#can you tell im a avid twitter user
seagull9111 · 2 months
stop making will only a doctor who over works himself occationaly and is nicos boyfriend challenge
most solangelos fans fail
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phantomthievez · 2 years
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rose022 · 5 months
Uhhhh choosing random numbers 8 27 32 36
you didnt say which oc so uhhhh idk ill do my main 6 ones
(Do they consider themselves a friendly person or aloof?)
friendly - arisa, aoi, yuki, kei
aloof - arelia, hikari
(What are their opinions on children? Do they view children as sweet angels or evil crotch goblins?)
hmmm yknow i dont thibk any of them hate kids purely because i love children so much theyre so cute and our future
but i think like. teir list. arelia and yuki are super good with kids. arisa and aoi like them but arent actually sure how to interact with them. then like kei and hikari are indifferent
(Your character is having a prom night/debs. What kind of outfit do they wear?)
uhm. if you want i can go try to find outfit references?? im kinda tired tho so like tomorrow maybe
(Tell us something about your OC that doesn't make it onto the page?)
idk what page it means but uhhh random fun facts. arisa would often climb out of her window despite her room being not on the ground floor. who tf knows how she managed to do that so often and not get caught. arelia is so good with kids and animals they adore her, she doesn't quite get why when other people think shes offputting but she enjoys it nonetheless. aoi hates frogs cus she watched the princess and the frog and tried it but got sick instead. hikari is prolly an avid twitter user. get him off there why tf do you have a popular account ur just yapping bro. kei has perfect pitch but like dont ask me how that works cus idk but my friend can do it too so. yuki has a lot of cousins and stuff but no siblings of her own, she still gets along great with all of them tho
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grimandgrimmer · 9 months
Dear Grimandgrimmer: Twitter shenanigans //tw// Bullying, Suicide, self harm
Today has been a complete emotional rollercoaster. I can't even handle the overflow of drama that unfolded on Twitter. It felt like a battleground, and I, Mark Gregory Slaughterhouse, the misunderstood emo soul, found myself right in the middle of it all.
It all started innocently enough; I innocuously logged into Twitter to share my latest angsty playlist and express my profound thoughts on the unfairness of the world. Little did I know however a certain Twitter user known who we shall call A popped up on my feed.
You see, User A posted about bread, and if you know anything about me. I HATE BREAD, so I expressed my hatred of bread and with an overzealous love for bread A took it upon themselves to start a hate campaign against me. They claimed I didn't understand the essence of bread. Called me names, accused me of stalking them and called a wave of users to attack me.
An avid defender of A who we shall call B, started accusing me of being gay(which im not, my twin brother is though) and well… I couldn't just let this slide. So, I clutched my mouse and passionately engaged in what can only be described as a Twitter war of epic proportions. And by that i mean, i called their favourite genshin character bad and claimed that their gaydar was faulty
But here's the kicker, they got so offended and so enraged they started advocating for me to kill my self in multiple ways, and started preaching for me kill myself…The intensity of this battle couldn't have been more intriguing, as they had been preaching about me being a child and a stalker, yet they felt comfortable enough to tell me to kill myself on their PUBLIC PROFILE where they talk about wanting to kill their self, with their face visible. So it lead me to the conclusion that they where clearly a sad and depressed toddler craving attention of any kind. 
Yet, within the chaos of it all, I couldn't help but feel a strange mix of sadness and sorrow. I knew I was fighting for more than just bread preferences; I was standing up for the freedom to express oneself without judgement. No one should be shamed for finding solace in hating bread.
And so, Blog, amidst the turmoil, I stayed true to my bread hating roots. And well i blocked them. And the other one, what was nice though that user C appologised for their friends horrible words, they where truly kind and i hope they make better friends. Heh… hope thats not an emotion i’ve felt in a while, ever even.
Tomorrow, I'll slide back into my dark corner of the internet, reminding myself that social media can sometimes be a double-edged sword. Through it all, I hope that one day, people will understand the nuances of the soul, like our emotions, cannot be confined within defined boundaries or labels.
Until next time, netizens, remember: even in the midst of the storm that is Twitter drama, let your darkness and power shine through.
Despair and darkness,
Mark Gregory Slaughterhouse
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hualian-blessing · 3 years
okay since i have already reached the 100 notes within the 24 hours mark, i will now put into more detail on what i said im super pissed at twitter rn on not only about the mcc but other things too.
this series would be split into possibly 4 (it depends on the riot twitter will do later) parts. so this is part 1 of the "twitter shut the fuck up with the petty shit ur doing" series
Part 1: Philza Minecraft Drama
section 1: what happened to have people dislike philza minecraft?
first off, time to show some screenshots to give more context to it.
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have you noticed any pattern these people are talking about? if not, the pattern is people not giving the context or the thread that they claimed they see in the philza neg or the sbi neg tags. they just tell the public how they hate or dislike philza without giving the reason why.
section 2: mockery and favoritism
luckily for me, when ive been looking at the philza neg tag for 4 hours, ive come across a thread that talked about the philza neg. you can see it at the first two pictures. here's the big thing about the philza minecraft issue.
people are starting to mock or insult his looks, discredit his works that he contributed to the fandom, and/or "helping" the ccs who are close to him (and by "helping" i mean isolating him from other ccs). and when you ask them as to why they don't like him, they'll say "idk i just don't like him" or "he did these things that this user make a thread about months ago that got deleted when they were proven wrong by lots of people". knowledge is the key as they say yet these people just threw that key in the ocean and can never be found ever again because i don't know if they're informed or not, but philza already apologized about it back then in a livestream which fellow content creators such as wilbur and tommy did the same thing yet they specifically targeted philza? i don't even want to know what logic they have man.
section 3: alleged making jokes on systems especially those who have DID
ive also seen some few tweets saying he's an ableist by making a bit of redza (an alter ego of c!philza) without having the knowledge that the fandom itself created redza and the other colourzas. it's the fans who created contents of the colourzas and being an avid enjoyer of the creative works from his fans, he created bits and hcs of his character having different versions of themselves. in fact, i have a reddit post that explained the origin of the colourzas.
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it's a character. phil was portraying his character who is an entirely different character all together from his main character (thank you @arachnidlesbianism for clarifying it). philza wasn't making fun of systems, he's just giving content to fans who like the idea of colourzas. that's it. that's only it. additionally, if acting as characters who are systems are bad, let's take a look at tommy's character who has severe ptsd and depression yet we don't see him get flamed as much for portraying this character while philza got hated for it. or how techno's character have voices in his head which is a common sign to multiple mental illnesses. is it good to act as a system despite not having a mental disorder and making fun of it? no, it's not. you're an ableist at that point and a scum of the earth. but is portraying a character who may or may not be a system good? as long as you know the difference of the actor and the character, then (for me as someone who has kleptomania and tourette syndrome) yes it's fine as long as they're respectful towards their character and the people who relate to that character. and disclaimer, i don't speak for all systems as this take is only my opinion and thoughts. i chose to forgive phil and the respective people that i will mention in the future parts. there are others that may be affected by phil's actions and this post is only clearing up some misinformation and the lack of context of the tweets to those who still don't know about it.
section 4: peepaw (ew old people)
now to the insult by using the slang 'peepaw' which means grouchy old man in southern culture. believe it or not, some people legit and genuinely hate him for being old. that's it. people hate philza minecraft because he's old. come on guys, i know we made fun of phil by calling him an old man but that was for positive annoyance and endearment towards him. what these people are doing are insulting him for his age and thought that maybe that's a valid reason to hate the guy. plain stupid if you ask me.
section 5: philza and his fans = boring people
finally, the discrediting of his contribution in shaping the mcyt of today. twitter really said people are old and boring for watching phil's streams. we watch it because his streams are chill and relaxing. so what if he's building structures in his hardcore worlds? not every streams should be action-packed or full of content twists here and there. his streams are literal comfort streams for the ccs you like (i.e. tommy and jack manifold mentioned this a lot in their vlogs). his fans found comfort in his streams even if its "boring" as the twitter users said. his story times are soothing, funny and sometimes out of this world. his friends popping up in his streams are enjoyable. his little bits and skits are humorous and cute. since you call us 'boring' at least we have more humor than you have in your entire body el o fucking el. not only that, at least we have an internet dad while yours is still outside buying expired milk :shades_on: (please don't take this one seriously).
taking twitter's information on content creators should be taken with a grain of salt especially if these issues they deemed "serious" were already talked about before or has a different story from what actually happened. they focus more on the actions that happened decade ago where even some of the ccs who did this forgot about it instead of the current issues that people are facing rn such as the asian hate or the oppression of the lgbtq community. not hating the ccs who have fans that genuinely care for them and will feel guilty or ashamed if others hate the cc they like with no valid reasons or context as to why they deserved to be cancelled.
final notes for this first part of the series
if you ever know any of these people in twitter or you're mutuals with them, please don't send any hate or dts to them as in the end of the day, this is only petty drama. this take is also up to debate as i would to hear more from different sides of the spectrum of the drama. stay tune for the next parts cuz i can guarantee how wild this ride will be for you and i, dear readers.
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haich-slash-cee · 5 years
Is the print publishing world picking up online/fandom terms? How they are using them? How do we feel about this?
So this is... attention-getting, for folks who like to follow publishing and meta stuff.
(2nd tweet -- TW, mentions of non-con)
Are we seeing the beginnings of book publishers directly borrowing from online/fandom culture in promoting their books? How do we feel about these examples?
More below cut.
Exhibit #1: screenshots of Bonds of Brass promo from Jan 8 2020. (Which is probably going to have reactions of “haha, cute” at most.)
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Transcript of blurb: 
“If you like... 
forbidden romances, “there’s only one bed”, cityships, weaponized umbrellas, powersuits, secret princes, best friends, best friends PINING, fake dating between PINING best friends, tactical streaking, the minivan of starships, cigar-chomping cyborg ladies, scary empress moms, galactic-level bisexual disasters, LEGACY (WHAT IS A LEGACY?), rooftop hopping, golden trios, rumblin’ drums, bootleg fireworks, BIG SPACE BATTLES PEW PEW, a surprisingly functional public transit system, mob trouble, one hell of a pilot, the inherent DRAMA of empire, a nice interlude in a river, smoking a joint that’s been on the floor, sick stunts, slick grifts, hiding in a dumpster, or any combination of the above,
 Then you might like 
The Twitter responses seem to be generally enthusiastic. (And also, “FinnPoe! FinnPoe!”)
Personally, I’m intrigued from a meta-view of “oh so that’s definitely pulling from online world and fanfiction world, interesting. I wonder how much fanfiction culture is starting to influence print book culture and promotion.” Maybe I’ve got some questions like, “Ok so moneymaking companies such as Penguin are now using culture developed by the not-moneymaking-world of fanfiction? How do we feel about this?” Anyway, the book looks cute, I’m interested enough and I might get it from the library.
I suspect many people’s reactions are along the lines of “hm, interesting”, “sounds like a lark”, or “haha they’re using AO3 tags as promo”, etc. 
Exhibit #2, screenshots of DOCILE promo, from Feb 28 2020 (today is March 1 2020), and screenshots of Twitter responses so far:
(*CW, non-con discussion)
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Tweet transcript:
“DOCILE by @KMSzpara:  
-Dramatic Trillionaire Content 
-BDSM and then some more BDSM and then a lot more BDSM
 -Hurt/comfort and hurt/no comfort
 -Cinnamon roll of steel 
-The most scandalous kink: love 
-Courtroom, bedroom, & Preakness drama
[Tor book website link]”
So this is getting mixed reactions on Twitter. All dozen or so reactions, so far. Here’s text transcripts and bio info from repliers, below. I’m being a little obsessive, mostly to show that there’s a mix of queer, book-ish people in the replies (including the author).)
Noncon is nonconsentual sex, rape. Even in fandom it's a content tag, not a promotional term. I can't imagine being a rape survivor and seeing this come across my TL. -- @WriteSomeGood [queer rainbow] [Cis queer homemaker, aspiring author, maker of incredible cinnamon buns. She/her] [has a Tumblr page]
I’m not a survivor but it was an instant “no thank you” from me. And I was sincerely looking forward to this prior to. This is the most immediately off-putting marketing push I’ve seen for a book in a long damn time. -- @AGAWilmot [Author, editor, artist. Co-EIC of @anathemaspec. @SFU alum. The Death Scene Artist/W&W 2018. Ace/enby. They/them. Horror is my comfort food.]
Whichever intern wrote this tweet, deserves a full time job. With benefits. -- @simeontsanev [Aspiring writer, post-aspiring musician, and overall geek  He/Him /[queer rainbow]/ To the world we dream about, and the one we live in now! http://simeontsanev.com]
Idk why everyone thinks it’s always an intern writing copy and not a team comprised of extremely skilled social media experts, editors, publicists and marketers, and their assistants  I worked on those tags with my editor and a good friend!! -- @KMSzpara [Kellan. [queer rainbow]  Speculative fiction writer. Queer agenda.  Hugo & Nebula finalist.  DOCILE 3/3/20 from Tor Dot Com Publishing.  He/him.  Rep @suddenlyjen] *The author, bio page and twitter page.
this is CUTE! -- @MSSciarappa  [queer rainbow] I do books. he/him.
I am Extremely Ready for this content thank u -- @JessicaBCooper [Journo ☽ Writer of faerie, villain fuckery & cruel desires ☽ Lestat & Loki's love child ☽ Aleksander Morozova's side-hoe ☽ Rep'd by Kate Testerman @ktliterary]
I’m listening -- @MerynLobb [Government worker. Weightlifter. Nihilist. Aspiring cult leader. Avid user of words, often bad ones. #AMM R6 Mentee. she/her]
Soon! Soon!! -- @castrophony [Geek. Gamer. Cosplayer. Bibliophile. Scientist. She/Her.]
[happy reaction gif] -- @TorDotComPub [Providing a home for writers to tell SFF stories in exactly the number of words they choose. All our titles are available globally in print and DRM-free ebook.]
[throwing stuff in dumpster, unhappy reaction gif] -- @cursedgravy  [name's xavi, im a transman and i like to daydream about making content] 
For more context, here’s the blurb from the author website. Below is the blurb from the publisher’s site:
K.M. Szpara
K. M. Szpara's Docile is a science fiction parable about love and sex, wealth and debt, abuse and power, a challenging tour de force that at turns seduces and startles.
There is no consent under capitalism.
To be a Docile is to be kept, body and soul, for the uses of the owner of your contract. To be a Docile is to forget, to disappear, to hide inside your body from the horrors of your service. To be a Docile is to sell yourself to pay your parents' debts and buy your children's future.
Elisha Wilder’s family has been ruined by debt, handed down to them from previous generations. His mother never recovered from the Dociline she took during her term as a Docile, so when Elisha decides to try and erase the family’s debt himself, he swears he will never take the drug that took his mother from him.
Too bad his contract has been purchased by Alexander Bishop III, whose ultra-rich family is the brains (and money) behind Dociline and the entire Office of Debt Resolution. When Elisha refuses Dociline, Alex refuses to believe that his family’s crowning achievement could have any negative side effects—and is determined to turn Elisha into the perfect Docile without it.
Content warning: Docile contains forthright depictions and discussions of rape and sexual abuse.”
So that’s a lot of info and reactions.
Personally: at first glance, I absently skimmed the tweet and “hurt/comfort” popped out, and I was like “What? Mainstream publishing is cool with this now? I was wondering if ‘hurt/comfort’ would one day become commonly used in publishing [related post]. But this is way sooner than I thought.” And then I read the rest of of the tweet and thought, “Wait, what?” 
And then I started reading through the tweet replies and thought, “OK, at the risk of getting a bunch of Tumblr drama, I want to bring this to the whump community and see how people feel."
As for myself, one of my squicks is non-con, and I’m not really interested in hurt/no comfort. So just from the tweet, I know the book is not for me. The official blurbs confirmed that. In this sense, this is like skimming Ao3 tags on a fic and saying “pass” on a story.
However, I have questions about the specific promotion of the book. So the official blurbs are pretty standard. What about that tweet, which Tor (and the author, who helped put it together) put out? Because I think an official publisher’s Tweet comes with different context than Ao3 tags.
First, the different internet spaces. You can filter tags on Ao3 and Tumblr. I know you can mute words on Twitter, but is that the same thing? Also, would people be expecting these tags on Twitter? Compared to Ao3 or Tumblr or Tumblr Whump spaces?
Within the Tumblr Whump community, from what I’ve browsed, the community attitude (guidelines?) seem to be “Write and discuss what you want. Be sure to tag it, use content warnings, or otherwise clearly communicate if you have things that may be triggering. Respect people’s squicks/triggers. Walk away from what you don’t like.” Like, tumblr whump has a very specific culture of trying to balance discourse/stories about potentially very dark stuff, but also wanting to make sure the IRL people and Tumblr users are okay. There’s always posts going around about how to do this, are we doing this in the right way, ethics, so on. Also -- and people can correct me -- the whump tumblr space might be where tags are content warnings for people to stay away, and also what people might actively look for. So if any space is going to discuss if this promotional tweet checks out, I feel like it’s this space. 
Also, to note again, Tor Tweets are in the money-official-publisher-world, not unpaid-tumblr-people or unpaid-fanfiction-fandom-world.
Maybe I just want to ask, “Hey those first two tweet responses, does they have a point? Tor using ‘noncon’ as official promotion? On Twitter?” I mean, I’ve previously written, “The CW and TW tags that Ao3 writers use, I really wish those were used with published books as well.” But somehow, the Tor tweet was not quite what I was expecting. Maybe for reasons similar to that first tweet response. (I guess one could debate if a tweet is really promotion or just information... you know what someone can correct me, but I’m gonna say that a Tor.com tweet is promotion, compared to information like Ao3, and that tweet was there for promotion.)
Those tags operate within specific Ao3 and Tumblr cultures and infrastructure. I don’t hang around Twitter for whump stuff, IDK what the culture is. Anyway, does dropping these tags into a promotional tweet from Tor.... translate?
The tweet is evidently gathering the people who are there for it, and the people who aren’t there for it are quickly realizing that they are not there for it. But personally, the Tor website blurb does a better job at that, using writing that I’d expect from a publisher for communicating fictional non-con situations. (Maybe the blurb content warnings are what I wanted more of, when I said I wished for CW and TW in books.)
Anyway, there’s no huge drama about that Docile book promo on Twitter, as far as I can tell. So this is a niche thing, right now. But. The promo for Bonds of Brass and for Docile might be the beginnings of a trend of well-known book publishers borrowing from online writing / fandom culture and terminology in order to promote or categorize their books. These two promos might set a precedent or have other significance.
So if anyone has discourse on the tweets or potential future trends... 
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the-keionbu · 7 years
Hi buddy, what do you think is the girls' favorite social media to share stuff on? Who is the Twitter oversharer? The instagram filter lover, and the Facebook troll(if any) among them, do you think?
But seriously I love this questions oh my goodness.
Yui is and avid Snapchatter. 
Yui has the attention span of a pea, so snapchat is perfect for her because she only needs to pay attention to things for a maximum 10 seconds. And beyond the consuming social media aspect, Yui’s life is one big ol snapchat, since the girl gets distracted super quickly. So over the course of the day, you’ll see the dog she passes on the way to class, a snap of Ritsu sleeping in class, closeups of Azusa shoving the phone away from her face, her lunch, JUST SO MUCH. 
Yui loves snapchat, because she loves that she can constantly share what is of the utmost importance of that particular moment for all her friends to see. And there’s little to no reading, just pictures. Like, Twitter is fast, but Yui doesn’t want to read that much. Snapchat just involves her putting pictures and a story together, which is perf
AND FILTERS. Yui also loves the filters, particularly putting filters on her friends (Mugi also loves doing snapfilters with Yui) (they always put the cat one on Azusa)
Mio’s a wannabe hipster and has made her lowkey photography profile on her Instagram. 
At first her nerd butt was putting her stuff on Tumblr like the rest of of plebs, where she would also put her lyrics/writings paired with her pics. And then Ritsu found her blog (bc Mio left her comp open) and after some (a lot of) teasing about her sappy pics and captions, the supportive part of Ritsu (bc she’s not a complete dick) was like “Mio just put em on instagram and not on dead social media you pleb” ((bc apparently unless you’re in fandom, most people think tumblr is dead, ty marketing class reserch))
So Mio stuck her photos on Insta. At first she slapped the terrible filters on them, but then again, Ritsu is like “don’ do that” and shows her what the ~cool~ instagrammers do
And Mio’s account ends up being pretty popular. Not millions, but around 700+, not including people she knows. 
Ritsu is a Viner. At first I was like “reddit??” because shitposting, but I just oculdn’t see Ritsu taking ample times out of her day to sit down on the computer and shitpost.
Vine is easy for her. Ritsu is constantly moving, talking, being a nuisence. And now she can capture it all in 7 second videos??? and show the world what a Top Class Friend she is??? amazing. Her and Yui have definitely gotten over 1mil plays on a few of her vines (mostly them torturing Mio, or Azusa. Mugi is the featured accomplice to many vines)
she also does some sic 7 sec drum beat or beatboxing (have i ever said that??? bc i hardcore headcanon ritsu as having mad beatboxing skill)
rip vine.......................
Mugi is moves from platform to platform, and mostly enjoys just looking at what her friends are posting. And then like, enthusiasically likes or comments supportinve loving things on them because mugi is literally The Best
but I’m at a toss up of she like Pinterest to see new food and thing creations and pictures (honestly, i really dont know pinterst). I dunno, I really don’t see Mugi as a huge social media addict. Like, canon, she texts her friends really cute texts with lots of emojis on things they’re thinking about (like in the movie with making Azusa’s song) so I really see her more as user rather than creator??
but her instagram is filled with candid friend shots (mugi is the best at getting candid group photos FI GHT ME ON THIS THEY ALL GIVE HER THEIR PHONES WHEN THEY WANT CANDID GROUP PICS)
o wait actually, WAIT WAIT FORGET PINTEREST. Mugi uses Twitter that none of the others know about where she puts short thigns that make her happy. Like when her friends are acting gay. or those nights she feels particularly alone and doesnt want to burden the girls, so she posts on her twitter YEAH YEHA, MUGI USES TWITTER
okay wait how funny would that be if Azusa was like a Yelper because i think that so hilarious and in character
THINK THINK THINK AOBU IT. Azusa hardcore planned out the girls’ London trip to a TEE. you don’t think for one second she went to a place that ONLY HAD THREE AND A HALF STARS??? AND ONLY 56 REVIEWS??? NO SHE HAS STANDARDS. 4.5 STARS AND MINIMUM 200 REVIEWS
and then andTHEN SHE REVIEWS. OH YOU KNOW SHE HARCORE REVIEWS. Azusa had no trouble telling the seniors, barely a WEEK after she met them, to stop being lazy-- SHE HAS NO PROBLEM CRITIQUING A BUSINESS SHE WENT TO ON ALL IT’S FLAWS (and goods)
im like actually giggling at Azusa being a yelping OH MY GODDDDDDD
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