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hardlyharringrove · 6 years ago
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Y/N finds a random number on the bathroom stall at her friends party. Her friends signed her up for the open mic that they do at the bar and now she’s kinda scared.. wait... did the number just respond to her?
Pt. 1/?
Requests Come Here
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getthefckouttahere · 6 years ago
hi there!! not sure if you’re still taking requests for the dirt, but if u r, i’d love to request a fic with the reader and nikki! maybe nikki has asthma and hides it from everyone on your bc he doesn’t want to seem weak or whatever, until he has an attack one day and the reader has to help him through it + the fluff that ensures. thank you
A/N: yo dudes i'm sorry this took so long but i’m back and probably worse than everi rushed to finish this so i could post it today of all days, coz it’s fiesta salsa quincinera queen raini rodriguez’s birthday (yes and mine) and how better to celebrate that than post a nikki fic?anyways i hope you enjoy it and i’m sorry if it’s not that good hhhhalso special thanks to @lifesasickjoke for co-writing this,, ily girl you the best
WARNINGS: asthma attack (in which idfk how they work or how people deal with them), mild swearing, very small mention of smoking, drugs and smut, thats it?
“Fuck’s sake, Nikki, can you get off your ass and actually do something? Or are you too high to care?” you groaned, seeing his body sprawled across the pull-out couch as you walked into your living room.
You could feel the combined annoyance and stress being blown into Tommy’s birthday balloons when you saw that there was only an hour left until Heather was supposed to bring him back in time for his surprise party. And who better was there to organise it than you and your very own lazy ass of a boyfriend?
“Huh? Oh. No, I’m sober. Just took a little nap” he murmured, seemingly irritated to be woken up. You didn’t care though, as every squeak that came from the couch he was shuffling on only drove you nearer to insanity.
Besides, you weren’t even that close to Tommy. If his birthday party turned out to be a complete and utter failure, Nikki was the one that would get the blame.
“Great. Get up then.” you said, releasing the untied balloon in your hand so it could fly and slap him on the face.
“Alright, alright.” Nikki groaned, lifting himself off of his seat and making his way over to you.
“I guess I could go help Heather with the cake-”
“We already did that.” you snapped back, nodding your head over to the table in which you and Heather spent the past 3 hours on getting right.
“Fine. The snacks then.”
“Done that too.”
You didn’t even need to say anything to make him realise that music had been blasting out your record player the whole time.
“Whatever, just- help me with these balloons.” you sighed, throwing him a pack of balloons with the hand you weren’t using to blow your own set.
Brushing aside Nikki’s stutters of trying to find a way out of the job, you walked over to replace the record, but the coughing you heard after a few puffs of air did concern you.
“I told you to quit smoking a while ago.” you joked, making your way back over to the couch he had decided to make himself comfy on again.
“I only smoked…once…” Nikki tried to joke back between coughs.
“It’s amazing how you managed to steer clear of the stuff, hanging around the boys all the time.” you sneered.
“That’s why I got all the heroin.” he perked, managing to regain his breath as he tied the balloon up and started on another.
But the more he coughed and the paler his face got, you felt guilty for putting him in the situation. Sure, you’d never actually seen Nikki like this - the opportunity to blow balloons up doesn’t come every day - but what concerned you more was that you’d never seen anyone react this way.
“Y-you can take a break if you want, babe.”
“N…no it’s…fine…” he wheezed, pulling his hands away from his mouth to get his breath back. It didn’t seem to help in any way. He tried to slow his breathing down, but it only made his wheezing worse. The determined look on his face only got you more worried, especially when you saw that he was trying to brush it off and continue blowing the balloons up.
“Nikki,” you said sternly, grabbing his wrist gently to pry the balloon from his grip.
“My…my bag…” he aimlessly waved his arm to the backpack he had placed on the side of the room, which you immediately flew over to at his request.
“What d’you want, love?”
Your hands fumbled through the bag and immediately caught their grasp on a solid, cylindrical object which you pulled out and rushed back to him with.
Before you had the chance to ask if it was the right thing, he snatched it out of your hands and immediately put it to his mouth.
“God I-I’m so sorry I didn’t- why didn’t you ever tell me?” you rushed.
“No, it’s fine. Not a lot of people know about it.” he answered after taking a deep, relieved breath.
“Well, were you planning on telling me?”
“Of course I was! I just…didn’t know how or when. I didn’t wanna scare you off this early in our relationship.” he awkwardly chuckled to ease how sternly you were staring at him.
“And I suppose Tommy and the rest of the guys know about this, seeing as you’ve known them for all these years?”
“No, I’d never tell them anyway. It’s not that important.”
“Nikki, you almost died right now and you’re saying it’s not important?”
“Okay, I did not die per se, my lungs just blocked themselves more than usual.” he tried to joke again, but this time you actually let out a little giggle.
“I mean, it’s not like I’m severely asthmatic. I could definitely live without the stupid inhaler.” he jeered, throwing the inhaler to the other side of the room to further prove his point.
“You could’ve died from blowing balloons.”
“Please, there are far more important things that I can do.” he smirked, wiggling his eyebrows like he normally did when he wanted to start something.
“Oh really? Like what?”
Your giggles were cut as soon as they started when his hands flew to cup your cheeks to pull you closer, connecting your lips in a way you’d never kissed him before.
It was small at first, with a few quick pecks, but as the kissing got deeper you knew his intentions.
Your heart fluttered as he hoisted you onto his lap, hands resting on your hips while yours wrapped around his neck, but then he pulled away so quickly.
“Fuck- babe I love you, but you’re quite literally taking my breath away.” he gasped, chuckling with you.
“That’s alright, but it would be quite badass to have ‘death by sex’ on your gravestone.” you giggled, sliding off of him and lying down instead.
“I really am the worst boyfriend.” he huffed, flopping down beside you.
Turning yourself around, you hooked our arm around his waist and trailed your hand up to his hair, braiding it lightly like you normally would to calm him down.
“You’re really not, Nik, you’re the best boyfriend I could’ve ever asked for and I’m glad I found out about this sooner rather than later. You know, from finding your dead body or something.” you chuckled again.
“I guess so. Thanks babe.” he sighed and chuckled, letting himself melt into your arms.
TAGS: @heavymetalprincessa @shameless-pope @thathappylandfill @lifesasickjoke @slowandangry @calumstuffs @iluvmesomemarvelndc @4evervoid @kawennote09 @anxious-diabetic @drowsebaby @motleyfuckingcruee
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hardlyharringrove · 6 years ago
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Someone asked me in private if I knew how to do fake Instagram posts and what nots.
Yes. Yes I do.
Send in some requests While I finish text convos!!
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hardlyharringrove · 6 years ago
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Look they’re both blonde.
Requested xx
Request if you want. If not I’m still gonna do random stuff lol
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hardlyharringrove · 6 years ago
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Y/N texted a phone number she found on a bathroom stall last week, now she’s on a puppy date? Could this turn into something new?
Part 1
Requests Come Here
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trashcanband4 · 6 years ago
Father Daughter Duo Ch.1
Note: This is the second fanfiction story I ever wrote so please don’t hate my Mary sue character. I didn’t even know what a Mary sue was when I wrote this. This was originally posted on FanFiction.net years ago.
Chapter 2 Chapter 3  Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
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Chapter 1: Where it all begins. Pairing: Eventual Daryl x oc. Setting: Before the prison, not part of the storyline of the tv show at all. Word count: 1,479. Warnings: eventually there will be rape and other screwed up situations so if you aren’t comfortable reading that please don’t even bother reading the first chapter. Note: The above pic is what I picture Bay (the oc) to look like. Also this chapter is crap/builder so please just give it a chance.
A ripping sound echoed around the room as I pulled the x-acto knife down the duct tape. I peeled the tape off of the cutting board and was about to lay it onto another piece, sticky sides together when I heard my mother scream in the living room. I jumped at the sound and the tape that was going to be a wallette for my dad was now just a sticky mess around my hand. I cut the tape off of my hand as I walked down the hallway through the kitchen and into the living room. "Mom?" I called but I didn't see her. I heard her yell my name, her voice laced with pain. I followed it to her bedroom where she was sitting on her bed holding a blood soaked towel to her upper arm.
"Oh my god Mom, What happened?"
"I heard a noise at the door so I answered it. She bit me." The hand that was holding the towel was shaking.
"Why? The news said to stay indoors." I started freaking out on her. I didn't mean to, but I had never been good in emergency situations. "Where's Dad? Shouldn't he be in from work by now?" The news blasted on the TV in the living room telling people that the outbreak has gotten worse and that people needed to start evacuating to Atlanta. "Mom where is Dad? What if he got bit too?" I practically yelled at her. None of what was happening made since to me. How could getting bit make people turn cannibal and what was going to happen now that my mother had been bitten? Our neighbor said that she saw her husband die then come back to life as a crazy person. It was the first we had heard of the virus before things started getting out of control. Was my mother going to die?
"Bay, calm down. Breathe. We will wait a little bit longer and if your dad isn't home by then we will head to Atlanta. Go pack some clothes. I'll be okay." Mom always had a way of calming me with her words. It was kind of ridiculous that I still lived with my parents at twenty, but it was cheaper to stay with them than it was to live in a apartment all by myself.
I went to my room and started throwing clothes into a backpack. I was grabbing my tooth brush out of the zebra print cup in my bathroom when I heard the gun shot. Somehow I managed to not trip over my own feet as I ran to my parents room only to see my mother lying on their bed. There was blood everywhere, splattered across the wall, the headboard, and on the bed where it seeped from the hole in her head, and soaked the sheets. "No!" I ran to her side and shook her. "Mom! Mom? No no no no." I buried my head in her stomach and cried. It was all I could do. I couldn't make myself move from her side. I shouldn't have left her after she got bit. I should have just waited with her for Dad to come home, but I was just doing what she told me to. I managed to lift up my head and noticed a piece of paper that she usually wrote her shopping lists on laying beside her and I picked it up.
Bay, I love you and I love your dad. Please forgive me for what I did, but I just couldn't convince myself that there is a cure for this. If there were one they wouldn't be evacuating people to some holding facility. They'd be curing them. You are going to need to protect yourself, so if your dad doesn't come back I want you to take one of his guns and go to Atlanta. I know you don't know what bullet goes with what gun, but you are a smart girl and your father taught you gun safety so I know you can figure it out. Both of you stay safe. I love y'all. See you on the other side some day.
The note was clutched in my fist as I paced the room. Leave it to mom to write a note before something like this. She always thought ahead, so I didn't understand why she opened the door for a walker. She had always kept me level headed when something bad happened. I needed her and now she was gone. I kicked the wall not knowing what I was really angry about.
"Oh my god." My father's voice startled me and I spun to face the door. He was standing in the doorway still in his orange work Nomex, with a bloody tire iron in his hand.
"She uh… she got bit." Those were the only words I could get out of my mouth. I had never seen my dad cry until then. He slowly walked over to my mother's body and brushed her straight, blood streaked chestnut brown hair out of her face. A fresh batch of tears fell down my cheeks as I watch my father, the strongest man I knew physically and emotionally, cry over my mother's dead body. I didn't know how long we had been in the room, but tears were still falling down my face when Dad finally sat up and wiped the tears from his face. The sadness that had previously been there had been replaced by anger as he stood from his place on his knees by the bed and went into the closet. He emerged with the big bag that contained his hunting knives then walked over to the bed, plucked the pistol from my mother's cold hand and placed it into mine. I stared at it in horror before I followed him into the living room. He stood at the gun cabinet shoving every gun he had into the bag along with his stash of ammo. My eyes slid from him to stare at the gun in my hand again. Why had he given this thing to me? He knew I didn't know how to use it.
My dad walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "Look at me." His voice was a contradiction to the hard look that possessed his scruffy face. "We're gonna be okay, I promise." My father somehow understood that he was going to have to step up and be the one to keep me grounded. "We're gonna make a run for old red, if one of those people get close to ya don't be afraid to shoot 'em."
"But I don't even know how to use this thing." I mumbled and he took the gun from me and flicked a switch on the side.
"Red means it's ready to shoot, then just aim and fire." He made it sound so simple. I stuck my cell phone into my back pack then slung it over my shoulder before my dad put his hand on the doorknob and looked at me. "Ya ready?" I nodded terrified of what I was going to find on the other side, and he slung it open. We ran towards his red '91 Chevy work truck and he hopped into the driver's seat. I was right behind him and went to open the passenger door but I spun around feeling a hand on my shoulder. I gasped when I realized who it was. The gray haired woman, that was snarling and biting at my face as I held her off of me with my forearm, was my once sweet as could be grandmother that lived next to us. I screamed as I struggled to hold her back. "Come on!" I heard my dad yell at me and I gave her a hard shove and she fell to the ground. I jumped into the opened passenger door and slipped on my seat belt as my dad stomped on the gas making the tires squeal.
I looked over at my dad who was looking intently out of the windshield as he drove. Tears rolled down my cheeks when I thought of the blood splattered shell of my cannibal turned grandmother. But I knew now who the she was that bit my mother, why my mother opened the door. She saw my grandmother on the other side and thought she could help her. "Dad, grandma…"
"I know. I'm sorry you had to see that." He didn't even look at me. "Let's just see if we can get to Atlanta." I pulled my cell out of my bag and tried to text the one friend that I still had from high school, but she never did respond. I guess I would never know if she made it or not…
Daryl Tags: @jodiereedus22 @mtngirlforever @zzeacat @winchester-angel@moodygrip @beegnc @hells-mistress @lighthope08 @sapphire1727@luisadontcurr @chloebabyboo @ilkaeliseb @twdeadfanfic @ravengalaxia@1lluminaticonfirmed @my-current-fandom-is @nikkiloves-bailey @coffeebooksandfandom @lonewolf471 @gruffle1 @mblaqgi @calumstuffs@beltzboys2015-blog @neontiger007  @lonewolf471 @sourwolf-sterek32 @dixonluvv @dotslabyrinth @kayln97 @art-flirt
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