#cafe worker
vampshxde · 2 months
One Shot
Sure, people could say working at a cafe isn't fun. But who gets as lucky as you when Number 2 Hero, Shoto, comes into your work. Right before closing is odd, but of course, you still have a job to do.
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Just minutes before closing, your mind is easily moved from the thought of freedom to the tall half and half man who walked in. It didn't take long to register that it was Shoto, a very well-known pro hero. Hell, he's been ranked number 2 for so long. Right underneath Dynamite. Looking him up and down. He had such a.. not a plain face, but a bored face. If that makes sense.
"Excuse me." He spoke up to get your attention.
Fuck you were staring. How embarrassing. You opened your mouth awkwardly to find something to say. But it felt so odd speaking to someone so famous. "I am so so sorry! Not every day is there someone so famous walking in.. What could I get you?" You had to put on your customer service voice. You couldn't help but notice he was still in his hero costume. Did he just get off patrol?
"Oh. Just an Iced Mint Frappuccino.." You nodded and set up the machine. That way, he could pay while you were making the drink. It was 1049.75 yen ($6.67). You began working on making his Iced Mint Frappuccino. Which didn't exactly take long, thankfully. When you turned back to give him his drink, he had sat down at a table. Watching the windows. "Shoto, your drink is finished now!"
He looked away from the windows to look at you. Registering what you said, he stood up and walked over. While you handed him the drink, he handed you a 1000 bill ($6.34417) as a small tip. "Ah! Thank you, Shoto! Although you won't be able to sit here and drink, the cafe was meant to close two minutes ago!" Shoto just nodded. He took a sip of his drink with such a blank expression. You watched his expression to see if there was anything wrong. But he didn't express anything.
"Thank you."
That's all you heard before he walked out. Let's just say this wasn't the last time he came. It was always your shift whenever he came in, oddly enough. He always got the same drink and tipped the same amount. What could you possibly think of what he's doing?
365 Words
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daisyfluffinq · 1 year
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Human design for my old object charater, Mocha!!! Mocha works in a cafe with the child he takes care of, Colton. He isn't Colton's dad, he just basically found the kid outside one day and then took him under his wing under the condition he helps in the cafe (although deep down it was just because he cares about Colton)
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pokebloggingnetwork · 2 years
Name: Maroon
Pronouns/Terms of Address: she/her
Age: 27
Occupation: Heavily disabled, but works part time at the cafe.
Pokemon: none right now! Wants a mimikyu though.
Current Region: kalos
Kindof new here so please be kind to me!
Mod Info:
Follows from: @lover-official
Age: adult
Pronouns: she/her is like, fine.
Name: Carmina
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amazingdeadfish · 2 months
Thinking about my Coffee Shop AU.
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ghostyclay · 2 months
Here's a lil painting of one of the scenes in wolau! Aka a street inspired by/referencing the hermitcraft shopping districts
There's SO many hermitcraft easter eggs hidden in here, plsplspls ask me about the buildings / object so i can rant about the AU / references!!
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Its the shopping district that shows up in chapter two of my fic, "a golden thread" (which will be released soon) I'll post an alt version of this once the second chapter is out, so go sub to my fic if u don't wanna miss it :3
Close up of my fav buildings below!
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If anyone can guess why there's a zebra on the library i will tell you a secret about wolau (hint: it's not a hermitcraft reference)
I doubt anyone will be able to guess that correctly bc it's v v silly wkdhkajd
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pkmncenterguy · 1 month
I think two of my coworkers have started a competition to see who can lie to me the most
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surreal-duck · 11 months
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live drama adaptations (1/?)
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drumlincountry · 3 months
This is going to sound so stupid but I only today realised that a significant number of people like....look down on retail & service industry work.
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bunibelles · 3 months
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Cherry cafe 🍒
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yangsrose · 1 year
To all the Co-Workers I've Loved Before: Introduction
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Summary: Over the time of working at Café 7 Dream, you unfortunately ended up crushing on all seven of your coworkers, one consequently after another. So the summer before you left for college, you decided to set things straight and mail them all letters about your past, and for one member, present feelings towards them.
Pairing: Surprise Member x Reader
Genre: Barista! AU, Coming of Age
Word Count: 1.6k
TW: none
Authors Notes: i finally got around to finishing this off 😅 this series has honestly been in the making for the past two years, and i'm finally getting the chance to write and post this so hopefully you guys like it!!
taglist: @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l @vickylamore @jenosbliss @weirdkpopgirl @deafeningtyrantmilkshake @jenyoonoh @glamourizz @severefireangelprune @loveforred @toodleeee @daintyshu @snflwrhaerecs4u @markmeinyourheart @softieehyuck @n1ght-maring
if you would like to be added to the taglist for this series, please send me an ask or reply to this post!
"Y/n? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be packing?" you heard as you entered the small, cosy café. You were immediately tackled into a hug, none other than Haechan, one of the bakers, himself. You felt the breath get squeezed out of you as you tapped his back, signalling for him to let you go. There was no avail however, as the act made him hold onto you even tighter. 
"I'm going to miss you, shortcake." You heard Haechan mumble into your hair, the sudden soft words bringing water into your eyes as you squeezed him back, unwilling to let go. 
"Okay, okay, it's my turn for a hug. Let go Hyuck, your time is up." Jaemin said while trying to pry the other male off of you. You softly laughed as Haechan pouted in the corner, whining in protest at how his hug got cut short. Jaemin’s hug enveloped you as well, but rather than it being a bone crushing one like Haechan, his was warm and inviting, much like drinking a cup of warm tea on a cold day. You felt a second pair of arms wrap around you, and turned to see the other barista, Jeno, nuzzle his face into your neck. 
“You really had to go pick the university farthest away from us, didn’t you?” he asked, playfully rolling his eyes while doing so. 
“Yeah I thought we were all going to SMU!” Haechan said, his voice holding mock betrayal. 
“Maybe you’re the reason why she’s moving away Hyuck,” you heard come from behind you, turning to come face to face with the head of the design team at Cafe 7 Dream, Renjun. Renjun gave you a soft smile and hugged you, muttering an “Imagine wanting to be stuck with him voluntarily. Could not be me.” while rolling his eyes. 
“Had you not been hugging y/n, I would have punched you.” Haechan said, shooting a murderous look at Renjun. 
“Hey Hyuck I found the- y/n!” you heard before getting tackled into yet another hug. Mark, the oldest of the group, was the 2nd baker of the cafe and was probably the hardest working member of the group, never complaining about the amount of work and instead doing everything without complaining. Mark squeezed you tightly before putting you down and ruffling your hair, causing you to bat at his hands and complain at the way that your hair was messed up. Mark laughed in return and fondly smiled at you, realising how much he was going to miss you. 
“Guys where did you all go- oh hey y/n what are you doing here?” the ever so familiar voice of your former boss, Chenle, filling the room. 
“I’m here to say goodbye.” you said, trying to suppress the tears that threatened to arise from that one sentence. 
“Wait already? I thought you left next week?”
“No, the move in dates got moved forward a week so I have to get there early to get settled in.” 
“We never threw you a goodbye party!” you heard from Haechan as he dramatically gasped, causing you to roll your eyes at his antics. 
“I don’t want one! I’ll be back for break anyways, so you won’t get to miss me too much.”
“Still having to wait five months after seeing you almost everyday day is a big difference for all of us.” Mark said, causing some of the members to nod in return 
“I know, but we can still call each other! All seven of you are still going to be together- wait where’s Jisung?” Just as if on cue, the youngest member walked in, ruffling his hair as he entered. He was oblivious to your presence as he walked in with his head down, only looking up when he noticed your familiar shoes. He stared at you in shock, and then ran up to tackle you into a bone crushing hug, burying his face into your hair.  You, on the other hand, were surprised at the shy boy’s actions for a bit before regaining composure and hugging him back.
“I thought you left already!” Jisung said, pulling back and holding you at arm's length. 
“Wow you want me gone already?” you asked, teasing Jisung who was now trying to defend himself. You fondly smiled at his defensive state, only to have the sweet moment be broken by Haehcan. 
“Listen, standing around here and hugging y/n isn’t going to do anything but waste time! We need to get productive.” 
“I literally had to pry you off of her.”
“I don’t count Jaemin.”
“What do you want to do y/n?” Jeno asked. 
“Can we all just hang out here? I want to spend my last full day just spending time with all of you.” you said, smiling at all of them. Chenle was quick to turn the sign to show “closed”,  on the store front, while everyone else began to gather their things and head out the door. As the eight of you exited the cafe, Haechan practically skipped to the front of the group, and began laying out his plans for the rest of the day.
“I say we go to the arcade, spend about three hours there, then get lunch, then go watch a movie, go to a place that y/n want to go to, then dinner, and then-”
“Y/n’s going to miss her flight with all the plans that you have.” Mark said, receiving a smack at the back of his head from Haechan, who didn’t let the comment stop him from sharing his plans. As you saw the seven of them playfully arguing with each other, you felt your heart break a little as you remembered how it would be another five months before you could come back home and hang out with them. Sure, you could facetime and keep in touch virtually, but it wouldn’t be the same as spending time with all of them in person, going around town and finding new places to deem as your residential “hang out” place. Your mind began to wander to the letters that were sitting on your dresser this morning, probably already mailed out to each respective house. You knew you shouldn’t have waited for so long to mail them out, but just the thought of having to be here while knowing that the boys had read your letters to them was enough to make you queasy. You shook your head slightly as if to make those thoughts disappear, silently thanking yourself for booking an early flight despite knowing that you would be tired and grumpy for a good portion of tomorrow due to the lack of sleep. Knowing that you wouldn’t be here to witness the chaos that would ensue after those letters made you feel slightly better about the irrevocable act that you had committed. 
“Penny for your thoughts?” you heard Jisung say, not realising that he was walking beside you this entire time. You shook your head and gave him a small smile, giving him an excuse that you were going to miss them all while you left. If only he knew that your apprehensiveness for the day ending wasn’t just because you’d be leaving in a few hours. 
Two movies, one which you guys snuck into, three hours at the arcade, and a ton of junk food later, you and the rest of the boys began to wind down for the night, walking each other to your respective homes. Everyone seemed to dread the walk back, knowing that in a few hours, you would be in a completely different area from the rest of your friends. Since your house was the closest, everyone stopped there first, not ready to say their final goodbyes to you. 
“You know we could just have an impromptu sleepover and drop you off at the airport tomorrow morning.” Mark said, the rest of the boys chiming in with their agreement. 
“It’s fine, I need to do some last minute packing anyways. Besides, I don’t think any of you would be happy with waking up at 3 am tomorrow to drop me off at the airport anyways.” All the boys stood in their spots, not wanting to be the first to leave. You gave them all a small smile and gave them a goodbye hug before turning around and going inside your house. Before you entered however, you remembered an important piece of information that you almost forgot to inform the boys about.
“By the way, you guys should check your mailboxes after going home. I just wanted to get something off my chest before I left.” 
“What is it, a love letter?” Haechan retorted, scoffing in the process, 
“Why would she give you, out of all the people, a love letter.” Chenle asked, rolling his eyes.
“Listen, it's possible.”
“It’s just something I wanted to say to all of you. Don’t worry, none of it is bad - well - most of yours are good.” You said, playfulling casting a glance at Haechan, who was beginning to complain at you singling him out.
You waved at them and closed the door behind you, letting out a deep sigh that you had been holding in since the morning. Walking into your room, you knew that this was probably the last time that you would be able to hang out with your friends without them knowing about the secrets that you had been hiding for the past years of you knowing them. You set your alarm for tomorrow morning and closed your eyes, allowing yourself to forget about the thoughts swirling around in your brain. Tomorrow was going to be a long day, and you were going to need all the rest that you could get. 
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sugarcarnation · 2 years
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it actually makes me so emotional how much the cafe owner cares about lucy’s safety. we unfortunately don’t see much of lucy working in the cafe but just comparing this to how the guild was was only letting her stay as long as she was useful to them really shows that the cafe is a much more healthy and welcoming environment for her
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milomilesmib · 1 year
Leo: your shirt is giving Tom Nook
Mr. D: ?????
Piper: ooo what's my shirt giving?
Leo: Pintrest girlie
Piper: I'll take it!
Jason: what's my shirt giving?
Leo: white boy
Nico: *chokes on his coffee*
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tamagotchikgs · 5 months
ok horrors subsided i am eating fresh strawberry sorbet w the tiniest spoon in the world 4 breakfast
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note-boom · 2 years
Lowkey obsessed with the idea of Cafe Uzumaki being a hotbed for former ability user criminals. Like sure so far it's only Lucy who's decided to get a job in the cafe....
But it would be SO FUNNY to me if all the sorta-redeemed antagonists also just started ending up at the cafe if ONLY for the fact that if anything like Episode 30 happens again, the former murder-repressed ability users would just....grab their guns and go feral on the attackers.
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lys-lilac · 1 year
[JP] RMD VIP event: Delusional. ~Our Fetish. Thanks for the meal~
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So, Voltage released a new VIP event on occasion of RMD's 5th anniversary. What the heck is that cute chibi MC and these 6 men jlhsklkdsjllkl
And these delusional stories descriptions WHAT IS THIS T^T
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"Before performing a risky heart surgery, Kasumi is forced to choose between the dream of pregnancy of the patient and her own life. You find yourself pondering over what choices you would make if this were your surgery. At that time, something you said to him, imagining a future with Kasumi, moved his heart…"
"Takado tells a couple who had been planning for their retirement that their dreams may not come true in the future. One night, as he was having complicated feelings as a doctor, he found you collapsed in the living room…!? Takado, still more anxious than ever, runs for tomorrow with you!"
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aropride · 11 months
thought i hated this one girl just cuz her vibes are off but i just remembered something like actually awful she said the other day so nvm my hatred is justified actually
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