#can you feeeeel the love tonight
toolsofmyenemy · 1 month
Azriel planned all year for a snowball fight but couldn’t be bothered to plan any type of future with Elain.
He didn’t even think about it.
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umbreonoctie · 6 months
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Can you feel the Acrocanthosaurus love tonight?
🇬🇧 Can you feeeeel the Acrocanthosaurus love toniiight?!  Commission for SamSam 💕 thank you so much. I learned so many things! 🇫🇷 L’amouuur brillleee sous les étoiiiiles ! Commande pour SamSam 💕 Merci pour ta commande. J’ai appris énormément de chose grâce à cette illustration !
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iiryoku · 1 month
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@protcg can you feeeeel the love tonight-
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madwickedawesome · 1 year
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(put on the red light put on the red light put on the red light put on the red light put on the red light put on the red light put on the red light put on the red light put on the red light put on the red light)
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giraffeicorn · 5 years
21 Question Tag I was tagged by @absoluteiridescence
Thanks for tagging me :D I never get tagged in stuff so this kinda made my day
Rules: answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people you want to get to know better.
1. Nicknames: Meg, Meggy, MAP, Rudy, Dumbass bitch
2. Zodiac:  Taurus (idk the sun or moon things tho)
3. Height: 6′1
4. Last movie you saw: I really can’t remember but I had Star Wars on TV the other night not paying much attention
5. Last thing I googled: "brain matter under or over the skull”
6. Favorite musician: How am I supposed to choose 1 wtf. I mean Demi Lovato, but also Halsey and Ella Mai and idk ahh this questions too hard. Thank you next!
7. Song stuck in my head: Tainted love thanks a lot tumblr -.-, I feel it coming The Weeknd, and The Lion Sleeps Tonight(also thanks to tumblr and it’s posts)
8. Do I get asks? maybe like once a year lol
9. Dream job: Can I get paid to sleep? lol I really don’t know yet, but I want to do some schooling for IT stuff.
10. Dream trip: Literally anywhere. I love going to new places. But I definitely wanna go see the Eiffel Tower cause I’m a cheesy ass lesbian.
12. Lucky number: 7 the only odd number I really like honestly.
13. What I’m wearing: Golden Girls shirt that my gf got me for Christmas and white socks.pants are dumb.
14. Favorite food: pizza. or italian food.
15. Play instruments: I suck at it but I have an acoustic guitar and know pieces of songs and random chords, and I also have a keyboard which I suck at too but I try once in a while until I get frustrated with myself and quit.
16. Languages: English and sarcasm. And I understand some spanish but not too good at speaking it. I also know random curse words in different languages. I’m  weird.
17. Favorite song: Currently I’m obsessed with Ella Mai. I have been listening to Easy and Naked on reopeat. And yes I realize that doesn’t sound right taken out of context.
18. Random fact: The longest word in english is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. It’s a rare lung disease.
19. Other blogs: just this lame ass one lol
20. Following: a bunch of people
21.Describe yourself as aesthetic things: flannels, leather jackets, cocacola, warm weather, flowers, kittens, idk if i’m doing this question right but I tried.
I really don’t know 21 people to tag but I’ll try to tag as many as I can
@friselis @dontletmecaveinx @60shortofmidnight @deliciousjello @jollyreginaldrancher @danipshoe @itskatystark @mogith2 @nostxlgiax @completely-and-utterly-trash @actuallyarcana @xmagnet-o @bountifuljourney
Idk who else to tag but if any of my followers wanna do this feel free. love y'all <3
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foreverindreamlandd · 2 years
In the Embers ~ 2
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Pairing: Firefighter!Bucky x Fem!Plus Size!Adopted Rogers!Reader
WC: 4.1k
Summary: After returning home from a failed career as an artist in LA, you are reunited with the boy next door who has always owned a piece of your heart, and there's no running from each other this time.
Chapter Note: Reunitedddd and it feeeeels so gooooodddd! Unless you're reader who is very uncomfortable :,)
Chapter Warnings: Mentions of abusive/alcoholic parent/spouse, firefighter Bucky who will always be a warning...
Series Masterlist / Series Playlist
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You woke to the faint sound of yelling coming from outside.
This wasn’t a new thing. You were used to hearing screams in the middle of the night coming from next door. It was the time that Bucky’s parents usually started going at it.
Having your bed right next to the window looking out to their house gave you a front row seat to those ugly moments. You weren’t sure what made Bucky’s dad so angry, but you figured it had something to do with the way he would come home late at night walking as if he was about to fall over at any moment.
To the rest of town, Bucky’s dad was a good guy, a great guy even. Had worked in construction for so long that he had practically built half the houses in your neighborhood. At parties and gatherings, he would tell jokes and charm the pants off of everyone he met.
But then he’d dig into the glove compartment of his truck for a bottle of whiskey, and the good guy that everyone knew and loved would be gone, an angry, mean man left in his wake.
“I don’t think there’s anything I can do baby,” your mom shamefully admitted one morning when you asked her about it. You knew she heard those late night arguments, the screaming that haunted your dreams once they finally stopped. It was why you and Stevie were never allowed over the Barnes house. Bucky and Winnie were always welcome over, but she didn’t want you anywhere near Mr. Barnes. “When I first heard one of their fights, I tried calling the cops, but Winnie wouldn’t let me. She said that she was fine and she would handle it. I can’t help her if she doesn’t want it.”
“But what about Bucky?” There was no evidence that his dad hurt him in any way. The only marks left on Bucky after one of these nights were the dark circles under his eyes, and the lifeless expression on his face. He’d be silent as you waited at the bus stop before school, and not even Stevie’s jokes could break him free of the protective walls he built around himself.
Her lips pressed into a thin line, eyes darkening. “I promise you this, Y/n. If I ever find out that he’s hurt Bucky, I will do anything and everything in my power to protect him. I love Winnie, but I will go against her wishes and call the police if that boy has even a scratch on him. He’s our family, and we take care of our family, ya hear?”
You nodded, wrapping your arms around her, knowing that she meant what she said with all her heart. If Bucky needed to be taken in, Sarah Rogers would do it without thinking twice. Her heart was so big, so full of love and willing to give it freely. It was what made her and your dad decide to adopt a 2-year-old girl when they discovered they could no longer have kids after she gave birth to Steve, and what gave her the strength to be a single parent to two kids when your dad passed away years ago. You knew first hand how much love your mom was capable of giving, beyond anything blood relation could ever give you.
It was the same for Bucky, she loved him deeply. He was family to her. To us.
“Thanks mama.”
She hugged you back, and as always, your mother’s arms took all your anxieties away. “I love you, baby.”
The fighting tonight was bad.
It started off with the normal level of screaming, but after a few moments you knew something was different.
There were banging noises, sounds of things crashing throughout the house.
Then, the bang of a door bursting open. You decided to peek outside then, and found Mr. Barnes stumbling toward his truck, bag in hand. Winnie was standing at the door, arms caged around herself as she sobbed.
The angry, red-faced man pointed a finger at her, and you caught a spray of spit leaving his mouth from the lights outside their house as he screamed various incoherent words at her. Then, he climbed into his car, and tore off into the night, the sounds of tires screeching echoing down the street.
Winnie stayed by the door for a few minutes, collapsed on the ground and sobbing into her hands.
A flicker of movement from one of the windows caught your eye and you looked up to the boy sitting in his room on the second floor, staring down at their mom with a cold, stoic expression.
You spent the next few hours watching Bucky, waiting for him to move from his spot, but he just stayed there. Even as your eyelids grew heavy, and your head gravitated toward your pillow, he remained unmoving.
When you woke up the next morning, he was gone from his spot at the window, but he also wasn’t at the bus stop either as you waited to get picked up for school.
“Must be sick or something,” Stevie said with a shrug, paying it no mind. He knew that Bucky’s dad had anger issues, but his bedroom was at the other side of the house so he heard less of the fighting that occurred. He must have slept through the chaos from last night.
You tried not to worry, thinking that he probably just wanted to stay home and try to sleep, seeing that he hardly got any.
But then at dinner, Winnie knocked on your door with tears in her eyes, voice shaking as she asked if anyone had seen Bucky. She hadn’t since last night.
Mom ushered Winnie inside, guiding her to the kitchen table and had a mug of tea in her hands and a blanket around her shoulder in minutes. She asked Stevie to check the neighborhood to see if he could track down Bucky.
“He’s gone for good,” Winnie explained in between sobs, her hands rubbing over the fingerprint-shaped bruises on her arms. “Even if he tries to come back, I’m not letting him anywhere near us. He took it too far.” She choked out another cry and her face broke. “I should have never let it get this bad. To let him hurt my boy-” Mom wrapped Winnie in a tight embrace, swaying her from side to side as she cooed reassurances into her friend’s ear.
You stepped outside for a moment to allow them to have some privacy, and to be on the lookout for Stevie or Bucky.
A slight, almost imperceptible rustling sound came from Big Oaky. At first you chalked it up to a squirrel or something, but something else - call it a gut feeling - compelled you to walk over.
You stood at the bottom of the tree, staring up at the darkness above.
“Bucky?” you whispered up at him, or possibly a squirrel.
Silence. Still, your gut told you to try again. “Buck?”
More silence. And then, a quiet, sad voice responded, “I’m here.”
“Can I come up?”
You couldn’t see him, but you could picture his shrug perfectly. “Sure.”
You huffed out a breath, staring at Big Oaky nervously. It had been a while since you attempted an ascent up the massive tree, and since then your body had grown heavier. At first you thought nothing of it, but when the skinny, popular girls started snickering at you and making comments as you walked by them in the hallway or in gym class, you grew more self-conscious.
And now you weren’t sure if you could trust your body to carry these new extra parts of you up this tree.
The image of last night flashed through your mind, of Mr. Barnes screaming, Winnie sobbing, and Bucky staring blankly as his life fell apart.
You lifted an arm to grasp onto the nearest branch, and started to climb.
It took a little bit of time, and you felt sweat drip down your forehead at the additional weight you lugged with you. Still, it was infinitely easier than the first time you climbed the tree and earned the title Queen of Big Oaky two years ago.
Bucky was at the top, staring up at the night sky, his figure illuminated by the full moon.
You took a few seconds to catch your breath before speaking. “Are you okay?”
“‘M fine,” he said, his voice thick.
You frowned. “I saw what happened last night.”
His body stilled, then he nodded. “My old man sure is something, huh? I’m glad he’s gone, ya know? Why should my mom and I have to put up with that?” Each sentence came out as a question, as if he were desperate for any type of validation.
“I’m sorry he’s so mean to you and your mom. You don’t deserve that.”
A small sniffle escaped him and he quickly cleared his throat to try to cover it up. “Thanks, Oak.”
“My mom said you’re our family. Winnie too, and we’ll take care of you no matter what.”
He said nothing to that, just kept his eyes locked up at the sky.
“Do you want me to leave? Or maybe we can both climb down? Your mom is really worried about you.”
A hand snaked its way into yours, and you felt heat rising in your cheeks. If any of the girls from school could see the cute, charming Bucky Barnes holding your hand right now, their chins would be on the ground.
That thought left your mind quickly, though. Instead, you focused on how warm and nice his hand felt around yours.
“Can we stay for a little longer? I’m not ready to face what’s waiting for me down there.”
You nodded, giving his hand a gentle squeeze, shifting your gaze to the moon.
“Sure thing, Buck.”
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You woke around 11am, groaning from the feel of drool on your pillow. Pulling your hair back and putting on whatever hoodie you could find, you headed downstairs. Mom had left a few hours ago for work, which meant you had the place to yourself.
It would have been a perfect time to unpack, to do some job searching, apartment hunting, God forbid maybe even try painting.
You could clean the entire house to thank your mother for allowing you to move back in with her after basically ghosting her and Steve for years.
Yes, that would be a better and more productive way to spend your time.
So with that, you blasted Spotify while cleaning and organizing the kitchen, bathrooms, living room, and any other space you felt needed work. The entire place smelled like lemon and bleach by the time you were done, and you sighed with contentment as you took in the spotless house.
It was an amazing feeling to be standing in such a clean space, especially after escaping the living situations of your old apartment with Brock. He was always so messy, littering your home with beer cans and trash as if expecting you to take care of his clutter. Which, out of some unclear obligation, you always did. But when your mental health began to spiral, there was zero motivation to do anything, let alone clean. You allowed the dirt and trash pile up, surrounding you in a prison of your own making. It sucked, being in a space that made your skin crawl while your brain refused to let you do anything about it. Brock always made sure to comment on how much of a pigsty the place was thanks to you.
Your mother on the other hand was the farthest thing from a slob. She was the one who gave you and Steve multiple lessons on how to properly stack the dishwasher, so the environment you were working with was easy enough. But it felt nice to finally be able to do something about the smudges on the windows, or dust that had accumulated behind the tv. Another example of you finding your way back to yourself after thinking you were completely lost.
All that was left now was to take out the trash. You grabbed the two full bags, using your elbow and hip to shimmy the front door open and tossing them into the bins.
It had been so long since you had been to New England at the start of fall, to witness the leaves changing and the smell of cool air filling your nostrils. It flooded your mind with memories of pumpkin carving, football games, trick-or-treating, so many moments at the place that had been your home your whole life.
Being here now after such a long time away made you realize how much you needed to be home, and how much LA wasn’t that at all for you. It was a prison.
Thinking about your previous ‘home’ was what initially caused your smile to fade. What caused it to shift into a full on frown was the moment you tried to open the front door of the house once the trash was disposed of, because that was when you remembered that the other side of the handle was set to automatically lock from the inside.
You bent down to the doormat to lift it. “Fuck,” you cursed when all you found was the outline of the spare key. You walked to the back of the house to check if that door would open. It, too, was locked.
Thankfully, your phone had been tucked in your back pocket before you embarked on this unsuspectedly treacherous trash journey. You pulled it out, checking the time, cursing once more. Your mom wouldn’t be home for another four hours and you didn’t want to bother her.
There was one person you knew you could bother, seeing as you had been doing it your whole life.
“Hey Stevie,” you started speaking to his voicemail box, pacing in your front yard as you spoke and making your way to the giant oak tree, “It’s me. I, uh, may or may not have locked myself out of the house and can’t find the spare key. Mom’s at work and I don’t want to bug her. Any chance you could help your favorite sister out? Pleeeeease?” You groaned as you hung up your phone, leaning your forehead against Big Oaky.
A few minutes later, your phone buzzed.
Stevie: Already causing your brother trouble I see. Dw. I got u.
Also you’re my only sister last I checked so you automatically get favorite.
A long sigh of relief left your body. You responded with an enthusiastic YOU’RE THE BEST THANK YOU before turning so that your back was against the tree, sliding down until you sat on the ground, head leaning back as you stared up at the colorful leaves above. You weren’t sure how long it would take to get here, so might as well make yourself comfortable.
You were so distracted by the beautiful scenery above, studying the different shades of green mixing with the oranges and reds and what paint colors you could use to capture them, that you totally missed the sound of a truck pulling in nearby, and the figure walking up until they were standing right in front of you.
“Hey, Oak.”
You jumped at the voice, head shooting down until your eyes landed on him.
Oh no.
So many years. So many years you had been gone, since you had seen him. Well, it had been one year since the funeral, but before then it had been even longer. You had hoped and prayed that the time away would have made the sight of him less intense.
Unfortunately, it did the opposite, and everything within you ignited.
Bucky Barnes - the boy next door you had known since you were six - stood over you, arms crossed with a small smile on his face. He must have just gotten home from the firehouse, because he was dressed in the navy blue t-shirt/cargo pants uniform with the familiar gold 'PFD' insignia on his chest. You stole a glance at his biceps threatening to tear the seams of the sleeves which was a mistake because it only caused your face to heat up to the brink of sweating.
And of course he had to use the damn nickname. The one he gave you that night when you were nine. The one that made your heart skip a beat whenever he used it. Even now, as a grown woman, hearing it come from his lips made you feel like a lovesick teenager all over again.
You gulped. “Hey, Bucky.” The inner monologue in your brain was cursing at how shaky your voice sounded. You covered your body with your arms, intensely aware of your appearance with the undone hair, sweats, and lack of makeup on your face. There was also a good chance you smelled like a combination of B.O. and surface cleaner…delightful.
He chuckled, the low rumble tying your stomach in a thousand knots. He uncrossed his arms to use one hand to rake his fingers through his short chestnut hair. Then, he reached to the keys on his belt loop, unclipping them and holding a familiar looking silver key in the air.
“Stevie told me you were locked out. I have the spare since I’m so close by.”
You nodded your head slowly. “Makes sense.”
Apparently you were doing a shit job of hiding your discomfort, and Bucky furrowed his brows. “I hope this is okay,” he started, his free hand scratching at the scruff on his neck, “I’m sorry Steve couldn’t be the one to meet you. He was caught up at work and knew that I was on my way home so he figured-”
“No, it’s okay,” you cut him off. “I appreciate it. Really.” You planted your hands on the ground to hoist yourself up.
Before you started pushing yourself to your feet, a hand was extended toward you. You looked at the hand, then at Bucky, before taking it and he pulled you up to stand. Unfortunately, your clumsiness got the better of you and when you stood up your foot got caught on one of the above ground roots of Big Oaky, causing you to stumble into Bucky’s solid chest. His hands moved to your hips to steady you and you let out an involuntary gasp at the touch.
You stared up at him, eyes locking onto one another’s once more, and you couldn’t seem to pull yourself away.
Not that he seemed to have an issue with that. Bucky simply stared back.
It had been so many years since you had seen him, yet your memory of the ocean blue eyes before you had never been compromised. Each shade within his irises had long ago been etched into your brain forever.
Still, seeing the real thing was way better than the dreams of them that haunted you at night.
He reached a hand up over your head, pulling a leaf out of your hair. You groaned, rolling your eyes in embarrassment as he smiled, twirling the leaf by the stem a few times before letting it fall to the ground beside you.
You stepped away, eyes now focusing on the ground where the leaf had fallen. Bucky cleared his throat, looking up at the sky as if suddenly uncomfortable by the close proximity the two of you just shared.
“So,” he muttered, “I guess we should, uh…” He tilted his head toward the house.
You jumped into motion, walking past him and to the front door. “Yes. Let’s.”
He spoke while he followed you, “Heard you’re working at Wilson’s?”
“Yeah, hopefully it’s just a temporary thing. Sarah’s helping me out while I figure some things out.”
"No offense, but do you even know how to bartend?"
You turned toward him, lips pressed in a thin line. "As long as Nat hangs out during all of my shifts, then yes, I can bartend...sort of."
He laughed. "Fair enough. I'll try to stop by sometime soon and show you all my tricks."
Butterflies swarmed your stomach, and you bobbed your head up and down in appreciation, unable to speak at the idea of Bucky coming to visit you at the bar. Unable to tell him that you weren't sure that you wanted him to stop by, because once he did you would never want him to leave.
He interrupted your regularly scheduled mental turmoil with more questions. “Other than the new gig, how does it feel being back? Missing the big city at all?”
You drew in a deep breath, trying to figure out the best answer to such an unknowingly loaded question. “No, I wouldn’t say I missed it. I like being able to drive somewhere five miles away without it taking an hour, and the smog. Being back is….weird, but good. It’s where I need to be right now. Feels like a breath of fresh air, literally.”
The corner of his mouth twitched at the joke while handing you the keys as you finally reached the front door. “Well, we’re glad to have you back. I mean-” his face suddenly turned pink and he looked at his feet muttering, “Steve, Nat, and the Sarahs. I’m sure they’re happy to see you again. They- we missed you.”
That last statement sent a whole shiver down your body and it took every ounce of strength to keep yourself from melting into a puddle.
“I missed you all, too.”
He looked back up at you, eyes wide as a smile crept up his face that tore your heart in two.
Of course I missed you. I missed you so much, Bucky. So much it hurt.
He nodded, smile still on his face while you switched your attention to the door.
Once it was finally unlocked, you stepped inside, turning around to face him on the other side of the doorway. “Thanks again. You didn’t have to do that.” You wrapped your arms over your stomach, back to feeling self-conscious.
Bucky laughed. “Oh, I definitely did, otherwise Stevie would have thrown a fit.” You laughed along with him for a moment before it petered off into silence, you staring at each other once again, his eyes scanning your face, as if taking in every detail. Then he shook his head, bringing himself back into the moment. “If you want, I can leave my key here for you to use as the spare. I don’t know how long you’re sticking around, so I don’t mind leaving it behind for a short while, if that’ll make things easier for you.”
“No, no, you hold onto it! I can just get another spare copy made tomorrow or something. I think-” you sighed, “I think I’ll be around for a bit, and knowing my luck, it’ll be good to have a spare key and you as the backup to the spare. Plus, this house is just as much yours as it is mine at this point.”
The corners of his eyes crinkled, and he hooked his thumbs into his belt loops.
“Good.” Whether that was a good that you were staying, or that he could keep the key, you weren’t quite sure. “Let me know if you need anything else.”
You nodded, and with that, Bucky made his way across the yard to his house.
Before he got too far, he turned back to you with a side smile.
“I'm happy you're back, Oak.”
You smiled back before closing the door. As soon as it was shut, you leaned your head against it, letting the massive groan you had been holding in leave your body.
Okay, you thought to yourself. We got that over and done with. We’ve seen Bucky, and we didn’t evaporate into dust or anything. We can do this.
You were grateful that your reunion hadn’t been too awkward. On your drive back from California, you had spent many, many miles overthinking all of the horrible things that could happen when you saw Bucky for the first time. Spontaneous combustion had been a serious frontrunner all through Colorado, followed by you bursting into tears or simply passing out.
But no, you held your ground, you faced your fear, and you survived.
Hopefully you wouldn’t be forced to run into him again anytime soon.
Your brother’s best friend and most likely best man at his wedding.
The man who lived 20 feet away from you.
Your phone buzzed, and you flipped over the screen to check the new message,
Hey, it’s Bucky. Not sure if this is still your number, but in case you get locked out again, feel free to call or text me.
Another dramatic groan erupted from you as you responded.
Awesome! Thanks! :)
As soon as it sent, you ran to the living room to grab a pillow from the couch and pressed it to your face as you screamed.
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Next Part
End banner by the amazing @simmerandcry
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2manyfandoms2count · 3 years
I love you (not) - Chapter 12
Today on I love you (not), Adrienette makes an appearance and our dearest protagonists have feeling epiphanies. We're only halfway through the fic though, so everything isn't solved. After the mutually unrequited half, we're about to enter the pining half. Hope you enjoy!
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Chapter 12: In which youuuu can feeeeel the loveeee toniiiight
Marinette’s gaze wandered around the room as she sipped on her sparkling apple juice, her foot absentmindedly tapping to the beat of the music. The party was in full swing, and so far, everything seemed to be going swimmingly.
Her classmates were laughing, even Chloé and Lila (separately, of course), hanging out in small groups around the buffet, or showing off their moves on the dancefloor. No sign of an Akuma anywhere. Everything was perfect.
A slight frown creased Marinette’s forehead as she realised that there was one person whom she hadn’t seen yet, and she was starting to wonder what was keeping him when she sensed a presence behind her.
"Hey, Marinette." Adrien almost managed to sneak up on her, but he was less discrete than Chat Noir. She turned around, a bright smile gracing her lips. There he was.
Adrien's breath caught as he took in exactly how pretty Marinette looked in her dress. He’d known she'd been bound to look good in it; firstly, because Marinette was always pretty, it was an undeniable fact; secondly, the dress had been very pretty on the mannequin, too, so really it would have been a feat for it not to be nice when worn.
Yet nothing could've prepared him for the synergistic effect of both, the garment falling gracefully on her, hugging her in all the right places.
"You look... Amazing, did you make that dress yourself?" He blushed as he averted his gaze to meet her eyes. He noticed she was wearing her hair half up, which really was a lovely look on her.
"Thanks, and yes," Marinette's cheeks pinked as she tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. "I was aiming to not be overdressed, but..." Her eyes went back to the open space. Adrien saw that even though a couple of their classmates had thrown on a blazer, most had showed up in their usual attire.
"You're perfect." He smiled, before tutting. "The others are underdressed. We had a planned party for once, and yet... Really, people could have made a bit more of an effort."
Marinette turned towards him. Adrien’s hands were casually buried in his pockets. He wasn’t wearing his usual jeans, but a suit, darker than the one she’d always seen him wear. "At least you seem to have gotten the memo. New suit?"
"Good eye. It's part of Father's next collection." He grinned.
"We're so lucky to get an exclusive preview." Her hand hovered midway between them, hesitant to touch the fabric.
"It's not entirely benevolent, though. I'm supposed to crash test it, to see if it withstands being worn." He adjusted his cufflinks. "Actually, would you do me the honour of dancing with me? Purely for experimental purposes, obviously." He bowed before her and winked.
"Of course." She giggled at his antics, an odd feeling of déjà vu nagging at her. She knew she was talking to Adrien, and yet… There was something about him tonight that made her think of a certain someone else. She brushed the thought away, blaming it on the dark suit, as she put her glass down and took his hand, following him to the dancefloor.
Adrien caught Nino's eye, and the latter nodded at him with a wide smile. He made an ok sign before changing the track.
“Time to shake things up in here, time to get a little rock’n roll!” he announced in his best DJ voice.
“Up for the challenge?” Adrien asked Marinette.
She nodded, mentally thanking Chat Noir for the refresher course he’d given her. He really had her back whatever the situation, huh?
They started swinging their arms to the rhythm; she remembered to trace hearts in the air to show professionalism. Then the rhythm picked up, and the show really started.
Adrien picked up the pace and Marinette smoothly followed, starting with easy figures; twirl in, twirl out, half-waltz, yoyo, hand exchange, double stroke. People looked on curiously as Marinette cocked an eyebrow at Adrien, daring him to level it up.
He smirked and lifted her briefly, resumed a couple of simple passes, then, as she spun back into his embrace, he dipped her. Somebody (probably Alya), hooted in the crowd.
“Ready for a flip?” He was slightly breathless, his hair a little dishevelled.
Marinette’s heart was beating quite fast and although she was flushed, she knew it was just from the exercise. The thought rattled her a bit.
“Show me what you got, Agreste.” She put on her most confident smile and he pulled her up. His hands dropped to her waist and he lifted her, throwing her in the air. Her flight lasted a couple of seconds, during which she didn’t hear their audience’s gasps, and then she was back in Adrien’s strong arms, cushioning her landing.
Cheers erupted around them as the song faded out, and they remained embraced, slightly panting from the dance.
“That was amazing, Marinette,” Adrien whispered in her ear, with a slightly disbelieving chuckle. He’d managed to catch her without the Miraculous suit’s help. The doubt had invaded his mind just as she’d left his arms, and he hoped she never knew how terrified he’d been of dropping her.
“Yeah,” she panted.
Suddenly the guitar solo of Toto’s Won't hold you back now echoed through the restaurant.
Adrien’s eyes met Nino’s, and his friend winked at him. A crazy idea crossed his mind. He’d enjoyed his time with Marinette so much over the past months. Dating her as Chat Noir was definitely a bad idea and he definitely had to put an end to it, but what if… What if he asked her out as Adrien? Yes, there’d still be that massive secret hanging between them, that he moonlit as one of Paris’ superheroes. But being on the other side of the mask, the one that got to talk to her every day without having to make up excuses as to why he was at her balcony, that could just turn around in his seat to tell her how beautiful she was, would make things so much easier.
If she’d fallen in love with Chat Noir, she’d technically already be in love with him, although he’d of course pull all the stops to make sure she felt as cherished as she deserved, and do his best to conceal the fact that her ex and her present boyfriend were actually the same person. He couldn’t deny that he’d thought about Marinette more than he’d had about Ladybug lately. This was the perfect opportunity to move on from his partner.
"Hey, it's our song." He commented, feeling his heartbeat pick up.
"O-our?" Marinette stammered, pulling away slightly from him.
"The one we danced to at Chloé's last party, remember?" He felt his cheeks warm up at the thought that he might have spoken out of turn, or worse, that she might have forgotten, when the memory regularly invaded his dreams. She’d seemed almost shocked at his choice of words.
"Oh, right." She gave him a small smile before moving a little closer to him.
It wasn’t exactly to snuggle up to him, although she supposed it probably looked like it, given Alya’s enthusiastic thumbs up she caught as they danced; she just needed to hide her face from him. Adrien led their steps, which was just as well since her overthinking brain was too busy trying to compute his words.
Was he... Making a move on her? She looked up and their eyes locked, his gaze softening as they did. He twirled her before catching her, holding her a little closer than before. She didn't mind.
Then he unexpectedly dipped her, and looked as if he was about to say something to her. His eyes were full of affection, like hers in almost all of the pictures of her looking at him that had been taken before a couple of months ago. She could almost feel the virtual pink bubbles that surrounded her.
She paled.
Maybe she was finally getting what she'd wanted since the first real conversation they'd had. Maybe this was it . But then why did it feel so… wrong? Why did her heart tell her to bolt? Why did she want to be in Chat Noir's arms at that precise moment?
"Marinette? Is everything ok?" Adrien pulled her up, a worried frown creasing his brow.
"It's just a bit warm, I haven't eaten much today. I'll just go and grab something from the buffet." She waved in its direction, putting up a brave smile to conceal her rattled state. What was it with Chat Noir invading her thoughts tonight? She needed to get a grip.
"Want me to come with you?" He really looked concerned, and she felt bad for worrying him.
"I’ll be fine, thanks. Keep testing out your suit." She patted his shoulder gently before heading off.
He watched her walk away, slightly disconcerted. He'd felt so confident that he'd be able to reproduce the unadulterated joy his friend had displayed when they'd danced in her room, yet somehow he seemed to have gone a step too far.
But then again... Maybe it all boiled down to who she'd been with then (well, who she’d known she was with).
He knew it wasn't a good idea. But he had to check his theory. His heart commanded it.
Marinette tried her best to act like a wallflower next to the buffet, something that might have worked better if she hadn't undisputedly been the prettiest girl in the room, and if she'd been standing near an actual wall and not a bay window. Those were Chat Noir's thoughts, anyway, as he watched her from outside, perched on his baton, holding back from knocking on the closest window just to see her sway gently to the rhythm of the music.
Then he saw her nibbling at her nails, confirming that something was troubling her.
She must have sensed that she was being watched, because she turned around before his fist could tap on the window. Their eyes met, and for a second she looked slightly surprised, a little taken aback, even, by his presence, before a smile bloomed on her lips. He could have sworn that she was relieved. He wished that he could've taken a picture of her at that exact moment.
“You really felt like you needed to patrol tonight?” She asked as she opened the window for him.
“Well, I know they say that the mice dance when the cat’s away, but this cat felt like it was missing out.” He pointed to himself and pouted.
“Poor kitty.” She scratched his neck. He almost let out a purr, but managed to hold it in.
“Anyway, I see a mouse that isn’t dancing, and I’d argue that’s a criminal offence.” He shot her a pointed look.
“It’s not like I haven’t danced already.” She rolled her eyes. “I’ll have you know that we were quite a success.”
“I know, I was there.” He winked.
She  looked at her feet sheepishly, and he regretted his choice of words. He cleared his throat. “I was thinking, I think the rooftop’s empty, would you like to get out of here, maybe?”
“Please.” She grabbed a chair and helped herself up, climbing out of the window after checking nobody was looking. Chat pushed the window pane shut after she’d gotten on his lap and extended his baton upwards, letting go of her when they’d reached the top floor.
Marinette took a deep breath as she leaned on the railing, looking at the view. Dark, warning clouds had gathered on the horizon, but she only saw the full moon, standing unobstructed in the sky and reflecting in the pool.
The music was faintly audible from below. Marinette shuffled around to face Chat Noir.
“So… Since you were complaining about this mouse not dancing… How about you right that wrong?”
“‘Twould be my pleasure, princess.” He took her hand and guided her out.
“A waltz?” Marinette raised an eyebrow after the first couple of steps. “I thought they were passées .”
“I wouldn’t want you to have practised for nothing,” he said softly. “Plus, nobody’s here to judge us for being old-fashioned.”
She let out a content sigh as he gently pressed his cheek to her temple (they couldn’t dance cheek to cheek even with her kitten heels). She closed her eyes and revelled in the moment.
Gently swaying in the moonlight, Chat humming along to the music ( La vie en rose, probably a request from Juleka), it was like time had stopped, and she wished they could stay in this perfect bubble forever, one where she didn’t have to question her feelings, where she could just enjoy the moment.
Marinette felt something light land on her shoulder. Then on her nose.
Chat must have felt it too, because they both looked up. The moon was gone, hidden by stormy clouds. The rain’s pace picked up. They looked at each other, Marinette’s gaze questioning what they should do.
Chat Noir purred, afraid she’d let go of him. Marinette let out a crystalline laugh, an exquisite sound he knew he’d never grow tired of hearing.
She held him closer, eyes fluttering shut once more as she smiled, her cheek pressed to his chest, enjoying the gentle vibrations.
This was it. She was right where she wanted to be.
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akielno · 4 years
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 4 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 100 Xs2) "Day 26: Seattle and Old Side Chicks
@creatureofthen1ght-v3 @crystalbaby12 @5sosfam1dlover @backoftheroomandnotbelonging @rosefilledhearts-blog
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They're playing The Show Box tonight.
"SEATTLE!!!!" Colson shouts as Sex Drive fades out. "How you doin' tonight?" He asks to their roars. "We got a special show lined up just for you... You ready to FUCKING DO THIS!?!" He screams.
The nightclub rattles in excitement around him. Leading off with Habits, they flow into Breaking News 2. Slim and Colson rocking across the stage together as lights and smoke flash and flow around them. El Diablo follows with LOCO, GTS and Wild Boy. Colson jumping into the crowd twice already.
Luna joins him OnStage for an overly sexual performance of Bad Things. Unable to keep their hands off each other. Throwing their matching tattooed arms up into the air as they dance and bop around, singing to one another. Colson drives the crowd wild when he grabs Luna as she heads OffStage. Spinning her around to dip and kiss her passionately before allowing her to go as he shouts her name to the crowd.
"Oooh... This Motherfucker..." Luna thinks. Pussy dripping for Colson as she walks SideStage.
Meeting up with Sam, Dom and The Ash's, Sam hands her joint as Ashleigh passes her their usual bottle of Jameson. The five friends laugh and sing together as The Boys run through Trap Paris, Candy, The Break Up and See My Tears. Dom dipping off at some point to prepare.
Strumming the opening chords to I Think I'm Okay, Colson shouts "I WANT THE ROOF BLOWN OFF THIS MOTHERFUCKER TONIGHT!!!!"
🎼Watch me//Take a good thing//And fuck it all up//In one night//Catch me//I'm the one//On the run//Away from//The headlights//No sleep//Up all week// Wasting time//With people//I don't like
The audience sings with him so loudly they almost drown him out like alcohol. The energy is INSANE. 
Chanting the lyrics with Colson as if they are their own personal mantra. The line still kills Luna's insides for Colson. Hearing it shouted along with a few thousand people is intense. Her eyes well up as her heart hurts for every disenfranchised individual in her presence who personally relates to it. Self harm is a serious and scary thing.
The building EXPLODES when Dom comes running onto the stage. Surprised and ecstatic over his appearance. He slams through the chorus with Colson before stepping up solo.
🎶Roll me up//And smoke me love//We could fly//Into the night🎶
You can barely hear Dom over the sea of voices singing with him. It's incredible to watch. The sound of unity so powerful it could give anyone goosebumps.
Both Boys are off. Surfing on top of the thousands of people willing to hold them up. Not needing to sing because the room is doing it for them.
Making their way back to the stage, they round out the song together. Singing GoodNight at different times at different ranges.
Luna has to have Ashleigh check her make up as she wipes the tears from her cheeks. She needs to get her shit together to go back on by the time The Boys finish. The reaction to Colson and Dom's song being so raw, Luna couldn't help but find herself to be emotional. For as hardcore as Colson is, Luna knows he is truly the sweetest, most lonely boy ever. Sometimes it makes her so sad for him, wanting nothing more than to protect him from himself. How do you do that though?
"SEEEATOOOLLL!!!!!" Dom shouts "WE LOFE YOOOU!!!"
"FUCK YEAH, WE DO!!" Colson shouts with him as they stand side by side.
The Girls are moving around behind them. Setting up OnStage. They've decided to twist the fuck outta Seattle. Rook is still sat behind his kit as Baze hands Sam a bass guitar. Luna picking up the electric she had rehearsed with earlier as Tech places microphones and stands down for both her and Ashley.
"So, much that we cooked up this little rendition just for YOU!! KICK IT!!" Colson calls as him and Dom step aside.
Everyone within ear shot loses their fucking minds the minute Luna hits those first famous chords to Smells Like Teen Spirit. Rook and Sam knocking in hard behind her. Luna's warm voice snakes around the opening lyrics. She stays on beat but her voice is smoother and more trained than Cobain's while still holding his same haunting drawl.
🎼Loooad up on guns//Briiing your friends//It's fun to lose//And toooo pretend//She's over bored//And seeelf assured//Oooh no//I know//A dirty word🎶
Flipping the script, The Girls are covering Nirvana. Ashley stepping in as her and Luna croon together. Harmonizing like an intriguing mix of handcuffs and silk.
🎶Hello//Hello//Hello//Hoooow low//Hello//Hello//Hello//Hoooow low//Hello//Hello//Hello//Hoooow low//Hello//Hello//Hello🎶
Rook, Sam and Luna ripping into their instruments as Ashley let's her voice fly loose. Raw. Not caring to be perfect as she belts the lyrics fiercely.
🎶With the liiiights out//It's less dangerousss//Here we arrre nooow//Entertain uuuus//I feel stuuuupid//And contagiouuusss//Here we aaaare now//Entertain usss//A mulattooo//An albinooo//A mosquitooo//My libidooo//YEAH🎶
Luna slams into her guitar as her vocals slip in again. Matching up with Ashley as they use a flat tone.
Colson, Dom and Baze are setting themselves up SideStage. They're gonna follow them with a Bikini Kill song before The Girls fully finish.
The stage is shaking from the mosh pit happening just yards away from The Girl's feet. Luna and Ashley grin at each other. Regardless of personal feelings, it's a great fucking song. Luna hitting those significant chords on her guitar again as her voice wraps itself throughout the lyrics.
🎶I'm worse//Aaat what//I dooo best//And fooor this gift//I feeeeel blessed//Our littlllle group//Has alllways beeeeen//And alwaaaays wiiiill//Until the ennnnd🎶
Luna and Ashley hum through the Hellos and How Lows before Ashley comes in to wail through the chorus again. Her voice the perfect balance of clarity and rasp. Instruments floating around her impeccably.
🎶With the liiiights out//It's less dangerousss//Here we are nooow//Entertain uuuus//I feel stuuuupid//And contagiouuusss//Here we aaaare now//Entertain usss//A mulattooo//An albinooo//A mosquitooo//My libidooo//YEAH🎶
Rook, Sam and Luna pound through the slight jam session flawlessly. You can hear Luna's guitar whine out Hello continuously before Rook rumbles them down. Luna taking her place back at the microphone.
🎶And I fooorget//Just whyyyy I taste//Oh yeeeah//I guess//It maaakes me smile//I found it haaaard//It's hard to find//Oh well//Whaaateeverr//Neeverrrmiiiind🎶
Ashley and Luna harmonizing as they repeat Hellos and How Lows again before Ashley slays the chorus once more. Sending the audience into another physical frenzy along with Rook's drums. You can't hear neither Ashley nor Luna over the crowd as they scream over and over about A Denial with them.
Instead of fading out, Rook picks up his pace to a faster punk beat. It's kinda funny as Baze switches out with Sam. Dom with Ashley and Colson with Luna.
Colson snatching a quick kiss off of Luna before his deep voice alters the punk girl anthem. It's sound is harder and less poppy than the one The Girl's covered.
🎼That girl//Thinks she's the queeeeen//Of the neighborhood//She's gooot//The hottest trike//In toowwwn//That girl//She holds her head//Up sooo high//I think I wanna//Be her//Booyfriend//Yeah🎶
During rehearsal, Luna had shown Dom and Colson where to change up certain lyrics to fit the swap.... And also because she's a fucking cunt.
Dom hits the mic, nailing the chorus. Being in Seattle, most of the crowd is singing along with him.
🎶Rebel girrrrl//Rebel girrrrl//Rebel girrrrl//You are the queeeeen//Of my worrrld//Rebel girrrl//Rebel girrrl//I know I wanna//Take you home//I wanna take off//Your clothes//UNH🎶
Bikini Kill is one of Seattle's few surviving bands. Tobi Vale being the first girl Kurt Cobain was ever mesmerized by, crushing on her hard. As one of The Original Riot Grls, she had no time for the quiet blue eyed boy. The band's lead singer Kathleen Hanna making fun of him one night, writing Kurt Loves Teen Spirit on his bedroom wall in Olympia. It was a direct reference to Tobi's deodorant. His most famous hit being inspired by a girl who couldn't be bothered by him. How ironic. Courtney Love HATES Tobi Vale. Courtney Love HATES Smells Like Teen Spirit. Luna HATES Courtney Love. Being more of a Pixies fan, Luna never cared much for Nirvana. Even before his daughter became one of her bestfriends. Luna's lack of interest in her family being a great source of comfort to Frances. Her hatred for Courtney being born and growing naturally. Watching first hand how The Mother's selfish and self destructive behavior had affected Frannie through the long years of their friendship. Pissing Luna off more and more with every missteps. Playing the 90s theme song with Colson covering Rebel Girl beside it, IN Seattle, is the ultimate FUCK YOU to Courtney Love from Luna. It's also probably the ONLY time she's ever secretly hoped her performance will pop up on YouTube.
Making the song his along with Dom as Rook, Baze and AJ slaughter the quick paced, bass driven, punk tune with them. Colson's deep voice penetrates the next set of lyrics as he slams into his guitar.
🎶When she taaalks//I hear the revolution//In her hiiiips//There's revolution//When she waaaalks//The revolution's coming//In her kiiiiss//I taste the revolutiooonnnn🎶
Colson screams before Dom hits the chorus again. Each with their own Rebel Girl in mind throughout the song.
🎶Rebel girrrrl//Rebel girrrrl//Rebel girrrrl//You are the queeeeen//Of my worrrld//Rebel girrrl//Rebel girrrl//I know I wanna//Take you home//I wanna take off//Your clothes//UNH🎶
The Boys flow into the gnarly jam session. Rook's drums throbbing as AJ shreds relentlessly. If there's one thing Luna's learned tonight, it is that, THIS motherfucker can RIP.
Colson comes in again, leathery voice shouting out the strong, female positive lyrics. Luna did this on purpose. Switching up the two bands, she wanted the gender flip. Just like Nightmare. It's an important symbolism of feminism and equality. Being smart and lucky enough to fall in love with a man who has a daughter and shares her views.
Never a quiet man. Colson is known for not holding back from stepping up or speaking out for what he believes in. Standing solidly beside Luna, pushing for A Change, they WHOLE heartily believe it can happen. Or will die continuing to fight for Casie and her generation's sake.
🎶That girl//Thinks she's//The queeeen//Of the neighborhoooood//I got newwsss//For you//SHE IISSS//They say//She's a dyke//But I know//She iiissss//MY GIRLFRIEND//YEAH🎶
Colson and Dom come in together. As Colson slashes his guitar, he looks over at his friend. On instinct Dom turns to catch his eye. Grinning, they shout the chorus together. Both of their Rebel Girls standing behind them ready to take over.
🎶Rebel girrrrl//Rebel girrrrl//Rebel girrrrl//You are the queeeeen//Of my worrrld//Rebel girrrl//Rebel girrrl//I know I wanna//Take you home//I wanna take off//Your clothes//UNH🎶
Shifting slightly to the side, each boy steps from the mic. Releasing it to their partner. Colson's guitar tearing it's way up and down Luna's spine from behind. Without missing a beat Luna and Ashley take the last hook together. Female Empowerment being their overall Life Goal.
🎶Love you//Like a sister//Always//Soul sister//Rebel girl//Come and be//My best friend//Will you Rebel girl//I really like you//I really wanna be//Your bestfriend//Be my reeeeebel grrrrrrrllll🎶
As Rook and Baze fade them out, the room is uncontrollable. Seattle LOVES it's hometown hero's. Courtney Love does not fit into that category.
"That was killer..." Colson says lowly in Luna's ear as he kisses the back of her neck.
With her body flush, it's her duty to take the mic right now. Nuzzling her head back into him, she drops a low I Love You before hitting it.
"SEATTLE!!!!!" She shouts as she tries to calm her insides. "HOW ARE YOU?" She asks to their cheers. "We've got one more cover.... How many of you know of Andrew Wood and Mother Love Bone?" She asks.
Only half the nightclub answers her. She expected this.
"A little lesson in music history..." She smiles.
The crowd hoots out for knowledge. Loving the interaction as Luna strolls around the stage. Talking with her hands as she tells the story.
"Andrew Wood and Mother Love Bone were the pioneers of the Seattle scene." This is heard by a louder cheer and a grin on her face. "We lost him unfortunately... In '89. The remaining band took up Eddie Vedder and became Pearl Jam."
A mixed reaction fills the atmosphere. Some knowing the story. Some caught off guard.
"Hold on... Hold on... Hold on...it goes deeper." Luna shushes them.
She squats down on the middle of the stage. Continuing her story as Tech sets up behind her.
"Andrew Wood was Chris Cornell's bestfriend and roommate at the time of his death." This draws a sadness from the crowd. "I know, friends.... I know..." She sadly comforts them. "That's why were gonna play this next diddy. It is in honor of Andrew. Originally sang by Chris and Eddie....  I KNOW you'll know it when you hear it.... So when you do... You FUCKING SING!!!" Luna shouts to their erupting agreements.
Standing up, Luna grabs the electric she's been using. She begins to slowly pick the soft opening chords with Rook, Sam and Baze behind her.
By their reaction this time, Colson is pretty sure they've lost the roof. Watching his sea of family, he loves the way his woman speaks with them.
In Luna's opinion, Chris Cornell had the greatest voice of his generation. In her mind, there's more pressure to nail this upcoming song more than the prior. It's personal and the social relevance meaning more to her than the Top 40 Hit.
Luna starts them off, making everyone around them ooze with sentiment. Her strong, layered voice a smart match to represent Cornell.
🎼Well//I don't mind//Steealing bread//From the moooouths//Of decadeeeence//Hmmmmm//But I can't feeeeed//On the powerless//When my cup's//Already overfiiiiilled//Yeeeah//Mhhhm🎶
Luna's vocal range is both bold and delicate enough to hold it's own against the already emotional song. Allowing a tinge of pain to slip through her as she sings. The crowd joining her.
🎶But//It's on the taaable//The fiiire's cooookin'//And they're farmin' babies//The slaves are all woooorkinnn'//Blood is on the taaable//The moooouths//Are all chooookinnn'//But I'm goin' hungryyyyy//Yeeeeah🎶
Rook, Baze, Sam and Luna flip through the chords of the slightly dark melody. Colson's deep voice perfect as he steps up to the mic and takes on Eddie's verse. His family helping him as they sing along still.
🎶I don't mind//Stealing bread//From the mouths//Of decaaaaadence//But I can't feed//On the powerless//When my cup's alreadyyy//Overfiiiilllledd//Oh ohhhh//But//It's on the table//The fire is cookinnnnn'//And they're farmin' babies//The slaves are all wooorrrkin'//Annnnd//It's on the table//Their mouths//Are all choookinnnn'//But I'm going hungry🎶
Dom backs Colson. Wailing. AJ matches Sam with a second rhythm guitar as Rook bangs into his kit. Baze nailing the bass as Luna's fingers fly over the lead.
🎶I'm goin' hungrrryyy🎶
Ashley pops in with the next verse as Luna backs her. The crowd flowing with Luna and Ashley at different times.
🎶I'm goin' hungrryy🎶
🎶Oooohhh//I'm huuuungrrryyy AYYY🎶
Colson and Dom coming back in together at different times. All four voices stacking themselves on top of each other's along with The Band. As the crowd continues to sing along with them, it's anything short of amazing.
🎶I'm goin' hungrryy🎶
🎶I'm goin' hungrraaayyy🎶
🎶I'm goin' hugrrriiyyy🎶
🎶I'm goin' huuuungrAyAyAyyyy🎶
Dom and Ashley shift their voices together to continue singing about Goin' Hungry. Their vocals following together beautifully as the instruments rage behind them along with the voices of the audience.
Luna stepping in to take over Cornell's major part. Voice lacing around the lyrics of Not Minding Stealing Bread as she belts them. Ashley and Dom still behind her repeating separately how they're Goin' Hungry.
Colson's deep voice slides in to add another chapter of theft to the story as he sings beside Luna. Picking up the rhythm, Dom and Ashley drop out. Leaving Colson and Luna to play off each other's voices as they sing about Goin' Hungry.
Luna bellows alone one last time as Rook and her guitar lead them out. The Show Box BURSTS with hoots, claps and cheers as they end.
Grinning, Colson grabs Luna. As her guitar hits his chest hard, he doesn't care. With all the electricity flowing through him, he can't feel it. Only her lips. Breaking away from her, he turns to address the crowd.
As Ashley and Dom head OffStage, Luna grabs her mic again. Always pushing.
"WE NEED CHAAAANGE!!!" She screams to the unshakable crowds agreement.
"She's so fucking cool...." Colson can't help the smile on his face as he watches Luna.
Grabbing one more kiss, Luna bounces OffStage. Meeting up with Ashley, Dom, Sam and Ashleigh, the three are still zipping with energy. Sam promptly passing Luna a joint as Ashleigh shouts that They Were Fucking INCREDIBLE. Luna can't help but beam as she holds the joint between her lips and grabs for a five people hug. Friendship really is a BEAUTIFUL thing.
The show's not even halfway through. Hollywood Whore kicking in next before Rap Devil and Until I Die. Switching spots with Rook as they cover Shout At The Devil.
It's honestly Luna's favorite cover of The Band's. Not even because of the song. As much as she loves Colson, she adores Rook and loves to see him shine the way he does when he takes the mic. His performance is so on point, you just KNOW he was raised with music in his blood. Even if you're unaware of where he hails from.
Still running, Colson grabs his guitar for his cover of Ocean Eyes. Catching Luna's as he sings. Both of their hearts swelling for the other over the reason he covered it.
Next comes a slew of more songs. Slim making his way back UpStage. Their friends watching SideStage as they get fucked up and sing along to Golden God, ALPHA OMEGA, Lately, Bad Motherfucker, Wake&Bake, Rehab and 27.
The lights drop to The Family's calls for an ENCORE. Loving them the way they do, The Boys oblige. Heading back out to encore Sail.
"THANK YOU, SEATTLE!!!!" Colson shouts before finally heading OffStage for the night.
Carrying Luna over his shoulder down the venue hallway, Colson sees the artwork of one of The Boys. Laughing, he turns Luna to see also.
"I bet it was Rook...." She guesses with a chuckle.
"Nah... Too short." He continues to laugh. "Grab my phone and post it to my Insta, please." Colson asks Luna.
Slipping her hand along his perky ass into his back pocket, she pulls out his phone. Snapping the picture at his request.
"Here.... You know I don't Instagram..." Luna deadpans as she hands the device to him from around the side of his lean body.
Laughing again, he shakes his head at her refusal to even interact with the app at all. Continuing to carry her to his dressing room as he posts it.
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"Always follow the signs.
#seattle #hoteldiablo"
"Holy SHIIIIT, Loons...." Colson groans out.
Laying his head back in delight as her tight pussy slowly slides up and down him. Teasing and pleasing his cock as she takes her time riding him. Colson takes her face into his large hands. Kissing her softly.
"Unnhh, I missed you...." He says as another grunt escapes him.
"Mmmm. Me tooo." She purrs.
Moving his mouth from her lips to her neck, Luna leans back, hands on his thighs as he seeks out her plump breasts. Sucking and nibbling on her piercings, Colson makes Luna shift against him faster. Rocking him deeper inside of her. She grabs the top of his hair. Pulling on it to keep her pace steady, he grabs and shakes her ass as it bounces.
"Mmmm... Gimme that dick." Luna moans.
Her demands excites Colson even more. Grabbing one hip firmly and snatching for her hair, he takes control. Sucking on her neck as he slams her up and down his cock. Moving her body like a willing doll. Making her walls clench and body quiver.
"My dirty girl likes that's... Hmm?" He says into her neck.
Luna can only utter sounds of pleasure as he fills her body. Feeling herself close, she starts to thrust into his rhythm. Colson pushes back, grabbing both of Luna's tits as they begin bucking against each other. Bitting the side of his neck, she makes him cum with her.
"Oooh, FUCK...." He shouts as they explode together.
Feeling his body go limp, Luna nuzzles into his naked chest. Kissing her forehead, they sit. The sound of the blood pumping through his heart synching up with her own.
Lifting her head, she asks him To Roll A Joint to his nod. Climbing off of him, Luna chops up her third set of rails today. Colson's fourth.
"What the fuck? I told you off your ass..." He teases as Luna looks at him perplexed. "You didn't get my voicemail?" He asks with a hint of disappointment as he lights the joint.
Luna shakes her head No as they bend down to do their lines together. Lifting up, she adjusts herself. Checking her nose and make-up.
Calling her voicemail as they pass the bone back and forth, Colson is definitely on there. Talking about porn and doing drugs off of her ass.
"And you say I'M WILD!!" Luna laughs as they head towards the door, looking over her shoulder coyly taunts. "There's always later."
Her words making Colson's member stand at full salute for her. Again.
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To be continued.....
❇Writer's Note: Feel free to share with whomever 😘
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raibebe · 4 years
Caaaan you feeeeel the love tonight? ~~ Alsoooo, I’m back yet again with another headcanon - assuming you’re still not bored with me c: (and hoping you haven’t done this one yet!) We’ve all seen Kihyun in chockers and damn, the things he does to us when he wears them. But my headcanon is that it would also do a lot of things to him when his partner would wear one of his chokers.
Okay but that actually made me feel things 👀
You knew Kihyun liked it when you submitted to him and who were you to ever deny him. But tonight you had wanted to submit to him in every way possible.
While searching through your drawers of what you should wear, your eyes fell on one of his thick black chokers with a silver ring attached to it. Slowly you took it out and felt the sturdy fabric before fastening it around your neck.
Smoothing out your black babydoll, you draped yourself along the many pillows on your bed, waiting for your boyfriend to come back home, rubbing your thighs together, already aroused by the mere thought of what he could do to you.
When you heard his keys turning in the lock followed by his soft footsteps, your heartbeat quickened. “I’m home angel,” you heard Kihyun’s voice before he opened the door to the bedroom and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw you.
“Will you play with me, daddy?” You asked him, an innocent smile on your red lips while you crawled over to the foot of the bed, baring your neck so he could get a good look at the leather wrapped around it, a stark contrast to your skin.
You felt his gaze darken when his eyes raked over your whole body but got caught on your throat. “Please daddy,” you whined when he didn’t make a move, “I’ll be a good girl I promise.”
“Do good girls get all needy for their daddy to fuck them that they can’t even wait until he gets home?” Kihyun asked, his voice much darker, almost breathless.
“I couldn’t stop thinking about you daddy. Need you so badly,” you kept on pleading, squirming on top of the covers. “Don’t you like how I dressed up all for you?”
“Get on your knees,” he interrupted and motioned to the spot right in front of him. Eager to please you scrambled off the bed and neatly folded your hands on your knees.
“Such a good girl for daddy,” Kihyun hummed, hooking his finger into the silver ring on the collar to pull you closer to his crotch. “Are you going to show me how good you can be for me, babygirl?”
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Hey gabby, so I wasn’t feeling very well and decided to reread absence again instead of sleeping because it moves my heart strings. I will say it again, you do have a way with words. I think my favorite will always be in ch 5 when JT was having his nightmares and then talks to tally about how no one can make it up to him. The feeeeels💔😭. But I always lose it when Malcolm talks to himself after he eats and keeps saying he should last so no one else gets hurt. My pure hearted baby😭 (1)
(2) I wish they knew how much of a noble self sacrificing idiot he is. Actually you did show it as he tried to save that piece of trash on New Years. (again I lose it with my tears) I wish that asshole piece of trash gets sentenced to clairmonte and not prison so a certain dad can have fun with him :) because there is nothing the justice system can do to make this right. Anyways so I didn’t sleep tonight and I don’t regret a thing😂. Off to a new caffeine induced day! Thanks again Gabby ❤️!
Oh my goodness, you’re very welcome!! I’m so glad I could write something you enjoy!! It always makes me so happy to hear Absence is re-readable, it’s such a high compliment! We’re going to have a looooot more JT and Malcolm moments coming up soon, and a lot of other moments I know you guys are gonna love. I’m particularly excited for chapter eleven; that’ll have a looooot of emotion to it and I know you guys are just gonna love it. I have so much planned for it. 
Malcolm still does not remember he saved Winston, too, so that’s going to be something that needs to come out at some point! There are a lot of things that still need to be brought into the light, on both sides of the equation. And certain characters that haven’t had as big a part in the story so far are going to nudge themselves back into the spotlight starting chapter ten. 
I’m almost done with chapter ten, actually, I only have one more section to write! So I actually hope I can get that out really soon! I really hope you guys like it I’m iffy on it, but then again I’m always iffy on it haha. 
Oh, and don’t you worry I know exactly what Winston’s fate is going to be.... ;) 
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hargroves-angel · 5 years
Could I please request a BillyxCurvy Reader headcannon? She is confident of her body and challenges Billy in ways other girls don’t. They’re constantly having arguments about dumb things and everyone around them is sick of it and wants them together already. One day the argue about something really stupid, like whether pineapple should be on pizza (reader is def against it) and somehow it just leads to both of them realising, “oh shit, I love you”
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“Just friends”
Summary - You and Billy are just friends. But you both know you want a bit more than that, and so does everyone around you. So I guess now it’s time to own up to that.
warnings - mentions of smut, mentions of smoking/ cigarettes, fluff.
A/N - Hope you enjoy, I got a little bit carried away with this one! haha x
You got out of your car, cigarette in hand. Wearing a black top with black leggings and a pair of white heels, you knew you looked good. Your hair had been arranged perfectly and your perfume smelt of vanilla. You inhaled the smoke into your lungs and blew it out, you practically ran the school.
Your ex, Steve, walked past. Hand in hand with Nancy Wheeler. ‘Typical’ you thought as you rolled your eyes. Grabbing your books from from your open top car and locking it whilst strutting towards the school.
Before you reached the top of the stairs you heard the usual wolf whistle that came from Tommy H and his gang.
“Nice tits love” he laughed around with his friends.
You took a deep breath and kept walking. Before you could get into the school he walked up in front of you “Hey don’t walk away sweetheart -“ you felt a hand snake around your waist. Billy.
“Wanna finish that sentence?” Billy questioned Tommy.
Tommy laughed a little. “I’m only joking around Billy, it’s fine, besides its about time you two got together anyway” you furrowed your eyebrows, confused.
“We aren’t dating” you giggled. Billy tensed up a bit and removed his arm from your waist. You started walking off.
“Oh really, well then more for me” Tommy shrugged.
“Just shut your mouth Tommy” Billy grumbled before following behind you, like a lost puppy.
“You coming to my house later? My brother has a copy of Sixteen candles, you know I’ve been dying to watch that film Billy” You smiled looking up at him as you walked to your locker.
“ughh, that films a fucking bore Y/N, but I’ll go on one condition. I get a kiss”. He smirked.
“Fine” you smiled mischievously and grabbed his hand giving the back of it a quick peck. “There’s your kiss, princess” you giggle and walked off leaving him stunned.
“Hey! That’s not fair!” He shouted. You ignore him and kept walking.
Class was a bore but eventually the day was over. You walked over to his camaro. He stood with a cigarette between his lips, he looked good during the golden hour. You admired his form from a distance.
‘Too bad we are only friends’, you reminded yourself.
You continued to walk up to him.
“Hey angel, you ready to go?” He opeend the door for you.
“Max?” You asked.
“She’s with some of her friends, I don’t care. Come on let’s go” he got into his side of the car and drove off.
His music played loudly. “Billy can you turn down your music I can barely hear myself think” you complained.
“I don’t care, my car, my music” he challenged. You rolled your eyes. You weren’t going to have another petty argument today.
You eventaully got to your house, your parents were on vacation and your brother would be working till late.
You and Billy walked out of car and you opened the front door.
“You want anything to eat?” He nodded and you handed him a snack bar. He ate it quickly as you both chatted about your day. It got to about 7:00pm and you both decided to put on the film. You set up the film and sat on the couch.
Slowly you both got closer on the couch. Half way through the movie you started to get hungry.
“Wanna get a pizza?” You asked him.
“Sure” you went to the phone on the wall and called up the pizza place nearby.
Whilst it was dialling our asked Billy what he wanted.
“Can I have a pineapple pizza?” You put the phone back onto the wall.
“A what?” You asked disgusted.
He chuckled,”pineapple pizza, what’s the problem sweetheart?”
“You disgust me” you said exaggeratedly. He laughed as you called the place again.
The pizzas soon arrived and Billy walked into the front room giving you your pizza.
He took a large bite out of the pineapple pizza he had ordered.
“I don’t even understand how I can be near you” you grimmanced.
“Mmmmm” he teased. “It’s like you can taste the sweetness and the cheese at the same time”
You gagged. “Billy ewww”.
“You know something Y/N”
“I don’t wanna hear you talk about that nasty pizza anymore” you warned.
“No… it’s fine I won’t talk about this delicious pizza, ok… what I wanna say is… well- I don’t know how to say it… Y/N… well shit… umm I love you” he squeaked the last part.
“Well shit… I love you too” you smirked at him.
“I’m not joking Y/N-“
“Neither am I” with that you leaned in a kissed him deeply. He dropped his pizza back into the box and kissed you back.
His lips tasted like pineapple and well, pizza. It wasn’t so bad. Aside from the taste he was a good kisser.
You pulled away. “I’ve liked you for a while Billy, but you’re not really the type for relationships, I thought”
“Those girls, that I used to mess around with don’t mean a thing to me. As soon as I realised my… ughh I hate this word… feeeeelings” he dragged out the ‘e’. “I stopped talking to them. They weren’t anything compared to you” He met your gaze.
“We should go out some time” You smiled. He nodded smirking.
“How about I stay over tonight-“ you raised your eyebrows. “I won’t try anything don’t worry, and tomorrow we can go out on a proper date” he suggested.
You leaned over and kissed his cheek. “I’d like that very much, Billy”
The next Monday you both arrived at school, his arm around your shoulders, holding you close to him. You wore his denim jacket and had some very interesting “bruises” on your neck.
Tommy and his gang watched you two walk towards school.
“Ayyy Billy, been getting your dick wet I see” Tommy referenced the hickies. You rolled your eyes and kissed Billy on the cheek.
“I gotta get to class, see you at the camaro at lunch”
“See you later princess” he smirked watching you walk away.
“Took your time Hargrove, you two been teasing eachother all fucking month.” Billy lit a cigarette.
“Well she was worth it” he mumbled and walked away, smirking.
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skyking91-archive · 4 years
the fallout || skam
Discord thread featuring: Sky & @samuelburton
When: October 24, 2020 - after the halloween party
Where: sam’s apartment
mentions: @ellicfm
Description: sky and sam fight, then they agree to take a break
Trigger Warnings: brief mentions of past trauma, arguing, feeeeels
Admittedly, sky was a little drunk. She had to be when she was around mat. Like. Damn. She was thankful thought that the Uber dropped her and Mat off at different places. The last thing she wanted to do was spend any more time with him. And he seemed a bit off after the party was over anyway. She hopped out of the car when it arrived at her boyfriend’s place and she went right up, opening the door with the key he’d given her not that long ago. “Hi baby.” She spoke like she had had the longest day at work. She had been thinking about the conversation she’d had with Sam all damn night and had a really hard time enjoying herself. The corn maze with Jess was definitely the highlight of her night though. Still, she couldn’t get same off of her mind.
sam had stayed at the party longer than he’d intended and while he’d thought ditching would be a good idea, sitting alone with his thoughts while he waited for his girlfriend arrive hadn’t worked out all that well either. especially after that conversation he’d had with ellie about what sam deserved in a relationship. it was a relief to be pulled from his thoughts when he heard a key turn in the door. “hey love,” he smiled tiredly at her. he was genuinely excited to see her but he was also exhausted and the unopened bottle of whiskey beside him hadn’t helped matters. he’d managed to stay relatively sober the entirety of the party but as soon as he was home and didn’t have to worry about out his girlfriend and her fake boyfriend’s pretend relationship, he’d felt free to indulge.
Sky found Sam sitting on the couch. He seemed relatively comfortable; like he had been there for a while. He looked sad, but just his presence alone made Sky smile. She sat her bag down and took her shoes off before she walked over to find Sam next to a bottle of whiskey. This...didn’t look good. The actress straddled her partner before sitting down on his lap, rubbing his tense shoulders out. Something was off. And it was more than just the conversation that they had had in the kitchen. “I’m really sorry about earlier. I know this sucks...” her dark eyes dropped as she spoke. “I’m sorry we couldn’t go together.” She said with a sigh.
sam’s hands landed on sky’s thighs as she sat in his lap. he closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the couch, relaxing as her hands went to work on his shoulders. it was a comfort to have her home in his arms again, especially after things had been so tense earlier that evening. still, he couldn’t shake ellie’s words from earlier. “s’okay,” he shrugged lightly, eyes still closed. “it’s all part of the agreement, right?”
Sky wasn’t totally sure how to respond  to that. Was he being sarcastic or...? Sky furrowed her brow in response and dropped her hands from his shoulders. “Im sorry...” she apologized again, looking away from him. Her heart sank. “Sam...I don’t know what you want me to do. I don’t want you to be miserable jn this. I know you wanna take me out with you, and like...post pictures and stuff. Just...tell people about us.” She didn’t even know where she was going with that but it was something that had been in her mind for a while. She’d try to make up for it with presents, but that only went so far.
sam opened his eyes, his heart sinking a little when he saw the sad look on her face. he didn’t like making her feel that way. but this was a conversation that needed to be had or else they’d keep circling back round to this same shitty feeling. with ellie’s words fresh in his mind he looked at her questioningly. “can i ask... why are you doing this? because i thought i knew but i don’t really think that i do anymore.”
Sky was just now realizing how drunk she was when she felt like she was going to start crying. Fuck. She tried to hold it in, but she knew she wouldn’t be able to for very long if this conversation was headed where she thought it was. She rolled over his lap and leaned her head against the back of the couch and huffed, racking her brain for an answer to his question. Why was it so hard for her to come up with an answer that didn’t make her sound like a self centered bitch. “It’s my job.” She finally said after a few moments of silence. “I...it’ll really help me with my career. This’ll open a lot of doors for me.” What a self centered bitch. Still. It was true.
sam nodded slowly, listening as she spoke. he hadn’t been far off. “i guess i just feel like... i mean you’re so talented, love,” he told her, turning his body to face her on the couch. “i mean really, you’re brilliant. and i don’t understand why you feel that you need to do this to further your career.” sure it would get her a lot more exposure a whole lot quicker. but was it not more rewarding to come by it organically? sam truly thought she was talented enough to make it on her own.
“You don’t get it.” She said immediately, without really thinking about it. “It’s not just talent that gets you famous and successful. You have to have the right connections, the right exposure.” She stood up and huffed, pressing her hand to her forehead in frustration. She paced slowly because now she was getting frustrated. “Thank you, but there are a lot of talented people in the world and only a select few can actually make it.” Now she felt like she was lecturing him, which she didn’t do it on purpose — she was just so frustrated. “What do you want from me, baby?” She sighed.
sam knew that it took an awful lot of luck to break into the business. he wasn’t so naive to think that all you needed to have was talent and ambition to make it. it also took a lot of luck. if it hadn’t been for eevee’s wealth and connections, he doubted that the band would have made anything of themselves, as short lived as that was. but was it really worth all of this? we’re there not other ways to go about building status and gaining exposure? but her final question to him had sam furrowing his brow in hurt confusion. “i guess i just hoped that this was enough,” he said, gesturing between them, his own frustration as the situation creeping into his voice. “you are all i want, and i feel like i can’t even have that. at least not all of you. not the way i want.”
What Sam said next make her heart ache. They had agreed to this. Sure. But it was turning out to be much harder than what they had originally thought. Sky hated Mat. Sure, he was a dick. But she hated looking at him and knowing that he was the one keeping her and Sam from being happy together. Or was she the one that was doing that? “Sam...” she sat down next to him again. “I’m sorry. I want to be the one that makes you feel happy and loved. But...can I ask where this is coming from? Was it just what happened tonight with us? Or is there something else?” Sky empathized with how he felt, she tried to at least, but she still wasn’t sure where this was all coming from. “Please talk to me.” She begged, grabbing his hand with both of hers.
sam hesitated, looking away from her but allowing her to take his hand in hers. "i guess it started in the dining room," he began. "what mat said- it got to me. and i was starting to have doubts, not about us but about... i mean we really should have thought this through... and then i ran into ellie and we got to talking about what i deserve and i can't help but wonder..." sam's blue eyes met sky's. there was an apprehension there, like he was afraid that what he was about to say would change things between them, though he wasn't sure how. "am i not enough for you?"
She looked away from him, her heart skipping a beat once their eyes met. Sky took a sharp breath in at the mention of his ex. So that’s where all of this was coming from. What a fucking bitch. How dare she try to sabotage her relationship like that. But also why was Sam talking to his ex about their relationship. “Why the fuck were you talking to Ellie fucking Robertson about our relationship?” She deflected, standing up in a huff. “Sam, I love you. This is just a damn job. You are endgame. This job is not.” She said, pointing to Sam.
anytime sam mentioned ellie in the past to sky he’d gotten little short responses like “i like ellie” or some other noncommittal comment. while he didn’t expect the two to be best friends he definitely didn’t expect sky to be so pissed about sam talking to her. “what..?” he asked, kind of taken aback by her response. “she’s my friend, sky. one of the only friends i have left and the only other person in my life aside from my aunt who knows what the fuck is going on,” he said, standing as well. “if i can’t talk to her about us who am i supposed to talk to? nobody knows about us. and you know what?” sam asked, eyes growing dark with anger. “i think a lot of the things she was saying made a whole lot of sense.” he huffed at her response about the job, having a difficult time not rolling his eyes at her. “if this is just a damn job, why were you so desperate to take it? the day i come to you to talk, to see if we can get past what separated us in the first place, you tell me you want to take on another job! but i was so...” sam gritted his teeth, taking a hand through his hair as he tried to collect himself. he was having little success. “i was so stupid! so desperate to hold on to you that i said yes! only for this to happen,” he said, gesturing wildly around them. “and we’re right back to where we were the first time around.”
Sky was a big drama queen, so as one can imagine her reaction to what he was saying may have been a bit over the top. But sky was hurt. Mostly because she know that Sam was right. She hadn’t been fair to him, and he did deserve better but sky wasn’t ready to admit that even to herself. When Sky decided to take the job, she had no idea how hard it would be on him. On their relationship. Sky looked like a hurt puppy as he spoke, then let some silence fall over them for only a brief moment. “I...” she stuttered. “Why did you say something? Why didn’t you tell me not to take it? Why did you wait until you got pissed to say something? You wait til things blow up before you actually say something. You’re right. Now here we are. Back to where we started.” She huffed, trying to hold back those damn tears but the spilled over her eyes and down her cheeks. “What do you want me to do, Sam? I can’t lose you.”
sam’s jaw set and he gave her a long look. the anger had mostly faded into sadness because he really hated seeing her like this and he hated even more that he’d been the cause. “i wanted to be better. i wanted us to be better. and after losing eevee like that i-“ he looked down at his feet, heart heavy in his chest. “i couldn’t lose you sky. i would have said anything to be with you. i love you.” he looked up at her, his eyes pleading. he didn’t know how to fix this but he so desperately wanted to. his heart clenched at the sight of her tears and he wanted more than anything to take her into his arms and hold her. but he knew it would only make this harder. “you can’t quit... not now, not after signing a contract. i’d never ask you to do that. but maybe...” he sighed, feeling his own eyes prickle with the beginnings of tears. “maybe we should take some time?” he hadn’t meant it to come out like a question. but the words coming out at all had already been a struggle. and he knew that he had drink in him and that emotions were running high... but it was hard to see another solution.
That was it. That’s when sky absolutely lost it. Her stomach actually hurt and she felt like she was going to vomit. This wasn’t happening. He was right. She couldn’t quit. She’d be breaching her contract and she’s be our hundreds of thousands of dollars. As much as she wanted people to believe it, Sky wasn’t rich and there was no way she’d be able to pay that. She sat down across the room from him, looking anywhere else but in his eyes as she reminded herself to breathe. “You-you’re...breaking up with me?” The words coming out her mouth didn’t even seem real, and — fuck — they hurt so much. Sky loved Sam more than she had loved anyone in her entire life, and sky didn’t always know what to express that. Damn trauma. She cried into her hands for a significant amount of time, before wiping the tears off of her swollen face. She wanted to protest, fight for him...but she also wanted to save at least some of her dignity. “I don’t know what to say, Sam...I love you. I...don’t want this. But I also hate what this is doing to you...” she admitted. Sam really had gotten the short end of the stick in this agreement, and it wasn’t fair of her to ask him to suffer in silence for her sake. “Will it make you happier? If we take a break?” She rasped.
fuck. as soon as he’d said it he wanted to take it back for this very reason. but he knew that this was probably the best for the both of them or else they might make themselves so miserable that it wasn’t worth the fight. sam didn’t want to believe that was true but with each passing day it was getting harder and harder to cope. he crossed the room and knelt beside her, hesitant at first, though eventually he put a hand on her knee. “hey,” he said to her, his voice a small whisper. “don’t think of it like that. i love you so much, sky and i want to be with you. you make me so happy. but this...? this isn’t good for either of us. i mean look at us.” he was quiet for a moment. “how much longer until the deal is done..?” the last time sam had asked the question sky had told him it could take a year’s time. that seemed excruciating but sam knew that he loved sky so much that he could wait. “once this is over and done... maybe then we’ll really give it a fair chance.” this was probably one of if not the hardest thing sam had ever done. he was so used to people in his life leaving him and here he was, letting go of the thing that made him the happiest.
"A...A few more months." It didn't seem like that long, but she didn't want Sam to feel like this a minute longer. Sky hated that she ever made the love of her life feel that way. Had she really been so self centered that she didn't stop for a moment to think about what this was doing to Sam? She tried to covered it up with gifts and pretty words, but that only went so far. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry." She said between breaths. "Th-this is all my fault." Even though, realistically, they both agreed to this without really thinking twice about it. They were just so eager to call each other theirs again that they didn't think about the logistics of all this. She finally took her head out of her hands and looked up at him. "I love you so much." She did. She really did. Even though she had a real shit way of expressing it. No one, except Sam, had ever taught her how to love so she was really just winging this.
sam couldn’t hold back any longer. he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in close, closing his eyes as he nuzzled her head with his cheek. “hey, none of that now...” though it had been good to get everything out there, he regretted being so harsh with his words. he cared about her so much. “we both agreed to this, yeah? a few more months isn’t bad at all. i’ll be working, you’ll be working, and before you know it i’ll be cheering you on at opening night for rent, okay?” and then hopefully things would be right between them and they could finally be happy with no conditions. “i love you too. so so much.”
Sky sobbed into his shoulder, probably getting his shirt all gross and snotty but she couldn't seem to find the energy to care about that now. "o...kay." she sobbed, her breath hitching. She hated this. She hated Mat. She hated Ellie. And there was a large part of her that hated herself for letting things get this out of control. She regretted ever taking that damn job in the first place. They stayed in that embraced for a while. It seemed like neither of them wanted to be the first to let go. At least that was Sky's interpretation of it. If they let go, then that meant that this was really over.
sam held her close to him, rubbing her back soothingly as he tried to calm her down. this all really sucked but sam wanted sky to know that this wasn’t goodbye. he quietly began humming her the melody of the song he’d written for her. he’d hoped the gesture would be both comforting and reassuring though he managed to bring himself to tears in the process. once he’d finished, he planted a small kiss to the top of her head before pulling away to look at her. he wiped away a few of her stray tears and smiled sadly at her. “this isn’t over for us, yeah?” and he held out his pinky to her. “you and me forever. promise.”
It was probably impossible for Sky to stay mad at Sam for long. Especially when he hummed to her like that, held her like that. It seemed he was always her rock - he'd held her like this and hummed to her while they were in the hospital waiting to see Eevee. Sam cared about other people more than he cared about himself. He also didn't see his worth, and Sky knew that she had done a bad job of helping him see it. Sky was fucking blessed to be loved by him, and even though that it may have been over for them now, Sky wasn't going to stop fighting for him. He deserved that much.
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brycecortez · 4 years
Shard Of Summer | Bravery
when: july 7th, 2020
where: rollerskating rink
trigger warnings: just feeeeels
nb: in which avery and bryce go out on a cute, and much needed, date
(ooc): this is an ongoing chatzy, and will be updated as we go along.
Avery had been surprised at Bryce's invitation to dinner and on top of that, rollerskating. She didn't want to assume that this was a date and get her hopes up, but it definitely felt like one to her. Avery had changed into clothes fit for both occasions - cute enough to wear to dinner, but comfortable enough to survive the rollerskating afterwards. If she were honest, she had no idea how to skate. Hopefully Bryce did. Once she was happy with the way she looked, she grabbed her bag off the vanity of her dorm room and made her way back out of the building to meet him outside. A grin easily formed on her face once she spotted his car.
Bryce was really trying to do different this time, to be better. He knew that he wouldn't get called to active duty any time soon, and with him and Avery being on the same campus now, he was desperately trying to do right by her...as best as he could. That, and he felt a bit like a dick for the way he spoke to her when she found out about him and Lola. She had every right to be upset, and he was just being a brat because he got caught playing his little game. So, he decided to take her out on their first /official/ date. The two always hung out alone whenever he was around, but he had always been way too stubborn to say that it was more than it actually was. This time, it was different. Dressed in a black t-shirt and a pair of jeans, he had planned for the date to be more casual and fun than anything else. He had texted her when he arrived and had scrolled through his social media when he heard the passenger door open, causing him to look up and give the blonde a warm smile. "Hey beautiful." He greeted a gentle tone before leaning over the middle console and giving her a quick hello kiss. "You look cute. Ready to go?"
Avery could tell Bryce was making an effort. And, as much as she wanted to talk herself out of falling for him even harder, she knew that it would be useless. She would always make up with him. Always give him endless chances. He was her person, and all that needed to happen was him admit that she was his person, too. Once she climbed inside his car, Avery returned his smile before blushing at the compliment. "Hi handsome," she easily reciprocated, surprised by the kiss but welcomed it nonetheless. Avery nodded when asked if she was ready, her mouth stretched into a wide smile. "I am. Totally ready to go. Hey, quick question that has nothing to do with tonight... you know how to roller skate, right?" She asked, a nervous laugh leaving her lips as his engine started. She really did want to roller skate, she was just fully aware of how badly she would embarrass herself once she put the skates on.
Bryce was just glad that Avery was the person that she was. That she was kind, loving, and forgiving towards him and everything that's happened. Between the constant games he played, going back and forth between wanting her and not wanting her; after everything, the one thing that always remained constant was her. She was his light at the end of a very dark tunnel. A brow raised at her question, looking at her with wide eyes before focusing his attention onto the road as he pulled out of the huge parking lot. "I was hoping you knew how to skate..." He trailed off, keeping a serious demeanor for a good minute before laughing. "I know how to skate. I used to go all the time as a kid. Now I guess the question is do /you/ know how to skate?" He asked in an amused tone. "I was thinking maybe we can go skating and then end the night with dinner and dessert? But if you're hungry now we can easily switch that around."
Avery chewed her bottom lip nervously at his reaction. Her expression easily turned annoyed when he assured her he knew how to skate, reaching across to hit him on the arm for scaring her. “I have /no/ clue how to skate, Bryce. I’m going to leave the skate rink with bruises all over my body and it’s going to be all your fault,” she warned, but chuckled to show there was no heat behind her words. Avery shrugged at the question. “I feel like skating and then dinner is the way to go, mainly because I feel like if we eat first then I’ll definitely puke later,” Avery admitted, half serious. On top of having no knowledge of how to roller skate, this date was making her nervous because they’d never really gone on one before. Not officially, at least.
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bentaylorrogerhardy · 5 years
Lily of the Valley - Part 6
Joe Mazzello! x Reader!
Summary: Being a young, single mom that worked full-time was hard. When you weren’t working, you were taking care of your five year old daughter, Lily. You had given up on dating after many failed attempts. That was until after a rough day of dealing with your ex boyfriend, your best friend introduced you to Joe.
Word count: 2103
Warnings: Fluff, mentions of vomiting, vomiting, mentions of being drunk, someone being drunk, more fluff
A/N: Ahhh this is so cute! Leave me some feedback if you enjoyed. Reblog/like/send me asks/anything!
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About a month has passed since you and Joe have started seeing each other, and things were going great. Every moment of free time was spent either just the two of you, while you had a day off from work and while Lily was in school, or the three of you together. Lily LOVED her ‘best friend’, as she often referred to him as.
“What do I call you?” Lily asked Joe one night when he was over for dinner at your place.
“Whatever you want to,” he chuckled, setting his fork down. Lily looked at him for a minute, furrowing her eyebrows.
“Joey?” she asked, cocking her head to the side.
“I would love to be called Joey,” he smiled, glancing at you, then back at her. 
“Okay. Joey? I’m gonna call you Joey, ‘cause it’s cute, and you’re my cute best friend,” she giggled, taking a bite of mac and cheese.
“You think I’m cute?” he laughed, leaning back in his chair.
“Uh huh!” she nodded, “so does my mommy!” Joe turned to look at you, sitting on the opposite side of the table from him, as you could feel your cheeks flush rapidly.
“Really?” he chuckled.
“Obviously,” you stated, laughing and trying to hide your red face.
“Joey!” Lily gasped, “do you think my mommy’s cute, too?”
Joe glanced over at you, and you at him, and a smile spread across his face.
“I do,” he replied, still smiling, “in fact, I think she’s beautiful.”
“And I think he’s handsome,” you smiled back. Lily covered her mouth and started uncontrollably giggling, then got up out of her chair and walked over to Joe.
“Kiss her,” she whispered in his ear.
“You want me to?” he asked her, getting up from his chair and walking to the other side of the table to you.
“What?” you asked as Joe made his way next to you, taking one of your hands in his.
“Kiss her, Joey!” she giggled, jumping up and down in anticipation.
“Ahhh, so that’s what she wanted,” you laughed, standing up and wrapping your arms around Joe’s neck, “well, Mazzello. Whatcha waitin’ for?” Joe chuckled, shaking his head, then gently pressed a sweet kiss to your lips, accompanied by the background noise of Lily.
“Ewwww!” she squealed. You and Joe pulled away then looked at her.
“What?” you laughed.
“Kiss again! Kiss again!” she giggled, jumping up and down more.
“Again? Okay, it’s gonna be gross,” Joe laughed, then kissed you again, harder than before, and dipped you, steadying you by holding your waist.
“EWWW!” She squealed even louder. You and Joe pulled away again, laughing at her reaction.
“Has he met Chad yet?” Kristen asked at work the following day. You turned to her and rolled your eyes.
“I haven’t heard from him in nearly a month, so no, and I don’t intend on them meeting until I know we’re serious,” you answered, turning back to your computer to finish your final reports for the day.
“A month?!” Jana exclaimed, slamming her folder on the counter, “a fucking month?!”
“Yeah. I know,” you sighed, “Lily wants to see him, but he just won’t answer.”
“Could he be drinking again?” Kristen asked.
“Don’t know,” you shrugged, finishing up the last report and getting up from the computer, “okay, I’m done for the day.”
“You and Joe have plaaaans?” Jana smirked at you, leaning back in her chair as you grabbed all of your things.
“Yes, actually,” you laughed, “he’s taking Lily and I to dinner.”
“Oooooh,” her and Kristen said in unison. You laughed, shaking your head.
“Okay, I’m out of here,” you said, pulling your keys out of your purse, “bye, girls.”
“Bye!” they said. You headed to the elevator and down to the first floor and out to your car, heading to pick Lily up from school.
“How was school?” you asked Lily as she climbed into the backseat.
“Good,” she sighed, laying her head against the window as you drove away.
“What’s wrong?” you asked her, glancing at her through the rearview mirror.
“I don’t feel good,” she whined, “my tummy hurts.”
“Aw, my girl,” you frowned, “we’ll be home shortly. You can take a nap in my bed, okay?”
“Okay,” she sighed, laying her head back against the window. A few minutes later, you arrived at your apartment, parking and getting out, then walking around to her side of the car, getting her out and carrying her inside. After getting inside your apartment, you brought Lily to your room, changing her into one of your old tee shirts and laying her down in your bed.
“Mommy,” she whined, tears welling up in her eyes, “I don’t feeeeel gooood.”
“I know,” you frowned, putting a damp cloth on her head, “just try to go to sleep, okay? Maybe when you wake up, you’ll feel be-,”
Just then, in a split second, the contents of Lily’s stomach was now all over your bedroom carpet. Her face pale, she looked at you and began to sob.
“No, no, no, it’s okay,” you said, brushing her hair out of her face, trying to calm her down, “I’ll clean it up, it’ll be okay.”
“I want my daddy,” she sobbed, laying her head back down on the pillow. You sighed, knowing what the result of calling Chad would be; no answer. It’s been a month, why would he answer now?
“I’ll try calling him, okay?” you said, kissing her forehead, then placing the damp rag back on her head, “try sleeping. If you need anything, just yell for me.”
“Okay,” she sniffled, “mommy?”
“Yes?” you asked, turning back towards her.
“Can I watch Peppa Pig?” she asked.
“Of course,” you smiled, walking over to the TV and putting on the Peppa Pig DVD, then exited the room.
Two hours had passed, and nothing had progressed. Lily was still throwing up and couldn’t go to sleep, you couldn’t get a hold of Chad, and by the looks of it, you were going to have to cancel your date with Joe. You decided to call Chad one last time, in hopes he would possibly answer. As you ran around the apartment like a mad man, throwing the vomit covered sheets and clothes into the washer, the phone pressed to your ear, holding it with your shoulder, a shocking voice came through the phone.
“Whaaat?” Chad groaned when he finally, and surprisingly, answered the phone.
“Where the fuck have you been?” you spat out, closing the washer and starting the load of laundry.
“Busy,” he said, his words slurring. He was drunk, but what’s new?
“Jesus Christ, Chad,” you sighed, “are you drinking again?”
“What’s it to ya, huh?” he slurred again.
“Whatever. That’s not why I’m calling. I’m calling because your daughter has the stomach bug and wants to see you,” you sighed, “but you’re obviously not in the right state of mind to do that.”
“I’ll come by tomorrow,” he said, letting out a burp into your ear, “okay, gotta go. Bye.”
“Chad, n-,” you started, but he hung up before you could get the words out. You let out a sigh, then dialed Joe’s number.
“Hey!” he answered, “I was just about to call you.”
“Hey,” you smiled, “I really hate doing this, but I’m gonna have to cancel dinner for tonight.”
“Oh,” he said, his voice dropping, “why? What’s wrong?”
“I picked Lily up from school and she was complaining about not feeling well, and when we got home, she couldn’t stop puking and she hasn’t stopped,” you sighed, resting your elbows on the counter.
“Oh, no,” he said, “poor Lils. Do you want me to come over?”
“I think she’d like the company,” you said, “her dad has....other obligations.”
“I’ll be right over. See you soon,” he said, and the two of you hung up.
Thirty minutes later, and there was a knock at your door. You opened it to find Joe standing there, multiple grocery bags in his hands.
“What’s all that?” you asked, taking a few of the bags from him, and setting them on the counter.
“Well, when I was little, my mom always gave me gatorade when I had the stomach bug,” he said, setting the remainder of the bags on the counter, “I didn’t know what flavors she liked, so I grabbed all of them.”
“Oh my god, I could cry,” you laughed, wrapping your arms around him in a big hug, “you’re a lifesaver.”
“Where is she?” he asked, kissing the top of your head.
“In my room,” you sighed, “I’ve tried to get her to nap, but she can’t.”
The two of you walked to your room, and found Lily laying in bed, still watching Peppa Pig.
“Look who came to see you,” you said, sitting on the bed next to her, “and he even brought you some stuff to help you feel better.”
She rolled over to face you and Joe, and her sick, little face brightened up at the sight of him.
“How’s my best friend?” he asked, laying down next to her on the bed.
“My tummy hurts,” she whined, “I threw up.”
“I heard,” he said, then reached over and grabbed the bottle of lemon lime Gatorade, “so, I got you this special drink.”
“Why’s it special?” she asked, looking at it questioningly.
“Because it will help you feel better,” he said, opening it and holding it up to her mouth so she could take a sip.
“Mmmm,” she said, “Joey, that’s good!”
“I’m so glad you like it,” he smiled, “I got you a billion kinds!”
“A billion?” she giggled quietly, “you’re silly.”
“Oh, I know,” he laughed, “hey, where’s Princess Bubblegum Sparkles?”
“In my room,” she said, then turned to look at you, “mommy, can you go get her?”
“Sure,” you laughed, getting up and walking to Lily’s room to get the stuffed pink unicorn she treasured so much, then handed it back to her when you got back to your room.
“Do you think you can try and take a nap?” Joe asked her, “you’re probably really tired.”
“Uh huh,” she nodded, yawning, “okay, I can try.”
“Okay, I’ll lay with you until you fall asleep,” he said, and she cuddled up close to him and laid her head on his chest.
“Do you want me to stay in here, too?” you asked her, and she shook her head.
“No, just me and my Joey,” she said, yawning again. You flashed Joe a thankful smile, then headed back out to the living room. About 20 minutes later, he came out of your room and joined you on the couch.
“She’s out,” he said, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you into him.
“Oh my god, you’re the best,” you sighed contentedly, “I don’t know how to repay you.”
“I know how,” he said, and you looked up at him.
“How so?” you furrowed an eyebrow. He chuckled and shook his head.
“This isn’t exactly how I planned on doing this, but…” he started, “this past month has been one of the best months of my life. I love being around you, and I love being around Lily, and I was just wondering if you wanted to be my girl-,”
“JOOOEY!” Lily sobbed from your room, “I want my Joey!”
“Better go tend to your best friend. It’ll give me time to think of an answer,” you smirked at him, winking. He laughed and got up, following the sound of Lily’s sobs. Obviously, your answer to Joe was that, yes, you would love to be his girlfriend. Nobody has ever treated you like he has in the past month, and after dating Chad, he was exactly what you needed. You got up quietly, and walked to your room and stood outside the door, quietly listening to the sound of Joe humming ‘Here Comes The Sun’ by the Beatles, as Lily drifted back off to sleep. You could cry at the sight you were witnessing, but suppressed them as to not disrupt the moment. You made your way back out to the living room, and shortly behind you, so did Joe. At the sight of him, you nearly crashed into him, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him like your life depended on it.
“Well, I take it that’s a yes?” he chuckled, resting his hands on your hips. The tears started streaming down your face as you profusely nodded.
“Yes,” you breathed out, smiling as Joe wiped a few stray tears from your cheeks, “I would love to be your girlfriend.”
Tags: @hargreevesgrace @deakyspuff @okiegirl24 @joalsglasses @toger-raylor @panicatttckiss @cheeseedreams47 @shesakillerquueennn @cruelnatalie @mrsmazzello @rogerina-owns-me @johnricharddeaconn @jiswoogannon @loveofmychips @v-o-o-d-o-o-c-h-i-l-d
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winterstorm032802 · 5 years
Xion: Axel what happened to him!?
Axel: He drank 8 cans of Mike's Watermelon
Xion: *sighs* and who gave it to him?
Axel: No idea
Roxas: Oh hey Xion! Come join me! Axel can you bring me more of that juice stuff?
Axel: *grins sheepishly* I mean what was I supposed to do?
Xion: Where are the others?
Axel: Terra, Aqua and Ventus are hanging out somewhere. Kairi, Sora and Riku are over there *points to the trio*
Sora: He's been like this for hours... I'm gonna join him *gets a mic and runs to Roxas* WHAT AM I ASKING OF THIS MOOOORNING IS A LITTLE LATER OOOON
Kairi: *facepalms*
Riku: *in the corner reevaluating his life choices*
Roxas: *jumps over to Xion* Xion! I have to tell you something important
Xion: What is it?
Roxas: I don't remember...
Xion: It's okay
Roxas: Oh right! I love you! *Kisses Xion and accidentally pushes her on the couch while Sora still sings*
Kairi: Interesting by the way Axel is he really drunk?
Axel: Trust me he definitely is, just a few hours ago he was deciding whether to tell her or not
Roxas: Xion I want to date you or marry you whatever comes first
Xion: Roxas come on your drunk you don't know what your saying
Roxas: *narrows his eyes* Xion listen I'm not lying alright! I love you and ever since you've been gone I didn't even remember but now I can tell you *starts crying*
Xion: *smiles with tears in her eyes* Roxas your severely drunk...but I believe what you say
Roxas: Good *falls asleep on Xion*
Xion: *blushes* Goodnight...Roxas I love you
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