birdbrainstudies · 4 years
Hey! I saw u go to bryn mawr. I was wondering if u can speak a bit about ur time there such as: Hows the social environment, people, and overall ~vibe~ there? I like their academics and location I'm just trying to get a feel for their atmosphere:) and how do students feel about poc/ lgbt people? Also, what are some of your personal favorite aspects of bryn mawr and least favorite? Thanks!
Hello! I do indeed go to BMC, and I’ll be returning to campus in the fall for my junior year!
Social Culture
Honestly I've felt, like many others, that the campus is very very tradition-focused. One such tradition, WTF (Welcome The First-years) Week, involves juniors, sophomores, and seniors 'adopting' frosh/taking them under their wing. Traditions like this, in my opinion, heavily increase the cliquiness of the student body, if that makes sense. I personally didn't get a 'family' my first year and felt that that took away a lot from my potential social circles at BMC. I still absolutely adore the school and the professors, but I find, compared to Haverford (the nearby co-ed school) Bryn Mawr students are a little less open and friendly to those they don't know well. The people at Bryn Mawr with whom I am very close are LOVELY and KIND, it’s just harder to make friends if you don’t participate in the tradition I’ve mentioned. 
Experience as a member of the LGBT+ community and as a POC
The majority of students at BMC are actually LGBT, and as a result, BMC is a VERY LGBT friendly community, in my personal experience. I'd honestly dare say it's one of the most welcoming in the country. No concerns there :) pronouns are asked, inclusive language is used, staff and students alike are really great about it. Actually, that reminds me that cissexist language is sometimes used, but it’s pointed out pretty quickly. However, I will make note that my experience is probably different from others’, and I am very lucky to have not experienced any hate for my identity.
On the POC side, I recognize that my experience may be different from those of others, but I've found BMC as an institution (staff and professors) to be great about POC. On the other hand, I've felt as a POC that white students at the school can be a bit ignorant of POC experiences and a bit too quick to talk over POC voices. Another thing you should know is that the college and the surrounding area are pretty white. It was definitely a culture shock for me, coming to Bryn Mawr from the CA Bay Area. I've definitely encountered some shady people, but, like, it’s definitely not most people, only a few that are like that. Again, I will add a disclaimer that my experience may differ from others’ and that others, should they have more to add, should feel more than free to add their experiences too! Don’t take my word for gospel -- this is just a recounting of my specific experiences.
Pros and Cons, in my eyes, of BMC
Small class size
Professors are super involved
Professors are super accommodating
Professors want to help you in and out of class
Absolutely gorgeous campus
Cool traditions (though I don't participate in them)
Really great student body (nerdy/niche interests everywhere)
Students don't talk about grades, only what matters (like "did you get this question right, how did you solve it?" once tests are passed back rather than "what did you get")
Haverford nearby if you want the co-ed college feel
Excellent dorms
Fantastic food
Really bad disability accommodations department (offset by the fact that professors are great and generally will give you the accommodations you need if you ask personally)
The culture shock coming in was difficult for me, and a lot of white people at the school don't really understand POC struggles but sort of assume they do
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oml-weeeee · 4 years
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog 💕
Lemme think...
I can do Calligraphy
Im an ambivert and cannot make a small talk
I love reading and binge watching stuff
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@mea-laetitia @natya-veda @ninaloveswaffles @jazzkaurtheglorious @aditiblackthorn @theshyherondale @camphogwartz @silent-nerd
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kimmy-l-e-a-l-blog · 3 years
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Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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kimmy-l-e-a-l-blog · 3 years
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Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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