#can't believe this meme is on tumble now
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askshivanulegacy · 2 years ago
YTA. Somebody needs to touch grass. If you're obsessing over who's reblogging your stuff, you clearly have too much time on your hands.
Either make things unrebloggable or ... block people who are doing nothing to you, I guess??? You're definitely being way too nosy and judgmental if you're out there trying to dig up "dirt" on people just to moderate who can and can't reblog your things, when these people are doing nothing but standard fandom stuff.
The fact that they choose to reblog your art should be celebrated. Sorrynotsorry that people who are enjoying the show the way it was presented to them are showing their appreciation for artwork. Sounds like you need to accept that there's at least two mainstream ways of viewing the show and your way is not the gospel truth. And even if it was, it literally doesn't matter because all kinds of fans will have all kinds of different views.
aita for writing a callout google doc about myself because people who i find annoying keep reblogging my art
ok basically theres a pairing i like thats only hated in the western side of the fandom, everywhere else its literally the most popular, but due to mistranslations and "popular fanon", most english speakers think one of the characters involved is a child, and assume everyone else does as well.
people like this keep reblogging my non-ship related art, and i dont want my stuff on their pages. so i wrote a callout google doc about myself to send to these people to get them to delete the reblogs (and hopefully share the callout too)
it was tiring, but hey, its working.
What are these acronyms?
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ambrosiagourmet · 1 year ago
Has anyone requested Marcille for the ask meme? If not then pls
First impression
Gay? Interesting elf girl with a really good design for a female character oh my god thank you. She gets to wear pants!!! It's a miracle!
Impression now
BELOVED HALF-ELF OF MY HEART... most determined member of the party, maybe second only to Laios. Not that it's a competition.
Girl who carries the weight of her existence in her heart everywhere she goes. Girl who doesn't know how to just exist because that would mean surrendering to the things time will take away from her. Girl with bloody knuckles who clings too tightly to the things she loves because she remembers a time when she didn't realize what they meant to her.
Girl who must shape a life too big to hold all at once. Who stares into that impossible task so unflinchingly that you kind of want to tell her to run away from it for a bit. Be a bit more of a coward, Marcille! But she doesn't have time to be a coward!! She's hurtling towards her goals at terminal velocity. But the same love that keeps her tumbling forward also pulls her back from the brink. Because she's still figuring out the balance.
Favorite moment
Rabbit chapter... my god rabbit chapter.........
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Genuinely maybe my favorite chapter in the whole manga. It hits such an incredible peak of humor and raw emotion and impossibly ridiculous situations and grounded believable character writing. And no part of it is separate from the others.
What a fucking chapter. And what a fucking thesis for why Marcille is such a good character. Her being ridiculous and her being incredibly determined and her being powerful and her being scared are ALL part of her. Man. Marcille. She will do anything to pull through for her friends.
And then on top of it the way the Lion takes advantage of this moment to pull her strings. Which is just. So horrifying to watch because you want someone to give her a hug but all the people who would give her a hug are currently DEAD and she's left in a room along and exhausted with a manipulative, abusive, hungry opportunist. God. God. I love Rabbit Part II So Very Much.
Idea for a story
Umm hi sorry I am still busy thinking about Rabbit Part II. Please enjoy some shameless self promotion while I go lie down for a bit.
Unpopular opinion
She's bisexual!!!!! Normally I don't hold so fast to like "well canonically this character was into A Man so she can't be a lesbian blah blah blah" but it does bum me out that people ignore her succubus because I really do think that bi Marcille deserves more love. It doesn't make her any less into women sheesh.
Favorite relationship
Sorry I was thinking about Rabbit Part II again what was the question? Favorite relationship?
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Yeah I dunno maybe Marcille and Laios? I kinda like the part where they rely on each other because there is no other way through and share an unnamed intimacy born in blood and bone and the way that they place impossible burdens on each other and owe each other their lives many times over and neither holds it against the other or asks for the repayment of debts that can never be repaid, choosing instead to keep walking into the future by each others sides because what else can you do. What else can you do.
They are pretty cool I guess. I'm normal about them though. Haha.
Favorite headcanon
I imagine that castle staff help Marcille with her hair on a day-to-day basis because leaving it just to personal friends and family would probably be impractical. But also I think Chilchuck, Laios, Falin, and also especially KABRU all learn enough to help her with it. I think that the first three learn some basic nice stuff but I think Kabru would get really into it.
That man could absolutely intensely hyperfixate on something like "nice hairstyles from another culture" for three to six months and come out the other side an expert.
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orexias · 1 year ago
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@gloomedhands : [ circle ] — my muse makes shapes with your muse’s cum on the floor/their belly/etc / nsft memes. not accepting.
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dakara had made the mistake of forgetting there was a mirror in nesta's inn room. luckily for him, nesta had an eidetic memory.
she's on her fours, here, dakara behind her, his face pressed against her back. their noticeable but not extreme size difference was enough to make her feel as small and warm as she wanted - needing all five of her senses used in this moment, needing to be known with no other pretense. his hands are warm and firm as they palm her breasts, the smacking of their bodies together an audible sound and music to her ears. the smell of sex in the air complemented the taste of sweat on her lip and the lingering flavor of his cock, once in her mouth. 
she needed this, to feel every inch of him plunging into her - to be handled by someone who knew what he was doing, someone she didn't have to teach the ropes to. there have been very few people who have known to handle nesta d'angelis in a way such as this - but dakara is a quick learner. nesta can appreciate that in a man.
still, it isn't enough - there is something about all of this that is missing, something that doesn't take away from her needs or her enjoyment, but something that would push it over the edge. something that would allow her to lose herself like this, lost in him and the sex they were creating. the thrum of the bard on the bottom floor of the inn creates a rhythm that shakes the floor underneath them. there, she thinks. that's it.
nesta grabs him by the arm, pulling him off of the bed- they go tumbling into the floor. this bumps some elbows and some knees, and they separate, nesta now on her back and dakara atop her. her chest rises and falls as she looks up at him, eyes frenzied, desperate, some semblance of terrible need that can't be quelled just yet. she looks up, eyes making contact with her own reflection. her eyes widen, elated, and she grins, pointing to the mirror.
" there, " she tells him, breathless, pointing at the mirror. " fuck me against that. fuck me like you were, like you want to break me, please, dakara. please. " nesta d'angelis is not one to normally say please, the need swelling in her body as she and dakara make their way over towards the mirror, and she laughs, overjoyed, as her chest is pressed against the reflective surface, breasts squished against their own mirror image, and dakara's chest is pressed against her back, his cock sheathed inside of her again, just as she demanded. a slow, sensual moan fills her, and she whines - each of her senses stimulated again, here; this time, the fifth joining them.
she feels his hands against her body, wrapped around her waist, fingers idly pressing against her clit, or the warmth of her mound, or the inside of her thighs. it's paired with the sound of their skin smacking together; with the new addition of their closeness, nesta can hear him cursing in what she believes is undercommon, his sonorous voice warm against the shell of her ear. the smell of their sex hasn't left them yet, the lingering musk of their passion between them, and finally, the taste -- instead of it being an echo of their previous foreplay, though, nesta is graced with his fingers, damp with where he has touched her, and accepts them into her mouth, tongue pressed against the undersides as she licks her essence off of his warm, callused digits. and finally - fuck, finally! - she can see him in the reflection, fucking into her with a need that matches her own, his face tucked into the nape of her neck, his breath hot on her skin.
she pushes herself off of the mirror, parallel to it, and she watches herself be fucked by him, her own expression twisting into this and that - and for a moment, but a split second, they make eye contact in the mirror, the heat of his gaze seemingly intense in the mirror, fogging up with the aftereffects of their sex. she groans around his fingers, leaning her head back, brow furrowing.
yes. this is what she needed, something beyond a quick fuck yet not holding the same kind of expectations that she might have with someone else. dakara gives her exactly what she needs, and sometimes - exactly what she wants. in return, she gives him her entire body to play with, to use as he wants, to take his frustrations and his needs out in. this is their arrangement; this is their design. 
he pulls his fingers out of her mouth, and nesta fucks back against him, those dampened fingers now reaching for her clit, working mischevious circles into it while nesta scrunches her face closed - he looks at her in the mirror, here, seeing every angle of her like she is a specimen on display. nesta enjoys the unintentional voyeurism - in another life, they fuck on a stage for the enjoyment of others and the eroticism of having an audience, but here and now, nesta is more than content with the private viewing he gets by way of letting her ride his cock.
she goes to say please again, to ask him for more, but his body is intentional with how his free hand comes to eclipse hers, his strokes deeper, harder, faster - silently, he tells her that she doesn't have to beg. her head falls back, and she whimpers, placing wet, lazy kisses on his jaw now that he's in control of the give-and-take. she's numb, lost to bliss, and dakara moves his other hand to brace against the mirror, his soaked fingers streaking lines of ecstasy down the reflective surface of the mirror, smudging their reflections in the most delectable, raunchiest way. the shapes his fingers make are unintentional, the way the digits twitch against the sensation of her body on his, an abstract, trembling scribble that translates into a need for orgasm. nesta sees it, her grin widening, eyes lidding. her own hand comes up to smear it, to draw his attention back to her.
" do it, " she whispers against his skin, her own body on fire, " cum for me, dakara. give me exactly what you know i need. you've done so well already; you've seen how wet i am, how good this feels-- i--i--i--"  
she cries out against him, wailing softly as the band beneath them in the tavern reaches the climax of their song, and he bites down onto her shoulder, filling her up with exactly what she needed. they both collapse forward, leaning against the mirror, nesta's mouth now claiming dakara's in a wet, sloppy kiss that lasts for what feels like forever. eventually, they both come up for air, and nesta's smile matches the one of the woman in the mirror.
" feel better? " dakara asks, and nesta laughs, a wordless nod leaving her.
" more than you will ever, ever know. "
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tathrin · 2 years ago
🎨 + 🤲
From this ask meme. (I know you asked these last night, I'm sorry for running out of time to answer them before. I hope you didn't worry that you'd been forgotten!)
These are the last asks in my inbox so if I haven't answered yours yet, then they have been lost/forgotten sorry please resend.
🎨 How do you feel about fan art of your stories?
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
I'm going to combine this with another ask and answer them both together since they touch on the same topic:
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So @katajainen has gotten me thinking about zombies in Middle-earth courtesy these amazingly awful fics here, and now I find myself lost deep down a world building rabbit hole (inspired also by @roselightfairy and @deheerkonijn's incredible Modern LotR AU) for a Modernized High Fantasy Zombie Apocalypse story and setting. Here's a bit of it.
The sound of the engine, which has been their steady accompaniment for so many hours now that it feels like the rumble of it must be baked all the way into their bones, finally fades. The silence that follows is so strong that it almost rings, feeling somehow louder than the engine for a moment.
Then it is broken by two car doors opening and closing, and the heavy stomp of dwarven boots across rough ground.
"Ahhh!" Gimli says, holding his arms up over his head and stretching all the way up onto his toes before bending over and grabbing for his ankles. His spine crackles in relief. "That feels good!"
"Don't go tumbling head-over-heels and rolling back down the mountain, now," Glóin chides him teasingly.
Gimli rolls his eyes and stomps off into the brush that lines the overgrown road for a few moments of very specific privacy. Behind him, his father snorts into his beard and then goes groping for a handkerchief. Dwarves are not people of sunlight and trees, and the pollen of so many plants is making his nose drip.
That doesn't mean that Glóin can't appreciate the view a little, as he turns to look back down over the land behind them. From this point of the High Pass, he can see great fields of green and brown stretching out behind him. Sunlight sparkles off the curve of distant rivers, and birds that he cannot name twitter in the sparse trees that dot the steep mountain earth around him. This is not a place for dwarves, outside in the sun with nothing around but green plants and feathered, flying things; but it is still a mountain, even if they stand on the outside of it rather than within. It is still a good place, in its own way, even if it is not a dwarven one, and Glóin takes a few minutes to appreciate the sights around him.
Also it is nice simply to be out of the car for a little. Glóin always thought the seats of the [DWARVEN CAR MAKE] to be the epitome of comfort, but after three days of being crammed into one as the car jolts and bounces its way up an unpaved mountain road, he is beginning to revise that opinion. Like Gimli, Glóin stretches out his stiff muscles a little, but he does not have his son's enthusiasm—nor his youthful flexibility. He contents himself with smaller motions, working the bones and joints as much as anything. Even dwarven bodies, which are stiff and stony by nature, can become uncomfortably rigid after too long confined in one tight space, and it feels good to ease that stillness and get the blood flowing again.
Glóin groans happily as he sinks down onto the warm bumper of the car, luxuriating in the feeling of stretching his legs out before him without pedals to interfere or the press of a belt across his chest to draw him back. He listens to the crackling sounds of Gimli stomping through the brush, at this point finished with his moment of privacy and now just giving his blood a chance to wake up too. Glóin glances over and sees his son shooting glances over the edge of the mountain, clearly also taking a moment to enjoy the view, and he smiles and ducks his head before Gimli sees him watching and accuses him of getting sappy.
Gimli is too young to understand, but he will someday. Sappiness is an inevitable side-effect of fatherhood, and not something that any dwarf stands much chance of resisting in the end.
He scratches absently at the bandage that sticks out past the end of his rolled-up sleeve and lets himself wonder what being a grandfather will be like. The day is many years away of course, if it should come at all; but out here in the warm sun with the air blowing past crisp and clean on the side of a high mountain, it is a nice thing to contemplate. Certainly better than the ugly plague they left behind in Erebor, the grim knowledge that cannot be forgotten and which drives the urgency of their travel.
Glóin catches himself scratching harder and makes a face into his beard. The itching is a good sign, he knows, a sign that the wound below is healing; still, that knowledge does not make the itching pleasant. With a sigh, he pulls his hand away before he can dislodge the soft white cotton or do some damage to the oozing scabs that lie concealed beneath.
He still can't believe Kili bit him when he went to hug his poor, feverish nephew goodbye.
Glóin sniffles and curses the pollen all around them. He wipes his nose again as he hears Gimli laugh. "You all right, da?" his son calls from the other side of the car.
Glóin looks down at the handkerchief in his hand and feels a chill run up his bones suddenly, despite the warmth of the sun overhead. "Fine," Glóin barks, staring at the spots of blood on the pale cloth. "Just a bit stuffy from all this damned greenery."
Gimli chuckles and returns to whatever he was doing before—more stretching, Glóin thinks absently, from the sounds of soft grunting and shifting cloth—and Glóin shoves the bloody handkerchief deep into the pocket of his jacket. He shivers, despite the warmth of the day.
"All right, time's wasting," he declares, taking care to make his voice as cheery and boisterous as though he were calling a crowd in for a feast. He shoves himself to his feet and unrolls the sleeves of his jacket against the sudden chill. "We aren't out here to sight-see, after all," Glóin says, and is abruptly reminded of the sight of Dori coughing into that bloody handkerchief of his back in the dim and empty council chambers. Is he well again by now, or has he succumbed like so many have to the disease, to be lying even now in a feverish stupor in a bed lined with chains in the increasingly-crowded hospital rooms? Are the dwarves they have left behind getting better on their own, or are they still getting worse?
Has anyone died yet?
Glóin shivers again and pulls his jacket tighter, buttoning it up high beneath his beard. As anxious as their hurried trip has been so far, he feels more than ever now that they are running out of time. "Back in the car," he orders.
Gimli grumbles good-naturedly, but he doesn't hesitate. He understands the urgency of their journey too, after all. He walks back to the car, taking the chance to stretch his arms up over his head and tug at them one last time before climbing back inside. His shoulders protest the movement but they revel in it, too, and some of the ache of travel lifts from his muscles.
Glóin's aches do not lessen. The stone of his bones is too old, the boulder of his heart too heavy. "In fact," he says slowly, "why don't you take the wheel for a while."
Gimli freezes with his hand on the door. "Da," he says, "are you talking pyrite?"
"No." Glóin shakes his head. He tosses the keys to Gimli. "Go on, if you're going to."
"But you hate my driving," Gimli says, even as he hurries to the other side of the car and slides into the driver's seat before his father can change his mind.
"Eh, well," Glóin shrugs. "Nobody else on the road all the way out here, is there? What better time for you to drive."
"Da," Gimli groans, "that was one time and I was barely sixty. I'm not going to hit anything now."
"Certainly not if you don't get moving," Glóin says mildly.
Gimli curses him affectionately and starts the engine. As the car rumbles off up the mountain pass, Glóin turns his face to the window and discreetly wipes his nose again.
His hand comes away bloody.
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larkin-e-carmichael · 1 year ago
I can't believe I have been tricked into tumbling.
I've just been "sent a post". I received a post? Really? Is this the fucking USPS to email pipeline going one step deeper?
And it's just a meme. I have a new email exclusively for memes now, @larkin-e-carmichael . A mememail.
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piko-rose · 3 years ago
It's so silly, but what I enjoy the most when it comes to animation in the movies is the small details on Sonic, Tails and Knuckles that makes them more... Alive, or real, however I could describe it. (I'm mainly using Sonic as an example)
I especially love what they did with the fur on the characters, like when they got out of the water and their fur is wet.
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Like I don't think it's easy to notice, but you should see some water dripping out of his quills or something. (You can also see that his gloves are wet too.)
And another amazing detail is when Sonic and Knuckles are underwater and their fur is flowing. (God I wish I know how to make gifs)
And even when they have sand on them as well.
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(I forgot to take a picture of it but there was even some sand on Knuckles' gloves.)
And of course, snowy Sonic.
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Like, the animators pulled it off with Sonic, Tails and Knuckles' fur details and conditions. I wish I have more pictures, or at least better ones, to show off but these will do.
Sand, or snow, or whatever, would get stuck on Sonic's fur since he is covered with said fur, and not just hair (or quills) on his head.
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Sonic was running through the bridge before Robotnik's Egg Mech shot it down with Sonic still on it!
Then he crashed onto the ground along with the remaining pieces of the destroyed bridge and MAN
Every. Single. Time. I see Sonic in this condition, my heart just shatters
That Sonic is beaten up badly. All that dirt and bruises on his body, including his pained expression. Complete with the animation of him approaching the Master Emerald in a slow and painful pace, and he kept tumbling and falling back to the ground but he kept going anyway.
I believe that without all that dirt on Sonic's fur, or even just a little bit of it, it wouldn't even look like he was in terrible condition. The crew did such an OUTSTANDING job on this movie, but especially this entire sequence.
Plus, they made him, Tails and Knuckles so darn expressive it's like we've never seen them express before. THAT'S HOW GOOD IT IS MAN.
It's just one of those things in animation, but especially in CGI, that just makes everything else so realistic. Like the characters are actually there. And I love it. I don't know why, it's just such a cool thing to point out every now and then.
Also, another thing that makes them more real is the breathing, or most specifically, moments when their chests "puffs" in and out.
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Like here for instance. (This looks like a meme template XD)
Here Knuckles was going on about how Sonic moves forward despite failing again, and again, and again, ect. And Sonic here is just like: bruh.
You can definitely see that his body kind of shrunk, letting out some air before inhaling again to speak up. (I REALLY wish I knew how to make gifs)
I'm just gonna plug this really neat post right here if you want to read it since it's about what I'm explaining here. So shout out to @caz-cina for that because I could've explain it better myself. XD
Again, like I said, it's the smallest things in the movies that I just can't get over because the animators actually did they're part to make the animated characters and the special effects as real as possible.
Probably not necessary to post something like this but I just wanted to say how much I love stuff like this and it's so cool that the crew are really hopeful and collaborative with the movie series.
Honestly, kudos to the cast and crew. They are way past cool.
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lunastars21 · 2 years ago
My god would ya believe me if I said clutch is way more underrated than fang! Cuz I can't find shit about this Opossum and he's in recent comics!
Welp time to change that
Clutch headcanon time
He's obviously a boomer, He WAS legit in retirement when he first appeared in IDW, but now he's building his empire again, still also focusing on Chao racing as a lil bonus.
I'd like to think after the whole Amy and friends fiasco he does treat chaos a bit better, would the ones he trapped never Wana get near him again? Yeah sure he doesn't care, Chao races are the least of his importance now, plus less trouble for him, but at least some new ones would get better treatment.
Did he adopt rough and tumble? Yes, he doesn't admit it but shows it through action, they do speak louder than words after all
Whenever he recalls his past, it's a visualization of a 60's like anime where he's much younger.
Rough and Tumble try to catch him up with memes, but since the duo is always late with the trends, so is clutch. He's beraly hearing about the Dr. Livesey meme and it's already been months now guys come on.
Clutch and Fang have a mutual friendship, they'll help each other, and once the mission is done they go their separate ways, Clutch states Fang still has much to learn.
Besides his FUCKING cane gun, clutch knows to hand to hand combat, using his tail as another way of attacking, he also uses it to choke his enemies and practically strangle them to death.
Clutch takes care of his giant bear robot, he knows some machinery but isn't really an expert, still the robot gets all the recent upgrades.
Clutch sometimes accidentally rhymes his name with words, Rough and Tumble tease him about it and he just pushes them away.
He enjoys going to fancy diners, concerts, and museum's in his spare time (yes I watch bumblekast QNA how ya know)
Everytime a holiday comes up, wether it's their birthday or Christmas or something, rough and tumble always argue and waste the day away. This has led to clutch having to separate them and calm them down before they break something, but the duo make him participate in whatever the holiday is so they won't fight for the rest of the day (example: getting clutch into random blind dates on Valentine's day, making him join the bros in the bouncy house on their birthday, snowball fight with them in the snow during Christmas!)
Clutch does smoke and drink, he on occasions gets high but that's rare
Clutch has many different kinds of coats that he wears, his favorite mostly being the grey one you first see him in, plus they make him look taller
Rough says Gif, Tumble says Jif, Clutch says it like an acronym: G.I.F
Clutch is a good balance with physical actions and smarts, but since he's older his fighting is a bit weaker than It used to be, but his marksmanship is still sharp!
He's still trying to understand how modern phones work, so he mostly has a flip phone
In his past he wasn't a wealthy kid, beraly scrapping by and taking as much from the street, but then one day he ran into a casino, he only had a few cents and couldn't really gamble much, so he decided to play one game of poker and then head home. It turned out he was very good at most of the games and manage to collect so much money, his life changed after that. Making deals, killing whoever double crosses him, and always getting away Scott free, His family was never poor again.
Most of Clutch's family members have either passed away or went on their own adventures and hasn't seen them since, now he focuses on passing his knowledge to the skunk brothers...well...try too.
That's all I got for this guy! Made him a complete dad figure but still very dangerous, man has taken out tons of heroes for crying out loud! I hope to see him more in the comics and that he gets more people into his fanbase :3
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burntchickennuggetskrrt · 5 years ago
Dream in a Dream (One shot)
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pairing : jeno x reader
reason: because it's jeno's birthday 🥺💚
warnings: please forgive me for any errors that you might meet along the way. i did not proofread this and just wrote this because it's jeno's birthday ㅠㅠ don't get mad at me for my lack of vocabulary or my grammar mistakes ㅠㅠ
✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩
"Are you going to the coffeeshop again?" Your bestfriend asked whilst you were checking your reflection in her vanity mirror.
"Yeri, stop saying "again", it's not like i always go there." You reapplied your lipstick to finish your light make-up look.
"Yn, you basically go there every fucking day just to check out the barista for the last 2 months, who are you even kidding?" Yeri rolled his eyes at the embarrassment that is her bestfriend, yes, you.
"Geez, chill down, Susan. It's not like i have nothing else to do. I mean, it's not my fault that my body needs caffeine every single day." Of course that's just your shitty reasoning which Yeri catches without blinking.
"Bitch, don't even give me that same lame excuse. Just say you're a simp and go." Yeri is tired of you simping around this barista for the last two months without doing anything about it.
"I AM NOT SIMPING OVER HIM! I'm just admiring art." You sighed dreamily as you remember the handsome barista who takes your order and makes them with those beautiful hands.
"Yn, you're not admiring art, you're a creep! I told you to say hi and introduce yourself and not just order coffee and sit on the farthest corner oogling at the poor guy." You rolled your eyes at the stupid suggestion of your bestfriend. How could she even think of you introducing yourself to that beautiful boy? You can't even function well when he give you that beautiful smile that makes his eyes formed the shape of a crescent moon.
"Just do it. It's been two months, Yn. Two months of me listening to your simp words of how beautiful his smile is, or how his eyes would go minute when he smiles, or how he looks like that meme of a smiling dog, or how his arms looks so wonderful in his uniform as he "skillfully" make your order with those "beautiful hands"--", your bestfriend's flow of words was put on a halt as you covered her mouth as she protested.
"STOP. I know, okay? I'm pathetic. I can't help it. He's beautiful, like really beautiful. I'm pretty sure Ten only hired him because he will make his cafe famous. I mean, he's not wrong. Ever since he started working in there, Dream in a Dream got more customers, teenage customers." That's basically the reason why you were not able to find confidence in properly introducing yourself, not when there are tons of pretty girls gawking over him on a daily basis.
"Yn, you are fucking beautiful, plus your personality is fucking wonderful. If he doesn't like you by now after the countless times you sashayed your ass in there, he's dumb and he's not worth your attention." Yeri put and emphasis on the words she has spoken just so it can be etched in your mind.
"Damn, hype woman, chill. But thanks Yeri, I mean I have developed this huge ass crush and I'm scared that when I make a move the illusion will break and he's nothing like I imagined him to be." Of course that's just part of your worries, because the main one is still related to how you're not confident enough.
"Are you boo boo the fool, Yn? Of course you wouldn't know about that if you won't talk to him. You'll just end up putting more and more illusion in your head if you continue on lurking around instead of speaking to him. The worst case scenario is he will decline you because he has a girlfriend, though it will suck more if he declines your invite and yet he's single, like bitch, he just plainly doesn't like you."
"See this is why I'm not sure if you're my bestfriend! You hype me and then you bring me down!" You sat beside your bestfriend on her bed as the other just continued lying down.
"I'm just giving your the possible scenarios that would happen if you ask him out or just talk to him after his shift. Or maybe just ask him if he's single, so you can stop simping and wasting your time."
"He's worth my time." You heard Yeri fake-gagged at your response.
"Simp culture." You smacked her ass playfully before you stood up and walked towards the door to signal your departure. But before you left you looked back at your bestfriend and she's looking at you warily.
"Fine, maybe I'll say something more to him later, aside from my order."
"You better be, or I'm revoking your bestfriend benefits."
The walk towards Dream in a Dream was stressful since you kept on weighing Yeri's advice. Can you really dare to speak to the beautiful barista?
Even before arriving to the counter, you already saw him looking like some shining, shimmering, splendid prince who got sent by the King to work in a cafe for his humility training or something.
And like some coming age movie, he slowly looked up from the cash register and your eyes locked and he smiled at you, fucking smiled at you. Can i have that smile forever? You can only dream.
"Hi Yn, how are you?"
"Hi Jeno, I'm fine, I guess. Thanks for asking. How are you?" You felt your stomach did a some tumbling stunt as you heard your name rolled down his tongue perfectly.
"Better now that my favorite customer is here." Damn, those beautiful eye blinding smile again. You've seen it countless of times and you still can't get over it. Why are you like this?
"Liar." You smiled shyly at the boy you are obviously fucking whipped for.
"Can you two stop flirting in front of my salad?" The little moment was now gone, fucking Ten and his single ass being all bitter. He's basically just seating on his owner's table not so far away from the counter, yet he still noticed.
"Damn Boss, stop interrupting. You're making me miss my shot." Jeno just smiled at you apologetically but you on the other side is obviously on some trance. What the hell?? What does he mean by missing his shot? Jeno, shoot your shot! I'll be yours way before you could ask me out! You're obviously being delusional again, but who cares? A girl can dream.
"I don't care if you flirt all you want. Just not in front of my salad, and not when you're working. We have customers, Jeno." Ten's obviously just playing around, not that you and Jeno will notice. The owner obviously noticed your admiration for his 2 month old barista, you've been a constant customer since then, never missing a day and always visits on Jeno's shift.
"Got it boss. Sorry about that, Yn. My boss and his boyfriend had some fight, so he's being too sensitive." Jeno said to you in a fake whisper. He's too close, you thought.
"That's fine, Jeno. You don't have to excuse his annoying ass. Anyways, I'll take the same order." You smiled and gave your card to the boy to pay. But Jeno waved his hand instead.
"Don't pay. This is my treat." He again smiled sheepishly, he should really stop doing that. You've already have this huge crush on him, no need to get it bigger.
"Ten will kill you. Let me pay please."
"What he doesn't know won't kill him." He winked at you like his eyes is not already small from his smile.
"Are you sure? Because it's really fine, Jeno. You don't owe me anything."
"Believe me, I do. So just say yes, please?" Damn, Jeno, if this was him asking your hand in marriage you would say yes without stuttering. But you thought, a coffee would be a good start. And what does he mean by he believes he owes you something?
"Fine, Jeno. But just this time." You brought back your card back to your sling bag and Jeno mayhaps that said something like "yippee" or "yeheey", you really don't know, he was too cute for you to stay sane.
You were mindlessly sipping your drink whilst looking at the people outside outside Dream when Jeno started walking towards your seat, you did not notice him though, at least not until he spoke.
"Yn?" Your daydreaming was put to an end when you heard Jeno's voice calling your name.
"Oh, hey, Jeno." You smiled ever so shyly, just like you always do when he's the one you're talking.
"Oh, hey... so I was wondering... my shift will be over in like 30 mins. Do you mind, uh, going out with me? Like just walk around the park and maybe have some dinner?" The boy scratched his ear just like he does when he's feeling shy and/or awkward.
You look at him like he just said some foreign language you haven't had the honour to learn. What did he just say? Go out? Park? Dinner?
"Earth to Yn?" Jeno spoke softly like he's talking to something small and fragile, which obviously at this point, are the words best to describe you.
"What did you just say?" You replied in almost like a whisper; but Jeno is looking at you closely so he was still able to hear what you said and that's when Ten walked by.
"He's asking you out on a date, idiot. Isn't that what you wanted?" Ten laughed as he made his way back to his table.
You swore to the heavens, that you will be snitching Ten to his father about all his shenanigans. He's like the worst cousin in the world, i mean not really, but he sort of is, right now.
"I swear to God, he's like the worst cousin." You sighed, exasperated.
"He loves you though, he always talk good things about you behind your back."
"Oh, does he now?" You raised your eyebrow for emphasis and Jeno smiled shyly in return.
"Yes, he does. I may have indulge him because I like hearing things about you."
"Oh." That was the lamest reply you have given ever since your birth. STOP EMBARRASSING YOURSELF, YN!
"Before my confidence ran out, what do you think about my invitation?"
"Oh... Yeah, s-sure. As long as you don't bite." Maybe at least now now.
"I won't. Unless you asked me too." He winked, fucking cassanova knows what he's doing. You can feel the heat creeping up your cheeks.
"I'll see you in 30 mins then?"
"Yeah, sure, Jen." Jen? Who gave you permission to give him nicknames? Get a grip of yourself, yn!
30 minutes later, Jeno came back. Now with his casual clothes, still looking some dashing model from a magazine.
"Ready to go?"
"You bet."
Whilst you were both about to go out the door, Ten shouted something that made you winced.
"Jeno, you can take a day off tomorrow. Sorry for making you work on your birthday, bud." Ten smiled apologetically but Jeno just smiled like the good boy that he is.
"No worries, boss. Thanks for the day off! We'll get going now. Let's go, Yn."
"Oh, yeah. Just give me a minute. I'll catch up to you. I remember I have to say something to Ten, a message from my Mom." Jeno eyed you curiously but he let it passed and told you he'll just wait outside.
You walked back to the counter and saw your cousin with sitting casually with his feet up on his table.
"Hey, Ten. Can you give me that cupcake? And maybe some candle."
Ten gave out a laugh before standing up amd getting what you ordered.
"You're fucking whipped, Cous. Be fast though, you're not the only customer eyeing him."
"Shut up. I'm trying, okay? Yeri is already on my back. Stop yourself from hopping in."
"Well, you always need a very hard push. Don't pay me for now." Ten put the cupcake in a small box with Dream in a Dream logo. You put the box carefully in your sling bag and borrowed Ten's lighter with a promise of returning it tomorrow.
When you walked out of Dream in a Dream, you saw Jeno casually leaning on his motorcycle. He has a motorcycle? Damn, he looks hotter. What the hell, yn?
"Hey, right here." Jeno waved his hand as if you'll never catch him in a sea of people. But you always do, he has that presence, at least that's the case in your eyes.
"Are we riding that?" Jeno laughed at your expression.
"Yes we will be riding this. Don't worry yn, I'm not a reckless driver." He winked. STOP WINKING, JENO.
"I still have a lot of dreams, so that's good to hear. Let's go?" Jeno nodded and gave you a helmet before putting his. Does this mean I can hug him? You felt your cheeks grow hot again with that thought.
You indeed end up hugging him during the ride to the park; since he also advised for you to hold tight. It was not a hard instruction, and definitely not against your own judgment.
Jeno found an empty bench near the children's playground and you both sat in there silent for a few minutes before you heard him clear his throat.
"Thank you for coming with me, Yn. It means a lot to me. I'm almost technically a stranger, but you still came with me." You looked at him and maybe it's the light playing tricks on his handsome face but you could've sworn his cheeks is a little red.
"No worries, Jeno. You're not really that of a stranger. Ten knows you. I've known you for like 2 months. So that's hardly a stranger." You gave him a genuine smile, happy that Jeno invited you, or it would've been you embarrassing yourself to invite him.
"2 months, 3 days, 15 hrs, and 2 minutes."
"That's the exact time I've gotten to know you." Jeno looked down, embarrassed at how he remembers clearly the time you first entered Dream in a Dream, like you're some fantasy brought to his reality.
"Oh... wow, that's quite precise." Your eyes where everywhere but on him.
"Yeah, you could say that. I almost messed up your order and would've been fired if Renjun wasn't there to help me out." Jeno smiled remembering his friend who now take an early shift.
You find your courage to be honest now that Jeno is being honest. What could go wrong, right?
"Don't worry, Jen. I messed up too. I ended up ordering Matcha Latte when I hate that drink with all my heart."
"You do? So that's why you never ordered that drink again. I remember extending my shift that day to practice how to make it perfectly though."
"You did? You're so silly." You laughed at Jeno not because he's being silly, but because he is looking like some cute puppy doing something silly, you still find yourself liking him even more.
"Yeah, people do crazy things when they're in love." It slipped Jeno's mouth before he could stop it. It felt like it was the most natural thing to say. But after looking at your shocked expression he almost feel his heart sinking. But then you smiled and hope trampled the fear as fast as it could even crawl further.
"I guess they do. So you love me, then?"
Jeno hummed before answering.
"I guess you could say that."
You raised your eyebrow.
"So you're not sure?"
Jeno sighed before looking at you straight in the eyes, with the most serious look you have seen on him.
"I love you, Yn. I'm not just sure if it's the first thing I should say after mustering up to talk to you the first time."
"Jeno, can you close your eyes?"
"Can you close your eyes? Please?"
Jeno felt weird by the sudden request. The boy thought what if you'd run away after his sudden confession? He thought he can't blame you if you do that, he was being stupid for confessing on day 1.
"I won't run away." You said as if being able to read Jeno's thoughts. He sighed but proceeded on closing his eyes.
You immediately took out the box you've carefully arranged in your bag and lit the candle using your stupid (yet somehow still helpful) cousin's lighter.
"Jeno, you can open your eyes now." You felt the excitement in your voice, it was weird being able to hear it. But you didn't care, who cares if you're going too fast? You can get to know about each other after today.
Jeno saw your smile first before his eyes dropped on the red velvet cupcake you are holding with a candle on top of it. He find himself smiling, not just because of the effort you've exerted, but because of how beautiful you look.
"Happy birthday, Jeno. Before you make a wish, I have a fun fact for you... Did you know that I have been going to Dream in a Dream every single day for the past 2 months, 3 days, 15 hrs, and 20 mins now because I fell in love with the newly hired barista?"
Jeno laughed hard, like that kind of laugh a boy gives out which sound anything but soft. He has head thrown backwards due to laughing and you just stared at him, dumbfounded yet still in love.
"So to simplify that fun fact, you love me?"
"You could say that. Now make a wish before the wind blows your candle out."
Jeno moved closer and closed his eyes.
He doesn't have a wish anymore, he's got one already answered. He's got you. But he still finds himself wishing, because humans are after all selfish creatures.
Please, please, make this work. I love her, please make her love me more in the future.
Then Jeno opened his eyes and blow his candle. You smiled at each other like some giddy teenagers even if Jeno just turned 20, which means he's a young adult now.
"Do you mind saying it again?"
"Saying what, Jen?"
"I love that nickname by the way. Tell me how you feel about this barista."
"Demanding but fine, since it's your birthday. I love you, Lee Jeno."
"Damn, that feels good to hear. I might be asking you to say those 8 letters in the next coming minutes. But for now, let me tell you that I love you too, Yn."
He gave you a kiss on the forehead and a tight hug. It was perfect.
Two months ago a dream was born in Dream in a Dream. Two month later on the day Jeno was born, it became a reality. Now you'll find yourself celebrating two special events every April 23rd; Jeno's birthday and the birthday you now both share, hopefully for a long time.
- end -
✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩
an: that's all. it's short i guess but i really wanted to write some one shot, so thank God it's jeno's birthday and i have an excuse. hope you enjoy it! - 고양이 🐈
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LEE JENO! EVEN IF YOU ARE NOW A 20 YEAR OLD ADULT, YOU ARE STILL A BABY TO ME 💚 (i'm same age with the nct pig liners 😉) love you, baby!
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magpiefngrl · 7 years ago
This is definitely *not* your boyfriend, but since you're taking questions (and since I haven't figured out this damn tumbly thing yet and can't find the numbers for them remind me to ask Hermione to go over it again) how about detailing your favorite position? It might be helpful for your boyfriend in the future, is all. (Again, who *isnt* me.) Also, anything specific you like about him? Other than that whole, annoying chosen one thing.❤❤❤
(this response is related to the draco does memes posts (and makes more sense when you read those))
Sure yes, this isn’t *my* seeker, but some rando, totally believe you*winks*
Thing is, this is one of the hardest questions I’ve had to answer since my father asked me ‘Is this Potter’ at the Manor. My boyfriend, you see, is rather inventive in bed, which I wasn’t expecting, to be totally frank.@Dark-and-hung69 had always said that Gryffindors favoured vanilla sex and it was the Ravenclaws that were the kinky bastards. At school, we’d all accepted this as truth, but one of the things about growing up is that you realise that your youthful generalizations and stereotyping were just a load of crap.
This is going to get really NSFW so it goes under the cut
In any case, Harry’s the kind of chap who wants to try everything and so we’ve had quite some fun these past seven months, shagging in all sorts of positions. I know people think against-the-wall sex is sexy af, but that’s because they don’t have any idea what it’s like to see you Harry lying on a bed on his front, back arching, arse in the air, my hands squeezing his arse cheeks, spreading them open and tasting the most private, the most secret part of him. That’s not my favourite position, but I do love seeing his arse like that, I won’t deny it.
I know Harry likes riding me, and let me tell you, that’s quite something, too—him writhing over me, his thighs squeezing my hips his handscholding my wrists down. I like to think I’m at his mercy at those times, evenif he’s the one fucking himself on my cock. I also like the reverse, me riding him but thinking he’s at my mercy.
Face to face is a great favourite because I love seeing his face as he comes. Harry has the most ridiculous come face and I adore it, because I’m the only one who gets to see it. When he’s below me—whether I fuck him slow and sweet, or put his legs on my shoulders and pound him really hard—I sometimes feel a complete sense of wonder at how life’s brought us together. I marvel that he’s letting me fuck him. That he likes it as much as I do. That he loves me even a fraction of how much I love him.
I could go on forever. Bending Harry over the sofa and slipping him one makes me feel dirty and I love it. Him on all fours feels fantastic for my cock, same with me on all fours. Feels like his cock reaches so deep inside me that it’ll come out of my mouth. I think I’m getting aroused now. But we go back again and again to the favourites: me sitting up and he straddling my lap, so he’s riding me and kissing me and I can lick his sweaty chest or bite his neck if I want to; or pinning him down and feeling his cock trapped between us, his hot skin against mine, his mouth close to mine as I pump and pump his lovely sweet arse.
Tl;dr: My favourite position is any position which allows me to hold Harry close.
As for the meme questions, I’ve tagged you to answer the same ones, you muppet
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