#cambrian mermaid
shirecorn · 5 months
Today's..... Mermaid
It's my goal right now to create a new mermaid design every day Mermay. I thought opening up requests would be a great way to learn about new and awesome fish! Then people asked if maybe I can do other sea creatures that aren't strictly fish?
Sure! I've done selkies and cetaceans, what if somebody wants an octopus? So I can handle that! I said any aquatic animal is fair game.
I have since been challenged with an array of strange and haunting creatures that technically count as aquatic!!! And I said I'd do them so, after the frog, a cherished supporter gave me a new task.
Yeah I didn't know what that was either. It's a funky noodley spiky creature from the cambrian era and TECHNICALLY IT'S AN AQUATIC CREATURE SO OK. Hallucigenia is called that due to the absolute silliness that went into its discovery and reconstruction. Scientists originally put it together upsidedown and backward, not knowing which part was for walking or waving around. So of course she proved a ridiculous challenge to adapt to mermay.
Ready to meet my cambrian nightmare?
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yeah. She's happy to meet you too.
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frowny-clowny · 3 months
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I made my favorite animal into a mermaid because nobody else will I give you all Hallucigenia-mermaid
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neverpaint · 2 years
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Mina Namalo, Cambrian Mermaid
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seadeepspaceontheside · 5 months
I don't really go here but:
you should draw mermaid dude with a sea bunny form....one of these guys
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I think it might be cute 😊💖
you have no idea how many I have in store for his shapes. there is like gulper eel, blob fish, cambrian, etc and yes sea bunny/nudibranch will be one of them when he feels down
all i wanna do is talk about my mermaid au so bad *crying*
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undlark · 5 years
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Inktober 8 is ‘Cambrian Mermaid’ was a nice theme!
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silversteampunk · 2 years
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I forgot to upload anywhere this when I did Mermay. Oh well.
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hereticalteapot · 4 years
A comprehensive evaluation of relevant google image search results for "anomalocaris mermaid":
1) Technicolour Meme Queen* - by Yujin0623
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A gorgeous little friend whose design incorporates lots of features of A. canadensis’ anatomy without losing that mermaid aesthetic. I love the frontal appendages reimagined as ponytails, the huge, distinctive compound eyes as little hair decorations (which do in this drawing more closely resemble an arachnid’s simple eyes, but given that each anomalocaridid eye had over 10,000 lenses per eye, they might have had an identifiable “pupil” like a modern dragonfly so I’m happy to put this down to a stylistic choice), the way the oral cone has been preserved and integrated into a cartoonish design that doesn’t look inhuman! Oh I love it!
I’m a big fan of the rainbow colour scheme. While there’s no evidence that anomalocaris had bright colouration (and developing colouration that advanced during the Cambrian period would be a wasted effort), rainbows are cool and gay, and it feeds into my pet theory that, as anomalocaridids were possibly the first creatures to ever develop dichromatic colour vision, that they would also have been the first creatures to truly see a rainbow.
I’m also 100% here for the meme format and the nice reference to genus Peytoia, which was the name given to Anomalocaris’ oral cone when first discovered and mistaken for a jellyfish. Shows a real appreciation for my favourite lil funky panarthropod.
10/10 This is the new standard for high art.
2) Chill Radiodont Gal* - by TenticaIs
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This is a pal. Don’t be fooled by her vast, subtly-but-definitively-compound eyes and her frontal appendages obscuring her mouth. This is just a chill gal who wants to hang out on the sea floor, munch some trilobites, and watch She-Ra in her pyjamas. I like the more understated colours, the stylistic but clearly inhuman hands, the damaged fishscale(?) bikini - this gal doesn’t owe you a disney princess performance, she lives her best life and she does it for herself. I also like how she’s wreathed in her own hair, really sells the feeling that she’s just relaxing deep under the sea. I can just imagine her casually swimming in from the murky depths to ask if you want to split a pizza and watch bad movies together.
10/10 Would hang out with this friend.
Literally a Picture of My Life Goals* - by ketrinadrawsalot
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Look at her. She’s regal, powerful, commanding, yet kind, beautiful, welcoming. I can only imagine her as queen of her palaeozoic radiodont dominion. I am both gay for, and long to be, this literal goddess. I love that she is surrounded by lovingly drawn A. canadensis friends, I love the way her frontal appendages are angled upwards, almost evoking a crown or tiara, I love the way her humanoid skin fades into her scaled arms, I love the detail on her body segments, the way her pose evokes unspoken power, a line of action just waiting to be realised, and yet her face suggests no threat.
10/10 I can only hope and pray that this is my final form.
Abyssal Cryptid* - by InoXShika
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YESsssss. Look at this eldritch horror and accept that the sea is not for humankind’s consumption. It will not be bent to our ideals and whims. This is a powerfully alien creature who is older than mortal minds can comprehend. This mercreature will kill you, do not approach them. I love the background details, an opabinia and hallucigenia look on as a trilobite draws its final lil athropod breaths. I love how this one defies convention by placing their dorsal flaps not along their tail but on their back, almost resembling wings. I respect that this one’s most human trait is their tiddies and that they do not feel obliged to cover them. They care not for your human norms, nor for the rules of Tumblr dot com. (But for real I’d love to hear someone argue how any part of this is “female-presenting”, this old one of the deep is beyond mortal concepts of gender).
10/10 The lives of neither men nor civilisations matter to this timeless horror. Fear them.
And that’s it. That’s all of them, in all their glory. I can only hope that if this post gets some traction it might inspire more people to depict this lovely Cambrian friendo as a mermaid, and then I will have even more to praise!
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*note: these were pretty much all just called “Anomalocaris Mermaid”, the names here are just my own perception of them.
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rmyers08 · 5 years
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“You were so preoccupied with whether you could, you, uh, didn’t stop to think if you should.” ... #mermay #mermaid #siren #tullymonster #tullimonstrum #gregarium #hplovecraft #eldritchhorror #cambrian #pennsylavian #chordata https://www.instagram.com/p/ByEZIuwlFLL/?igshid=1n4yf9v916dsi
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mahou-furbies · 2 years
I’ve started going through all the comments in the Precure tournament. I’ll post the character specific ones later, but here are your wishes for the next season. This was the last question I came up with and it turned out to be the most interesting!
I always want more musical themes ^_^
Childhood? (Toys, innocence, memories....)
Communication between different types of people
Sports theme!
Drinks! We've had food themes more than once, give us Cure Tea or Cure Pop  or something.
the cambrian explosion. i just think magical girls based on weird prehistoric sea creatures would be cool as hell.
ok so i literally just came up with this but i think birds would be a good theme, they could do the winged super mode thing way better than doki doki ever did
Science [mentioned twice]
High tech/sci-fi
I think something based around technology could be interesting.
I want another space theme if they did food twice they can do space again
uhh... internet?  or a better doctor theme than healing good.  Too bad covid strangled that theme a bit.
space mermaids? idk
Time travel
I would like a circus theme or maybe something based on the four seasons.
Seasons (as in summer, winter, etc)
honestly? i wish there was a series based on kinds of art. like, there's a painter cure, a dancer cure, a sculptor cure, etc.
Something art-related? Painting, drawing, sculpting... I'd also like to see a season based on theater and acting, or that revolves around an historical theme (I would love to see a Steampunk precure)
Something fantasy related, like fantasy creatures (unicorns, fairies, youkais?, etc).
id want to see a fairy theme like they are fairies and maybe like the sailor moon princess reincarnations from the fairy world i think it would make for cool precure designs might need to make some now
fairy tales
Legendary Creatures (dragons, griffons, unicorns, etc.)
journey to the west
Idols! Or maybe for 2024's season if the next one isn't an anniversary season!
An full season of mini all stars episodes
whatever gives them the coolest excuse to bring previous cures as guest stars and/or do a crossover two parter like hugtto
I would love a series centered around the magical girl genre itself, like each girl represents different eras/aspects of the genre!
Rainbow Cures (with a truly green cure)
I would just want something we've not seen yet, and please no more f****** makeup items. Would more appreciate a return to the darker tones of Suite and Heartcatch: still kid-friendly, but not as sugary and childish, and with stakes that felt real, actually threatening villains, that sort of thing is way more important to me than the surface ornaments of theme.
Anything nice will be fine for me 😅
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laundrette · 2 years
i would like 2 be a cambrian era mermaid
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awellboiledicicle · 3 years
i have progressed to the “not feverish but deffo feel like i am” portion of this seasons illness and would like it to Stop bc i wanna draw prehistoric mermaids. 
what would their ancestors even look like bc,, even if we assume merpeople looking vaguely human is a kinda fluke that just happened, they most certainly were not ariel in the cretaceous. 
do u know how frustrated i am rn, i can’t even focus on how cool a cambrian mermaid precursor would BE because my head is fuill of soup
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acroardent · 8 years
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Moving up to North: $800.00 College Tuition: $21,874.00 Finding out your art inspiration studied in your classroom: PRICELESS Found out sometime last year that the phenomenal @toriitorii studied in my program. I now have the great joy of randomly coming across old doodles and art pieces which have to be the best motivational pick me ups a kid could ask for through out the stress of college. 10/10 would recommend and follow again.
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im gonna screech. cambrian crew in the syscourse tag actually claiming that they were complex enough as a 4 year old to have different personalities and somehow identify the changes between those personalities. bitch all i remember about being 4 is little bear and the little mermaid, i didn’t have a goddamn fleshed out “”personality”” nor did my alters exist as far as i know. stop bullshitting lmao
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myramysticmoon · 5 years
Inktober Day 6 Part 1
Part 1 of 2. I really like this one. I’ve always loved coming up with weird, completely unconventional, and slightly unnerving designs for clocks. I’m not sure where I got it from, though. I think I’ll add more to this one and post it again after inktober.
Prompt used: Clock from SariSpy56′s inktober list
Ticking can be heard from the backroom. The cacophony of clocks, all out of sync with each other, grows louder as you approach the door. When you open it, you see an unnerving sight. Clocks fill the room completely. There are grandfather clocks, cuckoo clocks, classroom wall clocks, digital clocks, and even avant-garde clocks. There’s a maze on the floor made of clocks and the walls are covered in clocks. You look around, feeling like you’re in a dream, and you stare at the ones that most catch your eye.
It’s a standard black and white wall clock you’d find in any school. It seems to keep time steadily, but when you look back at it the time seems to have changed near to where it started. The time being kept appears to be much slower than it originally shows.
A magnificent grandfather clock that shows months and days instead of hours and minutes. Displayed where the pendulum typically should be is a mural showing a scene from each month. Representation of the holiday season in December, pumpkins and autumn leaves in October, a peaceful meadow for May, and a man fishing on a lake with the sun high in the sky for June.
A cuckoo clock that looks just like a birdhouse. A different bird is shown for each hour along with its call. The birds include a crow, a horned owl, a robin, and a dove. The hands are silver bird wings and occasional tweets and flaps of wings can be heard from inside.
A clock that doesn’t have a detailed face. The numbers hang by strings from the bottom of it and several hands, many more than there should be, stick out of the clock as if they’ve been jammed or stabbed in. The wood it’s made of has been blackened by fire and seems old and worn down. No ticking can be heard from it.
A digital clock that displays symbols, riddles, puzzles, and codes in place of the time. A fairly thick guide book is placed beside it. It does have a cord attached to it, but it would take hours to follow it to where it’s plugged in. random beeps and sounds, mainly electronic sounds, are produced every time a minute passes on it.
An elegant clock with pictures and symbols in place of the time. It’s painted white with silver accents. It appears to be more of an astrological clock and not for regular timekeeping. Some of the art it displays over time includes a mermaid underneath a starry sky, a bow and arrow with a sun behind the tip, and several multicolored symbols similar to the zodiac signs.
On a table, there sits a small pocket watch. On the outside it’s silver with engravings in spiral patterns. When opened, it displays geological eras. Cambrian, Jurassic, Quaternary, and many more. It can change between periods, eons, eras, and so on and so forth. There is a button in the center that you press to travel to that time.
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13thpythagoras · 2 years
i do suspect bigfoot and mermaids are real. we should not underestimate the power of a 50 million year planetary-scale evolutionary laboratory. Mamallian life went through a 'Cambrian explosion' of its own during the Paleogene era, driving out the snakes from the niches and claiming them. Apparently after the dinosaurs died out, snakes came in like water to fill the ecological niches left by their absence. However the mamallian brain is overmatched with the snake, and as such the mongoose- basically a cousin of the wildcat (and the size of a smaller housecat)- the tiny mongoose is actually a natural predator of the fearsome cobra. Even various human societies around the world have thrived off eating snakes, such as the Mexica who went on to rule over Lake Tenochtitlan, who turned initial banishment to snake-ridden lands into an advantage of plentiful food and flourished. No doubt this pattern can be seen repeated all over the world. To ancient people hunting aquatic snakes, they would have followed their snake-meals into the shallows and depths, and evolved in a path similar to dolphins or whales, leaving only an aquatic fossil record for us, and aquatic paleontology is still in its infancy...
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poop4u · 5 years
Dug Up at Dogster: March 2020 Dog Events and Premieres
The post Dug Up at Dogster: March 2020 Dog Events and Premieres by Melissa L. Kauffman appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
Forget the rain and snow — grab your pup and have fun at one of these March 2020 dog events or premieres. If you don’t see your dog event or premiere in our March 2020 dog event list, just email us your dog show information at [email protected].
March Monthly Dog Holiday Observances: Poison Prevention Awareness Month
March 1, 2020: 26th Annual Mardi Paws Parade
More than 500 dogs participated in last year’s parade, with the theme of SuperPaws. This year’s them is Beyond All Boundaries. Photo credit Bach Imagery LLC
This annual event has moved to Covington, Louisiana,  this year and comes at the tail end of Mardi Gras season, the Sunday after Fat Tuesday. This year’s theme is “Beyond All Boundaries,” which celebrates the limitless exploration of sea, air and space. You are encouraged to dress you and your dog in everything from mermaids to astronauts. The parade will be led by actor Ian Somerhalder of the television shows “Lost” and “The Vampire Diaries, with proceeds from the parade to benefit both canines and kids through the Ian Somerhalder Foundation (ISF). Last year, more than 500 dogs participated, and there was an estimated crowd of 25,000 spectators. Get parade information at mardipaws.com.
March 13 and March 27, 2020: Premiere of The Dog Doc Documentary
    The Dog Doc film poses a serious question about whether we are over medicating our pets and ourselves, combining touching stories of families with the hard science of integrative care. By casting an intimate lens over this unique world, The Dog Doc shows the healing powers of wellness, compassion and hope. The Dog Doc, veterinarian Dr. Marty Goldstein, is a pioneer of integrative medicine, which combines conventional medicine with cutting-edge alternative treatments. Attracting four-legged patients from around the world, Dr. Goldstein’s practice, Smith Ridge Veterinary Center in South Salem, NY provides holistic care for animals after other vets have given up hope. Directed by Cindy Meehl (Buck) the documentary hits New York theaters on March 13 and Los Angeles, CA theaters on March 27. Find out more details at the official website dogdocthefilm.com.
March 14, 2020: Pup Plaza Microchip Event
Whether you have a cat or dog, stop by Pup Plaza in San Jose, CA,  from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. to have your pet microchipped. For $20 (including insertion and registration), get peace of mind knowing that your pet has permanent identification. Bring all pets on leash or in a carrier. Walk-ins welcome, no appointment necessary. Cats are 20 times more likely to be reunited with their families when microchipped and dogs are 2.5 times as likely to be reunited! Pup Plaza is in San Jose, 14408 Union Ave., in the Cambrian Park Plaza shopping center. For more information, visit svpetproject.org/info/events.
March 15, 2020: St. Patrick’s Day Dog Parade with Doga
Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with your best furry pal with some relaxing Dogs benefitting Rocket Dog Rescue. Photo credit adogslifephoto/Getty Images.
This fun event kicks off with Doga (yoga and dogs) and then prances right into the red carpet where a canine community panel will award trophies for best-dressed dogs. 100% of proceeds goes to SF-based Rocket Dog Rescue. Raffle prizes, an agility course and an animal communicator will be part of the party. Event held at Patrick’s Park in San Francisco. Get tickets at Eventbrite.com.
March 15, 2020: Hills Are Alive Trail Canicross
This event welcomes all levels of CaniCross athletes and special equipment is not required. Perfect for all fitness levels, this event is dog-friendly for those not interested in participating in the CaniCross Event. Lake Geneva Canopy Tours/Arbor Trails is the home of this Hills are Alive Trail Run and Walk, with every turn of this 4-mile trail loop revealing emerging wildflowers to deer or other critters. This event is part of the 2019-20 CaniCross Event Series and offers 4- or 8-mile events. For the safety and comfort of all athletes, the CaniCross event starts 10 minutes prior to the start of the Run/Walk event. CaniCross athletes will start at 10:20 and Run/Walk athletes will start at 10:30 a.m. Go to xcthrillogy.com for more information.
March 23, 2020: National Puppy Day
The motto of National Puppy Day is “No love like puppy love.” Ain’t that the truth! Puppy kisses just can’t be beat. If you have a puppy, you can celebrate this day by spending extra time with your little one. Or, better yet, consider adding another puppy to your life. You may also want to look into volunteering with a local dog rescue, serving as a puppy socializer or even a foster home for puppies who are too young to be adopted out. For more ideas, visit nationalpuppyday.com.
Top photograph: Photography ©kozorog | Getty Images
Read Next: Everything You Need to Know About the AKC’s Canine Good Citizen Program
The post Dug Up at Dogster: March 2020 Dog Events and Premieres by Melissa L. Kauffman appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren't considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
Poop4U Blog via www.Poop4U.com Melissa L. Kauffman, Khareem Sudlow
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