#can you see the northern lights in wisconsin
merelygifted · 1 year
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The northern lights are coming to several states this week. Here's how to watch : NPR
...  The aurora borealis could be seen across parts of Washington, Idaho, Vermont, Wyoming, New Hampshire, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, Massachusetts, Maryland, Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, [and] Maine, according to the university.
On Wednesday, the storm will be highly visible "low on the horizon from Seattle, Des Moines [Iowa], Chicago, Cleveland, Boston, and Halifax [Nova Scotia]."
On Thursday, the storm will get stronger and can be seen overhead in Minneapolis, Milwaukee; Bay City, Mich., and on the horizon in Salem, Mass.; Boise, Idaho; Cheyenne, Wyo.; Lincoln, Neb.; Indianapolis, and Annapolis, MD.  ...
...  The Space Weather Prediction Center says the best time to view the aurora is usually between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. local time.
You don't need any special equipment to see auroras.
Pick a spot where there is little light pollution.
Get to a higher elevation if possible.
Check the forecast for signs of clouds or precipitation, which could block your view.
Scan the skies...they can appear from all directions.   
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trivialbob · 1 year
The main reason for our Wisconsin camping trip this past weekend was to see our friend and former Tumblr Jessica, her husband, and their new bar. 
But we had one other destination in mind.
Sheila and I like dive bars. We’d heard of a blue ribbon, class A, #1, Gold Medal dive bar in northern Wisconsin, not far from the shores of Lake Superior, that is a must-see. 
We drove an hour and a half north from Birchwood to the tiny town of Moquah. Along the way we passed countless rural roadside bars (RRB). We stopped at one for a bloody and chaser. My nice smile earned me a Spotted Cow instead of a Busch Lite for that five ounce beer that makes a bloody 48% happier.
At times I wonder if these small towns, where the bar to resident ratio is high, do they close some bars just so those employees have a chance to visit the rest of the bars in town? 
I present - The Plywood Palace.
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We arrived at 12:10 PM. The door, held shut with a small Master padlock that wouldn't survive five seconds in Minneapolis or Chicago, should have been propped open at that point, but the owner was late. 
It’s not likely he reads Yelp or cares what it is, so no one wasted time bitching. We were far from 5G service anyway. 4G too. Even flip phones would not help so you’d better have a quarter for a pay phone if you want to call corporate and complain.
Several trucks and side-by-side ATVs were already there next to my truck. I bet there wasn’t a Prius within 100 miles of this place. Telslas likely are prohibited by local township rules.
We were all happy campers, waiting in that parking area. Everyone had a cooler. Some shared beer. We shared beef sticks from a meat shop we stopped at on the way there. One woman had bowls of dip and some chips. It was a block party in the sticks, next to a shack.
About an hour later the owner showed up. A man of few words, he mostly grunted “three bucks” or “six bucks,” depending on how many cans of Busch Lite a bar patron ordered. The money went into a mechanical cash register. Hey! You hippie over there, asking about Apple Pay, GTFO of here. Ka-ching.
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We’d been advised to order canned beverages. There’s no running water at the Plywood Palace. Everyone followed that advice. No one dared order a bloody or an Old Fashioned. Or anything requiring ice. Or even a glass of water.
Sheila and I loved talking with everybody, hoisting Busch Lights to our parched lips as sunlight streamed through holes in the roof and walls before finally striking on the concrete and dirt floor.
Bras and signed dollar bills decorate what could be known to some as a ceiling.
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The “ladies” room is a two-stall. Word has it that the women prefer one side over the other. You may see why. 
Sheila had a large package of baby wipes, because she plans ahead. Others were elated when she announced that anyone could help themselves to those clean, moist sheets.
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Left stall:
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Right stall:
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This is the men’s room. It accommodates acres of full bladders. I found the little flowers to be a thoughtful touch.
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Pollsters likely spend little time here.
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Near the end of our visit I scrawled Sheila’s and my names on the wall with a Sharpie. I tried to buy a beer for the people who’d gladly opened their coolers to us before the bar opened, but they would have nothing of it. Friends share beer with friends, and we were all friends.
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pookiebearmick · 4 months
weekly tag wednesday thursday
google search edition!
thank you for tagging me @mickeym4ndy @thepupperino @spookygingerr <3
Name: deckard (deck)
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? (or you): wisconsin!
Okay, so this week we are going to snoop into your google search. Type in each phrase and tell us what the first suggestion is that google gives you!
What is the best way to… lose weight (??? idk why google thinks i care)
Where can I… buy stamps
How old is… dolly parton
How long does it take… to get a passport
How many… weeks in a year
Who set the record for… the highest jump
When did… covid start
What does it feel like to… pass a kidney stone (my spouse was having kidney pain and we thought they were passing a kidney stone, they were not, they had a uti)
Can you… get pregnant on your period (i'm in a gay relationship and also asexual but i do have anxiety lol)
When you… say nothing at all
Why do… cats knead
Is there a way… to see unsent messages (i'm nosy)
How old do you have to be… to rent a car
Where do the… timberwolves play (i don't care about sports lol)
What is the best time to… see the northern lights
And to finish us off…. What comes up when you type in Shameless? shameless cast
i'm tagging @krysmiss @jessij1997 @especially-fuk-u if y'all haven't done it and feel like doing a little late tag game lol
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tag game
eee y'all know I love these! thanks @shortsighted-owl and @ajunerose for the tags! <3
relationship status: uhhhh single? i've gone on a few dates with the same girl recently so....i have that but idk where it's going
favorite color: light pink! <3
favorite food: sushi! and cheese (I'm from wisconsin, what else would you expect?)
song stuck in my head: sober by FIDLAR
last thing I googled: bust of sappho (i've got a siiick tattoo idea hehe)
current time: 12:27pm
dream trip: uhhh Norway probably? or Sweden? somewhere Nordic so I can go to a fancy sauna and swim in hot springs when it's freezing out and see the northern lights and live my best life (this will hopefully be my honeymoon trip...if I ever get married....and can afford it)
tagging my faves @lilbuddie @the-likesofus @mooshkat @paqerings @diazfilez @brassm
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queerworldtravelers · 3 months
42°30' N to 47°3' N and 86°49' W to 92°54' W
Getting older means realizing that if you see the people you love once a year, if you're lucky, you might get to see them 20 or 30 more times in your life. Time is the only currency we have that we can never get back or make more of, so we spend it wisely. On our way across the United States we decided to spend a lot of time with our loved ones. This is a wild decision after spending a year outside of the country as we returned completely different people with wildly altered world views. Crashing back into old familiar guest rooms and sitting at well-known dinner tables helped us to see just how far our wings have spread. It also helped us to see with a startling clarity just how much we have changed. 
After adventuring north with Sara and Aaron, Krystal’s mom picked us up at the Dollar General in St. Germain. We spent the afternoon in beach chairs soaking up the lake for a few more minutes before heading to the Upper Peninsula.
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As we all grow older and wiser we have started a tradition of heading to a small cabin on the shores of Lake Superior in the old copper mining port town of Ontonagon. If you have never been to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan we recommend heading that way after the snow melts and after the black flies die off. The rivers casually flow through ancient carved beds, with water stained by the tannins of tree leaves. Lake Superior is the deepest of the Great Lakes and her shores are studded with agates, driftwood, and the crisp air from far northern lands. The western shores of the Upper Peninsula are also home to volcanic rocks named Yooper lights. The presence of sodalite, a fluorescent mineral in the rocks, shines brightly under UV light. We shared the magic lore of the rocks with dear little ones in Hawaiʻi and spent our days on a mission to find some to share. Armed with rudimentary tools and unshakable spirits we totally found a few!
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There isn’t a ton to do in Ontonagon, so it is best to space things out. This visit we made a stop at the preserved Old Victoria mining village. A hardy woman of Finnish descent guided us through the straw beds, working phonograph, a wood-fired sauna, and stories of lives lived in the cold and relentless work of copper mining. We missed fresh-baked cinnamon buns in the wood hearth by a week!
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The rest of our days were spent reading on the beach, meandering through the forest, and eating great food. We had a grill and were gifted three giant porterhouse steaks. Wow! We also picked up a $1 puzzle at the thrift store and it proved to be really hard. After three weeks of working on it every morning we were able to finish it and it was only missing one piece, which we are sure is on the floor at the cabin. We also did an enormous amount of mushroom hunting and collected chanterelles, hedgehogs, and an abundance of lobster mushrooms. If ever in Iron Mountain we recommend finding Mushroom Matt for a download of epic mycelial knowledge.
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From the Upper Peninsula we headed to the booming metropolis of Wausau to spend a few days with Krystal’s aunt Angie, Mark, and their dog who we like to call Muffuletta. Sharing stories of family memories and spending time poolside with cousins made the time speed right past. Aunty Angie was able to share pictures of Krystal’s dad when he was little and added more details to the tapestry of the family history.
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We headed farther down state to spend some time with Krystal’s dad. Serendipitously, Aunty Lee was also in town from Oklahoma. Mary suggested photos and everyone agreed!
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Our days in the forest of Montello were punctuated with grilled turkey, millions of hummingbirds, and really epic Amish produce. We squared away the guest room, so if anyone is headed to stay things should be a little more cozy. Krystal was able to go with her Aunt Joyce to the Red Granite Correctional facility to spend some time with her older brother. Mary also interviewed Krystal’s dad! We thought the second edition of the family video was ready to roll out, and now we have so much more to add! Dennis and Sandy drove us to Madison for the next leg of the adventure.
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In Madison we spent the night at the Governor’s Mansion Inn which was a total score and highly recommended for your midwest lodging needs. We needed a few beers and, we didn’t know it, also some poutine! The capital is gorgeous and easy to navigate on foot thanks to the University.
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The next morning found Krystal digging through the Wisconsin Historical Society Archives. She unearthed old records for the orphanage where her father was raised that looked eerily similar to the records we found in Palermo for the institute her great grandmother was abandoned at. At the end of the day we are all connected in patterns and ways that are super haunting and logical if we are brave enough to look.
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We took the Badger Bus from Madison to Milwaukee and it totally rocked. The agenda in Milwaukee quickly filled up with really wonderful adventures that included visiting the grave sites of Krystal’s Sicilian family; a lovely lunch with Ginger, a second cousin; and meeting up with Aunty Teddy, Krystal’s grand aunt. While in Milwaukee we rented a car from the Enterprise on Wisconsin Ave. in downtown Milwaukee and it was the absolute BEST rental car agency either of us has ever had the fortune of engaging with. We actually look forward to returning and doing business with them again in the future. No joke.
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In the middle of it all was our one year wedding anniversary! To celebrate we headed to a free kayak rental stand on the shores of the Horicon Marsh just after sunrise. We were pleasantly surprised to find a seaworthy tandem kayak, life vests, paddles, and an accessible boat launch. The boat launch was epic! Seriously. We set the boat down, sat in, and rolled it off into the marsh. We had a blast spending some time on the water celebrating a whirlwind of a year.
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We made our way to the Intermodal Station and secured two $25 tickets on the Amtrak from Milwaukee to Chicago. We are grateful for the train, but wow does the US have a long way to go in upgrading infrastructure! A clunky bump down the tracks at sunset put us back at Sara and Aaron’s house just in time for some homemade Panang curry. They are seriously the absolute best friends in the whole world. The next morning found us trundling through O’Hare at the crack of dawn for a direct flight to SFO. Next stop: California!
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jcmarchi · 8 months
Earth-Sized Planet Discovered in ‘Our Solar Backyard’ - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/earth-sized-planet-discovered-in-our-solar-backyard-technology-org/
Earth-Sized Planet Discovered in ‘Our Solar Backyard’ - Technology Org
A team of astronomers have discovered a planet closer and younger than any other Earth-sized world yet identified. It’s a remarkably hot world whose proximity to our own planet and to a star like our sun mark it as a unique opportunity to study how planets evolve.
Young, hot, Earth-sized planet HD 63433d sits close to its star in the constellation Ursa Major, while two neighboring, mini-Neptune-sized planets — identified in 2020 — orbit farther out. Illustration by Alyssa Jankowski, UW–Madison
The new planet was described in a new study published by The Astronomical Journal. Melinda Soares-Furtado, a NASA Hubble Fellow at the University of Wisconsin–Madison who will begin work as an astronomy professor at the university in the fall, and recent UW–Madison graduate Benjamin Capistrant, now a graduate student at the University of Florida, co-led the study with co-authors from around the world.
“It’s a useful planet because it may be like an early Earth,” says Soares-Furtado.
Here is what scientists know about the planet:
The planet is known as HD 63433d and it’s the third planet found in orbit around a star called HD 63433.
HD 63433d is so close to its star, it completes a trip all the way around every 4.2 days.
“Even though it’s really close-orbiting, we can use follow-up data to search for evidence of outgassing and atmospheric loss that could be important constraints on how terrestrial worlds evolve,” Soares-Furtado says. “But that’s where the similarities end — and end dramatically.”
Based on its orbit, the astronomers are relatively certain HD 63433d is tidally locked, which means one side is perpetually facing its star.
That side can reach a brutal 2,300 degrees Fahrenheit and may flow with lava, while the opposite side is forever dark.
What you should know about the planet’s star:
HD 63433 is roughly the same size and star type as our sun, but (at about 400 million years old) it’s not even one-tenth our sun’s age.
The star is about 73 light years away from our own sun and part of the group of stars moving together that make up the constellation Ursa Major, which includes the Big Dipper.
“On a dark night in Madison,” Soares-Furtado says, “you could see [HD 63433] through a good pair of binoculars.”
How the scientists found the planet:
The study’s authors are collaborating on a planet-hunting project called THYME. In 2020, they used data from NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite to identify two mini-Neptune-sized planets orbiting HD 63433.
Since then, TESS took four more looks at the star, compiling enough data for the researchers to detect HD 63433d crossing between the star and the satellite.
What comes next:
The researchers, including UW–Madison study co-authors graduate student Andrew C. Nine, undergraduate Alyssa Jankowski and Juliette Becker, a UW–Madison astronomy professor, think there is plenty to learn from HD 63433d.
The planet is uniquely situated for further study. Its peppy young star is visible from both the Northern and Southern hemispheres, increasing the number of instruments, like the South African Large Telescope or WIYN Observatory in Arizona (both of which UW–Madison helped design and build) that can be trained on the system.
And the star is orders of magnitude closer than many Soares-Furtado has studied, possibly affording opportunities to develop new methods to study gasses escaping from the planet’s interior or measure its magnetic field.
“This is our solar backyard, and that’s kind of exciting,” Soares-Furtado says. “What sort of information can a star this close, with such a crowded system around it, give away? How will it help us as we move on to look for planets among the maybe 100 other, similar stars in this young group it’s part of?”
Source: University of Wisconsin-Madison
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femmerose98 · 1 year
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Making a striped scarf that is inspired by winter and the aurora borealis for my partners birthday. Frogged almost an entire row because the ball of scrap yarn I was using wasn’t quite long enough - now going in with this soft orange and pink tweed yarn. It makes me particularly happy that the row that represents snow is the grey soft yarn that was made in Canada where you can really see the aurora. I’ve been lucky enough that living in northern Wisconsin I’ve see the northern lights four times. Hoping my arthritis cooperates enough to finish this on time!
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bobharveyroofing123 · 2 years
Metal Roof Vs Shingles: Execs & Cons 2022
Metal roofs are a preferred alternative for so much of commercial and residential properties. Metal roofs can withstand high-intensity wind, temperature changes, heavy rainfall, and other weather elements. It is amongst the major kinds of roofs for shades, such as in parking tons, arbors. Metal roofs are nice as warehouse roofs, factory roofs, as a end result of their sturdiness and straightforward installation. There are various forms of metal roofs obtainable out there, and you would be surprised to know how totally different they're from each other.
I took bids from four completely different corporations, and I was positively pleased I chosen Green Knight. Sheffield Metals is a frontrunner within the distribution of coated and naked metal merchandise residential metal roofing, as well as engineered standing seam metal roof & wall systems. We specialize in offering painted Galvalume® and aluminum for the architecturally driven metal panel industry.
Sheffield Metals has the ability to meet a wide selection of needs with more than 50 colors constantly stocked. We can also match virtually any custom shade to swimsuit any project. Installation is where asphalt shingles actually win out over pricier metal roofing choices, partially due to the cost commercial metal roofing and problem involved in getting metal roofing into place. Shingles couldn’t be simpler to install, and any roofing contractor or builder will know exactly what to do when working with this materials. Standing Seam metal roofing comes in many fade-resistant colours and has a extra aesthetically pleasing look than propanel metal roofs. Advantages of standing seam is that it will not rust, crack or rot and resists streaking or staining.
Although it is among the costliest roofing supplies, householders select this materials to get their money’s value. One downside to asphalt shingles is that they are not as fire-resistant as a number of the other materials obtainable, so owners who live in areas which might be prone to wildfires should hold this in thoughts metal roofing commercial. The vitality financial savings clients may see with a metal roof is up to 40%. It may also save shoppers on their insurance by up to 30% as a result of the supplier will usually give reductions because of fewer leak and injury claims. Our metal roofing is environmentally acutely aware and designed to face up to the elements year-round.
In addition, because steel is so light and straightforward to move around, it can be used alongside or on top of any existing roofing framework that’s already in place on a home or commercial building. Additionally, an professional can install corrugated metal roofing over existing roofing, so you can save cash on demolition and installation prices. If you’re excited about putting in a metal roof, discuss residential metal roofing utah your options with an professional at present. The MRA reveals that while non-metal roofs average a life span of about 20 years, metal can last for an entire lifetime, assuming routine care and maintenance is prioritized. Plus, in some states they'll lower owners insurance coverage premiums up to 30 % . However, it's the fire-resistant quality that has really piqued homeowners’ curiosity.
In fact, based on the Metal Roofing Alliance, you keep about 86.7 % of your metal roof investment if you resell your home. If you are wanting to have metal roofing put in, look no additional than Vertex Roofing Contractors! We offer a whole satisfaction assure and a 50-year CertainTeed/Owens Corning guarantee for labor, material, tear-off, and disposal fees for single-family houses. A residential or commercial American Metal Roof is a clever investment. Best of all, our metal roof options are designed and built to hold up to the cruel winters of Northern Wisconsin and Michigan. Since 1974, we’ve been committed to offering unmatched steep, low slope, and flat roof options for all of our customers.
He developed a clear statement of work, then reviewed it with us and answered all our questions to verify we shared a transparent understanding of what to anticipate. Throughout the project, we have been always stored up to date relating to the status of the project . Andres, the project supervisor offered regular updates which all the time included asking if we had any questions, problems or concerns.
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Custom Northwoods Headboard
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I finished this northwoods headboard commission just in time for the recipients to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. What a fantastic gift to receive in their new (but not totally done) bedroom remodel in a northern Wisconsin lake cabin. We hung the headboard and took pictures and some video to help surprise them. The electricity in the room wasn't on yet so please excuse the lighting in some photos. You may recall in my previous post that this started with a large slab of spalted Elm. When I looked at this piece in the mill, I could see images of animals in it from the start. I pointed out some of the lines of the moose so you can see how my mind works.
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From there, I started felting up some dimension. I wanted the felt to extend the animals from the wood so I stayed close to the wood coloring in spots and then took license with key distinctive features.
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All of the animals included on the headboard are found in the northwoods of Wisconsin. I also added wire in some spots to allow for extension beyond the slab just a little. Keeping in mind that this is a headboard so I didn't want to get too crazy.
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This project was a labor of love that took a couple of months to complete. I froze in an upstairs garage loft to complete much of the work since it was such a large piece but the end result was worth it. We revealed the headboard to the couple last week and they absolutely loved it! Read the full article
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howtodothis · 3 years
Can You See The Northern Lights In Wisconsin
Can You See The Northern Lights In Wisconsin
Wisconsin some wisconsinites may be able to see the northern lights monday night especially those who live in northern wisconsin. Most good locations to see aurora borealis are in ashland and bayfield counties. View Video For Can You See The Northern Lights In Wisconsin View Video Review Northern Lights Door County Wisconsin Northern Lights Northern North Americasave image Northern lights…
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chaos-writes · 4 years
The Lost Boys: Road Trip
Based on one of the most vivid dreams I've ever had. Word count: 2,255. Implied romance with the boys and Star. Tw: none.
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“I’ve always wanted to travel and go sight-seeing without any real objective, like moving,” said Lucy, in a dream-like tone. I chimed in, “I’ve had a cross-country road trip planned out for quite a while, but I’ve never had anyone to do it with.” “Oh really?” Lucy asked, “Where to?” “Well, it’ll be a round trip with touring both going and coming back. I'm hoping to go through Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Kentucky, then we’ll go north, through Ohio, and Michigan, then come back home through Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Oregon, then through the top of California all the way back home.” “Oh my goodness! That sounds like a dream, but also a lot of gas money,” Lucy exclaimed. We laughed.
“It really would be, but I have the money saved up in a debit account, so hopefully it'll cover it. There’s also hotels, toll bridges, food, water, all that fun stuff,” I giggled. “But it would be worth it, I have tons of film for my instax camera, and a couple journals to write down my experiences.”
I gestured to her, “I have a couple extras for people that want to tag along,” Lucy smiled but quickly frowned, “Oh, I would love to go, I really would, but I have to work and look after the boys and their grandfather,” she mused. I chimed in, “It doesn't just have to be you, you know, I’ve got quite a few people in mind who could benefit from traveling.” “Well, I'll have to check with my boys and my boss. I’ll let you know if I can or can’t as soon as possible,” lucy said, with a look of disappointment in her eyes. I nodded in understanding and smiled, “Well, whenever you do let me know, I wouldn’t be upset if it was a no. I would be sure to share every detail with you, though.” “Oh, thank you for understanding, it means a lot to me!” “No problem. Well, I guess I'll be on my way then,” I said as I opened the front door.
We said our goodbyes and I headed out on my motorcycle to go and see the boys. It’s getting dark enough out where they should be slowly getting up by now. I wonder if Laddie and Star are there, too. They usually are, but sometimes they’re out and about, since they can handle sunlight a bit better than the rest. I park my bike and I can hear distant yawning and mumbling from where I'm standing at the cave entrance. They all start to float out and stretch one by one, Dwayne being first, Marko being second, David being third, and Paul being last. Of course Paul is last, he’s the heaviest sleeper. This road trip would be nothing to him, if they all agreed, that is. I just have to do some convincing.
Marko slipped his jacket and boots on, and the rest followed suit. They’re all quiet when they first wake, that’s why I don't ‘show up’ until I start hearing conversation and laughing. However, I’ve got to wait for the perfect time to come in, when they’ve been talking for a while and can actually think. “I wonder what Michael’s been doin’” I hear Paul say. “I don’t know Paul,” David sighed. “Maybe he’s been avoiding us…” He paused for a minute, then said, “Anyone hungry yet?” a wave of “not me’s” and “mm-mm’s” spread across the cave. I hear Dwayne grab a torch, light it, and begin lighting the cans all around the cave. The -now illuminated- boys begin bantering about who they should target next and what they plan to do for the day- well, night.
As a result, I put on my big-kid pants and stepped into the cave. They all turned to me, Marko exclaimed, “Hey! There you are!” “Hey guys,” I said, waving. Laddie ran up to me and hugged me from the side. I patted his back and ruffled his hair. Star smiled at me as she greeted me with a wave. I smiled back. Marko and Paul ran to me and squished me in their arms.
“I have something to share with you guys. An idea, really,” I said. All the boys looked at me in curiosity until David spoke up, “Well, what is this… idea of yours?” I beamed at all of them and said, “You all know how much I like going on adventures…” they looked even more puzzled now. “So, how about I take everyone on a really big adventure? A road trip!” They looked contemplative, as if they were considering going or not. “I could go alone…” Paul's and Marko's eyes widened, “But I much prefer having company with me, especially on trips like these.” Dwayne piped up, “So... where would we be going?” I smiled and pulled out a map, “How about I show you guys?”
The boys, Laddie, and Star crowd around behind me as I point around a U.S. map and explain where we’re going and what I'm planning on doing. I point all over the map and across the northern states. "We can add on a couple more destinations if you'd like… this is just more of the baseline plan." "Are we going to any big cities?" Marko asked. "Hell yea! And we're gonna go touring at night and see all the pretty lights and stuff. It'll be so fun!" "I'm down!" Paul says. "Me too!" Dwayne chimed in. "I wanna go!" Laddie exclaimed. Star smiled, and turned to David. The rest of us followed suit. This… is it.
I smiled at David and asked, "So, leader of the pack, are you in?" He paused. We cautiously awaited his answer. Laddie's eyes met David’s as he silently pleaded to go. David finally broke, smiled, and said, "alright. When are we leaving?" The cave uproared in a fit of whooping and hollering, mainly thanks to Marko and Paul, and Star picked Laddie up and twirled him around. "You won't regret this!" I said to David over the noise. "Well, I'm actually looking forward to it." He said. 
We left to go grab a bite to eat, the boys did their thing and I took Laddie and Star to a little Italian place on the boardwalk to eat. I told the boys to meet us there when they were done. “You sure about all this?” Star asked. “Absolutely! I like having an adventure crew. I'll admit though, it's gonna be a little different with a youngin' on board,” I laughed.
After a while, Lucy finally agreed to go with our party and told her boys to look after one another. We all packed our clothes and bought some more for the boys. They needed clothes that were fit for the amount of walking. I also couldn’t let anyone see my boys in blood-stained clothes in public, we’ll look like we got in some freak accident. I rode my motorcycle and directed the boys to my place, where we have a big Volkswagen bus parked out front, fit for a party of eight. Lucy is already there after a phone call telling us she would meet us at my place. We packed our bags into the trunk, all 4 boys could fit their bags into one suitcase with vacuum seal bags, Star and Laddie share a backpack, Lucy has her own suitcase and I have my own backpack. There's a box of toiletries for us all, except for Lucy, who decided on keeping everything of hers separate from the others, which is fair enough. 
It was 9pm, and we made sure everyone went to the bathroom and was all taken care of before we took off. The first drive is twelve-and-a-half hours, from Santa Carla to Salt Lake City, Utah. We toured the entire city on foot for a few hours, and decided on the next driver to take us to our next destination. Before we left Salt Lake, I put all the pictures I took into a scrapbook and wrote down the notes of what happened that day. “Hey, guys? If you want a journal to write anything down about the trip, I have a few extras here! And we can go over everyone’s journals and keep them in a safe space after the trip!” I said, as we all piled into the bus. David, sitting in the same row as me, turned to me and said, “I’d like to document what i’m experiencing. It’s a good idea, considering we’ve got a lot of…time left” he paused. I gave an understanding nod and handed him a journal. Star, from the third row, said, “i’ll take one!” 
We continued across the country and journaled, and took as many pictures as possible. I will never forget how genuinely happy all the boys were, they were so used to the boardwalk and now they get to go places. Laddie would bounce around happily when we toured around on foot. Star and Lucy spent their time quietly admiring land and cityscapes. The boys would get rowdy and restless at night, desperate to get in a fight or two. I've had to intervene more than I want to admit. But overall, they were well-behaved and did great throughout the trip.
The most precious memory to me, though, is when Dwayne, Paul, and Laddie grabbed me to go for a walk. At this point we were in Cincinnati, we checked in a hotel for a couple days, just on the water. A few of us wanted to go walk on the Purple People Bridge before we left. It was getting dark out, so we held close together. We walked across the bridge, Dwayne carried Laddie piggyback style and Paul and I were walking close by. We got down far enough on the bridge that we were close to the water. The sound of the river was calming, less rapid than the water outside the cave. I pointed out all the boats on the water to Laddie and we watched the water and the city in front of us.
What the boys didn't know was there was an event going on in the city. Some sort of charity event, I was never really sure about that part, but what I did know was the boys were really gonna like it.
"Hey, let's stay here for a bit. We're not in a hurry!" I said. "Umm… alright then," Dwayne said. Paul looked at me in confusion, but didn't say anything. Laddie was falling asleep on Dwayne's back, but Dwayne didn't seem to mind.
Soon, lights flicker on, one by one, lighting the whole city in blue. "Look Laddie!" I said while tapping his arm. He hopped off of Dwayne's back and stared at the illuminated city. All of Cincinnati was now an icy blue, and I will never forget the look of wonder in Laddie's eyes. Paul and Dwayne shared the same look as well. We were all starstruck as the night sky before us lit up in a beautiful blue. Paul's smile slowly grew and he giggled. I looked at him with a questioning look.
He turned to me, and said,"Thank you. This is… was, amazing. I don't think you know how much I appreciate you. This…" I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist. We held each other close as the city behind us twinkled and glowed. Footsteps came alongside us, the rest of the party decided to try and find us. "Looks like you and Paul are having fun," David said. I wasn't even mad at the joke this time. "We really are, why don't you join us?" I asked. David smiled and ran his fingers through my hair. He wrapped his arms around me from behind as I was hugging Paul, so I was sandwiched between them. Marko stood beside us all. David saw and invited him into the middle with me. I turned around and squeezed Marko as the others adjusted.
Laddie was excitedly pointing out every detail to Star, Dwayne and Lucy and bouncing in pure joy. "Laddie seems to be enjoying this the most. I'm so happy I get to show him these beautiful places." I said. "I will never forget the look on his face for as long as I live."
The rest of the trip went smoothly. We stopped in big cities, small towns, natural parks, and got to see part of Canada from the upper peninsula of Michigan. I wrote down two journals' worth of notes and had to buy another scrapbook to fit all the pictures I took. 
Surprisingly, the whole party responded well to the really long drives we did. When we made it home and said our goodbyes to Lucy as she drove to her own home, it was like this weight was lifted off of us as we stepped into the cave. No more stress of travel, a place to stretch your legs, a place to just be... in peace. Laddie hugged me as Dwayne went around and lit the cave up. "Thank you so much," he said. "You're welcome, little dude!" I said. "Yeah, thank you!" Marko and Paul chimed in. Star walked up to me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders. "Thank you for doing all of that for us," she said. "You really didn't have to." "I know, but I love you guys. The least I can do for you is take you on one of my adventures." 
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collegeessayguy · 4 years
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This list was lovingly compiled by my screenwriter friends Ed and Whit. Thanks, y’all.
Stuck at home? Yup, us too. Here are a bunch of ideas. Check out Part 1 here.
Countless museums are offering free virtual tours. We listed some in Part 1. We started listing new ones here but there are too many. Just google your favorite museum or “museum virtual tours.”
National Parks are offering virtual tours of many of their breathtaking parks.
Watch Netflix with friends TOGETHER online. A new Google Chrome App (not actually through Netflix) lets us watch Netflix at the same time and chat together while watching! Download the App for free.
The San Diego Zoo offers live cams on many of their animals. See what the baboons are up to while we’re all stuck in our homes.
If animals aren’t your thing, how about something human-made? The Sistine Chapel offers 360 degree virtual tours.
Sistine Chapel too claustrophobic? How about a human structure outside? And visible from space! The Great Wall of China offers a virtual tour.
The Northern Lights are on livestream all the time.
Google has collected beautiful street art from around the world.
The Cherry Blossoms are in bloom on the National Mall. Watch them live every day while they last!
Yale’s “happiness” class is the university’s most popular class in its 300 year history. And to add to the happiness, you can now take it online for free.
If you like the idea of learning, take any one (or more) completely free classes at Coursera. Thousands of courses in Arts & Humanities, IT, Literature, Languages, etc.
LinkedIn Learning offers one free month of business-oriented lessons of all sorts. After the first month they charge $40/month but hey, who knows where we’ll be in a month?
Free books from throughout history! Project Gutenberg has been making books in the public domain free for years. 60,000 free books. Books that have entered the public domain are here. I remember, when I was young and poor in New York, I printed 20 pages of “Great Expectations” every day at work to read on the subway there and back.
Minecraft is offering free educational classes inside their “Minecraft: Education Edition.”
Brit + Co online classes are free through March 31. Learn IPad Illustration in Procreate, Cake Decorating, Investing 101, Floral Illustration, Acrylic Painting and more. Use the code: SELFCARE at checkout.
The BBC offers free French lessons, games and videos.
Not tired of learning? TED Talks are free and amazing.
Want to take a master class? There are dozens online. One I’m intrigued by (but haven’t taken) is the writing master class from Margaret Atwood (“Handmaid’s Tale”). This site has all types of classes: Writing, Cooking, Design/Photography, Business, Sports & Games, etc. Note: This isn’t technically free. It’s $15/month but is billed annually so to start you have to pay the whole year: $180. BUT... they offer a 30 day money back guarantee if you aren’t completely satisfied. So... a person could pay $180, take all the classes they want for 29 days, then get all their money back. In essence, 29 days of free master classes...
The Monterey Bay Aquarium has guided meditation videos with jellyfish, turtles, and other relaxing critters.
The Arkansas Symphony Orchestra is posting lullabies every night in their “Bedtime with Bach.” Even though they can’t be in the same room, one of them is playing for us every night.
The Center for Healthy Minds (connected with the University of Wisconsin) is now sharing their Healthy Minds Program App for free.
You’re finally NOT at your desk every day! Stop putting off working on your posture! Then, whenever we get back to school or the office, we can sit up straight and healthy.
Website | Twitter | YouTube | Instagram | Facebook | Pinterest
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top500 · 3 years
#461 Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago (2007)
Today we've got an album that I very vividly remember blowing up back in the mid 2000's as the indie and hipster music genres were really taking hold. This album will give you local coffee shop vibes, crying about past love vibes, make you think a little bit too hard. Justin Vernon is the voice behind Bon Iver, and the story of the album itself is fairly incredible. Vernon grew up in Wisconsin and after graduating college in his home town of Eau Claire he moved to Raleigh with his band at the time, however due to mental health issues, medical issues, and differences in the group, he was kicked out. He drove back to Wisconsin, 18 hours from Raleigh, and spent a few weeks at his childhood home before going to an 80 acre hunting property in northern Wisconsin that was referred to as "the land". Up at the cabin he spent months drinking, doing chores, hunting for his food, and trying to get over his recent breakup with one of his former band members. He spent the winter at this cabin, and after a few months of self-indulgence he decided to set up his recording equipment and began to write For Emma, Forever Ago.
Vernon's musical style is a light acoustic style that almost feels weightless. He has a very ghostly way of singing that often includes falsetto elements or even auto tune. The tracks tend to focus on lost loves, mediocrity, there's even one, Re: Stacks, that has Vernon discussing an addiction to online gambling that he had. The most memorable and most popular track, Skinny Love, is thought to be about his former relationship with Christy Smith, but Vernon notes that while that's partially true, its more about being in a relationship because you need help, which is not a reason you should be in a relationship. It's hard for me not to use the word hipster when I talk about this album, and I don't mean that to be a bad thing. This album came out at the height of the millenial hipster movement, and it really is something you might hear at a local coffee shop or at your depressed friends party. The style and lyrics are often incredibly sad, and sometimes difficult to really listen to, it's a breakthrough indie folk album, but it can weigh on you.
Give it a listen, see what you think.
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textless · 5 years
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If you have followed me for any length of time, you probably know that I live in southern Arizona, just a couple of miles from the border with Mexico.  Any time other than broad daylight, you can see the twinkly lights on the border fence from the yard.
I have been hiking here every weekend for the last two and a half years, and it is the safest place I have ever lived by a long shot. Safer than Minneapolis.  Safer than central Wisconsin.  Safer than northwest New Mexico, or a touristy corner of Colorado, or a retirement mecca in northern Arizona. 
As a slow-walking middle-aged woman with a backpack full of cameras, I am fine going out by myself.  My scariest moment was a somewhat creepy neighbor jumping out of the trees to “catch” me when we first moved here, because he thought I might be a migrant. 
We have more law enforcement per capita - and per square foot - than I have ever seen anywhere.  When one of my headlights burned out the winter before last, I was pulled over within half an hour.  When a coworker hit a deer, two law enforcement agencies pulled over to help before she even got her phone out of her purse.
The only actual crisis here is the crushing sadness of people dying trying to make it to a population center.  Case in point, this poor person who died near the San Pedro River last spring, at 32.
The landscape here is dry, rugged, and full of thorny plants and biting animals.  I honestly think that anyone who walks long distances through this desert in tennis shoes and jeans, trying to reach safety or just make a better life for their family, deserves a milkshake and a bus ticket wherever they want to go.
Granted, this remote area is not seeing the huge numbers of people who are showing up in busier sectors.  But those areas also had record low numbers of crossings until the current administration intentionally created a panic on both sides of the border.
Demonizing immigrants and gleefully persecuting the poor and desperate does nothing to make us safer.  Indeed, it shifts focus from the real security issues related to the border: drug smuggling, human trafficking, and actual crime.
Immigrants are good for the economy [source], and do not commit a disproportionate number of crimes [source].  More importantly, they are people, and we have an obligation to treat them decently on that basis alone. 
I am appalled and ashamed that my tax dollars are being spent, in my name, to perpetuate racist and intentionally cruel immigration policies.  There is plenty to be outraged about these days, but please don’t let this horror fall off the national radar.  It is really, really important, even if you don’t live near here.
Cochise County, Arizona, July 2019. 
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simonefmp · 3 years
1. Your Final Major Project
What is the title of  your Project? What do you aim to produce? How does this relate to your work  and ideas from your programme so far and how does it extend your knowledge,  understanding and creative ability?
(guide: 150 words)
‘Exploring the self  through history of arts iconography’. I aim to produce work that explores  ‘the self’. Specifically, the attributes one wishes to project, as well as  those that one would like to conceal. I plan on achieving this through a visual  conversation, using iconography in art ranging from ancient to modern. I am  intrigued by and intend to use and play with the symbolism of these objects,  poses, and backgrounds; in order to gather a greater understanding of ‘the  self’. I will be continuing to world build which I plan to execute through  various forms of portraiture. Recommencing my exploration of narratives  through surreal and playful imagery to embody a reality. I expect this to  extend my knowledge of symbolism in the visual world, my understanding of  myself and others, and to push my creative ability by using traditional  imagery in a current, relevant, and honest way for myself and subject matter.
2. Influences, Research, Sources and Ideas
What are your  influences, starting points and contextual references and how are they  relevant to your ideas? What subject areas do you intend to research and what  are the likely sources of information (media sources, museums, specific  locations, performances, etc.) you plan to use? You do not need an extensive  list in this section, but include your bibliography in the Appendix, clearly  identifying all references including texts, periodicals, websites, etc.  
(guide: 150 words)
My initial artistic  influences are Tim Walker because of his exuberant world building using  sculpture and set, Cindy Sherman due to her creation of narratives and  character through costume and prosthetics, and William Blake owing to his  narrative work in which his own iconography was created, as I intend to also  do.
Potent symbolic imagery  such as in Hieronymus Bosch’s Garden of Earthly delights, and folkloric work  of the medieval period for example ‘the unicorn tapestries’.  Are relevant to my exploration of ‘the  self’ through symbolism and dream like world building. Through Academic  references, books, documentaries, exhibitions, films, and gallery spaces I intend  to research into visual iconography, religion, and gender. To enrich my  knowledge and in doing so be able to create works not only symbolising ‘the  self’ but having a conversation of what the subject’s self represents currently  and historically. Hopefully exploring, gender, ‘morality’, religion, myth,  and lore.
3. Techniques, Processes and Timescale
What techniques and  processes do you intend to use? Describe the range of media and materials  relevant to your project and how you may use them to explore and develop your  ideas. Include aspects of studio practice, workshop procedures, or the use of  particular equipment and software. Give an indicative timescale for your  project and how you intend to plan your time in order to investigate,  develop, produce and evaluate your project fully. This could be a daily or  weekly schedule.  (Please attach at the  end of this form.)
(guide: 150 words)
I intend to use the  studio photography room when creating film and photographic portraiture, so I  can utilise the set lighting and take clear pictures to enhance the scene created.  This will give me the freedom to explore different compositions and see how  that effects the portrayal of ‘the self’. The objects I plan on creating to build  these iconography based narratives will vary in material. I will make ceramic  glazed sculpture to enhance the attributes of the certain objects, for  example a pearl. I will use screen-printing to experiment with the images I  have created, this medium will allow for a discussion with colour and sizing.  Painting set backgrounds will allow for explorations into landscape  iconography. The use of film with allow me to create a narrative not only  through sculpture but a moving story with them. Using mud rock will enable me  to play with size and create wearable work. Perfect for my dream-like world building.
 4.  Method of Evaluation
How will you critically  review and analyse your work and determine if it is successful? How will you  identify directions for ongoing development? Do you have a method to record  the critical response to your ideas? How do you propose to assess the success  of your Final Major Project and what will be your methods of evaluation?
(guide: 100 words)
I will critically review  my work by continuously evaluating it, seeing if I have pushed it and myself  to its fullest potential, visually and conceptually. Analysing it through its  relevance, contextual, and visual strengths, realises successes and flaws and  building upon them. The direction for my ongoing development will be  identified by my interests in research and what media I find works well with  my concepts. Continually evaluating the relevance of concept, context and  material. Responses to my work and ideas will be found in tutorials and peer  evaluations, which I will seek out weekly. This important information will be  kept in my sketchbooks and blog. I plan to assess the success of my final  major project by reflecting on all my work and writing an evaluation.
5. Appendix
Include an appendix for  the bibliography and any other relevant material for your Final Major  Project.
Compile an accurate bibliography before starting your  project, that correctly acknowledges all references including texts, books,  websites, magazines, films, documentaries, museums that you will study for  initial research on your project.
 1. Gibson, W. S. (1973). Hieronymus Bosch and the Mirror of  Man: The Authorship and Iconography of the" Tabletop of the Seven Deadly  Sins". Oud Holland, 205-226.
2. Gibson, W. S. (1973). The Garden of Earthly Delights by  Hieronymus Bosch: The Iconography of the Central Panel. Netherlands  Yearbook for History of Art/Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek Online, 24(1),  1-26.
3. Marrow, J. H. (1986). Symbol and meaning in northern European  art of the late middle ages and the early Renaissance. Simiolus:  Netherlands Quarterly for the History of Art, 16(2/3),  150-169.
5. Bragg, B. (2019). Advertising Antiquity: The Cultural  Utility Images Of Antiquity Enjoy In The Commercial Lexicon. Plan II  Honors Theses-Openly Available.
6. Wardle, J. (1978). Blake and iconography: analogues of  Urizen and Vala. Colby Quarterly, 14(3), 4.
7. Cosgrove, D., & Daniels, S. (Eds.). (1988). The  iconography of landscape: essays on the symbolic representation, design and  use of past environments (Vol. 9). Cambridge University Press.
8. " Holland, N. N. (1959). " The Seventh  Seal": The Film as Iconography. The Hudson Review, 12(2),  266-270.
9. Straten, R. V. (1994). An Introduction to Iconography:  Symbols, Allusions and Meaning in the Visual Arts.
10. Kosmopoulou, A., & Templer, W. (2002). The  iconography of sculptured statue bases in the Archaic and Classical periods.  Univ of Wisconsin Press.
11. Easton, M. (2012). FEMINISM. Studies in  Iconography, 33, 99-112.
12 Cohen, S. (2014). Review Essay: Animal Imagery in  Renaissance Art. Renaissance Quarterly, 67(1),  164-180.
13. Cavallo, A. S. (1998). The unicorn tapestries  at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Metropolitan museum of art.
14. Janick, J. (2010). Plant Iconography and Art: Source of  Information on Horticultural Technology. Bulletin of the University  of Agricultural Sciences & Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Horticulture, 67(1).
  Week 1  Lots of research  in order to build a foundation of knowledge. Experimental work in reaction to  research. Using sketchbook as well as blog to record every thought, experiment,  relevant conisation and piece of research.
Week 2  Continuing  research; I plan to have completed reading most of my academic references by  the end of the week. Documenting and experimenting in sketchbook and blog. I  will start to build large scale sculptures in accordance with iconography of  objects I connect to.
Week 3  Documenting and  experimenting in sketchbook and blog. I will have researched into the  iconography of poses, the body, and landscape and will make costumes and set  backgrounds in accordance with my research and experimentations.
Week 4  Documenting and  experimenting in sketchbook and blog. I will go do a workshop on ceramics and  go into the ceramic studio and experiment and create objects relevant to the  media.
Week 5  Documenting and  experimenting in sketchbook and blog.  I will use the photography studio to  experiment in creating portraits using people and my props. I will go into the  dark room to experiment with the images produced. Working towards a final  outcome. I will experiment with film.
Week 6  Documenting and  experimenting in sketchbook and blog. I will do a course in screen printing  and experiment with previous images created in the photography studio as well  as creating new work. Working towards a final outcome
Week 7  Documenting and  experimenting in sketchbook and blog. I will be finishing my final project
Week 8  finishing touches  on work, continuing to document, finishing, handing in work.
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lyansi · 4 years
I had my first [realized] experience of white fragility this week.
This will be a long post.
I have the privilege of being a light-skinned, first-generation cis LatinX woman. By statistical standards, I am a minority in my PhD program. Attending conferences, there have been men who asked me, not about the scientific work I have painstakingly conducted, or what future scientific endeavors I will seek out, but “whether or not I will move back home to take care of my parents” when I graduate. This, in itself, preserves a culture that LatinX-women hold responsibility for the household, creating exploitive and dangerous gender norms.
My post today will not be about that. That is a conversation for another day.
Today I will be posting about white fragility.
Since the horrific, public lynching by Derek Chauvin (a white man) on George Floyd, the College I work in [attempts] to be supportive of the BLM movement and to stand against the few voices who try to raise arguments.
My PI (principle investigator/advisor), who is white, has spoken openly with the lab about the slaying, the protests, riots, and the uprising of the Alt-Right/White Supremacist. I have had very personal conversations with the PI (in private) on the unsettlement I felt after first joining graduate school and the desire for science to be an open community for all, regardless of gender-identity, race, ethnicity, etc.
After every riot or awful slaying of a POC since George Floyd that has happened in near Mid-west cities, we have spoken as a lab about it both in a casual setting (in the lab itself, chatting idly between experiments) and a professional setting (in our weekly Lab meetings via Zoom).
This is where the [real] story starts.
On the day this [realized] incident takes place it was the morning after the domestic terrorist Kyle Rittenhouse from a northern Chicago suburb, Antioch, crossed into Wisconsin and murdered two men (Weds, August 26, 2020).
My PI, another (white) graduate student, and myself were walking outside. Until that moment, I actually had not checked the news or any social media platforms. I live alone and had not texted anyone before going into work either. I was still unaware of what had happened in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
“Did you hear about the white supremacist that killed two black men last night in Kenosha?” My PI asked.
“What? No way! How can this continue to happen?” I asked, surprised, reaching for my phone to find out more information.
“He has been arrested. It is disgusting to see these things continue.” My PI said.
I agreed, shaking my head.
Somehow, the conversation began to morph into something else. Maybe one of us made a comment about Jacob Blake. Maybe it was about George Floyd. Regardless, this happened.
“But you know…” My PI started.
“It wasn’t just a white man that killed George Floyd. There was an Asian and Black Man there too.” My PI said.
My throat closed.
Tears pricked the backs of my eyes.
My heart, already heavy with reading and watching so much about police brutality, about the headlines that the media choses to make the distinctions between arrests made on POC, sex workers, exploited minorities versus those made on white people.
I did not know what to say.
Was I allowed to speak out again this white person who was, technically, an authority figure in my life?
I chose not to speak up. I looked over at the other graduate student. The other graduate student looked away and was pretending that nothing had happened.
An awkward silence ensued after that. I chose to take the elevator back up to the lab while the other two chose to walk up the stairs. I collected myself in the elevator and, for the rest of the day, I pretended nothing happened.  
Later, when I was alone with a POC friend, I explained what had happened and how I felt. I admitted to my friend that there must be some sort of situation to explain what this feeling was but that I didn’t know what it was called.
My friend looked at me very seriously and said these words.
“Sometimes, people who are privileged do not understand the bigger picture and will defend themselves against something that is disturbing the social norms in their life.”
I went home to do more research, and to think long and hard about what transpired that day.
It was then that I realized what happened: my PI, a white cis-gendered person was projecting white defensiveness. The idea that white people aren’t responsible for systemic and systematic racism because in our modern era, racism occurs “to all”.
White fragility is very real.
I may have experienced it before but never knew the term, the situation, understood the feelings associated with it, or how I may have perpetuated it by never speaking out against it for these reasons and more.
It saddens me deeply that this occurred in academia, a community that I thought would be safe. A community that I heavily depended on to escape from depression, anxiety, and struggles in my personal life. More so, it was supposed to be a community that I thought would help me grow as a minority and reach my goals of minority outreach and the inequity faced in the educational system.
Now, it has become a community I feel completely disconnected from.
I chose to share my experience on this platform (tumblr) because I am actually a bit scared to share it on any of my [personal] social media platforms. I hope that those that follow me expecting to see only specific types of posts on my page understand why I decided to share this experience. 
If this is shared, I just ask that you do not publish on other platforms.
Thank you for reading.
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