#cal's adventures in lobstering
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scorp-man · 11 months ago
The Social Event
I was out of town at a project in northern California, at a hotel that had a social event Mon through Saturday. I arrived Sunday afternoon as my drive was a 7 hour journey from So Cal and was excited to see the town since I arrived a day early I went to a local dispensary so I didn’t have to travel with anything and then headed to the hotel where I heard about the social event following days to come. The hotel had the usual restaurants across from the hotel and that was fine for dinner that night. I continued to watch a movie (Radical) if you were curious before I actually fell asleep; of course it was a exactly up my alley and why I wanted to watch it as it was based on a true story and it was really phenomenal. Passed out, night one done
Monday morning, woke up just semi tired as the bed was different but the king size and extra pillows helped. I was also fully erect and hopped in the shower to just get the morning going cause I didn’t want to get too exited. I headed down to the lobby for breakfast and found a nice breakfast spread for all the guests. I grabbed a quick plate and sat down at a table the seating area was in a different room I forgot my fork 🤦🏽‍♂️. I headed back to the cutlery/napkin/condiment area but as I was just grabbing my fork I glanced around the room and saw a lovely brunette lady from behind. As I was turning she also turned and faced me finally and we caught a quick glance at each other. I ate and just relaxed before work cause who doesn’t like to relax as much as possible before work obviously. Also side note I thought I would eat and she would walk into the seating room but she must have taken her plate back to her room. Off to work I went about 15min away. Work is appropriately named and I was excited to be off that night I was burnt out, at least way more than I expected. I got back to the room and showered.
So I actually ended up missing the Monday social event in the Lobby/hotel and passed out and jumped right into Tuesday morning, had breakfast and got my morning going again. Work was fine continued helping the team with the project and assessing our timeline as we only had 6 days to complete the project. By the end of the shift we left the building and headed back to a new army dinner at Red Lobster 😅 it was suggested and I’m always up for adventure. Our waiter was cool though and she was laughing it up with the team(probably thinking our group of six was a nice way to get into her shift and make a nice tip early on). Hit the hotel and social that night only had about an hour left before it ended but I had some extra tickets from the night before so I ended my night.
BIG WEDNESDAY Morning! Of course I passed out after all the alcohol at dinner and the hotel, but on Wednesday morning I got to see my little brunette lady friend again( we weren’t friends yet 😉) but that morning some kind of energy was in the air because we just vibed at the food counters smiling and across the room just once and a while glancing at each other and our food. Almost like a sex flirt but also very omnisous as to what we were feeling and definitely not strong enough to approach each other yet and maybe some what akward 😐 back to work and the grind. Wednesday went quick and after work I hit a hobby lobby because I saw it off the freeway and was thinking something different, I would find drones and RC planes and models maybe but instead found arts & crafts almost like a Michael’s or Joanns. So I exited and went to HomeDepot right next door and then Walmart. Hit the hotel and room for a shower. I got to the social event and hung around for quite a bit
Thursdays was much of the same for work and I was so burnt out that I didn’t expect to do much but getting back to the hotel to relax but into the elevator I go and my new friend(allison), was maybe gonna walk out but saw me and took a ride, we got to talking and let her know I was gonna be at the social after I went to shower and change. Her smile was lovely but also a nice inviting smile. I met her and started a fun filled night of drinks and heading back up to the room. We mostly kissed but the touching we did do almost left quite a fluttered feeling for more.
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compo67 · 3 years ago
hold onto your butts, here's a lobster verse ramble
part of the problem i encountered with the lobster verse sequel was jensen himself. i couldn't figure out what to do with him after lobster season was over. he's still a practicing lawyer in the state of maine, but i didn't want him working for The Family because that's not who he is
jensen hates what The Family under Georgina has become. he dislikes their superficial world, always has, always will. he's his daddy's son and knows the meaning of hard work--not because he went to Harvard or worked for an oil company in Dallas--but because he spends 40 hours every week hauling lobsters from june to january. and he's done it for YEARS.
so no way in HELL would i have jensen work as a lawyer for The Family. nuh uh. it wouldn't be him if he did. he wouldn't be able to tolerate working with The Family's money. and to say he could oh, "work from the inside and slip secret donations to liberal orgs," is just ridiculous. rich white people like Georgina and her ilk know exactly where every cent goes.
no, i wanted jensen to be a lawyer for The People. i wanted him working for free for his fellow lobstermen who don't come from wealth and oodles of privilege. i wanted him helping people on the ground with their legal issues--name changes, divorces, whatever. see, i'm the child of immigrants. i know that if you know the law, you have Power. and what is important for my versions of j2 to do? share their Power. these are two incredibly privileged people who do not need to work for other incredibly privileged people.
why did we fall in love with jared in this verse? because even though he's got a trust fund, he's shared it. even though he comes from money, he renounced The Family and did his own thing. he works for tips. he buys things second/third hand. his family thinks he's a Hot Mess and while that may be true, goddammit, at least it's honest work being a Hot (sexy) Mess.
so it wouldn't work at all for jensen to be a lawyer for Those With Oodles of Privilege.
and the plot line can't follow that or revolve around it either, otherwise there's no challenge. there's no fight or grit or something worth all the effort.
the plot line has got to be something that comes for jensen and makes him work. something that keeps him up at night. something jared can help him with--directly or indirectly. a big challenge that affects the rest of the lobstering community.
lobster folks are not rich folks. they're folks who've done this for generations because they've done it for generations. they scrape and pull together. it's an entire culture what they've got there in New England, but especially Maine.
so the sequel should explore that community, not The Family.
maybe in the next season there's not as many lobsters. maybe a storm occurs. maybe more lobstermen leave because they just can't make a living out of it anymore. maybe all of that happens all at once. jensen has money, he can bail out Paul and a few guys short-term, but these are long-term issues with long-term consequences. the lobstermen will need a fund to get them through until they can recoup from the storm. jensen will have to work his ass off to put this whole thing together in a legal sense, but also in a community sense. he's gonna have people say why bother, but he knows why he bothers. he knows that this community not only needs, but deserves a working, long-lasting safety net.
and you know who's excellent at putting together fundraisers? drag queens.
and you know who jensen knows?
that's right.
that's what the sequel needs to be. fingers crossed i can revisit this in october to have it done by december. fingers crossed i still feel up to working in this verse when it comes time. shout out to the movie "It Happened to Jane" for the inspiration.
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sofunsd · 6 years ago
南加的朋友們,歡迎來到五月天!!不知道您是否有感受到空氣中那股蠢蠢欲動的夏日熱情嗎?五月初的洛杉磯和橙縣活動可是相當熱鬧多元,除了有一年一度的集結亞裔電影人的洛杉磯亞太影展,還有洛杉磯最盛大的素食節、長達一個月的洛杉磯時報美食月活動、長灘海鮮節、而橙縣也有一年一度的La Habra Citrus Fair、在聖伯那丁諾縣的Chino市也有的骨董飛機Air Show…..相信不論您最後選擇去哪一項活動,絕對會讓你感受到熱情的五月天~!
週末去哪 Fun?SOFUN 帶您漫遊OC & LA~
La Habra Citrus Fair (5/3~5)(OC)
若您沒有到訪過橙縣下的La Habra這個小鎮的話,何妨趁著一年一度的La Habra Citrus Fair嘉年華去看看呢?這個連續三天的La Habra Citrus Fair可說是該鎮的傳統市集,而且今年正值10周年慶,現場有各式嘉年華遊樂設施、petting zoo、泡泡遊行、8分鐘吃橘子比賽、在地樂團表演等等,美味小吃如Taco、烤火雞腿、烤棉花糖等也不會少哦,活動一直嗨到晚上十點、十一點,感受一下這寧靜小鎮難得的熱情~!
時間: May 3 Fri;5:30pm~11:00 pm  | May 4 Sat;11:00 am~11:00 pm |  May 5 Sun;11:00 am~9:00 pm
地點: 321 E La Habra Blvd, La Habra, CA 90631, USA
網站: http://www.citrusfair.com/
票價: 免費入場,遊樂設施另計
Soka University’s Annual International Festival (5/4)(OC)
印尼的沙爹?泰國肉丸?章魚燒?珍珠奶茶?波蘭香腸?韓國烤肉?日本串燒?這些誘人的國際美食都會在這周六於橙縣Aliso Viejo的創價大學(Soka University)的國際嘉年華會品嚐得到喔!今年的活動也是橙縣的想像慶祝活動的一部分,與橙縣教育局和藝術局合辦,活動更為盛大。現場有500多位音樂家及舞蹈家登台表演,現場也有近250個攤位,除了國際美食外、還有各國工藝品藝術品展示販售、兒童遊樂區等等,也鼓勵民眾穿著家鄉的傳統服裝參與活動喔!活動免費入場,但校園停車費是10美元現金,主辦單位鼓勵民眾共乘前往。
時間: May 4, Sat;10 : 30 am~5: 00 pm
地點: Soka University, 1 University Drive, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
網站: http://www.soka.edu/news_events/International-Festival/default.aspx
Los Angeles Vegfest (5/5)(LA)
時間: May 5 Sat;10:30 am~6:30 pm
地點: 6004 – 6076 Woodley Ave, Encino, CA 91316
網站: https://vegfestla.org/
Long Beach Seafood Festival (5/4)(LA)
喜歡吃海鮮的饕客們,這周末可別錯過了��城長灘市難得一見的海鮮節!來自洛杉磯及橙縣的頂級海鮮餐廳大廚們將在這兒烹煮出彈牙鮮嫩、讓饕客們口齒留香念念不忘的海鮮大餐!你除了可以到各餐飲攤位購買全份晚餐之外,還可以到每家花$5.00品嚐他們的特製創意美食。路易斯安娜活煮小龍蝦和Ragin Cajun口味的小龍蝦定會讓你大呼過癮!這是適合闔家共享的戶外活動,長灘燈塔和瑪莉皇后號都將覽盡眼裡,現場還有全天候的live music和DJ、團康遊戲如Connect 4 、Giant Jenga,還有臉部彩繪、大胃王比賽、跳舞教學等等,輕鬆度過一下午!
地點: SHORELINE AQUATIC PARK/200 Aquarium Way, Long Beach, CA 90802
網站: https://www.lbseafoodfest.com/
門票: 成人$18.00,5歲以上兒童$8.00
Los Angeles Times Food Bowl (5/1~31)(LA)
時間: May 1 Tue~May 31 Thur
地點:  各活動舉辦地點請洽官網
網站: lafoodbowl.com
The 35th Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival (5/2~10)(LA)
第35屆洛杉磯亞太影展(Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival)將從5月2日至10日舉行,這可說是南加歷史最優久、規模最大、以亞裔為主的影展,自1983年開展以來已經放映超過 4,000 部電影與影片,更舉辦了無數的座談會讓亞裔的電影人交流、致力培育鼓勵亞洲影視工作人員。今年共有來自全球800部影片角逐各類獎項,將會有超過 200 部電影與微電影上映,而且當中更有 8 部更是全球首映。
臺灣書院自2012年起,持續以「台灣電影焦點」(Spotlight on Taiwan)安排放映活動,多年來為新銳導演提供了作品國際展示舞台,並促進觀眾對台灣文化的認識。今年有兩部台灣電影《幸福城市》(Cities of Last Things)、《只有大海知道》(Long Time No Sea)入圍劇情長片,另有五部風格獨特的台灣短片: 超越自己的動畫《不能帶你走》;根據鄉野傳說魔神仔創作的《探訪》;協尋遊樂園走失小女孩的溫馨小品《魔幻時刻》;以及期盼邂逅真愛的同志片《痴情馬殺雞》。都將安排於「台灣電影焦點」(Spotlight on Taiwan) 特別單元中放映。
時間: May 3 Tue~May 12 Sat;詳細播放時間請洽官網
地點: 依不同電影有不同合作的放映電影院,請洽官網查詢
網站: http://festival.vconline.org/2018/
票價: 普通票$15、學生與長者 $14
Planes of Fame Air Show (5/4~5)(San Bernardino)
位於San Bernadino下面的Chino市,這週末的天空將會很熱鬧!一年一度的Planes of Fame Air Show將於本週末登場,這個號稱世界十大必看航空展之一的二戰飛機航展 ,今年將有至少40架歷史悠久的飛機向您展示精彩的飛行特技表演,U.S.A.F. F-35 飛行小組、N9MB等都會演出,還有F4U 戰鬥機、B-25 轟炸機、P-40戰鬥機等二戰飛機展出等,當然還有kids zone、美食餐車等著你喔~!
時間: May 4 Sat & May 5 Sun;8:00 am to 5:00 pm
地點: 14998 Cal Aero Drive, Chino, CA 91710-9085 (Planes of Fame Air Museum)
網站: http://www.planesoffame.org/
Movie of the week 週末電影推薦!
醜娃娃大冒險 UglyDolls
ONgoing! OC/LA Fun不停
Street Food Cinema (4/27~10/26) (LA)
夏天的周末就是要在戶外看電影啊!「街頭美食電影院」(Street Food Cinema)將在洛杉磯縣11個地點舉辦50多場電影活動,除了播放賣座的電影之外,還包括電影放映前的現場音樂演出、名人訪談和其他娛樂活動,現場還設有美食餐車喔!打頭陣的是本周六在洛杉磯國家歷史公園將放映經典的浪漫愛情電影《戀夏 500 Days of Summer》,當日復古流行樂隊「The Flusters」將於下午6時30開唱,現場還有多個洛城美食餐車如「Astro Donuts and Fried Chicken」、 「Boba Ni Taco」、 「Cousins Maine Lobster」、 「Phillyfornia」等。活動將持續至10月26日,充滿童年回憶的《侏羅紀公園 Jurassic Park》以及今年獲得奧斯卡最佳原創歌曲的《一個巨星的誕生 A Star is Born》等等,是電影迷們不可多得的機會!(查看電影名單請點這裡)
時間: April 27 Sat ~Oct 26 Sat
地點: 每部電影的播放場地均不同,詳情請查詢官網
票價:成人 $14 起、兒童(6-12) $6 起、五歲或以下兒童免費
Renaissance Pleasure Faire  (4/6~5/19)(LA)
南加州一年一度文藝復興嘉年華(The Original Renaissance Pleasure Faire )又來囉,每年都會在四月和五月的每個週末舉行,約有20萬人參與,可說是西岸最大規模的文藝復興嘉年華。參與的民眾都會盛裝打扮,宛如坐了時光機回到過去﹐玩著文藝復興時期的遊戲、穿著當時的服飾、走在當時的街頭看著莎士比亞的經典戲劇表演、騎士武劍比賽等,現場也會有很多售賣手工藝品﹑飾品﹑小吃等小商店,有興趣的朋友趕快去華麗變身一下!!
日期:April 6~May 19;Every Sat & Sun, 10:00 am~7:00 pm
地點:Santa Fe Dam Recreation Area (15501 E. Arrow Highway, Irwindale, CA)
票價:成人 $29.95美元;5-12歲兒童5-12 $15;4歲以下免費
Butterfly Pavilion (3/17~9/2)(LA)
今年潮濕的暖冬引來了南加數億隻的蝴蝶遷徙,而在洛杉磯的自然歷史博物館也將有彩蝶翩翩飛舞喔!這個長達半年的蝴蝶展位於博物館南側,裡頭將展示20多種加州本地蝴蝶如queen butterfly、mourning cloak和 buckeye,以及10多種來自佛州南部和德州的亞熱帶品種蝴蝶如 the malachite 和the grey cracker,這裡會有專人解說蝴蝶的生活習性,如如何用管狀口器獲取花蜜、毛毛蟲變成蝴蝶的過程、喜歡停留在哪些植物等等,相信每次參觀蝴蝶館都可以獲得不同的體驗喔~!
時間: Mar 17 Sun~Sep 2 Mon;9:00 am~5:00 pm
地點: 900 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90007
網站: https://nhm.org/site/explore-exhibits/special-exhibits/butterfly-pavilion
Shark Lagoon Nights (2/22~5/17)(LA)
洛杉磯長灘市著名的太平洋水族館(Aquarium of the Pacific ) 從今年2月至5月的周五晚上,都會舉辦免費的教育活動「鯊魚礁湖之夜Shark Lagoon Nights」,拉近孩子們與海底的終極捕食者的距離。訪客們除了有機會認識不同種類��鯊魚、還可以用手觸摸竹鯊魚和魟魚喔!
免費的鯊魚瀉湖之夜是否舉辦完全視天氣而定,可在惡劣天氣下取消,活動舉辦日當天水族館皆會開放到晚間九點,園內也有簡便快餐可供購買。本季開放時間尚包括: 3/8、3/15、4/5、4/19、4/26、5/3、5/10 以及 5/17。
時間: Feb 22 Fri~May 17 Fri
地點: 100 Aquarium Way, Long Beach, California 90802
網站:  www.aquariumofpacific.org
Art of the Jewel: Crevoshay Collection (now~5/12)
洛城的自然歷史博物館開始有長達半年的新展出囉!這是由號稱為「色彩女王 (Queen of Color)」Paula Crevoshay大師的傑作,讓民眾可以看到從平凡無奇的石頭變成奢華的寶石的過程。 這次將展出超過50件奢華的珠寶 ,包括耳環、手鐲、胸針等,包括從加州碧璽(California tourmaline)、蒙大拿藍寶石、月長石、珍珠和黑鑽等製成。而也因為Crevoshay對藝術、科學和自然世界的熱愛,珠寶採用植物、動物和昆蟲的形式,包括蘭花、蝴蝶、蜘蛛等。有興趣的民眾不妨帶著孩子們,一起去探索礦物的美妙、了解寶石的特徵,以及如何將它們轉化為優雅珠寶的藝術喔!
時間: now to May 12 Sun;9:30 am to 5:00 pm
地點: 900 Exposition Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90007
網站: https://nhm.org/site/explore-exhibits/special-exhibits/crevosha
Pirate’s Dinner Adventure: Legend of the Loch Ness Monster (Now~10/1)(OC)
在Buena Park的Pirate’s Dinner Adventure可以說是一個結合餐廳和劇院的複合空間,可容納700名賓客,整個餐廳中央有一個人工打造出來的潟湖、湖中停放著18世紀中46英呎長,40英呎寬的西班牙大帆船,賓客就在六艘船的甲板邊用餐、邊看著舞台中的舞台劇演員們演出。故事設定為Captain Sebastian帶領著他的海盜船員們在尋寶途中、遇到了尼斯湖水怪、安妮塔公主、還有國王的追兵等一連串故事,演員們在極具舞台效果的狀態下還會表現出多種空中翻滾特技,讓你邊用餐邊驚呼,小朋友們甚至還可能被Captain Sebastian邀請上舞台、成為他的船員之一呢!是個非常有趣的看秀兼用餐經驗,趕快去嘗試看看!
時間: Now~Oct 1, 每晚演出時間不同,請上官網查詢
地點: 7600 Beach Blvd, Buena Park, CA  90620
網站: http://piratesdinneradventureca.com/special-offers/
票價: 12歲以上 $61.95;2-11歲 $36.95
週末去哪FUN?帶你漫遊 Orange County & LA (5/3~5/5) 南加的朋友們,歡迎來到五月天!!不知道您是否有感受到空氣中那股蠢蠢欲動的夏日熱情嗎?五月初的洛杉磯和橙縣活動可是相當熱鬧多元,除了有一年一度的集結亞裔電影人的洛杉磯亞太影展,還有洛杉磯最盛大的素食節、長達一個月的洛杉磯時報美食月活動、長灘海鮮節、而橙縣也有一年一度的La Habra Citrus Fair、在聖伯那丁諾縣的Chino市也有的骨董飛機Air Show.....相信不論您最後選擇去哪一項活動,絕對會讓你感受到熱情的五月天~!
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butaneplate02-blog · 6 years ago
Disneyland Tips from an Annual Passholder
If you’ve been here long, you know we are ALL Disney obsessed. As soon as my husband started looking at prospective jobs in Los Angeles four years ago, I was excited for quite a few reasons, but mostly because I could possibly be living SO CLOSE to Disneyland. Fast forward four years, and here we are. You’d think my craving for all things Disney would have been satisfied with how often we go, but really, my love for it just grows with every visit! Haha 🙂 I get asked a lot what my best tips are for doing Disneyland and what I’d recommend, so here are all the delicious details in one post for fellow Disney lovers like me.
1. The first thing to remember is that you won’t get everything on your list! We were at Disneyland more than 30 days last year (that’s an entire month!) and we still didn’t experience everything that they have to offer in the parks. Before you go, decide what’s most important to you and to your group and focus on a few main things that you don’t want to miss.
(the twins first birthday in Disneyland)
2. You only need one app – the Disneyland official app. Through that app, you can make dining reservations, see where character meet-and-greets are in the park, check wait times, and see all the entertainment scheduled throughout the park that day. You can also access any photo pass photos that are taken throughout your trip, and use the Max Pass (more info on that in a minute!) through the Disneyland app. We’ve found it’s the most up-to-date when it comes to ride closures, wait times, and for entertainment schedules compared to other apps. You can also see information on each ride – like height requirements, thematic elements, and what age group the ride is best suited for.
3. It’s OK to bring young kids. In fact, I’d recommend it! Disney is so much more magical when experienced with little ones! The parks are incredibly kid-friendly, and even BABY-friendly. There are nurseries/baby changing stations in both parks that make it easy to take care of little ones. They even offer plenty of chairs for breastfeeding, entertainment for little ones that need a break, high chairs, a whole room dedicated to changing tables, and they even have a tiny toilet that you can use when you’re potty training toddlers (seriously, they think of it all). The care center in Disneyland is located right off Main Street by the First Aid center, and the one in California Adventure is located right by the Ghiradelli store. They also offer a ride-switch pass to parents, so if you’re there without additional adults to watch kids while you go on “big kid” rides. Just ask the cast member at the entrance to the ride for a rider-switch pass before you get in line. To those who questions whether or not it’s worth it to bring young kids who won’t remember anything, I say: THEY may not remember it, but I most certainly will. I mean, just look at that FACE!
(riding the Tea Cups – their favorite ride!)
4. Consider the time of year you’re going before you book your trip. The busiest times of the year are in the summer (June through August) and/or surrounding holiday weekends. If you’re looking for less crowds, try going in January through March or in September and October. If you want to experience the  EXTRA Disney magic during the holidays, always go sooner rather than later! (I.e. if you want to go for Halloween go at the beginning of the month when it’s first decorated or if you want to go for Christmas, go the last week of November or the first week of December before it gets too crazy). If you like to avoid crowds definitely skip the week leading up to Christmas and the week following Christmas. Usually the park is SO PACKED for those two weeks that the parks reach capacity around 11 AM. The weekdays in the parks are always less crowded, too. Saturday and Sunday are almost always more crowded.
5. Speaking of TIMING – when you are at the parks, it’s best to get there early, especially if you have little ones who want to ride all the rides in fantasyland and not wait 50 minutes (those rides don’t have Fast Pass or Max Pass options). The earlier you get there, the less crowded it will be. I’d recommend getting there as soon as the park opens (or even get in line BEFORE the park opens). If you’re staying at the Disney park hotels or get a 3-day park hopper with a magic hour, BE SURE TO USE IT! You can literally get on all the rides you want to ride before the park even opens to the rest of the general public. Then you can just enjoy the rest of your day soaking in all the magic and taking things slow (which is so nice when you have little ones!).
(Funniest photo bomb courtesy of some random man)
6. Take advantage of the Fast Pass feature! And in my personal opinion, GET THE MAX PASS! Fast pass is free, but Max Pass is $10, per person, per day (and it is 100% worth it). With Fast Passes, they are a physical ticket you have walk over to the ride to pick up and keep with you until it’s time to ride. While they are great and can get you on the ride in a short amount of time, you still have to take the time to walk to the ride to pick up the fast pass. When you use the Max Pass feature, it’s all ELECTRONIC! You can book a Max Pass through your mobile device from anywhere inside the parks without having to walk to each individual ride to pick it up. When you have young kids with tired feet, it’s well worth the investment (even if it’s just for one day).
7. Speaking of mobile devices, if you’re anything like me, you’ll be using the Disney app to check times, book max passes, and using your phone to take about 300 photos every time you’re there, so I would recommend getting a portable charger. THIS ONE is my favorite and can fully re-charge your phone 4-5 times. Worth every penny.
8. One of the best things about Disneyland and Disney’s California Adventure are the SHOWS! Whether it’s fireworks, Fantasmic, Parades, light shows, or a sit-down show in a theatre, you really can’t go wrong. If you would rather not wait as long saving spots, several restaurants throughout the parks offer preferred dining packages with reserved seating areas (also worth the money with young kids, in my opinion). World of Color (which is my FAVORITE) also has Fast Passes available for reserved seating – get there early in the morning for better seating! The indoor shows are always a great, air-conditioned place to rest from the heat of the day, too.
(Watching World of Color – Liv just couldn’t look away!)
9. You KNOW it wouldn’t be a post of Disneyland recommendations without FOOD, right? Let me just tell you, the food in the parks is one of the best parts of the experience! I literally factor food into my budget for each trip to the parks because I just can’t get enough – and they are adding new things all the time. They have fun food festivals and specialty foods surrounding holidays or big events (like Pixar Fest, happening now through September 3rd).
Here is a list of all of my favorite foods to try and places to eat:
DISNEYLAND: Jolly Holiday: We love the grilled cheese and tomato basil soup, but our favorite thing on the menu is their raspberry rose macaron (pictured below). The matterhorn macaroon is also a fun, tasty treat.  Carnation Cafe: Good meatloaf, DELICIOUS fried pickles. Plaza Inn: I hear they have delicious breakfasts, but their FRIED CHICKEN is our favorite. Cafe Orleans: Get reservations, then order the Monte Cristo, Pommes Frites, and Beignets and thank me later. If you’re a fan of gumbo, I’d recommend that, too. Blue Bayou: Nothing beats that atmosphere, but the Gruyere Mac ‘n Cheese comes a close second. Their gumbo is hard to beat, too. (You’ll definitely need reservations here – you can book up to 60 days in advance). Bengal Barbecue: The safari skewers are actually pretty tasty and actually low-cal Red Rose Taverne: The grey stuff really is delicious! Also, POUTINE. Tiki Juice Bar: Every trip to Disneyland needs a Dole Whip. No question. Pooh’s Corner: We like to get our treats here because it’s usually a lot less crowded. I’d recommend the Tigger Tails, caramel apples, white chocolate raspberry cookies, and the chocolate-dipped peanut butter squares (most of these treats are available in both parks anywhere they sell confections). Carts throughout the park: You can never go wrong with the popcorn, churros, or their cream cheese filled pretzels!
DISNEY’S CALIFORNIA ADVENTURE: Carthay Circle: Cutest old-hollywood glam atmosphere (and you’ll probably want reservations). We’ve done dining packages through here for World of Color and really liked it! (side note, it’s $$$, but I hate saving seats for 3 hours and trying to keep young kids entertained to get a good spot to see shows). Ghiradelli: We love their Ocean Beach Sea Salt Caramel Sundae, Nob Hill Chill (my husband’s fave) and the Sea Salt Caramel Quake Shake. Plus, you get a piece of chocolate just for walking through the door! The Cove Bar: Get the lobster nachos – or if you don’t like seafood, ask them to substitute tri-tip for the lobster. SO, so good. Their cotton candy lemonade is also a fun drink. (This will be renamed the lamplight lounge after Pixar Pier opens, but rumor has it some of the most beloved menu items will be staying put!) Flo’s V8 Cafe: Their breakfast is delicious, and they have sides for $2.99 that are the exact same size as a kid’s portion, so we get the kids sides for dinner every other time we’re at the parks! Cozy Cones: Their churros with dipping sauce, Red’s Apple Freeze, and the Bacon Mac ‘n Cheese bread cone are all delicious! Pacific Wharf Cafe: I’m not sure there is anything better on a cold day than a warm, sourdough bread bowl full of clam chowder. Schmoozies: My favorite place for ice cold fruity drinks on hot days at the parks, but they also have AMAZING donuts and cronuts (if you can get to them before they sell out!). Studio Catering Co: If you couldn’t get into the Cove Bar (they don’t take reservations!), you’ll want to try the “Obviously Nachos.” They are a close second to the Lobster Nachos. Corn Dog Castle: I’m not a huge corn dog fan, but even I will eat these corn dogs! Turkey Legs: Okay, so these aren’t my favorite thing (they’re a little greasy for my taste), but I feel like they are a right of passage in the Disney realm. You have to try it at least once!
That’s it! Have any more questions? Have anything to add to the list? I’d love to hear!
Looking to book your next Disney Vacation? Check out Get Away Today for great deals on tickets, rooms, and flights!
Source: https://www.sixsistersstuff.com/disneyland-tips-from-an-annual-passholder/
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babbletop · 6 years ago
Here's a list of the Top 10 Gordon Ramsay Lobster Moments! Gordon Ramsay loves lobster and so do we so we are counting down the list of the top 10 best Gordon Ramsay lobster moments! ➡️ Subscribe to BabbleTop: https://bit.ly/2Uu3HPe Naturally, as a celebrity chef with a huge presence, Gordon Ramsay has had his fair share of viral, hilarious, or otherwise noteworthy moments with all kinds of food. But he’s had few experiences with food that were more memorable than his adventures in cooking lobster. He’s shown contestants how to properly de-shell a lobster, he’s gotten non-culinary celebrities dining in his restaurants to kill lobsters for him - it seems Gordon Ramsay and lobster go together like bread and butter. Lobster is basically the king of foods. Here are Gordon Ramsay’s 10 greatest lobster moments. If you enjoyed this list of the top 10 Gordon Ramsay lobster moments, featuring amazing Gordon Ramsay Reactions, then comment: #GordonRamsay #Lobster #Food TIMESTAMPS: 0:44 How to Extract All the Meat from a Lobster 1:48 Was Gordon Served ‘Too Much Lobster’!? 3:10 Grilled Lobster with Bloody Mary Linguine 4:36 Cooking Lobster with Jeremy Clarkson 5:51 Gordon Reacts to Finding Dead Lobster in the Fish Tank 7:04 Rotten Lobster Almost Kills A Customer 8:24 Gordon Ramsay Gets Jonathan Ross To Kill A Lobster! 9:27 Maine Lobster & Canadian Lobster 10:45 Freshly Caught Crayfish Salad 12:13 Gordon Ramsay Demonstrates How To Cook The Perfect Lobster SUMMARIES: - In an episode of the show Culinary Genius, Gordon Ramsay offers up the perfect way to prepare a lobster. This is how to get all the meat out of there. - Gordon Ramsay visits some really terrible restaurants on some of his shows. The lack of care that some of them have for customer service or presentation or, most egregiously, the food itself is pretty appalling sometimes. - During this episode of Gordon Ramsay's Ultimate Home Cooking, the lessons learned are aplenty. Gordon Ramsay makes chopping up onions into perfect slices and then doing it again the other way look so effortless. - It’s a pleasure on its own to see British TV’s two kinds of outrage cooking some seafood together. Gordon Ramsay prefers the quick, painless way of killing a lobster while Jeremy Clarkson favors the more brutal method of slowly and agonizingly killing the lobster. - In this episode of Kitchen Nightmares, Gordon goes to the Spanish Pavillion restaurant and orders the lobster bisque. The bisque is too creamy and the lobster, he thinks, was dead before it was cooked. So, he inspects the fish tank and, lo and behold, he spots a dead lobster. - What kind of chef would insist on putting bones in a tomato sauce? On Kitchen Nightmares, a customer approaches Chef Ramsay at Mama Maria’s and tells him that she found a little bone in her tomato sauce. - For a lot of people, an ethical concern arises from eating lobster. They’re happy to eat it, but it’s when they have to be the one to kill it or they pick it out of a tank when it’s alive that the moral issues begin to bubble to the surface. Jonathan Ross is one of those people. - One of the main problems that come up on his shows is customers sending back food that is raw. How hard is it to cook something until it’s actually cooked? It’s really easy to tell when something’s cooked, so someone who calls themselves a professional chef should definitely be able to tell when food is fit for consumption and when it needs a few more minutes on the grill. - OK. We know crayfish aren’t exactly lobsters but they are related. Both might look super creepy when they’re alive and crawling around, but when they’re dead and cooked and seasoned, they’re pretty darn delicious. - Cooking lobster is difficult. In culinary terms, it’s one of the most difficult things to do. But with the right instructions, anyone should be able to do it at a professional level. 🥳 JOIN and become a BabbleTop member! https://bit.ly/2DCl21k ➡️ SUBSCRIBE to BabbleTop! https://bit.ly/2Uu3HPe 👕 Check out our MERCH! http://bit.ly/2SWDkQM 🔥 Our Most Popular VIDEOS! http://bit.ly/2T02a24 Top 10 Worst Pizzas Served to Gordon Ramsay http://bit.ly/2XXpBwz Top 10 WORST Steaks Served To Gordon Ramsay https://bit.ly/2V2cYOv Top 10 MOST Disgusting Kitchens On Hotel Hell https://bit.ly/2Br6HVj Top 10 Strangest Owners On Hotel Hell https://bit.ly/2E29nKZ Top 10 Untold Truths About Kitchen Nightmares https://bit.ly/2WNR7MA Top 10 Hell’s Kitchen Worst Signature Dishes https://bit.ly/2TEsErc Top 10 Gordon Ramsay Shutdowns Kitchen Nightmares https://bit.ly/2Dlx9jm Top 10 Untold Truths Of Hell's Kitchen https://bit.ly/2I07vWV 10 Times Gordon Ramsay Got Very Sick on Kitchen Nightmares https://bit.ly/2BsgHOd Check out our Most Popular Videos! https://bit.ly/2WtOHCy All clips used for fair use commentary, criticism, and educational purposes. See Hosseinzadeh v. Klein, 276 F.Supp.3d 34 (S.D.N.Y. 2017); Equals Three, LLC v. Jukin Media, Inc., 139 F. Supp. 3d 1094 (C.D. Cal. 2015).
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claude83l1295595-blog · 8 years ago
Check out The White House Correspondents Supper Live.
Cooking food an enchanting supper to thrill your first time is an extremely difficult situation. Along with the jockeys and horses decided on, completing communities gather for big common suppers that last properly right into the evening. Another easy dish for supper is cooked chicken which on its own is an oral cavity watering meal. Of course, they have the perk of having 4 sous chefs backstage that maintain all of them provided along with the chopped, minced, pureed, or even marinated elements they'll must produce a smooth-running one-half hr television show. What our team mention concerning the weekend supper adventure at Red Lobster, that texting diet-onlineweb.info is actually heading to have to be actually a bit different compared to exactly what our team spoke about to get folks ahead to lunch or weekday dinner. Alongside Don, we possess David Gibbs, which a lot of you could recognize off the YRI Client Day that our company have actually had in Dallas. Of course if individuals adore to possess tossed salad, at that point of course proceed as well as create this. Merely ready this the time before, thus all of you need to carry out at the last minute is actually include the suiting up. The best feature of this is that you could purchase your eggs in bulk and after that incorporate different components which will certainly produce them healthier for your physical body. Day-to-day Dinner Ideas: 103 Easy Recipes for Chicken, Spaghetti, and also Other Foods Everybody Will Passion, by Addie Gundry Kindle. Discover a baby sitter for your little ones, and receive some appointments for your Mom's Time supper early, by doing this you don't have to worry about loafing and waiting on a table. Anywhere you go, you find married couples paired up as well as commemorating this wedding all by themselves. When you miss a dish you obtain starving, yet really isn't this unavoidable if you are actually trying to lose weight as well as eat less fats in comparison to you get rid of to cultivate a calorie shortage (referral to cal def article listed below). Our experts also offer to order Thai meals onlinein Orpington hinterland around 3 mile distance. Advertising your charitable charity event supper is actually important and also could have numerous forms. Attempt placing 15 - TWENTY of these account as well as you have a month to month earnings merely for delighting in supper now and then.
That is actually the biggest land-crawling arthropod in the world and may grow to 6 feets long. Nowadays, any kind of productive activity has a main internet site where they can direct the public, media as well as interested supporters for additional information. You may also order their beignet mix and chicory coffee as a pleasant memorabilia online or even at their outlet to bring home. Nevertheless, that performs certainly not need to be actually that made complex to come up along with quick well-balanced dinner dishes. The supper series is one of the best cost effective in Orlando and definitely a should find! Spaghetti and also meatballs, a fresh green tossed salad along with your choice from dress up (homemade is actually most effectively, yet there are several wheat-free alternatives available), and also you've obtained a pasta dish. The second listing will certainly be fresh items, the many things that must be bought just a time or more prior to. Apply for exactly what you require for a dish and also add substances that will certainly create it suitable for morning meal, lunch time or dinner. Furthermore, one group was actually told to eat one bowl of soup a time, another to eat pair of bowls a day, and a 3rd to consume pair of calorie-dense treats like bagel potato chips per day.
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compo67 · 3 years ago
Will Jensen be the pov character of the lobster sequel? I feel like it would be cool to see things from his perspective because he always seems so calm and collected compared to the hot mess that is Jared. But we know for a fact he was in wild passionate unrequited (he thought) love with Jared for most of his life...I would love to see more of that side of his personality!
Hi anon!
I'm not too sure just yet! I think for the story it would make sense to have this in Jensen's POV. My concern is that because Jensen has a dry sense of humor, the story might not be as interesting to read? It will be very different from Jared's POV. I'll have to noodle on this. I think writing in Jensen's POV would solve some of the issues I had with the first draft, where I didn't know what to do with him.
I think it would be interesting to see Jared through Jensen's POV and what it was like for him growing up together.
Thank you for the suggestion/idea/inspiration, anon! And thank you for the enthusiasm, it goes a long way. <333
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