big city with a big back was daunting at times and when I was in Italy, I met a few people who were unfortunately robbed and that sucks. I was fortunate enough to not have anything too major happen to me while I traveled around Europe and Japan. But anyway, this reflection is about my time traveling the UK not anywhere else (I will post detailed reflections, probably in parts, about my time traveling Europe and Japan on my own, there is a lot to say). Even though it ended in the most unexpected way and even though the road trip was tiring, I am still quite content with the trip in general, but I would probably never do a trip like this one, again. The bf thinks so as well, but I am very excited for our next adventure, whenever that may be...we’re pretty broke now... The UK is much more expensive than we thought, we were under the impression that traveling domestically wouldn’t be too bad, but we obviously didn’t put enough thought into it, I sincerely think taking a flight to Eastern Europe for example and traveling around there would have been much cheaper, but oh well.
Here are some of my favourite photos from the trip.
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booklandadventures · 6 years ago
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Me, running to beat the tour bus full of tourists arriving for my picture 😅. ▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️ #travel #wanderlust #girlsborntotravel #ladiesgoneglobal #backpacker #backpacking #womenwhoexplore #student #studyabroad #adventure #adventurer #traveling #canadianabroad #canadian #tourism #roamtheplanet #instatravel #instatraveling #instatravelling #travelgram #bookstagram #europe #greece #mykonos #windmill (at Windmills of Kato Mili) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx5VoJ9Ax5h/?igshid=t0x9nq6o4ed5
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c00t · 3 years ago
is there anything more cutthroat than a supermarkt on a sat at 17.00?
one of my favourite past times when visiting a new place is exploring the grocery store. so the same, but oh so different.
the visual nature of a grocery store assists with navigation, and seeing new products / innovations is fascinating and you can usually start to understand the hierarchy of what's important to the place, culturally.
germans. love, NO. cherish their meat. which is why there is one long stretch of fridges, FILLED floor to ceiling with pre-packed meat. this is, of course, in addition to the meat counter and a wurst aisle (dried/cured/canned meats).
cheese or käse comes in a close second with separate fridges for soft cheese, sliced and packaged cheese and fine cheeses and prices that will shock EVERY canadian who is used to paying $8+ for a small block of cheddar. berlin is known for its vegan scene, so don't worry, there's a whole fridge section dedicated to meatless meats and vegan cheeses as well.
bread comes in at no. 3 with a plethora of options including the freshly baked aisle, the loaves aisle and then the buns, baguettes and sandwich bread aisle. absolutely fresh to death and ready to fill your kitchen cupboards with the glorious odour of freshly baked brot.
the boxed milk that sits outside of the fridge is confusing and shares a shelf with coffee beverages and is back-sided with the dairy free options.
the fridge section full of mayonnaise salads and sauces is a move, along with the fridge section titled 'pudding'. will update once i understand exactly what they mean by pudding. half of the store is dedicated to beer and wine, and you'll also find random aisles filled with home goods and 'kappa' socks amongst the dedicated eggs aisle*, the pickle aisle and the olive aisle.
as i make my way to the checkout line, the candy aisle beckons with the classic light purple of MILKA and gummy satisfaction of HARIBO, the shockingly tiny freezer section says hello and you can pick up magazines or a novel or a bouquet of flowers.
just as you're ready to wind down your journey the most exhilarating part of the whole trip begins. lay your groceries down on the conveyer belt, get your karte and reusable grocery bag ready because the check out is about to begin. grab a last minute carton of cigarettes or a pack of gum, and say hello to the sweet frau, sitting in front of you who is about to show you what german efficiency is all about. u say hallo and 5 items have already been rung through and are laying there waiting to be thrown into your bag. THROW them into your bag, lightning speed pls. tiptap mit karte bitte, and you're done & finished and feel like you've just run a marathon.
common curtesy? put the divider down on the conveyor belt after you're done placing your items, once you've paid grab your stuff and go, otherwise risk holding up the cashier and all of the other people waiting in line (i think they make commission off of how many people they ring through in a day)
and try not to hit up the markt on a saturday evening just before dinnertime. grocery stores are closed on sundays in germany so everyone is running to make sure they have food left and dinner ready and alcohol for the evening...
the aisles are smaller and there are always people re-stocking the shelves, crates lying around, children running, shopping carts and people on a mission creates a 'fight for your life' environment that you should prepare yourself for. but at the end of the night, you'll examine your pantry with a nod of success and knowing that you've got some GREAT eu products and a level of quality you just can't compare to home.
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reneerobyn · 7 years ago
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Spot the tiny human amongst the fucking glory that is the pacific north west. In fact - ignore the human, it's the least interesting part. Let your eye sockets suck in all that lush ass green! 😍😍😍 Road trippin for Jaguar with @notbland in the PNW . . . #pacificnorthwest #pnwonderland #traveloregon #canadianabroad #oregonforest #roadtrippin #notbland #reneerobyn #fuckyes #woot
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khaleesinick · 7 years ago
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Just got to meet one of my favourite queens ever. #AsiaOHara #RoscoesTavern #Chicago #CanadianAbroad (at Roscoe's Tavern)
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vincetheexplorer · 7 years ago
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TESTED: iPhones do shut down if you stay outside long enough! 📱❄️🌡
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styleontheside · 7 years ago
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It's hard to believe that I've lived in Poland for over 4 years now. I've met lots of great people and had experiences I'm sure I never would have had if I was still living in Canada. I'm very curious to see what this next year brings. . . . . . #warsawoldtown #newbeginnings #igerswarszawa #igerswarsaw #expatlife #instapassport #storiesfromtheroad #travelbug #urbanhiking #architecture #destination #storiesfromtheroad #citylife #thingsilove #passportready #readytotravel #writetotravel #instapassport #travel #travelwriter #writetotravel #traveltheworld #postcardsfromtheworld #instatravel #igerspolska #canadianabroad #canadianblogger #mystory (at Warsaw, Poland)
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aoibaratraveler · 6 years ago
UK Road Trip Week 4
Ok, so I was actually semi productive with this, this week and finished typing it out on Tuesday morning but then my tumblr app stopped working on my phone and then when I tried to use the browser on my phone it uploaded all weird. So I am finally able to upload this from a Starbucks on the bf’s laptop.
Day 22:
I woke up feeling lucky to have done Snowdon a day before because torrential rain came down all night and seemed to persist well into the morning and afternoon and looking at the forecast for the next month...well, its bleak. I did, however, feel much better after a good night's sleep and even though I am a bit sore, I think that I am more than ready to do another hike or scramble like Snowdon because I just enjoyed it so much. If the rain does let up then I would love to do Scafell Pike in England and Ben Nevis in Scotland, the tallest mountains in each. Soon after we woke up, we decided to head to Llandudno for a walk along the coast and to get some coffee but after charging up for a bit and grabbing some pasties from the local bakery, the bf had the grave misfortune of having half his pasty stolen by an aggressive seagull. In fact, most of the seagulls in this town were rather aggressive, one of them swooped down at my head while I was eating my pasty. After this unfortunate event though, the bf's mood took a dip so we decided to leave and head to Betws y Coed where we would be meeting up with T, the bf's friend later on. It was certainly a cute little village but because of the torrential downpour, we couldn't explore much and so we retreated to a hotel for some Welsh cream tea and to have a safe shelter to watch the rain. After a couple of hours T showed up and we attempted to go on a walk to a nearby lake since it seemed to have stopped raining but not even 10 minutes into our walk and it came down hard again and we were properly soaked. Luckily, it was warm rain so I didn't mind it too much. We retreated to T's car where T and the bf reminisced on their uni days. The rain seemed to let up a bit so we took a chance and explored the other side of Betws y Coed where there were a cute train station and a rhino made of metal that encased bottle caps to promote recycling. Near the station there was a lovely little suspension bridge with a backdrop of a field scattered with sheep and a forest. We played poo sticks there for a couple of minutes and then decided to head to a restaurant called Olif for Welsh Tapas and we were very happy that we did because not even a minute later the torrential rain came back which didn't seem to let up for the rest of the night. It was great timing for us. The Welsh Tapas was delicious, we thoroughly enjoyed the croquetas which was a breaded ball of melted cheddar cheese, potato, and leek, yum. We ate, drank, and were merry for a couple of more hours before heading to a nearby nature reserve to pitch up for the night; the rain still coming down with a fury.
Day 23:
Today was a bit disappointing only because we really just couldn't do anything for there was torrential rain for most of the day. We set off from the spot we were parked and drove through the gorgeous valleys that gave off an almost ominously beautiful atmosphere to it because of the rain. We made a stop near Tryfan, a cool mountain that is mostly a scramble that the bf had wanted to take me on but because of the rain he couldn't. We tried to wait out the rain for a bit but to no avail so we retreated to a Starbucks for a few hours and read. When we got hungry we decided to leave and we grabbed some Chinese takeaway before heading to T's place to stay for the night. I got to play with her gorgeous border collie so not a bad end to the day.
Day 24:
Today we initially had plans to meet up with another friend of T's but he bailed on us so T decided to be our tour guide around Snowdonia. We had a delicious full breakfast in her town and then set off to a town called "BeddGelert". It was a lovely little town that had a beautiful nature walk and river and where the legend of Gelert is said to have taken place.
"According to the oft-told legend, Llywelyn, Prince of Gwynedd and the most powerful man in the whole of Wales, had a hound called Gelert. In some versions of the tale, the dog had been given to Llywelyn by none other than King John of England. One day Llywelyn went hunting, leaving Gelert behind to look after his infant son. When Llywelyn returned he found his tents in disarray. There was no sign of his son and Gelert, when he jumped up to greet his master, had jaws stained red with blood. Instantly assuming the hound had killed the baby, the Prince drew his sword and ran the dog through. Only then did Llywelyn discover the unharmed baby lying beneath its upturned cot and the body of a wolf that had tried to kill the child, in the corner of the tent. The faithful Gelert had defended his charge and killed the wolf. The hound was buried with great ceremony and, legend says, prince Llywelyn never smiled from that day onwards." (https://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/wales/entries/e6f11332-ae6f-3364-96a4-1af14401369b)
We had a long stroll around the river and then had coffee and cake at a cafe. We decided to get three cakes and split them; chocolate fudge, coffee-walnut, and carrot. They were scrumptious but personally I liked coffee-walnut the best. Afterward we drove to a place called Black Rock Sands--in English, the Welsh name is supremely hard to pronounce. It was a vast, sandy beach with an outstanding view of the mountains. There were a few really cool caves that we were able to explore because the tide was low. I imagined how cool it would be to swim in these caves and I hoped that maybe someday I'll get the opportunity. We then climbed on top of a cliff edge to get a better view. It was awesome. I wanted to walk across the cliff but T said that if it was closed off then we may risk being able to get down while the tide is low so we made our way back down and walked some more along the beach. After our walk T remembered one more cool place that she wanted to show us which was an ancient Celtic forest within Snowdonia National Park and was surrounding a lake. This forest had so many traits to it that made it feel like you were walking inside a forest straight out of a fairytale, from the most covered slate walls to the ancient trees to the lush green nature enveloping a fallen over tree to the misplaced plant life like bamboo trees. It was such a whimsical walk that felt almost therapeutic. It was nearing 17:30 so we decided to grab a bite at the pub outside the forest but were quite disappointed with the portion sizes they gave us of the chips we ordered so we set back to T's town of Blaenau Ffestiniog and purchased some more (which ended up being too much) chips and a couple of spring rolls that were the size of paninis from a local Chinese takeaway. We ate our takeaway next to a lake for a bit...before being attacked by midges so then we ran to T's car to finish it off. We felt properly full of grease after this so we went for a short walk around the lake (by now you can guess that Snowdon National Park is just full of picturesque lakes, mountains, and forests and is very much the scenery that I've been craving to see all year). We then headed back to T's place, said our goodbyes to her and her lovely parents and dog and then set off towards Conwy to pitch up for the night.
Day 25:
I'm so pleased that I've been able to see so many castles on this trip. Last time I lived in England, I hardly saw any although I saw a few castles in mainland Europe during my 2 month backpacking trip before starting my university exchange in Preston. This past year as well I don't think we saw any castles. We started the morning by driving back through Conwy and having a look at the medieval castle there. I unfortunately didn't get a photo though. We then began our drive out of Wales. We did, however, stop in a place called Prestatyn before fully leaving to nip into a Tesco's and use their facilities and get some caffeine. Here, I had the most ridiculous experience. I've dealt with some, let's say not so knowledgeable customer service people before in supermarkets in the UK but this took the cake. I decided to buy some Redbull and in the UK red bull is age restricted to people aged 16 and over (any energy drink is). But then there is also the think 25 policy here where customer service employees ask to check ID for anything age-restricted if they think you look under 25. This is completely fine because even though I am 25, I'm well aware that I could pass as 18 or younger so I always have my ID on me when I buy energy drinks. The thing is when I pulled out my Canadian driver's license that has my photo and age and everything that a normal ID has and which has been accepted literally everywhere else I've gone to (which is what I told her), the checkouts girl (who looked to be my age or younger) rejected it and refused to sell me the Redbull. I couldn't believe it! At first she looked at it and then immediately showed it to her associate who then said she would go and ask the manager about it. She gave me the absurd reason that because she had never seen this kind of ID before or don't get them often in the store (what do you mean "them"? Foreign ID?) that she needed to check that it was legit...I couldn't believe what I was hearing...so essentially because my ID was foreign and she'd never seen it before, she questioned whether it was real. Well, I've spent some time working at another supermarket here called Sainsbury's and we were taught that as long as the ID has their photo and age and looks like ID then it's acceptable. I said that to her (although didn't mention that I had worked at Sainsbury's) and she just kept giving me the most condescending look and said "you'd be surprised what people could fake! And I can't sell you this item if you are underage" ...well she showed it to her manager and she said that even the manager said they couldn't accept it! I tried to remain calm and reiterate that, that just can't be right but she stuck to her guns and said she couldn't sell me it. I went to tell the bf what had happened and he was equally shocked and angry on my behalf and said I should try and argue it so I decided to go back in, directly to customer service and ask to speak to the store manager myself. The customer service woman herself agreed that my ID should have been accepted but said I should be flattered that they thought I look younger than my age...that isn't the point though? I know I look younger than my age and I'm always happy to show my ID (I don't look younger than 16 though) but the point is that checkouts people (1 of which was apparently the checkouts manager!?) refused to accept my official, government-issued Canadian driver's license because it was foreign to them which is really just due to them being ignorant and clueless more than anything, but that's unfortunately how a large portion of the UK is now...when the manager came, he agreed that my ID should have been accepted. Vindication. So, feeling a bit petty, I went back to the same checkouts girl, asked her which manager exactly she spoke to because I had just spoken to the store manager and he said that my ID was completely fine. She gave me another stupid excuse but I just thanked her as a way of saying "fuck off" in my own way without actually saying it. She never apologized. I then used the self-scan machine right next to her but the coward that she is stormed off and got her friend to authorize my red bull instead while she grabbed a basket and aggressively threw it right next to me to pretend she was putting it away. I gave her a smile on the way out and felt victorious but still in complete disbelief at how unprofessional that whole interaction was. We then drove to the top of a hill that had a gorgeous viewpoint of the entire city that wiped away the frustration of that whole event. We drove to Preston from there and had German doner for dinner and then to the Forest of Bowland AONB to chill for the rest of the evening (my favourite AONB so far).
Day 26:
Waking up in the Forests of Bowland was spectacular with the mountains on one side and the sun on the other, it was beautiful. We drove through such gorgeous valleys and fields, it didn't feel like the England that I'd been living in for the past 11 months. I was overjoyed to have the opportunity to see it but a bit sad that I was missing out on sights like this all year. Once we'd driven through the forest, we filled up on petrol at ASDA and freshened up in their washrooms. We then headed into the city of Lancaster where we first had dessert for breakfast at a place called Kaspa's (oh my I'm going to be working off a lot when we get back home). From there we ventured off and walked around the city and up to the Lancaster castle which served as a prison for some time but now houses the Crown Court and is open to the public in some parts. I was pretty tired owing to having a restless sleep the night before with the storm being easily audible from inside the car. At about 5 we decided to set off towards the lake district and Scafell Pike. This drive was probably just a bit more amazing then the one we had this morning. It was absolutely stunning, the bf had to pull over so I could take more photos but my camera most likely doesn't do it any justice. Just absolutely breathtaking and just what you want to end the night on before going to bed.
Day 27:
Ahh! Scratch what I said about need 2 1/2 to 3 months for the UK and Ireland (well I suppose you can do if you want to take your sweet time), we have covered so much ground and expect to cover a lot more by the 31st, so this trips need at most 2 months and we reckon if we were to do the whole of Ireland then we could probably do it 10 days but we're still saving that for another time. You know those days when you feel like you did a lot but didn't really accomplish anything? This would have been one of those days. I don't know, I guess it was because of the rain as well but the bf and I were also feeling pretty grumpy all day and were short with each other a lot. We had parked just outside Scafell Pike hoping that maybe there was a chance we could wake up and the weather would be great for a hike but it had rained all night and it didn't look like it was going to let up in the morning so unfortunately, we had to give up on the idea of hiking Scafell Pike at least at this part of the trip. The bf told me it always rains in the Lake District and that it's hardly ever sunny but I was really hoping that I would get to see the lakes in all their glory. There was nothing around (except for the lakes and mountains of course) so we decided to drive 15 mins North West out of the lakes to a small seaside town called Seascale. It was very quiet there and we found a small, family-run cafe that served breakfast, cakes, coffee, and tea. We managed to freshen up there and made a new plan for the day which was to drive to Windermere, Grasmere and then watch the Liverpool game somewhere. Well, when we got to Windermere, it was absolutely packed with tourists and still raining which just made us more grumpy. The bf and I don't do well in big touristy crowds. We walked around for a bit and then the bf got more coffee but we quickly gave up on trying to enjoy ourselves since it was just so noisy and busy and the visibility of the lake was horrendous because of the rain and honestly I was just really bummed out about not being able to see the lake properly. So off we went to Grasmere. It was a tiny village but really cute. The reason we went to Grasmere was because of the gingerbread shop that's been there for hundreds of years with an old recipe that claims to make unique gingerbread that is crumbly and gooey. Well, let me tell you that, that claim is not unfounded. There was a big line outside the shop too so you know they're popular. They weren't mind-blowingly delicious or anything but they were yummy. After that, we were at a loss of what to do. The weather was miserable so we couldn't really do anything outdoorsy which is also sad because half the point of this trip was to explore Britsh nature and wilderness and do a lot of hikes but we're in the second half of this trip and that seems unlikely to happen now. Especially since I'm kind of running out of funds for this trip now. We debated whether or not to go to a hotel for afternoon tea but it was getting too late for that. We settled on just cutting our losses and leaving the lakes early. We decided to drive straight up to Glasgow. On the drive up I could really feel how burned out the bf was getting and I started feeling really guilty. I'm used to roughing it up for long periods of time but I don't think he is. I mean we've both been grumpy today but for different reasons. I'm sad this trip isn't going as I hoped it would because of the weather and not being able to save up enough this year and he's just tired and growing more and more irritable as the days go on. I booked us a night's stay in an Airbnb for the day after because we both need to do laundry anyway and he just needs a good night's sleep. Once we got to Glasgow, we watched the game (Liverpool won, yay!) and then we drove up to a country park to pitch up for the night.
Day 28:
When we woke up it was rainy and windy so we decided to head to a nearby shopping mall from the country park to charge up with some coffee. After a couple of hours there we drove into Glasgow for some sightseeing. This proved to be a bit difficult because we soon found out that Glasgow is an outrageously expensive city with exuberant parking charges. It took us a while to find something, but after around 45 mins of driving around we chanced upon a car park that was behind a pub that looked to have absolutely no parking charges or restrictions and seemed to be somewhat of a mostly unknown free car park. After double-checking that it really was free we set off to explore the city. Glasgow is really cool. It has an interesting mix of old school buildings and historical architecture as well as more modern ones with a TON of incredibly artistic graffiti on the side of buildings everywhere . We walked around for a while and tried the famous deep-fried Mars bar which I thought was yummy but it wasn't to the bf's taste. We were still hungry so we grabbed lunch at a place called Bread Meats Bread because I heard that they do great poutine and boy was I right. The poutine was massive and absolutely delicious with tons of gravy and cheese curds, probably the best poutine I've had in the UK. We also got a pastrami sandwich and a fried chicken grilled cheese melt that were both oh so good and served in some pretty spectacular toast. After exploring more of what the city had to offer which included a Tardis propped up in the city square and a statue of a colourful laughing child. At around 4 we decided it was time to head to the Airbnb that we booked for the night but not before stopping in Morrisons to grab some instant noodles for the road. This Airbnb was lovely, clean and just what we needed to have a proper charge up. We took the rest of the night easy, did our laundry, played with the host's dogs and had a shower. The host, herself, was also really friendly and was into all the same fandom as us from Marvel to Doctor Who to Game of Thrones to Harry Potter. The tv in our room was also massive so we watched an episode of Doctor Who before calling it a night.
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booklandadventures · 6 years ago
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“Even a man who’s spent his whole life at sea has reason to fear her when she’s angry. But not I. I sleep soundly. Listening to her music. The sea watches over me. She protects her own.” —Tricia Levenseller, Daughter of the Pirate King ▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️ #travel #wanderlust #girlsborntotravel #ladiesgoneglobal #backpacker #backpacking #womenwhoexplore #student #studyabroad #adventure #adventurer #traveling #canadianabroad #canadian #tourism #roamtheplanet #instatravel #instatraveling #instatravelling #travelgram #bookstagram #europe #greece #athens (at Vári, Greece) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxkD63cgYg8/?igshid=qssrn0nub50u
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jetsetwells-blog · 5 years ago
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Wandering and wondering what to do and where to go. 🍁❤️ .⠀ .⠀ #canadianintheuk #canadianexpat #canadiantraveller #canadianabroad #canada #amazingarchitecture #archidaily #architexture #architecturephotography #beautifuldestinations #doyoutravel #exploremore #exploringtheglobe #ilovetravel #instapassport #instatravel #openmyworld #travelgram #travelawesome #freedomthinkers #keepexploring #letsgosomewhere #lifeofadventure #neverstopexploring #stayandwander #traveladdict #travelandlife #travelbug #travelpic #jetsetwells (at Castle Street, Liverpool) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3uUmqPgI8X/?igshid=10a3w460b8kt7
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reneerobyn · 7 years ago
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I always joke about wanting a big fancy house with lots of fancy shit inside, but the reality is my practical self can't be assed to dust it all or even hire someone for it. While I can't claim myself to be a "minimalist" I am a "practicalist" (yeah I made that word up... you know what I mean though!) My dream home is a big, open concrete space with super tall ceilings and in floor heating, big windows with heavy curtains, a couple of furry four legged roommates soaking up the rays of light, and a great fucking sound system. I get inspired by music, space and warm feet 😂 What's your dream space? Do you embrace the clutter or reach for the empty? . . . #roadtrippin #traveleurope #eurotrip #photographerlife #canadianabroad #canadiancreatives #homegoals
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creativefoodlovers-blog · 7 years ago
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When you create a gorgeous turquoise ombré wedding cake that tells the story of their love. #weddingcake #ombreweddingcake #turquoisecake #storycake #silhouettecake #love #weddings #gardenscupcake #creativefoodlover #instacake #instagood #canadianfoodie #canadianfoodblogger #foodbloggersofcanada #foodbloggersca #canadianabroad #likefoodus #deliciousweddingcake #eatthis
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williamjans · 4 years ago
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One of us lost a darn mitten. ⁠⠀ Essential in the Philippines too ;-)⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ #canadianabroad #williamjans #Philippines #Luzon #BernieSanders #inauguration #BernieMIttens #mittens #USA #President #BernieMemes #MemeBernie #BernieSandersMemes #Memes @derekgumb @lunabluephoto⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ https://www.instagram.com/p/CKVeKYGsDeY/?igshid=h3ofh8yckpcg
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🆒 Scour the earth until you find magic, then do it again and again and again. Wherever you are. In sunsets, in family, in lovers, in passions, in dreams, in friendships, in mountains, in ocean, in fields, in moments of laughter, in deep conversation, in broken English and Mandarin and Spanish and German and on and on and on. Hold onto the good and let everything else take its course. ! 📸 by: @tiffany All rights and credits reserved to Tiffany 🏖️ #lasterrenas #playabonita #secretbeach #sunsetsea #palmtreesunset #dominicanrepublic #riseandshine #magichunter #goodvibezonly #exploretheglobe #huaweipic #huaweimate20 #hotelterrenas #LaDolceVita12 #huaweiphotographers #huawei #canadianabroad #travelsolo #girlslovetravel #travelalone (en Playa Bonita) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bws-hQqFoy2/?igshid=3sht25wzzk6q
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fostercrafts · 7 years ago
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Taking a microscopy course in Chicago for my new job! #science #microscopy #microscope #microscopes #asbestos #canadianabroad
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