#calculated success
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brimarc-noel-llc · 3 months ago
Small Business Loans - Calculating your way to greatness with small business loans! 🧮💰 Our mission: make your financial calculations as smooth as the silk lining in your suit. 😎
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dreamings-free · 6 months ago
what success are you talking about? if it’s the sold out gigs that’s thanks to fans not his team, same with his number 1 album. what success does his big and almighty team bring to the table?
okay I’m taking the bait here.. but sweetie, you cannot be this fucking dense
who do think planned the entire album campaign, was it fans? every interview, every tv appearance, radio, press? the release schedule, production and distrubution, the entire marketing plan with billboards, video content, social media, advertising? who planned louis’ and his band and crew’s travel, hotels, meals to every place the did promo..? did fans do that?
did fans book the tours? figure out the locations, the schedule, the venue sizes, the travel, visas, permits? who booked the hotels, the tour buses, the transport of an enourmous production, instruments and gear, crew, catering? and everything that happened in between album and tours, like the AOTV release and premieres, the live stream events, the promo trip to latam, the live album campaign, FEQW and AFHF? who booked all the festivals? fans did that??
wtf do you even think an artist's management does? that they're just there for the parties? for the love of f… go read this article, this article and every article on this site too until you understand in your tiny brain the unbelievable amount of work and people it takes to plan and execute the business that is louis tomlinson - and any other artist of that size. and stop coming at me with this nonsense lmao
but honestly I kinda hope you're some troll because otherwise.. 🤯
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zeldasadork · 1 year ago
scott and joel are good rivals too because they both are sort of the catalysts of their own demises (particularly in secret life) but scott moreso in a tactical self-martyring way and joel in a “unlucky and with poor risk assessment” way
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theshadowrealmitself · 2 years ago
Vulcan parent whose grown kid has been making more reckless and dangerous decisions finding out their kid bonded with a Human and blaming them for their kid’s behavior, just to find out that Human is a very cautious and careful person and their kid has always been like that, they just never realized it
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ms-demeanor · 2 years ago
dear stats class, thank you for finally actually being the thing to make me become proficient in excel because i am absolutely not calculating that shit by hand (correlation coefficient).
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toiletpotato · 2 years ago
school supplies should be free. you agree. reblog.
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weepingtalecowboy · 6 months ago
Fanfic prompt: While I love shadow being a silly little guy I also think that he has the potential to be one of the craziest and deranged characters in the Zelda series
Because he did try to straight up execute Vio for his betrayal and the only reason why Vio even was able to kill him was the fact that the had enough force gems (I get why he did try it but also that guy was still acting like they were friends with eachother and all that while he was extremely angry and ready to burn Vio )
Also he is a shapeshifter and the thing with shapeshifters is the fact that they can turn into eldrich abominations and your worst nightmare at the same time
The fact that you can’t kill him till you have enough force is quite a danger because he is quite powerful (and with a constant hunt strategy he could make sure that you don’t even get to close to the point of killing him by constantly making you lose force gems) also him getting beheaded and putting his own head back on is now burned into my mind because he could probably actually do that
But also shadow destroyed almost all of Hyrule in like a day
He is canonically a menace to society and created from a part of ganondorf
A fiction were Shadow found out about the betrayal Vio was planning much earlier than in canon and then decided that Vio won’t get the opportunity to execute it because he will stay his friend forever and he won’t have a choice but to be his bestest of friends
He can’t lose his only friend
He won’t lose him because he won’t let him leave
If their relationship is a lie then he supposes that Vio would just have to make his lies more believable because now he knows that the other is a liar
Afterall cheaters only win when they are not caught lying
And that liar was caught before he even noticed himself
Such a shame for him
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silverserpent · 2 years ago
Tomorrow, me, @atak-achrativ and @freshlybakedpigeons are going to stream Star-spawned, roleplay made by @prokopetz!
EDIT: time will be at 6:30 Central European Time!
This is a GMless roleplay. The core concept is that we are playing eldritch beings who were just born, therefore we have no idea about what our stats mean.
So, we are applying the scientific method to it. We are gonna make hypotheses and test them. We are very smart eldritch beings.
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turnaboutstar · 4 months ago
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she had another husband?????
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slashermary · 2 years ago
shiv saying “i got mommed” is maybe the most harrowing thing bc that’s the nightmare,it’s her greatest fear! it is just the entire summation of everything she didn’t want to be, didn’t want to happen, what she constructed her entire personality in rebellion against. all this time trying to be respected by having a career on the opposite political spectrum, calculating to be seen as an equal player in her dad’s eyes, marrying a man she knew she could overpower and out maneuver, and trying as hard as she could never to be seen as vulnerable or disposable and it still happened! the same thing happened to her that happened to all the women in her father’s life he got tired of or who put up too much of a fight. she got mommed.
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insinirate · 2 years ago
I'm glad you don't get into Vash mpreg but I also have no idea how Nai could possibly turn up his obsessive, possessive, overbearing behavior considering it's already at 110% right now. Like... How could he possibly get more weird over Vash?
you cant even begin to imagine the insane amounts of fussing that man is capable of
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mainfaggot · 24 days ago
so as it turns out (as it always does), slaving away for that delicious dopamine inducing 95% average during exam season is in fact, a distraction from suicidal ideation and feeling hopeless in life. i am nothing but a number #academia
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cakebatteronabrickwall · 1 year ago
My opinion on the hug kinda kept changing until recently, but I might have reached a definitive reading.
So, first of all: season 4 boils down the finale to be Shiv vs Ken and that is a good thing (!) it makes the most sense, mainly because Roman tends to go along with things. He can't win his father's favor anymore, so he tries with his siblings and, by extension, he tries holding on to Logan as long as possible by doing that. That's his objective. Shiv's thing is proving herself as the most viable candidate. She can't prove it to Logan, so she will do it for anyone else. But Kendall's thing used to be positioning himself against Logan, and since that can't happen anymore, he becomes Logan. Or tries to, bear with me.
Roman brings up Kendall "big brothering" him in ep. 8, but it's very prevalent throughout season 4. But it is also very reminiscent of what their father used to do; keeping them very close and making them feel trusted only to become violent (in some form) when questioned in his authority. Clearest example is Ken feeling the tides turn against him and attacking his brother.
But the hug comes before that, and there are two very important aspects to this--
1) It is cruel and I don't think it matters if you think Roman wanted/needed it because, crucially, Kendall's endgoal with the violence isn't within that line of thinking. He is asserting his dominance (as seen by the second physical attack later).
2) BUT much more importantly: imo, the hug starts with the intention of comfort (!!!) and only ends in violence. This is Ken at his most Logan; a last goodbye to his brother from his father by combining violence and a loving embrace. He learned from the best.
Though in the end, what it comes down to, is this: Does Roman push his wound into the shoulder? Does Kendall press him against it? Both. You don't get Roman's "i hate you" without Kendall's "i love you". It's both. It will always be both, but I will say this-- hate can't come without love, but love can very much stand on its own. So, even if it's both, one of the two weighs heavier. 4 seasons of story have shown how one weighs heavier, even if it's unintentional.
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ruvviks · 8 months ago
the dobrynins are honestly my finest work they are so. insanely dysfunctional. no one does it like them and we should be glad because otherwise night city would burn down
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slythereen · 1 year ago
archiveofourown(.)org/works/51087148/ you
m-me???? 😳
i think you must be referring to my joking (or not) honeypot max theory* (*dream) but i am neither tumblr user @oranjeleeuw nor ao3 user thearchercore lanflsakfa come get yall's identities back !!!
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wittywallflower · 10 months ago
Data worked really hard to compile a lot of poker statistics to calculate a very average human win-loss ratio, and learning to adhere to that range of reasonable poker success while making it seem natural and keep the flow of the game took him a long time! His friends respect his efforts and help him practice!
relevant image:
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People are always like "why do they let Data play poker with them, his brain is a computer, he has an unfair advantage," and the answer is simply because it's for fun!! He's their friend! Like can you imagine if they told Data he can't play, he'd be like "I understand, that's a logical decision, and as an android I am unable to feel left out," but then any time the poker game came up he'd be looking at Riker across the bridge like
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