#can't wait for murphy's reaction to this
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The Peaky Role (Part 13)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Age Gap, Best Friend's Dad,
Please comment and engage!
"Uhm, hey," you faltered, pressing your finger against the button. "Nina, I... I'm still in PJs," you stammered and your heart raced as you heard her laughter through the intercom.
"So?" Nina shot back, her tone teasing. “You know I don't care and I’m not leaving until you let me in," she added, laughter bubbling beneath her words.
You exchanged a quick glance with Cillian, who raised an eyebrow, concern flickering in his blue eyes as he poked his head out of your bedroom, not yet realising that it was his daughter waiting downstairs.
"It's Nina," you silently murmured to Cillian as you kept your finger on the intercom and Cillian's eyes widened, a mixture of surprise and alarm flashing across his face.
"Fuck," he muttered, dropping his gaze to the floor in the living-room where his clothes lay in disarray. "Don't let her in!" he whispered, urgency tinging his voice.
You swallowed hard, throat tightening. You knew that you couldn't just fob her off with excuses and you were almost certain that she would not take 'no' for an answer.
"Just give me a minute!" you thus said through the intercom, heart racing as you turned to Cillian, indicating for him to get dressed. "I will come down and get you. The buzzer is broken and, uhm, ... I will be just a second. I promise," you stammered, lying through the intercom, wondering whether you could hide the truth from your best friend even in spite of her father being at your apartment.
"Okay, I will wait," Nina called back through the intercom, her voice cheerful and unsuspecting as you let go of the switch and grabbed your keys from the counter.
“Cillian, hurry up!” you stage-whispered, glancing back at him as he hastily got dressed, his hands working quickly as his gaze darted between you and the door.
"You can't let her come upstairs Y/N! There is only one way out of the building!" he hissed while zipping up his jeans.
"I know. I have a plan. Just trust me and let me do the talking," you asserted, your voice firm as you pushed the apartment door open. "Just stay here, make yourself a coffee and act cool," you urged, shooting him a quick, reassuring smile.
Cillian's brow furrowed as he leaned against the counter, running a hand through his hair.
"Act cool? Right," he muttered, eyes darting toward the door. "Easier said than done," he grumbled, his fingers tapping restlessly against the countertop.
“You are an actor, so act!" you insisted, urgency creeping into your tone.
Cillian shot you a pointed look, then nodded, resignation settling on his features. “Okay, but if she finds out…” he cut off, a hint of panic flashing in his eyes just before the doorbell echoed again, pulling you toward the threshold.
“I’ll handle it," you told him before walking out of the apartment and shoving your keys into your pocket.
You plastered a confident smile on your face as you wandered down the stairs to pick Nina up at the front of the building, your heart racing as you opened the door.
“What took you so long?" Nina stood there, arms crossed, a teasing grin plastered across her face.
“Uh, just... had to find my slippers," you stammered, forcing a laugh that felt too bright.
“Right,” she smirked, raising an eyebrow before handing you a coffee.
"What's wrong with the intercom?" she then asked, her curiosity piqued.
You shrugged, forcing a casual tone. “Don’t know, probably just acting up," you told her as she followed you upstairs and, just as you reached the front door to your apartment, you stopped.
"Uhm, just so you know, your dad is here too," you blurted out, swallowing hard as you inserted the key into the lock that opens your front door. "I ran into him at Craig's Bar last and we talked for a bit. He didn't really want to go back home, so he slept in dad's room," you lied to your best friend not yet opening the door yet as you were steeling yourself for her reaction.
"Is that why you were funny before?" Nina asked as her eyes narrowed, suspicion flaring.
"Yes, I am sorry," you mumbled before unlocking the door and pushing it open just enough to slip inside. "I didn't want it to be weird," you admitted, stepping aside to let Nina in, her eyes darting around the room.
"It's not weird and it's not your fault my dad just took off again last night!" Nina said loudly as she stepped inside, ensuring that her father could hear her words resonate in the air.
Cillian, indeed, heard what Nina had said and stood tense, brow furrowed and eyes wide.
"Hey sweet pea," Cillian he then greeted her nonetheless with a casual smile, feigning ease as he leaned against the counter but, instead of greeting her father, Nina gave him an angry look.
"You know, you could have at least answered mum's calls last night," she scolded, crossing her arms. "She was worried sick about you not coming home after that fight you had," she continued, eyes narrowing as she glared at him.
Cillian frowned, shifting his weight. “Nina, I—”
“Don’t. Just don’t.” Nina cut him off, frustration seeping into her voice as her father looked away for a moment, his jaw tightening as he thought about how to respond to her. But, before he could say anything, you stepped in, your voice steady.
“Can we not do this now please?" you pleaded, glancing between Nina and Cillian, the tension thickening. "My head really hurts. I had too much to drink last night," you lied again, trying to steer the conversation away from the tension hanging in the air.
Nina huffed, rolling her eyes. “Fine," she conceded, crossing her arms defiantly. "It's not for you to worry about anyway. I am sorry," she then told you while Cillian ran a hand through his hair, frustration flickering in his deep blue eyes.
"I should probably go," he muttered, his voice low as he stepped back, creating distance between himself and his daughter.
Nina sighed, her arms dropping to her sides. “Yes dad! You should go," she snapped, her frustration bubbling over again as she shot him a challenging look.
Cillian swallowed hard but held her gaze. "I will see you later then, okay?" he asked, shifting uncomfortably as if trying not to break beneath her stare. He tried to remain casual and focused, but you could feel the tension crackling in the air.
"Maybe," Nina replied, her voice sharp as she avoided eye contact. "I have stuff to do today," she said, her frustration simmering just beneath the surface.
Cillian glanced toward the door and turned back towards you, his expression a blend of regret and determination. “Thanks for letting me stay Y/N. I will see you on set tomorrow afternoon," he said while reaching for the rest of his belongings.
You nodded, the weight of the unspoken words hanging heavily in the room. "No worries," you replied, your voice steady, yet heavy with emotion.
As the door clicked shut behind him, Nina crossed her arms, frustration etched across her features. "What the hell was that about Y/N? I mean, why did you let him stay here?" she demanded to know, eyeing you with suspicion, the air pulsing with unresolved tension. "You should have told him to come home! You know how bad things have been between my parents, so why wouldn't you send him back to his family?" Nina asked you as she shook her head, frustration boiling in her voice.
"Because it's not for me to tell your dad what to do or not to do," you said gently as you leaned against the kitchen counter as well. "I am sorry Nina, but it's his choice to work things out at home and I can't interfere in that," you told her while, deep down inside, you knew that you had done exactly that by sleeping with him.
You had wronged your friend by getting involved with her father behind her back and guilt gnawed at you as Nina's eyes filled with tears.
“I know Y/N and I am sorry. I am just frustrated. It’s like everything is falling apart,” she choked out, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. “I didn't mean to get angry at you," she apologized, her voice trembling.
"It's fine," you replied, reaching out to squeeze her shoulder while more and more guilt gnawed at your insides almost instantly.
“No it's not. You are my best friend and I shouldn't have gotten mad at you for helping my dad," she murmured, her voice shaking as she wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.
You pulled her into an embrace, feeling the weight of emotions swell between you.
"No, honestly, it's fine," you reassured her, pulling away to meet Nina's teary eyes. "I understand, okay?" you told her, putting on act, while deep down inside, you felt terrible for what you allowed to let happen last night.
You felt as though you had taken advantage of the situation, a fragile moment, caught in the tangled web of emotions. Having slept with your best friend's father was the worst thing you had ever done, yet a flicker of warmth crept into your chest, battling against the guilt.
If it was so wrong, then why did it feel so right?
Nina's breath hitched as she stepped back, wiping her eyes.
"You think they’ll really stay together?” she asked, vulnerability threading through her voice.
You shrugged, uncertainty tightening your chest. “I don't know, but I hope they can work it out,” you replied, forcing confidence, even though this too was lie. You did not want Cillian to stay in loveless marriage and you knew that Nina would be better of if they were indeed separating so that there would be some structure again in their lives, even if that new structure itself seems daunting.
After some more serious talk about Nina's current situation at home however, Nina and you also shared some laughter, the heaviness momentarily lifting as you took a stroll to the shops.
Going shopping for clothes was one of Nina's favourite things to do, a genuine distraction from her home life and, even though you really could not afford many new clothes at the moment, you felt the thrill of shopping lift your spirits.
As you went from shop to shop and Nina tried on various outfits, you quickly took a second to text Cillian, your heart racing as you typed.
“Hey, hope you’re okay after this morning. L et's talk soon," you typed before you hit send and glanced at Nina, who emerged from the fitting room in a flowing dress that swirled around her legs.
“How do I look?” She twirled, eyes bright.
“Stunning," you exclaimed, a genuine smile spreading across your face as you admired the way the fabric danced with her movements.
Nina beamed, spinning again, “Really? You think so?”
“Absolutely. It suits you,” you replied, your heart lifting with her contagious enthusiasm. Nina spun around again, the dress twirling like a whirlwind.
“Okay, sold. I’ll take it!” Nina said before she dashed back into the fitting room, her excitement radiating through the air as you leaned against the wall outside, heart still racing from the morning’s chaos.
Nina reemerged, a triumphant grin stretching across her face, clutching the dress like a trophy before, suddenly, she received a call from her mother.
“Hello?” Nina answered, her voice shifting to a tense whisper and you stepped aside, sensing the worry in her eyes.
"Where are you Nina?" she asked, her voice sharp as it crackled through the phone.
"I'm out with Y/N, shopping," Nina replied quickly, glancing at you, her brow furrowing with worry. You had been shopping for hours by now and it was obvious to you that Danielle sounded distressed, which made Nina’s expression darken.
"Can you be home by five?" Nina's mother cut in sharply, her tone more demanding than usual and Nina frowned, glancing at you before shaking her head.
"Why? I’m out with Y/N and we were going to grab dinner together," she countered, a hint of defiance in her voice.
"Because we need to talk. We are having a family meeting tonight and I need you to be home for that, ” her mother’s voice crackled from the phone, urgency slicing through the bustling shop as you heard only bits of the conversation between them.
You then saw that Nina's eyes widened, fear creeping into her expression.
“What for mum? What happened?” she asked as her breath caught, her gaze darting around the store as the weight of her mother's words sank in.
“We just need to sit down and talk about things before your father goes back to Liverpool tomorrow. It’s important," Nina's mother voice echoed through the receiver, a palpable tension rising between her and Nina.
"Okay mum. I will be home by five," she murmured, her shoulders slumping as she ended the call and looked at you with concern.
"What happened?" you queried, and Nina inhaled sharply, her voice trembling.
“Mum wants to have a family meeting tonight,” she replied, eyes wide with dread. “It’s about dad I think, and she sounds... serious.”
You frowned, the weight of her words settling in your chest like a stone.
"Do you think this is about their fight last night?" you asked and Nina bit her lip, her hands clenched into fists.
“Possibly and, after last night, I don't know what to expect to be honest. The last time we all had a talk was when these cheating allegations came out in the papers, about dad sleeping with another actress, and it turned into a disaster," Nina explained and panic raised within you as you began to worry about whether the family meeting would spiral into another explosive headline, this time involving you.
Surely, Cillian wouldn't have said anything to Danielle about him cheating on her with you. That would have been absurd. But then again, you did not think rationally right now, and your mind was set to panic mode after his abrupt departure this morning.
You have not had a chance to talk with him about what happened between you both the night before and worry about last night and how irrationally he might act after this morning’s confrontation with Nina twisted your stomach.
In the end though, you pushed those worries aside for now and supported your friend by driving her home so that she would, indeed, get there in time and, as you pulled up in front of Cillian's and Danielle's house you hesitated to step out and onto the driveway, fingers gripping the steering wheel.
"This is it," you simply murmured to Nina with your heart racing as you spotted Cillian from afar. He looked up from his phone, his brows knitting together as he noticed your car.
With a tight smile, you met his gaze and, just as Nina stepped out of your car, he approached.
“Hey,” he greeted, his eyes scanning the distance between you and Nina, an unreadable expression flickering across his face as Nina barged past him and into the house without saying a word.
"Everything alright?" you asked, studying his expression for clues.
Cillian frowned, his brow creasing.
“Not really. We've got some family stuff to hash out,” he replied, glancing towards the door where Nina had disappeared. A tension simmered in the air, thick and unyielding. "And, Y/N… the two of us need to talk as well… about last night," he murmured, stammering, his gaze fixed on the ground.
You shifted your weight, heart pounding. "Right. Yes. Of course," you nodded, searching his eyes for signs of worry or regret.
“Can we talk later tonight?” Cillian's voice lowered, a hint of urgency in his tone. “Because I really want to clear things up between us before we start filming again.”
“Of course,” you replied, feeling the weight of unspoken words between you both as he glanced toward the wide open front door of his house where you noticed two large suitcases blocking the hall from afar.
"Can I come by after eight or nine?" Cillian's asked, his features taut as he looked at you again.
“Yeah, that works,” you replied, holding his gaze, feeling the weight of unspoken tension between you.
He nodded, relief softening his expression.
“Alright, I’ll see you then.” Cillian turned toward the house, hesitating as if torn between his duty to his family and his desire for you, then disappeared inside.
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#cillian murphy x y/n#cillian murphy x you#tommy shelby#cillian murphy x reader#cillian murphy imagine#tommy shelby x reader#tommy shelby smut#cillian murphy#cillian murphy smut#peaky blinders#cillian murphy fanfiction#cillian murphy fic#cillian murhpy#cillian murphy fanfic
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Let's Talk About: Mentopolis and The Scattered Mind

Not gonna lie, reading the takes Tumblr peeps have on what's going on in Mentopolis is kind of raising my expectations on how the show is going to unfold. That said, nothing could have prepared me for how this episode ended. Nothing.
And speaking of not being prepared… Wilton?! Wilton with the character art looking like a wrinkly pair of--
How I wish we could get a bonus episodes of Dimension 20 seasons of just the players reacting to the character artwork. Because much like I would have loved to see how Bob the Drag Queen and Jujubee would react to Nyruth, I would really really like to see Freddie Wong and Mike Trapp react to Wilton as well.
Now onto the episode content itself;
Hank Green's "I think it's time to unlearn that?" Chef's kiss. The whole thing with The Fix being built to be menacing and scary but Hank's innate kindness and softness still shining through? I don't remember if it was Brennan Lee Mulligan or Brian Murphy or Aabria Iyengar who said something about how your tabletop roleplaying character is you but through a stained-glass. I feel like that really applies to Hank and The Fix.
Alex Song-Xia, once again, has impeccable one-liners in this episode. Trapp doubling down on his character's… tenacity? Amazing. Danielle Radford is taking no prisoners in her game-play, and I love all of her facial reactions. All of them. Freddie Wong's choices in game continues to astound me, and you never know where he's going to zag next.
But my second chef's kiss for this episode goes to Siobhan Thompson's "Fucks Expletive." That was some very quick thinking that really fleshed out a part of this world, and one character's background, with just two words. And that's not mentioning all of the in-character choices Siobhan makes that truly, truly elevates this episode as one of the funniest and most enjoyable couple hours of content on the internet.
I can't wait to see what happens next. Because, really, after that ender of a scene, I need to know how it all plays out.
#let’s talk about#mentopolis#dimension 20#dimension 20 spoilers#mentopolis spoilers#brennan lee mulligan#siobhan thompson#hank green#danielle radford#alex song-xia#freddie wong#mike trapp
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Chapter 3
Series: The Cockroach
Word count: 2,4k+
Pairings: Negan Smith x Reader; Lucille Smith x Reader; Negan Smith x Lucille Smith
Warnings: usual twd themes, slight mention of SA
A/n: Let me know what you think! Slowly getting back to writing and this series was and always will be my roman empire. Also I hope you love my boy Murphy just as much as I do 🥰
If you're not on the taglist but would like to be tagged let me know!
The Cockroach Masterlist || Main Masterlist
The morning sun was warm against your skin, but you were too drained to care. Dehydrated, starving, and trudging along an endless road, there was no energy left for even a sliver of appreciation. You passed Murphy without a word, too caught up in your own exhaustion.
Not many things could dampen the mood between you two, but hunger and the apocalypse apparently made the list. Your relationship with Murphy had always been easy—built on years of jokes, teasing, and an unspoken understanding. But now? Now, for the first time, there was actual tension, and you fucking hated it.
“Would you stop ignoring me?” Murphy groaned, throwing his arms out like a dramatic teenager.
You turned on your heel, crossing your arms over your chest like one. “I told you we need to get to Lucille.”
“That is miles away,” he pointed out, exasperation leaking into his voice. “Do you want me to teleport us there, or should I summon a flying unicorn to give us a lift?”
“We could get a car,” you shot back, rolling your eyes.
“The roads are blocked.”
You narrowed your gaze, closing the space between you both with fast, determined steps. “Murphy, I can't let her go through this alone. Especially not now, when all hell’s breaking loose.”
He sighed, rubbing a hand down his face. “I’m sure Negan’s with her.”
You snorted so hard your cheeks puffed up like a chipmunk. Murphy grinned, knowing damn well he’d set you up for that exact reaction.
“Yeah, we both know he’s not,” you scoffed, shaking your head. “That man only cares about his stupid ass. If there was a competition for ‘World’s Most Self-Absorbed Dickhead,’ he’d be hoisting the trophy and giving a speech about how he single-handedly saved humanity.”
Murphy smirked. “At least he’d make it entertaining.”
“Oh, for sure. He’d probably thank himself twice and then dedicate the award to his reflection.”
Murphy huffed a laugh, but the amusement faded just as quickly. His face softened, and you knew the next thing out of his mouth wasn’t going to be another joke. “I get it,” he said, voice quieter now. “You need to be there for her. But I need you to be realistic. We don’t have food, we barely have water, and we’re running on fumes. If we rush in without a plan, we’re both gonna end up dead in a ditch.”
You hated that he was making sense. You wanted to argue, to do something instead of just standing here talking about how impossible everything felt.
You let out a long breath, shaking your head. “Okay, fine. What’s your realistic plan, then?”
Murphy’s lips twitched, just a little. “Step one: We find food so you don’t murder me in my sleep.”
Your stomach chose that exact moment to growl violently, proving his point.
“Shut up,” you muttered, and he grinned.
“We’re adding water to that list too, by the way,” he teased, tapping your shoulder before walking ahead. “You’re already cranky as hell, and I don’t need you passing out on me.”
You rolled your eyes but followed after him, muttering something about how he was the cranky one.
For now, the mission to get to Lucille had to wait. But you’d get there. You had to.
You’d managed to ransack an abandoned car for some food and water—if you could call a half-crushed granola bar and a bottle of warm Gatorade “food and water.” It wasn’t much, but it had to do. You were learning quickly that the apocalypse wasn’t exactly the buffet of resources you’d hoped for.
Apparently, you were late to the whole end-of-the-world thing, having spent the first week—or more—holed up in your apartment, wasting away in bed out of sheer boredom. At the time, you figured if society was going to collapse, you might as well be well-rested for it. Turned out that wasn’t the best strategy, considering most of the supplies had already been picked clean by the time you stepped outside.
Now, food was scarce, the gas was drained from most vehicles, and the town looked like it had been evacuated overnight. No hesitation, no looking back. The second the dead started walking, people got the hell out while they still could.
Smart move.
“I thought most of the population here was old people,” you mumbled under your breath, kicking an empty can along the cracked asphalt. The rattle of metal against pavement echoed in the otherwise quiet street. “Where the hell did they all go?”
Murphy hummed beside you, his fingers squeezing yours absentmindedly as he swung your joined hands between you. “Maybe they were super-elders,” he mused. “Super-speed, teleportation—whole damn X-Men package.”
You snorted. “Yeah, right. ‘Grandpa Lightning’ just zipped out of here at Mach speed.”
“Or,” he continued, deadpan, “they all turned into zombies but, like, polite ones. Just wandering around a retirement home somewhere, playing bridge and moaning about how they miss the good ol’ days.”
You chuckled, the ridiculous image softening the tension in your chest. Even with the world ending around you, Murphy still had a way of keeping things light.
He gave your hand another squeeze. “Anyway, we need to find somewhere to fortificate for the night.”
You stopped in your tracks and turned to him with a skeptical look. “Really? Fortificate?”
He arched a brow. “Yeah?”
“I’m pretty sure that’s not a word. And if it is, you definitely used it wrong.”
Murphy scoffed. “Oh, I’m sorry, Ms. English Major. My bad for not conjugating my fake words properly.”
You rolled your eyes, but a smile tugged at your lips. “I think you meant fortify.”
“Or maybe,” he smirked, “you just lack the vision to appreciate my linguistic creativity.”
You huffed a laugh and nudged his shoulder before scanning the area ahead. The street was lined with darkened storefronts, their windows either shattered or eerily intact. A few houses sat in the distance, but you weren’t eager to test if they were occupied—by the living or the dead.
Then, you spotted it.
A rundown convenience store, its metal security gate partially bent but still hanging on. The sign above it flickered weakly, half the letters missing, leaving behind something that read “M_R__’_ M_RT.”
“Murphy’s Mart,” you announced, pointing at it. “Perfect. Looks like the universe wanted to name something after you before it collapsed.”
He grinned. “Damn right it did. Let’s see if my store has any decent snacks left.”
Together, you made your way over, slipping through the damaged gate and into the dimly lit interior. The air inside was stale, thick with the scent of dust and old, melted candy. Most of the shelves were ransacked, but there were still a few treasures left—a couple of dented canned goods, a few bags of chips that hadn’t been torn open, and a lone can of beer sitting proudly on the counter like some post-apocalyptic holy grail.
Murphy snatched the beer immediately. “Oh, hell yes. This night just got so much better.”
You grabbed a bag of chips and plopped down onto an overturned crate. “I hope you know we’re splitting that.”
“Uh, excuse you?” Murphy clutched the can to his chest protectively. “This was my mart. Clearly, this beer is meant for me.”
You threw one of the chips at him. “We’re sharing it, dumbass.”
He sighed dramatically before flopping down next to you, cracking open the can. “Fine. But only ‘cause I’m feeling generous.”
You both took turns sipping from the warm, probably expired beer, passing it back and forth as you leaned against the empty shelves.
For a moment, with the faint neon glow of the half-broken sign flickering outside and the distant, eerie silence of the world beyond the store, it almost felt… normal.
But then, as if on cue, a distant groan echoed from outside.
You and Murphy exchanged a look.
“Guess the super-elders didn’t teleport that far,” he muttered.
You rolled your eyes, shoving the last of the chips into your mouth before pulling out your knife. “Come on, genius. Time to fortificate.”
He grinned. “See? It’s catching on.”
And with that, the two of you got to work, reinforcing your little shelter for the night, knowing damn well this was only the beginning.
The convenience store’s counter wasn’t exactly a luxury bed, but it was what you had for the night. You shifted, trying to find a spot that didn’t have something digging into your back—a loose screw, maybe, or some other part of the register determined to make you miserable. The ceiling above you was a dull, off-white, and you found yourself staring at it without really seeing anything.
The fire you and Murphy had managed to scrape together from broken shelves flickered weakly in its makeshift pit on the cold tile floor. It wasn’t much—barely enough heat to chase away the chill, hardly enough light to make the room feel less empty. You’d shut off the store’s generator in the hopes that the flickering neon sign wouldn’t act as a beacon, inviting the dead to come clawing at your doorstep.
Didn’t mean the silence was any less suffocating.
“Do you think she’s alright?” you asked, still staring at the ceiling, your voice quieter than you meant it to be.
Murphy let out an exaggerated groan from his place on the floor. “God, you’re like a lovestruck teenager today, aren’t you?”
You didn’t bother looking at him, but you could hear the smirk in his voice.
“She’s fine,” he added, rolling onto his side to face you. “You haven’t already forgotten what a fierce little lady she is, have you?”
You finally turned your head, raising an eyebrow. “Little? She’s taller than you.”
“She is not,” Murphy scoffed, affronted.
“Murphy, she could bench press you.”
He narrowed his eyes. “Are you that blinded by love?”
“Might be,” you admitted with a soft chuckle. But just as quickly as the smile came, it faded. Your fingers picked at the edge of your jacket absentmindedly. “I miss her.”
Murphy sighed, folding his arms behind his head. “Sometimes I wonder if you hate her husband just because he is her husband.”
“I do not,” you shot back, but there wasn’t much conviction behind it.
Murphy smirked. “You're right. If hating someone was that easy, I’d already be six feet under by now. You still haven’t forgiven me for sleeping with your best friend in high school.”
Your head whipped toward him, eyes narrowing into a glare. “Is that why you think I dropped out?”
Murphy shrugged, unbothered. “Wouldn’t be the dumbest thing you’ve ever done.”
“If I wasn’t sure about killing you before, Murphy, I definitely am now.”
He cackled, completely unfazed.
Before he could get another smartass remark in, a loud crash shattered the fragile quiet of the store.
Glass breaking.
Really fucking loud.
You and Murphy locked eyes for half a second, completely still.
Then, the realization hit.
You could have expected this. Should have. But apparently, between the two of you, there was only one functioning brain cell, and you’d been passing it back and forth all day.
The store had been secured against the dead. But the living?
They’d found a way through.
The sound of boots crunching over broken glass sent a chill down your spine.
Someone had just stepped inside like they owned the place.
“Hey, calm down. There’s nothing here,” you said, raising your hands in a show of peace.
The muzzle of the gun pressed against your forehead, its cold steel a sharp contrast to the heat prickling your skin.
“Yeah, we definitely believe you, little girl,” the man sneered.
“Little girl?” Murphy scoffed, letting out a dry chuckle despite the knife digging into his back. “She could bench press you.”
You shot him a glare. “Murphy, now is not the time.”
The man with the gun curled his lip, unimpressed. “Hey, man, tell your bitch to shut up.”
Your head tilted slightly, eyebrows raising in disbelief. “You think I need to shut up?” You let the silence stretch, then deadpanned, “Be for real.”
Murphy’s expression twisted as if he was holding back a groan. “Honeybun, please shut up,” he hissed, his tone shifting to actual concern when the knife was pushed harder against his spine. It hadn’t broken skin yet, but Murphy wasn’t Jesus—he wasn’t about to test resurrection theory. He knew where he was headed if he died, and he had no plans to go just yet.
The gunman scoffed, shaking his head. “Mouthy little thing, huh? I kinda like that.”
Your stomach turned.
The second man—the one holding Murphy hostage—chuckled darkly. “Bet she’d be fun to break in.”
Murphy stilled.
Your jaw clenched.
The gunman’s eyes flicked over you, his smirk widening. “Been a while since we had something this fresh. Maybe we oughta—”
Murphy spit in his face.
The man jerked back, stunned, as saliva dripped down his cheek.
“You fucking piece of—”
He didn’t get to finish. The punch he threw cracked against Murphy’s jaw with enough force to send him to the floor.
Then everything went to hell.
Fists. Boots. Knuckles meeting flesh and bone with sickening cracks.
You fought back, but it was like trying to fight against a tide of fists and steel-toed boots. A punch landed square in your ribs, knocking the wind from your lungs. Someone grabbed your hair, yanking your head back, and the moment your vision cleared, you saw Murphy curled on the ground, blood leaking from his mouth, his face already swelling.
You screamed his name.
The response you got was another kick to your stomach that sent you sprawling.
Your body screamed in protest, but Murphy’s voice—weak, wheezing—cut through it all.
Your head snapped toward him. “What?”
Murphy coughed, spitting blood. Then, in one last act of sheer, reckless defiance, he started laughing.
“Is that all you got?” he taunted, flashing them a bloody grin. “Fuckin’ amateurs.”
The men turned on him, their attention shifting.
And you knew.
This was his shot.
Your shot.
“Murphy, don’t—”
His eyes met yours. The same look he always gave you when he was about to do something really stupid.
Then he lunged at the closest guy.
You didn’t wait to see what happened next. You forced your battered body to move, stumbling toward the door, barely able to stay upright. The moment you hit the street, you ran.
Murphy’s screams echoed behind you.
And you didn’t look back.
@whiskeypowder @hopefulatrocity @witheringblooddemon @humanmistakes @yttricuz @twdeadlysins @donttelltheelff @spidergirla5 @sexyseabass @sweetpotatospock @witchygagirl @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @missbeeentertainment @theoraekenslover @thatlebronchick @acezeyez
#negan x reader#negan smith#negan x you#negan x lucille#negan and lucille#negan smith x reader#lucille smith x reader#lucille smith#the cockroach series#the cockroach#the walking dead x reader#the walking dead
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Could you write Murphy with a nurse at the prison after the 2nd movie? I think he would be a big flirt.
Hi anon!!
Sorry for making you wait, here I come with your request!
Hope you'll like it!
The Prisoner and the Nurse.
Murphy Macmanus x Nurse!Reader.
One shot. Anon Request.
Warnings: fluff and flirting. Murphy being cute.
Words: 1900.
The sun is barely rising over the horizon when you park the car in your area. All is quiet, not even the birds seem to have woken up, you give your coffee the last treat to try to engage your brain and sigh turning off the car engine. Your gaze drifts forward, metal fences and a huge concrete building, rough and barely windowed welcomes you. You sigh heavily, you don't hate your job, you like it, you became a nurse to help others, but sometimes, days are hard.
When you are totally convinced that you should start the day, you get out of the car taking your personal things plus a box with new material, the prison works with Boston Central Hospital, they are the ones who supply you with drugs and clinical material when you run out, but the other day you stopped by their office to sign some reports and you took the opportunity to take some things yourself, the rest they would bring with a delivery van, as usual.
As you walk down the corridor outside, the security guards greet you and say good morning as they do every morning. You wave with a smile and enter the rough building, greeting more of your colleagues inside.
"Good morning." You say signing the sign-in sheet as you do every morning. "How was your night?"
"Quiet, there was a little commotion at dinner time, but it stopped quickly."
"Good, that means I'll have a quiet morning." You say with relief, but you see the policeman smile. "What?"
You open the security door to the infirmary and then close it behind you, it's a direct access from the entrance area where prisoners can't get in, it's always locked and guarded to prevent escapes. You leave your things on your desk and put on your work clothes. You take the box you have brought with you and look over to the area where you have the stretchers. You roll your eyes as you discover one of the prisoners there. He's sitting on the edge of one of the gurneys, waiting impatiently by the way he's moving his legs.
"What was it this time, Murphy?" you say, setting the box down on another empty gurney.
Murphy MacManus is one of the newest inmates to arrive at the prison along with his brother Connor, the twins have life sentences without the possibility of parole or reduced sentences for killing a few people. None of them were good people, but justice says murder is forbidden, no matter how many corrupt pigs you take down, so there he is. In the time he's been there, his brother Connor is calmer and more level-headed, but Murphy, hyperactive by nature, gets into more trouble and spends more time than you'd expect in your clinic, it's common to find him sleeping there when you showed up in the morning or in the middle of the day to be escorted there by the police with a face full of blood and red knuckles.
"Don't worry, lass, ya'll see the other one." He always joked, though it was never funny.
"Morning, love, ya look beautiful in the morning." He compliments you and you feel your cheeks redden.
He does that a lot too, compliments and compliments are the order of the day when he visits you. It doesn't get uncomfortable because he doesn't go overboard with them, he just does it to see your reaction and when he finds out what you're uncomfortable, he stops. Murphy has learned to read you from day one, he is observant and easily absorbs the information people offer him, even if they don't realize it.
"I just woke up, we both know that's a lie." You reply and he lets out a chuckle, shrugging his shoulders. "Okay, where's the fire?"
"There isn't any, I've been a good boy and I haven't fought with anyone." He says puffing out his chest with pride.
"Then what are you doing here?" You look at him raising an eyebrow. Murphy looks at you with intensity, stops shaking his legs and chews his lip nervously. You feel a shiver run through you and try to ignore it.
"I was just coming in for my usual checkup."
"Your checkup was last week, Murphy." You remind him.
"I know, I'm here for the results."
"Don't you think we would have let you know if there were any abnormalities?" you insist, but he shrugs without moving from his seat.
"Maybe I've come for something else." He insists and you look at him sideways.
"For God's sake, I'm gonna throw up." You hear a male voice on the other side of the curtain, on another of the gurneys.
"Shut up!" Murphy barks.
"Connor?" Surprised, you peek over, Murphy's twin is lying there, he does have a swollen cheekbone and a split lip, not to mention a bandaged hand. "But... What happened?" You look at him worriedly approaching him.
"It was nothing, lass, some guy got really annoying yesterday and I politely explained him to shut up." Connor comments, sitting up a little on the gurney as you examine him closely.
"So where's the other one?"
"They took him to the hospital."
"Connor!" You look at him, eyes widening.
"It was just some broken ribs!" He defends himself. "But the guy wouldn't stop crying and they had to take him away."
"For God's sake..." You snort in frustration. "Is it every day you guys have to hit someone?"
"It's not our fault, love, they just don't have any manners." Murphy explains.
"Yeah, of course..." You laugh softly shaking your head. "Does it hurt?" you look at Connor massaging his wrist gently.
"It was just a bad gesture, I'm fine." He nods, you hum and change his bandage tightening it a little more.
"Is it okay?" You look at him.
"Perfect, thanks... you can keep flirting with my brother, I'm gonna sleep some more." He tells you mischievously.
"I don't..." You stammer, but Connor looks at you with a smirk and you punch him in the arm. "Shut up." You mutter leaving him on the gurney, returning to your desk where you've left the box with the new stuff.
You know it's not right, that you shouldn't feel so comfortable with them, but they are not bad people, you have fun with their jokes and their company, it's funny sometimes you feel safer with them than with the guards when you are with another prisoner. Still you're aware that you can't have that trust and affinity with them, they're prisoners, they've killed people, that should scare you and keep you on your toes, so Connor hinting that Murphy is flirting with you should bother you more than make your stomach fill with butterflies.
"Do you want me to help you?" Murphy asks you, close behind you.
"Thanks, Murphy, but no need." You smile kindly at him, opening the box and peering inside.
He looks at you a little disappointed by your refusal, bites his lip and steps back a little, so as not to disturb you, putting his hands in the pockets of the orange jumpsuit. You sigh and look at him, it's like you left a puppy abandoned on the street in the middle of a storm.
"Okay, I'll tell you what's there, the quantity and you mark it on the delivery note." You tell him pointing to the paper. "Okay?"
"Sure! We make a great team, you'll see."
Connor on his gurney, rolls his eyes rolling over trying to get some more sleep. All the inmates there have tasks and duties throughout the day, always imposed by the warden or the guards, but they always seem to do as they please. You read the names of the medicines and utensils you have brought with you, Murphy at your side hums for you to continue as he makes marks on the paper you have given him, verifying the contents and the exact amount. Some things are missing and others you've been given more than you asked for, but that's okay, you know you won't have to make a long list for the next order and if you have an emergency, you'll have plenty of supplies to spare.
"Thank you, Murphy, you've helped me a lot." You tell him sincerely, he smiles happy to be of help, like a puppy when he learns a new trick and gets a treat for it. You laugh softly and stretch to place the new boxes of bandages on their corresponding shelf.
"Wait, lass, let me help you." He moves quickly and stands behind you.
Taller than you, he reaches for the box without much trouble, your hands touching, his fingers brushing your skin to remove the box and put it back in place. You freeze, his body pressing yours against the table, you feel his chest pressed against your back, the warmth of his skin transmitting to yours, his heavy breathing brushing against your ear, giving you goose bumps. Your heart starts pounding as you hold your breath, but you don't say or do anything, you let him slowly pull away and when he does, his fingers run over your head and down your side, an unnecessary touch, of course, but the butterflies inside your stomach don't let you think straight. You turn slowly, his body still very close to yours, you look sideways at him discovering a shy smile on his mouth, but his eyes sparkling with mischief.
"Is everything all right here?" The warden's voice pulls you out of your reverie and you quickly push the prisoner away from you. "Nurse... Are these guys giving you trouble again?"
"No, no, Connor had an accident yesterday at dinner time, sir and I was giving him a check up." You explain quickly trying to regain your composure.
"Ya, I heard about his "accident" as usual causing trouble... And his brother? He looks pretty healthy to me."
"Murphy was helping me with the inventory." You say sincerely. "I brought some stuff and medication that was running low and he helped me set it all up."
"An inmate with access to medication and sharps? I don't think so, miss, you should be more careful." He reproaches you and you lower your gaze, embarrassed. "You were recommended for this job because you were professional and above all smart, don't make me regret my decision." He warns you. "Never trust them, they are here for serious crimes, you never know when they might act again and you are vulnerable... you would be their first target." He makes you understand and you nod your head.
"Of course sir, I apologize, it won't happen again..." You assure him by nodding your head.
"Alright boys, take the MacManus brothers back to their cells, they have outdoor yard duty today and their mates have already started."
"But sir, Connor MacManus has an injured wrist..."
"Well, he has the other hand." He shrugs and you open your mouth to protest again.
"Don't worry, lass, it doesn't hurt, we can work." You're cut off by Connor getting off the gurney. "Thank you for your care, come on Murph."
The two brothers are handcuffed by the guards to be escorted to their cell to get their things and get to work with the rest of their ward mates. Murphy looks at you one last time, his face has darkened a bit, he seems annoyed that you have been interrupted, still he gives you a soft smile by way of farewell. You look away, wanting to ignore him. The director is right, they are dangerous people, you can't let those sweet, kind eyes soften you.
You know it's not right, but you still can't control the butterflies in your stomach.
The End.
Hope you liked it!
See you in the next stories!
Taglist: @green-eyedladywrites @minervadashwood @livingdeadblondequeen @bringinsexybackk69 @phoenixblack89
#my stuff#norman reedus#normanreedus#ask me#one shot#ask requests#anon request#murphy macmanus x reader#murphy macmanus#murphy x reader#fluff#flirting#the boondock saints#connor macmanus#connor and murphy
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i've been thinking hard on why the post-Team Silent SH games just feel like they don't fucking work at all and I genuinely believe it's because they gravely misinterpret what the multiple endings are supposed to do.
With the exception of the total joke endings which you must go out of your way for sometimes in convoluted ways, the alternate Silent Hill endings do not fundamentally change the story. Harry still finds out what happened to his daughter, James still goes through the same journey as does everyone around him, Heather still kills God as a final boss, Henry still confronts Walter after finding out what he intended to do to apartment 302. The endings just change the outcome, the epilogue, the "what happens next" question.
Meanwhile, because in writing this sh4 fic I realized I had never finished Origins, i look up what's the deal with Travis and...he could either be a totally normal guy OR A FUCKING SERIAL KILLER, and while there are things you do in the game to get one or the other there's like. no way that just doesn't fundamentally change the story being told. And since the games were developed with some semblance of a canon throughline in mind, one ending becomes infinitely clunkier than the other and in its worst cases (Downpour, for example) spits in the player's face for wanting to engage with a complete, coherent story. (Murph totally killed his son! Oops no he totally didn't. Well it doesn't matter because other people think he did. but wait, if you did this one thing, then yeah nevermind it was all true/false all along)
I think this paired with the immensely dionysian approach to writing human beings (while I'm usually an advocate for the dionysian, the post Team-Silent games do not do this well and I mean it derogatorily) makes for what feels like an edgelord experience that thrives on what's the most shocking/wild pulls we can have a player do instead of telling an actual story.
And I think this really messy approach to storytelling by mixing it up with the freedom of video games is why so much of the games just didn't resonate with people on the deeper level that the Team Silent games had. I really wanted to like Murphy but I can't tell you a damn thing about him in confidence because depending on what you do he becomes just a totally different person; he could either be a mourning dad who cut his own losses to imprison himself to avenge his son and the rest of his life be damned, or he could be his son's fucking murderer and it was all a convoluted ploy to incriminate someone else for his son's murder. Who's Murphy Pendleton, then?? His anger in one scene can be totally unchanged from run to run but the contextual interpretation varies so greatly that his anger could come off as a hurt father who lost his son to like. Sinister killer.
The fact that a lot of these games came out during the rise of mystery box style storytelling in the west isn't lost on me either. It's just such a shame because so many of these games have...fine frameworks? Some of them fuck them up more than others (Alex as a veteran being a total lie was..............A Choice) and I didn't include Shattered Memories because while that also bungles its own narratives over and over like Downpour, at least it said that on the tin and was kind of openly experimental in that regard.
PostScript: I know I wanted to bring up Travis's backstory as an example of weird dionysian human beings, and contrast that to Walter's weird ass backstory, and trying to figure out why one succeeds at its grotesque weirdness where the other feels like that Edgelord approach of ohhhh yeah you're just. Puttin' anything on the wall to get a reaction. But I can't figure out where to fit it in here and I think the multiple ending fuckup is a less subjective issue.
#silent hill#idk ignore me#OR DONT' BC THIS REALLY BOTHERS ME???#i'd love to love travis but like#why#i'd like to love murph too but like#why!!!!!#i'd like to....uh.#well.#alex can just be there. that's fine.#I WISH HE WAS A VETERAN I REMEMBER EXCITEDLY DISCUSSING LIKE OHHH THEY'RE GONNA DO SOME#COMBAT PTSD STUFF#NOPE!!!!!!!! LMAO#that's a whole different egg of fuck though
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Spicy things I think abt a lot in rc...
Vying for Versailles:
All of it tbh specifically ft the amount of threesomes and Alexandre's debauched yearning and long ass smut scene whew
Hearts of Trespia:
Whoever wrote that meme of "man loses everything and becomes 10x hotter" so true
I love Wyatt but reinhold is super special to ME his scenes were hot and kinda unhinged for no reason grrr
The first smut scene is so intimate and tender :(
Rage of the Titans:
Considering mc's goddess incarnation and yet she can sleep w/ like every character past, future, present and enemies before deciding on a main LI in s3????? 😭
And despite how many spicy scenes there were, they were all pretty damn good for no reason
Marshall's was unfairly hot with a bit of angst at the end ffs might replay just for him, Murphy's def a certified freak, Jason's a menace, Adrian's had me feeling emo, and Theo's got me gasping and reeling STILL from the whole "five-two thrusts" and making her COUNT the slow ones....
Chasing You 1 & 2
Alexander's freaky ass w/ his bondage teaching, attic scene, boat scene, and the greenhouse scene in CY2!!
His god complex makes me wanna d-word but we move
Sam's were spicy in CY1 but I really don't remember them all that much idk he kinda annoyed me but I like him much better in CY2 😋
Ezra's choking is wack 💀 can't wait to punt his ass sorry not sorry
Heaven's Secret 1 & 2
Tbh Lucifer's spicy scenes were kinda random and wack 😭 HS2 def sold me tho w/ his stupid angst self
The whole fingering outside his jail cell got me weak tho
Mimi tasting like raspberry!!! I knew that first Christopher!! F U!
Dino's flying scene too ok pop off or fly off king
Malbonte's scenes 💯 BITING AH
His post wedding scene convinced me I picked the right man it had me kicking and screaming when I saw the options 😭
I refuse to romance and satisfy Astaroth's perversions but he is a freak and their reactions in the memory isles got me dead
The Flower From Tiamat's Flower
Tbh still not sure if mc took the Dragon dong mad respect if she did 😭
Song of the Crimson Nile
Also Set's fuckin reference to a peach (if u pick that perfume) for no reason what a heathen
Amen is such a thirsty mfer my god I only took his scenes to laugh at his thirsty ass 😭 I *need* to know how this ends rn
Legend of the Willow
Also also him tying up his hair before going down on Mei OKAY
Threxio u dumb tease 😭
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@haledamage *cracks knuckles* ALRGHT THEN, can't wait to see the Kira ramble
I've already talked a little about how their different reactions in The Scene make me wanna chew drywall, but I'll refresh on that as I go. I think a lot of the differences and what makes them so DELICIOUS comes from the fact AJ and Adam are v different and Mallory and Adam are so, so very similar(the number of times Nate compares Mallory to Adam in their romance AU makes me laugh)
AJ, ofc, did the "what if we don't break?" response bc she's very much a "you'll never know if you never try" kind of person. Sure, maybe there's a 2% chance of success/no pain if they go for it(she personally thinks it's much higher), but there's a 0% chance if they deny something they both clearly feel and want to happen. She gets that Adam is trying to spare them both future pain of loss(a level of loss he's experienced before, which she can glean from the "again" even if he hasn't gone into detail about what happened to his family yet). She does. BUT his solution to avoiding potential future pain is to cause definite current pain. That doesn't make sense to her. Especially bc if something were to happen to him; seriously injured yet again or GOD FORBID killed, IT'S STILL GOING TO HURT. She still loves him even if he's not willing to let them be together. Can't speak for him, but suspects it would be the same. :) Just bc they're not acting on it doesn't make the feelings go away.
Her "going forward" is gonna be more of what's in the ficlet, not hiding that she loves him, not pushing too hard, just unobtrusively but relentlessly making him aware that whenever he's ready so is she. She doesn't want to pry for what happened to his family, what made him feel like this, worry about being broken bc he cares deeply about someone(spoilers, Adam, you care about Bravo. You care about Rebecca. You're still fucked even if you don't let yourself fall in love :)))) ), but even without details she understands it was Bad and she gets the desire to flinch away from a potential repeat of a pain you've experienced. Burn your hand, you don't touch the stove. Fall through ice, you don't walk on frozen rivers. etc etc. But she also feels that no matter how valid that fear might be, he needs to work through it(that feels like wrong phrasing >.>) bc not letting yourself get close to people for fear of how much losing them will hurt is no way to live. Especially when you're immortal. And maybe that's naïve bc she is mortal instead of being a 900 year old vampire. Maybe she'll feel differently after she's watched her mother and Tina and Verda's kids all age and die. But maybe she won't. Maybe loving people is worth enduring the chance/certainty of their loss.(Might do something in this AU with the fact she had a cat who died of old age a couple months before book 1. Much smaller scale, but she does have a little experience with loss of something beloved. And she wouldn't trade the years she had and loved her cat to avoid the pain of losing her, that would be silly.)
And Mallory. haha prepare for Mallory's Bold stat to SKYROCKET.
She's been trying to ignore, deny, and explain away the fact she's falling for Adam since late book 1, juuuuuust ignore she got worse PTSD from Murphy stabbing him than anything the asshole did to her. :) She still has nightmares about it. :))) Trapper fight too :))) The truth almost managed to escape after book 2 combat training, but she shoved it away, only to have TU OMNIA smash the walls down into little teeny tiny pieces she'd never put back together. (Love having a language nerd romance Adam "mutter in Latin so people don't know what I'm saying" du Mortain :). She DOES, buddy boy. It's fun) she still kept it kinda buried bc he was so clearly trying to deny/get rid of his feelings, and she already got her heart broken once by Bobby, she doesn't want a repeat of that. But the STUFF in book 3, man. And that my proud, cynical, STUBBORN AF, "I'm not fragile, Adam"// "I can handle myself" girl deliberately let herself be vulnerable enough to say "Too late" when he says he can't let her fall in love with him makes me SCREAM. She knew it was going to hurt. She knew it was going to break her heart. She did it anyway. She loves him enough to let him hurt her like that. Bc she had to tell him. She's honest, outspoken, reckless and so in love with him she can barely breathe, OFC she had to tell him even if he refuses to do anything about it.
But now, ohoho, he's admitted he loves her, and knows she loves him. The dam is finally, FINALLY broken, the river is raging, and good luck stopping her. She's gonna be way more open and blunt and vocal about how stupid she think it is to deny their feelings for each other. example: I DID NOT FINALLY GET OVER YEARS OF BLOODY BOBBY MARKS CRIPPLING MY LOVE LIFE TO ROLL OVER AND BE RESIGNED BC YOU'RE AFRAID OF GETTING HURT DU MORTAIN. DOES THAT SOUND LIKE ME?!?!?!?! (Do you know how long it took me to admit to MYSELF and sort-of kind-of to SOMEONE ELSE that I love you??? I can't back down NOW)
Mallory loves a challenge. She is encouraged and inspired when given a challenge. She also HATES IT when people tell her what to do, especially "for her safety". And Adam's whole "I will not allow you to fall in love with me" hits BOTH of those buttons. He literally could not have made her more interested in pursing him if he'd confessed his love and asked her on a date. xD Telling her "You can't do this, you'll get hurt" and thinking that would stop her???? Instead of make her chase it more stubbornly and blatantly????? Do you know her at all, Adam????? (Mason's gonna have a ball watching/abetting her in book 4 and I"m here for it)
tl;dr, AJ's a gentle stream, Mallory's a raging river, but they WILL both wear down the rock that is Adam du Mortain's obstinate refusal to pursue their mutual attraction, and it's gonna be delicious to watch.
#queen rambles#OH MY GOD THIS IS OVER 1K lmaooooooooo#muhahahaha book 4 will be so much fun guys >:3#i can't wait#aj/adam au#mallory/adam#i hav SO MANY FEEEELLLLIINNNGGGGGSSSSSSs
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junior chuckled first. then, after half a second, he frowned, tilting his head slightly to look at murphy. the ghost of a smile still holding onto his features. see that— of all the reactions he might expect out of murphy, that, that was nowhere near top ten. when the realization came to him that he might be looking at murphy for a second too long, the certainty that it was going nowhere rushed in right after. a one two punch from which recovery took a while. eventually though, junior had settled in the acknowledgement that he'd just to have to wait until his feelings phased out. he was ready for it, really. for all of this to become a joke between the two of them. the sort that got old fast, the type that he almost regretted, the kind that did a full turn back to hilarious after a few more months. he wasn't ready for— "i can't tell when you're fucking with me anymore."
something settled low in his chest. uncomfortable and cold and requesting immediate attention. junior ran a hand through his hair. "look, it's—" he caught himself about to let out an excuse as to why murphy really didn't have to worry about the whole feelings ordeal, but his heartbeat jumped slightly. none of the readymade sentences he'd rehearsed applied anymore. "is this a joke where i react way too over the top and then you laugh at me being dumb? or one where you go 'oh sokon is also feeling things' and then end with sokon these nuts or some dumb shit like that?"
junior tried reframing the world into one where murphy felt the same way as him, his mind came up blank.
"and, uh..." murphy's certainly surprised by this turn of events, of course he is. junior has been his best friend (and a really good lay) for a while, the thought had never really crossed his mind that there could be anything else there. perhaps because murphy knows that he's not good at commitment like that. makes things harder, makes things different, ruins everything. if his parents had taught him anything, it was that love fizzled out and died faster than attraction. they've been divorced for years and still fuck regularly, after all.
but now?
now junior has it in his head. now it's rattling around, making a loud noise and demanding attention. and now, now murphy's realizing that the way his stomach clenching isn't out of discomfort. it's a dangerous, excited glee at the idea that junior has feelings for him. real ones. not just two bored rich boys wanna fuck ones. because murphy? murphy might feel it, too.
"what if i don't want you to forget about it? am i just s.o.l? what if you aren't the only one feeling something?"
#pls im sorry i rambbled too#virtueofsanityx#sebastian “junior” enrique de la fuente iii ╱ 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠#sebastian “junior” enrique de la fuente iii ╱ 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 ╱ murphy
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Murphy and Bellamy stumbling into the Lightbournes’ collection of skeletons in the 6x05 promo | The Gospel of Josephine
#the 100 spoilers#the100edit#the100gifs#the100daily#dailythe100#bellamy blake#john murphy#the 100#t100s6#the 100 season 6#6x05#the gospel of josephine#can't wait for murphy's reaction to this#myedit#bellamiblaekeedit
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Electric Touch│Cillian Murphy
PAIRING: Cillian Murphy x reader
WARNINGS: bad grammar, none
SONG: Helium - Sia
' I'm home!' you called to a dark house. No one answered. That was weird, usually when Cillian hear the sound of keys unlocking the main door he ran to you to hug and kiss you.
That means he isn't home. Cillian is a busy man but he's always the first one home. You decided to check your phone If he doesn't left you a message. And he did.
'Hello love, I'm very sorry but I'm gonna be late tonight. We have still so much work to do on the set. Don't wait for me with dinner I already ate something here and go to sleep you need a rest. Love you, Cillian!' You read.
You smiled and replied. He is right, you're very tired. Currently you're working on new movie. In the movie is lot of action so it makes sense that you'll be tired.
You wanted to jump into yours and Cillians shared bed but you were still sweaty and with make-up. So you started making your way into the bathroom.
You decided to take a shower because you were little afraid that you would eventually fall asleep at the bathtub. It was very quick shower but you completely clean yourself.
You put on your pyjama and started going to the bedroom. You also ate at the set. If Cillian found out you didn't ate a dinner because you were tired he will understand but he will also be angry. Your mental and physical health is important to him.
You put your phone on the charger, turn off the lamp and finally laid down on the bed. You let out a big sigh. You started thinking If you don't have to wait for him. He always wait for you so why can't you wait for him to get home.
But your body was much smarter then you and fall asleep immediately.
The sunshine was laying on your face through the big french window you have in the bedroom. You also can smell the fresh air. You started slowly open your sleepy eyes. When you fully opened them you saw Cillians sleeping face.
He look so cute when he sleep. His hands was around my waist. It was little tight. You place a little smooch kiss on his forehead and carefully not to wake him up started getting up.
You yawn and stretch a little. You decide to not wake him up because you didn't know when he came home. It could be around 2 or 4 a.m. That was very late.
You make your way into the kitchen. When you get here you decided to make a breakfast. You started making blueberry pancakes. How cliche I know. But Cillian love your blueberry pancakes so why not.
You were mixing the ingredients together when you felt two hands sneaking around your waist. You already knew it was Cillian. His touch was electric but in a good way. He placed a soft kiss on your neck to make you giggle. He knew you were ticklish here. He kissed you again and again. You started giggle a little.
That was the reaction he was looking for. Your laugh. That was the best sound for him.
'Good morning baby, did you sleep well?' you asked.
'Mine.' he purred.
'I said MINE.' he repeated.
'Oh I know that baby. I'm all yours.' you chuckled.
'All mine.' he whispered into your ear. 'To answer to your question yes a sleep well.'
'I'm glad you did but-' you were cut off.
'You're making blueberry pancakes?! God I love them.' he said.
'I know that's why I'm making them.'
'I love you so so so much you know that?' he replied.
You smiled and continue cooking. Cillian was still hugging you from behing and looking at you. He also starter hummimg and swinging a little. Such a lovely way to start a day.
#cillian x y/n#cillian murphy#cillian x reader#cillian murphy imagine#cillian murphy x you#cillian murphy fluff#kisses#peaky fookin blinders#peaky blinders
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Whew, the mental strength I needed to gather to be able to restart ROTT season 3 and make this post.
Update drop day was ✨traumatic✨ for many of us Murphy lovers whose first touch (by said update and beloved goodest boy) was cold and NOT AT ALL what we had been manifesting for a month a half.
Emotions were running high 2 days ago, but today, knowing what we know now, I'm happy we can all laugh about that chaotic time and our own dramatic reactions.
My own emotions are still running high, but now for a different reason, among everything else, one is posted via collages above this text.
Playing through this wonderfully sweet opening scene after wrongfully convincing myself that my favorite LI ever was under character assassination legit made me tear up.
First of all, hello, we get to choose an outfit for our man? Don't even ask me, just take all my diamonds if that's what it'll cost me.
The fact he's the first one we see upon waking up and after what went down at the end of season 2? I could not ask for a more pleasant awakening tbh.
The ambiance Andrea/Artemis wakes up in, the music, the whole general vibe is so peaceful and legitimately feels like "the calm before the storm".
And then HE walks in, with his beautiful face, calming yet exciting presence, words of affirmation and promise of loyalty (something he's been expressing throughout his entire arc).
After barely having seen him in season 2, I was really hoping we would get more Murphy screentime in season 3, and only 4 episodes in, my expectations and hopes have been surpassed with this first scene alone, and the ones with him coming up later (yes, I'm looking at you, 2nd 💎 scene) left me speechless and more than satisfied after the loooooong wait.
It's a little bit funny that the first thing we see in this is Murphy mentioning a promise he gave to Andrea in high school because just a few days I came up with my own headcanon conclusion (which I've been meaning to make a post about but whoops) about Murphy being in love with Andrea since the beginning of time and through all of her past lives which only he remembers as he doesn't go through memory loss (as far as I'm concerned, this is even confirmed rn with him saying "and it feels like it was yesterday to me" and no I will not be taking questions at this time).
It's a well known thing among the fandom that we all agree ROTT is a proper mess of book not without its faults (I sympathize with everyone romancing the "forgotten LIs"), but I personally love and enjoy it so much, taking it for what it is: a relatively light breeze mythology fiction with top tier smutty scenes.
I'm a fairly new RC player and I got the app 2 months ago, during a heavy and transitional period in my life. I can honestly say the app has been one of my saving graces that helped me escape reality when I physically couldn't travel into more serene environments and kept me from falling into depression.
ROTT quickly became one of my favorite stories and Murphy became my comfort character. I'm IN LOVE with everything about him: his sprite, his arc, his behavior towards Andrea and their relationship, the way he calls her (us 😌) princess, his spicy scenes, the fact he's a confident bad boy who in reality only craves to be truly loved and he's not afraid to be open about it.
I could make this already too long post even longer by further gushing about how much joy this 2d man brings into my life, but I won't today (also because typing this all out on my phone was a pain in the ass).
I will instead just release my gratitude into the universe.
I'm grateful for discovering RC in the first place.
I'm grateful for the RC team and how hard they work to give us amazing stories, characters, art and music we can easily immerse ourselves in.
I'm grateful for the creation of this wonderful character whose scenes I go replay and reread whenever I feel like I need the kind of comfort and warm feelings I can't get anywhere else.
I'm grateful for the fandom and its efforts when it comes to creating new content with our beloved characters, making sure their stories go on even when the writers close their own final chapters.
I'm grateful to have found a community I can enjoy all of this and more with without judgement, only good vibes and screaming matches for 3 moods: happy, sad and horny (I will not tag each and every one, but you all know who you are).
I'll go wipe my tears now ok bye
#wow why am i so emotional all of a sudden#maybe my period will finally show up#nobody percieve me after reading this#romance club#rage of the titans#rc rott#rc murphy#my goodest boy
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RO reactions a mc who says mid argument "you wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid"?
I can't be the only person who thinks this wouldn't go down well with most people, right? lol
Murphy - Rolls his eyes before throwing his hands up like he's giving up, 100% done with this conversation. "Sure. Whatever you say, partner."
Shae - Is furious. I hope you didn't like your job lol
Callie - Scrunches up her face in genuine confusion, "What's that got to do with anything?"
Toni - Feigns shock before shaking their head, genuine amusement pulling at their smile, "It takes one to know one, darling."
Claude/Claudia - Silence. Just long, drawn out, painful silence as they wait for MC to decide what they're going to say next.
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It’s Yours - Chapter 7
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
Summary: You and Javier have been sleeping together for almost two years but after his name was leaked by the papers, he is sent home for investigation. You remain behind with Steve to catch Escobar but when he’s finally dead, you decide to go after the man you’ve fallen for. You don’t like what you find when you finally reunite with him.
Warnings: Fluff, Unprotected Sex 18+
Relationships: Javier Peña x Reader
The bar was practically empty when Javier walked in, just the usual suspects there at this time in the afternoon. Si was busy polishing the glasses that had just come back from the kitchen, his back facing the bar as he places each one on the shelf once he’s done.
‘Be with you in a moment.’ He says over his shoulder as he finishes the last glass before turning to face Javi ‘What are you doing here Peña?’
‘I came to talk.’ He states, hands stuffed in his pockets as he steps gingerly towards the bar.
‘Well, I don’t want to talk. She chose you. End of.’
‘Actually, she threw me out just after you left.’ Admits Javier as he sits himself down on one of the barstools.
‘Is that right?’
‘Look Si. What happened last night was completely unplanned.’ Starts the agent as he scrubs a hand over his tired face ‘The babies kicked for the first time and we got caught up in the moment.’
‘Do you love her?’
‘What?’ His tone comes out a little shorter than he means it to.
‘’Do you love her? Not that hard to understand.’
‘Yes.’ He states, not wanting to beat about the bush ‘It scares me how much. Seeing you and her together these past months has been killing me.’
‘Then go get her.’ Says Si as he shrugs his shoulders ‘I love her but we’ve been together five minutes in comparison to the time you spent with her.’ He pauses ‘You’re having twins together for fuck sakes. Yes, it sucked walking in on you fuckin’ her but I'd be an idiot if I didn’t think you two should at least try and make a go of it. For your kid's sake at least.’
‘Si I-.’
‘If you wanna say sorry then fine, I forgive you but for Christ’s sake Javier. Go and get her or I will!’ Groans Si as he points at the closed door.
‘How are you such a Saint all the time?’ He chuckled and Si shrugged again.
‘My momma raised me right I guess.’
‘That she did.’ Javier replies as he stands from his stool and leaves.
You sit there nursing your tea as you stare at the flowers on your coffee table, the turmoil within eating you alive as you remember the look on Si’s face when he saw you tangled with Javier. Taking a sip you scrunch your face up in disgust when you learn that it's tepid now, you’d not realised how long you’d been staring for. The door opening catches your attention and you look up to see Javier walking in, a look of determination on his face that you’ve never seen before.
‘Javi I don’t-.’
‘Just let me speak.’ He interrupts, raising his hand to stop you ‘I went to see Si.’
‘Just listen dammit.’ He groans, raising his voice a little ‘I went to explain. Tell him that we hadn’t planned it. That it had just been us getting caught up in the moment. I swear that guy is a Saint because he fucking forgave us. He was hurt, understandably so, but he also told me that I should go get you. That he would be a fool to get in the way of us giving it a go.’
‘But I realised something.’ He continues ‘I don't want to give it a go with you.’
‘No.’ He confirms and your heart sinks ‘I want it all with you. I want to raise our babies with you. I want to make more with you. I want to call you my wife.’
Javier pulled out a box from his pocket before slowly lowering himself to one knee, his eyes never leaving yours as tears start to form in his eyes.
‘Hermosa, I am completely and irrevocably in love with you. You own me body and soul and it has even agony these last few months not being able to hold you, kiss you, make love to you.' He pauses, taking in a shaky breath "Please end my pain and marry me.’ He finishes as the box creaks open to reveal a simple, yet spectacular, diamond engagement ring.’
Your hands fly up to cover your mouth as you gasp in shock, tears spilling down your cheeks as your shoulders shake. The longer you don’t answer the more nervous Javier becomes, his heart in his throat as he remains on his knee awaiting your answer.
‘Baby, please. Say something.’
‘Yes.’ You manage to choke out before covering your mouth again in an attempt to muffle your sobs.
Peña’s on his feet in a flash, scooping you into his arms before kissing you deeply as he slips the ring on your finger.
‘When the hell did you buy a ring?’
‘Not important.’ He chuckles before kissing you again, this time with a hunger that goes straight to your core.
You clumsily pull each other's clothes off as he backs you towards the bedroom, both of you naked as the day you were born by the time the backs of your knees hit the mattress. You fall back, giggling as he grabs you by the waist and pushes you further up before positioning himself between your thighs. Two thick fingers plunge into your heat and you yell as he curls them deliciously, pumping them in and out relentlessly.
‘Fuck Javi.’ You whine, throwing your head back as you practically growl from the stimulation his fingers were giving you ‘FUCK.’
He says nothing, just grins as you dig your heels into the mattress, feeling yourself barrelling towards your orgasm and you know it's going to be intense. He increases his pace, fingers hitting that spot over and over and over. Your toes curl as you cum, your release gushing over his hand and the sheets but you don’t have a chance to recover before he’s sheathing himself inside of you.
‘FUCK’ You scream again as he pounds into you, your moans swallowed by his mouth as he devouring yours.
Your nails dig into the muscles in his shoulders, so deep that it’s bound to leave marks but you don't care and neither does he, he wants you to mark him. Claim him. He’s yours and you are his. He changes his angle and it’s devastating, the coil within tightening at an alarming rate and you bear your neck to him as you scream his name.
‘Cum for me.’ He coos, his eyes black with lust as he watches you writhe beneath him.
As if on command you do, your walls clamping down on his length and pulling him right along with you. He collapses on the bed beside you, chest heaving as he turns his head to look at you with a blissed-out expression.
‘I love you.’ He says softly as he rolls onto his side, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear as he grins at you like a lovesick teenager.
‘I love you too.’ You reply as you smile at him ‘That was also quite something.’
‘Yes.’ He says, letting out a breathy chuckle ‘Yes it was.’
‘Make the most of fucking me like that whilst you can.’
‘Because soon, this is going to get in the way.’ You finish as you rub your swollen womb.
‘Well if that's the case then I think we better make the most of it again.’ He grins as he pulls you into a bruising kiss, already hard for you again.
‘Congratulations to you both.’ Says Chucho as he raises his beer bottle in cheers.
The bar copies the man's actions, cheering loudly and you gaze at Javi who is looking down at you with his big brown eyes, eyes crinkling in the corners. Wrapping his arm around your waist, he pulls you into a sloppy kiss that makes you swoon.
‘Congratulations guys.’ Comes a familiar voice and you both look up to see Si stood across from the two of you, a genuine smile filling his features ‘I’m really happy for you both.’
‘Thank you, brother.’ Replies Javier as he shakes Si’s hand before moving for you to accept Si’s hug.
‘Thank you, Si.’ You say sweetly ‘For everything and I’m sorry for you know?… For what happened between us.’
‘Water under the bridge beautiful.’ He replies ‘It was fun while it lasted.’ He finishes as he gives you a nudge and a wink.
‘That it was.’ You agree as you chuckle.
‘Well well well if it isn’t tweedle dum and tweedle dee.’ Comes a voice you'd never expected to head.
‘MURPHY?’ You yell as you run into his arms, squealing with excitement as he laughs at your reaction ‘What the hell are you doing here?’
‘Chucho rang he.’ He states as he slaps Javier on the arm ‘Couldn't miss my partner’s engagement party now could I?'
‘I never thought I’d see the day Javier Peña would settle down.’ Comes another voice and you look up to see Connie grinning at you ‘Definitely never thought he'd be having a baby.’ She finishes as she pulls you into a sideways hug.
‘Actually, it's babies.’ Javier corrects and both Murphy’s look between you in shock.
‘Your not?’ She asks with her mouth agape and you both nod.
‘Twins?’ Steve explains and you share a loving look at Javier before nodding again ‘Well shut the front door, that's fucking wonderful!’
‘Do you know?…’ Connie trains off, grinning at you.
‘Girl and a boy.’ You answer.
You laugh at Steves remark as you let your head fall against Javi’s shoulder, humming in delight when he gives your hip a small squeeze.
‘You…’ Connie points at you ‘Need to tell me everything. You two.’ She motions between Steve and Javier ‘Stay out of trouble.’
She drags you to an empty booth, hugging you again before sipping her drink and slouching back against the faux leather back of the bench.
‘Sooooo?’ She starts ‘How the hell did this all happen?’
‘Well, this.’ You point at your bump ‘Happened the night before Javier left Columbia.’ You clarify and she grins at you ‘Us. Well, let's just say a lot has happened in the last 5 months.’
‘I met Si.’ You point at him and Connie looks at you with piqued interest ‘We dated for a few months. Was pretty incredible and I loved him but I wasn't in love with him. It took Javier almost drowning for me to realise that I can't live without him.’
‘Wait what?’ Connie interrupts, her expression changing to one of shock ‘He almost drowned?’
‘Yeah, he uh…’ You pause, taking a sip of your own beverage ‘He saw Si and me fucking on the couch. He’d popped round to show me some baby grows he’d bought and saw us through the window.’ You shiver as the memory of him falling assaults your eyes ‘He got smashed and decided to try and fix the pier down at the end of Chucho’s land. Lost his footing on the rotten wood when I called out to him and he fell. His dad and I managed to drag him out of the river and I gave him CPR. I managed to revive him but I almost didn’t. It broke me.’
‘So how did you end up together?’
‘Well, I’m not exactly proud of it.’ You start, giving her a guilty look ‘We uh… Well, basically the babies started kicking when he’d come round with some food. It was beautiful and we got caught up in the moment. One thing led to another and… Well, let's just say Si walked in on us.’
‘Yeah.’ You reply ‘He was surprisingly good about it though. Eventually. We deserved hell but instead, he gave us his blessing. He told Javier to go get me and Javier decided to take it one step further.’ You finished as you grinned at her before letting your eyes flit down to the engagement ring on your finger.
‘Boy did good!’ Connie exclaims when she spots the ring ‘Well done Javi.’ She finishes and you chuckle, gossiping well into the night.
Chapter 8
#javier peña x reader#javier pena x you#javier pena x reader#javier pena#javier pena fanfiction#javier peña fanfiction#javier peña#narcos fanfiction x reader#narcos fanfiction x you#narcos fanfic#narcos#pedro pascal fanfiction#pedro pascal character fanfiction#pedro pascal characters#pedro pascal
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For the Fanfic Ask Meme: I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)? / J: Write or describe an alternative ending to [All's fair or Paper and Jewelry, whichever you like] / L: What's the weirdest AU you've ever come up with? / N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you? / Q: Do you have any discarded scenes/storylines/projects? / U: A pairing you might like to write for, but haven't tried yet.
Ooo, let's see.
I.) Hmm. Depends on what you count as guilty pleasure. I'm a sucker for an idiots to lovers plot and I'll read anything you put in front of me with the trope. That moment of mutual realization? *chef's kiss*
J.) Goodness knows All's Fair is a fun one for alternate endings. I've got one on my to-do list of Murphy showing up right at the end there, just before the vows are exchanged and of course it's "Well, it's been real, but now I have to ride off into the sunset with the love of my life so bye!" I know you and I talked about it, but it's also fun imagining what happens if she shows up after the wedding. I mean, fun for us. I'm pretty sure it's nothing short of cruel and unusual punishment for Harry, haha. Paper & Jewelry... I have a sort of short sequel/epilogue for it that I'm working on, so stay tuned for that.
L.) I keep playing around with this absurd idea of a crossover with Disco Elysium, which is this wild and strange video game that follows a detective who is a total disaster of a human being as he investigates a murder and tries to recover his own memories. Mild spoilers, but his name is Harry and of course I spent my entire first playthrough going "this, but it's Harry Dresden instead" and, man. It doesn't work for a fic, really, and the overlap of those two fandoms has to be, like, ten people in total, but still. Google screenshots of the game if you've never played, because it is truly insane in the best way possible and I wish I could justify the time to write the crossover.
N.) Hmm. Well, I'm kind of more invested in your Broken Mirror AU than I have been in any other work (fic or otherwise) in awhile, but you're working on that already. For something new... I'd like to see Karrin get a chance to square off against Nicodemus again and absolutely wreck him to balance things between them. I've considered tackling it in one of my WIPs but I'm a little intimidated at the thought of trying to write Denarians, I don't know if I could do them justice.
Q.) I have a tendency to write scenes from multiple POVs, especially if there's a situation where one character may be hiding something (secrets, motives, feelings, reactions, whatever) from another, so I've got lots of stuff like that that I've written and done nothing with other than reference it. For example, I have all 65ish chapters of my Harry/Molly fic rewritten from Molly's perspective, an a few scenes from Thomas's perspective, and a couple others from other characters as relevant. All of them written with no intent to ever post, though, so I'm not sure if that counts?
U.) I'm very excited to write Freydis with literally anyone because, I mean, come on. She's just fantastic. A certain someone gave me prompts for her and I haven't had a chance to work on them yet, but they've been brewing in the back of my mind, and I can't wait to give it a whirl soon.
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Hi dear! 🌸
I don't really know you and also I can't write *and* also I don't think I write him in character (or you on that count) but… Here we go. I hope that at least my attempt to write this will bring a smile on your face! 🥰
Two people were slowly walking in the forest. Talking but also paying attention to the surroundings of course. The girl was talking about something when suddenly Murphy gave her a short kiss on the cheek and then walked ahead without waiting for the Jenni's reaction. Jen, surprised for a moment, quickly caught up with him.
"What was that?" she asked him with a little smile playing on her lips. Yes, they were a couple for some time, but Murphy wasn't into PDA. Well, not into that little things like kisses on the cheeks. Too sweet and cheesy, he said one day.
"Nothing" he answered to her question. But of course it wouldn't satisfy her, so he added "It's for not being able to be with you yesterday. But don't even start with that romantic bullshit." He rolled his eyes but was still walking next to her. His facial expressions also wasn't angry. Just annoyed? Maybe little embarrassed?
He said what he said, but Jenni knew him. She knew that he surprised her with that little kiss because he thought that she would be sad. Because he wasn't with her that night. Such a sweet guy. Her face lights up when Murphy looked at her. She looks so pretty at that moment. Really pretty. But Murphy thought that something was missing on her face. Blushes.
"But don't worry. I'll make it up to you tonight." His smirk was saying everything. And Jenni couldn't help but blush. He loved her no matter what and he knew how to show her that burning love. Now, Jenni was excited about the night. And it's not even *that* thing (but it's always amazing, if somebody wanted to ask) but the cuddles after that. That moment when she's in his arms, and he won't let her go.
And she was smiling again.
Honestly I didn’t believe someone would use their time for this??? If anything, I was expecting something which has like 10 words tops or something. I LOVE YOU AAAAHHH I’M GIVING YOU A GIANT HUG AND A SMOOCH AND WTF AAAHHH I’M BLUSHING SO HARD!!!
ALSO WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN’T WRITE HIM IN CHARACTER??? I literally could hear everything he said and it made me so happyyyy ♥ And ahahaha the ending was so Murphy XD Made me blush and giggle too. And don't worry about me being in character, I don't know how would I be in character either 😂
Also love Murphy, always have and always will ♥ 2018 fall was my crazy season for him, I wrote a self-insert fanfic which reached 12 chapters???? Never finished since Rupert + others came back all at once and I started this blog but that was probably my longest self-insert fic ever, they usually die off after like 5 or 6 chapters.
I’m honestly twirling here at 1am and aaahhh I’m smiling so hard my cheeks hurt. Gonna save this to my computer and Google Docs so I can read this whenever I want and show this AMAZING PIECE to everyone.

"One of my followers who I don't even know wrote me a piece of text where the main characters are me and John Murphy????? Like as a gift, they wanted to cheer me up. (can't really translate the last message but) I'M OVERHELMED (WITH LOVE) WHAAAAAAT???? 😭😭😭
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I feel like it has been too long since I have sent a too-long ask praising your writing genius so HERE WE GO MS SWAG BUCKLE IN!!
I LOVE learning its so sweeeett especially the letter when sam is like 'sorry for the stains Im crying' but he's still so happy that's so SWEET I LOVE HIM. he deserves everything I really hope at some point we get another one shot of him when he's older and maybe he's working as an assistent/intern of pastor Murphy and we see his day in the life-ish (kinda like a medieval version of a uni student even though they did have universities in medieval times kinda but you know what I mean). maybe with this new development Eileen can be brought into the story more naturally, being a whitecreek citizen and them meeting there. I can imagine grown up Sam travelling around with/for Murphy bc I know we had a conversation about his future earlier, and Sam fills out his dreams of learning but is still close enough to willow Inn (love the name btw!!) to see his family and travel back when he can. and of course dean and cas would be so proud bc he's like learned and working with the smart ppl and then he brings Eileen home anyways im on a tangent now I shall move on from this before I plan out his entire life until the medieval equivalent to retirement (.... death? that's morbid)
the outside!! AH!! poor casssss you're wrenching at my heartstrings here poor sammm I know I say this every time but OH GOD I CANT WAIT FOR THE RESOLUTION AND THE COMFORT WE'RE SO CLOSE I can't wait to see deans reaction when he finds out cas has come for him ;~;
I feel for you on the metaphors 😭😭 feel free to bother us with them I'm sure we can help you with the process.... have you exhausted all pastural avenues....?
anyways that's all my ramblings for now I shall probably thought vomit again on you very soon but really it's youre fault for WRITING SO GOOD!!
thank u so much!!! yes sam is so sweet ;~; i really liked writing Learning and I really liked getting to show Sam’s sweeter and more earnest side, bc he’s being quite a bastard rn in the main fic. But he’s really fucked up and is in such an awful situation ;~; i was happy I got to write about how sweet he is when he’s not in such an awful environment. I do think I’ll probably expand on the fic at some point and write about Sam’s further education and possible attendance at the college. However I am 100% set on Sam living at the inn with Dean and Cas forever. Like one day he’ll meet Eileen and she’ll move in with them too. So he might go to college and travel around for a little? But he’s living at the inn with Dean and Cas. It’s my party and I’ll project my asexual fantasy of living with all my friends and loved ones forever under the same roof if I want to right?
Yes poor Cas :( he’s having a hard time of it rn. And poor Sam he is too :( i cant wait for resolution either ;~; thank u so much im so glad ur enjoying the story!!! :D
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