#caleb holloway imagine
inocent-as-a-rose · 6 years
Dylan O'brien
Today i found out one of my friends (she's not part of my close friend group but she's still my friend) is as obsessed with Dylan O'Brien as i am, but she was like: "he's mine" and it felt so weird because, i love dylan with all of my heart and he's the one person i would love to meet (apart from J.K.Rowling) but i'm not like that. I don't say things like, he's mine or he's my husband or something. I just don't get how people can be so manipulative, i mean, Dylan has a life that we're not part of and i don't mind at all, and all my friends know i love him, but he's not mine. Period.
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irresistibledylan · 7 years
-  “No, you’re not sleeping alone tonight, not after that.”  / stiles stilinski x reader
-  “You’re the most beautiful human being on earth no matter what and I’m in love with you.” / stiles stilinski x reader
-  “You’re the most beautiful human being on earth no matter what and I am in love with you.” &  “Don’t do that again. Like never again.” / caleb holloway x reader
- “Stop judging me.” & “Open up, I got McDonald’s” / dylan o’brien x reader
- two ghosts / dylan o’brien x reader
- the one with interview and dylan o’brien hoodie / dylan o’brien x reader
- the good side / dylan o’brien x reader
- born to die / mitch rapp x reader COMING SOON
- sober / dylan o’brien x reader
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lolconversegirl2015 · 5 years
Thunderstorm & Sunshine
A/N: Meaning of the title: there’s sunshine after a thunderstorm (Light outshines darkness). Summary- Reader has been having a hard time and feels no one’s there for her, especially someone who she can’t share love with. What she doesn’t know is that a certain Stilinski cares about her and is in love with her. So one day when she’s had enough and started thinking thoughts, he’s there for her. (Mentions thoughts of suicide!)
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“I promise I will always be there for you no matter what happens to us,” said a young Stiles
“Pinkie swear?” responded a young Y/N as she sticks her pinkie out
“Pinkie swear,” said a young Stiles as he intertwine his pinkie to hers
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Even after they haven’t been talking much, Stiles still kept the promise they made when they were younger because he loves and cares for her even if she doesn’t know it. The day started out the same for Y/N with all the people bring her down for their benefit and even if she doesn’t show it, their words hurt her to the core. She was in the cafeteria when a paper ball hit her in the back of the head while she was eating her lunch. Y/N picked it up and unraveled to see the words “You should do everyone a favor and die”. After she read those words, she looked to see a group laughing and pointing, presumably the ones that threw the paper wad at her head. She turned away when the tears started falling and tried to secretly wipe them without anyone noticing, but she didn’t know that Stiles was watching the whole time from afar.
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Every time he looks at her, he always think back to the day he made that pinkie promise with her and developed a crush on her. He always wanted to tell her but was afraid that she wouldn’t feel the same and ruin their friendship. He witness her getting up from her seat and crumbling the paper with tears spilling down her face. Y/N, without grabbing her bag, walked out the cafeteria and threw the paper in the trash can. Before anything could happen, Stiles grabbed her bag  so no one could steal it or anything out of it, but a notebook fell out, opening to show pages of where she written her thoughts. 
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He picked it up and sees the page that mentions how Y/N feels like no one’s there for her and that she’s considering taking herself out of this world. After Stiles read the page, he ran out of the cafeteria to find Y/N before it was too late and after running to the parking lot, he sees her crying in her car. Stiles’ heart broke witnessing the girl he loves look so broken and damaged when she’s the most beautiful human being in his eyes.
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Stiles walked over and lightly knocked on the passenger window to get her attention. She looked over and he could hear her ask “What do you want?”
“I want you to unlock the door, Y/N please,” responded Stiles as he hears the door unlock and got in the passenger’s seat
“What do you really want?” asked Y/N 
“I read your notebook, Y/N, please don’t do it,” responded Stiles
“I don’t belong in this world or with anyone, you might as well leave me alone,” said Y/N looking down with more tears rolling down her face
“Do you remember that pinkie promise we made when we were younger?” asked Stiles
“Kinda,” responded Y/N as Stiles grabbed one of her hands
“I promised you that I would always be there for you no matter what happened between us. Y/N, you’re not alone and you do belong in this world. You may not believe but you have me, Scott, Lydia, Malia, and a lot of other people by your side,” responded Stiles as Y/N looks at him
“Why are you being like this to me?” asked Y/N as Stiles sighs
“I think you’re the most beautiful human even when you cry,” responded Stiles as he wipes away her tears
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“You think I’m beautiful?” asked Y/N
“Always thought so when we were younger, I’ve loved you ever since then,” responded Stiles as he leans in and kissed her
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I love you too Stiles,” said Y/N after they pulled away from a minute of kissing
The darkness in her life is finally beamed up with light from the one person that has always been there for her from the beginning.
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huntersanonymous · 7 years
Boy Meets Girl (Chapter 7)
Author: sumcp
Chapter Seven: The Interview of all Interviews
Characters: Dylan O'Brien x Reader
Word Count: 5382
Warnings: swearing, terrible sentence structure/grammar -- P.S. I take full responsibility for wrecking ya'lls hearts. 
The song that's in italics is Whiskey- Jana Kramer
Note: This is based off the Disney Channel Movie Starstruck with a twist. I do not own the rights to the movie. 
Chapters:  6 -- 8
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Dylan was stuck in place staring at the door Britt just closed shut. He couldn’t wrap his head around what just happened. He was free. He was free to be with Y/N for one glorious minute, and then she said that. He was left wondering what the hell he is supposed to do now when Tyler came into the room.
“All clear?” Tyler hesitantly asked, peaking around the corner into the living room looking for Britt.
“Yeah," he turned to his best friend, confusion written all over his face, "she's gone."
"Thank god," Tyler let out a sigh as he made his way into the living room, "she scares me."
He let out a small laugh, knowing exactly what he ment. Britt was the definition of intense. She had this commanding presence about her, and it was one of the reason's he fell for her. He thought back to the first day he met her and how she took his breath away with how she commanded the script reading for The First Time, and he was instantly attracted to her. He wished he knew then what he did in that moment, that she used fear and intimidation to get exactly what she wanted. He was tired of it though, he was tired of everything.
He took one last look at the door before coming to sit on the couch with Tyler. He plopped down on the couch, running his hands over his face. "I broke up with her... I think." Tyler spit out the coffee he had in his mouth all over the table, which caused him to jump in surprise.
"You what?" Tyler practically screamed, ignoring the fact that coffee was all over his furniture. 
"She asked if I was willing to sacrifice everything for Y/N, and I said yes." 
"Dude." He turned to look at his best friend and he looked so proud. Tyler's eyes were practically glowing, and a huge smile was plastered on his face.
"You're free," Tyler slapped Dylan's back grabbing his shoulders shaking them excitedly, "You're fucking free man. Do you know how long I've been waiting for this moment? 4 years bro. 4 long ass years." He laughed at his best friends excitement, he knew he hated his girlfriend and always asked when they would break-up.
"I don't think I am though, I told her I wanted to break up and she just laughed. She said she had an errand to run and we could just talk more over dinner tonight then kissed me and left out the door." He scrunched up his face, still confused at how everything played out. He was happy in those couple of minutes when he thought they were done, and he wanted to get back to that. Back to happy.
"Dude that doesn't matter. Fuck what she said, you said you wanted to break up. So it's done." Tyler spoke with so much confidence, he started to believe him. "We have to celebrate, holy shit. Let's go out tonight, I'll call Sprayberry and Cody. Hoech too." Dylan laughed at his eagerness, but it was short lived when his phone started to ring. He pulled his iPhone out of his pocket, and saw his agents number flash across the screen. 
"Hold that thought bro, it's my agent." Dylan answered the phone and pressed it to his ear. "Hey Sam, what's up?"
"Dylan we need to talk, now." Sam's tone was enough to let him know something serious was wrong.
"Um.. Yeah okay. Where?" 
"Your apartment. I'll be there in 30." He was starting to panic now, and the sinking feeling in his stomach was getting worse.
"Okay," he coughed trying to clear his throat so his voice wouldn't sound as shaky, "I'm not home, I'm at Posey's but I'll head over there now."
"See you then." Sam disconnected the line quickly, leaving him with a million different scenarios running through his head. He stood up from the couch, putting his phone in his pocket before turning to Tyler.
"Maybe some other night Bro. That was Sam, he wants to see me and I need to talk to Britt and figure out what's going on first." He grabbed his laptop, putting it in his bag. He grabbed his keys, making his way to the front door when Tyler grabbed his shoulder gently. He turned to look at him, and worry clouded his eyes.
"Dude, don't let her rope you back in. I know you loved her once, but she isn't it for you bro. You deserve better." He smiled at his best friend in the whole world, and pulled him in for a hug.
"Thanks bro. I'll text you later and let you know how it went." 
Dylan had been at home for 10 minutes when the doorbell rang. He quickly rushed to the door, not bothering to check who it was before opening it. Sam looked at him, and the sinking feeling he had since his conversation with him early intensified. Panic was coursing through him as the discomfort in his chest was tightening, sending a feeling to his brain like excess caffeine. 
"Hey Sam.. Come on in." He couldn't stand still as he shuffled in place, putting his hands in the pocket of his jeans. His adrenaline was pumping like he had run a mile as Sam made his way into the house, and into the living room.
"I guess by now you know this isn't a friendly house call. We have a problem. A huge problem." Sam was staring at him now, his face void of expression. He sat down on the couch, rubbing his neck.
"I gathered as much.." He came around to sit next to him, fixing to ask him what was wrong when Sam's phone started going off. He held up a finger to Dylan as he pressed answer on the phone.
"Hey Micheal.." Dylan knew in that moment he was fucked. He couldn't hear what Micheal was saying but he knew whatever it was couldn't be good. He felt the panic attack begin like a cluster of spark plugs in his abdomen, but he quickly shut them down. "Yeah, I'm here. Yeah. Yeah. Okay." Sam hung up the phone as Dylan's TV lit up with Micheal's face appearing on the screen for a conference call. Sam quickly grabbed the remote off the coffee table and pressed the answer button. 
Micheal was sitting at a desk in his office, a poster for American Assassin's hanging directly behind him. He looked tired, as if he had been up all night.  
"Hey." Dylan waved sheepishly to the camera on his TV and Micheal sighed. He picked up a piece of paper and stared at it before he turned it around to show him and Sam. 
"Y/N Y/L/N." Dylan's chest tightened as he looked at the photo Micheal was holding. It was a photo of Y/N getting into a car, she was dressed in maroon scrubs and he couldn't help but think how beautiful she looked. He turned it back around to stare at it again. "Such a nice name, for such a nice girl."
"Where did you get that?" He sighed, scratching at his face nervously.
"Where do you think I got it from Dylan? Teresa Strasser from TMZ. She's had a whole fleet of photographers on you for the past 3 days."
"I know.. But I was careful." Dylan rubbed his temple, feeling a headache coming on.
"This is exactly the kind of thing I was afraid of with you kid. I ask you to stay out of the press, to avoid anything bad and this is what you do? Cheat on your girlfriend.. I was afraid of taking a chance with someone so young, but you just seemed so mature that I looked past all of those uncertainties. Maybe you're just to young. Maybe the next movie we need to do a flash forward."
"No sir." He answered quickly. He didn't want to lose this role, Mitch meant too much to him. He sighed again, looking Micheal in the eyes as he spoke. "Look, I made a mistake."
"Come on, Micheal," Sam spoke up from beside him smiling his dazzling smile, "give us a chance to fix this."
"ughhh-- mm.." Micheal trailed off, sighing dramatically. He took his glasses off and rubbed his hands over his eyes. He took a deep breath and put his glasses back on, "Okay. Alright. Make the story go away."
"How do we do that?" Sam asked, and Dylan was afraid of the answer.
"You call Teresa at TMZ. You offer her an exclusive. You say you don't know this girl. You say that she's just some fan following you around."
"You want me to lie?" Dylan felt sick, his stomach was in knots and his heart felt like it was breaking again. He didn't want to hurt Y/N. He didn't want her involved in any of this, he wanted her name as far away from his for this reason right here. The paparazzi, the press, all the Hollywood bullshit, he wanted her out of it. She doesn't deserve any of this, and he doesn't deserve her. 
"Dylan, this is the tabloid press not the supreme court. Say whatever you have to say because I promise you this girl," Micheal held up the picture of Y/N once more, "goes away or the movie does. Okay...  Goodbye."
Dylan was staring at the blank screen when Sam spoke up, "Dylan she's just some girl, this is your career we're talking about."
"She's not just some girl.." He whispered, not wanting to make eye contact with him. Dylan saw Sam shake his head out of the corner of his eye. 
"Do you want her involved in all of this Dylan? You know how the media will portray her right? She'll be called a home-wrecker or worse a gold-digger because she's not famous. Do you want that?" Dylan clenched his fist, anger coursing through him as he turned to his agent.
"Of course not!" He spat.
"Good. I'll call TMZ to set up the interview and I'll text you with the details." Sam picked up his bag and left the room without another word. Dylan heard the door shut from the living room and he let out a deep breath. He was still angry. Angry at his world. He knew Sam was right, if he didn't go along with the interview, if he let the story get out, there would be hell to pay. Britt would spin it in her favor playing the heartbroken ex, then he would be labeled a cheater and Y/N's name would be drug through the mud. He would also lose the movie and the character that meant so much to him.
He opened his phone, fixing to text Tyler when he saw the background. It was of Y/N standing by the pond looking at the water after their swim. She didn't know he took the picture, and out of all of them this one was his favorite. The sun bounced off the water hitting her at  just the right angle giving her the appearance of a halo. She looked like an angel. Staring at that picture he didn't see any other way around it, he refused to let the media dig their claws into Y/N. She was too pure, too perfect. She made him so unbelievably happy, but his happiness came at too steep of a price. He would sacrifice it every single day for the rest of his life if it meant keeping her the same, beautiful, normal woman he was falling hopelessly and irrevocably in love with.
Your feet were killing you, 17 hours of blood, sweat, and tears were enough to send you into an early grave. You're new phone dinged in your hand signaling you that your Uber was there. Finally. You made your way out of the back entrance of the hospital, glad your shift was over and you could go home and continue watching Teen Wolf. 
You dove head first into work today, not wanting to revel in your memories of yesterday. After Britt left you couldn't hold yourself together and cried for hours until you couldn't produce anymore tears. You took a long shower and scrubbed your skin as hard as you could to get any trace of Dylan off of you as every word Britt said played in your head over and over again. You knew she was right, you knew he would never choose you. You didn't see the point in continuing down the path of heartbreak anymore, and decided to just be an ordinary girl who didn't know who Dylan O'Brien was, only who he played on TV.
You bottled everything up. You collected yourself. You went into work this morning and put every once of strength you had into your job. You were mentally exhausted as you climbed into the back of the Uber, slumping in your seat. You turned the corner of the hospital as two black vans pulled up, along with a TMZ news van. What the hell is going on. You noticed security coming out the door to handle the unruly mob of paparazzi and the news, you had spent enough time over the last couple of days worrying about paparazzi so you let it go. An ordinary girl like yourself shouldn’t have to worry with it.
You put your headphones in listening to music, not wanting to make small talk with your driver. Country music started echoing through your ears and you had to will yourself not to cry. You knew that listening to sad music wouldn't help you get over Dylan, and you knew it would only make the sting of everything worse, but you let it play anyway because at least the sting reminded you to feel something.
Shoulda just called it like I saw it Shoulda just called for help and ran like hell that day The burn and the sting and the high and the heat And the “left me wanting more” feeling when he kissed me I shoulda just called him whiskey Warm my body to the core just like a blanket It tasted so sweet then he took my breath away Hit me so hard like a rock through a window I knew I was in trouble from the moment I met you, boy
Every word was an arrow to the heart, but you didn't turn it off, you just hit repeat on the song to torture yourself a little more. Your heartache at the beach walking away from Dylan was like an insatiable fire that burnt all the oxygen from you, but now it is more like a thin layer of ice covering your entire body, a reminder of the agony that came before and a warning not to stoke that flame again. The saying goes once bitten, twice shy, but you let yourself fall for Dylan. You let your heart feel again after Ryan. People always say third times the charm, but your heart can't survive another inferno. Your song was interrupted by your phone beeping and you held your breath when you Annabeth's name across the screen.
[Annabeth]  Come home... we need to talk.
You were so exited to see her text that you stared at your phone, not able to get your fingers to start typing. She hasn't replied to any of your text since your fight, and you were missing your best friend. Your motor functions finally came back, but as you started to type another message popped up..
[Annabeth] NOW
Dylan sat in the chair in front of the TMZ camera's, he was fidgeting in his chair as Teresa came up to him and sat in her chair. She extended her hand out to him, Dylan didn't want to be rude so he shook her hand. "It's nice to meet you Mr. O'Brien."
"Mmmhm, you too." Dylan didn't want to be here, shaking her hand, fixing to lie to every person in the world about Y/N. Teresa was fixing to say something else to him, when the camera-man shouted. 
"Alright we are live in 3... 2.... 1..." Dylan took a deep breath as Teresa smiled, giving her opening spill of the show and why he was here. She turned to him, and he smiled and gave a small wave to the camera.
"So Dylan, we're talking about this girl," she gestured behind her to a picture of Y/N that Micheal showed him during their conference call, "Y/N Y/L/N.”
"Uh, yeah.. Yeah she looks kind of familiar." Dylan rubbed his clammy palms on his jeans, every word felt like sandpaper on his tongue.
"Come on Dylan.. We know you were at the beach with her." Here is where he brings out his acting ability, pretending this was just another role. The role of a guy who has no idea what he is doing with his life anymore. He shook his head, laughing lightly before flashing a smile at Teresa.
"Look.. Lots of fans come up to me when I'm out. I try to say hi to everybody that comes up to me. Maybe I signed an autograph for her or something?" He was lying through his teeth at this point.
"According to our sources she was the girl pictured in the photo at Tyler's party, is that correct.. The one that just happened to follow you into your room?" The photo popped up beside the one of Y/N, and thankfully he couldn't tell they were the same person since all that was showing was her backside as he drug her up the stairs.
"Well your sources are wrong," he laughed again, "Britt already explained she was just another fan. You guys seriously need to start fact checking this stuff." He teased playfully but there was a hint of anger behind it. "I mean she looks like a nice girl, I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to meet her."  Dylan felt sick sitting in the chair pretending not to recognize the girl he so desperately wanted. He convinced himself if he heard her voice or laugh, just one more time, he would be able to move on but looking at the pictures of her on the screen he knew he was only fooling himself. There was no moving on from a girl like her.
You felt goosebumps cover your arm as your driver turned onto your street. You were anxious to talk to Annabeth, and see what was wrong. The driver rounded the corner as you looked up from your phone and felt your chest tighten. There were about 3 black vans parked in front of your house, along with a TMZ and Access Hollywood van. Paparazzi and reporters were scattered along the street, and you knew they were waiting for you. 
Your driver didn't seem to care as he pulled up to the curb and told you to have a nice day. When you opened the doors lights started flashing in your face and you couldn't see anything except black dots. You heard too many voices, each of them toppling over the other as they bombarded you with questions.
"Are you and Dylan dating?"
"Are you the reason Dylan broke up with Britt Robinson?"
 "Are you aware everyone is calling you a home-wrecker?"
"Are you a stalker?"
"We heard you were pregnant with Dylan's child, was it just for his money?"
You pushed past some of the reporters as they stuck their microphones in your face, their accusations were accelerating inside your head. You want them to slow so you could breathe but they wouldn't. Your breaths were coming in gasps and you felt like you were going to black out and your heart was hammering inside your chest like it belonged to a rabbit running for its skin. You stumbled slightly, but no one made a move to steady you. You fell to your knees as the reporters surrounded you spitting out more insults hidden inside questions until you heard a voice scream.
"What the fuck did I tell you all! Stay the fuck off our property or I will have every single one of you arrested for trespassing and tie every company you work for up in so much litigation your grand kids will still be dealing with it!" Annabeth was barreling through the crowd of the reporters, shoving her hands in their cameras as she came to your side. She helped you stand up, and covered your head in a towel so they couldn't take any more pictures of you which you were grateful for. You heard her yell every cuss word imaginable as she slammed the front door of the house shut once you were safely inside.
You took the towel off of your head as you went to look out the window, the reporters and paparazzi made their way back to the curb heading Annabeth's warning. You sighed as you put the blinds you were peaking out of back in place. You rested your head against the window seal, thinking about everything that just happened. Every question the reporters asked had malice laced in them, and you felt your eyes glossing over with tears.
"You're bleeding.." You tore yourself from your thoughts and looked to your best friend holding up the first aide kit pointing to your knee. There was a scrap from the fall oozing A negative down your leg. You didn't even feel the cut when it happened, but now that the adrenaline was wearing off you noticed the pain radiating from your knee. "Come on sit down... let me see it." She spoke carefully, all the tension from our fight yesterday had disappeared.
You made your way the couch as Annabeth grabbed your leg putting it on the coffee table to inspect. You watched her look at the cut, biting her lip nervously. She opened the first aid kit, struggling to decide what to get first. You grabbed her hand gently, smiling at her. "I'm the nurse, remember." She laughed at you, her blue eyes sparkling again. You picked up the alcohol pad to clean the cut but she grabbed it from your hand.
"You tell me what to do, and I'll do it." You nodded your head at her as you instructed her to clean the cut. It wasn't deep enough to need stitches, so you told her how to dress it so it wouldn't get infected. She worked diligently, the only words being exchanged were instructions. 
She finished wrapping your knee and started to pack up the gauze when you both spoke up.
"I'm sorry Y/N."
"I'm sorry A.B."
You both laughed, and you starting to go first but she stopped you by holding up her hand. "No let me.. I'm sorry I left. That was immature. I should have just trusted you, but it hurt that you wouldn't tell me what was going on." She gave you a small smile, signally you could talk now.
"I'm sorry too.. For everything. I wanted to tell you. God I wanted to tell you everything but I couldn't, but now I guess there is nothing stopping me." You took a deep breath and dove into the story of the past 3 days and how you met Dylan O'Brien. She didn't dare interrupt you, as you explained what happened. You even told her about the kiss, which you didn't want to think about but you couldn't keep the secret any long. 
You finished telling her what happened on the beach and she just sat there staring at you. "A.B. are y--" You were cut off by her attacking you with a hug, squeezing you to death. You didn't complain one bit at the excessive force, you just melted into her arms. This was what you needed, to talk to someone about this. About everything. She reluctantly let you go, and she had some tears falling down her cheek. You reached up and wiped them away with a laugh. "Why are you crying?"
"Because I am such a shitty friend. I left you here all alone, I should have been more patient and understanding. I should have known you would come to me if you needed me."
"No no it's my fault. I should have told you the truth, to hell with what he said. I knew you wouldn't say anything to anyone." You squeezed her hand, both of you grinning at each other like mad men. She broke eye contact, and glanced at the TV for a moment but when she did her eyes widened. She practically leaped over you to get the remote, turning the volume all the way up. "What the Hell A.B.?"
"Dylan's talking about you on TMZ!" She gestured to the TV, and sure enough Dylan set in a chair, a dark gray henley over his toned chest. He still had the same scruff on his face, and you remembered what it felt like against your chin as he kissed you. You focused on him and the lady sitting beside him.
"So you're saying that you don't know this girl?" Teresa gestured to a photo of you getting into the Uber to go to work this morning.
"Uh yeah.. I don't know what she's saying about me, but I don't know anyone named Y/N Y/L/N." Dylan took a sip of his water, before smiling at the camera, shrugging his shoulders. "Sorry Teresa, there's really nothing to tell."
"Okay," she smiled at him before turning to the camera, "you heard it here first. This is Teresa Strasser from TMZ news."
Annabeth turned the TV off, looking to you with angry eyes. You bit your lip, replying Britt's words over again. He is a celebrity, he would never be with you. Dylan's words echoed right behind hers ‘I don't know anyone named Y/N Y/L/N.’ He betrayed your affection and left your heart in shattered disarray of pieces. You got up from the couch and made your way to the window.
"Dylan said this would happen.." You trailed off looking out at the reporters camped out on the street. "He said things would get crazy." You grit your teeth, your heart was hurting from his lies and the anger was coursing through you at this point. You stomped to the door, hand wrapping around the door knob when Annabeth stopped you.
"Wait, what are you doing?"
"Celebrities might have to put up with this shit, but I sure as hell don't." This was the breaking point of your patience. At that moment, you were blinded by a four-course serving of fury that tasted bitter, but surprisingly satisfying. You flung open the door, making your way to the street. You didn't get a chance to reach the curb before you had cameras shoved in your face.
"Y/N, over here!"
"Y/N please just one quote."
"Y/N can we get an exclusive?"
You stopped in front of the circle, a male reporter from TMZ shoving a microphone in your face, asking the one question you couldn't wait to answer. "Y/N how was your weekend with Dylan O'Brien? We only want the truth."
"Bullshit. You don't want the truth, you want a story," you felt angry tears prickling at the corner of your eyes but you refused to let them fall on national television, "you take a good, normal person and turn him into your own little reality show. You build him up into a big celebrity just so you can tear him down in public. Just so you can sell magazine's and TV shows. That's really sick. Dylan O'Brien is just one example, he's talented and successful. He has all the stuff lots of people dream of having, but thanks to you he's had to give up some of the best things in life. Freedom, privacy.. honesty. So congratulations, you created a celebrity.. But you wrecked the human being inside. You should be ashamed of yourselves." You felt the tears start to fall but before you could turn around to leave the man turned to the camera.
"Did you get all that?" He asked excitedly and you had to hold back the urge to punch him, remembering what Britt said about your temper. The camera man smiled, giving the reporter a thumbs up and you felt sick. They didn't care about anything you just said, it was all about their ratings for them. 
"Y/N... Y/N just one more question." He watched as she had tears in her eyes on the TV screen, the slimy feeling he had since his interview causing goosebumps to form on his arm. The reporter shoved the microphone in her face again, which made his blood boil. "In your opinion, who's Dylan O'Brien really?" He watched as she laughed at that question, which just made him feel worse. He had tears of his own burning behind his brown eyes, but he couldn't stop watching the TV.
"Who is he? I don't know.. The Dylan O'Brien you are all so obsessed with.." She trailed off, taking in a calming breath. "I promise you I never met him. And I wouldn't want to." Dylan watched as she slammed the door to her house and Tyler clicked  pause on the TV, not wanting to watch the train wreck any longer.
"Didn't you say you liked her because she was so honest?" Tyler asked, his voiced laced with annoyance.
"Yeah.." He bit his lip, not wanting to meet Tyler's accusing stare. He heard a humph come from him and decided to look his way.
"Wowwww," Tyler let out a sarcastic laugh, "Congradulations Dylan, you did it. You got her to lie for you." He just stared at his best-friend, who was supposed to be on his side.
"I didn't have a choice okay?" He sat up straighter, crossing his arms over his chest. He couldn't believe Tyler was giving him hell for this.
"Oh," Tyler shrugged his shoulder's getting up from the spot on the couch, "Oh alright." Tyler started walking to the door without another word to him.
"Woah... Where are you going?"
"To find my best-friend," Tyler yelled back at him, "Because he's not the guy sitting here now." He furrowed his eyebrows at him, confused at what he ment by that. "I didn't have a choice..." Tyler mimicked him, throwing his hands up dramatically. "That's been your answer to everything. You have no choice but to stay with Britt, You had no choice because of the movie, You had no choice to be with Y/N... Dude, it's your life. YOUR choice." 
Tyler shook his head at him, turning around to walk out the door and slamming it shut behind him leaving Dylan sitting on his couch with his own thoughts. The nausea swirled unrestrained in his empty stomach, and his head swam with regrets. He opened his phone to stare at the picture of Y/N no longer holding back the tears in his eyes, his heart felt as if his blood had become tar as it struggled to keep a steady beat.
One last Chapter before the Epilogue guys! Are you as sad as I am? Comments always welcome :)
tag list: @fan-of-many-bands @littlewriterme @susybird @katieevans371 @honeymoonmuke @daddyxraeken @awkwarddly @ssa-banshee
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were-cheetah-stiles · 7 years
The Summer Fling (Chapter 5) - Dylan O’Brien
Author: @were-cheetah-stiles
Title: “Doug’s 2015 Nissan Sentra”
Relationship: Dylan O’Brien x Reader/OFC
Author’s Note: this chapter will be the death of me. I’m sorry it’s so long. it’s mostly just spacing for song lyrics and text messages.
Additional Note: Songs played, in conjunction with reading if you’re fancy. True Care. 
I Lie Awake Every Night.
Summary: Julia O’Brien throws a party at invites you,  but not before Dylan had already done the same or something.. Idk, just read it. It’s good. 
Chapter Four - Chapter Five - Chapter Six
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"Why are you being weird?"
"I"m not being weird. What am I doing right now that is me being weird?" You looked back at Sarah, your best friend and Julia O'Brien's college roommate.
"That is like the fifth time you've checked your makeup in the mirror." Sarah said with a grin.
"No, it's not." You rolled your eyes, and pushed the visor back up against the roof of the car.
"David, she's looked like five times, right?!" Sarah said, her words slurring slightly as she had pre-gamed at your house before leaving while you were getting ready.
You glanced over at your Uber driver and he contorted his face. "It's Doug, for the third time... and yea, you kind of have checked a lot."
"Who's supposed to be at this party that has you being so weird? Is Mike gonna be there?"
"I fucking hope not." You looked horrified and disgusted at the thought of your ex showing up at the same place as you that night. You turned around and looked at your drunk best friend. "You're drunk and I'm not being weird but now you're making me feel weird and you're gonna give me an anxiety attack and I'm gonna make Doug turn around and drive me home and then-"
"OKAY. I'm sorry. You're not being weird. Just please stop. You're killing my buzz."
You grinned at Doug. You knew that would get Sarah off your case. She always felt guilty when you were on the verge of an anxiety attack.
It was Friday night on the east end of Long Island and it seemed like all of the city dwellers had made there way out of Manhattan to attend Julia's party. You looked around the expansive living room of the large beach house that Julia and her friends were renting for the summer, scanning for Dylan but not seeing any sign of him. You thought about texting him to see if he was around but your thought was squashed the moment you heard your name. You threw your phone in your purse, and heard it clink against the extra bottle of rosé that you had inside, laying on top of Dylan's t-shirt. You glanced down to make sure it didn't break and spill, which it hadn't, and then felt a pair of arms wrap around your neck.
"I'm so glad you're both here, and you brought rosé!" Julia yelled over the loud music.
"I brought you a bottle because I wasn't expecting it to be this kind of party but.. yea, I brought you one." You smiled and handed her the Wölffer's Estate rosé bottle in your hand and her eyes widened, and she hugged you again to thank you.
"Yea, it wasn't necessarily supposed to be this kind of party, at least not this many people, but Collette ran into these townies on the train or something and invited them and like one of them sent out a mass-text saying Dylan was here and this place just got really packed. So, I'm drinking to not worry about it until tomorrow when we have to clean." Julia put her best fake grin on her face and you laughed.
"Why don't you just throw them all out?" You asked, handing Sarah your other bottle, from your bag, to open and pour.
"It'd be too much trouble to do that at this point and I just don't really care. Plus some of the girls are really cute, so....." Julia grinned more genuinely this time, and then tilted her head to the side, as she took a sip out of her wine glass. "I just feel bad for Dyldawg. I saw him duck out onto the deck upstairs a little while ago to get away from the crowd but I'm sure someone has found him and is begging for a selfie by now." You contorted your mouth to the side and thought of excuses that would allow you to slip upstairs, but Julia excused herself first to go hit on a girl in high waisted jean shorts and a crop top.
"Shot first, rosé after." Sarah handed you a red Solo cup with at least two shots of tequila in it and held her own Solo cup up to cheers. You rolled your eyes and clinked your plastic cups and then threw back the shots. They burned down your throat and you washed them down with the rosé in your glass. "Come on, boo, you have gotta catch up. I am not letting you flirt with any of these cute boys until you let me refill your glass."
"Why are you trying to get me to vomit tonight? What is wrong with you?" You shook your head and laughed at your best friend.
"I'm just trying to get you some dick, because I love you and you have that fucking beach house to yourself for just one more night; your dad comes home tomorrow night, and if you don't get your shit taken care of before he does, I'm gonna kill you for being wasteful." Sarah was blunt and hilarious and serious and always your corrupting force, ever since you met her on the first day of Freshman Year of high school.
Your snicker turned into full blown laughter, so loud that you had to put down your drink and cover your mouth just to stifle the noise. "Oh my god, Sare... You are out of fucking control."
"Drink, bitch." She handed you your glass back, waited for you to chug the mid-priced local wine, and then refilled your glass, fuller the second time.
Sarah got distracted by a cute guy and ran off, giving you the perfect getaway to go find Dylan. He was upstairs on the deck, exactly where Julia said he was, chainsmoking cigarettes, nervous to see you and anxious to be in such a big crowd of strangers. He had every intention of finishing his last cigarette, going back inside, taking a shower and changing his clothes to get the smell off of him before he saw you, but that was thirty minutes ago and in that time one of the townie girls had found him and was hitting on him and holding him hostage, while she bummed his last two smokes. He fidgeted uncomfortably and glanced down at his phone. It was 9:45 and there was just no way that if you were coming, that you weren't already there. Dylan typed a quick message and then looked back at the girl in front of him, and smiled softly and quickly, trying not to be rude.
Your heart sank when you saw Dylan out on the deck with a pretty girl who was clearly flirting with him. You saw him smile at her, through the window, and turned around, completely defeated. You headed back to your purse, which you had left in an empty room that you hoped was Julia's, and had every intention of calling Doug, the Uber driver, back to come bring you home. You picked up your phone and saw you had two unread messages from Dylan. Your heart began to race. You opened them up to read.
Dylan O'Brien:  Did you ditch me?
Dylan O'Brien: If you're here, come up to the deck on the second floor in the back, and save me from this girl. Please.
The smile that overtook your face was huge, and you shoved your phone in the back pocket of your high waisted jeans. You pulled the sleeves of your shoulderless, powder blue crop top down on your arms and checked your hair in the mirror you had passed. You looked really good, and even if you didn't, the alcohol was sinking in and you felt good. You opened the door of the deck and contorted your face over the overwhelming smell of cigarette smoke that suddenly entered the house. Dylan's face lit up when he saw you.
"Oh my god, Dylan, thank god you're here, Julia has been looking everywhere for you. She needs you downstairs right now." You lied, feigning urgency.
Dylan turned to the girl in front of him and pursed his perfect pink lips. "I'm sorry, I have to go. It was so nice to meet you." He leaned down and hugged the girl briefly, then walked out after you, closing the door behind him. "Hi."
You looked up at him and blushed. "Hi."
"Come on, before someone else abducts me." Dylan grabbed your hand and led you downstairs to a backroom with a bar, that was less crowded, and filled with the aroma of weed. "What are you drinking?"
"Rosé because that's what your sister told Sarah and I to bring."
Dylan laughed and rolled his eyes. "Of course she did. I'm gonna stick with beer, but... here." He pulled a pink bottle out of the wine fridge and handed it to you. "And these." He grabbed two plastic bottles of water in between his long fingers, and grabbed your wrist again, pulling you behind him.
"STILES?!" A girl screamed from across the room.
"Nope!" He yelled back with a grin and began walking faster out of the room and back up the stairs. You laughed at his dry sense of humor and followed him down a hall to a room that had all it's lights out. He flipped the switch next to the door and the lights came on, revealing a medium sized bedroom with a queen sized bed in the middle covered in blue sheets that were disheveled. He locked the door behind him and turned to you, putting his hand out to gesture to the room. "Mi casa.. mi verano casa."
"Your summer house?" You asked, assuming that's what 'verano' meant. Dylan nodded with a smile and you laughed. "So thanks for the bottle but uh..."
"Oh fuck. Oh shit, okay, if I'm not back in one minute, send out the search parties." Dylan joked, as he walked back towards the door.
"Wait!" You laughed at his joke. "Wait, I left my purse in Julia's room, and I have a swiss army knife in it, that has a corkscrew. I'll be right back."
Dylan licked his lips and nodded. "I'm gonna hop in the shower and change really quick to get the smoke.. yea. I'll be right back out." Dylan grabbed a change of clothes he already had waiting off of his dresser, walked backwards, a blush covering his cheeks, towards a door to the left of the bed, and flicked on the light, revealing an attached bathroom.
You walked around Dylan's room, looking at the few personal items he had out, drinking straight from the large wine bottle since Dylan neglected to get you a glass. You were feeling well past tipsy at that point, but you were so nervous to be in a bedroom with Dylan O'Brien that you just kept sipping.
"So, Dyl, huh?"
You turned around and saw Dylan in a black t-shirt and gray slacks, rubbing a towel through his perfect chocolate brown hair. He was holding up his phone and had a huge grin on his lips. You blushed furiously, and watched him pop open his beer bottle, on the counter in the bathroom, before shutting off the light behind him. "Too soon for nicknames?"
Dylan walked closer to you, only to see you walk passed him, over to the bed, and sit down at the foot. He smiled and shook his head, also clearly a little drunk himself. "Nah.. no... I liked it." He took a large sip of his beer and sat down next to you on the bed. "I realized last night that I never asked how your head was doing."
"My head?" You had completely and totally forgotten about how you had slammed your head against the sidewalk in East Hampton two days before and how that was the catalyst for you and Dylan to end up seeing each other three days in a row.
Dylan chuckled. "So long-term memory loss. That's good... Your head, silly." He carefully ran his fingers up to the back of your head and searched under your hair for where the bump still just barely was.
"Oh, my head..." You reached your fingers back instinctively, touching his as you did, and you both pulled away. "I feel fine. Doesn't hurt anymore, clearly." You smiled and stared down at the bottle in your hand.
"Good." You got up, took another big swig of the wine and then placed it on Dylan's dresser, throwing a few tissues under it to absorb the condensation so that a ring wouldn't form on the wood. "Thank you for saving me from that girl.. She was, no joke, talking to me about her nipple piercings, and I was so uncomfortable. My fans are getting older and they're getting weird." Dylan laughed, taking a sip of his beer, and then laying back on the bed, his beer resting on his toned stomach and his feet still touching the plush, white carpet underneath them. "Fuck, I hate this song." Dylan complained as Despacito began to lightly play through the door from downstairs.
"Not a Belieber?" You teased, still leaning against the dresser, watching him.
Dylan shook his head and reached into his pocket. He opened his phone and then sighed. "Shit, and I just got a new phone and haven't put any of my music on it yet. Guess I've gotta crack out the laptop."
"I have music on my phone..." You intervened.
"There's a dock right there." Dylan pointed behind you on the dresser, and you latched your phone in it.
"What do you want to listen to?" You asked.
"Something.. completely opposite of this. Something chill, if you have it." Dylan needed something other than the beer to calm his nerves back down.
"I have that." You smiled, then pressed play.
The soft mumblings of the man singing began to lightly drown out Justin Bieber fumbling the Spanish language downstairs. "Do you want to go back downstairs?" Dylan asked you.
"No, why? Do you?"
Dylan shook his head quickly, sitting up slightly to look at you. "You're just... you're all the way over there..." Dylan sat up fully, a slow blush rising to his cheeks. He took another sip of his beer, then placed it on the ground next to the bed.
"Sorry, just.." You didn't want to tell him that your nerves were electrified and you were nervous about what the fuck was going on between the two of you, and what could happen if you sat down next to him on his bed. You sat down next to him anyway. "Better?"
Dylan leaned forward and smiled. "Yea." He watched you assume his former position, laying down on the bed with one hand at the side of your thigh, and the other folded across your stomach. He decided to lay down again too in the same position. His free hand sat electrifyingly close to yours on top of the blue duvet cover, which he had straightened out slightly while you picked music. "So who is this?" Dylan asked as the music picked up suddenly and drowned out all the noises from the party below.
"True care. What does that even mean? I need true care. When I was 17, yea, true care. How do you even show true care? When I was 23 years old, you show me true care then. When you showed up to a house where I was drinking by myself.."
"James Vincent McMorrow.. He's an Irish singer/songwriter that I've been listening to for years." You had played him for a reason. He tended to lean towards the bluesier, sexier side of the musical spectrum and you were drunkenly trying to create a mood. "I saw him live in November of last year and he was phenomenal. This stuff is all new though."
"Im uncomfortable, with being so uncomfortable. You let me be unreasonable with everyone. Show me true care. True care. True Care."
Dylan smiled because you were smiling and closing your eyes and listening to someone you were clearly passionate about."He's good. This was kind of exactly the kind of music I had in mind actually..."
"Then my job is done." You playfully lifted your hands in the air, as if you were washing your hands with the rest of life's responsibilities, before dropping them back down to their original position.
"Is this generally the kind of music you listen to?" Dylan asked, turning his head to look at you, while you stared at the ceiling, softly snaking your head back and forth against the bed to the rhythm of the song, before it changed. He smiled at your subtle action and glanced down at your hand. He inched his closer, mere centimeters separating the two.
You didn't notice any of what he was doing. "I guess. Anything kind of jazzy or bluesy in the undertones, I'm in love with. But I also listen to a little of everything. Like, last year I saw him, and Alabama Shakes, and other people, I can't remember." You laughed, and continued speaking. "This year, I'll see John Mayer and then The National and Solange Knowles and The Head and The Heart and, like, two weeks ago? I saw The Weeknd in Brookyln."
Dylan cut you off. "Oh I love him; he's so good. I had Can't Feel My Face stuck in my head, like, literally all during filming of 6A of Teen Wolf." Dylan laughed, remembering all the times he and Posey would fuck up scenes and start singing and dancing to that song together. "How was he live?"
"So fucking dope. He puts on a really good show. He opened with Starboy and that pretty much set the tone for the rest of the show."
"That's so cool. I don't see enough concerts. I like this guy though. You'll have to remind me about him tomorrow when I'm not drinking." Dylan said and you laughed, causing a massive smile to spread across his face and him to laugh with you.
"Well it's a bummer you like him now and not last week or I would've taken you to see him in Brooklyn." You said, not even realizing what you were saying.
"He was just here?" Dylan asked, looking over at you again.
You nodded, with your eyes closed and a smile on your face. "Yea, on the 15th."
"Did you see him again?"
"Nope. No one to go with me."
"Speak until the dust settles in the same specific place light refused to go. Drink it from the cast and iron plate instead of cold milk was offered unripe."
Dylan watched you mouth the lyrics to the soft, piano based music that began to sound even more etherial. He glanced down at your fingers and took the plunge, intertwining his with yours just as the music picked up slightly. "I would've gone with you."
"I remember how cloth hung, flexing with the forest clung; half waist and high raised arms, kicking at the slightest form. I remember my first love. I remember my first love."
You turned your head, a soft smile resting on your lips, as you opened your eyes to stare into Dylan's vibrant golden-brown eyes. He smiled back as he felt you relax your fingers further against his. He licked his lips softly and rolled them back into his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but was too nervous to. He laid next to you on the bed, staring into your eyes for a few more moments before he finally spoke.
"Can I kiss you?"
You nodded slowly, and watched him lean in across the short distance on the bed. Your eyes fluttered shut when his did and you felt his wet and soft lips make contact with yours hesitantly. His breath smelled like a mix of fresh mint toothpaste and hoppy beer, but it worked. 
He simply pressed his lips against yours first. Then he pulled back. He turned onto his side and gently snaked his long fingers across the side of your neck, and leaned back in for a second kiss. He pressed his lips against yours again more confidently. Then he lightly pulled at your bottom lip between his. Your free hand found his bicep and held his muscles firmly; the very tips of your fingers tucking under the sleeve of his shirt.
Your lips traded dominance with ease; his occasionally tucking your top one between his, and your lips occasionally sucking softly against his bottom one. Your heart raced as his hand moved from your neck to your back, finding the bit of skin between the bottom of your shirt and the top of your jeans that was exposed, and pressing his fingers against it. Every inch of your skin was soft and warm and Dylan was enjoying every last bit he was allowing himself to come into contact with.
"You'll never learn. You'll never learn how much I want to burn. I want to burn. That's the way I like it. I like it. I like all of you. Ever since-"
Your phone stopped playing music and you glanced up. You saw Julia's face pop up on your lock screen, as she called you. You got up, and were suddenly stopped in your tracks by someone tugging on your hand. You looked back and saw Dylan sitting up, his fingers still intertwined with yours. His lips were pinker than usual and his hair was a little disheveled.
"Don't answer it. They don't know where we are and my door is locked." Dylan begged quietly, pulling you back to him and the bed, to stand in between his legs. Your free hand met his free hand and you laced those fingers together as well. The music picked up again as the two of you goofily smiled at each other.
"I've been able. Ever since there've been weeds growing in my mind, like a scene for the weekend. I descend into weakness. I'd stop the clock, but there's some things I can't contr-"
The music cut out a second time, and Julia's face appeared on your phone again. "I have to answer it, something might be wrong." Dylan nodded and let go of your hands, watched you walk over to his dresser and answer your phone.
"Julia?" You smiled back at him, and then your smile began to fade. "WHAT? Oh my god, I'll be right there. I'm calling a cab right now."
Dylan looked alarmed, as you shoved your phone in your pocket, and looked for your purse. "What happened?"
"Julia thinks that someone roofied Sarah, I have to figure out if I have to take her to the hospital or just get her back to my place." Your voice was frantic.
"Fuck... fuck. Okay. Um, I'll walk down with you." He grabbed a pair of socks from his drawer and pulled them on his feet.
You reached into your bag to pull out his shirt, and handed it to him. "Thanks." Dylan contorted his face to the side. This was not how he was hoping all of this would go.
The two of you found Julia and Collette holding up Sarah by the front porch. "Jesus christ, I can't believe this happened."
"I know. Dyl, we need to break up this party." Julia looked up at her little brother.
"I called non-emergent services, and they said as long as she's safe and I get her water, she doesn't need to go to the emergency room and she can just go home and sleep it off at my place." You said as the taxi pulled up in front of the house and you watched Julia and Collette load Sarah into the back. You glanced up at Dylan, who pulled out his wallet, and began pulling out twenties. He handed them to you and watched you shake your head. "Dylan, I can just put it on my card or something."
He smiled and shook his head, then dipped it towards the open passenger window and handed the money to the cab driver. He looked over at his sister and her roommate and saw that they were still pre-occupied with getting Sarah situated. "Text me when you get home so I know you're both safe?" You nodded, and Dylan snuck a kiss onto your cheek, snaking his fingers against yours again. You smiled and stared up into his eyes. "Goodnight."
"Night, Dyl."
You:  just got home and got Sarah into bed. did you break the party up?
Dylan O'Brien:  Thank god, and yeah. Just laying in bed now...
Dylan O'Brien: I wish you were still here.
You watched the typing bubble float on the screen for an agonizing minute before another message appeared.
Dylan O'Brien:  I just wanted to keep kissing you and talking to you, honestly... Can I come over tomorrow and talk to you?
You:  :)
You:  i wanted to keep kissing you. i really didn't want to leave..
You:  but actually, i am leaving tomorrow..
Dylan's heart sunk into his stomach as he stared at those words on his screen. He pressed his fingers against the keyboard of his iPhone once more.
Dylan O'Brien:  Oh.. Where are you going?
You:  i swear this isn't because of tonight. i just didn't have a chance to tell you because of Sarah. i have to drive out to JFK to pick up my Dad and his girlfriend and then I literally get on a flight to Kansas City to see my mom for the Fourth of July.
Dylan O'Brien:  When do you get back?
You:  the 7th, in the afternoon
The typing bubble appeared and disappeared several times before another text came through.
Dylan O'Brien:  Can I call you when you're gone?
You: that would make me really happy :)
Dylan O'Brien:  Alright, well, I'll talk to you then.. then... hahaha :)
You: i'll text you when I get up. let you know how Sarah is...
Dylan O'Brien:  Sweet dreams, Y'n. I had the best time with you tonight.
You felt a massive amount of butterflies fill your stomach, and you pressed your phone against your chest.
You:  night, Dyl. i had the best time with you.
Let me know what you thought and if you’d like to be tagged. 
@itsannastasiabruh, @ssshaym, @jademorris, @delenagilberts let me know how i am spelling your shit wrong or something cause it won’t let me tag you all :(
@fuckwhateverfuck @l4life @ninja-stiles @lightbreaksthrough @maddie110201 @hattyohatt @stilinski-stydia-obrien @iknowisoundcrazy @leilaelizabeth @itsannastasiabruh @5secsxofamnesia @awkwarddly @completebandgeek @chivesoup @ivette29 @sunshineystilinski @twentyone-souls @obrosey-af @anonimereader06 @ssshaym @theneverendingracetrack @fillthevoid-stilinski @teenwolf2424 @redstringlovers @jademorris @mrs-mitch-rapp93 @dailyburritos @lolaversuslipstick @delenagilberts @im-very-odd33 @amethystmerm4id @anonimereader06 @itsamberh @eccentricxem @mayahart02 @susybird @sp00der-m00n
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rrickgrrimes8 · 4 years
Request Form
hey so my requests are open if you click the link in my bio thing it’ll take you to it or click this requests :) Let me know if any links dont work
When requesting please give me the character/celebrity, the show or movie they are from, a description of what you want, whether it will be fluff, angst, smut etc and if you want to be tagged. 
Please specify if you would like it to be a female, gender neutral or male reader. However because i am a girl and know nothing about gay sex i wont write malexmale smut. I have no experience in it so i doubt id be good at writing it. i’m sorry. I will do threesomes (or more) where at least one woman is present :) 
I wont write an imagine about a gay character being straight. 
I am willing to write imagines about dark topics. Such as depression, suicide, eating disorders, etc. I will not however write in detail about rape but i am okay with it being mentioned/ hinted. I also dont like writing imagines where the character/celebrity is a kidnapper or murderer sorry. I also wont do incest relationships.
I dont do ships. I do reader imagines or if youd like to add a name to your request then ill more than happily do it like that.
I will do imagines on plus sizes readers. I will do imagines for family imagines as well and platonic ones too. 
When you request something dont expect it to be up straightaway but i will try my hardest to be as quick as possible. I promise i havent forgotten i just havent gotten round to it :) 
In the future there may be some changes to this list based on what i am interested in at the current time. Also if a character you want to request for isnt on the list but the actor is feel free to ask if i’ll do it for that character :)
I dont consent to anyone using my work without permission and if you see anyone doing that please let me know :)
If you dont like my work then feel free to block/ ignore it but please do not sned hate (i’m too soft for that shit) I will take criticism and welcome corrections if necessary. If you like it please like the post and if possible reblog it. Thank you!!
🙋‍♀️= favourites to write for
Movies/ Shows/ Celebrities I Write For:
The Walking Dead:
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Rick Grimes 🙋‍♀️
Daryl Dixon
Glenn Rhee
Carl Grimes
Maggie Greene
Beth Greene
Rosita Espinosa
Tara Chambler
Jessie Anderson
Ron Anderson  🙋‍♀️
Doctor Who:
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Ninth Doctor
Tenth Doctor 🙋‍♀️
Eleventh Doctor 🙋‍♀️
Rose Tyler
Amy Pond
Clara Oswald
Mickey Smith
Martha Jones 🙋‍♀️
Sally Sparrow
Teen Wolf:
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Stiles Stilinski 🙋‍♀️
Lydia Martin 🙋‍♀️
Scott Mccall
Malia Tate
Allison Argent
Kira Yukimura
American Horror Story:
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Tate Langdon
Violet Harmon
Kit Walker 🙋‍♀️
Kyle Spencer 🙋‍♀️
Lana Winters
Madison Montgomery
Misty Day
Cordelia Goode
Billie Dean Howard
The Maze Runner: (The movies)
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Newt 🙋‍♀️
True Romance
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Alabama Whitman
Clarence Worley
Grand Army:
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Dominique Pierre 🙋‍♀️
Joey Del Marco
Jayson Jackson
Owen Williams
John Ellis
Meera Pakam
Spiderman (2017-present):
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Peter Parker 🙋‍♀️
MJ 🙋‍♀️
Liz Allan
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Rue Bennett 🙋‍♀️
Cassie Howard 🙋‍♀️
Fezco 🙋‍♀️
Katherine Hernandez
Lexi Howard
Chris Mckay
Ethan  🙋‍♀️
Sex Education:
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Maeve Wiley  🙋‍♀️
Otis Milburn
Jackson Marchetti
Stranger Things:
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Mike Wheeler  🙋‍♀️
Billy Hargrove
Robin Buckley
Steve Harrington
Buffy The Vampire Slayer:
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Spike  🙋‍♀️
Cordelia Chase  🙋‍♀️
Buffy Summers
Anya Jenkins
Jake Gyllenhaal & Characters:
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Jake Gyllenhaal 🙋‍♀️
Donnie Darko
Detective Loki 🙋‍♀️
Jamie Randall
Robert Graysmith
Sam Hall
Davis Mitchell
Homer Hickam
Tom Holland & Characters:
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Tom Holland 🙋‍♀️
Peter Parker 🙋‍♀️
Lucas (the impossible)
Isaac (how i live now)
Bradley (edge of winter) 🙋‍♀️
Dylan Obrien & Characters:
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Dylan Obrien 🙋‍♀️
Stiles Stilinski 🙋‍♀️
Caleb Holloway
Mitch Rapp 🙋‍♀️
Dave Hodgman
Andrew Lincoln & Characters:
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Andrew Lincoln  🙋‍♀️
Rick Grimes  🙋‍♀️
Simon Casey
Mark (Love Actually)
Misc Celebrities & Characters:
Josh Dun  🙋‍♀️
Tyler Joseph
Zendaya  🙋‍♀️
Alycia Debnam-Carey
Matty Healy
Joseph Gordon-Levitt  🙋‍♀️
Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter)
Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds)
Thomas Brodie-Sangster
Bradley Cooper
Dave Franco
Paul Rudd
Anna Kendrick  🙋‍♀️
Amandla Stenberg
Nick Robinson
Maddy Whittier (Everything, Everything)
Olly Bright  (Everything, Everything)
Miles Teller
Ethan Dolan
Grayson Dolan  🙋‍♀️
Bellamy Blake (The 100)  🙋‍♀️
Elliot Alderson (Mr Robot)
Cassandra Thomas (Promising Young Woman)
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necromancer-mango · 4 years
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[image description: four digital drawings done in warm orange tones, depict every player that has ever been on the Chicago Firefighters. The first image is everyone lined up from tallest on the left, to shortest on the right in one image. The rest of the drawings are the same image as the first, but split into smaller groups. The lineup is from left to right; Axel Trololol, Jose Haley, Justice Spoon, Isaac Johnson, Goobie Ballson, Rivers Rosa, Lou Roseheart, Peanut Holloway, Declan Suzanne, Thomas Kirby, Joshua Butt, Peanutiel Duffy, Mullen Peterson, Kennedy Rodgers, Joshua Watson, Paula Mason, Tyreek Olive, Atlas Guerra, Caleb Alvarado, Wesley Poole, Edric Tosser, Swamuel Mora, Baby Triumphant, and Socks Maybe./ end image description]
Been working on this for awhile and its done! This is just generally how tall some of the firefighters in the Lake Michigan Lore Camp imagine each of the players to be.
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soulstaes · 8 years
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the cutest human being alive
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tawneybel · 5 years
April 2019 Reader-Insert Smut Imagines
Note: All of these can be read on Wattpad.  
1. Willliam from Snow White and the Huntsman 
2. Ash Williams from The Evil Dead 
3. Venom and Eddie Brock from Venom 
4. Lily from SiREN 
5. Jake Fitzgerald and Stavo Acosta from Scream 
6. Peter Graham from Hereditary 
7. Isaac Lahey and Ethan Steiner from Teen Wolf 
8. Void Stiles from Teen Wolf 
9. Corey Bryant from Teen Wolf 
10. Corey Bryant from Teen Wolf 
11. Nick from Drug Deals (Crypt TV) 
12. Lily from SiREN 
13. Freddy Krueger and Quentin Smith from A Nightmare on Elm Street 
14. Freddy Krueger and Jesse Walsh from A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge 
15. Freddy Krueger and Dan Jordan on A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master 
16. Caleb Sweetzer from The Last Exorcism 
17. Jake Fitzgerald from Scream 
18. Frank Anderson from Donnie Darko 
19. Scott McCall from Teen Wolf 
20. Brett Talbot from Teen Wolf 
21. Theo Raeken from Teen Wolf
22. Quentin Smith from A Nightmare on Elm Street 
23. Nolan Holloway from Teen Wolf 
24. the Creeper from Jeepers Creepers 2 
25. Michael Emerson from The Lost Boys 
26. Top 10 Sexiest Characters, Part 8
27. Noah Foster from Scream 
28. Sam Carter from The Thing 
29. Freddy Krueger from A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master 
30. Kyle Spencer from American Horror Story: Coven
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norothythefilmmaker · 7 years
DOB’s roles headcanons
Okay, the thing is that I don’t usually do this. I’m against RPF’s (real person fiction) in any way (imagines, fanfictions, headcanons etc.) because:
 - I would feel weird if someone wrote an FF where I’m an object of someone’s sexual fantasies or anything humiliating me in any possible way;
 - I’m just too old for this; (whoamikidding)
so call me a hypocrite but all of those new interviews just made me think of something. Dylan, as an actor, sees his roles as they were real people. That’s what any good actor would do imho. He always says how much he loves Stiles or now he stated that he feels connected to Mitch but he’s gonna miss Stiles and Thomas.
That’s just an effect of my odd imagination but somehow I got to think that when an actor (in this case it’s Dylan) brings the life into character they play, said role gets a room in their mind. The characters live in the actor’s mind and stay with them forever since the day they were fully built up. Starting from then, they experience every part of the actor’s life, some may support him, some may be not, but every role knows that they wouldn’t exist if their portrayer never agreed to play them, so they respect them.
This is going to be a long one, so feel free to press the ‘read more’ button.
So, here we have Dyl’s mind and few of his important roles. In the headcanons written down below, I’m not including:
 -  his first roles like Jimmy or Trevor because I don’t think Jimmy’s build-up was good enough since he just stepped into acting, and I haven’t watched ‘Sweety’ so I can’t say anything about Trevor;
 - his short TV appearances roles like The Guy from ‘New Girl’ or Peter for obvious reasons;
 - his role as Caleb Holloway because Caleb is an actual person;
 - and Stuart because I couldn’t come up with anything good, help.
Anyway, here we go!
is a little younger than Dylan’s first roles but he feels responsible for them and the new roles as well;
calls himself a ‘big bro’;
is aware that he’s just a character on the show;
is the only role that has been with Dylan for so long, and he absolutely loved the experience because every time Dyl was on set, Stiles could meet up with his friends;
is really upset that TW is over but knew that it was going to happen anyway;
so he’s happy for Dylan because he really loves him and treats him like a brother;
has the best contact with Thomas out of all the roles because he reminds him of Scott;
his relationship with Mitch is similar to the one he had with Derek;
just, like Stiles, he’s aware that he’s fictional;
is really thankful to Dylan because thanks to him he met Audrey;
is really happy when Dylan is with Britt;
doesn’t want them to break up;
basically a Brylan ‘get-married-make-babies’ shipper;
freaks out when he appears in Dylan’s mind for the first time (not very surprising)
had no idea that he’s fictional until Stiles told him
that was basically a very Toy Story-like moment (YOUUUU AREEE FIC-TIO-NAAAAL!!!)
was pretty confused when he found out but evetually took it easy and got over it because it meant that WCKD never existed;
at first, Stiles felt about him the same way as Woody about Buzz but eventually they got along;
lets Stiles call him ‘Tommy’ because that reminds him of Newt;
was worried sick about Dylan when the you-know-what happened and felt guilty about this;
is unbelievably proud of Dylan and wishes him all the best;
is unbelievably thankful to Mitch for helping Dylan cope with you-know-what and asks him to take care of him;
Void: uh… Let’s just say that he hates when Dylan is in a good mood.
feels connected to Dylan like Dylan feels connected to him;
first thing he does after coming out of his room is pointing a gun at Stiles & Thomas who came to see if he’s ready to work with Dylan;
‘whoa, man, put it down, I don’t wanna get hurt’;
is not taking any orders from Stiles since he finds him annoying and bossy;
is willing to take orders from Thomas since he finds him less annoying and less bossy but only when he feels like it;
is willing to take any order from Dylan since he sees him as his major superior who he wouldn’t exist without;
wonders why Hurley looks like Michael Keaton and he hates it because he likes Michael Keaton but hates Hurley so he’s confused;
‘FBI is better’
‘FBI is claustrophobic, CIA works in the wider area’
‘Shut your holes, dumb shanks, can we just enjoy the movie?’
‘Let me iiin, guuuys…’
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theyongtheory · 7 years
Being a Scholar at the World Scholar’s Cup
Hanging up my scholar’s coat and hat in Hanoi after finally emerging as champion has left me with severe WSC withdrawal symptoms. 
The World Scholar’s Cup has played a major role in my secondary school life, and thus, it is only right that I give it due credit. May the documenting of my scholar experience begin. 
My first global round was in Bangkok during 2012. Zac was still whipping his hair back and forth, Burch was as loud as ever, and Daniel was still coming up with self-written notes for everyone. Current Affairs was an actual subject then. Debate? The World Scholar’s Cup was where I STARTED debating. As a fetus in the program, guess how many medals I won at Globals? Zilch. My team didn’t even qualify for the Tournament of Champions at Yale, but the experience was priceless for Nicole, Caleb, and I.
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Yes, we were WSC fetuses.
That same year, I switched schools to Sri Kuala Lumpur where nobody had even heard about WSC. I remember wanting to join the competition again to the point that I attempted to form a club, but to no avail. Finally, in 2015, I had a team to go with - Ceri Holloway and Samantha Cheong. Together, we were the YongCheongWay. That year, our winnings exceeded our expectations, and we went to Yale! The experience we had there fuelled my childhood dream of getting a liberal arts education at a top US university. It broadened my horizons beyond a conventional classroom, opening up my eyes to endless possibilities. There, we made so many friends from across the globe, and those meetings have enriched me. 
Ceri wrote an article in the Star newspaper about our 2015 WSC season.
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The YongCheongWay at Yale
The following year, Ceri and I decided to join WSC again. Suen Lin became our third member as Samantha was busy. We went to Penang for regionals that year as our exams clashed with the KL Round. We were the SuenYongWay (shocking, I know). In Penang 2016, my team and I peaked at regionals. Never in a million years did we think that we would’ve been able to become the champion team. In the same way, I never thought that I would’ve ever become a champion scholar in any way. You see, we were pessimists going into the competition. Other teams had coaches, set trainings, and established school clubs, but all we had was each other. In our minds, it was an impossible feat. That regional round, the three of us gained confidence in ourselves that we would never have gotten otherwise. 
At Globals, we only managed to study a week in advance due to our mid-year exams, but the experience was still unforgettable. Although we weren’t able to make it to Yale despite qualifying, the entire season was a special one. 
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We were so committed to our team name that we spontaneously made team shirts in Bangkok. We also got somewhat matching pants. 
Finally, my fourth year as a scholar came about this year, in 2017. Unfortunately, Suen Lin was unable to join Ceri and I as she was busy. The hunt for a third team member ended once our new teammate Li-Lian said “yes”. Our new team name? The LIT Team. All three of us were Literature students. The preparation for WSC was as crazy as ever, and the three of us were only able to meet once before the KL Regional Round, making everything crazier. After a successful round where we managed to defend our titles, we each went our separate ways again. 
With Ceri self-studying Spanish, helping out at her parents’ English tuition centre, Modern English Puchong, and preparing for the CPE (which she got an A for, folks), she was one busy woman. Then there was Li-Lian, the “mayor of Subang”, as Ceri and I like to call her. She founded a Leo Club all by herself, running it as the President. She also had 5 A-Level subjects to study for. I, on the other hand, was busy helping my dad out at his office, learning how to drive, and volunteering in various outreach programs including a trip to Chennai, India, and running programs in various high schools back in Malaysia. To put it liberally, we were each swamped with life, and we only managed to meet up once before the Hanoi Global Round. We were certainly an unlikely team, staying true to this year’s theme: “An Unlikely World”.
Self-studying the entire syllabus with my team was certainly a challenge, but we had so much fun with it. I can’t begin to tell you how much laughter we had when shouting random facts at each other and quizzing each other relentlessly. Of course, we DID veer off topic A LOT. For instance, we found out that Walter Rothschild had a zebra carriage. (Because who needs horses when you can have zebras, right?)
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Then there were the psychedelic works that we had to study. As Huang Yong Ping said, “Artworks are for the artist what opium is to men.” I’m sure you can imagine how amused we were when we saw this:
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As we studied for WSC this year and came up with Kahoot! quizzes for each other, we gained the skill of collaboration - something the World Scholar’s Cup has drilled into each of its scholars. We also rapped the song Alexander Hamilton countless times by memory. 
This year was our peak year. Individually, it was my peak year without a doubt. As a scholar, I always looked up to individuals like Chauncey Lo and Dylan Kroft, the champion scholars of 2015 and 2016 respectively. In my opinion, they were the untouchables. Becoming the champion scholar at a global round with more than 3000 participants was impossible in my mind. There were too many obstacles. There were people who were more capable, more trained, more prepared. There were so many delegations that had established strong legacies throughout the years. So when it came down to receiving the title, I was shocked, to say the least. The past 4 WSC seasons culminated into a single moment, and now I’m a changed person forever. The World Scholar’s Cup has taught me to believe in myself. It has taught me to be more confident even when facing intimidating opponents. It’s truly such an honor to be a part of such a great community.
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The LIT Team at the Hanoi Global Round 2017.
The World Scholar’s Cup has stretched me in so many ways, and I wouldn’t have it otherwise. It’s more than an event; it’s a journey, a community, and a magical experience. Yes, it has made me more conscious about the world around me. Yes, it has taught me a lot about my own capabilities and limits. Beyond all that, however, my teammates and I have forged friendships in a community built upon acceptance and tolerance. 
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Throughout the years, I have learnt so much about various cultures, from the lingering effects of the caste system in India to the weight of Norwegian traditional costumes. The World Scholar’s Cup has enabled me to touch sand from the Maldives, dance with scholars from Kyrgyzstan, watch an African ambassador eat Vegemite chocolate from Australia, practice my calligraphy skills with mainland Chinese, and watch a live alpaca spit on someone in annoyance. I have learnt the value behind the word “possibility”. I have also learnt that collaboration is crucial in life. Collaborative learning with my teammates over the years has taught me that.
These are experiences that money will never buy, and for that, I am eternally grateful for the World Scholar’s Cup. Although retirement (as a scholar) calls my name, I’ll always be glad to help WSC in any way I can for as long as they will have me.
Thank you to each and every single person who has journeyed with me throughout this huge chunk of my life. 
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bhadpodcast · 8 years
really not trying to rile any feathers, but would Colton invite Dylan to his wedding?// Dyl is so private we don't know anything about his friendships unless others let it slip. We didn't know about the Hobrien baseball dates until Hoechlin told us, film night with Jacob Lofland, hanging with Will Poulter, keeping in touch with Caleb Holloway until Caleb mentioned it in an interivew etc. I think Dyl & Coco are friends but even though Coco loves his sm he repects that Dyl is a private guy.
Yup, same. I imagine he surrounds himself with people who respect him.
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irresistibledylan · 8 years
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5. “You’re the most beautiful human being on earth no matter what and I am in love with you.” 
15. “Don’t do that again. Like never again.”
A/N: i hope no one gets mad about this, i really respect the whole deepwater horizon crew etc, this is just a fanfic based on the movie (and dylan lol)
You were almost running out of your cabin, you had to be in the kitchen in 5 minutes. You checked your pockets that you had your keys to the kitchen and the next thing you know, you walked into someone and fell on the floor.
“I’m so so sorry, I didn’t watch my steps and I’m in hurry”, you apologized. “Oh, hi Caleb”, you said after you noticed who you ran into.
“Hi (Y/N), are you late for something or are you trying to knock people down running down the hall?” Caleb laughed and helped you up.
“No, I mean not yet, I got about five minutes to be in the kitchen. Someone’s gotta do the food here”, you told him smiling. “But hey, see you at the lunch?” you asked.
“Yeah, I wouldn’t miss your cookings”, he said and brushed your arm as he walked past you back to his work, as a floorhand. Huge smile took over your face and you stared his back once and left.
“Where were you? Flirting with Caleb?” Sarah, your co-worker asked as you walked in.
“What? No. Why are you asking something like that?” you tried to cover your cheeks. You hated how easily you blushed.
“Hey, everyone sees it. At least everyone sees how big you both are smiling after you’ve talked to each other”, she laughed. You muttered ‘it’s not like that’ and started to do lunch.
First ones started to come for the lunch, including mr Jimmy and Mike.
“Hi mr. Jimmy, nice to see you again. Long time no see”, you smiled.
“How’s your day going?” he asked taking food.
“Good, thanks for asking.” you thanked. “Hello Mike, how’s your wife and daughter doing?” you asked as he walked past you.
“They’re good, thanks (Y/N). How are you? Things going good with Caleb?” he smirked waiting for your answer. He was like a big brother to you.
“There isn’t anything between us”, you hissed. Mike laughed and you rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, right, like he’s always so happy.”
“They talked before (Y/N) came to work, you should’ve seen her face! Completely red and she was acting like a teenager”, Sarah said laughed behind you. You throwed your dishcloth at her.
“Can I go to eat now? I’m starving”, you complained.
“Yeah, sure. Take your time!” Sarah told you.
Someone nudged your shoulder after sitting alone for a while. You turned your head and smile appeared on your face, once again. It was Caleb.
“Can I sit with you?” he asked.
“Of course”, you answered and noticed his dirty clothes. “We saw about three hours ago and you already look like that. Dude, you need someone to take care of you”, you laughed as he started to wipe oil and mud out of his face.
“Well, what about you? You have flour all over your face”, he said back to you. You wiped your cheek assuming it was there. After watching you struggle for a little while, he shooked his head laughing.
“Let me help you”, he said and stretched his hand and wiped your cheek carefully with a clean napkin. You stared shyly at his eyes and he at yours, but moment was ruined when Mike walked past you two and he patted Caleb’s back saying: “Classic move, bro.” You saw that Caleb’s cheeks got that deep pink shade on them. You saw Sarah waving at you, so you looked up to Caleb and said:
“I gotta go back now, but thanks for the company. I really appreciate that.”
“Hey, listen. Since we both get to go home after this ends, do you have anything planned? I was thinking that maybe we can eat together someday or go to movies”, he suggested.
“Yeah, I’d love to go”, you smiled shyly and felt like a teenager, just like Sarah said. You stood up and went back to kitchen. You saw Sarah staring at you and she were almost giggling.
“I’m so happy for you, I think I’m gonna cry!”
“Don’t you dare to start crying now, we have to make dinner”, you told her but laughed a little.
Sarah were telling you stories about her childhood and both of you were laughing so hard that you couldn’t stand straight. She was about to say something but the alarmsound interrupted her and your laugh stopped immediately. Sarah grabbed the radio.
“Sarah from the kitchen, can someone explain what’s happening?” No one answered, so she tried again. And again. Finally Andrea answered.
“It’s Andrea, come up right now. Go to the lifeboats, now.”
Cold shivers went down your spine and you looked to Sarah’s eyes. You didn’t even got to take a step, when you heard a loud bang and then you saw pieces of walls and pipes coming towards you. Everything went black.
Caleb’s POV:
I carried other floorhanders to the lifesaving boats, I looked inside trying to see if (Y/N) was already there.
“Hey! Have you seen two girls? One of them about same age as me, other about 10 years older? Are they safe already?” I yelled to the paramedic. He asked the same question via the radio.
“No, sorry dude”, he said.
I began to felt anxious and scared. I ran downstairs.
“Caleb! Where the hell are you going?” I heard shouts. Mike grabbed my arm stopping me.
“You can’t go there!” he yelled pulling me with him. I teared my arm out of his grip.
“I have to save her! I don’t fucking care if I die, I love her, okay?!” I yelled.
“Fine. I’ll come with you, you can’t get them both up.”
We started to run towards the kitchen, hearing Sarah shouting for help already. I didn’t hear (Y/N)’s voice, and that make me more worried than I was already. We entered the dining room, where all tables had moved, some of them were even on fire. Sarah waved from the kitchen, large cut in her arm. We pushed all the junk out of our way.
And there she was, the girl I’ve known for couple of months. I couldn’t believe that I had fallen in love so quickly. I kneeled next to her and tried to wake her up.
“I couldn’t leave her alone here, I couldn’t get that box up, it’s too heavy”, Sarah cried. There was some metallic box on top of her leg, so me and Mike lifted it up and looked for their injuries. Sarah got lots of deep cuts, so did (Y/N), and her crushed leg bleeded badly. It was probably broken.
“(Y/N), wake up. It’s me, wake up now, we’ll get you out of there. Squeeze my hand if you hear me”, I told her and tried to stay as calm as possible. I felt a small squeeze.
“Guys, she’s still alive. I’ll carry her, let’s go”, I ordered. I’d do anything to save her. We ran up, tried not to get hitted by the hanging pipes.
“Caleb?” I heard a whisper. I looked down to (Y/N) and saw her watching me slightly terrified.
“We’re gonna be okay, I promise. Don’t close your eyes and hold tight, okay?” I tried to comfort her.
“Why do you like me? You could get so much prettier girls, you know”, she said holding a little bit tighter.
“That’s the problem, I don’t want anyone else than you.”
We got to the lifeboats and I landed (Y/N) carefully waiting for her turn to get in.
“Hey, take care of her? Her leg is broken and they both have deep cuts”, I said to the paramedic. He nodded.
“Wait, aren’t you coming with me?” (Y/N) asked me helding my hand tightly.
“No, I have to help the others. I’ll come soon, don’t worry.” Worry and horror shined in her tired eyes.
“Next!” the paramedic shouted and the line moved.
“Please, don’t die. I mean it, I don’t think that I could make it without you”, (Y/N) said to me looking staright into my eyes.
“I wont”, I said and the paramedic helped me to get her in the lifeboats. I turned away, but changed my mind.
“(Y/N), you’re the most beautiful human being on earth no matter what, and I am in love with you”, I said to her and kissed her passionately. Then I went after Mike helping the others.
Third person’s POV:
It was like a dream and a nightmare at the same time. Caleb told you that he loves you, and kissed you. Then he left and honestly, you didn’t know if he was gonna stay alive. And that was scaring you.
You felt pain all over your body and it was harder and harder to keep eyes open. You knew that you had to fight, and you were thinking about your future; moments you will get with Caleb and with your family. Who knows, maybe someday you and Caleb will have your own family?
Sarah grabbed your hand and said to you: “You’re gonna be okay.”
Paramedics helped you to the rescuing ship where were most of the crew. Someone came with a walking stick and first-aid kit, giving you lots of painkillers, starting to clean your wounds and taking care of your leg.
Soon you were up and you could take few steps with the stick. You stood near the edge, waiting for the boats to bring rest of the people. Sarah came next to you and side-hugged you.
“He’s gonna be alive, I know it”, soon the boat came, but he wasn’t there. You buried your face in to Sarah’s blanket and tears started to fall down.
“Sweetie, don’t lose hope. They’re still rescuing”, Sarah whispered and cried too. She gently rubbed your arm.
Minutes passed away. It was 45 minutes since you got up on the ship, and you were losing hope. You were tired and painkillers didn’t take so much pain away that you hoped.
“C'mon, let’s go down. It’s starting to get cold”, you told Sarah quietly. You started to walk away from the edge, when Sarah stopped you.
“Can we just go now?” you asked but she turned you. You tried to see what she was staring and soon your eyes landed on dark haired boy with scars on his face. He saw you and almost ran into you taking you in to his arms, where you felt safe. Happy tears started to roll down your cheeks and you cried into his chest.
“Are you stupid or what? You told me that you love me and then you go to save people to a place where you’re probably gonna get killed. Don’t do that again. Like never again ”, you cried.
“We’re both alive,” he whispered and kissed your head.
“I love you,” you said those three magical words for the first time, and you meant it.
Caleb cupped your cheeks in his hands and kissed you.
“I love you too.”
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huntersanonymous · 7 years
Boy Meets Girl
Author: sumcp
Chapter one: The concussion 
Characters: Dylan O'Brien x Reader
Word Count: 2798
Warnings: occasional swearing, and terrible sentence structure/grammar ( I am working on it)
Notes: Y/N - your name.. Y/n/n- your nick name.
This is based off the Disney Channel Movie Starstruck with a twist. I do not own the rights to the movie.
Next Chapter 
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"Y/N…" Annabeth whined, fidgeting on the couch trying to see around you to continue watching the youtube video playing on the xbox. 
"Oh I'm sorry, A.B. am I blocking your way from what's his name?" You smirked, turning your head back around to glance at the video. It was of her celebrity crush doing an interview to promote some new movie of his. There was no denying he was pretty. Tall build, and a scruffy face that he couldn't stop touching whenever he spoke. You noticed the person sitting next to him in the interview, he looked oddly familiar with his dirty blonde hair styled to look like he just rolled out of bed. 
"Hey who’s the guy next to him?" You asked, trying to put a name to his face.
"Do you live under a rock? We are going to have to get you out of the apartment soon before you become a hermit." Your roommate grumbled, "Seriously Y/N, move it or loose it." You finally gave in and moved from her line of sight and joined her on the couch. You plopped down, which earned you a playful glare. You were fixing to put your headphones in, since you didn't care about feeding into her obsession when she tore her gaze away from the TV.
"And to answer your question, that’s Taylor Kitsch. Remember he was the sexy one on Friday Night Lights?" 
"Oh yeah, I knew I recognized him."
"I'm surprised you recognized him at all, do you even know what year it is?" You glared at your best friend, putting in one earbud, but before you could get the other one in she continued talking, "Come on, when is the last time you came out with me and Lex? Oh… I'll tell you, too damn long. You have got to start living your life again Y/n/n, Its been 6 months." 
You stiffened at her comment, thinking she was about to say his name. The last thing you wanted to think of on your day off from the hospital was about your ex-fiancé. "It hasn't been that long since I went out.." You trailed off, playing with the hem of your over-sized Falcons sweatshirt. You knew it was the truth, but you tried to play it off anyway.
"Yes it has.. Come with us tonight! We are going to try to get into the premiere of American Assassins after party." She gushed, turning to you excitedly. "You don’t have an excuse either, you are off tomorrow too. Please, it will be fun. It will be like old times, just us girls."
"I don’t know A.B, I don’t feel like getting all dressed up to go to party we might not even get into. I don’t want to stand around all night just so you can get one look at Brien O'Dylan." You deadpanned, "Besides, how do you know I don’t already have plans? Hm?"
"First of all his name is DYLAN O'Brien. Second of all.. I know you. Your only plan was to order Chinese food and binge watch Friends. Then when you are tired of watching Friends, you will go to the freezer get the Chunky Monkey ice-cream and turn on Harry Potter." You just stared at her as she continued, "THEN you will start thinking about Ryan. 30 minutes into whichever movie you put on, you will turn it off, pull out your phone and stare at the text messages I know you still have saved… " She said the last part in a whisper. 
You had stopped fiddling with your sweatshirt and stared at your ring finger, the one that used to have the most gorgeous princess cut diamond engagement ring on it. You let out a small sigh, tears burning in the back of y/e/c eyes. "It still hurts.." 
"Y/n/n I know it does.. But please come out with us, the first step to moving on is getting yourself back out there." She nudged your shoulder lightly, offering a small smile. You returned it gratefully, trying to pull yourself together. You knew your best friend was right, you couldn’t let one guy keep you from living your life. You brushed the tears out of your eyes while standing up from the position you were in on the couch, and offered her your hand. Annabeth tilted her head and raised an eyebrow toward you, but accepted anyway letting you pull her up too.
"If I'm going to this stupid thing.. I'm going to need to borrow a dress." She squealed, pulling you into a hug. She released you quickly, grabbing your hand once again, dragging you up the stairs to what you were sure was the start to a very long night.  
You kept tugging at the bottom of Annabeth's black dress which was too short for your liking but she insisted you wear. Every time you went to pull the bottom down, it made your cleavage that more noticeable. We made our way across the street to the Chinese Theater where the premiere was being held, stumbling slightly in the heels that your other best friend Alexis demanded you wear “to show off your sexy ass legs that any guy would kill to have wrapped around them." Lex and Annabeth were walking ahead of you, talking excitedly about the after party we were trying to crash. Lex had come over earlier to help you with your hair. She knew that if it was up to you it would have been thrown on top of your head in a messy bun. You brushed the Y/h/c hair out of your eyes, and ran your hand through it slightly.
"Y/N if you touch your hair one more time I will physically hurt you. I know you're not used to having it down and actually fixed to not look like a hobo but seriously, you look smoking. And stop fidgeting with the dress, it’s the perfect ass-to-boob ratio." Lex smirked at you, as she looped her arm through Annabeths. You gave her your best death glare, which didn’t have any affect of her since it was followed by you stumbling. Again.
"I look ridiculous. I should just go home, they are going to laugh in our face's if we try to get in there." You whined, stopping in the long line of guest waiting to get in.
"Stop being such a worry wart, we will be fine. There is no way they will say no to letting us in, I mean have you looked at us." Annabeth laughed, gesturing up and down to her red dress that left nothing to the imagination.
"A.B's right, besides if we don’t get in here I heard Tyler Posey is throwing an after-after party at his house, we could totally sneak in. Less security." Lex stated, clearly having done her research.
"Which one is that again?" You asked, not remembering all the celebrities from the werewolf show they were obsessed with.
"Omg, you still haven't watched Teen Wolf yet? That's it, we're done." Lex joked, shifting ahead in the line slightly. "We seriously need to have a Teen Wolf marathon one night and force you to watch it."
"I just don't care about TV that much." You shrugged your shoulders, standing on your tippy toes to look out over the long line of people.
"That's a damn lie. You watch Friends like it will never come back on again." Annabeth nudged your shoulder playfully. 
"It's not my fault I have normal hobbies that don't include stalking celebrities." You fired back, which caused Annabeth to nudge you again. We stood in the line chatting about work, and other things; before long your feet were starting to hurt. We had been waiting for two hours, when you had enough.
 "Guys come on, obviously this line isn't going to end anytime soon.. And I've had to pee for like 45 minutes." You whined to your two best friends.
"But Y/N.. Come on, please. 30 more minutes, I checked Twitter and it said Dylan is still there and the line isn’t even that long anymore." Annabeth begged. She was giving you her best puppy dog face which caused Lex to join her, ganging up on you, as always.
"Fine. 30 more minutes, after that we are leaving. No buts." You said, sounding like your mother. You shook your head lightly as Annabeth said thank you, giving you a slight squeeze. "I'm going to go find a bathroom though, I'll be right back." You started walking back down the street. You turned into the alley way which was a shortcut to get to the bar on the back side of the road.  
You weren't paying attention to where you were going as you pulled out your phone. You checked the time and noticed it was almost 1 a.m, no wonder you were exhausted you thought to yourself. You opened your group text fixing to tell Lex and Annabeth you were just going to go home, when the side entrance door to the theater burst open knocking your phone out of your hand and sending you tumbling to the ground.
"Ow.." you groaned, trying to sit up while placing your hand on your head. Suddenly a gorgeous freckled man was hovering over you, his warm brown as widened as he looked you over, clearly panicking.  
"Oh my god, did I just hit you?" He asked, placing one of his hands on your arm trying to help you get steady.
"No the door hit me by itself.." You rolled your eyes, shrugging off his hand from your arm.
"This is not good." He exclaimed, running his hand through his already messy dark brown hair.
"For you or for me? Cause right now it feels a lot worse for me." You rolled your eyes at the handsome stranger again, bringing your hand to your head once more.
"This is really not good." He said again, looking up and down the alleyway like he was expecting someone.
"Wait, your Dylan O'B--" You were cut off before you could finish your sentence by this hand extremely large hand covering your mouth.
"I will give VIP ticket's to my next premiere if you don’t scream my name." He begged, looking directly into your eyes. You jerked his hand away from your mouth and glared up at him.  
"I don’t want to see your stupid movie." You huffed. Your head was throbbing, and you were starting to feel sick.
"Okay.. Yeah we definitely need to get you to a doctor." He said, running his hands down his face. He pulled out his phone and started typing a message to someone.
"I am a nurse asshat. YOU don't need to take me anywhere." Putting more emphasis on the word, making it clear you weren't going anywhere with him. He raised his eyebrows slightly, a smirk forming on his lips. He gave you a once over while taking a little to long staring at your bare legs, so you snapped at him, "My eyes are up here."
He coughed clearly embarrassed to have been caught staring. He leaned closer to you, and a breath caught in your throat. You could easily close the distance and kiss him, but you wouldn’t. His eyes left yours for a moment and traveled down to your lips, it looked like he was about to close the distance when the Alleyway  was filled with lights, and a car came pulling up. The moment was gone, and you realized why he was standing over you. He reached a little farther behind you and grabbed your phone, placing it gently in your hand. "Come on, let me help you up." He offered both his hands to you, which you smacked away.
"I don't need any help from you." You snapped again, rolling away from him so you could stand on your own. You managed to gain enough strength to push yourself up, but when you did you almost passed out from the blood rushing to your head. Dylan's hands were the only thing keeping you from tumbling to the ground again, and he had such a firm grip on your waist you were sure there would be bruises tomorrow. What bothered you the most wasn't the fact that he was holding you, it was the inappropriate thoughts that followed.  
"Easy princess.." He spoke softly, turning you toward him. He noticed a small amount of blood on your forehead, "Hey, you're bleeding.." He pouted as he brushed a stand of hair out of your eyes, and started leading you toward the car. You still felt sick, and lightheaded. Tyler came around from the drivers side, and looked at Dylan alarmed.
"Uh…bro, who’s this? What happened?"  He asked, looking between you and Dylan.
"Help now, questions later." Dylan stated. Tyler furrowed his brow but didn't ask for an explanation again.
"Oooookay… here just get in the car.." Tyler said making his way toward you. Dylan made sure Tyler had a grip on you before he let go to walk to the drivers side. Tyler guided you toward the passenger seat of what looked like a black mustang. He gently helped you sit down, your head was throbbing so much that you didn’t care anymore. All you wanted to do was go home. Once you were in the seat, Tyler started asking questions again. "Who is this?" 
"Seatbelt." Dylan said gesturing to Tyler to grab it and hand it to him, "What is your name?" He asked, taking the seatbelt from Tyler and making sure you were buckled in properly.
"Y/N."  You said, rolling your eyes for what felt like the millionth time since you met him.
"Well it's nice to meet you Y/N." Dylan smiled, trying to lighten the mood as he buckled up his seat belt.
"I could think of nicer ways.." You grumbled, which caused Dylan and Tyler to chuckle.
"Um.. I'm not feeling to hot."
"Woah do not throw up in my car, I just got her detailed." Tyler begged, looking down at you. You just glared at him, and layed your head back onto the seat. Every time you closed your eyes, you could see spots. You knew you might have a mild concussion, nothing some aspirin and an ice pack couldn’t fix. Tyler shut the car door but leaned down so he could still talk to us. Dylan reached into his pocket for the keys to his car, and handed them to Tyler.  
"I'll see you at the party in a bit, and bro.. Don't tell anyone about this." Dylan asked his best friend. Tyler just nodded, turning around to walk through the entrance Dylan came out of earlier. Dylan started the car, and pulled out of the alley. We sat in silence for a moment, you could tell Dylan wanted to say something but he just kept his eyes on the road.
"Where are you taking me?" You asked, tearing your gaze from the window.
"I told you, the hospital." 
"And I told you, I'm a nurse. Just take me home please.." Your voice barely above a whisper.
"But you're bleeding.." Dylan whined, sounding like a 3 year old when they don’t get their way.
"I won't be the only one either unless you take me home." You demanded this time with more force. He reluctantly agreed, plugging in the address you gave him into his phone. You turned your attention back toward the window as Dylan mumbled something under his breath you didn't catch. You were fixing to ask what he said when a ringtone went off. Dylan reached into his suit pocket and pulled out his phone to answer it.
"Hey bro what's up?" Dylan looked over at you, a playful smile on his face. You were admiring his moles when his eyes widened. "Shit.. Are you serious?" Dylan groaned, "Okay dude, yeah I'll be right there." This time your eyes widened as he made a quick u-turn at the next red-light.
"Where are you going?" You yelled.
"How do you feel about a party?" Dylan offered, a hopeful and pleading smile on his face.
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huntersanonymous · 7 years
Boy Meets Girl (Chapter 6)
Author: sumcp
Chapter Six: The Girlfriend
Characters: Dylan O'Brien x Reader
Word Count: 5645
Warnings: swearing, self doubt, bullying(?), Threatening, cheating, terrible sentence structure/grammar and mild violence that makes my heart happy.
Note: This is based off the Disney Channel Movie Starstruck with a twist. I do not own the rights to the movie. Also, if you’re a fan of Britt Robinson you probably won’t like this chapter… at all.
PS. There is a line in here from another personal favorite movie of mine, Let’s see if you spot it. Comments always welcome :)
Chapters: 5 -- 7
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Your alarm had gone off 30 minutes ago, but you just hit snooze and continued stared at the ceiling. It wasn’t like you needed the alarm, you hadn’t even been to sleep yet. Your alarm read 5:30 and you should be getting ready for work but you called the hospital faking sick so you could stay in the confines of your bedroom all day. You knew you should pull yourself together, but you didn’t have the strength. On top of everything that happened yesterday, Annabeth wasn’t talking to you and you honestly couldn’t blame her. She was mad about her car, but what made it was worse was her knowing you lied to her even though you desperately wanted to tell her the truth. You wanted to explain everything to her, and cry on her shoulder about Dylan but you couldn’t.
“What the hell has been going on Y/N? First you totally ditch us at the premier and now you fake going into work and wreck my car? This isn’t like you, please tell me what is going on.” Annabeth pleaded with you to talk to her, and for a split second you almost told her. Almost.
“Nothing’s going on, I told you I was trying to find a shortcut and got lost and before I knew it your car was in a sink hole! I called the tow immediately telling them where it was, and I’m paying for everything. I also ordered you a rent a car. I apologized A.B. I don’t understand why you can’t let it go.” You snapped at her but felt guilty the moment you saw her face.
“Why won’t I let it go? Because you’re my best friend. You have been my best friend for 6 years ever since our freshman year of college Y/N. I know when something’s going on, is it Ryan.. I saw his updated status on Facebook. I’m here for you..” She trailed off looking at you with so much sympathy and it just made you feel guiltier. 
“This isn’t about Ryan. I couldn’t care less.” You stated staring at your best friend. She crossed her arms over her chest and you could tell she was becoming angry.
“Then what is it about Y/N?” She was using her lawyer voice you have heard countless times over the past 6 years, and you couldn’t help but feel like you stepped into her court room.
“Nothing.” Liar.
“Okay.” She turned around quickly and stomped into her room. The slam of her door made you wince and you wondered if she was picturing your head in the door frame with how hard she slammed it. You didn’t move from your spot on the couch as you heard her rustling in her room. You were tempted to knock on her door but you didn’t know what to say so you didn’t move.
She came out moments later with a duffel bag and her car keys in her hand. You thought she was going to walk right past you but she decided to stop and break your heart even more than it already was, “when you stop lying and want to tell me the truth, give me a call, I’ll be at Lex’s.” You opened your mouth to say something, anything, to make her stay but nothing came out. She turned her back on you walking to the door. She opened it and looked to you over her shoulder and you were pleading with your eyes but she snapped her head around pulling the door behind her with so much force you swore the apartment shook. 
You didn’t want to think about your fight with Annabeth, or how she has ignored ever text you sent her since last night, which was plenty. You eventually drug yourself out of bed, stretching slightly but not bothering to look in the mirror. You knew your eyes were puffy from crying, and you could only imagine what your hair looked like in its messy bun. You grabbed your iPod off its charging dock and clicked the power button which surprisingly turned it on after it’s time spent in your ruined purse from yesterday. 
You walked into the kitchen setting the device on the bar, taking your time grabbing a bowl down from one of the taller cabinets and then the lucky charms from the top of the refrigerator. You were pouring the contents into the bowel when the sound of your iPod buzzed on the counter and you all but threw the cereal box down in an attempt to get it. You thought it was Annabeth finally texting you back, but deep down you wished it was Dylan. You were wrong on both accounts when you noticed it was just a notification from Facebook.
You clicked on the notification that read ‘New Friend Request’ wondering who could have added you when the name flashed on the screen and you immediately recognized it. You let the iPod slip from your grasp and hit the bar with a clang. In that moment you felt the universe had some sort of vendetta against you, that you had to have been a serial killer or world dictator in a past life to incur this much pain. Your heart was no longer broke, it was obliterated.
You picked up the iPod and stared at the open notifications for your friend requests.
Spencer Westen has added you as a new friend.
The name alone was like nails on a chalk board, you couldn’t help but cringe at it, but the picture next to her name was the real blow. It was a picture of Ryan down on one knee, in what looks like downtown LA, holding out a velvet ring box standing in front of her while she had happy tears in her eyes. You knew it was crass, you knew it wouldn’t make you feel better, and you knew it was immature but you did it anyway. You threw your iPod across the room straight into the wall of the living room. The iPod landed with a crash and you were sure it was a goner, but it the moment you didn’t care. Seeing that picture short circuited your brain causing you to replay the day you found out who she was.
“Hey baby, we need to talk..” Ryan knocked on your door, but you were busy getting ready for your date so you didn’t pay attention to him.
“I’m almost ready babe, just give me like 5 minutes?” You smiled at him, not noticing the guilty expression on his face. You bend over in your closet digging for your favorite pair of strappy black heels when he cleared his throat behind him. You turned to your fiance, and the look on his face made your heart race. You knew something was wrong and it was sending a million scenarios through your brain. “Is something wrong?” You bit your lip nervously, not wanting him to answer the question.
“Can we talk?” You nodded your head and sat on the end of the bed patting the spot next to you for him to join. He sat down and immediately grabbed your left hand, holding it gently in his hands. You didn’t know what was worse, him not talking or the fact that he wouldn’t make eye contact with you.
“Ry you’re scaring me..” You grabbed his chin with your free hand, turning it so he would have no choice but to look at you. “You know you can tell me anything.. What’s going on?” He grabbed your hand off his face kissing the back of it gently before taking it in his hand. You noticed every hair on your body standing on end, and goose bumps begin to form on your arms as you stared at him. His normally bright blue eyes were clouded over so much so they became a dull gray, and you felt the weight he was carrying from simply looking into them.
He looked away from you and down to his hand which was fiddling with your engagement ring on your finger. He took a deep breath like he was gathering up strength then he uttered four words. They were simple words, nothing about them were menacing just like the ocean or air, but when combined they had the power to leave destruction in their wake.
“I cheated on you.” You retracted your hand from his grip as soon as the words left his lips, and your mind was reeling, and you felt your heart drop to your stomach. You stood up from the bed and walked over to your desk bracing yourself against it.
“What’s her name?” You surprised yourself with the calmness in your voice. You didn’t want to look at him so you continued to stare at the books scattered on your desk as he spoke.
“It doesn’t matter Y/N. It was only once I swear, it was a moment of weakness I swear it meant nothing. Please baby listen to me,” you didn’t hear him get up from the bed but you felt him place his hand on your shoulder, “I love you Y/n/n, I want to marry you.” You shrugged his hand off your shoulder as you turned around to stare at him.
“What’s her name Ryan?” You demanded through clenched teeth.
“Y/N..” He whined reaching for you again but you stepped out of range. He realized he wasn’t going to get out of answering the question, and he ran his hands down his face out of frustration. “It was Spencer..”
“The new doctor at your practice?” You couldn’t belive this, of all the people it had to be her. She joined Ryan and his father’s practice 3 months ago since they decided to expand and needed a pediatric doctor. She was stunningly beautiful, and she was always nice to you when you went into his office.  
You met his gaze and saw the man in front of you clearly for the first time. Everyone said he wasn’t good enough for you, but you never believed them, thinking they were crazy. Ryan was 5 years older than you, and you met him at the hospital where he was doing his residency and you fell for him instantly. It was hard not to when you looked at him, he was 6'2 with a lean build and perfectly sculpted, with blonde hair that took longer to fix than your own. You felt honored he wanted to date you, let alone marry you. Ryan came from a wealthy family since his dad had his own private practice, and you always felt out of place but Ryan didn’t seem to care as he introduced you to his stuck up parents who looked down on you from where you came from. You were clouded by his name, and his words that you didn’t see him for what he really was.
“Why?” You looked into his eyes and watched him shift uncomfortably in place.
“Y/n/n you have to believe me, I would never do anything to hurt you. I love you so much. Please baby,” Ryan took a step forward and you stood in place. He took that as a sign and wrapped his arms around you kissing the top of your head as he whispered into your hair line, “please can we just work this out. I promise I will never let it happen again.” You stayed in his embrace for a moment thinking about his apology in your head. You breathed in his cologne which always smelled like sandalwood, but instead of it being comforting it churned your stomach. You were never this girl, the one who depended on a man, and here you were thinking about taking him back.
You knew what you had to do, and as much as it broke you, you did it. You pulled yourself out of Ryan’s embrace and walked over to the door. You looked down at your ring finger admiring the sparkling rock on your hand, and slowly slipped it off. Ryan didn’t take his eyes off you the whole time, and you noticed his voice cracking as he spoke.
“Please Y/N, I love you. She meant nothing. It was–It was the dumbest thing I have ever done in my life. You have to believe me, I want you. I only want you.” He came to stand in front of you, tears forming in the back of his eyes, but you no longer cared. In that moment you forged a steel wall on around your heart, and grabbed his hand placing the engagement ring in his open palm and closed his fist.
“You knew what you were doing and you knew that it would break me and you didn’t let that stop you.”
“Baby pl–”
“Please leave.” You opened the door wider for him, but he didn’t budge.
“I’m not going anywhere.. We can work this out. I know we can.”
“You didn’t just cheat on me Ryan, you cheated on us. On our future..” you shook your head, letting a small sigh escape your lips, “we’re done now Please Leave.” You didn’t want to fight with him, all you wanted was to be left alone and with one last pleading look he granted your wish. He walked through your bedroom door and you shut it behind him collapsing against it. You could no longer hold yourself up as you slid down the door to the floor as the tears you had been holding back came flooding out.
You didn’t bother picking up the iPod, knowing no one would be getting in touch with you anyway.  You didn’t finish pouring the bowel of cereal since your stomach was still churning from the resent news. You made your way to the couch and plopped down grabbing the xbox remote from the coffee table, and started scrolling through Netflix. The house was eerily quiet and that just made you feel lonelier. You couldn’t find anything on Netflix so you switched to Amazon video when one thing caught your eye: Teen Wolf. You knew you shouldn’t click on it but you found your hands were working on their own agenda as they pressed the title. You grabbed a blanket as the start of the show came on and noticed Tyler on the screen.
“Look how young he is.” You muttered to yourself, but you remembered he was like 16 when the show started and the man you met yesterday was 25 now. You watched as he walked outside of his house with a baseball bat when someone came tumbling down from the roof which caused you to jump and the two boys on the TV scream.
“Stiles what the hell are you doing?” Tyler yelled at the boy whose face you saw clearly now.
“You weren’t answering your phone.” You paused the show staring at young Dylan as he was hanging from Scott’s characters house. Your heart broke all over again seeing his face but you couldn’t stop staring. Seeing him now, even if it was just on the TV brought you back to yesterday.
You felt the tears burn your eyes as you walked away from Dylan on the beach. You honestly felt like he had changed, that the moment you shared by the pond, and everything he said about you was true. You knew you had been kidding yourself, there was no way that a girl like you could ever be with someone like him. He could claim he was trying to protect you, but at the end of the day, it came down to one simple fact: you were a nobody.
You finally stumbled back to the spot where you, Annabeth, and Lex set up camp but they were nowhere to be found. You tried to fight back the tears as you made your way to the phone booth. You just opened the door when you heard screaming coming from the beach, but when you turned around you were met with Dylan being surrounded by a bunch of girls and some boys wanting autographs. He smiled his dazzling smile while posing for some pictures as if nothing had happened 5 minutes ago, and that was all the confirmation you needed.
You dug through your purse to find loose change, but stopped yourself turning around to look at Dylan one more time but seeing him smiling while your heart was breaking caused the tears burning in your eyes to cascade down your cheeks. You let yourself have this moment, the same way with Ryan. You pulled yourself together and put the loose change in the slot calling a car to come and take you away from the craziness of Dylan O'Brien and back to reality. You waited till you saw the cab pull up, which didn’t take long, and made your way out of the phone booth. You caught the paparazzi hiding in the bushes as he took Dylan’s picture but you didn’t care, it wasn’t your problem, but what you didn’t know was he wasn’t just taking Dylan’s photo’s, but yours too.
You continued staring at the paused picture on the TV, not wanting to take your eyes off Dylan. He looked like a baby compared to the handsome man he is now, but still unbelievably cute. Dylan had a buzzcut in the episode and you couldn’t help but wonder what he would look like with one now, but quickly dismissed the thought because his shaggy brown hair was enough to send electric shocks to your heart. You told yourself you should stop watching knowing it was only going to cause you more pain, but then again you were never good at doing what you were told. You snuggled under the warm blanket and pressed play, preparing to relive your heartache over and over again ever time you saw him pop up on the screen.
Dylan was a wreck, an emotional and unstable wreck. He crashed at Tyler’s the night before not wanting to come home to an empty apartment. Tyler welcomed him with open arms, and cold beer promising not to talk about her if he didn’t want to. He didn’t want to talk about her, he wanted to talk to her. He wanted to hear her angelic voice, he ached to hear her laugh or her sassy remarks.
He woke up after noon not even bothering to check his phone, which had been off the moment he left the beach yesterday. He knew as soon as he turned it on it would be a fight, and his hangover couldn’t deal with Brittany right now. He made his way downstairs for some coffee, his feet carrying him to the kitchen when he stoped by the kitchen table which had his laptop still up from yesterday. He clicked the mouse pad and was met with Y/N’s smiling face wearing those stupid cat glasses only she could make look good. He watched the pictures change, all of them from yesterday, including the one on his phone where she was wrapped in his arms. He missed Tyler coming up to him setting a cup of coffee on the table for him.
“Bro.. You okay?” Tyler put a comforting hand on his shoulder, squeezing it gently.
“Yeah,” he sighed rubbing a hand down his face, “yeah I just can’t get her out of my mind.”
“Me either, she almost threw up in my car.” Tyler joked trying to lighten the mood which made him chuckle remember when he first met her.
“She’s real yano? She’s annoyingly honest.. She is super smart. Did I tell you she graduated from Stanford?” Dylan asked, admiration for her coating every word as he spoke to his best friend.
“Damn, that’s impressive.”
“I know, I said the same thing. She’s cool, she’s funny.. When she’s not being a pain in my ass, and her sarcasm out does mine by a long shot.”
“That’s saying something.” Tyler mumbled under his breath as he took a sip of his coffee, but Dylan heard him and gave him a playful glare.
“And not to mention the fact that she’s absolutely gorgeous.” Tyler hummed, agreeing with him. Neither of them heard the front door of the house being open, or someone behind them until they heard a throat being cleared.
“Hello boys,” Tyler immediately shut the laptop to hide the pictures, “talking about me?” Britt’s voice rang through the living room and both of them turned around. Tyler clapped him on the shoulder muttering a quick good luck before he bailed to go anywhere in the house that didn’t have them in.
“Look Britt.. I don’t want to fight right now.. please.” Dylan begged rubbing his temples to prevent the headache he knew was coming on.
“Neither do I, just answer me this, is she an actress, is she more famous than me?” Dylan scoffed at her bitterness, he made his way to the couch and she followed behind him.
“No,” he sighed as he sat down on the couch, “she’s not an actress, she’s not famous at all.”
“Okay,” Britt furrowed her brow at him crossing her arms over her chest, “then I really don’t understand why you would pick her.” Her phone started ringing and she pulled in out of her pocket as Dylan narrowed his eyes at her.
“I didn’t pick her.. It just kind of happened.”
She laughed at him shaking her head lightly, “that kind of stuff only happens in the movies.” Dylan was growing more angry with his girlfriend by the second. He didn’t want to talk about Y/N, especially not with her. “This is the real world.” She looked down at her phone, squinting slightly to read whatever was sent to her. Dylan wanted nothing more than to go back to bed and get away from her so he could go back to pining over Y/N. Britt squealed which caused him to practically fall out of his seat on the couch.
“What the hell Britt?” Dylan huffed standing up so he could see what she was so excited about. Tyler ran into the room after hearing her scream and looked at the pair with confusion.
“I just landed a lead role on the CW series! Omg!” She squealed again, and Dylan’s blood ran cold.
“The CW?” He clinched his fists so hard his knuckles were turning white. He heard Tyler mutter an ‘oh shit’ before turning around as fast as he could to avoid the fight that was fixing to happen.
“Yes! I’ll be playing Sabrina the teenage witch. They are doing a remake of it! I can’t believe this it’s going to be so much fun.” She smiled up looking up from her phone but then frowned at him. “What’s your problem, why are you not happy for me?” She put her hands on her hip, glaring at him.
“Oh I don’t know… Is that the show that’s suppose to cross-over with Riverdale?“ 
"Maybe..” She trailed off twirling a piece of blonde hair around her finger looking anywhere but at him. If he was pissed earlier, he was livid now. He knew about her and KJ, even though she never openly admitted, he knew. He had heard countless rumors, although they came from very reliable sources. He stuck with her every time because he was hoping that somewhere deep down the girl he fell in love with 5 years ago was still there but she wasn’t. As soon as the rumor’s spread about her and him he knew that their relationship was never going to work, but he was always so terrified of what the split could do to his career.
He thought back to what Y/N said about keeping their imagine intact, and she was right. The same reason he hasn’t broken up with her is because he was afraid of what it might do. He has seen countless celebrities break up, and everyone takes one side. He rubbed the back of his neck of frustration, and looked Britt in the eye.
“Do you still love me?” Meeting Y/N has made him more bold now that it ever has been.
“Why would you ask me that? Is it because of her?” She gestured to the laptop containing all of their pictures.
“No I’m asking because I want to know. I want to know why you would accept a TV role which could jeopardize our relationship.” Britt crossed her arms over her chest defensively.
“You’re one to talk. Are you willing to throw our relationship down the drain for some nobody?”
“Yes.” Dylan answered without hesitation, and it surprised her just as much as it did him. She laughed so hard she was bent over, holding her chest. She rubbed her eyes, collecting the tears that began to form in them when she noticed he wasn’t laughing.
“Oh my god.. You’re serious.” She narrowed her eyes at him, and he began to panic.
“Yeah I am.. You have no regard for our relationship obviously, so why should I? Maybe we should just end this here.” Dylan couldn’t stop the words from leaving his lips, and she laughed again.
“So what? Are you breaking up with me?” Dylan thought long and hard about his answer, but in the end there was only one word
“Yes.” A small smirk formed on her lips as soon as that word left his. He felt free the moment he spoke but it was short lived  when she closed the distance between them and smiled sweetly up to him.
“Yano what Dyl, fortunately for you I’m gonna ignore this mental breakdown of yours, just chill out, I have an errand to run, and we can grab dinner tonight.” She leaned up and kissed him hard on the mouth but he didn’t return it. As soon as her lips touched his it felt wrong, foreign even. Her lips left his as quickly as they came and she turned around without another word and walked through the front door.
You just finished season 2 of Teen Wolf and you were hooked. You hadn’t stirred from under your blanket on the couch, unless it was for a bathroom break. You rewinded the TV to the part where Stiles was watching Lydia run to Jackson, with tears in his eyes. As painful as it was to see him on the TV, it was even worse to see him with tears in his eyes. You knew that it was all acting, but he was so believable. You might have been head over heels for Dylan but you wanted Stile’s and Lydia to be happy forever. If you couldn’t have your happily ever after, at least your favorite fictional characters should.
You were about to press play on season 3 when there was a knock on the door. You thought maybe AnnaBeth forgot her key at Lex’s and you ran to the door opening it in a rush. You froze as you stared at the girl in front of you, who was the last person on earth you thought would be at your door, with your mouth wide open.
“You’re Y/N right?” Britt Robinson smiled at you and walked into your apartment not waiting to be invited. You stared at her as she made her way into the living room and quickly closed the door behind her. You took a moment to look at the gorgeous girl in front of you. She had long blonde hair which was styled in perfect curls, and a pair of jeans with knee high boots and a tight black tank top on. You gazed from her appearance to yours and felt self-conscious. You were wearing poop emoji pink plush pajama bottoms with a Stanford T-shirt. You brought your hand to your hair to adjust your messy bun, and fix any stray hairs. “Cute apartment.” She smiled again, but you heard the mocking tone that coated her words.
“Um.. No offense but what are you doing here.. In my apartment?” The words came out more harsh than you ment, and the smile didn’t disappear from her lips, if possible it got wider. You saw the hint of destruction in her eyes, and you were starting to panic.
“Oh no reason,” she trailed off picking up a picture frame of you and Annabeth staring at it, “I just wanted to meet the girl that has my boyfriend so blinded he can’t think straight.” She shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You crossed your arms over your chest as you locked eyes with her. She let the picture she was holding fall to the ground and the echo of glass shattering echoed through the room.
“Oops.” A smirk replaced her smile as you gritted your teeth. Bitch.
“Accidents happen.” You smiled sweetly at her, but your voice betrayed you.
“That they do,” she mused to herself more than you, “Like Dylan meeting you for example.”
“What do you want Britt?” You didn’t want to beat around the bush any longer, knowing there was something she wanted.
“I want you to stay away from my boyfriend.”
“Dylan made it perfectly clear yesterday, he doesn’t want anything to do with me.”
“See that’s where you’re wrong.. He has this notion that he doesn’t need me anymore, that he can date whoever he wants, but that’s not the case. He does need me.”
“Are you sure it’s not the other way around?” You sassed at her, raising your eyebrows daringly.
“As sure as I am that you have no chance with him.” She stopped pacing the living room and pointed to the TV which was still paused on Stiles, “You see that? He’s famous. He is a ce-le-bri-ty. You are what? A nurse at a hospital?” You bit your lip to keep from snapping at her as she continued, “you will never be good enough for him. What do you have to offer hm? You’re just a little girl chasing a fantasy you will never see the end to. You can’t help his career, you’re not famous and let’s be honest you’re not that pretty either. I mean you’re just..” She smiled at you thinking of an insult, “Ordinary.”
It felt like she had reached in your chest and squeezed your heart with that word, the one Dylan called you yesterday on the beach. You felt the same sensation come over you as earlier and you knew you shouldn’t sink to her level, but of course your reflexes acted before you could scream at them to stop. You reared your right hand back and it came with full force connecting with Britt’s cheek. The sound of your palm connecting to her skin chorused through the room, and you felt your heart beat pounding in your chest.
Britt raised her hand to her now red cheek and laughed. You were trying to regain control of your breathing but nothing was helping. She stepped closer to you, the smile still plastered on her face. “That’s the difference between you and me sweetheart, I know how to control myself. You can take the white trash out of the girl and move her to a big city but deep down you will always be her. You might have graduated from some fancy school but you lack class, and Dylan can’t have someone by his side with a temper like yours. Do yourself a favor, leave him alone before you drag him down even further.”
You had tears burning in your eyes, and she smirked at you. She walked to the door and you watched her go but not before she turned around to you, putting on her best sincere face, “It was nice meeting you Y/N, we should do it again some time.” With that she opened the door and closed it behind her. You stood in your living room, absorbing everything she said to you. Silent tears fell down your cheek and you wondered again what you did to deserve this. You knew how the saying went, sometimes suffering is just suffering. It doesn’t make you strong. It doesn’t build character. It only hurts, and right now you felt the damage to your heart slowly becoming irreversible.
Tag List: @honeymoonmuke @littlewriterme @fan-of-many-bands @susybird @katieevans371 @daddyxraeken @awkwarddly @fuckwhateverfuck 
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huntersanonymous · 7 years
Boy Meets Girl (Chapter 5)
Author: sumcp
Chapter Five: The Pictures
Characters: Dylan O'Brien x Reader
Word Count: 5130
Warnings: swearing, self doubt(IDK if this is a warning?) and terrible sentence structure/grammar 
Note: This is based off the Disney Channel Movie Starstruck with a twist. I do not own the rights to the movie.
Chapters:  4 -- 6
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You were about 20 minutes from the beach when you sighed happy, relaxing in your seat. “What a perfect day.” You were being serious, this was easily the best day you have had since you broke off the engagement to Ryan. Dylan was fixing to agree with you, but before he could he caught a glimpse of two vans coming up behind the car. He gripped the steering wheel, you could see his knuckles turning white.
“Not anymore.” He growled. He hit the steering wheel out of anger which caused you to jump. He looked at you apologetically. You pulled out a map of LA you grabbed at one of the tables, trying to decipher what road we were on. You could feel the anxiety rolling off Dylan, and it wasn’t helping you concentrate. You finally found the road you were on and noticed an abandoned road up ahead.
“Okay take the next left.”
“Area you sure?“  
“Yes.” No. Dylan made a sharp left turning on an old dirt and gravel road. You continued on the road for 10 minutes, neither of you saying anything. You were studying the map intently.
“Okay take the next left and the road loops back to the highway.” You stated proudly. You continued on the road but there was no left turn in sight. It just continued to curve. “Or… Uhh.. Maybe not.” You mumbled, but Dylan heard you.
“This isn’t even a road anymore Y/N. This is a fire-break, it has to be.” Dylan huffed at you obviously annoyed we were lost.
“Just keep driving.” You knew you were lost, but you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of being right.
“That last sign said deer crossing… there are no deer."  He continued driving, the road would curve every now and then but you were just heading into the middle of nowhere. 
"You complain more than my room-mate.”
“Are we on the right road or not.” Dylan snapped at you. He knew he shouldn’t have but he had been driving for 20 minutes with no sign of an actual road.
“Or not..” You trailed off furrowing your brow. You tilted the map to the left then back to the right, but all the roads were just running together in your vision.
“Just show it to me.” Dylan leaned over to take a look at the map, but you jerked it away from his sight.
“Oh no, you just keep your eyes on the road. I’m the navigator.” You straightened the map back up, trying to find the road you turned off of 20 minutes ago.
“Oh is that what you call it.” Dylan mumbled but you made out every word. You gave him your best death glare which he returned with full force.
“And what’s that supposed to mean?” You snapped at him, closing the map and turning in your seat you could stare at him.
“It means you’re such a know-it-all.” He rubbed his eyes out of frustration and he felt his shoulders start to tense up.
“A what?” You gave him the opportunity to take it back, but he didn’t.
“A know-it-all. You are the queen of snap judgments.” He started to mimic your voice waving his hands dramatically. “Turn right here, this is the right road. I’m sure of it.”
“I was sure of it!” You yelled back at him. Your hostility was starting to return and the blissful fog of your and Dylan’s day was setting.  
“You’re sooo sure. You’re so sure of things you couldn’t possible be sure about.” He snapped at you for the second time.
“I am not.”
“And you’re defensive.” You had to control every fiber in your being from punching him. You were just as frustrated as he was and him yelling at you wasn’t making it any better. You ran your fingers through your y/h/c tying it into a messy bun on top of your head. You and Dylan’s bickering had distracted the both of you to the car faintly rolling to a stop.
“Move the car. We’re not moving.” You looked at Dylan who furrowed his brow, pressing on the gas but nothing happened. The engine roared but the car went nowhere. You looked out the window and noticed Dylan drove right into a mud hole. “Great. This is just great.” The car started to sink, which jolted the car forward causing you to scream. This isn’t a mud hole.
“I’ll have to get out and push.” Dylan sighed getting out of the car through the window. When he saw the exactly what he was dealing with he knew he wouldn’t be able to get the car out. You decided you weren’t going to sit in the car and copied his actions trying to climb onto the roof of the car with your purse.
“Woah, what are you doing? Wait I’ll help you." 
"Don’t touch me.” You yelled at him. You were trying to gain your balance on the hood with him.
“Why are you so mad?”
“Oh I don’t know.. This.” You gestured all around you to the giant hole your best friend’s car was sinking into.
“Turning on this road was not my idea.” He crossed his arms over his chest.
“You’re blaming me?”
“Yes! You’re a terrible navigator.”
“You’re a terrible driver.” He looked around the sink hole, only noticing one way off the car.
“Hey I’m a great driver.”
“Right..” You rolled your eyes at him. You noticed the entire car was surrounded. Annabeth’s going to kill me.
“Y/N we’re gonna have to jump.” Dylan gestured to the solid ground a couple feet away.
“I am not jumping.”
“You have a better idea?" 
"Yes. We can use the branches as a bridge.” You pointed to a couple of aged branches which were sticking out of the sink hole.
“That does not look safe.” He whined.
“It looks fine, don’t be a baby.” Dylan gave you a final glare before he tested one to see if it would hold his body weight and when it didn’t sink he started to make his way across. The sink hole was making noises, like it was grumbling ready to eat you both. “Dylan it’s sinking. Oh my god, this is my roommates car.” You panicked. 
“I understand that princess. Please just give me your hand.” Dylan reached for you to help you on the branches. You didn’t have time to have a meltdown over the nickname, because you were having a meltdown over the fact you were a dead girl. Dylan’s grip on your hand was tight enough to cut off your circulation as he led you across the branches to solid ground. You almost made it until your ankle got caught in between the branches.
“Dyl.” You whined, tugging his arm gently. Dylan turned around to help you but lost his balance in the process. He didn’t have enough to regain his balance as the branch gave away sending you and him into the muddy water. You screamed before you were engulfed in the nasty water. It was luke warm and you felt the mud seeping into your skin.
“Y/N.” You heard Dylan yell above the water then felt strong hands grab your body. Dylan dragged you to the surface, shaking you slightly. “Princess you okay?” He asked, worry evident in his eyes. You were coughing up some of the water you swallowed as you were screaming. Dylan grabbed your arm tugging on the branch to use as flotation device and work your way to the edge of the sink hole. You finally got the edge as the car sank all the way into the sink hole with a loud gargle.
“Excuse you.” Dylan said sarcastically. 
“You killed Sunshine.” You both stood at the edge looking staring at where the car used to be.
“Uhhh… mm… yeah.” Dylan sighed placing his hand on your lower back.
“My purse!” You immediately got down on your knees and started combing through the water. “Don’t just stand there, help me.” You hissed at Dylan. You were leaning farther into the water, and was afraid you would fall in again.
“Here give me your hand.” He extended his hand which you accepted. You were now laying on your stomach searching through the water when Dylan’s phone started to ring.
“I’m dead. I’m dead. Annabeth’s going to murder me. And she is a lawyer, she could defend herself in my murder trail. She’s a damn good lawyer too, she will win. Ugh, why did I have to get in that stupid car with you… Answer your phone!”
“Uh Britt?” Of fucking course.
“Where are you Dylan? We were supposed to meet up to talk about that picture.” 
“Britt I can’t talk right now.. Can you hear me?”
“Dylan? Dylan I can’t hear you.”
“Britt, can you hear me?” Dylan looked at his phone covered in mud and soaked in water. He didn’t have any service. He disconnected the call turning back to you as you finally pulled your purse out of the water. 
You put your purse across your body and started walking away from Dylan. You couldn’t believe you let yourself get talked into this again. You really had no back bone when it came to him.
“Y/N.” Dylan jogged up to you grabbing your arm before you could walk off again. “Where are you going?”
“To the beach. Where hopefully Annabeth and Lex are still there.” You turned around to walk off again when you heard your name.
"What?” You turned around, raising your eyebrows at him.
“The beach is that way.” He pointed in the opposite direction you were walking in. You stared at him, and he offered a small smile trying to lighten the mood but it wasn’t working. You nodded your head and took off in the direction he was pointing without a second glance to him. He reluctantly followed behind you keeping his distance. We had been walking for ten minutes when he finally broke the silence. “How are you doing? Are you okay?” He grabbed your arm gently trying to pull you to a stop but you shrugged his hand off.
“Now you’re concerned?” You didn’t look at him as you spoke focusing only on the road ahead of you.
“I’ve always been concerned.” He grabbed your arm again, this time with more force to actually make you stop. He tucked a piece of air that had fell from your messy bun behind your ear and cupped your cheek. You met his eyes and they were full of regret, but you didn’t want to fall into them again.
“Maybe you should stop.” You took his hand off your face swatting it away and continued walking.
“Why do you always do that?” He demanded walking up behind you.
“Do what?" 
"That. Every time we have a moment you just dismiss it, I’m just trying to apologize and make sure you’re okay Y/N.”
“Maybe you should buy them in bulk if you’re gonna hand apologies out that often Dylan. You know what I just want to go to the beach, preferably in silence.”
“Do you wanna know what I want? I want to have fun. For the first time in years there’re no interviews, there’re no reporters, there’re no crowds. I was having a great time. Why don’t you stop complaining so I can enjoy it.” Dylan stormed passed you, and you laughed.
“Wow.. So that’s what it’s like with you? You don’t get what you want so you throw a big ole tantrum and walk away. I bet your friends chance after you when you do that.” You faked the sympathy in your voice as you continued yelling at him. “Oh Dylan I’m so sorry I hurt your delicate little feelings. Dylan please forgive me for not treating you like the big enormous star you think you are… What a brat." 
"I’m a brat?” Dylan turned around to stalk up to you. “I’m a brat? What about you huh?”
“Yeah you. Over the last 2 days I’ve done nothing but think about you.”
“Oh really? So when you hit me with a door.. Twice, kidnapped me, hid me in your closet, and wrecked my best friends car you were just being thoughtful?” You put your hands on your hips waiting for him to reply. He just stared at you, biting his lip to keep from coming unglued again. “Oh I pity your friends.”
“You wish you were one.” Dylan took a step closer to you leaving only inches between you.
You closed the distance so you were chest to chest with Dylan, even though he was nearly a head taller you tried to put as much power behind your voice. “I’d rather go down with Sunshine.” Dylan’s eyes widened when he heard your voice, and you just shoved past him bumping his shoulder. You left Dylan staring behind you until he finally regained his composure.
“You know what, I’m confused about something.” Dylan jogged in front of you causing you stop. 
“Okay when we were on our little..” He trailed off and you thought he was going to say date but he didn’t. “Photography tour.. I thought you liked me.”
“You thought wrong.” No he didn’t.
“But everyone likes me.. Why don’t you like me.”
“Maybe because you think everyone likes you.” You tried to get around Dylan but it didn’t work, he was still walking backwards in front of you.
“It’s because I’m likeable.”
“No because you’re a star.”
“What does that mean?” Dylan stopped walking, a frown prominent on his face.
“You don’t even see it do you? Your life isn’t real. You park in no parking zones, you never have to wait in line, you buy anything you want anytime, I bet you have so many people working for you that you don’t even know their names.”
“Do to.”
“Name one.”
“Name one beside your assistant.” Dylan didn’t and he knew you were right.  
“It’s Jerry’s job to know everybody.”
“See that’s what I’m talking about. You don’t even realize the little people. And don’t get me started on your girlfriend. I mean real people date someone because they want to be with them. Why are you with Britt?” You finally asked the question you had been dying to since the closet incident.
“Cause… Uhh..” Dylan took a deep breath, trying to think of what to say but he couldn’t. He stood in front of you opening and closing his mouth as he tried to find the words.
“That’s all I’m saying.” You started walking again. Of course he wouldn’t answer your question. It hurt your heart that he couldn’t give you an answer.
“Wait hold on.. Y/N stop.” He stood in front of you again. He had his eyes closed like he was trying to process everything you had just said.
“Are you saying I’m not a real person.. Because I am.”
“Oh I stand corrected.” You weren’t impressed with his revelation and he could tell.
“Okay well.. What if I told you something no one else knows?” He offered.  
“You collect your toenails in a peanut butter jar?" 
"What? No. Ew.” Dylan grimaced at your joke, causing you to chuckle.
“Then what?" 
He walked in front of you again, holding up his hands as a sign of surrender but you kept walking which was forcing him to back up. "From the first time I laid my eyes on you I just–” Dylan was cut off with a yelp as he fell backwards into some brush completely vanishing from sight.
“Dylan!” You screamed racing up to where he disappeared when suddenly he burst through the brush engulfing you in a bear hug and tumbled back through the tall weeds with you. You fell into what you guessed was a pond and you felt Dylan let go of you so you both could swim back up to the surface. You broke the surface coughing and swatting at the water trying to get your footing but the water was too deep.
“I can’t swim.” You pretended to panic and slipped under the water. “Shit Y/N.” Dylan dove to get you and you felt his warm arms wrap around you again. He could stand in the water so he brought you to the surface. “I’m so sorry Y/N I had no idea, I–” You wrapped your leg around his throwing him off balance. You took him by surprise which made it easy for you to dunk him.
“Just kidding.” You sang swimming away from him. He broke the surface once more coughing up water.
“What? You’re evil. Come here.” Dylan dove under the water chasing after you and you squealed trying to swim away from him but he was much faster. He wrapped his arms around your body from behind as he twirled you around in the water.
“Gotcha.” He whispered into your ear his voice husky from coughing up water. The close proximity and his  lips pressed against the shell of your ear made you shutter. You felt Dylan’s lips form into a smirk and you decided to splash him in the face. He playfully dunked you in retaliation but you quickly squirmed out of his arms and initiated a splash war.
You tugged off your tank top and shorts handing them on a low tree branch to dry leaving you in just your bikini. The pond Dylan stumbled into was gorgeous. It was surrounded by tall brush and had a giant oak tree acting as a fence to keep out unwanted guests. You forgot about all your issues as you played in the water with Dylan, it was like the water washed away all your anger toward him. You turned around and noticed Dylan’s eyes trained on you, and you bit your lip nervously. You had always been insecure of your body, and under his stare it brought all of those insecurities out.
“This is nice, isn’t it?” You sighed looking back over the water.
“Man.. I wish I could just stay here where no one could find me.”
“Cause they all want something from me. A photo, an autograph, and interview. It’s like my whole life flipped upside down and I haven’t been able to escape the ruble. Ever since the accident.” You gnawed on the inside of your lip listening to him talk. He briefly mentioned the accident in the car earlier but hearing him talk about it now broke your heart. You knew that he could have died on set, and that must not have been easy to come back to. “And then there’s the whole thing with Britt. It’s just…” He trailed off, coming to stand in front of you. “We have been dating for 5 years but it’s just a business deal now. I love acting but all the stress that comes with it, the public presence it’s hard. I have an important movie franchise in American Assassins, they wanted me to lie low stay away from any bad press, and now this whole ordeal with Britt. I love acting and all of it can be taken away by one person.”
“Maybe I don’t understand.”
“Your life I mean. It’s so different from mine. Everything you do and say is so big and public.”
“Not everything.” Dylan stepped closer to you with every word. “Right here.” Closer. “Right now.” Closer “With you.” There was no more space separating you now, and you didn’t want there to be. Dylan hesitantly placed his hands on your bare skin, pulling you even closer to him. “I feel like I can be myself.”
“How do you like it?” You smiled at Dylan, leaning into his touch. His grip was firm on your waist, and his skin against yours was sending shock waves up and down your body. He rested his forehead against yours, his breath fanning on your lips. He smiled at you searching your eyes for any sign of hesitation, but there wasn’t any. 
“I love it.” You smiled at him, tracing over his cheekbones. You couldn’t see any sign of a scar but you knew no mater if it wasn’t visible it was still there. His skin might not remember the damage, but his bones would never forget. 
“Does it still hurt?” You whispered 
“Not right now.” He breathed out leaning into your touch. You didn’t wait to be interrupted again and you crashed your lips on his. Dylan was caught off guard but he quickly responded to the kiss pulling you even closer to him. This kiss wasn’t like any other you’ve ever had, with Ryan there were butterflies in your stomach, but with Dylan it felt like earth shattering. He bit your lip gently causing you to moan into the kiss, he took you by surprise slipping his tongue in your mouth swallowing your moan. He moved his hands from your waist and brought them to cup your cheek and the entire word faded away as he deepened the kiss. You eventually pulled away as the burning in your lungs become too much to handle. Dylan whined at the loss of contact causing you to chuckle. He placed a kiss  on your hair line, tilting your chin so you were looking directly at him. His eyes were much darker now, burning with desire. 
“That was..” You trailed off at a loss for words.
“Amazing.” He smiled at you, pulling you into a hug.
“Amazing works.” He laughed which sent vibrations through your body from the hug. You pulled away from the hug, and you couldn’t stop the dopey smile from forming on your face. You stayed standing in comfortable silence for a few minutes taking in the surrounds when you finally spoke up.
“We should go.” Dylan Sighed pulling you into another hug burying his face in the crook of your neck. “Dylan.” He shook his head lightly and hugged you tighter. You laughed at his objection. “Dyl..” You whispered in his ear, causing him to huff and relinquish you from his grasp.
“Yeah. Your right.” He offered you his hand which you took. He intertwined your fingers giving your hand a slight squeeze. You both took one last look at the paradise you stumbled upon before making your way back to reality. 
It took 30 minutes to get back to the beach. He held her hand the whole way back, missing the simple gesture of holding hands. They talked the whole way back and he felt like his old self for the first time since the accident.
“We finally made it.” She sighed leaning into his arms.
“Look I had a really great time today.” He said, suddenly starting to feel nervous.
“Me too.” She beamed at him, and he swore she could put the sun out of business with that smile.
“You are so different from any other girl I have ever known.” He chuckled to himself thinking what he did to deserve this beauty in front of him.
“Different weird.. Different annoying?” He saw the worry in her eyes and gently rubbed his thumb on her hand.
“Different.. Surprising. In the best way. I mean you say things to me everyone’s afraid to say, you make me see things about myself i can’t see.” He pulled her to a stop, looking into her gorgeous y/e/c eyes, trying to memorize every swirl.
“Your pretty surprising too.”
“How so?”
“Well for one thing you a terrible driver.” She smirked at him and he put his hands over his heart.
“Ugh, I’m wounded. You physically wound me.” He pretended to pass out, leaning all his weight on her small frame causing her to push him lightly. They started walking again when she spoke up, uncertainty coating every word.
“Do you really think I’m defensive and crabby?”
“No I think your amazing” He leaned down fixing to kiss her when he heard voices in the distance. Two surfers were making their way  past them and he turned away quickly putting back on his hat and glasses. 
“What are you doing?” She asked narrowing her eyes at him. 
“Man that was close.” The surfers lifted a veil he had been under and he was painfully aware of who he was at the moment. He let her cloud his judgment because he was trying to be someone he wasn’t. He was Dylan O'brien, who had a girlfriend and a career. “Ugh. Okay, back to the real world.” He shook his head lightly, trying to get rid of the pang in his heart for what he was about to do. “You know what happens next right?”
“No..” She pulled her purse around her tighter, looking anywhere but at him.
“This ends here.”  He said slowly. He thought if he could say it enough in his head it would make him feel better, but the worlds tasted like poison leaving his lips.
“What does?” He could see the hurt in her eyes and he could no longer look in them.
“This.. Us. You can’t tell anyone about what happened today. Not even your roommate.”
“Why they aren’t going to go post it on their blog or anything?" 
"If we go down there.. If we get photographed it will get crazy. I could lose my movie deal.” He wanted to stop, he wanted to tell her he was kidding. He wanted to wrap her in his arms and never let her go.
“Why does it have to get crazy?” He heard the hurt in her voice as it wavered and he tried to reach for her hand but she pushed it away from him. 
“Because I’m Dylan O'Brien and you’re just an ordinary girl.”
“I’ll leave you alone then Mr. O'Brien.” Her face hardened instantly, and he didn’t know what to. She gave a dramatic bow to him and pushed passed him jarring his shoulder. He quickly stepped in front of her before she could get to far.
“Wait Y/N, hold on. What just happened?” He was searching her face for any sign of understanding but he was met with red eyes. Seeing her holding back tears was easily the worst image burned into his mind, knowing he caused them was worse. 
“You tell me. One second your kissing me and telling me I’m amazing, then the next you’re embarrassed to be seen with me." 
"Y/N I’m not embarrassed.” He growled. Hearing her think so low of herself made him angry. 
“Oh really? If I was Britt Robinson you would rush right down there and make sure someone took our picture.. But no I– I’m just an ordinary girl.” She basically spat the words at him, and he felt every one like a dagger in the chest.
“That is not what I meant.” He pleaded, trying to find her eyes but she wouldn’t look at him. “Look I meant you’re normal. I want you to stay that way.”
“Right.. Just leave me alone.” She snapped at him as a single tear fell down her cheek. She walked passed him again but he didn’t run after her. As much as he just hated doing that, he was dreading this.
“Y/N stop.. Please.”
“The pictures we took.. Of us.. I should probably– I should probably keep them.” He couldn’t keep his voice calm as he spoke, and he refused to meet her eye.  
“You want the camera?” She scoffed wiping the tears that were burning in her eyes.
“Just in case.. I– I wouldn’t want the pictures to yano get out.”
“Fine you want the pictures?” She reached into her ruined purse and pulled out the camera. She stormed up to him shoving into his chest. “Here. There’s nothing I’d want to remember anyway.” He let the camera fall into the sand as he watched her walk away. He bent down to pick it up when he saw a shadow looming over him. 
“I need cab fare to get home.” She whispered not looking him in the eyes. He reached into his wallet and pulled out the wad of cash he had in his wallet.
“I’m going to Hollywood not Hawaii.” She rolled her eyes at him and he shifted on the balls of his feet.
“Just keep it.. I still owe you for my stay at garage de-la Y/N.” He tried to get her to smile but she just turned around to walk away. Dylan knew he should let her go, but he couldn’t. He grabbed her arm but she recoiled from him like his touch was electric.
“Y/N wait, I don’t want to say goodbye like this." 
"Well how about this. How about we both forget this whole day ever happened. You won’t talk about me, and I promise I won’t talk about you.” His heart broke hearing her once sweet voice filled with so much hate.
“Go ahead and judge me but you don’t know what it will be like. The paparazzi never go away and once they have you in their sights they won’t quit until they get what they want. And when they finally get it, they’ll turn it into something ugly. They will ruin everything.” He locked eyes with her, trying to plead his case. Trying to get her to understand, but her once bright eyes burned out as she looked at him.
“They don’t have to. You already did.” He watched her turn away from him and this time he didn’t try to stop her. He stopped being selfish for the first time in his life and let her walk away.
Tags: @fan-of-many-bands @littlewriterme
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