#can you tell the edible hit during the first sentence of this post
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phoenixcavalier · 2 days ago
just had the sudden question of what happened to my weighted blanket in the fire. it was one of the fancier kinds where the weight is glass beads, so I just imagined a vaguely blanket shaped sheet of melted glass in the rubble and thinking how satisfying breaking it would be
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bangtan-madi · 5 years ago
All Of Our Lifetimes — Five: Requiem
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Pairing — Taehyung x Reader
Tags — boyfriend!Taehyung, husband!Taehyung reincarnation au, lovers to strangers and to lovers again, established relationship, implied soulmate au
Genre — fluff, angst, crime (ish)
Word Count — 2.5k
Summary — Does love ever truly end, or does it simply take another form in a new life? The cycle is like clockwork: your lives end and you’re reborn again. You’ve lived it over and over. Each cycle, one of you loses your memories and is tragically unaware until the other finds and awakens their lover. After all these eons, all these lifetimes, is it possible to find each other again—even when neither of you awakens with your memories?
Part — 5 / 15
Warnings — language
A/N — Taglist is open! Comment, message, or ask and I’ll add you to the roster :) (Also I’m a freakin’ moron and forgot to post on Wednesday night like usual, which was yesterday. So enjoy this late chapter lol!)
Previous — Next
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The first person you text is Namjoon. To you, he was the obvious choice. Friendly, open, and the first of the members to accept you into their enclave. It wasn't anything in particular, just saying hi and reminding him of who you are and that you were looking forward to tomorrow.
Not two minutes later, he replies and invites you to join a group chat he'd just created for you and all seven members.
"This way, we can all keep in touch!" he says. "DMs are fine, of course, but if we all wanna get to know each other, group chats can be a lot of fun."
He wasn't wrong. The remainder of Sunday evening is spent texting the members. On the way home, while you cook a quick dinner, and when you're relaxing before bed. They're flooding your messages with all kinds of hilarity. Jungkook and Hoseok are a fan of memes, while Yoongi seems to prefer the straightforward communication that gifs provide. Jimin and Namjoon adore emojis, and Jin sticks to his usual bad dad jokes. Taehyung replies to a question every now and then, but for the most part, he's absent from the conversation.
"You're awfully quiet, Taehyung-ssi," Jimin teases half-way through a conversation on whether or not mint ice cream is edible.
"I'm working, but you guys are blowing up my phone so it's hard to concentrate."
A sigh slips out as you reply, "You can put your phone on vibrate, Taehyung. Really, we won't mind. Or at least I certainly won't."
His response is speedy. "Okay. I'll talk to you all tomorrow."
Namjoon sends you a private message. "Don't let him bother you. He can get like this when he's focused. He doesn't do well with things distracting him."
"Yeah...you're probably right."
"Oh, I definitely am!"
"Hey, thank you again for everything. Except for Kim Taehyung, I really feel at ease with everyone. I feel like we're going to get along great at the set tomorrow."
"My pleasure, [Y/n]. I really wanted to avoid you feeling like more of an outsider than you probably already do. Being in a new country, even if you speak the language, can be scary. I've been to enough of them to know that there's no place like home...but maybe we can make it a bit easier."
A smile spreads across your face at his genuine spirit and pure kindness. "You have, big time! Each of you is really fun to be around. Honestly? I can't wait for 'Run' tomorrow! Can I ask where we're going? I didn't see a production report yet, and Director Hyeon hasn't responded to my email."
"We'll probably knock out a few episodes in one night, and I think we're closing down the Seoul Museum of Art. They're going to close a bit early so we can have it to ourselves. The games we have planned will happen there!"
You turn your eyes away from your cell phone at the mention of the museum. Recalling what happened over the weekend, returning to that place doesn't seem like a terrific idea. But then again, if you are there with Taehyung, maybe the two of you can finally talk about what you see in your dreams.
Maybe, just maybe, you can get those answers.
Your resolve strengthens a little bit, and a new message comes through, one not from the group chat or Namjoon. You click out of your conversation with the leader and check the notification.
"Who are you?"
The question is blunt and straightforward, coming from the second-youngest member via a private chat. You open the message, and your fingers hover above the keyboard for a few moments.
"Hi Taehyung. What do you mean?"
"I know we've met before. I can't remember where."
You bite your lip at his statement. So you were right; he does have some sort of familiarity with you, too. Now, to figure out just how much.
"Have you been to a concert before? Or a fan-sign? Maybe you worked on the set of Hwarang?"
"None of those. I actually didn't listen to much of your music before recently, and I've never been to a concert or fan-sign. And I've never worked on any set before."
"You weren't a fan of BTS? Even though you applied to Big Hit?"
"Nope. Actually, my roommate Milo was the Bangtan superfan. I heard of you guys through her, and then of Big Hit. I applied because I wanted to live in Seoul. It's been my dream all my life. Big Hit just happened to have the job I wanted in the ideal location. Call it fate, I guess."
A half-truth, but it will have to do for now.
"I know. I remember. Your gut feeling."
You pause, your fingers halting mid-type. How did he already know about that? You hadn't mentioned it in either the group chat or in the earlier conversation. In fact, the only person you'd mentioned the gut feeling about Seoul to was—
"I have to go, sorry. I'll see you at the museum tomorrow. I think you know the way."
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The museum looks almost spooky after the sun begins to set over the buildings that touch the sky. Downtown Seoul is as beautiful as ever as the bright oranges and pastel pinks bathe the exteriors of each in brilliant colors. If it weren't for the thirty or so Big Hit employees rushing about, you might've stood at the entrance for much longer than thirty seconds.
But the moment you're on-scene, you go to work. One of the producers flags you down, offers a brief introduction, and tells you where to hide the English words.
"Have you seen what we did a few episodes back, eighty-seven and eighty-eight?" he asks, shoving a stack of stickers into your hands. "When we put Hangul all over the Oil Tank Culture Park?"
You shake your head, offering a sheepish smile. "I haven't...exactly watched too much 'Run.'"
The producer waves it off. "Just run around the building and stick these wherever you think seven boys may or may not find them. Feel free to go crazy. We have fifteen minutes to get everything set before filming starts. The boys should be here soon. So, go! Once you're done, come back here. While they're running around, you can help me with the grading system."
"Grading system?"
"They're going to make sentences with the words they find. Since you know English the best, you can award points to each word based on difficulty in using."
A smile spreads across your face. "Got it! Sounds fun."
You speed off into the museum, weaving past the sound and lighting crew that are attempting to set up. Several of the museum staff have also stayed behind to give guidance, and you're relieved that the boys and company have the entire building to themselves. This wouldn't be possible during daytime hours when the public is here.
You begin sticking several dozen stickers along the walls, on the frames of pieces of art, on the marble floor. Basically, anywhere you can reach. You cover the Van Gogh exhibit with difficult words like "effervescence" and "halcyon," along with colorful words like "lilac" and "vermilion."
The further into the building you move, the fewer and fewer people you see. Once you've passed the room of modern art and approach the Winged Victory of Samothrace, there's no one in sight. Down to your last few words, you slip into the dimmed hallway and turn the corner.
Winged Victory is just as you remember. Tall and beautiful and haunting. The statue is still so familiar to you. Looking at the base, you can almost see the body of the woman from your dream. Right before you and Taehyung started running for your lives, this was where a murder occurred.
You flinch at the memory of the blood, but something else inside you is pulling you out of the room and towards the fountain. Last time you saw it, you ran from the room and left the friendly acquaintance behind. Part of you wonders what he must've thought. Surely, you looked like you'd seen a ghost.
But you might as well have.
Your feet tip-toe on the marble. The boys have most certainly arrived, and the filming has started from the sound of it. Their crazed and excited laughter fills the echo-y halls. Seeing as there aren't any stickers this far into the museum, you take your chances and continue moving deeper in. The producer could wait just a few more minutes, couldn't he?
The last of the sunlight ricochets across each panel of glass in the dome ceiling, greeting you with shards of light skewed in every direction. Like fireflies dancing together, they bring an almost magical aura to the open space, one very different from the horrors of your nightmares. The columns are made of ever-moving fire, and the fountain is made of glittery stars.
As you stand in the doorway, your throat drys and tightens. Seeing this place again, no matter how different, brings back the memories you can't explain. Are they even memories? Surely, that has to be what they are. But from when or from whom, you can't explain. They're a requiem for someone you hardly know.
Does Taehyung know the answers? Does he know more than you about this event you keep playing over and over in your mind? He's been in your dreams ever since you were a child, as a version much older than you were then and even older than you are now. Who has just one dream their whole lives, unless the explanation is that he has that dream, too?
You shake your head at the absurdity of it all. "What am I doing here?" you murmur, running your hand through your hair.
"Are you okay?"
The deep voice behind you causes you to jump and spin, eyes wide as you spot a familiar face at the entrance to the fountain. Taehyung stands with his hands in the pockets of his pants, his head tilted as he observes you.
"Holy shit, don't sneak up on people!"
The brunet smirks a little and shrugs. "Didn't mean to, sorry. You were staring off into space and didn't even hear me walk down the hallway. And it's hard to be quiet on marble floors."
"God, sorry, I didn't mean to snap." You run your hands over your face. "This museum has...some strange memories for me. I thought coming back here would help, but I think I've made it worse."
"How do you mean? I thought you hadn't been to Seoul before?"
"I haven't. It's complicated." Your eyes flicker to the corridor behind him. "Where's your cameraman?"
"I ditched him, told him I was running off to the restroom. But I didn't see you anywhere, so I figured you'd be back here."
Eyebrows pulling together, you reply, "How'd you figure that?"
"Well, you seemed really freaked out last weekend. You ran out of here like a ghost was chasing you. I was honestly worried until I saw you at Big Hit the next day, and you seemed fine, so..."
He trails off, and the realization of his words hits you. "Wait...shit, were you the one I was talking to both times I visited here this week? The one in the hoodie and mask?"
Taehyung nods, though there's a tiny line between his brows that shows he's as confused as you are. "Yes? I thought you knew that from day one, when you spoke to me at the Van Gogh exhibit."
Shaking your head fervently, you spout, "No! Not at all. I had no idea, honest to god. I just thought you were shy or introverted or maybe had a tough time talking to girls. I never, ever thought you were..." You gesture to all of him.
His brown eyes widen as he steps closer and out of the doorway. "Wait, really? You had no idea."
He chuckles softly, turning to gaze at the fountain as the sunlight fades to soft blues of night. "I'd assumed you knew who I was. You were so open and friendly to a perfect stranger. I thought you'd recognized me."
"Not at all," you retort. "I was being nice and friendly because there was something about you that was so damn familiar. Kind of like this whole place, actually. I don't know. I can't explain it."
Taehyung nods and runs a hand through his curly locks. "I won't lie, there's something off about this place for me, too." He shifts his attention from the fountain to you. "You weren't lying about anything you said before, were you? About you being called to Seoul and not knowing why?"
You lock eyes with him as you reply, "I promise, everything I said was true."
"Then why did you run away?"
A heavy sigh slips out, and you sit down on the water fountain's edge. Looking into the water to your side, you run various ways to go about this disclosure. Blunt truth? A comforting lie? A bit of both?
"I've had this...nightmare, ever since I was a little girl. Ever since I could remember. It's always the same. I'm running for my life with someone I know that I care deeply about. We're trying to escape a murderer who's closing in behind us. He's just slaughtered one of our friends and he's coming for us."
You pause to take a breath, and Taehyung takes that pause to sit beside you. He doesn't say a word, only waist patiently for you to continue.
"We're eventually trapped. The man with me tells me to run while he distracts the murderer. Of course, I don't listen. There's a fight. We're both injured. And we both die."
There's a pregnant pause in the air before Taehyung hangs his head and murmurs, "That sounds horrible."
"I haven't told you everything," you reply. "I'm afraid I shouldn't...but what the hell." You gesture to the space around you. "In my dream, the entire thing is set here, in the Seoul Museum of Art. Our friend was killed at the base of Winged Victory. The fight happens among these columns. And the man and I, we die in this very fountain, bleeding out from gunshot wounds."
You turn to face the man beside you, seeing his eyes shift from his feet to yours as his head tilts slightly. "And every time, it's the same three people besides me. The same woman at the base of Winged Victory, the same murderer with a gun, the same man that this nightmare-version of me loves. I have no idea who the first two are..."
In your hesitation, Taehyung says, "But you know the last one."
Nodding, your knuckles turn white as you drip your knees. Here it goes. All or nothing. No turning back now.
"I do. He's—"
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Taglist — @just-call-me-trash-can​, @jaienn​
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the-rockstar-lestat · 6 years ago
Daddy we are waiting to hear your side of the Valentine's story!!!! Louis wrote his story! Now you!!
What happened on Valentine's day? Looking to hear my side of the story? See if they match up?
Well for once they do. Mostly.
It's actually all your faults, my sweet and adoring fans. This accursed Louis Song was breaking my brain. It just wouldn't WRITE!
(What do you say to the love of your life that you frequently want to strangle?)
And I was getting more and more frustrated, with the constant chorus of " "If you can't buy him something MAKE him something." But I couldn't make him something.i couldn't tell him how I feel. I couldn't say what I wanted to say. And I certainly couldn't rhyme it! And I got closer to Valentines, my humble little offering of a song seemed less and less impressive, less and less appropriate. So I bought us some tickets to the Opera. Box seats of course. Louis loves Opera. Make it a music themed Valentine's day! And of course I threw in a bouquet of roses. It's the little things that count.
But i get Louis flowers all the time, you see, it cheers him up, so I added a few extra bouqets. To make it festive. And in my research I came across edible arrangements. I browsed their web site for a solid six hours, spellbound. Bouqets! You can eat! (Not me, but you get the idea.) It was at once an incredible bit of 21st century ingenuity, and a strange reminder of a time when a pineapple could be your table centerpiece. I ordered six.
I don't remember how the suit and the emerald cufflinks showed up, probably insurance on my part that Louis HAD a decent suit for the Opera . And the emeralds were a bit of sentimentality on my part. They always remind me of his eyes.
At some point I realized I had too many flowers being delivered to the house, and started having them sent to the Opera to decorate the box. I thought it a nice touch.
So! You now see how hard I have worked! How much time, not to mention money, I have spent , trying to create this perfect day for my beloved, that he will surely enjoy , and he'll finally know and understand how much I really love him.
Laugh away. I never really learn anything.
So the day comes and I wake Louis up and he is his usual quiet self. We snuggled in bed for a while and I told him I had a surprise planned and his face fell. He just "wasn't feeling right" today. He must have seen my similar crestfallen look because he amended it to "but I'm sure I'll cheer up and we'll have a wonderful time" and went to go get dressed. It was about that time that the first flower delivery arrived. Louis looked approprietly confused and surprised at the first one, and gifted me with the sweetest smile known to man. I then told him we had tickets for the Opera , and he seemed a touch nervous again, but smiled at me. This was going to be perfect.
Then the second delivery arrived.
About twelve doorbells later I did notice something was off about Louis. But if we could just get to the Opera he'd enjoy the music and we'd be happy. He loved his new suit, even if he tripped over one of my larger flower arrangements to get it. And although he SAID the edible arrangements were ridiculous for creatures who can't eat, I know he must have enjoyed them.
In the Uber to the Met Opera he mentioned something about spoons and it all being too much. Nonsense, I said, nothing was ever too much for him. Didn't he know that? Didn't he know how much I loved him?
So we get to the box and he sees how lovely it looks and what does he do? Smile? Gasp? Thank me? Say anything appreciative at all? No. He put his head in his hand and turned around as if to leave.
"Where are you going?" I said , by now a little peeved at him.
"Lestat, everyone is staring"
"Of course they are, it looks phenomenal. Everyone is jealous."
"That not the point, Lestat, you know I don't like being stared at!"
"Well they'll stop when the Opera starts, now sit with me."
And he did . And I noticed him shaking and drumming his fingers and doing those breathing excersizes he does. Why couldn't he just RELAX and enjoy the Opera and have a good time? Doesn't he like all I've done? I'm not asking for graititude, certainly not that from Louis, but a little happiness, appreciation.
At this point I'm getting irritated myself. But nothing is going to stop ME from enjoying myself, and I was swept away during the first act, as I always am, oblivious to all cares and problems. It was when intermission came and Louis stormed out that I finally lost my temper.
"What's wrong now?!" I demanded of him.
"I need some air." He said, wiping his brow with his handkerchief.
"You always need something! What's wrong with you today?"
"This is all too much, Lestat, and it's making me incredibly anxious. "
"How is it making you anxious? You like Opera, you like flowers, you like me, I thought!"
"I do, but ..."
"Then why can't you have a good time! I thought we were having a good time! Why must you ruin everything?"
And that's when he snapped .
"You're having a good time! I'm miserable, and you don't seem to notice or care! Once again you've made all this about you! Did you stop to think for a second about what I would want, or like, or if i as enjoying it?"
It was at this point, friends and fans, that it hit me like a ton of bricks. Louis was right. I had gotten so caught up in my own frustration, that I had taken what should have been a way of showing Louis I cared about his wants, needs, desires, and turned it into proving to myself that I was worthy of his love. And all because I couldn't, as I never can, put my feelings into words.
So did I tell him that? Apologize? Ask forgiveness? Take him home and spend the rest of the night in bed? Read the last sentence again, gentle reader, because what I said was:
" Ungrateful little brat! You're plainly not enjoying it, or you would have said something! Thank you, perhaps?"
"It all comes down to gratitude with you, doesn't it? "
And on and on we went, somehow winding up in front of the fountain I'm Lincoln center. We argued well past intermission, and missed the beginning of the second act. And at some point Louis said it.
"I'm going home."
"You can't go home! We have tickets!'
"I don't care about the tickets, Lestat, I'm going home, and I don't think you should come with me."
My world exploded.
"What?" I said, trying not to let Louis realize my world had exploded.
"Go back to the court. Or to New Orleans. I don't care. I just don't think we should be around each other for a while."
"Are you breaking up with me?" I asked, my heart in my throat.
"No--yes. I thought you were mature enough to handle a relationship but you're really not. Not yet. "
And he walked off into the night.
And I sat by the fountain until I could almost see the sun. I dug myself a tiny hole in Central Park, right by the lake. The next evening I took to the sky and went back to France, and knocked on the door of my own château, where I was received with joy, the true Prince, returned to reign. Only Armand asked "Where's Louis?" And only Armand knew that whatever had happened it was my fault.
So there you have it, darlings, Valentine's Day , or lack thereof. Do I think we're broken up forever? No. Of course not. The word forever is meaningless to us. And from Louis' latest posts, he does miss me already. I'm trying to give him his space and time. And figure out how to apologise.
Mark my words, I will fix this
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