#camille x liam
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camillemontespan · 1 year ago
the best mistake he never had [drake x Camille au] part six: whiskey and fairylights
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Drake went home to his apartment in town. It was small and bare, purely functional. He rented it because it was cheap and it meant he had his own life away from the ranch.
If that life involved drinking nightly at the bar and eating instant noodles in his crappy kitchen.
Drake slumped down on the couch and looked around. God, it was quiet.
Maybe he should get a dog?
Nah, too small a space for a dog
A cat?
Fuck that actually, cats were evil.
He felt empty. That was his overwhelming feeling right now and he didn't like it.
Drake's thoughts fluttered to Camille and Lily.
He hoped Lily was alright in the hospital and was getting some well deserved sleep. He hoped Camille was with her grandma and feeling less angry and more happy instead.
Drake pulled himself up from the couch and went to the crappy kitchen. He opened the cupboard and found a half empty bottle of whiskey.
Fuck it, that'll do.
‘I hate him, grandma,’ Camille sniffled.
She was cuddled up against Gisele. The two of them were lying in Gisele's bed, Camille with her head leant gently against her grandmothers shoulder. The TV was on, playing Some Like It Hot.
Gisele gently smoothed her hand across Camille's hair, trying to soothe her.
Camille had come home from the hospital crying. In a fit of sobs, she told Gisele that Lily was being kept overnight and how worried she was about her daughter. How they had never spent a night apart.
And then she told her about Drake.
If Gisele could gather strength and throttle Drake Walker, she would do it.
She always tried her best to keep her opinions about Drake to herself. She didn't want to sway Camille's perspective about anything. Plus, Drake was Bianca's son and Gisele liked Bianca.
But knowing how much he had hurt her granddaughter made Gisele angry inside.
Quite frankly, Gisele thought Drake Walker was a putain d'idiot.
‘I shouldn't have asked him why he rejected me,’ Camille said quietly. ‘That was a mistake.’
Gisele shook her head. ‘Never mistakes, only lessons.’
Camille smiled weakly.
Gisele pressed a soft kiss onto Camille's forehead. ‘You should be with a man who wants you AND Lily,’ she said. ‘Someone who isn't afraid to jump in with both feet.’
Camille kept her eyes fixed on the TV, watching Marilyn Monroe wiggle her hips.
‘I just want Lily to be happy,’ Camille told her. ‘That’s my only priority.’
Drunk off whiskey, Drake was thinking.
He lay on his back on the couch staring up at the ceiling which was moving.
He was thinking about Camille and that night. The night that changed everything.
Camille was drunk from tequila shots.
What had started as a ‘have one drink at the bar’ with Maxwell had turned into cocktails which turned into tequila and now she was insisting on dancing.
Dancing with Drake Walker.
He was her grandma's neighbour. They had attended the same high school -as did everyone in Applewood - and Camille had always had a crush on him.
Drake didn't know that of course.
There was just something about him. Sure, he was handsome in that rugged kind of way. He was tall with broad shoulders and big hands that looked like they could protect you from anything.
His brown eyes were kind eyes.
She liked that he was different to everyone else in Applewood. It was a small town, everyone knew everyone's business. But Drake didn't get involved with that. He always kept to himself, always walking around with an air of mystery about him.
Camille had tried her best to get to know him through the years but he held everyone at arms length. With her in particular .
Most people would have called him rude but to Camille, she thought he was shy.
He was sitting on the bar stool now with Leo sitting next to him. Leo's brother, Liam, was leaning against the bar.
Liam and Leo were laughing at Camille's attempts to get Drake to dance with her.
‘Camille, he isn't going to do it!’ Liam said, his eyes sparkling. ‘Trust me on this.’
Camille pulled on Drake's hands. ‘Come on, Drake! Show me your best moves!’
Drake groaned. ‘No way, Montespan. Dance with Liam.’
Camille pouted. ‘Absolutely not, he'd show me up.’
Liam laughed and winked at Camille. ‘Yeah, our prom queen and king dance didn't go well…’
Camille rolled her eyes good-naturedly and then turned her attention back to Drake.
He eyed her, waiting for her next move.
Drake quite enjoyed a drunk Camille. She was always fun but get her tipsy on tequila and she burned brighter than the universe.
He kept his face neutral, determined not to show her he was enjoying this.
‘Hey, I’ll dance with you, Cammy,’ Leo said, gently pulling Camille into him. Camille leaned back into Leo’s chest, letting him wrap his arms around her.
Drake swallowed, trying his best to push down the jealousy. Surely Leo and Camille weren't a thing? Or had a thing?
Nah, Camille had standards.
‘Any excuse to get your hands on her,’ Liam teased him.
Camille giggled and turned to nip Leo's earlobe with her teeth.
Leo’s eyes widened. ‘Guys, if Camille Montespan is coming onto me, she's fucked.’
He swiftly deposited Camille onto Drake's lap. ‘She’s all yours.’
Camille let out a cheer and threw her arms around him. He could smell her perfume and god, she smelled incredible. ‘Yay, Drake! I'm here, let's dance!’
Drake shook his head, chuckling. ‘Nope. Leo's right, if you're coming onto him, you're fucked.’
‘I came onto Leo?’
The guys exchanged glances. Liam let out a whistle. ‘Get her home, Drake.’
Drake blinked. ‘Uhhh.. why me?’
‘Because she's obsessed with you tonight,’ Liam told him. He clapped Drake on the shoulder. ‘Good luck my friend.’
It took thirty minutes to reach Camille's apartment in town.
It should have been a five minute walk.
Camille kept stopping and getting distracted. Normally, this kind of behaviour would have irritated Drake but because it was Camille, he didn't mind.
She dropped her keys on the doormat twice until Drake stepped in to help.
He had never been to her apartment before. Walking inside, he noted it was quite plush.
Camille wasn't rich by any means but she somehow managed to make the place elegant with thick white carpet, beautiful artwork on the walls and pillar candles dotted around randomly.
She kicked off her boots. ‘Want a beer?’ she asked, stumbling through to the kitchen.
Drake followed her. ‘Uhhh sure.’
He watched as she took a beer from the fridge and handed it to him. Their fingers brushed and Drake swore he felt electricity.
Camille pulled open a drawer and took out a box of ibuprofen and poured herself a glass of water. She winked at Drake. ‘See, I'm not a total liability.’
She swallowed the pill and downed the water. Still stumbling, she took Drake by the hand and led him through to the living room.
‘Camille, shouldn't you get to bed?’ Drake asked.
‘I’m not sleepy!’ Camille said, giving him a beaming smile. She made her way across the floor and opened the french doors. They stepped out onto a fairylight covered balcony which overlooked the square.
‘Cute balcony you have here, Montespan,’ Drake told her, looking around.
Camille smiled. ‘It’s the reason I took this apartment. I like sitting out here and people watching. You wanna sit?’
They both settled down at the little wooden table and looked out over the balcony in comfortable silence.
‘How are you feeling?’ Drake asked.
Camille snorted. Actually snorted.
‘Pretty buzzed.’
Drake laughed and leaned back in the chair. ‘Not surprised. You can really knock back the tequila.’
Camille pretended to bow. ‘Thank you, thank you…’
Drake chuckled and sipped his beer. Camille eyed him. ‘Want something stronger?’
Drake considered this. Sitting on this balcony with Camille was a nice experience. It made him feel cosy.
‘Sure. What you got?’
Drake smirked. ‘Woman after my own heart.’
Camille blushed and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. She excused herself and left Drake to sit in comfortable silence on this glittering balcony, listening to the sound of people in the square laughing and talking as they enjoyed their Friday evening.
She came back with a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. She poured them both a measure and settled back on the chair, tucking her legs up underneath her.
‘So, Drake Walker,’ she said. ‘How’s life treating you?’
Drake sipped from his glass as he pondered her question. ‘Can’t really complain, Montespan,’ he said breezily. ‘Spend my days working at the ranch and hang out in the evenings. What about you?’
Camille smiled. ‘It’s good. Got this cute apartment and a cute guy in front of me.’
Drake rolled his eyes but couldn't help his smile. ‘Jesus, I'm gonna have to start calling you Leo.’
Camille giggled and sipped her whiskey. ‘I’m drunk, don't judge me.’
Drake studied her for a moment. She was so relaxed. Everything about her was effortless. She didn't even have to try. She was effortlessly sweet and effortlessly funny and effortlessly gorgeous.
‘I’m getting itchy feet though,’ Camille said. ‘Like… I want something more.’
Drake raised an eyebrow. ‘What does that mean?’
Camille shrugged. ‘I like my life, sure. But I want more. I feel like I'm just doing the same thing everyday. It's only me and my grandma really. But I just.. want the next step.’
‘What’s the next step?’
Camille downed her whiskey. ‘A family.’
Drake whistled. ‘Wow, I was thinking you meant travelling or something. That's cool, you always wanted a family?’
‘Since I was a little girl,’ Camille admitted. ‘You know that my parents aren't around anymore. So I guess I've always wanted a family to call my own. I love my grandma but I just.. I want someone to come home to and be safe with.’
Drake poured some more whiskey. ‘I’m sure you'll find that person,’ he said softly. ‘And you'll have a family and be happy.’
Camille sipped more whiskey. ‘Do you see yourself having a family?’
Drake smirked. ‘Nope. I don't think I'm the kind of guy women want.’
She frowned. Her eyebrows knitted together and her pixie nose wrinkled. She looked adorable.
‘I beg to differ,’ she said bluntly.
Drake laughed. ‘Camille, you're drunk.’
‘You’re too hard on yourself.’
In the silence that followed, Drake downed his whiskey, letting it burn his throat. He topped himself up and drank another.
‘Thirsty?’ Camille asked.
‘Always,’ Drake said.
‘I think you'd be a great husband,’ Camille told him. ‘I mean, you're very handsome and rugged-’
‘I’m really not-’
‘And you're also really funny? Like you can be so sarcastic and dry and I love it. You don't take any shit but you're also really sweet and kinda dorky? You're just an all round good guy.’
Drake could feel himself blushing. ‘Shucks, Montespan.’
‘It’s true!’ Camille hollered, pointing in the air. ‘You’re gorgeous.’
‘You’re drunk.’
‘So are you.’
She was right. Drake could feel the effects of the whiskey now. He felt warm and fuzzy.
There was a loaded silence between them. Drake could see Camille's eyes fixed on him, her glass of whiskey pressed against her lower lip. God, he wanted to kiss that lip.
‘What about you?’ she finally said. ‘What’s your dream?’
Drake tossed back his whiskey. ‘Honestly? I guess leave here. I love Texas but there's more out there. I went to college in New York for a semester but that didn't work out… so I guess I'd like to live in New York properly.’
Camille grinned. ‘Which college?’
‘Columbia,’ Drake told her. ‘I enjoyed learning. Lots of people spend their time partying but I knuckled down.’
‘Why did you leave?’
Drake went quiet. He sipped his whiskey.
‘My mom got depressed,’ he said softly. ‘The pills in the bathroom were startin’ to look real friendly. So I came home.’
As he thought back to that awful time, he realised that he couldn't stop talking. Maybe it was the whiskey, maybe it just because talking to Camille felt good, but he found that he couldn't shut up.
‘I know she struggled after dad died,’ he said, ‘and what with my sister just up and leaving. I came home because I couldn't lose her. I couldn't lose another person in my family.’
He smirked. ‘I guess I also came home for selfish reasons. The thought of being alone.. it freaks me out. I'm usually always alone anyway but to be ALONE alone with no family. So I started working at the ranch, helped her talk to a doctor, made sure she was looking after herself. And I guess I've stayed there ever since. She's my momma. I love her.’
Camille tilted her head and observed him. Without a word, she stood up and knelt down in front of him.
‘Camille, what are you-’
She kissed him deeply.
She tasted of watermelon lipbalm and whiskey. Drake made a low noise in his throat. Her lips were like paradise.
An animal instinct kicked in. Drake raked his hands through her dark hair, pulling her closer so their chests were flush against each other.
Camille gripped onto his broad shoulders, deepening the kiss.
Drake pulled away and stared at her, his eyes wide and pupils dialated. ‘Should we doing this? You've been drinking -’
‘I want to,’ Camille said simply. Her mouth crashed against his again. Drake held her close, his tongue twisting around hers, unable to comprehend the fact that he was kissing Camille Montespan.
Camille stood up, breaking the kiss. Drake was on his feet after her. He looked down into her brown eyes, his chest heaving and heart pounding.
‘Come with me,’ she whispered.
She took him by the wrist and gently pulled him from the balcony and through her apartment towards her bedroom.
Drake had to stop thinking about her. Stop thinking about that night. Stop torturing himself.
Just stop.
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selfsabotaqe · 1 year ago
hi everyone! it's been a while & finally i'm making my comeback. work has finally left me some room to breathe so i'll be reappearing on your dash and hopefully getting back into the swing of replies. down below there's a full list of everything currently in my drafts. please let me know whether you'd like to continue or drop these threads. whichever scenario is completely fine and understandable (it's been a hot sec after all), just let me know. if you'd prefer to start something new, we can also do that. feel free to message me or reply to this post anytime. there's no rush at all to make up your mind, but just to start off i'll start with replies for threads people do actively express interest in. so if anything from this list is something you're still excited about, let me know and i'll prioritize. we can always waitlist the other stuff while we feel it out. anyway, let me know, come chat, let me love u down and can't wait to continue writing together. love u all! 💗🥹
with @persephonyed. carlos x lorenzo marley x camille
with @silvrmoon. nadiye x milo axel x kadri zehra x sierra
with @lilacwiine. drew x felice amara x maya
with @invcntions. alec x lucas mateo x saxon devrim x leo beau x koa emre x noah luca x jaiden (smth new?) jesse x finn peyton x vance soren x lincoln
with @horrorphase. dominic x percy milan x kendall
with @slumpcd. max x theo kendall x nolan jinny x gwen
with @gcldcnhour. eden x mathias rhys x bodie isabel x tate alina x priya zoe x knox ethan x violet marisol x miriam
with @temptedfates. emmett x aydin noor x solana
with @spectraled. maddie x rory tbd x dallas (thought abt replying if u would like replies <3)
with @vacationeyes. marco x conrad julian x callum emre x frankie xavier x tyson jude x forest
with @lovecharged. jonas x antonio aleksei x drake bridie x quilo tbd x amie jonas x antonio (part two) julian x zayn felix x robin nadiye x rasim tatum x uziah carlos x gabriel
with @fruitpoem. ambar x joel
with @inkiidreams. aera x selin davika x esra carlos x mallory merve x yaritza robin x aurelia lais x nova casper x knox lachlan x olivia
with @wutheringdevotion. lachlan x oliver rowan x ginny connor x evan meera x monique carlos x gabriel gwen x jonah margot x adrian
with @gardenwalls. meera x paloma alec x mack naiyana x nadine daniel x minako laura x andrea fabien x mei li nazli x rhys
with @felteverywhere. alina x rowan
with @sunstvne. santiago x constantin
with @gvngsigns. gabriela x lucas kai x mateo florence x liam tobias x zuri andrea x cruz ricardo x vincent
with @scbrvght. all of our formula one threads (don't think i owe u the replies but let me know if you'd like to continue them <3) lale x finley soren x everly
mAYBE im missing things. if there's anything i owe you that isn't on this list, feel free to point it out to me! and also vice versa, if you owe me something & you want to discuss continuing or dropping it, just come message me and we can chat about it!
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crescentcityhellmouth-rpg · 2 years ago
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arc-one • p r e s e n t
the new residents in New Orleans proved to strike something of an intrigue deep inside the bartenders bones. This prompted her to look through old journals left behind by her uncle Kieran before he died. One name in specific piqued her interest: Liam O’Connell. Referred to later as Angelus. He did horrible deeds and wrecked havoc far beyond that of Niklaus or anyone she’d ever heard of for that matter. Yet he eventually regained his soul and was seeking redemption. This gave her the idea to help the supernatural regain redemption through therapeutic talks. It wasn’t clear whether or not she was interested in hearing from ‘Angel’ himself for the last Kieran had written of him he was yet again a soulless demon
divergent • c o n n e c t i o n s
angel o'connell (x)
after learning of her ties to the infamous monster, angelus.. she is rather surprised when he shows up in new orleans, soul completely in tact. she could be a big help to his business angel investigations in fighting the forces of evil and may just get in the middle of some pretty dangerous situations due to her ties to the vampire.
kai parker (x)
this particular client may come to her in search of understanding his own feelings that he seemed to siphon from another in a supernatural merge. she could very well help him understand what it means and how to cope better. though with one of his goals being to put an end to the original hybrid, another client of hers, things could get really messy.
theo raeken (x)
when this young man comes to her, he seems charming and nice enough, only to realize that is part of the problem. his skills with manipulation are impeccable and if camille discovers his involvement in the disappearance of hope and his ultimate goal to have her turn on her family, his life could be on the line.
0 notes
poweredbycoffeeandwine · 6 years ago
Christmas in July/12 Days of Christmas (10/12)
@lechatrouge673, my love! Here it is, you asked for Camille Ryder x Liam Kosta visiting family for Christmas, and I have finally done it! *hugs and kisses*
This fic has major spoilers for Ryder Family Secrets. If you haven’t completed this mission in ME: Andromeda, don’t move past this point! You have been warned! (Someone please tell me if the read more link doesn’t work on mobile)
Merry Christmas, Mom - Camille Ryder x Liam Kosta - Mass Effect Andromeda Canon Verse - Angst with a heaping of fluff - 990 words
The strange looks cast in her direction during early morning excursions to the Nexus medical bay decreased with the frequency of her trips. Only Dr. Carlyle and Dr. T’Perro really knew why she visited the cryo beds, other support staff surely thought she was out of her mind, but never commented on her behavior. Who wouldn’t be a little eccentric given all she had been through. Perhaps they assumed she had a friend still considered “non-essential” who she talked to, or maybe they thought she liked the quiet. Surely nobody would be searching for the Pathfinder in that area of the ark. 
She shuffled into the silent, dark hallway still pajama-clad in goofy Christmas slippers. She’d left her blanket, not wanting to appear more ridiculous, but donned her terrible sweater. Camille was never going to let Liam get rid of it, despite the threats. She cracked a small smile, and stopped in front of the cryo bed she could now find with her eyes closed.
Her fingers grazed the metal, cold and smooth. Ellen Ryder, brilliant biomedical and cybernetic researcher–her mother–lay inside under the alias Elizabeth Reilly. Camille suspected what people would say, how they would judge if the truth of her mother’s status was brought to light. She was supposed to be dead, but her father couldn’t let her go. Here she was, terminal illness due to eezo exposure, hidden but alive because of the power Alec Ryder had wielded. So many others had left family, people they loved behind for lesser reasons. Ellen Ryder should not be on this ship.
She sighed, sunk to the floor, back to the cryo bed, arms on her knees. “Hi, mom,” she spoke aloud, “sorry it’s been so long. I’ve been busy.” She waited for the response she knew wouldn’t come. “Merry Christmas.”
She looked around, the hallway echoed in the stillness, sterile and without color or cheer. “I know it doesn’t look like your favorite season. I guess doctors aren’t keen on decorating. Do you remember our silly decorations? The glitter and lights? Scott and the goofy jingle bell slippers and necklace he refused to take off? The way dad always pretended to be a grinch, but secretly loved every second of the holiday?”
Ryder sniffed, tipping her head back against the surface of her mother’s resting place, “I’m sorry. I didn’t come here to make us sad.” She shook her head at the idea that her mother was actually able to hear her, let alone be affected by her emotions. 
She took another deep breath and continued, “I’ve met someone.” She blushed thinking about the prior evening, the time she spent with the man who made her giddy beyond reason, who kept her in the light with his carefree ease. “His name is Liam. He’s handsome, funny, strong and compassionate. I think you’d like him.”
Camille imagined what it would be like if she’d fallen in love back on Earth. She would have told her mom immediately, begged her for help keeping it from dad until Liam was ready to meet him. She chuckled thinking what could have happened if the fearsome Alec Ryder employed the scare tactic on Liam. Would he have been intimidated or maybe just rolled with the punches laughing all the while?
“He helped me save the Arks, fight the Kett. Liam keeps me balanced…” she hesitated then chuckled, “probably sane, too.” Ryder closed her eyes, she thought of the last Christmas she’d had with her mom, pictured her face, the smudge of flour on her cheek lips pressed together as Scott stole another cookie. Ellen was always so cheerful, optimistic, happy. Thinking of her then, knowing she was trapped in cryosleep was almost more than she could take. Her voice wavered, “Uh…he asked me to marry him, after a battle. He was probably kidding, riding high emotions and such, but I’d like to. I mean, if he was serious.” 
“He was, you know.”
She jumped to her feet, embarrassed at not having heard him approach. “God, Liam, really? You scared the shit out of me!”
Liam walked slowly towards her, though he’d had the decency to get dressed-wearing a soft green sweater and jeans paired with his favorite sneakers-he still had a sleepy smile on his face. “Camille, I love you. The moment you sat across from me in the med bay, waking up after 600 years, all I could think about was how I could get you to talk to me.” He took her hands in his, kissed her knuckles, and smirked when he caught sight of the ugliest sweater in existence. “I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life. I shouldn’t have waited so long to ask proper.”
He looked at the cryo bed, touched the surface just as reverently as Camille had, “Merry Christmas, Mrs. Ryder, ma’am. If she’ll have me, I promise to take care of your daughter, to keep her safe, happy, and from becoming a cranky recluse.” He looked back to Ryder, a hopeful look on his face, “Unless that’s really what she wants. I couldn’t dream up a better partner for this life. Camille Ryder,” he pressed a gold ring, small diamonds forming crescent moon wrapped around a sapphire, into her hands, “will you marry me?”
Her heart thudded, a grin spreading across her face, she would deny crying later to anyone who asked, though she was sure they wouldn’t believe her, “Liam Kosta, I thought you would never ask again.” She kissed him with everything she had, holding him tightly. 
He broke their kiss, his bright smile infectious, “If we don’t leave now, I’m going to do something foolish, and I’ll never be able to look into your mother’s eyes. That wouldn’t do considering we haven’t even met yet.”
“We wouldn’t want that,” she replied as she marched him towards the exit, waving goodbye at her mother. She’d come back after they celebrated properly. 
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wellsygrahams-a · 2 years ago
♡ ⋯ ⤳ new tag dump.
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sleepingdragonhq · 2 years ago
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Under the cut you will find the list of everyone’s costumes as well as lists for the couples romantic and platonic. The voting for the costume contest this year will be done here. We ask that you choose your top 5 favorites in each category but then rank the order in which you’d rate them in the ‘other’ option. If you’ve got any questions about how that works, do not hesitate to ask us. The ranking per usual goes five points for first place, four points for second and so on so please put your votes in order accordingly. Please vote before the 10th of November as we will be announcing the winners from that point onward before the end of the event. If we have missed any contestants/costumes on any of the lists please shoot us a message so we can fix that !! 
Aaron Hale - Werewolf
Adeline Mulciber - Harley Quinn (DC)
Alastair Watson - Danny Phantom (Danny Phantom)
Alessandra Macnair - Roxie Hart (Chicago)
Alexus Callahan - Spider
Alice Longbottom II - Woody (Toy Story/Pixar)
Alison Wood - Glinda (Wicked)
Andromeda Marshall - Lydia Deetz (Beetlejuice)
Aryana Robins - Layla El-Faouly/Scarlet Scarab (Marvel)
Ariella Belefleur - Lizzie McGuire (The Lizzie McGuire Movie)
Astrid Mendez - Betty Boop
Auden Wilkes - Charlie Spring (Heartstopper)
August Fawley - Jack Skellington (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Aurora Claremont - Alex (Totally Spies)
Axel Wolffe - Waving Inflatable Tube Guy
Beatriz Calderon-Boot - Kuzco (Emperor’s New Groove)
Benjamin Ollivander - Pirate
Bentley Lockhart - Superman (DC)
Briar Bellchant - Evil Queen
Caleb Cresswell - 70s Vision (Marvel)
Camille McGonagall - Alice (Alice in Wonderland)
Casey Abrams - Lady (Lady and the Tramp/Disney)
Cassius Cresswell - Thor (Marvel)
Cedrella Weasley II - Sam (Totally Spies)
Charlotte Watson - Emily the Corpse Bride (Corpse Bride)
Chloé Bonaccord - Britney Spears
Clara Arquette - Catwoman (DC)
Clementine Delacour-Laurent - Shuri/Black Panther (Marvel)
Colm McCarthy - Darth Vader (Star Wars)
Cynthia Clearwater - Elphaba (Wicked)
Cyrus Clearwater - Steve (Blue’s Clues)
Damien Launier - Milo Thatch (Atlantis/Disney)
Delilah Hartwell - Spider-Gwen (Marvel)
Diana Rosier - Scarecrow
Dominique Weasley - She-Ra/Adora
Edward Lupin - Doris the Ugly Stepsister (Shrek)
Elara Macmillan-Bones - Cotton Candy
Elena Flores - Bride of Frankenstein
Elias Hopkirk- Linguini (Ratatouille/Disney)
Elijah Westenberg - Frankenstein’s Monster
Erin McCormack - Kim Possible (Kim Possible)
Evan Parkinson - Dr. Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb)
Evangeline Pickering - Sharpay Evans (High School Musical/Disney Channel)
Evelyn Moon - Stain Glass Window
Ezra Broadmoor - Mafia/Mob Boss
Finnley Wood - Ash (Fantastic Mr. Fox)
Francesca Zabini - Yip Yip (Sesame Street)
Frank Longbottom II - Tramp (Lady and the Tramp/Disney)
Frederick Hayes - Kida (Atlantis/Disney)
Freya MacDougal - Harley Quinn (DC)
Gabriel Larkin - Gambit (X-Men/Marvel)
Gwendolyn Hawkes - Pirate
Halley Macmillan-Bones - Hot Cheeto
Hazel Macdougal - Sexy Cryptologist
Hunter Adams - Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher)
Ingrid Hagen - Ellie Sattler (Jurassic Park)
Iris Lestrange - Scary Bunny
Isabelle Durant - Elf
Jaiyash Dewan - Loki (Marvel)
James Ashcroft - Tony Stark (Marvel)
James Sirius Potter - Shrek (Shrek)
Jasper Locklear - Elvis Presley
Jaxon Dequan - Thomas Shelby (Peaky Blinder)
Jia Rookwood - Yip Yip (Sesame Street)
Jonah Finch - Beetlejuice
Joseph O’Reilly - Lord Farquaad (Shrek)
Joséphine Flamel - Jessie (Team Rocket/Pokémon)
Juliet Highmore - Supergirl (DC)
Laurel Ollivander - Loki Variant (Marvel)
Liam Alvarez - Ian Malcom (Jurassic Park)
Lily Luna Potter - Buzz Lightyear (Toy Story/Pixar)
Lorenzo Roshan - Hannah Montana (Disney Channel)
Lucas Harper - Creepy Owl
Lucienne Wolffe - Fortune Teller
Lucy Weasley - Woody Pride (Toy Story/Pixar)
Luke Dawson - Marty McFly (Back to the Future) 
Lyra Malfoy - Isabella Parigi (The Lizzie McGuire Movie)
Lysander Scamander - Scarlet Witch (Marvel)
Mackenzie Finnigan-Thomas Potter - Fiona (Shrek)
Madeline Brown - Sexy Mothman
Mae Levesque - Velma Kelly (Chicago)
Maeve Finch - Mia Thermopolis (The Princess Diaries)
Manon Flamel - Marcus/Kevin (White Chicks)
Marcus Carson - Cowboy
Mason Jones - Waving Inflatable Tube Guy
Matthew Asprey - Swedish Chef (Sesame Street)
Melora Flamel - Marcus/Kevin (White Chicks)
Meredith Wayfelle - Perry the Platypus (Phineas and Ferb)
Merle Rappaport - 70s Wanda Maximoff (Marvel)
Molly Weasley II - Beldam (Coraline)
Natalya Dolohova - Rogue (X-Men/Marvel)
Nate Wood - Alan Grant (Jurassic Park)
Nathaniel Marshall - Skeleton
Nicholas Vexmoor - James (Team Rocket/Pokémon)
Octavia Coleman - Shego (Kim Possible)
Oliver Mulciber - Flynn Rider (Tangled/Disney)
Orion Macmillan-Bones - Legit Snack
Orlando Lockhart - Maleficent (Disney)
Peggy Carson - Sam Manson (Danny Phantom)
Penelope Hawthorne - Barbie
Pepper Rosewood - Michele (Romy & Michele’s High School Reunion)
Perseus Mulciber - Alan (The Hangover) 
Piper Wilkinson - Golden Angel
Pippa Rosewood - Romy (Romy & Michele’s High School Reunion)
Reid Anderson - Jareth (Labyrinth)
Rory Goldstein - Sharpay Evans (High School Musical/Disney Channel)
Rose Granger-Weasley - Sally (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Samantha O’Reilly - Jenna Rink (13 Going on 30)
Scorpius Malfoy - John Constantine (DC)
Seraphina MacAuley - Clover (Totally Spies)
Seung Krum - Wybie (Coraline)
Silas Zabini - Satyr
Sophia Parkinson - Bloody Skeleton
Stella Macmillan-Bones - Pop-Tart 
Talia Kiraz-Mulciber - Rapunzel (Tangled/Disney)
Tallulah Abbot - Voodoo Doll
Thea Cresswell - Mighty Thor (Marvel)
Theodore Dubanowski - Blondie (The Good, The Bad and The Ugly)
Theodore Oliver - Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland)
Theseus McLaggen - Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland)
Valeria Sanchez - La Muerte (The Book of Life)
Vera McKinnon - Poison Ivy (DC)
Verity Nott - Pepper Potts (Marvel)
Victoire Weasley - Aurora (Sleeping Beauty/Disney)
William Ashcroft - Agent (Men in Black)
Willow Picquery - Valkyrie (Marvel)
Xavier Dupont - The Priest (Fleabag)
platonic couples costumes
Alessandra Macnair & Mae Levesque - Roxie Hart & Velma Kelly (Chicago)
Alice Longbottom II & Lily Luna Potter - Woody & Buzz Lightyear (Toy Story/Pixar)
Ariella Belefleur & Lyra Malfoy - Lizzie McGuire & Isabella Parigi (The Lizzie McGuire Movie)
Axel Wolffe & Mason Jones - Waving Inflatable Tube Guys
Bentley Lockhart & Juliet Highmore - Superman & Supergirl (DC)
Camille McGonagall & Theseus McLaggen - Alice & Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland)
Cedrella Weasley II, Seraphina MacAuley & Aurora Claremont - Sam, Clover & Alex (Totally Spies)
Damien Launier & Frederick Hayes - Milo Thatch & Kida (Atlantis/Disney)
Elena Flores & Elijah Westenberg - Bride of Frankenstein & Frankenstein’s Monster
Evangeline Pickering & Rory Goldstein - Sharpay Evans & Sharpay Evans (High School Musical/Disney Channel)
Freya MacDougal & Vera McKinnon - Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy (DC)
Hazel Macdougal & Madeline Brown - Sexy Mothman & Sexy Cryptologist
Jia Rookwood & Francesca Zabini - Yip Yips (Sesame Street)
Liam Alvarez & Nate Wood - Ian Malcon & Alan Grant (Jurassic Park)
Melora Flamel & Manon Flamel -  Marcus & Kevin (White Chicks)
Meredith Wayfelle & Evan Parkinson - Perry the Platypus & Dr. Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb)
Natalaya Dolohova & Gabriel Larkin - Rogue & Gambit (X-Men/Marvel)
Nicholas Vexmoor & Joséphine Flamel - Jessie & James from Team Rocket (Pokémon)
Octavia Coleman & Erin McCormack - Shego & Kim Possible (Kim Possible)
Orion Macmillan-Bones, Halley Macmillan-Bones, Stella Macmillan-Bones & Elara Macmillan-Bones - Legit Snack, Hot Cheeto, Pop-Tart & Cotton Candy (Snacks)
Pepper Rosewood & Pippa Rosewood - Romy & Michele (Romy & Michele’s High School Reunion)
Seung Krum & Molly Weasley II - Wybie & Beldam (Coraline)
Thea Cresswell & Willow Picquery - Mighty Thor & Valkyrie (Marvel)
romantic couples costumes
Alastair Watson & Peggy Carson - Danny Phantom & Sam Manson (Danny Phantom)
August Fawley & Rose Granger-Weasley - Jack Skellington & Sally (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Casey Abrams & Frank Longbottom II - Lady & Tramp (Lady and the Tramp/Disney)
Clara Arquette & Kai Arquette - Catwoman & Batman (DC)
Cynthia Clearwater & Alison Wood - Elphaba & Glinda (Wicked)
Gwendolyn Hawkes & Benjamin Ollivander - Pirates
James Ashcroft & Verity Nott - Tony Stark & Pepper Potts (Marvel)
James Sirius Potter & Mackenzie Finnigan-Thomas Potter - Shrek & Fiona (Shrek)
Merle Rappaport & Caleb Cresswell - 70s Wanda Maximoff & Vision (Marvel)
Oliver Mulciber & Talia Kiraz-Mulciber - Flynn Rider & Rapunzel (Tangled/Disney)
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stillwithmylarents · 4 years ago
Cuando las respuestas rozan lo border.
Hace muy poco que estoy en Tumblr y es un mundo totalmente nuevo para mí. Vengo del universo Twitter y allá es todo tan caótico, más este último tiempo donde todos parecen ser muy moralistas. Mi experiencia con Twitter data ya de hace ocho años, siete desde que convertí mi cuenta personal en una fandom. En un principio de k-pop, teen top más que nada; luego era teen top + lali; y en 2016 junté a estos dos con lo nuevo que había descubierto: one direction y larry. 
Debo reconocer que entré al fandom “directioner” por un libro con personaje basado en la apariencia física de Harry. Cuando ya no pude evitarlo empecé a buscar sus temas, a ver sus vídeos y sus entrevistas. Disfruté ese momento conociendo cada detalle como siempre hago cada vez que me obsesiono con algo. Esto fue en las últimas semanas de Noviembre de 2016. Sabía del hiatus, sabía que Niall ya había sacado su primer sencillo solista, que Louis era “padre”, que Harry estaba desaparecido del ojo público y que Liam salía con Cheryl. Lo sabía, lo creía. Me creía esa imagen de Louis y me creía la imagen de mujeriego que le dieron a Harry. Semanas después de empezar en este mundo todo colapsó cuando dieron a conocer el fallecimiento de Jay. Yo no era louie en ese momento pero igualmente no podía imaginarme el dolor que estaba pasando Louis al perder a su madre con la que tan unido era. Así que decidí apoyarlo y, luego de ver su presentación en The X Factor, no dejé de hacerlo pero todavía no entendía su imagen, o más bien la imagen que la prensa logró darle. Hoy me rio de lo ciega que fui. Una tarde estaba con una amiga a la que también le gusta one direction [y gracias a la que abrí los ojos] y le dije: “es muy obvio como Perfect es para Taylor Swift. No puedo creer que hayan hecho eso”. Mi amiga solo se rio incómodamente y me dijo: “Sí, igual yo no creo mucho en eso. Busca vídeos de Larry Stylinson porque para mí eso si es real”. Y, a partir de ahí, me cayeron todas las fichas.
El 2017 fue un año bastante movido para el fandom en todo los sentidos y, más allá de las discusiones que podías llegar a tener con las antis, jamás vi que entre larries se pelearan. Todas tenían en claro que Harry y Louis tenían stunts, que el bebé era un stunt. Y las que no creían en eso, directamente, habían dejado de creer volviéndose una houie, las que creen que HaLo era real hasta 2015 cuando Louis deja “embarazada” a una chica de una noche. Mi cuenta fandom estuvo activa hasta 2019, si bien aparecía cada tanto a dar apoyo o twittear no era tan seguido como en 2017-2018. Pero esta situación mundial y un par de cosas que pasaron en otro de los fandoms a los que pertenezco hicieron que se despertara esa fan dormida y volví a estar activa en Twitter. Sin embargo, el panorama que encontré era totalmente diferente.
Ahora, todas son moralistas. No se puede hablar más de los stunts, no se puede decir la verdad de las barbas. No podes decir que Eleanor es racista o que es una mierda porque te cancelan. No podes faltarle el respeto a Camille, una persona totalmente detestable, y tenes que aceptar el hecho de que Cherry SÍ ES PARA ELLA. O aceptar que Townes sí existió, si alguien la conoció por favor que me hable porque para mí fue un stunt más para un sencillo que no fue. Pero sobretodo NO PODES DECIR QUE F NO ES EL HIJO DE LOUIS, SIN IMPORTAR QUÉ. 
No importa si te tomaste el tiempo de hacer un research y encontraste cosas que te llamaron la atención, cosas que no te cerraban. No importa si estás en el fandom desde hace mucho más tiempo y entendés que todo eso es falso. No importa que Louis quede como un padre de mierda. No. En Twitter, Louis es padre. ¿Un padre que pide privacidad para su hijo pero que se olvida de pedirle a la madre y a su familia que dejen de subir fotos de él? ¿Un padre que dejó de estar presente en su vida? ¿Que en su primer cumpleaños estuvo menos de una hora y luego se fue a una fiesta? Sí, es ese padre. No quiero entrar en detalles de la imagen de padre que le quieren dar porque sabemos que no es así. Sabemos que ese no es Louis. Sin embargo, allá creer que no es el padre es irrespetuoso.
Tan irrespetuoso que les da el derecho a llamarte enferma si decís eso. Les da el derecho de pedirte que te mates. Te piden que dejes de ser fan de Louis, cuando acá estamos por su música o, al menos, es lo que yo creía.
Me choca. Me choca ver que las twarries - las larries de twitter - se sienten tan dueñas del mundo que deciden quién puede ser fan y quién no. Me choca que se hagan las moralistas y, después, te acosen hasta hacerte desactivar la cuenta por todos los insultos que recibís. 
Twitter antes era un lugar ameno dónde las discusiones iban de la mano de si creías o no en Larry y ya hasta nos habíamos acostumbrado a escuchar a las antis decirnos “locas, delirantes”. Y sí, no voy a decir que no había acoso cibernético porque sí pero ¿a estos niveles? Es la primera vez que lo veo dentro del mismo fandom. 
Harry predica el Treat People With Kindness y ellas lo que menos hacen es eso. Acosan tanto a una persona solo por una creencia y la hostigan sin saber que pasa del otro lado, sin saber lo que genera. No sé si será que a mis 24 años veo las cosas desde otra perspectiva pero me duele ver en lo que se convirtió Twitter. 
Perdón por el post largo. Ojalá alguien lo lea y me entienda.
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xxrainbow-princessxx · 5 years ago
The Return - Leo x Isabella (TRR/TRH AU)
Can Leo get to Isabella and the kids in time?
Chapter list:
Chapter 1: Enough
Chapter 2: Homeward Bound
Chapter 3: Band of Brothers
Chapter 4 Dearest Sympathies
Chapter 5: No Expectations
Chapter 6: Line of Succession
Chapter 7: Unspoken Truths
Chapter 8: Family Ties
Find links for previous chapters here! 
Tag list: @lorirwritesfanfic @drakewalkerfantasy @desireepow-1986@rainbowsinthestorm @lorircreates @itslaniquelove @liam-rhys @hopefulmoonobject @speedyoperarascalparty @kimmiedoo5 @rafasgirl23415 @kingliam2019@mom2000aggie @texaskitten30 @the-everlasting-dream
Trigger warning: Violence, death, premonition of death, sexual innuendo, swearing
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Isabella struggled against Barthelemy’s guards to break free, running across to Natalia and Alessandra who were petrified. Stroking their faces, Isabella tried her hardest to hide her true emotion; she was just as scared as them but she couldn’t let her children down, “it’s ok... it’s ok...” she nervously smiled, her eyes darting to check them over visually from head to toe “Where’s Nico?” Isabella whispered but the girls didn’t speak, their hazel green eyes reflected their fear. Isabella wasted no time bringing them into a tight hug as she had to think fast, “Mama’s here... I got you...” Taking a deep breath, Isabella bit down onto her lip as she stood tall once again, placing her children behind her, “What is this all in aid of?” Isabella shouted as it echoed through the quiet throne room, with one hand holding her children behind her, her other hand gesticulated wildly, “Why are you doing all of this?!” Barthelemy simply laughed, “My dear... it’s simple... The Sons of Earth never could in a million years take over our wonderful Cordonia alone... each generation would bring its own obstacles and tribulations...” he smiled evilly towards his niece, “... but when your divorce was announced, Laurentia would make our base even more powerful and prophetic. With me as our leader...” Barthelemy’s brow raised, “We would become unstoppable in our defeat of the Rys bloodline...” The roar of the thugs he used to infiltrate the Laurentian Palace filled the room of joyous chanting, “...and unfortunately for you my darling niece... you also have become a part of that bloodline...” Barthelemy’s eyes darkened, glittering with a madness Isabella could only describe as horrific, “Please...” she begged, “Please spare the children... they have not done anything to deserve this!” Barthelemy began to walk towards Isabella before he looked over her shoulder towards the twins grinning cruelly “Maybe they can join Camille and Nicolás in our new world... we always need a few... spares in case it doesn’t work out...” Isabella’s eyes narrowed, her dark chocolate brown eyes darkening as she spat at him, “Give him back you fucking piece of shit!!”
Wiping his cheek, Barthelemy’s nostrils flared with rage, “You insolent bitch!” as he slapped Isabella across the face angrily screaming, “You will not disrespect me!” The Royal guards were in a political stalemate as Barthelemy made his claim to the throne, their pledge to protect the Crown at all costs left them divided but as Isabella fell to the ground, Barthelemy glared at all in the room, “One step... take one fucking step and you’ll not leave this room alive!” He kneeled down, lifting her head by her dark, mahogany curls, addressing the young Queen menacingly, Barthelemy grinned with an evil smile, “You’re lucky I only need to keep you alive for a few more days... and to think...” he goaded her, “I sent you flowers, this is how you repay my courtesy... Obviously your parents didn’t teach you manners...” pointing to a random guard, Barthelemy clicked his tongue, “Take them out of here as we begin our ascension into greatness!” Isabella’s dark, chocolate brown eyes glared with rage as the guard attempted to pull her arm, “Get off of me!” she screeched, her eyes narrowing angrily, “You’ll regret that!” The Sons of Earth guard simply laughed, “I somehow don’t think so...” as he pressed a gun to her spine, “Time to go...” he sneered as Isabella reluctantly gave into his threats, holding Alessandra and Natalia close to her. Looking over her shoulder, Isabella’s dark mahogany curls bounced as she took a final glance at her Uncle. With her cheeks sucked in, and a brow raised, the young Queen stared at him momentarily until she was pushed out of the throne room and escorted to the holding cells held in the catecombs. Isabella’s temper was renowned, but at that very moment she vowed if they made it through this, Barthelemy would burn for this.
“Shhhii...” Jimena’s eyes widened as she reached over Matthew’s mouth to stop him from speaking; both of them staring helplessly through the vents into the Palace’s throne room. Jimena glared at him, her voice barely a whisper as she spoke, “Shut up...” before her gaze returned to the room watching those still in attendance. Taking her phone, she began to briefly record Barthelemy and his army’s chanting, panning left and right. “We need to get out of here...” she muttered quietly, “We need to get to the Parliament building...” Matthew looking more and more confused as Jimena began to rummage through the lockers. With a satisfied smile, she turned to Matthew holding a guards uniform, “Hurry up and get changed...” Matthew raised his brow as he was handed the garment bag but knew better to question her. The Queen’s lady in waiting terrified him as Jimena stared him down, “What are you waiting for?” Her dark almond eyes narrowed, “...A standing ovation? Hurry up before we get caught!” She was bossy to the point it could be construed as rude and like an arrow, straight to the point. Folding her arms, Jimena pursed her lips as Matthew undressed, “I would like to not die today thank you...” stripping himself from his light grey suit, Matthew draped himself in the military regalia before Jimena moved forward placing the military cap on his golden head, “Much better...” she cooed as her hands delicately dusted off his broad shoulders, “Now follow me...”
As the Cordonian Royal jet landed in a disused aerodrome, Leo, Liam and Drake embarked immediately to a waiting vehicle. During the flight, Leo and Liam called in as many favours as possible to veil their arrival into the Kingdom, working with their neighbouring countries to free up their air space, allowing them to pass freely and undetected. Leo was well aware of the situation he found himself in. Not only was Barthelemy attempting to take over, there would be defiance in rank. “Your Majesty...” Javier smiled as he pressed down on the accelerator, “Welcome home...” Leo could only chuckle as he patted his trusted confidante’s shoulder, “You’re a sight for sore eyes Javier...” before he handed Leo an iPad, “This is the latest we received from Jimena...” The three men huddled around to watch the blurry video, moving back and forth as they tried to analyse it. “Your Royal Majesties... we also have news...” Liam and Leo immediately rose their heads, eyes widening with anticipation, “The Princesses are fine, they are with the Queen for now... but...” Leo and Liam’s hearts began to sink, there always had to be something, “...Prince Nicolás has been taken alongside Princess Camille but they are safe for now...”
Leo could feel his blood beginning to boil, his face reddening as he tried to contain his anger. “Leo... he’s ok...” Javier continued, “...the children are with the maids, no harm will come to them...” Leo glanced at Liam momentarily who felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, his daughter, his little Camille was so close he could almost feel her in his arms again. Liam sat stoically looking out the window as they drove to Parliament to meet the others. Barthelemy would regret the day he had taken her from Liam and Sienna and Liam was going to make sure that he felt every ounce of pain he had for months. “Li...” Drake quietly questioned as Leo and Javier we’re discussing the next course of action, “You ok?” Liam turned to Drake as Leo and Javier continued their conversation quietly murmuring, “How can he be so calm?!” Drake rolled his eyes to the left as Leo spoke tactics, “Li... he’s fighting for his family... his life... he knows he can’t be distracted from that...” Liam slowly bit down on his lower lip, “Drake...” he whispered, “I’m terrified... and I just pray to God my brother knows what he’s doing...” With his shaggy dark hair, Drake nodded as he reached out to grasp Liam’s arm to comfort him, “Li... he’s not the same Leo you grew up with; this has never been about him - it’s been about you. He is risking his own life to get Camille back...” Drake implored, “...without him, we’d still be searching...” With a sullen nod, Liam reluctantly agreed, he knew Drake was right but he couldn’t help but wonder what else was in it for Leo? He couldn’t have changed that much.
“Get you hands off of me!” Isabella’s nostrils flared as she struggled in the guards grip before lifting her foot and ramming her stiletto heel into his leg, the guard winced and clenched his teeth before grabbing her by the hair, “You fucking bitch!” he spat, “I can’t wait for them to fucking execute you and that husband of yours soon enough!” Isabella took a deep breath as she tried so hard not to scream out in pain but she barked back, “My husband wouldn’t even be allowed to speak to me like that!” Forcefully throwing her into one of the cells, the guard chuckled to himself as Isabella fell forward, caught by her two daughters, “Well guess what Your Majesty? Your husband ain’t here! Now be good girls and for once, do as you are told!” With two whimpering children and the metal door locking behind them, Isabella held Alessandra and Natalia as tight as she could, biting her tongue watching carefully as the guard walk off laughing to himself throwing the keys up and down in his hands. “Mi querida... mi querida...” she mumbled as her voice trembled, “It’s going to be ok... don’t listen to that crazy man... this is all...” she tried to smile, “...just a big mistake and Javier will get us out of here... I promise”
Alessandra and Natalia’s hazel green eyes glistened as they looked at one another quietly, “...mama?” Natalia squeezed her mother’s hand tightly, “mama... I’m scared... where’s papa?” Isabella blinked back tears as she brought her daughters closer, “Don’t be scared my beautiful girl... your father once he knows about this he will not...” she brushed the loose tendrils of her daughter’s chestnut brown hair from her face, “...he will not let a strand on either of your perfect little heads be touched, not by anyone... ok?” Each of them nuzzled into Isabella shoulders as they cried, struggling to understand what was going on. Their cries echoed throughout the dark, cold cells as Isabella rocked them back and forth to try to comfort them. She began to sing to them “Bailaba la niña alegre, en una noche estrellada. Movíase al son del aire, bajo la luna de plata. ¡Cómo bailaba la niña! ¡Cómo la niña bailaba!” She sang this song to her children every night before they went to sleep. “Cómo la niña bailaba...” she whispered as they sat in the darkness, only each other for heat and comfort.
Sucking in his cheeks, Leo proudly marched himself into Parliament, his sea green eyes scanned the room as he saw the Laurentian military gathered and standing to attention as he, Drake and Liam walked into the room. The crowd bowed as Javier stood next to him, “¡Atención!” he bellowed, “His Royal Highness, King Leo... The Queen and Royal family are still in the Laurentian Palace; we must fight together to reinstate normality...” Leo raised his hand stopping Javier in his tracks, “Sorry my friend... if I may?” Javier nodded as Leo addressed the many factions of military gathered, “I know I have no right to request; but my wife, your Queen and my children are under that roof. My wife has dedicated her life to you all, our daughters and son will do the same. This coup has came to our shores because of a self fulfilling prophecy embarked upon by those who were fantasists... Cordonian militants who I am ashamed to have called family once upon a time and have desecrated our home. I stand before you as a husband and a father to ask for your help to overthrow this madness...” Leo stood proud and tall as the military dropped to their knee pledging their allegiance. “For King and Queen!” their chants filled the Parliament building as Leo looked over his shoulder towards Drake and Liam winking at them as he smiled.
To blend in, all three Cordonian men were dressed in the same green military uniform as the others. Leo and Javier stood side by side as they reviewed the blueprints of the Laurentian Palace surrounded by Generals, Admirals and Royal Guard Commanders. “We make use of blocking the tunnel system as much as we can...” Leo’s voice was strong and authoritative, “The tunnels run from the Palace directly to here. The airforce and navy teams can help block off these tunnels, and work with the coast guard to review the ports...” Leo pointed towards the blueprint, “The army will surround the Palace as the marines and Royal guard will clear the entrances... allowing smaller factions of the army to follow behind... the main priority is to find the Queen and children to ensure their safety... the youngest according ton intelligence states they are with the maids, so should still be in the nursery...” The men gathered around the table nodded in agreement to the plan until they were interrupted by the banging against the Parliament Chamber door. Leo’s sea green eyes flickered to a shade of blue as he raised his brow before nodding allowing the heavy reinforced door to be opened. Jimena and Matthew stood with their hands raised as hundreds of rifles were pointed in their direction until Leo called them to a halt. The Laurentian lady in waiting was not pleased, her lips pursed as she confronted Leo, “Took you long enough!” Jimena barked as Leo chuckled, “I can’t teleport...” he looked over her shoulder and smiled towards the Englishman stood behind her, “New boyfriend?” Jimena bit down and tried her hardest not to giggle, “No... this is Lord Devereaux... Isabella’s lawyer...” Leo’s smile wavered as he looked the English Nobleman up and down, “I see...” he replied dryly, “Your services Lord Devereaux... are no longer required...”
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camillemontespan · 1 year ago
you can tell me anything [drake x camille] [one shot]
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This is vintage Drake x Camille! So much angsttttt.
Camille wasn't herself tonight.
As the string quartet played their harmonies, champagne was poured and the nobility laughed and gossiped.
Everyone in the entire ballroom was oblivious to the fact that Camille wasn't herself and yet, only Drake could.
It had only been three months and he could already read her like a map.
Her smile was forced and her eyes, usually filled with sparkle, were flat.
She held her champagne flute tightly as she listened to Liam tell her a story which Drake could tell was meant to be funny from Liam's hand gestures and facial expressions but she wasn't laughing.
Drake was sitting in his usual corner near the bar. Nobody except Liam or Camille would talk to him at these events, so Drake spent most nights wiling away the long hours with whiskey and a running commentary inside his head.
He always watched Camille. He knew he shouldn't and he probably looked like such a creep but his eyes always followed her around the room. He couldn't help it.
She always shone in these settings. She glowed and shimmered, her laughter echoing around the room. Except tonight, obviously.
Drake wondered what was wrong. What happened today? He thought back.
They had spoken earlier. Oh god, what if he had said something that upset her? He didn't think he had… in fact, Drake had been on good form today. Not as sarcastic as usual and that was an achievement.
Applewood? Maybe she was thinking about what happened at Applewood. He knew it had been a horrible night for her, fucks sake he had the bruises to prove it, but surely she would have talked to him about it earlier? They had shared that experience.
Oh for fucks sake. They had what therapists would call ‘shared trauma.’
That wasn't the best start to a relationship, was it?
Drake sighed. It wasn't a relationship. He had to stop thinking of him and Camille like that. She was in a competition to marry his best friend.
It was a fucked up triangle.
They had kissed a few times. Shared secrets at 3am. Spoke about their dreams and fears.
He watched as Camille smiled faintly at Liam's punchline before belatedly laughing. It was a high tinkle and sounded very unlike the throaty, warm laugh that Drake was used to.
Hana joined Camille and Liam. She gently rubbed Camille's arm and the two women shared faint smiles.
Okay, so Hana knew something.
Drake watched as Liam excused himself to join Olivia who had been sauntering around, her eyes focused on him the whole time he had been speaking to Camile.
Hana bowed her head as she listened to Camille, who was now whispering in her ear. Over Hana's shoulder, Camille looked across at Drake and their eyes caught.
Drake's heart skipped as it always did when he and Camille locked eyes. Always.
Camille gave Hana a small hug and then strode quickly away, ducking her head down.
This was not like Camille at all. She never left the events early.
Drake stood up and abandoned his glass of whiskey. He walked with purpose through the ballroom, keeping a safe distance from Camille so it wouldn't look obvious that he was trying to catch her up.
He caught up with Camille on the main staircase.
She stopped and turned, looking down at him. Her eyes were shiny, as if she was holding back tears.
‘Drake, I need to be alone…’ she croaked.
Drake strode forward and reached the step below her. She looked down into his eyes and Drake forced himself not to become lost in hers.
‘What’s wrong?’
She looked away, biting her lower lip. Her hand gripped the stairwell, turning her knuckles white.
‘I just.. I feel sad, I guess.’
Drake's eyebrows furrowed with concern. He studied her and could see that she genuinely looked like she was on the verge of tears. ‘Okay, let's get you somewhere,’ he murmured. ‘We can talk.’
She shook her head. ‘N-no Drake,’ she protested, her voice thick. ‘Please, I just want to be in my room, alone.’
Drake swallowed. ‘Okay. No problem.’
He watched her as she walked upstairs, taking care to hold part of her golden silk dress so she didn't trip.
The way she held herself. She usually had her shoulders thrown back for confidence, her head held high. But she was looking down and her shoulders were slumped, as if she carried a heavy burden.
Drake wished he could carry it for her.
He retired to his bedroom after that. He was in no mood for a fancy ball now, especially if Camille wasn't going to be there.
He roughly took off his tie and pulled off his cufflinks. He hated wearing a suit. Although he cleaned up well, he felt like an imposter whenever he dressed up. Like he was trying to be someone he wasn't.
He got changed into a white t-shirt and checked blue pyjama bottoms. Throwing himself down on his bed, he turned on the TV to watch the late night news, but he wasn't really paying attention to it.
Drake couldn't stop thinking about Camille.
She was in his head all the time. First thing when he woke up, last thing at night. It had been gradual but now, Drake couldn't go about his life without managing to somehow think about her and to be honest, he was getting sick of himself.
It was a dumpster fire of a situation that Drake should have avoided but Camille kept pulling him back in.
His phone buzzed with a notification.
Drake's finger slid across the screen and his heart skipped when he saw that Camille had texted him.
Camille: I’m sorry for being off with you. Didn't mean it. X
Drake was replying back instantly. He didn't even bother to wait a few minutes to look cool.
Drake Walker was a lot of things but ‘cool’ wasn't one of ‘em.
Drake: Hey, it's cool. Are you okay? X
She read his message instantly. The blue dots under his text started bubbling. Clearly, Camille wasn't cool either.
Camille: Not really. I feel sad and overwhelmed. I wasn't in the mood tonight. Did you have a nice time? X
Drake thought about his response. He wanted her to be honest with him, feel like she could tell him anything. But he didn't want to push it in case she closed up.
Drake: Wanna talk about it? I get feeling overwhelmed, Cordonia does that to you! It was a ball, do I ever have nice times at balls? X
He was trying to keep this light. Make her smile.
Camille: It's a lot. Everything is too much right now. Haha good point, at least you get whiskey from the bar! X
Drake smiled. He started typing again, feeling a thrill at her name on his phone.
Drake: Is the competition getting you down? If it helps, you're doing great. That's true, whiskey at these balls certainly helps x
Camille read his message.
Two minutes and no response.
Fuck. He'd pushed her. Fuck.
She replied a few minutes later with an essay.
That was all Drake could describe it as. An essay but it was an essay worth reading.
Camille: I don't want to be in this competition anymore. At first, I thought it would be an experience. I didn't think I'd be in the running to win it but now Liam keeps telling me that I'm his favourite amongst the suitors. He is so kind and sweet but I just don't feel that way about him. I don't want to hurt his feelings but I don't want to lead him on either.
I'm at these balls and all I want to do is sit with you. Drink whiskey, talk, make fun of the nobles. The more I get to know you, the more I feel myself pulling away from Liam and just gravitating towards you. I know we've kissed a few times and I have no idea what's going on there but I'm so confused. Being inside my own head is fucking exhausting. You usually help calm me down, make me see the bigger picture but now you're in my head all the time and I can't see anything clearly. Sorry this is massive vent and I don't want to make you feel bad. Sorry x
Drake stared at her text, his heart pounding.
He was in her head all the time? Like, how SHE was in his head all the time?
And she wanted to hang out with him rather than Liam?
And she didn't want to be in the competition anymore?!
Drake rubbed his eyes fiercely and focused on the screen. He needed to talk to her.
Not by text. No, this was better done in person.
Drake: I’m coming to your room x
Two minutes passed. She hadn't read it.
Drake: Camille? You okay? X
She still hadn't read it.
Drake was at her door in five minutes. He needed to see her. He needed to talk to her, calm her down, make sense of this situation.
He knocked on the door. ‘Camille?’
Her voice was very small.
‘It’s me, open up.’
The door opened slowly. Camille looked up at him, anxiety clear on her face. ‘Hey..’ she said softly.
Drake reached out and gently took her hand. ‘Can we talk?’
Camille nodded mutely and led him inside her room. The TV was on, showing a vintage episode of Sex and the City. The bedsheets were rumpled and a cup of peppermint tea stood on the bedside table.
‘Girly night in?’ Drake joked.
Camille wrapped her arms around herself and perched on the edge of the bed. She was wearing a silk pink striped pyjama top with matching shorts. Drake thought she looked incredibly cute.
‘So you texted me and I texted back but you didn't reply..’ Drake said.
Camille turned red. ‘Umm.. after I texted you, I may have locked my phone in the drawer. It was risky.’
Drake let out a laugh. ‘Was it a risky text?’
Camille’s eyes widened. ‘Yes!’ she protested. ‘I told you how I was feeling and instantly felt embarrassed! That's why I locked my phone away, I didn't want to see your response!’
Drake leaned against her dresser and crossed his arms, looking at her in amusement. ‘You’re cute when you flounder,’ he said, giving her a smirk.
Camille pressed her hands against her eyes and let out a groan. ‘Shurrup, Walker.’
Drake chuckled. He padded across the floor until he was standing in front of her. Gently, he took her hands off her eyes, forcing her to look up at him.
‘Camille,’ he said, his voice low. ‘We need to talk about this.’
Camille looked into his eyes. Hers were filling with tears. ‘It’s getting too hard..’ she croaked.
‘I know,’ Drake murmured. ‘Look, I won't lie. Knowing you think about me.. hell, I think about you all the time too.’
Camille’s eyes widened. ‘You do?’
Drake swallowed. God, he hated talking about feelings. But for some reason, Camille made him more open. Maybe it was her nature, her warmth that made him want to tell her every little thing.
Or maybe it was because she was different to everyone else and quite frankly, she was the only person that mattered.
‘I think about you all the time,’ Drake admitted. ‘I’ve tried to stay away, keep you at arms length but I think after kissing you a couple of times that ain't gonna happen.’
Camille blushed. ‘I think that ship has sailed,’ she agreed, giving him a small smile.
Drake's finger grazed her jaw line. She closed her eyes, focusing on his touch.
‘If you left this competition…’ Drake said hesitantly, ‘what would you do?’
Camille opened her eyes. ‘I.. I guess go back to New York.’
‘Is that what you want?’
She was quick to answer.
Drake cleared his throat, keeping his eyes fixed on hers. ‘So, hypothetically, you leave the competition but you don't go back to New York. What do you do?’
Camille bit her lip. ‘I.. Look, Drake, what do you want me to say? That I will leave the competition for you? Because that's what I want. I want you. I want to be with YOU.’
Drake let out a shaky breath. He looked away, knowing that she had a fire in her eyes now.
‘If we could be together without hurting Liam..’ he muttered.
‘Which we will,’ Camille said bluntly. ‘And that is why I'm feeling overwhelmed, Drake. I feel guilty all the time. I have feelings for you, his best friend. He might propose to me and I have feelings for his BEST FRIEND. How fucked up is that?’
Drake swallowed. ‘Yeah.. it's fucked up.’
Camille stepped away from him and dragged her fingers through her hair. She flopped down on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. ‘We’re stuck in this situation and I don't know how to fix it.’
Drake studied her. Without a word, he moved to the bed and lay down beside her.
‘C’mere,’ he murmured, holding his arm up so Camille could scoot in close to him.
She rolled into him, resting her head on his chest. Drake wrapped his arm around her and held her tightly.
‘This is all we can have,’ he said, looking up at the ceiling. ‘I can't hurt Liam. But I can't say that watching you with him doesn't kill me. But I'm not gonna say anything to him, Camille. He's been loyal to me since we were kids, he's always had my back.’
Camille sniffled. Drake leaned down to press a kiss on top of her head. ‘If I could take you out this competition without any consequences, I would. But it would hurt Liam and your reputation would be dragged through the mud. Leaving a prince just to be with a commoner. To be with me. They would rip you apart.’
Camille clenched his t-shirt in her fist. ‘I don't care.’
Drake held her tighter. ‘I do.’
Camille kept hold of him, not wanting to let him go. He smelled like leather and sandalwood. He was safe.
‘Can you stay here tonight?’ she asked. ‘I don't want to be alone. Not now.’
‘Sure thing.’
A moment of comfortable silence passed until Drake broke it.
‘There’s no such thing as a risky text to me, by the way.’
Camille sat up and looked down at him. ‘Really?’
Drake nodded.
‘I’m never gonna judge you, Camille. You can tell me anything. I'm not going anywhere.’
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sunflowervolvimp3 · 4 years ago
Well I imagine Liam did that because unless your name is Niall horan or Harry styles interviewers only care about his one direction days they discuss his first album success the ask about 1d and if he tries not to discuss the band people assume somethings wrong between him and the boys and answering questions about them/ praising them apparently leads people to think his album wasn’t good enough and he wants clout. Even though it was his band too and he can discuss it however he chooses.
In regards to age difference Liam is only 6 years older than his fiancé, Taylor was 4 years older than Harry when they dated, not to mention he’s also been linked to Caroline, Nicole scherzinger, and coucou who might I add is 8 years older than him. You may not like his music or his actions but we can’t praise Harry and shame Liam when the behavior is pretty much the same.
alrighty i wasn’t even going to respond to this at first because we’ve had this debate so many times and i am truly tired of having it so point blank period. i’m not a fan of liam. i don’t like his new music and i don’t really care about him so if that’s an issue for you then you can just stop following my account and we can both save some time and go our separate ways!!!! but what you said about the age thing caught my attention so i wanted to address that.
when i talk about big age gaps in relationships being strange to me, there are three things i consider: how old each person is in relation to the other, where they are at in their lives, and how does all of that affect a power balance in the relationship.
you mentioned harry’s past relationships, which have had larger gaps, and i’m glad you did!! however, you’re incorrect in saying i praise harry and shame liam for the same behaviour, because the behaviour is not the same. in a relationship with a large age gap, the fault always falls on the person who is older. i don’t care how mature you think someone is, or how grown up they seem, because you, as the older person, should be able to remember what you were like at that age, realize how much you’ve grown, and see that that younger person is at a different stage in their life.
so let’s talk about those three things i mentioned shall we!! to begin in broad aspects, i don’t think age gaps in relationships are inherently unhealthy, depending on how old each person is and what stage of life they are in. a four year age gap is illegal and predatory when the two people are 15 and 19, but at 28 and 32? that’s perfectly fine, because it is 1.) legal!! and 2.) a gap where both people are still in the same stage of their lives!! each person has finished puberty, maybe gone to university, maybe has a career, maybe has an apartment, but either way: they are both within the same stage of their lives. a 6 year age gap between a 14 year old and a 20 year old is predatory. an age gap between a 26 year old and a 32 year old?? could be a little big, but they’ve still completed a lot of the same milestones!! they’re both adults, they’ve both made it through their early 20s, they’ve both been out of school and seen the world!! 
now. liam is 26 and his girlfriend is 20, and they started dating at when liam was 24 and she was 18. at 24, liam had been in the spotlight for roughly eight years, released multiple albums, gone on multiple world tours, made millions of dollars, and had become recognizable by sight, if not by name.
and his girlfriend had just graduated high school.
try to wrap your head around that for a minute. think about what you were like when you graduated high school. how you saw the world. how you thought you knew the world. think about how a month before, you had to ask permission to use the bathroom. think about how a lot of people graduating were still growing, still developing, and still learning how to think for themselves. 
let’s say liam wasn’t famous. let’s take fame out of the equation. if he were a regular 24 year old, he’d maybe be graduated from university, moved out on his own, maybe had a job working in an office, or at a company, or something. he’d be paying rent, making connections, and be living an adult life. and his girlfriend wouldn’t even be able to legally drink yet.
think about the power imbalance there!! think about an adult man, looking at a newly 18 year old girl, and pursuing a relationship with her. and this 18 year old girl, listening to a man with a car, and a job, and an apartment, and so many other big, adult, grown up things, telling her she’s pretty, and mature, and lovely, and all these other things that make her feel special. because she’s not like other girls her age. she is special.
now throw in liam’s actual life at 24, the millions he has, and the fame, and realize how that power imbalance triples. think about how maya was around 10 years old when one direction formed. think about how she’s seen liam in the news and on magazines and on a pedestal for over half her life. and none of this even mentions that he has a child, who his girlfiend--now fiancee--will become a stepmother to. at 20 years old.
and that’s not to say that liam hasn’t been on the lower end of a power imbalanced relationship!! i haven’t forgotten that cheryl cole is 11 years older than him, meaning that when she first met liam on the x factor when he was 14, she was 25!!!! and then less than 10 years later, they had a child together!! in my opinion, that’s grooming, and it’s awful, and i don’t think it’s right. but that doesn’t excuse liam’s behaviour here.
which is why, as i said, i don’t consider harry’s relationships and liam’s to be in the same category. harry and caroline’s relationship, with him being 17 and her being 32 (?), has creeped me out since i first heard about it at 13. it was wrong. it was a huge power imbalance. i’m 22, and i consider an 18 year old a child. how could someone in their 30s see a 17 year old and think it’s okay to pursue a romantic and sexual relationship with them? they haven’t even finished puberty. they’re a child.
harry and taylor, as well, had a larger gap, and it does make me feel a little off when i think about it. granted, they were both doing the same thing and so relatively at the same time in their lives--touring the world, releasing albums, dealing with paps and press--but it was still a larger gap and not something i would do. 
idk anything about nicole scherzinger, but as for camille, the same thing kind of applies in my opinion?? it was a larger gap, yes, but they were both adults, both fully developed, both at relatively the same place in their lives, and hadn’t just become legal.
with age gaps, i find the older both people are when it happens, the more acceptable it is, because after a certain point, you’re at the same stage in your life and are thinking about the same things and have the same goals. and this is all a matter of opinion, so you can have yours, but you cannot convince me that liam, a father, dating a girl who had just graduated high school, is not creepy. the age gap of 6 years isn’t what’s bad-- it’s what stage of life they’re at.
and that’s my opinion!! i went a lot longer on this rant than i meant to because i wanna put it to bed!! i’ve gotten so many asks about liam’s relationship every time i say i don’t care for him or i think it’s weird and i’m done so!! this is it!! take it or leave it!!
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joviewinchester · 5 years ago
Jovie Winchester: An Introduction to my Account
A/N: Aye! What’s up, y’all. This is me finally making a tumblr account. If you want to check out my other work, I have a Wattpad account @JovieForbes, so if you like this you should go check that out. I’m trying to be more organized on this account than on that one. This is basically a clean slate. I will triple check my grammar on here, and when I finally figure out how to make a masterlist, I might do that too. I might try and transfer my supernatural imagine where I remade the Changing Channels episode with the reader. That one’s my favorite, or I wouldn’t even bother. Below, I will put lists of characters I do for each of my fandoms, and if you would like to make requests you can. If you make requests, tell me if you want it to be platonic or not especially for the girls. All of these will be character x fem! reader because that is what I’m comfortable with. Once again, feel free to request! ❤️
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Charlie Bradbury
Jack Klein
The Vampire Diaries
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore
Tyler Lockwood
Jeremy Gilbert
Enzo St. John
Kai Parker
Katherine Pierce
Caroline Forbes
Elena Gilbert
Bonnie Bennett
The Originals
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Marcel Gerard
Hayley Marshall
Camille O’Connel
Jackson Kenner
Hope Mikaelson
Lizzie Saltzman
Josie Saltzman
Milton Greasley
Rafael Waithe
Kaleb Hawkins
Landon Kirby
Archie Andrews
Jughead Jones
Reggie Mantle
Betty Cooper
Veronica Lodge
Cheryl Blossom
Toni Topaz
Sweet Pea
Kevin Keller
Parks and Recreation
Leslie Knope
Ann Perkins
Ben Wyatt
Chris Traeger
Tom Haverford
Donna Meagle
Jean Ralphio
Bobby Newport
The Office
Michael Scott
Dwight Schrute
Pam Beasley
Jim Halpert
Kelly Kapoor
Angela Martin
Andy Bernard
Holly Flax
Stranger Things
Dustin Henderson
Mike Wheeler
Nancy Wheeler
Will Byers
Jonathan Byers
Billy Hargrove
Lucas Sinclair
Teen Wolf
Scott Mcall
Stiles Stilinski
Derek Hale
Peter Hale
Lydia Martin
Allison Argent
Isaac Lahey
Brett Talbot
Liam Dunbar
Theo Raeken
Kira Yukimura
Malia Tate
Jordan Parrish
Once Upon a Time
Peter Pan
Henry Mills
Regina Mills
Emma Swan
Killian Jones
My Babysitter’s a Vampire
Benny Weir
Ethan Morgan
Jane Morgan
Sarah Fox
Erica Jones
Rory Keaner
Jesse Black
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Nicholas Scratch
Theo Putnam
Sabrina Spellman
Ambrose Spellman
Rosalind Walker
Harvey Kinkle
Prudence Blackwood
New Girl
Winston Schmidt
Nick miller
Winston Bishop
Jessica Day
Cecelia Parikh
Request Prompt Lists
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poweredbycoffeeandwine · 6 years ago
Guess who is getting art for Camille x Liam???? Guess who saw sketches of it today???????????????? Guess who is so damned excited, and they just can't hide it!!?!?!?!??
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poweredbycoffeeandwine · 6 years ago
This is the Prompt list I mentioned (here).
Day 1 is already taken.
12 Days of Christmas Prompts!
For any writers or artists who want to use them, feel free!
*First Day (Dec 13th): Playing in the snow
*Second Day (Dec 14th): Ugly sweaters
*Third Day (Dec 15th): Getting lost at the mall
*Fourth Day (Dec 16th): Baking cookies
*Fifth Day (Dec 17th): Cuddling by the fire
*Sixth Day (Dec 18th): Wrapping Presents
*Seventh Day (Dec 19th): Watching holiday specials on tv
*Eighth Day (Dec 20th): Kissing under the mistletoe
*Ninth Day (Dec 21st): Holiday party
*Tenth Day (Dec 22nd): Visiting relatives
*Eleventh Day (Dec 23rd): Decorating the tree
*Twelfth Day (Dec 24th): Christmas Eve
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sleepingdragonhq · 4 years ago
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Hey everyone, under the cut you will find the list of everyone’s costumes as well as lists for the couples romantic and platonic. You can find the poll for the costume contest here. We have added a few more awards this year. As always you vote for the top five in each category, five points for first place, four points for second and so on. You should be voting for individuals in every category except the couples ones. Please vote before the 31st of October as we will be announcing the winners from that point onward. If we have missed any on any of the lists please let us know !!
Aaron Hale - Frankenstein
Adabella Skeeter - Sandy (Grease)
Adeline Mulciber - Beetlejuice 
Aiden Wolffe - Bucky Barnes (Marvel)
Aisha Vane - Wednesday Addams (Addams Family)
Alastair Watson - Iron Man (Marvel)
Albus Potter - Victor Van Dort (Corpse Bride)
Alec Fray - Spiderman (Marvel)
Alexander Hawthorne - Ace Ventura (Ace Ventura: Pet Detective) 
Alison Wood - Ellie Sattler (Jurassic Park)
Alice Longbottom II - Eleven (Stranger Things)
Annika Parkinson - Wonder Woman (DC)
Archer Selwyn - Peter Pan (Disney)
Ariadne McLaggen - Elastigirl (The Incredibles)
Ariella Belefleur - Anastasia (Anastasia)
Aryana Robins - Mia Thermopolis (The Princess Diaries)
Ash Highmore - Pot Head
Aurora Claremont - Daphne Blake (Scooby Doo)
Axel Wolffe - Ghost
Benjamin Ollivander - Dr. Facilier (Disney)
Bentley Lockhart - Dorothy (Wizard of Oz)
Brett Holland - Kim Possible (Kim Possible)
Brigid Callaghan - Trixie Tang (Fairly Odd Parents)
Caleb Cresswell - Indiana Jones (Indiana Jones)
Camille McGonagall - Barbara Maitland (Beetlejuice)
Candice Cresswell - Alice (Alice in Wonderland)
Casey Abrams - Judy Hopps (Zootopia)
Caspian Berrycloth - Zebra
Cassius Cresswell - Ron Swanson (Parks & Rec)
Celestina Shacklebolt - Storm (X-Men/Marvel)
Charlotte Watson - Princess Buttercup (The Princess Bride)
Chase Sayre - Simon Snow (Carry On Series)
Clara Arquette - Cinderella (Disney)
Colm McCarthy - Vampire
Cynthia Clearwater - Red Riding Hood (Fairy Tales)
Cyrus Clearwater - Darth Vader (Star Wars)
Daniel McKinnon - Jason Dean (Heathers)
Darcy Mulciber - Medusa (Mythology)
Declan Rowland - Timmy Turner (Fairly Odd Parents)
Diana Rosier - Anastasia (Anastasia)
Dominique Weasley - Eleven (Stranger Things)
Edith De Lapin - Taylor Swift (Lover Era)
Edward Lupin - Oogie Boogie (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Eleanor Pucey - Harley Quinn (DC)
Electra Carrow - Emily (Corpse Bride)
Elena Flores - Morticia Addams (The Addams Family)
Elide Weasley - Wednesday Addams (The Addams Family)
Elodie De Lapin - Taylor Swift (Reputation Era)
Erin McCormack - Holly Golightly (Breakfast at Tiffany’s)
Evan Parkinson - Captain America (Marvel)
Evangeline Pickering - Elastigirl (The Incredibles)
Evelyn Carrow - Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
Everett Pickering - Tin Man (Wizard of Oz)
Felix Hopkirk - Thor (Marvel)
Fletcher Duke - Flower Thrower (Banksy Art)
Frank Longbottom II - Nick Wilde (Zootopia)
Fred Weasley - Superman (DC)
Gabriel Larkin - Danny (Grease)
Gale MacDougal - Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who)
Grace Turner - Wendy (Peter Pan)
Griffin Jones - Catwoman (DC)
Gwendolyn Hawkes - Cruella de Vil (101 Dalmatians)
Harper Lee Clark - Princess Anneliese (Princess and the Pauper)
Hazel MacDougal - Cher (Clueless)
Hugo Granger-Weasley - Unicorn
Hunter Adams - Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland)
Jace Greengrass - t-shirt that says “costume”
James Ashcroft - Starlord (Guardians of the Galaxy)
James Potter - Mario (Super Mario Bros)
Jasper Locklear - Prince Phillip (Sleeping Beauty)
Jaxon DuQuan - Skeleton
Jonah Finch - Joker (DC)
Josephine Flamel - Violet Beauregarde (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)
Joshua Selwyn - Spiderman (Marvel)
Juliet Highmore - Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)
Kristoff Flynn - Gomez Addams (The Addams Family)
Laurel Ollivander - Devil
Layla Rowle - Poison Ivy (DC)
Liam Alvarez - Miles Morales (Into the Spiderverse)
Lily Potter - Max (Stranger Things)
Levi Highmore - Ghost
Long Huojin - Edward Scissorhands (Edward Scissorhands)
Lorcan Scamander - Spiderman (Marvel)
Louis Weasley - Jim Hawkins (Treasure Planet)
Lucienne Wolffe - Scary Alice
Lucy Weasley - Erika (Princess and the Pauper)
Lyra Malfoy - Princess Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)
Lysander Scamander - 7 (7/11)
Mackenzie Potter - Princess Peach (Super Mario Bros)
Madeline Brown - Rachel Green (Friends)
Malachai Arquette - Prince Charming (Disney)
Manon Flamel - Captain Marvel (Marvel)
Marcus Carson - Indiana Jones (Indiana Jones)
Mason Jones - Ghost
Matthew Asprey - Niffler
Matthias Vallois - Dimitri (Anastasia)
Meredith Wayfelle - Coraline (Coraline)
Molly Weasley II - Wednesday Addams (The Addams Family)
Mortimer Claremont - White Rabbit (Alice in Wonderland)
Natalya Dolohova - Na’vi (Avatar)
Nate Wood - Tyrannosaurus Rex (Jurassic Park)
Nesta Greenwood - Fiona (Shrek)
Nova Slughorn - Devil
Octavia Coleman - Mummy
Odette Flume - Beret Girl (An Extremely Goofy Movie)
Orlando Lockhart - Firefighter 
Peggy Carson - Pepper Potts (Marvel)
Penelope Hawthorne - Khaleesi/Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones)
Pepper Rosewood - Pirate
Perseus Mulciber - Khal Drogo (Game of Thrones)
Pippa Rosewood - Pirate
Poppy Zabini - Eleven (7/11)
Rayna Sayre - Rebel Spy (Star Wars)
Reid Anderson - Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty)
Rory Goldstein - Owen Grady (Jurassic World)
Scorpius Malfoy - Bas Pitch (Carry On Series)
Sebastian Nott - Mr. Incredible (The Incredibles)
Seraphina Macaulay - Velma Dinkley (Scooby Doo)
Seung Krum - Deadpool (Marvel)
Sofia Clarke - Wonder Woman (DC)
Tallulah Abbott - Clown 
Theodore Oliver - Hector Rivera (Coco)
Theseus McLaggen - Adam Maitland (Beetlejuice)
Thomas Goyle - The Riddler (DC)
Tobias Atwell - Wolverine (X-Men/Marvel)
Toby Anderson - Westley (The Princess Bride)
Vera McKinnon - Heather Chandler (Heathers)
Verity Nott - Gamora (Marvel/Guardians of the Galaxy)
Victoire Weasley - Jessica Rabbit (Roger Rabbit)
William Ashcroft - Clark Kent / Superman (DC)
Romantic Couples
Aiden & Evan - Bucky Barnes & Captain America
Alastair & Peggy - Tony Stark/Iron Man & Pepper Potts (Marvel)
Albus & Electra - Victor & Emily (Corpse Bride)
Archer & Grace - Peter Pan & Wendy (Peter Pan)
Bentley & Everett - Dorothy & Tin Man (Wizard of Oz)
Chase & Scorpius - Simon & Baz (Carry On Series)
Declan & Brigid - Timmy & Trixie (Fairly Odd Parents)
Frank & Casey - Nick Wilde & Judy Hopps (Zootopia)
Gabriel & Adabella - Danny & Sandy (Grease)
James & Mackenzie - Mario & Peach (Super Mario Bros)
James & Verity - Starlord & Gamora (Marvel/Guardians of the Galaxy)
Jasper & Lyra - Prince Phillip & Princess Aurora (Disney)
Joshua & Seung - Spiderman & Deadpool (Marvel)
Kristoff & Elena - Gomez & Morticia Addams (The Addams Family)
Lysander & Poppy - 7/11
Malachai & Clara - Prince Charming & Cinderella (Disney)
Matthias & Ariella - Dmitri & Anastasia (Anastasia)
Perseus & Penelope - Khal Drogo & Khaleesi/Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones)
Sebastian & Ariadne - Mr. Incredible & Elastigirl (The Incredibles)
Tobias & Celestina - Wolverine & Storm (Marvel/X-Men)
Toby & Charlie - Westley & Princess Buttercup (The Princess Bride)
Platonic Couples
Aurora & Seraphina - Daphne & Velma (Scooby Doo)
Axel, Levi & Mason - Ghosts
Alice & Lily - Eleven & Max (Stranger Things)
Eleanor, Griffin & Layla - Harley Quinn, Catwoman & Poison Ivy (DC)
Gale & Juliet - Tenth Doctor & Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)
Harper & Lucy - Princess Anneliese & Erika (Princess and the Pauper)
Nate & Alison - T-Rex & Ellie Sattler (Jurassic Park)
Pepper & Pippa - Pirates
Theseus & Camille - Adam & Barbara Maitland (Beetlejuice)
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floralege · 4 years ago
everybuddy for the ship meme!
who asks the other on dates:  elliot  only  has  a  mild  complex  about  not  being  as  cool  as  a  vampire,  so  he  tries  to  plan  special  dates  for  lauren.  pru  and  del  have  regular  date  nights  to  catch  up  and  shit  talk  everything  going  on  ;  bee,  camille,  and  meg  do  the  same,  just  under  fancier  reservations.  meg  likes  to  call  up  tj  and  tell  him  that  he’s  planned  a  wonderful  date  night  for  them  at  random.
who is the bigger cuddler:  caia  is  big  on  cuddling  even  if  she’s  icy  cold,  so  jimmy  needs  lots  of  blankets.  ian  knows  it’s  inappropriate  to  cuddle  but  it’s  also  not  his  fault if  he  notices  that  cecile  looks  chilly  and  he  wants  to  keep  her  warm!  fern  and  ethan  got  drunk,  passed  out,  and  woke  up  cuddling.  they  decided  to  never  speak  of it.
who initiates holding hands more often:  mick  loves  holding  hands,  so  he’d  always  reach  out  for  delphine.  same  w  soft  as  jack  who  just  likes  feeling  kimber’s  touch!  emiliana  allowed  simon  to  hold  her  hand  a  few  times  so  now  he  just  always  tries  in  the  hopes  that  she’ll  give  in  at  some  point.  duffy  still  gets  nervous  about  holding  vee’s  hand  but  in  a  very  sweet  way.
who remembers anniversaries:  liam  and  fern  pick  one  day  a  year  to  get  free  cake  and  drinks  at  the  nearest  restaurant  by  playing  up  the  anniversary  schtick,  though  they’ve  mostly  forgotten  the  actual  dates.  elliot  remembers  everything  but  he’s  trying  not  to  be  so  human  about  it  because  he  knows  time  is  a  much  different  concept  for  lauren.  grady  remembered  every  single  anniversary,  the  problem  is  that  he  though  sending  a  gift  a  reasonable  way  to  not  actually  spend  time  with  cecile.
who is more possessive:  rome  and  gideon,  big  time.  liam  and  fern.  mick  and  delphine,  but  they  try  to  joke  about  it.  arlo  gives  a  little  side  eye  whenever  someone  chats  up  coco  at  the  bar  but  he  tries  to  ignore  it.  maybe  nik  n  nora?  ginny  only  feels  possessive  of  lil  when  they’re  in  the  same  vicinity.  esme  is  EXTREMELY  possessive  of  olivia,  which  is  probably  a  big  problem  for  them!
who gets more jealous:  same  as  above  but  also  add  in  pru,  who  is  literally  losing  her  mind  every  time  she  has  to  see  bee  and  adam  in  the  papers.  adam  gets  a  little  annoyed  whenever  he  sees  mick  and  del.  i’m  sure  fern,  ethan,  and  liam  will  become  a  stupid  web.  daphne  and  sid.
who is more protective:  i  know  he’s  a  bastard  man  but  simon  was  actually  v  protective  of  cecile  when  she  was  alive.  ian,  obviously.  the  vamps  are  a  hot  mess  but  they’d  kill  for  one  another.  the  same  for  temperance  and  lilith.  freddie  and  hannah,  arlo  and  coco.
who is more likely to cheat:  WELL  i  think  we’ve  noted  that  pru  and  delphine  are  experts  at  this.  same  with  sadie,  even  if  it  still  haunts  her.  elliot’s  the  only  one  in  his  own  band  and  crew  that  knows  any  sense  of  fidelity  and  loyalty.  everyone  sleeps  together  okay!  meg  skirts  around  cheating  by  never  definitively  claiming  to  be  anything,  while  also  demanding  all  girlfriend  perks.
who initiates sexy times the most:   cilla is,  at  all  times,  trying  to  sleep  with  henry.  i’m  sure  delphine  knows  exactly  what  to  do  get  mick  worked  up.  pru’s  personal  aphrodisiac  is  seeing  brigitte  in  her  office,  so  lots  of  times  there.  johnny  slip  his  hand  up  cam’s  skirt  in  public  a  lot.  it’s  tradition  that  rome  and  gideon  don’t  say  hello,  they  just  fuck  on  the  nearest  surface  and  i  think  that’s  beautiful.  marilyn  went  without  for  months  so  emile  gets  pulled  aside  a  lot.
who dislikes PDA the most:  grady’s  probably  the  only  who’s  more  subdued  about  it,  but  the  rest  pack  it  on  happily!  also  camille  when  anyone  tries  touching  her  in  public.
who asks the the other to marry them:   EVERYONE  IS  GETTING  MARRIED  !  mick  would  ask  delphine  in  a  heartbeat  but  he  knows  her  answer  already.  fred  and  hannah.  elliot’s  been  googling  if  vampires  can  get  married  outside  of  their  species  and  he  insists  it’s  just  a  joke.  i’m  sure  cilla  will  piss  off  the  world  and  elope  w  henry.  daisy’s  sort  of  content  with  having  a  relaxed  love  life  for  the  first  time  possibly  ever.
who buys the other flowers or gifts:  adam  likes  being  papped  buying  the  biggest  bouqet  of  roses  before  stopping  by  bee’s  place.  fern  gifts  liam  w  cool  lighters  she  finds  around  venues.  jack  compiles  positive  reviews  of  kimber’s  bakery  to  hang  around  the walls.
who would bring up possibly having kids:   elliot  broaches  the  subject  but  he  understands  why  it  goes  NOWHERE.  gideon  and  rome  already  have  two  quasi - children  of  their  own.  caia  would  actually  love  a  family  with  jimmy  but  has  no  idea  how  that  even  works.  
who is more nervous to meet the parents:  cilla  comes  from  a  long  line  of  demons  so  she’s  anxious  about  meeting  henry’s  family.  dinners  with  jules  inspire  a  certain  sense  of  fear  in  mick.  arlo  has  a  morbid  curiosity  about  coco’s  family  but  he  sticks  with  just  knowing  nik  for  now.
who sleeps on the couch when the other is angry:  after  particularly  nasty  fights,  emmy  sends  dominic  to  sleep  in  the  guest  bedroom  on  the  farthest  end  of  the  penthouse.  pru  sleeps  on  the  couch  but  it’s  so  comfortable  that  she  actually  doesn’t  mind.  cam  sends  johnny  to  the  couch  in  his  own  apartment.  
who tries to make up first after arguments:  if  they  ever  have  any  disagreements,  temperance  knows  enough  of  lilith’s  history  to  apologize  right  off  the  bat  (  ginny,  on  the  other  hand,  likes  making  things  worse  )  gideon’s  always  the  first  to  seek  out  rome.  jack  and  kimber  are  over  their  fights  within  ten  minutes.
who tells the other they love them more often:  elliot  always  sends  ‘thinking  of  you  x’  texts  and  postcards.  drunk  cilla  is  the  most  affection  person  in  the  world.  ian  tries  to  say  it  constantly,  but  he’s  too  enamored  with  their  connection  to  potentially  ruin  it.  fred/cam  and  fred/hannah  naturally.  honestly  EVERYONE  expresses  it  in  some  way.
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xxrainbow-princessxx · 5 years ago
Band of Brothers - Leo x Liam
Well this has turned into an unexpected mini series isn’t it? This mini series is to explore the angst and uncertainty that the Royal Heir ending did not deliver on. I expected more tbh so this is where the AU has arisen from.  Trigger warnings as always - there’s some angst, fighting, swearing, discussions of kink. Read at your own risk as the jump will be below! 
To catch up, please see the below chapter listing
Chapter One: Enough
Chapter 2: Homeward Bound 
Tag list: @lorirwritesfanfic @drakewalkerfantasy @desireepow-1986 @liam-rhys @mom2000aggie @lorircreates @rainbowsinthestorm @hopefulmoonobject @rafasgirl23415 @itslaniquelove @texaskitten30 @kingliam2019 @speedyoperarascalparty @kimmiedoo5
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Leo didn’t know what to expect when he would return to Cordonian Palace. The one thing he was sure of was to trust no one; the betrayal of the noble houses of Cordonia was tantamount to treason in Leo’s mind. For the noble houses to turn and threaten the Rys line once again, it was time that they were reminded of their place. It was the early hours of the morning as the Cadillac Escalade drove up the gravel path towards the beautiful baroque building’s outline glowed under the moonlight except for one room that burned the midnight oil. The warm glow was only a perceived invite, inside was nothing more than what felt like an empty shell. The room itself felt like Liam, the walls were like his body, a simple structure holding everything together but it was empty like his heart. He was surrounded by Cordonian Law books, the same books he read night after night to find a loophole, to find some hope in what had become a very dark six months. Staring at the picture of him, Sienna and Camille that sat on his desk, he couldn’t help himself. Picking it up and looking at her smiling, Liam could feel a lump forming in his throat, “My beautiful Camille...” he whispered, “I am so sorry my darling... I hope some day you will be able to forgive me...”
Leo sighed heavily as he saw his brother falling apart, his heart breaking as he pleaded for his daughter’s forgiveness. Liam slowly dropped the picture on his desk, not noticing Leo’s presence as he ran his hands down his face to disguise his falling tears. “Liam...” Leo quietly spoke as he closed the distance between them, putting his hand on his brother’s shoulder, “Come on... it’s 4am... you need to get some sleep...” Liam’s steel blue eyes looked up towards Leo, he was completely lost, “Brother... I can’t... I need to...” Leo closed his eyes, composing himself as he tried to persuade him, “Liam... what your doing, this isn’t going to help Camille, it’s hindering it... you’re exhausted...” Angrily brushing Leo’s hand from his shoulder, “What would you know?” Liam barked before rising to his feet staring down his elder brother, “What the hell would you know what Camille needs?” Leo sucked in his cheeks, not rising to Liam’s rant as the Cordonian King squared up to Leo. Liam’s 6’1” muscular frame was impressively strong as he took a swing, his fist colliding with his brother’s jaw.
Leo wiped his mouth carefully as he glared at Liam, “That was the free shot...” before he dodged Liam’s second attempt to maim his sibling. Liam might have been strong, but he had never been a match for Leo. Every time they ever fought, even as kids; Liam never stood a chance as Leo outwitted him each and every time. Liam may have been the more scholarly brother, Leo was more athletic. Strategically backing Liam into a corner, Leo took him by the throat, pressing him hard against the wall. His nostril’s flared and face reddened as he growled, “This is your mess you selfish son of a bitch!” Leo’s sea green eyes burned with anger as he watched his brother struggling to breathe turning a fiery red as he struggled. “Do not regret me coming back here to...” Leo threw Liam back like a rag doll against the wall watching as he gasped for air and his face turning from a bright red to a light pink, “fucking help you...” Liam bent over slightly as he coughed, glaring up towards Leo, “You bastard...” he wheezed watching as Leo smugly chuckled to himself pouring a glass of whiskey.
“Brother...” Leo savoured the smokey texture that filled his senses, “Don’t think for one minute that I won’t beat the absolute shit out of you... that was pathetic...” before handing Liam a glass, “You need sleep... maybe then that swing...” Leo’s lip curled upwards, “...might have done a bit of damage...” Liam reluctantly took the glass trying his hardest not to smile, “Next time... you won’t be so lucky...” It had been the first time in what felt like forever that Liam had a hint of a smile. “But you never answered my question... what are you doing here?” Leo ran his fingers through his sandy blonde feathered hair getting the crystal tumbler down gently on Liam’s desk, “For you Brother...” Leo sat down on the edge of Liam’s desk, “I might not always be here but Cordonia will always be my home and like hell will I stand back and allow someone to tarnish the reputation of the Rys name...” Liam rubbed his neck as Leo continued and stood to his feet “But I need you fighting with me, I can’t do this alone. I need you, for Camille...” Leo extended his hand out to Liam his sea green eyes flickered with hope, the green and blue speckles that framed his iris glistened with a focus and drive that Liam didn’t expect, “You in or not?” Liam took Leo’s hand before the elder Rys brother brought him into his embrace whispering, “We’ll get her back even if I die trying...”
Leo didn’t remain in the Cordonian capital. After his visit with Liam, they agreed the Palace was not their safest option if they were flush out the rats. Leo retreated to the Lythikos mountains out of view; very few knowing of his return to Cordonia a week ago. If anyone asked him why he had returned, or where Isabella was, Leo dodged the question. “Thanks Liv...” he mumbled, furiously going through the documents that were uncovered during Anton’s reign of terror. Each page, the words and letters began to roll into one, becoming one large smudge of ink on the page hoping to find something, anything to help their cause. It was the past that kept haunting them, so the Lythikos vaults were the first place Leo wanted to search. “Do you know when Liam is going to arrive?” The fierce redhead rolled her emerald green eyes, “I’m not his keeper you know...” Leo slowly began to smirk, “Don’t even sit there Liv and bullshit me like you don’t care about him... wasn’t the first time I walked in on you and Li...” Olivia snorted at the thought as Leo continued to tease, “The Nevrakis wildchild and the overly polite Cordonian Prince...” The auburn haired statuesque beauty raised her brow, “Remember Leo... I know where you sleep and I promise...” as she removed a dagger from her knee high boot pointing it towards the former Crown Prince, “I don’t miss...” Leo’s eyes narrowed ever so slightly, taunting Olivia, “Are you trying to seduce me Lady Olivia?” Leo began to chuckle as the tip of the cold blade of steel was gently pressed to his throat, “I’m still a married man... but who knows, I might like it...” Pulling the dagger away, Olivia drove it into the table as Leo grinned, “Ugh... You’re still a deviant... How did Isabella put up with you?”
As the Cordonian delegation arrived, Olivia‘a staff quickly ushered them into the grand drawing room. Drake, Hana and Maxwell wandered around taking in their weaponised surroundings as Liam stood with his hands behind his back anxiously waiting to see if they had found anything. Leo and Olivia walked side by side together discussing the finer intricacies of a choke hold as they met their waiting guests. Leo’s sea green eyes immediately narrowed as he saw Maxwell standing in front of him with a smile. Stepping closer to Liam, Leo angrily whispered, “What the fuck is Beaumont doing here?” Liam didn’t flinch as he replied, “Well... there’s someone else outside waiting for you, so stones in glass houses brother... Matéo turned up at the Cordonian Palace earlier today...” Leo clenched down on his teeth, his jaw rippling “Get him out of here...” - , “Olivia...” he turned smiling pleasantly, “Can you fill these guys in... I seem to have an unexpected visitor...” Leo pulled on the arms of his jacket, finding his soon to be brother in law standing in the Navrakis hallway, “Matéo...” Leo questioned, “What can I do for you?” Isabella’s brother raised his brow, “I think you and I need to have a pretty frank conversation...”
Leo ushered Matéo into a side room, closing the door behind him, Matéo placed his black leather briefcase onto the table, taking out a bundle of papers throwing them onto the desk, “Sign these...” Leo began to scan through the documents, taking a pen out of his blazer jacket. Isabella had cited ‘Irreconcilable Differences’ as the reason for dissolution of their marriage. It was a bitter pill to swallow but it had to be done. Whilst Leo examined the documentation, Matéo crossed his arms, infuriated at the situation, “So are you going to tell me what happened?” Leo signed the decree nisi papers, before clicking the top of his pen, “Not even a hello first...” Leo began to chuckle, “Don’t try to fuck me over before buying me dinner Matéo...I think we’ve known each other long enough to cut out that bullshit... This is between Isabella and I...” Running his fingers through his sandy blonde hair, Leo sighed heavily “You can tell Isabella I will be making a press conference tomorrow...” Leo looked up, his eyes meeting Matéo’s dark chocolate brown eyes “...that’s all you need to know...” before handing him the signed documentation, “Is that everything?” Matéo sucked in his cheeks as he reached for the signed decree nisi, snatching it from Leo’s hand, “Believe me Leo... I will find out exactly what’s going on... and when I do... I will kill you with my own bare hands...” Leo smirked as Matéo slammed shut his briefcase and without another word he walked towards the door, Leo’s lips were curled upward as he grinned, “Say hello to your husband for me...”
“Ok...” Leo returned to the grand drawing room, clapping his hands, “Now where were we before I got interrupted...” standing in front of them all, Leo wanted to gauge their expressions; he wanted to know what they knew. “As some of you may or may not already know...” Leo began to rub the back of his neck as he awkwardly stood, “Bella and I are divorcing...” Drake stood with his arms folded and brow raised as Leo continued, “After discussing the matter with Liam privately earlier in the week, there will be a press conference later today at the Palace to confirm, that’s why Matéo was here so I could sign the legal paperwork...” Drake shook his head in disbelief, “I really didn’t see that coming...” stepping forward, he placed his hand on Leo’s shoulder in solidarity, “...sorry to hear that man...” Leo nodded as his sights turned to Maxwell who remained unusually quiet. His sea green eyes flickered a shade of turquoise blue as they narrowed, “Beaumont... I’m rather surprised you are as quiet as you are...” Liam’s shoulders dropped as he sighed heavily praying to the highest heavens that his friend was true, “Maxwell?” The youngest Beaumont laughed nervously, “I don’t... I’m just in shock. I haven’t spoken with Bella in forever or Matéo... I’m as surprised as the rest of you...” Maxwell bit down on his lip as a sadness filled his heart.
He and Isabella had always been so close and with a sniff he continued, “Bella and I haven’t spoken since Nicolás was born... I’ve been too embarrassed to go visit with everything that’s been going on, someone’s had to keep an eye on Barthemely... Bertrand and I are ashamed of what’s happened, but we only stay to ensure Camille’s safety and to help Liam where we can...” Leo pursed his lips as Liam jumped to Maxwell’s defence, “It is true... we are able to FaceTime with Camille, Maxwell and Bertrand have been keeping us in touch with her as much as they can...” Leo knew he couldn’t trust anyone but he had to test the waters somehow. “Ok... ok...” he submitted, “Whatever you all can do to bring ideas to the table, we would appreciate it...” stuffing his hands into his trouser pockets, Leo continued, “The law is strict when the Royal Council call for a child of the Monarch to be placed into regent’s care but we may have found a loophole, isn’t that right Liv?” Olivia raised her brow, a little taken by surprise. Her ruby red lips were pursed as she read everyone’s expression, “Yes...” her strong, confident voice hammered the point following Leo’s lead, “Yes... we have. We will brief you all after the press conference... let’s go...” Olivia slowed to walk beside Leo, her emerald green eyes glared at him for putting her on the spot, “What the hell are you doing?” she whispered, Leo slowly began to grin with a mischievous twinkle in his eye chuckling as he watched the others walking ahead, “A simple game of Telephone should stir things up a little...” Olivia coyly smiled at Leo’s response as she placed her hand on her curvaceous hip - his plan was so simple, it was elegant, “I’m slightly impressed Rys...”
Leo fixed the lapels of his Armani suit, pulling on the sleeves to straighten his jacket completely unfazed by the gathering media who congregated in the Cordonian Royal Gardens waiting impatiently for the press conference to start, not knowing what statement was going to be made. Ana de Luca and Donnie were front row, looking slightly confused as Leo waved out to the crowd, taking centre stage on the Royal podium. “Good Evening everyone...” Leo began, no script needed as he continued, “I’m sure you all are surprised that I would be addressing you today; however...” he took a deep breath, his was pushed out, determined as he spoke with a commanding confidence, “I must announce that myself and Queen Isabella are in the process of divorcing...” His eyes narrowed slightly as the media began to shout wanting questions but Leo ignored them, “... I still and always will have the utmost respect for Isabella as we embark on this new journey. This is very new for us and we are still navigating how we can work together for the best of our children... but during this transition period, I would ask that our family’s privacy is respected at this time. There will be no follow up questions, thank you...” Walking off of the podium, Leo kept his head down as he was ushered back into the Cordonian Palace shielding himself from the cameras. Now all he could do was wait.
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