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yoooko-o · 2 years ago
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arminsumi · 1 year ago
❀ 𝐈 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐘𝐨𝐮 | 𝟏 Gojo Satoru / Geto Suguru
Falling in love despite a language barrier.
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𝐂𝐡. 𝟏 | 𝐖𝐜. 𝟒.𝟔𝐤 | 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱 | 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Satoru's never really been in love before.
Sure, in high school he experienced crushes and a handful of dates. But the crushes were shallow and short-lived, and the dates were lousy and forgettable.
But you? Well it's funny, see, you live on a whole different continent and can't speak his language, and yet to him you're as unforgettable as the scent of spring.
His feelings for you seep into his skin slowly, beautifully; and yet he can't express a single one to you because he too can't speak your language.
During late-night video calls, Suguru tries to bridge the gap between you and his best friend. And in your group chat, both Shoko and Suguru combine their skills to help you and Satoru understand each other. They do it because they see how badly the both of you want to know more about each other; especially Satoru.
Satoru has never been so infatuated before; never quite so curious and unashamedly intrigued with someone else. You're all he thinks about day and night.
When you speak, he desperately strains his ears. When you text, he consults the dreaded Google translate. And he's always nagging Suguru to translate everything, because he wants to know your every thought and expression.
Around a year and a half after meeting you, Satoru realizes something when he's lazing in his bed with his fluffy white cat curled up on his stomach as it rises and falls with his gentle breathing.
He likes you.
On call, when you giggle at the cat's fluffy tail blocking the webcam, Satoru thinks;
あなたの笑いが大好きです I love your laugh.
When talking about you with Suguru, he receives a little teasing smirk from him.
あなたは彼女が好きですよね? You like her, huh?
During lonely nights, he scrolls through your socials and stares longingly at photos of you, ones where you're hanging out with your real-life friends or family.
とても羨ましいです。私も彼女に近づきたいです。 I'm so jealous. I want to be close to her, too.
Listening to you attempt to speak Japanese on a call while him and Suguru are on a walk around Tokyo, he thinks;
私の言語であなたの声を聞くのが大好きです。 I love hearing your voice in my language.
Any photo of your face that you personally sent him, he looks at with heart eyes and saves immediately.
キスしたい。 I want to kiss you.
He'd be lying if he said he never pressed his lips to his screen and closed his eyes, pretending he was kissing you.
Satoru thinks poetically about you. He pens down these elaborative thoughts into his diary that he plans to give you one day. Maybe then you can get an idea of how deeply he thinks about you.
But even if he could speak English fluently, or you could speak Japanese fluently, he's sure neither language could be descriptive enough when it comes to his feelings for you.
He tries so hard to learn some phrases in anticipation of your upcoming visit, but all he can say when he meets you for the first time at Haneda airport is;
And he waves cutely.
"Hi!" you giggle, waving back.
And all at once, there's a bunch of thoughts buzzing in his head. He's looking at you like he's captivated. Even if he knew any solid English, he's sure he'd be speechless anyways.
実物の彼女はもっと美しい、信じられない。 She's even more beautiful in real life, I can't believe it.
彼女が何を言っているのか全く分かりませんが、いい感じですね。耳元で聞く彼女の声だけが私が望んでいたものです。 I have no idea what she's saying, but it sounds good. Her voice in my ear is all I wanted.
なぜ彼女は私ではなくスグルを抱きしめたのでしょうか?その瞬間は混乱の渦だったのでしょうか、それとも彼女は私を抱きしめたくなかったのでしょうか? Why did she hug Suguru instead of me? Was that moment a whirlwind of confusion, or did she just not want to hug me?
When you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom, the boys wait for you in their seats at the little airport cafe. The neon sign glows yellow above, plants hang from the ceiling; it's a busy place.
They're talking about you over their beverages.
Satoru groans dramatically, throwing his head back, fluffy hair flopping cutely.
"Oh Satoru," Suguru chuckles, "What's the matter? Why the groan?"
"I want to hug her."
Suguru's heart melts. "Then hug her. She doesn't bite. I think she wants to hug you, too."
"But then why didn't she hug me like she hugged you earlier? Maybe I don't seem huggable to her..."
"It was a rushed moment, she had just arrived you know? Don't overthink. Satoru, just hug her."
Satoru lets out a long, stifled noise that's a mix between a groan and a sigh. He tilts his whole body back, balancing precariously on the plastic chair. Rubbing his eyes until he sees some phosphenes, a habit he did when he was nervous. Suguru notices.
"Are you nervous?" Suguru asks tenderly.
"Really nervous. She's prettier in real life. I don't know what to do with myself." he admits quietly.
"Yeah, she is, haha. Oh, there she's coming back now — や!"
"や!" you returned, giggling.
That was Suguru's 'thing'. It's cuter in real life, seeing how his eyes curve up into a smile when he says it. There are details on his face that you didn't notice through the screen; he has an attractive trio of moles on his lower cheek, and when he smiles the left side of his lips curls up more to reveal some of his upper gum.
Satoru's heart beats a little harder when you sit closer to him. He's thinking;
Yay, 彼女は私の隣に座っています。 She is sitting next to me.
"Suguru, ask her if we're taller than she expected." Satoru asks suddenly. You just hear his voice next to you and it gives you tingles — there was a quality to his voice that only revealed itself in real life. An endearing voice crack accompanies the middle of his sentence.
"Satoru asks if we're taller than you expected." Suguru asks you, habitually resting his chin on the palm of his hand while taking a long sip on his iced tea.
"Yeah! Actually, I was surprised, because I thought you and Satoru were the same height, but Satoru is very slightly taller... " you say.
Satoru is listening curiously, waiting expectantly for Suguru's translation. And then it comes, and Satoru smirks at you.
"Yes." he nods, "(Suguru, how do I say I'm taller?) — I'm taller."
You let out a short and sweet ha-hah that makes even Suguru's heart feel a little something.
Each time you laugh, Satoru's thinking;
私はあなたの笑いが本当に大好きです。 。 。 I really love your laugh.
You three leave the airport for your hotel, so you can check in. It's almost midnight, your plane landed late. Though he thought he'd be tired, considering he's not a night owl like his best friend, Satoru is energetically striding next to you, teasing you and laughing with you and throwing hand gestures to try and communicate better. Suguru's fondly eyeing the two of you out, admiring how your chemistry comes to life so beautifully — this is what his best friend wished about for so long; to be at your side. Now he's getting to truly enjoy your company. The dreamy-eyed exchanges between you and Satoru make Suguru think that the two of you ought to be in a novel one day, with how pure and wholesome your story is unfolding right now.
Though, he can pick up on Satoru's frustrated stuttering when he fails to communicate with you. Suguru doesn't mind being the translator, nor does he mind bridging the gap between the two of you; Satoru's nagging can never bother him.
They help you out when you're checking into reception at the hotel, but then suddenly...
"... oh, that's not good. He said your reservation got cancelled." Suguru tells you.
"What!" you panic, "Why?"
Suguru inquires further for you, and finds out that it's because of overbooking.
So you groan, the three of you walking out of the hotel lobby, standing in the glow of the light coming through its glass doors. Satoru silently offers to take care of your suitcase, attentively noticing how tired you'd become from pulling it around.
"Thank you..." you tell him.
"Mm." he nods.
Suguru is quick to offer that you stay at their apartment. "... if you're comfortable with it. Just for the night, until you can find another booking elsewhere. Or if you want to stay by us for the whole month, that's okay too — just mind the cat."
"Suguru... thank you. I'm sorry to be intrusive."
"You're not being intrusive, don't worry. And anyways, I think Satoru will be excited to know that you're staying with us. He was bummed out when he learned that you were gonna stay at this hotel, since it's a bit far from our apartment."
Satoru looks at the two of you curiously after he hears his name mentioned.
"She's staying with us." Suguru tells him. You quietly appreciate his voice, and how soft it becomes when he speaks to Satoru.
"Yay!" Satoru says with a very cute thumbs up. You can hardly believe that this man is older than you.
"Tell him he's cute." you request to Suguru.
"Tell him yourself." he teases.
"No! That's embarrassing! Ah, never mind."
Satoru already knows what you said, though, his ears picked up on that he's cute and your words repeat in his head like his favorite song while the three of you walk the streets at night. He feels dreamy.
There is something indescribably welcoming about Japan that you realize while heading across the street, looking at the faces passing by. It's clean. The lights glow warm and bright. The buildings stand tall, but not intimidatingly so. When you pass by chattering people, you wish you knew what was being said.
The three of you have to take the train to get to their apartment. While boarding it, a cute little exchange happens between you and Satoru that you can't quite explain, but it makes the two of you laugh shyly and look away.
Now squished into a seat at the very edge, another cute little exchange happens between you and him. Satoru is talking up at Suguru, who opted for holding onto the train handles after giving up his seat for an older woman.
Satoru uses lots of hand gestures even when speaking Japanese, his big hands fly around, dramatizing whatever he's saying — and then he accidentally flattens his palm right on top of the back of your hand.
Satoru's quick to remove his hand and giggle it off, but Suguru is even quicker to let out a teasing "ooh, cute" when it happens, so the two of you get completely flustered.
Satoru's heart thumps and throbs for the whole train ride. You swear you can feel a tension between your hands as they rest palms-flat on the seats, less than an inch away; you can feel his warmth, and he can feel yours.
But then the train ride is over, and before you know it Suguru's thumbing his key into the lock of the apartment door. It rattles, the door opens, and the automatic light comes on in the genkan.
"Just a sec — gonna see where Mint is. Make yourself at home." Suguru tells you quickly, voice shaking as he shimmies out of his shoes, and then he disappears down the hall to find the mentioned cat.
Satoru hears the name 'Mint' and gets the idea of what Suguru said based on that.
He nimbly unlaces his Converse, and leans down to neatly tuck them into the corner of the genkan, purposefully next to your shoes.
Then he straightens his body out, and you two have a small comedic exchange as you both notice the height difference between you and him.
"Uh..." he looks down at you. "Water?" he asks after thinking for a moment.
Your heart lurches at his thoughtfulness. "Yes, please."
"Mhm." he hums self-consciously.
He wonders if his accent sounds weird to you. Suguru's reassured him plenty times in the past that it sounds cute and oddly British, but he doesn't really believe that.
Satoru leads the way into the kitchen, clicking the lights on as he goes. And you follow. Such a simple moment makes him feel fluttery.
And then you drink some water with him in the tiny, cramped kitchen that's much too small to accommodate two people. You wonder how Suguru and Satoru can stand in it at the same time if even you and Satoru can't manage it without bumping elbows. He chuckles apologetically.
Ah, the kitchen scene. What a movie scene it is between the two of you.
"Uhhh..." he seems to be skimming his mind for any piece of English vocabulary, getting nervous as you blink at him, waiting for him to speak.
He holds up one finger, then pulls his phone out of the pocket of his jeans. He's a very simple, yet stylish dresser; jeans and a white shirt that's much too big for him. He is truly so opposite to his best friend's fashion that it makes you smile to yourself. Suguru's quite showy with his style, and you can tell he puts a lot of effort into his hairbun, too. But Satoru? Messy hair, in fact so messy that it looks like bed hair even though he did especially brush it and style it for you.
"Okay..." Satoru mumbles, typing things into his phone. Then he gives it to you, and you look at the screen.
飛行は乱気流でしたか? Was the flight turbulent?
You type your response. He watches you. And oh how he watches you — he looks lovestruck. His eyes are full of wonder. His mind reads like poetry.
He reads your reply when you hand him back his phone.
It was. I realized that I hate airplanes. そうでした。私は飛行機が嫌いだということに気づきました。
He nods. "Scary."
"Yeah." you nod too.
Satoru hesitates.
He's still bitter that Suguru got a hug and he didn't; it's on his mind. He just wants to ask you, but a deep-rooted shyness holds him back.
That is, until you look up at him.
あなたは私を見上げようとしてとても頑張っています。かわいい。 You're trying so hard to look up at me. Cute.
His whole body buzzes with the desire to hug you. He's had dreams of meeting you in person, of hugging you, of kissing you.
The two of you feel your bodies naturally pull together, as if subconsciously desiring to embrace, so it just happens. It just happens.
And you hug and he thinks to himself;
これは私が今まで経験した中で最高の瞬間です。 This is the best moment I've ever experienced.
You can feel his heartbeat and he can feel yours. For a moment, the world around you becomes a dream; and you and Satoru are the only things that truly exist. Everything in the world except your love seems fake, unreal.
You hear him swallow like he's choking up. Then he sniffles a bit.
泣かないで。泣かないで。 Don't cry. Don't cry.
くそー、泣いちゃうよ。彼女はとても柔らかいです Damn, I'm gonna cry. She's so soft.
And you break away to laugh sympathetically, he feels a bit embarrassed.
He's crying so softly that it makes your heart lurch.
Your bodies aren't separate for long, because he dives right back in for another hug in an attempt to quench the thirst from deep within his desirous soul. This time he squeezes tighter; you can feel the tones of his torso and the firmness of his bicep muscles as they press against your sides.
He sniffles again, the sound makes your heart lurch again.
あなたに言いたいことがたくさんあるのですが、どうやって伝えればいいのか分かりません。 There are so many things I want to say to you, but I don't know how.
でも、このハグで私の感情を感じていただければ幸いです。 But, I hope you can feel my emotions in this hug.
And you can; that's how closely connected the two of you feel in that moment. You can feel the emotions radiating from him, permeating throughout the air and seeping into your skin.
You can feel that he likes you. And he can feel that you like him back. It's fascinating to you, because before him you've always been saying I love you and I like you and will you date me? to people, or been on the receiving end of those phrases. But those words are unnecessary for you and Satoru. In fact, they're futile.
If he would say I love you, it would just be an accessory to his already evident love.
Then a sudden embarrassment pries the two of you apart, and you both start giggling to cope with it.
"Sorry... a bit much?" he mutters, half-sure of what he's saying.
"No, not enough." you tell him. He kinda understands what you meant, and feels fluttery. His nose is reddened from crying. He quickly pats his tears off with the base of his hand.
It's like your bodies hate being apart now, you and him can tell by each other's body language. Now at least that's one language both of you became fluent in, despite only being in each other's company for a few hours.
He looks at you. And you flick your brows up and make a funny face, as if to ask him what he's looking at. And he looks away with a bashful laugh, as if to apologize.
The romantic tension is so thick in the air between you two that when Suguru comes back, he feels it hit him like a wave.
おお。さっきまで彼女と一緒にいたとき、世界の存在を忘れていた。 Oh. When I was with her just a moment ago, I forgot the existence of the world.
"That cat is a menace. A menace." Suguru complains.
"What happened?" you ask.
" 'Got scratched." he holds up his hand, showing off the Hello Kitty adhesive across his knuckles. "Anyways, It's late. Are you tired? Satoru's gonna sleep with me, and you can have his room. Unless you want my room. I dunno. You can choose."
"Ooh... I haven't seen your room now that I think about it, except for that one video of you two pillow fighting."
Satoru's already starting to feel a small bit of jealousy and frustration, because he has no idea what you two are talking about.
Suguru's quick to notice this, and translates with a quick tongue.
"Tell her my bed's comfier than yours." Satoru says smirkingly.
"Wow, rude — Satoru says my bed is comfier than his." Suguru lies, refraining from laughing at his own mischievousness.
"Ah, I don't care, I'll be grateful for any bed... ah, actually can I use the bathroom to freshen up a bit?"
"Like I said, make yourself at home."
"Thanks..." you smile.
So Suguru leads the way to the bathroom for you, and you lock yourself in there to freshen up for a while. You sniff your shirt and smile — you smell Satoru's subtle scent on it.
The boys are fussing over the bed situation.
"Don't we have an extra futon stuffed away somewhere, the one Shoko left here?" Satoru thinks out loud.
"Ohhh, you're right." Suguru nods, looking for it.
"Anyways you embarrassed me!" Satoru pouts.
"Haha, did I?" Suguru pulls out the futon from the tippy-top shelf.
"Yeah, earlier you showed off how good you can speak English." Satoru grumbles.
They're softly grunting as they ruffle blankets and pillows.
"Oh, I guess I did. Sorry." he admits, "gosh, maybe if you would have learned a little something in preparation for her visiting then — "
"I did learn stuff! I learned... how to write." Satoru interrupts defensively.
"But why didn't you learn some common phrases?"
"I don't like my accent when I speak, alright." Satoru admits, huffing as he dives into the bed, ruining the artful neatness that Suguru just put so much effort into creating
"Okay, fair enough — oh my god, why would you do that, are you twelve? Oh hey, Y/n." Suguru smiles. "Satoru ruined your bed."
"Oh — two futons? Am I sharing with you or Satoru?"
Satoru rears his head at you from the pillow, looking very cat-like right then with his fluffy white hair. You can tell he's struggling to stay awake as the hour pushes onto two in the morning. He hasn't stayed up this late since he had a video game addiction and played all night with Suguru. Keeping his eyes open was a grand feat.
"No, you get to have two futons." Suguru teases, "Princess treatment."
"Haha, shut up. Be serious."
"Well, you can share with whoever you want or Satoru and I can sleep here together. Whatever you're more comfortable with."
"Didn't you once complain that you hate sharing beds with people?" you giggle.
"Mmm, yeah, but I don't mind if it's with you. Satoru's a cuddler. He also kicks in his sleep."
"That's so cute — well, let's ask — ... hey, I think Satoru fell asleep. Satoru?"
And surely enough, Satoru is asleep; he fell asleep to the sound of your voice without meaning to.
"He's not used to staying awake this late." Suguru tells you, softening his voice so he doesn't wake the cat Satoru.
"That's so sweet. He's really so sweet." you tilt your head admiringly.
You and Suguru are just alone there together, gushing over how cute Satoru looks when he has his cheek squishing into a pillow and his lips pouty and puffy in that sleep-like manner.
A long, nice silence settles in the room. You admit to Suguru that you're feeling a bit too wired to sleep just yet.
"I can stay up with you."
"No, it's okay. You look tired, you should sleep."
"I just always look tired. The night is early, anyways. I usually brood until four in the morning, you know me."
You smile at him, and he has to look away before he swoons. There's a small tension between the two of you, but the both of you force yourselves to ignore it.
The two of you assume a comfortable position on the futons, chatting as if you're not emotional about the fact there's no screen separating the two of you.
"Satoru's never been an insomniac, but in the week leading up to your arrival, he couldn't sleep at all. We'd stand in the kitchen together at midnight, talking about all the things we planned to do when you got here. I've never seen him so excited in a long time... it's really heartwarming to see."
"Really?" you blink at Suguru. He side-eyes you for a prolonged moment, then looks at Satoru who continues to sleep indisturbedly.
"Yeah. You know, he's such an idiot, actually. Because I told him to learn some phrases and instead he learned how to write English."
"That's a start! I mean, look at me, I can barely say a damn thing..." you mutter with lighthearted shame.
"Maybe that doesn't matter at all... I mean, with the kind of chemistry you and Satoru share, there's not much need for words." Suguru says.
You feel your face warm up a bit when he says that. "What do you mean?"
He wiggles his brows. "Oh come on, you know what I mean. I could feeeeel the tension in the kitchen earlier."
He smirks and begins to tease, "I've never seen two people flirt so much and yet use no words."
You chuckle shyly. "Really...?" you look fondly at Satoru, who's become more curled up by now, face half-hidden under the blanket.
There's a long silence. You're looking at Satoru. Suguru's looking at you as if spellbound. And then he snaps out of it, and reanimates himself.
"Anyways... we should probably get some good sleep if we wanna drag you around on a tour tomorrow. I want your first impression of my home to be how good the food tastes here."
"Ooh, a food tour around Tokyo? Sounds nice. Won't it be too hot tomorrow, though?"
"It'll be fine." he says surely, "Anyways, are you sure you'll sleep here with Satoru? Like I said, he's a cuddler. He will cuddle you in your sleep."
"It's okay. I don't mind." You giggle.
"M'kay, goodnight then."
"Mhm, see you tomorrow." you say, standing with Suguru.
"Wow." he suddenly exclaims when he looks at you.
Suguru stops on his way out the door, he seems taken aback. "I can't believe you're actually right here. I'm so used to pressing a red button and you vanishing from my screen." he laughs in disbelief.
"Yeah, I'm still a bit in disbelief, too. I feel like I'm in a dream and not standing right in front of you."
Suguru smirks. "Mm... well."
He leans down to hug you, pressing your smaller body against his chest with a lovingness that you never envisioned he would possess.
"Have you ever tried to hug someone in a dream? It's pretty difficult." he jokes.
"N-no, haha." you chuckle nervously against his neck. He feels your laughter on his skin, and pulls away before he lets that tingly feeling spread across his chest.
"Goodnight." he murmurs.
"Goodnight." you mumble back.
You're glad when he disappears into his own room, because you felt like you were melting in his alluring presence. A boy as sultry as that requires you to take a breather.
Satoru draws your attention by letting out a sigh in his sleep. You head into the bed.
Though there's a distance between you two, somehow it closes, and Satoru rolls right over onto your futon.
Oh, he is indeed a cuddler, you think. You feel a warm arm suddenly hugging your waist as Satoru changes position, and you hear sleepy lip smacks; his face is very close. You can feel his sweet, warm breath on your face.
There's a comforting, human intimacy about sharing a bed with him. He's so gentle when he sleeps. His hair falls over his eyes, his lashes shudder as his eyes do that sleepy twitching thing.
He looks angelic.
You wonder what dreams he's having. And well, actually he's having dreams of kissing you. How coincidental that you were staring blinkingly at his pouty lips, wondering just how long it will take for the both of you to just — just kiss.
Roaming his features in the dark, you find aspects of his beauty that you never saw before through the screen. He's got a tiny scar above his eyebrow, that must be the one Suguru told you about — the one he got as a child when he fell out of a tree. You remember making a joke "but I thought cats always land on their feet?" and when Suguru translated that, Satoru laughed.
There's slight freckling under his eyes, and slight indents of eyebags stemming from the inner corner of his eye.
And yes, how could you not admire those lashes. They were more beautiful in person. You could count each one if you wanted to, that's how closely he slept to you.
Listening to his soft breaths nearly lulls you to sleep, but then he suddenly cuddles closer and whines in his dream.
Oh, that's close close, you think.
His torso is pressing completely against your side, his body melting into yours like it was made for you. Two puzzle pieces meant to fit together.
His leg comes over yours, and his muscular thigh nestles between your two thighs. It makes you aware of just how attractively long his legs are.
He completely entrapped you with his sleepy embrace.
The warmth of his gentle breathing tickles your cheek, and the tip of his nose slightly dents into your skin. Now that's when you fall asleep. When he's completely melted against you, snuggled up like a cat.
He stirs awake after a few hours of heavy sleep, and for a split second in that groggy wakeful mind fog, for some reason he thinks he's laying next to his wife. So he squeezes you tenderly and cuddles more affectionately.
Oops, he thinks, and pulls away a little out of embarrassment. But once he falls back into dream land, his body subconsciously goes right back in for those sleepy cuddles.
Now the morning dawns over, and you wake up to two bleary, blinking blue eyes right up close to your face...
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© arminsumi
Do not plagiarize / repost / translate / copy layouts / etc.
Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.
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gravure-graphis · 1 year ago
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Mirei Uno 宇野みれい
年齢 /age:22
身長 /height:158cm
スリーサイズ /BWH:B85(G) W53 H86
趣味 /hobby:カフェ巡り、サウナ Cafe hopping, Sauna
Cute loli look and voluminous G cup beautiful big breasts! "Mirei Uno" appears for the first time on GRAPHIS! She has a slender body with fair skin and a cute face with droopy eyes, shapely G-cup big breasts, and a cinched waist! Her soft soothing smile is also very cute! Please enjoy the nude gravure of the G cup beautiful big breasted beautiful girl "Mirei Uno"!
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papatomom · 7 months ago
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2024.08.10(土) google口コミ4.0の「敦賀きらめき温泉リラ・ポート」の露天風呂で、夏空と百日紅の紅い花を眺めながら、うとうと気分。 その後北陸道総鎮守 越前国一之宮「氣比神宮」南参道口前にある「miko cafe」(京都の企業が運営している)で、小腹を満たす。 評判通り、おしゃれで美味しかった。 帰りに近くの「天清酒万寿(てんせさかまんじゅ)店」で「酒まんじゅう」をお土産に購入した。
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hancyan · 1 year ago
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大正時代(1912-1926)のモダニズム建築を参考にした地元パブを作りました。 I built a dive bar based on modernist architecture from the Taisho era (1912-1926).
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和風地元パブとカフェ「木邑屋」30×30 Japanese-style dive bar and cafe “Kimuraya”30×30
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1920 年にタイムスリップして内部を覗いてみましょう。 Let's travel back in time to 1920 and take a peek inside.
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どうやら若いカップルがデート中のようです。 Apparently a young couple is on a date.
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(緊張しすぎて何から話せばいいのかわからないよ。) (I'm so nervous that I don't know where to start talking.)
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まだ自由に恋愛することができなかった時代には、男女が一緒にいるのを見るのは珍しい光景でした。 Seeing a man and a woman together was a rare sight back in the days when it was still not possible to love freely.
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それは、昔々の小さな恋のお話。 It's a story about a small love once upon a time.
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Thank you for the wonderful poses. @yorithesimsさん L-Sims⇒“Lovebird” (椅子の都合でヨンジェの位置が随分と後ろになりました・・)
Thank you for converting me to the hakama I wanted. @murfeeleeさん TS4 to TS3 Hakama Conversion
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☆I can't write it all down, but I'm grateful to the many CC creators.☆
Thank you for always reading my posts!
Bye for now!
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cafe-sao · 4 months ago
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yamanaka4576 · 2 months ago
Sims2 Resource
More Awesome Than You PAY PLUS!
・antiredundancy 余計なNPCの生成を防ぐ
・ffsdebugger アクセサリーの青点滅の修正
・notownieregen 過剰なタウニーの生成を防ぐ
・nostrayrespawn ペットの過剰な生成を防ぐ
Brightening up BodyShop for a Spring Cleaning ボディショップの明るさを変える
ザ・シムズ2 モザイク除去パッチ Ver1.1 モザイクを消す
Сamera mod compilation カメラMOD
No Pause Frame 一時停止した際の赤い枠線を消す
Sim Shadow Fix シムの影を修正
Testers Wanted: No Friends Needed 昇進に友達がいらなくなる
Perfect Plants & Perfect Gardens 庭のお手入れが不要に
Cper and Csla Archetypes - Now with 100% more working than the competition! エイリアンとゾンビのスキントーンの修正
Fluorescent to Sunlamp Converter & Seasons Bugfix カスタムの照明をシーズンズのサンランプに対応させる事が出来る&バグ修正
Nectar Bar Wants Fix ネクターバーの修正
Meduza_NectarBarTumblerTrayFix ネクターバーの修正その2
Functional Bar Table for The Sims 2 カウンターの高さのテーブルを追加
Epi_ColorTraits シムに好きな色・嫌いな色を設定出来るようになる
Trait Globals ↑のMODに必要。
Date Reward Flowers by Color Traits Epi_ColorTraitsに対応したバラの花MOD
Coffee Mugs by Color Traits Epi ColoTraitsに対応したMOD。シムの好きな色に合わせてマグカップの色が変化する。
Myshuno Fixes Myshunoゲームの修正
No Caffeine Jitters コーヒーを飲んでも震えなくなる
Cowplant Mod カウプラントに色々な機能を追加する
Mod: Easy Inventory Check 特定のMODに必要
BBQ "Close Lid" (Update 8 Sept 2008) バーベキューコンロに蓋を閉めるアクション追加
Buyable Aspiration & Career Rewards for Lot Builders 願望の報酬とキャリア報酬のオブジェクトを購入可能にする
●Default Replacements
Clean UI (Post updated 01.11.21) UIをスタイリッシュに
Body Shop - Clean UI & Widescreen ボディショップのUIをスタイリッシュに&ワイドスクリーン化
Bodyshop Room Default Replacement ボディショップの背景
Sims 2 Face Defaults フェイステンプレート
POINTY GREEN BABIES エイリアンのフェイステンプレート
DEFAULT_PotatoGirl_Multi-IP Set 植物シムの遺伝子
Honey Honey Skinblend スキン
Lilith's Swallowed In The Sea Eyes 瞳
BC_NeenaEyes_all. スーパーナチュラルの瞳
Default Make-up [Base game and OFB] メイク
[peppermint&ginger] DEFAULT face masks フェイスマスク
[Lilith] Eyebrow Defaults 眉毛
iSC_ServoCameraEye_DR サーボボット
Neighborhood Terrain Defaults 地面
The Ultimate Road Default Replacement - V2 道路
Neighbhorhood Tree Default Replacements 近所画面の木
Basic Linden Trees Redux + Default replacements 木
shasta_lesssquare_BrighterLeavesjimTNW 床に散らばった木の葉
lvstndhrt_default_lesssquare!waterlilies 蓮の花
VICTORY OVER THE SUN invisible | realistic sky objects default replacements 太陽と月
Better Bubbles - Headline Texture Replacement シムの吹き出しを高解像度にする
Cellphone Default Replacement スマホ
Smartphone Friendly Phone Anims 受話器のアニメーション変更
Lighten Up! A Mod for Brighter Computer Screens パソコンの画面を明るくする
Custom Computer Screens - Default Replacement パソコンの画面
Ivy_Defaults_1 電話機と警報機と火災報知器を白くする
Myne Door Defaults 大学のドアと看板
PF's simblrさんのデフォルト置き換え
Epi_PF_CameraOverhaul カメラの置き換え
lutterby - a default replacement for the games butterflies. 蝶々
Leaf & Bean - Cafe-Style Menu Default レストランのメニュー表
20 Sliders
[mmnt] I Have No Idea How To Name This Folder Sliders
[mmnt] Eighteen Sliders
・Clean Premade EA/Maxis Neighbourhoods - Version 2, and Subhood templates! - Oh My God It's Full Of Sims! プリーザンドビューからベラドナコーブまで一つにまとめた&バグ修正をしたカスタム近所 導入するにはFix subhood selectionが必要。
Cinema Secrets Lighting Mod
BLUE SNOW NO MORE: Shader Fixes 様々なシェーダーフィックスMODの詰め合わせ
A Shader Edit/Default Replacement シェーダーMOD
The "CEP" - Color Enable Package v. 9.2.0 - 15 MAY 2009 リカラーCCを表示させるのに必要
Sims2Pack Clean Installer V1.6.22 (Updated Aug 2, 2014) Sims2Pack形式のファイルをインストールするのに必要
*Updated* A Whole New Dimension: OMSPs Revisited and Improved!
Floating OMSP(animated)
TURNIPHEAD | a ts2 reshade preset
bright&early reshade preset + earlyriser multilut for The Sims 2
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lets-take-a-break · 2 years ago
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タンポポハウス Tanpopo(dandelion) House
北海道 Kuromatsunai-cho, Suttu-gun, Hokkaido, Japan
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neko-no-oto · 1 year ago
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Cafe cat.
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chuck-snowbug · 20 days ago
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コーヒーのある食卓の風景・その377 - 何も添えぬ2025年の1月から2月編 - Coffee with Foods Part 377: January-February 2025
1: Coffee with Banana, Cashew, Strawberry, Custard Pudding & Vegetable Juice - Breakfast
2: Coffee with Almond, Kiwi, Toast Topped with Apple Butter & Yakult Y1000 - Breakfast
3: Coffee with Sausage Soup, "Decadence du Chocolat" & Yakult Y1000 - Breakfast
4: Coffee with Almond, Banana, Strawberry & Mille-Feuille - Breakfast
5: Cafe Au Lait with Almond, Baby Cheese, Banana, Toast Topped with Lingonberry Jam, Natsumikan Softcream Crunch & Yakult Y1000 + Tomato Juice - Breakfast
6: Cafe Au Lait with Almond, Strawberry, Donut & Yakult Y1000 + Tomato Juice - Breakfast
Previous Post:
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kigisu · 1 year ago
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2024、2月2日からのGallery IYNさんの企画展示へ参加いたします❄️
会場:Creation Cafe IYN
お近くの方、立ち寄って頂ければ幸いに思います😌 よしなに。
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yoooko-o · 3 months ago
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aidairoarchivetwo · 7 months ago
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花子くんコラボカフェ秋葉原店様にていよいよ明日から開催です。ぜひ遊びに来てくださいませ! 秋葉原は魅惑の地…
The Hanako-kun collaboration cafe in Akihabara will be opening tomorrow. Please come and visit us! Akihabara is a fascinating place…
Date and Time:  7:59 AM · Jul 14, 2017
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gravure-graphis · 1 year ago
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China Matsuoka 松岡ちな
年齢 /age:20
身長 /height:148cm
スリーサイズ /BWH:B88(H) W57 H85
趣味 /hobby:カフェめぐり Cafe Tour
She has an adorable appearance with short black hair and big eyes, and beautiful big H cup breasts! Unreleased images of “China Matsuoka” will be released for a limited time! A perfect erotic body with a petite body, beautiful big H-cup breasts, a beautiful waist and firm ass! Although she is currently retired, China Matsuoka's adorable face, sexy mole around her mouth, and sexy body with fresh, fair skin have never faded and are still very attractive! The unreleased gallery of the nostalgic H-cup beautiful big-breasted beautiful girl "China Matsuoka" will be open for a limited time until September 28th! Do not miss it!!
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papatomom · 3 months ago
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「KAWAI NOUEN + cafe」で「トマトチーズリゾットランチ」と「ガトーショコラ」の昼食。実は同じ三国にある「イルニッビオ (IL NIBBIO)」というカフェでランチをしようと出かけたが、あいにく休業日だった。そこで同じ町内にあるこちらでお食事をいただくことにした。
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unar-mage-ddon · 1 year ago
focus group test q&a (and the stuff before it)
i decided to sit down and translate all of 蒼's tweets about the focus group test to have them all in one spot, since i haven't seen them all anywhere. i've also copypasted their exact words in jp so that if anyone who knows more than me wants to double check the wording, you can do that easily (also there's one specific answer that i just don't understand. i got a friend to help me but i left a note on it just in case)!
also excuse the formatting, it's awful but tumblr won't let me do anything on shift-enter'd lines
under a readmore because it's super long:
Lead Planner: Shirokami (白神さん) Character Designer: Yamashita (山下さん) Brand Manager: Aida (間さん) And of course: Nomura (野村さん)
But first, the stuff before the Q&A:
—About Remus: designed by Yamashita; "he's a guy who helps pull Player along, so he's a reliable older brother type" (タレ目 just means drooping eyes) —レムスは山下さんがデザイン。山下さん「プレイヤーを引っ張ってくれるお兄さんなので、頼れるタレ目のお兄さんに」
—The designers check in with Nomura when deciding on characters —野村さんと相談しながらキャラクターを決めていく。
—There are plenty of other characters outside of who's shown in the closed beta, along with other Societies —CBTで出てる以外のキャラもいっぱいいる。結社も他にいっぱいある。
—Aside from Nomura, there are three other character designers —キャラデザのデザイナーは野村さん他3人、みんなでやってる。
—Freya was designed with the image of a cat in mind because she does navigation, and her hair is also designed with that in mind; OP's comment says "so basically Chirithy!" (メッシュ means hair highlights i think??) —フレイヤはある猫ちゃんをイメージ。ナビゲーションしてくれるから。メッシュもその子の柄を意識している。(チ○シィじゃん!)
—About avatar outfit coordination: "The person who designs weapons also designs the outfits" -Nomura —野村さん「武器職人が衣装職人やってる」武器のデザインやってた人がコーデデザイン
—There are a bunch of outfits modeled after different jobs, like Fighter, Hunter, Wizard, Healer, variations of Soldiers, Hunter(again), Black Mage, and White Mage —いくつかジョブをモチーフにしている衣装がある。ファイター、ハンター、ウィザード、ヒーラーは、それぞれ戦士、狩人、黒魔道士、白魔道士をイメージ
—There are also outfits designed to look like Scala civilian wear, like the ones working at the reception desk or the Top Hat outfit. "The order called for 'People from Scala'" -Yamashita —スカラの街の人っぽいデザインも。受付の人やシルクハットのコーデ。山下さん「オーダーが『スカラの街の人』だった」雑、と(笑)
—There's also one that looks like a flower shop owner —お花屋さんっぽいコーデも『スカラの街の人』っぽいデザイン。
—Other job motif outfits that haven't been shown; a Thief design that's predominantly black and green, includes goggles; a Dark Knight that has a sword accessory —ジョブモチーフ衣装、まだ出ていないものも!シーフは黒と緑の衣装、ゴーグルつけてる。暗黒騎士は使えない飾りの剣もついている
—The Red Mage outfit is predominantly black and red, with a cape on left shoulder; "To me it doesn't really look that red, just black" -Nomura —赤魔道士は黒と赤の衣装、左肩のみ肩マントつけてる。野村さん「俺から見ると赤くない、黒い」
—The Dragon Knight outfit is very spiky. The design for the hat is having trouble coming together so just that part is under revision —竜騎士はトゲトゲな衣装。帽子がまだしっくり来ていなくて帽子だけ監修中。
—The designers all have their opinions so there'll be a lot of different clothes —色んなデザイナーが関わっているから色んな服が出る。
——About the Guide Moogle: —Yamashita: They got their own new clothes, too —Nomura: (about the clothes) I was asked if the Guide Moogle could wear those outfits early in development, so that's why you see them in these outfits. Then I was asked if there could be one in each Society, which had to be turned down.* —山下さん「モグちゃんにも新しいお洋服を」 —野村さん「(ガイドモーグリの服について)開発から着せていいですか、って言われたから。結社一つモーグリでもいいですか?って言うから、それはダメだよ、って言った」 *(take this with a huge grain of salt. these two sentences are the most confusing lines i've ever read in my life. i have no idea who's saying what to who. help me)
—There are other Moogle designs too, such as flower shop and cafe employee outfits, and others can wear crowns and top hats; they mostly wear different hats and aprons —モーグリのデザイン、他にもあり!お花屋さん、カフェ店員さん…王冠かぶっていたり、シルクハットかぶっているのも!ほとんど帽子をかぶりエプロンをつけている。めっちゃかわいい。
—Outfit revealed for a character who can't be shown yet, outfit is mostly dark colors; "I can't say if they're an enemy or an ally yet. A name has been decided on, but I can't say that either. They aren't the only one" -Nomura —まだ出しちゃいけないキャラの服も公開!黒い衣装。野村さん「敵か味方かも言えない。名前は決まっているが言えない。…一人じゃない」
—There are subspecies of Behemoths, and one kinda looks a little like leopard print; "The closed beta testers are seeing them more often than their parents' faces" -Nomura, when looking at the Behemoth —亜種もあり。ちょっとヒョウ柄っぽい。 野村さん「(ベヒーモスを見て)CBTやっている人は親の顔より見てる」
—Scala was designed after the image of a main street at night; "It turned into the view of my childhood home…" -Nomura —スカラの街のイメージ資料。大通り(夜)。野村さん「実家と化した…」
——About the Dive Station: —Nomura: It went through a lot of name changes —Nomura: After the first time we showed it on Twitter, people thought maybe it was under construction, but like it was mentioned in the closed beta prologue, it's a place that's no longer in use —Nomura: Something that happened back when the cranes were still in use… You'll understand once the live service starts —野村さん「名前何回か変わった」 —野村さん「(ダイヴステーションについて)Twitterで初めて画像上げた後、建設中かなーと言われたけど、今回のCBTのプロローグでも言っていたように、今はもう使われなくなった場所」 —野村さん「クレーンを使っていた頃の何がしかは…正式サービス開始時にわかる」
—About the scenery of Scala: Since the design is the basis, it's been drawn with care by the same person who did the background scenery for Union Cross; "Everyone is living here now" -Nomura —スカラの全景。デザイン画なのでしっかり描かれている。このデザイン画はUχの背景を描いていた人が描いている。野村さん「皆さんはここに住んでいます」
Now to the actual Q&A section (where Nomura says, "You guys wrote way too many questions"):
—Q: Will Guilds or Friendlists be added? (a lot of this same question) —A: If possible. Stay tuned. —やれたら。お察しください。ご期待ください。
—Q: Is there compatibility with the Apple Watch, like being able to use it in hands-free mode? —A: With the step counter, yes. We'll see what we can do with the hands-free mode. —歩数で連動しています。ハンズフリーは善処します。
—Q: Will other raid bosses like the Guard Armor be added? —A: I can't say for all of them, but yes, there will be more. —全部とは言えないけど、出ます。今後増えます。
—Q: Will we be able to obtain more Keyblades such as Kingdom Key? —A: There will be more Keyblades, but I'm not sure about adding Kingdom Key. —キーブレードの種類は増えます。キングダムチェーンが出るかどうかはわからない。
—Q: Will Pieces have voices or BGM (like some medals did in KHUX)? —A: We're discussing it with Disney since the game is Global. Please be understanding. —ディズニーと相談中。お察しください。グローバルなので。
—Q: Is it possible to rollback a material you've already used? —A: That'd be difficult because of the Strengthening Record. —強化レコードの関係上難しい。
—Q: Will there be more clothing options and/or Pieces? —A: For clothing options, like we revealed earlier, there are ones that haven't been added and ones that we still can't show. They will be added gradually. The rest depends on our effort. —アバターはさっきお見せしたようにまだ出していないもの、そしてまだお見せしていないものもある。順次増える。他は頑張り次第。
—Q: The music is beautiful, so I was wondering if there would be an album release? —A: We still don't have many songs, so that will depend on if service continues. —まだ数曲しかないので、サービスが続けば。
—Q: What are Glow Pieces? —A: Special pieces that shine. Please wait for live service. (laughed at that one ngl) —光ってる特別なピース。正式サービス開始をお待ちください。
—Q: Do you recommend any specific Pieces or skills for battles? —A: (Shirokami) "The King. He can sweep the map in one shot." / (Nomura) "For me, it's Gothel. Though I feel a little bad when everything on the field gets Slow'd." *(edit: i just realized i misread this and it doesn't say "slow," it's "through," but i genuinely have no idea what that even means in the gameplay sense nor have i seen someone use gothel. maybe it takes aggro off of you??) —白神さん「王様。一発で一掃できる」野村さん「俺はゴーテル。みんなフィールドでスルーするからかわいそうだなって」
—Q: Will there be an easier way to save specific colors on clothes when you want to change them to something else temporarily? —A: That's under consideration. —やりやすくするよう改善を検討中です。
—Q: Since you can share raid boss URLs, are there any plans to create an official community? —A: If Disney's alright with it… —ディズニーがよければ…
—Q: If the game can be played at home, then is there a reason for it to be a mobile app? Wouldn't it be better to just make it a console game at that point? —A: (Nomura) "Staff have told me that mobile games nowadays can be made with the same quality as console games, so I thought it'd be worth a try to bring the normal KH experience to mobile. I wanted to use the hardware features that can only be accomplished on a smartphone, so I went with a location-based concept. Console games can accomplish different things. And, well, if we did make a console game that would be a separate thing, while this is its own thing." —A: (Shirokami) "With Party creation, for example, it's more interesting because you're interacting with the people around you and showing them this fun new thing and getting to play it together, which makes it a bit easier for you to expand outside of already existing communities." —A: (Nomura) "Keep joining more and more raids." —野村さん「今のスマホは家庭用のクオリティでできるとスタッフから言われて、じゃあスマホで据え置き並のKHやってみよっかと。ハードの機能を使いたいから位置ゲーに」 —野村さん「家庭用は家庭用で別にやる。まあ、今後家庭用で出してもそれはそれ、これはこれ」 —白神さん「パーティー機能など、リアルの近場の人だからこそ、これ面白い��、やってみようよ、と既存のコミュニティから飛び出していく内容」 —野村さん「どんどんマルチ入れて」
—Q: What's something that you had the most trouble with during development, but actually ended up working out pretty well? —A: (Shirokami) "Getting the Pad function and the GPS function to coexist. It's hard to set up servers for that." / (Nomura) "Getting the vertical and horizontal orientations to coexist. It's ridiculous. Doing checks on it was even worse." —白神さん「パッド機能とGPS機能の両立。サーバー置いたり大変」 野村さん「縦画面と横画面両立。正気じゃない、狂気。チェックも倍」 縦横画面の両立でメニューなどコントローラーのこと追いついていない。
—Q: If someone disconnects and reconnects during a raid, are they able to continue? —A: Since it's in real-time, they can't continue. —リアルタイムなので継続はできない。
—Q: The miasma is so dark that I can't find the Area Enemy within it. It wasn't that strong during the prototype test. —A: I agree with that, and we tried to fix it after the closed beta started but it wouldn't work. It'll be fixed in the final release. —確かに濃すぎてCBT中に直したかったけど直せなかった。正式リリースでは直します。
—Q: Will there be costumes of characters such as Sora and Riku like there were during KHUX? —A: That kind of thing usually happens because the main producer brings it up… so if they do, then we'll do it. —野村さん「そういうのやるときはプロデューサーが話を持ってきたときだから…プロデューサーがそういう話持ってきたらやる」
—Q: Is there anything specific that you really like and want other people to pay attention to? —A: (Shirokami) "The Lock mode uses a seventh of the battery, so it's great to use to defeat enemies while in the car or on the train." —A: (Yamashita) "The scenery is pretty so please take a look at it. I'd like if you could climb the walls and look down every nook and cranny." —A: (Aida) "GPS games usually have some regional disparity, but this doesn't." —A: (Nomura) "There's a big reason why I wanted to use GPS, but I can't say. People have been speculating about it, right? On social media and whatnot." —白神さん「ロックモードはバッテリー消費7分の1になる。ロックモードは車や電車でも敵を倒せる」 —山下さん「背景が綺麗なので見てほしい。壁を登って隅から隅まで見てほしい」 —間さん「GPSゲーは地方格差あるけどこれはない」 —野村さん「GPSを取り入れようとした大きな理由があるけど、言えない。みんな書きますよね?SNSで」
—Q: I wish it was easier to collect jewels all in one place outside of checking the mail. —A: That will be addressed accordingly. There will be other ways to receive your items besides checking the mail from the Astral Plane. (Nomura: I find it annoying too) —順次対応します。メールがアストラル界以外でも受け取れるようにします。野村さん「僕もこれめんどくさい」
—Q: Will the Pieces be made into figures? —A: (Matsushita, present and in charge of merch) I wanna make them! I'll see what I can do! —イベントに立ち会ったグッズの松下さん「作りたいです!善処します!」
—Q: Can you make parties with the story characters? —A: There will be opportunities in the story to be joined by other characters, like Remus in the prologue. However, there are currently no plans to create parties freely with them. —ストーリー内では今回のレムスのように機会があります。自由に、というのは今のところ考えていない。
—Q: What Disney worlds will be in the game? —A: That's a secret. —秘密。 - They're shown anyway at the end of the Q&A: the player is seeing running through a forest, in a cave, on a shoal, near a beach, and finally Olympus (the only one OP was able to identify) - Disney worlds will work like they always have; they're places you can visit, have their own stories, and you can meet the inhabitants. There's one other thing, but OP can't say what it is - Other descriptions: A large lake? The ocean? Mountains, a moon in the night sky… A townscape from afar that you can see the lights from, and a boat on the wharf (Nomura: The colors were adjusted to get them as close to the original as possible)
—Q: Will there be a way to rewatch cutscenes within the game? —A: We're thinking of a theatre mode. (Nomura: There are people who skip cutscenes because they don't have time to watch them, so to make sure they don't miss out, it'll be added.) —シアターは考えている。野村さん「やってて今見てる時間なくてって飛ばしたい人もいるので、飛ばしたらもう見られないってならないよう、入れてもらいます」
—Q: Will there be time-limited events? —A: Meetings about events have already been arranged, but we can't say anything about the details. —イベントはもう打ち合わせ済み。内容はまだお答えできない。
—Q: How much of the story will be available when service starts? —A: Since there are so many characters, the modelers can't keep up, and aside from that, it's voiced with animated cutscenes. While we're trying to fix up the structure, we don't intend of making it more compact. It'll be about the same as a traditional Kingdom Hearts game. —新キャラばっかりでモデルが追いつかない。声もついてるしムービーも出る。構成見直し中だがコンパクトにする気はない。従来のKHと同じくらい。
About the pacing of story releases: (Nomura) "How many months did it take for KHUX? Nowadays that pacing is unacceptable."
—Q: Will Scala get any bigger? —A: Yes. —広がっていく。
—Q: Who are the staff's favorite characters? —A: Since there have only been two new characters shown so far, this is about Pieces instead. (Nomura: Gothel) —キャラは2人しか出ていないから、ピースを。野村さん「ゴーテル」
—Q: Will cutscenes look like the prologue instead of the text-based cutscenes that KHUX had? —A: If all the cutscenes were on the same level as the prologue, they would take a year to come out, so not all of them will. They'll be more lightweight than the prologue, but they will be voiced. All the cutscenes for the live service release have already been shot. There are very little to no cutscenes that are text-based like the KHUX ones are. —すべてを今回のプロローグレベルにすると出るの一年後になるので、すべてがそうではない。プロローグより軽量になることはあるけど、ボイスは入る。正式リリース時のカットシーン分は撮り終えてる。Uχみたいなテキスト送りイベントになることはよっぽどない。
—Q: Since Freya wears a skirt, are there any outfits that are gender-restricted? —A: (Yamashita) "Outfits are unisex. There's no restriction against what you can wear. Just like how the player can freely change bottoms, this is simply how Freya decided to coordinate her outfit." —山下さん「コーデは男女兼用。男性用、女性用と区別はなく、どちらも着られる。プレイヤーがボトムを変えられるように、フレイヤがそういうコーディネートをしているだけ」
—Q: Are Navigators different from Keyblade wielders? Are there others across the different Societies? —A: They are Keyblade wielders, but they just don't use them. Navigators don't exist in other Societies; Freya is the only one. By the way, you can't select a Society to join like you could with Unions in KHUX, the choice is fixed." —野村さん「キーブレード使い。使わないだけで。ナビゲーターは各結社にそれぞれはいない。フレイヤだけ。ちなみにUχみたいに好きな結社選ぶとかなく、プレイヤーが入る結社は固定」
(scenes in the closed beta are very cut, like with freya suddenly being friends with the player. the conversation with freya as seen in the closed beta is a discarded cut. that conversation will be in the final release, but the cut is different. / CBTのイベントはかなりカットしてる。フレイヤと突然仲間になってる。フレイヤの会話シーンはCBTのみの捨てカット。リリースであの会話はあるが、カットは違う。)
—Q: Is the Guide Moogle part of a Society? —A: We said earlier that they weren't, but maybe just that one is. —先程モーグリ結社はないと言ったが、このモーグリだけはどこか所属するかも。
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