#can you tell Mags is my favorite
superloves4 · 8 months
I know we all know and love the headcanon of Maedhros being the one to give Sauron his iconic name but consider this:
Mairon is all pleased with his beautifully decorated and perfectly detailed letter with the demands of the Feanorians surrender in exchange for the king (that he knows are all bs)
Only to receive Maglor’s letter and it just says
“Fuck off Stinky”
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thefloatingwriter · 2 months
the victors as complex characters will always be more interesting than making them amazing people.
like these are people who did absolutely everything in their power to survive something as traumatic as the games. most of them probably sleep with weapons in their hands. the thought on the forefront of most of their minds is survival. everything else—anyone else—can wait.
they sacrificed everything to crawl out of a killing game. their mental stability. their innocence. their childhood.
and after all of that, they realized that the games never really end. that they would sacrifice ever having a good night sleep without being plagued by nightmares. they would sacrifice their brains to help the capitol. they would sacrifice their bodies, something that should have always been their own, now snatched away from them. all for surviving a killing match that twenty-three children didn’t.
no victor is immune to this either. do you think cashmere doesn’t regret being so excited to go into the games after her brother after staying the night in a strange man’s bed that she doesn’t know? do you think gloss doesn’t regret not warning his sister about the horrors that await her after she wins? do you think brutus doesn’t sometimes wake up in a cold sweat after having yet another nightmare about being on the receiving end of his weapon, just as all of his victims were before everything faded to black? do you think enobaria doesn’t run her tongue over her sharpened teeth and wonder if it was worth it?
do you think beetee doesn’t flinch every time he sees lightning? do you think wiress doesn’t think of how if she hadn’t learned acrobatics that the 48th hunger games would have gone very differently? do you think finnick doesn’t see nets in the same way ever again, after he saw the girl from nine begging for her life tangled in a net he set up before he stabbed her with a trident? do you think annie doesn’t think about if she hadn’t spent all of that time on the beach growing up, playing in the water, that she wouldn’t have survived the dam breaking in her arena? do you think mags doesn’t think about how she left her district partner to die in the first ever traditional career pack? how if maybe, if she had been there to take the blow for him, there would be a different victor of the 11th hunger games?
do you think that blight doesn’t wonder what would have happened if the boy from two had looked up a little bit sooner, looked a little bit closer at the treetops above him, before the knife previously in blight’s hand found it’s way to the boy’s back? do you think that every time johanna picks up an axe, she doesn’t think about what if felt like to stab someone with it, what blood felt like when it splattered you? do you think she doesn’t wake up in a sweat, thinking the moisture on her skin is blood, that she’s back in the third quarter quell? do you think she doesn’t ever walk into her house in the victor’s village and think she sees a glimpse, a shadow, of her lost loved ones?
do you think that woof doesn’t use real knives anymore because every time he sees one, he remembers how it felt to stab blindly at the boy from seven? that even when he was seventy-five and the male tribute from eight for the third quarter quell, he couldn’t even look at the utensil and had to get cecelia to take it away from him? do you think cecelia can’t look at seashells anymore, that she could barely stand district four on her victory tour, because the girl from four was her last kill? that her necklace, a pretty one her sister made for her with a seashell strung through the string, was what cecelia used to choke the life out of her?
do you think that chaff doesn’t ever feel the phantom feeling of his hand? doesn’t ever touch the stump where it used to be and feel the phantom pain of it being sawed off like it was yesterday, even thirty years later? do you think that seeder doesn’t ever feel the hot sun of her arena on her body, doesn’t ever think she’s back, waiting for her death to come?
do you think that haymitch doesn’t start shaking every time a blowgun is provided at the cornucopia? do you think that he didn’t see the gold pin on katniss’ arena wear and have to sit down, remembering a very different girl with blonde hair and a quick witted humor with the same pin? do you think that peeta doesn’t hear foxface’s voice during her interview, over and over and over, until it’s so distorted he can’t even remember what she had actually said? that he doesn’t ever think of the girl from eight, a girl he might not have even known the name of?
do you think that, years down the line, katniss doesn’t realize the fate that waited for glimmer if she had won? do you think that she doesn’t wonder what would have happened if cato was a little quicker to get to the cornucopia to save clove? do you think she doesn’t wonder what the girl from four was like, what her name was, what her parents were like, what she was like? do you think that she doesn’t think about what would have happened if marvel was just a little bit quicker with his spear than her with her arrows, what would have happened if she was just a little bit slower to get to rue?
the what-ifs plague them. their games will never leave them. they will never escape their experiences. their lives will never be their own, if they ever were, ever again.
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starwalkeranon · 2 years
I am LIVING for MAG 163. The Slaughter being the main focus. The Slaughter existing in general. The bagpipes in the back. The line "Don't be a prick, Jon." Martin setting boundaries. I love this episode so much
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determunition · 11 months
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i took the switcheroo week as an excuse to finally try my hand at some scrybeswap designs! got a bit carried away as you can see, i love doing character design so much
decided to keep their species/major design elements fairly consistent (e.g. grimora's makeup, mag being vague and indistinct, leshy having nonhuman legs, p03 only having one arm) while still switching up their aesthetics as needed; super happy with all of these as a result!
design notes for each scrybe under the cut! def open to any further questions or curiosities, i always think way too hard about characters while designing them lmao
scrybe of the dead: i went for a possessed tv vibe; he's still mechanical but those bones do have a living soul trapped in them...also shoutout to @squid-hug for suggesting the x-ray machine, i was very tickled by that lmao
scrybe of beasts: overgrown old bot was kind of a given for this one, but i was also thinking that the plants are part of what's keeping him running somehow
scrybe of magicks: the magic eye is the core powering that top monitor, and the two side monitors display what he's seeing with that eye at any given time
scrybe of beasts: she's a witch! like a chill terry pratchett kind of witch, she works with a lot of herbs and such; also her makeup is meant to mimic blood drops
scrybe of magicks: magick grimora is more of a warlock type, her magic is a lot more sinister and she almost never opens her eyes (whereas her third eye is basically always open)
scrybe of tech: tech grimora is kind of a wacky machinist-flavored dr. frankenstein; she inscribes by writing on circuitboards!
scrybe of the dead: this leshy is a gargoyle/vampire hybrid! i thought a mirror would be fun for him bc you can get two different cultural refs; medusa (bc stone gargoyle), and the idea that vampires don't appear in mirrors!
scrybe of magicks: i decided to make him a bird guy (kinda harpy-esque) bc he's basically a more whimsical baba yaga hermit; the baba yaga thing carries over from slavic folklore obvs. also he has polycoria!
scrybe of tech: tech leshy was super fun, bc he's steampunk! rather than animal legs i gave him digitigrade robot legs, but other than that he's the most like, normal human guy here probably lmao; despite his well-adjusted appearance though i still think he's got a bit of freaky wonk in him
scrybe of the dead: this one was very ring-inspired lol, got those clump of hair you found in the shower drain vibes
scrybe of beasts: bush magnificus real! i think he'd be a bit more quirky trickster fae in this form
scrybe of tech: one of my favorites; tech mag is an emaciated cyborg draped in so many loose cords and wires that you can't tell what he looks like anymore. a lot of those cords are connected to him, and he plugs them in wherever as needed! he also has a drawing stylus, making him just an average art student tbh lmao
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billsbabydoll · 2 months
“𝓃ℴ ℴ𝓃ℯ𝓈 ℯ𝓋ℯ𝓇 𝒽𝒶𝒹 𝓂ℯ, 𝓃ℴ𝓉 𝓁𝒾𝓀ℯ 𝓎ℴ𝓊.”
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contains:PURE FLUFF<3
summary:being apart of tokio hotel was a complete dream come true! me and bill had quickly grown closer as the years passed but would we ever tell each-other about our secret crush on one another? one day while working our new album “humanoid” someone has a long confession to make.
WARNINGS:cringe fluff again, friends to lovers, crush confession, first kiss.
notes:requested by anonymous hope you enjoy this story!also my dms are open to more suggestions:)))
ive been apart of the band since they were devilish and i played second guitar, working with the four boys throughout the years has been a wonderful experience.they all were like family to me but bill was different, every other member i saw as a brother but him something about him was different.he was confident, silly understanding, caring, and obviously sooo handsome.
bill and me had become best friends over the years, doing each-others makeup, shopping together, writing lyrics together, sometimes we even cuddled together in the tour bus.
the other boys would poke fun at us and say “can yall just kiss already?” or tom would usually say “bill fuck her before i do.” we both would just nervously laugh it off but something about the way he looked at me longingly afterwards told me maybe he did want to do just that, but too afraid to just say something.
today we had to do some recording and stuff in the studio, i was the first to arrive making my way inside beginning to set up and plug in my guitar.
then the door suddenly opened and there came in my favorite boy ever, little to no makeup on, his dreads resting on his shoulders, wearing some black sweats, his adidas sweater and a pair of sneakers.he yawned as he closed the door and made his way over to me, tapping my shoulder from behind.
“hallooo liebling! (hi darling).” he said his thick german accent coming through as he clapped his hands excitedly together.
i turned around meeting his gorgeous hazel eyes and cheesy smile, i quickly return the smile “hii billy!” i reply matching the same excitement as i pull him into a gentle embrace, before letting go.
he lets go as well before taking a seat on the nearby stool tapping the one next to him, signaling for me to sit as well.i nod and take a seat turning myself to the side now facing him, he does the same thing, our eyes meeting again.
we began talking about whatever random things we always talked about giggling and laughing our heads off like we always did, not realizing 30 minutes passed and the other boys still hadn’t shown up.
when we do realize, we confusedly check the time seeing it’s been an hour passed the original time we were supposed to be recording and working on some new lyrics.we debated on leaving or waiting it out for a little while longer, we figured it could just be traffic.
we decided to make use of us being at the studio and began to work on this song we came up with “down on you”.
“how about we change it to -an angels kiss is waiting- ?” i suggest humming it softly to him.
“okay okay i like it!” his eyes lighting up at my suggestion, writing it down quickly on his notebook.
we continue working on the song for a bit (more like 5 minutes) before soon giving up, finding it too hard to work and also focus as bill keep cracking jokes and making me laugh.bill got up putting the notebook, coming back to sit down again.
he suddenly began to speak up again his demeanor now anxious and tense, “i have something ive been keeping from you and I don’t know an easier way to say this.”
“bill what’s wrong, it’s okay i won’t judge you if its something bad?”i responded trying to sound as reassuring and polite as possible, trying to make him feel at ease.
“ich mag dlich wirklich du bist alles was ich wollte und suchte.ich weib dass es kompliziert sein wind wenn du schriebst dass ich auf tour bin, wir werden dafür sorgen, dass es klappt, das verspreche ich. (i really like you, your everything ive wanted and been looking for.i know it will be complicated when you write i tour, we’ll make it work i promise).”he said looking down to not see my expression.
truly i was shocked but not at his confession but that I was right, i knew he felt it too!
“ich mag dich auch wirklich, du hast recht, wir werden dafür sorgen, dass es klappt liebe. (i really like you too your right, we’ll make it work love).” i reply while reaching my hand down grabbing his chin making him look up at me, letting go once his eyes meet mine.
his expression transforms into a delighted and happy one a smile now tugging at the corners of his lips, his eyes glistening with joy.he then leans in wrapping his arms around me as he holds me in a tight and warm embrace, kissing the top of my head.
he sways me in his arms for a moment longer before letting go, his hand now intertwined in mine.looking at me with so much excitement and adoration, (this guy was whipped).
i move in closer closing my eyes as i place my lips upon the lips ive been longing for forever, catching his lips into a gentle and perfect kiss.fireworks seemed to pop around us, our first kiss of many.
he moved his hand onto the side of my waist the other on the back of my head keeping me in place. his tongue finding its way inside, our tongues soon moving in perfect harmony.he’s an even better kisser than i ever imagined, tasting like mint and sweet honey.
the moment was quickly put to an end as we heard the sound of hands clapping and laughing, we both confusedly pull away and look over, seeing tom, gustav and, georg giggling like little school girls.
“when did yall come in?!” me and bill unanimously yelled.
“oh not long ago yall were just too busy swapping spit to hear us come in, so we decided to enjoy the show.” tom chuckled crossing his arms over his chest, the other boys still laughing.
“TOM!”we both yell.
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signed-sapphire · 6 months
Okayyyy rewatched Wish
Here are my notes
Valentino wasn’t as annoying as people say. Sure, he did nothing for the plot and could’ve been removed entirely, but he didn’t make near as many butt jokes as people say he did
The lead-ins for all the songs were great. Certain media (Hazbin, for example) just jump into the songs
Magnifico??? Didn’t touch the pages??? So why would he be corrupted? Why does Amaya know of obsidian oil? Don’t you just skim the pages to release the evil?
Dahlia was amazing
“At the very least break the hold it has on him” Amaya? Didn’t you found this kingdom with thin? Wouldn’t you know?
Also Amaya was very sidelined. Where’s her backstory?
Asha’s magic wand mishaps were… corny at best
Why did they make Dario high all the time? He’s not stupid. I feel like they made him try to be like Fred from Big Hero 6 but failed
“Nine zillyboo, twenty alphabet!” Val, buddy. No.
DAHLIA. MATE. TRUE LOVE’S KISS CAN BRUNG HIM BACK I swear, it feels like the directors were switched
The spider-carriage thing. I feel like that could’ve been a Disney reference instead
Gabo was still my favorite out of the teens. Bazeema was sweet too
Also. Halzeema moments were actually in canon.
Sabino did not act 100 at all.
Crushing wishes did nothing to people except make them sad for .2 seconds
Asha’s drawing, her magic wand, none of that was important to the actual plot
I feel like the horses could’ve been Disney references too
Why did the roof open? That was never explained
Mag’s hair needed to be messier. Evil Magnifico? Crazy hair
How did he hear them from all the way down there
Mag’s really out there beating up a minor
The curse rope green things were not scary at all
Was Simon just in the forest the entire time?
The Magnifico getting sucked inside his staff… I feel that could’ve been a play to Dr. Facilier somehow
The stars raining down were beautiful
Was Star’s nose tap a reference to something?
The people’s talking… idk how I felt about that
Another half-assed apology. First Namaari, now you. At least Simon’s was an actual apology. Wait. More of it goes on.
Ok his apology isn’t too bad
How did the staff get all the way down there?
Changed my opinion, Amaya deserved to tell Mag off
Did Mag’s curse break once he was in the mirror? Why did he act sad all of a sudden?
I’ve heard Asha’s movements weren’t finalized until later, but her movements seem pretty fluent
Clumsy and energetic, sure, but besides from the mouth drooping part, she wasn’t that quirky
Which. Could be a bad thing. She didn’t really have much of a personality
I like the Peter Pan building a flying machine idea
Zootopia ref
Why does everyone suddenly understand Star
But off-topic they were so cute
“It” I guess
Why refer to Star as an it
“They” was too woke for the Disney execs? Why, you had a one-second offhand comment about a water cousin who’s nonbinary!
That Cinderella-reference thing… wasn’t slow enough to be a dress transformation. So I’m fine with her not having a different dress. I mean obviously I would’ve loved it but idk
“I understand you well enough” I DON’T! HOW ARE THEY TELLING YOU
Some of Valentino’s jokes were funny. Sue me
I liked the Tinkerbell and Mikey Mouse reference at the end
The storybook was a nice callback
Overall. Not as bad as people are making it out to be. But definitely not worthy to be Disney’s 100
I’d say… 7/10. The backgrounds did look watercolor, but the shading seemed off in places. Especially Sakina. There was major improvement to be done, but with the hell the execs were giving (and the proven creativity of the concept art) I feel this movie is getting too much hate. Critiques and criticism are fine. But don’t blame the writers for getting rid of Starboy. Yes, it could’ve been better. But it’s Disney. And the creators tried their best to pour their love into a movie that they didn’t have a full say in.
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Capitol Punishment VIII
Haymitch x Reader
Summary: The Capitol continues to torture it’s victors no matter how long ago they won through punishment, exploitation, and worst of all; their relationships.
A story in which Haymitch’s lover is a plaything for the Capitol.
Warnings: Canon level violence, rape (though never explicit), alcohol, murder, systemic poverty, exploitation, rebellion (?), more reliance on movie than book, suicidal thoughts, swearing, illness, pregnancy, miscarriage
Word Count: 4.4K (she’s also kind of long)
Part VII | Masterlist | Part IX
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You laid on the cold, steel table of one of the styling rooms. They had stripped all the hair beneath your eyebrows, which was no longer very painful since you’d been “maintained” ever since you won 8 years ago. They had also taken care to clean you in scalding hot water and scrub your skin raw. They cut the dead ends of your hair off, keeping it long enough to reach mid back. You were sure Haymitch started fighting them as soon as he saw any kind of razor, tweezer, or wax.
Now you were just waiting for the doctors to come back with the results from your checkup. You had told them that they suspected you were pregnant and asked if there was any way that they’d be able to do a paternity test. They told you that if the father’s DNA was in their system they could tell you and that all tributes’ DNA was logged.
As the door slid open, you sat up eagerly. “Ms. L/N, you are in fact pregnant,” the nurse informed. “About six weeks along.”
“And the father?” you asked.
“Haymitch Abernathy,” she said plainly. You were sure Snow would be upset that you were pregnant with your husband’s baby but now that he was putting you in the games, you didn’t give a damn what he thought or wanted. You were also incredibly relieved it was Haymitch’s. You were never a kids person and had never wanted to have children but if you were going to have someone’s baby, it may as well be the man you love’s.
The nurse talked with you a little more about your labs, saying you were healthy and left. Next Cinna came in. “There’s my favorite mentor,” he smiled, greeting you with a hug.
“Cinna,” you replied with a smile. While you hand he weren’t nearly as close as Katniss and he were, you had very much come to appreciate his friendly face. “Good to see you.”
“You too, although I wish it was under different circumstances. Anyway here is your dress for the parade,” he turned to the door as the rest of the style team brought in your outfit. You were kind of amazed at how beautiful it was. It was a long, almost flowing, A-line, red dress. The bodice was covered in lace and featured a halter top neckline. They did your makeup dramatically with a dark red lip and a mix of reds and blacks for your eyes. As for your hair it was done in an intricate half-up, half down style. When they finally let you look in the mirror you thought you looked like an evil queen.
You were then brought to the chariots where about half the other victors were waiting. You looked around, observing your friends/future competition. Spotting red hair you realized it was Annie. You called over to her as you approached. She looked terrified until she spotted you.
“Y/N” she ran up to you as best she could in her mermaid-like outfit. She gave you a big hug which you returned.
“Where’s Finnick and Mags?” you asked.
“I don’t know,” she answered. Her scared look appeared again as she looked around frantically for probably the only two people in the world who brought her real comfort. You noticed she was still hugging you. You were probably a stand in for Finnick until he arrived.
“He’s probably still with the stylist. How are you two?”
“We’re good, or were until the games were announced,” she murmured sadly.
“Hey, don’t think about that right now,” you tried to soothe her. She wasn’t much younger than you but she was so small and fragile looking that you felt like you needed to protect her. “And I can guarantee you Finnick won’t let anything happen to you. Neither will I,” you promised. Assuming Haymitch was right about a plan you were telling the truth. You’d fight to get this poor girl out.
“Annie?” you head a familiar voice call from behind you.
Annie immediately pulled away, recognizing Finnick’s voice. You smiled as you watched the two lovers reunite. You were sure that Finnick, like you, didn’t care about Snow’s rules about availability anymore. He was sending you to your death, who cares if the Capitol’s desire to fuck you was still high?
Soon enough the rest of the Victors were at the chariots, all except one. Haymitch.
Cinna was getting Katniss and Peeta ready when he came to you, the very last chariot. He handed you a remote. “Press this when Katniss presses hers. You’ll know when she does.”
“Wait where’s Haymitch?” you asked.
“I don’t know, probably with Portia,” Cinna explained. “I have to go, he’ll be out soon. Just make sure you look straight ahead, no waving.”
The avoxes were all ushering you into the chariots and you were sure they were frantically trying to find your partner because they were all running around. You were starting to actually get scared when the elevator doors suddenly opened, revealing Haymitch and Portia. He rushed to the chariot, pecking you on the cheek as he got in.
“Where were you? You scared me.”
“Sorry, got held up. I need to talk to you after.”
“I need to talk to you too,” you replied just as the chariots started to pull out. You took your husband’s hand, putting on a blank expression as Haymitch did too. The runway was so loud, there were so many people above you cheering. It wasn’t hard to look disinterested, you were disgusted with them for cheering as you were paraded around before you had to fight to the death.
About halfway down the runway Katniss and Peeta burst into flames. You pressed the button on the remote and out of the corner of your eye you could see Haymitch erupt into flames as well. As you approached Snow, you didn’t even bother to look up at him as the chariot rounded the end of the runway, bringing you all the way back inside where you had started.
You finally took in Haymitch’s appearance. They had cleaned up his beard so it was more cleanly cut. His hair had also been trimmed and washed properly. He was in a suit with no sleeves, showing off muscled arms, identical to Peeta’s. Both eager to hear what the other had to say you grabbed Katniss and Peeta and went to the elevators.
Just as the door was closing Johanna Mason stepped into the elevators. “Well don’t you all look amazing,” she snarled. “My stylist is such an idiot. District 7, lumber, so she dressed us as trees.” She let out a scoff as she started taking the cuffs of her costume off. “I’d like to put my axe in her face.” She stepped closer to Peeta. “Help me with the zipper?” she turned around, not allowing him to answer as he awkwardly unzipped her costume.
You and Haymitch were holding in your laughs as Katniss made a face you couldn’t even identify the emotion of.
She thanked him as she stripped off the costume, standing completely naked in the elevator. The doors opened as you reached floor 7. “Let’s do it again sometime,” as she walked out of the elevator, completely shameless.
“Thank you,” Haymitch said.
You slapped his arm playfully. “See you later,” you called after her.
“Johanna Mason, 7, if you hadn’t figured it out yet,” you informed.
“Is she always like that?” Peeta asked.
You shrugged. “I’ve never seen her strip naked before today but yeah, she hasn’t ever cared. When she was here the first time she was screaming profanities all the way down the chariot line.” The doors then opened into the penthouse, you and Haymitch immediately headed towards your bedroom to hear what the other had to say. You both stepped into the bathroom for privacy.
“You go first,” you said, hoping this was about Plutarch.
“I was late because Plutarch came to see me. Y/N I was right. About a fourth of the tributes are in on the plan to get Katniss out. We’re gonna have to carry on like a normal game at first but Beetee is going to shut down the arena and Plutarch will have us extracted.” You could cry you were so relieved. Haymitch was smiling eagerly. “We’re gonna make it, we’re gonna see a world without the games. Just make sure you stay by me so I can protect you, okay?”
“Yeah,” you agreed. “And that news makes what I’m about to tell you better.” You took a deep breath, bracing yourself. “I’m pregnant.”
Haymitch’s eyes widen. “Are you sure? I kind of suspected but didn’t want to say anything.”
You nodded. “Yeah, I’m sure. The doctors tested and they were also able to tell me that you’re the father.”
His eyes widened impossibly more. He gingerly pressed his hand to your still flat stomach. “You’re gonna have my kid?” he looked hopeful, excitement fortunately creeping into his expression.
“Yeah,” you agreed. You felt a few tears of joy slip. “I had never wanted kids but the thought of having yours? I want to raise this baby with you, Haymitch.”
“I felt the same,” he agreed. “This world is too fucked up to have a baby so that’s why we have to change it. God, I didn’t know it was possible to love you more,” he kissed you, his hand still planted on your stomach. You deepened the kiss, your hand meeting his.
That night you laid in bed in comfortable silence, more in love than you had ever felt before. “What should we name it?” Haymitch asked.
You mused for a second. “If it’s a boy, I wanted to name him Asher, after my father. And for a girl I thought about Maysilee?”
Haymitch pressed a kiss to your hairline. “I like that.” He paused again. “Should we tell people?”
“The world expects at least one of us to die in about a week. No point in telling people. Besides I think Peeta would jump off that platform before the timer hit zero if he knew I was pregnant,” you explained monotonously.
“Okay, so we won’t tell anyone,” your husband agreed.
The next day at the training session was fairly intense. All of the victors (except those suffering from withdrawal, insanity, and/or age) were trying to show off how still in shape they were. You spent most of the time observing until you did the hand to hand combat station. There were real trainers who would fight you and fake weapons that could sense what wounds they’d inflict in order to simulate the arena as close as possible.
Feeling like being a little bit of a showoff you decided to do it despite your newfound condition. You had made sure Haymitch wasn’t anywhere nearby as you picked up the fake knife and stepped on the mat. The trainer gave you no warning as he suddenly attacked you, running at you with a sword. Fortunately you were still looking at him the entire time so you could easily dodge at the last second. As his momentum carried him forward, you swung your arm back, hitting him in the shoulder with your knife.
“Non fatal wound to left shoulder,” an automated voice announced.
He whirled around, swiping at you with the sword. As you were dodging you got closer and closer to the edge of the mat.
“Approaching boundary,” the voice informed. So you ducked under the sword, flailing your lugs until you caught his ankle, sending him to the ground. His sword fell which you kicked off the mat. He was up in a second though, lunging at you. Your eyes widened in surprise, trying to move out of the way but he managed to grab your arm, dragging you to the ground. You fell with a thud and before you could wrench your arm from his grip, he was on top of you, straddling your hips. He was grabbing at the knife in your hands which you were trying to keep away. You felt it scrape against both his and your arms, each time eliciting a “Non fatal wound to arm.” Eventually you managed to stab it through his hand as the simulator said, and bring it closer to you before you thrust it into his throat.
“Fatal wound to the neck. Simulation ended,” the voice announced. You looked over, noticing a few other tributes watching from their own training spots. Haymitch, however, was fuming over by the knife section.
“You’re awfully tough,” the trainer said, getting off of you. “Impressive, especially considering you won eight years ago,” he complimented.
“Oh, thank you,” you said, taking his hand to stand up. Now Haymitch was walking over. “I have to go,” you dismissed, meeting up with him. You felt like a kid again as you approached your fuming husband.
“What the hell was that?” he asked. “You could’ve mis-”
“Shh,” you demanded. “And sorry, I wasn’t thinking.”
“You’re damn right you weren’t thinking!”
You were normally a very patient person, especially with Haymitch. You were sympathetic both when he was drunk and sober but you never took yelling, especially after you already apologized. You let out an indignant laugh. “I just apologized and you’re really gonna yell at me? Find me when you calm down,” you scoffed, walking off.
Haymitch was still angry as he watched you walk off. He had been chatting with Chaff when Chaff had told him to turn around. He was horrified to see you fighting with a man about twice your size. But he knew better than to interrupt so all he could do was stew in worry and anger until it was over. He nearly pulled the trainer off you when he got on top of you. Worried both about your safety and his fetus’. By the time it was done he was angry. Angry that you’d risk your pregnancy. He knew he shouldn’t have yelled at you, especially in front of so many people but he was so worried. He was honestly a little scared of how much he wanted that baby.
You made; your way over to Finnick and Annie who were making fish hooks together. She had a soft smile on her face as she weaved the feathers onto the hook while Finnick had a soft smile while looking at her. You really hoped they’d both make it out.
Finnick looked up, having noticed you. “Where’s lover boy?”
“You’re one to talk,” you sneered.
“It have something to do with your little show off session?” he asked.
“I wasn’t showing off. I was training,” you scoffed. “Besides, once again, you’re one to talk.”
“What do you mean? I've been doing this the whole time.”
“Don’t act like you don’t fully intend to get in there with a trident.”
He scoffed, a look of mocking offense painted on his face. “I would never.”
You laughed, taking a spot next to Annie, observing her work. You spent the next half hour learning how to make fish hooks, occasionally glancing up to watch Haymitch. He mostly stuck to the survival stuff but tried some combat and weapons training. It pained you to watch him fumble in those areas. He definitely wasn’t the most unathletic tribute but he was far from the most athletic. And while you had faith in Plutarch’s plan, not every victor was in on it and athleticism was still very much a part of the game.
Eventually Katniss wandered over, making fishhooks with Mags until she migrated to the archery station. As more tributes went over to watch the newest victor in action, you followed too. You had seen Katniss shoot last year but with so many simulated targets at once you were impressed by how good she was. Everyone else was too as Mags clapped for her when she had completed her round.
You eventually headed back upstairs, not really sure what to do. You had done lots of weapons training, especially knife throwing which had been a skill you utilized in your original games. Knives were always guaranteed to be in the Cornucopia and being able to put distance between yourself and others made the most sense. You worked with a few other weapons, Haymitch giving you worried and disapproving looks the entire time. You got so sick of his looks you moved onto survival but got bored of that quickly so you just went upstairs to lay down.
Haymitch appeared in the doorway sometime later. “I’m sorry for yelling at you.”
“Thank you,” you said sitting up. You knew he was coming from a place of love and concern so you were done being mad. Besides, you had been a couple for so long that your arguments could almost always be resolved in a couple sentences.
“Half the tributes want to be our allies. They of course assume we’ll be allies with Katniss. Peeta too but mostly Katniss.”
“Okay well who of the potential allies know about the plan?”
“Wiress and Beetee, Finnick, and by association Mags and Annie,” he answered. “Although Enobaria wants Katniss too but she and none of the other careers know. And a couple others from 5 through 10.”
“Did Katniss say anything?”
“She wants Wiress, Beetee, and Mags. But no Finnick. I told them she’s still considering.”
“What about Johanna, Blight, Chaff, and Seeder? I thought they knew.”
“They do, they just don’t necessarily want to get on Katniss’ crazy train,” he explained, taking a seat on the bed and throwing an arm around your shoulder. “That girl is a piece of work.”
You laughed a little. “She’s not that bad. Yes, a little volatile but so is Johanna and I like her. I like them both,” you added.
Haymitch hummed in agreement. “How are you feeling?”
“Tired but fine. I think everything is fine,” you placed a hand on your stomach. “I’m pretty sure fetuses can take a little knocking around. How would we have survived so long if they couldn’t?”
“Yeah, yeah, just take it easy. No getting punched in the gut,” he chided.
“Aw man, there go my dinner plans,” you jokingly whined.
“Shut up,” he chucked.
The next couple days were largely uneventful. You and Haymitch kept trying to convince Katniss to ally with Finnick or even Johanna but she refused, thinking that they’d stab her and Peeta in the back as soon as the biggest threats were taken out.
Eventually it was finally time for interviews the night before the games. With your permission Cinna tapped into the femme fatale look that had been part of your selling point your first games. It was a satin black dress with gold chains laid across the bodice and forming the straps. It had a high slit that came almost to your hip but your modesty was protected by delicate gold chains that held the top of the slit in place.
Your makeup was done dramatically again. Your red lips had been a part of your look the first games so Cinna had wanted to keep them this year. Your hair was done up in intricate braids with gold weaved through it so as to “not cover up too much of Cinna’s design,” one of the hair stylists told you.
You watched the other interviews as you got ready. You could see through all of them, whether they be extremely calculated or not, they were all a desperate cry to stop the games. Some were subtle like Cashmere and Gloss’ joint interview as “the family of the Capitol.” Johanna’s however, was not at all subtle as she screamed at the crowd and Snow for putting her back into the games. Some just made you outright feel bad for them. Like Annie and Finnick’s joint interview where she clung to his arm, hardly able to get out two words.
Eventually it was your turn. You stood in front of the stage entrance, trying to calm yourself down as Caesar introduced you. “Please welcome the winner of the 67th Hunger Games, Y/N L/N!”
You could hear the crowd erupt into cheers as the doors opened, blinding you. But you stepped out confidently nonetheless, eventually regaining partial sight. “Y/N, stunning as ever, wouldn’t you agree, folks?” Caesar began.
The crowd once again erupted into cheers. “You’re too kind Caesar.”
“I understand you have many sponsors who supported you in your original games and even after,” he explained. You hoped your face didn’t show it but you felt your heart stop. Was he really bringing up your torture in your very public interview? “Let’s hope they’re just as generous this year.”
“Oh I promise them I’ll make it worth their while,” you smirked into the microphone. You’ve been playing this game for a long time. What’s one more night?
“Now I have to ask as the mentor to the lovebirds of 12, is there anyone special in your life?” What kind of questions were these? You gave a polite laugh, shaking your head no. “Oh c’mon, really? With your looks? I find that hard to believe.”
“No not anyone,” you once again denied. “I’ve been on a few dates with some Capitol citizens but nothing serious. I guess eight years after the games still isn’t enough time to get over it.” You left the innocent look on your face.
It was sobering to the audience but Caesar quickly tried to bring the mood up again. “Well I just have a few more questions for you. We’re all very familiar with your protégée’s stylist. Tell me, are you working with Cinna too?”
“I am,” you agreed excitedly, giving them back the Capitol darling they had loved so dearly eight years ago. “No offense to my previous stylist but I think Cinna just gets me more.”
“I agree, this dress and the chariot parade dress suit you very well. And I have to say, you in flames? Breathtaking.”
“Aw thank you,” you smiled. “I’m sure Cinna appreciates it too.”
“Yes and we’re excited to see more of his work soon. Thank you Y/N, it’s been a pleasure. Give it up for Y/N L/N!” The crowd once again gave their cheers as you walked up the stairs, taking your place next to Chaff.
“Our next guest was the winner of the last Quarter Quell. Give it up for Haymitch Abernathy!” You watched as Haymitch approached, only able to see his back from your vantage point. “Haymitch, it’s been too long.”
“Not long enough in this context,” he laughed.
“Ah yes, but wouldn’t it be such an honor to win both Quarter Quells?” Caesar pressed. He probably already knew this would be a difficult interview for the Capitol.
“In theory I suppose. I’m mostly concerned about getting some of the younger victors out though.” The crowd let out cries of sympathy.
“How considerate,” Caesar said solemnly. “And tell us, what was it like to mentor our lovebirds coming up next?”
Haymitch pondered for a second, not quite sure how to answer. He has spent the whole night trying to decide if he’d tell the Capitol about your relationship. “Well I can tell you it wasn’t easy. Katniss can be a little headstrong.”
“Oh well we all know that,” Caesar laughed. “And Peeta?”
“He’s a very kind boy. They’re great together.”
Caesar laughed. “Yes well it’s nice to hear that from someone close to the couple. Now what about you? We’ve already heard from your original protégée about her love life, what about yours? We haven’t heard much from you in the past 25 years.”
Haymitch really thought about dropping a bomb like Peeta did last year but realizing how valuable your sponsors could be in the games, he thought better of it. “Not really. Y/N said that eight years isn’t enough time to get over being in the games. Twenty-five isn’t enough either.”
“Ah well I wish you the best of luck. Ladies and gentlemen, Haymitch Abernathy!”
He joined you up on the platform, squeezing your hand quickly before turning his attention to Katniss as she walked out on stage. Her dress was beautiful, a little over the top but Cinna had outdone himself. The crowd was losing their minds realizing that was Katniss’ unused wedding dress. The audience was completely captivated by her, especially when she revealed the Mockingjay dress that Cinna had weaved into the wedding dress that Snow no doubt made her wear. A daring display of defiance that you unfortunately knew someone would pay the price for.
Next came Peeta with his suave attitude from last year. They spoke for a moment until Caesar brought up the unfulfilled wedding.
“Actually we got married. In secret,” he revealed. You glanced at Katniss as inconspicuously as possible. Fortunately she kept her expression neutral. “We want our love to be eternal. Katniss and I, we’ve been luckier than most. I wouldn’t have any regrets at all if it weren’t…” Caesar pressed him. The entire Capitol was in the edge of their seats, hell you were too. “If it weren’t for the baby.”
The Capitol was shocked, you were shocked, the other victors were shocked, even Katniss was shocked. The audience was losing its mind, some even shouting to stop the games. You half wondered if Peeta knew you were pregnant. He made his way up to the stage, hugging Katniss. You still faced the audience when you felt Haymitch’s hand grab yours. Looking over you could see Katniss holding his other hands so you grabbed Chaff’s wrist. Once everyone was linked you all lifted your arms up. The Victors joined in solidarity against these games and the Capitol.
Part VII | Masterlist | Part IX
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handyman!jason and reader deserve the world!!!!!!!! the 'love you too'!! oh my god I love them
"Maggie I'm fine," you tell her yawning, sinking into your "spot" in the blue arm chair you'd always liked to snuggle into as a little girl. "It was just a long day."
"You don't have to rush to get a job, you know," she said looking up from her crochet project- a new afghan for your bed with a frown. "I don't mind-"
"I know you don't but I feel like I'm taking advantage of you."
"Honey, if I thought you were I wouldn't have hauled your ass down here. You know you're my favorite-"
"You're not supposed to have favorites, Mags," you tell her, putting your sandals next to your chair and tucking your feet up.
"Mothers and Grandmothers can't have favorites. Dumpy old Aunts with money can do whatever the hell they want," she scoffed.
"You're not-"
"I just want you to be happy," she said waving your protests away carelessly, frowning. "I think I missed a stitch- Anyway. Ever since you were a little girl people tried to tell you to shut up and look pretty. And ever since you were a little girl you showed your teeth and told them to piss off. I was so goddamn proud of you. I still am. You cut a path of your own- I definitely missed a stitch-" She trailed off and started to pull out the row she'd been working on. And you wait. Knowing better than to interrupt her mid-tirade. "Your little Bed and Breakfast was a great idea... Until that bastard went and gambled it off."
You wince at the memory. The boyfriend who help you open it and then lost it all to pay a massive gambling debt.
"You've got moxie, honey. If I had half the balls at your age-"
"You ran with a biker gang at my age," you remind her.
Maggie snorted, "That was to piss off my mother. That wasn't a goal honey. I was headed nowhere fast. The only reason I'm not dead is that I had nice tits and laughed at the right man's stupid jokes. Real dreams take guts. And trying to go after them takes balls the size of Texas."
"Don't give up and take some stupid job you hate. That's all I'm saying. Rest. Get a tan. Sleep around. Live a little and get your head on straight... Then if you still want to work for some corporate chain, do it. But don't rush on my account. I'm just happy you're here. Even if you are a pain in my ass."
"I love you too, Maggie Mae."
"Go mix me another drink, honey. I'm too sober to do this right."
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Little Lady Masterlist
Just the Two of Us
This might be my favorite chapter yet... almost entirely because my babies get to finally be a couple <3
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age twenty
Bang bang bang!
Bang bang BANG!
"Oh my God," Is all I can manage to groan, pulling the sleeves of my hoodie over my hands and curling in on myself as I move out of the warmth of my bed, just to hear the knocking once more.
"J! Please get the door, I need to grab some headache medication," I grumble, pulling up my hood as I make my way into the hall, Jack's voice meeting my ears.
"Mag's can you come here?"
"But medsss," I groan, still waddling my way to the door. And I wish I hadn't when I see who's there.
Trevor Zegras, standing with a grocery bag and flowers, smiling awkwardly as every minute of last nights conversation comes back to me.
Sure, Trevor and I have flirted for years, but last night I threw any self respect out the window and told him everything.
"I'm going to go grab breakfast with Nico and Dougie," Jack speaks up, grabbing his jacket and hat from the hanger. "When I get back, I want to be completely filled in and to remain not an uncle," He adds, his body out the door before I can even give him hell for his comments.
And then it's just Trevor and I, him still placed sturdy in the entry.
"Um, you can come in Trev," I invite, stepping back to make room for him to enter.
"I- you sounded pretty drunk last night, so when I got off the plane I grabbed some excedrin, gaterade, and some pancake mix," He rambles off, slipping off his snowy boots and gently setting the grocery bag on the counter to his left. "I uh, also got you these."
He's holding out the flowers like I might hit him with them or that he's apologizing, neither of which is necessary.
"I wanted to get you peonies since I know they're your favorite, but it's apparently not the season for it, so I got carnations instead."
"Trevor, you really didn't have to do all of this," Is my whispered response, just now looking up to meet his gorgeous eyes as I take the flowers, hugging them to my chest. "I'm sorry for bothering you last night."
"I flew from California to Jersey to see you and you think you bothered me with a call?" He gawks, having the audacity to laugh.
"I just know I was a lot," Is my reasoning, walking away to put the flowers in a vase in the kitchen. "And I brought up you asking my brothers about me even though that was years ago. I'm just trying to say I'm sorry."
His movements are faster than I'm expecting, his body suddenly not feet from me but instead with his arms on either side of my body.
We've been close before. But never with this look in his eyes.
A look that makes me feel that even though I'm in a hoodie, that I'm not realizing is Trevors from my last visit, and leggings, I'm the most beautiful woman in the world.
"Stop apologizing."
"Margaret Hughes, you are never a lot. You are never a bother," He adds. "You were right last night. I did ask your brothers permission to ask you out. Years ago. You were never meant to over hear what your brothers and I were talking about that night, cause God I could never imagine actually telling you how I felt. I mean, why ruin things?"
"How you felt?" That one word. Felt. Past tense.
His hand comes to the side of my head, cupping my cheek as his thumb rubs over my cheek.
"Feel," He mumbles. "How I feel."
I may need to take my pulse. I'm not sure. I may be dead.
"How do you feel, Trevor?"
Oh my God. Why did I ask that. Do I even want the answer?
"Mags," His voice is soft. Soft like the day he sat with me in the hockey rink for the last time. "I have been in love with you since we were 18. I never said anything because I didn't want to ruin things. I never wanted to risk not having you in my life. Next to your brother and Alex, you're my best friend. I couldn't ruin -"
"You could never ruin us, Trevor," I can't help but interrupt.
"Even by telling you that I'm in love with you?"
He looks so fragile, so anxious. Gone is the ever confident Ducks hotshot and here is a boy who is genuinely worried about what I say next.
"Trevor," I whisper. "I've been in love with you almost since we met. Not once has it not been you."
And then the world around me is blank except for the feeling of his lips on mine and my mine on his, his hands moving from the counter and to the back of my neck, mine linking over his shoulders and pulling him closer.
It starts slow, like we're exploring a new town like we had when he moved to Anaheim or I moved to Jersey. He's so close to me that every minute breath that leaves his nose brushing over my face.
But then it's faster, years full of love being expressed with every time our lips touch, him nipping my lips with his teeth as he pulls away.
And our foreheads touch, just like in every romance novel I've ever read, but none of those could imitate the kind of joy, the kind of love I feel right now.
"Why didn't you tell me you were into me?" Is the first thing he asks, his most charming smile on full display.
"Me?!" I can't help but yell, him jumping back as I lightly shove his chest. "You literally had my brothers approval and said nothing!! For years!"
"Okay, so I should have said something..." He agrees, "But I said something now? That counts right?"
I can't help but nod, pulling him head back down to my lips with a smile. "You have some time to make up for, but yes, that absolutely counts."
"If I saw I love you again do I get extra points?"
We both laugh at this, because we've said those simple words so many times, joking little goodbyes or on nights of drinking to bother my brother.
But now they hold so much more weight.
"You may get a few extra points," I offer with a chuckle.
His lips meet mine once more.
"Maggie Hughes, I love you."
"Trevor Zegras, I love you right back."
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zabala0z · 1 month
Eughhhiffugi my legs hurt. Walked around college with my mom today because she got accepted so woooo!! Anyways, welcome back to me saying “huh???” To TMA S2. I’m your host, you know me, I’ve been posting for the past month 🫶🫶
MAG 67: Burning Desire
Oh my god Agnes. This further proves my theory that she’s probably not evil???? Like I think she does sone bad stuff like kissing the guy and permanently scarring his face for life but like…she kinda cried?? Also that woman told her something about being “released” so I think it’s like some kind of curse? But Agnes shook her head so I don’t know. Maybe it was about being like spiritually bound to that tree or something
MAG 68: The Tale of a Field Hospital
Unironically, this is my favorite minor character in The Magnus Archives. Joseph Russo is such a fanboy and I love it. He was all “and I know Illuminati exists but you don’t have to tell me 😏” like god I’m howling. So sad he’s dead.
The whole…death and disease has been pretty prominent in this season as well. Mostly spiders as we’ll see but there’s like a shit ton of illness themes. Also Amherst appearance. Whether it’s the same or a different person, Amherst seems to have disease and gross shit follow him around. Like the ants in an earlier episode and that old persons home in Taken Ill. Gross. Ew. Gross.
ALSO “she seemed far too tall” yeah no shit. I’m literally screaming at my phone please I’m begging you Jon to figure it out
For MAG 69: Great more spiders. My only connection to anything is just the fact there are spiders and that’s been appearing a lot. Also poor Martin, trying to keep everything together 💀
Not much to say in “Book of the dead” but I liked it a lot. Another book. Surprisingly not Jurgen Leitners. Did not think that was possible.
For MAG 71, I don’t have many connections, again, but it was weird that Karolina was so…calm, giving her testimony?? Like usually when people give their statements in the moment, they sound pretty panicked, especially during the more scarier parts but she was flat throughout the whole thing. I’m guessing she’s keeping something hidden from the story and something happened to her. Maybe she got “replaced” y’know like with Sasha. Or maybe she’s entirely made of dirt. I mean she was pretty dry
Anyways, someone is living down in the tunnels. I would say it’s Gertrude because maybe she faked her death to hide from people but they did find her body. Well Martin did and then the police. But who knows.
Okay that’s everything. Not many revelations but I noticed I’m getting close to the end of season 2! Very exciting. I hope Michael pops up again. Just so I can hear it’s creepy ass voice
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dynamightgod · 2 years
Nothing Else Matters
Pairing: Bakugou x Reader
Warnings: soft, fem reader, fluffy, nervous Bakugou, crushes, Bakugou is whipped
Summary: After an interview for Pro Hero Mag, Bakugou reflects in his office on his humble beginnings with his wife.
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"I like it, hey baby, I like it, oh sugar, I like it pretty baby give it all to me, I like the way you wear your hair, I like the stylish clothes you wear, the way you kiss me, I feel gone, give me all your loving all night long."
-I like by Guy
"You shouldn't have answered that last question like that!" Mine, Bakugou's assistant ranted in his ear, even through the phone her shrill voice made him roll his eyes. He slams his keys down on his desk, holding the phone between his ear and shoulder as he shucks off his gauntlets and hero gear. 
" 'm not gonna lie Mine. They asked me about my greatest accomplishment and I told them." 
"But your fans want to hear about your accomplishments as a hero, they already aren't very fond of your wife-"
"The fangirls. And for the record, my real fans love my wife. So they'll be happy as hell with my answer. I'm not changing it and if you cut it ill post a video of me fucking her to prove my point." He ends the call just before he can physically hear her blood boiling. 
Katsuki Bakugou, number one hero and heart throb to the world. But as he sits down at his desk and picks up his phone, there's only one person he wants to talk to. 
He's tired and overworked and you're in America doing press with Charge bolt as you're one of his favorite designers(he actually set you up with Katsuki, a debt he never let the explosion hero forget) you were due back in two days but after the interview and the fight with Mine, he needs you. He needs just you.
You pick up on the third ring, yawning softly, he can hear the sheets of the bed you're in rustling as you stretch. He wishes he could join you. 
"Kat? It's late here honey, are you okay?" He can hear the worry in your sleep laced voice. God he hates how his stomach still flips just from your voice again. He let's out a soft whine, in turn making you coo and shush him softly. Something is bugging him, you can tell, but ever patient you wait for his lead. 
"I'm fine…..I just….I wanna hear you tell me again." His voice cracks softly. "Tell me about the night we met." You chuckled, this was his go to for reassurance. He could never hear your side of the story enough and quite frankly you loved your love story as much as he did. 
"Well Denki set us up together. It was a double date with him and Jirou and you and me." Bakugou smiled, relaxing under the lull of your voice. "You looked so nervous," you giggle through the phone causing him to break into an uncharacteristic grin that was reserved for only you. "Your eyes practically bulged when you saw me. I watched you do a double take." Katsuki chuckled, leaning back in his chair and running a hand through his hair. 
"You've always been so incredibly sexy. I couldn't take my eyes off you." He hums, a light blush painting his cheeks as he thinks about the first time he met you. "It was that black dress, spaghetti straps with the open back and the slit up the side. You carried that super small purse and I remember thinking how stupid it was cuz you couldn't fit anything in it." He grinned when he heard you laugh through the phone. "Those heels, the strappy ones that wound around your ankles and tied in the back….you were irresistible. It was over for me right then." He says the last part quietly, something he would admit only to you. He conjured that image of you to his mind, heart racing and blood rising to his cheeks as he thought about your smile, the way you moved, how soft your lips were when he pecked you good night. God he had been so embarrassing. 
"I thought you didn't like me. You were so nervous remember?" He grunts in confirmation. 
"I said 'lunch' hoping you would get that I wanted to buy you lunch the next day because I knew I had to see you again. I needed to-"
"Katsuki do you know when I knew you were the one for me?" You interrupt him. You had never explicitly told him the moment, though he always said it was at first sight for him. He knew it had taken you some time to adjust to him and get to know him, but he had never really asked about this. Not until now. Too content with the fact that you wanted him just as much as he loved you. 
"We had been dating casually for a couple weeks. After the dinner party. I had texted you before my first flight to London for the Pro Hero Fall Fashion Show." He remembers that day well. He went to see you, not content with letting you go and not saying good bye first. "You came to the airport, no security, no press, dressed like normal, people were shocked because you didn't even try to hide who you were, you just kept moving." He smiles remembering the ass chewing he got for the stunt from his team later. "You brought me flowers and kissed my cheek and told me to have a safe flight…..it was so normal. As though we had been doing that for years and would do it for the rest of our lives…..that moment was when I knew I couldn't live without you." 
Bakugou takes a deep breath, his heart clenching in his chest. 
"Baby I just want to hold you. I miss you so much. It's like I'm not living. Not really when you're gone." 
"I know love, but it's only two more days and I'll be home."
"And you're fucking staying. You promised. No out of the country trips for the rest of the year. We got….things….to do." He waits for it to click for you and when it does he laughs at the sound of you thrashing and throwing yourself around with excitement. 
"I can't wait to get started. I'd love to have a little boy that looks just like you. A mini Katsuki!" 
"Baby ill be happy with whatever we have as long as they come from you and they're healthy."
"I love you so much Kat." 
"I love you too baby. Go back to sleep, 'm sorry for waking you….." you yawn again, settling down in bed. "Oh one more thing before you go?" You hum, waiting for him to continue. "Watch the interview tomorrow. I want you to see it."
You woke up feeling empty, the call from Katsuki had put you in such a great mood that it almost felt like he was there. But as you stretched out and opened your eyes to your cold bed you're filled with sadness. But only a couple more days and then you'd be with your hero again.
Thinking of him reminds you of the interview. It should have been posted by now so you type in the link to it on your phone and sit on the edge of your hotel bed to watch it. 
It starts normally, you smile as Katsuki grumpily answers the female reporter, roll your eyes when she flirts because can she not see your name tattooed on his chest or the ring on his finger? But then it gets to the last question and a stunned, endearing emotion sweeps through you. 
"So Dynamight. The fans have a final question. What is your greatest accomplishment? What would you say that is?"
"Marrying my wife." He doesn't miss a beat or even wait for her to finish. The reporter flounders, obviously not prepared for that response. 
"Well, we mean professionally and career wise-"
"Nothing else matters." His face is set, tone flat and serious, no room for argument. He meant it and that was that. You feel yourself falling in love all over. The way this man is always about YOU. You've never been loved like he loves you. It makes you just want him all the more.
Just as you're about to turn it off and call him your phone pings, there's a new photo on his official Instagram and you immediately click on it. 
It's a picture of you. From the first night you met, you didn't even know he had this picture. He's holding you close, one hand on your waist, the other in yours as you dance. He leans close as if he's whispering to you and you're blushing and grinning. 
The caption reads: "Nothing else matters."
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avoxrising · 1 year
True Romance - A Hunger Games One Shot
Finnick x Reader
So this fic is inspired by the song True Romance by Tove Lo. I recommend giving a listen before and after you read this. There will also be ~lyrics~ scattered throughout.
Synopsis: You and your soulmate/fellow district 4 victor Finnick are both reaped for the Quarter Quell. Your worlds shatter as you both realize you could not live without each other… and you won’t.
Note: This fic deviates from cannon as in the story, there is no rescue plan/rebellion plan to get the victors out of the QQ/save Katniss. The rest of the characters are the same outside of you going in for Mags.
Also, I do not own the rights to any of the lyrics I sprinkled throughout this story. They all come from the song True Romance by Tove Lo and thus belong to their respective copyright owners.
Content warnings: severe emotions and suicide - please do not read if you are not in the right headspace. Warning you will cry (I cried writing this). Fluff and angst but no smut outside of kissing. Normal hunger games violence/murder. Mention of bullets in the song lyrics.
Also it’s a long one! About 5.5k words but I didn’t want to split it up into parts as I felt the story was better being one long part. Also sorry for the formatting I write my fics in my iPhone notes. Enjoy!
“I walk in a vision in red
Your favorite movie playing on my silhouette”
He had been your everything for as long as you could remember. You grew up as neighbors in a small neighborhood on the edge of District 4. You remember walking to school with him every day, convinced all you would be was best friends and nothing more would come of it.
That all changed when at the age 14 he was reaped for the Hunger Games. You have never cried so much in your life. Holding onto him as you said your goodbyes in the back of the justice building, you made him promise that he would win and return to you.
He kept his promise, just as he has kept every promise since that day. When he returned to you a few weeks later, you were the happiest person in all of District 4. Even though he was no longer your neighbor, you visited him constantly in Victor’s Village whenever you could sneak out of your small neighborhood.
You grew closer together over the years until at age 16 you were reaped for the Hunger Games.
“I’m not coming back Finn,” you cried as you said your goodbyes to your mentor.
“Yes you are,” he said. “If I can come back then so can you.”
You wanted to believe him more than anything, but at the same time you felt hopeless. When you did actually make it out of the games, you were so completely numb and ready to shut everyone out, but he wouldn’t let you. You were back to being neighbors again, but it wasn’t the same.
Slowly, but surely you returned to him. You became even closer as he became your reason for living. Slowly your feelings started to develop past friendship, but you didn’t have the heart to tell him. He was one of the only people you had left, and you were so scared of losing him and messing up the friendship you had.
“You turn to me just for a minute
Do you know my real secret?”
Returning to the capital every year to mentor was hard, but at least you got to do it with him. You often spent the night curled up in his bed on the fourth floor, unable to sleep due to the nightmares. You were worried that he would soon catch onto your feelings for him, but you needed him more than anything and we’re too scared to push him away, or let your feelings for him go.
Over the years, he started to catch onto your feelings. He had always felt the same way, but never thought you would feel that way about him. He was equally scared though to voice his feelings in fear of messing up the dynamic you two had. You were his everything, and he couldn’t bear the thought of losing you over confessing his feelings.
“Make my move
Spillin' all my popcorn over you
You're confused
What does a girl like me want with you?”
After a particularly long day of training your newest tributes for the arena, you slid into bed with him and curl up in his arms. This was your normal routine, but you could tell something was off tonight. He was nervous and you could feel his chest rise and fall faster than normal.
“What’s up Finn,” you asked concerned as you pulled away to look at him, sitting up on the bed.
“Nothing,” he mumbled as he refused to make eye contact with you.
You raise his head to look at you as you reply, “I know you Finn, you can tell me anything. No judgement, just honesty.”
He tried to hide his nervousness as you looked at him, hoping that you would let this whole topic go for once, but he knew you. And he knew you would keep asking until he gave you a straight answer.
“I love you,” he said nervously. “I’ve loved you since we were 7 but I never wanted to tell you because I was worried it would end our friendship…”
You tilt his head up to look at you again as you pressed your lips into his. It felt so good to finally hear him say those words to you, knowing you had felt the same way for quite a while. He kissed you back slowly pulling you back into his arms.
“I never thought I would have a chance with you,” he mumbled. “You were always the pretty one growing up and I was the class clown who was constantly getting in trouble. I put you through hell and back when I was shipped off to the games and I know you went through hell and back to return to me after yours.”
You kissed him again in reassurance.
“I love you Finn,” you told him. “Forever.”
“I want your hands
Your future plans
To the bitter end”
Three years later, you were walking down an aisle of rose petals on the beach with a beautiful bouquet in your hands. Your friends and family had gathered for your special day and you couldn’t be more excited to finally marry your soulmate. As you looked at him, you could see tears gathering in his eyes.
“You’re so beautiful my love,” he whispered in your ear.
“Forever and always Finn,” you smiled.
“You may now kiss the bride.”
Your kisses were always passionate, but this was the best one of all. You both were over the moon to finally cement your love in eternity for each other, and you couldn’t wait for your happily ever after to finally begin. Unfortunately, that happy ever after was short-lived.
A quick six months later and you were both sitting in front of the TV of your home, anxiously awaiting the announcement of the 75th hunger games. When the words came out of President Snow’s mouth, stating that the tributes would be reaped from the existing pool of victors, your heart shattered into millions of pieces. Finnick was the only living male victor of district 4, and there was no way you were sending Mags into that arena. After her stroke a few years ago. Her health had rapidly deteriorated and you don’t even know if she would live long enough to make it to the reaping let alone the games.
You fell asleep that night, and every night after, completely numb and crying in his arms.
“Take a life for me, you know I'd do it instantly
In danger of a true romance
We are meant to be, I'd die for love and loyalty
In danger of a true romance”
Mags passed just two weeks short of the reaping. Her funeral was brief and intimate, with only a few gathering. You were grieving the loss of your mentor as well as both you and your husband’s impending end.
Are the reaping was painful as you were forced to look out over the sorrowful faces of your community who gathered for your send off. They knew that they were most likely going to lose their only remaining victors in a few short days.
You held his hand as your names were both called, putting on a brave face for the cameras, but you both knew neither of you were making it out of the arena. Although you both had a good shot of winning against the other victors, you knew he would die for you and you for him.
You held onto each other the whole train ride to the capital, wanting to spend each and every moment together. You were angry at the capital. You would never get to have his kids, you would never get to grow old together and you would never have your happily ever after that you had worked so hard for.
The tribute parade was bittersweet. You were both adored in the capital and were seen as the royal couple of the capital. The people lived vicariously through your love, and were devastated to see both of you back and headed into the arena.
“You look beautiful as always love,” Finnick stated as he took in your parade outfit. Your long, baby blue dress perfectly hugged your curves as it flowed down your body, gently giving the impression of water. Your husband was dressed in a flowy blue dress shirt that matched your dress as well as a pair of tan slacks. You grabbed his hand as he pulled you up onto the chariot, handing you a sugar cube as you anxiously waited for the parade to begin.
Tears streamed down your face as you rode your way down towards the cold eyes of President Snow. You couldn’t bear to look at the crowd or Finnick. He squeezed your hand as your chariot pulled around the circle and started back towards the tribute and remake center.
Finally, the ride was over and you were able to go back upstairs with your husband. You collapsed in his arms, drifting off to sleep under the warm comforter of the bed.
“I don't like the real world
I don't like the real world
It's tough out in the real world
Let's go back to our world”
Over the next few days, you didn’t leave his side at all. You held his hand as he practiced with the tridents in the training center, and he held yours as you threw knives at the dummies, pretending they were Snow. The rest of the victors gave you both sad and knowing looks as they could see the pain in both of your eyes.
Every night you held him tighter and wished that you could stay in bed forever with him.
“I don’t want to leave you,” you cried as you held onto him.
“You’ll always be with me love, forever and ever,” he whispered as he kissed your forehead.
“I wish we could just run away and escape all of this,” you mumbled through sobs. “Never enter the arena. Never have to leave each other.”
“I know,” he whispered. “I love you forever.”
“Bullets fly, you took him down
And now we're honeymooners dreamin' 'bout tropical skies”
Peacekeepers had to pry you two off of each other as they sent you to your respective rooms under the arena. You cried the entire way to your room, desperately, hoping that you would find him quickly in the arena.
“It’s a wetsuit so I would expect a hot climate with water,” your stylist stated as she got you ready.
Looking at it, made you sick as you knew this was Snow’s twisted way of separating you from Finnick. He knew that both of you would have the advantage in the arena with there being water and he wanted one of you to survive without the other. He wanted you both to suffer.
Tears began slipping from your eyes as you rose into the arena, but you quickly wiped them away. You couldn’t let the other tributes see you as weak as they would quickly pick you off before you could find Finnick. You desperately looked around for him, but couldn’t locate him. He must be on the other side of the cornucopia. Your hands began to shake as the countdown neared zero.
When the gong sounded, you dove into the water, swimming with all of your strength towards the spoke to your right. You quickly pulled yourself up and sprinted towards the cornucopia, but not before the male tribute from nine tackled you back into the water. You struggled against his grasp as he tried to pull you under, but you knew you could hold your breath for at least three minutes. All you could hope is that he couldn’t hold his breath for as long as yours.
He began thrashing about in the water as he repeatedly kicked you in the ribs. You managed to kick him a few times yourself, but you were mainly focused on holding your breath. Gasping in pain would only allow the water to enter your lungs faster and there is no way you were drowning less than five minutes into the games.
Slowly, you noticed him starting to struggle as he tried to pull you back towards the surface. You yanked him down with all of your strength, trying to stop him from swimming upwards in his panic state you managed to kick him in the ribs enough times to knock the air out of his lungs, he began choking on the water as you were able to get out of his grasp and quickly swim towards the surface. As your head breached the water you heard a cannon go off, and the male tribute’s body floated to the surface.
Panicked, you looked around at the carnage surrounding the cornucopia. Bodies laid everywhere and cannons went off every minute or two. Suddenly, you heard Finnick screaming for you and saw him running around the cornucopia trying to spot you. You were out of breath from your struggle, but managed to pull yourself up on one of the spokes as he came running over to you.
“Oh my god I thought you were dead,” he said as you shook in his arms.
“I killed the male from 9,” you said as sobs racked your body.
“Come on we have to go now,” he said as he pulled you into the woods.
After about an hour of running, you sat down to rest. The adrenaline was slowly wearing off, and your ribs were beginning to bruise under your wetsuit. Luckily Finnick had grabbed some knives for you and a trident for himself from the cornucopia.
Suddenly 11 cannons rang out through the area, marking the end of the bloodbath.
“How many people did you get,” you asked Finnick as you both were trying to catch your breath. The arena was unbelievably hot and you had yet to find drinkable water.
“Two,” he replied. “Both from 5.”
You held onto each other for a few more minutes until you decided to start moving again, desperate to find fresh water.
A few hours later, you still have no luck finding water. You decide to set up camp under some large trees and settle down for the night. You both snacked on some of the food Finnick harvested from the surrounding trees and talked about who was going to take the first watch.
Suddenly the familiar chimes of a parachute grow louder as a gift from your sponsors floats down to your camp. Finnick lets you open it, and you discover a small metal object with a note that says “drink up”.
You turn to Finnick as you exclaim, “do you have any idea what this is? It’s way too small to store any water.”
He laughs at you as he takes it from your hand and walks over to a tree.
“Honey it’s a spile,” he laughs as water starts flowing from the tree. “Come here and drink.”
“Honestly, I have no clue what that is but I’m not complaining,” you state as you start drinking from the tree.
After you both rehydrated and washed your faces, you settled down for the night. Finnick insisted on taking first watch so you could get as much rest as possible. Suddenly the anthem started playing as the fallen we’re about to be shown. There had been no cannons since the bloodbath but you were anxious to see which faces appeared in the sky.
The faces of Beetee, Wiress, Blight, Wolf, and Seeder appeared in the sky along with both tributes from 5, the female morphing from 6, both tributes from 9 and the female from 10.
“Eleven down, thirteen to go,” Finnick muttered.
You squeezed his hand and gave him a sad look as you laid down to rest, quickly dozing off.
“In trouble again
When does it end?
Will it ever end?
Save me”
You woke to the sound of heavy rain hitting the canopy of the jungle that surrounded you. It couldn’t have been more than a few hours since you dozed off but Finnick was still alert and on guard. Suddenly, the rain became heavier and you and Finnick quickly realized that the rain was not water- it was blood.
Hot thick blood coated your bodies as you ran through the jungle, desperate to find anything to shelter you from the rain. You felt like you were suffocating but Finnick held your hand tightly as you stumbled over roots and vines.
After running for what felt like hours the rain finally stopped. Finnick grabbed some moss off of a nearby tree and began to clean the blood off of you. He managed to get the spile working again and you were both able to somewhat rinse yourselves off using the small stream from the tree.
Once you both were clean and had a moment to catch your breaths, you heard the scream of a man in the distance. You couldn’t see anyone but you could sense that they were too close for comfort.
“Which way Finn?” you whispered to your husband.
“This way,” he replied as he slowly started moving in the opposite direction of where you heard the screaming from. Your hands were clasped tightly together as you tried to sneak away quietly but that all changed the second you heard the cannon go off.
“Run!” you whispered as both you and Finnick took off into a sprint away from the other tributes. You couldn’t see them but you had the feeling they were following you.
Suddenly an axe flies past your head as Finnick pushes you to the ground. You quickly get up and turn to face your assailants. You were met with the faces of Johanna Mason and the male from district 10 wielding a spear. You slipped a knife from your belt and quickly flung it at Johanna who was getting ready to throw her other axe. She dodged and it grazed her leg but not enough to stop her from charging at you with the axe. You rolled underneath her as she swung down at you, narrowly missing your head. Pulling a larger knife from your belt, you took a swing at her, slashing a gash into her cheek.
You lose focus for a second when you hear Finnick grunt and then a cannon go off. Johanna and you both look over to see Finnick standing over the body of Johanna’s ally, fresh blood dripping from his trident. You stab Johanna in the arm before she kicks you hard in the ribs and flees into the jungle. You would have bolted after her but Finnick was suddenly by your side to checking to see if you were injured.
“I’m fine Finn she just kicked me in the ribs,” you said as you stood back up. You looked over at him and saw his shoulder was bleeding.
“It’s fine,” he said as he noticed you looking at his shoulder. “He barely grazed me and it’s not deep.”
You gave him an annoyed look as you went to gather some moss to press on his wound. As you returned you both agreed that you should get moving as your fight wasn’t exactly quiet and you didn’t know if others were on their way, eager to capitalize off of the carnage of your fight.
“Running from the scene, more money that we could ever dream
In danger of a true romance”
You set off back towards the beach. Johanna had run further into the Jungle and you weren’t looking for another fight just yet. Both of you knew the beach was a risk but you wanted to wash the remaining blood off from the rain you had encountered earlier.
After an hour or so of walking you decided to pause for a snack break. Finnick had gathered some nuts and berries earlier that you had deemed edible so you both sat down to eat. Quickly you are both on your feet again as you hear the all too familiar sounds of water crashing- a tsunami. You can’t remember the last time you ran that fast. Memories flooded into your head of the tsunamis you had seen in the past but you had never experienced one first hand. Feeling the water getting closer you looked back, only to notice that the trees weren’t falling from the impact of the water.
“Quickly Finn! We need to climb the trees!” you gasped, out of breath from the running. You only had seconds to spare as he hoisted you up into a tree before climbing up behind you. You both climbed up and up until the branches were too thin to hold your weight. The water had shook the tree violently upon impact but you both held on tight. Looking down, you saw the body of a woman being swept in the current. It was too loud to hear if a cannon had gone off but you think you could make out the dark hair of Cecelia, the woman from District 8.
“Bodies left to bleed, they all had it comin'
In danger of a true romance”
When the water had finally subsided, you climbed down from the tree and walked the remaining distance to the beach. Finnick went ahead to check if the coast was clear and you followed once he gave you a nod that it was clear.
He gathered some leaves from the trees to use as cushions as you got the spile working again. After a few minutes, Finnick had woven a picnic blanket for you to both sit on. The familiar chime of a parachute sounded as a picnic basket full of bread floated down from the sky. You laid there for hours with him, snacking on the bread and talking about the beaches of home. He quickly dozed off into a nap as you soothingly ran your fingers through his messy hair.
You didn’t realize that you had fallen asleep until he woke you up to watch the sunset with him. There were tears in both your eyes as you realized this might be your last sunset together.
“Thank you for everything Finn,” you said as tears ran silently down your face. He wiped the tears from your eyes and planted a kiss on your forehead.
“You don’t have to thank me love,” he replied. “I would do it over and over again in all of my lifetimes with you. I love you forever”
You both sat their crying until the sky grew dark.
Dread filled your chest as the anthem began playing. The faces of the male morphling, Cecelia, and the district 10 male populated the sky before it went dark again.
You took the first watch, waking Finnick a few hours later so you could rest. He kissed you gently as you fell asleep in his arms.
You slept until dawn when he shook you awake and quickly pulled you back into the forest. He hushed you he pointed you towards the cornucopia where you could make out a fight happening on the rocks. The siblings, Gloss and Cashmere, were taking on Katniss and Peeta from 12. You were terrified that they had seen you but Finnick steadied your breathing and held you tight. He didn’t think you guys had been spotted but he wasn’t sure.
A bloodcurdling scream broke out followed by a cannon, Katniss lay bleeding on the rocks, her throat slit, while Peeta was frozen in fear. He quickly snapped out of it and began sprinting away from the siblings down one of the spokes. He wasn’t running directly towards you, but he wasn’t running away from you either. Maybe he had seen you and was hoping Cashmere and Gloss would be more interested in hunting you down than chasing him.
“Thought I watched you die, I killed a man with tears in my eyes
In danger of a true romance”
He was partially correct. Cashmere continued to follow Peeta into the jungle but Gloss quickly turned towards you and Finnick. You thought it was stupid that he would try attacking both of you without his sister until you saw the rage in his eyes. He was full of adrenaline and was not messing around.
You threw two knives at him in quick succession as he sprinted straight towards Finnick, holding a long dagger in his hand. One of the knives lodged in his torso but it wasn’t enough to immediately take him down. He dodged Finnick’s trident and jammed his knife into Finnick’s thigh. It must have penetrated a few inches in as Finnick fell backwards onto the ground. Before Gloss had the chance to finish him off you flung a knife straight into his throat. The cannon was almost immediate as he fell onto Finnick.
Relieved, you thought the fight was over until a screaming Peeta was suddenly silent as another cannon boomed. You knew Cashmere was going to come looking for her brother and so you had to act quickly. Finnick was not in any position to move so you gave him a quick kiss before running off into the jungle towards where you thought Cashmere would be.
Peeta had put up a better fight than you had expected as Cashmere was bleeding from her nose and ear. She flung a knife in your general direction but it was clear her balance was effected by whatever damage Peeta had done to her head. You flung your last two knives at her before she had a chance to throw anymore at you. She fell to the ground as your knives had hit her right eye and her heart. The cannon sounded and you quickly picked up your knives as well as the remaining knives she had on her belt and ran back towards where you had left Finnick.
You found him pressing moss to his leg, the dagger laying besides him.
“Why did you take it out! You aren’t supposed to take it out,” you cried as you looked at the dagger next to his leg.
“It’s ok it’s not that bad,” he said as he tried to console you, but you were violently sobbing on the ground next to him.
“No you can’t do that. You’re gonna bleed out,” you cried.
“Shhh it’s ok,” he whispered as he pulled you into a hug. You laid on him sobbing into a parachute made it’s way down through the canopy and onto the ground next to you. Quickly opening it, you found first aid supplies for his leg. You apologized as you pressed alcohol onto the wound and your husband cried out in pain. He squeezed your hand as you gave him stitches and then bandaged the wound. You moved him a few yards away from where Gloss’s body still laid and made him rest so the medicine on his leg could start working. He could tell how exhausted you were so he made you take a nap while he took watch.
“No you need the rest,” you complained as you brought him water.
“I can’t sleep until the pain meds kick in,” he stated. “I’ll wake you up before they make me sleepy or if any danger appears as I’m not in any shape to fight right now.”
You reluctantly agreed and laid down on his lap. Sleep came quickly as you were exhausted from the morning’s events. Eventually Finnick woke you up as the meds were making him sleepy.
“Stay awake for a few more minutes,” you said. “I’m gonna go grab some more moss for your leg.” He hummed in reply and you quietly got up to grab some moss.
“Saved you from that room, the powder and gold and the men were all doomed
Against our love, they never stood a chance”
A few steps into the jungle your head began to vibrate and you felt a weird energy come over you. Paranoid, you looked around as the trees changed colors. The green leaves were turning blue and the trees seemed to be leaking a yellow sap. Suddenly, you noticed movement to the left of you and you quickly flung a knife towards the movement. A grunt was followed by a swift punch to your jaw. You guess your assailant was closer to you than you initially thought. Dizzy, you fell to the ground as the world started spinning around you. Swirls of color clouded your vision as the man who had punched you moments before was now on top of you, his spear pressed against your neck. Looking up at him, you saw the face of Finnick.
“Finnick it’s me!” you screamed. “Get off!”
He pushed down further on your neck as you began to choke. Grabbing the spear you began trying to push it off of you and away from Finnick. You grabbed at his hands only to realize he only had one. Where his other hand should be was a stump of flesh. Your mind continued to race as you quickly realized whoever you were fighting wasn’t Finnick. For one, Finnick didn’t use a spear, and secondly he had two hands and the stump of flesh did not look like a recent injury.
You continued to scream until the person on top of you was shoved off of you and impaled with a trident. He slowly morphed into Chaff as the real Finnick pulled you up into your feet and dragged out away from the body. The cannon sounded and your vision slowly returned to normal as your head stopped vibrating.
It suddenly made sense- the missing hand, the spear, the trees changing colors.
“It’s ok love it’s ok,” Finnick said as he held you tightly. “You’re safe.”
Finnick brought you back to the tree line by the beach and laid you down. He held you tightly as you took a nap.
You woke in a panic to the sound of another cannon but quickly relaxed when you saw Finnick was ok. You noticed his leg was looking better which made you relax further.
“Your leg looks better,” you said as you smiled up at him.
He gave you a quick kiss and a smile as he replied, “I told you I would be alright.”
“Who do you think is left?” you asked.
“There’s just two besides us,” he stated. “I don’t know who’s cannon that was. It’s a toss up between Johanna, Brutus, and Enobaria.”
“Who do you hope it was?” you asked.
“Brutus or Enobaria,” he replied. “I am hoping Johanna is still in a bad shape from our last fight and Brutus and Enobaria are probably teamed up.”
You agreed with him but quickly realized the finale would be starting soon. There were only four of you left.
“Take a life for me, you know I'd do it instantly
In danger of a true romance
We are meant to be, I'd die for love and loyalty
In danger of a true romance”
The sound of mutts startled you but you could tell they were coming from the other side of the arena, probably chasing the other victors towards you. Finnick and you both stood up quickly and gave each other a kiss as you readied for battle. A bloody Johanna emerged from ten jungle about 100 yards away from you, and both you and Finnick bolted towards you. Taking her out now would mean you could face the final other victor together.
Finnick was faster than you as you raced towards Johanna. Suddenly, you were struck in the collar bone by a sword and stumbled to the ground. An enraged Enobaria stood over you, ready to pounce. Thinking quickly, you kicked her sword out of her hands but she quickly jumped on top of you, her full weight on your chest as she clawed at your stomach with her hands. You desperately grabbed for your knives but Enobaria put her knees on your arms, pinning them to the sand.
You let out the most blood curdling scream as Enobaria’s teeth ripped into your torso, taking a good chunk of flesh and probably some of your insides with it. You heard a cannon, honestly thinking it was yours, until you saw Enobaria get impaled by a trident. Another cannon sounded as your vision started to fade out.
“I don't like the real world
I don't like the real world
It's tough out in the real world
Let's go back to our world”
You feel Finnick pick you up as sobs racked his chest.
“Please don’t die on me!” He sobbed. “Please.”
You felt like you were floating until you realized you were. Finnick had laid you in the water as he held onto you for dear life.
“Please don’t leave me,” he cried.
It took all of your remaining strength to reach your hand up, cupping his face.
“I love you Finn. Forever.”
His final promise- “I promise I won’t live without you.”
He cried harder as your vision faded out. The last thing you felt was his lips on yours as you lost consciousness.
The last thing you heard was a cannon going off as Finnick impaled his heart with one of your knives, sinking into the water next to you.
The last thing you remember was how much you loved him.
The final cannon sounded.
They would have no victor.
I hope you enjoyed/cried!
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the-hufflepuffle · 1 year
Hunger Ganes as Incorrect Quotes Pt. 2
Johanna: she's my girlfriend you intolerant shit
Haymitch: whoa pump the hate breaks fox and friends, I'm just surprised anyone would date you. Especially pinkie pie from my little pony
Peeta: this is my girlfriend, katniss
Mrs. Mellark: damn! you couldn't do any better?
Peeta: mom I love her-
Mrs. Mellark: I'm talking to katniss.
Effie: I'm having a baby
Peeta: oh congratula-
Effie, with adoption papers: it's you sign here
Katniss and Peeta with their respective parental figure mentor:
Peeta: this one's shaped like a heart, that's how I feel about you
Eeffie: *loud sobbing*
Katniss: this one's shaped like Michigan. That's how I feel about you.
Haymitch: what is that supposed to mean?
Hijacked Peeta: I HATE YOU
Tired Mentor Haymitch: Hey!
Coin: you can't tell anyone. Not even your closest friends or family
Finnick: ma'am, I won't tell a soul
Finnick, 30 seconds after leaving coins office: JOHANNA!
Snow, thinking: I know you can read my thoughts Miss Everdeen. Just a reminder, if you don't convince me of your love with Mr mellark, your ass is mine. That's right. I think words I would never say.
Haymitch thinking: I know you can read MY thoughts girl. *Meow Mix jingle* meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow
Katniss and Peetas kid: unihorse, what's your favorite food?
Haymitch, stuck on babysitting duty: ...children
Effie: I am at a loss for words-
Katniss: despite being lost for words, effie yelled at me for 45 minutes
Peeta after his surprise defribulation: I don't see a light. It's just a skeleton in a robe going "cmere. Cmere."
Mags: might as well do as he says
166 notes · View notes
hawkeyeslaughter · 6 months
Can you come up with some Trapper and Charles scenarios?
oh i sure can
— i thjnk i’ve mentioned this before , but i like to think that trap and charles have kind of a breakthrough when they’re both drunk and they don’t know how they get on the subject but they start talking about their favorite boston hangouts . charles is surprised that trapper’s been in some more high - class places and trapper is the first one to hear charles admit that’s he’s been in the cheaper hangouts
— this is such a common trope but trapper moving all of charles’ shit one inch to the left every couple weeks until charles actually catches him at it and trapper’s just sitting there trying not to laugh while charles berates him
— trapper mocking charles’ posh accent and being obnoxiously ( fake ) offended when charles finally stoops to mocking his
— i have this idea that like maybe trapper has a moment where he’s like i’m a shitty dad because i’m not there for my kids and charles ( who ACTUALLY had a shitty dad , if i ever see that motherfucker it’s on SIGHT ) in his own charles way , ( not outright , of course ) , tells trapper he’s a good dad
— there is just so much potential between neat charles and slob trapper ,, to type out everything would take up WAY too much space but imagine what you will >:]
— working together in the o.r with backhanded compliments ( “ you’re not nearly as sloppy as i thought you were , mcintyre “ thanks charles , maybe they’ll put my name on the doctor of the year plaque next to yours . we’ll make the speech together , you use the big words and i’ll provide the looks . “ )
— charles regularly referring to trapper as “ john francis xavier “ to annoy him , trap regularly calling charles “ king charles “ in the horrible british accent
— there was a sudden disappearance of trapper’s dirty mags for a spell and it’s suspected that charles was the culprit
— trapper referring to charles by saying “ he’s one of the best ! “ to reassure one of the patients and then telling said patient that he’ll put him back on the table if he ever repeated that he said that
— there are definitely a ton more i could come up with , but alas my brain is fried
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letstrythisout4 · 3 months
hi >. i saw your requests for prompts and requests and just wanted to ask if you could do like head cannons or even a story abot Blaise Zabini being a girl dad.
Like I know this sounds lowkey specific but could you please?
It's alright if you dont want to.
♡ ♥💕❤
Author note: this is much longer than I thought it would be, but I love it and it isn't even everything i thought of, thank you sm for this ask and if anyone else has anything they want to request or questions or anything please send me an ask
Blaise Girl Dad:
When Blaise found out he was going to be a father he was both ecstatic and terrified at the same time
Ecstatic because Merlin I’m going to be a father, I am going to raise a human being from birth into adulthood and help them through as many challenges as possible.
Terrified because Merlin I’m going to be a father, I am going to raise a human being from birth into adulthood and help them through as many challenges as possible.
Because of his own experience with his father (i.e. none), he felt incredibly conflicted
Logically he knew that a parent is a parent. Your job is to raise, protect, love and guide this human being as much as possible without taking away from their life. There are obstacles you won't be able to protect them from and in those times you will have to be the shoulder to cry on. And in turn when they succeed you will be their first and loudest supporter.
He didn’t need to have a father to know that
His mom made sure that (to the best of her ability) he never felt like he was missing something
Emotionally though…
Blaise loves his mother
His mother fawned over him
But there was always a question as to why there was no father in his life
His mother would never take anything or anyone away from him that could bring him joy and as he visited his friends as a four year old, he could see that fathers, just like mothers, should bring happiness to their kids 
When he was a really young he would ask her why he didn't have a father and she would comfort the confused child before explaining that why he may not have a father, to her he as miraculous as the moon, sun and stars and most precious of everything in her eyes
And so when Blaise found out he was going to be a father he made sure to make his child know -just as his mother did with him- that they were everything to him
Holding his baby girl in his arms for the first time was more than enough to reassure him that it was going to be so incredible simple to love his baby
Blaise doesn’t and has never liked the way so many speak of fatherhood
As if its some burden, “babysitting”, that kids need “discipline” and “punishments” for every little toe out of line
That having a daughter was “more difficult” than having a son
He hated being in public carrying his daughter, who was dressed in her favorite baby blue puffy princess dress, and being questioned
“Mom dressed her, eh?” someone's grandpa would ask, shaking his head at the admittedly excessive dress.  “No, I did.” “...” “She is a princess, what else would she be dressed in?” 
His daughter would be fussy and someone would say, “It’s because you spoil her.” 
Blaise hates the way people use the word spoiled
Because his baby is spoiled
But people seem to think that means she gets away with everything. Which is not true. 
Being a girl dad has made Blaise realize that people care way too much about the non-important details when it comes to kids. 
No, my daughter is spoiled. She’s a kid who wants to spend extra time on the playground. Time that we have. So yes, Blaise “spoils” her and allows her the extra time. Because why not? 
Being a father has taught Blaise that adults just like to tell kids no.
Blaise is incredibly aware that the time he has with his daughter is limited. She will grow up, she will not be dependent on him always. So yes he “spoils’ her.
Yes she can have another scoop of ice cream.
Yes she can have that plushie.
Yes she can stay up past her bedtime to watch him to some silly magic.
Because one day she isn't going to be five and wants to dress like princess Tiana everyday. 
Merlin, he spoiled her before she was even born. Every piece of furniture in her nursery was built by him, by hand. 
He spent an unholy amount of money on stuffed animals and books she wouldn't be able to truly engage with for years. 
And an even greater amount of money on books about raising a child, psychologically and biologically
Ever since he knew he was going to be a father he has been active in his daughters life and has said that watching his daughter grow is the biggest blessing he’s ever had.
He loves every moment he has with her. 
When she said that she wanted him to be her partner for her ballet performance, he agreed without hesitation.
When she wants to take taekwondo as an eight year old, he signs her up immediately
When she magically turned his hair pink, he laughed beside her.
And this continued on as she grew up.
He felt his eyes water as they stood on Platform 9 ¾ for her first year
“You said you wouldn’t cry”
“I’m not” he did
He’s the kind of parent to send his daughter lavish gift baskets
His daughter never spends Christmas at Hogwarts, if she wants to spend it with her friends they can come over to the Manor too, there's plenty of room
And most importantly, she would never want to spend Christmas at Hogwarts.
His love is not one sided. His daughter loves him back just as much. Nobody is allowed to talk shit about her dad or her grandmother. She will curse them into the next century.
That’s her dad. Her day 1. Her ride or die. She knows that in any situation she can call on him and he will come. 
And it sets up such a lovely understanding of what care and love look like.
The respect, care and autonomy that Blaise allows his daughter allows her to become such a well rounded person. From the moment she could express her opinions, wants and desires, he has respected them and aided her in acting them out/ achieving them.
He will support her till the ends of the earth
(also she is very much best friends with he kids of Blaise's fellow slytherins .... feel like i should say that)
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s2 episode 3 thoughts
here we go! this episode is titled "blood" which did not bode well for me, the girl who hates blood. but i am dedicated and pushed through in the name of our mission.
we open at a post office. sometimes, i think it would be fun to work in a post office.
but alas! our postman has received a paper cut. he licks it up which... can't be hygienic.
and then he immediately gets fired :( this is sooooo unfair
when he returns to his post his machine reads "KILL"!!! my first thought was that this was gonna be a little shop of horrors style thing where an inanimate object tastes blood and Likes it (Which is sort of what happened? but mostly not really)
((side note: need to see mulder and scully take on audrey two))
so it seems that the people are either being told by machines to do some killing or all the members of the town are experiencing collective hallucination...
mulder arrives. i was distracted by his fluffy hair. from the notes: "his hair is fluffy. he isn't saying much at this crime scene but his hair is fluffy"
! MULDER LORE REVEAL ! he played right field! (this was brought up when the policeman mentioned the suspect was on the softball team)
back to our post office friend, who is near a child with a random nosebleed whilst getting some money, and now the ATM is telling him to kill people
mulder points out that these are spree killings and not serial ones <-okay human embodiment of the nerd emoji.
it's a totally normal report on the crimes, no spooky stuff involved, and scully is reading it... until he mentions UFOs and she says to herself "i was wondering when you'd get to that" LMAOOOOO she knows him too well
we see a woman being lured into a dark garage by a mechanic and i thought i knew where this was going but i DIDN'T because SHE gets paranoid and the machine tells her the guy is gonna get her and she freaks out and STABS HIM
mulder arrives to the crime scene with a really funny looking camera. can anyone provide me more information about this camera? i'm curious
anyway, he shows up at the house of the woman who killed the mechanic, and we see another example of his bountiful social skills when he asks to come in and she says "i'm late for work" and he just barges in and says "you can blame me". i love this man so bad it's actually a problem. he WILL get inside of ur house.
but her microwave is telling her to kill him and she pulls out a knife and STABS him and i was yelling NOOOOOOOO! and then the cop he was with shoots her and VERY QUICKLY we get a cutscene to....
she thinks there's some sort of chemical that is making the people do this
we also see poor wet meow meow mulder's bandaged arm :(
back to the ex-postman, who is seeking new gainful employment at a supermarket in which there are guns for sale in the back, another reminder that this show is set in america. he starts to see evil things in the TV but resists (and it might be related to the blood drive at the store but? it's a little unclear tbh)
mulder running scene! getting his cardio in! the man is dripping in sweat! he sees a guy toss some stuff in a yard and it's... dead bugs?
so who does he take the bugs to? well, the weirdos who previously were consulted for another case: the conspirators at the lone gunman! famous for the one guy hitting on scully and ripping up her twenty dollar bill
so we're back to these freaks and he says he didn't see their latest issue because "it arrived the same day as my subscription to Celebrity Skin"
now, i had an educated guess here based on name alone, but needed to confirm what this "celebrity skin" truly was. a search brings you to an album by the band Hole, and i was like omg!!! we're gonna get an insight into his canon music taste!!!! there is nothing more i LOVE than learning a character's favorite artists <3
but, this cannot be... for the show takes place before 1998, when the album was released... so i dig further
chat, as expected, it is a porn mag. seems to have involved some unethical stuff. mulder: ur a sick man.
the even sicker man who previously hit on scully was like "where's your little friend?" and he counters with "she wouldn't come. she was too afraid of her love for you" and the weirdo responds with "she's tasty"
now i want you to buckle your seat belts for what mulder says next. buckled? secured? sat? everyone is in a safe position? okay. he says:
"you know, it's men like you that give perversion a bad name"
HELLO? hey. hi! quick question <3 what does that mean. mulder a freak confirmed????
(i mean i guess we DID already know he fucked phoebe on arthur conan doyle's grave, which is going to stick in my head forever, but. don't make it worse. sometimes he's such a Man)
anyway the weirdos at the lone gunman think it's related to pesticides. and then mulder asks to borrow their night vision goggles and the weirdest of weirdos is like "only if you give me scully's number!"
cutscene to him using the night goggles
(mulder, if you gave that creep her number, i will NEVER forgive you. so keep that in mind)
he's sitting in a field and it looks so natural, like he really belongs there. bring back sitting in fields. but then he breaks into the orchard and gets sprayed by some pesticides and thoroughly knocked on his ass
mulder's yelling at some guy to take responsibility for the pesticides that he thinks are killing people... a moral crusader serving on the front lines...
scully's here now, btw. she took his blood. which had to be a strange experience. and then she mentions that she FLEW 300 MILES in the MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT to come take his blood?
holy shit, mulder. she did that for you and you've been so broody and angsty lately and maybe even gave some dick her phone number. holy shit mulder, do not blow this. you cannot afford to blow this. she is soooo good to you.
anyway, he's seeing the same evil messages in technology the killers were now so that's a bummer
mulder proposes that this is some sort of subliminal messaging thing that is being activated by the fear-inducing pesticides and the cop gets pissed and leaves, to which he says "he's probably one of those people that thinks Elvis is dead"
so that's the SECOND line in this show about him being an elvis truther and i'm starting to think it's not a joke
back to the ex-postman. people are coming to his door to take blood and test for the chemicals in the pesticides and he's going bonkers. he's seeing "KILL" in his calculator, which is how you know things are rough. his watch even beeps and says "KILL" which i think would make a very very very very funny gif if anyone has that.
well, all of a sudden he's missing so the agents go to his house and knock. until.
scully realizes the door is open and just. lets herself in. i was laughing SO hard here. these bitches WILL get into your house. they will NOT wait for an invitation. truly a sign of soulmatism.
ex-postman was running running and they're like omg where is heeeeee he's gonna hurt people!!! scully is once again proving her genius status by saying that if it's a paranoia case, then all these guys in police uniforms need to get out of view.
(there's also this shot where mulder is like. smoldering. and she's behind him and man. height difference content i really really do love you and your work <3)
our crazed ex-postman climbs a tower at a college and is gonna start shooting but he's also hallucinating and laughing maniacally which i described in my notes as "entering his joker era"
mulder runs up and prevents a shootout using some handy jujitsu. neeeeed to see if this man is a black belt. for character driven purposes.
but he says that he knows the guy can't stop and overall it's an eerie situation because you can tell the pesticides are still in his brain as well. and his arm is bleeding again and this makes the other guy go into overdrive.
um. okay.
crisis averted...?
well, you sure would like to think that, wouldn't you? but the episode ends with mulder calling scully, and then HE sees more evil stuff in his phone! and it fades to blackness as her voice is heard through the speaker...
(i love that she knew it was him immediately. despite the silence. and that her train of thought went from "it's scully" to "mulder is it you?" to "mulder, what's wrong?" talk about a connection!)
hope he doesn't do anything too impulsive...
in conclusion: my very surface level interpretation of this episode was that it was warning us to not be controlled by technology, which i'm sure felt more relevant back in the day. but now that i have to click "don't sell my data" when i browse flavors of soup for sale online, i think we might just no longer be the target audience. or maybe it's even more relevant! an argument could be made both ways.
down with pesticides, though! i can get behind that! when's the last time you saw a bee? bring them back!
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