#can you own an owl as a pet in australia
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saving-word-crawls · 3 months ago
Take Care of a Virtual Pet Crawl
This was originally posted by L. E. Morgan. It’s not as long as it looks (but it is long), it just have different dares according to each pet.
OK, here it is:
You want a pet, right? Well, first you need to work hard to buy one. Write for one hour as you try and earn some money. How many words you wrote determines how much money you got. Round down to find out. 100 words = 1 penny, but 199 words still = 1 penny! (So if you wrote 4099, you’d have 40 pennies — just enough for a dragon!)
Now you have enough money, you hope. Choose from the options below to buy your pet, and do so! Bear in mind you can only buy one at this stage, and you can’t go in debt. What you got is what you got. While you’re going to get your pet, write 200 words .
Mouse: A mouse costs you one penny. Mice are kind of cute, right?
Rat: Rats are nice, but a bit bigger than mice. They cost two pennies. Also, write 10 words .
Rabbit: Three pennies for a rabbit. They are nice and quiet, aren’t they? They won’t make noises.
Toad: Toads just sit there and do nothing except croak and run away occasionally. They are three pennies.
Spider: It’d be less, but it’s a fairly rare spider, you know. Five pennies for a spider.
Cat: Cats are kinda nice; not too big. Five pennies to buy a cat.
Dog: Dogs require more space, right? Write 25 words to check you have enough. Dogs are six pennies.
Fox: Foxes have lovely bushy tails. They’re six pennies, and fairly low-maintenance.
Owl: Owls can fly, meaning that they are special. Eight pennies an owl!
Parrot: Parrots can fly and talk. Parrots are nine pennies.
Kangaroo: These eleven penny beauties are native to Australia. Are you? If you are not born in Australia, write for five minutes as they ship your kangaroo over. If you are now in Australia, but haven’t been born there, write for two minutes . An Australian native, who’s still in Australia, must write 30 words .
Unicorn: Now we’re talking! You’d better have been a fast writer to write enough for the wonderful Unicorn. Each unicorn is thirty-five pennies.
Dragon: Dragons are great. They breathe fire. If you’re such a pyromaniac as to want them, write 50 words to fire-proof your house, and pay the required forty pennies.
Can’t buy a pet? Write 40 words . Then, do a word war for fifteen minutes with someone else doing the crawl who’s bought a pet. The winner takes half the loser’s pennies, rounded down (7 pennies means winner gets 3 and loser 4). Now start this step again. If you can’t still buy a pet (ie you wrote less than 100 words originally then lost the war), start again.
Now that you’ve obtained your pet, it’s time to find it a cage! Everything except dragons, unicorns and dogs need a small cage; these three require large cages. For them, double the word counts required, and the times as well. Write 500 words in fifteen minutes as you search for a cage.
If you succeeded: Yay! You found a cage the very first shop you looked. Write for twenty minutes as you take it home to your pet.
If you failed: You can’t find a cage. Either try again, or make your own. Write 300 words as you do this. If it took you more than 10 minutes, write another 300 words .
All right. Everything set… right? …wrong. Your pet requires food, remember? Write 30 words as you go to the pet food shop. Now, while looking at all those foods, write 400 words in ten minutes as you figure out which is the best.
If you succeeded: You ask someone to help. You promptly buy the best (and cheapest) of the foods. It is��Good4Pets . You thank them by giving them one penny.
If you failed: You aren’t sure what to buy. Use two pennies to purchase pet food (if you have not got two pennies, you must earn some money — write for fifteen minutes and then calculate how many pennies you have. But there’s a snag. You’ll only get half the pennies you did last time. So, on writing 400, you would obtain the two pennies you need.)
Also, write for twenty minutes as you decide. In the end, you buy Higgins’ Yummy Pet Food .
Now you get home. Write for five minutes as you play with your pet and start to bond with them.
Food time! You read the instructions on the label, and give your pet a certain amount of food.
If you purchased Good4Pets : Your pet loves this! They really want more. However, you refuse to give them any more until you have written 200 words . If you don’t do this in under five minutes , your pet becomes ill.
If you purchased Higgins’ Yummy Pet Food : Your pet turns up their nose at it. If they’re a Spider, they bite you. Write for five minutes as you try to stop the pain. Then you must convince your pet to eat it, writing for one minute as you do so. If you write more than 30 words , they finally start eating. If not, they fall ill.
Is your pet ill? If so, don’t skip this step! If you managed to give them a good amount of food, they’re in the pink of health. Skip this step.
It’s vet time! Select your pet to find out what happens at the vet — or even if you get there.
Cat: Cat is not liking this. Poor dear thing. But you only take five minutes of writing and one penny of treats to convince them to — if you wrote at least 50 words in that five minutes . If not, no vet. (you have to provide one penny).
Mouse: Mouse is running everywhere. You write for ten minutes in an attempt to catch them. However, if you didn’t write 100 words in that time, you can’t catch them. Although you acquire one penny by not taking them to the vet, your mouse is soon worse. Poor little thing.
Rabbit: It’s nice and easy, if you’re quick enough, to take Rabbit to the vet. Write 40 words in two minutes as you attempt to catch them . If that worked, write for five minutes on your way to the vet. If it didn’t, write 100 words in consternation as you monitor your rabbit’s health.
Dog: Dog is big and friendly. It only takes three minutes of writing to get it into your car. If you didn’t get at least 100 words , the dog doesn’t go into the car, and you can’t vet it.
Rat: Small, mean things, rats are. This rat manages to look cute enough that you leave a small place for it to escape… f ix up an obvious, easy plothole to fix, then write 200 words in five minutes to take them to the vet. Once again, like everything else, if you fail, you can’t take ‘em.
Fox: Rusty red fox… turns out his teeth are kind of sharp. Bandage the wound you recieved with one penny worth of bandages. Don’t have one penny? Can’t go to the vet. To obtain this required money (or if you just want another penny) write 20 words in one minute . Repeat this until you can do it.
Toad: Your cute little toad gets lost in the car. You’re late for your appointment. Oops. Write 250 words in five minutes to convince them to be nice and give you one.
Owl: Owl flies all over the car. Woohoo. If you can write 100 words in five minutes , including an animal therein, you manage to cage it and take it to the vet.
Parrot: Parrots are beautiful. However, on your way to the vet it gets scared and, well, your car’s kind of dirty. Clean it up by writing 500 words in fifteen minutes or you miss your appointment.
Kangaroo: Ah, the smells of eucalyptus leaves! Write for five minutes and include some smell while you attempt to catch this bounding creature. If you made over 100 words , you catch it. If not, you don’t. While going to the vet (or staying at home disconsolate) write 100 words.
Spider: Write 200 words in ten minutes while you catch them. Can’t do it? Can’t go to the vet.
Unicorn: Unicorn has a sharp horn. Ouch. Write for five minutes as you bandage yourself up. Then, word war for fifteen minutes with somebody. The winner was able to take their animal to the vet. The loser couldn’t. (Let me suggest, you who lost, to try against someone else next time, you can do this  )
Dragon: Oops. Why on earth did you get a dragon?! Write 1000 words in twenty-five minutes or get scorched and give up!
Running out of money, huh? Not surprising. So, you go to work for one hour . Then, using the original key, work out how many pennies you have.
If you obtained over 30: Great, take another two extra. The boss is pleased.
If you obtained under 30, but over 3: That’s nice. Take one penny extra!
If you obtained under 3: Oh dear. Take a break for ten minutes before repeating this step.
Did your pet make it to the vet? If the answer is yes, write 300 words in relief. If the answer is no, write 200 words and then go back to the vet (two steps earlier). However, you must skip the penny-making step — it’s not fair that just because you didn’t do this that you obtain more pennies. (Note that this has the potential for a never-ending cycle. If this happens again, just finish off on this step. In other words, if on your second try you fail to take them to the pet, your animal has died .)
Now that your pet is all healthy again, it’s time to be thinking about your dear pet’s name. You’ve already got one, right? Yes? Or no? If you already have one, write 50 words extolling the beauty and fittingness of its name. But if you don’t have a name for your pet, pick one by writing 100 words in discussion of what the name should be.
If your pet’s name is more than 5 characters, and for every special character (e.g. a space, full stop, number etc.) please write 100 words . If you have a dragon or a unicorn, they need impressive names, and so you must write 30 words extra .
If your pet’s name is shorter than that, you ought to write 50 words while you try and teach it its name.
Poor thing. You think it’s lonely. Bond (write) for 15 minutes . If you managed to get 400 words , that’s great! Your pet’s bonded beautifully. If not, try again twice more. (If after three attempts total you cannot write 400 words in 15 minutes, halve the number of words. If this still does not work, your pet does not bond with you. You must immediately pay five pennies to pay someone to be its friend. Don’t have five pennies? Your poor little pet is very lonely, and you must take it to the vet again, going to the ‘vet’ step.)
Oh, boy, these animals! They require food all the time, don’t they?! Find your pet to find how much they need.
If you purchased Good4Pets, the animal likes it. It only takes 100 words in five minutes to convince them to eat. Repeat until you get it.
If you purchased Higgins’ Yummy Pet Food, the pet is ill. However, you can nurse them through with a hasty 400 words in fifteen minutes. Then, as they recuperate, write their number (see second step) times 100 of words .
But food isn’t all. More bills are starting to come in, and unless you want to pay 5 pennies for the food bill, it’s down to working! Write 20 words in one minute or pay the pennies. No pennies? Write 30 words in two minutes . If you cannot write this, your pet has died .
Work, work, work. Write for one hour as you try to earn some more money. Use the original key to determine how much money you obtain.
If you obtained 50+: Hide it. If, however, you’re willing to give all your pennies away just for the next step, you may double the number of pennies you have. Sure you want no pennies next step? Might be risky…
If you obtained between 30 and 50: A friend in hard straits asks you for some money. You are delighted to give them 3 pennies.
If you obtained between 10 and 30: You’re still quite rich. You put this money in the bank, and earn 1 penny interest.
If you obtained between 5 and 10: Don’t bank it. You might lose out on it. Instead, hide it. If, however, you’re willing to give all those pennies you just got away just for the next step, you may double the number of pennies you have.
If you obtained between 2 and 5: Your pet looks kind of underfed (it’s not, but it looks it). Your kind-hearted friend offers to let you earn 10 pennies by writing 40 words in ten minutes, or else, if you can’t do that, to give you 5 pennies instead.
If you obtained 0 or 1 penny: You’re given a job in the binary department, paying you 2 pennies.
It’s that time of year again. Time to get out the holiday decorations! However, that lovely pet is getting in the way a bit. Keep him/her around, getting in the way, or send them to the petsitter?
If you kept them around: The job that you were doing would’ve taken a lot less time without them there. Sprint for five minutes as you attempt to make up the time. Next, they knock something glass off. Clean the glass up for five minutes and write no less than 100 words, or else pay one penny. No pennies to pay/don’t want to pay them? You are annoyed with your animal, and to prove it, ignore it for a short while, in fact twenty minutes, during which you angrily write 500 words about the stupidity of your pet. Can’t write that much? Pay two pennies. If you don’t have two pennies to pay, and can’t write 200 words in fifteen minutes, your pet has died.
If you sent them to the pet-sitter: Ahh, peace and quiet. Especially from the rattling of your wallet. You have to pay 4 pennies for the pet-sitter, and if you can’t afford it, you must keep them around. But if you can, ahh, peace and quiet… While enjoying this, write 200 contented and peaceful words.
Feed me! Write 500 words as your pet now requires some more food.
Earn 4 pennies by writing 400 words in fifteen minutes. If you can’t, well, that’s fine, but have a crack at it. Every penny counts, you know!
Your pet is getting a tiny bit neglected here. Write for 5 minutes as you spend quality time with the poor thing.
Your friend wants to know how your pet is going. However, the form of communication you are using charges for every letter. Write as many words as there are in your pet’s name and species x 10. (For example, ‘Hoppy, toad’ would be 90 words as you do not include punctuation or spaces, unless it is part of the pet’s actual name, like Mrs. Hoppy (total 10 letters)
You want a photograph of your pet. So beautiful! If your pet is a colour,
write that number of words for its colour
. If it’s more than one colour (e.g. striped) add the numbers together:
Green: 10
Blue: 11
Yellow: 16
Purple: 50
Red: 40
Orange: 70
White: 100
Black: 2
A mixture of all of them: 250
Not mentioned: 200
You want lots of little animals, huh? Well, is your pet a boy or a girl?
Boy: Write 50 words.
Girl: Write 50 words.
Don’t know: Write 100 words, and decide!
So… find your dear pet a friend. If you have to find a male animal, write 200 words in 5 minutes. If you have to find a female animal, write 100 words in 2 minutes 30 seconds. If you fail with either… sorry… you didn’t find a mate for your pet. They’re lonely! Write 300 words in 10 minutes as you console your pet, and try again. Didn’t make it a second time? Pet is ill. Sorry… go back to the vet step, and lose half your pennies.
Yay, they’ve got a friend!! … However you must buy said friend. Write for one hour to earn the pennies required. Regretting your dragonish choice, huh?
Mouse: one penny
Rat: two pennies
Rabbit: three pennies
Toad: three pennies
Spider: five pennies
Cat: five pennies
Dog: six pennies
Fox: six pennies
Owl: eight pennies
Parrot: nine pennies
Kangaroo: eleven pennies
Unicorn: thirty-five pennies
Dragon: forty pennies Not enough pennies to buy your animal? Write 1000 words and repeat this step. If you need to, however, once you have enough to buy your pet you must lose all your pennies except two, however many you’d just had (ie if you had thirty nine and needed forty, and made it up to a total of eighty-three, you’d effectively be paying 81 for your 40-penny-worth dragon) Give your pet’s mate a name and colour (gender and species are obvious, given that one is the opposite, the other the same, as your original pet)
Your female pet is looking fatter than before. Seems it worked. While you wait for her to give birth, write for 5 minutes. Entertain the male by taking him for a walk while you write 50 words, and buying him one penny worth of animal treats. If the male was your original pet, write 250 words in five minutes. Failed? All your pets have died.
How many children does she have? No need for names, just numbers. Write 10 times the number of children in the litter. (ie if there were 10 in the litter, write 100 words) Then, write 100 words in 2:30 for each one. Each time you fail, one of them dies. Write 10 words for each baby animal that died. None of the children survived? Sad, that is. Write 100 words to console your heartbroken pet, and go back to the step where you find your pet a friend.
Well… now there are little animals underfoot. Great! So cute! However, you trip over one of them and sprain your ankle. Ouch. This means that you have to be laid up for some days. At least you got some work done… as you wrote 250 words in five minutes.
If you managed to write that much: Great! Earn one penny and take a break for five minutes.
If you failed to do so: repeat the step. If you failed three times, it meant you neglected your pets shockingly. Not only did all the little ones die, but so did the mother. You now have one male pet. If the female was your original pet, you give away the male in a burst of anger against yourself. You now have no pets. Otherwise, just keep him.
It’s come to that time… your little ones must be sold. How many did you sell? Take five pennies for each one you sold, and write 200 words per animal sold as you watch them go. Did you keep one for yourself? If so, name it and give it a colour and gender. Someone donates five pennies to help with your costs. (No little ones? None survived the last two steps? My heart bleeds. Give away the friend you bought for your pet, and repeat from the step where you find a friend. Take three pennies as you have saved on food.)
Feeding time… you may have one, you may have two, you may have three pets.
If you have under 2 pennies: You can give one penny to feed your animal/s, but that mightn’t be very good if your finances are low. Instead, go to work and write for fifteen minutes to pay for the food. Also take one penny for your work.
If you have over 2, and under 5 pennies: Write 700 words plus 5 words per pet and give one penny.
If you have over 5, and under 10 pennies: Use two pennies and write 650 words.
If you have over 10, and under 20 pennies: Write 600 words to feed your pet/s. Use two pennies.
If you have over 20 pennies: Write 500 words as you feed them. Use two pennies to do so.
Show time! D’you want to show them?
Yes: Pay one penny per pet you want to show (if you have three, you could merely show one, or two, or all three, but for each you do not want to show, go to the ‘no’ down below). Repeat the rest of the step for each one. Word war for five minutes with someone. If you win, you place. (If you lose, you don’t.) Did you get first, second, third, fourth or fifth? Write for fifteen minutes. If you got 750+, you came first. Take six pennies as prize money. If you got 600-750, you came second. Take five pennies. If you got 500-600, you came third. Take four pennies. If you got 300-500, you came fourth. Take three pennies. 0-300 came fifth. Take one penny, and write for five minutes as you prepare them for next time. However you came, write for a minute to work off your excitement.
No: Write 200 words and skip this step.
Was showing fun? Or didn’t you do it? Write 500 words in ten minutes, which will allow you to repeat the last step. Failed? Lose one penny and write the remainder + 200 words.
Write 500 words happily as you contemplate your pets.
Everyone wants holidays. Write 2000 words. Use as many of your pennies as you want to cut down the number and slack off. One penny removes 100 words. (ie using five pennies means you write 1500 words) You don’t have to use any pennies if you don’t want to.
You have to get benefits from having more pets. Take two pennies per pet you have.
Old age. The curse of kings and peasants alike. Your oldest pet (the one you got first, your original pet) is getting old. Write 300 words in five minutes as you distressingly watch them grow older. If you can’t, your pet has died.
How many pets have you? You are getting older too. Give away all your pets except your original pet, and take five pennies for each. Now, to fill your suddenly empty time, write the number of letters in all your past pets’ names times 10. (ie if you had Hoppy, Jumpy and their little child you decided to keep, Skippy, you’d have to write 150 words).
Old age sets in… go to the vet again. You don’t have to do everything after that, just do that and come back here.
Your pet is really quite old. Poor thing. As you debate whether to put it out of its misery or not, write 350 words in five minutes. If you fail, you decide to do so. Your pet has died. If you make it, the pet is better than before and seems quite happy.
Your pet is having a nap. You can’t waste the time. Therefore, find your challenge below! Mouse: Do a five minute word war. The loser must pay the winner one penny. (No penny? Write 10 words in one minute!)
Rat: Write 500 words in fifteen minutes.
Rabbit: Write 550 words in fifteen minutes.
Toad: Word war with someone for ten minutes. The winner gains one penny. You must write a minimum of 200 words in that time to qualify.
Spider: Roll a 6-sided die and multiply this number by 100 to make the number of words you write. You must write this much in a maximum of fifteen minutes.
Cat: Roll a 12-sided die and multiply the number by 100. Write that many words in the number x 2.5 minutes.
Dog: Word war for fifteen minutes. Get a minimum of 500 words.
Fox: Write 600 words in fifteen minutes.
Owl: Do a Three Digit Challenge.
Parrot: Write 650 words in fifteen minutes.
Kangaroo: Bounce your way through your word count with 500 words in fourteen minutes.
Unicorn: #1k30min
Dragon: Write 3000 words in an hour.
If you fail any challenge twice, your pet has died.
You’ve had a lovely life with your pet. You knew it was the right thing to do, getting one. Write 500 words as you look back on the happy life your pet has given you. Now write 2000 words minus 100 words times the number of pennies you have, resulting in zero pennies. Write a poem about an animal, and put that somewhere in your story as thanks for your pet’s wonderful life.
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howtodothis · 4 years ago
Can You Own An Owl As A Pet
Can You Own An Owl As A Pet
If you want an owl for a pet you can definitely own an owl. Some countries issue permits to individuals to keep owls after necessary training and proper facilities have been built. View Video For Can You Own An Owl As A Pet View Video Review Look Up Owl Photos Owl Pet Birdssave image Although most people believe that owning an owl is illegal it is not the truth. Can you own an owl as a pet.…
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survey--s · 3 years ago
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survey by ccandacelove
Do you have sensitive skin? Yeah, I get rashes quite easily and I bruise really easily as well. I have to be really fussy when it comes to buying lotions and washing powder etc.
Do you wear necklaces or earrings more? Earrings. I never wear necklaces as with my job they’d just get caught and tangled up in various things.
Rings or bracelets? Rings. I never wear bracelets for the same reason as I never wear necklaces.
Are you attracted to several guys at the moment? Nope, just the one.
Are you jealous of your best friend? No, not at all.
What year is it? It’s 2022.
Are you egotistical? No.
Spring or autumn? I love both but for different reasons. Overall I probably prefer Spring because of the weather but I love the colours and feel of Autumn.
Pasta or tacos? I’m not really a massive fan of either, but overall I probably prefer pasta.
Water or soda? Soda.
Irish accent or Aussie accent? I love both, but overall probably Australian.
Do you consider yourself to be a bit gangster? Hahaha, no.
How many toilets are in your house? Just the one.
Do you have an older sister? I don’t have any siblings.
Favorite song by Owl City?  Fireflies and Hello Seattle.
What color is your mum’s car? My parents share a white car.
Do you live in an apartment? No, we live in a house.
Is your attitude contagious? No.
Cats are usually cuter than dogs right? I think dogs are cuter. Don’t get me wrong, I love cats and have three of them, but dogs definitely have more of an appeal to me - I guess because they’re more interactive and sociable.
Do you have a wallet? No.
When is the last time you went to church? I don’t go to church - the last time I was in one was probably back in school.
Where were you yesterday at 3pm? At home doing what I’m doing now, pretty much, except I was watching Hoarders not Two and a Half Men.
Is your favorite color green? No, but I do love certain shades of green.
Do you own purple socks? I do, actually, just the one pair.
Do you truly understand the (LDS) mormon religion? No, but it’s not very common here at all.
Do you think it’s bullshit? I think all religion is bullshit, lol.
Where do you keep your kitty litter box? They’re in various places in the living room - it’s not ideal but we have a small house and multiple cats so they’re just their for practical reasons.
Are you part Scandinavian? No.
Did your aunt ever take you to the park back in the day? They did when we went to visit them in Australia, yeah. I have lots of photos of me feeding kangaroos and stuff at parks there.
Is your hair in a ponytail atm? No, it’s in a messy bun as per usual.
Are you rude to little children? Well, no, because that’s just a shitty way to behave.
Do you like Ethiopian food? I’ve never tried it before.
Is your current crush younger than you? No, my husband is five years older than me.
Are you a lighter complexion than your father? Hmm, yes. He’s pale too but he definitely tans quicker than I do.
Do you like apricots? I do, but I never think to actually buy them lol.
Do you go to the beach every summer? I go to the beach everyday lol, I live about five minutes away. But I never really go just to be a tourist and sunbathe or whatever.
Ranch or barbeque sunflower seeds? Ranch sounds better. I’m not a huge fan of BBQ flavoured foods.
Do you know the first 5 books of the bible in order? No.
Are you eager to attend anything tomorrow? Nope. I have work which is fine, but I wouldn’t say I was particularly eager or excited to be going, lol.
Have you ever bullshitted a whole test or exam? God, most definitely.
Are banana chips delicious? They are! I can’t tolerate fresh bananas as the texture makes me sick but I love banana chips.
Do you have a pet fish? I’ve never had a pet fish, actually.
Are you happy with your eye color? Sure, it’s fine lol.
Do you have more energy at night or mornings? In the mornings - I’m definitely not an evening person lol.
Can you meow like a kitten? Most kittens don’t meow lol, ours tend to shout or make *Nyan* type noises.
Is your mum beautiful? I mean, I don’t really look at my family like that.
Shrimp tacos or beef? I’ve never had shrimp tacos before.
Soft shell or hard shell? I prefer soft shell tacos.
Do you live on the East coast? I live on the west coast of the UK.
What country were you born in? England.
Solid soap bar or liquid body wash? Liquid soap. I don’t like soap bars (texture issues) but body wash doesn’t seem to clean me properly and I end up with BO lol.
Do you believe being gay is a choice or a “disorder”? Neither, it’s something you’re born as.
Crest or Colgate? We don’t have Crest here.
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surveysonfleek · 3 years ago
Do you have sensitive skin? nope. thankfully! Do you wear necklaces or earrings more? earrings for sure. Rings or bracelets? bracelets. Are you attracted to several guys at the moment? nope, just the one! Are you jealous of your best friend? no.
What year is it? its 2021. Spring or autumn? autumn is my fave Pasta or tacos? tacos. unpopular opinion but i dont looove pasta Water or soda? soda if it wasnt full of sugar haha Irish accent or Aussie accent? aussie all the way! Do you consider yourself to be a bit gangster? nope How many toilets are in your house? three Do you have an older sister? no, that’s me Favorite song by Owl City? that popular one, fireflies. its the only one i know What color is your mum’s car? black Do you live in an apartment? no Is your attitude contagious? i hope not. cant say i have the best attitude lol Cats are usually cuter than dogs right? no, dogs are way cuter Do you have a wallet? yes When is the last time you went to church? i dont remember haha! its been awhile Where were you yesterday at 3pm? at home. as usual Is your favorite color green? no Do you think black people are usually annoying? wow no, rude Do you own purple socks? yes Do you truly understand the (LDS) mormon religion? not at all Do you think it’s bullshit? i dont know enough about it to make a judgement  Where do you keep your kitty litter box? i dont have a cat Are you part Scandinavian? no
Did your aunt ever take you to the park back in the day? yes Is your hair in a ponytail atm? nah, its in a messy bun Are you rude to little children? haha no Do you like ethiopian food? ive tried it once, its good! Is your current crush younger than you? no crush Are you a lighter complexion than your father? yes, definitely lol. hes dark Do you know any white people who desperately want to be black or hispanic? not personally Do you like apricots? i dont think ive ever had a fresh apricot before. ive only ever had dried apricots and those apricot bars Do you go to the beach every summer? most of the time yes Ranch or barbeque sunflower seeds? ive never tried flavoured sunflower seeds haha! Do you know the first 5 books of the bible in order? i know genesis is first Are you eager to attend anything tomorrow? nope coz we aint allowed to go anywhere Have you ever bullshitted a whole test or exam? no, ive always had a basic understanding of the exam at the least Are banana chips delicious? its been years since ive had any. i just remember them being really hard Do you have a pet fish? no
Are you happy with your eye color? yeah Do you have more energy at night or mornings? hmm mornings lately Can you meow like a kitten? haha im not going to try Ass our vagina? wut Is your mum beautiful? of course Dick or cock? lmao i hate the way both sound Shrimp tacos or beef? shrimp! yum. Soft shell or hard shell? soft, always Do you live on the East coast? no Do you like kinky sex? not really. im pretty vanilla lol What country were you born in? australia Solid soap bar or liquid body wash? body wash Do you believe being gay is a choice or a “disorder”? neither! Crest or colgate? colgate Abortion? Cynical or justified? justified duh
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ibtk · 4 years ago
Book Review: THE ANIMALS IN THAT COUNTRY by Laura Jean McKay (2020)
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(Full disclosure: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through Edelweiss and Library Thing's Early Reviewers program. Content warning for violence, including that against animals. Caution: this review contains a spoiler in the form of an excerpt.)
'Well, I’ve got a secret for you, Miss Kimberly Russo.' She digs her sharp little nails into my skin. ‘What is it?’ ‘This flu means people can talk to animals.’ Her head shoots up. ‘I want the flu, Granny. Don’t you?’ ‘Grown-ups don’t wish they had diseases, and neither should you.’ ‘But don’t you?’ Outside, Wallamina and Princess Pie are nose and beak to the sliding door, trying to press their way through. Eyes shining. ‘Course I bloody do.’
I can see the wild in her. She looks and acts like any dog. Plays, wags, stares into my eyes with her baby browns; does chasey, catch, begs for biscuits. Then the dusk comes and she lifts her neck and howls the saddest song in all the world, and there’s that wild. Dingo, owl, night thing — that sound is a warning. Loneliest you’ll hear. Wraps around your face, your sleep, your dreams. She’s saying: ‘Hey, hey. There’s something coming.’ The rangers here are always telling me, don’t talk like that. They say how dingoes are just establishing territory, checking on their pack. Dingo admin. But stand on the hot road that runs from the gift shop to the enclosures, and listen to the dingo in her cage call out to the packs on the other side of the fence. Tell me that’s not special. Tell me she doesn’t know something about the world that you and me haven’t ever thought of.
Jean Bennett isn't you're typical grandma - unless you're picturing Gemma Teller Morrow, that is. Jean drinks, smokes, swears, and sleeps around, usually all at the same time, and occasionally with her gay and committed coworker, Andy. She's got a tiger tattooed on her boob, and a dingo named Sue imprinted on her heart.
A lowly guide who dreams of becoming a ranger, Jean works at an Australian wildlife park, run by her son's ex-girlfriend Angela and owned by Angela's father. Jean and her husband Graham landed there years ago, after bouncing around the world for a while. Eventually Graham left Jean to shack up with another woman; their only child, Lee, jumped ship too, but not before hooking up with - and impregnating - Angela. Now Ange mostly keeps Jean around for the free child care (and maybe also because Ange feels sorry for her).
As for Jean, she stays stuck in this weird, awkward morass for her granddaughter Kimberley - one of the few people she can tolerate, let alone love. Jean prefers animals of the nonhuman variety, and the Park's residents/captives are her found family. She has a special place in her cockles for Sue, a dingo mix who she helped rescue as a wee little pup.
Jean's precarious life is already teetering on the edge of chaos when THE FLU arrives - first in southern Australia, then at the Park's gates, thanks to none other than an infected Lee, as charming as he is irresponsible.
Zoanthropathy (from Greek: zóo, “animal”, anthroponis, “human”, pathy, “disorder”), aka zooflu, otherwise known as "the talking animal disease," allow humans to understand and communicate with other animals:
'The strain known as zoanthropathy affects cognition in humans, and it is believed that enhanced communication between humans and nonhuman animals is possible. Zoanthropathy is hosted and spread by humans. [...] The disease is very high in morbidity and very low in mortality. Infected humans appear able to communicate (encode) and translate (decode) previously unrecognisable non-verbal communications via major senses such as sight, smell, taste, touch, and sound with nonhuman animals.'
When Lee runs off with Kimberley - to commune with the whales on the southern coast - Jean embarks on a cross-country road trip to find them. Riding shotgun is Sue, whose keen nose points the way to Tomorrow (Tomorrow being Sue's conceptualization of Kimberley. Jean is Yesterday, and Lee is Never There. Scathing, yet accurate.)
As with most potentially animal-friendly tales, I was equally nervous and excited to dive into THE ANIMALS IN THAT COUNTRY. As it is, the book both thrilled and disappointed me; I almost feel like it deserves two separate ratings, one for the idea and actualization of the dystopian zooflu future - which is breathtaking - and another for the human-centered plot that propels the audience's journey into this world - which is decidedly less so.
Let's start with the zooflu. It seems like it would be awesome to be able to talk to animals, right? Think again. I mean, really turn the idea over in your head, sit with the superpower, and try to envision what this might entail. Given that most of the nonhumans we encounter on the daily are exploited, oppressed, or otherwise negatively impacted by humans -
be it the 25 million farmed animals we create, torture, and kill for food every year in the US alone; the "wildlife" (read: free-living animals) we displace, starve, and kill through habitat loss; the dogs and cats we buy, neglect, and then abandon at shelters; or the animals we unintentionally hit with our cars (or the bugs we trod on just walking down the street); etc. x infinity
- we are weapons of mass destruction. To most of our nonhuman kin (and sometimes our fellow humans, too). Instead of words of wisdom and messages of hope, we'd be more likely to hear cries of terror. Confusion. Pain and agony. Hellfire, everywhere. Created and fueled by us and our own.
Heck, I'm not even sure it would be beneficial to always know exactly what our beloved, nonhuman family members are thinking. I have a fifteen-year-old dog named Finn who's going deaf and blind and battling dementia. More often than not, I suspect that being privy to his innermost thoughts would freak me the fuck out. Not to mention break my damn heart.
And then there's the mode of communication: not just just verbal, as we're used to, but all-encompassing: "sight, smell, taste, touch, and sound." Think pheromones, sound waves, scratches and ticks. The beating of countless tiny wings, all bombarding your brain and trying to tell you something. That kind of thing, coming at you uninvited and from all directions, is apt to drive a person mad. And it does, as evidenced by zooflu sufferers who stuff their orifices with whatever's handy to block incoming stimuli - or, at the more extreme end, the pseudo-religious trepanners who invite strangers to drill holes in their skulls in a misguided attempt to relieve the pressure.
Talking to animals sounds like the stuff of dreams - but in McKay's hands, it's a nightmare.
And a pretty trippy one, at that: fittingly, the incoming messages that Jean's left to decode aren't quite what you'd call straightforward. There's a lot of translation required, and Google hasn't yet caught up:
I’m reading her body like some language I barely remember from a high school textbook. Bonjour madame, connaissez-vous le chemin de la gare? Let’s go to the station. Or, where the hell is the supermarket? I can parrot the words, but the meaning is in scraps.
Copies of this book should be sold with a sheet of acid, or maybe some edibles. I kid, but also not.
If, like me, you assumed that increased understanding and compassion would surely spring forth from this newfound ability to communicate with nonhuman animals, you'd be wrong. While some people do indeed embrace the flu, many others lash out: animal-free zones are established, and hungry citizens start hunting former pets, since they make for easy prey (apparently they've never heard of fruits and veggies?).
There's one especially excruciating scene that I don't think I'll ever be able to forget. Jean takes refuge in a makeshift church, only to catch a glimpse of how the missionaries make their sausage (stew):
A small fluffy dog has pelted out a kitchen door, thin bit of twine tangled around its legs, body blonde fire, screaming, Hello. Please. Please bite its soft. Quick. Help me. I jump up, calling the poor little bugger, but the parishioners shriek louder, climbing on their chairs like that dog is the snake from the garden of Eden. The woman rushes for her daughter and hauls her by an arm out of the room. It’s funny, for a second, until the laugh dies in my throat. The little dog, too tangled in the twine to move, slumps panting in the aisle. It’s not just m e. Where’s other me. She’s still — The god-botherers are faster than me. They grab that dog with WWF wrestling passion, using real lumps of wood, real knives. The little dog has enough time to issue a thick whiff of terror from its undercarriage, Help her, before they’ve slit it ear to ear right there in the pulpit. There was no blood with Lee. He didn’t even look that drowned. He might have come alive any moment. He might be alive right now in his grave. This little dog, though, is bleeding out on the beige carpet. The door to the kitchen is open. Matthew the soup cook leans on the jamb, then turns back. A fluffy tail on a chopping board. The steaming pots. Pain like a stab to my guts — he stirs a soup very much like the one he was serving up in the park.
Of course, this scene is so repulsive to most of us - Jean included - only because the animal being killed and consumed is designated for "companionship" instead of "food," at least in this particular culture. Chances are you've known and loved a dog or two yourself - and so the doomed beast transforms from a something to a someone. Not an unfeeling object to be used and discarded at will, but a sentient creature with her own feelings, desires, and loved ones. Had it been a chicken or pig, the result wouldn't be quite so horrifying; Jean herself eats meat, and justifies doing so, on several occasions.
Yet an earlier scene - in which Jean comes upon an abandoned tractor trailer truck packed with pigs destined for slaughter - will hopefully challenge readers to expand their circle of compassion:
I’ve seen battery hogs before — of course I have. But not out and about. Not staggering around and trying to walk, calling to whatever they think is ‘more’. Glazed eyes that strain like they’ve never seen sunlight. Skin stretched over bodies fed to the point of bursting — something between swine and meat. Saw some animal liberationists on the street in the city one time, saying factory farms were the same as Nazi camps. I called them bloody racists too. The pigs clatter past me down the ramp, fucked-up eyes on the road ahead, calling, Hello is it more. Those animal nutters were wrong, but not in the way I thought. It’s not the same as the Nazis: that was us doing to us. What’s this? [...] A hurt sow sits on her haunches, then lies down on the verge, panting unevenly under the slathering sun. Another weaves blindly over the asphalt toward her, flies spinning around her head. They push their noses into each other. Send me a postcard, the sick one says. Postcard, indeed. What the fuck. I watch more closely. The meaning bright off that tight skin. All the little bits saying, Leave me, and, I’ll hear about it, and, Don’t you see it. Move on. There’s more. The ones that can walk stretch their legs, for, More, more, more. I stand at the top of the truck ramp watching them break into a group trot toward the next paddock. Skin rippling. Hooves carolling. Know that heart-in-your-mouth run. Know exactly what ‘more’ is. I’ve seen it in Lee and I’ve had it too, at times. These pigs are half dead, they’re stumbling around, blind, mad, and fucking hopeful.
Even if many of the characters in this book resist the humanity clearly evident in nonhuman animals, I hope that readers will hold these passages close - especially at the dinner table.
Sue, our main nonhuman protagonist, is a fascinating character; like many of the semi-domesticated animals in the park, McKay paints her as a series of conflicting impulses: safety or freedom. Hunger or satiation. Dingoes or humans. She is fiercely loyal, much to her own detriment. She has wants and needs of her own, and she's often satisfied to set them aside for the good of her (adopted) pack.
And I guess that brings me to the second half of this review: the humans, most of whom are awful. Jean, exponentially so.
Initially I thought that Jean would be my people: she's a hard-drinking, mold-breaking badass broad who gets on better with animals than people. She has a mini-rescue in her backyard where she keeps some of the park's doomed relinquishments. (The public treats the park like a rehab facility when in fact it's in the business of entertainment - old, sick, injured, and "common" animals are routinely killed.) She and Kimberley spend their afternoons together designing the animal rescue they hope to build one day.
But Jean is kind of a terrible person. To call her a misanthrope is half the story: she's also senselessly mean and cruel, especially when drunk, hungover, or frustrated (in other words, 90% of the time). I don't fault Jean for her substance abuse problem - alcoholism is a mental health issue and should be treated as such - but nor is it an excuse for being such an asshole. (There's even a scene where she trolls people discussing the zooflu online, like a fucking American redhat.) She's shit to everyone around her, except for Kimberley and Lee (Lee, who could use a good ass-kicking).
And then there's Sue: Sue, who followed Jean across the damn country when she should have been settling into a dingo pack of her own. Sue, who found Kimberley and saved Jean's life. Sue, who is nothing but good and true and trustworthy. Sue, who Jean assaults on multiple occasions: kicking her in the ribs, binding her with rope to prevent her escape, and even trying to shoot her (with a gun that's thankfully empty of bullets). At one point, she "forgives" Sue for saving her life - as if Sue's the one who needs forgiveness!
Despite the abuse, Sue continues to stick by Jean's side, which galled me endlessly. Towards the end of the story, following the attempted murder, Sue gets revenge of a sort, dominating a delirious Jean and forcing her subservience. However, the book ends shortly thereafter, cutting any sense of satisfaction far too short.
I really felt cheated with Jean: I thought she might be my avatar in this world - but she's just another terrible human who doesn't deserve the company of animals.
Likewise, the whole subplot involving Kimberley's parentage is way over the top dramatic and unnecessary; it seemed like we were being plucked from a dystopia and dropped into a soap opera for a minute there. Just, gross. So yeah, there are definitely some aspects of the book that I appreciated more than others. THE ANIMALS IN THAT COUNTRY may be imperfect - but I'd still wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone looking to explore our relationship to nonhuman animals in a dystopian setting.
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surveys-at-your-service · 4 years ago
Survey #300
that’s a lot of time wasted, lmao
If you were a witch, which animal would be your familiar? Could I have like, a melanistic barn owl? That'd be dope. They're fuckin gorgeous. If there's a design on your shirt, what is it? Ha, speaking of owls... Would you ever visit a ghost town? MOTHERFUCKER would I. Bringing my camera, too. What would you do if you found out your life was only a simulation controlled by someone else? I have a very much Detroit: Become Human (phenomenal game, btw) outlook on this: I think, therefore I am. It honestly wouldn't affect me terribly. I sure would hate my creator though, jfc, lmao. What's the scariest thing you've accidentally found on the internet? Okay so there is this one video filmed by some guys who had this really strange, sulking guy in black stalking them, and it ends with the suspected murderer slinking over to the guys (who were by this point finding it almost funny, due to how the man was acting) and charging with a knife, I think, once he was very close. I believe the men were never found afterwards. It is SO goddamn unnerving. Is there anything bothering you right now? Not to be a Negative Nancy, but when isn't there lmao. Thinking of every Halloween costume you've had, which one was the most creative? I never had creative ones, really. What's the picture on your calendar for this month? I don't have a relevant calender, just old meerkat ones on a wall in my room. If you were a mythical creature, which would you be? As much as I love dragons, they're targeted too much in fantasy to kill, so let's not, haha. Being a dryad would be cool. Or druid. Either/or. If you were an animal, which would you be? A housecat, ig. Were you ever bullied when you were younger and how did you handle it? I consider myself very lucky to have not been. Have you ever thrown something away and then wanted it back? Okay so it's "deleted" versus "thrown away," technically, but there are two senior prom pictures in specific I desperately want back because fuck my low self-esteem, I look beautiful in them and so damn happy. I even tried Facebook restore programs that supposedly recovered all pictures you ever removed, but I couldn't salvage them. I'm still pissed about it, haha. What's one random city you want to visit? I don't have a specific city, per se. More so just countries in general. If you owned a store, what would you most likely sell? I think owning a pet supply store would be really cool, with some animals that are actually very well-cared for, unlike chain pet stores. I HATE those, vehemently. So unspeakably ignorant and neglectful. If you had a garden, what sort of plants would you grow? I don't want a garden, but hypothetically, I'd love orchids, dahlias, tiger lilies, a weeping willow tree, some strawberries... What's your favorite phase of the moon? Full, of course. What's the song for your life right now? I've felt extremely connected to Seether's "Weak" lately. Do you believe that when you die, you get to see all your loved ones again? I hope so... Who would you be the most excited to see? DO I ACTUALLY NEED TO ANSWER THIS QUESTION?????????? Do you enjoy reading National Geographic magazines? If I'm like, sitting in a waiting room and they're available, I'll go for them. Do you know anyone who's serving in the military right now? Welcome to the South, baby. The boys graduate, they're going straight for the military. I only have one real friend who was one but left tho because he fucking hated it. Does or did either of your parents serve in the military? No. Has anything in your house ever caught on fire? Not in this house, no. As a small child, did you ever feel as if you were different or weird? Absofuckinglutely. I have A LOT of bad memories of instances where I felt like "the weird kid." Can you say "happy birthday" in another language? Omg... I forgot the German phrase. Wow, I'm rusty. What subjects do you or did you get the worst grades in? Math. Do you have photos to go with all of the contacts in your phone? I don't have pictures that go with any. Who was the last person to comment on one of your photos on Facebook and how did you meet that person? I just checked, and it was my friend Summer. I met her because she was actually first friends with my younger sister in pre-k, but we grew closer than they did in our teen years. What career paths are you considering? I just want to be a photographer. So badly. But I've felt super, super discouraged lately. Do you watch music videos? I pretty much never do, but rather listen through the artists' Topic uploads or lyric videos. I don't generally like official music videos because they tend to have other sounds/parts/breaks/etc. in them that distract from the song. Have you ever clicked on those banner ads that promise a prize for clicking? Probably by accident at some point in time. What kind of computer are you using? Acer Nitro. What kind of computer do you wish you were using? I'm fine with what I have. Have you ever had a weight change so drastic you went to the doctor? .-. How cold does it have to be before you put on a sweater? Depends on how long I'll be outside, but in most situations, in the 50s. Do you eat things off the floor? Um, ew. Who do people say you look like? My sisters. Do you usually get your homework done on time? When I was in school, I was very serious about having my homework finished by the date it was due. Have you ever framed your old movie ticket stubs? I've kept some, but never framed any. Do you have a digital camera? A Canon, yeah. Have you ever stuck something inappropriate in an electrical outlet? Bitch I ain't tryna get electrocuted. How many days has it been since your last birthday? My b-day is actually coming up soon; the 5th of February. Do you want any more siblings than you have now? Well, considering both my parents (and stepmom) are in their 50s... How easily shocked are you? VERY. I am extremely jumpy and on edge at like all times. You like the color blue, don't you? I mean yeah. Particularly the lighter tints. Who was the last person who asked you something that made you think? My therapist REEEEAAAALLY makes me do this. She's an absolute pro at getting me to dig deep into myself. Ever fired a gun? No, and I don't want to. From 1-10, how would you rate your cooking skills? Is 0 an option? Do you notice the heat or the cold more? HEAT, JESUS FUCK. It can be one or two degrees above what I consider stable and I'll be sweating. I'm hypersensitive to it I know from being in such a consistent temperature in my room like 24/7. Do you believe in miracles? Probably no. What hurts more: scratches or bites? Bites, if you're talking serious ones. Do you prefer rabbits to mice? No, mice (and especially rats) are absolutely amazing, intelligent animals. Bonus points for being mega cute too, though I do find rabbits cuter. Who out of all the people you know reasonably well is the most "dark?" Sara, haha. Favorite chocolate-based candy? Reese's. Do you call anyone babe or baby? My pets sometimes. Name me a food you used to like that you now don't: Peas, olives. Name me a food you now like but never used to: Mashed potatoes, IF prepared very well (by my standards, obviously). Would you rather live in Europe, The US, or Australia? By this point, take me to Europe. If it wouldn't be such a huge life change and leaving so many people, I would 120% move to Canada, but out of these, Europe will do. Would you rather have a big house, a lot of kids, or a high flying job? Give me the high-flying job, 100%. I don't want kids, and I have no need for a large house. Is crime a big problem in your area? Oh yes. What’s your town/city most well-known for? By the locals, being the crime hub, actually, lol. Name 5 objects that you don’t have but would like right now: Hmmm... I want a 40g tank as an upgrade for Venus, a gaming chair for when I turn the extra room into my "office" so I don't destroy my back sitting there, new glasses and a driving permit, and don't forget a gd tattoo needle pounding my skin. :^) If you were given the choice to choose your child’s gender, would you? Yes, I would absolutely want a girl just because IF I wanted kids, I'd want a daughter named Alessandra. Do you get along well with your family doctor/your doctor? Yeah, she's nice. What types of soups do you like? None. If a color could reflect your current mood, which would it be? Grayish blue. The last time you saw fireworks? I really don't know; it's been years, at least. Have you ever gone to a movie premiere? Possibly for Silent Hill: Revelation, but I'm not certain. Who was the last person to make you laugh out loud? My mom, because she made me remember something funny. What was the last commercial you heard selling? *shrug* Do you prefer fairly common names or a bit out of the ordinary ones? Oh, definitely rare and unique ones. Would you rather have a pet cat, dog, horse or tortoise? At this current time, a dog for Mom, which we're actually probably getting. She misses having one super badly. Is your laugh loud, normal or very silent? My laugh is loud and obnoxious as fuck. What are you interested in that most people would be surprised to know? Tarantulas, probably. I love them, even though spiders kinda scare me. Last movie you watched the whole way through? Elf, I think, with Sara's fam. What's your favorite fruit? Strawberries are where it's at. Last time you drank coffee? I've only ever sipped coffee to try to see if I liked it. Never have. I THINK I last took a sip of Sara's when we went on a breakfast date? Has anyone ever called you rich? Calling me rich would be entirely ludicrous. What makes you feel beautiful? Nothing. How many bathrooms are in your house? Two. Last time you were on a plane and where did you go? A couple years ago, coming home from Illinois. Favorite flavor muffin? Uggghhhh chocolate. Do you prefer stripes or polka dots? Polka dots. I tend to find circles visually appealing. Did you take Music when you were in school? I think all the elementary school students did. I was also in band in middle and high school; I played the flute. Why did you last feel like crying? I'm just sick of how my life is going. Do you find being alone with strangers scary, interesting, or indifferent? I find it either awkward or terrifying, depending on the gender. It's not a willing thing or intended sexism whatsoever, I'm just naturally afraid of men. Do your initials spell a legitimate word? If so, what? No. Does someone’s background affect whether you'll be friends with them or not? Well, it depends on what they've done. How about their religious background? No. If someone admitted cheating in a past relationship of theirs, would you trust them? Nope, bye. Did you ever want to be a cook as a kid? No. How about a fashion designer? No. Do you prefer fire or ice? Fire aesthetically, but ice is certainly less intimidating. When happy, do you become more talkative? OH yes. Are you offended easily by non-politically correct language? No, really. I wouldn't say derogatory terms, but I really don't understand why most people put so much weight into a single made-up word. But again, you won't hear that language coming out of my mouth because I understand that it just does hurt some people, and I respect that. Do you think the censors/fcc go a bit too far or are just right? It's gone overboard, imo. What's your I.Q? I don't want to know, haha. Have you ever taken a martial art? Which one{s}? No. Do you know anyone who is scared of you? Um, no. What person who has died would you bring back and why? Probably Steve Irwin. His children have done FUCKING FANTASTIC at carrying on his legacy and purpose, but I feel he could've taught the world so much more than he had time to... Do you like watermelon? No. Too watery. Can you remember the month of your first kiss? Yes, actually. March. What do you think is the most interesting thing about you? I'm unsure, really. Do you like being complimented or does it make you uncomfortable? Both. What artist's paintings do you find the most beautiful? This is an impossible question. What about the most disturbing? Oh man, I watch this one person on deviantART that makes especially creepy artwork. I follow a loooot of dark artists, though, so it's difficult to pick. Have you ever gone to a camp or summer school? A church-related summer thing, yes, as a kid. What was your favorite cartoon as a child? Pokemon was/is where it's at. What was your biggest fear as a child? Thunderstorms, holy shit. Would you rather be able to fly or breathe underwater? Be able to breathe underwater. What about invisibility or mindreading? Definitely invisibility. Mindreading would just... suck. Hurt. Especially if you couldn't control it. Which stereotype do you dislike the most? Good question, considering I hate a shit ton. Can you remember all your past teachers names? No, not all of them. Do you like talent shows? Which ones? I don't mind watching 'em. I particularly used to love America's Got Talent. Have you ever failed an important exam? In what? Yes; I failed horribly at my final math exam the last time I was in school. Are you on any meds? Too many. Just way too many for someone my age. I'm really starting to think I'm over-medicated to where it's dulling my senses, feelings, and also destroying my memory. But I kinda need like... all of them. I'm talking to my psychiatrist in just a couple days though, actually, and I'm going to talk to him about maybe trying to wean me off my OCD med, since I haven't had big symptoms in a long time. I wanna see how I deal without it. What color is your razor? Black and orange. What is your fave frozen treat? Just the classic ice cream. Which supermarket do you like to shop at? We tend to get our groceries from Wal-Mart. Do you struggle to say ‘no’ to things you don’t want to do? YESSIREE. Are you friends with someone a lot of people dislike? I don't think there's anyone that is widely disliked, no. Have you ever had to deal with someone close to you going off to war? No, thankfully. Other than yourself, who did you last buy something for? Mom. What's something you complain about frequently? My legs hurting. It's hard to ignore when taking one step is painful. Have you ever talked about your period with a guy? Were they okay with it, or grossed out? I certainly haven't talked about it in-depth, but it's been mentioned in some way when I was with Jason. I mean we were together for three and a half years, sexually active (and I ain't doing jackshit if it's that time of the month), and I spent as much time with him as possible, so... it woulda came up. I'm sure he was indifferent about it, he was a mature guy. Have you ever been to an Asian (any type) market? If so, what is the closest one to you? No. I've never even heard of one around here. Have you ever slept with a member of the opposite sex without having sex? Back up two questions, haha. That was normal. How would you feel if your significant other had tattoos? Shit man, I love tattoos. I'd obviously not care. How have you been feeling today? Depressed. Where’s your phone right now? On my chest. I'm lying down. Is there a certain person that makes you feel safe? ugh When you drink alcohol with friends, do you play drinking games? I never have. What are the best kind of Girl Scout cookies? I don't remember their names, honestly... but the chocolate and peanut butter ones come to mind.
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justsomewritingsandshit · 5 years ago
The Struggles of a Male Veela - (Part 6 - What A Revelation!)
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Louis Weasley x Soulmate!OC
Length: 3926 words
Warnings: soulmate!au, altered ages of next gen, female OC, Hunter Parrish as Louis, mostly about Selene, jEaLoUsY
Part 6 of this series | Masterlist | Part 5
Three weeks after her awkward date with Mari Singh, Selene felt the first sign.
The young woman was mid-conversation with her friends, whilst they all sat at the Slytherin breakfast table. Well, it was less of a conversation and much more like an unnecessarily heated debate. Today’s (debate) topic was the correct pronunciation of the word ‘gala’. Ben Boot, a well-travelled young man, had informed his three closest companions that he’d recently discovered that many Americans pronounced the word as ‘gay-la’, rather than ‘gah-la’. Which was entirely wrong in Selene’s opinion.
Emery took a dramatic breath before she bravely announced that she too pronounced the word as ‘gay-la’. “It sounds right that way!” At her friends sneers, she defended herself, “Well it does to me!”
Emmaline pressed her fist over her eyes, looking away from her sister, “You think you know someone!”
Their friendly razzing of Emery went on for a bit. Eventually though, it faded out as the students needed to finish their breakfasts before they went on to their morning classes.
Glancing across the Great Hall, Emmaline commented, “It looks like lover-boy’s fan-club is getting bigger, huh?” She sent a rather sneaky glance towards Selene, who was chewing on her toast, as she spoke.
“Huh? What club?”
Ben mimed to Selene that she had crumbs clinging to the side of her lip, “Oh, you know! Your boy-toy’s little fans. Oh, no, no, on your left side.”
Successfully ridding herself of the clinging crumbs, Selene’s eyebrows drew into a furrow, “What are you lot on about?”
Emery sniggered, “You’re little Gryffindor, Sel.”
“Huh? You mean Louis?”
“Oh,” Emmaline teased, “So she does know who we’re talking about!”
Selene was a little stunned by their teasing remarks. A part of her understood why her friends must have assumed there to be a romance forming between the two. After all, Selene was not the type of person to immediately latch onto a new friend, especially in the way she had with Louis. Did she become casual acquaintances with people? Yes. Did Selene seek them out, then spend hours talking and laughing with those new acquaintances? No. Like most people, the young girl could be considered a creature of habit. Not seeing much need to branch out, Selene tended to stick with her tried-and-tested friend group. To add a new person into the role of friend meant something to her, growth. But, to her overly hopeful friends all of whom wanted only the absolute best for their friend; this friendship looked more like a potentially blossoming relationship.
And that was the wrong assumption…
“Okay,” She took a sip of her water, before she turned to look at them, “First of all; Louis and I are friends. He is not my ‘lover-boy’.” She ignored Ben’s ‘but you want him to be’. “Second of all, yes I’ve heard about his fan club. They’re… uh, they are…” Selene struggled to find a kind but straight-forward word for ‘a little bit scary, but mainly weird’.
“Creepy? Yes.” Emery answered, blasé. “Like, I would be the first among us to admit that Weasley is super fit.” An uncomfortable ripple raced through Selene’s gut. Briefly, the girl wondered if her monthlies (as her mothers’ called it) were making an appearance earlier than usual this month. “However, I agree that this whole club thing is very weird.”
Ben nodded, “Yeah! I mean, Louis is cute. And yes! I think we all would let him slap our arse, should he so choose to!” Emmaline and Emery both nodded at his words, and Emery even lifted her glass of pumpkin juice in toast. “But, lovey, dearie, sweet love-child-of-mine, just put the school out of its misery, and claim that Adonis as your own!”
Inwardly, her stomach rolled again at his first statement, stopping suddenly once speaking had trailed to a finish. Outwardly, however, Selene cheekily rolled her eyes as if she was amused by Ben’s exasperation on the subject. “Whatever.” She dismissed it all nonchalantly, before standing up from the bench. “Let’s get going, I want to stop by the hospital wing before class. My stomach’s not feeling right today.”
“Why didn’t you say so earlier?” Emmaline swiftly rushed her friend out of the Great Hall, the Slytherin girl’s worry-wort nature taking the reins.
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There is an old muggle saying, once could be a coincidence but twice suggests a pattern.
The uncomfortable turn of her stomach – the one that had made Selene previously think that she wanted to be sick, or that she had cramps early that month – appeared again. And the sensation appeared as suddenly as it had before…
And, with the holidays approaching, it felt like everyone was getting progressively more excited for the end of term. The entire castle had begun its descent into excitement for the upcoming holidays.
Like in muggle shopping villages and districts, Hogwarts began the festivities almost as soon as the calendar switched from November to December. The corridors were decked out with red and green coloured wreaths and garlands. The house elves worked diligently, silently completing their work in a single night.
Tiny first years had started to gather together with older students. A portion of them prepared gifts and played games for Hanukkah. The students who celebrated Solstice and Yule were already marching across the school’s lawns for items they wanted to use in their altars – this particular group was an interesting mix of muggle-born ideologies of wicca and witches, as well as the magical version of wizardry. Those who celebrated Christmas were doing their best to stock up on papers for wrapping, they were ordering rolls of it by owl ready for their last few Hogsmeade trips before the 25th. Even the professors were getting into the spirit – Professor Longbottom had his singing tulips (which were a rare find of his from a trek across the Scandies in his late twenties) hum seasonal songs whilst he taught.
And as the term wound down, most of the students were gearing up to take the train back down to London. There were a few who were eager to be left (relatively) alone in the quiet castle. Selene happened to be undecided on the subject, tossing up whether she should stay or to go home and celebrate Yule with her busy mothers’.
The Slytherin was mulling it over when she was heading back to the common room. She only had one class left for term, but the textbook she needed was in her dorm. For a moment, she thought about sneakily using the accio charm, but knew it was banned for a good reason – flying objects can be hazardous when not charmed to fly above people after all. She weighed the pros and cons; she’d have more things to do in the castle, more people to talk to, her parents would probably have to work on Yule… Eventually, she decided to stay at Hogwarts for the holiday. When she got to her dorm, she would owl her mothers to let them know.
She turned the corner that lead to the grand staircase, thinking about asking if Ben was going to hang around the castle too this year. Selene had seen that the girls had already packed their trunk to leave, so she didn’t feel a particular need to ask them the same.
Unfortunately, Selene’s next turn into the adjacent corridor had led her to be the sole witness as an older girl (from the year above) slid her claws over the forearm of a familiar-looking blonde boy.
That stomach turn happened again.
Selene swiftly turned around, deciding to walk to the common room the long way. Also, she had suddenly decided to return to her home for the holidays.
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Yule celebrations came and went early in her home.
Selene’s mothers were very apologetic when they told Selene that they’d have to work on the day of Yule. Still, the three of them had held a smaller, more intimate celebration a few days before.
The earlier celebration left the young girl to aimlessly wander around her own home on the actual day of Yule. She was bored out of her mind. It was approaching the late morning and Selene had already cracked onto her holiday homework – all part-the-way-done, apart from a Runes essay, which required a lengthy reading of a textbook that she had left behind whilst franticly packing.
The Slytherin had decided she should finally owl the school, to see if they could let her off on the Runes essay, or at the least send over her the textbook. She had made her way up to family attic, where her great-great-grandparents had set up a make-shift aviary for their business owls years ago. Apparently, back then they had run a small mail-order potions business. It was a Morgenstern family rumour that they sold an illegal werewolf suppressant potion, before wolfsbane had even been invented.
Selene’s owl hooted softly to the girl, making its presence known. It sat on rigidly on its perch, a pile of letters and small boxes on a tall table to its immediate left. Selene pet the owl carefully, slipping the bird two treats. Then, she arranged some more water and feed for it before she gathered up all her mail.
“Thank you, Soot!”
The first few letters were Christmas cards from her various muggleborn friends, some including cute non-moving photographs of their families. One had a Father Christmas who was drawn to be surfing on a beach, from her friend whose family spent the holidays in Australia. Another was a sexy version of the red-clad man, the words asking if she’d been ‘naughty’ that year – that one was from Naomi Gardner, who had written in thanks for setting her up with Mari.
Ben had done what he usually did and had written her a lengthy letter. He opened it with a greeting, as well as some well wishes to Selene and her mothers. Then Ben informed her that he had decided to stay at Hogwarts that year (which was usual for Ben, as he kind of hated his extended family, who had a tradition of gathering together this time of year), and that he loved the gift that she’d left for him under the Slytherin common room tree. At that point in the letter, the boy demanded that Selene open the gift he had included. It was a gorgeous goblin-made quilt set in her favourite shade of mauve.
Ben went on in his letter to detail the latest gossip going around the castle, ‘It turns out that wench in the year above, you know the one! The absolute wench Julie McNamara, that swish! She was seen trying to flirt with your mother-missing boy before term ended! I cannot believe the gall of the wench! Everybody knows that he only has eyes for you, I swear!’
Last year, Ben had been gifted with a spelled pen. It automatically censored his cursing. It had been a joke-gift from Emery but ended up being his favourite writing utensil to date. As such, Selene had fitted it with a never-ending ink-well, and Emmaline had spelled it to be impossible to lose.
He went on; ‘Apparently, he had to have his family step in! The wench just wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer. I’m telling you Selene; everyone said that it was absolutely disgusting! She had to be formally warned away by the professors too. In this day and age!’
Selene felt an unclear anger suddenly rush through her body.
She could easily see how Julie McNamara would make Louis uncomfortable. He was such a lovely guy, but he got awkward when anyone even jokingly flirted with him. In fact, the first time she ever jokingly winked at him, his face went fuchsia for three-and-a-half minutes. Poor Louis! Selene could picture in her mind how her Louis would try to uneasily shift away from her, but…
Her hand released Ben’s letter. It fluttered to the carpeted floor silently.
“Oh,” Selene breathed, tears springing to her eyes for no reason. Her thoughts were now cleared like the sky after a storm, “I like him.” That explained so, so much. So much. “Bollocks.”
The week following her realisation, Selene was working on autopilot. She went about her days like nothing was out of the ordinary. Dinner with her mothers, doing her school reading, finishing up the assessments she’d started before… Selene did it all, without a single complaint.
That worried her mothers.
“Hmm?” Selene looked up from her plate to see her mother, Dorothea, looking at her in concern. “Sorry, did you ask me something?”
The woman shook her head, dark curls bouncing as she did. “No, sweetheart. We just, you know –”
“The point your mother is trying to get to,” Her other mother, Appoline, sent her wife a cheeky glance before her expression melted into a concerned one. “Are you feeling alright, Selene?” At her daughter’s furrowed brows, she went on, “Your mother and I have noticed that you seem to be a little spacey, dear.” Her tanned skin pulled taut around her pursed lips, “Are you having a disagreement with the girls?” Appoline was referring to Emmaline and Emery, as well as Ben.
“No, I…” Selene wasn’t even sure what to say. Her teenaged brain told her to lie to their faces. Letting her parents know too much about her school life, her social life, might lead to a lecture Selene did not want to sit through… Although, “I just realised that I, uh, fancy one of my friends. A lot.” The Slytherin had been stewing in the idea all week and was now desperate to at least speak the words out loud. “I, um, I didn’t realise until, like, last week.” She paused, pushing her vegetables around on her plate, avoiding their surprised eyes. “So… yeah. That’s it really.”
There was a moment of awkward, confused silence.
Clearing her throat, Dorothea spoke to her daughter sincerely. “Is this something you want to discuss with us further, sweetheart?”
Selene mulled over how to answer. Did she want to talk about this? Maybe. Until now, she didn’t realise how pent up she had begun to feel. Did Selene want to open up to her married parents about this, though? Two lesbians (well, one of her mothers is bisexual), who had been monogamously together for longer than ten years? Not really.
The teen smiled awkwardly at her parents, “Actually, I think I want to talk to the girls about it. I might send them an owl, or-” Selene stopped herself, to think on it for a moment longer, “This is probably something I want to say to them in person, though.”
“Okay.” Appoline nodded in understanding, before she tactfully changed their dinner conversation, “So, I was listening to this Korean band yesterday.”
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She brought it up with her friends when they were all corralled in the safety of the common room. Selene waited until it was late, as there would be less people around to hear them discuss something so personal. Slipping it into the already flowing conversation, “I realised I fancy Louis.”
All speaking stopped. Ben, who had been using his personal copy of ‘Hogwarts; A History – Volume 24’ to prove a point, loudly snapped it shut. Emery had paused mid-chew, and there was a gummy serpent still hanging from the corner of her parted lips. Emmaline, who was sat next to Selene, stared at her friend in complete shock.
Selene shuffled nervously in her seat, “Aren’t you going to say anything?”
“Girl, what do you mean–?”
“’Just realised’?” Emery finished her sisters thought, the gummy falling into her lap.
Selene sighed, the sound tinged with embarrassment, “Well… When you lads were making fun of me, saying that ‘of course I liked him’.” The three nodded, knowing the instances she was talking of, “I, uh,” She let out a breath chuckle, “Well, I didn’t know. I thought I only liked Louis as a mate, you know; a friend.” Her head tilted, “I mean, I’ve always been attracted to him,” Her head tilted the other way, “I just did not know that I, uh, you know… fancied him. Like proper fancy, you know?”
Ben’s mouth was agape.
“No. I don’t know.” Emmaline disagreed. “How did you not know?” To Selene’s friends, it was so clear – her feelings had been so transparent to them, so see-through. “You were undressing him with your eyes, for Merlin’s sake!”
“I was not!” Selene argued indignantly.
“Oh, you were too!” Ben argued back. “The two of you are always looking at each other, starry eyed. Frankly, it’s a little sickening. And not in a good way!” He flung his book behind him, leaning closer to Selene. “We told you, as well!”
Emery nodded, “We did!” She viciously bit the head of her now-retrieved gummy serpent, “And,” She paused to quickly chew, “You basically go on study-dates, nearly every bloody day.” Emmaline nodded in agreement with her sister. “Babes, when you said you were going out with Mari, on Halloween, we were so confused!”
Ben sighed, “Ah, that’s right! Ugh, we were convinced that you had been courting Weasley before that.”
Selene scoffed, “Courting him? I barely know him!”
In wizarding society, courting was serious. It was like a person screaming their personal commitment to another in a court of law. There was no way to go even one day without another wizard finding out about the commitment. Firstly, because every child was taught about the process in their first year of education at whatever school they attend. Secondly, every couple entering into courtship had to be witnessed by three other witches or wizards, as a testament to how serious the process is (and also because three is a deeply important number to magic-users). Young witches and wizards could date to their hearts content, but courting meant a true declaration of intent – the intent being marriage or a binding, of course. There had been times where dating had led into courting. And they were also rarely broken, due to the gravity of the whole process.
There would have been no way for Louis to be in a courtship with Selene – her heart ached in joy, at the thought of being in anything with the blonde Gryffindor – without any other person knowing.
Emmaline scoffed back, mocking Selene, “’Barely know him’?” She smacked Selene’s shoulder, “You spend everyday in each other’s presence, you should know everything about each other by now!”
“Well, not everything!”
Emery butt in, “You definitely know enough!”
“What are his sister’s names again?”, Ben challenged her.
“Victoire and Dominique,” Selene answered automatically, before rolling her eyes, “That’s a basic thing to know about another person!”
Emmaline nodded, “Alright then, what are his cousins’ called?” Selene looked away from her, not wanting to see the smug look on her face, “You know them, don’t you?”
“It’s not private information!” Selene argued with them, “We do go to school with half of them!”
Ben gave her a disbelieving look, “I bet you couldn’t name the collective five cousins that we,” He pointed to himself, then the twins, “Have had at this school.”
“Daisy, Marcus, Kipper, Damien,” Selene struggled with the last one, “I, I want to say Humphrey…”
“Oh, honey…”
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One moment she was completely oblivious to these feelings she had, and was living her life perfectly normally, the next moment she’s almost paralyzed – with what she wasn’t completely comfortable in calling fear… but it was an emotion closely related.
Also, there were questions clogging her thoughts now… Should she tell Louis of her feelings for him? Should she leave it be? Most importantly, how is she to act around Louis now?
Her mind shouted many ways not to act – and the dozens of reasons why she shouldn’t act in those ways. But how could she maintain their previous easy camaraderie? That camaraderie, and their ability to instinctively know what the other is thinking, was so comforting before. A small pit of dread pooled in her stomach, at the thought of losing that friendship with Louis.
When this dilemma was brought up to the girls (which again, included Ben), they told her to act as she had before – mainly because they knew she liked him even then, so there shouldn’t be too much acting involved for her.
“So, how were the holidays for you?” Louis had joined Selene at their study table, as usual. He quickly slung his bag off his shoulder, before plopping down onto the wooden chair. “Anything exciting happen?” The Gryffindor leaned over the table to whisper conspiratorially, “Any fights?”
Selene’s pulse spiked at his proximity, but she quickly composed herself to the best of her resting-bitch-faced ability. Once she was normal again, she realised that the question made no sense to her, “Like a physical fight?”
Louis choked trying to hold in his raucous laughter at her question. Although, he was not as successful as he might have had hoped for. Even though the blonde covered his mouth, hushed chortles managed to escape. Louis’s eyes even watered. After a moment, he forced himself to take deep breaths, to compose himself. “Sorry. I forgot you’re an only child.” Selene’s confused look did not fade, “You know, there’s just a certain level of craziness that having siblings brings. Plus, the high tension of the holidays... With my family, there’s more than enough sparks flung about to start a fire.” Louis paused as he remembered, “In fact, two years ago; there was an actual fire.”
Selene’s eyes widened, “No!”
“Yes.” Louis leaned forward again, excitement and humour plain on his sweet face as he remembered the absurdity of the situation, “So the twins-”
Purposely, the Slytherin guessed one name wrong, “Rosie and Fred, right?”
Louis beamed, oblivious to her purposeful mix-up. He was just overjoyed that his mate was putting in effort in remembering his extensive family members. “Roxanne and Fred,” The blonde softly corrected. “Well, they decide one afternoon, that my grandpa Weasley’s Christmas tree was not festive enough.”
The dark-haired girl tilted her head, “Is that your grandfather who is obsessed with muggles?”
“Yes!” Louis did not think he could be grinning more – surely, his face might split in half if he even tried. “So, every year he brings out this ancient fake Christmas tree – it was a gift from my Aunt Hermione’s parents, probably about twenty years ago.” He paused, to duck his head when the librarian glared their way, with her penetrating, evil eyes. Louis waited until she turned back around before he went on, “The twins knew that most trees had lights on them, but grandpa Weasley didn’t… They managed to convince him that he should use candles.”
Selene’s eyes sprung into wide-eyed shock, “They didn’t!” At Louis confirming nod she pressed, “At least he charmed them, right?” The blonde’s face turned mischievous. “No! He forgot?” Her gasps had been quiet enough, but they always had an audience when they were together.
Two first year Hufflepuffs (who had twenty-four textbooks piled between their arms) got to watch firsthand as Selene dissolved into a fit of laughter. It began with a loud snort, which left Selene trying to cover her face. To no avail it seemed, as her giggles were audible all the way from where the first years were lollygagging. One of the Hufflepuffs decided that they way Louis was gazing at her – his eye lit up at her enjoyment, not daring to look away for even one moment – had to be what true love was.
@iamwarrenspeace, @itsnolongerteen, @stilesloverdaily, @immortalmurphy, @fandomsandotherstuff, @mcheung0314, @aw-hawkeye, @glimmering-darling-dolly, @thenodmonster, @realgreglestrade, @seninjakitey, @theshortegg, @gqlqxies, @footballiskillingme, @romance-geek​
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tessmontyart · 4 years ago
2020 year in review
It’s funny, last year I never actually got around to doing one of these. I didn’t think it was overly interesting. Oh 2019, how I miss you so 😭Such an innocent time ....
I’ll do a quick recap, cause hey no-one but me reads these anyway. 2019 was a glorious time. I went to Italy for the first time, went on an awesome Hunter Valley trip with my friends, had a 100th birthday celebration for my pop, I got to see the show I worked on air on TV, we saw the Lano and Woodley apartment in Melbourne .... Good times!
I didn’t give a rats about being unemployed and took matters into my own hands by making loads of new merch and selling at the most conventions I’ve ever been to. I tabled at Sydney Supanova, Adelaide Avcon, Sydney SMASH, Coffs Nexus Con, Sydney Oz Comic Con and Brisbane Supanova! I did so much travelling and events, it became my full time job. It was exhausting, but it was loads of fun, it paid the bills nicely, and it was wonderful to meet followers and mutuals in person.
My partner was very invested in counting up the numbers of what was selling and what wasn’t, and taking note of what was inconvenient with my setup and how to make it better. He even made a powerpoint presentation on what I could focus on for 2020, what kind of merch I could focus on and adding more conventions to my list. We were both excited about the idea of trying out Armageddon in New Zealand, which would have been my first overseas convention!
Cue 2020.
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It started off uneasy. There were still bushfires everywhere and smoke hanging around, but I was optimistic they would die soon and the rest of the year would be fine. I booked a bunch of conventions early as usual. Got a whole bunch of new things made and ordered for the first convention of the year, Melbourne Supanova in early April. Some Acrylic charms didn’t make it in time because of COVID, but I thought that’s ok I still have a whole years worth of conventions to sell them at!
COVID-19 was just a spooky mysterious thing that was happening overseas at that point. I think there might have been 1 case in Australia, so all the toilet paper and hand sanitizer was sold out, but we were still able to do our usual travelling for the event. Little did I know, Melbourne Supanova was the first and last event I could do in 2020.
COVID hit Australia hard, Melbourne especially. There were lockdowns, quarantines, planes were grounded, airmail was halted, the cases kept multiplying, rules kept changing and changing and it was all so new and such a headache. Seeing every single convention I had booked cancel one after the other was hard to process. This was my main source of income in 2019 and now it’s up and vanished. Everyone were losing their jobs too, so the idea of getting a new job was completely out the window. 
I tried to cheer myself up by drawing ‘Toilet Paper Chan’, my new magical girl character who has the ability to summon toilet paper in a time of need 😅
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I made it into a Draw This In Your Style challenge, seeing as everyone was bored out of their minds in quarantine I hoped it was something people could pass the time and have fun making. 
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(here’s a handful of my favourites) I had a few entries which were all very adorable, but I admit not as many people joined as I expected. I don’t blame them though, this whole pandemic was very soul sucking and demotivating, especially hearing the constant stream of bad news when it all started.
I also made some lineart of a cute Easter girl, encouraging people to colour her in if they are bored in quarantine.
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That was really fun, and I planned to do more, perhaps whole colouring books for a small price to download. 
Then, out of nowhere, my friend from the last animation studio I worked at in 2018 contacted me. “Hey Tess, are you looking for work?”
“Um .... yes?”
Work? In 2020? What?
It turns out the animation industry is one of the only industries that are doing fine in the pandemic. Literally the only change is that animators have to work from home instead of at a studio. If you have the animation software and an internet connection you have everything you need.
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So my good friend had recently scored this job for a studio which outsources all their animation for their animated TV series. The role is just fixing up any animation errors inhouse to minimize the amount of back-and-fourth between studios. It doesn’t sound like much but it became too big a job for just one dude to handle, so he contacted me and 2 of my other animation friends to help out. We had a ball!
It was loads of fun, and the contract lasted the whole year! 
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It wasn’t just fixing up errors either, I got to animate walking/ running / jumping / flying cycles for the overseas animators to use, which was great practice for me, and we even had a whole episode to ourselves to animate from scratch which I really enjoyed.
And then ... the year just flew by, because I was busy working the whole time. It was really quite surreal!
There were a few highlights, such as being a bridesmaid for my best friend’s wedding and organising her hens party, which is one of those once-in-a-lifetime things.
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(Hens Party - it was yellow themed (her favourite colour) and High Tea.. it was adorable!)
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(The bridesmaids and the bride on the Wedding Day)
Unfortunately there were some lowlights too ... This was the last year I got to see my aunt. 
She was the craziest, funniest aunt, and still far too young to go. I honestly don’t think I’ll ever be the same without her.
As always, drawing is the only way I cope with anything. My family chose a plain wooden casket, encouraging everybody to write a message or draw something on it, before it would be sent to the crematorium. I drew Spotty, her awesome horse I remember from my childhood, surrounded by her favourite flowers. Monty draw Mingus, her awesome ferret we also remember from our childhood.
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That wasn’t the only bad news either. Pat’s Grandpa passed away later in the year, and a handful of my friends had relatives who either passed away or were diagnosed with cancer or some other horrible life threatening disease. A musician who collaborated with favourite artist collaborated passed as well, and even though I didn’t know him personally, it was still horribly devastating. Not to mention all my friends/relatives pets who didn’t make it through 2020. There was just so much loss this year, and I’m still grieving my cousin and my friend’s mum who both passed last year, it’s getting harder and harder to cope. It’s gotten to the point where I’m paranoid about who the next person will be because I haven’t finished grieving the last ... 
All I can say is I hope 2021 is a little kinder when it comes to my loved ones. The small light at the end of the tunnel is; any suicidal thoughts I used to have frequently have all completely vanished, because I’ve been faced with the reality of it all. You really don’t realise how many people love you, people you don’t even know.
That was very dark, but it’s definitely something I needed to get off my chest.
Lets go back to a much lighter note. 
More highlights: 
🌻Animal Crossing New Horizons came out this year! I used to play Wild World back in the day so it was wonderfully nostalgic, and me and Pat have made the cutest little town with all our favourite villagers. It’s a nice way to escape from it all ^_^
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(Monty’s island when we started)
🌻Speaking of games, the brand new Crash Bandicoot came out this year too! It was actually jaw droppingly amazing seeing all the awesome new ideas and mechanics they came up with while still keeping it classicly Crash. I loved it and I’m so excited to see if they give Spyro the same treatment!
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🌻2020 brought about new and interesting ways to still enjoy Live entertainment. Lano and Woodley did a Zoom show which was absolutely hilarious, and Lights did an amazing online Dead End show which had me so pumped!
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🌻Pat and I continued our anniversary High Tea tradition, this time trying it out at the Hydro Majestic hotel in the Blue Mountains!
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🌻Speaking of Pat, his sister got married this year too, despite the pandemic. Congratulations!
🌻Pat randomly bought a Miku figure for himself, out of the blue, completely unravelling years of unnecessary ‘shame’ I’ve inherited caused by a pushy mother and a crappy ex. I used to love figure collecting but was convinced by certain judgy people that it was stupid and I needed to sell them all. I kept my very favourites in a cupboard ‘just incase they increase in value’. But now I can finally display them all again knowing Pat loves them just as much as I do!
We also added a ton more to the collection to make up for lost time (and because there’s SO MANY CUTE MIKUS NOWADAYS)
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It’s a bit messy because we recently got new ones and need to make more space for them. The shelf with the Vocaloid nendoroids were my original ones hidden away in the cupboard, the rest we got this year ^_^ They make me so happy!
🌻Speaking of Pat unlocking things I’ve always wanted to do in the past: I am now planning to revive my old OCs Yui and Lotto! They were just characters of mine back in the day, but since I’m not good writing I never really came up with a story for them. But with Pat’s writer wisdom and my kawaii art style, I’m now planning a webcomic featuring the two cuties ^_^ It’s still in the very early planning stages but I’m super excited, and forever grateful for Pat, for believing in me ;w;
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🌻This year I drew 31 more Owl City songs in copic markers, to go towards my ongoing project to draw every song! I’m actually getting quite close to my goal now which is exciting! 
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🌻This year I went to a Drive-In movie theatre for the first time to see the new Bill and Tedd movie, it was glorious and now I wanted to try more drive-ins. Going out to see a movie on a big screen *without* being able to hear smart-asses or screaming babies? Yes please!!
🌻How could I forget, this was the year my idol noticed me!! Lights shared and retweeted my Deadend fanart! Life = made.
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What to to look forward to in 2021:
This is the first New Year where I actually have an idea of how 2021 will go! I managed to secure another animation job at a new studio starting January, ending January 2022 😊So thats the financial security for this year sorted! :P
As for general goals for 2021;
I’m hoping to have a decent plan, concept art, chapter ideas and hopefully even a script done for my new webcomic! I also wanted to make some cute simple animations of the characters just because c:
I’d also like to just do more of my own animation in general ... I animate every day for work but I never get to do my own animated projects. It will be hard with a full time job, so maybe this can be a 2022 goal ... but hopefully I can do at least one little animation of my own!
I suppose another goal is to make a social media accounts for my animation, too. Even if I don’t fulfil my goal, I still would like a page to showcase everything I’ve done so far.
And if all else fails .... Another goal is to draw more Miku. It’s crazy that I love her this much and haven’t drawn any fanart!
I think I’ll leave it there because I’m babbling now. 😅
I’ve done so many of these now o_o
[2018] [2017] [2016] [2015] [2014] [2013] [2012]
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migstheruler · 4 years ago
PLaystation 5 Event
initially great, despite the horrible pre-orders ordeal.
On Sept. 16, 2020, Sony pulled back the curtain on another slew of details regarding the PS5.
1.       The PlayStation 5 releases on November 12th, 2020 in Japan, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, and the United States (why these states, only Sony knows even though I think it’s because of their distinct market in each of these countries).
2.       The PlayStation 5 releases everywhere else on November 19, 2020.
3.       The PlayStation 5 launches at $399.99 for the digital edition and $499.99 for the disc-based edition.
*IF backward compatibility with the PS4 is important to you, I’d recommend the disc-based PS5. Sony execs have confirmed 99% of PS4 games are compatible with their new Flagship console.
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   The event also gave us a look into some new games coming to the PS5 for launch as well as games we can expect during the first year of the PlayStation 5’s life cycle. Honestly tho, I think some of those games indicating they were launching during 2021 is a lie. You mean to tell me you’re going to launch Horizon, God of War 2, Final Fantasy 16 all in one year…..really… If these games were dique going to launch in 2021, you would think they would have had at least a working demo or something, instead of a teaser trailer with the games logo…but I digress, I’ll touch on this later.
 Below are a few games showed that caught my eye and I just had to write about them.
Overall, Sony’s PS5 presentation was a good one, with all the information we as consumers were asking for since June and 10/10 would watch again (I’ve seen the presentation 4 times already (twice to write this piece 😊)).  
The presentations started with a trailer showing a slew of different games coming to the PlayStation five system, most games we covered in https://migstheruler.com/post/620830163010240512/ps5-reveal-event but just when you thought this was another trailer, boom!!!
Final Fantasy 16
A nice mix of old and new: as if the folks from Final Fantasy 11 and 12 made a 15 esque type game.
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Shiva the ice goddess is back, and looking deadlier than ever throwing out chilly ice crystals sure to cause anyone level seven frostbite
Who´s a good boy? This little pup looks ready to be pet and given treats.
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 It looks like our trusty steeds the Chocobos are back, hopefully, they are more useful this time around )I’m looking at you final fantasy seven episode one)
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Marlboros are looking as menacing as ever.
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 Final Fantasy 16 was pretty unexpected to be honest, especially given final fantasy seven episodes one releasing a few months ago. However, it’s a nice surprise to see Square Soft jk Square Enix working on a new Final Fantasy game, especially one that likes to expand upon the action RPG elements (Think kingdom hearts series or final fantasy 15 and even 7).  Aesthetically, this is giving me hardcore fantasy elements with realism thrown in there.
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Either way, what a great way to start off the presentation.
  Spiderman Miles Morales:
Next up, Sony gives us a seven-minute look into Spiderman Miles Morales, which expands upon 2018’s PS4 Spiderman. Sony has said this is not a direct sequel but instead a look to further expand upon the world through the eyes of Miles Morales. The graphics and presentation of this game are sure to entice any spiderman man. The lighting coupled with Mile’s powers makes this game a visual PS5 treat.
 Last time we saw Miles, he had just shown Peter Parker he too had powers to which Peter Parker joined him upon the ceiling, it was a bonding moment the two spider-men would have. Fast forward maybe a year (I’m not sure how much time has passed since the last spiderman game) we are thrusted into the shoes of Miles Morales.
  “Mom I’m home” Can we take a moment to appreciate my man’s line up here, dam that shit looks crispy.
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Walking through Harlem, music playing, and folks dancing Salsa in the street. I’m not going to lie, this made me cheese from ear to ear.
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This is what I expect to encounter when I have to mediate between clients ready to rip each other apart in a gory fashion (above).  
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 Okay, knowing how strong spiderman is, I fully expect the dude’s Jaw to be broken after this power punch.
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I forgot to mention (above) Miles can turn Invisible and has access to electric powers (below) sure to spruce up and affect the way Miles plays. I can only imagine a focus less on gadgets and more of an emphasis on Miles’ powers.
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Although I know this game stars a new spiderman aka Miles Morales, the developers sure are making sure we know  we’re not playing with Peter Parker anymore.
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“Insert obligatory spiderman being pulled from different directions trope here” I’m not even going to front; this image is pretty cool.
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Lastly, how dope is this launch title? It is one of the first games I plan to beat on my PS5.
-          I do want to say one thing regarding this title. I think it’s pretty great from a representation perspective to see a Black and Puerto Rican spiderman. Representation matters. I’m not Puerto Rican but am Latino and I do appreciate the flags littered throughout the trailer, folks dancing salsa and overall, Miles Morales as a character.
One gripe I have with this game unfortunately is Sony’s anti-consumer stance regarding those that purchased 2018’s Spiderman. Folks that purchase the Deluxe Spiderman Miles Morales edition for $79.99 get both Spiderman Miles Morales and a supped-up version of 2018’s spiderman for the PS5, yet Sony hasn’t extended an olive branch to those of us that supported their 2018 game (even making it one of their best sellers). IF you want to play Spiderman Miles Morales, you can cop it for a cool $49.99 which is dope but doesn’t include any type of upgrade for those of us with the PS4 version of spiderman. Honestly, as someone that doesn’t plan on playing the game again but it’s pretty anti-consumer to not even offer some type of benefit to those PS4 supporters. Here’s to hoping they offer some type of upgrade via a patch to the PS4 spiderman.
·       Turns out the game will run natively better on the PS5 given the consoles superior power but for a truly next gen 2018 Spiderman experience, you gotta pay those $69.99 duckats.  
   Looks Like we’re going back to Hogwarts and I’m not talking about Fantastic Beasts or Harry Potter. We received our first look (aside from the leak that was released last year). In Hogwarts Legacy, we go back to the late 1800s to visit the Wizards of the Waverly place (I think I said this right, I’ve only seen the Harry Potter movies once all the way through). Either way, it looks like they managed to capture the magic of Hogwatz. The walls of Hogwarts look alive, books flying all over the place and magic spewing from cauldrons of unknown potions.
 Our journey begins going back to Hogwarts with a cool looking Owl to boot.    
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 The sorting hat is back babi, it seems like this is a create your own character adventure, where we as the player will get to customize our very own character, sure to get into whatever wizardly fun is to be found.  Team Slytherin all day!! JK, I’m team Gryffindor babi. But really tho, I have no idea what school I’d be assigned too.
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  In both of these pictures, its quite remarkable the little details you see; the more you look, the more you see. Did you see the candles above, or the candlelight below
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Looks like our boys are cooking up work in the kitchen aka cauldron. I’d also like to bring attention to the lighting, truly impressive.  Time to eat some delicious grub with my fellow wizards!! (Below)
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 Looks like we’ll be facing a litany of different monsters and foes. I know with my Avada Kedavra, I’ll be blasting fools like the one below away.
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 Dam son, we fighting Dragons out here too, sheesh.
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Looks like combat will be a big portion of gameplay as the video showed of a created character fighting some pretty large beasts.
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Looks like we’ll be playing quidditch in this game, and I honestly can’t wait.
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I sure do hope we’re able to feed these little cuties and pet them.
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Looks like this game is open world, as the characters are seen flying on Griffins across the vista. They draw distances in this game are spectacular.
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Hogwarts Legacy launches in 2021.
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 *JK Rowling has no involvement with this game and that’s a good thing given her recent problematic statements.
  Demon Souls
Full disclosure, I bought demon souls for the PS3 back in the day but unfortunately, did not stick with the game. It was fun and I would proceed to play other From Software and souls genre games in the future such as Sekiro, Bloodborne and Nioh to name a few. But here we have Bluepoint games remaking the PS3 Cult Classic and precursor to the Souls Genre. I for one am super excited to jump back in and try my hand again at Demon Souls.
 This place here is the game’s main hub that allows you to access other portions of the world map. IT’s nice to see it in all it’s HD Glory.
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Our Player is borne anew: Rise from your grave!!! JK, this isn’t a Sega title.
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The environments look super luscious and literal indistinguishable from concept art. The leaves, lighting, and armor are truly a beautiful sight to see.  (Below) 
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Nothing like chilling by a bonfire, although if you’re new to the genre, every time you heal at these bon fires, all the enemies you spent tirelessly fighting repopulate.
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Call me crazy but in the original, players from other games could leave each other messages written in blood, as a way to help each other out. It looks like this concept is making a comeback this time around.  
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 Dragons are so hot right now…. (insert Zoolander Gif here)
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If you have ever played a souls game, you know this is something you can expect to see even in your dreams. I remember going to bed thinking how an enemy boss had beaten me 13-times in a row, only to go to bed thinking and imaging different strategies on how I could kill the foe standing between me and the game's progress.
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The gameplay looks faster than the original but the difficult elements remain prevalent. The player is seen mowing down enemies which seems a bit off given the extreme difficulty of the PS3 game. But this could be Bluepoint addressing the sometimes-outrageous difficulty by making it more appealing to casuals.
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Launch Title!!!!
 God of War Ragnarök:
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Last time we saw our heroes, Kratos and Atreus were shacked up in their home when they receive a visit from a mysterious visitor brandishing what looks like Mjolnir on his waist.  The game ended in a great cliff hanger and is sure to improve on the many aspects the PS4 game
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Get the fuck out of here. Sony decided to drop a nuclear ton warhead on us with the teaser trailer of God of War Ragnarok, a sequel to the PS4’s God of War.  Although they did not show any game play, they did manage to build the hype with the screen below:  
And then to top off the trailer the list the following with a supposed 2021 release date which I think is highly unlikely but, we will see. Either way, “we must prepare”.
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   Sadly, when the presentation ended, pre-orders went live . We were told by Sony that we would have ample time to prepare to pre-order, nothing but the contrary occured. I was one of the unlucky folks who failed to obtain his PS5 preorder despite having the funds to do so. Here’s to hoping I’m able to secure a pre-order prior to the Nov 12 launch. I did manage to get a PS5 camera which is a must for me since I like to stream games online, it’s really quite addicting. Check out my channel at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiazQqSufhmIGo2a7odLOpQ?view_as=subscriber.
I do want to say one thing, I am very fortunate to have the things i’ve accumulated over the years. I know there are people in the world that lack even basic necessities. If you’re reading this, please donate to  cause/fund or organization you beleive in. I know my life’s work is to improve the living conditions of everyone regardless of their creed and that keeps me plenty busy.  
  All images used in this piece were obtained from the source below: 
Credit: IGN 
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asakishi · 5 years ago
Can be used for RP and non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen!
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1. FIRST NAME: Jonathon! But you can call me Jawn. Or Jon. Or Dumb Blonde. Or Montgomery Salamackia. I don’t really care.
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF: I am extremely double jointed. I can turn my hands around to do the owl-glasses thing on my head, I can bend my thumb back to my wrist, I can put my leg behind my back, the whole nine yards. 
4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF: Baked Cheddar Ruffle chips. I could eat five bags right now and I’m not even joking. They are a godsend and I can live off them for the rest of my life. Incidentally, if I did that, I’d probably only live to 30. So. 
5. A FOOD YOU HATE: Onion. Period. It’s just not good, man. 
6. GUILTY PLEASURE:  I... don’t think I have one? I like what I like, I love what I love. I have no shame in liking or loving them either. Don’t see much point.
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN: My skin and whatever is on it! 
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS: Serious relationships. I’m actually demisexual, so flings for me don’t work out for me. I am physically incapable of just having a one night stand or somesuch. And if there is an emotional connection between me and someone I’m going to have a “fling” with, it wouldn’t be a fling to me anymore, because I probably have feelings for them at that point. And I think the idea of a fling is you part ways after some “fun”, right? So. Yeah. I put way too much thought into this answer, BUT HERE WE ARE.
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE: Nothing. Everything I’ve done up to this point or that has happened to me, has happened for a reason. I am who I am because of my experiences. --that said, i might go back and stop me from eating some food that gave me the worst food poisoning ever, but i digress.
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON: Yes! But only towards friends and loved ones. 
12. FAVORITE BOOK: To Kill A Mockingbird. I’m not an avid reader as I used to be, but that book has always stuck with me. I could read it over and over again, especially on a rainy day in or otherwise.
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL]:  Riku/Kairi, Riku/Aqua, Deadpool/Rogue, Deadpool/Domino, Deadpool/Cable, Carol Danvers/Jessica Drew, Edward Elric/Sakura. Yes I put way more than 5. No I don’t care.
16. FAVORITE SCENT:  Vanilla and cherry blossoms. Also Lavender. And Jasmine. And lots others. It’s hard to say, because I have a hyper sensitive nose and love lots of smells. 
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH: Mandy Moore, Hilary Duff and Jensen Ackles. Have you SEEN these people? GOD. WOW! WOWOWOWOW! wow. 
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO: New Zealand, Philippines, Australia, England, France, Germany, Sweden--pretty much everywhere. But mostly where my greatest friends are!
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT: Extroverted introvert. I think. It depends. It’s Complicated-ert.
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY: Yes, someone scared me the other day and I died. It’s a real shame.
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID: IPhone. This is coming from someone who has an Android and they have SO MANY PROBLEMS. GOD. 
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES: Yes. Not as much as I used to ironically, but that’s me being careful with my spending. I find that most modern games that call themselves “Triple AAA” experiences are either disappointments or bore the fuck out of me. Or I finish them way too quick. And there goes 70-80 bucks. But I do play all my old games, I consider myself someone engrossed and informed of most of what goes on in the gaming industry as a whole.
23. DREAM JOB: Becoming a screen writer for a gaming company in the future, specifically for CD Projekt Red.
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS: Give a lot of it to my folks who rightfully deserve more than a million dollars, help them get a proper house of their own and whatnot. Pay off all my friends’ debts, help them get a proper foothold in life and so on. I really wouldn’t want much of it for myself, other than to pay maybe a year’s worth of rent and. food. 
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE: This is tricky. Because honestly, I don’t really HATE any characters that I’m not meant to hate, because bad writing and such goes to the writers’ fault. Not the character. That makes me sound boring, but WELL THAT’S HOW THE COOKIE CRUMBLES. If I had to pick one? Xehanort, I guess. Horrible man that fucking ruined so many lives. He can perish. 
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER: A lot. Supernatural, Anime, Comics, Nintendo, etc.
tagged by: stolen from @deadxscream​
tagging: @hopesaved​ @xenovair​ @pyrhass​ @rosewiltd​ @heroeth​ and anyone else who wants to!
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szopenhauer · 4 years ago
it seems that the average survey-taker is a white american female, aged 15-19, who has a car, a cell phone, and an extensive social circle. is this true for you? I’m a white female but not from America and I’m much older, have no car nor friends, just cellphone
have you seen any silent films? I love Buster Keaton 
would you rather be an actor, director, or soundtrack producer? actress and director
have you seen nbc’s ‘hannibal’? thoughts? (if you haven’t, do you want to?) no and don’t want to, yuk
on websites where you’re permitted to change your username, do you do so often, or do you keep the same one for long periods of time? I usually change after a few months
does your computer have a name?  I didn’t call this annoying piece of shit anyhow but maybe if I had a better computer...
are you eager to see how far science + technology will advance, or do you prefer an older way of doing things? do you think we are better off with these advancements, or not? I wish we had choice, I would like the world to be balanced, a bit of this and a bit of that, some advancements are necessary, some are cool but some are awful
what is your favourite comic book or graphic novel? does your favourite novel come in comic-book form? (if not, would you like it to?) I don’t read comics but from those I ever tried my fav manga was Doubt, webcomic (those I saw several but I forgot most of the titles by now) - Lackadaisy and I am fan of Aldebaran and Betelgeza 
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Any friends who are constantly venting about their boyfriend?: it was common - me listening complains about my crush’es exes or current boyfriends/lovers/crushes
Have you ever been ice-skating?: once, in high school, didn’t like it
Does the sound of rain at night help you sleep?: yeah
Did the end of Public Enemies make you sad?: I didn’t finish the movie
Do you obsessively apply lip-gloss or lip balm?: ewww, not at all
Do you think you’d have what it takes to shoot someone if you had to protect yourself?: I believe
What’s your most noticeable flaw?: ugh...
Have you ever walked into a massive cobweb? yes and that was awful because it was full of dead bugs
When you can tell that someone’s lying, do you call them out on it?: often
How many other blogs do you follow on Tumblr?: more than 300 
Does it ever scare you how fast time can go by?: could say so
Have you ever replied “OK” when someone confessed they liked you?: possibly :x
What does your grandma call you?: sigh...
What would you do for immortality and infinite youth?: dunno, definitely wouldn’t sell my soul or kill an innocent person but I would do some stuff for immortality 
Would you rather have a pool or a hot tub?: neither
Have you ever worn a nipple tassel?: haven’t
Ever played hide and seek in the woods on horseback at night?: wow, that’s weirdly specific and now I want this somehow :o
Have you ever held a baby chick?: wild bird’s babies and I regret that because it’s not helfpul for them actually
Do you think wine tastes like rotten fruit? yep
Have you ever felt the need to hide something about yourself?: sometimes, from certain people, I should be myself most of the time tho
Do you think pearls are attractive?: umm...
Have you ever wished you had a different name? Which name would you choose? but I like male ones more or non polish
Have you ever customised an item of clothing? I designed and my mom helped me, made changes for me
Do you prefer drawing or painting?  prefer to draw but look at paintings
Are you saving up for anything right now? What? if I could/had money to save then I would save for a bike, laptop, my own apartment etc.
Do you own any figurines?  cats, dogs, elephants, clowns, horses and others
If you have any siblings, how much rivalry is between you all? it’s complicated
When did you last have itchy eyes? recently
Is it dark outside right now? it’s getting darker 
Do you prefer framed photos or just sticking photos straight onto walls? I prefer them in an album, takes less space 
What’s your favourite type of cake? used to love sękacz the most
Have you ever woken up from a dream and believed it to have been real? I was confused 
If there’s a bug in your room, can you sleep or do you need to get it out? it depends on how annoying/dangerous it is
Do you prefer travelling alone or with people? I like to travel with my dad
What was the last baby animal you saw? pic or irl?
Do you give people high fives or hugs more often? hugs
How long have you known the last person you kissed? I knew her 10 years ago for awhile then we lost contact until this spring
When angry, do you get loud or quiet? depends
What do you currently hear right now? my parents talking
Who of the opposite sex has seen you at your worst? dad
Last person you saw? parent
Did you have a nap today? nope
Are you easy to get along with? am not
When was the last time you were told you were cute? recently my gf called me cute and I’m like Catra about it
Have you ever forgotten to put on an oven mitt before you took something extremely hot out of the oven? not over, just hot pot
Do you own one of those airwick things that automatically sprays every few minutes? hell no
How many light bulbs are on in the room you are currently in? 3, one doesn’t work 
Have you ever had your phone taken away at school before? almost, teacher heard it calling but before they found out who’s phone that was it stopped ringing and I was safe
Do you look better with or without glasses? I’m always ugly 
What is your favorite type of bird? chicken, owl, flamingo, crow, barn swallow...
Did you go fishing a lot when you were younger? Do you now? I hate fishing, never been nor will go
Do you like more flowery scents or more clean scents? no scents, thank you Do you own a manual or electric toothbrush? manual, electric are horrible Preferred brand of toothpaste? m current is Meridol  Piece of make-up you cannot live without? I can live without it
Do you prefer heels or flats? flats are more comfy but I know how to walk in heels, just don’t like to
Do you eat meat? yep Do you still watch cartoons regularly? I recently started watching She-ra with my gf but before that I didn’t watch any animated shows for a long time (just fragments/episodes maybe) Do you leave the TV on and sleep to it? never Ever considered cannibalism? r u serious?... this is scary, I’m gonna puke :x Ever licked a battery? I’m not stupid What does your name mean? lily which was also going to be my name Do animals go to Heaven? hope so Babies are… irritating
When was the last time you saw a doctor? it would be easier to say when I didn’t because I see them too often Do you know anyone who is a firefighter? used to What was the last wedding you went to? my sister’s
What’s your favourite alcoholic beverage? blergh... Do you “binge-watch” tv shows? two episodes a day max What is your opinion of clowns? love Did you wear a necklace today? not today How old are your parents? about 60 What’s something odd you do when you’re anxious or nervous? personal Have you ever received a compliment from a stranger? I have, more than one time Is your wardrobe big enough for all your clothes? it’s not Do you plan ahead when it comes to your outfits? nah Have you ever shaved your face? I shaved my eyebrows (not whole)  What colour is your front door? silver with white paint coming off  Do you take the stairs or the elevator? stairs  Would you ever try herbal medicine as opposed to conventional medicine? I tried  Do you wear open-toed shoes? I despise those Have you ever been to a petting zoo? yeah, I was petting a raccoon <3 and chinchillas are so surprisingly fluffy  When was the last time you wore a button up shirt? weeks ago How many times have you consumed alcohol? once Do you often forget what you were just about to say? ocassionally when interrupted What’s your opinion of Australia? wouldn’t go there Do you own any striped sweaters? absolutely :) Have there ever been any forest or grass fires in your area? as every summer, also trash burn quite often
What color is the trash can in your kitchen? yellow What does the cover on the last book you read look like? it has two people sitting in front of each other Do you wear green on St. Patrick’s Day? I don’t celebrate this holiday, I dislike it Are you even Irish? not even partially Have you ever gotten a wig? What did it look like and what was it for? I have a bunch of wigs  How often do you use a shower cap? What does yours look like? I don’t own any If you wanted to get a cat, would you adopt from a shelter or buy from a breeder? Why? but I don’t want a cat What’s the shortest you’d be willing to cut your hair? almost bald? What do you do when you find a spiderweb in your room? leave it be or clean it
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velociraptoraddict · 5 years ago
Tagged by @pyrodarknessanny to answer 21 questions
1. Nickname: Kai, Kai-chan, Kay, Vel, Lizard, Reptoid
2. Real Name: Kailah
3. Zodiac: western -Libra, Chinese- Monkey
4. Height: 5′3″
5. Time: 10:04 am
6. Favorite 🎶 Group:  Owl City
7. Favorite Sports Team:  lol gross
8. Other Blogs: XD what do you mean “Other Blogs”? We do everything on main like maniacs! 
9. Do i get asks often: not really, but I love when I do! (I tend to over share though so I probably scare them off lol)
10. How many blogs do i follow: 378
11. Tumblr Crush:  Don’t really have one, but I have a few mutuals that I really like as friends
12. Lucky #: 83 cause it’s a cute face and usually one of my go tos when shouting random numbers to mix up other people’s counting lol
13. What am i wearing: a t-shirt with a sea turtle on it and pj bottoms with a bunch of headphones on them
14. Dream vacation: Australia!
15. Dream Vehicle: I really love my 2014 Kia Rio Hatchback, but if I had to choose something else I think I’d go for a good off road jeep or some type of motocycle.
16. Favorite food: chicken, you can do so much with it!
17.  Drink of choice: root beer or mountain dew
18. Languages: English
19. Instrument: drums and pit
20. Celebrity Crush:  none
21. Random Fact: I own my own house. I have 9 pets. I have a Velociraptor tattoo tag backs @zerrace @lets-try-to-be-normal-otakus @kanislupis @saint-nevermore @thelostscout @cheetahtrout @chaosorganizer @violettherainwing @fluffyvelociraptor @kitsunaii and anyone else who would like to give it a try
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meteor-xiv · 6 years ago
Looking for Connections: Lief Ashvale
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The Basics ––– –
• Age: 18
• Birthday: 23rd Sun of the Fourth Astral Moon
• Race: Midlander - Hyur
• Gender: Male
• Sexuality: Straight
• Marital Status: Single
Physical Appearance ––– –
• Hair: Dark brown, messy hair that hangs down to his cheeks.
• Eyes: Light blue
• Height: 173.5 cm / 5 fulms, 8 ilms
• Build: Lief has a rather lean frame, with a toned and defined musculature.
• Distinguishing Marks: A scar crosses vertically over Lief’s left eye, received during a training session with live-edge weapons. Beyond that, there’s little out of the ordinary.
• Common Accessories: Lief still carries his badge of soldiery, though he keeps it hidden at all times. A thin band worn by a fallen comrade also remains tied around his right wrist, hidden under his glove.
Personal ––– –
• Profession: Formerly a conscripted soldier, Leif now offers his services as a wandering sellsword, doing what he can for coin.
• Hobbies: Training. Lief does his best to set aside time each day for practice. Exploration and discovery of new areas also excites him, and he often makes short sojourns from his campsite to look around. Lief has a small interest in Magitek and engineering, and enjoys hearing about and testing the designs of others, though he has no engineering skill of his own, save for the upkeep of his gunblade.
• Languages: Common
• Residence: No current residence
• Birthplace: Ul’dah
• Religion: None
• Patron Deity: None (Formerly Nald’Thal)
• Fears: Being persecuted for his status as an Imperial Soldier. That his dual loyalties will cause the loss of life. That his skills won’t be enough to accomplish his task.
Relationships ––– -
• Spouse: None
• Children: None
• Parents: Aislinn Ashvale (Mother), Hiram Ashvale (Father, Deceased)
• Siblings: Keaira Ashvale (Younger Sister), Bastien Ashvale (Older Brother)
• Other Relatives: None
• Pets: None
Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
• Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
• Disorganized / In Between / Organized
• Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
• Calm / In Between / Anxious
• Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
• Cautious / In Between / Reckless
• Patient / In Between / Impatient
• Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
• Leader / In Between / Follower
• Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
• Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
• Traditional / In Between / Modern
• Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
• Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
• Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
• Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: Never
Drugs: Never
Alcohol: Rarely
RP Hooks ––– –
• Sellsword: With no gil to his name, Lief is taking most any and all jobs that he can. What coin he earns goes towards food and supplies. If you have a job that needs doing, or a partner for a quest that’s too difficult to handle alone, Lief will be more than ready to fight at your side.
• Garlean Soldier: Despite his secrecy, nothing will erase Lief’s past, and like it or not, the boy was trained as a soldier, and fought against his fellow Eorzeans in several skirmishes during the Ala Mhigan Liberation. Are you a Resistance or Alliance Soldier who recalls seeing his face? Maybe you’re an Imperial Commander who can befriend – or punish – the deserter. The possibilities are many, and I’m open to them all. Feel free to message me with ideas!
• Gunblade: Lief has taken to using a simple curved sword now that he’s found himself stranded in Eorzea, but he keeps his Garlean-issued Gunblade close by. After all, it’s the weapon with which he’s most familiar. Maybe you’ve seen him practising with it and were curious, or maybe you’ve connected the dots and are wandering what an Imperial Soldier is doing wandering Eorzea! Engineers, Magitek Technicians, and other weapon aficionados might also be interested to take a closer look. I’m also very much open to meeting a GUNBREAKER character, who can teach Lief the use of Hrothgari gunblades. He’d jump at the chance, and so would I! ^^ If you’re a GNB looking for a pupil, Lief is a great candidate!
• Explorer: If none of the above strike your fancy, then there’s always the possibility that you could run into Lief during his forays into the wild. The boy hasn’t been home since before the Calamity, and Eorzea as it is now is still very new to him, and he has a tendency to leap first and ask questions later when it comes to discovering points of interest. Warn him of a dangerous or exciting locale, and you might just get dragged into his sightseeing sojourn...
What I’m Looking For ––– –
Lief is a brand new character, so at the moment I’m just trying to get him out into the world and the community, but I’m hoping he can forge some long-term friendships, rivalries, or even animosity with other characters. I’m especially looking for a potential Gunbreaker mentor for Lief! I’m no stranger to running small events, and I’d be more than happy to drag people into short quests and other adventure-y RP. Lief can fit quite easily into any number of plots, and I’m happy to involve him in grand adventures, dark and dramatic plotlines, and anything in between!
I tend to write 1-3 paragraphs when I RP, more if I have a lot to work with, and at the moment, I only RP in-game, as my attempts at Discord RP tend to fizzle out due to my slow response rate. New characters are more than welcome, too! I have a lot of growth and development planned for Lief, and would love to share it with anyone who would like to meet him, as well as provide opportunities for you to develop your own characters! As far as lore goes, I don’t mind a bit of lore-bending, but I try to adhere to the lore and world setting as much as I can. Which is easy, considering all we have to work with!
I tend to jump online in the late US evenings. I live in Australia, and work the night shift 4-5 nights a week, so night owls will find it easy to RP with me! I’ll do my best to be available, within reason! ^^
Contact Information ––– –
If Lief sounds like someone you’d like to meet, then you can give me a poke on this blog here on Tumblr, or at Lief#8435 on Discord. Depending on when you poke me, I might be asleep or at work, but I’ll get back to you as soon as I’m free!
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iriskaram · 5 years ago
Tumblr media
→ general information
full name: iris rose karam espino
nickname(s): sirenita (by her mother)
age: twenty six (26)
date of birth: february 15th, 1993
nationality: australian with a mexican/lebanese ethnic background
occupation: former marine biologist turned cafe owner
religion: catholic, non-practicing
sexuality: demisexual
hometown: newtown, sydney, australia
current residence: a cute little townhouse in ocean park boulevard
financial status: middle class
educational level: college graduate, masters in marine biology @ University of Hawaii Manoa
→ relationships
father: joseph karam - ever since her fathers infidelity which led to her parents subsequent divorce when she was around seven years old, she has not spoken to her father.
mother: miriam karam - with a very gilmore girls type relationship, iris talks to her mother almost every single day and when she doesn’t? her mother calls her asap. 
siblings: two half sisters; younger karam & alondra karam
relationship status: single
when/who was your first kiss: ashton mitchell when she was in eighth grade courtesy of a very stressful game of spin the bottle.
are you a virgin: no
have you ever had a same sex experience: no
do you ever want to get married/have children: one thing iris has always wanted was to get married and have kids. both of which could have been possible had her relationship with her ex-boyfriend not gone completely south. now, she’s hesitant to even flirt with people let alone think of having a child.
what do you look for in a potential significant other: kindness, loyalty and a good sense of humor. though, iris is very touch starved so if anyone showed her only one of those when in a romantic situation she’d not know what to do.
→ personality
positive traits: intelligent, caring, carefree, adventurous, affectionate, romantic
negative traits: awkward, self-concious, stubborn, slightly clingy, impulsive, 
biggest fear: getting trapped in an elevator
what’s more important- sex or intimacy: intimacy above anything unless she’s truly comfortable with the person and has that connection then it’s intimacy followed by sex.
do you believe in true love: she does but she believes that she simply hasn’t found it yet nor will she ever find it.
have you ever been in love: very much so because she was so in love with her ex-boyfriend to the point that it blinded her despite his behavior.
are you a leader or follower: leader
do you care what others think of you: not particularly. her mother raised her to believe that the only person who’s opinion should matter is her own and that’s why she lives such a carefree life. because it’s what she chose to have a philosophy.
how do you deal with stress: normally, she’ll go out and buy some takeout before proceeding to pick her favorite bath bomb in order to take a relaxing bath. when she doesn’t want to do that, you’ll normally find her sat on the beach just watching the ocean waves and listening to the sounds that come with it.
are you spontaneous or do you always need a plan: a mixture of both because it mainly depends on the situation. most of the time, however, she tends to be the latter because she feels like she’ll get more out of a situation if it’s planned. but she’s only human. 
→ misc
If your character could change one physical detail about herself, what would it be? her eye color. she’s always wanted green or even hazel eyes to the point that she owns several pairs of contacts in those colors for days where she wants to be a bit more extra.
What is your character’s favorite physical activity? it’s a tie between surfing or swimming but in the grand scheme of things, she enjoys any and all aquatic activities more than anything outside of water.
What is your character’s least favorite physical activity? jogging, hands down. she never really did much before getting her dog but she’s been doing it more so her dog can get exercise but she always feels like death once it’s done and over with. 
Your character comes face-to-face with her worst enemy. What is her first reaction? she’d probs be a shaking mess if that happened but she’d likely call the cops because she has no plans of letting him get anywhere near her when that ship has very much sailed.
What is your character’s favorite weather? warm weather. she loves the fact that it’s warm enough to go out and do things but not hot enough where you feel like you’re suffocating from the heat itself. 
What is your character’s favorite season? spring time for the same reason as above. 
What is your character’s least favorite season? winter time. there’s something about the cold that does not adjust well with her after growing up somewhere that was almost always warm so now she can’t stand it even if she does find snow gorgeous.
Your character keeps a photo album of memories from her lifetime. If she could only keep one photo, what would it depict? it would definitely be a picture of iris with her mother when they first moved to hawaii. it was the first time that iris finally felt like she had a home and all the potential to make friends whereas she’d never felt that way while in australia given her parents work. 
Does your character keep any pets? she has one! a three month old blue merle australian shepherd puppy named aolani (meaning heavenly cloud in hawaiian) who’s a handful and a half but the sweetest dog iris has ever met.
What is your character’s fondest childhood memory? christmas when she was five years old and her father showed up in a full blown santa costumer with a giant bag of christmas presents for her while also sprinkling her with fake snow. everything she had asked for was in that bag including a kitten which she named toodles. 
Someone asks your character to describe her family. How do they answer? ‘like many families, there’s ups and downs but my mum is always going to be my first ever best friend and the one person that could never let me down. she’s strong and courageous while also being poised. without her? i don’t know what i would even do with myself.’
Is your character a morning person, a night owl, or something else entirely? definitely more of a morning person. she loves to wake up early to go open her cafe then spends the rest of the day making sure everything is done because night time is reserved for staying in and relaxing or prepping for the following day.
What is your character’s least favorite color? green. more specifically, citron green. 
A stranger makes a crude comment to your character. How do they react? she would either pretend that she didn’t hear anything and proceed to only act kind towards the person or she would turn around and instantly walk away because she isn’t going to allow that person to damper her mood. especially since she’ll likely never see them again.
What mythological figure best personifies your character? 110% a mermaid and she’ll forever feel robbed of the experience to be one since it’s what she feels she was destined to be.
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butcanijustnot · 6 years ago
Another Get to Know Me Tag
I’m procrastinating like a motherfucker right now because I’ve got ToTL and other fanfics to work on and three essays I’ve gotta write for school and my brain is just going ‘No! None of that! Something else!’ so I’m doing a tag challenge to get my head back in the game.  
I wasn’t tagged by anyone, I just felt like doing it.  I’ll tag @idontgiveaflyinggrayson69  because I thought you might like this but no pressure because it's a long one and IDK if you’d want to answer it all. 
1. What is your full name?
I don’t give my name out online, but my online name is Crystal. If I had to pick a last name for my online persona, I’d probably pick Kyle or Celestial. Both of them are equally stupid and ridiculous, but they're last names of some of my favorite OC’s throughout the years and I’d love to have either one.
2. What is your nickname?
Cry. My partner says its morbid but I think its cute. I also like Criss but for the love of god, please don't call me Crissy (or Crissie or however the hell you want to spell it) because it makes me feel like a five-year-old or a pet dog.  
3. What is your zodiac sign?  
4. What is your favorite book series?
A Series Of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket. I could name every reason why I liked it in painful detail but I’m just going to go with ‘Lemony Snicket wrote them really well’
5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts?
I believe in aliens and I don’t NOT believe in ghosts. I’m not one of those people who think that aliens walk amongst us or even that aliens have ever visited earth but there are too many planets and possible combination of planetary environments for us to believe we are alone in the universe. 
6. Who is your favorite author?
Either Tiu T or Lemony Snicket.
7. What is your favorite radio station?
Don't have one. I don’t listen to a lot of radio because it requires A) a radio or B) a car. I have neither. 
8. What is your favorite flavor of anything?
Strawberry. I freakin LOVE strawberry.
9. What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful?
Valid. Beautiful. Awe-inspiring. Pure. Rad. I have a lot of positive words. 
10. What is your current favorite song?
The soundtrack to Spiderman: Into The Spiderverse. I thought I was over it by now. I was wrong.
11. What is your favorite word?
12. What was the last song you listened to?
Castle On the Hill by Ed Sheran.
13. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch?
Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Digestible funny humor, excellent representation of characters throughout the cast. Kickass bisexual lady is the best character, don’t @ me. 
14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down?
The Lego Batman Movie or Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse. They’re good films that never fails to make me happy.  
“Don’t tell me how to parent my kid I just met!”
‘Play dumb.’ “Who’s Moralis?” ‘Not that dumb!’
15. Do you play video games?
Assassins Creed Origins. It’s beautiful, The main characters great and the story is wonderful. I always come back to it whenever I leave. I must have completed it three times over by now. 
16. What is your biggest fear?
Confrontation. Deep water. Spiders. Heights. Meeting new people. Making phone calls. I have many fears.
17. What is your best quality, in your opinion?
I’m a very good listener and loyal to a fault. I’m quiet and I love doing housework (dishes and vacuuming and all that good shit) so I’m a great roommate.
18. What is your worst quality, in your opinion?
I’m terrified of conflict and never want to argue with people. I’m a chronic pushover. I’ve lost count of the number of times that I’ve told my partner “I don’t want to be an inconvenience.”
19. Do you like cats or dogs better?
Dogs. I love both animals, but dogs like me better so I like them better.
20. What is your favorite season?
Autumn. Autumn in Australia is absolutely beautiful and the mildest of all the Australian seasons.
21. Are you in a relationship?
Yep. I gots myself a lil lady! I’m in a potentially polygamous, currently monogamous, asexual-bisexual lesbian relationship. Come June, we will have been together for three years!!! Yay us!!!
22. What is something you miss from your childhood?
Nothing. My childhood was entirely forgettable.
23. Who is your best friend?
My Partner, if that counts. She’s amazing and I love and trust her with my life. 
24. What is your eye color?
Hazel, leaning on the brown side.
25. What is your hair color?
The top part is brunette, my natural hair colour, and the bottom half is a reddy-orange-almost-blond colour. I’ll probs redye it to be a better shade of red. I want a more Natasha Romanoff sort of colour. 
26. Who is someone you love?
Other than my family and partner, not really anyone. Telling someone that I love them is incredibly personal for me so I don’t do it very often. @idontgiveaflyinggrayson69 comes pretty fucking close though.
27. Who is someone you trust?
Either @idontgiveaflyinggrayson69 or my one friend who reads my fanfics for me.  they are both pretty cool people who I feel comfortable enough to share my writing with, which is a big deal for me. 
28. Who is someone you think about often?
My glorious partner. 
29. Are you currently excited about/for something?
Avengers: Endgame. I mean, I’m terrified but I’m excited. 
30. What is your biggest obsession?
Marvel. Marvel comic. Marvel movies. Don’t care, just make it Marvel. 
31. What was your favorite TV show as a child?
Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. It was good honest fun and got me into Marvel at a really young age. My favourite characters were Black Panther and vision, and to this day I’m not sure why. 
32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone?
My fanfic reading friend I mentioned earlier. 
33. Are you superstitious?
Yeah, kinda. I don’t go out of my way but I also don’t walk under ladders on principle.
34. Do you have any unusual phobias?
I have a lot of fears and phobias but the most unusual one is dipsophobia. I have a fear of being drunk and not in control of my own actions. I don’t really have a fear of drinking itself but the being drunk is absolutely heartstopping terrifying for me. 
35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it?
I like being behind the camera, writing the scripts for videos and movies that the media and drama students at my school make. Its fun watching your stories come to life around you.
36. What is your favorite hobby?
Writing stories. 
37. What was the last book you read?
Othello but William Shakespeare. It was earlier today for school. 
38. What was the last movie you watched?
Doctor Strange. 
39. What musical instruments do you play, if any?
None. I used to play the violin, guitar, and piano but I stopped. 
40. What is your favorite animal?
The snow leopard. 
41. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow?
Only got one that I can think of off the top of my head and its @idontgiveaflyinggrayson69
42. What superpower do you wish you had?
The ability to change into any animal at will. 
43. When and where do you feel most at peace?
Not sure. I’m kinda always an anxious fuck. 
44. What makes you smile?
Seeing a message from a friend for no reason. It warms my heart. 
45. What sports do you play, if any?
I’m a kickboxer. 
46. What is your favorite drink?
47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody?
For my partners last birthday I wrote her a book with each page having a thing I loved about her on it. That was about a month ago. 
48. Are you afraid of heights?
Yes but not of flying in planes. It’s strange!
49. What is your biggest pet peeve?
People explaining things to me like I’m an idiot or treating me like a five-year-old. This especially happens when I tell people about my cognitive issues and they start assuming I need assistance with every stupid thing. No, If I need support, I will ASK for it. Your not my knight in shining armor, you’re just an annoying prick. 
50. Have you ever been to a concert?
I wish but no. I’ve been to a couple of musicals though. 
51. Are you vegan/vegetarian?
52. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to make drone and tech but I fucking suck at making stuff so I went the way of English instead.
53. What fictional world would you like to live in?
The MCU. I died in the snap according to that one website but I still wanna be there. 
54. What is something you worry about?
The people that I love being annoyed by me constantly being around them and needing so much emotional support and wanting me to leave them alone. 
55. Are you scared of the dark?
Not particularly. 
56. Do you like to sing?
I love singing. Shame I fucking suck at it.
57. Have you ever skipped school?
Yes and No. I’ve skipped classes in school, but never a whole day’s worth of school other than for doctor’s or dentists appointments. 
58. What is your favorite place on the planet?
Don’t have one. Haven’t been in enough places to truly have a favorite.
59. Where would you like to live?
I’d love to go live in Europe for a while but permanently I’m fine living in Australia. We don’t have much gun violence and the cost of living is pretty low so I’m happy. 
60. Do you have any pets?
Yes. I have a dog named Jack, a Border Collie- Australian Cattle Dog cross. 
61. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl?
Night owl 100%. I work so much better at night.
62. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better?
63. Do you know how to drive?
Nope. Never learned. Never had the money. Never had the time.
64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones?
Headphones. They won’t fall off if you’re running. 
65. Have you ever had braces?
No. I need them though. My teeth are awful.
66. What is your favorite genre of music?
Probably movie scores and soundtracks. 
67. Who is your hero?
Anyone who fights for someone else's rights is a hero to me. 
68. Do you read comic books?
69. What makes you the most angry?
All sorts of little things. Being demeaned is probably my biggest one. I don’t like being looked down upon. 
70. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book?
Electronic device. It helps with my attention issues. 
71. What is your favorite subject in school?
English Lit. I would say Accounting but technically I’m not in the class. I just chill out in there during my free. It's awesome. 
72. Do you have any siblings?
Yes. I have a half-brother that I’ve never met and a step-sister I can’t get rid of. 
73. What was the last thing you bought?
A bunch of candy and drinks.
74. How tall are you?
Somewhere between 5′3 and 5′4. Not sure exactly because I haven’t measured myself in a while but it's about that. 
75. Can you cook?
Not to save my life. 
76. What are three things that you love?
My writing
My family, friends, partner and pets. 
Generally chilling out and listening to music.
77. What are three things that you hate?
Being demeaned and told I’m not good enough. 
Sexist/racist/homophobic people
78. Do you have more female friends or more male friends?
I mostly have male friends as I’ve had bad experiences with female friends in the past. That being said, I have had two female friends in the past couple of years. One worked out and one really, REALLY didn’t. However, my partners’ a woman and I love her to bits. 
79. What is your sexual orientation?
I’m about as Bisexual as they come. 
80. Where do you currently live?
81. Who was the last person you texted?
I have a Snpachat group with my friend and his boyfriend and me and my girlfriend, which is called the “HA, GAAAAAAY” group chat. My last message was on that.
82. When was the last time you cried?
This morning. In the car. While thinking about my future. 
83. Who is your favorite YouTuber?
Danny Gonzalas.
84. Do you like to take selfies?
Not really, by myself I hate it, but with my friends, yeah. 
85. What is your favorite app?
Social media app is either Snapchat or Tumblr. 
86. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like?
Varies greatly depending on the day. Some days It’s amazing and other days it's awful. 
87. What is your favorite foreign accent?
French and Spanish. 
88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit?
Rome, Italy or Paris, France.
89. What is your favorite number?
8 or 13. 
90. Can you juggle?
No. I’m not coordinated enough. My friends can though. 
91. Are you religious?
I mean I’m baptized Anglican and I go to a Catholic school but personally, I practice no religion and lean towards Agnosticism.
92. Do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting?
Space. The ocean is terrifying and I hate it. 
93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil?
94. Are you allergic to anything?
Strawberries (but I eat them anyway), dust, cut grass, and other assorted minor things. 
95. Can you curl your tongue?
96. Can you wiggle your ears?
97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something?
I'm stubborn as hell but when I’m wrong, I’m wrong (*cough* Puffins *cough*) and I’ll admit it. I’ll argue but I’ll admit it.
98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach?
My aesthetic is the forest but not an Australian forest because there are way too many spiders. 
99. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you?
If you’re not going to remember it in 5 years, It’s not worth stressing about.
100. Are you a good liar?
101. What is your Hogwarts House?
102. Do you talk to yourself?
Oh, of course, all the time. I’m the only one who understands my crazy ideas and characters. 
103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
I’m very introverted. 
104. Do you keep a journal/diary?
105. Do you believe in second chances?
For lesser offenses, sure, but for stuff like Rape, Abuse, Murder, and genocide, No. They made there bed and now they sleep in it. 
106. If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do?
I’ve done that before, twice. The first time I opened it and saw that there was a student ID for a local school, so I handed it into my school (It was closer) and they called that school and returned it to the kid. The second time I opened it and saw a teacher ID for MY school and recognized the guy as my old DnT teacher, so I called the school and got him to call me. He arranged to have it picked up and I gave it back. Both times I didn’t think about taking anything from it because it just seemed wrong. 
107. Do you believe that people are capable of change?
I believe people can make mistakes and change for the better, but I also think they have to prove it. Actions really do speak louder than words. I also think its reasonable that if you’ve wronged someone, they have the right to reject your company/ friendship even if you’ve changed. You broke their trust once and its reasonable for them to question whether to trust you again. 
108. Are you ticklish?
109. Have you ever been on a plane?
Yes, quite a lot actually. My father lives in England so I’ve done Australia to England trip about 9 times. That’s a twenty-four-hour trip so its daunting but seeing him is worth it. 
110. Do you have any piercings?
No. I had my ears pierced but I forgot to put earrings in after kickboxing one day and they closed over. I haven’t bothered to get them re-pierced since. 
111. What fictional character do you wish was real?
Steve Rogers. I want him to fight Donald Trump. 
112. Do you have any tattoos?
Nope. Always been scared that it will hurt too much. My step-sisters got a bunch and my mother’s got one and they all tell me conflicting stories about how painful it is. Plus, If I got a tattoo, I’d want it to be something memorable and special to me and as of right now I haven’t found anything that is that special for me. 
113. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far?
Leaving an abusive relationship. 
114. Do you believe in karma?
I do but its more of a loose definition of Karma. I believe that if you do good things, good things will happen to you and vise versa. I know it’s not always true, sometimes awful things happen to good people and sometimes the worst of humanity get high honors and great experiences.   
115. Do you wear glasses or contacts?
Yeah. I’m severely short-sighted so I need to wear glasses every day. I’ve thought about wearing contact lenses, but don’t like the idea of voluntarily sticking stuff in my own eyes. 
116. Do you want children?
Yes and no. I’m open to the idea of having children but I don’t like the idea of actually giving birth. I’d like to adopt or foster children later in life when I settle down and have stability.
117. Who is the smartest person you know?
There’s this kid who when to high school with me who got a 98.6 ATAR, which was the highest of my grade that year. He was super smart, hacked things for fun and was the kinda kid that wrote assignments the day before and still got A’s. It was ridiculous. 
118. What is your most embarrassing memory?
Nothing comes to mind presently. I’ll have to get back to you guys on that one. 
119. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter?
Yes, quite a lot actually. I have two modes. Sleep is for the weak and I could sleep for a week.
120. What color are most of your clothes?
Dark blue or black with some sort of superhero logo on the front. Blue jeans.
121. Do you like adventures?
Not particularly. The comfort zone is aptly named and I see no real reason to do anything stupid or dangerous just for the sake of it. I’ll explore new places but I’m not going bungee jumping or deep-sea diving.
122. Have you ever been on TV?
Yes. I was on a news in a segment covering the steampunk festival, middle of last year. I looked like a wreck because I’d been standing in the Australian sun for hours but it was so much fun doing the interview.
123. How old are you?
124. What is your favorite quote?
If you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, then it’s yours. If it doesn’t, then it never was.
125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods?
Sweet foods. Desserts and sweets are a lifeline of mine. 
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sludgesoup-archive · 6 years ago
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hewwo ! i am stealing this uwu
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The Essentials
Name: harley or newt
Nickname: any u wanna give me lol
Location: australia, qld
Age: 16
Height: like just below 5'4
Zodiac sign: pisces
Any pets: 2 snakes, 1 doge
Favourite thing @ yourself: my style :]
Worst habit: sometimes i pick my nose also i pick scabs/face
Fun fact: i pierce my own ears
Identity, Sexuality & Personality
Gender identity: boy [trans]
Sexual preference: uh. everyone hot. hm.
Romantic preference: again cant choose
“Kinsey Scale” score: 3
Relationship status: got a gf !!!
Myers/Briggs type: infp-t
Hogwarts house: slytherin :3
“Early Bird” or “Night Owl”: can i choose neither
Morning routine: get up on alarm, pee, make food, get dressed, wash face, pack bag, brush teeth, pee again, leave
Bath or shower: bath babey !!!
First thought in a morning: tired
Last thought before falling asleep at night: how. cool would it be if i was a werewolf and made out w [ insert current fave celeb]
Do you work or are you a student: student
Where do you work/study: im in yr 11 of highschool
What do you do: i. mostly think about contracting rabies and attacking my maths teacher
Where do you see yourself in 5 years: i. dont like to think about that it makes me stressed lol
Habits (Do you … )
Drink: have a couple of times but its gross
Smoke: fuck off
Do Drugs: did weed once and it sucked
Exercise: when i get the chance
Have a go-to comfort food: chicken wings with buffalo sauce
Have a nervous habit: lip biting + knuckle cracking + picking at my dandruff and face
What is your favourite … ?
Physical quality (in yourself): i have nice lips. good eyelashes
In Others: lips? eyes? thats what i mostly look at
Mental/emotional quality (in yourself): i act really stupid but. im able to start a convo/group activity well
Drink: cold woter or choc milk
Animal: snake, opossum, unicorn
Artist/Band/Group: cage the elephant, foster the people, passion pit, mitski, alt j and keaton henson !!!
Author/Poet: i will. always love derek landy
Film: megamind
TV Show: in the flesh
Actor: michael fassbender n emmett scanland tie :3
Actress: charlize theron owns me lol
Blogger: starts crying all of my mutuals
im taggen: @swordfighterklug @sexmurderparty @faggotwiki @lionpancake @vogels uhh and anyone else that wanna do it !!!!
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