#caitlin snow x cisco ramon
adriellej · 5 months
Rough Days
Warnings: Explicit contents. Unprotected sex. Oral giving and receiving. Vaginal sex. 
Pairings: Harry Wells x Reader.
Word count:
Beginning 1: 2.1K+
Beginning 2: 3.8K+
In total: 4.7K+
A/N: Smutty smut smut. It’s only my second time doing this, so hope it’s okay. Just had a good idea, and there’s probably going to be a part two, where they have to deal with it if you want it? Also, there are two types of beginnings to it. One where Reader is already drunk and Harry finds her, and one where they get drunk together! Have fun! 
Also, unprotected sex is a no-no, bad idea, don’t condone it!
Also GIF's aren't mine!
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Reader already drunk beginning:
The past few days had been tough for you. The metas Alchemy was creating kept showing up everywhere, the metas already created by the particle accelerator explosion seemed to try to keep up with Alchemy's. 
Captain Singh wasn’t making it easy at the precinct. He had benched you because of the lack of sleep and focus you were having, you were acting out over the smallest things. So naturally you had needed some time away from everything. Away from home, away from work, and away from people. 
The team had gone home for the day a few hours ago, and you had made your way to the lounge area of S.T.A.R. labs and the fridge you knew had beers in it. You didn’t quite keep to the beers, you had also managed to find a flask of whiskey and tequila. 
By now you had gotten quite the buzz going, the music was playing from the speakers as you downed yet another shot of tequila. The liquor burned its way down your throat and you scrunched up your nose before biting into a piece of lime and shaking your head at it. 
“Whooo, I should do this more often,” You laughed to yourself. You had always been the type of drunk person who would end up being a happy-go-lucky kind of person. 
“Y/N, what are you doing?” A rasped voice pulled you away from your endeavor. You couldn’t help but smile at the sight in front of you. Harrison Wells with his black jumper and slick black jeans. His dark hair was slightly ruffled with a few strands sticking out to the sides. His expression was stern yet with a glimpse of amusement. 
“Harryyyyyy, hiii!” You slightly yelled out over the music. “What does it look like I’m doing though?” You questioned him back with a grin on your face as you took a swig of your whiskey. You didn’t wait for his answer as you continued. “I’m having my own little party, and quite honestly I’m having the absolute best time!” You lifted your glass in your hand and made your way over to Harry swaying ever so lightly on your way. 
“Don’t you think you’ve had enough?” He looked at you with a little bit of concern in his eyes as he gripped onto your arms to keep you standing upright and not tumbling over. Your hands wound up on his as you realized which kind of muscles he was hiding under that jumper. You squinted your eyes at him and began to make a pout with your lips. It didn’t last long before your lips turned upwards and your eyes were filled with enjoyment and carefreeness. 
“Actually I don’t think so, and you mister,” You said as you poked Harry in the chest hard enough for him to be swayed a bit backward. “Won’t take my fun away,” You finished before breaking out into a full laugh. Harry chuckled at you and your behavior. 
“Actually come to think of it, you should join my fun!” Your lips turned into a smirk as you went to get a glass of whiskey for Harry. “We deserve a bit of fun and downtime,” You said momentarily your voice was laced with seriousness. 
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” He chuckled with his beautiful smile ever so lightly creating his dimples. “Somebody has to make sure you’re okay,” He continued as he gestured with his hand to you. 
“You don’t have to worry about me, I’m fantastic,” You answered as you went over to him with the glass of whiskey in your hand. “Here, drink up my friend!” You spoke attempting to sound serious, just to have your smile betray you. Harry took the glass from you and took a swig of it causing you to smile even wider. 
“So you’re in?” You questioned with a small expectant giggle at the end of it. 
“I’m in,” He says with a wink and a smirk at you, rendering your knees to go soft on you. He takes another swig of the whiskey emptying the glass. He handed it over to you and you gladly took it to get him a refill. 
“We need to get you up to speed with me,” You smiled mischievously at him. You sat down a shot glass in front of him and poured some tequila into it. “Let me borrow your hand,” You said as you held out your own. He does as you tell him and you lick at the back of his hand before pouring some salt on it. “Salt, shot, and lime,” You tell him. He looked at you, his mouth slightly agape. His eyes had darkened at the action you had made.
“Earth to Harry?” You asked as you waved your hand in front of his face, your own face confused with a cocked eyebrow. “Yes?” He cleared his throat before speaking, followed by a big swallow causing his adams apple to bob. 
“Did you hear anything of what I said?” You let out a laugh that came from the bottom of your stomach. 
“Right, yes I did,” He licked the salt from his hand, took the shot, and bit into the lime. His face scrunched up by the taste of the liquor hitting the back of his throat. You made him take quite a lot more, you took some with him to keep your own high buzz going. 
Reader and Harry getting drunk together:
You were walking into S.T.A.R. labs with the rest of the team. It had been a tough fight with the current metas roaming the streets of Central City. Alchemy was creating quite a lot on the way, and every damn meta in this town seemed to be out for blood. 
You threw your backpack on the floor beside the central console of the cortex. You flopped down on a chair in front of the computer, taking your guns out of your holsters and putting them down on the table. 
“I swear Y/N, if one of those goes off on my computer, you’d wish hell was freezing over,” Cisco pointed at you. 
“Oh relax Cisco, the safety is on,” You say as you look at them, realizing that you might have forgotten that in the heat of the moment, or maybe more in the tiredness of the moment. “Or now it is at least,” You mumbled to yourself. 
“What was that?” Cisco asked his eyes squinting at you. “Nothing!” You laughed it off, knowing he would in fact kill you if you ruined his computers. 
“That’s what I thought,” He laughed back at you. 
“You do know he means it right?” Harry spoke with a serious face as he sat down beside you. You looked over at him with amusement in your eyes. 
“Is Harrison Wells afraid of what Cisco might do?” You joked. You thought you were funny, but looking at Harry’s face you thought differently. His eyes were hard as he looked at you. It felt like he was looking right through you. You swallowed thickly at the hard glare he was giving you.
“I’m not afraid of Ramon,” His voice was hoarse and low but laced with a hint of worry. Cisco’s computers and satellites were his everything, and having seen it be blown up a few times, both you and Harry knew he would hurt whoever hurt his tech. 
“Well, we’re going home for the day,” Barry and Iris smiled as she spoke. “I’m more than ready to go home and get some sleep. We’ll see you all tomorrow,” She continued and waved at everyone. So did Barry as they left the building. 
“I’m going to follow them. Cisco can you drive me home?” Caitlin asked her friend. Caitlin had had a rough time lately, she didn’t talk much about it, but you knew she would when she was ready for it. 
“Are you coming along too, Y/N?” Cisco asked grabbing his jacket from the console in front of you. 
“Nah, I’ll stay here for a while. I’m gonna see what it is we’re missing with Alchemy and all these new metas that are popping up. Thanks for asking though!” You smiled and gave a thumbs up to let him know you meant it. 
“Don’t you think it would be a good idea to go home and rest?” Harry asked beside you with a soft smile. You loved to see him smile, even more because it wasn’t so often he did. 
“No, really it’s all good. I want to be here, no need to go home to an empty apartment anyway,” You spoke as you looked away from him and back to the computers in front of you. 
Harry nodded at you and walked away, probably to go work on his own Alchemy project. You started to type away, going through every piece of evidence you had on Alchemy. 
You rubbed your eyes and looked at the clock. It felt like you had been sitting with it for hours, but there had only been 40 minutes. Realizing that you weren’t going to get much done you walked to the lounge, grabbing two glasses and pouring some whiskey into them.
Turning the corner into Harry’s lab you saw him looking at the clear board with equations on it, his white marker in his hand. You had been right when you thought he would be working.  You knocked at the entrance causing him to turn around and look at you. 
“What?” He asks gruffly and you raise the two glasses of whiskey in your hands. 
“Wanna have a drink with me?” You asked politely entering his workshop. 
“Uh, sure,” His answer was short but held a lot of meaning. He never stopped working, so his saying yes was a win for you. “Any particular reason?” He questioned as you handed him one of the glasses. 
“Can’t we just enjoy a drink without there has to be a reason for it?” You asked cockily with raised eyebrows. It earned you a small laugh from the Earth-Two scientist. You looked at him surprised at his response to it. “Maybe we should do it more often if it earns laughs from you,” You jokingly continued. 
“Don’t count on it,” He replied deeply, though there was still a small smile hiding behind the glass. You raised your glass to him and took a sip of the liquor. The burning sensation was welcoming in your throat. The small interaction you and Harry had was nice. Your life had been a mess lately so when you had emptied your glasses, you had stayed with Harry while he went back to work.  
“Are you just going to sit there for the rest of the night?” He asked looking over his shoulder and back at you. 
“Well actually I’d say yes, but then I thought we could also decide to have our way of resting,” You smiled at him as you took your feet down from his desk and turned all the way towards him. His features looked questioningly at the statement you had made. “We could go drink some more whiskey. Pretty sure we both could need some time away from Alchemy?” The last part you said as a question as you waited for his response. 
“And why would you think that?” Harry’s usual hard look and closed-offness showed. 
“Because Harry, you have been staring at the same equation for the past hour and gotten nowhere,” You told him gesturing to the board in front of him. His stare felt like it could shoot daggers at you for having said that, but you knew he was agreeing with you when a small nod came in your direction.  “Cool, let’s go then,” You said snapping your fingers in the direction of the lounge you had picked up the whiskey in before. 
A few whiskeys in you were both talking a lot more loosly about what was troubling you. As Harry, you weren’t one who cared much for sharing too many feelings or problems. They were your own, and yours to deal with. 
“I could have sworn you had just decided to spend most of your time here, just like Barry usually does now,” Harry stated as he looked slightly surprised at you for your confession. 
“Nope, Captain Singh asked me, or more made me, stay home and take care of myself. He sent my ass home, and I can’t just sit at home doing nothing, so here I am,” You threw your arms out to the side as you took a small bow in the chair. 
It earned you one of the rare laughs from Harry. Either it was the alcohol talking or maybe Harry was actually enjoying himself a little. You decided to go with the latter, making it so much easier to just smile and forget things for a while. 
You stood up to grab the flask of whiskey, only to realize it was empty. You looked through the cupboards to see if you could find something else. A devilish smile crept on your lips as you grabbed the flask and stood up. “Harry!” You yelled out. His body shot towards you at your sudden outburst. “I have found something better than whiskey,” You smiled from ear to ear shaking the tequila bottle in your hand. “We are so going to take some tequila shots!” You laughed out loud at the expression on Harry’s face. 
“No, we are most certainly not,” He replied coldly as he stood up and started to leave, and you knew how you could make him stay. 
“Harry, it’s a task, and you solve tasks right?” He stopped dead in his tracks and you could almost imagine the expression on his face and that joyed you even more. You knew you had won. 
“Fine!” He exclaimed and turned back to you, a few large strides and he was on the other side of the island. 
“Do you know how to?” You asked hesitantly not knowing how much drinking he had done on Earth-Two and in his younger days. “Did you just ask me if I know how to do tequila shots? How old do you think I am?” He said slightly annoyed before he broke out a dimple-filled smile. You broke out into a real fit of laughter before answering him. 
“I’m so sorry Harry, that sounded terrible,” Leaning forwards on the table in front of you, you half smacked yourself in the head when you put it into your hand. 
“C’mon, pour it Y/L/N!” He chuckled as he pushed the shot glass over in your direction. You found the salt and cut out the limes you had found in the fridge. You weren’t quite sure why the team even had this here, but you weren’t about to be mad at it. 
You clinked your glasses together before shooting it down. You both shook your heads and looked at each other, smiles spreading as you continued to pour tequila into your glasses.
“Right, let’s see,” You say with an idea in your head. You licked your own hand as you put it to your neck, you leaned your neck to the side as you drizzled salt on it and the lime in your hand. “Let’s go, Harrison,” You smiled playfully at him, his eyes glistening with just as much playfulness. 
He stepped close to you, your chests touching each other, his hands on your hips. You leaned your head to the side giving him access to lick the salt off of you. His tongue was warm to your skin sending shivers down your spine. You had to bite your lip to stifle a moan from escaping your lips. He stayed at your neck a little longer than he needed to and kissed you on the neck as his face left your neck. Downing the shot you had poured him, he looked for the lime and you smiled brightly with it between your teeth. 
It didn’t take long for Harry to catch on to what you wanted. A smirk danced across his lips before crashing them to yours to bite the lime. His lips were soft on yours. He tasted of a mix of tequila, lime, and whiskey. You spat out the lime before going back to kissing him. Your arms snaked around his neck drawing him closer to you. He gladly accepted and deepened the kiss. His tongue slid across your lower lip and you quickly granted him access. 
Your tongue felt like it fit perfectly with his as they danced and explored together. The kiss was filled with need, a hunger, for each other. Damn his an amazing kisser, you thought to yourself as you got completely lost in his intoxicating kiss. You broke apart after a few minutes needing to catch your breaths. 
His crystal blue eyes looked into yours, they were darker than usual, filled with arousal. Your chest was heaving for breaths and Harry pulled away from you. You whined as you lost the heat from his warm body. 
“I’m sorry,” He spoke lowly as he started to pull completely away from you. You grabbed the jumper in your hands and pulled him towards you. “Harry shut up and kiss me again,” You ordered your own eyes filled with lust. It didn’t take long for him to oblige to your command, his hands roaming your entire body. 
He pushed you backward till you reached the countertop and boxed you in between his body and the table. Your fingers tangled themselves in his dark locks as you pulled lightly at them. A hum escaped his throat as he kissed his way down from your jaw to your ear nibbling lightly at your earlobe before moving down to your neck. 
His kisses left your skin on fire. A burning sensation was starting to grow in your stomach and between your legs. You wanted him. You needed him. 
“Harry,” You whimpered in response to his kisses, licks and sucks. He was sure to leave marks on you. His hand moved in between your legs cubbing the outsides of your cunt, grinding at it with his hand. 
Several moans left your throat involuntarily. You couldn’t help it, this man was doing so much to you. He was humming in response to your moans. His lips went back to yours. You could feel the grin on his lips as he kissed you. 
His hands grabbed around your thighs hoisting you to sit on the countertop, keeping your legs spread to make space for him in between. You locked your legs around his waist pulling him as close to you as you could.
He grinded against you and you met his grinds with your own. You could feel his arousal, rock hard and ready for you. A groan left Harry’s lips at your movements and a smirk appeared on your lips. This time it was you breaking the kiss to make it to his neck leaving open-mouthed kisses. As you bit slightly into his skin, an animalistic groan left his throat, as you left a mark on him. 
“Either you stop and we go to my room, or continue and I’ll take you right here,” His voice was low and lust-filled as he spoke. The words hit you as you leaned in to whisper in his ear. 
“Oh I’m not nearly done, Harrison Wells,” you mused his name and it seemed to have the effect you wanted it to. Harry gripped your hips tightly and pulled you closer to him as his lips crashed with yours. The kiss was filled with need as you were both losing control of yourselves. 
One of his hands traced under your shirt and up to your breast and grabbed it. Your body ached for him as your chest shot forward at the feeling of his fingers pinching your nipple. His hand let go of your breast only to discard the clothing in front of it. He kissed down your neck and down to your chest and sucked lightly at your nipple as his other hand traced up your thigh toward your wet spot. 
“Oh god, Harry,” You moaned out at the heat pooling inside of you. 
“Mmh, what?” He looked down at you with a big smirk on his lips, his normally blue eyes almost completely dark from lust. “I didn’t tell you to stop,” You looked up at him whining. “But now we’re at it, you have too many clothes on,” You smiled innocently up at him as your hands glided toward the hem of his jumper. He chuckled deeply before lifting his arms up to discard his jumper. 
Your mouth fell open as your eyes roamed his torso. His chiseled muscles showed as he flexed a little under your stare. Clothes did him dirty. 
“My eyes are up here Y/N,” He pulled you from your trance. Your cheeks flushed as you looked down shyly. His fingers went under your chin to make you look up at him. “Like what you see?” He muses with amusement.
“I mean, have you looked yourself in the mirror?��� You spoke as your eyes darted down to his chest again. Your tongue darted over your lips as you took all of him in again. “How can I not like what I see?” You continued your own eyes darkening more. 
Your legs tugged him into you again as your lips met his again. You were fighting for dominance, pouring every feeling of lust and need into the kiss. Your fingers were digging into his skin at his shoulders. 
Harry pulled you down from the countertop, unbuttoning your jeans, not once breaking the kiss. You shimmied out of your jeans and panties and stood completely nude in front of him. This time it was Harry’s turn to get tranced, licking his lips. 
“My eyes are up here, Harrison,” You mused the same response he had had to your staring. His laugh filled the lounge as his hands found your hips again. “What? No smart comment?” You chuckled. “Nope, not this time. You look beautiful,” His smile was genuine, his eyes had gone soft again, and you felt your cheeks burning from his admiration. He leaned down to kiss you. The kiss was different from the others, this was more caring and more emotional. 
Your hands went to his shoulders moving down his chest. He flexed under your touch and deepened the kiss again as your hands found the button on his jeans. It didn’t take long for him to discard them. 
Your eyes couldn’t help but dart down to his erection. He sure did hide a lot under those clothes; because holy hell he was well-equipped. The burning desire inside of you took over as you went down to your knees and looked up at him through your lashes. 
A smirk playing at your lips as you licked from the base of his cock and up to the tip. A deep rumble came from Harry’s chest as his eyes closed shut and his head leaned back. Your tongue swirled around the tip, licking off the precum before taking his cock into your mouth. You bobbed your head in rhythm with your hand at the base. Your tongue swirled around the tip every time you came back up, before taking as much as you could of him in again. 
“Y/N,” Harry moaned out. “Fuck, it feels so good,” his breathing became more panting as he took every bit of pleasure you were giving him. You could feel him tense under your touch and you bobbed your head a little faster, drawing him closer to his release. 
He took in a sharp breath as he pulled away from you. 
“Harry, why did you do that? I almost had you,” You looked up at him while pouting. 
“Because when I cum I want to be in you,” He took hold of your hand helping you up and he instantly pushed you back to the countertop. His lips find yours again, his hands on your hips, lifting you back up to sit. His head moved down your chest, down to your stomach, leaving open-mouthed kisses on his way. 
Your own breathing became quicker at the thought of what he was about to do. Your hand tangled itself in his hair as he kissed the inner side of your thigh. The feeling of his mouth leaving shivers going up and down your body. Moans escaped your lips as he moved closer to your cunt. 
“Mmh, you’re so wet for me,” He breathed as his tongue licked through your folds, leaving a fire burning inside of you. His tongue flicked over your bundle of nerves. The pleasure coursing through your veins, the feeling of heat pooling in your stomach, alarming you that you were close. 
“Harry, I’m-,” You choked out, one hand gripping the countertop so tightly your knuckles were going white. 
“Cum for me, princess,” Harry focused more on your clit and it didn’t take long before you were coming undone for him. He lapped all of your orgasm before coming back up to your head and giving you a chaste kiss. 
“Well you certainly know what you’re doing,” You breathed heavily coming down from your high, a proud smirk played on Harry’s lips. Your hands reached around his neck and you pulled him close to you. Your kiss wasn’t chaste in any way, it was lust-filled and hard. You could taste your own orgasm on his wet lips. One of your legs wrapped around his body, pulling him even closer to you. “I need you Harry,” You begged him. You needed him inside of you. You were hungry for him. All of him. 
Harry aligned himself at your entrance and slowly pushed inside of you. Moans escaped both of your lips as he let you adjust to him. He slowly started thrusting into you. Controlled, slow moves were dragging out the pleasure already building in you. 
“Fuck, you feel so good around me. So perfect,” He breathes into the base of your neck. One of your hands was holding onto his shoulder and the other clawing at his back. 
“Harry, I- I won’t last long,” You were moaning and panting under him. 
“Neither will I,” He groans out, his thrusts becoming quicker and sloppier. Your orgasm builds up quickly in you. Leaving you screaming out his name as you draw closer and closer. A few more quick and hard thrusts leave you both coming down and hard. 
He stayed with his head dipped into the crook of your neck, your hand started drawing circles at his back. He draws back from you and pulls out of you. His dark hair was messy from sweat and your hands, and you only saw the most handsome man you had ever seen. 
A big goofy smile played on your lips and you couldn’t tear your eyes away from him, as your breathing was slowing down again. 
“What?” He smiled and shifted a little on his feet as his cheeks turned a shade of pink. 
“Oh, nothing, you’re just very handsome,” You spoke looking him deeply in his eyes. He leaned in to give you another kiss. He broke apart from you, but you continued to peck his lips in between words. “Also. You. Just. Rocked. My. World,” Your hands were cupping his face as you held onto him. 
“Well, why don’t we go rock it some more,” He returned your goofy smile with a wink as he dragged you with him to his room. 
Your eyes slowly started to flutter open and you groaned out at the bright light hitting your face. You rubbed your eyes with one hand as you felt the hangover headache hitting you. It wasn’t until you tried to move that you realized that there was someone beside you. 
You turned your head slowly as to not disturb whoever it was holding onto your side. 
You didn’t exactly expect to see a certain dark-haired grumpy scientist beside you. 
“Oh god, what have I done?” You said to yourself, panic coursing through your veins, causing a pair of blue eyes to open and look at you.
Tag list:
@hiddenwritingsintheworld, @brianllamawrites, @sarawritestories
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Unsuccessful Plan
Cisco Ramon x Teen!Daughter!Reader
Liam Dunbar x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your boyfriend, Liam (secret), have been together for 5 months and have kept it from your dad. When Liam sneaks into your room as per usual, Cisco catches the two of you.
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Your Dad wouldn't let you go out anywhere. Only school or star labs. One day, a boy in your class named Liam Dunbar invited you to a party.
Since that night, you and Liam have been hanging out and making your relationship official as boyfriend and girlfriend at school. Everyone knew you were his, and he was yours. Even the parents knew about your relationship. All except your dad, Cisco Ramon.
Liam knocked/threw stones at your bedroom window, as usual, so you opened your window, and he climbed up, sitting on the edge of the window. Being careful not to be too loud since your dad is already home.
"Hey, get dressed. We're going to the movies," Liam whispered, grinning a little. You let out a soft sigh as you glanced at him.
"Liam, I can't. My dad will kill me!" You state.
"Y/N, come on, please? We haven't been able to go out, just the two of us, for the past month because of my werewolf stuff." Liam begs, giving you a look that says, 'I need you in my arms', as he continues,
" I wanna be with you. Please?"
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"Liam," You sighed again, giving in as you whispered,
"Okay, but only because I miss cuddling with you."
Liam let out a light-hearted chuckle. "I figured as much."
You smiled at him."Turn around, and don't you even think about looking."
He grinned as he turned around so you could change without him eyeing you. Liam turned his head a little, smiling, as he saw the back of your bra. You could feel his eyes on you, so you spoke, "Liam!"
That made him stop looking, although he didn't choose his words carefully, "But you're hot, how can I not look at you?"
You rolled your eyes as you continued to get dressed into something comfy, especially since it was a cold night. You finished getting dressed and heard a knock on your bedroom door.
"Shhhiit!" Liam muttered under his breath.
"Hide!" You whispered to him, opening your wardrobe so he could hide there. Opening the door, you say awkwardly, "Hi, Dad, what's up? Nothing weird's going on here!"
"Liam, are you decent?" Cisco asked, to which a 'Yeah' was heard in response. Cisco crossed his arms.
"Get your ass out here!"
Liam walked out of the wardrobe and sat on your bed next to you.
"Dad, don't overreact." You say.
"I'm not gonna overreact." Cisco scoffed as he spoke in a slightly high-pitched tone because of him being so shocked.
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"You, you, you are dating my daughter? A-and you, you, you are, he's your, oh God!" Cisco says, pointing from you to Liam, looking between the both of you. Cisco then continued,
"Do Team Flash know about this? Did everyone know about this but me?!"
"Yes." You answered sheepishly. Boy, were you and Liam never gonna hear the end of this.
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lukas-dusk · 11 months
Lisa : Kiss, Marry, kill : Cisco, Caitlin, and Barry!
Snart : Kill Cisco, kill Caitlin, and...
Snart :
Snart : Marry Barry.
Snart : *Look at Barry with eyes full of intent*
Barry : ...Yes...
Cisco whispering : What the hell just happened?
Caitlin whispering back : I- I think they just got engaged?
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smittenbyvillains · 4 months
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Harrison Wells: you breath too hard
Y/N: you stomp too hard
Harrison Wells: you eat too loud
Y/N: you can’t walk.
Barry Allen: …
Caitlin Snow: …
Cisco Romano: …
Barry Allen: Are they?
Cisco Romano: they are denying each other
Caitlin Snow: this happens a lot
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Harrison Wells: At least I can sit just fine
Y/N: you’re grumpy and a know it all
Harrison Wells: You’re too perky
Y/N: excuse me?
Caitlin Snow: oh dear…
Cisco Romano: ..
Y/N: You think I’m annoying?
Harrison Wells: I didn’t say that-
Y/N: You did
Barry Allen: should we stop them?
Caitlin Snow: just wait
Y/N: you think I’m annoying and you’re mean
Y/N: *starts sobbing.*
Harrison Wells: shit. No no. I don’t think that.
Y/N: you do!
Harrison Wells: you’re a beautiful young lady and smart and wonderful personality
Y/N: *sobs more.*
Harrison Wells: *pulls her into his lap.* there there
Y/N: *calms down soon after.* big jerk
Harrison Wells: yes yes I’m a jerk but yours. *laughs*
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Barry Allen: WAIT THEY ARE!
Caitlin Snow: you didn’t know?
Cisco Ramano: they are Barry. You’re too slow
Barry Allen: am not..
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ynbabe · 2 years
The Flash x male!reader :- pt.1 incorrect quotes
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Barry: I just watched Y/N jump off of a spinning chair. Luckily, he wasn't hurt that badly. But the whole time, Caitlyn was screaming for help, which caused Cisco to run in to help Y/N. Just note that all of this happened in the span of six seconds.
Cisco: Made you all playlists! Cisco: Y/N, yours has only heavy metal, and is dark like your soul. Cisco: Caitlyn, yours has sad songs and blues to pair with your crippling depression. Cisco: And Barry has the ABBA Gold album.
Caitlyn, being serious: Which country has the most birds? Caitlyn: Portu-geese! Barry: That's a language. Caitlyn: Portu-gull? Barry: Good recovery. Cisco: I think you mean good re-dovery. Y/N: TURKEY. HOW DID WE MISS TURKEY?
Barry: That's ridiculous, Y/N doesn't have a crush on me. Cisco: Yes he does. Caitlyn: Yes he does. Y/N: Yes I do.
Barry: Question, how difficult would it be to bowl in a bee suit? Caitlyn: Not that hard, I don't think, as long as you can move. Y/N: I'd assume as hard as it is to bowl in a maid outfit. Y/N: Wouldn't be any harder, but you'd get some WEIRD looks. Cisco: Are. Are you speaking from experience. Y/N: No! Y/N: Y/N: ....Maybe.
Cisco: *Gasp* Caitlyn: wHAT?? Cisco: What if soy milk is just milk introducing itself in Spanish? Caitlyn: *inhales* Y/N, in another room with Barry: Why can I hear screeching?
Caitlyn: Words ending in 'ie' just sound so adorable. Like cutie, sweetie, cookie- Cisco: Eyy, homie! Barry: But then there's cootie... Y/n: Die.
Caitlyn: I truly believe that water can solve all your problems. Cisco: Weight loss? Drink water. Barry: Clear skin? Drink water. Y/N: Want to get rid of someone? Drown them.
Y/N: Guys, I’ve been meaning to tell you… Barry and I are dating. Barry, Iris, Caitlyn, and Cisco: *gasp* Y/N: Barry, why are you surprised?!
Barry: Look guys, I need help. Cisco: Love help? Caitlyn: Financial help? Iris: Emotional help? Y/n: Help moving a body? *Everybody looks at Y/n* Y/n: What?
Iris: If you took a shot for every time you made a bad decision, how drunk would you be? Caitlyn: Maybe a bit tipsy? Cisco: Drunk. Y/n and Barry, dumbass speedsters: Dead.
*The gang's thoughts on stabbing* Caitlyn: Would never stab anyone. Barry: Would stab someone in retaliation. Cisco: Yells "I won't hesitate, bitch!" first. Iris: Would stab without warning. Y/N: Would stab as a warning.
Caitlyn: I swear to god I'm the only one here with a braincell. Barry, Y/N, and Cisco: ALL HAIL the keeper of the sacred braincell!
Y/n: You’ve got to learn to love yourself. Barry: But don't you hate yourself. Y/n: Yeah, but this is about you. Stay focused.
Barry: I have a problem. Y/n: Kill it. Barry: Can you chill for like, two seconds?
Barry: What are you eating? Y/n: You wouldn't like it, it's really salty. Barry: I like you, don't I?
Y/n: *Kicks the door open to Barry’s room, looking panicked* Barry, used to this already: What did you do?! Y/n: NOBODY DIED! Barry, not used to this: WHAT KIND OF ANSWER IS THAT?!
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messylxve · 1 year
ghost spider | cisco ramon x Gn!reader
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part one
It was a just another day for Team Flash. One more meta-human captured and one step closer to a safe city. So when the alarm went off for a robbery, they all thought it was nothing more.
“He’s making a run for it Barry,” Cisco warned through the comms system. “You’ll catch him if you cut through the alley on 24th and Charles.”
Doing as Cisco said, he made his way on the street, skidding to a stop when he saw a panicked man rushing down the road. But Barry’s grin was quickly wiped off of his face when the robber was yanked off the street and into the air.
“Oh you robbers make it so easy,” a voice sighed.
Looking up, Barry’s eyes landed on you, hanging upside down so you were eye to eye with the cursing man.
“Who are you,” Barry shouted from his place on the ground.
You looked around the crook, smiling under the mask at the sight of the Flash. “No one of consequence.”
You suddenly flipped in the air, landing on a fire escape above the Flash and leaving the robber hanging. “But you can call me Ghost Spider.”
“Ghost Spider?” He couldn’t help but let out a laugh at the name, but before he could make another comment the sound of a gun firing stopped the both of them.
Barry was quick to rush to your side to stop the bullet, but you too moved fast—dodging the speeding weapon like it was nothing more than a football.
“Hey,” you shouted, turning to the man. “Didn’t anyone teach you fire safety?”
You flung a web out, snatching the firearm from the man, leaving both him and Barry shocked. “You could have killed me,” you pouted.
“W-w,” Barry stammered out, now more intrigued than ever. “What was that?!”
“Nothing of consequence,” you smirked.
“I swear to god,” the robber grumbled. “I’ll kill you both.”
“Blah blah blah,” you mocked, shooting another web to cover his mouth. “No one likes a blabber mouth.”
You turned back to Flash. “I’ll leave him to you. Catch you around Flash.”
Flinging a web at the nearest building, you swung away out of sight, leaving Barry watching you practically fly over Central City in awe.
“Did you see that,” he exclaimed to the very angry robber.
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“So are they a meta-human,”Caitlyn asked once Barry returned to S.T.A.R. Labs.
“I think so. I mean they dodged a bullet that they didn’t even see get fired.”
“Wow,” Cisco mused. “And they shot spider-webs from their wrists?”
“Yeah, apparently it’s strong enough that they can hang from it and swing from buildings with it.”
“Woah…it’s a Spider-Man.”
“How do you even know if they’re a man,” Caitlyn questioned.
“Actually,” Barry cut in. “Ghost Spider.”
“No,” Cisco exclaimed. “I name things, not you.”
Barry threw up his hands in mock defense. “I didn’t name them, they told me their name. Ghost Spider.”
Cisco frowned. “Hmm, it’s okay. I guess.” In truth he loved it, but he’d never admit it out loud.
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That next time you made an appearance with the Flash, it was less than ideal. You had shown up right in time to meet the man in yellow.
To put it lightly, he didn’t appreciate you butting in on his meet with the Flash. You could hold your ground for only so long, but when he dragged you across the wall with his speed and threw you to the concrete ground, you looked worse than battered.
When Barry found you, you were knocked out, covered in blood, and mask in shreds, revealing your face.
His own instincts kicking in, he rushed you to S.T.A.R. Labs.
“Help me,” he panted after speeding into The Cortex with you in his arms.
It was action first and questions later as Caitlyn and Cisco rushed you to their makeshift hospital bed.
Hours later, your condition was finally stabilized, leaving the three to talk in the room over.
“They had 4 broken ribs, major fractures in their skull and will have extreme scarring all over their face.” She shook her head in disbelief. “There was no way they could have come back from that but…they did.”
“I guess that answers our meta-human question,” Cisco whispered.
“Do you know exactly how they were able to survive that, much less stabilize so quickly?”
Caitlyn shook her head. “No. I could run tests, but I wouldn’t want to do that while they’re in such a fragile condition and without them knowing.”
“Extreme cell regeneration.”
Everyone whipped around in shock to see you leaning on the door way; the only sign of damage on you being the discoloration from your scars and the tired expression in your eyes.
“Woah,” Cisco exclaimed. “You should not be up much less even awake.
A tired chuckle left you. “I’m fine.”
“Cisco’s right,” Caitlyn entered. “You shouldn’t be up, it’s extremely dangerous.”
“I promise you, I’m fine. You can check if you’d like.”
Caitlyn gave Cisco and Barry a glance, begging for them to back her up, but sighed when she saw it was fruitless.
Not too long after the group found themselves looking over your X-rays and brain scans.
“Extreme cell regeneration.”
“But on this level,” Cisco asked in amazement, coming in close and touching your cheek, examining your face. “It’s nearly impossible.”
Heat spread up your neck, burning your cheeks and ears as you felt how close he was.
“Shoot sorry, got too excited,” he laughed off, embarrassment settling in on him.
“It’s okay,” you laughed before clearing your throat. “It started a few months ago when your particle accelerator blew up. You see, I’m a biochemist for Mercury Labs and I was studying spiders and their healing capabilities—did you know the silk in a spider could repair human ligaments or—or that sea spiders can regrow entire body parts instead of just limbs.”
“Umm…no,” Barry chuckled lightly.
“Right sorry, besides the point,” you coughed. “I was at the lab late that night, looking over my work and when the incident happened, everything kind of exploded all over me. I woke up feeling normal at first, but everything felt dialed up to 20. I could hear see, and feel everything, a million times better than before. I was stronger, all of my injuries would heal overnight or even in hours. I stuck to walls and I had what I call a 6th sense. It helps me sense danger before it’s there.”
“Like a spidey sense,” Cisco whispered in amazement.
“Yeah,” you smiled, your stomach doing weird flips. “Like a spidey sense.”
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kitkatt0430 · 2 months
S1 Flash AU where Cisco, being somewhat drunk at the time, learns Barry and Iris had one of those best friend marriage pacts as kids and responds by getting down on one knee immediately (almost topples over, he's not sober) and proposes marriage to Barry on the spot.
They are not dating. Cisco hasn't even told Barry about his feelings yet.
(Caitlin is laughing her ass off at this point, but she's also a little drunk too. She'd be laughing sober, too, but more politely about it.)
Barry - W-what??? Why are you...
Cisco - There's a time limit! I can't waste time waiting. I mean, Iris' relationship with Eddie seems like it's got staying power but what if they don't? I can't risk you being available to marry her when the time comes, I gotta lock you down now.
Barry - ... you like me??
Cisco - Marry me.
Barry - Um... how about a long engagement first?
Cisco - O_O Engagement? Oh my god, Caitlin! ^_^ CAITLIN! He said YES!
Caitlin - *laughing harder*
In the morning Barry solemnly informs Cisco that they're engaged now, so maybe they should go on a date? And Cisco is just trying to drown himself at coffee already, but he's sooo embarrassed until he realizes that while Barry is teasing him about the engagement, the request for a date is very real.
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vexic929 · 3 months
10 for Barrisco for the angsty prompts? 👀
oooh yes~~~
#10 realizing someone no longer exists and no one else remembers they ever did from this prompt list
The timeline had seemed fine. Completely fine. Better than fine, actually. He and Iris were married - a year earlier - and they had Nora. Things were fine.
But it had only taken one off-hand comment to completely shatter that.
"Barry?" Iris was worried and Barry realized he'd been quiet for too long but his mind was still reeling.
"I- what do you mean 'who's Cisco'?"
Iris tilted her head, concern etching deeper into her features as she stepped closer, rubbing his arm comfortingly. "I'm sorry, I don't know anyone named Cisco."
Barry felt the air around him grow heavy, suffocating - he suddenly couldn't breathe. "Iris, he's...he's our friend. He's like family. He...he worked with us at S.T.A.R. Labs. He made the Flash suit and the cold gun and- you have to remember him." Barry's voice broke, his eyes burning as he moved restlessly.
Iris tried to calm him, her touch gentle but firm. "Barry, breathe-"
Barry was on his way to S.T.A.R. Labs before Iris could say anything else. Cisco had to be there, maybe Iris just...hadn't met him somehow.
Caitlin whirled around, looking startled as Barry zipped into the room faster than he ever had behind her. He didn't give her a chance to say anything.
"Where's Cisco?" Barry demanded and Caitlin furrowed her brow.
"Who?" She asked, jumping slightly when Barry yelled in response.
Barry searched through the lab from top to bottom and bottom to top again in seconds, streaks of yellow lightning illuminating the halls brightly until Barry skidded to a stop in the Cortex, his chest heaving, looking frantic. There was no sign of Cisco.
"Barry? Everything okay?" Ronnie's voice preceded his appearance in the doorway. He and Caitlin exchanged a worried glance as Barry tried to process that too.
"Ronnie, where's Cisco? Cisco Ramon. He works here, he worked with you on the particle accelerator, he's our friend. Please tell me you know who he is." Barry asked desperately.
Ronnie shook his head, his expression a mixture of confusion and concern, but it was Caitlin who spoke.
"Come here, you need to sit down. You look like you're going to faint," she said, gently but firmly pulling him by the arm to the nearest chair.
Barry sank into the chair, his mind racing as he buried his head in his hands. The room felt like it was closing in, the familiar walls of S.T.A.R. Labs suddenly alien. This was all wrong. Cisco was gone and it was his fault.
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nunnimushka · 1 year
I miss Cisco😭😭😭
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Idk how to translate this sorry💀
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jackiequick · 1 year
Meet The Wells - Harry Wells Fic
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Tv Show: The Flash
Setting: Season 4
Pairing: Harrison ‘Harry’ Wells x Leanna ‘Lea’ O’Conner
Featuring: One of the best characters on the show, Cisco Ramon!
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The morning everything pretty well. Team Flash was doing their usual work at S.T.A.R LABS. Discussing lunch breaks, new metas they possibly discovered, new experiments to create and plans for the weekend. That was until Harry mentioned friends.
Cisco sat up, “No he’s delusional. That’s because the lack of sleep he’s has been having. Uh, Harry friends are in here!”
Caitlin looked at Barry, who stood there confused, guessing that he’s being sarcastic.
“I got friends other than you guys! You will meet them.” Harry respond, siping his morning coffee.
Cisco gave his second girl a look and asked, “Lea help.”
“I-i know nothing about this.” Lea admitted with her hands up in defense.
“Ramon, believes i don’t got any friends. When i clearly do.” Harry yelled and sighed, typing away on his keyboard, “You told me to go make some friends, right?”
Cisco yelled back, “Yeah but last time i checked, you don’t have any friends besides us!”
Leanna who was tinkering with her tools looked up and nodded, “Yup! I did tell you that. Actually I’m curious to meet your friends, but I gotta hand some paperwork over to Joe first.”
She stood up, giving her boyfriend of 3 years now, a quick kiss on the cheek, in which Harry wraps his hand around her waist pulling her in for one more starling kiss. Clearly he was excited for today.
Cisco and Harry were in the speed lab being introduced to their scientific ragtag team of friends. But it wasn’t what Cisco suspected Harry’s friends to be. One of them even practically threw Cisco Ramon out of the speed lab for being annoyed and offended. Lea walked in, confused onto why her best friend ran out of there but her confusion came to a pause after what she see saw.
There stood right in front of her brown eyes the doppelgängers of Harrison Wells. Not 1, not 2, but 3 Harrison Wells in the speed lab. And if add Harry, that makes 4! In total stood 4 very different variants of Harrison Wells, going from one with gray hair and a turtleneck to one with war general uniform like he just lost an eyeball for God’s sakes.
She didn’t know to laugh at how insane this is or internally whine about this little endeavor being oddly weird for her. But at the same time she was very much integrated into this new situation. She met versions of Wells beforehand but this was completely different. Before she can even say a word or pull together another set of thoughts, when a voice called out to her. More or less a catcall followed by a cheeky whistle.
“Who is this little beauty queen? She’s finer than a flower on a summer morning!” Yelled out a rusty almost burnt blonde Wells in a red rode and slippers.
Lea didn’t realize they were staring at her that moment, quickly fixing her dark gray shirt with tiny daisies scattered all over and dark jacket she borrowed from her friend, Caitlin Snow, earlier that week. She firstly mouth a small “What the fuck?” to Harry as he jogged over swiftly taking her hand with ease. The man was clearly excited about this.
“Honey, come meet my new friend!” He exclaimed holding a grin, returning back to earlier spot but this time with her next to him, “This is Harrison Wolfgang Wells, H. Lothario Wells and Wells 2.0. Men, this is Leanna O’Conner.”
All 3 of them smiled at the lady. Wolfgang Wells stayed wondering his eyes at the brunette, as if he trying to pin point something in particular.
Lea had to just smile politically for the 3 idiots to go sight seeing on her, if allowed. Without a second later the women dragging Harry out into the hallway for a quick chat.
“Harry, honey, what the hell?!” She whispered yelled.
“What the hell? What do you mean ‘what the hell?’?” He whispered yell back.
“Are you out of your mind? Have you officially lost your marbles?!”
“You asked me to make some friends and that’s exactly what I did!”
“When I told you to make friends, I didn’t mean with yourself!”
“They’re technically NOT me! They’re my double hitting doppelgängers from other earths and one of the biggest baddest brightest mind out there.”
“Again! There’s literally 3 of you in that room, all three of them ready to make goo goo eyes at me and oh yeah, one of you is enough but a friend group of Wells that’s just—”
“Sweetie I can handle this. There is nothing to worry about, they’re just charming and intelligent people with different kinds of backgrounds. It’s gonna go great. I promise.”
“You promise? Cause—”
“Lea it’s fine! I got this.”
Once the couple walked back in, Lea announced the plan with Harry, but the second they all heard her voice they looked at her like 3 somewhat trained dogs. Harry had to scuff down a laugh, snorting a smidge.
Sandy hair blonde Wells aka H. Lothario Wells, grinned at her. He found her pretty and said, “Say, gorgeous you got any sisters? Or are you free this Sunday night?”
She blushed chuckling as she shook her head ‘No’ as Harry face them with a glare saying that Lea was HIS girlfriend. So hands off fellas!
Wells 2.0 spoke up, “I had a Lana on my earth…”
“Really? How was I like?” Lea asked, her eyes perked up curious about the answer.
“I wouldn’t know, she died or was it that she left the country? Oh well, i don’t remember! Ladies on my earth aren’t as nice looking as you.”
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The four of them kept talking, mainly Harry and his doubles, Lea just stayed sitting back writing on her iPad a few notes on an old equipment and equations. She listened every once in a awhile to their conversation, walking in and out of the lab to other part of the building or heading down to Jitters for some java.
Blowing a kiss to all 3 copies of Wells as she left. All of them stayed with a loopy and cheeky smiles after that. Harry Wells was the lucky one, he actually got a kiss of the cheek.
Returning with a coffee for her boyfriend, after handing one to Caitlin and Cisco she heard it. “Annie..” said the voice. It belongs to Wolfgang Wells, who staying eyeing her for the moment due stepped into the room in the first place. She rarely heard that nickname tossed around but it been said plenty of times beforehand. Only Cisco or Barry will throw that nickname out.
“That’s Leanna, not Annie, can you believe this guy fellas?” Replied Sandy Wells with a chuckling, figuring his doppelgänger was nuts in the head or something.
“No, Annie O’Conner..” Wolfgang Wells said once again with curiosity and confidence in his tone.
“Yeah he’s right.” Lea confirmed his wording, “Did you know a version of me, on your Earth?”
“My wife.”
“We’re married?”
Harry’s eyes darted towards them, mumbling, “You married a verison of her? When?”
“Yeah but I left her. Too much of a handful.” Wolfgang said with a shrug.
Lea gasped, “HANDFUL? I will have you know that I’m not a handful, you guys are. No offense, Harry..”
Wolfgang snickered, “You sound like her too! I left her cause we fell out of love, she was too uptight and I was too busy to care.”
“But I think still love her very much. Still, love is love. I think we all got a verison of this lady on our earths, right?”
Sandy Wells chuckled, “Mhmmmm! I do. She’s my 2 A.M bootycall. Speaking of which…”
Just like that, blondie wells was gone saying he got business to take care of. Leanna jaw dropped, meanwhile Harry held back a little smile, grabbing everyone’s attention back to the matter at hand.
All 3 men went back to work. But the looks Wolfgang and 2.0 didn’t go unnoticed, glancing at the half Asian brunette every once in a while. Both men saw something in her, and they liked it. Harry had to snap their towards himself instead and looping a hand on his girlfriend’s waist to signify that once again she’s taken!
The men were talking over one another and bickering more often than not about the topic. Honestly it was kinda hilarious.
Cisco walked in soon enough with a smile, “Soo Council Of Wells, how are we doing? Any progress or we just chitchatting about who’s smarter?” 
Leanna chuckled at the last part, because half of it was true.
Harry on the other hand groaned in annoyance, “It’s not going anywhere! We can’t even agree on what method to use.”
“What? You had an entire day.”
“I know! I know!”
“Is it cause Lana is distracting them?”
This time Lea spoke up, “HEY! Right here you know?! First we’re complimenting me, then you’re treating me like a diamond in the rough and now you’re insulting me?! What is it? Leanna Day and I didn’t get the memo?!”
“Well welcome to my life, girlfriend! Theses guys love to do the same thing to me! Ain’t so easy, isn’t it?” Cisco repiled back, tossing her a glare.
“Ohhh, so this is the way your framing this, huh?”
“I guess so, Annie!”
“Cisco I swear—!”
“What?” Harry asked.
“Isn’t there a 3rd one? Isn’t there 3 of—”
He pointed out there was only 2 Wells standing there, not the original 3 from the beginning of the day. Harry was about to say something about it but as if on cue, Sandy haired Wells reappeared with a cheeky grin blabbing on about something.
Sandy turned toward the trio with a smile, “Oh sorry! Had to take care of some off camera business—”
“OHH MY GOD!” Cisco shouted holding a hand, covering whatever it was he didn’t want to see.
This Wells had his pants down, showing everything his mother gave him. Harry tried to looked away, his face accidentally saw it. Leanna just blinked, gasping as she turned around burying his face in her boyfriend’s black shirt.
“What?” Asked Sandy Wells softly , confused.
“I can see your Frank and beans.” Said Wolfgang, looking rather uncomfortable.
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“Come on, now. Do my best thinkin' commando,” Sandy defends himself with a shrug, “Plus, it ain't like we all haven't seen it before. Especially, you little missy.”
“I haven’t seen it!” Cisco yelled, sounding funny and offended by the fact.
He shoots a wink Leanna’s way and she feel like she can’t help but peek her face towards all the men in the room. She saw so much more than clearly expected today! Like Jesus Christ! She rested her head, still sorta hiding her face in her boyfriends shirt.
She didn’t look confident or heroic in that moment.
Harry placed a comforting hand on her head, holding his lady while smiling at her embraced blushing and embarrassment.
Cisco held back a couple of laughs, “Aww! You’re traumatizing the poor girl! But seriously, dude put that away..please.”
Wolfgang agreed with Cisco for once.
“Ah, you Earth Folks. You are so uptight.” Sandy replied pulling up his pants.
“Ah, alright! Can we get back to the take at hand? We need answers.”
Suddenly all men started throwing out suggestions left and right, speaking over one another not allowing Cisco nor Harry to keep a full sentence in.
Lea’s ears were ringing loudly and she groaned in annoyance, “Okay! That’s enough!”
“Enough? We’re just getting started!” Add 2.0 Wells, in which causing another explosion of words being thrown around.
Clearly Harry was losing it having enough of this shit and yelled, “Guys! Guys! Ga—gentlemen!” Grabbing all their attention he continued, “Clearly this isn’t working. And just for the record, it’s not me, it’s you.”
With a simple push of a button, all three holograms disappeared, leaving the trio to themselves.
“This, was a bad idea.” Harry said walking back, placing his hands on his girlfriend’s shoulders whispering, “You okay?”
“It’s like your junk was burnt into my brain.” Cisco answered instead.
“Your welcome.”
Leanna did not answer or add into the previous statement, just walking out with a hand covering her ears silently. Harry and Cisco shared a tired look, figuring something bothered her..
Him and Cisco were talking for a bit, the genius still grumbling about what happened. That he needed to accept the facts and himself, since they are technically his doppelgängers but still. He didn’t truly like it too much.
Until he found her.
Harry found his girlfriend in his lab, scribbling in a notebook wearing her noise canceling headphones, that both him and Cisco carefully crafted her due to her meta human abilities, and playing with her bangs.
He sighed, knowing she was flashed today and practically felt just as insulted as he was. But because Leanna was more of a sensitive soul in the relationship, rather busy lately with Iris’s wedding planning, and helping the team with their issues. Along with the overheating bickering wasn’t probably too pleasant to her ears.
He winced, taking a marker to the whiteboard and tapping it against the clear sided screen. Harry walked over to her, tapping her shoulder and simply asked, “Hey, are you alright?”
“Hm?” She asked, removing her headphone registering what he said and chuckled, “Oh! Yeah honey I’m fine.”
“Isn’t that my line? Lea, honey, what happened? You kinda snapped at them.”
“Yeah well, so did you!…I, uh, umm wasn’t expecting today. Part of me knew something was gonna happen! I felt like I was being pulled left and right. I mean 4 Wells in one room, that’s overwhelmingly surprising and kinda chaotic..no offense.”
“None taken! They are just huge self minded, idiots. Uptight, roughly insulting, snooty and just jerks. I—I didn’t think it would go like that! Hell they flashed you and choose to make eyes at you the whole time. Treated you like you were an prize to be won and be thrown away…no one was paying attention to anything and just talking over one another! Jesus…”
Leanna stayed quiet hearing him rant about how he felt about the situation and the protection his mind created, recognizing things she didn’t notice until now. It made her feel better, knowing that she got the best Wells in the multiverse. All he wanted was to make some more friends and figure out a way to help with his teammates issues.
But instead, he realized that rather became a host and solid choice for a complete conversation than the other guys. He also felt sorta good about himself being one to unlock the door to an O’Conner’s heart unlike his counterpart.
“I uh, don’t take you for granted, you know?” Harry said, with a soft grin.
“I figured as much. You stayed.” She replied with a tired smile.
“Wolfgang had a version of you then lost you, 2.0 Wells was just gah not—the best thing with women and uh, Lothario was something else where uh, you know!”
Lea chuckled and nodded, “Oh I know! I..I know!”
Harry couldn’t help but laugh, “But in all seriousness, Leanna I love you and I’m so sorry you had to deal with that—us, today.”
“I’ve been part of Team Flash for so long, where something like that shouldn’t surprise me but it did. It was chaotic chapter for the books, but I really hope that doesn’t happen again!”
“It better not! I can’t take another moment with those guys. They’re one of the most annoying minds of the multiverse!”
“Harry, honey..”
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
She stood up from her chair, wrapped her arms around his middle and looked up at the man gently grinning. He looked down at her, placing a hand on the small of her back, smiled softly confused since she left her second line incomplete.
“For being you! You came to this Earth and took it as it is, trying to help it. And those idiots, didn’t have to FaceTime us but they did. Because you would’ve done the same thing.” She added.
“Of course I’ve would’ve, I kinda like you guys. Especially you and Dr. Snow.” Harry admitted.
“Most importantly, you fell for me. All those other versions of Lea and Wells don’t know what they’re missing.”
“Well, technically, this wasn’t planned. I came to another earth for one goal. But we sorta happened.”
“Do you regret it?”
He leaned down, cupping her cheek a bit, “No.”
“Why’s that?” She asked, leaning in.
“Because it proves my multiverse theory. Every version of you or me, ends up being with an such interesting partner.”
“I love that theory.”
“I know you do.”
Harry closed the space between them, tossing in a few solid pecks of Lea’s waiting lips. A couple of sweet nothings and laughs were thrown into the mix, chatting about getting Big Belly Burger later.
When suddenly..
“Oh come on!”
Came Cisco’s voice, standing at the door with his hands on his hips.
“Seriously? Y’all didn’t need my help making her feel better.” Cisco said.
Lea snorted and smiled, as Harry tossed his friend a playful grin, only ever reserved for Cisco Ramon. 
“We’re heading to Big Belly Burger later, you coming?” asked Lea.
“Oh hell yes!” He replied, replacing the frown with a smile, snatched up his friend from Harry into his arms for a hug and yelling, “She was mine first.”
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed the story ⚡️
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Tags: @yetanotherwells @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @mandylove1000 @msrochelleromanofffelton @hanlueluver @topgun-imagines @sherloquestea @superspookyjanelle @rooster-84 @bisexual-watermelons @withakindheartx @blackheart-beauty @blueboirick and etc.
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arrow-v-flash-polls · 10 months
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Which of these highest Cisco ships is your favourite?
(Based on amount of ao3 fics)
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adriellej · 2 months
Rough Days Part 2
Warnings: Some swearing and talk of some violence I guess. Some talk of sex, but not really explicit.
Pairings: Harry x Reader
Word Count: 6.5K+
A/N: So it might have taken me a million years to get this done, but I got there! Also, it got really long though! Hope that can make up for it. Life has kind of gotten in the way lately, so it was nice getting to write again. I hope you enjoy it, everyone!
Part 1
GIF's are not mine - all credit to those who made them!
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“Y/N?” His morning voice was gruff and sexy to listen to. Nope, stop thinking that Y/N, you thought to yourself. He popped up on an elbow rubbing his eyes with the other hand. You pulled the covers all the way up to cover your bare chest like he hadn’t already seen you. 
“Oh god, oh god, oh god,” You kept repeating as you hid your face in your hand, your hair falling forward. Reality was setting in for Harry, adding two and two together. His face was gradually getting perplexed and as questioningly as yours. You stood up taking the covers with you only to be reminded that Harry didn’t have any clothes on either. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry Harry,” You said embarrassed as you turned your back on him. 
“Where the hell is my clothes?” You mumbled to yourself as you looked around. “Oh crap!” Reality hit you when you realized all your clothes were in the lounge. “Please tell me they haven’t come in yet,” Your voice laced with panic as you headed for the door. 
You jogged towards the lounge, praying to god that no one had come into work yet. You turned around the corner and entered the morning lid room. Thankful that it seemed the rest of the team hadn’t come in yet. You scrambled all of your clothes together in your arms. When you turned around to go to the bathroom, to put your clothes on, you collided with a firm chest. A pair of hands held onto your arms steadying you, quite like they had done the night before.
Your eyes darted up to look Harry in the eyes, as you tried to hide your flushed cheeks. His blue ones settled on yours as he let out a sigh. 
“Would you stop running away from me?” He said lowly. Most of you wanted to run away, to tell him no, but your head nodded before you could decide on any other option. “We should probably talk about, well - uh - last night,” He started with a small stutter. 
You held up your index finger to his lips silencing him before you spoke yourself. 
“Can I at least go put on some clothes before we do that? Only seems fair considering you have,” You said gesturing to his clothed frame, and awkwardly shifting on your feet under his gaze. 
“Right, you can use my room,” Harry looked at you, heat rising on his ears and cheeks. 
You jogged back to his room the covers in tow. As you closed the door you let out a big sigh of your own. Fiercely cursing your drunken self and her poor decisions as you got clothed. 
“Why, oh why did I have to go and do that?” You questioned yourself as you put a leg in your pants. “Of all people I decide to do it with, it just had to be Harrison freaking Wells,” Another leg in your pants as you jumped to get it over your hips. “I couldn’t have gone to a bar or something, no no, had to be here,” Your t-shirt over your head as you flopped down on his bed sitting with your elbows on your knees. “This is ridiculous, I’m such an idiot,” You sighed as you leaned your head in your hands. 
You sat there for a while as you mustered up the courage to talk to Harry. Taking a deep breath you stood from the bed. “Time to face the music Y/N,” You said aloud as you walked out the door towards the lounge again. 
“Okay Harry, let’s talk,” You said as you turned the corner to the lounge only to be faced by Cisco’s loud voice.
“Y/N! Good morning,” He said as he smirked. His loud voice rang in your hungover head and you winced a little at the stabbing pain in your brain. Cisco chuckled at you holding your forehead with one hand.“You seem like you had a nice evening without the rest of us here, huh?” Cisco blurted out as he took a sip of the coffee in his hand. “So what are you going to talk about?” Cisco continued a little less loudly than before. 
“Nothing,” You and Harry responded in unison giving each other a knowing look. 
“Also uh - why would you think we had a nice evening?” Your question fell a little quicker than anticipated, and with a little higher note than your usual voice. Cisco looked questioningly at you like you had fallen from the moon. 
“Uh, the empty bottles of alcohol and shot glasses,” He said as he gestured to the leftovers of your little party. “What did you think I was referring to?” He asked as he took in your expression. 
“Riiiight, nothing, just that,” You smiled it off, desperately trying to get yourself out of the situation that you had put yourself in. Well, it's not a situation you got in all on your own, Harry had a pretty big part in it too. You turned your eyes towards him instead, he stood with his own cup of coffee in his hands as he looked down on the floor. Feeling your resting gaze on him he looked up to meet yours, giving you a small nod. 
“Right, let’s get cracking on the new day and see what Alchemy has come up with today,” Cisco said as he started to walk out of the lounge and towards the cortex, to have a morning meeting that you had started having after you had been more at S.T.A.R. labs than the precinct. You and Harry followed him, mostly in silence, but you quickly whispered to him as you met in the doorframe. 
“We’ll talk later?” You looked at him and he gave yet another silent nod, his lips pressed together. 
Your day was flying by as you sat at the desk in the cortex looking over every evidence you had. You got little done, your mind was distracted with something else. Distracted by the thought of Harry. The thought of last night's activities. It was like you could still feel his lips on yours, his hands on your body and it was intoxicating for you to think about. It was like you were in a haze. 
As you sat there in your haze your mind started to wander. As Harry had been a part of the team for a while, you had come to spend a lot of your free time with him. All that time spent together had made you open more up to him, more than you had with anyone for a long time. Surely it wasn’t like you had opened up to him last night, but you enjoyed his company and he got to see sides of you no one else did. 
You didn’t necessarily need to talk to one another. You could sit in complete silence as he tinkered with some new tech or was trying to calculate something, and you’d sit with a bunch of files around you. It was comfortable for both of you. You didn’t mean to start taking a particular liking to him, but you had. You weren’t sure you’d call it love, but it was something. Something different than you had felt before. 
You cared deeply for him, and you always made sure he ate, stayed hydrated, and got some rest. Now the physical part of things had been there for a lot longer. Ever since he had come to your earth you’d find him extremely sexy and handsome, and he didn’t even have to put in any effort to get you wilded up.
Maybe last night wasn’t as big of a mistake as you first thought. You’d wanted him for a long time. You had thought a lot about what his fingers could do, or his tongue for that matter. He sure did exceed every expectation you had had about it. You could feel the heat rise on your cheeks and in your stomach. You needed to get some fresh air, cool down, and get some clarity. 
“I’m just going to head out for a while, call me if you need anything,” You exclaimed to Cisco, Caitlin, and Iris as you stood from your chair. They all looked at you with confusion at your sudden outburst. You quickly walked out of the cortex to the elevator. 
“This is really getting ridiculous. Of course, you don’t have a thing, thing for Harry, right?” You asked yourself as the elevator doors pinged and opened. Before you stood Harry with his glasses in his hands. There was a silence, a very long silence before Harry moved out of the elevator. Neither of you said anything as you took his place and pushed the button. You saw him look over his shoulder before the doors closed and the elevator moved up. 
You leaned back on the cold wall, your head turned towards the ceiling with closed eyes. You sighed loudly as you pushed off the wall to leave the elevator. You walked through the doors of S.T.A.R. Labs as the nice feeling of fresh air hit you. 
You found yourself walking around the park, listening to the birds chirping and people walking with their dogs. You sat at a bench as you looked over the park, your thoughts traveling back to Harry. Whatever you did, you couldn’t seem to be able to get him out of your mind. 
I need to deal with this whether I want to or not. You heard a beep from your phone and you pulled it out of your pocket, it was a text from Iris. 
Can you come back? Harry and Cisco are really getting at each other’s throats. 
You took a deep breath and stood from the bench to head back. You just had one pit stop on the way. 
“Ramon, you are being ridiculous! It’s not going to work!” You could hear Harry yell from the far end of the hallway. 
“Oh boy,” You said as you turned the corner to the cortex. Iris and Caitlin were giving each other looks, some of horror and others of displease by the two men at the other end of the hallway. 
“Oh thank god you’re here Y/N!” Iris exclaimed at the sight of you. You smiled at her and Caitlin. 
“Have they been bickering for a long time?” You questioned. “And what exactly are they bickering about?” You continued as you sat down the bags on the console. 
“To be honest we’re not actually sure. My best guess would be some technology thing,” Iris breathed out a small laugh. You rolled your eyes, knowing the two men, she’d probably be right. 
“I’ll go and try to tame the two tigers,” You laughed as you lifted the Big Belly Burger bags to your face. It earned a laugh from the two women. You hoped some food would help calm them down enough to actually talk efficiently with each other. 
You knocked on the entrance to their workshop and their heads shot towards you. 
“What?!” They both yelled in unison. They turned to each other and gave each other a look as to say don’t yell at her. 
“No reason to bite the head off of the one who comes bearing gifts,” You casually responded to their outburst and shook the two bags in your hands. “Now if you two would take a small break and eat, we can try and talk about this as a pair of grown-up people instead of your insufferable yelling and bickering,” You continued, earning a hard glare from both men. You were probably the only one who got to talk to them that way, without them tearing your head off in the process. “But for now, eat,” You said and pushed each bag into their chests ushering them to sit on their respective chairs. 
“She’s being mean,” Cisco mumbled to Harry who glared at him like he was an idiot. 
Their mood changed as they ate, and they started to have a normal conversation with you. You even dragged out a few chuckles and laughs from them as you joked about something you had seen in the park. 
“Soooo, will you explain to me what you are doing?” You tested as they finished the last of their burgers and fries. 
“Well, you know how Burnout tends to overheat and cause explosions?” Cisco started explaining to you what they were working on. You nodded as confirmation and Cisco continued. “I was thinking that the cold gun I once made could be altered to cool her down…” 
“And that is completely ridiculous, it would be better if we build something new so we don’t wind up freezing her to death,” Harry interrupted Cisco. You looked at Cisco who looked like he was about to explode. 
“Harrison, stop interrupting him!” You blurted out, earning a smug grin from Cisco. Harry glared daggers at Cisco and you. “Cisco, wipe that smug face off,” You told him, only to have Harry have a grin on his face. “You two have to stop being a pair of five-year-olds and stop your bickering and talk like civilized people. What are the pros and cons of Cisco’s idea and vice versa for yours Harry?” 
“Well, my idea is a lot better…” Harry started before you interrupted him. 
“Harry, no,” You slapped him on the arm. 
“Ouch,” He had a surprised expression as he rubbed his arm. 
“That is not how we do this, no “My idea is better”,” You continued before standing in front of their board with Harry’s marker in your hand. You drew up pros and cons lists for each of their ideas. 
“Cisco, let’s start with yours,” You pointed at him with the marker. “And no Harry, do not even think about interrupting him,” You uttered. 
“Okay, so a pro is that we have the gun in storage, just need to alter it, so it’ll be faster,” Cisco started as you wrote on the board. “Also, we know it’s easy to aim with, and let’s be honest Barry isn’t always the most accurate shot,” You laughed at the remark Cisco made. You had been at the shooting range for fun with Barry before, and he surely wasn’t the guy who hit 100% of his targets. 
“Right, so cons?” You asked and looked at Harry, knowing he would have cons to say. 
“We risk that it’s too cold. We know how cold Barry has gotten when he’s been shot by it, he needs to phase to get warm,” Harry said as you wrote it down. “Plus it runs out of power at some point,” He continued. 
It went on like this for an hour. Back and forth on their ideas, you mediating between them until they could talk civilized about it. As they started to bounce the ideas off each other you snuck out of the room and back to the cortex to give them their space.  
When you emerged in the cortex the two girls looked at you like you had been missing for a week. 
“We were starting to think they had eaten you,” Caitlin laughed at you, while you probably looked tired from listening to the two of them bickering. 
“No no, I just made them realize they were being stupid,” You laughed as you took a seat next to Iris. She gave you a look of disbelief at your words. “Don’t even ask,” You said as you waved your hand. It earned laughs from the two women as you started to converse about the day, letting you forget about all your thoughts for a moment. 
As the night drew closer Caitlin and Iris had left, and you started to feel the tiredness sneak up on you. A yawn left you as you walked down the corridor towards Cisco and Harry’s workshop. They were still working on fixing up the gun for Barry to use on Burnout. 
“Harry, can I talk with you for a moment?” You asked sleepily as you walked up to him. He turned towards you and took your arm leading you to the other side of the room. 
“What do you want to talk about?” He questioned as he held on to your arm for a little longer than he needed to. He seemed to realize and let go of you as you started to speak. 
“I don’t think that talk is going to happen today. I’m tired and I could really need some rest,” You answered as you looked down at the hand that had been resting on your arm only a second ago. 
“I’m so sorry Y/N, it’s just we’re finally getting somewhere and we could finish it tonight,” Harry started before you cut him off. 
“It’s okay, we’ll do it another time, don’t worry about it,” You wanted to believe those words yourself, but you didn’t. You were worried about it and wished you had got it done already. You wanted the awkwardness to stop, and be as you were before. If you could ever be as you were before. 
“Right, I’ll see you tomorrow,” His lips curved a little before going back to Cisco to work on their project. 
Your keys rattled in the door as you let yourself into your apartment. It was a dark and gloomy one-bedroom studio with a tiny kitchen and bathroom. It wasn’t much, but it was cheap and in reality, you didn’t really spend any time there. You slept there and that was more or less it. You spent most of your time at the precinct before Singh sent you home, after that all your time was spent at S.T.A.R. Labs. 
“God I’m exhausted,” You said as you fell on your couch, one leg up and the other resting on the floor. “Can’t believe the mess I’ve put myself in,” You stared up at the ceiling in the dark, except for the lights from the street signs outside your window, you hadn’t bothered turning anything on in your apartment. You didn’t know how long you stared into space, but eventually, you felt your eyelids getting heavy and slowly drifting into sleep. 
You woke from your phone vibrating on the floor. You grabbed it still half asleep, and you didn’t look who was calling. 
“Yes?” Your voice was groggy and low as you answered your phone. 
“Y/N? Are you okay?” Cisco’s voice rang at the other end of the phone. You didn’t realize what time it was, hell you didn’t even realize you had fallen asleep. 
“Cisco? Yeah, I’m fine, why?” You sat up and felt all of your muscles being sore from sleeping on the couch, probably not in the best positions either. 
“It’s noon and you haven’t shown up yet. You were making us all worried about you,” Cisco’s voice was laced with a hint of worry and relief by your words. 
“Holy shit, I didn’t even realize. I’m so sorry, I’ll be there in 30 minutes, I promise,” You said before hanging up and rushing to your dresser to change your clothes. You made a pit stop by Jitters to buy yourself a cup of coffee. 
You took some long strides as you exited the elevator. You were still groggy from your sleep, but the coffee was starting to help. As you walked into the cortex, you realized it was completely empty. The med-bay was empty. The lounge was empty. 
“Where the hell is everyone?” You continued to look in the other rooms of the labs, a confused expression on your face. You hadn’t taken more than half an hour to get here, they couldn’t all just have vanished. Even Harry’s lab was empty. You made your way into the speed labs, where you could hear a few voices coming from. Walking in Iris, Caitlin, Cisco, and Harry were talking by the computers. 
“Hey the sleeping beauty finally made it,” Cisco laughed at you, and you gave them all a small wave feeling yourself getting embarrassed by not being there earlier. 
“I have no idea what happened, I fell asleep on the couch,” You laughed as you made your way over to your friends. “Where’s Barry?” You asked before you heard something over the intercom. 
“Oops, I’m sorry!” Barry’s voice rang as Harry let his head hang low with his hands on his hips. 
“Never mind,” You laughed. “Is he trying to figure out your new cold gun?” The look you gained from both Harry and Cisco was answering enough for you. 
“I love my man, but he has no aim,” Iris erupted into giggles alongside Caitlin. 
“Wait I have an idea!” Cisco yelled over your laughter. “Y/N, you can do it! You have a great aim,” He continued and you looked at him in disbelief. 
“And how would you suggest we do that? I can’t run at Barry’s speed nor do I know your gun, he does,” You questioned and his face faltered for a short while before it was taken over by a grin. 
“Barry can take you, and you can go train with him and try out the gun now,” You sighed at that. You weren’t very fond of Barry running you anywhere, you always wound up feeling sick. You weren’t made to move at that kind of speed unless it was in a car. “Please Y/N/N, you want to help Burnout right? And the city,” He played on your feelings, he knew you too well to know it would work. 
“Fine,” You caved in, already regretting your persuasiveness. 
“Wait,” Harry interrupted. “What if she gets hurt? She doesn’t have super healing like Barry,” He continued, his voice wavered a little by the end. A swooshing was heard as your hair whirled around your face. 
“I won’t let her get hurt Harry,” Barry replied with a smile on his face. “She’s a tough cookie, she can handle it,” He continued, it didn’t earn anything well from Harry, but it earned a smile from you. You were pretty badass if you had to say so yourself. Harry sighed before turning to walk away. “What’s gotten into him? He's more grumpy than usual,” They all looked at each other with puzzled looks. 
“I’ll talk to him. I’ll be right back and then I can have a look at the gun,” You said as you followed Harry out into the corridor. His long legs were carrying him rather quickly away from the speedlab. “Harry, can we talk for a second?” You said as you jogged the rest of the way up to him. 
“There’s nothing to talk about,” He said sternly without giving you another look. You cocked an eyebrow at his response as you were struggling to keep up with him. 
“Harrison stop,” You said as you grabbed his arm yanking him to a halt. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” He questioned before he continued. “I said, there is absolutely nothing to talk about, you’ll do your thing, see if I care,” His words hurt. It stung in your heart as you looked at him in disbelief at what he had just said. You were stumped, at a loss for words, and he took your silence as a way to leave you standing in the hallway, alone. Your eyes started to fill with water. 
“Well screw you too then,” You whispered as you went back towards the speedlab. Forcing your tears to stop, you put on a smile and went in. “Okay, let’s do this Barr!” You exclaimed clapping your hands and grinning at the rest of the team. 
Alarms went off in the speedlab and you and Barry shared a look. 
“It's go time,” You stated as you all ran to the cortex to see where you and Barry would have to go. Passing the lab you looked at Harry, who stood with a screwdriver and a tech in hand, looking at all of you passing. Your eyes locked with his and he immediately looked away and continued working. You sighed and pushed it away, you couldn’t be distracted by it right now. You had to focus on the job in front of you, and that was helping Burnout not hurt herself. 
“You got the meta cuffs, Barry?” Cisco asked and he nodded in response. “Y/N, you got the gun?” He continued making sure you had all the equipment you needed. 
“Yup, got it right here,” You said as you patted the gun hanging from the holster on your back. 
“Well, then it’s time to go kick some ass!” He exclaimed and you laughed at his excitement. 
“Ready?” Barry asked and you nodded at him before he grabbed you and ran. You didn’t enjoy this part of the plan, but it was a necessity for the plan to work. 
It took quite a few tries before you had Burnout in custody and safe from her own powers. You really missed this part of your job. The part where someone needed you, where someone needed the skills you had. Usually, Barry would handle it, and after being benched you didn’t really get to be out in the field. Sure you got to investigate, but you didn’t get to be a part of the action. The rushing feeling of adrenaline shooting through your entire body was a feeling you thrived on. You worked well under pressure. 
As you arrived back at S.T.A.R. Labs you were received with a bunch of great work comments, except from the one you really wanted it from. Harry. You excused yourself from the others and went to his lab. He was still working on the tech he had worked on when you left. 
“Hey Harry,” You cautiously greeted him. He didn’t look at you, he didn’t say anything, it was like you didn’t even exist. It was getting to you, you were starting to get angry. It wasn’t your fault that you were a good shooter, and that they actually needed you. You finally felt like you were an asset to the team. “You know, this really isn’t fair of you,” You spoke, annoyance laced your voice, and when he didn’t react to it, it became more filled with anger than anything else. “Harry, what the hell is wrong with you?!” Your voice was getting louder as you spoke. It finally earned you a look from him. 
“There is nothing wrong with me!” He yelled back at you. You were taken a little aback, he never yelled at you. “What is wrong with you?! Why did you feel a need to go and risk your life?! Barry could have handled it!” He pressed on. The stinging feeling from earlier was coming back. He really didn’t get it, did he? This was what you lived for, what you had trained for. 
“No, he couldn’t!” You yelled back at him before you closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You knew it wouldn’t help yelling at him, it would only make things worse. “Harry this is what I am trained to do, it’s my fucking job,” You spoke more softly than before. It didn’t exactly have the effect you wanted. 
“We could have found another way! A way where you didn’t have to go and risk your life!” The screwdriver in his hand fell victim to his usual anger outburst, and it was hurled through the entire room. His hands were on his hips as his piercing blue eyes bore into yours. 
“And what?! Have Burnout hurt herself? Maybe wind up killing herself in the process?!” You couldn’t keep from yelling at him. You didn’t want to see anyone hurt if you could help it. 
“Rather her than you!” He yelled as he stormed passed you and out of the lab leaving you behind. Once again stumped by his words. Did he just say that? Why would he say that? You questioned yourself.
“Hey, are you okay?” Caitlin’s voice tore you from your thoughts. 
“Hmm, what?” You looked at her confused, like you had fallen from another planet. 
“Are you okay? He seemed pretty angry,” She spoke softly and sent you a small careful smile. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. He's just an angry and stubborn man sometimes,” You tried to pretend you weren’t affected by his behavior. “He just needs some time to cool off, it’s okay. I’ll talk to him later,” You continued as you sent her a reassuring smile. 
“Do you want to come celebrate with the rest of us? It was some pretty impressive work you two did out there,” She offered but you declined it with a shake of your head. 
“It’s okay, you go ahead,” She gave you a small hug and some reassuring words on the way. 
“Please take care of yourself. He can be a bit of a hardheaded man,” You chuckled a little at her words. She was definitely right, that was one thing you knew for certain. 
You had given him a few hours to cool off. It took you a few tries of standing outside of his room, hand raised to knock on the door, just to lose your confidence and put it down again. You took a deep breath and finally knocked. 
“Come in!” You heard from the other side of the door, and you slowly opened the door to poke your head in. 
“Are you sure?” You asked softly. His eyes were softer than before. “I come with an offering piece,” You continued as you opened the door completely, holding an expensive whiskey and two glasses in your hand. Harry was lying on his bed, one arm behind his head, and the other had a ball in it. He gave you a nod as he sat up. “Thought the whiskey might help,” You moved over to his bed with his chair in tow. You handed him one of the glasses and kept the other for yourself. 
“On what exactly?” He asked sternly, earning a smile from you and a small shake of your head. 
“On you potentially talking to me,” You answered calmly, observing his reaction to your words. “It helped quite a lot yesterday,” You smiled at him. He watched you carefully as you poured some whiskey into his glass. 
“Probably isn’t the best idea to put us back into what got us into this predicament, now is it?” He asked, his expression looked a little uncomfortable. That was until he took a sip of his glass. His eyes closed, seemingly enjoying the taste of the liquor. 
“Well, I can’t put us back into something, we’re still already in,” You answered with a shrug on your shoulders. You took a sip of your own glass, enjoying it just as much as he seemed to. It was a good whiskey you had found. 
You sat in silence for a long time, the only thing that could be heard was your breathing and the occasional refill of your glasses. At first, he didn’t really look at you either, so you decided to lean back in the chair and look up at the ceiling for the most part. Your hands folded around the glass over your stomach. You were starting to feel a stare on you. 
“Why don’t you take a picture? It lasts longer,” You breathed out a laugh at your own words as you leaned your head forward again to meet his eyes. He didn’t say anything, but you were pretty sure you could see the tiniest little lift at the side of his mouth. “Can I ask you something?” You continued when he didn’t say anything, and he responded with a nod. “Why was it so bad that I wanted to help today?” You were careful of how you phrased your question to not disturb the resting bear in him. 
“I just didn’t want to see you hurt, that’s all,” His response was short and it felt distanced from him. 
“I feel like there is something you’re not telling me. The others don’t want to see me hurt either, and you don’t see them - uh - get angry with me,” You felt like such a fool for treading on eggshells around him, you’d never felt a need to before. 
“Maybe they just don’t care as much about you as I do,” His eyes were soft, but there was something else in there. Was it hurt? Struggle? You couldn’t put a finger on it. “I wasn’t angry with you,” His voice was low barely above a whisper. 
“Then what were you? You have a funny way of not being angry with me,” The words escaped your mouth before you could stop them. He squinted his eyes at you, his entire demeanor seemed to change. Fuck. “I’m sorry Harry, I didn’t mean it,” You tried to save it.
“It’s okay. I deserved that one,” He shook his head and looked down on the floor. “Sometimes my temper gets the better of me. Jesse keeps telling me that. I’m sorry for yelling at you,” He continued and you let go of a breath you didn’t know you held. Relief washed over you. You hadn’t expected an apology from him. 
“It’s okay,” You smiled at him as you leaned over to lay your hand over his. You both looked down at your hands. “You know, we never had that talk,” You let go of his hand and looked down, feeling your cheeks getting warm. 
“I guess we didn’t,” He stood from the bed and started to pace around the room. You started laughing, causing him to stop and look at you. His expression was filled with confusion. “Why are you laughing?” He asked when your laughing didn’t seize. 
“Oh, I don’t know. I remember something about you asking me not to run away, but look at you now,” You continued finding it amusing that he was now the one who couldn’t sit still. He, on the other hand, was not. “Oh c’mon, you don’t find it a little funny?” You still had a smile on your lips. 
“Can we be serious for a second?” Harry started pacing again, and you were almost tempted to stand and pace with him but opted for listening to him. 
“Right, I’m sorry,” You cleared your throat and it got him to walk over to you. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, seemingly not finding the words to say. “Look Harry, I have no idea how to start this potentially very awkward conversation, so I’m just going to start talking. I miss the way we were before. I know it’s only been a few days, but I miss my friend. I miss the quiet moments where we just enjoy each other’s company, no awkward silences or weird looks. I miss being able to talk to you about the things happening in my life. I love and care about the others, but I trust you in a completely different way,” You felt like you were rambling on, and you couldn’t really read Harry’s face, but he was listening carefully to everything you said. 
“I have spent the past days thinking about the whole situation. I keep questioning myself how you feel about it… and to be honest how I feel about it. I haven’t really concluded a lot, but I know I care deeply for you. I care about your well-being. I care about you in a way I haven’t for anyone in a very long time,” You stopped to breathe, the silence becoming awkward as you cleared your throat. “I’m sorry, I’m rambling,” You looked down on the floor again. Harry sat down in front of you and took your hand in his, causing you to look up at him. 
“You’re not rambling,” He spoke softly. “I miss it too. I’ve had to deal with Ramon’s rambling instead of yours,” You giggled and looked him in the eyes, a smile crept onto his lips showing his dimples. “I’m really not good with words. Especially when it comes to talking about feelings. Jesse has complained about this so many times. I really do care about you. A lot. And seeing you put your life in danger today… I couldn’t handle it, I don’t know what I would do if I lost you. I’ve lost a lot, and it makes me careful… with everything. And to be honest, the other night was…” He paused and looked like one who couldn’t find his voice again. 
“Amazing?” You asked carefully and awaited his response. It felt like a million years before he gave an answer. 
“Yeah,” He breathed out a laugh. He was still holding your hand, as he started to play a little with your fingers. “But I don’t know if it was a mistake of us to do so?” The words weighed heavily on you. They hurt. Maybe you did know how you felt about it. Was it really just a mistake to him? Your hand slipped out of his as you stood to start pacing yourself. 
“But it was a really good mistake if it was, don’t you think? I kinda felt like it meant something or is it nothing but a mistake to you?” Your hand glided through your hair pushing it to one side of your face. 
“No… I don’t know Y/N. I don’t know what to tell you,” He stood from the bed and put one hand on his hips, and the other went through his hair, ruffling it into a mess. You turned away from him. 
“You know what, it’s okay. You don’t feel the same way as me, that’s okay. We’ll try and go back to what we were,” You said, the tears started to fill your eyes. You needed some air and to escape. You walked out of his room and down the corridor, leaving him behind. 
“Y/N/N, wait!” You stopped and turned around to face him. He walked up to you, a tear had betrayed you and it slid down your cheek. “Please don’t cry,” He begged, his hands cupping your face, wiping the tear away from your cheek. 
“Harrison, it’s okay, I just need some air and some time to digest,” Your hands went to his and tried to remove them from your cheeks, but he wasn’t going to let you go. Before you even realized what happened, his lips were on yours and your heart took over every sense in your body. Your eyes closed and your lips followed his in a soft and tender kiss. You both poured every feeling you had into it. It spoke louder than your words had. His forehead rested on yours as his lips left yours. His eyes were still closed and his hands still held on to you. 
“I told you, I’m not good with words,” He spoke lowly in a husky voice. You let out a breathy laugh at his words. 
“I think your actions spoke well enough for you,” You answered him before leaning in for another kiss, which he gladly gave you. His blue eyes looked deeply into yours as a dimple-filled smile lit up his face. His eyes crinkled at the sides. 
“C’mon, let’s go get some Big Belly Burger, I haven’t eaten yet and I’m starving,” He said grabbing your hand in his as he dragged you along. “We can continue this-,” He said gesturing between the two of you. “- After,” He smiled at you and you gladly followed him.
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@hiddenwritingsintheworld, @sarawritestories, @brianllamawrites
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Who Punched a Hole in the Wall?!
Team Flash x fem!teen!reader
Summary: You and Team Flash went to a bar and came home really late at night. The next morning, you all find a hole in the wall. To find out who did it, you all lined up in a line to put your fits in the hole to figure out who did it.
Based On: This video
The morning after you, Barry, Iris, Joe, Wally, Cisco, Caitlin, HR and Harry went to a bar, you'll find a hole in the wall. So, in order to figure out who punched the wall. You all got into a line to lineup your fists to see whose would fit the hole. HR was the first to try, but it wasn't him, so he got out his phone to film this moment to keep it as a memory. Cisco went first.
HR: Um, nope, that's not gonna work.
Then it was Caitlin.
HR: Nope.
HR: Absolutely not, no.
HR: No.
HR: Your hand is literally the same as mine! No way in hell does that work!
HR: Maybe, maybe.
HR: Nope that's not i-, uh, could be.
And finally, it was now your turn.
HR: That. Yep. That's the one. We found the culprit! *laughing*
Even though everyone was laughing, you were laughing the loudest due to the fact that there was a story behind the hole in the wall.
Cisco: How!?
You: I was angry, so I punched the wall.
There was a moment of awkward silence before everyone broke out into laughter.
Barry: What the hell?!
This was one moment no one would ever forget.
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lukas-dusk · 5 months
Caitlin : So… I’ve seen you’ve been spending a lot of time with Snart recently.
Barry : No, Cait, it's not what it looks like, I swear.
Cisco : Oh really? So no reason for us to be jealous?
Barry : No! You two are the only one for me.
Caitlin : Is that so?
Barry : I promise! Len and I are just dating, okay? He’s my boyfriend.
Cisco : So there are no best-friends-feelings involved?
Barry : You are still my two and only best friend! He’s just the love of my life, nothing more!
Caitlin and Cisco : But we're still the platonic love of your life, right?
Barry : Of course guys!
Cisco and Caitlin : Bar...
Leonard : What the-
Cisco : I can't wait to tell Kara and Oliver that we're the only best friends you have!
Barry : NO!
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killervibe · 1 year
do you ever think about the fact, in the grand scheme of things, Caitlin DIED because Cisco left? She fell apart after the whole frost death saga and nobody was able to prevent her from getting off the mad scientist train /ronnie resurrection fakeout freakout because nobody was left who understood how to help her or even was enough for her to want to keep going like ??? Cisco always talked about how he needed Caitlin in his life because she was a home to him but in the narrative of the story, it’s Caitlin who always needed Cisco. Without him they LITERALLY wrote that she lost her humanity like ??? I’m baffled. Not to mention it was Cisco who pushed Caitlin to pursue her father and unlocked her memories that triggered the emergence of “Khione” in the first place.  
This is the best takeaway I can come up with for the whole khione development okay leave me alone. 
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ynbabe · 1 year
The Flash x male!reader :- pt.2 incorrect quotes
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Barry, joking: Two brooooos! Y/n, going along: Chillin' in a hot tub! Barry: Five feet apart 'cause we're not gay! Y/n: Barry: Y/n: *tearing up* Barry: Babe, c'mon... Y/n: AND HERE YOU REALLY HAD ME THINKING WE HAD SOMETHING. Barry: Babe...
Y/n: I love you. Barry, not paying attention: What was that? Y/n: I said I’m selling you to the zOo-
Barry, after Y/n saved his life multiple times: I owe you one. Y/n, ex villain, who got hunted by the team after those times: That’s ok. You can just date me and we’ll call it even.
Barry: Are you trying to seduce me? Y/n: Why, are you seducible?
Barry, in the cortex: Wow, Y/n, you want to hold my hand before marriage? How awfully lewd of you. Y/n, tired of his shit: We literally slept together yesterday. Barry, ignoring cisco and caitlin’s shocked pikachu faces: That's NOTHING compared to the lewdness of holding hands.
Y/n: Bro, I had a dream we fucked. Barry: Bro, relax it was just a dream. Y/n: Huh, gay, I wouldn’t fuck you. Barry: You wouldn’t? Y/n: I mean, unless you want to-
Barry: Are you ready to commit? Y/n, ex villain: Like, a crime or a relationship?
Y/n: The stars are so beautiful... Barry: They're just giant balls of gas. Y/n: Aww man, Barr that’s not what I- Barry: And yet none of them are as huge as my love for you. Y/n: Oh...
Y/n: When are we gonna fuck? Barry: What? Y/n: Oh sorry autocorrect. When are we gonna hang out? Barry: First of all that two words isn't even close to each other. And second of all, this is a verbal conversation..
Barry, after catching an evil speedster: The best revenge, really, is being nice! Y/n, ex evil speedster, now in love with Barry: [in the distance] Or murder.
Barry: I have a problem Y/n, after being locked in the accelerator jail for a month: does it involve me? Barry: no, but-- Y/n: then suffer in silence
Caitlyn: Isn’t it weird that we pay money to see other people? Cisco: Plane tickets? Barry: Concert tickets? Y/n: Prostitution? Caitlyn, holding their broken frames: Glasses.
Caitlyn: Wake me up… Cisco: Before you go go! Barry: When September ends… Y/n: WAKE ME UP INSIDE-
Caitlyn: I currently have 7 empty notebooks and I have no clue what to put in them. Suggestions? Cisco: Put spaghetti in it. Caitlyn: I'm currently taking suggestions from literally anyone but you. Barry: Put spaghetti in it. Caitlyn: I'm currently taking suggestions from anyone but you two. Y/n: Put spaghetti in it. Caitlyn: I'm no longer taking suggestions.
Caitlyn: I think Y/n was right. Cisco: I'm surprised he hasn’t marched in here to say 'I told you so.' Barry: He wouldn't do that. Y/n: You're right, Barry. For once in your life, you're 100% right. I would never say that. Y/n: *turns around, the shirt they're wearing says 'Y/n Told You So' on the back*
Barry: Have you seen a person named 'Y/n' around here? Dr.Wells: Ugh, yes. He made a horrible mess of the blood fountain. Cisco: It looks fine to me? Caitlyn: IT USED TO BE WATER!!!
Barry: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake. Y/n: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear. Barry: ... Barry: You mean ring bearER, right? Y/n: ... Barry: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding.
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