#cali is funny tbh bc both his alternates (= same person in different dimensions) like tea.
24 for the ask game, for any para of your choice!
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[ ASK GAME ] || Thank you! I'll be doing both Calypso & Salem, since both are on my mind rn lol
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24. Tea or coffee? How do you take it?
Calypso: Neither! I'm too hyper for coffee to make any major difference, and I think tea tastes gross. Except for iced tea. Does that count?
Salem: Coffee is disgusting. I hate it. It tastes terrible and makes me feel worse. Tea, on the other hand, is my friend. My comrade. Brother in arms. I like to drink it with Ms. Parker and MJ when they visit. I prefer mine sweet, with cookies or other treats. I...have a bit of a sweet tooth 😅
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