#can't you just let me hate the sats in peace??
morgan-n-cheese-91 · 1 year
Favorite part of family get togethers is people somehow not being able to read body languge but then turning around and being like "Omg I can read people so much better than these gen z-ers who are constantly on their phones"
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the-faceless-bride · 3 months
Some Of my current ideas and obsession Blurbs (if you find any of them interesting, I'm open to hearing ideas 👀👀)
Part 2 ->
Imagine being a demon...
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Imagine Part of your power has to do with death, corruption, and seeing who someone was when they were alive... as a demon, the death of Rengoku Kyojuro broke you. He was such a beautiful, loving, caring man. Giving such an unfair and unfortunate death... you just couldn't accept this...
Imagine You bring him back as he springs up after your ritual. His hair was a mess, covered in dirt, his clothes ripped. He gasps for air as if it was the first he's had in centuries... "Poor unfortunate soul, so sad, in need... come allow me to give you a second chance."
Imagine His horror. Him. Now a Demon. Tethered to you. Unable to die again unless you give him permission to do so... he tired. Sat in the sun. But while he felt weak and itchy, he didn't die. He hated it. Hated himself. He hated you. You who, while yes, didn't have malicious intent. Who gave him a second chance at 'life' as you called this... you who brought him back and unlike when he was alive in his final moments felt no pain, no hunger, he hated you.
Imagine slowly helping him come to terms with his eternal life. From Enemies (one sided) to Lovers letting him stay with you in your small hidden village of other demon families that have also been brought back and tethered to you. Still fulfilling his dreams, taking down the demons who "lost their humanity and deserved their eternity to end."
Imagine the conflict you face, when His once friends and found family find him... a demon... still classic Kyojuro but yet so different... what do you do? An angry group of Hashira Pillars cursing you for what you did to their friend. Kyojuro broken and ashamed of what he is once more at the heart break of his friends being scared of him, some of them hating him all together...
Imagine him calling out to you, help him. Make them listen. Please. His Angel... his little firefly... please make them understand. He can't bare the way they look at him... help him... he needs you.
Rengoku Kyojuro × demon Reader Trope: Enemies to lovers
Now also Imagine being a demon...
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Imagine being a demon who was so desperately, hopelessly, in love with Gyomei Himejima. Hopelessly devoted to a man who didn't even know you existed. You watched him at night, singing your sweet song and lulling him to a deeper sleep each night. Wishing nothing more than to one day be able to caress and memorize every inch of his mind, body, and soul. Wishing to kiss his soft looking lips...
Imagine desperately trying to deny what you know is true... you've heard it from your fellow demon 'friend' over and over again. And tonight, you were desperately trying to hold on to your dreams... "[name] just face it... he's a Demon slayer. A hashira. And to him, you're a monster... that something no amount of love is going to change. You'd be better off not thinking about him anymore. If you really love him, you'd let him go... besides a pretty human girl will probably catch his attention sooner or later..." You hang your head as tears fill your eyes, it's not true... it's not. He could love you. He could...
Imagine one day, you run into him in the Forest. The Forrest trees are so thick that the completely block out the sun, it's only a small section of the Forest. You liked to come here to lay in the flowers, and apparently Gyomei had thought the same...
Imagine He needed a quiet place, today had been a very hectic day. No peace and quiet today at all. He'd simply sat under a particularly large tree, focusing on his breath. You'd sat so unbelievably still. Not wanting to move and risk ruining this perfect moment. You were so close. You'd never been this close to him before and it made every part of your cold body ache.
Imagine accidently rustling the flowers catching his attention instantly, and he jumps to stand in a defensive position. You quickly kneel head pressing to the ground as you apologize for disturbing him, and not wanting any trouble. But oddly he doesn't attack you and instead he apologizes for startling you. At first you were confused. But then it clicked, you Had not attacked him like a demon would. He's blind. He doesn't yet realize you're a demon... this was it. Your chance. To speak to him. To hear him address you... to hear him say your name...
Imagine Pretending to be human, making it seem like you were a measly human girl who came here to sit in the flowers to relax... and this was how it went for some time... days turn to weeks, and weeks turn into months. You'd been keeping this secret of yours for 3 months, your love for Gyomei stronger and flame of obsession brighter. And he'd become so open to you. Telling you almost eveeything... sure you'd felt guilty lying to him... but you just couldn't let him. Go...
Imagine one evening, the sun setting, the fireflies and the colorful flowers surrounding you... you gain the courage to confess... stilling your heart of how much you admire him, you know that he way not feel the same way... but even if he'll never belong to you... that's OK, you are happy to just dream and be his dear friend... but to your shock and joy he accepts your confession. He's gained feelings for you. You could almost cry... but then... in an instant the happiness... your happily ever after was ripped away from you in an unfortunate series of events "Dearest... your hands are so cold..." - "GYOMEI!" A his friend Mitsuri calls out her foot steps quickly approaching, more footsteps following behind. "AWAY DISGUSTING MONSTER!" she cries her sword just barley missing you as your arm is severed clean off. And instantly Gyomei's face goes through so many emotions... worry, Confusion, shock and finally realization... and he let's you go. You dash away vanishing... "Gyomei! Are you ok?! That awful creature tricked you! She must've planned to devower you then and there if I hadn't noticed your absence! Are you OK my friend!?" The sounds of other Confused voices all speaking over each other planning to find you... Gyomei thinks of her question... is he OK?... honestly... he doesn't know...
Gyomei Himejima × Demon Reader Trope: unrequited love/Forbidden love
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mrsparrasblog · 5 months
You're losing me pt.2
pt. 1 pt.3
TW: mention of rape, unprotected sex, drinking, blood, violence, angst
The liquor on his tongue didn’t even burn anymore; too much was already in his system, trying to wash down the events of this day. You were the love of his life, the woman he wanted to marry, even though he didn’t know how it would be legal for you to marry all of them. And now, he lost you. The worst part? He can't even remember how it happened. He felt so disgusted in himself in so many ways—disgusted for breaking your heart. God, your look, how you tried to keep your tears in check, broke him. And then his whole body felt disgusted; it felt like a layer of dirt he couldn’t wash away. He scrubbed and scrubbed, but it didn’t go away; the shame still lingered. It felt like someone had taken something from him, but it was his own fault. He must have said yes and bought those drinks. It was his own fault, he told himself over and over again. Normally, he would talk about this kind of stuff with you; you always knew what to say. But you hated him.
"‚‘nother on’," he said to the barkeeper. This was probably his sixth. Johnny knew how he could handle alcohol; he was never that pissed before to not remember a thing. And there she was, the medic, sitting down next to him.
"Hey, Johnny," she smiled brightly, like she didn’t have any worry in her life.
"I ken a dinnae whit yesterday happened bit tis ne'er aff tae happen again."
"Come on, you enjoyed it yesterday."
"I dinnae remember yesterday."
"What a shame."
He stood up, throwing some pounds on the table, wanting to leave, but she stopped him. "Come on, Johnny. I'll help you forget, make you feel at peace again."
"Then please, let me invite you for a drink as an apology," she smiled sweetly, pushing the drink towards me. Wait, how had she a drink prepared if she sat only for a minute next to me?
"Please, a drink won't kill you."
"I said no."
"Just one sip, Johnny, and I'll make you feel good how she never could."
"How come ye're sae persistent fur me tae dram this drink?"
"You're silly, Johnny. I'm just being nice," she looked panicked - weird.
While many people thought of him as someone who is just a silly guy who isn’t able to think properly, you told him all over again that he was so smart, smarter than all of them, if someone would just give him the chance to show. And right now, his brain implanted a sick thought on him. "Dinnae tell me ye put something in mah drink."
Her eyes widened. "Of course not," she mumbled.
"Don't lie to me," his hand immediately went to her throat , choking the truth out of her.
"Knockout drugs," she whispered. She was fighting for air as I let her go; the men in the pub already stood up trying to save the poor woman from getting abused by a man.
"You raped me." His shock hit deep; he always thought something like that wouldn’t happen to him. He was strong and able to protect himself. He was the guy who killed people, the youngest man in the SAS, the guy who beat up an officer because he touched a civi. But now, he was the victim.
"Have fun proving it. No one will believe that a tiny girl like me raped the big bad soldier," she laughed, and screamed for help. "Help, this man doesn’t take no for an answer," He was kicked out of the pub; his face was bloody from all the beating.
All he wanted was to reach you, ask your advice, be in the comfort of your arms, telling him all over again how he is a good man, how he is worth everything and not a dirty soldier. But you didn’t pick up; he came to the realization quickly; that no one would believe him.
**Soap:** Please tell me we used a condom.
**Medic:** ;)
4 am and you still couldn’t sleep; your head was full of thoughts. Why were you not good enough? Why did he do it? So, you made a thing your friends would kill you for. Calling John, you weren’t sure if he would pick up, but he did.
"What's wrong, love?" Source of habit, he thought.
"Why did you do this, John?" you sobbed.
"I didn't mean for it to happen; it was an accident."
"Then why didn't you say sorry?"
"Don't fucking call me love. You cheated on me, and you didn't say sorry. You didn't run after me, you didn't apologize," your sobs broke his heart.
"I'm sorry; it was an accident."
"An accident is making a typo, not sticking your dick in a whore."
"I hate you, John. I hate you so much," and you hung up. This wasn’t what you expected. Why doesn’t he feel guilty? Why are you not good enough? Why didn’t Simon say something? Why didn’t Kyle come here? Of course, you broke up, but why don’t they care?
If you only knew how Kyle was, blood-covered in the hospital, too many rookies in his way. How Simon was trying desperately to find Soap to see he didn't drink himself to death, and then he would come to you, he told him self all over again. And how the captain didn't leave his office, not even for food.
And how Soap went into John's office, trying to explain to him the truth, only to see a disarranged office, hands covered in blood after he tried to pick up the liquor he smashed at his wall. He never saw his captain so vulnerable, and if Soap didn’t know better, he would have sworn he saw tears.
"Captain, I—"
"You did already enough, MacTavish. Let me have at least one day to mourn over the loss of the love of my fucking life."
"LEAVE," and he did, he crawled into his bed, knowing he lost everything in a day, the love of his life, his best friend Kyle, his captain, his pride, and safety, and not even Ghost was there.
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devilander · 4 months
rain falls in love
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homelander x gn reader. fluff, hurt/comfort, mentions of past abuse
Cozy Corner Domaystic: Thunderstorm
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You were a light sleeper. Even minor disturbances would wake you instantly; your cat meowing, a neighborhood’s TV turned on, cars passing through the street. Whenever Homelander and you slept together you couldn't help but be slightly envious of how he could turn off the whole world—he slept like a stone, slept like the dead. 
Today, though, you doubted many could sleep through the thunderstorm that split New York’s sky. Each thunder louder than the other, sequences of lightning turning the apartment clear as day. And, courtesy of your boyfriend's gigantic windows, you felt enclosed in the roar of the night. 
For some, it could be an entertaining spectacle; nature's power a soothing balm, a way to make you contemplate how much of your worries were small and ephemeral—in the end, there was only the earth and the rain. 
You could, in theory, see the poetry of it. But all you felt was an overwhelming fear. The loud noises reminded you of your father's booming voice, the cracking of electricity too similar to his heavy hands landing on you. 
John was away, having left a week ago in some undisclosed mission. Undisclosed to the public, of course, because he told you in detail how, actually, he was going to take part in a non-authorized invasion of a terrorist cell. Or so he called it. 
You were alone. Only you and the storm and Popsicle purring in your lap, indifferent to his surroundings. 
After another furious thunder nearly frightening you to death, you decided to call John. Tears streamed down your face and you felt ridiculous—it’s only rain. And yet. 
He probably wouldn't pick up. If he did, he'd be too busy, what could he do?
In the first ring, however, he answered. “Hello, sweet face. Awake at this hour?”
“Oh, it's nothing.” You tried to disguise your sniffles, suddenly beyond embarrassed. “I just wanted to hear your voice.”
Silence, and then—
“Is it the storm, sweetheart?”
“Yes, yeah. I can't sleep, it keeps reminding me of… you know. I'm sorry for bothering you.”
“Don't you ever apologize to me for that, ever,” he retorted, voice tinged with anger, though you knew it wasn't aimed at you. 
“Can we—” Another thunder, and this time you yelped, scaring Popsicle so that he ran to hide under the bed. “God, I hate this,” you whimpered. “I just want you here. I miss you so much.”
“I miss you too, you precious thing. Fuck, this is bullshit. A fucking week here and we accomplished shit. They sent me the most incompetent team of motherfuckers, I'm up my ass with their whining and ‘but sir, mister Edgar said we should be cautious’.”
You laughed. “Sounds like a trifle.”
“Ugh, fucking tell me about it. A week without you for this bullshit. Y’know what, I'm out. Hold on there, honey, I'll be with you in a moment.” 
And he hung up. And the storm raged on, but you felt a giddy warmness settling on you. 
Not before long, he barged in, completely wet, but you couldn't care less. You ran to his arms, letting the raindrops seep through your clothes as tangible proof of his devotion. 
“You didn't need to come.”
“Ah, but I promised, didn't I? I'll be with you anytime you need me, and you need me now, don't you?”
You giggled, forgetting all about the fears. It was washed over. “I do. And you need a hot bath.”
“Hmph. You too, little baby. C’mon, join me.”
You sat behind him in the tub, washing his hair, enjoying every second of this quiet moment. He moaned at the contact and squeezed your thigh as it circled his waist. 
If the storm was a demonstration of nature's power, John was both its likeness and antithesis—he himself was a force to be reckoned with, an amalgamation of sheer strength and might. Created by men, but a victim of them. You could understand that, quite intimately.
He gave you security in his power, and you gave him peace in your tenderness—the value of a whisper to a snowbank. 
“John,” you whispered. “I love you. I'll keep you forever, because you belong to me and I to you. Will you let me?”
You felt, more than you saw, his deep breath, swallowing back tears you knew were spilling down his cheeks. You didn't care what they said, what he did looking back in anger, because this was the only truth. 
“Yeah…” He choked up, but soldiered on. “Yeah, my love. I'm never letting you go. I fucking love you to pieces.”
As you lay in bed together you decided—in the end, there was only he and you. 
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The Damned P.1
Toji Zenin x fem! reader
Synopsis: forced to get in with the Zenin clan by your parents as a servant, Toji Zenin seemed to damn you more than himself….
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Being a servant in the Zenin household was not for the weak-willed or the weak-minded, it took strong foundations of a strong mind to survive within these endless, lavishly adorned walls of the Zenin Compound. One of the three big clans in Jujutsu Society, blossoming the pure, clean bloodline of the strongest sorcerers in the modern and past Jujutsu eras.
Your parents pushed you into being here, young but not ditsy, focused yet polite. The Zenin really didn't care, they just wanted the free labour, but you did get a roof over your head when the Zenin took you in as a servant. Little did you know that your parents literally sent you off to serve strangers and live with them for God knows how long. Your cursed technique was strong and your parents wanted the Zenin to know that and get in with the family, even if you started as a lowly servant. To infiltrate? To gather information? To be married off? To destroy from the inside…? You didn’t know, nor did you care at this point.
The clan leader, Naobito Zenin, sent you off on your way as if he didn't give a single thought, as if he was washing away the dirt on his hands. You were young and inexperienced and you didn't deserve the reward of the bigger duties so you were sent Toji Zenin's way, the black sheep, the damned one in the Zenin clan. You would be the personal servant of Toji Zenin.
Which leads you here now, standing by the foot of his bed, ready to wake him up like you usually do. Late. It was nearing 11 am and the clan needed to be in the training quarters in about half an hour. You glanced at Toji, seeing the drool escape from his mouth, his hair roughed up, and the sheets that barely covered his naked chest. These were the only times you felt Toji not be intimidating. You opened up the curtains and the windows, letting the fresh air ventilate the room. He grunted when the light hit his eyes at the most perfectly uncomfortable angle.
“Get the hell out.” He groaned angrily as he covered his eyes with his bulky forearm.
“Rise and shine, Master Toji.” You say with a faint warmness, anything to keep this civilised and polite knowing he could lash out quickly. The light seeps through the room and bathes it in the sunlight. He looked peaceful lying there, it's shame you had to wake him. He never looked so peaceful while he was awake, and, sadly, we all know the reason why. Toii grumbled and groaned, lifting his arm from his eyes.
“Can't even fuckin' sleep in this damn house.” He opened his eyes and was met by the sight of the sun hitting against your silhouette. He then looked at your face and rolled his eyes, a sour expression filled his face once more. “And do me a favour, and don't call me 'master' if you don't want your teeth punched in.” Toji fucking hated that, fucking hated it all.
You immediately frown. “It's not like I want to call you that, you are my superior. I work for you, I have to refer to you as that.” You explain to Toji as if he didn't already know it clear as day. “Would you like me to bring in a gong and wake you up like that?” You say, a small smile tugging at your lips at the insane hypothetical.
“I don't give a damn if you have to call me that, just drop it.” He growled against his pillow, glaring at you in the process. Toji then sat up from the bed, resting his head on his right hand as he looked at you blankly. He couldn't help but believe that there was some charm to you in how you were so polite. Your expression had an innocence to it that he had never come across in the cesspit that was the Zenin compound. “If you dare bring a gong in here, I'll break it and then your ribs.”
You knew that he was very much capable of doing that, so you didn't push further. But your mouth ran faster than your brain.
“Well then Toji, if you break my ribs...who will be making you breakfast every morning? Speaking of which, if you want food, I'm making some. So get up.” You say a little more firmly this time, you've never been this challenging towards your superiors, part of you wants to take it back, what if the clan deject you for being disrespectful? You frown slightly and leave the room to head back to the kitchen and finish preparing his breakfast.
The first thing he did when you left the room was let out a groan of frustration. It was always like this, you were being too much of a pushover to him. Always too kind. That was what irritated him the most. Maybe he was projecting. He needed to stop thinking that. Toji got dressed into his montsuki and went into the bathroom to brush his teeth and freshen himself up, he hated how every day started the same.
Soon, you heard his footsteps walking towards the kitchen, a few seconds later his hulking figure appeared at the doorway, leaning against the frame as he crossed his arms.
“I can make my own breakfast.” He declared in a low and husky voice.
“No, you can't.” You say politely but your words carry some weight to them that resounded throughout the whole room.
Each clan member had a specific section of the compound to themselves, so you had an entire kitchen to yourself to prepare food for Toji. He couldn't make his breakfast even if he tried, servants were solely assigned that duty.
You glance up at him leaning against the doorway, you finish plating up his Teishoku and serve them, you place it on the kitchen island in front of you. “Coffee sir-? I mean Toji..” You say softly, fumbling over your words but correcting yourself.
Your words irked him like nothing else, you were so nice to him. He loathed it. What made you so kind in the face of someone like him? “Quit this 'sir' bullshit.” He was trying to play it cool, his eyebrows slightly raised as he spoke. Internally he was confused by your ongoing kindness, you were like this from day one. He didn't like the fact that he had to work around your kindness.
“I apologize. Bad habit.” You let out a nervous chuckle, trying to ignore the burning green gaze zeroing in on you. Your expression was trying to hide the fact that you were uncomfortable with his presence. Toji was a little more than impressed by how you were handling him like this still. After all, most people would be scared shitless already.
As you hand him his coffee, Toji notices the band-aids on your fingers. The skin looked red and brittle and it made him raise an eyebrow. “What happened to them? And don't say 'nothing' or 'it's nothing.” Toii muttered under his breath, trying to distance himself but still be curious at the same time.
“Oh, I burned myself by accident, the stove was too hot.” You respond a little curtly, turning your back and starting cleaning up and clearing away. It was clear you didn't want to talk about it, the real reason was rather daunting as Naoya Zenin threatened to break your fingers because you didn't do a task correctly.
Toji watched with intent simmering eyes as you turned your back to him. The first thing was that your reasoning behind it was obvious bullshit. You were lying through your teeth but quite frankly he didn't car enough to pry even further. "You're really clumsy, aren't you?”
Your shoulders relax as you sigh out, thankful he wasn't reading into it. “I am...I am. ..quite clumsy.” You breathe out.
You both know damn well you were the opposite but for now, it'll do. You turn around and take his empty tray once he finishes eating, giving him an agreeable smile. “Your training starts soon.”
Toji raised his eyebrow as an unamused look was engrained on his face. Why was his rudeness not affecting you in any way? Maybe you weren't listening to a thing he said, which made him even more annoyed. So he decided to try another approach. He just...didn't like how you...talked to him. “Can you stop being so polite to me? I never understand why servants are like this to their masters. Just do your job and stop acting like this.” He grunted.
You turn around and glared at him, annoyed that he didn't realize that you’re just doing your job. Anything less than perfection and obedience would be punished. But then again...who the hell were you to argue with a Zenin? “If that's...what you prefer.” You shrug your shoulders. You thought maybe he would appreciate some form of kindness considering the way his family actively despised him.
“Good...because there's no reason to be nice to me when I'm anything but.” He warned me you lowly. Toji was expecting you to break and lash out at him. Yet your reaction and expression left him feeling a little off-put. Why? Why weren't you saying anything? Why aren't you letting him walk all over you? He didn't like those thoughts.
Reluctantly, you nod your head, lips thinning into a straight line, and you try to stay as neutral as possible. If this is what he wanted, who the hell were you to argue? After finishing cleaning the kitchen, you make a move to leave the room. As you made your way to leave, Toji couldn't help but notice that your back was as straight as an arrow. Your body looked so proper and elegant, unlike others. Just your simple back in that tight-fitting kimono was enough to make him stare a few moments longer than necessary. That's when he called out to you and spoke with a neutral expression: “Do you always have to be so proper and respectful?”
Yet his voice was...softer.
You stop in your tracks. “I'm just doing my job.” You reply quietly, trying to get him to grasp that you're just doing what you're supposed to do. You walk away and leave him wordless from the kitchen, letting your words linger in his brain a lot longer than he should have.
pt 2 coming soon, get ready for angst and sexy times in the near future.
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spellboundstarlet · 1 month
key; nika , reader
summary; just pure fluff and nika being a cutie pie!! the pair is shortly separated from each other due to reader visiting family. only one lyric from “sailors song” is used, but i do have several other ideas for this song, just leaving out a chunk of the chorus!
word count; 722 words
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you'd been down in iowa for the past two weeks, visiting family. all while your poor girlfriend sat waiting for you in seattle. nearly every night you'd facetime, or atleast work a phone call into both of your tight schedules, but it was difficult being away from eachother. especially for nika.
nika was always on the more "clingy" side, and loved physical touch. but, ever since you'd moved with the girl from connecticut to washington, every second you were away from her felt like a second too long. she had you all to herself all the time, so you being nearly two thousand miles away was hard on her. and on top of that, the timezones of ames and seattle didn't match up. every night when you'd lay down for bed, it'd be nine for you, but seven for nika. which made this much harder on her.
you really did try. every single night, without fail, you would try your hardest to stay up for nika. during your "bedtime" she'd be at a team dinner, or late practice. the second she got home, it was only 8:30 pm' for her, but 10:30 pm' for you. she'd sit on her bed, watching as your eyes would flutter shut every couple minutes. you were tired. so she'd let you sleep, never once hanging up the phone. right after you, she'd head to sleep aswell. she couldn't bear seeing you look so peaceful, so precious, so hers, but not at the same time. she wanted you next to her.
in the morning, you would have already been up for almost three hours when nika gets up. right when you knew the girl would set her alarm for, you'd send a sweet "goodmorning baby, i miss you so much :((" to nika. the first text from you would set the tone for her whole day, and this one left her feeling pretty sappy.
"i miss you too, moje dijete. you'll be home soon, right?"
"yes, but i miss you now ☹️"
"i miss you now too, pretty. i have to go now, quinn is making us come in earlier than usual. let's hope we're not in trouble 🤞🏼🤞🏼."
"good luck, niks. i love you 💕"
"i love you more, i will text you when im done."
and she did. nika always kept her promises. thankfully she was able to facetime you during the day, when you and herself weren't consumed with sleep. the call was long, almost two hours. which didn't compare to the twenty six hours she was away from you.. but it would do until then. the call was sadly cut short when your mom had knocked on the door to tell you it was time to go over to see some cousins. goodbyes were said, and once again you were out of the brunettes reach.
that night was late for you. first, you were stuck watching all the younger kids which tired you out majorly. then, you had to help carry out your sister who'd drank one too many at the dinner table. and finally, you fell asleep in the car from pure exhaustion. the five minutes you took to move yourself from the car, to your bed, were not spent speaking to your girlfriend. she understood.
when nika headed to sleep, her dreams were filled with you. her head was on your pillow, your scent filled her senses, it was almost as if you were there. after her long day, she needed the soothing dreams of you next to her.
when she woke up to her newest goodmorning text from you, "two more days!! i can't wait to see you, baby!", she could only think of her dreams of you from the night prior.
"goodmorning !!"
"what's got you in such a good mood this morning, love to see it!"
"i had a dream about you :((("
"aww baby!! are you going to tell me about it?!"
"mhm, you were here with me. and we cuddled. i miss that so much."
"you're going to make me cry ☹️☹️"
"i've been doing that the last few days.."
"hmm.. doing what?"
"dreaming of you."
"i sleep so i can see you, cause i hate to wait so long."
"nika!! i can't even :((( i love you so much baby."
"i love you more 🥹"
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divs are by @/anitalenia , feedback encouraged , the cliffhanger on this one is just odd to me .. @bveckers @kmoneymartini @cosmopretty @charlottehughess @aubreygriffin @favreader23
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minhosimthings · 10 months
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Chocolate Sauce
Synopsis: In which you lick Jake's abs and leave a very angry Jake with hickeys on his stomach
Pairings: Bf!idol!Jake × fem!idol!reader
Warnings: smut, 18+ MINORS DNI, fingering, reader licks Jake's abs, oral (f and m), overstimulation, rough sex, mean dom Jake, sub reader, swearing, mention of food, choking, angry sex (meow)
A/N: GUESS WHO DROOLED WHILE WATCHING JAKE DO THE GUILTY CHALLENGE. THIS BITCH RIGHT HERE. So blame Jake not me because bitch had to do that shit on my period. I wanna touch those abs so bad it's actually so bad I hate myself. Anyways, enjoy this shitpost y'all peace.
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Sim Jaeyun never failed to amaze you. Even as your boyfriend of three years, about whom you knew probably everything about, he always was succesful in pissing you off, or worse, riling you up. And sometimes when both of the phenomenons happened at the same time, it was a time of bliss for Jake.
"What the fuck Jayeun?" You threw your head back to look at your boyfriend, on whose thigh you were currently sleeping. He looked handsome as ever, hair all messy and fluffy, with the usual grin imprinted on his face. "What happened baby?" He pouted as you got up from his thigh and sat in front of him. "Please tell me I did not just see you acting like a whore on stage right now on my for you page." Jake turned his head sideways, an adorable thing he did when he was confused, and peeked into your phone. A devilish smirk formed on his face as he saw what was causing your current state of distress. "Oh that?" He mused, leaning back against the bedframe, "Yeah I did the Guilty challenge. Pretty good right? You know, Riki was saying my dancing impro-" "I don't give a fuck about the dancing Sim Jayeun." You cut him off, eyes faltering at the way he was looking at you, "I'm talking about the way you literally just showed your abs to every fucking person in that room."
To say that you were jealous was an understatement. Of course Jake had officially taken a pledge that he would never show his abs to anyone except you. And you remembered that the pledge also included not showing it to engenes.
"Aww." Jake cooed, wrapping his arms around your waist and leaning into your chest, "Is my girl jealous?" Resisting the urge to kiss his strawberry lips, you decided to pick up your phone and scroll through your reels, completely ignoring your boyfriend.
"Come on baby-" Jake smirked, leaning closer to your face, "-you know you can't resist me for more than five minutes." His last words were finished in almost a rough whisper, which knocked you off your wind. "I'll forgive you if you do one thing for me." You finally responded, sitting up straight and crossing your arms. "Order away, princess." Jake cocked his head to the left, smirk ever omnipresent on his stupidly handsome face.
"Let me lick your abs."
You didn't know whether it was out of pure shock, or pure embarrassment that Jake choked on air, but he did and accidentally smacked you in the head. "Jake!" You rubbed the back of your head with your hand. "You wanna do what now?" He spoke in a unusually grave voice, looking at you with bedroom eyes.
"Sim Jayeun I think I said it clear enough." You scoffed, "I want to lick your abs. If you don't wanna do it, that's fine I guess." You shrugged your shoulders and leaned back against the bedframe, getting back to your phone. "Alright then." Jake got up swiftly from the bed, and moved out of the room, walking a pace faster than usual. You tried not to think much about it, as you scrolled through the reels again, your fingers distracting you from wherever Jake was, until you heard the sound of your fridge bang close.
"Jake what are you doing?" You quizzed as Jake walked in, a bottle held tightly in his hands. He plummeted down next to you on the bed, and leaned in, giving you a tiny peck on the cheek. "Here." He nudged the bottle into your hand, forcing you to drop your phone into your lap, which he immediately took and hid in the bedside drawer. "Jaeyun!" You reached for your phone, trying to climb over him, "Give me my phone back." "Not until you read the label of that bottle baby."
You rolled your eyes and took the bottle in your eyes, peering to read the lable written in big glittery letters. "Chocolate Sauce?" You sniggered, "What the fuck do you want me to do with it?"
"Well I figured-" Jake popped open the cap of the bottle, "-since it's not pancake season and you don't use it for anything, why don't you lick it off of my abs?"
Your eyes widened at Jake, as he leaned back further, slowly unbuttoning his white shirt. For perhaps the first time in the entire evening, you noticed how truly scrumptious Jake looked in messy hair. "Jak-" "oh come on princess." Jake leaned closer to your ear, "I know you want to do it so bad like the slut you are."
His rough voice made your legs shiver. Jake had unbuttoned his shirt already, giving you a full display of his carved chest and abs. You held out a hand to stroke it, but Jake was quick to grab it with his. "Not until you lick them baby." He let go of your hand, "Are you scared princess?"
You meekly shook your head, and removed your shirt faster than Jake could blink an eyes. He slid a hand behind to your back, fingers searching to unclasp your bra. "Or should we leave it on?" Jake removed his hand from scratching your upper back, "I wanna see those nice tits bounce around in that cute little fabric which isn't hiding shit by the way." He leaned over to kiss your cheek again, "You could have asked for something new you know. Would have loved to buy you something in pink."
You took the open Hershey's bottle in your hand, and took a deep breath before turning it upside down and letting the gooey liquid come out, drizzling over Jake's abs. Jake let out a wince as it touched his skin, probably from the cold temp of the sauce. Anything for his princess though, he thought, enduring the cold grip.
"It doesn't hurt does it?" You spoke, uncertainty grazing your tone, "Maybe I should get-" "shh princess." Jake cooed at you, lifting a hand to stroke your cheek with his thumb, "Just lick them nothing hurts." His strict tone made you falter again, as you licked your lips, leaning over his body as he settled himself in the bed.
You moved towards his abs, taking in how beautiful they looked under the brown sauce. Lowering your tongue to them, you glanced up at Jake. His eyes were closed, and his eyelids were barely moving. As dead as a fish, you thought.
"Ooh princess-" Jake let out a moan, as your tongue touched his abs. You didn't know if it was the fact that the it was probably expired, or the fact that you were licking it off of Jake's belly, but man did the sauce taste good. You really didn't have a taste for sweet things, preferring your coffee bitter and your waffles without honey. But oh god, did sugar taste good when you were licking it off of Jake's belly, your tongue dying to have a taste of his cock.
"Mm-babe-ah fuck." Jake moaned, his voice grasping for more as he traced your hair with his fingers, unconsciously gripping them harder. Your tongue moved swiftly across the board of Jake's tummy, your fingers digging into the sides of his abdomen, desperately searching for more. You could feel the bulge in Jake's pants, rubbing against your belly as you leaned further in, mouth almost begging to have a taste of your favourite poison A thin line of sweat decorated your brow, as you closed your eyes, sinking into Jake's muttered words. "Mine. All mine." He mumbled in between sweet moans. Drunk on the feathery touch of your tongue on his skin, as it moved slowly, licking up all the sticky sweet substance, he didn't even notice that he was pressing your head further and further down. "J-Jake." "Shut up and go suck my cock right now." He commanded, making you whimper as you wiped off the chocolate from your mouth. You had never seen Jake like this before, eyes akin to a wolf filled with desperate hunger.
You quickly unbuttoned Jake's pants, hands fumbling as you did, while he looked on at your figure, all trembling. He loved seeing you like this, like a lamb going off to the slaughter house. It heightened his ego greatly, seeing his princess be so obedient towards him.
You pull his jeans down and mouth at his clothed dick. You began to suck the tip and run your tongue over the slit. You loved the taste of him in your mouth. He was heavy and warm. "Fuck your mouth feels so good." Jake moaned out, his hand resting on the top of your head. You take more into your mouth and you deep throat him. He touched the back of your throat before you looked at him to start fucking your face. He pulls out before slamming back in. He does this a few times as you sputter around him. You weren't expecting him to be so hard to take as he fucked your throat. He moved against your mouth as you sucked him for everything he had. You wanted him to cum in your mouth. He pressed deeper in your throat as you gripped his thighs in hopes of him letting up.
"Fucking hell, you are such a slut." Jake chuckles as he pulls out, to see your mouth coated in his cum. "Just for you." You pant, wiping your mouth with the towel Jake handed you. "Hmm" Jake groaned, moving slightly to make space for you to rest in his arms. "...'m love you princess." He mumbled as you drifted off into sleep.
"L/N Y/N you are in big trouble." Jake's puppy eyes appeared on the screen of your phone, as you picked up the call. "You know usually people greet their partners with a 'hey babe' or a 'i love you till death'." You giggled, moving on with your laundry. Thank god it was the holidays and your members weren't there to annoy you about Jake, you thought as you slammed the washing machine door close and returned to your boyfriend's angry face. "Y/N I swear to God-" Jake sighed, plopping into a chair, "Do you know how much my stylist scolded me today? And do you wanna know the reason why?" Although you already knew what was going to come out of Jake's mouth, you decided to play innocent, wanting to make him more angry. You did always love when he was angry.
"Why baby?" You pouted, widening your eyes and setting your phone down on the table, at a mischievous angle. "You know why princess." Jake's angry tone came through again, "For all the marks you left on my stomach yesterday? They wanted to put me in a crop top today like all the members but instead, because of you, I had to stay in a fucking jacket." "Hmm" you shrugged your shoulders, "sad." You spoke, before cutting the call abruptly. You giggled in response to nobody's joke as you hopped off of the kitchen counter and opened up the fridge to find something to eat, waiting eagerly for Jake to get back home.
Anger was an emotion which was a rarity for Jake. Even when he did get angry, it would usually be playful anger, with Niki or Jay. But somehow you managed to piss him off to his guts, and as he rode in the car, with Sunghoon side eyeing his furrowed face, he thought of all the ways he could punish you as soon as he got home and layed his hands on your body.
"Ah fuck it." You curse as you burn your toast, having left it on the stove for too long. You had wasted a lot of time admiring yourself in front of the mirror, tracing your eyes over the pretty bra you wore, one of Jake's favourites. And now, as you silently waited for your boyfriend to come home, fumbling with the straps of your bra, you wondered what he was going to do to you.
The keyhole clicked twice at the sound of a key being pushed in. You barely had time to get any words out of your mouth as Jake can stomping in, a dark expression clouding his face. There was little time to brace yourself for Jake's next move. You're pressed against the wall before you can protest, although you wouldn’t dare object to this.
“You love when I make you feel good, don’t you baby? Who’s my good girl?” And that’s what did it for you, your eyes rolled back and you tightened around his fingers, but Jake wasn’t taking just that response this evening. He put his fingers in your mouth, and he asked again with raised eyebrows, “What was that? Who’s my good girl?” His fingers lingered down to your throat, applying just enough pressure so that you could still talk. “Yours, only yours” you replied. He nibbled your ear, smirk still prevalent on his face. He whispered in your ear once more,
Jake grips the backs of your thighs and lifts you up, wedging your hips with his own, keeping you steady. A new hardness presses against your core as he juts his hips into you, pure instinct taking over his movements. His cock twitches in his jeans - he needs to watch his cock sink into you, to watch your face contort in bliss when he bottoms out in your pussy. The friction on your swelling clit was rough and warm, with Jake's cock perfectly nestled atop your drenched slit. Each rough push shot pleasure through your core, but it wasn’t enough for your aching cunt.
He moves the two of you to the couch and putting you on your hands and knees before pulling your pants down. He played with your thong before pulling them off too. His tongue goes straight into your little hole which causes you to scream. He tongue fucks you for a little bit before moving up to your clit. He sucks it into his mouth which has you pushing back on his mouth. Jake continues until you are almost there but he stops.
"No-Jake." You whine, jutting out your bottom lip. "You don't get to fucking cum until I say so, got it?" Jake growls, making you whimper and sink into the couch.
He presses his cock to your hole and presses inside. The stretch felt like it would never end. As he pressed in, you felt full already and he was not even half way in. You moan as Jake whispers about you being his whore and that he isn't going to let you go. He keeps fucking up into you with fever and the only thing you could do was to take it. You had no choice with how good he was fucking you.
"Oh, fuck yes," he groaned, totally entranced by the way your pussy warped with his size, swallowing his cock into your soft walls. He bucked his hips on instinct and struck you deeper. You cried softly against your hand, trying to quiet yourself when the tip of his cock pressed against your cervix.
With another set of thrusts you became undone around him, clenching down onto Jake's cock, letting out a high-pitched moan as your orgasm flowed through you. Jake hissed through his teeth at the warm, fluttering sensation, satisfied at your soft moans falling out of your slacked mouth.
"Attagirl, just keep goin'," Jake said sweetly, pulling and pushing your hips in the same rhythm as before. The overstimulation took you over and left you whimpering, sending soft pleas of slow down, it's too much, to your boyfriend.
Your sweet pussy clenched around him and he rubbed your clit as he bounced you up and down on his dick. You got closer and closer before you climaxed. It felt as if you were drowning. You could only scream as Sam doubled his efforts and you orgasmed again. "Jake please-I"
"One more princess, just one more," he says before thrusting harder. He thrusts one last time before spilling into you. His orgasm triggered yours and you squirted a lot onto his lap. He looked down and smiled at his achievement.
"You look so fucking hot right now," He said as he kissed your neck again. "Jake, I don't think I can go another round." "Don't worry sweetheart, I know you can." He said before circling your clit.
You arch your back as his fingers slip inside of you, along side his dick. He pulled out but left his fingers in. He played with the cum inside as he fucked you with his fingers. He wanted you to cum one last time. It didn't take long before you did and almost fainted in his arms.
Jake swooped you up carefully in his arms, and carried you to the bedroom, where he cleaned you up with a towel, before settling in beside you. You crawled upto him, wrapping your arms around his waist, stroking his abs, as you listened to his heartbeat.
"I'm sorry about the hickeys." You mumbled into his chest, too ashamed to show your face. Jake smiled warmly and stroked your hair, a complete contrast to what he was minutes ago. "it's alright." He kissed the top of your forehead, "Let's not pretend like I never gave you hickeys right before your Inkigayo stages." You chuckled weakly to his words, and buried yourself under the blankets, with the taste of chocolate forever lingering in your mouth.
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g-hughes · 4 months
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Small Fry - L. Hughes
hockey masterlist || g's graduation celebration
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synopsis: it's the middle of the night and you can't sleep, the only thing that can soothe it, is a late night run for chicken nuggets
word count: 709
warnings: pregnancy, cravings, fluff
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It was almost 2AM, and you were wide awake, staring at the ceiling. The windows were open, letting in the soft breeze that was rolling off the lake. Surprisingly, all the boys in the house had gone to bed somewhat early, tired and exhausted after a full day of boating and wake surfing. You had called it a night around 10PM, fully preparing to sleep like the dead after having a long day, however, the growing child in your stomach had other plans. 
You couldn’t sleep, your back ached and you were starving. You were at the point in your pregnancy where no matter what you did, your body ached and no matter how much you ate, you were still hungry. Whoever told you that the last trimester was full of bliss and wonder had lied to you. You had already ventured down stairs once to see if there was anything in the house that would satisfy your cravings, and you were sadly disappointed that amongst the very full fridge and pantry, not a single thing would suffice. 
You considered waking Luke, but you were hoping that the baby in your belly would stop kicking and you would just go back to sleep. He hadn’t moved a single inch despite your huffing, puffing and moving. But the curl haired boy next to you remained sprawled out, his lips parted as soft snores left his mouth. He looked peaceful with the slightest bit of a sunburn across his cheeks. 
You hated how he could just sleep so peacefully while you were being used as a personal punching bag. 
You huffed again, adjusting and sitting up higher in bed, crossing your arms over your growing belly. 
Luke must’ve sensed your unease, as he rolled over, slinging his arm over your belly, “Sleep,” he mumbled. 
"Can't," You sighed, and ran your hands through his curls.
"What's wrong?" Luke was now waking up, and looked up at you with his big blue eyes, "Baby okay?"
"No. I'm hungry, and fat," You said, and Luke sat up, looking at you, "I want nuggets."
"How did I guess," He smiled, and leaned up to kiss you. He pushed back the covers, and rolled out of bed. His pajama pants were slung low on his hips, and he grabbed a sweatshirt from the ground. He walked over to you, helping you out of bed and pulled you up, "Come on, mama. Let's go find you nuggets."
You were thankful that the McDonalds by the lake house was open 24-hours, and so was Luke. Mood swings hadn't been easy on you or him, and he was worried that if he got there and they were closed, it could be a long ride back home. Luke ended up ordering himself something too, and drove back to the lake house. He grabbed the bag of food as you waddled your way down to the dock, the moon high in the sky lighting the way.
The warm Michigan air felt good, as you happily ate away at your nuggets. You and Luke talked about names again, throwing around both girls and boys names since you had decided against knowing the gender.
"Luke," You asked your boyfriend, and he looked at you, "Can I have your fries? Don’t judge me, the baby’s hungry."
"The baby, huh?" Luke smirked, and handed you his fries, "What about. . . Arthur for a boy?"
"Like that bald rabbit from the kids show?"
"Okay guess that's a no. . . Thomas?"
"I like Thomas. For a girl, I still like Eleanor."
Luke smiled softly to himself, he liked the name too. In the back of his mind, he always wanted to name his child after his parents. They had given him everything, they had taught him the game of hockey, drove him all over for the sport and stood by his side during the good times and bad. His only fear was not being half the parent that they were. But as you told him over and over, as long as their child was happy, healthy and taken care of, they were doing their job correctly. 
And a couple months later when their baby girl, Luke knew right away that there was no better name than Caroline Eleanor Hughes.
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note: hi, yes, welcome to my hockey blog :) requests are open! and I hope to have a masterlist outline posted soon!
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pedgito · 2 years
hi! would u ever be comfortable writing about eddie's uncut cock? if not, it's totally fine. hope ur having a great day! <3
author’s note: funny you ask, because yes, absolutely. and look, i know people have varying opinions but let me be a whore in peace with my own nsfw headcanons, i don’t care what others think about eddie’s dick because this is just what sits in my brain. this was meant to be a small blurb so ignore the lack of form that i usually keep.
cw: 18+ (minors dni) obviously lots of dick talk what else do you expect, talks of self-exploration/masturbation, eddie dealing with some body issues pertaining to the topic in the ask, handjobs, oral (m receiving), i don’t apologize for any of this.
word count: 1.4k
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eddie doesn't realize how uncommon it is until the reactions become the same and frequent, eventually forcing eddie to hate any kind of sexual interaction outside of himself for a while—he knows it's not a big deal, but the judgey looks and offhanded comments about how weird it was didn't make him impenetrable. it was always there in the back of his mind.
but eddie has always been about self-exploration, maybe to an unhealthy degree as he got older, interacted with girls less, buried himself into hellfire club and his side business of dealing—he usually kept interaction to a minimum, which wasn't hard when most of the school despised him.
and he can't imagine how anything could be better, his dick laying heavy against his belly as his fingers dragged up under his balls, touching delicately, almost teasing in a way before he gripped himself forcefully, tugging down until the head peeks past the skin in all of it's glistening glory, precum smeared over the slit as he slides back up, squeezing the head between his thumb and forefinger under the foreskin.
he thought being this sensitive was normal, but he was proven wrong time and time again. he's learned over time and through a lot of experience how to hold himself back, squeeze himself at the base to keep himself from coming too early or letting go completely, occasionally trying the tactic of squeezing the head until the feeling fades, it works wonders, but still, it doesn’t prepare him for the real thing—he's embarrassed when he's coming in the hands of some beautiful girl he sat next to in english class at the beginning of his first senior year, only some unrhythmic strokes of her hand and her thumb rubbing over the head of his cock before he's there, spilling over her hand without warning.
and when he’s really eager and seeking the relief, he's quick, knowing just the ways to touch himself, how sensitive the head of his cock can get under the skin and he's there before he can even process, groaning through clenched teeth.
he meets you somewhere between the beginning of his hopefully last year of school and the few weeks before then end of '85—he doesn't understand how you came into his life, telling himself how he surely manifested you, that there's no possible way you were real.
regardless, eddie's is riddled with nerves the first time you touch him, making some off-handed comment about how not pretty his dick is, hoping it isn't a total deal breaker.
you can't help but look at him, eyes wide but your gaze scewed, confused on why any of that would matter. you can't remember the last time you've found that to be a dealbreaker.
when you finally get his pants down, sneaking your fingers into the waistband of his boxers until his dick springs free, you realize just how dramatic eddie was being about the whole thing, having been fed some idea that uncut dicks weren't as acceptable as the contrary and it's a shame, because if it isn't the prettiest dick you've ever seen, arguing his earlier statement with a quick quip that has eddie laughing through his nervous blush.
"eddie—i don't say this to too many guys, none actually," you glance up at him briefly before trailing your fingers along the hard ridge of his abdomen, barely grazing him, "your dick is very pretty."
"careful," eddie warns with a grin, teeth peeking through slightly, "you'll give me an ego."
eddie watches you wearily, your eyes taking in the full sight of him as your fingers wrap around the shaft, the soft velvety texture of his skin pressing against your palm and fingertips.
his thick, not so much that it's intimidating but he fills out your hand in the best way and somewhere between seven and eight inches, the head of his cock a deep pink that slightly contrast the softer shade of his skin and you're pulling the skin back to rub your thumb over the tip, earning a hiss from eddie in response.
"sensitive?" you ask teasingly, smiling at eddie's reaction before you repeat your previous movements, circling his head with a torturous pressure that has eddie gripping the pillowcase above his head, chin tilting down slightly against his chest to look at you, his eyes squeezing shut momentarily as the feeling becomes too much.
"okay, okay," he rushes out, "maybe ease up on that unless you want—want this to be over in the next five seconds."
he's right, so you relent, continuing the slow drag of your hand as you gauge his reactions, the easy glide that the skin creates until you're leaning forward to lick a stripe along the underside of his dick, tracing along the faint vein that ran there before you’re practically drooling over him, the mix of your spit and his own precome making it more overwhelming before you're closing your mouth over him completely, keeping the same pace of your hand as your mouth hollows out around the tip.
eddie feels like he might die, but he's fully accepting it.
"oh fuck—shit, that's so much better than—" eddie rambles mindlessly, "never—never had anyone suck my dick before."
which is a shame, because it's easily becoming your favorite thing.
"can't see how," you reply as your bottom lip drags along the ridge of his blushed tip, “but i guess that makes me lucky.”
“just—girls always looked at me strange, said it was weird,” eddie comments, “like i have any control over that, guess my parents have always been destined to fuck me over, even from birth.”
you laugh along with him, his rambling thoughts slipping past his lips and filling the quiet lull of the air.
you were so thankful eddie wasn’t the type to stay quiet, because while his sounds were torture, the way his voice cracked with every few words was even better. you let him talk as much as he pleased until he physically couldn’t, his fingers slipping over the top of your head and into your hair, squeezing lightly as your shifted your hand up, skin slipping back over the head as you pressed your tongue over the small glimpse of his slit that was still visible, moaning softly as he tugged a little harsher, mumbling something under his breath you couldn’t make out.
“can’t wait to have you inside me,” you confess, his eyes lighting up as they connected with yours, “don’t ever want you thinking anything negative about yourself again, either—it’s not true.”
eddie nods slightly, “fuck—can’t say stuff like that with my dick in your mouth, sweetheart.”
you prod further, breath ghosting over his dick as you spoke, “why?”
eddie groans quietly, speaking through gritted teeth, “really need you to stop unless you’re okay with me coming in your mouth—i’d hate—hate to do that without asking.”
your teeth drag along your bottom lip, biting at the skin briefly.
“is that you asking?” you giggle softly, stopping briefly with skin pulled back to take him into your fully and fast, earning a choked gasp from eddie.
eddie nods again, more needy, “uh huh—yes, yes—god, please—“ and it’s only a few seconds later that he’s spilling into your mouth, his own hand wrapping around his shaft to pump it quickly, swatting your own hand away, salty slick pooling over your tongue in spurts, the warm liquid wouldn’t be as enticing if it wasn’t for it being from eddie—and you wouldn’t dare let a man come in your mouth like this, but eddie had earned that right.
you pull back slowly, swallowing for show as eddie squeezed at his dick, thumb rubbing over the head tenderly as his body jerked slightly with aftershocks.
“i’ve never—“ eddie sighs heavily, catching his breath, “never came that hard, holy fuck. i’ve always been sensitive but jesus—“
“i guess that’s quite the perk then,” you tease, crawling back up the slowly until your clothes cunt is pressed over his slowly soften dick, “amongst others.”
“you sure it doesn’t gross you out?” eddie asks curiously, having been programmed to always think it does, needing to hear the words for reassurance.
you grind the soft fabric cover your hips over his cock, feeling the subtle pressure it applies and watching eddie wince from the overstimulation, chucking weakly.
“positive.” you smile, leaning forward to press a sweet kiss against his lips, quickly turned dirty from eddie’s obvious impatience, his tongue slipping into your mouth to taste a mix of you and himself, the tanginess strange but welcoming as you moaned into his mouth openly.
“about being inside you—“ eddie starts, speaking softly against your lips, “can i take you up on that?”
“i thought you’d never ask.”
and it’s safe to say that eddie never doubts himself again, learning just how beautiful every piece of him is.
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shinestarhwaa · 2 months
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"Babe, you can't sleep again huh?"
You shook your head and sighed after an hour of staring at the ceiling. "Well, I have noticed your insomnia lately so I created a lullaby."
You laughed and rolled your eyes. "Don't make a fool of me. I made it in my studio. I think it could really help." Finally you let him play the lullaby and like a miracle you fell asleep in minutes, listening to his music.
Around 2am he awakens from his sleep and notices you sitting up straight, staring into the void. "Baby?" He said carefully to avoid startling you. You look at him and apologize. "Sorry, can't sleep." He nodded and opened his arms.
You laid back down and nuzzles your face into his clothed chest, smelling like cotton and the flowery fabric softener. The smell and the caring embrace brought your mind to silence and to sleep in no time.
"What can I do?" He asked carefully when he noticed you haven't been able to get any sleep even though you'd been trying to for hours. "I honestly don't know, Yu," you said with a tremble in your voice.
Yunho hated seeing you so frustrated and the only thing he could do for you now is be there for you and try to relax you to sleep by singing and holding you.
"Baby?" Yeosang's voice echoed through the hall. His head peeked into the bathroom where you sat on the floor. "Sorry, hot flashes, I'm sweating my ass off."
"Come to bed, I've got the fan out," he said, pulling you up and kissing the top of your head. "I'll grab you some water and you can get some nice sleep."
San made sure to provide a mini fridge next to your bed with cold water this night because he had heard you getting out of bed for water every night for two weeks straight. But even tonight you left the bedroom and sat in the kitchen.
He got up and followed you, rubbing his eyes and asking you why you were up again. You told him about your insomnia and San pouted but listened well to your worries and stories. After you let everything out he took you in his arms, lifting you up and taking you to bed, where you laid on top of him in his embrace the entire night, drifting off into a peaceful slumber.
Mingi noticed you not being able to sleep so he stubbornly tried to stay up too. "Babee, close your eyes. It must work. Or count sheep or whatever."
"Mingi, if you're going to keep talking I definitely won't be able to sleep." "Don't I have a soothing voice?" "You're shouting baby." Mingi grinned and hugged you tight. "I'll just whisper in your ears now then." "Creep."
Wooyoung whined when he saw you scrolling on tiktok at 3am. "Babe put that phone down." "Oh sorry," you apologized, "does the light bother you? I'll go downstairs."
"No, you're putting that thing away. If you can't sleep and I can't sleep we might as well do something fun together." "Wooyoung I'm not gonna have sex with you I'm tired." "Well then let me touch you so you can relax. Sounds like a win-win situation to me."
He noticed you having sleeping issues for a while, and he tried to stay awake until you slept but it kept getting later and later. "Y/N, lay down, you need to relax and clear your mind so you can sleep."
"But I don't know how," you sighed as you rubbed your eyes. Jongho gently massaged your body to relax your muscles and soon enough you drifted off to dreamland in his embrace.
Taglist: @anyamaris @a-soft-hornytiny @whatudowhennooneseesyou @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @woosanbby @dreamlesswonder86 @changbinslovelylegs @jonghostie @lovjensoo @mjyungi @bratty-tingz @sugarnspice630 @stardragongalaxy @bro-atz @wisejudgedragonhairdo @mingisg00dgirl @vesvosmozhno @therealcuppicake @unholywriters @enbymingi @jjoongstar @igbylicious
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smoooothoperator · 3 months
What Was I Made For?
08: Technical Difficulties
Charles Leclerc x driver!OC (Dafne Morelli)
childhood enemies, forced proximity, accidental pregnancy, enemies to lovers
Warnings: angst, two idiots fighting again
a/n: Hiii, so, I had a little writers block but it's completly fiiinee.... I hope you guys llike this chapter! This week maybe you won't have a new chapter because this weekend I have a competition, so if you want to suggest things or even sending me some love I would appreciate it so much!
previous part | next part
If you want to be tagged don't forget to message me!
Every way of feedback is very welcomed
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Tuscany was a place that brought me inner peace, childhood memories, a sense of safety.
It reminds me of the summers I spent with my grandma, sneaking into the kitchen to watch her make homemade pasta and pizza. It reminds me of being free and knowing that here I am my own person, that I can be myself and not a racing driver. 
When my grandma passed away, she left this house for my sisters and I, leaving my mother with other properties, knowing how much this house meant for us and how many memories this place holds. Here we had first kisses, first love… Every inch of this house has our signature with small details: a wall piano where I used to sit with my dad to play it, a pottery jar my sister Soleil made, a painting made by my sister. 
This house is my place, my safe space, my sanctuary. 
And yet there he is, stepping into my space when no one asked him to be here, turning my life upside down as always with his selfishness. 
“You have to leave” I said firmly, placing a protective hand over my belly.
“I want to talk, Dafne… please” he sighed, not tearing his eyes away from my swollen belly, making me turn around and walk towards the couch I occupied before he showed up.
“There's nothing to talk about, Charles” I sighed. “You've done enough. Leave me alone”
“I won't” he frowned, following me, making me hug myself. “I won't leave. Not this time-”
“Can't you see that the only thing you do is ruining my life?” I snapped, turning around to face him. “Look at what you have done! This is your fault!”
“I know!” he exclaimed, making me clench my jaw. “I know! And I'm so sorry!”
“Saying sorry won't fix this” I frowned, pointing at my belly. “Saying sorry won't make me have my career back. Saying sorry won't make me hate you less”
He clenched his jaw, but never looked away. He stayed where he was, looking at me all the time, following me with his eyes.
“I'm not leaving until you hear me” he frowned, making me groan while I sat on the chair.
“You think you can just show up here and try to be in my life after everything you did? After the panic attacks, the harassment, the constant media hounding?” I frowned. “You made me lose a man I really wanted to be with. Sebastian is more man than you, he tried to put back the broken pieces of my heart after the disaster you made. And then I had to see his heart breaker when I told him that this baby wasn't his but yours. You have an idea of how much that hurts?”
His eyes filled with regret as he clenched his jaw, but I couldn't let myself feel sorry for him. I have to be strong. For me. And for this baby.
“I know I've made mistakes” he sighed, and before he talked again he took a few deep breaths closing his eyes. “But I'm here to make things right. I came to talk things and fix this”
“You can't fix this” I said, pointing between us, fighting the tears. “You can't just show up and expect things to be okay. It's too late”
“Please Dafne…” he begged, taking a few steps closer. “I'm not asking for forgiveness right now, I just… Just give me the chance to be here, for you. For our baby”
“Our baby” I repeated bitterly. “This isn't about you, Charles! The world doesn't turn around you! This time is about me and what I need. And what I need right now is to have you away from me”
He stayed silent, with his eyes moving from my belly to my eyes. For a moment, I thought he really was going to leave. I saw him close his eyes slowly and take a deep breath, I saw that tic he has in his jaw whenever he's nervous. For a few seconds I felt relieved, thinking he was going to turn around and walk out of the backyard.
“I'm not leaving” he said, opening his eyes again. “I'm going to stay until you believe that I mean what I said. Until you decide to fix things and speak”
“You are so stubborn!” I exclaimed, frustrated. “Why can't you just respect my wishes?”
“Because I care about you, okay?” he exclaimed back, raising up his arms. “Why do you think I came here? I waited patiently until you came back to the factory, but you never came. I was going crazy because you weren't giving signals if you were alive or not. You didn't even make a statement about you retiring!”
“Do you think that's easy?” I mumbled. “Why do you think I came here? Why do you think I didn't say anything? Because this is hard for me, Charles! You have an idea how embarrassing it is for me to say you can't race anymore because you are going to be a mother? Do yu have an idea of how many times I had to answer to multiple people that I wanted to focus on racing when they asked me about my future plans, about making a family?”
“I…” he sighed.
“You have it easy” I said pointing at him with my hand. “You can keep racing, you can have as many kids as you want, after all you won't have to carry them for nine months. But I have to carry this baby, Charles. I can't race anymore, my body won't be the same”
“And I'm sorry for that, it's my fault” he sighed.
“Yes, it is” I scoffed. “If there's one to blame here it's you. I did nothing wrong. Just because you decided to not use a condom and be drunk”
“You were drunk too” he tried to attack back, but he stopped looking at the floor. 
I stood up and turned around and hugged myself, looking at the sunset and taking a deep breath.
“You can stay the night” I said. “But I want you out of here before I wake up”
“No” I stopped him. “Right now you only bring me pain. If you want to fix things, go back in time and go to your hotel room instead of mine”
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Laying in bed, now more than ever, only brought memories.
The room that always has been mine changed all over the years. My grandma inherited this house from her father, who was something like the lord of the land. It's a big house, and when my mother had Erica and then me, she decided that she wanted to give us a room for ourselves, making my mother know that this building was also ours.
My room was decorated the moment my mother knew she was pregnant with me, and it started to get shape as I was getting older. The bed changed a few times, the shelves were full of books and plants, the wardrobe had summer clothes, the walls were filled with pictures of all the places I had been in my life. 
This room it's my sanctuary more than the house itself.
And knowing that Charles is at the other side of the door, as many other times, makes me want to stay here safe.
I heard him walking around the house like he owned it. After all, he spent many summers here, he knows where the things are here. I heard him walk in the kitchen downstairs, making something for dinner. I heard him sneeze and yawn.
He really won't leave.
I sat on the bed, rubbing my belly softly while looking out the window, taking deep breaths when I felt my cat walking towards me.
“What should I do?” I whispered, looking at my cat.
The day I found out I was pregnant wasn't the best day of my life. I had a crash that made me fall unconscious, I pushed away a man I knew I could fall in love with and be with him, I disappointed my parents.
I sighed, rubbing my belly softly, something I found myself doing more than I wanted. And somehow, I liked feeling it. I liked feeling that I was growing a human in me, it made me feel stronger than ever. If only this baby was from the man I love…
The door opened slowly, making me turn my head towards him. He had a hand on the handle and the other on the door frame, looking at me, watching how I had my sweater raised up so I could feel the skin of my stomach.
“Eh… I made dinner” he said, with his eyes fixed on me.
“Good for you. What do you want, pats on your back? A trophy?” I answered sarcastically.
“I want you to eat dinner” he frowned. 
“No, thank you. I won't eat something you made” I scoffed. “And I'm not hungry”
“Oh my God, can you stop?” he frowned. “I just want to apologize, make things right! And you make it very hard for me!”
“So? I think I made it pretty clear that I don't want to have you here” I frowned. 
“And what are you going to do, raise that kid alone? It's mine too, I have every right to be here” he groaned. 
“But I don't want you here!” I exclaimed. “I don't want to see you. I don't want to remember every second of the day that you are the father of this baby, that you are the one that made this!”
“Well, I'm sorry! Accidents happen!” he exclaimed, raising his arms.
“Exactly” I groaned. “This is an accident. But who will be the one that won't be damaged? You. I want you out of my life”
He clenched his jaw and looked at me, shaking his head. I just want him to leave me, is it that hard?
“You can't push everyone away, Dafne” he sighed. “You did that with Sebastian. And you always did it with me. I think it's time for us to act like adults”
“Get out of my room”
“Fine. But I won't leave this house until we talk” he said before closing my door.
“Asshole!” I screamed, grabbing a pillow and throwing it to the door. “I hate you!”
“Well, I don't!” 
I frowned looking at the door, hugging my stomach softly. 
What did he say?
“Whatever” I groaned, turning around on the bed and laying on my side, with my back facing the door. “Your dad is not good, you won't like him”
I swallowed thickly, looking out of the window and drawing circles on my belly with my nails. I'm hungry, the baby is hungry, but I won't give him the satisfaction of eating whatever he made, not even sharing the same room with him.
Charles might have been the first love of my life. But that was a stupid, childish and innocent crush. 
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My stomach growled in the middle of the night, making me groan and rub it softly. 
I'm hungry.
I sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed, rubbing my eyes while I put warm socks on my feet. I got up and wrapped my shoulders with a blanket, taking a deep breath before walking out of my room.
I expected the house to be cold, like always. But it was warm. Maybe he fired the fireplace and let it die before he went to sleep.
I went downstairs and sighed, wrapping the blanket tighter around me. The stairs were cold against my covered feet, making me shiver softly.
When I reached the last step I frowned, watching him. He was on the couch, an uncomfortable couch, hugging himself and with his head on a pillow. 
“Idiot” I whisper, looking at him.
He could have gone to the room he shed to sleep in with his brothers whenever they came. But he stayed here, for what? Waiting for me to come? 
I shook my head and walked towards the kitchen, sighing when I saw a plate on the counter. I sat on the chair and looked at it, biting my lip when I saw a sandwich on it. 
And not a simple sandwich. My favorite sandwich. 
“How the hell…” I frowned, turning around and looking at him.
How does he know that my favorite sandwich is the one that has tuna with mayo and ketchup? How? 
I sighed, eating it and groaning when I swallowed it. God, it's so good. 
“Is it good?”
I gasped softly, flinching. He's awake.
“Why are you sleeping on the couch? You have a room” I said, not turning.
“Just in case you walked downstairs” he sighed. “I know you, Dafne…”
“You know nothing about me, Leclerc” I frowned. 
“I know that you love eating” he said, standing in front of me at the other side of the table. “I know that for dinner you always need your comfort meal, and after that you always have cookies with milk. You have been doing that since we are little”
“Fuck off” I groaned, looking away.
“I know that you love peaches, but you are allergic to the peel” he continued. “That you love the chocolate of Cadbury, more specifically the Wispa bars”
I frown and look at him. How? How does he know that? Why? Who told him?
“I know you, Dafne” he repeated.
“No, Charles! You don't know me” I said tiredly. “If you did, none of the shit that is happening between us should have happened! If you did, you would understand why I hated every second of every fight we had. Why can't you accept that I want to be someone successful? Why can't you let me be and mind your own business?”
“And do you think it was easy for me?” he exclaimed. “Do you think it was easy for me watching you risk your life every time you got into your kart and now into the cars? I knew from the start that this sport was dangerous, and when I saw you for the first time in a kart I nearly had a heart attack!”
“You are being so selfish! This is my dream” I exclaimed, standing up.
“And I tried, every time I could, to make sure you left it” he said. “I tried to fight against you to make you hate it, to make you see that…”
“What? That I'm not made for this? That this is a sport for men?”
He swallowed thickly and looked away, walking towards the window of the kitchen, his back facing me.
“When Jules died I started to have nightmares nearly every night” he whispered. “Some nights his crash on Sakura was on repeat in my mind. And then other nights that crash was happening to you. Do you have an idea of what was going on in my mind when I realized that the one that was in the barriers in Abu Dhabi was you? Do you have an idea of how hard it was for me knowing that you were unconscious?”
“Charles” I frowned.
“Do you have an idea how hard I tried to keep you safe? Dafne, I-”
“No. Don't do this. You have no right. How dare you? Why are you like this? Why the hell you have been acting all our fucking life like a jerk with me, making me feel so little, and then you come here now to say what, that you love me?” I scoffed. 
But then he turned his head slowly, looking at me with those green eyes.
“No” I mumbled. “No. No, don't. Leave. Leave right now! I don't want to see you! Get the fuck out if my house!”
“No” I groaned. “You have no right”
He turned around to look at me but I just took a step back before he could reach me, walking out of the kitchen and going to the hall of the house to grab the key cars. 
If he doesn't want to leave, then I will.
Even if it's two in the morning.
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@racinggirl @elisysd @alltoomaples @ssprayberrythings @rach3164 @yvonne-dump @deliciousfestsalad @janeh22 @hc-dutch @ninifee1802 @kakorrhaphiphobia @ssararuffoni @itsjustkhaos @scaramou @tapedeck-hearts @apollosfavkiddo @sltwins @glitterquadricorn @ladystardust05 @theseerbetweenus @vizzzashley @auawdo @leah-also-known-as-creatoronwp @leptitlu @green-thots @catarinemirandax
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featki · 4 months
Can't sleep till I feel your touch !
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— pairing: 西村力 x reader — contains: uhh drunk niki idk — now playing: 一子青葉
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Riki loved to come home late and drunk, despite being in high school his friend's thought it was okay to get him drunk all the time.
Granted that wasn't even a concern of yours. You just hated how he came home in the middle of the night.
Falling into wall's, breaking stuff, not considering your beauty sleep. Not to mention he was a talkative drunk so often times he'd stumble into your room and start rambling on about something dumb.
Last week it was about how annoying our English teacher is, yesterday it was about how Jake beat him in the game they were playing, and today it was about how much he hated that you liked someone else.
"Riki what are you on about" You pressed as he sat Infront of you on your bed
He was looking up at you with genuine upset in his eyes "I hate him.. he's always so touchy with you" He slurred his words
"And he's not good for you either, he's dumb and ugly and he's short too... He does know you aren't into short guys right?" He continued on about a boy from your guys' school that you had mentioned having a crush on.
"I know you hate me, but I could" He hiccupped "I could treat you so much better, i proomiseee i couuuullddd if you just gave me the chance." He laid his head on your stomach, still slurring like a sleepy child.
"I don't hate you Riki" He looked up at that, slight hope in his eyes
"Then why don't you let me love you? Hmmmmmmm? I mean I know I act all mean and bully-like but I care about you, and your so dumb that you haven't even noticed how in love with you I am."
You didn't say anything, you couldn't.
He wrapped his arms around your torso "Why didn't you tell me"
"mmmm I don't know.. I was worried you wouldn't like me back. Considering how mean I am to you" His voice was starting to get quiet, like he was falling asleep.
You looked down at him and he looked back up at you "Can I kiss you?" Your eyes widened "Please?"
You questioned it, wondered if this was just the alcohol talking but with how pleading his eyes looked, you gave in and kissed him
His lips were soft, and he kissed you like he had been waiting ages for it.
After what felt like forever you pulled away. He pouted his lips then went back to leaning his head on you, mumbling a thank you and an "I love you so much" so quietly you would've missed it if you weren't looking at him
"I love you too, now let's get you to your room, okay?"
He rumbled, not liking that idea and said he wanted to sleep with you, you were worried he would regret this all by tomorrow, but he wasn't budging so you agreed to letting him sleep in your room, as long as he changed into some pj's first.
And within minutes of him laying his head in your neck, he fell asleep. He looked so peaceful, and for a split second you couldn't think of anything but his face. You fell asleep with him, hoping he won't take any of this back tomorrow.
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@ featki
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thewalkingthread · 11 months
"I've been thinking" - D.D.
pairing: daryl dixon x f!reader
summary: After witnessing how good Daryl takes care of Judith and RJ, you think it's about time y'all have one of your own.
warning: fluff
a/n: I love soft Daryl.
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You and Daryl had been through more than your fair share of hardships, having faced the trials of the apocalypse together. Your bond had only grown stronger over the years, and now, after the war in Commonwealth settled, you and your community found a place to call home. Despite the chaos of the world outside, you had finally had a semblance of peace and security among friends, new and old. Hell- you guys even had a dog now.
It was sunny today, Judith and RJ ran around on the street with some of the other kids. They screamed and hollered as they played tag, a heart melting smile spread across their faces. Just kids being kids.
You and Daryl sat on the front porch of your house with Dog. Daryl's crossbow rested against the wall as he sharpened the points of his arrows. You watched the kids, you had a smile that mirrored their contagious ones.
"You okay?" Daryl asked, his voice soft, he glanced at you briefly before he continued to work on his arrows.
You nod your head, your eyes still fixated on the kids. "I've been thinking,"
"That can't be good," Daryl scoffed, teasingly. You roll your eyes, reaching over and bumping his shoulder with your fist. "Bout wha?" He asks.
You shrug your shoulders, glancing down at the glass of water in your hands. "The future." You said simply.
Daryl looked up, curiosity evident in his stormy blue eyes. "The future, huh? What's on your mind?" He placed the arrow on the table, giving you his undivided attention.
"Well," You began, a faint blush coloring their cheeks, "I've been thinking about this for a while, but it never seemed like the right time. I mean these past few years have been so... crazy." You wince.
"But now, everything feels right. We're safe. Here, in commonwealth. The kids are safe here, we've got something good going. Something real." You hated saying it, knowing you felt the exact same way with the prison, with Alexandria. I don't think anywhere in this world would ever be safe, but here felt like it.
"We've been dealt some shitty cards. With Rick and Michonne gone, we've basically been given all their responsibility. I know we have to lead these people. I know we have to keep Jude and RJ safe. But I can't help but notice how great you are with Judith and RJ. You're a natural, Daryl. We take care of them like they're our own and-" Your voice trails off, losing the confidence to finish.
"Spit it out, woman." He grunts, staring into your eyes knowingly.
"I want to expand our family... Have one of our own?" You raise an eyebrow, "I wouldn't mind a little Dixon running around."
Daryl paused, his hands grasping yours. He looked at you with the softest eyes, his heart swelling with love and tenderness. "You serious?"
You nodded, your eyes never leaving his. "Yeah, Daryl. I am. I think we're ready. I mean you're obviously going to be one hell of a dad."
Daryl's rough exterior couldn't hide the softness that your words had brought out in him. He scooted closer to you, holding both of your hands tightly in his. "You really think that?"
You smiled, your love for Daryl shining in your eyes. You've been with Daryl from the beginning. Him and Merle found you alone in a convenient store the day everything went to shit. After months of pining over each other you finally bit the bullet at the prison and made it official. Though the two of you been through hell the past 10 years you're here, together.
"Absolutely. I've seen the way you protect and care for those kids, the way you take care of me. It makes my heart ache with how much I love you. We're building something here. I want to start a family with you."
Daryl leaned in, capturing your lips with a tender kiss. It felt just like it did the first time all those years ago. "I love you too, Y/N. Let's do it. We'll make it work, no matter what. Us against the world. The way it's always been."
His arms wrapped around your body and pulled your close to him.
"Are you two okay?" Judith's voice caused the two of you to pull away from each other. Her eyebrow was raised suspiciously at you two. You and Daryl both burst into a fit of chuckles.
"How would you feel helping Auntie Y/N out with a baby?" Daryl's voice was scuffed. Judith's eyes just about popped out as she jumped into y'alls lap.
"Yes, yes, yes!" She cheered. "About time!" She laughed. Dog barked, oblivious to what was happening but happy to see everyone happy.
You and Daryl exchanged amused glances. Deep down inside you both knew you'd be okay. Whatever happened next, you'd handle it together.
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slvttyharlow · 4 months
𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 craving his touch : jack harlow.
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script. after you and jack decide to keep your relationship a secret to the public, you try your hardest not to get caught but once you start to crave his touch, things start getting messy.
ratings. minors and ageless blogs do not interact! | sfw/nsfw, fem! black! actress! reader, fluff, public sex, unprotected sex, p in v + a lil dirty talk. wc. 1.6k.
director's note. i'm so excited to be posting this, first smut on this acc, a bit nervous but i hope you guys love it. will be going back to writing so i can put out more pics for y'all.
masterlist 𐙚 previous fic 𐙚 taglist
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"Girl, are you even listening?"
"Yes," you lied through your teeth. 
The award show you were at was the last thing on your mind; sure you were glad to be nominated for the best actress award and other categories but as much as you loved your friends company, you weren't sitting next to the one person that made you smile.
Jack and you decided it was best for the both of you to sit at separate tables so people didn't suspect that you two were a couple and now you were regretting that idea. 
You were missing his touch, if you were sitting together now, he probably would have had his hand caressing your thigh under the table while whispering sweet things to you. 
But instead he’s four tables away from you as he sat with his friends and they look deep in conversation so he probably wasn't feeling the same way. 
"Clearly, your mind is somewhere else. What's on your mind?" Solana, your best friend asked, snapping you out of your thoughts, slight worry placed on her face. 
"Nothing, just can't wait to reach home and lay in my bed," you spoke, biting your bottom lip nervously not sure if she was going to believe your lie. 
You hated lying to your best friend, one can only think how upset she will be once she finds out what you have been hiding from her. 
A secret relationship meant no one knowing about your relationship with Jack. It was your idea to start one as you didn't want the world in your business; with the shaderoom documenting every part of your life, you wanted to keep the peace of your love life. 
What if you and Jack don’t work out, the world would be in the front row seats, watching your relationship fail and you didn't want that.
Then sometimes the paparazzi and the fans won’t give celebrities a chance to enjoy their life so them not knowing gives the two of you a chance to enjoy your relationship in peace and quiet without anyone input which is another problem with being a celebrity.
Solana eyebrows furrowed together as she didn’t believe it but before she gets to open her mouth to rebuttal, an announcer starts speaking and you let out a relief sigh. 
“And the best actress award goes to…” they begun as they open the envelope. 
Your friends that surrounded you grab your hands, squeezing it tight and you smile heavy as you awaited for the response. 
“[First name, Last name]!” the announcer exclaimed as the audience cheered; your friends screaming in your ear while the shock displayed on your face.
You get up from your chair and make your way to the stage, eyes locking onto Jack's who had the widest smile on his face, making your face heat up. 
You walk up the stairs and hug the two announcers before accepting the award from them. "Oh my god, I can't believe this is happening!" you spoke in the mic, trying to calm your racing heart, taking slow breaths. 
"I'm so grateful to my fans, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you guys," you start as you look into the crowd. "Sometimes I be feeling they gas me up too much," you chuckle as the audience laugh. 
"I wanna thank my family for always believing in me, my wonderful friends that support me and show me so much love..." you continued and your eyes land on Jack's once again, you could see how proud he was in his eyes and smile. 
"I want to thank this special person that entered my life unexpectedly, they match my energy and just wanna say thanks for sticking with me," you exclaimed as you lock eye contact with him as he discreetly blows a kiss to you before you walk behind stage as the award show goes to commercials. 
You decided to head to the bathroom as you needed to collect yourself after that moment, you couldn't believe you actually won. 
You were so nervous being up on stage as you looked out into the audience, everyone staring at you while you made your speech but once you made eye contact with Jack, all the nervousness seem to wash away. 
You kept walking, almost thinking you were lost until all of a sudden, you feel a hand pull you into a room, your senses on high thinking your in danger but as your nose takes a whiff of a familiar cologne, you open your eyes, noticing you were in the bathroom and taking in the sight of your boyfriend standing in front of you, smiling heavy.
“Jack! What the hell?!” You fire out as you punch him in the chest before crossing your arms over your chest. “You frightened the shit outta me!”
“Ouch, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he says as he rubbed his chest. “I just wanted to be close to you.” 
“And congratulate you on your win, you deserve it,” Jack praised as a grin spread across your face as you hug him, taking in his cologne. “Thanks baby.” 
You hold onto him for a bit longer until you were finally able to break the hug. “I missed you too by the way, the whole show you were on my mind,” you admit as your eyes lock onto his lips before returning back to his eyes, Jack notices as he leans in and claimed your lips. 
A small moan escapes your mouth as your tongues dangled together, gripping each other tight — the two of you been anticipating a moment like this to get your hands on each other and you didn’t want it end so soon. 
“How about you lock the door and physically congratulate me?,” you smirked, pulling away from the kiss, pulling on his tie seductively. Jack flashes his famous smiles at you before locking the door and you pull up your dress revealing your bare pussy to him. 
“No panties? I think you planned for this exact moment,” Jack comment as he hoisted you up on the counter briefly before unbuckling his belt, pulling his pants and boxers down; immediately lining up his cock with your entrance with how wet you were, he would slide right in with no problem.
"Ahhh... Jack, please hurry..." you whined, a little impatient having to wait hours without his touch, plus you didn't know how long y'all had before someone wanted to use the bathroom. 
Jack nodded his head in response briefly before sliding into your throbbing hole. "Fuck..." he groaned, once he was all the way inside you, starting at a slow pace, gently moving his hips in and out.
Soft moans exit your mouth as you held onto him, he watches how his cock disappears and reappears even more wet than before. His grip on you becomes tighter as he changes the pace he’s going at, plunging in and out of you and you try so hard to hold back the moans that want to escape so it wouldn’t attract attention. 
You run your fingers through his hair before gripping on it softly as continues his torture on your cunt. “Shit…” you cursed under your breath, trying to catch your breath but every thrust knocks it back out of you. 
“You feel s’good babe,” he groaned as he felt your gummy walls tighten around his length, knowing you were close and he wasn’t far behind you. 
The thrill of getting caught excited Jack, he’s been wanting to show you out as his, scream to the rooftop of how he had an amazing girlfriend.
He focuses on making you feel every inch of him, loving the way you gripped on his hair, loving how your core sucked him in, his favorite sound coming out your mouth. 
“Jack… I’m coming…” you cried out as your cunt flutter around his cock as the coil in your stomach snaps. Jack gives you four more strokes before releasing his hot seed deep inside you, groaning as he intertwined his lips with yours as you rode your highs together. 
“Wow,” he spoke as the both of you try to catch your breathes. “Baby, I don’t think I can handle going back to sitting apart from you, how about we go home?” You offered with a smile, hoping he say yes. 
“Hm, can’t keep your hands off me, huh?” he taunt and you shove him playfully. “Oh shut up.”
“Yes we can go home but we got to be careful in not getting caught,” he chuckled as he set you down on your feet and you both fix yourselves as best as you could. 
“Ladies first,” Jack comments while you made sure your appearance was good and you smile, giving him a quick kiss on his lips before walking out the bathroom, giggling a bit of what the two of you had done. 
You walk outside the building onto the red carpet and quickly looked around seeing no one in sight, smiling from ear to ear as you made your way to your car, the driver opening your door for you. “Thank you,” you smiled at him as you get in the backseat.
Jack waited until after your car drove off to step outside, he was so eager to get home that he forgot to fix his hair and tie. He got into his car quickly, manspreading in the seat as he recalled what happened in the bathroom and he couldn’t wait to get home to start a round two. 
The two of you thought you were lucky enough not to get caught leaving the award show early but unknown to you two, there was a photographer outside that did caught a pic of the two of you leaving, thinking that the shaderoom and the rest of the world will want to know this information he came upon.
shaderoom posted two seconds ago: while celebrities were enjoying the award show, Jack Harlow and [Name] [Last name] were seen fleeing the scene, why did they leave so early, why didn’t they go to the after party and what happened to Jack’s appearance?
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comment section. @itsyagirljaz, @j0hkiya @harlowarchives, @bernelflo, @iheartharlow + @jackmans-poison.
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꒰ show has ended. — all rights reserved © harlowsthetic 2024. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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khuzena · 7 months
Just a coworker
Dr ratio x g/n!reader (i tried)
Part 1, Part 2
cw. angst, super slow burn, they eventually get tgt, hurf/comfort, jealousy brr, reader is unhinged, mentions of drugs, kinda cringe but who cares I've written worse, not proofread, dr ratio is a pussy
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A week passed and you got the jist of it, you were already done with the basics but everytime that man always found a reason to keep tutoring you.
You were grading some papers until you felt someone looming over you and snooping around your laptop.
“Do you really need to shout?”
You hid your laptop away from him as he pried for any more info, causing you to kick his leg.
“Who’re you talking to?”
“Why the hell would you care? Plus im grading some papers, you asshole”
You typed away as he didn't leave your side, just watching you input some values— damn one of your students got a 2/100? Might as well make them repeat a grade.
“Which idiot fails literature? More or less just essay writing?”
“Uh…”, you paused, your other hand getting your coffee and sipping on it, “An illiterate person?”
No other words were shared as you two just sat in silence, him staring at the grading sheet and you typing away on your keyboard.
It was a quiet day, peaceful even. If it weren't for a fight that broke out at the food court. You should mind your business, but your favourite student had been gravely injured; worry comes easy.
You ran to the student, one hand rested on his leg as it bled, “Hey, stay with me— breathe.”
Your student, Mike, had been buying some coke from some guy in your coworker’s class, turns out Mike got scammed and well, you did not know the full story to take any full action but the blood shed was enough to panic.
“Mike, Mike!”
You held him, you were not an expert at cpr or had any training on how to deal with that much bleeding or anything about dealing with concussions.
Shit, shit.
“We need a doctor!”
Despite your desperate yelling, none were brave to come forth to help, the others just recording or covering their eyes.
What were you supposed to do?
You held onto mike as the others tried to restrain the guy that hurt him, this was bad.
Until you saw Veritas buying some coffee at the new coffee shop from weeks ago.
“Hey you!”
Veritas does not flinch, he does not respond.
He groaned, about to run away yet you yelling his full name was enough to make him regret not buying earplugs prior to this incident.
He walked up to you and your student as he kneeled at the both of you’s level.
“What exactly happened?”
No matter how much he hates you and your guts, he still has a duty as a doctor.
“Some asshole beat him up, fuckin’ hell”
He doesn't say anything, before laying Mike down in a more comfortable position and getting a pill from his pocket.
“What's that?”
He forced open Mike's mouth and shoving down a pill.
“Isn't that a tad bit aggressive?” Mike was near choking as you patted his back and elevated his seating position.
“So it's better to airplane the pill in his mouth like he's 2 and let him die then?”
“That's not what I meant.” you sneered before some guys from the medical department ran to your side and took care of it.
Now you two were just standing behind the infirmary door and waiting for any update.
“I'm going to miss my class because of you.”
You laughed, the audacity of this man?
“Then go, I didn't ask you to stay.”
It's so hard to read this man when he has his alabaster head on, you can't even tell what he's thinking.
“You talk too much”
“You started it!”
“Just stop talking”
You peaked through the window and saw Mike unconscious on his bed, even though it wasn't your fault, it feels like it is…
You sighed as the nurse left the room, standing still before she spoke, “He's fine. It's good that you and Dr. Ratio was there.”
“Uhh yeah…”
You really didn't do much…
Veritas stayed silent as the nurse left, he's not one to like small talk.
“huff… huff… finally.”
You raised an eyebrow, before registering whose voice it was, your eyes lighting up.
“Whew… I had to end class early, I learned about what happened too late.”
“It's not your fault”
Amir sighed while leaning so ungodly close to you, before Veritas had some audacity left in him to make a comment, “Actually, it is.”, he really has no shame does he?
“I apologise.”
“Now you're just being rude.”
Veritas turned away, can't that man just leave you both alone?
“I don't care. It was both your student's that got into this mess.”
“I have over a hundred students, how could I monitor all of them?”
“Yet you still have to take responsibility for it. I can't believe you let it get to that level.”
“Then leave, if you're just gonna be rude then shut up.”
Amir's jaw hung when he heard you literally tell the Dr. Ratio himself to shut it, not even the people from the IPC would have this level of audacity. It was your last straw, you've already dealt with enough bullshit for the day.
Usually, he would have some snarky reply up in his sleeves but what's crazy is that he just walked away.
“Did you just—”
“I did.”
You were already about to go home as it was getting late, who knew having to shoulder the aftermath of that fight would be that tiring? No shit sherlock.
Peace and quiet, no one to bother you—
“You there.” that familiar voice echoing in the hallways as loud stomps were nearing your direction.
You spoke too soon. Why him of all people?
“You didn't come to today's tutoring session.”
You crossed your arms, looking up at him. Wow. He wasn't wearing his alabaster head? Can't say that it's new but the opportunity to stare at his face was a rare occurrence. But, he infuriates you too much that you'd rather kiss mud than oogle at him.
“What do you mean ‘and’? I was waiting for you.”
You eyed him up and down, he did look upset. But did he really think you'd have the energy to confront him, much less see him after what happened today?
“I told you I wouldn't be able to attend tutoring lessons as I have someone to tutor too”
“When did you say that?”
“Two days ago?”
He was baffled, utterly baffled. When did you say that? You must be lying. Despite his stone head obstructing you from any chance to see him right now, by his voice, he was fuming.
He crossed his arms, his right foot tapping aggressively, “I do not recall you saying that.”
“But I did.”, his eyebrows furrowed as you spoke with clear conviction, what do you mean you did?
“You should've told me.”
“I did.”
“Then— why are you being so difficult?”
“It's not me who's being difficult, why are you even mad?”
Like that, the words at the tip of his tongue vanished. Exactly, why was he so worked up?
“You're just using this as an excuse to not deal with the issue.”
You had enough of his bullshit. You started to walk the other way but he just couldn't leave you alone.
“And what if I am? Get lost.”
“We need to talk.”
You turned your heel and faced him, face red and hot then you pointed at him,
“About what? About how sure it's absolutely my fault about what happened today, I'm an idiot, I don't know anything!”
“Now you're just blowing the issue up into something completely different.”
“What else is there to say?”
He got silent, biting his lip under that stone head as his temper got the best of him.
“You really are an idiot.”
“Just leave me alone.”
There were no other words exchanged as you walked away, your footsteps getting more faint as a second, another one and another pass.
He shook his head at your outburst, you really were an idiot, incompetent and… whatever. At least now that blabbermouth always peering over his shoulder is gone.
As you walked home, you couldn't help but cry. There was nothing to cry over but it was too much. The heads berating you for not paying attention to your students, that a scandal like that could ruin the university— to hell with that shit, to hell with that university.
At least you felt safe, at home, with the company of your cats.
You hugged your cat, its fur getting wet as tears dripped, you were starting to taste the saline tears as it creeped into the corners of your lips.
Your phone rang with notifications from the doctor, Wait— how'd he even get your number? shit. But god won't he just leave you alone?
With a click, the notifications died down leaving only your quiet sniffles and your cat’s purr to be heard in the living room.
You didn't have any energy to eat, to hell with your health.
You turned off the lights and plopped into your bed, your cat joining you (yay) as the soft glow of the lamp illuminated the room.
You let out a yawn, turning the lights off but there was a call notification.
‘From Unknown Number’
You felt the urge to swipe and listen to what he had to say, but it's probably bullshit.
You fell asleep.
[From Unknown Number.]
:answer me.
:stop being so difficult and just give me 3 minutes.
:Are you there?
[99 more unread messages]
Time flies, three days flew by already yet it still feels like yesterday. You feel like shit, yeah the issue has been resolved, everything's fine but why did something just feel so wrong?
It was a good rest though, bless that lady who allowed you to have a few days off.
[From Unknown Number]
:I know you're seeing this.
:Stop acting like a child.
:Come on.
:You moron.
[231 more unread messages]
Phew, when you entered the faculty room, there was no Veritas in sight. Good, good.
You laid down your satchel on your desk and readied some stuff before heading out, making sure to check all hallways before you make a move; don't want to see the Doctor so early in the morning. (checking every hallway 24/7? What is this? Fnaf?!?)
Things were uncannily peaceful today, did he not come to work today? Or… Maybe you just got really lucky that you both did not cross paths for today.
“And,” you wrote diligently on the whiteboard, “That ends our discussion for today.”
The time ticked to 4:58 pm, you could already see some of your students pack their things.
“Any questions?”
They all shook their heads no as you finally dismissed them, oh how you missed being in your classroom despite being away for merely 3 days.
Today's a lucky day, no issues, no Veritas Ratio in sight.
“Hey __”
You jolted at the sudden call of your name, your head turning from the sound as you see Amir with a worried expression.
“Oh, Amir?”
So suddenly, he pulled you into a hug.
“What're you doin—”
“I was worried.”
“You were no contact with everyone for three days, we were all worried.”
You awkwardly laughed, Amir was a fine man, definitely not your type though. You squirmed away from his hold.
“Yeah, just needed a break”
“Oh, I see.”
He paused, “You good now?”, his tone laced with concern.
“Yeah, at least I think so.”
“That's good.”
Your best friend, he was not stupid. He was intuitive too, he eyed you like you were some sort of experiment and like with any experiment, he's made his hypothesis.
“You don't sound ‘good’”
“What do you mean?”
“Is this about Dr. Ratio?”
Bingo, right on the money. There was no use trying to lie to him, especially not after chuckling awkwardly when you got caught.
You nodded, confirming his guess, “Knew it.”
He was in deep thought as he tried to think of any and every possibility why.
“Are you guys dating or something?”
You choked on your own spit— him of all people? Is he out of his mind? At this point, the idea of getting with that socially inept man sounds like an insult.
“Are you trying to piss me off?”
“Calm down sponge bob squarepants, geez”
You groaned as he handed you a juice box. “Thanks,” you quietly muttered out.
It was 5 pm, by now, everyone's probably clocked out by now.
It's weird, a 5 pm where you don't get tutor lessons from him.
Whatever, food for thought.
As you left the faculty room, a small part in you wanted to catch a glimpse of him despite you trying to avoid him. Did you miss him? or was just not being alone at these hours too comforting?
He wasn't there. As expected.
The next day, you see Veritas, you two walk past each other, he did not spare you a glance.
Wind breezes through the both of you but you stood still as he kept walking to his class. How cold.
It was no use trying to confront him, atleast, not here.
For a second, your gaze softened but you quickly got back to your senses. This feeling was strange.
The bell rang and, as usual, everyone left. What a fulfilling job.
This week has been really quiet. Peaceful but something was missing. Your life was fun, not this mundane even before Veritas but a part of you looks for him. No no, you were just being insane or something.
The faculty room door slid open, then, just as you wished would never happen (oh really?) Veritas was at you guys’ usual tutoring spot.
You wanted to run but your bag was there. Mustering up the courage, you tiptoed and grabbed your satchel, it felt like playing a horror game with how stealthy you were trying to be.
Your pen fell, hopefully it didn't catch his attention.
Just as you were about to go grab it, he took it and handed it to you.
You gulped and took the pen, wanting to run but you froze on the spot.
“You look stupid trying to act stealthy.”
You didn't reply, only gulping nervously as you stayed still.
“What? Say something.”
Truth is, you had nothing to say.
“Sigh, you really like making things so difficult, don't you?”
He doesn't stop you from leaving, but maybe it was you stopping yourself from leaving.
An awkward silence ensued, it was getting annoying, for him, atleast.
“Aren't you going to leave?”
You don't say anything, just standing still, again.
“Answer me.”
Why did you enter the room?
“...” Veritas walked up to you, his codex not in hand as leaned closer.
“Give me 3 minutes.”
He raised your chin with a finger, face unreadable despite his alabaster head gone. It's the third or fourth? You've lost count how many times you saw his real face. Your memory was shit.
“I just want to talk about how…”
He bit his lip, yet his eyes remained fixed on your blank expression.
“That I want to apologise for my behaviour last week.”
That same old silence, he couldn't find the right words, he doesn't know how to say sorry.
Did he stutter? That's odd; very.
“I…” His eyes leave yours, he's practised saying it but it's the hardest thing he'll ever have to do, “I'm…”
Curious eyes gaze into his conflicted ones. Can he even say it?
“So…” sorry.
“I'm sorry.”
You stare at him with shock, did he just apologise?
“Did I hear that right?”
“God damn it.”
He pulled away and walked away to his desk but you followed him, “Hey, did you mean it?”
“Why wouldn't I?”
He knew you'd react like this, he expected you to laugh, mock him or anything but you just look at him with a look of shock—
“I see.”
—And somewhat relieved of what he said.
“I'm sorry too.” He was envious of how easily you spoke those words, you were no genius, yet you were better than him at apologising.
“I shouldn't uh—”
“I just want to say that—”
You cleared your throat, licking your lips in anxiety, “You go first”
“No you—”
“No, you.”
He hung his head low, before looking in your direction.
“It was uncalled for me to treat you and that man that way.”
“I'm listening.”
“I didn't take into account that you both were probably stressed from the situation and…”
He couldn't find the words, nothing was new to him. Complex maths? Easy. Medicine? Easy. Philosophy? Done. History? Is this a joke? He knows everything!
Other than one thing.
“I'm sorry.”
His words brought you immense relief, it was your turn to speak. For the first time, you can read his face. He looked pitiful. Did he not get enough sleep lately?
“I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have lashed out on you.”
How could you just have the knack to be so… Human? That, he couldn't understand. Being genuine, felt new.
“I understand.”
“What now?”
He fixed his books on the shelf, the ones he wanted to share with you.
“I dont know.”
“I thought you knew everything?”
He rolled his eyes as you teased him for it, he shouldn't have apologised.
“Stop talking, and also.”
He handed you some wipes, what was it for?
“Your hand,” you looked down at your dominant hand, seeing whiteboard marker creases, “Clean it up.”
“Oh okay.”
You wiped the stains off, but you wondered how perceptive he was. You didn't even notice it yourself.
“How's the tutor lesson with your student?”
Ah, that guy. It's been long since you've finished tutoring him with the basics.
“Went smoothly, he passed his exam”
He hummed, he finished tidying up his desk, good that you listened to his lectures.
“What did you teach him?”
“Until just page 25”
But you studied the entire book with him, if you just needed help with just page 25, the tutor session would've only taken a week.
“Did you just keep going to the tutor sessions to see me?”
“Maybe, maybe not”
A soft smile creeped up in your face as you saw him short circuit for a bit before regaining his senses.
“You jest”
“I do not.”
“So… When's the next session?”
“At my place, tonight. It's getting late.”
Oh? At his place? What a bold offer—
“Just reviewing?”
“Just reviewing.”
You laughed as he rolled his eyes, the two of you leaving the faculty room.
“Under one condition.”
You raised an eyebrow, what was he asking for now?
“A date.”
“Do I have to repeat myself?”
You choked on your spit, that's absurd— god.
“No, I heard you. Fine.”
“Agreeing that easily?”
“Do you want me to refuse?” He was starting to get cocky, might as well drag him back down to earth.
“No, you still need to learn more about Quantum Mechanics.”
Veritas pulled you close to him as you both walked the sidewalk, isn't he such a gentleman?
“The tab's on you?” no way were you paying the tab, he better pay it.
He scoffed, he could feel you hold onto his arm as he made sure you were on the right side of the lane to protect you of some sort.
“Whatever, you moron. Hurry up, we still have so much to review.”
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A/N: its so bad wtf😭😭😭😢
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earl-grey-teacake · 4 months
i am so in love with the baby AU like omg you are THE BEST❤️❤️ Can you explain how the babies are reacting to the other drivers? (like how would oscar react if max pick him up etc.) i’m going to support this fic and your upcoming works too!! sending you much hugs🫶🩷
Thank you so much!!! I’m so happy you enjoy it!!!❤️❤️❤️ I can absolutely explain!
I gave brief overviews, I can absolutely go in-depth if you want me to. Just shoot me an ask! 😊
Max Verstappen
Logan and Oscar is very chill around Max. Max gives fun uncle vibes and honestly, he’s ecstatic about being an uncle. It’s like being a parent without all the responsibility and obligations of being a parent. He’s the kind of uncle that takes them on hot laps and throws them in the air much to the chagrin of their parents.
When they both start karting, he is the most competitive guest they ever invited. Like sure the parents are competitive, but Max is there for support and pulling Logan aside to tell him it's okay to send the kid that tried hit him in practice into the barrier to "teach them a lesson".
Checo Perez
They both like him. He doesn’t interact with them a lot but if they were in need of a babysitter, Checo is on the list. He’s responsible, listens to them babble on and on because that’s what he does with Max, and remember to feed them healthy food.
Charles Leclerc
Charles is great with kid. He loves kids.
Logan likes Charles a lot. He finds Charles really funny and in turn, Charles bribes Logan with vanilla ice cream and lets him play with Leo. He also dresses Logan up in either Ferrari merch or his own stuff to take photos and mess with the others. He also bought a Ferrari stroller to take Logan and Oscar around Monaco in. He is committed to turning them into Ferrari fans because everybody is a Ferrari fan.
Oscar is a little bit difficult to get into Ferrari merch. He is devoted to papaya and will squirm as they try to put a red t-shirt on him. Charles will sometimes pick him up from Lando's and Carlos's place in Monaco just to hand out with him. He can be seen walking Leo and pushing a Ferrari stroller on his way to lunch.
Fernando Alonso
Alonso is great with kids. He has a lot of energy which freaked Logan out at first but he quickly became a favorite. Fernando will put Logan up to things to scare his parents, mainly George. He’s convinced Logan to tell his parents and their team that Aston Martin is his favorite team and went as far as to train Logan to cheer when the Aston Martin appear on screen.
Oscar finds him annoying but Alonso finds Oscar hilarious. He's onboard for the Alpine hate. He finds Oscar silence funny and likes to mess with him to get a response. Oscar's response is a frustrated yell and bats his arms at Alonso.
Lewis Hamilton
Both children are in awe and a little bit of fear. Lewis has a vibe around him that seems otherworldly and the kids recognize it. He’s very fun to be around and he gets them a lot of snacks so they are always on their best behavior around him. Logan is constantly being held by him and Lewis holds full on conversations as Logan babbles and points. Oscar is silent the entire time he is held by Lewis, thought whether it is because of anxiety or because he's naturally silent, one cannot tell.
Lance Stroll
In one word, STRESSED. This man is stressed out at the idea of taking care of children and the children are both stressed out by him and for him. If one of them cries all three of them are crying. However, when they aren’t stressed out, Lance is the one who gives the most treats. Candy, cookies, expensive fruit, whatever they want. They are most peaceful when they are sat in a circle together sharing a box of cookies.
Yuki Tsunoda
Weirded out by babies. The can't walk on their own, have to be held, eat only pureed food- Yuki is not a fan. Is one of those people who just cannot hold babies. He sort of dangles them as they wiggle around. An unpleasant situation for both of them. The children, when they were younger were not a fan of being held by him.
He does however, enjoy their company when they are older and can eat solid food. He is committed to having them try a lot of different foods and they love the fact they get different foods all the time. It's really hard to live on a diet of only British food.
Daniel Ricciardo
This man is a child at heart. The kids find him hilarious and Daniel finds them incredibly amusing. He loves messing with Oscar by showing him clips of Alpine. He drives them around in his sports cars, takes them to petting zoos, overall fun uncle vibes.
Logan loves being around him. At first, he was really shy and Daniel's outgoing-ness only seemed to spook him but he warmed up after that. Oscar also finds him very funny but is very reactive to the Alpine clips.
Valtteri Bottas
Valtteri is great with the kid. They find Valterri incredibly amusing and funny. He's also the kind of person who would throw the kids in the air and catch them.
He is closer to Logan simply because of his proximity to Mercedes and Lewis. Logan sees him as one of the fun uncles in comparison to Lewis, who is more calm and reserved.
Zhou Guanyu
Oscar and Zhou get along very well. Both are very quiet and are content just being there. When spending time with him, Oscar is silently doing his thing while Zhou does his own stuff. It's a very compatible relationship.
Logan on the other hand, requires a bit more stimuli. He's easily entertained by videos of Zhou's cat, Sweetcorn. Logan loves animals put he can't have his own pet with al the traveling and they don't visit the UK a lot so Logan is very excited to see Zhou's cat, who is absolutely adorable.
***I am grouping them together since the response is very similar. I also find them to be much mellower people (with the exception of Alpine).
Nico Hulkenberg and Kevin Magnussen
Both of the kids interact very little with the Haas drivers. Both the drivers are also responsible parents so they interaction that they have had are always positive.
Logan has been mistaken to be their kid before. He's a blonde and green-eyed, he looks more like one of the Haas kids then Alex and George's.
Esteban Ocon and Pierre Gasly
Oscar is not a fan of both of them due to them being Alpine drivers. If they come to Oscar in non-Alpine clothes Oscar is fairly chill but since they are usually wearing their team kit, Oscar goes into a full-blown meltdown. We're talking screaming, crying, hiding behind Andrea and Zak as if the Alpine is going to come alive and eat him.
Logan doesn't interact with the drivers outside races and a majority of the time, his interactions are heavily influenced by Oscar's freak out. Oscar, in all his protectiveness, will not let Logan be near them lest his best friend be harmed.
Logan's one interaction outside of the paddock and without Logan was when Alex was invited to a Redbull event with the current and former drivers. George had refused to go on principle seeing as he called them out for their treatment of Alex and the fact he raced for one of their rivals. Logan was sat next to Pierre at the dinner where he was fed different types of cheeses the whole time because they wanted to his reactions. He also found out he is not a big fan of chevre cheese.
Thank you so much for the ask! I hope you like it.❤️
Sending hugs🥰 Please feel free to send more asks❤️
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