#can be viewed as platonic or romantic
p1nk-syr1nge · 2 years
loved your tf2 support class x reader headcanons!! i was wondering if i may also request support class cuddling headcanons?? 🥺
Support Class Cuddling!!
Relationships are ambigious!! Percieve how you wish :]
also hi i'm back :3 (was never rlly gone i'm just stable enough to make these now!!)
Cuddling with him can be tricky because he’s quite busy… However, at the end of the day you can usually sit on his lap and lay on his chest as he files some paperwork…
Would most likely pet you…
Quite comfy, like a firm, human mattress not gonna lie. If you’re laying on his chest too then it's very comfortable.
Man tits for pillows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Though when you’re close to him that slight scent of blood is always present….
Not terrible, but it tends to be him laying on you.
Or you to him.( He tends to enjoy that full body weight ND experience).
He’s so lanky and dangly he’s practically wrapped around a little bony but not terribly so…
It’s always a tangle of limbs, it’s a little awkward but you get used to it.
He’s rather comfortable just draping himself over you. Like a personal human blanket…
Oh he loves to sit on your lap… Just kind of clinging onto you.
Bony, and dangly, yet surprisingly comfortable. Though will be on top of you for hours and refuses to get up, like a super mean cat.
Likes when you pet him… though she’s far too prideful to admit it.
A trap!! He’ll say “Just for a minute” and then it becomes several hours.
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kevin-ibw · 6 months
No, but like it would be really funny if Vox and Rosie were also besties. It was either Vox and Rosie got acquainted through Alastor or Vox, and Alastor got acquired through Rosie.
Can you just fking imagine the shenanigans that can happen if that's true, because we have two god forsaken enemies and former business partners/friends forced to get along because they share a common friend they're on good terms with.
Alastor: "I see you still don't appreciate their Rosie's delicious cuisines."
Vox: "I see you still chew so damn loudly."
Rosie: "Boys."
Alastor: "Apologies."
Vox: "Sorry Bara-san."
Then they glare at each other.
To make this even funnier, I HC Vox to be in the ace specs, so Rosie deadass just attracts all the ace in a hole inside her inner circle.
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hobiiiebrown · 1 year
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eternalblizzards · 1 month
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bugs when you lift up a rock
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d4rk-x-w0lf-17 · 6 months
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i'm fucking sick. i just remembered that each time that n reached out to the girls that he loved, asking them to let him help them and it just got him hurt in the end
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theposhperyton · 7 months
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I'm almost finished with Enies Lobby, manifesting this energy for the end of the arc 🙏
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justaz · 3 months
merlin breaks down in front of lancelot about all the anti-magic things his friends say (even tho it’s never “oh nasty vile sorcerers will die by my blade” or some shit but like those backhanded comments or lil micro aggressions against not just magic users but also followers of the old religion) and he’s just crying to lancelot about how the people he would die for would kill him if they knew the truth (they wouldn’t really but he’s allowed to be a lil dramatic)
anyways lancelot starts noticing the comments a lot more and peeps merlin’s lil flinches or sullen expressions and gets irate on his behalf and becomes his voice. lancelot stands up against the anti-magic rhetoric and challenges anyone who disagrees with him. merlin warns him that even being a magic sympathizer is against the law and worthy of execution. lancelot shoots back that that was only a thing during uther’s reign, arthur hasn’t even ordered an execution since becoming king.
lancelot continues to argue on behalf of all magic users and followers of the old religion. since lancelot is lancelot, his points and arguments are well thought out, perfectly worded, and executed brilliantly - no one can win an argument against him. slowly, the anti-magic rhetoric begins to unravel and more and more people are swayed to being pro-magic until the pressure is on arthur to repeal the ban
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homkamiro · 11 months
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Sudden scoutling because I feel like it
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fogmoo · 1 year
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Here’s the finished painting of Padparadscha and Rutile ❤️🌼
[Image description: Two versions of a digital painting depicting Padparadscha leaning on Rutile's shoulder. Padparadscha is asleep with a peaceful look on their face, while Rutile looks tired and annoyed, looking at Padparadscha's chest, full of holes and cracks. The light comes from behind Padparadscha, and spreads in rays, almost like an halo. One version has slightly more pink colors than the other, which is more orange.]
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tubbytarchia · 6 months
"Cool ship art, unfortunately I'm interpreting it platonically" dude it's literally fine lol. Guys please. Art is meant to be interpreted. Don't call it unfortunate just because you think your interpretation differs from the artist's vision (and please refrain from using wording that implies strictly correct and wrong interpretations, it dismisses others!)
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p1nk-syr1nge · 2 years
Quality Time [TF2 x Reader](1)
Offense!! I will be coming out with the others soon :3
but here's this for now
Takes you to practice sports with him.
Most likely baseball.
He’s the kinda guy that’ll say “I’ll race ya” knowing damn well it’s only to show off
For the most part though, it’s just him getting some practice in with some exceptional teasing at how “bad” you are with this game.
Afterwards you’ll both get ice cream and sit on the swings at the park.
It’s surprisingly peaceful, and the both of you watch the sunset in the distance. He’s not talking much for once, and it’s just a tranquil moment.
… until he says he’ll race you home
A museum day, perhaps.
Taking a walk around to tour monuments always makes him happy
He’s surprisingly calm for the most part
 Except when some non-specific statue is in place, and Soldier is making a scene with his proud speech and tears rolling down his face.
You were escorted by security and had to sit outside
Although there was a hotdog stand right around the corner
So the both of you sat on a nearby bench eating a hotdog dinner, until it was time to come back to the base
There was a carnival in town, one of those cheap ones with the rides that we’re on the brink of falling apart
You and Pyro went on as many rides possible, even the scarier ones
Pyro would not let you chicken, but was still scared during some of them and was practically clinging onto you the whole time.
At some point the both of you went to get loaded up on treats, you've gotten quite a lot to the point where you had to take turns on the rides. One person rode the attraction, the other held the treats…But it was getting boring and you both agreed to just eat all of them right then and there.
The next roller coaster did not end well and your supposed iron stomach betrayed you…
It was time to go home but you both had a great time.
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macksartblock · 1 year
In terms of prompts if you wanted to do a gothcleats, platonic or romantic that would be pretty cool, or just link in general
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love is stored in the garfield film on your phone
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fluffomatic · 7 months
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After making Dan's tickle chart and the fact I made his back, one of his Death Spots™ inspired me to draw again, which is dope.
The idea of Mira going in for a hug then scribbling her fingers against his back so he absolutely BREAKS is so damn cute to me! I have more ideas for Lee!Dan. I'm living for it 😝
(My art don't repost but please reblog)
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stealingyourbones · 1 year
Submitted Prompts #98
Danny and Raven are both hybrid supernatural creatures. Which means, they end up meeting during a couple of pagan celebrations.
They get to talking, and realize they get along really well. So, since on Raven's side of things, she still hasn't met the Titans yet, Team Phantom just essentially adopt her. Sam adores her new goth friend. They help her feel normal, and she gives them precious advice on magic and how, sometimes, defeating an enemy comes at the cost of their life, because they might not give you much of a choice...
Soon, Raven meets the Titans, while Danny goes along his usual business of keeping Amity Park safe. They keep meeting up for celebrations, birthdays and random meetings for no reason other than a slightly feral sense of "I missed your presence at my side" they all have with each other.
The Titans are very curious on why she keeps disappearing every year at the exact same time, but all they know is the bare bones "magical meeting of magical entities that practice magic".
Until one day, when Raven almost tore Titans Tower apart while desperately trying ANYTHING to contact a friend who seemed to be "gone, and nothing can reach him. What did that idiot do?!?!?!" They are...justifiably concerned...and Robin smuggles the Batplane out of it's hangar so they can help their friend, who's always so composed, actually get to Amity with some backup in case things are going wrong.
Nothing would have prepared them for the SMOKING GODDAMN CRATER in the ground where a town should be. Raven can't reach past the Veil. The way seems to be blocked (since Amity, in the Ghost Zone, has the Ghost Shield up and running) and her powers are going a little wonky and unstable, random rocks lifting and orbiting her and the town limits as the Titans investigate as much as they can.
Until, with roaring thunder, Amity is thrown back into it's proper spot. But something's wrong. Phantom is easy to feel. He's always been a shimmering beacon in Raven's senses, but right now he feels...subdued, and yet swelling with new power...
It's not until Twam Phantom goes to meet her, that raven realizes what's wrong. She knows that Crown, and the Ring her friend is cradling in his hands. Ectoplasm is staining his hands, his suit, and, most noticeable, his teeth.
He looks like he'd rather be anywhere than here, and Sam goes in for a hug, and tells Raven they're calling a "Code Panda" (because pandas have a startlingly high chance of abandoning their Cubs before adulthood, and are generally idiots).
Robin volunteers to destroy the portal when they're ready to go, while the rest of the Titans start closing ranks around the seemingly traumatized teenage hero in case he needs help. The most he reacts is to let Raven float to him and hug him as he whispers a soft "Hey Ray...I had to follow your advice..."
(I imagine that Raven's own experiences would help Danny come to understand that, even if his Rogues can be reasoned with, there will eventually come a time where a new one might not. So they have to be prepared for that eventuality. So Danny treats Pariah's Core like one of those chewing gums with the liquid in the center of it, when he realizes the Old Tyrant King isn't going to go quietly, nor will he listen to reason. And hearing his parents talk about how Phanton would have to be exterminated soon before he "got too powerful" leads Danny and his friends to get out of Amity ASAP. Luckily, they have a friend who's very happy to have them around. Is this an "Everlasting Trio+the DC character they fell for" thing? Not necessarily, but my brain pictures them as starting to date while Raven got busy with the Titans, and when they're all together, they platonically drag Raven to their cuddle pile, where they romantically confess their shared feelings for her. But it's really up to interpretation of whoever reads it.)
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electricbathsalt · 2 months
what would your ideal Overhaul conclusion look like? Your word is fact to me
Hello!! I have a few different ideas for what an “ideal conclusion” could look like, so I suppose I’ll just supply which one I like most, bc I am nothing if not self-indulgent. Also, you put too much power in my hands lol :3
First and foremost: He would get prosthetics. No matter what the situation or plan, he’d be provided with prosthetics.
I’d retain him not meeting with Eri, because Eri does not want to see him. She isn’t ready. It won’t help anyone at this point in time for the two to see each-other again.
Pops is alive, although he and Chisaki have not met again face-to-face. Chisaki still apologized via letter, since that’s all they allowed him. They prohibited Pops from contacting Chisaki, because they don’t think it’s a good idea for now.
He faces consequences, but they are not simply “you’re going back into solitary confinement to rot for the rest of your days”. That’s quite a waste. In my world, there’d be facilities made that are what prisons are actually supposed to be—a rehabilitation center. There’d be strict regulations/schedules, limited freedom, rules on socializing, and monitoring (when outside your room, which is equipped with a bed, table, kitchen, and bathroom), but you also get genuine help in ways such as therapy, and you’re treated with actual humanity. The LOV and some of the Shie Hassaikai would be in one. Their prison sentences include community service, which is typically the only time they spend off facility grounds. I’d want Chisaki to be working in a hospital as part of his community service, although he doesn’t work directly with any civilian patients (yet).
But that’s all to be explained outside the actual scene. As for what the actual scene would theoretically look like…
We find out Chisaki’s working in a hospital as his community service via Midoriya coming to visit him. Chisaki is shown with prosthetics, clean-shaven, and doing genuine work. They have a not-friendly-but-not-hostile conversation where it’s basically Midoriya explaining that he wanted to see what Chisaki was up to, and saying that, despite everything, he wishes the best for Chisaki and hopes that he stays on the right path. That he hopes that one day, Chisaki will learn how to sincerely apologize to Eri, because he’ll understand what he put her through; because he’ll also understand what he himself went through, too. This is when it’s confirmed Chisaki had been experimented on in Garaki/AFO’s orphanage via flashbacks. In these flashbacks, it’s also shown that a lot of the things Chisaki said during the Hassaikai arc were, in fact, taken from things that’d been said to him. It’s shown that Chisaki had sacrificed things multiple times as a child in order to protect others. He always got hurt and betrayed. It was not his tenth act of kindness that had freed him, but his first act of apathy. It’s also shown how anytime Chisaki did anything Pops didn’t want him to, or ‘wrong’, Pops’ only response was to punish him (a lot of the things Pops punished him for as a kid were neurodivergent behaviors).
Midoriya smiles at Chisaki, which mildly surprises him and breaks him out of the flashbacks. “Do you hate me?” Chisaki would ask, impassive. “Do you hate me?” Midoriya would retort.
Midoriya would bring up wanting to help everyone he can, wanting to inspire others to help those next to them. He asks Chisaki if he wants to see Kurono again. “Is this blackmail, a threat, or leverage?” Chisaki would ask. “Is ‘none of the above’ an option?” Midoriya would say with a wobbly smile. Kurono then enters the room. Both Chisaki and Kurono’s eyes widen as they see each-other. A pause.
Then, “Your hair is longer,” Kurono would say. “Your hair is shorter,” Chisaki would say. Kurono hesitantly smiles as he steps as close to Chisaki as he can without touching him, always so aware of Chisaki’s wants and boundaries. “How are you? How’ve they been treating you?” Kurono would quietly ask with his signature note of protectiveness. Chisaki’s eyes gloss. He pulls Kurono into a hug, Kurono yelping in surprise, and Chisaki’s skin breaks out in hives. He buries his face in Kurono’s shoulder. “I’m sorry,” Chisaki would sob into Kurono’s shirt. Kurono wraps his arms around Chisaki, smile returning even softer than it was before. “It’s okay,” Kurono would whisper.
After a moment, Kurono lightly pushes Chisaki back by the shoulders. “We really messed up, didn’t we?” Kurono would tearily laugh. Chisaki deeply frowns. “I messed up,” he would argue. “Yeah, okay,” Kurono would say, raising a brow, “Like when we accidentally poisoned our classmate.”
Chisaki’s frown somehow deepens even more. “That is not the same,” he’d adamantly say, voice cracking, and Kurono bursts out laughing while still crying. Then, that panel switches to one of the two of them as young teens; Chisaki had been indignant and ranting about something while Kurono had just laughed.
Midoriya watches the two, shakily smiling while tearing up himself. Then, he catches sight of something that makes his eyes widen and jaw go slack.
Chisaki’s smiling. Something nearly unnoticeably small and unbelievably hesitant, but there on quivering lips. Genuine and real.
Or something like that? It might be wishful thinking/unrealistic, but I really want Chisaki to smile. I also tried to make it kinda summarized bc I don’t want it to be unrealistically long, although I’m pretty sure it still is unrealistically long for a conclusion of a side character that nobody cares about lmao. Or, two side characters nobody cares about lol. I’m just saying I would’ve eaten up a Kurono/Chisaki reunion
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mistyscenter · 2 months
I love that this fandom doesn't understand Baxter's character, I adore how they patronize him,a whole ass adult, for facing the consequences of his actions.
I love how people make him feel like a sad little baby when he leaves mc as if that's not something he made extremely clear. I love how people treat this 19 year old as if he's not old enough to understand the consequences of his actions. I love how Baxter is aware of his flaw's but feels like he can't break them because people only see him as a tool and this fandom reinforces that.
I love how people will get mad at Nico for doing the cardinal crime of being 6 years old but will baby a 24 year old Baxter. I love how people make him this charismatic rich guy when it's shown that he's a hot mess that doesn't know what he wants. I love that Baxter's whole character arc is about his self sabotaging tendencies and how everyone ignores that. I love that people fell in love with the mask he had for most of the dlc.
I love that this fandom lacks reading comprehension skills and understanding of nuance characters, great job everyone for not understanding how writing works :)
#our life#misty talks our life#olba#our life beginnings & always#our life beginnings and always#olba baxter#our life baxter#baxter ward#this is what i mean by “i don't haye Baxter's character” i think hes very interesting and we should look towards his dlc with critical eyes#because it's a fact that his dlc was rushed and that kab/gb lady doesnt care for him#it shown in the writing of his dlc#so that is interesting for me but is also interesting for me how ppl are quick to baby this man#like again baxter is fucking 19 when he leaves mc “but misty 19 year olds aren't fully growns up” hi 19 year old here#i know that bitch but im old enough to understand that my actions have consequences and affect others#which is smth Baxter is aware of as well#that's fhe thing that bothers me#hes young enough to make that mistake but old enough to understand it will impact mc view on relationships#romantic or platonic smth like that will affect you in some ways#and he knows because hes not a young teenager who still doesn't know how his actions impact people#hes legally an adult he can live on his own hes able to ride a car hes off to college#is not a grown up but is not a child either#as a 19 year old I would love of ppl treated him as a young adult making a dumb mistake#instead of a baby who didn't know any better#like even if he did regret it he knows that thats his fault#hes aware that hes doing this shit to himself and wont stop#thats the point of his dlc#anyways i should make a post on cove's autism
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