#can't wait for next manga chapter
mythicalartistx · 8 months
Offering Dark Repliku:
The Repliku from the real organization thirteen
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 5 months
Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 98... You have been warned...! 👌
This chapter literally broke me in more ways than one...
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This chapter is a continuation of Martha and Henderson's backstory from Mission 97, so let's talk about it shall we...?
So when I opened this chapter and saw a radio...:
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...I literally got PTSD from seeing it because it immediately made me think of the first part of Mission 62, Twilight's (or rather [REDACTED]'s) past, so I knew that things were about to take a turn for the worst...! 😔
On the same page, Martha asks Henderson what he's doing here and he tells her that there's a personnel shortage, so he got to graduate early. Then, Henderson turns off the radio and says this:
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This is just... It's so sad, but true that things, like radios, that were once made for helping others can easily be used to spread hatred and cause harm... It's just not right... 😞
Moving on, after being separated for so long, Martha and Henderson were able to have another tea party like they used to have, but it wasn't long before things started to take a turn... During a school safety drill, Martha asks Henderson if he's excused from being drafted, and he tells her...:
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"It may be that even education is powerless now."... 😟
Hearing Henderson say that hurts my soul... But nothing could prepare me for the next few pages...
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Why... Why do things like this have to happen... 😣
No, things like this SHOULDN'T happen...! Innocent people dying because of senseless violence, because of war, it's just not right nor is it fair...! And I will always stand by that...!!
Continuing on, Henderson finds out that Martha is volunteering for The Women's Defense Auxiliary and he's upset by this. She tells him that the ballet company she was a part of is going to disband and her dream will go with it, so he scolds her again and she tells him this:
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My heart hurts just seeing the anguish in face and in her words...!! 💔
And the heart break continues because Martha overhears that Henderson is going to be married off and she is devastated... But while in tears, she overhears that the dance is coming again, so this is her last chance to tell him how she feels...!
At the dance, Martha approaches Henderson:
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Martha looks so cute here...!! 💗 I was so excited to see them dance together, that when I turned the page, something unexpected happened... I started to cry...:
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Seeing them happy, even though just for this moment, it reminded me why I love Spy X Family so much... It's for these moments, the moments that most of S×F's cast is fighting for, the moments that we all should strive for...!! There are just so many bad things going on in the world that it makes wish that moments like these could be the norm for all instead of some...!! I just don't understand why must there be so much hatred and malice in the world... Why can't we all live in peace instead of conflict...
Gosh, I'm even crying now just writing all of that... I should probably start to wrap this up...!
So, just as Martha is about to confess to Henderson, this happens...:
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...and the chapter ends... 💔😭💔
And that was Mission 98; truly such a heartwreching chapter to read, just like Mission 62 was...
I don't even know what else to say except thank you to Endo... Thank you for making this manga, for getting me feel all of these feelings, for giving me the opportunity to share these feelings with everyone that loves this series as much as I do...!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart...!! 💗
And thank you to all of you that reads this post...!! There's a lot of things that I wish that I could do to make the world a better place, but if this post inspires you in anyway, that's good enough for me...!! 💗
Sorry for rambling, but anyway... Until the next Mission; take care, be safe out there and thank you for reading...!! 🤗 Later!! 💗
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reneedraws06 · 8 months
Kingdom hearts 3 manga poapu scene
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Look at how happy riku is for his friends!!
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It's so cute!!!!
Ps: Came from @corfidbizna
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cocktailjjrs · 4 months
How does a Action-Comedy Manga has such a pure, heartfelt and at the same time tragic and heartbreaking love stories.... It's something so wholesome...
Spy x Family is soooo...
Because at some point or the other, we understand what's going on with Martha or Henry -
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Even in today's age we struggle to express our feelings freely, we chicken out at the last moment and then keep thinking back to what-ifs. Let alone doing so in a war-ridden world.
We can relate to Martha...
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And there's this situation....
It's always difficult to keep in touch with someone who is even a city away... Distance is the biggest enemy of any relationship - platonic or romantic.
War changes a person, i think we've seen it so many times in the history...
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It broke my heart when i read this😭
On a side note, if being pessimist was a person, it would be him -
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Because while i understand where this narration is coming from... This simply can't be the only outlook of everyone in the world... If it was, this world might have burned to the ground ages ago.
But it also seems that kids seen some shit to turn out to be the man he is today... And honestly i can't wait for his back story too... because the question comes, is it a generational trauma that got him? Is it the war-ridden society? How did the situation get more fucked up, leading upto experimenting on humans?
All that shit... it just went down the hill from this...
Any ways, i was downright crying by the end of the chapter. Knowing Henry tried to move on, thinking Martha was never coming back... Only for Martha to be out there near the east-west border...
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That's angst right there...
It's said -
That those who die, just pass away. It's those who survive, suffer...
And isn't that true...
How did we end up here again?
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c0zyrainfall · 4 months
Endo is so funny 😂
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iris-nonsense · 2 months
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Look who doesn't feel anything
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paintsplash1712 · 4 months
Am I the only one who likes Izuku's new hairstyle? I feel like people are really hating on it but I think he looks awesome
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mettywiththenotes · 1 year
I've seen the theories about Bakugou having OFA now and I'm not sure if he has it (since it hasn't been shown yet), but if he does, I'd say it's because Vestige All Might sacrificed himself, as in gave up his own place in OFA, to let Bakugou live again. Gave him a bit of OFA's power to get up and fight. I think that would explain why Vestige All Might suddenly disappeared
Even if Bakugou doesn't have OFA, there was probably some kind of sacrifice on Vestige All Might's end in order to bring him back anyway
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anemoneirissidera · 1 year
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fan-of-chaos · 11 months
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1singulargrape · 5 months
I'm going to throw up. My favorite jjk characters, and it's list I decided on and locked months ago, were, in no particular order,
AND NOW YOU'RE TELLING ME. YOU'RE TELLING ME. YOU ARE- *heavy sobs interjected with maniacal laughter*
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mazojo · 11 months
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The way BSD rewires my brain chemistry every time even though I know what will happen
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plusultraetc · 4 months
423 spoilers in the tags <3
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kitkatnerds3 · 1 year
So many things! So much information! So much angst! So many beautiful visuals! I am going to just be describing so much stuff so be warned.
Ok, let's start from the beginning, you've got Aya throwing herself off the roof, and as I assumed it would, the plan works! The sword is out! And Bram has A FUCKING BODY???!!! WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT PART FOR SOME REASON! HE LOOKS SO LONG! And Aya is safe! Asagiri decided to put his hatred of children to the side for once and let her live!
But while he may have let Aya live he didn't let certain other people live. And so with that flawless segway let's go over to Meursault!
Yeah so FYODOR IS FUCKING DEAD. I am willing to believe he'll come back and will talk about how i think that'll happen on a different post but for right now HOLY SHIT HE'S DEAD!
So the scene starts with him walking outta prison with a gay little walk to meet Nikolai and they do their gay little thing, truly there is nothing more romantic then telling someone you'll kill them. And as Fyodor walks to the helicopter he drops a bit of lore that NO ONE ELSE HAS TALKED ABOUT! he said that Dazai was his first challenge since "him". WHO THE FUCK IS HIM???? The only person i can think of that coupd possibly fit the ridiculous genius role is Shibusawa, and it cant be him! Bones has visuals of Shibu they would've flashed a shot of him if it was him, and also that doesn't make sense character wise. This is Fyodor backstory information!
And speaking of, or at least slightly mentioning Dazai. THE BOI AIN'T DEAD! FYODOR CANT KILL HIM HE'S GONNA BE HERE AT THE END OF THE WORLD ALONG WITH COCKROACHES AND TWINKIES! And guess what else? CHUUYA ISNT A VAMPIRE! AND HE NEVER WAS ONE! BRO WAS ACTING! Tachihara is gonna have to relinquish his medal as best actor because Chuuya was spot on! Chuuya also has the vampire fangs still glued to his teeth from when Mori apparently put them there. Lol.
But back to seriousness, Dazai did a little speech about how Fyodor lost because he doesn't trust anyone and then they kill Fyodor by having the helicopter fly into the wall! Fyodor's last words were also from the Bible and according to what others have said they mean something along the lines of "oh god, oh god, why have you forsaken me", I don't think this line has much to do with lore besides like, religious Bible symbolism, but I have seen people theorize that Fyodor's gonna pull a Jesus and rise from the dead in three days! And seeing as I do think that this isn't the last we'll see of him, that could be true!
But now for the most important part of this section, at the cost of Fyodor's life Fyolai is now 100% canon! Some of the most delicious diversity wins are the ones that feel like losses at the same time. To elaborate more, after Fyodor dies the only part left of him is his arm and so Dazai picks it up and gives it to Nikolai say "Aren't you happy you killed him?" Which... technically he didn't kill him but I guess it sorta counts since it was part of the game, anyways, so Nikolai takes the arm and just cradles it to his chest,, so gently,, and says that Fyodor was the only person to ever understand him and that he is actually very sad now that he's dead, it's said much better in the episode I'm not good at dialog, and he just goes over to the wreckage and holds the severed arm of his one and only friend to his face and it's so sad, so gruesome yet so sweet, how tragic, how them.
Oh, and also Sigma is fucking dead apparently. I don't believe this because a good half of my theories are formed on a 'that wouldn't narratively make sense' basis, and by God would that not make sense narratively! And so I'm certain that Sigma is fine, we'll probably find out more about what actually happens in the manga, maybe he'll be in a coma until they need him to reveal the Fyodor back story, because they WILL be giving a Fyodor back story, he's done too much for his affect on the plot to just end now. I have a theory on how he might come back that I'll write later.
Onto a different topic, it's time for OLD MAN YAOI!
Holy shit the old man yaoi was so genuinely devastating. They cared about eachother so much! They CARE about eachother so much! The flower petals! The LITERALLY INSANE AMOUNT OF FLOWER PETALS!
Ok so, Fukuzawa reveals that he's not dead and was just waiting for the right opportunity to strike, and so he finds it and he goes at Fukuchi, they do a fight Fukuzawa gets the One Order and the nukes are deactivated! But wait, Fukuchi runs at him again, Fukuzawa slashes his sword-! But wait! Fukuchi is... smiling? Fukuzawa is now regretting his swing but it's too late to pull back now and so it slashes through his old friends throat, after he does this Poe's book falls out and they both get sucked in, leading me to be kinda confused because I thought you had to actually read it in order to be sucked in? But whatever it's not important.
So in the book Poe has written a couple scenes from Fukufuku's childhood, I assume Ranpo must have told him about the memories, or maybe him and Fukuzawa did some son and father in law bonding where Fukuzawa told him the stuff. Anyways, now the old Fukufuku are having a conversation as the young Fukufuku are just sword fighting, goofing around and being FRIENDS! AUGH! They used to be such close friends! And just, watching them being happy in the past was truly so sweet and devastating, why oh why did it have to end this way!
Now, along with the sad shit that's happening we're also getting some big lore! It turns out that the reason why Fukuchi was doing all of this was because he had gotten a message from the future that there would be a huge war that kills thousands of people, and that he did this as a sort of sacrifice a few for the many thing. And, another big gay and big lore thing, Fukuchi never actually intended to be the commander of the Army of Mankind, he wanted Fukuzawa to command it because he thought that Fukuzawa was so good he couldn't be corrupted by that amount of power. Holy fuck that was so gay! He is so in love! He cares about and thinks so much of Fukuzawa I wish things could turn out different so badly! Like, Fukuchi still kinda sucks (<- just remembered the whole Jouno situation), but he didn't use to suck and if the situation was different he might not have sucked now! The old man yaoi is so tragic! Fuck!
And so Fukuchi asks Fukuzawa to kill him, and Fukuzawa agrees, but when it finally comes down to it, he can't. Fukuzawa has always cared for the one more then he's cared for the many, and even if it would be for the best he just can't bring himself to kill his best friend. And then comes Teruko with a steel chair stabbing Fukuchi in the back! OK seriously now, Teruko comes in and stabs Fukuchi, it seems that its because he asked her to do so as she is quite upset about it, she hands the sword to Fukuzawa and proceeds to turn away,not wanting to look at them anymore, and Fukuchi crumples into Fukuzawa's arms and he holds him as be takes his final breaths, and as Fukuchi takes his final breath Fukuzawa starts Crying! Like full on screaming ans sobbing! Out of every duo I was not expecting Fukufuku to be the one to get the 'crying as you hold your dead partner in you arms' troup, but I'm not complaining! This was devastating.
One final bit about Fukufuku, it is honestly kinda funny how much Bones clearly adores their relationship. They get all the best animation and a whole new artstyle/coloring pallet just fir their scenes! As we've said before, Bones really like their old man yaoi.
And now we get to everyone else, such as SSKK! The neck bite was fine, it wasn't slow and sensual but I think it made up for it by being kinky as heck! Like, look me in the eyes and tell me that wasn't kinky. Atsushi sure seemed to think it was! Other characters include, Juni and Kunikida! They're awake now! They're alright! And so is Ranpo! Kenji and Tecchou are up! My boys! We unfortunately will not get an angsty Suegiku vampire reunion it seems, but its fine, i guess. (<- it's not fine but whatever, it is what it is, I just hope there is some angst when they do meet up again, didnt Asagiri say he wantedto further exoand their relationship?) And of course the most important characters to show up in the outro, LUCY AND KYOUKA! THE GIRLS ARE HERE! WHERE THE FUCK HAVE THEY BEEN! and where's Yosano??? They just, didn't include her at all where is she????
And finally, the two hour time skip.
WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!??!
The airport is on fire?! A floaty gid-lookin guy that looks like Fukuchi is fighting sskk?! AKUTAGAWA HAS A NEW OUTFIT!? My boy got rid of his coat and his Victorian vampire aesthetic and decide to go even further back in time by doing a knights outfit! He has a little eye guard thingy! It's both very stupid and very cool looking and the most important thing is that he's PRETTY! BONES DID IT! THEY FINALLY LET AKU SMILE AND BE PRETTY! THANK FUCK! And when I say they made him pretty I mean they made him Pretty! Bro looked majestic! And Atsushi too! I mean he was wearing the same outfit as always but he looked very nice and!! He smiled at Akutagawa!! He fondly and softly smiled at Akutagawa!!!! Holy shit sskk canon! But also still what the fuck is happening.
Anyways, I have written a lot of stuff and I still have some thought left over, so I might make a second post later, when I'm not supposed to be asleep perhaps.
TLDR; that was a great episode and a very fun end to the series, all of our ships are canon, and i am super excited to see how this will be in manga form! Wow it's weird to be thinking about being excited to see the manga adaptation of the anime instead of the other way around.
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rosyhue-nightss · 1 year
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Shakespeare who?
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They're so shocked lmao they really thought she didn't mind.
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At this point none of you girls are right in the head. But yeah she's right. I still like her tho.
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Can't believe she forgave her? Babe have some self-respect
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A natural manipulator. Free my girl Nanase
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Yuni is so unlikeable that is almost funny
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They really left in the middle of her speech
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:(( she just wants to be her number one. Actually... she's also fine with being her number two
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lilover131 · 2 years
Chapter 67 Analysis
Sorry for the delay everyone!! My birthday was this week, and as a result, I was busier than usual making the rounds with various family members. Hahaha! But one of the best gifts of all was this chapter!!! Wow, what a good one!
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I don’t have a gif this month, but please enjoy the ridiculous image I have put together for you all to summarize this chapter. Hahaha.
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The cover image is beautiful as always! It is lovely seeing the two Mirror’s together in one image. It’s fun to kinda pick out their differences, and I think the crystal in the middle has some meaning. I am not entirely sure, but it seems crystal imagery has been used quite a bit in the Clear Card arc. In an image from an earlier chapter that had both Sakura and Akiho, it seemed like they were switching places, one with crystals, and one with stars, so I think this definitely carries importance.
The chapter starts off with Syaoran waking up (thank god) with Mirror by his side. They are still in a magical void, which means he hasn’t yet been kicked out of the world. Mirror confirms this by letting him know that he recognized what was going on before he was driven out. This makes sense as he was aware that if he lost his focus, he would be ejected from the magically created world, however because he noticed before it was too late that he had not grabbed Sakura’s hand, this managed to keep him from being driven out. I’m sure this was Kaito’s plan from the start to try and trick him. He likely had hoped that he would be kicked out and not be able to interfere with his plans. However, thanks to the spell his mother had put on him for a while now, he was able to recognize the situation more quickly and remain in the world.
 Shortly after this realization, he also realizes that he and Mirror are being supported by Flight. Mirror explains that because she looks so similar to the Clear Card version of Mirror that had been used to copy Flight before, it ‘recognized’ her and helped her. Additionally, Flight did so because it loves Sakura and Syaoran both. <3
 It just really warms my heart hearing that the cards adore Syaoran and want to help him. It seems implied each time it comes up that they feel this way about him because they understand how he feels about Sakura and how much he wants to protect her, which is a shared feeling with them. However, I like to think that they also genuinely like him as a person and know that he will never use them for his own gain. Syaoran pets Flight and thanks it for its help, which is so cute that I can’t stand it!!! Flight is by far the most expressive of the Clear Cards, and it’s amazing how much personality CLAMP has given a giant bow.
Mirror apologizes again to Syaoran for allowing Kaito to use her to deceive him, but he is quick to forgive and dismiss this. It’s obviously not Mirror’s fault that this occurred, but Syaoran takes some responsibility as well by stating that he has a lot to learn still, implying that if he had been able to tell her apart from Sakura sooner, that this would never have been an issue to begin with. My opinion is he really shouldn’t be bearing any responsibility either due to the fact that Kaito was the one who arranged this all, but it just shows his growth as a person and his recognition that he is far from being done in learning magic.
 Syaoran reaches for the Sakura cards but is shocked to see they are not with him. Mirror states that she was the only one allowed into this world but that the Clear Cards created by Sakura are there. However, it is rather worrisome when she also mentions how they may not answer to Sakura (likely because she doesn’t recognize her own self right now, but I have a feeling the Clear Card mirror might fix that). Syaoran assumes that he may have difficulties using any of his own magic here either, but that he has to keep moving on to find Sakura. Mirror pleads for him to bring her with him, and Flight seems insistent on tagging along as well. Syaoran doesn’t deny them and seems determined to find Sakura along with their help. I love seeing Syaoran work together with the cards, and I’m glad to see he’s got some more support now. Flight will definitely be helpful, but we’ll see how Mirror comes in handy.
 The scene changes to Sakura meeting the “Red Queen” (aka Akiho). She starts to say her name at first, but stops short of saying it as her head seems to experience pain and the memories she nearly found are swiftly shut back inside of her. “Mr. Cat” approaches and addresses her as Alice, pulling her back into the created world. She looks back at him while he maintains his serious cold expression, and Sakura’s face seems to imply she has fallen back into the spell she is under where she believes she is Alice again. If Akiho can set off this kind of reaction on her, I can only imagine what would happen if she was approached by the real Syaoran, and this just seems to support even further how much Kaito would want to keep Syaoran away from this.
 Sakura looks to the two who look like Fujitaka and Touya standing on the suspended half arches, and when asked they are, Mr. Cat responds by stating that the Fujitaka is “the one who brings comfort” and the Touya is “the one who decides”. It’s unclear yet what their actual roles are, but they will undoubtedly play a big part in this, particularly for Akiho it seems. The reason I think this is because when Sakura asks if they are for “her majesty”, Mr. Cat has a bit of a solemn expression and does not answer.
 Akiho extends her hand to Sakura and the Transfer card appears beneath her. She tells her she will be her guide and beckons her to take her hand. She does so, and the two of them are teleported away to a different location. They arrive in a beautiful greenhouse garden with plants that appear to be made of crystals. Again, I have to compliment CLAMP’s world design. They never disappoint with creating locations that are just so beautiful to look at. I would absolutely love to walk through a place like this! Akiho explains that this garden is a special place, and when asked why, she replies that it stores memories. She seems unable to say with confidence exactly whose memories they are initially but confirms that her own are within them. It seems the garden contains the memories of many, and even Sakura seems to feel like there is something familiar about the place. She sees an image in one of the crystals and says that she feels she has been there before with someone special to her and that she met someone dear to her and someone that was very dear to them. I hadn’t noticed at all in my initial read through, but @meimi-haneoka​ was very observant to notice that it was actually the botanical garden! The memory appears to be referring to how Sakura and Syaoran ran into Kaito and Akiho at the garden!
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The two teleport away again, but Mr. Cat remains close by, perched on top of one of the crystals. A voice starts to talk to him, stating that he can try to manipulate the situation as much as he wants, but it won’t do him any good. It’s revealed quickly that this voice is Momo’s when she claims this world was “created by the memories of the one who named her Momo (Akiho)” and “the memories of the lost girl” (Sakura). Additionally, it seems that this world also contains the memories of “the sorcerer who set this book’s magic in motion (Kaito)”. All I can say is I KNEW IT!!! I knew Kaito’s memories were somehow involved with this world, particularly because of the prominence of the gazebo. This place meant more to Kaito than it did to Akiho, so I could not help but feel like this world was also influenced by him. I definitely felt thrown off at first because it seemed like it was important to multiple people, but that was because it actually is! Knowing this, everything should be easier to digest now.
 In the next page, it is revealed what we all believed to be true! It has been Kaito all along pretending to be Syaoran (-cue Dio face picture-)! I can’t say this surprises me at all, but I’m glad to have some confirmation now! Kaito mentions how he was lucky the role of the cat called for a calm, emotionless demeanor, and I honestly find this hilarious. He’s basically saying he can finally just be himself for once, which is ironic as he is currently pretending to be someone else. Lmao. Dammit Kaito, maybe you should be yourself in your own freaking body. Haha!!
 Momo wastes no time teasing him and claiming she wishes she would have seen him playing a much different role that required a sillier personality. Kaito just responds by saying he would’ve tried his very best, but I imagine he would’ve had a difficult time for sure, which as we all know fuels Momo. Lol. Can I also just say for a moment how much I love the page revealing Kaito? I can’t help but imagine Kaito and Syaoran sitting together as friends with an image like this, but I know it is not so. Haha.
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Momo continues to confront him by calling out how he may have used both of the Mirror cards for his own gain (confirming he is responsible for the disappearance of the Clear Card version as well), but that he will not be able to hide. The smile on the fake Syaoran’s face is so very much a Kaito smile, and I can look at that and instantly imagine Kaito’s body for sure with that expression. CLAMP did such a good job here showing Kaito’s personality through a totally different body, and I’m living for it.  
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Kaito asks if it is “his wickedness” (this was translated differently in the English version from the Japanese, but I prefer the Japanese translation here) people will see through in his disguise, which implies that he believes himself to be a bad person, which is honestly really really sad. A troll, yes, but wicked? I don’t believe that at all.  I agree with Cinzia in this, but when Momo says “No, your true self”, it is stating that he is the opposite and is not a wicked person. However, no one can hide their true selves forever, so what Momo is actually saying here is that people will eventually realize who he really is because you cannot hide your true self, who Kaito himself won’t even bother to recognize. She is trying to get him to look inward again, but he simply won’t do this. It’s been well established so far that he refuses to look at his own heart and personal desires, but Momo will never stop fighting to get him to do this.
Momo goes on to state that he is limited right now in this form and that using the smallest amount of magic would ruin his disguise, but Kaito is quick to shut her down and get back to the task at hand. He has a one track mind for sure (gee, that reminds me of someone else we know -stares at Syaoran-), and mentions how it is important for the cat to be by Alice’s side and that this world lies within the pages of the book of Alice in Clockland. We all were pretty easily able to figure this part out, but it’s nice to have it officially confirmed that this is where they are. Momo finishes by adding on that the story has begun and is heading towards “the beginning of the end”. CLAMP mentioned in their recent Twitter Space (which was wonderfully translated by Cinzia) that we would notice callbacks to the first chapter, and I think this is what they meant. The very first bits of text in the Clear Card arc mentioned “the beginning of the end”, so it seems CLAMP is trying to show us this is what they were referring to.
 Meanwhile in the real world, Yukito’s barrier around the school seems to be breaking, and he is clearly exhausted and running out of energy. Yue speaks to him in his head and asserts that he is going to take over and can keep his spell alive. This seems to bring two very important thing to the table in this one page. The first thing is that this is officially the first time we’ve seem them communicate directly with one another!! Prior to this moment, we had only ever seen them communicate through written messages to each other, so what a treat!! The second detail is that it seems confirmed that Yukito and Yue have their own separate magical sources, so they can swap at will with fresh magic power. This is incredibly convenient for the situation, and I’m happy to see that Yue has not been made entirely obsolete. I’m also happy to see that Yukito got his moment to actually help this time.
 Yue comes out, and this surprises everyone since they could not hear the conversation between the two and were not expecting him to make an appearance. Yue wastes no time though and asks for Ruby Moon’s help, referring to her as a ‘battery’ again, which I’m sure amuses her so much. Haha. But Ruby Moon is happy to help and be of use. This is the first time we’ve seen the two of them work together, and I’m just so happy with all the firsts going on here! And the firsts don’t stop there either! In the last page of the chapter, Yue mutters that if “you (Syaoran) don’t make it through, I’ll punch you next time, kid”. This calls back to the chapter where Yue pretended he was going to punch him, but then instead touched his face. This gives me serious Kurogane vibes but it also shows how worried Yue is about Syaoran. The thing that probably surprises me the most in this chapter though is the very end where Touya actually calls Syaoran by name!!! This is the first time he has ever referred to Syaoran as something other than “kid” or “brat”. It seems Touya is also worried about him, but he believes in him and his ability to bring Sakura back in one piece.
 The chapter ends there, but wow what a great one!! I imagine things will escalate quite a bit in the next chapter and will amp up the excitement. Syaoran is certainly going to fight hard to get to Sakura, and I bet Kaito is going to do what he can to make it difficult for him while things play out. We still have no idea exactly what Kaito is trying to accomplish, and I find that wild considering we only have a few chapters left. But I’m sure we will find out very very soon. I’m looking forward to it!
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