#calin sitar
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maytheavatarsbewithyou · 2 months ago
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sexymonstersupercreep · 5 months ago
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Most Beautiful People - Calin Sitar
Background: English
Career: model
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laserquest · 2 years ago
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avaragraph · 4 years ago
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Calin Sitar Avatars RPG
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faceclaimcorner-blog · 8 years ago
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recreancyrpg · 3 years ago
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You have been accepted for the non-biography role of XENOPHILIUS LOVEGOOD, with the FC of Calin Sitar!
Among the Order, Xenophilius is just another intelligence agent, siphoning through the weird, whimsical, and wicked to find the truth. Much of the Order's most unbelievable information comes from Xenophilius because they’ve gone and dug it up. Before their official involvement with the Order, Xeno was a supporter in the shadowy group, though they may not have spoken such out loud. Instead, The Quibbler took what information it could find on this supposed “dark lord” and the group trying to stop him and printed it for all to see.
Please take a look at the new member checklist and send in your account within 24 hours!
AGE: 25 years old 
ACTIVITY LEVEL: I've just gotten to summer break (I'm normally a middle school teacher). However, I'm also a full-time grad student working on my thesis, so I'll be balancing that with planning for next year and writing in two other groups, one which I also admin. That being said, I can comfortably rotate between these things, so my activity could fluctuate between a 5 and a 7 out of 10. 
ANYTHING ELSE: Creepy music & clowns give me the heebie-jeebies, but I'm fairly good otherwise 
NAME: Xenophilius Reginaldus Caligula Lovegood
AGE: 31 
 Xenophilius uses the pronouns he/him and they/them comfortably and interchangeably. Branded as an odd duck for years, for Xeno pronouns would have been one of the easiest things to take on, particularly from their Muggle family, and is one of the few things that allow them to truly be themself. Because of this, Xenophilius identifies as a gender non-conforming individual. Xeno's sexuality, however, is where they become most colorful. 
To put Xeno into few words, they would identify most closely with pansexual, panromantic, and would consider themself open to the possibility of a polyamorous romance or relationship. Xeno believes that almost all people are beautiful, if their hearts are not ugly, and they can find a lot of love in themself to share with the world around them. 
BLOOD STATUS: Halfblood 
HOUSE ALUMNI: Hufflepuff 
ANY CHANGES: None because I wrote him
Xenophilius has always, if anything, been a loyal person, whether that be to the (scant few) friends he has or the organization he has ingratiated himself into. There is nothing in this world, Xenophilus believes, that one could trade over loyalty, and it is this factor that has kept the wix from straying from his path for good, even when it has been a winding, tumultuous one. Though Xeno has not been apart of the organization from the beginning, he values what they are doing and believes it to be of the utmost importance. Xenophilus wants to be a part of that, to make a difference, and is eager to help whenever he is able. That eagerness may be misconstrued by some as foolishness or naiveite, but Xenophilius has a good head on his shoulders, clear and sound of mind, despite what some wix may whisper behind his back. 
This loyalty also extends to a kind-heartedness that, in a war, some consider to be too soft. There is no time for weak-hearted fools, not here, and Xeno knows that. He is aware of what is at stake. In fact, it is always on his mind - his family, those few Order members he has come to know and to value. Xenophilius does not see his kindness as a hindrance but as an asset. With the ability to be kind comes the ability to cut away the hatred and bigotry of the world. Xenophilus wishes, very much, that this were the case, and hopes to one day see this hope come to fruition. 
Finally, there is the matter of Xenophilius’s eccentricity. He lives in a house haunted by a ghost, he speaks to or of himself in the third person – particularly when nervous, anxious, or agitated – and cannot help these things that he does. There are superstitions that have been ingrained into him from the time he could walk, such as never putting a knife in a friend’s hand lest you wish to lose the or spitting three times to bring luck, fortune, or protection, which he still believes in strongly and will often be seen doing, at both the Prewett estate and his place of business. Xenophilus has never known anything different. His mother is strange and his father is peculiar, so to think anything else were normal is, well, abnormal to him. 
Despite Xenophilus’s best efforts, however, there are some negative things that he cannot change or erase about himself, no matter how hard he tries. The most cumbersome of these negative traits is his chronic anxiety. There is much to worry about in this world and, while it has not quite hit paranoia, like Alastor Moody has been rumored to have, there are things that can send Xenophilius into a tizzy. One such thing is disorder or, rather, an order not of Xenophilius’s own making. Things need to be just so. Everything has its place, even if that place may not be ascertained immediately upon first glance. Additionally, Xenophilius often needs support in setting long-term goals or plans and will react negatively when those plans are interrupted or altered suddenly. The one place, it should be noted, where this has not always been the case is through Order missions and plans; Xenophilus expects things to change based upon his and others’ information, so he can account for those changes in place, plan, or duty. 
There is both an abruptness and a rudeness to Xenophilus’ way of speaking and acting, though for not a lack of trying. Sometimes he says things in a way that maybe be taken poorly, despite having meant the exact opposite. Once the other conversationalist gets angry or upset, Xeno is confused and doesn’t understand where he mis-stepped, which creates a cycle that only grows larger and larger. Because of this, any formal conversation that Xeno has with a member or person outside of the Order may sound stilted or rehearsed. Additionally, some of Xenophilius’s mother’s pride spilled over into her child, making Xeno sometimes seem snooty, uppity, or as though he views himself as better than others. In reality, that is far from the case, and Xenophilus would wring  his hands over anyone believing such a thing of him.  
The Lovegood family was always underfoot of one another, living in a small, cozy home near wizarding London. As Xenophilius grew, he heard whisperings of the oddities of his family, both magical and Muggle, and promptly learned to ignore them. The Lovegood home was always full of light and laughter, creativity of self and expression, and Xeno flourished in such a place, becoming who they are today. Sotiria and Eustratitus both valued honesty and hardwork, but they also made sure that Xenophilius felt they could be authentic in everything they did, regardless of what that was. They instilled in Xeno an acceptance for all beings, wixen or Muggle, and a kindness and care towards others that would extend into their adult life. It did not matter to the Lovegoods how you cared or for whom – Eustratius was no pureblood, anyhow, so it did not matter to him whether or not his child married a wix, Muggle, or whomever lay in-between. As far as the Lovegoods are concerned, prejudice, bias, and bigotry are unwelcome in their household and, to this day, that is something that remains. 
Xenophilius never really did know what they wanted to do with their life. At first they wanted to be a doctor, then a botanist, an explorer or an herbalist. When they came of age and, unsurprisingly to some of their family, came into their magic, Xeno fell in love with the wizarding world and all it had to offer. They tucked runologist away, the language fascinating, and pushed dragon tamer far, far away. 
Eventually, they settled on author, which came to them in a fit of mad-dash inspiration during one of his many, many silent nights in the Hufflepuff common room. Curled up with books was where Xenophillius found nothing to love more, so they resolved to do that for other wixen. They now edit their own paper, The Quibbler. 
 Xenophilius lives alone, in a quaint and quirky townhouse on the outskirts between Muggle and wizarding London. After he graduated from Hogwarts, Xeno struck out on his own, eventually finding a small, ramshackle little home at the edge of London. The front door leans on its hinges and parts of the floors creak; the staircase railings don't match in height, color, nor shape, but he loves it. The furnishings are mismatched. The ghost of the top floor is lovely, if a bit of a poor conversationalist. The only constant companion in the place is his large, mixed breed, whom he calls Marlowe. 
Among the Order, Xenophilius is just another intelligence agent, siphoning through the weird, whimsical, and wicked to find the truth. Much of the Order's most unbelievable information comes from Xenophilius because they’ve gone and dug it up. Before their official involvement with the Order, Xeno was a supporter in the shadowy group, though they may not have spoken such out loud. Instead, The Quibbler took what information it could find on this supposed “dark lord” and the group trying to stop him and printed it for all to see. While The Quibbler may not have as far spread a readership as the Daily Prophet, there are a handful of loyal wix who read the information and spread the truth they see out into the wizarding world, all leading back to Xenophilius’s network of information. It is because of this information that they were able to put the pieces together in the first place, bringing to the Order some of the most pertinent, and undesirably, darker rumors of Voldemort’s plans. Namely: his quest for immortality. What Xeno knows and what they have learned, however, is only in pieces; they do not have all the information, but that is why the Order is there, is it not? 
As for how Xenophilius feels about the Order? Well, they certainly believe that what the Order does is necessary. If they have to hide in the shadows to get the results you need, then Xenophilius has no problem with that. 
Regulus Black: Ever since Regulus Black has arrived, Xenophilius has been curious about him. His leg pains him, just as Xeno's whole body pains them, and Xeno hopes that they can at least ease some of that burden with the alternative tonics, potions, and medicines they've acquired (Muggle and magical). Additionally, Regulus's perseverance and his prickly, brittle pride are traits that can be understood in themself, and Xenophilius empathizes with it. 
Alice Longbottom: Despite his attempts to befriend the younger woman, the Auror terrifies Xenophilius. He cannot quite put his finger on why or how or what even about her causes such a visceral reaction, but every time they're in the same room, Xeno's skin crawls. Perhaps it is her authority, or the heavy-handedness in the way she deals with all things; regardless of the reason, Xeno is glad to keep his distance from her, and she, no doubt, wishes to keep away from him. 
Reginald Cattermole & Nate Fletcher: Xenophilius is delighted by Reggie! Reginald is always a helpful person, even if it is for his own gains, and Xeno has gotten some of their most useful information filtered in from him and his sources. Nate is wherever Reggie goes - no surprise there! - and, thus, they are connected in Xenophilius's mind. Where one goes, the other follows. They hope the boys remove what blinds them soon, for their own sake. 
Hestia Jones: Two years younger than Xenophilus and a year below them in school, Hestia was one of the few Hufflepuff who didn’t mind Xeno being around. While she does have some…ways about her that he doesn’t always like, Xenophilus values Hestia’s opinion and will often go to her to discuss something, particularly when it has to do with intelligence. Xenophilus has no qualms or concerns with Alastor Moody, he’s a darling man, but Hestia is…less busy and, occasionally, more approachable, more familiar (though sometimes she really isn’t) and Xeno finds conversation easier with her than others of the Order.
SHIPS/ANTI-SHIPS: Xenophilius/Chemistry is obviously always on the table, but if I ever got a Pandora I'd love to explore them because I think they're two kindred spirits. [ If they are together, too, I also kind of headcanon that they have an open relationship to account for any preferences and such from both parties, though that can be discussed with anyone who wants to take her. 
Xenophilius fears not being enough, not being able to find the lead they need fast enough, not being able to get the information out to the Order in time. There is so much that could hinge on passing the right information along, speaking to the right people, that sometimes it petrifies them. 
Additionally, Xenophilius fears that their chronic pain and anxiety, despite their healing tonics and medications, will get the better of them. That this war will get the better of them. Xeno often has sleepless nights, tossing and turning to worry over the wix they've come to care about in the five years they've been officially fighting. 
WHAT ARE YOU MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO? Well, Nat was the initial catalyst and her immediate send of the Moody bio, but I'm staying for the amazing plot and the kickers people.  
PLOT DROP IDEAS (OPTIONAL): I would really like to see some of Xenophilius's information he gathers from his sources of the weird and whimsical to be wrong and for that to have a major fallout within the Order. People get hurt, information gets out. Something. I think it could add a ton to the game and the relationships of the Order as a whole. 
ANYTHING ELSE? Since this doesn’t really fit anywhere else, I was going to say that looking at Xeno’s personality made me realize that he may be autistic, to some degree, which would be really fun to explore. Otherwise, I cannot think of anything else to change or add about him.  
Xenophilius Lovegood was named after his mother's beloved family dog, and the rest of his life was colored by that choice. 
His mother, Sotiria Palaioakos, came from a curious family of Greek Muggles. Located in Laconia, the family was rumored to believe in the most intriguing of things from the fantastical to the quizzical. There were rumors, once, of a great-great-grandmother having been a witch long ago in Sotiria’s family tree, but the information passed down was only stories. No record ever existed of yahyah Deianira’s life outside her birth, marriage, and death. That information was all lost during Sotiria’s immigration to the United Kingdom. But, we shall get to that in a moment. 
When she was in her late twenties, Sotiria met the man who would become her husband: Eustratius Lovegood. A quirky, intriguing young man from the small, provincial island of Mytilene, Eustratius moved between this world and the wizarding world like water rolled off a duck’s back. Few in the small community cared whether or not he and his family were magical, as most of the island itself was filled to the brim with magic. Eustratius believed that Sotiria, being from a different place, would not be happy with such information but, when he told her, as all the Lovegood’s told their spouses of their magic, wiping memories if the reaction was…less than positive and hiding in plain sight, Sotiria was utterly delighted. She and Eustratius existed in their own little world, one where magic, the weird and whimsical, were beloved, and so their child came to grow into this world, too. 
Xenophilius was an inquisitive child, always underfoot, watching his mother’s handcrafting – a variety of Muggle seamstress work that Xenophilius would also take on as they aged – and his father’s catalogue of creatures, which he cared for through his job with the Ministry's Beast Division. Though there was always an inquisitive mind, there was a kindness and quietness there that prevented Xenophilius from being sorted into Ravenclaw. Though it was a hatstall, Xenophilius would find their home in the Hufflepuff common room, a quiet, humble existence with few, true friends beyond the kitchen staff and the castle ghosts. This was not, as it were, due to Xeno’s unlikeableness. No, far from it. But Xeno was strange, was peculiar, and that prevented even the most openminded of wix from befriending the child. 
This existence meant that Xeno was often in their own little world, flitting about between Muggle and wizarding practices and customs with ease. As Xenophilius aged, they came to recognize this not as a hindrance, but as a boon, something to be used and utilized for their chosen profession - editor and author of The Quibbler - and supporter of the Order, initially only on the sidelines but, soon, a full-fledged member of their own. 
FC CHOICES: (1) Calin Sitar, (2) Cody Fern, (3) Harry Lloyd; Calin is my preferred choice
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sexymonstersupercreep · 3 years ago
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ginger flavored . 14
]] Lukas Bonninghausen ]] George Hard ]] George Alan ]] Mike del Moro ]] Julien & Iosu Martinez ]] Gwilym Pugh ]] Bartek Borowiec ]] Gabriel Phoenix ]] Jan SIegmund ]] Calin Sitar ]]
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pb-seeker · 6 years ago
Buenas, estoy buscando un fc de cabello largo/medio largo de color negro o marrón y que sea un hombre de alrededor de 30/35 años. Desde ya muchas gracias. uvu
Andres Risso
Calin Sitar
Devran Taskesen
Maximiliano Patané
Patrick Petitjean
Esperamos que nos digas si te ha servido alguna sugerencia, de lo contrario puedes volver para que busquemos más opciones. Los likes de todo aquel al que le guste, rebloguee o le de uso, serán agradecidos.  
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Scorpius Malfoy – Paul Craddock
Teddy Lupin – Calin Sitar
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sirpaddydax · 7 years ago
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Calin Sitar
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tasksweekly · 8 years ago
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There’s a masterlist below compiled of over 220+ faceclaims with freckles categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever character or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaim with freckles. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by a freckled artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Note: If you’re using this masterlist for casting purposes please do further research before casting any of the following, it was difficult finding sources for most of these and don’t know if they’re ethnically or nationally Turkish. Many thanks.
We haven’t included those in THIS masterlist by @lazyresources so combined there are 220 facecalims!
Sissy Spacek (67) - actress and singer.
Dana Delany (61) - actress,, producer, presenter, and activist.
Sade (58) Nigerian (Yoruba), British - singer.
Mariska Hargitay (53) - actress.
Stacey Williams (49) - fashion model.
Alicia Coppola (49) - actress.
Jennifer Garner (45) - actress.
Julianne Nicholson (45) - actress.
Alyson Hannigan (43) - actress.
Neve Campbell (43) - actress.
Kate Moss (43) - model.
Amber Valletta (43) - model and actress.
Eva Longoria (42) Mexican (Spanish, Indigenous/Mayan, and African) - actress, producer, director, activist and businesswoman.
Kari Byron (42) - television host and artist.
Amy Smart (41) - actress and former fashion model.
Melissa Joan Hart (41) - actress, voice actress, director, producer, singer, fashion designer, and businesswoman.
Anna Friel (40) - actress.
Shakira (40) Lebanese / Colombian, including Italian/Sicilian, Spanish [Catalan, Castilian], possibly other - singer, songwriter, dancer, and record producer.
Jessica Chastain (40) - actress and film producer.
Annie Wersching (40) - actress.
Jennifer Hall (39) - actress.
Andrea Navedo (39) Puerto Rican - actress.
Jennifer Morrison (38) - actress, singer, producer, and director.
Angela Lindvall (38) - actress.
Michaela Maurerová (37) - actress.
Erin Cahill (37) - actress.
Vica Kerekes (36) - actress.
Gisele Bündchen (36) - model.
Bryce Dallas Howard (36) - actress, director, producer, and writer.
Meghan Markle (35) African-American / White -   actress, humanitarian, and activist.
Sienna Miller (35) - actress, model, and fashion designer.  
Diora Baird (34) - actress and former model.
Danielle Gamba (34) - model, dancer, and former NFL Cheerleader.
Natalie Britton (32) - actress.
Sarah Agor (32) - actress.
Anne Vyalitsyna (31) - model.
Michelle Trachtenberg (31) - actress.
Nicola Roberts (31) - recording artist, fashion designer, and songwriter.
Katrina Law (31) Taiwanese, German, Italian - actress.
Devin Kelley (31) - actress.
Caity Lotz (30) - actress, dancer, martial artist practitioner, singer, and model.
Katie Leclerc (30) - actress.
Kesha (30) - singer, songwriter, and rapper.
Virginia Petrucci (30) - actress.
Rose Leslie (30) 1/8th Mexican - actress.
Zoe Sloane (29) - actress.
Kristýna Kolocová (29) - beach volleyball player.
Blake Lively (29) - actress.
Karen Gillan (29) - actress and director.
Alia Shawkat (28) 50% Iraqi 25% Norwegian 12.5% Irish 12.5% Italian - actress.
Zoë Kravitz (28) 37.5% African-American 12.5% Afro-Bahamian 50% Ashkenazi Jewish - actress, singer, and model.
Gabriela Soukalová (27) - biathlete.
Adwoa Aboah (25) Ghanaian-British - model.
Binx Walton (21) Unknown Ethnicity - model.
Natalie Westling (20) - model.
Faye Reagan (?) - pornographic film actress.
Mia Sollis (?) - pornographic film actress.
JoJo (26) - singer, songwriter, and actress.
Meaghan Martin (25) - actress and singer.
Karle Warren (25) - actress.
Saoirse Ronan (23) - actress.
Laura Gwyneth Butler (born in 1997) - model.
Alexandra Porfirova (?) Unknown Ethnicity - model.
Jamillah McWhorter (?) Unknown Ethnicity - model.
Amit Freidman (?) - model.
Scarlett Fay (?) - pornographic film actress.
Adele Jacques (?) - actress.
Kim Blair (?) - actress.
Caroline Ford (?) - actress.
Ryann Shane (?) - actress.
Sarah Newswanger (?) - actress.
Juliet Oldfield (?) - actress.
Miyamoto Ayana (?) Japanese.
Damian Lewis (46) - actor.
David Tennant (46) - actor.
Jesse Williams (35) African-American, possibly Seminole Native American / White - actor, model, and activist.
Adam Wylie (33) - singer, musical performer, and voice actor.
Bob Morley (32) Filipino / White - actor.
Jay Hayden (30) - actor.
Higashide Masahiro (29) Japanese - actor and model.
Calum Worthy (26) - actor.
Diego Barrueco (26) - model.
Stephen Joffe (25) - actor.
Josh Hutcherson (24) - actor.
Adam Hicks (24) - actor, tapper, singer, and songwriter.
Adam Taylor Gordon (23) - actor.
Gabriel Basso (22) - actor.
Austin MacDonald (21) - actor.
Dylan Riley Snyder (20) - actor.
Zane Huett (20) - actor.
Dylan Minnette (20) - actor.
Jae Head (20) - actor.
Grayson Russell (19) - actor.
Justin Tinucci (18) - actor.
Elijah Nelson (18) - actor.
Tucker Albrizzi (17) - actor.
Shane Cambria (16) - actor.
George Hard (?) stated as biracial - model.
Johnny Harrington (?) - model.
Linus Wordemann (?) - model.
Kim Wonjung (?) Unknown Ethnicity - model.
Mat Lachance (?) - model.
Jester White (?) - model.
Devon Usher (?) - model.
Simonas Pham (?) Unknown Ethnicity - model.
Naleye Junior Dolmans (?) Unknown Ethnicity - model.
Jake Cassar (?) - model.
Tom Webb (?) - model.
Wynston Shannon (?) - model.
Calin Sitar (?) - model.
Victor Ross (?) Unknown Ethnicity - model.
Skyler James Sandak (?) - actor.
Bodhi Schulz (?) - actor.
Johannes Ibelherr (?) - model.
Peter Badenhop (?) - model.
Rodrigo Calazans (?) - model.
Adam Lee (?) - model.
Davi Vath (?) - model.
Florian Van Bael (?) - model.
Ismaelpeter Casillas Nelson (?) - actor.
Buck Angel (44) film producer.
Taylor O'Keefe (?) - Youtuber.
Casil McArthur (?)
Use @ ur own discretion:
Eddie Redmayne
Emma Stone
Colton Haynes
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hp-moods · 8 years ago
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Bill: Calin Sitar
Fleur: Tove Agren
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dear-indies · 8 years ago
Hey there! I was wondering if you could recommend female face claims with dark skin & ginger male face claims with freckles. Thank you so much!
Viola Davis (51) African-American.
Akosua Busia (50) Ghanaian. 
Regina King (46) African-American.
Danai Gurira (39) Zimbabwean.
Rutina Wesley (38) African-American.
Uzo Aduba (36) Igbo Nigerian.
Oluchi Onweagba (34) Nigerian.
Lupita Nyong'o (33) Luo Kenyan.
Gabourey Sidibe (33) Senegalese / African-American.
Aja Naomi King (32) African-American.
Amber Riley (31) African-American.
Fatima Siad (30) Somali-Ethiopian.
Adelayo Adedayo (28) Yoruba.
Camille Winbush (27) African-American.
Danielle Brooks (27) African-American.
Hadassah Richardson (24) Unknown / unstated ethnicity. 
Coco Jones (19) African-American.
Caleb Landry Jones (27) 
Adam Hicks (24)
George Hard (?) only stated as “biracial.”
Johnny Harrington (?)
Devon Usher (?) 
Calin Sitar (?)
Hey there! If you want more specific suggestions feel free to message us again! -C
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dizzydezitealmonster · 7 years ago
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Finally finished my ballpoint drawing of Calin Sitar #ballpointpen #uniball #calinsitar #inktober #inktober2017 #moleskine #m_artcollection
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recreancyrpg · 3 years ago
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NAME. Xenophilius Reginaldus Caligula Lovegood AGE. 31 ALUMNI HOUSE. Hufflepuff BLOOD STATUS. Half-blood FACECLAIM. Calin Sitar
Xenophilius Lovegood was named after his mother's beloved family dog, and the rest of his life was colored by that choice. His mother, Sotiria Palaioakos, came from a curious family of Greek Muggles. Located in Laconia, the family was rumored to believe in the most intriguing of things from the fantastical to the quizzical. There were rumors, once, of a great-great-grandmother having been a witch long ago in Sotiria’s family tree, but the information passed down was only stories. No record ever existed of yahyah Deianira’s life outside her birth, marriage, and death. That information was all lost during Sotiria’s immigration to the United Kingdom. But, we shall get to that in a moment. 
When she was in her late twenties, Sotiria met the man who would become her husband: Eustratius Lovegood. A quirky, intriguing young man from the small, provincial island of Mytilene, Eustratius moved between this world and the wizarding world like water rolled off a duck’s back. Few in the small community cared whether or not he and his family were magical, as most of the island itself was filled to the brim with magic. Eustratius believed that Sotiria, being from a different place, would not be happy with such information but, when he told her, as all the Lovegood’s told their spouses of their magic, wiping memories if the reaction was…less than positive and hiding in plain sight, Sotiria was utterly delighted. She and Eustratius existed in their own little world, one where magic, the weird and whimsical, were beloved, and so their child came to grow into this world, too. 
Xenophilius was an inquisitive child, always underfoot, watching his mother’s handcrafting – a variety of Muggle seamstress work that Xenophilius would also take on as they aged – and his father’s catalogue of creatures, which he cared for through his job with the Ministry's Beast Division. Though there was always an inquisitive mind, there was a kindness and quietness there that prevented Xenophilius from being sorted into Ravenclaw. Though it was a hatstall, Xenophilius would find their home in the Hufflepuff common room, a quiet, humble existence with few, true friends beyond the kitchen staff and the castle ghosts. This was not, as it were, due to Xeno’s unlikeableness. No, far from it. But Xeno was strange, was peculiar, and that prevented even the most openminded of wix from befriending the child. 
This existence meant that Xeno was often in their own little world, flitting about between Muggle and wizarding practices and customs with ease. As Xenophilius aged, they came to recognize this not as a hindrance, but as a boon, something to be used and utilized for their chosen profession - editor and author of The Quibbler - and supporter of the Order, initially only on the sidelines but, soon, a full-fledged member of their own.
REGINALD CATTERMOLE & MUNDUNGUS FLETCHER. Xenophilius is delighted by Reggie! Always a helpful person, even if it is for his own gains, and Xeno has gotten some of their most useful information filtered in from him and his sources. Nate is wherever Reggie goes and, thus, they are connected in Xenophilius's mind. Where one goes, the other follows. They hope the boys remove what blinds them soon, for their own sake. REGULUS BLACK. Ever since Regulus Black arrived, Xenophilius has been curious about him. His leg pains him, just as Xeno's whole body pains them, and Xeno hopes that they can at least ease some of that burden with the alternative tonics, potions, and medicines they've acquired (Muggle and magical). Additionally, Regulus's perseverance and his prickly, brittle pride are traits that can be understood in themself, and Xenophilius empathizes with it.  NICOLA EDGECOMBE. Quite the spitfire, this one! Xenophilius thinks it’s lovely. Never one to outwardly judge just because someone is different, Xenophilius enjoys listening to Nicky rant about whatever is on her mind - whether it’s the war or Muggle fashion or that fascinating game she has set up with Cresswell and their friends. Xenophilius isn’t sure they’d call themself close with Nicky per say, but they’re taken with the young girl and would like to talk more. 
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