#calculus is literally the bane of my existence
chuuyrr · 6 months
the jealousy i have rn for my classmates who don't have to study calculus because its basic for them is high asf.. like i'm right over here answering the 16-item worksheet as a study :<
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girlssagainstgod · 2 years
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10/13/22 today's moodboard
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ode2rin · 1 year
hi! i love you (too)! i am indeed here with my questions after your ask....so buckle up.😁
okay firstly. PLEASE TELL ME IF I NEED CALCULUS FOR PSYCHOLOGY BC IM LITERALLY GOINF TO CRY. i know the neuroscience part of psych is completely different than the research parts of it and im not sure if that's the one you take.....but is it super calculation related or is it mostly subjective 🧐
how is psychology in general??? like what do you mostly learn?? is it stats or parts of the brain or maybe you focus on experiements??
what kinds of assignments do you get? im sure the work is completely different from my level so im sorry if this is a hard one to answer BUT IM SO CURIOUS HELP.
last one! (for now...) what's your favorite thing(s) you've learnt from psych so far?😇please do share because i will go insane learning anything new
you are so lucky i love you despite slandering rin ANYWAY HERE IT GOES
i'm relatively good (i like to believe so) w some maths but i fucking suck at calculus so i understand the need to ask that xD,, safe to say that the last time i saw that bitch was back in highschool so nope! no calculus here (psych stats and some natural science subjects will be your enemy tho if you really loathe calculations and such but we'll get more on that later!)
regarding if it's heavy w calculations, it depends! in my uni, there are 2 tracks for this bachelor's, either you go arts or science (i'm in this) BA psych is basically leaning more on humanities and BS psych have science units (physics, biochem, anaphysio). both of them still have the core majors of psych such as abnormal psych, theories of personality, and that includes: psychology stats (sorry bub you can't escape her she's a persistent one)
psychology stats is imperative in both tracks because psychology is heavy in research. and stats is gravely used in them.
also if you're interested more on going law afterwards, BA will cater your interests more and that even saves you from these heavy sciences (they're the bane of my existence)
how is psychology in general??? like what do you mostly learn?? is it stats or parts of the brain or maybe you focus on experiements??
psych is grounded on physiology and philosophy. if i were to describe it, it's having both of the best worlds if you love humanities and arts but still love to gain some science on the side. we def learn about the brain! not only anatomically but also theoretically speaking. the brain is vast world of study, i kid you not. it's an enigma of some sorts, it's incredible and terrifying at the same time. and i wouldn't really call it as a study of "brain" but it's actually all about studying behavior in general. regarding experiments, do you mean those lab ones? for sure you'll have them if you're in the track that i'm in but basically the "experiment" side of this field is all about gathering data using scientific methods.
what kinds of assignments do you get? im sure the work is completely different from my level so im sorry if this is a hard one to answer BUT IM SO CURIOUS HELP.
I SO LOVE THIS QUESTION IT ALLOWS ME TO GEEK OUT for now, in my majors (most of them are introductory to complex psych) most of my assignments are essays and case studies. also, this program will need you to TALK in presentations, recits (some of my profs uses socratic method and they sometimes let students argue abt diagnosis). if you're not so good with talking my dearest puri, dw that's not really much of a problem! with writing though, you will need A LOT of it (which i am certain you'll be killing it in this aspect so)
also don't mind those side assignments and projects i rant about here in this app (example: the goddamn film) those are my minors !
last one! (for now...) what's your favorite thing(s) you've learnt from psych so far?😇please do share because i will go insane learning anything new
there's no day in psych that's not interesting. first of all, i love that we could be in a coffee shop talking about traumas and mental illnesses and none of us are batting an eyelash even tho we probably sound fucking unhinged to those around us xD my most favorite thing here apart from what i learn intellectually, is how profound empathy runs in this field.
once you started in psych, it's hard to see people in a singular perspective. and it's not a bad thing per se, it just makes your interpersonal relationships a little bit more complex to navigate because you now have this understanding of the implications of how people behave. and of course, it goes without saying that this understanding shouldn't be an excuse nor a justification, but whether you like it or not, it gives you an explanation of some sort.
also, being in psych automatically includes you in the movement. as difficult as it is to admit, the issue of mental health is still more of a movement than an obvious problem. i hate that but yeah
(the thing i don't like about it is that it's heavy on reading (oh my god), and as someone who enjoys reading for pleasure, reading these academic volumes is a whole different experience. but that's just me hehehe)
I GOT A BIT CARRIED AWAY OH MY GOD i hope this somehow helps huhu feel free to ask more and i'll do my best w answering them!!
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moonjxsung · 6 months
HALLOOOO!! im giggling and kicking my feet reading ur reply to me >.< oh GAWSH O_O ur too loveable for your own good... everyone's going crazy >v< uni today was gooood! I DID eat ... and treated myself to boba... !! hehehhehe :> i had 6 hours of class tho :/ my 6th midterm of the term went well tho!!! 2 more to go... calculus tmrw T^T and the assignments and labs NEVER end :c today in one of my classes we watched a super awesome documentary about women of colour in science and it was SO GOOD ... it was kinda funny seeing my sexist, racist prof try to talk about it LOL still hate his guts tho- luckily my friends and i always bring snacks to the class so it makes it more bearable anywaysss HOW WAS YOUR DAYYYY HOW R UUUU!! 🌱
BOBA SOUNDS AMAZINGGGG IM SO GLAD U GOT A LIL TREAT I had boba the other day and it was like this new strawberry flavor they had?? and WOW…. life changing. Altered my brain chemistry fr
MIDTERMS SEASON RAHHHH GOOD LUCK MY ANGEL YOU GOT THIS ‼️‼️ calculus though….. 😦 I fucking HAAAATE CALCULUS oh my GODDDD CALCULUS MY OPP…. THE BANE OF MY EXISTENCE. I believe in you though you can DO ITTTTTT 💓💕🩷🫶🫶 GO GET EM !! Also that documentary sounds so good and the fact that your racist and sexist prof was forced to talk about it LMFAOOOO 😭😭 GOOD.
MY DAY WAS GOOD TOO I literally had back to back meetings since 7am and then had a meeting with a senior leader at my company which went really well and he was so nice, we’re planning on scheduling another meeting just to talk about life because he was so interesting and sweet !! I forced myself to go to the gym despite how exhausted I am and then showered for the second time today and now I am catching up w all of you, best part of my day always 💓🩷💕👼 I LOVE YOU POOKIE good luck with exams tomorrow and let me know how it goes!!!! I AM ROOTING FOR U SO HARD
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koutawoo · 4 years
If you get this, answer with 3 random fun facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog 🥰.
1) i got my first D on a midterm exam in uni during the last spring quarter 🥴 of course it was CALCULUS & since it was online, i couldn’t get partial credit so fuck that shit omg but life’s good bc i somehow got a B+ as my final course grade
2) i kinda have stage fright? like SOMETIMES when i’m presenting, i’ll get super nervous and my autonomic nervous system activates. heart rate up, face red, fidgety fingers, and i tend to speak at a faster pace as well 😭😭 my friends say when i speak fast, it sounds like i’m rapping ahdjskdjsk
3) i like chocolate pls share 🤲
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casatienza · 3 years
So one post reminded me of my younger self. Heres a small background and context of that recent post.
I studied Mathematics as my undergraduate course from 2012 to 2017 here in the Philippines. I dealt with Logic, Set Theory, Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus. But as I got older in my collegiate life, those branches of Mathematics split into crazier parts as well as proving countless theorems. They are also subdivided into the following:
• Abstract Algebra - Algebra is already abstract in itself so adding the adjective really sums up how crazy this advanced version of Algebra is
• Number Theory - This is one of the most interesting branches as I had a deeper understanding how numbers and their rules existed
• Linear Algebra - Matrices. Period.
• Metric Geometry - Classical Geometry + Euclid's Theorems
• Real Analysis - The advanced versions of limits and continuity are being tackled here. And yes, this is real.
• Complex Analysis - In the literal sense, this is a Math of complex stuff because who the hell solves for i using x-y axes.
• Combinatorics - This is mathematics of combinations, literally.
• Graph Theory - If you want to know more about this, just type "7 bridges of Königsberg" and Leonhard Euler. This is what I specialized and those two concepts are your keys to understanding this field.
• Topology - The ultimate bane of my existence because this deals with Mathematics and space.
• Ordinary Differential Equations - 1st order derivatives
• Partial Differential Equations - 2nd order derivatives
• Probability Theory - Next Level Statistics and can be used for Actuarial Science fields
• Functional Analysis - Real Analysis + Topology = End of the World for my Brain
Aside from Mathematics, proving theorems also exhausts your knowledge of English grammar. So it's like writing but your language is well, Mathematics. Also, you get to understand the Greek alphabet better because the letters are also being utilized in equations here.
In reality, studying Mathematics is really interesting if you have all the time in the world to explore, find and understand everything. I also wonder what kind of Mathematics do the other countries offer. But to make things short, I am not intending to pursue a graduate degree because I barely made it through when I was in my undergraduate years. 😂
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myforeverforlife · 5 years
thinking about you.
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For another anon! Chanyeol + Soulmates!au (Mental link) + Enemies to lovers + 1. “Are you sure this is legal?”
Note: (Words in bold and italics like this are character’s thoughts.)
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“Y/N, catch!”
You turned around just in time to see the bottle of Gatorade being thrown your way, hands instinctively coming up to catch it. You studied it closely, nose scrunching up in disgust.
“You’re the worst, Nini. Who even likes purple Gatorade?”
Jongin gasped in mock horror, jogging over before taking a seat on the turf beside you. “Don’t knock it till you try it,” he warned.
“I have tried it.” You eyed the Gatorade in his hand — yep, also grape flavored — and sighed. Well, there went your chances of switching with him. “Thanks, but you can have mine.”
“Are you sure?”
“Positive.” You smiled to yourself when Jongin took the bottle happily. “How much longer until our break is over?”
“Don’t know, don’t care.” Jongin was struggling to get the cap of his drink off, alternating between using his shirt and wiping the sweat off of his hands. “Yixing will come get us when it’s time to head back inside.”
“You know, sometimes I feel bad that he’s our section leader. He’s too nice for his own good.”
“Well then maybe you should help him out by focusing more during band practice.” With a grunt, Jongin finally got his drink open, guzzling down the sugary treat like he had been parched for days.
“Hey, I do focus! Come on, you can’t honestly say that I haven’t been working my ass off.”
Jongin shrugged, taking a break from his Gatorade to give you the side-eye. “You’d do better if you stopped checking out the football team every chance you got.” He nodded towards the other end of the field, the uniformed group of boys talking to each other in small groups.
“Listen, it’s not my fault that the football team is full of attractive guys. Well, except for one.”
“You know, Chanyeol really isn’t that bad — ”
“He brought his ferret to school in second grade and laughed when it pooped in my desk! And, he got mad at me when I told the teacher he was trying to copy off of Jongdae’s test in Chemistry last year.”
“Okay, but still — ”
“No, no ‘buts’ about it. Park Chanyeol has done nothing but be a pain in my ass since we were kids. He hasn’t changed since then, and he never will. I hope one day during one of his games, he falls flat on his face in front of everyone.”
“Ouch.” The new voice had you flinching in surprise, your ponytail a blur as you spun around to see who was talking — although you had a pretty good guess who it was. Sure enough, Park Chanyeol stood there in his uniform, football helmet cradled under his arm. “You know, they say that karma’s a bitch. I wouldn’t want you to be on the receiving end of that,” he said with a smirk.
Rolling your eyes, you stood up, arms crossed over your chest as you stomped past him. “The field’s all yours, Chanyeol. Try not to let your ego take up too much space,” you hissed as you passed.
“Have fun at practice!” he called out after you, voice booming. “Make sure you don’t drop your clarinet, Butterfingers!”
You bit back the retort waiting at the tip of your tongue. Of course he just had to keep bringing up the one mishap you had during a football game, nearly two years ago. It had been your first time performing at a halftime show, and your hands been so shaky that you had dropped your clarinet while performing on the field, right in front of the football teams and the entire crowd. You didn’t talk to him often, but whenever you came face to face with Chanyeol, it always ended up with him teasing you mercilessly.
You were absolutely sure that Chanyeol would never be anything more than a jerk.
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You didn’t hate your creative writing class, but since it was your first class of the day, you were often tempted to just close your eyes and take a mini-nap.
Just as you were about to lay your head down on your desk, you could hear Park Chanyeol worry about how to find the derivative of some equation. Sitting upright, you looked around the classroom only to find no trace of Chanyeol anywhere. So why in the hell could you hear him like he was sitting right behind you?
Chanyeol continued to go through the steps of his math equation, driving you crazier with each passing second. You stood up, desk bumping into the seat in front of you. “I need to go to the nurse, I’m not feeling well,” you blurted out.
Your teacher stared at you, caught off guard in the midst of his lecture before nodding towards the door. “Take the hall pass with you.”
And so, with the hall pass lanyard hanging from your neck, you went stomping through the hallways in search of Park Chanyeol. He had moved through a series of equations, and no matter how hard you tried to block his voice out, you could still hear his thoughts.
You weren’t sure which class he was in, but there were only two teachers who taught pre-calculus. Heading down the math hallway, you peeked inside one room, blushing when everyone in the class turned to look at you. Another cursory glance proved that Chanyeol wasn’t in this room. “Sorry,” you mumbled, dashing down the hall to the other class.
This room was rowdier than the last one, students working in groups on the worksheets scattered over their desks. Spotting Chanyeol in the back, you paused in the doorway when he noticed you. “Y/N?”
“Sir, can I borrow Chanyeol for a minute? We’re supposed to collect and put up the flyers for the football game this week.”
Chanyeol’s math teacher brushed this off, not even looking up from his laptop. Chanyeol, on the other hand, remained in his seat, clearly puzzled. “Why is she here?”
“Come on!” you were waving him over, foot tapping impatiently against the floor. The sooner you two got to the bottom of this, the sooner you’d be free of his thoughts — you hoped.
Hesitantly, Chanyeol got up from his seat, weaving between chairs and desks before reaching the door. “What?” he grumbled out.
You grabbed onto his hand, pulling him away from the classroom. Chanyeol’s thoughts were colored with surprise and oddly enough, shyness? You led him to the library, knowing that people wouldn’t spot either one of you from this side of the building. Dropping his hand, you were taken aback to hear how Chanyeol immediately missed having your hand in his. You shook your head to rid the thoughts, trying to focus on why you had dragged him out here.
“This is gonna sound insane, but I can literally hear everything you’re thinking right now. Yes, everything,” you added when he raised an eyebrow in doubt.
Chanyeol laughed skeptically. “Yeah, right. What’s next, you’re gonna tell me you have x-ray vision too? Nice try, Y/N, but I’m not that dumb. Why did you even pull me out of class?” His eyes widened, eyebrows shooting upwards. “Wait, there’s no flyers to collect, huh? Are you sure this is legal, just talking in the hallways like this during class? Ah crap, we’re gonna get detention if we’re caught and — ”
“Listen to me! I don’t know how this happened, but one second I was trying not to fall asleep in creative writing, and the next thing I knew, I could hear you thinking about how to do pre-calc.”
Chanyeol stared at you like you had three eyeballs, backing away slowly. “Okay, I’m gonna say that you need to lay off the coffee and get some more sleep at night.” You could hear the thoughts racing in his head, all about how he was worried and yet curious as to why you were having a decent conversation with him.
“I’m telling the truth, I’ll prove it! Think of something right now.”
One corner of Chanyeol’s lips jumped up as he snorted, crossing his arms across his chest. “I’m not doing this.”
“Yes you are! Now, quick!”
He sighed, staring up at the hallway overhang above both of you.
“Pokemon! You’re thinking about getting the new game before Baekhyun does!” you blurted out, no longer caring about sounding crazy.
Chanyeol’s mouth fell open, trying to speak and failing to string together a comprehensive sentence. “You... how... how did you know that?”
“You believe me now?”
“Wait, but how come you only hear me? And why don’t I get to hear your thoughts? This is so unfair!”
You shrugged. “Maybe it’s because I’m more mature. Oh — I am half a year older than you.”
Chanyeol rolled his eyes with a huff. “Yeah, well whatever it is, it’s already getting on my nerves. Just try to stay out of my head.”
“Uh, I would if I could. Just try to keep your thoughts PG for my sake. God, I really hope that this goes away soon.”
Unluckily for both of you, you were plagued with listening to Chanyeol’s not even for the rest of the day, but for the rest of the week.
“This is fucking torture,” you groaned, lying down on the football field as Jongin shrugged sympathetically. “Do you know many times I’ve wished I could clean out my brain in the past week?”
“We still don’t know why this is happening though,” Jongin thought aloud. “I’ve never heard of this before. Do you think its another soulmate thing?”
You scoffed, rolling over onto your side as the fake grass poked your arms and legs. “If we were soulmates, I’d have a dream about it, not be able to hear his every thought.”
“Well, there’s not much difference. Dreams, hearing thoughts — they both have to do with the mind. Maybe soulmate links just manifest in different ways. Are you sure you don’t want to tell your parents?”
“And end up in the hospital? Nah, I’ll just wait it out and hope for the best. I mean, this is just a really long and weirdly descriptive hallucination, right?”
You sighed, sitting up as soon as you recognized the voice. “What is it now, Chanyeol?”
The bane of your existence this past week stared at you blankly, his football bag in one hand and hair sweaty from running. God, you hated to admit it, but he actually did look sort of hot.
Chanyeol’s already large eyes grew bigger, if that was even possible, and he dropped his bag in surprise. “You think I look hot?”
“What the fuck?” you spluttered out, back of your neck heating up in embarrassment. “How do you know that?”
“Y/N, I can hear you. I literally just started hearing your thoughts as I was entering the locker room,” Chanyeol explained slowly, still trying to make himself believe it.
“No fucking way.”
“I’m not kidding.”
You gasped upon hearing his response in your head, hand flying up to your mouth while Jongin stared from you to Chanyeol in confusion. “What, so now you guys can both hear each other?” He didn’t get an answer, seeing as you and Chanyeol were mentally yelling at each other. He rolled his eyes, poking you in the shoulder. “Hey, I want to know what’s happening too.”
“I think you’re right,” Chanyeol spoke up, addressing Jongin. “About the soulmate thing. It’s not common, but there have been people out there like us.”
“Like who?” you countered.
“My aunt and uncle. I didn’t want to say anything at first cause I was worried I’d be wrong, you know since it was only you hearing me. And well,” Chanyeol rubbed the back of his neck. “You’ve never really liked me anyways.”
“Because all you did was annoy the hell out of me!”
“I’m sorry, okay! It’s just... you’re cute when you get all mad like that. You’re funny, especially when you get mad at me,” he admitted with a sheepish smile.
You were at a loss for words. Park Chanyeol had a crush on you?
“Yes,” he answered your thoughts. God, it would take a while to get used to this. “I... can we talk about this after practice? We can call my aunt and ask her about this too.”
There really was no other choice, since this was the first time you had ever heard about any sort of soulmate link like this. And hard as you might try to deny it, Chanyeol was slowly growing on you. Getting to know him through his thoughts this past week hadn’t been the worst, despite what you had been complaining to Jongin not less than ten minutes ago. He was charming and sweet, something you had never noticed because of the limited view you had of him.
Chanyeol smiled to himself as he could hear you thinking, the tips of his ears turning pink. “So is that a yes?”
You nodded, finding it hard to look him in the eye.
Chanyeol laughed in relief, picking up his football bag and starting to walk backwards, towards the locker room. “I’ll meet you outside the band room!” he called out, before breaking into a run.
From this angle, he looked much like the other football players you had spent hours checking out. You blinked rapidly, unable to look away even as Chanyeol stopped to look over his shoulder. His eyes searched until he found you, smile turning playful and sending shivers down your spine. “I can hear you thinking about how good I look. I mean, how good my butt looks.”
“Just go to practice, Chanyeol.”
Chanyeol laughed, able to hear you sulking even in your thoughts even as he ran off, disappearing into the locker room.
“See you later.”
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A/N: these drabble requests aren’t even drabbles anymore, I’m enjoying all of these prompts way too much to keep them under 1k lol
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evaceratops · 7 years
me: college is gonna be fine chem 105a: lmao bitch you thought
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heavenlyuris · 7 years
Pairings: Stenbrough, minor Reddie, minor Benverly, very minor past BIllverly
Warnings: Minor OCD flare ups.
a/n: okay this is literally the first piece I’ve written since I was like…a freshman in high school, so pls pls pls let me know what you guys think!
For years, Stan Uris would have, without question, told you that Richie Tozier was the bane of his existence. But, in his junior year of high school, he may have told you differently. He may have to say someone annoys him even more than King Trashmouth himself.
Greta Keene.
Now, hating Greta Keene was no recent development for the losers. They haven’t liked her….ever. Stan had the misfortune to share a fourth and fifth grade class with her, and he can recall her being as annoying back then. But, they generally stayed out of each others way. She wasn’t very interested in trashing the Jewish kid when Beverly Marsh was sitting right next to him, just waiting to be picked on.
But now, it seems, Stan just can’t get away from the pharmacists daughter. Not that they intentionally crossed paths, but the Losers often followed Bill Denbrough, their fearless leader, around like lost dogs. And apparently so does Greta Keene.
When Greta caught wind that Beverly liked Bill during Freshman year, then of course Greta had to like him too. She spent a good chunk of Freshman year asking Bill if “Sloppy Seconds” Marsh was good, and when that didn’t work, she took to throwing herself at him anytime Beverly or the other Losers were around.
They all expected that to die down when Ben Hanscom finally found the balls to ask Bev out halfway through Sophomore year.
Imagine their surprise when Greta walked right through their linked hands the next day, exclaiming, “I always knew one wasn’t good enough for you, Beaverly,” throwing a wink Bill’s way and a soft, “See you in Pre-Calc, Billy,” before walking down the hallway.
A year later and she was still throwing winks, glances, and kiss faces at the tall Denbrough boy any chance she got, and since she seemed to have a built in ‘Bill-dar’, she had a lot of chances.
Bill, of course, was much too nice to flat out tell her to leave him alone. He had changed a lot since they were 13, gotten a little, okay a lot, taller, joined the football and baseball teams along with Mike Hanlon, had mostly gotten over his stutter, and had grown into his awkwardly long limbs.
It wasn’t only Greta Keene who had taken a liking to Bill, many other girls at Derry High School fawned over him, but none of them had the gall to do anything about it, because they feared the Wrath of Greta Keene.
Stan didn’t fear the Wrath of Greta Keene, he feared rejection.
This fear kept him from acting on his feelings for Bill. Stanley Uris has loved Bill Denbrough for years. Since they were kids, since Bill stood up to Henry Bowers for him. Since Bill had helped Stan nurse a hurt baby warbler back to health. Since Bill had taken his hand that day at the quarry when they were 12, and promised Stan he would never let him get hurt, and they jumped together. Stan swears he’s still falling to this day.
Falling for Bill Denbrough.
So, of course when he walked towards his shared calculus class with Richie on a Monday morning in May of 1993, and heard Greta Keene excitedly say, “I think Bill’s gonna ask me to prom!” He grabbed Richie’s arm and took a sharp left.
“Uh, Stan? Calc is the other way,” Richie said.
“Yes, but maybe we need a change of pace. Let’s take the long way,” Stan said back, shuffling along quickly.
Richie knows Stan. Stan was Richie’s first friend, his best friend. He knows that Stan doesn’t like change, he knows Stan doesn’t like being any less than 3 minutes early for class, and he knows that Stan doesn’t like girls.
He does know, however, that Stan likes Bill.
But, he doesn’t say anything, for once, and follows his friend instead.
That Thursday, during lunch, when Mike sat down with Stan, Richie, Eddie, and Bev, he asked, “You guys are coming to mine and Bill’s game tomorrow, right? It’s our last home game of the season!”
“Oh shoot! I almost forgot about that! Guess I’ll have to reschedule that date I had with Eddie’s mom, huh,” Richie said, throwing a wink in the smaller boys direction.
“Beep, Beep, Trashmouth! My mom hates your guts,” Eddie grumbled, turning away from his boyfriend, “Me and Richie will be there, Mike”
“Yeah, Mikey! You know me and Eds wouldn’t miss it,” Richie said, ignoring the heated ‘don’t call me that!’ he earned from his boyfriend.
Mike nodded, “Awesome. Bev? Stan?”
Beverly smiled that beautiful smile of hers, “Of course I’ll be there,” she replied, looking over at Stan expectantly.
Stan shrugged. “I still have to convince my dad to let me start Sabbath late, but I’m sure it won’t be a problem,” he stated. Him and his father had come to an understanding on his faith. His father understood that pressuring Stan to keep such a strict belief was hurting him, and had loosened the reigns significantly. He still wanted Stan to observe Sabbath, and his mother still only cooked Kosher meals. Stan had begun loving the quiet Friday evenings, and Saturday mornings with is family.
But not as much as he loved Bill.
So of course, the following night, he found himself sitting with his friends in the bleachers of the baseball diamond, awaiting Derry High’s team’s arrival.
The night wasn’t too chilly, he had brought an extra jacket just in case, and he even found himself laughing at Richie’s terrible jokes under the bright lights of the field, still making sure his giggles were accompanied by his signature eye roll.
Overall, he was having a really great time.
Well he was, until he saw Greta Keene. She was decked out in Derry High’s school colors, had Bill’s #7 painted on her cheek, and she was wearing…
Was that Bill’s varsity jacket?
Upon her turning around, Stan had found out that it was indeed, Bill’s varsity jacket.
Stan’s stomach dropped, he could have heard it, had Richie not audibly gagged at the sight of Greta flashing the back to her friends, which proudly had ‘Denbrough’ stitched across it.
Beverly opened her mouth to speak, probably to make a comment about said jacket, but before any nice came out, she was interrupted by cheers exploding as Derry’s team ran out onto the field to stand for the National Anthem, and Stan’s heart leaped up into his throat as he saw Bill smile right at him.
The moment was cut short when Greta’s screech of, “WOO BILLY! GO BILLY!” sharply rang through his eardrums.
Stan had a hard time focusing on anything except for Greta screaming Bill’s name anytime he was up to bat, or caught a fly ball, or did anything, really.
“Stan, your eyes are going to literally pop out of your head if you roll them any harder,” Richie leaned in to whisper to the Jewish boy, though there was a concerned undertone to the teasing.
Stan promptly turned his glare to Richie, non-verbally telling to shut up, while simultaneously saying ‘I’ll explain later’ without saying any words.
Soon, it was the bottom of the ninth, and both teams were tied up, and it was Bill Denbrough’s turn up at bat. One home run, and the game would be theirs, and Derry High would be heading to playoffs. Of course, because Bill Denbrough is perfect, he hit that home run, he proudly ran the bases, right into home base, and right into the waiting arms of his teammates, who hefted him up onto their shoulders as the whole of Derry High School cheered for the beautiful green-eyed boy.
Of course, the team wanted to celebrate, but the only people Bill wanted to spend the night with were his merry band of Losers.
“S-so, guys. Are we meeting back at my place,” Bill asked hopefully after he and Mike finally pried their way away from the team, and had converged with the rest of the Losers in the parking lot.
Richie opened his mouth, probably to spew some idiot remark that he wouldn’t miss spending a night with Mrs. Denbrough, when the signature Keene screech was heard.
“Billy,” she spoke, throwing her arms around his neck as he turned around. “You did such a good job tonight! I’m so proud of you!”
“Uh, th-thanks, Greta,” he stammered as she finally released him.
“So, are you coming to the diner tonight,” she asked, coy smile playing on her lips.
“No, me and my friends are just gonna hang out for the night,” he responded.
Greta finally seemed to recognize the figures standing behind Bill, and a sneer marked her mug, “Oh, will then,” she shrugged off his jacket, holding it out to him, “Here’s your jacket back, thanks for letting me borrow it, Billy. Congrats again,” she whispered the last part, standing up on her tip-toes to plant a kiss on Bill’s cheek, before walking back to her friends.
Stan could have puked right then and there. “I don’t think I can make it, my dad wants me home.“
“Oh, well, I can drive you home,” Bill offered, fishing his keys out of his pocket.
“No, Big BIll, I got this one, I need to swing by Stan’s house and say a special hello to Mrs. Uris, anyway,” Richie sent a wink flying Stan’s way. This time it wasn’t jealousy bringing bile up Stan’s throat.
As Stan bid their small group adieu, Bill grabbed him into a hug. “Thanks for coming tonight. See you on Monday,” The taller, green-eyed boy spoke, flashing Stan a blinding smile.
Once they were in Richie’s car, driving down the street, he broke.
“I love him so much, Rich.”
“I know. He-“
“He’s literally just perfect.”
“Yeah, you know-“
“And who does Greta think she is to try and steal him away from us!?”
“A bitch, but Stan-“
“God I wanted to throw up when I saw her wearing his jacket! And when she kissed him? Barf,” Stan said, opening the glove box and trying hard to reorganize Richie’s junk to help the oncoming panic attack.
“Yeah she’s gross, but as I was saying, he really likes-“
“Oh no, don’t tell me he likes her, I’ll actually barf then,”
“No! He likes-“
“God, if he asks her to prom I’m going to….I don’t know what I’m going to do!”
“If they start dating I’ll-“
“And if I have to see them kiss in the hallways I’m-“
“STAN!” Richie finally shouted, stomping on the brake. All of the papers Stan had in his hands flopped to the ground.
“What, Richie,” Stan huffed, too deep in his own sorrow to have the energy to try and pick them up again.
“This is our stop.”
Confused, Stan looked out of the window, only to be met with the outside of the Denbrough house. Turning back to Richie, he shook his head adamantly, “No, Richie, I’m not going in there.”
“C’mon Stanley, all that’s gonna happen is we’re gonna order pizza, watch some movies, have some laughs, and have a good time. And it won’t be the same without you there,” Richie said, “Besides, Bill’s whining about you not being there is gonna totally distract from my time! Time I could be spending making out with Eds!”
Flushed, Stan once again shook his head, “I wanna go home, Richie.”
“Staniel, pleeeeeeaaaase,” Richie begged, clasping his hand together and pouting his bottom lip at his best friend.
“Ugh, fine,” Stan said, mostly just wanting to get out of the car, which now had loose papers all over the interior.
Richie followed him out and around to the other side, “Great! And just so you know, I’m making a great sacrifice here! Bill only orders cheese pizza when you’re around! I’m giving up my Hawaiian Pizza for you Stan!”
Stan rolled his eyes as he and Richie walked into the Denbrough residence, so comfortable with this family that  they did not need to knock.
Bill seemed to be in the middle of a monologue when the pair entered the den, his eyes widening when he say the boy with the familiar curls. “Stan,” he exclaimed, “You m-made it!”
“Yeah, no one can resist the Tozier charm,” Richie said, winking at no one in particular.
Stan rolled his eyes, “What he means to say was that he brought me here against my will.”
He must have imagined the slight look of disappointment that crossed Bill’s face.
Purposefully avoiding his usual spot on the love seat next to Bill, he instead opted to sit on the floor in front of the couch, leaning against Beverly’s legs.
Did he imagine that look of confusion Bill sent his way?
After they finally placed their order for two large pizza’s, one cheese, and one Hawaiian, after Stan promised he only wanted a couple slices, they settled into watching one of their favorite movies.
Halfway through, the doorbell rang, alerting the teens to the arrival of their food. Bill hopped up to answer the door, paying the delivery boy, and walking back through the den to the kitchen.
“Stan, do you wanna help me grab plates?”
It was almost an automatic impulse, hopping up and following Bill, but he was halfway to the kitchen when he remembered he did not want to be alone with the boy, so he resigned to keeping quiet while grabbing the plates from their regular cupboard. That was something he loved about the Denbrough house, it’s been the exact same as the first day he stepped foot into the house.
He nearly dropped the plates when he turned around to Bill’s gaze directly on him.
“Are y-you mad at me?” Ah, there is it. Bill had never been very subtle when it came to speaking his mind.
Stan shook his head, “No, of course not,” he said through a tight-lipped smile.
“Is there something bothering you,” Bill’s furrowed brow showed every sign of concern for his friend.
Stan sighed, “I guess I’m just…..stressed.”
“Is your dad pressuring you again? You know you can stay here anytime you need,” Bill’s gaze softened.
Stan’s heart started beating even more rapidly at the brunette’s loving gaze. He only nodded in response.
“Do you w-want to..spend the n-night here,” Bill tripped over his words.
Once again, Stan only nodded in response.
When they returned, they both took their spots next to each other on the love seat after handing out the plates.
Stan definitely did not imagine the smirk and wink he received from Richie when Bill draped his arm across the back of the seat behind Stan.
After the movie, and a not-so-surprising promprosal from Richie to Eddie, the other losers slowly decided to head home.
“Stan, you need a ride home,” Riche asked.
Stan glanced at Bill, his cheeks picking up a faint blush, “No, I’m staying the night.”
“Yowza! Okay Stan the Man, remember to use protection,” Richie howled, wrapping an arm around Eddie as they headed out of the door.
After they were alone, Stan argued that he would wash the dishes while Bill got ready for bed, as a sort of congrats on the big game.
Once Stan was done, and had hung the last plate on the drying rack, he headed upstairs, opening the door to Bill’s room, stopping in his track as a very, very shirtless Bill Denbrough turned around.
Stan felt as if every bit of blood rushed to his face while he stammered an apology, turning around and trying to walk back out the door.
“Stan, it’s okay,” Bill said, quickly pulling a sweatshirt over his head. Stan noticed he stall had a couple of articles of clothing in his hands, and Bill handed them to him. “H-here, I r-r-realized that yo-you probably didn’t b-bring pajamas.”
“Thank you,” Stan said, quietly undressing himself. As he was, he felt Bill’s eyes on him, and was glad for the shirt covering his blush. He had undressed in from of Bill so many times, but never when they were this….close….this alone.
It felt almost intimate.
And as Stan stood in the middle of Bill’s room, with a pair of shorts hanging from his hips and swimming in a shirt much too large for him, he could swear Bill was staring at him. He quickly chose to study the mess of papers lying on Bill’s desk instead of meeting the other boys eyes.
“Stan, please, tell me what’s wr-wrong,” Bill pleaded.
“There’s nothing wrong,” Stan stated, still staring at the papers, trying to will them to be organized with his mind.
“Greta really likes you.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“She’s probably gonna ask you out,” now Stan has begun shuffling papers around, trying to get notes for classes together.
“M-maybe, but-“
“I mean, you two will probably be a great couple.”
“I don’t-“
“I mean, everyone probably thinks you two are already a couple, she WAS wearing your jacket tonight.”
“She asked s-so I-“
“Everyone loves you , so they’ll probably love you two together,” Stan has begun shuffling the papers faster, every so often a piece slips out of his grasp and he has a hard time quelling his tears as he bends over to pick it up.
“And it’s okay if you ask her to prom, she was talking about it earlier this week.”
“And when you guys start dating and you hold hands, and kiss, and-“
“STAN!” Bill shouted, grabbing the smaller boys wrists, turning Stan around to face him.
“Yes?” Stan asked, innocently. This was when Bill noticed the tears welling up in the corners of his eyes.
“Stan? Wh-what is…what’s wrong?” Bill asked, much more soft this time. Stan shook his head again, tears finally slipping out. Bill simply wrapped his arms around his waist. Stan pushed away with little force, but enough for Bill to get the clue and let him go. “Stan, please.”
“I love you, okay? I love you so god damn much, and not the way that Richie loves you, or the way Mike loves you. I’m IN LOVE with you Bill!” Stan sobbed, “And I know that I’m not good enough for you and…“ Stan wavered, looking the the right words. “And it hurts so much thinking that you’ll never love me the same way that I love you.”
“Why,” Bill simply asked.
“Why do I love you? Because you’re amazing, you can do anything you put your mind to, you’re beautiful, and kind, and smart, and-“
“No, why d-do you think I w-won’t love you?”
Stan suddenly froze, looking up at Bill, who seemed much closer than he was a second ago. “Because…..you can’t.”
Bill smiled that signature Denbrough smile. “I th-thought you said I c-could do anything?” He asked softly, his nervousness showing through the shake of his hands, and the shake of his voice. “Can I kiss you?”
Stan nodded, and when Bill caught his lips with his own, and even as the bells rang in his mind, and the explosions blew in his heart, he realized he was right.
He’s still falling for Bill Denbrough.
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star-puff · 4 years
MEG LORE😩😩😩 i’m gonna need to see every volume to brush up on my knowledge
also that’s actually so cool?? i’ve never considered sakusa as an e2l option but that’s kinda sexy of that anon😏
mbti anon is literally the sexiest, i love them sm 😫
ok but here is the original sakusa analysis if you want to see it HAHAH but basically the rest of Meg Lore is that calculus is the bane of my existence and i cry over it at least once (1ce) a month
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lokgifsandmusings · 7 years
Definitive Ranking of Book 1 Episodes, #9/12
9. 1x06 And The Winner Is...
It’s the probending finals! That’s it. That’s literally it.
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As I go through these metas, I’m constantly rethinking my rankings since the issues seem to crystallize. For instance, though I might have enjoyed “Skeletons in the Closet” over something like “A Leaf in the Wind” due to personal taste, my “Endgame” essay made it clear that many of the structural and thematic problems of the season were tied to the last few episodes. For that reason, I kind of expected “Turning the Tide” to be next, since it’s the episode where (by my own account) the ‘wheels came off’ the narrative.
There *is* a lot to tackle there, but “And The Winner Is...” was right next to it on my first pass-through list, and I simply couldn’t think of a way in which it’s better.
The best that can be said about 1x06 is that it’s not bad. It’s really not. It hedges on “fine” territory for most of the episode. At the same time, it’s unthinkable that this is *all* that happens in a full episode. We’ve had utterly *packed* 22 minutes before, like “Enemy At The Gates”. Here, it’s basically two things:
There’s a championship match & some team prep
Amon attacks after the match
Hell this could have easily been combined into one bullet point if I had been trying.
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It’s not that focused episodes are necessarily a bad thing, either. “Operation Beifong” is easily one of my favorites, and that B-plot may as well not exist. But the main issue is that the driving tension of this episode, at least until the terrorist attack, is a rivalry match that was established the episode prior. And consisted entirely of one mean remark on the part of Tahno that was also vaguely suggestive. Like, I’m sorry to hear Bolin and Mako lost to them off-screen in the past, but Tahno literally had four lines that was just sort of, “You are losers.” Was anyone super gripped by this?
This is especially an issue given that it followed the episode of probending saturation. Again, probending is a successful tool to showcase Korra’s development in teamwork (remember her extreme isolation in the South Pole), and to also show what type of Avatar she is and what her mark is: she reconciles the old tried-and-true into the modern era with her own spin on it (airbending applied to pro sports). However, that use was kind of drained after “A Leaf in the Wind.” All we’re left with is watching yet another match, and worse still, this one is presented as if we should be really hanging on to find out the outcome.
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Look, Tahno seems like an asshole. We also are primed on a cultural level to root for the underdogs by default, and of course we’d rather the team with the people we know and like at this point be the victors. It’s *fine*, but forgive me for not being invested. I do think Amon’s attack at the stadium was an effective venue, though for the life of me, I fail to see why it couldn’t have come at the end of 1x05. We didn’t need Amon’s warning, and I actually think a surprise would have been even better (and made more sense; but I’ll get to that). Plus, that would solve a lot of the issue of 1x05’s pacing. We didn’t need 3 random matches just like we didn’t need continual love triangle idiocy. “Let’s be friends” could have been easily established before the final match against Tahno, and then the episode would end with chaos erupting.
I’m dangerously close to fix-it fic, and I realize that. But I just don’t see this episode justifying itself as is. What is the value of having Tarrlok, Lin, and Tenzin debate how to handle an attack that was always going to happen? I mean, I’m usually all for this kind of granular detail, but there was no incentive or reward for the audience agreeing with anyone in it. Other than that, we had Korra and the Ferrets attacking pictures of Tahno and a match where the Wolfbats cheat (which wouldn’t have been hard to establish in half the time), before the attack itself.
For an episode that was supposed to set the tone of the rest of the season, it felt very much like spinning-wheels.
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Alright, now the logical issues. Tarrlok, Lin, and Tenzin know this terrorist threat is there. The whole Council is united in closing down the arena (and are unmoved by Korra, Bolin, and Mako arguing for it to stay open because...they want it to) until Lin runs in and says they need to show city-wide strength and unity against the Equalists. This is a decent point, especially because it’s still unclear what percentage of nonbenders even support this cause. There’s no real debate that ensues, however, even though these are rather relevant topics to address.
Tarrlok agrees to this as long as Lin is the one to personally ensure responsibility for everyone’s safety. Which is just...this doesn’t make sense. It’s still the Council’s decision to go through with it, and it also seems bizarre that the only thing fueling Tarrlok’s decision was personal risk. He is legitimately committed to stopping the Equalists, and there’s no reason why the presence of police would alter his calculus about keeping the arena open very much. Plus, is he elected? What is his biggest fear, here?
The weirdest part to me, though, is why *wouldn’t* Lin’s police force already be assumed as protection? In fact, shouldn’t she have been in on this conversation from the get-go, since it’s literally about security, and even just Amon threatening to attack the place would trigger a very serious response on the part of the police department?
Maybe these are nitpicks, or maybe I’m just frustrated by the fact that Amon could have easily been stopped if they just positioned metalbenders and the entrance and searched everyone. I guess in fairness the gloves were new technology, and they were just assuming otherwise unarmed chiblockers would show up. But the Equalists Korra fought in 1x03 undercuts this assumption quite significantly since they were already using gas canisters and other sorts of weaponry. Hell, Bolin and Mako even dealt with a guy who had those shocker-sticks, which I have to assume they would have mentioned to someone. Since, you know, the people keeping Republic City safe are running around in metal suits?
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I think the crux of it, at least for me, is that in our current world, if you’re going to show us the “governmental response” to a threatened terrorist attack, it deserves to be handled in a way that 1) makes sense and 2) actually tries to grapple with the balance of showing resilience/unity versus safety and the risks associated with both. I’m just not sure LoK was ever really the show that should have tried to handle this, and certainly not when our protagonist is arguing one side on the basis of her wanting to participate in a sporting event.
Which again, but a surprise attack could have resolved this issue.
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There’s also a more general problem here, and that’s the Equalists and their very, very undefined support. We’re supposed to assume the majority of nonbenders are *not* Equalists, or at least, that’s what 1x08 implied with the police force inflicting harm (or almost doing so) on a vulnerable population. We see that Amon’s rallies are popular and people were generally supportive of vigilante justice being doled out against corrupt gang members (again, debending can kind of be thought of as disarmament, at least before Amon’s “cleansed of impurity” quasi-genocidal speech begins), but there’s a large difference between that and willingly hiding a glove in a bucket of popcorn and attacking the police with it.
We could think that most nonbenders do want *something* done about the inequality and the way benders are able to extort (also their taxation without representation, I guess), but is *this* really the message that’s going to get people on-board:
“Good morning, citizens of Republic City. This is Amon. I hope you all enjoyed last night's pro-bending match, because it will be the last. It's time for this city to stop worshiping bending athletes as if they were heroes. I am calling on the council to shut down the bending arena and cancel the finals, or else there will be severe consequences.”
If anything, this is the kind of shit that would bring people together to say “fuck those guys.” Amon was able to spin the Wolfbat’s win into some commentary that was probably relatively resonant, but again, it’s the premeditated nature of this that seems utterly unstrategic. Had the Council shut it down...where does he make his speech about taking Gotham back from the corrupt?
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Actually, speaking of Bane, remember that time he interrupted a major sporting event? And told everyone to “Take control of your city. This...this is the instrument of your liberation! ...We come here not as conquerors, but as liberators, to return control of this city to the people.” And a big part of that working was the ELEMENT OF SURPRISE? And the fact that it was well-attended because people weren’t scared shitless? And the cops were on a false trail instead of having been given a heads up about an attack?
I don’t even know what point I’m making anymore. That Amon is a failed Bane? (Who’s really more like comic!Ra’s al Ghul, according to Griffin.) That Nolan pulled off this concept better than Bryke, though 1x06 aired like two months beforehand?
Really, what it boils down to is that it bothers me when it feels like things ~just happen~ to advance the plot. Amon’s threat was seeded before this episode, and an attack makes sense and ups the stakes. But the open Equalist revolution announcement shouldn’t have to rely on the idiocy of everyone else. Also, in 1x04 it was “too early” to take Korra’s bending since she’d be a martyr. But now two episodes later, probending athletes are a suitable target? Sure they cheated, but these aren’t exactly crime bosses or even someone like Tarrlok. They’re not martyrs? They had fans. Finding out Lance Armstrong had been juicing was really upsetting, but I doubt we’d be cheering at someone breaking his legs (and his off-race behavior makes Tahno look like a cinnamon roll).
Yes, probending represents the worshipping of a privilege. But that is a full stadium, no matter how you slice it.
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Really, if we had any idea of the support the Equalists enjoyed, or perhaps a deeper look at the plight of the nonbender past phonograph destruction, I think this could have landed. That’s perhaps where the creative energy needed to go in the episode immediately preceding it, rather than romance, especially since the Bolin leg of the love trapezoid was not needed in any way. (Frankly neither was Asami as a device to hook up Makorra in the first place.) But without it, it just comes across as a little bit of an ass-pull. This is especially the case when the Wolfbats’ cheating wasn’t even hinted at before their match. Wouldn’t Bolin have known this and mentioned it to Korra?
That said, there are nice things about this episode, and I think this is where this book’s definitive rankings turn a corner. Because truly, I feel bad having almost nothing nice to say about the 3 previous episodes I’ve dug into.
For one, I love anything Linzin. I’m like, “oh yeah, you wreck that home, Lin!”, but they do give me significant feels, and I think it’s fantastic how they’re scripted. There’s obvious affection there, as well as hurt, and this kind of deeply-rooted inability to communicate entirely honestly. Lin’s “Like old times?” actually makes me make disgusting noises at my computer. Especially since she immediately walks it back. Remember how they probably dated for like a decade and a half?
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I think it’s kind of funny that Lin is accidentally an abysmal chief of police in the narrative. Like I said, stopping and searching everyone would have been the way to go, unless that happened and the popcorn was somehow overlooked. Still, her confidence and old tried-and-true methods did help frame the uprising in an effective way.
That’s the other thing: even with Amon’s announcing of it, the Equalists revealing themselves was awesome. The slow-motion worked effectively, along with Korra’s hazy vision, and the way that there were Equalists hiding in plain-sight within the audience. Their ascent to the airships was a little silly as a conclusion, but otherwise Amon’s message and the reveal of the electric glove worked well. Though one odd thing was that in absence of distributing these (I guess they didn’t want them to fall into bender hands?), it felt a little salespitchy. “And you too can ensure equality for only 9 yuans!”
The rooftop fight was a wonderful conclusion, especially since the episode ended on the somber note, with a pulled out shot of the destruction. Lin is the perfect action hero, and this also showcased Korra’s prowess, without completely breaking the narrative. She threw herself into the fight without thinking much, and ended up needing rescue, though not before reminding us of her amazing physicality.
The conclusion was good, it was just the path getting there was not particularly engaging. Which interestingly is the complete opposite of Book 1 as a whole. Still, it was the halfway chapter needed, and the surprise Equalist uprising in the stadium is iconic enough to be ripped off. If only the follow-through had been there.
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#12 1x12 “Endgame”
#11 1x05 “The Spirit of Competition"
#10 1x11 “Skeletons in the Closet”
1x06 photo recap found here
Book 2 ranking/essays found here
Book 4 ranking/essays found here
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notesorscribbles · 7 years
i fell... hard.
I graduated with a 5.1 GPA from high school, 1000+ hours of community service, and AP credits to boot. I got accepted to several Ivy League schools. I had a 3.5 GPA my first year at uni.
What no one talks about though, is how to get back up after you’ve fallen from all that.
My GPA dropped under 2.0, I wasn’t getting enough financial aid to cover my semesters at school (for reasons I won’t go into), I got more and more loans and then I flunked out. I let relationships rule my life and they got in the way of my studies. I lost my internship at NASA. Everything went south. Fast.
I lost my livelihood. I mourned for it in the form of drugs, parties, and festivals. 
My cliche for today is: you never know what you’ve got until it’s gone. 
I lost all my financial aid, like an idiot, I lost the grant I earned based on my high school grades, I am now literally paying for school out of my pocket. I’ve been attempting to earn my Bachelor’s degree since 2010. Seven years later, I still have 2.5 years to get it right.
I failed. But I am determined to get it right now that I understand:
go at your own pace
do not overwhelm yourself with too much load at once
STUDY. You cannot hope to pass upper level classes like Physics or (the bane of my existence) Calculus without some serious dedication.
love yourself. Forgive yourself. I was stupid. I still am stupid, but slightly less so now.
No one talks about how to keep moving forward after you have failed. 
No one likes to present the side of them that was not successful. 
I’m showing it to you because I want you to be.
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coffeecup218 · 7 years
Yup I was 16 when I finished high school as well :) I guess it a beautiful thing to watch new parents bond with their kid. Haha, yeah Malaysia is a really pretty place to visit ;) Hehe, dont worry I will read it in a bit ;) Ooohhh, I'm curious to see what you write about for S4 if you do. I like to pretend that the whole disappearance arc didn't happen. No such thing. No disappearance. I rewatch the latter season a lot less as well so i get you. In HS my fav subject was probs English or Physics
Combined with: “And in A Level (pre uni), I hated everything and everyone so we’ll not talk about that. In Uni, as of right now I love Competition, Contract and Evidence. Were you the kind of student who if the teacher was good you loved the subject or did it not matter. Who’s your favourite character on Castle and why?”
Honestly, it might not even be this year (for the season 4 fic). My schedule is all over the place and I wanted to start writing a thing for the Winter Ficathon, but I don’t even know if that’s happening in the end because I’ll be busy over the holidays as well. 
Oh, English was fun as well, but I was put at a level that was too easy for me (never changed it cuz why pass up the opportunity to excel at something). I would literally sleep during English class.  And physics was the bane of my existence. Don’t get me wrong, physics is sooooo interesting. I loved reading the theory and everything behind it. The exams, however, were a pain in the ass. I was totally a student who would do waaaaay better if the teacher was passionate about the subject and was good and teaching it. I remember I passed my calculus 1 class with average grades because I hated the teacher. But then I got to calculus 2 and the teacher was amazing and would explain to you very clearly what was going. I’d never gotten better grades in maths in my entire life (or at least in college level maths)!
I guess Competition, Contract, and Evidence are law school stuff :D But it does sound quite interesting. How do your classes work?
My favourite character on Castle? I don’t know man, I’ll get back to you on that one. It needs a little bit of reflection. 
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